. ' *( p- ' ; - i , - iJ i : thTObdat mousing, bto:, M, mi. - The Newt iron England. The intelligence from England, by the " •*»•••**&.»<:.» >UlgM»iit character. of. the public sen ‘- • coniU ‘° iildica te «»i warwas * surprising! •i*t »nch a of jiassion and folly "' -’5 • still that peace -> tnay .be preserved.- A good deal wi lll£ • m.nda'%' tt T" 6f ‘ be £ r a*ndß of the London Government If ' c«!lLr.nT h “ cin 1)8 BubjM,od <» *'-• - ZZZ, , arran K emen 4 the Huriy will '' . . . '• f ° r °“ r - government does not ! • desire war with England if it possibly can 1 0n an T short Of - , MUttnal dishonor. ItbecomcatheGovorn - inenVhowerer, th be on the alert; and not "' \ if* 1 ®, 4 to ° muoi 10 *<• ««nee of British justice 5”® l * ad “ £ tadol, y a *semblihg a large; , «~t waters, 5n one pretense . - er another, and she may strike a blow quite - .oon.for ns, if ,h. ia resolved to go to ««*• Warrior is eonling for a tripSo our coast, and we may *' tl*** «*■* a «“«_tha„ hinder her sWStg ° r 'Washington, and With Armstrong guns. The it arnor is completely equipped. Her ,■ CO “ iBU o f *igl>t guns on her ;^ppcrde«k,T« : two 190-pounder, four 40- . funder, and two So-pounder'Armstrong - •«»» on her main ,d«k, ten_of which are 100-pounders and .t™" ° 8 - poUnder *. throw • sheUs filled with molten iron. With her ,i-., f .Jteel?rmoron,M>o weighs nine thousand" . twenty-six feet of water, aitd can do sixteen andahalfnriles an hour. Her engines have nearly, six thousand horse power, undshei, built in compartments, " - n * " h o * * ir and W«t«r tight : - Bather an ugly customor to be hovering •bout our waters, with a War 'impending • ,F ben > era ap ° several others of these : formidable vessels, all reedy for sea-fonr of them carrying one hundred and twenty. yixof the heaviest Armstrong guns. ’teongest hopes that a War With England may be avoided, but we can not disguise the feet that there i, imminent danger of collision, and we pray the Gov ernment to be on its guard. '— . -.. Exclusive Pririlegcs. There was considerable discussion in the , House , f ° n tto bm cn . / ° o,Crnment t 0 »«ept troop, in ~ ent °Cky for one year’s service. Itpeued, : " now Mm a» 80“^ - ■ there*," oonenrin the view. f , themn, of the expediency of conceding e K ' P". Tll 'e e t < > Kentncky_ which is denied to ' - Ru 1 , 0 ' niinois, end ell the other k . -*■ “ not jet Of coarse ascertained. U- : =*;. intimation. from • * POE f'“* - 0f that the Son--. ' S A" PeC< * d 40 proTe *° docile in -'' : ‘-£!£VJ" *"»• otier domands-do . - ' w"” „ the Bouse has been. -eraa Part > We ,h ‘ ll "joico « the erant shall prore this anticipation to be ECt R **“ >*eo asked, without any ££"7 g towi pot the S <>oP * ° n * n y - -e x *>lain i,? ” “I * iQ ™t suggestions on,the ns- i f'rst, to prevent our fire iu the rear the.' ."riled his heat, “it iaitoeuore tn desire .“Af? 1 people do nol i UaTe * lar ? e land force, which they’claim : P ti‘“!" ! i Lhan tbe Bl »tement so often Secession!.. U f England- Aat none but.: » mo >'nts to sixty thousand men at Columbus there "* gentlemen in England, and those wi,„ sympathize j ? lone : Secondly, they, have riv er b 7 ri A c' „ n ° ni! of "■*»■ ever come to u. 3 hire Of ”' ar r • d 'T aei !