'* «- 'J 'V $ '• V.UV«V, ;•■ 1 V*.'.. - ,y 4*l-'v I'• vi ”'- :•*».*.iS?. . •% ,v.**.'* :k^-W- .j. ~v* cv.suv.v •S.v.k.-Jv.v', v . .» ’ V’ • t - ■ / j.* • « • v. -v ;• t • v •< l> .vfc~*v • m-&**.*M<* V i.t • • . & v * I**-;••.’. ■«•?'!•.•■•.','• • •>.•.' •»i> wi; .. r _ *r •■’.*.*<. -i ;J*.v‘\ ?*«*. l‘>v. v\.. .-tt ~.• ' • * *;-K *}v* *•;•.-?■ - . ’•: ! ~ V; '"t‘ i- --'■!;> } / .V -y -'t t.v f* i‘.'''v: . » ■ < 1 *. K\ ,-. k A» ■' t • '.• ; . . . : ••* :i. ■.. • i ■V titiioSV *?t~sa c*r*vl Tx}-~ * «zii«£i—. MONDAY ■MORNINO i - i DE& ; sJI), 1861. Unatonned Kat-Holct--A 'Citrio'os Tj'OK "GIKCINN’A'IVA M 1 i"® ■ » __ Vnirlitk 'Traveler 1* l.maViLLE—Tbo wnr and vlcKmitnaSag-Ss* Statement -of an BBgiiyfc j-*c.p.. j. towitu, wSSTSaBR j.-u,:. j, . - s ;i lortT:PISDAY M l7lhln»f;,iit«o , clOck. !Vrtre4*t»r We.fiud in ta EnglUh pap *t J *-«!*«»* * col. Aw..* connts of a remarkable letter said to have , |>tt |.|xt~;iXNATL IAJUI.-t- 1 JIjSlJ* recentlT appeartd'-in'thc Edinburgh-Oain/j J] yii.i.e.evaNisvlLLT, a caibo dnilfiifiHi imeW.from a Booth Carolina correspond-, •nt of that paper. The correspondent writes | aßo.j.jmJi from 1 Charleston, »nd, : says - the ; Bummer j t or ui •_!■-■ dele p. iTlew to. A»r fur the* harbor. 'feUttej •ame' time]K« fl giTw-U? an idea of the way - *i*p- m * j^b** i.ivingstW t co.. Agont. ftdmeSbia2e eS»e'tommgadvin»omo pOK CINUNNATI, LOyj£] degree, thTiheonreniences oftheblockadc. J^7r L smraV siBE. c.pt. r. Maruuo i~>*. »» Ho UHi tow* under the guidance of » lbo „ » nd „n i„torm*h*te non., odMONpu, friendly ',’cottdn •planter, he made a night „ 5 P . W journey,to a point on the coast, of which ho ,to o« r : — /fftly rwxitinn. A>Ut which C*tt . CINC.LNN.A..CI &• LOU- Sfo Other than-tte, »«"'« the Jfew.;;York tapers as the pmtaM* desr ( jr, Sips for tretghi oi-paiag. ip tidation of the powerful squadron w f * i piy on board or to yefeels and transport* that ha* lately Bill - ; d«2 edifotaouthern water*. '%mbarkihg wii the mystery of a con ■pirator on” board a. small steam-tug laden with'fbe-moot explotire and combustible goods, thty,witness; ftir tbytes* is carried down the dreary estuhry'oT the Ashley ap'd 'Coopor rivers, passing a few dark and roUshtpriTateerß and one.w-tW9 nnfijuflned ships intended, for. lift; Confederate nary. Btaamiog. boldly.. for the. ppen sea, .he and wfowand glide by Forts Sumter jaiid..Aloul triij which, togetherj.'wiUi the/. neireaTth nxaheof Charleston a niuuatutfeCrfffistndt. iv—ning along' the coast with their hearts for Wlights of the blockading fright* : -shine at ha great .distance, »pjfha unjdtsssntiy-niwf, i the adventHrottii v.lmily, and as it inamboa about one' htipdj’id.andtwenty all 1- told,vou may well andexatand lam not : ynJ. This may seem .Strange to yon that I ‘ ' hate gathered »o large a family around me -ttoe;;r V will .therefore ex - 'plain, -ram, as'yon see l>y the.heading.oE .