I L .. -•,* • .* ► r ; "V* **.• *Siy. •%: A ' j; . . y.'M'.-.v, ;.y, !>*-v ; 4, ; - is... 1 -• . . % Snivw ■''•S'i- nS -'•lv'N*'’ •i-Vy*' . • .•• %gHtf! •i •■ v&x'-.-izVfv#:-! .v;''.. Senator Wilmot's Illness. To the Editor of lit E. Y. Tima: S»: I see in the pipers of the lath inst. the following: ~~ “Senstor Wilmot .went hone to-dsy Tenr ill; His Mends apprehend that his disease is cancer in the stomach." ThoUtterj.rt of this paragraph isrit j terly idle and ■ without foundation. *fto : friend x or enemy, erer suggested to me can cer as connected with my illness. I hare consulted Dr. Gerhard, of Philadelphia, and •Dr. Hail, of Washington, and have rectired C - “• \olfintary advice of scores, but ncrer one intimated the existence of cancer or ' cancerous affections. I left Washington because I did not lihe • • to ,, nm the. haisrd of being down sick, ao proper care is giren to the sick. to be able to return in a few The story of a cancer is utter nonsense, and neither myself nor friends over beard it except through the press „ Y^ lr ’>,? c 7 D. Wilkot. I ToamiOf Dee. 10, 1861 -V Proposed, Bxciss oe Cosoress ™ Hons* of BepreecntatiTes is anxious to , adjourn osrer for a fortnight of more, l n - eluding the holidays, but the Senate stems i*° be • v ® rso to the proposition. Tho mem "bew of the Finance Committee of the Sen . at* and of tho Way, M«ins in tho , House dislike tho idea of a Congressional -■ «««» at a timo when the financial affairs of tho goyeminenl need clowattention. and . when there is dainger ofa 'war with Eng. ' !«»d. A respectable class of the members of Congreasrare..of the,opinion.that the Ex ecutive department of. the gorernment will best manage the war and all the questions springing op out of it; but a majority ore fer that Congress, which come* directly MONDAY MORNING, DEO. £3, 1861. Date rmow Diltok Head.—We give the moat of our available apace 10-day, to the highly interesting letters of oar correspon dent from Hilton Head, which will be found upon oar.first page. victories of the Week. Our arms have met with mrcsuccesscs during the last week. In Kentucky, Mis souri, and on the Potomac, we have gained brilliant successes. At Mnmfordavillc, our troops displayed great-bravery.and steadi ness, and, with the odds against them, - drove back the enemy. In Missouri, the strategy displayed'was admirable, and Iho . successes of the most important character: Thert is now more proßpect of the rcbel on being completed crushed out in those Btates, | than at any time since the com mencement of the war. On the Potomac, our Pennsylvania Volunteers have at last met the enemy in a fair stand-up fight, and with about equal numbers, as far as we can ascertain, and have shown that the rebels are no match for them. They were routed, and- fled, leaving their guns, arms, blan kets, etc., as trophies for our men. We are proud of our Pennsylvania soldiera._ They havq nobly redeemed the State from the ignominy, inflicted by the retreating three months regiment at the battle of Bull Run. This week will 1 most .likely witness further, and probably greater successes. Our armies are now acting with increased vigor,- and we may look for ponderous - blows to fall in rapid succession. We ex pect soon to hear that Gen. Bent, has gained » victory at^ Bowling Green, and is on a ' triumphal' march for Nashville. Then the river fleet will more, and seces •ion; attacked on all sides, on the Potomac, in Kentucky, on the coast, in the Gulf, and on the Mississippi, will find itself approach ing the terrors of .strangulation. 