THE ESTABLISHED IN 1786. COMJUISBtOJT, *c. I BARBOUR. THUS. LITTLE, 8R JAMES TRIMBLE. T \OLI Ali WA V K V A", JOHN B. CANFIELD & 00., Commis- T ITTLE &, TULMBLK, Wholesale Jj ' StON xjcd Fobwajuhso 3f KRciiASiTt and wbolo- JLiGRocRR* ami Commission Merc masts, dealer* ~. ... sale dealer* In WESTERN RESERVE LHXENE, It. PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, FLiil, CHARTERED IN Ih>t BUTTER, LARD, PORK, IJACOS, FLOUR, FISH, CARBON A*ND LARD OIL,IKON, NAILd, GLASS, ! * Gp.-u ‘b»ih «r..m 'A u. J o'clock. aU> uu Wednesday POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALERATUS, LIN- CoTTOX YARNS, and Pittsburgh manufactures • '“‘d Saturday evenings, tr>.m May Dt to November REED AND-LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT and generally. 111' street, Pittsburgh. . Ul ’ C'* l *'. 7tv « o'lock, and from Nov«n»*r Ist to ‘Produce'concrally, Noa. 141 and 14J Front »tnii, : May Ist from d to h o'clock: Pitta burgh. c*4 dcscas m'don alo. .~tj. aBBUCRLr., j u... i- AuntcKlfc. , Dcpusita rnceked of alt sinus uut leas than On.- ■*' j & AKBUCK.LL, \\ HOLE* Dollar; sort a dividend of the profits declared twice u , 55ifTT !>**' 01 *. »ij„' JjXsjl* tiituctit*, pMvuftt avu Commumun Min* . f«w. la June aun,cr i And.-r.on, ttl.ol.AUo danl. n., in- n,c lo cull, ...■ «•«. !o prem.t Ui.lAO.ldit. At ill. A' COJUUMIO.I Mhchakt, dealer in l LOCK, BIJT- FOREIGN FBI'ITS, NITS A.NII SPICES. CUN- rule, im.ner will dm,lda In IM, than twelve Tram TEB, BROOMS. SEEDS, LARD, CHEESE, POHK. FECTIONERY. MGAItS, FlItE WORKS,*;., Ho. mat,™, nti “t«SnU. u. UT "TvIFuZZ rti DBIED AND GREEN FRUITS «nd Produce gj-u- iso and Ids Woo.l uni.Um Fifth, l-iiubnrgli, ccnt I ,”»« ’ u arallj. Liberal ctthadTancoanu.di, on conai]pninc,ts. . _Jy«»:dl f coutainii.g lb. Cliarler. Bv-Law., Bulei Wy. Gtmrgn. j bobt. aoaihos....„ samcel b. aoutso.t. »nd Regulation, iTir limbed gratia, ou upplication at AMKfchtL KETZEK Forwarding p KOBISON & CO., WholesaleGro- Cowx.f.ios MmceasT. (or the ml. of I'LOtlt, XV. claa, Conmssios SncirMi and. dealera in I ALBREE AIN. BACON, LARD. BUTTER,SEEDS. DBIED all kind, of PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, and Pitts- , ! In •FllUIT, and Produce Eencrally, No. 16 Market at.. b.urgU AU .Ltbarty. aueet, Pitt.- um u "■ ““4“. coiner of Flnst, PltUhargh. oc3:illy bufah/'’ 1 ( i. j ‘i r - , J ‘, ~ rayV Uillßurgwiu, Isaac M. Fcunoct, !^G^ , rT« 11 »xVA t L’ ; 'r7i3”~i r‘A V ; i'i' n H 'nw^p L^N 0 B. JUNKS, WHOLESALE DEALER HopUr«dl llopburn t k ” ?f ' JJL;IIUiIAXVL.XV A, LIAJMJ, L-OMMISSIOX \JT in GROCERIES, MANILLA ROPE, OAKU.M, Jamea Ucrdman, James Shull., O McacMAKTft and wholesale dealers in OBOCE- OILS, PITCH aud Pittebutgh manufiurturoil artides, James D. Kelley, , Alexander Tin.lle. RLES, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, &c.. No. 2t<3 No. 141 Water street, above the Monongaheta Bridge, ' . Tuiirvcs. Libarty Btirat, Pittsbargh, Pa. Pittabargh, Pa. Alexander Bradlu-y, ( Joihi B McFaJden, HUULA.ND itIDDLE, successor to J DO. auaxat Dxtxxtt ~«Z , -.Tj*mkB V. nai.xtii.vo John G. ; Peter A. Madeira. no M hbcrri ..™l pi,..- ROBERT. IIALZEU. & CO., Whole- , rK^scd. 01l0CLhY AM OapcrßS, cotmi&JtON ini. F..bwxecon., Alonzo A. Carrier, Johu Uarahall, LGMMIUSIDN-MLR'-UAN L Merciixhts> and denleia in PRGDt CL and Pilm i’h.irl-s V Cotton Waller P slan>hu!l ' Conaigum.-nfr respectfully aoltcite, I J«^ ; dly__ • btugli nunnifaetnrw, Pittsburgh. William Dougiad, •.] Jybn.OjT, [ lltmry L. Ringwnit, Jolm-H. Shnenberger, AIeSHDiI.T Speai, - ; W ill lam L .athim-rtz, Isaac W hittier, i’ Chriitiiui Yeager. CK-miAS A. CuLTON. v " JuS - wI M Tt ar.scT lauui'kt.:.: ;......joux *uutok \irmTt BKOIHLRb, *obWarding i: f AMJiKUT & SHIITOaS, Wholesale - »'* • akb Commission Merchants and dealcrt in 1 1 j Grocers, I'lootri; Dealers mni Co ii mission PROVISIONS AND I’ItOPICK GENERALLY, |N‘>- MtncHASTa, No. .. S.aU, st«v,t. I‘Jusl.urgh. I’a. 596 Lllteftjy »uoi‘l, I’UUlmrgh, Pa. my'i. ! noli:!} John Evans, John Holm. > ' William S. lVttT 11. lluuk>r. _ 1 Kichard bOuovKK, UoiiMissio.N iiEROHAi.T Hu «wi. • ■ ..v«i ANVRKFISEri CAKIIOX \tfATT & WILSON, Wholesale Übo- £s"»t OILS, IKON, SAILS, No. IKI Lib*rtj J| ccas, Commission Meechants, and dealor* m ' /•'•* h'7?\t \ v Ti/t Wb »'Avi,'i „ VDAVIU m’CanmKs, , eily street, PltUbitrgh. ui/> ! ltA N **»‘*o>noi sixth an cl Wood streets. rnTuW- *"' cM ’■"‘T; i .'l#4UU* lUOKE* A.LO, Wum.KSA..