° a needless rup- h ' a T' y - mon . n,ed ' “"d fort, „ all the main 1 forelAf friendl / relations with any “ traU: g> c Pouita on the river. Third, thev foreign power—and that every loyal re- h »ve a fleet of six gunboats at Colon,a - fiMttng, patriotic citizen will cordtally aa- “e'Uunt, and further below theyuoivm A sent to any action on the part of the Gov- HeWns’nun, which/ we lArn leznment which shall avert a war, without « ol its . l >ose broke some way or mherT'"; any derogation of our national dignity or fourt h| it is believed they have sent any surrender of national honor 8 We’be- read T lo sink, old hulks at differeff T .eve this aasumphon to be perfectly tret in lhe channel or die river rr J,?T * the Britiah°* >poailioll i 10 ltle Impression' of 80 as to prevent the passage downwonlof Rri,7.x h n£ rMa ' and 10 ‘he suspicions of our flotills - Columbus its®' is now r-, Is anv I th bll | 0 meD ’ W -° do not believe there fied 15 strongly as it can be,"probably neonle 7 I * aSt ’ dc . sl l? oa tl,e part of our ,t r™B l T »s Manassas. lndeed P the rebeLs people for a war with Great Britain. ““'t the “Manassas of the West.fi u this A UUefin th a at "Ai" B eoufirmation of nf town ’ “P° n » ledge of f th Proceedings of-Congress. I if. ““". they have extensive enrtb yesterday upon this very subject f ka and fortifications, and below the talrerwlfh ”’ ° f - opei sympa hav,earthworks immediate- t ninm« BI | WD ’t a ma “ wnofup to the bank orrtATr ? f river. The high ISffJff 11 "“.when It could be done nat.Lf Mississippi here ofTer grelt wiUiout making himself amenable to the S advantages of defence against at rehel/.Tff' 'rthdtoatea the action of the " ver - Columbus is the nortl,- r!. dafaadad their cause on the floor Shfi “ Mi8 » i88i PP‘ possessed wvowX? 1 °, ffercd a solution intended a “ d w “ ‘ho first place they " Jf? Iy 10 c 1 ? 86 . ‘ho door to conciliation hnrf Kentucky soil when she declared on this very subject Ho did it in the lan- ffl,?* l 2 ra,Uy- h uiltbe remembered bon * demagogue and in the spirit of " F " moo ‘ checkmated their hopes of fffArNi A ” d th 6 Uouse put its foot very p.f g i, U “ P ° lnl of aggression by seTzing taS U T: a u B "brand which he ™ U °* b M 800 “ “‘'“'y had seized Colum tion to the surprSed'VTArn tae Presid'cnts Ind^“they cS ““0 aubject are decidedly averse w!”* or dr,Ye back any flotilla the Vau to any rupture which can bo avoided with cf, 3 attempt to send down. Some ddntheA??l d hLVn S posUion wo are confi- WrigU s?t,“^ e Mc ?P his “gain is Fort «ml\h 11 b ° {[ t} ly ““Stained by Congress rw/t K°“ " hat »ro known as the and the country.” . J K Chickasaw Bluffs. It is said to have ten guns, mounted. Fort Randolph, further and flirtifi 811 t 1 - m “ CttSC B ° rica of earthworks and fortifications; and it is here that the Wretched's I,iUoW Wa * said to have i ht " n “ oross th o river to pre vent tho descent of our gunboats. Fort Hams, ten miles above Memphis, lias a parapet oigh l feet in height, a„S is\a,d to J?