80 mote it be. The Van Wyck Report. The report of the Invcstigxting Commit tee of Congrcm, of which Mr. Tax Wyck is. Chairman, has astounded the country by ' revelations. It is a very voluminous document, and our limited space will not permit us to puhlish even an intelligible synopsis. The Philadelphia Forth Amtr tfeu justly charaoterires the frauds which ; h»ve been reVealed, in the following par- i agraphs: __ j ‘‘P/'hJ 1 ll >e occurrences of this war i nothing has caused more pain to the public 1 Congressional Select | " hlcl i Mr - Van Wyclt is Chair- I man., That at a time when the regular , revenues of the government had become I totally unreliable,-and the Treasury De partment was driven to the most extraor- I dinary exertions- to raise the means of i meeting our enormous liabilities; men in ! lugh places should be found base enough-! to increase our embarrassments by frauds ‘ or the most astounding description, seems to us a depth of depravity disgraceful to ■ - J"^“ a ‘ urc - things cannot now aa " tandi “(s »pon any ordinary •Tv' . Ulo "“tty ™ prosperous, a tt,; n t^ 10 enjoyment of revenueslfar ex- wants, the temptatiod to) amass wetliin bymeans of peculation was no more < tnan what had always existed in public - ' sut5 ut » at ? P 6 ** o * a great crisis x 3V nallon * demanded all the patriotic of its people, when every body was resdy to make almost any sacrifices to restore the union and crash out treason, tms swindling in contracts strikes us ns an offence of the most heinous description, and one which deservM to be exposed as it has fiwn, and to be punished, as.it has not been. “The speculators and peculators ought all to be prosecuted criminally and imprisoned j for the offences they bare committed. And if there are still any culprits in office, they ! ought to be dismissed and their places sop- i plied with better men.” I We have -but little hope that the “specu- J latoM ttud peculators" will ever be punisb , ed as their deserts merit; but we hope, at least, that their names will be held up to the scorn and everlasting contempt of a swindled and betrayed people. SaiKMaooTiH’s WITHOUT Goss.—From the Washington correspondence of the N. Y. Evening Poet, it appears . that Col. Bor dsn’s sharpshooters, though finely equipped in all other respects, arc yet mthoutguni— the one altogether indispensable thing for sharpshooters. - Tho writer says: “It was really sad to see them—a noble body of soldiers—without the rifles which shonld be their pride. As yet they hare only been able, despite the utmost exertions of the Colonsl, to obtain fifty muskets for guard duty. It is a wonder that the'men retain their spirits under such long delay, and it speaks well for their officers that they are not discouraged. Good marksmen as they are, they-baTS not been contented to take the ordinary regulation musket. Sharp’s rifles were them by the President and or 7. dertd *>? General McClellan, but some trouble in the War Department has thus far presented their getting them. Let us hope they will soon bays the weapon they are so qompetent to wield. One company are 'm. all. Min nrsotean s, fine stalwart men, prae tised in prairie-stalking ; another are Tyr olese, sharp shots from the Alps.- •ft«n the p«opje, shall ttereweiis high privilege and right by sharing id the coh ductofiihowar, and in settling the giiai issues of the hour. At amsjority of the members seem to favors prolonged session, even if a recess should be taken hereafter of weeks.