£ ! ■**«• ui c»i.iCiii'NT and nm-iT TUpiAfcb imm «ir*..i t I ST> 'OK IK iLOEKb INPIVI HtTALLTLI AbLH. OKIUi, eftrner of W'ood and W'atef Streets, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. I niuecTOhs: * * E«p»>'«- jy3:d|y ADAM RKINKMAN, Pre«'./r«/ >jii Augustus lita'Vidcr. E U .Mjt-re, * , joscidi Lung, J. P liuvt-kotte. L’bri-tuui Sieb»-rt, Anih -uv Mrv«>r, A. fUSf'l.aV J' EVERY DA P. JUHX STEWART. Oa»W VN. I. bUVt'K L. H. Vli LH. VOIGT & CO., successor to Li • Gruff, PRODUCE <*NXI COMMISSION Ml Liberty street, Pltlat-arfeli. l*;t. -a{ igua i. Hoiflfc. JOHN. i.\ HOUSE tu-eb, i>R U 7 • ■fc'DuteiiToS' avholk £i«ELE Grocers and Cosun&aioN Mv.acHA.M4, No. 107 Wood Btroet,TtUBburg)i. IyBMVGGI&Tfy , OIMUN JOHNSTON, Dealer is Pure ✓~kO=MU£Q3 EEgfLWBRY, Jty, which ho offers V. |ow«»t rncea. Corner Smith* field and Fourth streets, PHuburgh, Pa. -Prescriptions carefully compounded at all boutt. corner of Market (I' Street anil the Diamond, keeps constant!/ on band a full assortment of DRUGS, MEDICISES, MKDICIKE CUKTSjPERFUMKKYanJ ail urti- V cVShpdmidM at all boon. ■ Jas:lyd |> A. FAHNESTOCK ifi CO.. Whole sDUs*icDmtanfT:*rid MannCktoroTof WHITE *ISXv AjSliLmrXTUjB, corner UXTood and Front t qtrMWyPlttsburgli. [ mh7 * "jiIHN P SOOI'T W iiolksalk Dealer •*T!TWrfraWS,’ A.SD ' • D**»XCyFS, Vo. 2)7Liberty street, Pittsburgh.— • V -JJI-Ofdfaawill recciro prompt attention. rnh-1 '/ > ‘niMn» BOACS - ...OXOaOS RKtTta. BBAUN & KEiTER, Wholesale a*d 1 Bktail Darcnisrs, corner of Liberty add St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh. • ; ? :JfYK. UJSU. iL JUSiSEK, UkcgOist. \J HO Wood street, corner of Wood street atro Virgin alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. aann&mww&hri - JOHN G. MacCONNELL, Attorney at Law. Ornct, second story ktus’s Liw Bnu>- iso, N©*-93 Diamond street. Will attend to tbe settlement, securing and collec tion of claims, bounties, Ac., in Washington, District cf Columbia; noiihOpn f-fvioSi a. iUR*>ATMiaL.~...~..~r^...--.,jdh»t *st.u»x. 1 T 7 IKKPATKICK £ MELLON, Attor- AT-Law, XdJ 139 Fourth stmt, five doors Mo?i>StKUhficia l 'P«U!»ttrgh.ym ~ faylTtdtf AH ,E W USti,■ Attoenev and CorsiSELfcon atlav --pryjen*', No. ISO-Fourth street, corner of Cherry Pa:' : ‘ - anlltdawlyT lAMLKL A. I'j ) AT tlW.’ Urncx, Fifth street, adjoining tbe office of Mar shall it Brown, Pittsburgh, Pa. • jc^.diy •• - W. M. tiMl'i'Hj Attorney and Jb Convuxioaxr Law, baa runorfd to KUHN'S 7» f LAW JJUILDLNGS, No. 12 Diamond street, next ,* doot.b SCF.iU-r’B Church. ‘ - tnyT6:dly B* ’ F. LtJCAS, Attorney At Law.— «'Ott7Ck,"so. 72 Grant utrect, Pittsburgh, Pa. ■ ■'* ' ■ mrS - StiCHUtfliKjJß., Attorney at Law, • Xd. lira Fourth street, Luwrie’n Law Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. mhl ' ' FHOtircE: a. Bcrcantsos. T; -££CJi 4. UUXCiiXN.isoN,CojQiiasio>f ■ J A2roFoatTAaDK»o Mkiicnxsi«,#le»leri»ln WEST* Vkv BESKBVE CHEESE, FLOffB, I*l3ls BA CON', 'BUTUffI, OIL, PEARL ASHES, SEEDS. GRAIN, DRIED FRUIT : And Produce generally,. Best, braqjla Family [Floor always on hand, Agent for tho sale of iladUon 1 Co.VoeUbwOod Patented Pearl Bwnh. No 4. 11C BoCbhd*andT4sTfrst ttc., 'between Wood and Smith field, Pittsburgh Pa. apSdly /MiiSliSi; WAKEHUUSE.—IiENKY ;&i7R COLL IBS,forwarding and Comm tsiiofc Mei - cliant^ahd‘dealer lii CUEtSE,' HVTTEB, LAKE FlSHand Produce generally, No. 25 Wood street, above Water, Pittsburgh. toy 2 ; TAMEd liuLiiES & CO., I’ohk Oral cat and dealers In PROVISIONS, corner Mar ket and Front streets. jatidly /.tvs uu.m: .ifcfviTs. • FaAXKUM, PoiLancLPHiA aj>d Rlliancx. In soaxxct CoxtrAsrcA, Nortb-o&st 'corner Wood and Third streets. . . ; WJt\ JUNKS, ‘Aheni North Ameju • ca, State of Pennsylvania and Hartford In . ygranre, Companies, 67 Water street. j ''Q AiltJKli ItliASFSifEfjurr Citizens’ lOXxarnaKCE Compact, corner Market and ]Wajrr streets. ■ t lt •t*avc r Co & f* avY.'oTWktCT #VfciU j M. BOOK, &RCRETAUT ALLEGHENY IVSUOAKC* 37 FifGr Street. ; DRY GOODS • voa*-*ntaojt..~4ragii;w. CAaa~.D.iTu> u'casmua. ■vmr,soN, cakr* s c0.,- »» (Late Payne •* i.'o ,) r. _ 7UOLUALE J>LJILXRI IX - i . ' 'FOfeEIOR'ASD BOMtsTTC DRY -GOODS, £o. M/Woud street, third. house shore Diamond j.:\L apjttdif f M. BUHCXiFIELD, successor to 9j • Bnrchfleld & Co., Wbolnale and Retail Dealers flLVil- CTAPDR AN D FANCT DRY GOODS, Mortb .iMt corner of Fourth ami Market street*. j i»2 fill i3z CO., Diulkrj iji Dry atmt, ; b«tice«D Tldnl and T W. jBAJttK Oy Gcges, Mo. 5S Cl HANbUiN LOVti, Dealer iW Eta- Jm nt an Famct DBT GvoDS, sign of tie orig inal Bo*HiTe,.No. 71 Market street, Pittsburgh. TRMJftJfUJrGS, Sic. { etfc., No*. ' 17 and 19 fifth ttruU FitU&urjjn. | »pl{* . '' 7 /'IHAKLOTTE BfcUME, Mancflctur- V? ifcAJD Djuu&U* PIAKO-FOBTES, aid Im potttf of.M«fc»ad Mttffcal fartromenf. Sole .Meat tot tIM HAMBUEO PIASJO9, abo tot HALLeT, DAVIS * CO.’S BOSTON PIANOS, with aaflaUh’ out «®ole*n Attachment. No. 61 fifth tti-Mti wit* Foortfc itfut sad PiratoDd alky. Pltiibmyil p*. r: >'.