24, 1881. i •„■ 1 ’ ! ‘Anutw KefctfciJty. estlbis'tiei], from statistics that are re- JJeiL'Baf to-d»j an arm; in tse'■field of ‘not toreHlreh' 110,000 men, to .3utw..qjf Jndiapa and Ohio are adding a bouvAOOO daily iowhich they will add, by Jba consolidation and dispatch of fullyrJW,ooo men between' tiriS ind'tiie'frrtt'bf Vontfary; We believe,' tb6f6foiw;'that t %ith the''beginning of the ~ Gen; Buell v \rillbate anarmy of y-Wo,m m‘cn, ,: or as large a force as .Gen. ,u confesses to hnreon thePotomec. It will be the. army of. the West, and upon" ii\wiUjl^pend f iinJxo»ligbt4egree 7 the issue, i • ..prvthls >; war* Gen.Buell has~how been in * command about a month, and has'thus far' Bceff bccupiM in ‘hnafcrintf’.tiic troops,: aF* tar the Potomac; p&tteni. Theyiavobeen "' organised into brigades, and divisions, and pc quietly that we are pnly ableto gather, ( .f^otn.scattered hints in newspaper corres • jpohdenca who are the division and brigade -v. commanders, and to what portion of the : - grand army.: different 1 regimentsrhave been •- assigned. We believe, however, there are grand divisions, each containing ■ 'three brigades, and the brigades shade up of : from three to five regiments, with ar tillery and cavalry attached. The brig ades will average 8,000 men throughout. The division commanders are,-as we have % been able to ascertain them: .- -l.* Gea. : Alex. McDowell McCook, at Leb r; ’• ; t ■ ' 2. Gen, George H. Thomas, at "Lebanon. 3. Gen.Ormsby M.'Mitchel, at Elizabeth town. ■■ - ,C Gen,,William Nelson, at New Haven. ;. .6.: Gen. Thomas L. at Calhoun, r.- 6._ Gen. r lUchaTd W._Johnson, at Nolin . river. 7. Gen. Albin Schoepff, at Somerset. Tire rcommanders of brigades" include Gen. Pa y Generals Dumont and Manson, of Ind.; Gen. Boyle, of Ky. j Colonels Turchin, Carrington (18th regu lar), Sill, Lytle, etc. The troops are'main ly concentrated, in the central portion of the State—at Elizabethtown, New Haven, Lebanon, Nolin , river* eto,. which . are all • within a'radiU3 ci ofr twenty miles. Gen.- Schoepffs corps, at Somerset, forms the left wing of the army, and just beyond it, at London, is the Tennessee brigade of Gen. Carter, who been let loose from other restraint and permitted to follow their own instincts. The right-wing of the army oc l dupieß the G reen river, with headquarters at Calhoun, and fills the gap between the centre and. Federal positions j'>j;FMiic*htud stationed at Lexington and along the Lex-C ington and Covington railroad’; and at points on the Ohio .river below-Louisville. There are' nbw-’btH'-jbw troops remaining in Louisville.- We have the promise that this division >, of tiwarmy, at least, shall fulfill;the public expectation with a record of something done. Gen. Buell has the best men the ... .West can furnish, and,he can have-more >•:: if.there, is needforthem; only tire West will require that they be used against the enemy, and- not, aa tinder' his insane pre decescor, for self-destruction.— Chicago Tritoine. •: . Gen. Buell and hie Officers. [LottUville Corrwpoadenc* Enquirer.] General Buell has incurred great dis :> < from many bT the Colohrisof Reg *. v ime»ts hew, bocauserhe refhaes absolutely • to them.and. hear their wishes and. grievances. y General has. had much * difficulty 1 m Various regi men tain, this Department intC-hrigades and ■ib and he now holds-that no -person . . has business with him except the command . jeaof- matters for Ida cohsideration must come. The order -la evidently proper* The private must go ’ ' to ffie captain, aod'the captain goes to the colonel, who communicates with the brigade commander. Thabrigade commander goes’ to the commander of the division, who alone has audience ; withHne general command ; : lag... This is certainly soldierly and highly - propeir but another question of etiquette has.arisen, andin cohiequence an ill feel ing has arisen between the Commanding .General and-hia Division and it '. 'Js this V General Buell declines to consult : ;ocan, mcehanlo act it up in ita place, and taught the British to work It. It is erideat . . that whstour worktnen bars done for oth imwthay 'can do for themselTes'and for their' own gorernment. Ofleail and iron wo hare inexhaustible : qushtitiss at home; snd of. sulphur, if the supply should run 10w,.0f which iherels ho 1 danger,'we: can get-as much- as we need from the rolcanie districts of Mexico.—W. !T.;ihc.’ Art .7.7-.’!. " Aw amusing bit of gossip is afloat among! : press men in London with .reference to a distinguished member -of' the profusion. The proprietor of a leading penny paper, in snticipsUon of the abolitionof tho pa per duty, hound his editor, under a heary bond, not. to contribute • to. any daily :, paper" except "'hit. own. - shortly after the abofe eontraet was entered Into, a dai • ly organ-reduced iia price, and toon it be ■ :,: caSCaa tasttei of surprise to-the-ruitiated that the first leading article in each yeath sd ths. ssme spirits and apparently caught . i.itntons; from the • cams source.' By soma , .known ’to i»r fcom, ; ■*manuscript copy of. otto- of thp v !ivS UvcV/'.'vJ ; | proprietor bf llw former, whehir wasdis-' i covered to be in the handwritings not of his j ; but his editor's wife. .The indignant \ ■ t proprietor summoned to his presence .his , editor, and charged him ; j.with.the breach of contract;, whereupon] :"the editor, stammered oat a denial of the : charge, explained that' his wife and he • were in the bablttif holding certain lectures i on important subjects, and th&L, to his'sur prise, and delight, discovered a marked j. unanimity betweeirthem on these matters ; j the coincidents might arise from some such cause, for, of course, he could not restrain -his. Jfife.from committing her thoughts to paper.: However, tho sequel proved that the irate proprietor was not appeased by tile: explanation, for the editor, to avoid . the enforcement of the penalty, is, now in > Brussels, or one of those other comfortable < foreign residences. uafet'r: iiUeturr Jacob Poi left Cim.