—,V. Y Ei-nmo Pott _ P VJBMiIC JTOTiCES. VTOTlCE— Whereas Letters of Admin -Lv tstmtion to The estate of Henry O. Taylor, late of tb* Borough of lILiaUMb, deceased, hare boeo gnptM to tho aubaeriber. All penou indebted to tuu MUtfl are relocated to mute immediate pay. Aent, ud those bating claim* or demand* agalnat the eatAto of aald decedent trill make known (betame vithootdelay to DAVIDS. TAYLOB, Adm’r. or W. C. AUOHUiBADGH, Attiy, deZECtwr 112 Diamond »t., Pittahargh. Ornc* Mokokouula JSatioatuw Col — Pittatnuch, December 9,IWL f MO.NONGAJttHXA NAVIGATION COMP ANT.—NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS —Th« Annual meeting of th« Stockholder of the , .V N * T e * ,io ;. Com P w ‘f ,U 1 *» bold at the OfflcAof laid Company, No. 76 GBANT 9TBEET In th. aty of PilUbUTih, on THURSDAY, the Bib daj of Janoarj. 1802, (aa required liy law,), at half-paal 2 odockp. m. Tho election for officer* of aaid Comoa nj, forth# enroing year, will be held between {ho hour of meeting and 4 o'clock p. m deU-Uwdtw WM. BAKEWELL, Secretary 'X'&KAICUK'tf OrriCß, AujKiUKXY Co., **l7, I ~ Pittsburgh, Dw. 3, 1861. f PURSUANT to the provisions of a ris ‘'fsU'xtureoflhe Commonwealth SLliSl 15’ 1835, i oU “ h erehj given to ell penone deetroniof procuring coplee of the Acte of the next LegirUture, to eubecribeat this office for the eame. Afew copiee of the A£Q of the hut Legieletuiw r»- «*«• enoecribtng, end othere. de6:l»wd3w Q. Y. COULTEH. Count ALLtOKUY \ ALLEY H»ti UmcK, I Pittsburgh, Dec. 18th, lgul. f QPECUL STOCKHOLDERS’ MEET -Th» Stockholder! of the Allegheny Valle» “P™? Oompwijr are requested to meet at the Office of the Company, corner of Pike street and the Canal In the city of Pittsburgh, on FRIDAY, the 27th day of December tort., at 10 o’clock, a. m., to take into coneideration the affairs of the Company. By order of the President pro tem. del&dtd JAB. QIBBO.V. gec’y. UmCK CLEVKLAKP AHl> fImiPMH He.. ' ~ T r __ . Cj»rt3M&& f Norember27th, IMI. ’ ttE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of this Company, tor the election of .inrectors and transaction of other business. wUI be WEn*£r. of , ‘ t ‘»burßh, Dec* 14th, 1861. f nryn)END NOTICE.—The Preaidem i^!i n., 18.52. beta,. ,h, D " ,° r Momh. the freemen ofeech \VanJof raid dty, qualified to vote for momber* of 2?.?°®?* °J^•P rw,nUtiTf * of thi* Commonwealth, aSi^^S 10 P la «* of hoMing election, in their respective ward* and precinct*, and—elect, by 1 bA i l _°*.» “df* Jbe provision* of an Act of AMembly* : [•wood tho ICth day of May, A. D., 1851 y Ono poraon to aero aa Mayor of .aid city ~ 000 pereon to aerro a* Controller of said city, eml Ono pereon to aerve aa Treasurer Qf said city % wbom eball bold their office for two y4r* -5,2S M “ 0 * dt ?* to conft> nnityto tho above cited dSSSStn?**£? “^ Q L° ,h “ <>r Council, dirtrictiog *ald etty, tho citirens of the Ward will elect, by ballot, one person t., be a member of tho Select Council of oaid eitv for two ycare.ono person to be a member of Select Council «*ald city for ono year, and threeperson* to U*mem ber* of the Oommou Council. a«wnd Ward—One person'to be a member of the Select and two persona to be member* of the Pommon Council. Pcr*on to boa member of the pcrton3 u> ** nwmbrre of the Common rourth Ward—One person to bo a member of the SSncU rKpt " flM to be member* of the Com- i ja mrd “’^ no pe"on to bo a member of the Se (SunSr flTe per * on * to *" m * mbe « Of the Common «*UHS..yi P fc? na - P 0 ” 00 to * member of the gortand to be members of tho Common ,'I ard ~ OnQ a ,obc ® member of the two persona to be members of the Common One person to be a member of the a.wS'.’i.