* j I>AII A PITTSBURGH GAZETTE QEO. W. IIILWOKTU .. JOHN ft. I>ILMuKI 11. JS. DlLWOH'fli A CO., Wholesale * Übovuu, No*. LiO and' Lb! Second Mr**t, Qnur .MaUllfiuld, I’iUaliUtgh. . D<)l Kill* FLuin aicuihn ..williaji , \Y uolesaee Uftt> . . jSScSZEfmva, WU.I.iAM BAUALEY, W hoi.ksli.e ; TCCKXiTUKE'ASITejBfAtI&S 2^UE- OaorLK, .W -IB and JU \\,„A lirtn Hu.. ; DI'CEH I’RR'ES. -JAMES W. WUUDWELL, OUUD, Fa. N y *.;jT Aod ( y9 Third niu! 11l fourth Btret-t, jiMrtJi'UFaCTURERS. ' .CDWAUb Jl^'Sbl ai < ,F s*™* ani > FiMi, » MACKINTOSH, HKMTHLLL A (JO., : iU .ubiu iur hotel? a»d private dwellings corner Tike and O'Hara street*, near tbe'L'ily |i • - "> • yfv&A*. Pittahurgh. P*u w Manulactumta-Jt V C 9“ *H.>nLn piornptU *U«nd«J to. and th« Ftn MAO£ISTO&tf AM)UkiifAItLTIMPEotED 1 . PATENT OSCILLATING sTEAAi ENGINES iXH | Liturs '.trefully packed «u<) 1 SLIDE VALVES, ol ail sizes and best style. ■ Hating put up machinery <.*l large capacity anjd vf the U*st quality, we are prepared to do heavy lob bing, and solicit work Id this line, trusting that by promptness, und the character of our work, to merit public patronage. , \V« invite epociu) attention to our BALANCED VALVE USCiLLA iING ENGINES, u corabipiog advantages heretofore jn thin clain ol < Engine. JaUtLiyd i WILLIAM LABNHILL Ja&ED U. BU'HIt. WILLIAM BAKMILLL& ’ Ai } lLY • at tba ►hvrte.t n.ti.v, at lb* coranr o. F.xrth N INLUAR, >O4. 18a, m, IVA and lay JFiml street. anit M-rk „. «,„ n d W.wwo Anitlilleld »o 4 Grant rtroofc, ntt,bnr r b. PrclO ». littof out .f tbr ci't, having po£a to tupur ttar’Priv»lecrdsi3SoUdti-l. Uigbc-at uurk-tpri v czu wind them bv mail. paid for UYE. I mli >7:dly FITZPATRICK ACO ..••PT.rMsJOU aiidaU otbßrprtaonooi ingredients ! GOODS.—SOLID UoLD WEDDING by a process ac.r and Improved. Ji Bisolt Stoss a*o> CtCSTtn Dllsokw ■ " y . )• Kisoa, La»ieb' Uolo Waichcs and C'kaiss, Silver TOSKFH V HA VI 11.'14 l*< > ' artides in ease* stiityUo tor wedding present*, SETS y { OF JEWELRY in Corel. Jet, Atm*thy»t, Pearl. At.; C-'rcor of "First and Liberty street*. , tHLSER CUPS AND UORLET.S, for presentation; 1 IiULD HEAD CANES. Ac v prrrsmrscH, r». ,j , _ H ; i u . l r llA f r ;f o i; ’ v 1 at»l7 (Jonitr >j| Filth and . Market itroeta «A.vLr,crtßr.bior . IiLU »..LL .^'tAbowßLC^ STTPEEIOB STEA.r ENGTVES, ATACinSEEY. , , IAI.itNVKLL A liitU., Hoat S'UKM'H Ac., A_c._. mfM II , tM A „„ ,uuu i» MANILLA, BEAU- AND TOHJf OLIPHAXT & CIO, successors • VV^dTl^^ep^un^^R^'cioSt d of X. H. Oliphaut, MantlCictur.'ni of BOX 1 O; AII KaV Y IBU LL M Ac BBESSED NUTS AND WASUEBS, rUABCUAL] AND UEA. IT ÜBIELINUb, Ac . No. W W»Ur and BUBAL-SHOE IItUN au4 NAIL lluDs. BUIEI.It L ! Erool I il..Hui ? b “l KI 'l 1 -' IBOX*aiBIVET3- i:._ , V\7 «. VillJ.Mi, successor to Cart- VY ‘'•rigßtA Vo* No. 47 Wood street, corner FaIRCHANCE IRON WORKS, FayKteCo , P*. jydlrlyd War*hoa*f>, 1J Wood Bt., Pittsburgh. S SEVERANCE, No. 50 Water Sjt., • Pittsburgh, tmuiubiciurer uf BOILER RIVETS, WKOUGUTHPIKES, COMMON AND RAILROAD, of every description. •JTParticnlar sized'or (ihaped SPIEEd ;tmi RIV ETS, large or small, made to order at short notice. A a***! a**ortm«nl constantly on hand. tnyiS'ixs JMUE, Attorney OiULRX ALANLihACi'UK'i .—Misses J. IO A N. ACL, Xu. ‘£2 Bt. Clair stmt, untk« to or der, by hand, SlllßTa, COLLARS, Ac., oti short no* tic*. Also, have constantly on Lauda ftm< assort ment of SHIRTS AND COLLARS, made in tbo best, most femhiunabis and dcsiruMe maimer, jeflcdly ELLS, KUIULE & CO,, No. Lihorty stmt, • opposite Sixth, Pittsburgh, manufacturers of WillPa, LASHES ANDSWUCH ES, and every descripiion of LEATHER BRAIDED Work. Orders solicited from tbe trade, and gds frouifd ly shipfd as per Imtroctions. fcs:daw|yF J. A. WOLFE _.F. T. PLCNkETT T. CAHMELL. Excelsior glass works.- WOLFE, PLUNKETT A CO., Glass Mantiac- TC.EER3._ Warehouse, No. V 2 Wood »tr. Cold wcatliur'idibe ltu>« wbcu the *j>j-<*ruttu can l«c used to Us toil adiuuiage. ‘ Medical gentlemen -and -their familict hate bad their tcuth extracted bj.ioy prueem, aud are ready Uj -testily**, toibfeearsty.sadpnfiiettneasof the opera tion —whatever has been Raid by persons interested in a».