-iiiu*u •*» the l?tb iriat. and Arrived it L*nnvvill« on tlr» 15th, irlu’TO we 1 dfcj>;hflrjpl*J lon’s of •*secc*h pflU, 1 'to w given la doeea of one e*eb by the army m Krutu' ay. We al» dJlchafged quite a lot of government «%ap> besides sundry lots of city freight. L*-ft *t 12 m. »UfM day, bound fox Cairo: our cargo Consisting of 50 tolii of munition) of **»r, consignee td Cnpt. of stun* place, vb«r« we arrived at 1 .a. m., tu»k.>og the trip through lu lota than four days. We le^. v f.»r Pittsburgh to-Jay,. hght; pro-ipest ruruiptery pt-or. Your*. Lc., ; Hauivo JxKi Ton St. Ldcie—ln Couft-quecue uf the uuuvorable condition of the leather fbi shlppiug, the PiodeUi waa uuablo to complete her cargo y»-f t-rity she will positively iaav» for SL Louie tu-d*} The t,e*t and commodious Florence, Capt. Bricked, will be the next boat to leave fur that point For ClsciKSATl ivd Lortsvii.L6-*-The Ida May will positively ieaT« aa above to-day. She a ill be followed by.the Key and Bastings Fob Za^tariLtk —The punctual steamer Etusia Graham, CHptaln Ayers, clerk W. o. WiUon, l*-*vef, m | r» usual, tbja evening at 4 p. m. fur Zanesville Mr. Beecher in Editorial Harness. 1 "1 , * als at w»* The fndeptndent of this week announces the withdrawal of Drs. Bacon, Thompson and Stom from the editorship of that journal, and the installation of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher as the responsible editor. Mr. Beecher’s salutatory address contains this .passage: “The editorial profession, with the progress ef popular intelligence, has assumed an im portance second to no other. It might unite in it the elements of-power hitherto distrib uted in the several professions, and add, be sides, many that have belonged to no other calling. He who knows the-acope and power 6f the press need desire no higher office than the editorial. ■“ln_ that silent realm, of influences nut of which proceed the' actions of men and the events of history, the editor is the invisible leader. Votes cannot raise him higher. His pen is more than a scoptre. Profoundly impressed With such a responsibility, desiring to honor God in the welfare of men, ire ask .the sympathy of good men, and the remem brance of au who pray.” .The friends of the Independent will be glad to team that Bev. Joshua Leavitt and Mr. Theodore Tilton will continue to occupy the places they have so well Oiled. . General Lane.— See our Senate record for .a full report of General Lane’s short, bai'. sioSt' comprehensive and eloquent speech, made yesterday. In ati that relates to military affairs, and .especially In respect to the capacity and management of volunteers, that Senator •peaks with the authority derived from an ample and various experience. No man know*'better what volunteers can do, and how to make their peculiar qualities avail able.’" ' ■ *• ' • .' So far as-the slavery question is concern ed, the reader will not forget.that General Lane has been a Democrat of the straitest £*01) and as he has himself admitted with his usual frankness, a pro-slavery Demo crat. He left- Indiana for Kansas, with those ideas, confirmed by long years of po litical contest, Rod only -yielded them in the presence of overwhelming evidence of the true characteristics of slavery. - If he is high authority as a soldier, he is not less'so’rn respect to the true mode of dealing with this rebellion, as connected with slavery. Itia a disease he hus treated OOen, and of which -he understands the symptoms and the remedies.— Washington 2,'t i vbiican. COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. [R'?crt*d*tpctiQn 9 fa Os PiWimyh Dn\lf 7.v, Family, ss©s,2s—mostly atss©s,lo—and Fuu- CJ -We coubl not hear of a single nsle w-j. tU reporting. GROCERIES—'There was less activity in the Gro cery market, notwithstanding which prices fur Sugar ami Coflee are very firm with an advancing tendency, C* Gee is bald at l»@20c; S. O. Sugar, Tor prime tc choice, and Uolaaees, 47 to 48c. GRAIN—Oats In limited supply,with a good demand first hands at »i@27c. Corn steady but on. cL.iuged, witb a e*de of ,500 buali new from wharf at 10c. Barley quiet, with a nule of 150 bo*b prime spring at 40c. <>E£EN APPLES—unchanged; sale of 30 bbls at 30 do do at s2(§>2^o P and 100 do do at $2.^9,3 —: bo latter figure for choice. POTATOES—SaIe o| feu bush Peach Blooms and Prince Alberts'at GUc per Lush. LRANBKRBlEd—unchanged; talv of t> L*hl» '>>m toon at $6, and 3 do choice cultivated at. $&. CHEESE—unchanged; sale-of 12 boxes W. E. at J>Yi * SALT—SaIe of 1(0 bbls No 1 Extra at |1,87 ? bbl. VENISON—SaIe of 12 saddles prime at 100 ft. fiscxiPTt or PaoDter, etc.— Below win be found a -statement of the receipts of produce, etc., by river and mQroaed, 200 do malt, 11 bbl* eggs, 16 do butter, 3 eke dry fruit, 24 bbls pork, 13 hhde tobacco, 87 bbls, 83 toe lard, 20 bbls beans, 208 eks oil meal, 32 hhde be am, IS do tallow, 260 bxs starch, 4 d rased hog*. Imports >7 River. ZANESVILLE—rx* Ena CaaHasi—lSO LIU flour, 24 do pork, 2 do eggs, 72 do Urd, 12 do butter, 13 do beauf,l3 ik* wioolT? do rood, W> roll* leather, U hhd* tobacco, .3 ak» dritd *ppU*,.Clarke 4 cu; 1 box d&Mj .8. bbU egg*, 2 dojHJtter, Adami Exprees cv; 82 do fltfßf.Jt.Ui taeil h&g*,4o akt com. 4~ do produce, 1 bx poultry, l.bbl eggs, 310 flour bbU, Jaa A F«lw, S bbto beans, id do bottar, H Biddle; 04 flour bbU, B T Kennedy 4 bro; 250 ill com, Tboa B«U 4 co; 10 do meal, 24 bbls flour, Yoeglly k Kopp; 7 do crude, oil, _D W Scboflaid; 40 do do, Whltmorw, Wolf, Buff A co, 62 do db, 0 3 Mann; Mdo do, Jaa Watkins; 7 do do, Brewer, BUI4 co: 13 do moiatsee, 2bu poultry, H B JWlUiamaoo; 