®" 1 J.' sh } lmmediately to £w wh- h ' " ty ° f M'nrhia, i» Fort Pil tara Th^°.f nt l 81 , X f anno “ “ nd,wo SSL, T ho 0°““” bale barricades erected by Pfillow n the street, of Memphis, of whose great strength we heard so much half a ckv r ifSl’r haVo “° W l>Cen "moved; and the is y ,“ lf ’ m '“own immediate vicinity, y defended. Fort i'ic-k -ens, Below the city, is of no strength. One can form some idea from these de tails, and by looking at the map, what an unoont of work has to bo domf before our Western boys can reach Memphis by the “-“Vr- B y , Ctour M f cstern Ocucrais tharnff Wh ? ' ! “ 0W » U Close thing, they aaPoct to spend their New Years day in Memphis. And if wc may j udge „ r thc plnn of attack from certain recent movements in Kentucky, we should not wondor if they did. The Commander of the Iroqnois. The friends of CapL Palhee, command ing the steamer Iroquoi,, who, it is alleged I permitted the rebel steamer Sumter to es- deny indignantly that there is any truth m the report. They assort that there is not a more true or loyal man in the ser “ * brother of Gsn. Palmer, of .the United States Army, and was born in New Jersey. The Navy Department has received dus patehea from Capt. Pai.MEa, in which ho minutely relates his movements, in his at tempt to captnre the Sumter,-and exculpates himself from all blame. His statement, in •übatance is as follows: anfhnliT d hOT J ollli,lg at SL Picrr o and n “ r : bul Mb « apprised by a cou.d C L m r° f^ r Iyin S that ho for t-” h,r y ‘uternational law, leave until blMk»d« 7 ; f v ßftCr the St ™ter, nor tb.„ in capture her at less distance than three marine leagues from Bhoro; wot se at ana Bt “d offend oiX several days attbe required distance. c ° m “ander and the Cover pS ASTfi ever L£„^ te^ Capt - P »W, >» watch- Hananas Dismantled. V V'!“ hin S lon correspondent of the New lork 2fot«says: mr’i .t JT. !!!?!? Bu PP° sed that the ene turn, and those who are dissatisfied with thejnaction of the army are urging an ad Mil'! Up ? a tk “P° int > *nd arguing leara-' edly to show that the true policy is u> strike Whereh6ia •£***. t l wm t bl , 6 ,- t 0 this ifanW. , v“ T '" d . in due “ me *l»t the .7.,,, *' mantl'd, and tJ r ieU W iohyndMo/ 4 1/^?™ near which K K rcat P«ns to conceal. S4 7 .n n Te , bMn , e^ Kt,D * tho Nationals to rash On toiWj. Manassas,’ and thus in atructirn? m Centrevi| l« in unexpected de- K£ta ih£ IMured lam 001 ” ! "- f» it necessary for an army to “rush on" anywhere? We should suppose that an army would foel its way, and and know what" W aa about before it “rushed on.” If Gen. McClellan does not know where the enemy's fortifications are, and the general situation of affairs in the enemy’s camp, he is less fitted for his high position than we give him credit for. He doubtless does I know, and the enemy knows every defense ire have erected. A Little Story for Political Hilnary A correspondent of the Ohio Slatr Journal writes