-*rtiutf the contrary, having no of my process: ' ' '' ' * SVARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted in every ntyle • » R. OUDBY. DiNtiat, 134 RmiihilHd e t TOtiEBH ADAMS, Dentist, Connelly's fj Building’, corner of 'Diimoml'atid Grant strata, Pittsburgh. References—Dr. A. M. Pollock, Dr. Il&Uixk, Theodora Bobbins, Russell Eirclt. xuyAdly r tiEiJL WILLIAM WARD, Dealer in Pbom tssonr Notes, R'iXbs, HontOAOiß, and all *>- curiU» for money, Persons can procure LOANS through my as“ncy on reasonahlc terms. Those wishing to invest their money t.» good ad vantage, can always find firat aod t sooond class paper at my office, for sale. All oommonlcatiu&sand,interviews strictly confi dential. Office, Grant street, opposite St. Paul’s Cathedral... Jelidtf BOOTS AJTD SHOES. JOHN CAMPBELL, Manufacturer of BOOTS AND SHOES of every description, No. W SmilhfieM street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ocSljdly •ARCHITECTURAL, JAMEb M. BALPiI, late assistant to Charles Bartborger, prepares EXPLICIT DRAW INGS AND SPECIFICATIONS fur aU kinds of HolldiOßi, ; 4n<| fhperi&ttnda their erection on reason- Offico on Anderson struct, l*ru»«u Leacock and Robinson streets, AJisgheny City. BAiiTBEKGEK, ARt.iu \J nets Office, f IRON* BAT7K BLOCK; rtflii street. Furnishes PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS fbr-BaiiUlnga of every description; worko superior and on moderate terms. myi:dly BOOKSELLERS, Ac. AX A CO.,^ Roqicsellers and Bta- WVtVio4j.;rtre*t, dourto-tb* corner oT Third, Pitubnrgh, Pa. SCHOOL and ;LAW ROOKS constantly un hand. i • yatm. * co., Station- T f Eli#, BtAkltJßoox'MistrrxcTVßcm, ayo.Jo* Pnt-HTCtu, No.’ B 7 Wood street, Pitubnrgh. r3Q 1 1 L. READj -Booksellke -.and Sta- O • TiONXE, No. 7H Fourth street, Apollo Building!, PbACHLi*— &4 bbis. Southern Illinois halves recrivtd a&d for sale bV - ; J. S. LIGGETT A 00., „JW3T.. ,flo.lsWa**rand « Front streets. jri&'sid ti.ivS.UA.iiv- AND COMMERCIAL JOT'RNAL. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1861. GROCERS. OE.IT/S TH I'. ATE ./fcE.m JI.I.VAS STEAMBOAT' mid HOiKLS furbished ;»l shTt CABLN'LT MAKiftS yupjhkuJ wiii article la the ha* JAMES U.WlLIis & CO liOTE CuTTo.N MILL. A I.LE*.HENY v£r«> c.i ;.y asv rr osSabukos, INUIEi TO 40 ISCUEi WIDE. i, IT at H Cbiida A C*> ft, lAi dt aill racetea atuntioo. ocgfrdlj VKNsj, Wholesale and Retail. r ;:.vs as'd cases bepaiblp. >ILV£R AND GOLD PLATING. wrigL- _ No. 47 Wood •t( Pi»niunai L fltlnr.&K or gfcJ-e ?, WSHRm' which might be checked with a simple rw/iv if ne&leoted, often terminates cerioucL\. Few are aware of the importance rf stopping a or £ /@aLcL in i*3 first stage; that whic' in the beginning would yield to mild remedy, if nc.f attended tc. ■ wr attacks the lungs f&ficjUJLn! were first introduced eleven years ag It has beefi. proved that they ar? t’e best article before the public f- r /pattetfiß, /f alcLs, fS.f-aruJt.Liin., ffkoihma., saiaffh, the Raakir q (faugh in. tfictjt&UTrLfriLarL, a* J numerous GffFections of the feat, giving immediate relief. Public Speaker* Jf Sintserh will find them effectual for ■'‘-j.rinv and strengthening the vcic- Sold hy cIU Qbnjgglsic and (£■* -.1 1 in jfedicine, at S 3 cents per h r For aalc l/j RISTON JOHNSTON, G. □. KEYSEB, B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., B. E. SELLERS A CO.. B. L. FAHNESTOCK A CO., B. F. VANDEBTORT and HENDERSONBJIQS. df>7:BOWf.mT jyjEDIUAL y DniggUts generally. qq2Callw-wltT LYON .AKNSrHAL, Importer and Pkale&Jd the mdetaelect brands of GENUINE UA VAN A CIGARS, and all kinds of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, SNUFF, FANCY MEERSCHAUM PIPES, TUBES. Ac., in great Tartrtj, UNDER THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Plttelnjrgh, Pa N. B.—The Trade eopplled on liberal terms. ‘ rivD-.Uy V>BODUCii—-200 bus. old tihoiled Corn, X 200 do ‘ Fall Barley, 3 barreli Roll Baiter, How at the depot fop ml* by, . , ,H. BIDDLE. Pittsburgh Odette. :e S. aiDI')LK jvr wiiiuin iu lultuiK-i*, ur jvr fr<>m • •irri«‘r» Evcmno Kditi<"v—bt jy>r annum Liradvh».C cents pri «ivk from ;arrirrs ►Wr,»kt» Emuo.h— hollow square and tho cavalrymen charged their front, their right and their left, but they were as adamant, the square remained unbroken, while many of the'Texans, equally brave, but less successful because they -were tho attacking party, bit the Just. Tho cavalrymen retired, discom fited, and then an entire regiment of rebel in fantry darkened tbo hill and came marching down toward tbe bravo men composing Com pany G, but a galling firo from our front and right scattered their forces and gave them something elso to think abnnt. Col- Willicb had boon ordered on duty at headquarters and consequently did not get to bis regiment until the heat of the battle was over. The regiment was forced to fall back a short dis ■ tanco, not being able to stand against the artillery. The rebuts did not pursue. They carriuJ off ’heir wounded, ana thou beat a hasty retreat. It is known that the rebel • force consisted of Terry's regiment of cavalry, two regiments of infantry and three pieces of cannon. The rebels lost forty-nine killed. Their number of wounded is not known, but it is uudoubtodly large. December 18.