75. aka com. 800 boop poles, lbhlegge, J -ftwgta, 22eska corn,2docheese, A Haul; 28 oil bbla, W O WUsoujlbbl arms, 2 d 6 yellow rooT,' 6 ska flax- A Tahnectock; 1 coop chicken*, l bbl butter, John Millar, 998 aka com, owners ou board. .. WHEELING—px* Jons T. McOomm—7i» LLU flour, 4tr Xconomr; 750 empty bbbJ a T Keoncdy 4 bro; 80 oil bbts, liutcblson 4 co; 1 bbl butter, Adams Exprascotl bbl whisky, Geo Q Lekmao; 30 bbll do, Wn Bennett; 30 do do, Geo U Blerkei 4 bro*, 1 do do, H Heepeahelde; 3 do do, Black 4 Woods 1 do do, M McCullough; 3 do do, Ju Bryar; 324 com, e 2 do bnriey. JarA Falter; 2U(j bgs malt, G W Smith: 32 sks rye, L Wllmarth; 4 bbts glassware, W A BcCJurr, 1* pkgs ala, W Edmonson; 20& l»s barley kbodii X Vinwr, 150 aka c*ta, W H HAgan; p IOO bbis . floor, Hbgs wheat, 30 bdls paper, Ju UoUlns 4 cu; 200 bga com, Stewart 4 bro; 145 do barley, Spencer 4 Garrard: 4C do com, t L McClelland; 10 reams paper, E B Godfrey; 67-do do, agt i> Ft CBR; l£ bags wooL'4 D Stewart; 12 bUls flaxseed, 6bgs sang, agent -Central B B; 8 lons Iron, John Moore; < 1 bx army goods, J A Mylar; IG2 sks cwn, Jlonter, CINCINNATI”-Afl Ecoaoar— 2 hhda, 11 bbh, 4 cks,.l bx scrap Iron, Bailey, Brown 4 co; SuObtdi fitjur; J«s Btansy; 360 do do, Culp 4 Shepard; 208 bgs oil meal, 8 J Crothers; 60 bids molasses, J 8 i>U< worth; 7 bbls whisky, B A FabneetockA oo; 132 pa ?*r bn, SB Godfrey; 12 bbls lard oil, J'PHanna; 062 uu wheat, B T Kennedy 4 bro; 30 bbU aolasMe, W H Kirkpatrick; 400 perk bbls, F Sellers 4 co; 1 bx books, John H Mellor, 50 bbls whisky, 3T McCuL* lettgh; 100 iks flaxseed, II B Suydam; ITI tbls floor, Sdmaaksr 4 Lang; 83 tes, 3 bbls lard,2* Sellera 4 co; 82 hbds-bacon, 16 do tallow, 100 bbls aloohoL 121 do floor, 406 pork bbls/ 250 bxs starch, 25 sks seed, QaikeAco;; r' - i .- j; & ' ißponi' Rallrtad, Cxrxxxsn i Pmsscxoa Kaithoap'—Dec. 20. 1 bbl flour, 2do corn me*l, S Kennedy; 1 bx eggs, M K Pao*r; I2dreased bofs,MeCullongh, Smith 4 co;- 30 empty kp. k SJE Stlbw 4 co; 6 bx* soap, 80 do can dles, Graham 4 Thomas; 4 bbll nuts, 1 sk beans, 2 do fkatbsrs,'JarA Tdtttr; 2 bbls oat'meal, 8 kgs barley, Wm Haslage; 67 bdis paper, Chess, 'Sait h 4 co; U carbtvs, Penna salt compur; 8 ears iron ore, Jones 4 Lflfrf&Uas} UO bxs sheeserJ B Canfield 4 co; 34 do doy H-Biddlsi 28 do do, J A Feta«r» 23 do do, Leech 4 HnUhtasoo. -. ‘ .Ftrmoaov, Tt. Warns 4 Caicjoo Rauroad:— Dec. bxs candles, 6 do soap, B 7«htager; 210 bgs barley,~Rhodac 4 Verner, 2 hf bbl* batter, J B OenflaVi 4w,2.bbJ# dry frtiit, W :M- Gormley: 14 do pearls, H.H Collins; 4oodo,Bryce, Blcbards 4 co; 4 ■kt flteb, B ATabnestock k co;'3 bbls hatchets, J B Undeay. ? - : • /• ./; . JUver News. The Him an>. aso Dt taErTTafea—Boats Lumra To-DaT, xrc., xro.—Th» rtves advanced about'thres Inches yesterday; ssd laSt pier marks; Indicated fall fire fret. -The weather 'centlane* cold, add ’ disagreeable, with high winds and' ah occssicma! Ikillng of snow. Thsre wu little or nothing dope at tn* wharf, there* Ualtwl whU, tbe shipments were I Ight. Tk» Emm* Graham from, 2UneWUle, and y Jf«o Ctacta&stl, with ali cwald ear?, constltat*, the arrival*. Larina LagflO ftir -.CtaciasgtLited J«hn ; T. 'McCombs fbr were the buly'departufee. v; Cxito, liecT £ci;h. Arrivals at the Pi UP to 8 CCCLOCJ ST. CHAHLE3—Comer of HALRT •Hl' - £ £ keruey. rincipal Hotels, :k last night. if Third and Wood Street*, s, i-Bopurroa. J H Smyth, Phils A C Elkin, 21 Ind Reg B F Hays, do W S Market, do B Grant, Erie J H Tower, Berlin, Pd Mr* A E Snyder, Ll Beg SI Y French, W H Wilson, Mon City W Botferd, W W Corbett, Brouktille erty st., near R R. Depot, rz, pbopbietob. J M Adams, B R Davit, Balt S P Fox, PbU* J W Kinkaik, Covington D V Kohat, Dayton, t* L U McCoy, Shanghai G P Far nor, Phtia L B Cohick, Johastuwn B McGregor, Ohio * Mrs Fry, E M Dougin t, Bit Albion W Seuako, iherr W W Spear, George W Pli^orth J Ambrose, J.PbllUps. J CPbeUon, Berlin. Pa T £ Vickers, Salem, O J burls, do W S Martiu, WellsviUe E C Ltfehty, W Netrtonn M OlUelland, New Brig'n MANSION HOUSE—Lib. OEOBOE aCBCNI £ Fulmer, M Gillespie A sun, BiooL TlUu £ Gordon, F&irriew Min Thompson, LICA FaU-r, KitUnoing C C Cociinu. I Mrs JicKetute, St Louis | J Pottaigur, ' | 0 0 Porajth, Clay too, I'al VT Small, Cin, o £ U SaUiurl, UAiIE S HOTEL-LII tl jr Btreut, fuvit ut Fifth. PROPIUETOR. B*jtctL uac, L Mirk*. PalmerßTille J Arbuckle, Rochester U McNaugbton, lUchhtn tumisbip 0 V Coulter, Miller> Ruu \V Ciuiiunsburg W Beobett, do K Boyce, Boyce b Mills 1) 0 Roger*, Mtuufleft 0 Pierre, Philadelphia A C MrPlierßoUjCaot'iib'g, EAGLE HOTEL—Liber Q fl Sweueyr, Jefforsou co G X McKee, North Latay ette township J McCulloch, ''uuuwU'l' £ J Oiffin, Washington, Pa T H-hlu|>, Grenoesboru J U Lt utnes, Manor, I'a J Laufibr. du U il Porter, Pwiipi sLntid' »u« rtjr street, below Seventh. paopsitioa. J T Murrur, Payette oo JBim 1 , do A K McFarland, M'e*t co J 31 Thompson, Lniuoto A Cairns, iiulaUry L Cttirut,— J Warner. tienkkley P Zimmerman, Zellnopl .l M Miller, Wh! M Waltour, U W ilyem, tialwhiirg RED LluN LIUTEL- -No. 5 til. Clair rin-et G F Fnuo«r, TLh Itgl F V Jlrs B I'rutior, P't P»rrj J Sknuti, Cet Fish D Sely, Oil Croek J B Elliott, Lawrecrrnlle Jan Hosier, do 1> Clark, Morr*;r Julius Klesttr, . , P Bortner, Saxontmrg NATIONAL HOTEL—No. 137 W*mi *uc«t k &H£pULm norairtoa. T A Acktin, Brownsville J K. Miller, J Nichols, do 1 Morrison, W Ehi*t»*th P*t McCtlV. CoQDellrviHe J Miller, C b C D E I>e|Ty, do ft C Howard, Mon. City W Banner, Saxonaburg Jaketibanx, Kiiuoniiig R II Hoyl, Oil city A C Bullied, tiprtiigliulil Jno Daatt, do David Smith, Oonder D Chubick, \V hashing! on C McC'ullati, do FI STEAMBOATS. oScxScLVyAix UJU&TfFfij» VLLtE AND ST. LOUIS.-The hneJfifiSS •learner FLORENCE, C«pt. L). Z Brlckt-U,, v. Ui lento aa above on bATC’UDAT, at 4p. m. For freight or passage apply on board or tu qb23 J B. LIVINGSTON A CO- Aneta. LHJK OiiS’CLNNAT], LUUISr lEfr- » JC VILLE AND ST. LOUIS.