- '.4*»i-r %i.tvv" . » BATOBPAY- -MOBNIHa, rPEflr-21,-aBGlv ;&v. '• (For tboPitutargb Oo«tU.] iT£ &£.■■ TO CORDELIA. i. ’3- •»• • v •■•'. m,-J-- iV.'- B«gard (by (Ut ofaoDf *V,v- > . Hot fcffavais or kilTUt|aspou cWeu, jaLv ■'•, v .Jtatftr* ftmtjai true ooe, worthy Heaven. 2®*':% - Therefore, 0 let it fc»>T ss_.< ArfafclghgJft oftrurt from Heaven totbo*,— h fcS*' 1 -;-'„v .-• f. -Seawl •ptlnetibe atroog, JUkd-ehme the opprueior frocf wrong, If'; ’ . J Sack b*lb(Ncr»dmlMtm rftiiy iotig, ~ JtaUofthylfpt —-'•~AD**fertof4by4oQgu«!-. v-* **• rsXM*(n4»eimuthe«4itataf itfthjr hand, . AadaUtboo hast thns consecrate! • • So *t wflibe well with thee and no eclipse Of troth, tb« tooTs light in the void within, Clull erdr Ouo erercajne thjr soul, that it should stand In that dsfcnifhaadw ud thick dukbeaii*STe ! -The naWthotaU tbefcithkss from the first t ftor-M* or otbsr.tbhn accurstv--: ■ * 'That soul la not, wbosweensuons vlslod*&adi Ho. light.io me the life nod lore, • Which, from this world or-duUh, Jtretches sob lime - Beyond oQ death, all change, nod er’n beyond all tin*--- - •.*■••;,• '■ Into God’s owoetarnity—and Linds All these things here below test to t bet tbrono above! *■: -y. rrJhe Btemal Thru up, . &rtlielnvisibleOQa • • Shines In tbs lace a distmCuaut—the 8o» „ OfOpe ygAv—whoscuiLi (be Hplrit-Dove • Xuturn our hearts to own ourl'atber’dloYe, jrAndfclre us frith to priy,' ‘Tar wile hr txnftT:' f>r Dost tboQ agree / , That this Birin? One shall bare foil command -.Of alt thy tocsv—wUh fblkat powers to band . 'ltorwettressTtaei-mlad* and heart, and hand? . 0, sweetest stager, will thouhare it thus, . And bkst thyself audits, •/VhthonbtiittfreUngvanAln ect*>4osee . .^x/ 1 »'.>•' .AnettneaceofHearßa's.Ugbtineachl-r . .v ' Ad4ftbegldtf*lltsowm-altnr-flamo,- .. Bofitctsd there, thnrrisibte becamo,— Tbnfclt mlghtihus our'depth of dnfcnem reach 1 - Vrt- 'I » >«—Position sgreo - ! ’ -Toholdeseeered, bere/tby-giftofsoog, ; -, ->AsUlsencredwbere tbeaogelsstand, - • ' s. ■ 5‘J y In'conite LyHcaVeii'* otenuvl arches spanned, > ~ Before the throne ; OftheHolj Ooc, . <•; . FOllng with song tbupaußS of command? v • .■.',■{»•: ,i‘ JPoetyhoa agree 7— .i If so, abkneedday to mo— - rl'laadaMpe.. . r celebrate Supper every Sabbath i cordiany invito all the frienda of , vJC&niat iii other communions to communi cato with them.” . . " The first bishop of the Protestant -. -'Episcopal Church for Canada isshortly to be.opaseerated" at Kingston, Canada West. An invitation has been extended,- by letter, T to each of the bishops in the United States to assist in theceremony. . . . : '. The Catholic Herald expresses the >- 'Opinion, says, the Religion* Telescope, * 5- . ihat “hot many Catholic bishops' pass di rectly^fromearth toheaven.. ': , / ——The New York Exprest says ihe Rev. Dr. Mason of.the Toungoo Mission, Bur * of the oldest missionaries in that Arid of labor; writes to the Board : “Ishr.li &H-, fe- ,jendwvort© comply with your injunction not .* w r ,Jo. run in debt, but of the other, not coming §:• V Tamadtqttltefiocpiitln. Myreqnhas justgOßedO'WittrWtahmgton, Iheir'with, £• : ‘ tho7th‘NeWYork Regiment; andi/he/aUs if. " . /jfejjy boneta take -hi*place; os I most aesoretlly would were lon the spot." ■ Dr.BHotl, the editor of the Central : makes out a fistiof 110 Methodist 'ehepUln* now jerking in the army, of the ;•• * i ; - l-i-LlUdt: • Henry Ward Beeeher^when 1 vdiieonreing on .these words: “Wierotore I hell able tosaro them to thouttermoist, ete., J ' ..skidt-ey;- y ■ ■'■> • > ‘ - My God hnsbeento me & friend—more than any human. friend—-and He has done .forme exceeding abundantly more'than I thought. I can only say that it is S/i*.' -'' '.wongsrfui—tho kindness.-the gentleness, Xty’l. .thewisdom.lhathaye been 1 exercised to-, i’t- V.'.;.ward ms Saylor in theadmihlstra tion of human aflairs. And now, foe the: , time to oomo shall i refaso to let him take. ■> v : 1 V.earo. of my concorna ? Shalt I no longer . ".ttirust in :Hinr who has so long- been ,to me ’a'faithfbl friend? My.oldeatflon jihin this . army, and shall I read with trembling anx iety,theaceount -of eiery battle, to sed if tv* haisslain'M gave him to the lord, and I ifee K shall not taVehim backhand I . will not Uv>.v; ~ ahdvfrtt myself about it/ 1 will . - trust in God, though he alar not.ouly him, ■ but mo. also. And all that 1 hare;! pnt on Up- the same ground.. ■"\jr y* /.’.-V-PHtC learnfrbm the Pretbyterim that y-f ,Vj3>flß. : Be3tii«n PresbyierianGeoerifl Assem- S**-' S By ;.kmp>led : : at rAngnsta, Georgia, on “ ' PeeembCT 'dth. -The-Rer. Dr. ifLv t ~" ' Ffc>eiesl6F»rtand,ofVirgt»iiJwJt«slected . -.JdedßptOTf by,-acclamation. •*' .