from Washington that not a few high military officers, especially in the reg tdar army, are under the impresson that they are called there to. direct the polities of the nation; and by way of illnstration he tells-the following little story: Two officers in the regular Anmy took aeir seats at the- table at few a frieid" and slave re nr„t conTO ««tion / turning on slavery and tho emancipation of slaves tor th ° ffic ',7 stid he would never fight Ren ‘ he d “ mn6d abolitionists: ‘There's h ' “ id - “Imet him Tho s ?* Lr Uw "P'J'- Wo Scnai w£ w TUled W “ 10 attontl to his Jegit thl?~- b .TS “ d ,«mint» session at the other end of the Avenue which had charge whsrff* 0f •ittleqoesUoni ■5"5 onr epauleted gentlemen tIS," “ double to settle over their wine an, day! » mere after-dinner pastime. Boyr la* WiBTSHoinD be Cashed O.v A writer in the New York Boning Jb„ ttys-:* - ■ , T" the reUlion Z^,fr^ l -J ame4 on ! determinedly gloro; Jot » stern, remorseless war. Wo hare »n, gentle and considerate al! ■*£*« Sn&pjnfc toTdt 1* the question. It i> ■iff*aßEEfi£Wj'*** frWtHft/*- .‘ * traitorous and Wowilicomo *t uitwhei «. *>*»•*• trl™, J d «®tb»‘C|tlcii»itime.’ j.„ t Action of Congress Needed. ) . Thoeurioua proclamation of Gen. Phelns ! mniT^“K d Shi P I,land . shown once 1 V* a . bso ute necessity for the govern -1 “, l 10 ado P‘ a “d carry ont Some general . plan of action in this war. Gen. Phelns occup.es u.e old abolition stand-round n^'l* 1 Ha ' loC , k aCta on 110 equally old pro-slavery principles; General Sherman nf “‘' , ,P ro P ert J of the government lor fear' ■ i^!S^KS^2i?' Un P Ucc »f march-. ! £** SwfCJiftrlcsioii. sends out 2L'“ e ”*' ra “ tnilture about Union men. „ 1 “ P7 C1 °“ u “ e » lo« in settUng the wifSS h! lctl aro permitted to f.!!f P€ "“° al T ‘ ewa ‘“to the war, ?* ot 8 “ m t“ carr y it on, each for his own ends and in his own ways. * be cnly remedy for this very serious ' evil is the passage of an act by Congress definitely instructing all military oK, that war must be carried out on war prin ciples; that all property of the enemy mi! be confiscated, all .Uvea of the J n “m, freed, and every means used to put an end to the insurrection. Among these means, Proclamations will bo found by En Port'” ‘ hB lean offec ‘'re —.N\ Y. Thc Feeling in Wall s treet. I EFFECT OF THE (TU HUMORS, mUCII bri S lll ' r look aaj, the fright of yestercUr havinc in «» srci E bs i, dei Thc b ~ I the Stock Erchange are beginning to look for something else to turn up, and all sorts of conjectures are afloat as to the probable action of the cabinet at Washington on the ! eTtod! Th 16 l E ,°« li “ h de»P»tehmi by the Fridav* /| lh dot * ntlo “ °f tbe Africa until £"?