— I The tuviEBiEBSL •learner EMPIRE CITT, Gapt. Way, lnv MU abow WEDNESDAY, at 4p. tu. For freight or pa«iagn n|>- ply on Umnl or to doll JOHN FLACK, Agent. liVJK ST. Louia AA'D KK-, IC jr > ! OKUK.—The fine steamer DlADEM.Afi!i£jft£lS£ Capl. Tboe. Roger*, will leave as above wu iUls DAY. at 4 o’clock. For freight or p*M.ign apply ou board or to , dcW j J. B. LIVINGSTON A CO.. Agents. jjXHt CINCINNATI & CPU-. JL ISVILLE.— The Doe steamer MAY, L'apl, John G. Ueno, will leave for to* utx>v« and nil Intermediate port*, «>n THIS DAY, at 111 o'clock. For freight or taisut apply on boanl or to J. B. LIVINGSTON A Cl*., \ , del7 JOHN FLACK, f Agent*. fcOULAK W-KKKL,Yi tny > PACKET FOIC GALLII‘OLIS FORTSSIOI/Tll.—The splendid tteamer Capt. John Wolf, will leave for the above and all m* unnedlalo port* TUIS DAY, at 10 o’clock a. m.— For trcight ur paaatgo apply on board or tu frlii D. n. LEWIS. Agent. FrrrsiiUKGU and gal-. LU’OLiS PACKET.—The beeuilfalJfHSHa bev tmiuieugcr steamer UNDINE, Cant. M. A. Cox, will [raw Pittsburgh for Galllpolia EVERY SATUR* DAY, at 4 o’clock p. in. Returning, Iwuves Galli|>o. 11a EVERY TUESDAY, at 10 a. m. For freight or passage apply on board or lu «e~u J. 11. LIVINGSTON A CO., Accute. Pmsuuiwß aso ports. , jp^ai MOUTU I‘ACK.ET.—For WbeclingJjES&Ba mg. Marietta, I‘urkenburg, Pomeroy, Irontuu anil Portsmouth.—Tho steamer CLARA DEAN, Capt. A. J. Masskliiot, wilt -leave for Ports mouth EVERY TUESDAY, at 3 o'clock p. m.— Leaves Portsmouth EVERY FRIDAY, at 12 o'clock tn For frrighl or passage apply on board or n> m.frdlm JNO. FLACK, Ap-nt. REGULAR WEEKLY , rEffy* zakesville packet —Tb-tbSHH Bttwand bckntiful passenger itcamrr EMiIA oka- HAM, Cnpt. Mooro* Ayers, Invm Pittsburgh for Zanesville EVERY TUESDAY, at 4 o’clock p. m Returning, leaves Zanesville EVERY FRIDAY, at d a. to. Fur bright or paaug*i apply oo board or to J. B. LIVINOSTON A CO., Agent*, Pittsburgh. H. 8. PIERCE A CO., Agents, ZtmtTille. tdi R KGI) LA It WHEELING, iC3T » _!» PACKET.—Tha niksdM t.aM'tigcT4fi£9B atetuaer MLSEHYA, upt. John Gordon, itata m Wheeling and all intermediate porta EVERY TUES DAY, THURSDAY aud SATURDAY, at 11 o'clock a. m., making close connection! with the regular uackete for , Parkeraburgh and Cincinnati, Return* tr.g, learai Wheeling EVERY SIDtfDAY, WEDNES* DAT and FRIDAY, at & o'clock a. in. Piueeugcra receipted through to Cincinnati. For height or {«•• •ago apply on board or to JAS. COLLIhS A CO., aul 114 Water aireti. FOM SjtLE .I.l'lt TO LET. Tj’OK SALE. -T 2u >harvs M. aud M. Bauk .Stouk, l’> do Citizens' do X"t do Alechanits' do 44* do Mnuclit-fler SaTiiiss Dank, Si do Blnulagbam (Hs Stock. •Mi do H&ud dUrnt Bridge Stock. Moik yidxry d‘ *ciipuuD bought and sold Lit B. McLAI.N ± «Ju iburi tS‘ 5 Fourth at TjMJBSALK—A three story Brick Dwell- JD In* HuUm, aUu»l« i BROWN A KIRKPATRICKS. >bi». best varieties for Ji *. CANFIELD A CO. . A PJP EES— Wii .ir/scEtt.f-vro vs. PROCLAMATION. — City of Pitts-. 5 BtXSH. Jfe. in nccoriLuicp with the provisions of an Art of the [ General A.*at-mi-!y ot the t ommoDivenUh o£ IVnmvi* \ vatiia, jr,r the in-orpomrion of the lily ~f . ' Pittsburgh, and of th- v-mvits eiippk-mest* to emd ! Aft. I, GE'Uii»4t«>>n, th*t uii u.e FIRiT . TUESDAY IN JANUARY. A. D.. laUd, Le.ug the j til VEVTH D*\ of THE 3!o.vru, the treeOi«*U '>f each j Ward of said city, qualified to vote lor of j the Uou:-; of K-:pre«enl.vtiV.-8 of this Common wealth. • will meet at the several pbu-wof holding tdivtn.aa in j their reapeciive wat'CianJ precincts. and ebvt. l>y ' ballot, under the provisions of an At tot livihlily pazstil the ltHh day of May, A. l>., IsjT, | One parson to nerve os Mayor of said lily, t Ona person to aerve as Controller of uah! city , m.d ,! Owe person to serve as Treasure-/ of said nij, Each of whom sitall hold their o’lioe for twu j ear^. un thu same-day, in conformity to the al-oVe oiled authorities, and ah>o to the Urdinaii.*** vf cYnneiU districting said city, the citizens of the First Warvl trill elect, by ballot, one person to be a member of the tieioct Council of said city lor two yean, oue person to bo a member of Select Council of said city tor one year, and three person to be mem bers of the Common Council. Second Ward—Ono person to t«o a member of the select and two persona to be members of the Common Council. Third Ward—One person to be a member of thu Select and four jR-nton* to be members of the Common Council. Fourth Ward—One persou to be a member of the Select and three persona to he metut<*rs of the Com-'' mon Council. I Fifth Ward—One person to be a tueUibcr of the tie- Ifct and live persons to be members of the Comtuoti Council. Sixth Ward—One person b> be a member of the Select and Uto persona to be members of the Common Council. Seventh Ward—Oue person to bo a member »f the Select and two persons to-be members of the Cotumun Council. Eighth Ward—One penam to be a member of the Select and three persona to be members of the Com muu Connell. Ninth Ward—One person to be a number „f the - Select and tbre« pereoun to be members .>f th# iY.in mon CounclL Each of whom shall be qualified to serve as a m.