-mt leuar. at Hilton Head, and haTe re s tha’.pTinintment of ‘Superintendent ;-ef'Contrabands? ! find many unpleasant .things inconnection with my new position, j.oSEr l&re been, selected for the place and lnstall endeeror to .. d» flii.best l ean. .77 . ‘ ■:xJ s. «l»m getting an insight by. tha means ; r> '' of Thy poeition into the workings of the. —"jairaar insUtutiohwhicfij-aB-ow-southern brethren tell us, hss been oqlained of God tor the good of the African raoa, You know that I have always sla very with horror, but I teU you, friend, the half had neter been told me, end I should i *ftti fltd vT-attemptrto give^youin’idee •of | - tho inatttutionui Sonin CsiOlih*, where, ns ' the sonlKernpresV. : 'w6'nlil‘haye l ua.suppose r .*• •-.•1 Iheir'SloTes forthelr muster* ■£££ come .io ufl 'Br-—y Ysnkeee.’ „ is pained daily as I witness we degradation on this poor ' block raoe. But these ai* some features , for, degraded \.iy ym*X»noi*pt m they ere,'there ore many 1 !.Y> y them that hirelisted of the Sarionr’a ~‘rriwT,ani 3* in .£hnsl Je»us.’' Evcn.no?. srlnla -V/i' -IStiti, the voice, of .their.erening.song of 7. .* 'osa»«aa«^s &V ‘ VwtGodVflOTeio them; tpgeiher they bow ‘ ■ • ef HatewiH and poor ont r;«*••*.•• prayirtoHliitwha reigns s > i if ia heOTkn and roles among the irifcibi tonts i they bava been taught ofGodand their, p portions of J r --, tv '" '‘ | i jirtififi/-; - J »r. From Cairo. -■ ’ - I -’ ■ d,ud ’ ir* -VI f . vWij'isitewfolt mehei F. ■!■ .*«» Hatthe rebel funboetsweie loitering be . iftrth»iranKj**of plenting - lobme-| K Cojmjodore Foot* Inuerti f? .'.j —- I Ti§)jrhr4er«a thrpiibottrBt.-li' i Glitfrf»d, »n*laiu!tQri!lam to v fbom m '^E5 , ??. I 7 I P* rt to » friend in W*ishmjfton . ;?ACStHSSE3*-»taV:ila«>, i3tt^ae.B(Uy, • ' In the. b&nda of 0«n. McCJelUo-^-It ; t ;--i,\ yet reowtea y. ♦ka* mlpyge-and determined orgeitlM* ■ /• ».yi!rnn'nniit« in Out EUt«.' Ihcy «w *-" V' r-Tn... la ■ CTUuanoiCTtlon with - , in 'K»iV:T«nW««o, and»w»it '•• 'fnitVayoort i riilnfnrwnumt frf Bmi«»Wiw Vy ;-^s*t^wv)»gv. l, gwj ~ . "j " , ; i,',r"" . •' '■ ~ tust reckived— c| WboUMkcMnkilnaaraFttdiH, tO “ Hi" DtW Apptok .. ■ M 3 li. B. TOIQS * 00. tWa tsiwwtiWSf aw-ar-'TO:! "'.'StHUiUtt- FOK CINCINNATI Jfc I^UU-rJ^ ISVILLE —The flfto eleamer BRE-jHbsßi KaNGO, C«pt;ft. French, will luata -foe-‘to*. *«*»*•• tod all ißUrmnriUlft..4>Qr^~-P-P~.THJ-3._PA\, at 4 o'clock. For .freight or umn applj : ou Uonr-l or it ' . dtfl y-J. B. LIXTKGSTON k CO., kgM. > VTLLE AHI> ST. liOUIS beautiful new bt earner--PRIMA I>ONA A, oaj»t. Geo; 6, Moora, wliljeava for tha abora and all inter* John Wolf, will bare**««. -- uiute porta THIS DAT, at. ,10 o'clock a. m. | orA^l. ~raOK ST. LoUl&—The, fine! J} Hnmn DENMARK, Cpt. J. J-OBBBak -KoMnaoti f will !«.▼» i° r abOT6 * n,i 411 '“‘““."‘i 1 : Siport., cm WEDNESDAY, 181 h ln.t. Tor freight or namaco apply on board or to gy J. B. LIVINQSTON A CO.,Agent,. P- ll'l’yßUk&H ASU WAij-rJffIVS LIPOLIS PACKET.—Th* beautiful jitfiHMi 4i«w passenger ftoamer UNDINE,. Cspt. M-. A. Cgx, will learePlttsburgh for Gallipoli* EvEBY SATUR DAY, at 4 o'clock p: m. • Returning, leave* GaUtpo- Ba EVERYTUESDAY, at 10 a. m. Tor freight or nuun apply on board or to • aSo 3 J. P- LIVINGSTON A CO., Agepls. T L Yri"l'tfliUKUti ANU-fUKTS-1 JE3U> Jr MOUTH PACKET.—for iuc, 'Marietta, Parkersburg, Pomeroy, Ironton and Portsmouth.