*■ r ' her "guler day of sailing being Wednesday ) has also giyeh rise to much speculation relative to Ihe first steps of Loyd Lyons when he receives official in structions by the Europe. l.. S f c , ula K f r3 ‘ n 1111 of merchandise Ukely to be affected by a foreign TO , already manipulating the rations articles of prime necessity. Our commercial re ports wdl show the nature of Uic changes m prices; the rise in cotton, saltpetre bi of brimstone, andolher ar tidcs, being already rery great, and bold hlg,lor prices. Further , f 7“ in B lMd >» anxiously awaited, Uiough the prirate letters by the Europe I', I .' o^' 0 persons concerned to act more I po-t TtLZ." ahUieeni '*—’ r - y *»■ Commodore Dupont at Work— One ch‘Jr.,„„T ins ‘ s —» -d By the arrival of the transport steamer Con neetict, at New York, the Evening Po » ob . tame tho following Information. Her datoe aro to Decombor 12: I • On tho nay to tbii port from Key W«,t th» traneiKirt eioamer Connocticot itopmd at Ty hoe Island and Port R n *ni thee localities is E«™Z not permitted, for prudential. reasons to do. volop some of tho 'points: Bat th* ' Mn H el?“fr„m IJJ hl eJ authority, that beforo many day™ ™ma?n. „nn * r,C3l °? (,U th “‘ troops. *" ” . poasossion of our ch xtT™ h r“ ot °^“' TrSf^”'‘^ d The war steamer Savannah and throe n* our S Wt,^yotrTytmc, witb ? n d l t 1 ‘ o r “| , e. r Xyhee h ‘ ho Con ”«>«cut' wae off KPIDIWO* iCHIMi FMXASOIXa. ono thousand troops. Tho- ? Fernandina, confining of a baits rv r r at guni, and manned by-two „r ? Mbol*, wonld, it w»/boUovcd'foTl intone h “ nd ' °°r force aftora very brief .tCi-it Charleston Harbor Probnblr Clcre.i -Operations of the Stone F?i«. A privato letter from Beaufort telia n. it,,, the stone fleet, wMch hnd \rriTod ~ral. i Savannah, for which port ft was destined, had failed, in company I of-war,. for Charleston., . or '* "“H , I t »as intended to sinf tha shins in r F rowM ship, across the h„b, r fitt? mKS!.* iwi'«i«tii^^> bLxvsav IN rut; Disvitm ui Columbia —Senator Wilson s bill abolisbing Slavery 1 in the District of Columbia, was prepared null great care, and after much consulta ‘‘““the %?~ S meel ll,e npprebaLion ol the Csbinet officers, and a number of members of both Houses, aud several mil ‘lary men high in position. Should it be come a law, other measures leading in ihe same direction may follow. 6 lilt Coxway- Fount DirriccLty —So lar nothing serious has resulted from the dialogue between Messrs. Con Way and louke in the House. Gen. Jim Lane acts Tor the former, and maintains that it is for ■Hr. roulte to challenge. None has, how ever, yet been received. Mr. Conways or gina allusion to the battle of Belmont is believod to have been purely accidental. I boat or the rebel prisoners in Fort Warren evidently have confidence in the ultimate success of the rebellion, and they 7Z a - l '; mS IT f b j s!n S io S. *o 'he tune the t ’ , of doggerel in which are the following linea: llAve oo fleet, we h.ve no uavlrs, nut we pat onr trust in oy Jeff. Davli.” ix answer to an inquiry addressed to us on the subject, we arc enabled to say that iw? P £ ne 11,0 T ? lu ? lcer rereices of the rn f™"' 1“ 11)6 of th » Genera!