^Kir 00 ’ ‘o bo » member of tbo mircSfdb™” P “““ l ° U o' JJT. «* ™* *• «» -Mtssffjjisaiasry^ dea-dn OIOBOE WILSON. M.Vm K BATTEii7~at- C ° l' J ° aN QKAKT ' 3 M™ EEQI. S'?* 1 ' MEN (Temm «£**?!&££ M 1 ”«■ U»M ««- -m .£** b ®? n in actiTß «rrlce for thro* «k? l 2ii!rf* ttd 10 tbc f* < * artr »M of Joining tbU arm of t^* 40 «wUent opportunity is offered p» T and rabtict«Dce from data of enrollmont. 7 Tor mrtner Information enoniro at No 8 \r- WORKED BETS, COLLARS. SLEEVES ANTS’ ROBES, WAISTS AND CAPS rnipm! > iP} K .'J? EKAoE A * l > TISSUE VEILS! GUIPURE LACL COLLARS FOR i*v /•»■ LACE CAPES AND BERTHAS ‘ " BjmaonJt. skirts, In all colors and at all price*. K“ S AND CORSETS of ill qtu»litira AND HEAD DRESSES. Li n l fnirA ! ‘?»S ElrrB ' 1 HISSES' AND ROY'S GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS GLOVES FOR SOLDIERS, > * SOCKS do do CHEAP. VVOOLEM HOOD*. SKATING CAPS, TON TUN CAPS, .WAJTFLE 80NTAGS, SLEEVES, CLOUDS and FIRELIGHTS. MEN S ARCTIC COATS. A new and fine assortment of PORTMONNAIKS AND CABAS, , LAMES’ LEATHER BAGS, EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, SHELL TUCK COMBS. Fancy Goods and Hotions. JOSEPH HORNE, No. 77 Market Street. d«l7-twMtwF JJWTioub.s ' CHRISTMAS PRESEATS J. M. BURCHFIELD’S EMBROIDERED COLLARS worth 75c. for 37c dv do do l,no •* <|« . do do 1,25 *• 7/ie 7 - do dr. do 1,75 “ 1,00 LACE SETS .if, lono *« miM EMDROIDEREI* SET* tin l>hoo •* d'oO 2° '!•» do 12,00 •• 6*no „ ®° do do 3,00 •• 150 BROCHE LONG SHAWLS. ’ CLOAK do 50,00 ** 30,00 CLOTII CLOAKS AND SIIAWLS. DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETT. Callnud exemiuo tbe «tock before puivU«lug 6 1m- Wb - re - d*2o pifEiVILUS yj COED AXD CBOCUET Efcgant p t)-le« iu all color*. MERCHANTS AND DEALERS Supplied at low prices by EATON, MACItDM & CO., **<>• 17 Fifth street. JJOLTDaY PKKSKNTrt great bargains in embroideries Now U the time to muko sclectlo Wd have a lory* variety of FANCY ARTICLES, Jo*t the tbiog fur Chrbtauw Uifta. A* 7 __ . EATON ’ & CO., 17 Fifth rt. B A BALMORAL SKIRTS ° VEB 300 SCOT, ' H AnM.kAi. » i . On bind aod to arrivo. oolu Abolmle and retail by „ EATON, MACBUM 1 CO., ? ,1T __ Ko. 17 FTfth itrnl si ski: A NOVELTY JLN HOOP SKIKTS DIRECT FROM PARIS. Th , u „ ■■CR/A-01/.VPDfiAPrEJX. ' viiif ** r!* r * ««» French Skirt, to which wo in ▼it* the attention of th* Udie* , ~ EATON, iIACRCM 4 CO., ■ No. 17 Fifth .troU. STEEL BUTTONS, ~ .... , , , , for DRESS TRIMMINGS, wo gruoa of tix b&ndaom* Btvlet Jtut rocoivod by . „ EATON, MACRUH 4 CO-, 11,17 No, 17 Fifth otroot. CARPETS, Oil Clothe, &e., AT M’CALL Ul#>B, A'o. 81 fourth Street, iolho lalo odtonco in oricoo, of wantage U offered to purchuen »UK CASH. list ok appli- CATIONS FOB SELLING UQUOBS, filed in tbe Clerk • Office op to December aHh, 1861: Sdward * tarern, Btb ward, Pittsburgh, uertt Honry, eating borne, 3d do Allegheny, tyone Robert, other good*, 3d do Pittsburgh geoman Adam, Sr., tavern, 3d do Allegheny*. Bupert Ann, do Vemille* townabip. Reschner Peter, oatiug hon*e, Keeerve do other good*, let ward, Pittsburgh. Sutton W, D., do Chartior* township. Bhe«r George, eating bouse, Ikaeiro do , Court will meet onMONDAY,.December 30th, 1801, at lu>s o clock, to act on tbe above cates. ■k* l * l * l W. A, HERRON, ettri: rPUE KEGULfIK MONTHIA" AiKfi'E JL ING OF THE mIJ.SS,??, THE PITtSBUBG'n*rOIINa MIN'S OHBISTIAN ASSOCIATION will ‘bo held »t th. Boomsof tho AnocUtion, comer of Fifth and lUr mtatmto, (Hugos' Boilding,) on MONDAY KVIN ING, tbo iMth imt.. at 73^-o‘dock. meeting will ho the one constitutionally provided for