-in her of the House of Representatives of thl« i ommon woalth. At the election to-be held as afori-aid, ou i't l.si lies north and east of Adams street, being product No. 1 of said ward, will vote at the Public j-cliool HuU-:«, ou Liberty street, in said precinct. The electors of *o much of the Fifth Ward an lid south aud weet of Adams street, being precim t N o u of aaid warJ, will vote at tbo Public School House, ou the corner ot Pike and Waluut streets, iu sai l pre cinct. The nit-dors of the Sixth Ward will vde.il the Public School House lu said ward. The electors of the tieventlTWaril will vote at the Public School House in said ward. The elocton of the Eighth Ward will vote ut the Public SchOol House in said ward. The elocton of the Ninth Ward will Vote it the Public School House in said ward. Glveu under my hand and tho seal of the raid City of Pittsburgh, the 16th dav of December, A. D., 1661. de23:dte GEORGE W 1 LtiON.M ay or. rraiKTY-SEOO>*JD LIST OF APFLI- X CATIONS FOR SELLING LIQUORS, filed iu the Clerk's Office np to December 20th, 18..1. Culleton Edwnrd, tavern, Bth ward, Pittsburgh. Uertt Henry, eating house, id do Allegheny. Lynus Robert, other gootD, id do Pittsburgh. Nettmau Adam, Sr., lavum, id do Allegbeuy. Rupert Ann, do Versailles tow uship. Ke«chner Peu-r, eating bouse, Uvserve do Sbeuld Fred , other goods, Ist ward, Pittsburgh. Sutton W.. H., do Chartlers townsliip. tiberer George, rating honeo, Rusrrve do The Court will meet on MONDAY, December .Ittb, 1861, at lt>*-£ o'clock, to act ou the above case*. W. A. HERRON, Cirri. Dissolution of co-partnek- SUIP.—The firm of li. 4.J. WATSON & CU.. lately engaged iu the Grocery aud Boat-Store busi ness, was dissolved on the sth day of November, 1661, by tho withdrawal of F. H. ANDERSON, and the bushuns will be cloaed out by JAS. WaTSON, of the firm of It. A J. WATSON, at their otfico, who aloue has authority to ec-uh* the busiuew of the late firm. JA3IES WAISOS, JK. Pitta bn n»l». Nov. 27th. 1861.—nwJftdmd COST The stock of CLO C K S In tbo city, closing <*nt at CtIST. K. T. M'OEAOD. So. 274 Liberty street. KTEW CO.NrfIONMEMo. Xv 30 aks. Flint Hominy.l 10 bblo. FUut Ilominy 2n bhls. 31 in Cranberries-1400 do Grrou Apples. II du Sweet Cider, | 75 bus. Dried Pea. 6o bus. bheilUirk#, | 41 do Cheatuuts, li.v bux?a prime Cbeec*, |«k*j do Poi&u^a, A>l dot. Ciu. F*n. BruMtiit,| 1U t.n, ('acTONied ll&n.s, 7> bbl». Kx. Fiuu. Flour. ! sack* prime Buck wheat do Iloe. ftvkb Ek£«, Fresh received ami lor sale l-T 11 KiDDLh tlciu No, Is 3 Liberty ‘ire- i Ol’ HU 1*22— I JO bbJa. tsL Luuim byruf, IO hf. do do do lu bbl*. Pennsylvania do 10 do Baltiinum J . 15 do N*w York «!•> Id store and for Mie by delO BROU N A KIRKPATRICKS. Bess wax Wanted, fur whTch the higbot market‘price will be paid, by b. a. Fahnestock a o»., n 025 Corner Wood and First itrmu CliiEEsiE. —M boxes Western Reserve f Chec*e, pnm* article, fur sale by J AS. DALZELL A SON, del* No. UJ and »U Water strv»-t. ClHfcfeE —bin. best W. K. Cheese, J W) do do Hamburg do iSSi do ' do £. D. d<> for saU t> ifod J. B. CANFIELD A Co. 0(1 HIJOS. jn. U. HUGAK in store und Wv for sale !•} LEECH A HLTCUIN.'.ON, dr It. No. llti Second and 145 Flr»t str>*t. LMbli —7 casks new Codfish, J. 3m barrels Bay LeUsd Herring, Ihceivrd i.u consignment, will close them l»w for cash 11. KID DLL, dels Sii> IK.T Liberty etri«l (HHjU'K'h?,' JD CAMELLIA FLoWEIfi, ic , To oidrr el UUKDODU'S GKEENnoCSE, uo'33.d*rtf OAKLAND Petroleum wanted—Saw bbi».; t<> All order* Apply to the . SOLAR OfL WOKK6 CO., dell _ .ftp. 3 St. Clair »treet. WOoDANDMARBLEI.\IfTA'iTdNS ON WALL PAPKU. for Haile, Dining Room# and Vcwtlbulva, for sale at No. 107 Market streut, WALL FADER, CEIUNOTaFEKS AND WINDOW PAPERS In great variuty for «alu cheap for tub, at'No. 107 Market street. JOS. U. HI’GHES. PUKE IiEXZOLK—S barrels for sale low, to dose consignment, by JAMES DALZEI.L A SON, del.'J Noe. tJB and to Water street iUsT'RfiOKIVED fj 100 bushels choice halves Dew Pcache#, 60 •* Dew Dried Applet. dels l. 11. voigt a co OffKLLBAKK.B—2U bushels yliellbtirka Ojuit ruceivcii and for salw by JAMES A FETZr.II, del!' Corner Market and First elrrel. rjlEA — &o half chests V. 11., Imperial JL and Black Tvaa, for «alu by d«7 n. ROBISON-A CO. i^LUUH —300 bbla. choice Ky. Whito W b iiat—warran tad to families. ilelt* HITCHOOCK, WCRKEItY A Cn. 1700 BHL6 * i?XOUICftUof tbo best X I \l\J make* In store and for mlr by dalß HITCHCOCK. MrCKEKIIY A CO. URNINIi OIL—SO bbls. A N 7,. 1 Kefltrod Oil for aala by HITCHCOCK, McCKKKRY A CO , dele Agonta Rrecrre Oil Compauy. XTEW LEAF LARD, in tioroca, bar it rel* and palls, for sale by dnU, Jackson a townsf.np. Vt U. J LARD OiL—-6U barrels lor halo 31 by JAMES DALZKLL A SON, drKi ‘ Niia.'b'J'ithd'Tft Water alroet. PiiEHll KGGrf—l2 b.bla. Ireah Kggs just received and (or sale by -- J , FRANK VAN GoßbClt, dt*l4 No. 114 Se»\md stront. fIIAX-RA VlfilW cud bo supplied witli JL any amount of County Warrants, by having their order* at tbe office of B- McLain A (HJ. ( UINaPSATIN AND Bl.aNk WALL \j PAPERS lu extensive variety, for sals nt No. 107 Market street. no.s, Register fur the Probate of Wills, do., lu and for *ant county. on|or before MONDAY, the tith day of January, A. D., lSwi, theu and there to show cause why the collateral inheritance tax upon the following Real Batata shall uot be collected under the provisions of said Art of Assembly; herein fail not. Raid Beal Estate consists of 3 House* and Lots eu Wood street, 6 *■ ** •• (land I Vacant Lot *♦ •* •• 1 •• •• Feon - •• 1 House and Lot “ “ *• 5 Houses and Lola “ St. Clair '* Given under my hknd and seal uf office at Pittsburgh, ■this sth day of Hecemtwr, A. D., 1691. defcMKtd WM. J. RICHARDSON, Register, JMSCELL+MTEO TO. rUKIIKjES XX FLIXT GLAriri OVAL CARBuN uIL Patented September Ittth, 18t»I. The best that have ever yet.bceu offered to the public. They are tho best for the following reasons : 1. Because, bsiug of au oval shape, the glass is everywhere squally distaut from the tiame, so that tli*- draft Is stronger and more regular. 2. Tho oval shape U better adapted to resist the effect of sudden expansion, eu that it is impossible to crack them. 3. The glass Is made 1 trgely of Lead and Pcarlosh, giving a great degree of strength and elasticity. The chimneys which housekeeper* have found to bo so brittle us to crack, even when uot in use, are tniaris bly made of Lime Glass instead of Flint Glass, of ulikh ours are manufactured. 