- m-Chiet, an oath of allegiance was not re quired of them, and that they decline to re ceivc any pay— National JnklUgmccr PUBLIC Jt'OTICES. Alimhem Valut lUiibmi. o'rncE, I n pmr.l . i t,™ D “- »Mh. l«ll. f ft ECIAL STOCKHOLDERS’ JIEET- SlmrfT lk ° Slockb " ldrn ' oflli« Alleghany Valle, ~r IK »"> lO meet at the oJK, Of Iho Company coruer of I»ike otm t ami th?. r*!T ? S * W«UbuncL. od rHIDAY tho *th‘S ot I>ec*rln U*r lust., in 10 o'clock I m . V . } ‘uasidemci.m the affair, af th„ (Jlmiauiy ' • ?/ i or^* r l^u pro t«oi u.aSRiM JAS. GinSQNV UI.IC« CL.VELiM, iSU riTTHUUMu. | THE AXN'ult d 'MEES; h ''r ti S^?ff*sai«S3£ D-!!li rra “' , 7 Uool “ *BI l» do-* OUI ho li'ld dsT of U.ctmU-Takd open on the Bth of January “ 7 Tfi~ ALL (JEKNEl>—Takonotice -1- lhat utiller the pro»inion» »rtho Art r>f A«•. > i approx Mny 1, Mol, entlMed \n Art f^.?*b,r * * Ground in Allcshcn^Cit^l I ''^” reqiurumcntj of *ud Act . UEOUUK SwiL _d, “° f ffimiUw on Cit > iTupert j. j HPU J tIE UTIZJSNsOF Fl'l'l'auu Kuh* BiaSSSSi-: '** pf* IN«U*i»CE Co., I ■ niVlDE^^^^Tsidlnt g'UIUJS DKUM wili'b, -> Election („ tlu - JX-oZln^j 0t tltJ , ,abJccl «° ’ h ‘ BqrcM 'SfiSS • r£,r rmirrem AUVJfi INK, BnOTOGBAFII A LB VMS, DIABIES FOB 166*. W.. 3 . HAVEN, Ctffinr trf Food and Third Str-u. . LIABILITIES D,po r. l,< "*' D ~- >-*. i„„. ,„ 8i74195 Contingent F aiJl | o eccml 74 Account .... II ‘ lB 1 2o >' J ' Ja « n . ASSETS. :; ■pv __ Gi tJbEiTm CK'?i' ,h !\ "V »f «»si3Ea»«*ssi i'>TTTin-H■« riSS m ««' 2 0, « 1 an 4. ’ JSfS ,a “■?««* brMdi Tobacco. n2i vfr cbolco Station Hoiuu. }W> hfads. X. O. Sugar, 1-2 b .^ la ‘ «»«rud Bcfined Sugar*, '*£ sj' i“ C j* I ® l * Young Hyson and Block Te*« In "tore and for sale by leM » No'Sl o M , 'hlf * ABB^CKIEa, Liberty street, near Wr*lj A. D r 'S«sf‘ , n“' 'i** l U» lath Onj „f ltakc. Jll, KMfcuM • a ;L«,°J O Jtt? w«°r“ J. Uow«nJ and William Itonhii! Sri’ , lila ® ra « uf XV n „V?^& ,lM ’ P ut P<»«i tbervin DT THE COURT | OUST. Tli® largest «tock of Iu tiie cjtj T c}minff out at COST. It. T. M’GSACm, No. 274 Liborty alimn Reaper than it la sold *>U«wi.f* 1 ® pound j?!‘/ Gra * r L s ‘“ n °! ’“h» a! BENsn^w,"' 0 ggniw »f Liberty and Hand ttk»t£ MtV/ ? 1 '? received frost JAMES A. FETZER. Cgrngr Market and Firnt Alto sHfiLLKD COUN bellow Sbolletl Cbm, IC7 Mck* sew «• *^ r . « ncw Oil Ksa ' JAMES A. FETZep— j»ra»r Market »ml rim ~£. riwkibj bbla. 4 JSSTT brnto by TOHCOOfe JfcCBESBTi CO ■i< AraUrßwerwOn bbMchoica KTwfc tohmillm. V 1111 -2sL£_' : i ßncHoocK.jroßizßT>f^ mure mousy during I *^ tuu mads •ny other paper, eitie7djEt?J« lT , e , *“°»*l»-than >ew Tort or any other of?* fP nl> Usb**d in treat reason why tbo L*i.rr«i» Tbs MHiesaful than any or jU l *' en l>are not hedlated f«,inen!l n h P?I**" 1 **" **. tb * l »* thewrvn-re ofXh* JS? ™' U " y ***** »• -ocurirtg country. While othefwiw h£« oftt,e wunomlze—to cut dowTtLe*£?‘f eottipoUed to print ou a jkH,r yuaiitv . U,t,ir mud. «?r Land, been enabled to k£*r> ■■• * ****<’« oth* »' .xc.Jl.uc, ,' h » h l»to* Of all tlwimpreTtmilit7Sd n^, i W * r ? ~oun,« I » “ ten'! to th..SiS“ t M °r™rr« WU , I ' l ' would readers. W« have u,™ , ft *°7 of our uma to cures,ibttcribore torn, *“ J hu " b “* Prewi. preferred to putusS"„ ±‘*’ ' K “™ ’hut w tiara lt««ir, and *!