—This morning they sent in a flag of truce, under which they aro inter ring their dead. Willirh’* entire forces only numbered 41-1. including commissioned offi cers, non-commissioned officers and privates. From Haahington. Washington, Dec. 20, IS6I. Omc-t.u. ntSTATCB FROM CON. PCPO.Vr Inlcrcsring reports from Flag Officer Du pont bare been received,-giving account of two reconnoissancea above and below Port Koval- Commander Drayton, with tho Paw ucc, UnadtUa, J. Smith and' Vixen, loft on tbo stb, and proceeded ap Oshepoo, landing on Hutchin?on's Island, where be found that all the building! (including the negro houios) and all the plck'oJ cotton had been burned two days befoTA Some negroos had beon shot in tbo attempt to drive them off.i A painful account U given of tho condition of = negroes, especially the aged and infirm, i As far as the entrance to Beaufort Creek, the same desolation vai observed- Ho batteries were found on Ositott Island, or in the Great Ogu-. cheo. A fort mounting eight guns, not qnite completed, was found on the oastom end of Green Island- Two shots wore Died at the returning vessels from the fort, both falling short - A MEXICAN (MBKOGLIO. Importantjuyjers i.rcUttng to Mexico were sent to the Senato Committeo on Foreign Af fairs to-day, hoing.b.proposed’. treaty* if confirmed, will have the effect of ing France and Knglun.l from their uffont>ivo alliance with Spain, li provides for tbe pay ment by ris.dffclereh'millionsdollars to'iatis ly French, add'English creditors, andf 'on the other hand for a grant to our certain commerqial privileges, and for anjad justment of all our ouUtanding dobts, the transit for our troops. UNTO* MEN IN WW ORLEANS. An important letter has been received by a Senator here, from a bitter rebel relative in Hew Having been, sent by pritate hands, the letter underwent no censorship there. It pictures the valor and determjna 4&n os their side, bat says ; “ Candor cpm pelt me to odd, that more tAan a nuyorify of our people, and thou, too, of ’hr beet clanet, j are Dhton men, and trill aid dr Lincoln invruion whenever opportunity ojftn.” Tho writer occupies a high, social position In Now Orleans, and has every opportunity of knowing the popular sentiment, and is a rank rebel. i Ta?. Slatort Qhtsiiox. —Tho differences bolwoen parties.or, sec Lions of parties on the slavery question, ns connected with the war,' have somewhat subsidod in ,tbe presence of foreign complications. The appointment General Lane, of Kansas, as Brigadier Gen eral, with bis known convictions on the sub ject, is considered as a certain indication that the Administration is advanoing in- its posi tion in reference-to /Tba'dangors of a foreign war have convinced the most peaco nblo aitache of tho gorernment that it is high timofor action.- One orAhe moft prominent men In Washington,* Bona’tbr/remarked yes terday : “It is now'aecewary'for-ns to give governments some proof that wo can beat book the rebellion ? till now we have only beastod—we must fight now, or go to the wall."—M Y, POet. Speech of Hon. Edgar Cowan. In the Senate of the United States, on the any other State. ! lath inrt. The following resolution was ' . !for .?° * - Mr ' VrvMcm, aa-v -. & the slightest, necessity, that we should \ before the senate : , speculate upon the consequences which may j Resolved , That the Committee on Military i result from our effort in this legitimate di- Affaira and the Militia be directed to con- ; rection. We hove nothing whatever to do j aider the expediency of providing by ud- 1 with them. For my own' part, my private ’ ditional legislatou. that our national armies opinion is—and I would say it to those; shall not be employed in the Surrender of ; people of the North who desire and who ( fugitive slaves. think that this ought to be a crusade , Mr: Cowax. 1 think, sir, tluii all this against slavery—that the fact that war ex- ' mischief,' so much complained of every- , ists in a district where slaves are held is 1 where,.results from the fact that r-every , everything that they can do, and from it I general whom we send into rebellions dis- i they have everything to expect that they | trictsmust first make a proclamation when j could expeotfrom any human effort in re- j he goes there as to what he is going to do 1 moving it. Slavery, 1 take it. exists in ■ in all possiblecontingenciea, many of which 1 society in Tepose. When that repose is contingencies he can never foresee- I y have | broken the fetters fall from the slave, un- 1 hardly ever known of any one of these j less, indeed, he be such a slave that if the proclamations which was not mischievous, fetters were knocked off