1. But (he greatest advantage uf these Chimneys is that when you hu>« one it will lust lorevtr, and it any housekeeper breaks one by the beat o( the lump, let her call at the manufactory aud wo will repine lirf cracked chituuey by a dozen wliolu ones. Thin proffer dow uot Include accidents or those <-u*-s ui breakage where the chimney has, through innxpi-ri fUv.ii, been screwed so closely to the Lamp as to pre vent its expansion when heuted. Manufacturer* aud consumers of Carbuu Oil, who have felt the magnitude of the obstacle, which hits existed In the great expense uf chimneys, In the way of tho uiilversdl use of the oil, have found u remedy in ibe Oval XX Fliut Glass Chimneys, which has mate rially ItmseQud the coal uf tMrbou Oil light to those w lio use them, aud increased the consumption of oil eousequenl upon the lessi-ut'd expouso for chimneys. Fur sttis hy J. C. Kirkpatrick, L. Thumm A Co., Rogers 4 Nesbit, P. Hayden, LuccscoOU Co., W video A Kolueke, W. Ogden a Co., W. P. Wooldridge, W. H Hurray, or at tho Manufactory, Washington st , near Pennsylvania avenue. anlO:tawMSMtf E. D. DITHRIDGK. Ql'EAJti WEEKLY BETWEEN O NEW' YORK AND LIVERPOOL, lug and embarking Passengers at QUEENfeluw £», (Ireland.) The Liverpool, New York and Philadel phia Steamship Company Intend despatching their full-powered Clyde-built Iron Steamships as follows: GLASGOW Saturday, December 21. CITY OF NEW YORK Saturday, Decomber 26. EDINBURGH Saturday, January I. and every Saturday, at woom, from Pier 44, North River. FIRST CABIN -575,00 STEERAGE...- 530,00 •Jo to London.... 60,00 do to Loudon 33,00 •lo to Paris' 85,00 do to Paris 38,00 do tu Hamburg. 65,00 do to Hamburg..’ 35,00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rot terdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates. wishing to bring aut their Mends can buy tickets here at the following rates to New York: From Liverpool or Qaeonstowu; let Cabin, $75, $65 aud $lO5. Steerage irom Liverpool $40,00. From (ducenstown $30,00. Thrau steamers U&ye superior accommodations for passenger*, and carry experienced ijurgeouß. They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, aud have Palonl Firo AnuihUatora on board. fUrpAMSJtakkS rok Epaort.— By order of (he Set rtnrf of £taU. all pcMtngm leaving the United Slain are retpured f—Taka notice, tbattbe State* mont of Yiowera tor tbo opening of Fremont street bw been this day filed In the District Court Cor con* flnnation, to wblcb Court all parties aggrieved may appeal If tbey IM proper, within six weeks from thu date. a. sohoyer; j*^ Solicitor for Aftarhcaj City, •Dtccmtxr 9, 1801-—Zwd O'ITOLAY~iSU"bbIB. best Missouri Clay roeelredby; • HENRY H. COLLINS. PINB--lU boXOS in store V/andforsaleby : HjVOIOT A CO. . R' EESE & ' " 1 oil befixzbs, a.m> jiANri ACtraEKs <»r White buksiku oil, PL RE UKuLuKIZED t \Zb3T EAM. CAARIFIEH'&UCHIJteaT OIL, CRUDE OIL OF ALL GRAVITIES P k CRCHASEP. CtfJ-Nc'n Oil Barrel* muited.. ; . - ; i j r.irrKr OJLwVi Mononjpilipla nook*, Jel:>fg*vrlyr J FKTKUI.ELM OlL.—The “Sew Jforat Chemical Ahsocu.tijx." 35 lVy street, New Yifk. haaeatabliahetla Depot kt ELIZABETRPORT, N J . fj r recfirina and storing OIL shipped by the . Control KaHruati. This port ta cenvyni.'nt to N«w York, asd s:»v«j caitmro aiul uoch-handling.— Cou-iigumiMild jointed. Muri Correia rta <|f£rM.’otrM| Bfiflr. RtFEHEM-n*-- David Kicla-y, of the- firm of Rkhey, Hart?* A . A Nesbitt; fcaloo, Macrnta A Co.- _ »o-js:lmW«wF _ £(\lak Oil works company of IO PENNSYLVANIA, ’ • • MutlQUiMUlvr- »f LI Hhl* aTI.NiJ A-SO REPINED OILS. N>. .1 St Clair el., urjjir Du«itiai>ite Way, 'PtfTSHTMH, PBW'a. Ibis i, t-xilujivelj eag&ffed iq the Oil trod.- ttt.il n ...nMnally offering PETIIOLHCM od commission, wboWale. AOriuioe mad* on Consign* L"UCJKEk'"OiL WokKjT" WILLIAM P. WOOUtIDiiE, if AULEOIL \VOUKi3.— WIUHTMAN Li A ANDKUSUN, refiners and d-suler* In LAMP CHIMNEYS. PriThBUBOIt, PA. V«5-CAU UHEASEaud BENZOLE couaiuiiti) on hand. , ttrder* received f..r tin* pr*b*-nt at CHFSS, SMITH A Co.'a, Water mid First streets. rWltNpeanteit oTLPompan y. \J K. H. DAVIS, IVestcf, JOHN IRWIN, Jr., Se> and JW ; • l>ip.ti:fots—K. H. Davia, T. M. Net id, J. L i.Vi nttiihou, A. Camufou, John Irwin, Jr. I'tl'lioLKUM, of light gravity, from tbu welL> »t tins .•••u»i*nny, >•» oil Crtok, In V«-nango county, r«,n nlautly on ImnJ and for sale So. "6 \VOOl> ST., mylrlyd ktkuSa uTL 'v^iiiH—long; MILLER 1 OU: Uttice ut T. H. ivuviti £ C Works Kt Stmrpdburg Stal•■>«», AUrglieuy Valley Knilruad. OlEce an.l Waii-liuiw, I’mnlmreli. Mnnulu* give, alwaya on hand. oelilyd LUBRICATING OIL, at tub low fatOE or 25 CENTS PEU GALLON, constantly uii liitDtl ao>l for sale by B. C. AJ. 11. SAWYEIt.’ Aa tu tbu quality,ruler to annexed certificate: PITTSBURGH, Nov. 27, 18oU. M&i'tr*. B. C. ct J. 11. Sairper — Quota : The Labri cuiuig Oil we an from you wo fiod-totbu the beat fur our pnrpoiea we bare ever uaoJ. Thi L. S. ILK. B.H. Co., Bv IVh. ESPY, Ft widest. W. A UEO. W. UOU)SHIP BEK. BETAS 0. T, K'COBMICK. OIL REFINERY. . BURNING OIL AND LUBBICATINO OrL, Keep constantly on hand the very belt quality of BURNING OIL, clear Esd vithnat odor; alio, a good LUBRICATOR, pure WHITE BENZOLE and CAR GREASE. •uTWaAtHOUSt, No. 301 Liberty'strcct. Majiufitciurers of COOK, PARLOR AND HEAT IXU STOVES, PARLOR AND KITCHEN GRATES, HOLLOW WARE, etc., Steel and Glass Moulds, Rell ! ing Mill Oustings, Mill Gearing, Gas, Water and Ar tlzen Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, Su .gar Kettles, Pulleys, Hangers', Car Wliweb, Couplings and Castings generally. Also, Jobbing and Machine Oustings • made to order. ‘ Patented Portable Hill, with Steam or Horse Power. poV2:6md GAS AND .'TEAM FITTER.', PITTSBURGH. MERCHANT, RAILY, FARRELL £ CO. No. l£> FOURTH 