>• paper tire worth of Ilia “““ ten papers that hare (>fr»ZT . M *f Ja ® out °* every swindling concerns, and er( „_*T ein * Ul H? 1"*jo thing to a 0 with that sort nf } »h? , * V!r - ltAt haa any- They are not conducted />.. * thing u sure to die.— The following arelthe ? n '" c, > fc *- contributor, ft? thj JSSSUKS- -* “ «?5 dJ3SJ2S O. Auaorr, Maxr, OttiaoE P. Mobp..’ v’ Jw,, - S G - Prentice, Svlvaxi'lirw * P ' ILUa » Georoe D. William Ross Wallace. t*<4 a* MSBaOJf Bb-nxett, Mvers, Col. Walter* B irev, A * Tl i« R ’ P HA>ni -™x Mas. Fanny Ua 5; Bmoumkkt, Alice Cart, Mar* p^i^\f XSA Coaa “wbie, Mart Stanley Gibbov **• A * Berry, *>» in college*, Bt^m e 2 d J“,“ y profoe- T™"* ‘I 8 ■£*■« win nont uUenr,Xt",cri”d™ i'Jf' 11 aT "!"‘I of etul recivo the P artlcuhJ J ut d t.S?of I m m llter '“ Un! " iU tent to do li Mupi. Md ,u. coinpc entriimtom will ren d mtnm i“o“' *“ ?*“>' ""t more matter ih*n «• iruci week to week much »b.u n .d,’'fr iblj r-“ ,h "t,« from-which to «2c* rnzrm supply j that “ I *i ccw f “ ow ing to tho fact I ILT ufl “ i gßtti f 1 8 U P t&O BEST FAJ,* 1 reputation of tolW ' . Tlie ***l“-*U variably pure and hoiiit).*- *?’ cles. tliSSS&i teSdSaiK ° f ■“ iU ar “* OUK TERMS. coS'l“4"'. 5 “Pi«. S 3; ~„l r *Ui> get lip cfubuci at'lenvirJa o nlf) tt,i,erß i anil o,hiw Tho MnVZbr, LI.» add single copi,* „ t eight copj« will be ent■ “■« i-rS £ , £Z'r ri ‘" i ° n - W3p y on everr haner 1 Tl..Tr/ , , . * «-‘ nt « bank, taken a,*paj.' \fhLT£& leniently l>o Bont, it will hu or check can eon 'cut tho poesibilitr of th« Proforred, as it will pnt- Address ailcomnmnicafiX to nollKfcT BONNER, JWuW, >o. 40 F»rk Row, N r w Vurk. having yuuu ‘ ki “ “ ft °" J tmm a^sssssrß^sa£. *».. ■I.C. h-M liobba Gcsuino Mcri fnn, d u , ES" f " for " °' r »™‘ in thi. cur,M DCST'S OSEFETs, ros sale bi M ’ C A L tu M’S, J *'°‘ 87 Fourth Street, *SSaKitssfe,ii»i- JPU'KSI'" (461,216 €2 “ ' VOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, Ar. stock of BABIES., MISSES 4SD CHILDRENS’ FURS, Emßractoj «rerr quality ud ltj|> “ maßn rCK c “k«' ES ' dol7 CAPa Mi'S, * d wtl, hack *c.. No. 1M North Wwi'Ji£ I; * K 2' CODFIBU, atreou, PHOimiPHu ' b * ,WMn I 1 *™ *ud Arch 3tWO barrel* y—y • site No*. 1.2 and rSe> m '* diuf n “licit a call-bflfcn OWO6t caah P ri «*. »nd Kn 1 JiUBPHr & KOO2U. NQJ46 Jiorth Wharrwa. j het mow .tore, No. i fSh etc - «o atroot, Patterson'* n __ re |!!,’i l ß 2 coo< * doorfrum »mld respectfully lurlto'her frlomhinrt' H ,m ,h “ Kcuontlly 10 giro her o ciu “ d r below Wo&H PETkuESUIE * ud for solo by DRJT GOODS. JJOLIDAY PRESENTS" GREAT BARGAINS IN EMBROIDERIES We lave e TwIot T of C !■ O C K S Jo “ Ih. thing forChrlatnui Gin.. W'Bl) AND CnOCODT Elegantfllylatn all colon. MERCHANTS AND DEALERS ; NATON."gl l ?Rt, , jirj P to“* No, 17 FIRh «*lt Balmoral sktbts OVEB 300 KKAL scotch Sold wholesale and retail by °“ hand and to nrrfro ' Eaton, VAcnrorA co., No. IT Fifth tract- EAIOS, MACROS A CO . »°. 