he would willingly, 1 If it was satisfactory ( to ihp people of ;of himself, put them again upon his heels; the North, it wds sure tobe obnoxious to and certainly nobody can suppose that it ; the people of the South, or to the people of would be a benefit to such a man even to i the border States whom we are now desi- release hint-. There are men upon rous to conciliate. who, perhaps, are the better of guardian- J .No*, I apprehehd,/So far as my hum- ship and tutelage, and J suppose that is hi** judgment'goek, iKaf thefe need be no' the test. I suppose that every man who' possible dfficulty whatever upon this ques- understands what' liberty is; who knows ! tion in any of its aspects. Ido not see what it is worth; who can appreciate* it, i that It Is fiecbSSrffy 'that* we shobid offend willalutch the opportunity when it is -of- ; anybody, or that we should take ground fered to him to get it. I think one of the that will necessarily alarm—anybody in i great mistakes that have been made by either' quarter* of the Union. We send a J the philanthropists of-our day is that they-] general to suppress this insurrection. What have forgotten to take that element into I is his duty ?‘lf be iheete'h h'egfro ’ ufxul his their calculation. They have commenced; errand, and that negro is an enemy, he upon negro premises, and they have ar- , treats him as an enemy; if the negro is a rived at a . puritanical conclusion. They friend, he treats him as a friend, and uses hove argued of the negro as though he him as such. Nothing, to my mind, can were a man like themselves, and they have be simpler. How is he to determine the been disappointed; and all men who allow title to that negro? Suppose,. Mr. President, false elements to enter into their calcula you were to go into his camp, and nay r tions at the stArt will be deceived in like *'Sir, here is my negro; IJwant him.’ The | manner. 1 agree that if all men were obvious answer of the'general is: “My Puritans, that if ail men appreciated lib dear sir, that may be all true; 1 have no erty as we do and as our race does, then desire to raise any issues of fact with you; - we might extend it toall men; but to ex it may be that this is your negro; but I tend it to men who have neappreciation of cannot determine that question; I cannot i it—who would trample the boon under foot try the title to him; lam not a court; I : when granted them—to such men it is u am nota jury'—a great .many of them, in- mischief rather than a blessing, deed, are not oven lawyers. How are they j Still, I hare only to say'that I think we to determine whether this negro is a Slave : have nothing in the world to do with all or not? They cannot determine it; they these questions- I think, thfiii; discussion have no right to determine it. If the mas- here, their being mooted in these:jassem ter, being a loyal man, in that camp in- . blies, is mischievous,, and only calculated, sists, and says • ‘-This is my negro;" Ido to keep up an angry irritatiofi which ‘fn&y not know what other men ,plight do,*but if j have exceedingly bad results in : the- £nal I were the general I would say to him f <; lf ; consummation of the struggleinrwhich we this is your negro, your'boy,’as youeillhim are now engaged, and that-.prudence at —this man that you ate educating to civili- least would dictate that- we should adopt zationand Christianity—if he will go with Che rule,, if you please, sir, of the English yon; if he is willing to submit to your Parliament, not to en&?t anything until it guardianship .in this behalf, take him, in becomes absolutely necessary; not to speak God’s name, and be away with 'him. ' until it is evident that the words will be Suppose the claimant says: “He will' not . salutary instead of mischievous; and as go; and I want to him."' What then? j long as.there is,any doubt the safe rule is 1 would say to him: “No; yon cannot do that of silence, that, because that presumes that I decide The resolution was agreed to. the very question which lam incompetent ~ to decide. I cannot allow you to usp force here, because lam the constable of the na- - tion, and I am the repository of its force in this behalf, and you cannot use it." That is the objection to all that. I take it the president of the confederate States of America, if there be such an upon the earth,-himsalf.could not object to that on the part of our generals. Nobody can object to it. In the same way with regard to the con fiscation of the negro; I do not 9ee any dif ficulty there. Ido not see anything t£at wo have to do with the thing in theAvorld. I take it, in the first place, that it is' an ab surdity to talk about the Government of the United 6totes