-a ' iii-feita.theirciiorl. made Army “* 'l‘j: . (Sjfcmitfcej ip jiofn tedb^tke : ChHatian Ala Ja, ■ liinMVoftbe City of Kew jt appears >*: ■. ' r that 800,000 religious jodrnnlslnd'or er - i,GOO|OOOpages of moral Teading,tOgether ....-. witkirymii. books,. and Stationery, hare k ■ •JSKti®**™**#?. ** and -i* v . . of a of l -’ i_ t*“*< , ie a rhala’to,meei"tbe. lnereaa /■ ■■ f in4Remand. g,■;..'/■■ .* ,-ur-of the Unitarian: Cburchfes Vi,' T -7 .pUe# or iftornoon/ i J . _ /or.erenihg serried/ Ifiatobccopductcd after.,the foilowingprogramme:-: ' 5 " . 1/Yolnntary • on the organ-;:.?. Vesper . read; jesponsiTely)iby the rmnister aiuf thepeo (V i pS'*irt&dir*ti'di ; ’'Pt*yer; 6. Organ So .pponse; 8. Hymn; 7. first Ssriptdre les- bo»} & C^nmtJE^^Fsal^i; .ft. Becond.Scnp-- tOro tbe choir? ii.£xpo*iticm or. Addreis *; 12.; | 13.. Cliint; i-fc‘ Congrega-; tionalHjmn; :15. Benediction } 16. The choirchanLAmcn*. - Ihccongregationßtand Uurin&tbe singing of . : ■"■" Ii isolatedJJiat mDT. Alexander's congregation,’ Edinburgb/ihe prose Psalms we to be chanted bj' (tie whole congrega tion) and the serviceßf praise to be thus mhdea more prominent feature of public worship than has been usual in the Scotch congregations. —The next aniTersarjr of the 51. E. Tract Society, will-beheld at Lowell, Mass:, Sunday, 'January 26, 18G2. Rev. A* Cookman, fbrmcTly of - this. City, is an nounced aaone of .'the speakers. ln last weeks issue of the 'Advocate and Journal reports of revivals appear from different points making'an aggregate of 440 conversions, .arid 245' probationers re ceived. The paper of the previous week contained a report of 4C7 conversions and 204 fresh accessions to the Church. - —At the commencement of the rebel lion, the M. E: Church. South hod six Advo calu\ now it has but two, and these will hardly survive the winter. r—r Tho following advertisement appears 1 in a religious • weekly, headed “ A Wife' Wanted,” ; which ;wo insert gratis for tfio benefit of the disconsolate one: • 3 : A missionary's home has'betfn rent by : the death of a beloved mother. Ho needs a comforter, a Counselor, and a friond. The 'Tonity .this world, and the things of it, put them all together, and they will not make a helptacet for man. They* will nSt suit Cho nature of Iho soul, nor supply its needs, nor satisfy its just desires, nor run parallel with its never-failing duratiou. Therefore, it being not good for man to be alone,'God-crca'tcd wouiau fora helpmeet for fiim. See Genesis ii, 18; Prov. xviii, 22. The applicant must possess a healthy body, • practical. piety, domestic habits, a competency, aitd if a musical tal ent. Address “Missionary/’ al ibis office. ——The - American. Tract Society bavo just received two donations of $l,OOO each. Most of this sum is given for the benefit of the army-and navy of the United States. V Wosloj bad been maintaining earnestness the doctrine of I or Populi vox Dei, against his sister whose talents were not unworthy of the family to which she belonged. At last Iho preacher, to put an end to the controversy, put bis argument in tho shape of a dictum, and said, “I toll you sister, tho voice of the people is the voice of God.’’ “Yes/’ she replied mildly, “it cried, Crucify him, cru cify him?” A keen reply. ■ Father Chiniquy, the converted priest, charged with extravngauco in the use of church funds and misrepresentation in obtaining means for tbe support of his c)mrch, after a trial of three days before rtin Presbyterian Synod of Chicago, was fully acquitted of the charges. The Lutheran Observer says the Rev. M r. Bowers was the first English Lutheran minister sent to Nova Scotia. Luring his rciideLco in that Province, his ministry has been a continued success. A “Religious” novel is announced in .England with the odd title, The World the and the Devit. • Concentration of Troops, There was evidence, soon after the affect ing scenes of the parting between General Scott and the great men left behind him at 'Washington, that a new military policy was Inaugurated. Tliat policy seemed to be, tbe concentration of troops, and movements in great upon essential points. No doubt tbe policy had been to scatter troops too far and widely, to the neglect of the more important positions that could have been taken,and programmes that might have been Worked out by vigorous commanders. were several movements soonaftcr the com mcncementof Gen ..McClellan’s unobstruct ed military management, that are utterly unaccountable, save on tho presumption that the troops were being concentrated for decisive operations. The most remark able of these is the return of the Federal army from Springfield, Missouri. The next *in importance was tho withdrawal of Gen. Nelson’s Brigade from Eastern Kentucky. It is very certain that something is needed besides a concentration! of-Iroops