6TkKI'T. , M. 0. MEIGS, Quartermaster General. OJES. A c. J. \\ EAVER, Jo., UAALFACTVIIMI or COAL AND CARBON OILS, anti dealer in LAMPS, VJItMNEYft, Ae., dc.. No. :w Market street, liotwceu Second and Third, PITTSBURGH, PA. J'UUE CARBON OlL,(qualityguaranteed,) MARKET STREET, i 'r,3(xmsros mehcha at. CRUDE AND REFINED CARBON OIL?, No. G 1 Wood Street. HOLDSHTP, BRTAK 4 CO. KAXCrACTUKZRS OF •arAIl orders left at No. 35 Firm Stsret. Bank Block, second floor, will b* promptly attended to. ocf»:dtf STOVES/ #C. ALLEN, McCOKMICK p and Bath Rooms attached to the Betel WBeware of RUNNERS and OACKMEN who eay era are foil. po23:dlyM R. FRENCH, Paoparpoa. QiT. LOUIS HOTEL, CnESTKUT Street, P 111 LA DELPHIA In the immediate neighborhood of tbo Jobbing Ileuses on Market, Third- and Cbtatnnt street*, the Banka, Post'Office, Mer chant* Exchange, Ac., Ac. B-O Alt D PEB DAY, 9I.SU. J,xv>misinia/io«, tcJiru required, on tie EUROPEAN PLAS. Rooms from 50 cents eud upwards, par day, and Meals at a FIBS! clam Restaurant AirartUED to trx Hotel. Prices according to Bills of Fare. iWThi Cj.tt Cans take Pamexqkbs mo* axt Station TO oa CLOSE TO tbe Hotel. MTEngUth, French, German and Spanish spoken. JylTtdCm * iICUOLAS HOTEL, Broadway, NEW YORK. BOARD REDUCED TO 92,00 PEB DAY. Since the opening of this vast and commodious Ho fei, in IS&L It has been the single endeavor of tbe proprietor* to make it the tm*t sumptuous, oonven lent and comfortable beme for th© citizen and stran ger on this aide of the Atlantic. And whatever fans teemed likely to administer to, tbe comfort of its gneate they have endeavored, with-, out regard to cost, to 'provide, and to combine all the element# of individual and. social enjoyment which modern art has invented and modom taste approved; and the patronage, which it has commanded daring the postal* yoare UagratHytog proof that-their ef forts have been appreciated. To meet tho exigencies of the times, whcjnoJlare required to practice Ibo tncst rigid economy, tho un* .lertigmxl hare BEDUCEDTtiE PfelCE OF BOARD TO TWO DOLLARS PEB- DAT, ut the tumo time abutlog uone ot lUt ioxorka trith which ibrir ÜbU btu hitherto been tuppUod. TREADWELL, WUITCOJfB A CO. TjUHUT TREKS. v-INbDCKMEiiis To~P6it-. JU ctuetas.—A Tory largo.atockof'choiceTltEJfcj, of soloctod Turtotlw to tkooae' JWmi/With orery poui ble ran taken to hate every rarioty true to name. Of Applo alone ire hato 175 I of which an three year old*, IQ.CDo four year of da. Pear, 10 r 000 two to three Joan old. reach, Plum, Ac., a fine atock, ' Rstebckce—tlio Troer'in tbn 'Nomry. 'Call and EVERQBKEKS Iran 110 8 fcot,bTti» hundred, .chant; alto, SHADE TBEES AND SEHOBBEBV, wholenleanantalH... .... AddtMff MTTSWmGfi.ATfD OAKLAND NCE SERlES,Tittsbargb, Pa.' ’ r . 7 . MtfcdMrtS : cJOHN MURDOCH, J* 5 R.mno.M)* On and after MONDAY, November 25th, 1861, Trains will leave tha Depot of the Ttan rijad, in Pittsburgh, as follows: P3t&vrg\, Columitu end CincimtaJi Lina tia Sreutenri'Cff. , . ) Leaves Pittsburgh 1:55 a. m. -do Steubenville fo2S a.* n>. do Newark 12:05 p. m. do Cbliitnluu 1-cto p. m. Arrive*Cincinnati - » Newark l~tA> midnight. «lo Co|;itut«iK. 1:30 a.,to. Arn'esCim-Uin.iti 7:40 a. m. do ?t. Louh . :ii::jO p. m. No chniice of ears between Pittsburgh .mil Cincinnati. Spb-ndid Sloping van Mmcbed tOfdl Sight Trains. on.i \v'- r ,-i; ng ‘lint. L.M,*,- a Pittsburgh 1:55 a.m. do W ellavilio .. .. ►. . , j;25 a. m. do Steubenville • S:lhJ a. m. do Wheeling 6:Aj a. m. Arrivie Bolhiir.a., i a. m . Leave* Pittsburgh 1:3.'. p. m. do WelDviUv .. i:rti p. a , do SK-übunviUe ... 5;10 p. in. do Wheeling 6.-25 p. m. Arrives BoIIalr..; 6;40 p. m. Connecting ai tijitenngwuo uaitimoro and Ohio Railroad, and ut BoUoir. with Central Ohio Railroad for Zativst ille, Lancaster, Cirdeville, (.VJumbua and Cincinnati. Jtyfd’Uryfc and /aw J tinf. Leave* Pittsburgh Jo Welbville.. do ltuyani do Alliance..., do Hudson . Arrives Cloveiund.. Learnt Pittsburgh do Wellwvitlr.. do Bnyard do Alliance ... Jo Uudftoti Arrive* Cleveland . Connecting «t Bayard with Tufitar&woe branch tor S<-'v I'hilad 'ljdtia undOtnal Dowr, jit AJUanc* with Pittsburgh, i'i rt Warn* and Chicago KriHruftd, nt Hudson with Ck-vvLuid, Zaiii'e.rUlr' utij Cincinnati tt. K. f..r Akron, t'uyahoga )• aii» and Ml!Ur*burg, mid at Cleveland nlthf. a K K it. h r Erie, Dunkirk and liuihdo with C .t T. It. H. |..r Toledo, J>etruit aud Chicago. Mail Train hav«3 ul -..d0 «. rn., stopping at all sta tions between llochtoHer dad Beilair. WelUvillo Accommodation leaves.at A;2oj>. ni. Heluming uum umit* iu Piitabu/gh Ad foUowa- Mail Train /|:10 p. m Fast Lino.- HkUO'p. m. Express Train l*os a. m. Wellatillo Accommodation 9:4ouiUon;ov*ry morning (except Sunday) nt 'i6o a. iu., slopping only at principal stations, and making direct connections ut Harrisburg lor. Baltimore and Washington, and fur New York via Allentown route. THE THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN ioavea daily at 4:40 a. m., sippping only at principal stations, making direct connection at Harrisburg forßaltj more and Washington and. for New York yj* Allen town route. THE EAST LINE Unves tko Station dully (except Sunday) at 10:60 p.'m., stopping only at principal stations, making direct contwetiou at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington. WAY FREIQfIT TJW.IS WITH .PASSENGER GAR ATTACHE!), leaves the Passenger 1 Station every morning (Sundays excepted) at 5-K)ju,m., run ning us far u Conemnugii and ■tupping at ail sta tion*. ' . ‘* AC-COiIiIODATION TRAINS. . Tho JoUnstotvnAtfcommodation Traiq leaven doily (except Sunday) atdiOO p. m., mopping at all stations and rufifltng as tar as Couemangh. First AcoommodntKMi Train 1 fox'WaU'B Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at -CIO a. m. Second Accommodation Train tor Wall’s Station leaves dally (except Sunday) at 11:00 a. in. *- Third Accommodation Train for ; .Wair« Station leave* daily (except Sunday) at :, Fourth, Accommodation.. Train forLiWftU r fl. Station Icuree daily (except Sunday) . . Returning Trains arrive In as follows: Express, 1:16 p. m.; Mail,- 8:36 p.