—The steamer CLARA DEAN. Oept. A. J. Maasilliot, will le»\efor Ports mouth EYERY TUESDAY, at * o'clock p. n».- IjeaTes Portsmouth EVERY FRIDAY, at ldo.clock m. Forfreightspassage apply £ nofcdDn JNO. FLACK. Agent. Kkgulak WEBKLYj^ ZANESVILLE PACKET.- new and beautiful passenger , aleamer EMMA UR A* 11AM. Cant. Mosruo Ayers, leaves Pituburgh far JUussrilleEVEßY TUESDAY, at 1 Returning, leaves Zanesville EVERY FRIDAY, at 8 n. m. ' For freight or passage apply on board or to J D. LIVINGSTON A CO., Agent*, Pittsburgh. H. g t .P T «itug A COn Agents, Zanesville. sell KG II I. Ait WilKKiilAG i JESU PACKET.—Tbp splendid pa*sengcrtf£iiKflß9l ■»»MDTEBVA. Apt. John Onrdon l»railo r Wheeling and all intermediate port* EVERY TiJ.ES ♦DAY, THURSDAY and-SATCRDAY, at 11-o clack a.’ m.V making 1 dose • connection* with the regular wfcfets for Parkw*bureh and. Cincinnati. - Return- Q, leaves Wheeling EVERY' MONDAY, WEDNES DAY and PBIDAY, at 8 o’clock a. m. Passengers .MeiptKd throngb to Oindnn.tl. rot taishl «* B-Igo apply on hoard or to JAS. COLLINS A CO., * n j y 114 Water rtroot. IffMSCEJbL.'jiJrEOVS. £TEAU WEEKLY’BETWEEN'Si m SEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, laiid-KSflag ipgasd embarking Paseenger* at uUKEN (Indand.) Tho Liverpool, New York and Phuadel t>t,ia Bteam»hipCompeuy intend despatching their Kill-powered Clyde-built Iron Steamship# a* tutluwn: CJTYOFBALTIMORE...t..SatunIay, DeremTer U. GLASGOW..... _ Saturday, Doceiflber JL CITY OF NEW YORK Saturday, December 28 ar.d every Saturday, at nook, from Pier 44, North River. EATTS 0T PAMAQK FIRST CABIN $75,00j5TEERAGE.........~5W),G0 do to London-. 80,00 do to London-.. 3AOO do to Pad*' 8S,«ol do to Paris AV» do to Hamtmrg.. 85,001 do to Hamburg.. 35,00 Ptasenger* also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rot* terdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates. o^ Penons wishing te briag aut tbi ir friends cut buy tickets hero at tho following rate* to New \ orte From Liverpool or Queonrtowu; Ist and $lO5. Steerage-torn Liverpool $40,00. Iwm - . . 30 do Uocoa Lubricating Oil. ‘ 10 . do Beftztod Bpnrihtt Oil, ■ 'lO ; *0 ’PtimoHenForY, ■ ; , 1i0,., dov Safwc&M,. "* 5 -s•' do "Whlto Dftatif, WeBtortißa««rToCbwao,’ ' ,60.: do .WgodiVSfocpb. .... , ‘ 200 dox«n Median »od Fancy Broonw, 60 d 6 - Carpet Brotaw,' oO‘tnubtli OftiOai, •:. ’* = • '• K\V <*>NSIUNMKNTS. y> JPUat Hominy. lObblfc TUot Hoabtl* Sftbbl»..Klo. Cronherriee, U do Bweet Cider, fiOtae.EbeUberto,.- • . 41 do Gheetauu/; lOOboxeeprtmeCboeas,.. 300 .do Ptjt»tae«, „• too do*. C jfoFam Brooms, . 10ta.GaiTaeeed.Hame, TS'bbls. Ss; Foa/Flour, 80 boo. White Beane, . ! SOOltae. Geeee Teethere, - -L : m I To stare nd fcrielebr . h. ILVGIGT A CO. i'tUNBiaNMKN’X’S— . = \J lW bbls.Gr*«n Appier, -, . 10 bble. Dry Fnectu*i • ’ 60 bble, fresh ground Bye Floor, • 160 Vam *• X>. Cheese; • • '‘lOOboiaiW.RiCtiweo; V • 60 bW*yJtteie N<- O. Molswee; - - flO Feaej Broeme; ‘WbdxwWoode’SUrch:^- -60il6*:*neawyWBn»!w ' »- ' nobble. Me*eDttbrtamttf{OUj -! 100 both, prims Hickory Mate, new; » TAJJ del Ko,H4Bocon4«*srt* at’ Xi’CJt .ror/ci:s. p TILE COURTOP 00MMO>'4fp|gfe X PLEAS of Allegheny county, at No. December Tom, IMD- ~ , „ .. .... lit the matter of the TruM of Jolt:, h- Il»uiilt.