to attain success in a campaign. If the “forward movement” on tho Mississippi and through Central Kentucky, had been- pressed at once when Southwestern Missouri, and Eastern Kentucky were uncovered to the enemy, the counity would not bare been disgraced and. impoverished by the wide spread scencs of .devnstatiop which these regions display. -The enemy have been givon abundant time, not only to fortify in front, but to molest us on the flank, and now-Price.in Missouri, and 'Marshall in' : Kentucky, a remaking desperate efforts to distract tho attention of our commanders from tho main points.' : With concentration wo,need celerity. .Without it wo shall pile up regimentts into grand armies in vain. 8 TMMJVP (U TS. 'ijlOK CINCINNATI &~U)U-i tEff l 1 ISVItlK.—Tb* bcsuittM ■tnnmißgyl EKriltE CITY, C«pt. Way, will l«a.o aam IT£DNESDAY» at 4p. m. Kor (r«i{bt or ptaKgo ap« ply.oo bond or to d«gl ' Jons FLACK, A grot. TMt ax. Loma and keT, t cs- », JJ OKUK.—TbfI floeaUamwDlA WtM,£s&£g& Capt. That. Bogen, viD leaf® ail abore on HATo/u DAY, at lo’cjock. For frolgbt or puiage apply pa boertorto ’ J. P;XITIXQSTOy A CO.I Agent#; T7UK CtXcjINMAXi. LOUIS-, ICffr > JC'TIMK ftno iicamer CITIZEN; ‘Gapt. Calkoon, wuijiavo a a abort on BATU3UJAY, ut4 p. tb.’ I'orXrrijht or •an apply on board or to - . ’ - do3Q - J. D, LIVINGSTON A CO., Agonta. TjH)K (JINUiNJS'ATJ. LOUIS-1 J££-m JC VJ.LLE AND ST. LUClir-the vtcatser KAUKNGO, Cniit. McCallum, wlutwvo M »boT« on SATDBDAY, v« sad *ll lotcnnodlat# porta, on THIS DAY, -at 10 o'clock. Tor freight or naaugo apply oulioord or to J. B. LIVINGSTON * 00., 1 . „ . . d«17.. , JOHN FLACK, *• • • , f Agent*. VKUtILAK 'W >VKEItL Y PACKET POS OALLIPOLIS PORTSMOUTH.—The splendid steamer iiouivA'iV Capt. Johu Wotf, wilt lesre for *tbe abore und b!I ftt«* Unnediate ports THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock a. m.— ,Wot tnflsftt bigpsßftgo apply onboanl or to -'■ML*** *3 -7|). h/ LEWIS, Ayont. FIijXSBUKQU AND GAJL-i LITOLIS PACKET.—The beautiful JEnSSSK TutepaKfeßger.flisgmfrVNDlNK, Ckpt. m.a. cox, will Ev» Pittsburgh for GattlpoTts EVERY &ATUK EAT. it 4 o'clock p. dr. Returning. leave* Gallipo lia EVERY TUESDAY, at 10 a. w. For freight. or pemsga apply ,oa jboanF or to j loOti ■■ J. B. TIYINC3TOK *CO., AOTnt». Jlmodtu packet.—Tor log, Marietta, v Parkersburg, Pomeroy, G-iupous, IrootoQ and PortJmootb:—The steamer CLARA PEAK, CapL A, J. .MassUllot, will leave for Porta mouth •EvERT TUESDAY;'at 3 o'clock p. m.— .yLeavesßorttmonth EVERY .FRIDAY, at 12 o'clock im~ Fvr'freigbt or passage apply on board-or to ; | : no8:dlm- - -1. JNO. FLACK, Agent, r REOUIiAB WBEKriilfi ZANESVILLE PACKET.—Tbr£HBES& new and*, bsaottfulpnseiiinger..steamer EMMA UitA-r HAM, Copt. Monroe Ayers, loaves Pittsburgh! for . Zanesville EVERY TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock p. m iUtnhdn&lMVMEMuerUlo JBYXBt.XBIPAY, al 8 r a.-m. ? .For freight or passage apply on board or to •£.».LIYINUBTOIf A C&, Ageats, Pittsburgh. ‘Btfl.-PIKBCE Agents; set4 splendid pssscugerdflaS&MßM .StcamfirttlMXßVA, !Capt./John Gordon, teavo* tut: VteUutMdMV tuteruedUU ports EVERY TOES PAT,'TfIUESDA.YaodBATDIU)AY,at 11 o'clock A. doss couaecttonsiwithfctbe regular ■packiti ftg Jfaritcrsbßreh andCincinwk j Beturn &7kwea WheeUnxEYEBY MONDAY, WEDHJES. -DAYvand EBEDAT, • Tlum LootsviUe J J Pietro, Mereer J SI Guthrie, BlalrevlUe r Mat Jaa Irwlo, i A U Moom-r, .1 W Bobrer, Kiltdimiug Cot G fc Wynkoep, 7th Pa. Cavalry, Mnj G fi AVynboop, d<> Blaj J J Seibert, do Adj’t U Milton, do F K BMiion*,.Lowsce U Von Ball, PliDa It W BlorehAllt do Wm Campt>eli, Wa&li. c<> Mitf Le**t, Washiiigtou Dr McClure, Canonsburg E (• Dudley, Caldwell, O Miss .SI Forsyth, Browns ville. Pa A Tamer, Wheeling - H Crawford, Brownsville Cept C C DavU, ' Mrs Poitt-rlield A Jchil’n, D Dunm.-re, Phiia Capt II Hioblcr, Ltent Belley, Lieut Lootr, W 3edgwortU, 'Brownsr’e Mrs Mnry But: & 2 «.bU dren, waynesbnrg J Huffman, MANSION HOUSE—Lib GEORCt ACRE* J Cuddy, Freeport A Logan, Logan's Ferry J Lacks HcConnelLville R Fisk, 7th Reg't Car. Dr Wurfleid, Aa’t Snr. do. J Brewster, Lawrence co M Brewster, do ty st., near R. R. Dep-~>t. U Glass, CarlLale W Henry, Lancaster P Wallore, Bearer co B Roes, do J Lyde. Croetlln* D Mcl.ure, Bolivar L Carlisle, Bakerstown W Irwin, West, co G Trimble, Safem, 0 J Ludgruve, Indianapolis C butler, BroukviUo J Harvey, do J A Cunningham, Comp Curtin, J Bruwu, CincinnaG G l’litt, johnsiown J Brown, Camp Curtio J Wilson, Cp. Cameron J Clayton, Maryland E Beitlemuu, Providence 3 liitssick, 3alt?m P Hick, Duncmiaville Dr McUrum, Ohio J Doylo. L Hatcher, J Creeeon, I’hlU GIRARD HOUSE—Corot Third ami Smilhflcld at*. pRoratETOR. S. L. noCKERT, W R Allison, Stouhenviilo E W Keltnr, Mon. city