confiscating a negro. •When property is-confiseated by the laws of war it is taken from the owner, is convert ed into monoy. if yon please, and ceeds put into the fisc or treasury. Now, whenever you commence this operation on a negro slave, . yon arrive immediately at an absurd conclusion. You attempt to'take him from his owner, you cannot own him ; you cannot convert him into money; and you cannot put him into the fiSc or treasury. There is no use in talking about it; all you can do with him when you seize him is to emancipate him if you please. i have spoken of the negro considered as a man; now, suppose you consider him as property. There are people in rebellion against the Union, people whom we have a right to consider not only in the light of citizous who have violated their allegiance to the country, but as alien enemies. Very, well, then, negroes are their property. By the laws of war, we hqv c aright to take all the property of alien enemies. That is only I limited fay such, restraints ashave been put upon that right of ours by the lawß of humanity and civilization. We have that right already; and, as I take it, that right is not in the hands of Congress, but in the hands of the Executive—in the hands of the President, who is the Commander-in- Chiof of the Army. 1 would, therefore, think it improper to legislate even upon thataubjooU--utterly unnecessary. I should loek upon any statute—and I have always looked upon any statute by Congress upon that subject—in the light of a restraining rather than am. enlarging statute. When you have absoluto authority to do a thing by the laws of war, under which the Com lnttuder-in-Chief of an army always acts as against his enemy, under no restraints whatever, other than those I have mentioned —those of humanity and civilization, where is the necessity of attempting to put it upon your statute-book? 1 should as soon think of re-enacting. Vattel or Grotius or Puffendorf, or any other of the writers upon the laws of nations, who have laid down the rules for their regulation In times j?f war. If the generals of our armies have a right to take the property of rebels in their efforts to put down the rebellion, if that should be deemed prudent iu order to facilitate Lhat operation, they have ample authority by the laws of war; and thorp is no need on our part of any mis chievous enactments here which may pot be properly understood in the county. There is no necessity for distinguishing' as to any species of property; and it might, perhaps be as'well to. distinguish between horscs and mules, between oxen and asses, between sheep and hogs, as to distinguish between this especial kind of property that which is alleged to existin slaves knd that which is alleged to exist-in, any pther. Lmako these remarks Updn this occasion because it does seom to me that a prober understanding of these* prineiples would now remove out of the .way all, thcjlbst*- 1 cles existing here or in the other Huu se to La fair, peaceful solution of nil our. dii ieut -lies.-- There i**tendency ave stated, and that one alone. She has always at all times joined most heartily in indors ing that amendment |to the Constitution which was passed here at the last session, and declared that shedeaired to interfere VOLUME LXXV—NO. 31. In no wise with the domestic institutions of jmtTJLsiir jtotmces. K LAPP'S PENN’A. BATTERY, at tached to CwL JOHN GEARY'S SSth BEGI- M E N'T P. V. WANTED—-Thirty good, reliable JTEN (Team sttrs and Mechanics preferred,), to fill up the 3d sec* tionof ,this Battery. The Battery has been in active service for threo months, and-to those desirous of Joining this arm of die service an excellent- opportunity Is offered. Pay and subsistence Irom. date of enrollment. For furtnor information enquire at' No. $ Wood streot, Pittsburgh, or at' Washington Hall, Rebecca street, ;b irat Mortgage on Improved City Proper*. ty, worth double the amount.... ;..-$1&5,600 00 Ground rent, flrat 2,4G2 6u Pyuria. n. B. Co.’s '6 per cent. Mortgage ; Loan, {30,000, coat 27,900 00 City of Philadelphia, 6 per cent. Load.... 30,000 00 Allegheny county 6 per ct. P. B. It. Loan 10,000 00 Collateral boodi, well secured... 2,600 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top' Motmtnlu ' Railroad Company, mortgage 10an....... <,OOO 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co. * Stock..— 4,000 00 Stock of Reliance Mutual Insurance C 0... - 2i£6o Cv Stock of County Fire Insuranco Cu. 1,060 ©J Stock of Delaware M. 9. Insurance Co. .. 700 00 ConuoeWial Bank do 5,135 91 Mechanics’ Bank do _ 2,U12 60 Dnlctr M. Insurance Co.’a Scrip i: ICO 00 Bills Receivable, business paper 1U.2&7 18 Book Accounts, accrued Interest, etc.....:. 