*n. Dow deceased. An>l inches to the corner of Lewis street ami Mt?s Maria line thenco-along the line oj the miJ Maria «'Tth 89 degrees and 29 minutes ««i, 2W *«»* *>+ » n ‘; hM Ul , the old Washington Hoad; thmcc- along said road iti degrees 57 minute* east. 12 * fret 1 inch to thu corner of «id road and Miller alley, thenoe alongm .1 alb y south bo degrv* 22 tmnntia «-a»t, 24'i l,* Inclie* to the place of beginning; containing 1"- bu ” d ™%t; rs-AMiLTos. ,M I.lt.untwf Trustee• _ A _ LIifcIUHENY 4JOUISTY, ss.—M'ngi J\ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, h-WP tv-Vueltm W. LaWrence and Elijah Purdy, executor* ol 'he hut will and testament of David M. Prall, late of th* citv of New York, deceased; also to the heirs and all others wncorued. In pursuance of the fifteenth •octlon of an Act of Assembly of *aid Commonwealth, eutitled vAft Act to cxekte a Sinking fund, and to provide for the gradual and certain eitinguishmaut of the debt of the Commonwealth, pa««l*th« loth day of April, A. D., IM9, you are hereby cited W be and appear before me, W*. J. Kiciu*Moa. Baglater for the Probate of Will* Ac., in.ami for said county, on!or before MONDAY, the Mb day of January, A. D , Ifltii, then and there to show causa why tbe collateral inheritance lax upon the following Real bstate shal not be collected under the provisions of said Act o! Assembly; herein fail not. Said Heal Estate couatsU if JOHN F.LACJSt Ai 1 Uouh and Lot ■ **■ M 6 Houses aod Lou “ St. Clair Gtreo under iny band and ssal of office at Pittsburgh ’ this stb day of December, A. VM. J,BIQHABPIK)N.R< KKMUNT street, AJuLbUUKN It. —Betolced by lh» Select md Com mow Ounnciltif the Otv of Allegheny, Tint the Report of Viewer* tor the opening of Fremont «rcet be and ,tb« *mbo « hereby approTod, and that “me l* certified to the dty,solicitor for filing In the fo confirmation. JOn> ATWbbL, . Twiiient pro tcm of Select Cooncti. D MACixnnos. Ctftrk of boiect Council. v. mAcituuu ANDREW D. bSiIXH, , President of Common Conudl. Attcet: M. irGONTHOLt, Cleric Common Council. T>» Ait COKCEaxtD—Tak* nolle* that tho Stale* meat of Y»wn for the opening of Fremont street has been this day tiled In tho Dietnct Court for con firmation. to which Court all portion aggnered may *»r' prul “ r ' ''T£fw?™X Solicitor for Allegheny City. December t), 16t>l —*'«lwd . Normal school.—u. w illlvms Uu opened a NORMAL SCHOOL at No. -1 SI. Clair street. Third etory. Tatimong of Teacher*: He I. the counsellor of th. Teachim, the man lo •ahon. allot nr loan for.“W" JJ^ToLtoTT. I concur .»». h.arrlly EATON I concur in the opinion I uko pleMuro to gMng U m mj opJaion ,bat lhe foruguing recoouniindatlon ifl hilly mer^ e I know of no on* who dwonroi hlchcr toetimony in hie tiic*i B> *1 - A*m 1 • I fully concur In lhe .Lore racotntnmdntiou.^ Ho can prepare fcnplli for the High School puicter Hum anj other toachor lu tlila dty. I)0DTI1ETI Trnnft —SI par treek. In adrange. ■ aua.il.iw-l T)EN N INSTITUTE. Hanoooe Street, X naan Pratt, : la note open fare Iha reception o! pupil*. jfYi'FIOIAL v/ Tta GkSEa-lL’a Orrica, Wapiuxotox Cm, !