Wm Cunoiiigham, West Elisabeth, J G Caldwell, Crestline J F Gray, John UiMtmp, Pa Uarry Uoyl, BentonviUe Sam'l litglUb, Boaten A Mcßesn. C Gregg, T U Barnes, Fairmont,Ya HARE'S HOTEL—Litx rty striMst, foot of Fifth. PROPRIETOR. SAMUEL DARE, JnoT Campbell, Hickory .1 Reckon, OsttoiP J H Poiimdl, CaunoiiNh'g Boyd Smalt, du B T ltyan, . do J R Weave/, do W tihackMt, T M McClung. l’lum tp T J Stwoiisou, A M Buchanan, N Brigh ton A Mar*, Beaver m H 11 MuiTy. Itelludl Goo McClellan. BarttrsvV St Crawford, Canouslrarg James Kocd, Venire, l'n A Fahenstock, 103 d lk-g’t I’t-itua Vol I, N Phillippb, A Klutlm, Ohio U Lev, MlUlhlield *4 Gilfilau Fp St CVlair Tp W Giltßan, do J G Haymaker. A Barto, Harrisburg J S Keith, r do P Cortictmu, Wash Jno Banks, Wash J A! llarlzeli, do S P Ariontrong A holy, Alex Cillt-opii:, Duller eo M Kane, Johnstown, Pa M P Ito»h P Wendel, do W I‘elUvv, do J K North, Jellereon <4< T McMaaters, Tunic Ct k John Wier, Indiana Geo Haroitlno, A MeJuukln, Logan's F'y J U Conner, niaivnviUo Geo Christy, Butler e > W Cra*‘ker, W 11 Pamirs, Port Hojai .lolm Cralg, Ularmn co -No. 5 9t. Clair etreet. ’, PROPRIETOR. Boyd Emery, I'eiina <) A Stossman, Mercer M Bbloer, LonisviUo J B Miller, Wash . li> P Bweeney, 3 Willisou, Hickory D Weaver, Wa.nh ru W H Smith, do Wm Luvcjoy, do W Rol*eck, do V Smith, do Denis O’Donneli,— P Slump, M Wiio, M I) Ncsbit, Mercer C Fuulkorsofl, Col Lind, Canwuburc S Lind, do W Snodgrms, ,—No. 137 Water street. JOER UUdl, : H K smith, Allegheny 0 L McCullough, Latrobe J Harper, Now Lisbon It Btobet, Ofito A J Phillips, Phils J F Wynkoop, Clarion co J TrUxcl, Sit Pleasant R Cochran, StotibeoviUa 0 Zimmerman, C A P R R Jos Ralston, Indiana R Porter, do J Smith, do Jas Fairchild, Fayett© co RED LION HOTEL- H Bostney, Saxonsburg P Bourtnoy, do Jno MoCurky, D Broun, Armstrong co That Sawdoo. SMorchi-ad, X Castle , A J Ekles, PUR 1 9 Men, Wyuknope B«*g D Jjwreouy, Oil city W .1 Craigwelt, do A Stokes, Mercer co R Ruble, Peuna A Courtney, H Fortney, Gnlion A Shuttorly, Oil city Jos Carney, Butler M Bisemau, T Fitrwilliami, Pa Wm Devore, NATIONAL HoTEI PROPRIETOR. J F Drat, Brownsville 4 R lient, do Jno S Marsh, Cookrvitlo 2t men. 7th l'n Car E Jeffries, BrcnvnsvilPi G Morris, Groom- c<* Jas Psureo, West co Jno Burn-tt. F .3 <% t J M Monro-, Jamestown Jno Lawrence, C A Porter, Fay co, Pa J K Wardsworth, & Dickson, N Custle F W Davis, W Reed, G Rankin, W Badl.r, Illinois ' W Pitnour, do Jno VamorhD,.Mon city PITTSBURGH MARKETS. [Rryorftd especially for On ptil*burg\ Daily GoeelU.'] Friday, December 20th/IStt. FLOCR—qniot but unchanged. Tho demand is light, and tho sales were ontlrely restricted to small lots. Salu of 50 bbla Family at ££@s,ls; 30 do do at ($@5,10; 40 do do at s•’>@s,l2; 25 do do at (s@A,*A'i, aner bush. Bscairn or Paoouca, etc.—Below will bo found a statement of the receipts of produce, etc., by river and railroad, during tho twenty-four hours coding last evening: liy Railroad —ll dressed lings, 8 cars iron oro, 41 - halos Imps, 2 cks pearls, 26 bos bxe candles, 01 tibia mess pork, 05 lixs cli'cse, 12 kgs, 2 bids lord, 0 bids, i> kgs butter, 00 bunches brooms, 18 bids Hour. Wy K«w—2llo bills flour, 1270 ski corn, 408 bids whisky, 30 cks (won, 57 bbls, 35 kgs lari, 10 Uhls, 8 bf do, 63 jars butter, 8 bbls eggs, 10 eks com mud, 68 bbls alcohol, 2bU uiolaspes, lex* doz brooms. or Stock.—Tho following statement show* ths number of cars of stock brought to this city by the Cleveland A Pittsburgh Railroad, during tho first two weeks of December I Hoys. I Cattle. \&heep. I Ilona. I Mules. No. of-Cor# j 4lB| 781 15| 4| 0 Imports by River. LOUISVILLE—ran Empire Civy—l4 bids ranued {•eochea, 14 do hominy, L 11 Yolgt A co; 113 Mils spir its, ITTstetter A Smith; 10 do alcohol,B L Fahnestock A co; 03 do whisky, B A Fahnestock A so; 70 do mo lasses, McCullough, Smith A co; 21 oil bbls, Guthrlo A Sill; 3 hhds tobacco, 1 pkg samples, J A Mazulm; J7CB bbls flour, 68 bxs'drogv, 48 bbls alcohol, 25 do whisky, 35 cks bacons Clarke & co; 19 do do, J Bryar, £6 Uo dOj 'Wm Carr A co; 40 do do, Jhs Gardiner; 38 DO do, nA A C Duncan; do do, John'Teoduiu; tllrf do do, S McCrickart A co; 6do do, Block A- Woods; 4' do do, F Lynch rl°o doz brooms, J B Brown. ZANESVILLE—per Lizzie JUrtix—6o bhls ctudo oil, 6 do refined do, 8 hlids tobacco, 28 bbls lard, 3 do butter, 1 doeggs, 31 sks tl apples, 30) bhls flour.Clatk A co; 50 do crude oil, fioberisoo A Sprague; 2 do do: W U Gormley; 18 do do, McCliotock; 30 oil bblo, - Hutchinson; 2u bbls flour, J Dorringtou; 291 hgs few! 67 sks corn, Copt D T Brotrn;. 