tho election of . officers, it is.important that a quorum should he presebt. • do«:2td HBNBH A. IMVELT, President. i'A-PKK, “ FINE VIEW OF PITTSBURGH On (be fint pap*, for solo at W. C. SMYTIIE'S Book, Periodical and New* Bopot, Jfo-vO St, Olalr itrnt, oppowita the St, Clair Hotels . de2l:3td 1 /OLUNTKiSK OAVALH Y. V MEN WANTED FOB CAPT. IaiBWE KSI'BTQNS CAVALRY GENERAL LAMON’a FAVOBITEJJBIQADE. •KF'Highat p«j aud beat equipment* in the asr Capt. NATB'L IBIBff, Bacndtinf Offlcnr. GREAT INDUCEMENTS CASH BUYERS 5777777777771 MARKET STREET. Preparatory to taking *nr annual inrtntory bars datarmined to* Close out our Stock of Fancy DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Cloaks, AEEDEE WORK, AC., At a Great Redaction in Price. LAWNS, BERAGES, DUCALS & ROBE! Without Regard to Cost. DOMESTIC GOODS Is Tory fun and complete, such as Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, Checks, Tickings, Table Diaper, Canton and Wool Flannels, Tweeds, Jeans, Satinetts, Cassi- meres, Cloths, 4c. \>« u» Dow celling a great easy article* at Retail, by *he Plan and alao by tbe Cam or Bala at LESS THAN THBT CAN BE BOUGHT AT IN NEW* TORE OR PHILADELPHIA OF THE HANUTAO* TUBERS at the present time, baring pnrcbaaad them before tbe adranca In price*. Paraona Wanting any. tiling In tbe HEAD NETS. Dttjr GOODS LIJTE WILL SATE MONET BT MAKING THEIR PUR. CHASES EARLY, AS MANY KINDS OF GOODS ARE ADVANCING IN PRICE IN THE EAST ALMOST DAILY. GREY BLANKETS: A nice JPreient to Mend your Friend* in the FANCY DRESS SILKS CHEAPER THAN EYIR. Good Bargains in ZF-Ajsrcir goods, Holiday Presents. Heavy Dock, for Wagon Coven and Steamboat Decks. , ( A FEK BALKS YABD WIDE VNBLXACKKD MU SLINS, AT TEN CENTS PEE YABD. A VERVLARGE LOT OF COLORED Cam to r 1 o s, AT EIGHT CENTS.PER YARD. FOB GOOD BjtRG.tIJTS, CALI EARLY. c. HANSON LOVE, NO. 74 MARK 3? STREET. >3!nnaiUwtJUT Y;BALE. 1: one stock of Fleeced D'hite Cotton Bose, Dress Trimmings. SILK TRIMMINGS, SILK BUTTONS, FRENCH COSSETS FOB ffiJJ CIS., BOOP SKIBTS, SHIRTS, COLtABS, NEOK-TtES, FANCY COQDB. : . FANCY BOXES, BERLIN WTV» poSTHm. SHELL COMBS, ' •WAS mptdfallj ud r lao imr ctoek Mbro jrardaMng d*whcro, M mm- determined not to Bo tmdonold.' : CHASXBS (OTHER, mt.mm '7B-Mjsbw Street. it ukr tBoons: ORKAT ATTRACTION? CHAS. GIPNER'S, NO. 78 MARKET STREET. Baring rary recently tetorned from the £*at, I am now happy to inform my customers and the pub- lic generally that I am. now prepared to offer th*m the Handsomest and Cheapest Stock of Goods IN THE CITY. v EMBROIDERIES. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, FEOH 37)4 CENTS TO $3,00. Embroidered -Collars, FBOM 12)4 CENTS TO 13,00. Embroidered Set's, FROM 60 CENTS TO *lO,OO. Embroidered Mourning Handkerc’fs. Embroidered Edgings and Inserting*. Embroidered Muslin Bands. Embroidered Skirts. Infants’ Emb’d Caps and Waists. Infants' Embroidered Bobes. WOOCEJf GOOBB. Woolen hoods, NUBIAS AND SONTAOB, WOOLEN SCARFS, WOOLENJSLEEVES, CHILDBENS’ MUFFATEE& GAITERS ixd ARMLETS, WOOLEN YARNS—ALL COLORS. Gloves and Gauntlets. KID GLOVES, BILK GLOVES, LADIES' WOOLEN GLOVES, BILE OA OUTLETS, rLEEOT-LINED GAUNTLETS. WOOLEN GAUNTLETS SOSIEBY. White Woolen Bose, Drab Wooten Bose, Black Woolen Bose, Fleeced Drab Cotton Hose, Fleeced Black Cotton Hose. SUk and Jtterino Hosiery. SIMPS. VELVES RIBBONS, GUIPURE LACE, VELVET BUTTONS, STEEL BUTTONS: MECHANIC CORSETS, UGENIE BODICES. BALMORAL SKIBTS, GENTS’ EUfiNISHING GOODS. MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWEES, 6LOVES, HOSIERS .. nANDWBCHIEFB^ Ac., Ac., Ac. Ac., fe., Ac./