~W’. ;-Tpat * Lino, l:Uu a. m. ; Johnstown Accotnfntwil€dortUKft 4. m. ; First Wttii'BStation Sec ond Wall's Station Accommodation, Wall’s Station Accommodation, 1:<)6 p. taJ;*Tourth Wall’s Station Accommodation, 6:05 p.‘ui.“ l * Trains for Blairavillo and Indiana ctmuvet'aißlalr*- vilie Intersection with Johnstown Accommodation and Express Trains East and Wait- . The traveling public will find it greatly to their in terest, in going East or West, to travel by ibo'Penn sylvania Railroad, ns the accommodations now offend cannot be surpassed on any other route. 'Tbe Roadis ballasted with stone, and is entirely free from dost. We can promise dainty, spcM and comfott to'all who may favor thw Hoad with their patronage. , MI „.J. P. TOU.NU. FAHE k To NewTork. §l2 6UITO Baltimore. To Philadelphia..... 10 wo|Tf> Lancaster,..., To Barriaburg 7 lij Baggage chocked to all Slaiionn oil tho Pcnnajlrti' nia JUilroad, and to Pbiiadeljibia, Baltimore and New York. Passengers purchasing tickets in car* >lll be charged on excwtf, according to distance traveled, In addition to the station rates, except from stations where tbo Company bos no Agent. NOTICE.—In 'cu&o of loss, tbo Cpmpaby will hold themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. *' • N. U.—An Omnibus Linehai been employed to convey passengers and baggage to and from the De pot, at a ch&rgo not to exfiood 25 cents tor each pas senger and baggage. For ticket*, apply to •*. . J. 3TEWAHT, Agent,' At the P. B. R Piu*tngrr Station;'on Liberty and Grant streets. .. iooH T aPORIAST.ps~-a.~i X—AU persons parch as Tickets for St. Louis, B * Joseph and other points io Northern Hlmouri, the State of Kunsas, or the Territories, should Insist on haring tickets that read by the h'OßTJi'lil&JOtfßl RAILROAD. The only route from St. Louis to Ht. Joseph. It is the shortest and quickest line, by thir teen boars, to the remotest point reached by rail, and is always aacheap as any other. Boy your tickets to Kunsas and all points in North ern Missouri by the North Missouri Railroad.. - ISAAC U. STURGEON, President and Genual Superintendent of the North Missouri Railroad. A RAILTtOAD.— jft. trains daily depart from arrive at Pittsburgh, (nxeept Sunday.) • Through trains, sU.jm.ujz at'Hultoa, leave Pitts burgh at Ga. m. an i t; ; • i.. ai. Uulton Accomroo-lfiii'ui tinlhs leave Pittsburgh at yand II a. m., and ai 1, iiuaad CtlOp. m. J - Accommodation litinr, returning, leara Holton as :4b aud 10 a. w > nt l iin. 'and 1:45, 3:30, 5:39 and :35 p.m. . _ Excursion Ticket . i iusburgh to Holton and return, 25 cents. AU jaavngere ftAm Pittsburgh, without tickets, Will Ik* rhnreedfull fare.- ie? R.F. MOLLKY, Superintendent. fJTO FARMERS AND OTHERS. EOR SALE, GEOWETU3 SUPERIOR PATENT GRAIN FAN AND SEPARATOR, Patented January 10,1S60.” - The superiority ot 'this FAN oror all others in use consists in its cheapness, .simplicity and durability. Second, in cleaning Urals, juter, better and more thoroughly, with Ices-labor, than any other.mill. The patentee of the above Fan has been' Idng en gaged in manufacturing and selling Agriculture! Im plements, and convinced : of'the greStwunt of.a good Fan for cleaning the diQorent-.klnils. of ,Grain and Swede, ptesents this to the public, witbfuU confidence that It will meet their wonts. The undersigned, haring purchased the solo right to manutocture «nd‘‘ sell -tha’-obore-Gralh-Fhn and Separator In Westarn Ponnsylrania, Western Vir ginia, and all Ohio, and the right to . sell jLn Indiana and Illinois, is now prepared to tlll.all orders, whole sale or retail, at 319 Liberty'street, Pittsburgh, Pa. se3:nt*wtfF *’ W. W. : WALLACE. QOAPt -SOAPU :BQAP«|^Ths'jpßEin. Kj cal Oltvi Eeajmvk Soap, manufactured- by B. C. k J. 11. SAWYER, is .ockndwtalgod' tb oe the most serviceable ofany kind yet offlsred terthopublic. Its superior advastecerare found tofts cheapness, saving of labor, and Ju ..efficacy in: removing grease, paint, tor aud without. Injuring tho skln. or in the leastwise damaging the (meet quality, of. goods. It can be hsed,irltn all kinds of water,'* * Bcftnmce is made'with plessureti tbe subjoined certificate, emihating ftom gantlemen'Well'known in this eommhnity, mid. .who uad ovary ihcUftp afforded of seeing It fullyaad fairly tested; ~ i. Cuart«mtutcr , « Dmiirtneniq/ ftpe(A£,2Urfeeni& 1 a*d I FoUtinnlh'Bccinicut* penkiytcanla'TdUimteru, • “Sawyer’s Chemical OHre-Er#BiyeiB6ep' ,J haTing been, taed .very-estensively lh> our BegiXMils, ire haye no hesitation in certifying.that itewsa found ad mirably adapted to tits W,of, AbMoigiet*|.a&d deci dedly’ the most superior ho ire which couldbeproems •ed far the service: f ' " 'JAMES 1 A,EKLN, : QuartenaßsterTwelftX Regiment. , , . .. : ALEX. FOB&rXH, - Quartermaster Fourteenth Regiment. .m:.k, moobmead, and Quartermaster Thlfteehth' Regimsnt. FOUR OWN PRINTING. .. COOLEY'S CABINET PRINTING OfIICE, DwUtnel tur S3IALL;.P£IiivrbetU»l prrnter'oniotiiand are iold at pvi«abiUiertounl«sardot—tlmt-lato say at about'one-Jmii tlxTprice of Job/Pnaee* geiw in use. Tbe Cnthieta (apoipthtch ihoiptefasM 'fltiuid,) aro eomponW-of small crises,-willy 'and sttoiigjy'put to* getuer»|«ndfor com pact ncse and ccfettatenco bam cerer tfecn oqtulledl. „C4ll’ fend examine* offend for clraflars, giving lixus, price*.4c«~.,i r j\ •\ r’j.fccowOTurfo, •: seathSiod )* ; - Ko. 1 l~Stfrmb stwet, N. T, ;v|-; j mMi; 1:V» H. tn. •MVi ». m. (•:3a a. ni. T:US a. ra. 9.35 ,i ru. I:SA p. m 4 00 p. m. •. / 5 24 p. ju. c’i..'«o p. m T.i*t p. m. $.lO p. m. IiEyEY H. SIMMOKB. Agent.