*»•• 1 following‘Resolution ban Iwen adopted by the House of the United State*. vir. "lU*oU *L That tbo Secretary of '' *r bo requested to foniuh to thi» Uouao copies of all rontructs made bv the Quarterns aater’6 Department for feeding disa bles horw* daring the winter, to tt»t« tbe t«nns of thoao contract*, the names of contractor*, tbo nura ber of home* giron out, and whether those contract* were made ujwn public noticn. , n AU officer* and agents of the Quartermaster 8 De partment are instructed to send to the Qnartermaa* iwr General, immediately upon seeing thin notice, copie* of nil coutract*. nod ail infonnauou embraced within the term* of the jjfyxQg d*l2:lotd 1 Quartermaster Ocncral. FAKMEKB’ DEPOSIT CO., No. tiC FOURTH STREET. GAS AMD STEAM FITTERS, 110 Wilwliiitf'ipji^EwtttMreeti, TITTSBUROH- 3 Bousm aud Lotua.WiXrfl fctrftet, 5 .. •* “ Hand “ 1 Vacaut Lot *' ED IXVI in'r M-mion of flveinoiitlM. J. >l. SMITH. I’ltnrlH. BANK of DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. rAR «*»i CURRENT FUNDS rfceittd on DepotiL Tho undcnumod Stockholder* are individually ro uponelblo to dt-poeltora to the whole extent of then private mean*- _ _ ~ jum MatthaH. S. B. Eobtam, Samuel Ureter, B. S |J?L*L t > John M’Bcritt, W. W. SiGrjrr, Hay Walker, William Walker, Joseph Luile. Hobart Ml, Joeeph Low, Bichatd Fk>,d. William Ckrr, Jacob Painter. John Scott; Thomas Scott, Thomas Mellon, D. E. Oniony, John Floyd, Jntne. k- Bnoa. William Vomm, , JAHKa MARSHALL, Pretalear K, A. GEOBGE, Oulilee. ap-H-iy wT Dissolution of co-partner- SniF.—The firm of H. AJ. WATSON A CO., lately ln th* Grocery and Bo*t-fctore hori nee.,’ wm dSUlved on the sth day of November, 1861, l,y the withdrawal of F. 11. ANDERSON, and the buxlnees will bo closed out by JAS. WATSON, of the firm of U. A J. WATSON, at tbeir office, who alone has authority to mt.l. the ntt-burgh, Nor. 27th, 1881.—noffhSmd P' ETKOLITE OIL WORKS. 600 bble. White Burning 08, 100 •* Pure Benzole, lu2 “ btqam Clarified Mecca OU, 45 *• Fare Mecca, 2t>J •• Wagon Green, scerjr Stan of JOUH A. BBNoiIA n, j ( |0 Comer of Liberty and Hand atrweta. TjIKiiSH ikOITSANU VEGETABL.KS P —6OO tau* Froah Delaware Petcbte, Pina Apple, beetle Pear*, Tomitoee, Grean Peaa, Sweet Urn, Llm» De«u», ic„ h « r “ e,^tt, „“? lo fresh, fbr Mle by JOHN A. ’ delO Corner Liberty and Hwl ttreeta. LOU It—7oo bbh. Ocean Mills, 130 do . PaOplaa’ llydraulie, 300 do Ky. Wblt* WJiojkt, I ° d ;ir M “ l Mccreert 1 10. .TiHbli—7 cask* new UxUum, 'P 30 barrel* Bay Itlaod Herring, Deceived on conelgnmeut; vein cloM fo ' fl „“V No-183 Liberty street. , “IiIKEriE—2IKK) bin. beat W.K. Cheese. 600 do do Hamburg do 200 do do JLD. do de3 J.B. CANFIBU) * CO. JiUS BENZOLE—S barrels for sale conripnnwst, by • i. JA.UK9 DALZELL A SOSi Nod: eo aod 70 Water rtr*»t: ;U OIL—SO barrole for sale JAMES D.VLZKLL £ SOK, : Km. 09«hH0 Water street. d«iAi, —OlL—WbarreU, suitable' for rdlntog. «* Ml» VA tmA « SOU. ll, WAITED —SUU bbls. 