6,216 72 Cash on band and in hnnducf agwnt* 11,366 13 ■ - •* s3dMtt <6 CLEM TIN'GLET, Pruidtnl. D torero w: ' Clam Tingle*, ~ & L.€awm,. Samuel Bupnajh, , Z. Lothrop, !Wn.>S; Thompoon, < ' .KoDt,Toland,' Robert Steen, • . Chao. Lcland, Frederick Bftrwn, ‘ y ’Fred’k.-'Leniilg, ,-Wm. MuSser,. -Jacob T.,-Boating,» C, Stevenson, C. 8. Wood, BenJ. W. Tlngjay, Smith Botfere, • John B. Worrell,; J&a. 8. Woodward, Marshall Bill, John Bissell, Plttsb’gh* ISCmiAK, Sicrttarti, J. G. COFFIN, Af«n*. Third and Wood street. C Norths astcornei WESTERN INSURANCE COMPA NY OF PITTSBCBGH.- ‘ It.' MIXLEB, Jr., PraidnL Q.H.GO&DOH.Stxtpajy.. Office, No. 92. Water atxeut, Spang i Co. ’a Ware* house, Plttalrargh. - -- - WiU : inture agairut ;/ aU K .fn»ds oj IVe -and Marina Bith." A Horn* Ji utUuticn, managed by Dtrtdori who ere icell known- f* the conanunUy,ani who era deter mined, by vromptnett and liberality, to ■ maintain the character tckick they fare anttmed, at offering the Lett protection to thou mho duire to bt intureicL. ASSETS, OCTOBER 30,16591 Stock. Accounts 9'03,000 00 ..„ 2,100 00 ...w— -SBO 00 7,809 00 .... 18,361 99 Mortgages Office Funritarow... Open Acconnta, Ac. Cash .. ....... Premium Note*.....- . 27,665.14 Notes and Bills Di»counu»il 174,075 12 „ . . 25 nmictoKa: * * | A&dnwAcUey, Alexander Speer, Dorld £LLoq£, BeeeJ.Tbomu,' EeqJ.P. Bakewell,,. John B. M’Crnie. Jt. Miller,-Jr., James McAuley, -Nathaniel- Holmeft, Alex. Nhnlck, George Dersio, William H. Smith, C. W. Rlcketson. niySQ F. at GQBBOy, lure; marine* andinland in* J? 8 USANCE.—INSURANCE COMPANY OP’ NORTH AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Capital, $500,000.- AsseU, Januarylo, 1859 ......$1,139,024 Cl ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. THOM AS PLATT, Secretary. rNSURANCE go. op the state 1 OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—-Capital, s2uu,(JOo. Asßota, Fobru&ry 5413,803 00 HENRY D. SHEBBEBD, PrtudtnL WILLIAM ffABPEB/Seersfory. UARTFOED FIRE INSURANCE CO. XX HARTFORD. Incorporated 1810—Capital, $500,000. AaMts, May 1,1860. $955,754 53 H. HUNTINGDON, PrtnimL TIMO. C. ALLYN, Secretary. / CST" Insurance In the above old and reliable Com panies can be obtained by application to W. P. JONES, Ayes*, falsutly 87 Water street, Bagalcy's Building*. rHTIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY VOF PITTSBURGH. Office, corner Market and Water street#, »ocond floor. r • ’ • WM. BAGALET, rrttidaU. SAMUEL REA, Secretary, luonres Steamboats and Cargoes. future* against lon and damage in the navigation of the Southern and Weatern River#, Lake# and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seaa. Insures against loss tAddamago by Are. DtKCCTOJU: Wm. Bagaloy.l ' 8. M. Kiar, J«k. Park, Jr., JohnShlptoa, W. Q. Johnston, . Jsau 1L Cooper, B. F. Jonaa, S. H&rbaagb, Bocae o* Icnurrs in/oit nil kinds (if Fire and Marina Biaki. ISAAC JOKES. * ' JOHN D. McCOBP, Vie* PuHdenL D. Bf. BOOK, Secretory. '* .* • Capt. WkDEAN, 4{ier«J Ag*n mascTOts: 'John D. McCord,- , Capk Adam Jacobs, B. P.'Sterling, ' CopUWillUia Dean '' Kobt. L. MoGrew, ijalilyJ Isaac Jonoa, 0. G. Hnseey, : •Harrey CMldsj : Gapt. &. O. Gray, John A. Wilson, B. L. Fahnestock, * w'lr^os’s Sewing; Machines, NO-27 FTFTH BTEXET, PITTSBBMHv P*. ■ ,Am'«qw‘'! 'i ll vatßpSß t wnsos -i‘ Atcardcd Oit Finl Prrwmas cl ike UNITED STATES TAIB; v OHXOBT4TBJPAIB: ILLINOIS STATE FAIR; ' * WISCOH9IN STATE T AIR; 10 WASTAT* JAIB . KENTUCKY STATEXAIB; TENNESSEE STATE YA1B; K. /. STATE FAIR; , . f ..VERMONT STATE TAHU > * ; Chicago Mechanics’ Institute; ' • - , : . Cincinnati Mechnnica’.lnsUtoW: COUNTY FAIR, PITTSBURGH,- •ad ether Uotfntr Fain too namenma to mention. • WO oflbrlo dw ptiUfcr WUEELEK A'WIIJroN fl IMPROVED, SEWIRQ MACHINE, « REDUCE D PRICES, with increased confidence In fta marital u tbo tat ini nwit trfldbfe Fomfly BcwfAgMnShlne jiow in too. It sew*, equally well un tho taicfciwinnJ ’ thtnect Ikbrtc*, mdkbs tbelofch-stitch Impossible tv Qfii»T*Vrtth.tb».*«KnUal odVontogo of Ufa* alike on bothaldee, forming no ridge or chain on the asdir , lde_4*Wmpta la ©uh*t ruction, more spOedy'lnmoTe meat, tnnf* «lnr»t.u th«n uy<*bcc machine. ' vWc give tall, Instructions to enable the porchnf-or to mv ordinary toamt,'stlteb, hem, fell, qnlfty gather, bindand tuckyoll oK the snmemnchlne, and timst U for three joora:’ ' , . ' = iw • -Clrcubn, containing testimonials' from boas vt ihe highest standing, east and west,.giving prfoee, Ac., wUI be foniUhea gratis,en application inperson •or by letter. • •• ; g«winr Machine Needier, Silk, Twist, Oottcoaod Oil constantly on band. . VILBDICXIX, , OQT'-I,*“wS' ; ; : ■" —...5100,085 67