12 bbls dry poochw, lu doedrn mea), Jas A.Fclztir;-l-bx4 butter, 1 bbl eggs, E Hooxletoo; 234 hogs, 10 cattle owuen. WHEELING—rx* Jolt* T. McCombs—lls bags barley, libudos A Verner; 2 bx kerseys, Jno A Alyler; lß,bblslard»lo6 hgsmnlt«33 kgs lard, 1 bg beans, 5 bbls blitter, 8 hf do, Clarks A co; 200 bgs malt, 0 W Smith; 100, empty flour bbls, R T Kennedy A faro; 2 bgs wool, 2do mdso, \Vm Bagakjl 20 do potntona, 6 dressod hogs, Frank Too Odrdur, 257 sks com, A J llaganp2oo sks oats, Jos Dthrington; 4 bgs Bean*, 2 empty pons, ! do hf bbl, 1 empty oil bbl, 2 demijohns B A Fahnestock; 10 hf bbls uc, E Edmonson; 11 bgs send, F. Von Gvrder; 30 emptj ofl bbls, J T McCombs; 20 bales bay,.W H'Hagsn, 60 empty, flour bhls, GO bgs ear corn, Jhs A FeVscr; 33 sks barley, Spencer A Gar rard; 41 bbls floor, str Messenger. River News. Tits Bivxb sxd Weitrer—Arrivals xhd Dx vinrCTiia—Boats J/eavijvq To-Dat, etc.*, »tc^—The river remslos About stationary at this point wlG> four flat Uo inchcdhy lh*pier marks last evening.- The weather yesterday was cloudy, blustery and cold, with an-occadoaal *>f 5n0w—....... There vru* bat Htili' done jt the wharf, the receipt*, being comjHira- . —^^-1— tiwlj anall, whil* the ihipmenta were only mudrr* ; AJLL SUFI'ICIENT THREE. me. The Empire City from Louisville, and Lurie ; Ths E™* “American known a* Martin from Zanwviilc, were the ouly arrivals. The former boat >»?i| au excellent cargo, including a Urge <(Uaulit\ of dour. Tli* Mariuer for t'inrimmti, and Arizniiu f«>r St. LouU, the Utter with a moderate cargo,' while ttie former was dying light, constitute the departure* Tbo fleet with t'ol. Wyukoop's Regiment of Cavalry, will probably 1# ready to lease at an tarly hour thi* morning. Fi«u V ur.CLtsG—Tho popular Min*-ii3, (.’apt, Juo. Gordon, is the Wheeling packet for to-ilay, leaving at uooti. ' Mr. George W. Johnston baa charge of the office Fun St. Lout*—Tti>* alaum-h «ieum*r Diadem,. Capi.iTtuw. Rogers, U again loading for St. Louis. Fod Cincinnati and Lol irvillu—The iloet ottam er Ida May, Capt. John C. Reu«», in announced to to lease os ulxjve this evening. The Empire City, 'Capt. Way, is advertised for the *utne points bn Wednesday next. Fpa Oxt-UTOLte—The Undine. Capt. Jno. Wood bum, leaves, as usaal, fur Gulii|>olia this evening. Capt.iM. A. Cox, universally acknowledged to bo one of tbetiuost accomplished and popular steaiitboatmuu on th 4 river, has charge of the otUcc. Fort. EVANBVU.LX —Tho steamer Citizen, in com mand' of Capt. Richard Culhotm, will leave for KvaiiAvillfl and all intermediate point* this evening. JLEG+4E NOTICES Allegheny county, ss.—jfgsa | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Cormjlius W. Lawrvuco and Elijah Punly, exeeuwn of the hmt will and testament of David M. Frail, late of the city of New York, deceased; also to the helm and sjl others concerned. In pursuance of the fifteenth section of on Act of Assembly of eaid Commonwealth, entitled “An Act to create a Sinking Fund, and to providu for the gradual aud cerUtiu extinguishment of debt of the Commonwealth, ’* p-uwed the loth day of April, A. D., 1849, you ore hereby cited to be and appear l>efore me, Wm. J. Ricuarixmh, Register for the Prolate of Wills, Ac., in and for said county, on’or (before MONDAY, thetitb day of January, A. D., lHtCk ( thuu and tbero to show cause why tho collateral inheritance tax upon the following Heal Estate shall not lie collected under the provisions of said Act of Assembly; herein fail not. Said Real Estate consist* of I 3 Uousks aud Lots on Wood street, 5 “ “ “ ilaud • “ l Vact tit Lot “ “ “ 1 *• “ “ Penn ** 1 House and lad “ “ •* w «* llouwn iuul lad* “ St. Clair “ (2lr£u under uiy hand and senl of oilier* at Pi ttslmrgh, tiro i>ili day of December, A. lb, 1 HtJI. iIH-’cMCtil WM. J. Itit’IIAHDSON, Register. N THE MATTJSit of .the application for tho widening of Virgin-alley/in tno city of Pittsburgh, No. 40, Jautuirv Term, !W*l. Notice is hereby given, that ujnm the 19th day of January, A. D. laid, tho Court appniuled Thomas Uakvwull, Nathaniel llulme*, John Bisson, William J. Howard and VS'lUiam Barnhill, tar., us viewers under the proviaiuus nf tho Act of Assembly of tho 11th of April, A. D. 1859, for tho purpose* therein mentioned. From the Record. del7:lw BY THE COURT. VS. JQITHRIDGE’S XX FLINT* GLASS OVAL CARBON OIL LAMP CHIMNEYS. Patented September ll>th,lfeGl. The best that hare ever y&t been offered to tho public. They mo tho best for the billowing reasons : 1. (Becauao, being of an oval ehai, »r« invarin- Idy made of Limn Glass instead of Flint Glass, of which our* are inaimttctur,*!. 4. But the greatest advaiunge of these is that when you have one it will lost forever, and if any honMkee(Rl breakage where the chimney ha*, through inexperi ence, boon st rewed no cloecly to the lamp a* lany intend despatching their fuil-jxiwonHl Clyde-built Iron Steamship* os follows: GLASGOW Saturday, December 21. CITY’ OF NEW YORK Saturday, December 2*. KDINBUROU Saturday, Jauliary 4. and every Saturday, at noon, from Pior 44, North River. FIRST CABIN $75,00 STEERAGE -..530,00 do to London.... 