17 Fifth j * AToI *£VMjL. i^TusaT iffcrfert Street. . r ,B nfeiriOTs. pROSI’KCTUS ~t r ‘ THE HEW YOEK XEDGEE, FOR lBes.: rnoToußArn taken, CSS THE MAGNOLIA BALM. stteeskn ts; GAMES, ITC., IT-:., etc. ros Holiday Presents, Oil Clotlia, &0., JT.'i'i - --■ . _ dal niKaii fuhs Mccord * co., ni-vo-Jurt received BUißT.tf. COLLIKs. No. i» tbo timr, to moto „,„ tten8 _ RANGY ARTICLES, mead NETS. sKik-m SILKS, 0s Boons. qreat attraction- ('HAS. GIPNER’S, HO. 78 MARKET STBEET. Waring v„rj, reccnlt, fr Jm ttl „ Elulti , am no. ha m ms™ mj CUllomor , ■iaKCncTaKj tin,, , Im oaetth^\he Handsomest and Cheapest Stock of Goods IN THE CITY. EMBROIDERIES. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, FROM CENTS TO $5,00. Embroidered Collars, FROSI 12% CENTS TO £5,00. Embroidered Bets, rnOM SO CENTS TO 810,00. Embroidered Monming Handkerc’fs. Embroidered Edgings and Insertings. Embroidered Muslin Bands. Embroidered Bkirts. Infanta’ Emb’d Caps and Waists. Infanta’ Embroidered Eobes. H'OOCEJr GOODS. WOODEN HOODS. NUBIAS AND SONTAGS, WOOLEK;BLtEVES, CHILDRENS' HUFFATEES, GAITEOfI axd ABMLBT3, * OOLEN TARNS— ALL COLORS. Gloves and Gauntlets. Rll> GLOVES, SILK OLOVKB, LADIES’ WOOLEN GLOVES, SILK GA UNTLETS, KLEECT-LIXED GA UNTLETS. woolen gauntlets. no SIEBY, White Wooten Bone, Drab Woolen Bose, Black Woolen Hose, ricccea White Cotton Hose, Meted throb Cotton Bose, Fleeced Black Cotton Bose. Silk and Jtfertno Bostery. Dress Trimmings SILK TRIMMINGS, SIMPS, VELVES RIBBONS, SILK BUTTONS, VELVET BUTTONS, STEEL BUTTONS. i’RENcn COBSETB 808 Cl% CTB., MECHANIC CORSKTB, UOENIE-BODICES. HOOP SKIRTS, BALJTOBAL SKXBTS, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECK-TTES, mebixo shiets and drawees, OLOVES, HOSIEBT, HAKDKEBCHIEFS, . OpOD^, rA '’§AIE£ X MATmffi l fSBYo% fOSTMON. bmk|K h |2 e ° d a ®“' b "ks 1II:e shell combs, *??*?’. . '«•»««* wwp™,,.*, „ whmsMWOllre wUot to U Mietiotd. ’ ; ®ABIBB oiPUBB, 7$ MiiiEi SntEET. i **'•«’*> hi-r-Tr ;gj GOODS. notice EIWBROI O E R I E 8 Laoe Gauntlets, Hosiery, &c ‘AT '• Trimming Store, “SSSS? w * , t *X» l g»an»? >» gooE hi™* D ni> d K o"4? S s T- ‘' ■ ”'SS«Si§K® 8.l t.7oH.f£ SKJfJtTS, CLOVM N ilfßOA :r oiiTlßMf S ’ A j®aors BS?r»H}Src ßaf ; SKATING CAPS, CLOUDS and : , „ MEN'S ARCTIC COATS InEI,IOnTS ' A fine •* or tmentof “ ‘ : PORTMONNAIES AND CABAS, : J LADIES; LEATHER EAOB, EMDROIMRED SUPPERS, SHELL TUCK OOMB3. Fancy Goods and notions. JOSEPH HOKHti, \ de!7:lwxtwF W °* 77 Marltet StfOOt. QREAT BARGAINS ‘ ! qkeat bargains WOOLEN SCAB*: BARKKB'B, sa xtuiet Str««> QREAT BARGAINS DRESS GOODS; BARKER'S, 59 Market Street. QREAT BARGAINS BABKE^sytartetSe^t DKY GOODS, .hu ß .,i£ KEa,Sl 59 *arket Street J. M. BURCHFIELDS. guipube lace, m*uOUEUD COXU'Ea-ch«Wi.^di7. ■MBBon>nn> sm^ I*A.CJ3 SETS— cheapest. In tho city. ’> " EJIIIBOIDEBED a*< LDvEJi and CHAPE do MOC3.DE LAINES DBESS GOODS *c-» Ac., &( CALICOS—oe» ®t yk^ hamiltoh oamtqk. c CLOAK«r SHAWM AND SCABrg. HEW GOODS JTJBT O?EHXH,G. *"‘ C * U eVmh.r,. pKLvW; ■*** *. 77 .Varied Street. In all colon and at oil price#. WOOLEN HOODS. TOS TON CATS, WAFFLE BOSTAGS, SLEEVES, CLOAKS, [arket Street ,• a SHAWLS, SKIRTS or ALL KINM, AT in ALL KlBLg OF , ai] “V ,{ 6BIBTXKGB. AHD fimSXQTfIS, CANTON rLAlpriLff, lrew . Sin* DBEBS GOODB,