80, 00 do to London.—. 33,00 do to Pari*. 85,0ul do to Paris 38,00 do to Uatulmrg. 85,00] do toll&mburg.. 35,'X) Passengers also forwarded to Jlavro, Dremon, Rot terdam, Antwerp, Ac-Pat equally tow rates. V3rpcreotu wishing to bring aut their friends can boy ticket* Jieru at the following rates to Now York: From Liverpool or Qiuxmstown; Ist Cabin, $75, S&5 add $lO5. Stvemg® from Liverpool $40,00. From Queenstown $30(00. Theso steamers havo superior accommodation* for passenger*, ami carry experiuncod Surgeon*. Tliey are built iu Water-tight Iron Suctions, and havo Pateut Fire Anuibilators on board. o®”Pankv.nov.rjl ron Eunora.—By «wi/rr o//5r rrary nf State, all pattengert tracing (A* UuiteJ Suite* are rajuirrd to, procure PaasporU before going on board the Nteuiaer. , JOHN G. DALE, Agent. 15 Broailway, Nv*f Yo*k. JOHN THOMPSON,. Agent, mhlfrdtf No. 410 Liberty atiwt, Piupbargh. ■qav a riiiLuP&7 BRASS FOUNDERS AND MANUFACTURERS, PLUMBERS, GAB AND STEAM FITTERS, Manufacturers and Dealer* in GAS FIXTURES, PUMPS AND BRASS WORK, of en?ry dcecriptlon. OIL WELL PUMPS, of BRASS, COPPER o IRON, with the most approved Chambers or Yulree, of ail kinds, and warranted to gifo satisfaction. MANUFACTORY, 110 Water and 104 Front street*, PITTSBURG!!. Jy2&ly»xaP QA« KLXTUKES. - A LAJIGE ASSORTMENT JUST RECEIVED FOR SALE BY BAILY, FARRELL A CO tfo. 129 rOVUTII street'. urt all partlcTaggriered may unnAnl if they Soo proper, within six weeks from this dute« 8. SCHOYKR, Jr , Solicitor for Allegheny City, DoccmtmrD, 1881—2wd OFFICIAL NUTlCK.—^uartkiuias. ter Gexeral’s Orncc, WASumaTon Cm, Dec. 6; 1801. The following Resolution bos boon adopted by tho Uouscofßeprescntistiveeof ths United States, 117= "Baoleed. That the Secretary of War bo rvqurslcd to fidfnuh to this House copies of all contracts maunn«M of Vision, Paiu iu the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, ' Flushing ofthe Body, Drymvw of thn Skin, Eruptions of the Face, PALLID COUNTENANCE, Thcso symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably Tomovos, soon lollown IMPOTKNUY, FATUITY, EI'iLEPTIO FITS, In one of which tho jutiont may expire. Who cun wiy that they are uot frequently followed by those “DIREFUL DISEASES,” ‘INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many aro awaro of the cause or their suilcring, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OK THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And (he Melancholy Death* by Coneumjilinn, BEAB AMPLE WITNKfW TO JUX TUtTHI OF THE ASMKKTION. THE CONSTITUTION'ONCE AFFECTED W ITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Ibwioirr** theai.fnf medirine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which ll'-lml*old's EXTRACT BUCHU inmriaidy A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE TUT JCOaT UKrtfr'lCAJ,. FE3IALES—FEMALES—FE3L4LE6, ULDOU YuUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OK CON- TKM PI.ATI NG M A HKI AL TJtiOLKUM OlL.—The ‘vNew Yore X OiUMtci. As.mk.'UTlos,” 35 Dey utrtrL New Y>>rh, lias established a Depot at KLIZABKTHPOKT, N J.. fi.r receiving and Storing OLL shipped by the JcK) Central Railroad. This port U convenient to Nimv Yuik. aud &av»w cartage and much handling »•?!i«igiuut,ut< rorrel* ria Alltktovm iivett. N RrrcßEN'i>—David Richey, of the Arm of Richey; Hartae A Co., Rogers A Nesbitt; Eaton, Mscrumi Co. po2s:tmM»wy, OOLAK OIL WOUK6 COMPANY" OF >0 PENNSYLVANIA, Manufcxcturors of LUBRICATING AND REFINED OILS; No. 3 St. Clair et., near Duquesno Way, , Prrreirsoif, P*kw‘a. Thin Company is exclusively engaged' in tho Oil trad-s And Li (MUBlautly ottering PETROLEUM oo commission, whoU+alo. Advances made <>□ consign* mom;. Address J. WEAVER, Jo., LiJCIKKK OIL NVOKK.S. WILLIAM r. WOOLItIDGE, MANUfACTt'HKK or COAL AND CARBON OILS, and dealer in LAMTS, CHJJISEYS, dr., CENTS PER GALLON, conntantly oil band anil for aale l>y B. I C. it J. 11. SAWYER. Ab to the quality, we refer to annexed certificate.: PittsbOßoh, Not. 27, 1860. B, C. & J. H. Saicyer —Genia: Ihe Lubri* eating Oii we uro getting from you we.find to bo tbe Ih”U for. our purnoMw wo havo ever uited: Tub L. S. M. R. R. B. Co., uoiA.tf Bt Wm. ESPY, President. ■ ■yy A. McCLUUG, COMMISSION MERCHANT, CRUDE AND REFINED CARBON OILS, No. Cl Wood Street. QUU}GIIII*-....UH. 88TAN.....0. T. N'COfUIICE. OIL REFINERY. nOLDSBIP, BBT AN A CO., UANDFACTOBCBfi OF HORNING 01L AND LUBRICATING OIL, K,vp constantly ou baud the very beat quality of BURNING OIL, clear and without odor; also, h good LUBRICATOR, pure WHITE BENZOLE nod OAll 0 UKASE. f »4"A11 oidem left at No. TV'S Firvu Stb«t, Bank B|<>ck, eecuud floor, will be promptly attended to. orfeiUf STORES, Sic. ALLEYS', JIcCUIIMICK <£ CO., Valley Fol’ndbv, Pittsburgh, Pa* Ul45'\V‘abEHOCSE 1 No. 301 Liberty street. Manufacturers of COOK, PABLOK AND 11 EAT* INO STOVES, PARLOR ANDKITCHEN GRATES, HOLLOW WARE, etc., Steel and Glass Mould*, Roll ing Mill Castings, Mill Guuring, Gas, Water and Ar tizen Pipe,.Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, Su gar Kettles, Pulloyß, Hangers, Car Wheels, Couplings* and Castings generally. Also, Jobbing and Machine Castings made to order. Patented Portable Mill, with Steam or Horse Power. nol&Gmd jasibs p. Yqimo .. J. r. toumo. mk2S TOVES! STOVESI-D. DsHAVKN A SON, MA*njTACTTREH9 or STOVES.' Warohouso, Federal el., near Suspension Bridge, ALLEGHENY CITY. Wo ask the attention of dealers to our large assort moot of COOKING and HEATING STOVES, for wood and coal, which we an selling at tbe lowest rates. Those visitiug oar city will find it to their iwiTAntAgp to give us a call and examine our stock bo fnre purchasing elsewhere. CAST IKON HOUSE FRONTS, IRON RATLING, SCALES, HOLLOW WARE, WAGON BOXES, PLAIN and FANCY ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS, etc., and CASTINGS of all kinds made to order. JyHklyri D. D» HAVEN A SON. T MPoRTANT.TSoßsngßiissgfJlj'i A—All persons porch Tickets for at. Lonis, Joseph and other jxdnta Id . Northern m**anri, thn State of KatiaaSj or tlio .Terriiorica,sß6iild insist.on haviue tickets tliat rend by the NORTH MISSOOTiI 11AILROAD. The : '• * ; T7pemVI WXr 3 RJIZROaUS. OLBVELAND VyrirrsUUßGn Wat—TIME ; Oa .And .Altec JIOXDAT, Train* wflMa»Td 4n© Depot ot Pilt*bnixb»«* feUcro: 1 lPJtt#s«rj7*, CWantiju wrf C»'"ci«nwtf- Start Lin* rim "SUmbtwrifle, ~.K . 1;55 &, nu, tt>. • .... 1:30 p; m. .......lth-tt n. m. Lo&vi-s Piltul'iirgh jo SfoufoaTlffa.....:...-': tfy Xewofk dj Cu1ut0tuH........ ' Arrive* Ciocinouli do St. Loul* Leave* ritteburgW... _ I:Up, m.,- do Stt nU n vllle „... 6:10 j». m. ; do Newark 12:01) midnight. do Columbus:' S. m. Arrive* Cincinnati .. 7?W m. 0 d.» St. Louis „......U:3U p. m. Ho chauge of cara CiocinnatL SplcndiJ Sleeping C.u-a uttacbedtoall'Nigfct Trains. JVafcuryi and TP Lit*. . Loaves Vfc6‘ft,.'m. do Wc115Yme......... 4:2S ‘ju Rj. do Steubenville....... do Wbeoling.-... w W a. m. . Arrived Bctlair. &90 .a.-in^ Leaves Pittsburgh L;X> ». m.- , d«. WeUsviHe...; CtR. H. for Akrt'n. Cuynhog.i Vails AmV llUlerBbitrg«a&d at Cleveland with C. A K. K. It. for\Krie, Duukirk and Buffedo with C. AT. It. Ji. for Toledo,'Detroit aud Chiesigu. Mail Train leaves nt 0:03 a; in., Mopping of all sta- Uous ludween KodHster and Bellair. . '.. WelUville Arrutmuodatioti leaves at 3:*'Wp. ( m. Returning trains arrive in iMtlsburgh it* foudwt: Mail Train..... .. .....; 4tlt» p.m. Fast Line... JJaimwa .. 4;05 a. tn. WVlUville Accommodation..... 9:4Ua.tn. Ihwseugers desiring to go to Sandusky,. Toledo, Chicago, or point* West, .via Cleveland, most par ticular to ask for tickets via Cleveland. Through Tickets can' t*« procured at Ibo-Liberty Str'-ct Depot, Pittsburgh. JOHN STEWART, Ticket Agont. . For further information, nt>ply to * - i> WILLIAM Aiont, At the Company’* Offlcein Freight 3tatiott,Rem*St. no'47 ~ - j. WINTER AK-^ RANGEMENT 18G1.—-THE ill VANIA CENTRAL BAIiS-ROAD. MIGHT DALLY TRAINS.'-' iv-.i On anti alter MONDAY, No«. 26th, theTHBOCGII MAIL TRAIN leaves the Pawengor Statioa erary morning (except Suu.Uy) hi 2:50 a. no,stopping only at principal stations, aud making direct conuactions at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington, oad for New Yotfk n* Allentown route. THE THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves dally at 4:40 a. tn., stopping only at principal stations, making direct conuectloii at IlarriHhurg.forJßaltl morw aud Washington, and for Kuw I'nrlt -vp Allnw. town route. TUB FAST LINE leaves Sunday) at Ib:M p. m., slopping ooly ot principal statlous, making direct connection at Harrisburg, for Baltimore and-Washington. ii. WAY FREIGHT TUAIN WITH PA6SSKGEB OAK ATTACHED, leaves the Passenger. Sta Hon every morning (Sundays excepted) at 540 a. ip , run ning an for as Concmatigh and stojiping atkU Sta tions. ' i : ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. The JobostowiiAd6omiubdarii}u'Tru!n leaves dally (except Sunday) at 3:00 p. m.,Bti>ppiog ut till Stations and runuing as for as Conerauitgh. First Accommodation Train for Wall’s Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at 0:40 a. m. Second Accommodation Train for Wall’s Station leaved dally (except Sunday) at ll:Ort ii,in.’ - ■ Third Accommoilailoh' Train for Wali'i' Station Iwares dally (except Sundaylnt 4:00p. m. ' • . Fourth Accommodation Train for Wall’s Station leaves daily (except Sunday.) at G: 16 p. hi. -• • Returning Trains arrive in Pittsburgh as follows: Kxpresi, 1:16 p. m.; Mail, 8:36 n. ru.; Fast. Line, 1:39 a. tn.; Johnstown Accommonatlon, lbrOu'a. m.; First Wall’s Station Accommodation, 6:30 a.- m. vSec ond Wall’s Station Accoaunodationi 8:30 a. m-j-Third Wall’s Statioo Accommodation, I:(l5 p. m. j Fourth. Wall’s Station Accommodation, CD6 p. m. - Trains for BlairsTillti ondTndlana connect tit Blairs-, villo lutersoction'with Johnstnwn Accommodation and Express Trains East and West.' : Tbo traveling public will find it greatly toThdr ta torest, in goiug'Esst'or West,' (o truvel by tbo Penn sylvania Railroad, ssthe accommodation# now offered cSiraot be surpassed on any other ronte. - The Road is ballAshMl with ktone, and is eutircly frwt foam dust. We can promise safety, speed and comfort to all who niay fovor this Road with their patronage. FARE. ? - To NewYork r 412 COITo 60 To Philadelphia 10 WjTo Lancaster...B 00 To Harrisburg ...... 7 46|. Baggage checked to all Station* on.tba Peiiosylv*- nla Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore aod New York. APAMongerß- purchasing ticket! in cars will be ehargpd an . excess, according to distanca traveled, in addition to the station rates, except from station* where the Company ha* no Agent. NOTICE.—In caso of.loss, the Gptupany will hold-*- themselves responsible for personal foggago only, and tbr an amount not exceedingsloo.::j.-*;• N. B.—An Omnibua Line lias been employed to convey' passengers and baggage toandTroni the De pot, at a charge- not to exceed 26 cents for each pas senger and baggugo. For tickets, apply to .. J. STEWART, Ag^t, At the P. R. R. Passenger Station, §n Liberty and Grant strops. ' '“’ ' “noS AL L E GH E N Y a 'V'-i it* i i.nnA n— uainsdaily depart imm ani)«‘*>'ir arrive at Pittsburgh, (except Sunday.)" " Through trains, suyi lug at ; Hal ion; Utmtoi PUts burgh ftt Ca. tn. an J l» o. m.- ’ Uulton Aoconiaio>iati*>>) trains leave Pittsburgh at 8 and J 1 a. ct., and aL I,.£iuand.o:4op.in... .Accommodation Uaim, returning, leavo Bolton at 7:4i)aml 10 a. .m., nt liia.. arid 1:45, 3:30,6130 and 7:35 p. m. ’ - —' Exc*rtiom Ti&d .‘■tin.. Pittsburgh ton niton and return, ‘S> cents. All j oavuigers from Pittsburgh, without tickets, will, b(, charged full lore. 7. (o 7 R. F. AIUULKY, Buperintendent. , rpO FARMERS AND OTHERS., FOR SALE, GEO WET’S SUPERIOR PARENT GRAIN FAN ANP sMaKA?GR, patented January.ip, 18G0. The superiority of this FAN over aft others In one consists in its cheapness simpllcityrand 'durability. Second,-in cleaning Grain 'fester, Letter,and moro thoroughly, with low. labor, titan any, other 1 mill. The jatentee of the alwvo l'Ati -baa ,t>oen Thug en gaged in manufacturing and iv-lling Agricultural Im plements.-and convinced of the graat a good Fan for deabingthe-different kinds UF Grain and Seeds, presents this Jo the public, tbat'lt win moot thoir'wanta.-' * •- -i-i'-.ftxuFt ■ Tho undersigned,'having purcbasndihA sole right to manufecture aDd'seftthoahovß Gmln Fan and Separator in Wes torn Pcnnayiranla. Western. Ylr .giaia, and all Olilo; aiid'tbe'Tlgfct to* sriHn Indiana and Illinois, is now prepared to fill all. efrten* whole* •d& or retail, at 3ia LibortT.street,PUufcßrgbjTa. vlfehmuwtfr V. QOAPI SOAPH SOAPIII-^hbi.Chemi- Ocix Ours T!»AMV*-SoAT,i»aira£*ctured bjr 0. O. t J. 41. SAUTTER, i« b* ibo most.aerriceuble of an; kind yet dflbrsd la ,(be public, ltd ■□pcrior. adrant&god ikru'.'&aod IniU' eboopiWM, wring of labor, and fucfflcacrin Tirm&rlng graaae, taf and without :; ln)arin£ ’tbs ; aktjx?fcr in the UMtnUe damaging: tba flccsf qnalitjliuf It can t«j used with all kinds of water. *..,*■*, . ... Brieraace Is made.j.yrith jdeaswoJq 'ifeir subjoined from&?hlftra!eny?il.known in this community; aniTwho afforded ofteeiogit flilly and ftlrly QnartermnsterH Dfutrlaunt'c/- }ft4 Tmffth, TUrUtfUk . and FjMKKHth StffimnU -.< *‘S§w>'or.V (Jtomical Ulive ErifaTye-Sony’’ haring been extensively 7u \ouK3itf£ltet'ntj, we; - hdTV'no ließlunihi in Kuwait fcund ad 'mtntbiy adaptod ty lbeoso«4 the siUta*;£»d dad* dedly the mast Mpecjacdoap which: flonld h* prpear .ed for. the sen!?}*--, iu..,n i J,4 Vfs.-4idfcKlN, . ■ Qaamrmaster'twsVUi KegiaeDt. .. r - ' •' ' AMJXrTOBOTTU, QusrWrfcwtfer Fourteenth-'B*gicj«Dt. - t-.4lv*&lU*>ftaiAl>, (RmrUnnaitgr/riU»tf«irth3ifgin»gnt. YOUR OWN PHINTmO;-; Dealene’l fit jPfAtl lI7TKBB, BXATIONJ£HB) PreMa «*<>BJui (~TT~TT irTiT \[ ~fhn tlnml.) ar*: comppeftl oCtiopfl ciyiw RtfMjti, an&JfcPgigfr P«t to- ccmpJkctDwvanl cooteSTeoc* bara new been equalled. Mod for -’tegfadi ' i X. T. ' T ll flKir OULi'irirtdra ifitHij* sitle by v-:;---iMUB.wcKn*oo,.-.