'Petroleum, ■l** -i-utft . m ,6 MEBT co. fIUEA—SO ,hall' clx*® Y„H-, lMperial. X«id^lklTw, ,, obiBonaco . UOKWHKaX JX.QUK —25,000 fba. SK-ATEti for sale low BOWS t TETLEY, ■ ' 130 Wood Btreot. IODOj"" ~ dflti TllAliLOVtf OlUin Btore and for sole b; ISAIAH PICKJSY A CO. —KTKOIiBUM— bbis. jurt received HKNRT.-’n;:COL I .I.NB. ’bbl». beat, varieties for 8 jftr/CAyyTKLPAco. * '/-MKA^UKSI bales »nd for heury H. oollisb: 30 barrel*No.lCarbonjurtrec'' bSISCEtit‘ lJ ’ JE ® VS. XX IXIXT GLASS OVAL CARBON OIL LAMP CHIMNEYS. Patented September tttfa, IsCl. The beefHm, hav..«. •v«rrwlifw equally distant trwni i*. iUiu r ,>o that ‘“fttrtoSlf-l to "»iK the of euddln exJLukm. » that .> u ttupoa.ble to IT “Vh?>M bt made I -rgely °< Uy '‘L“'‘or“ume iMtead <* Klin, of | which oure am mannfaetanxi. • r ., ~ 4. Bui ths srrentesl advantage oftbeso Clumuvys Is that whan yon haTe one it w»U_ U»t forever, iunl it _ n _ hiiu'wkaaiMir treats on* by-tlis Uwt of the lamp, la/bar call at the manufactory end wo «tll r «P>?™ her cracked chimney by a dozen whole ones. Tide Drofter does not include accidents or those case of breakage'wherw the chimney has through inexpert ence, lien screwed eo closely to the lamp as to pre 'lSSiTjii*Carbon oil, -ho he" Mt tit. the obeUcle, which be. pxistb-lin the im«t«*P eMaoJ chimneys, the way of the unmraaluae of the oil, have found a remedy w , h „ Oval XV Flint Gbus Chimneys, which has mate- ib- y Wholawle Drnggluti. A oil *olJby Druggist, nod In .tore. thn>»«^ nt tho country. g'Q DOZEirHOOf SK-IK'IW, THE BALMORAL, UK CRIMSON AND BLACK SKIRTS, Made with Cord and Tapca. IWMcr-hAntu uid Dcalor* supplied at low prieea. F.ATON. MACBUM A CO., 17 Fifth it. EM’S' FAN GY TKAV biaa SHIRTS, WINTER UNDERSHIRTS ~*il- SATO!?. MACBUM & CO.. 17 Fifth irt. rpo 'i'llK PUBLIC,. cspe«iAiijrniieg=£ X ignorant an***.!/ tfralrat fl.I-l*™,'*' or nil tl.noniitratltmi.Jtl'—* anil Dalkato DU onl.ra, Half-Aim.*, Diraraet or SltnalioM common &od Incident to Youth*of both sox**, *[** cle mod married. Because Dr. BBAN pub- Ushee the fact of hi* doing », the i g no /?“*^ d ***** mode*faro dreadfully shocked, and thhric it » p«i dn, rory immoral, and fear contamination and cor. raction amour their wire*, promising eon* and I JSighter*. Their family physician etad* *» tious to keep them in iznoranc© that they do■the *nme M Dr. BBASST BC F/(except publishing.) lt*t a In tfatlTo practice might he low to falsely modest and presumptuous fiuailiea»bmm and raised in ignorance, sprung up » mush-roons, and who compare society, intelligence,sense, etc, to-dol lar* and cents, myswriomly. or Uly It U to publicity, however, that numerous parents ud guardian* an thankful that their sons, tough" EraKdwanU,previously feeble, ticklyanrt of deU, ate constitution and *PP^*““’ A 1 to health and by Dr. BRANSTBVT, W»*dea many before andafter marriage through him have bUu saTod much suffering, anxiety, mortification, etc. Baring lbs advantage of over thirty years export* once and observation, consequently he ha* jfciU ia th* treatment of special diseases, and wholb o! femfly, to regulate or limit the number of their off. ] spring without injuring tba constitution. It ia the | Only tafo and «ore ; Dtetut. The abore article can be sent by mailto any Wtof tbo United Staten or Canada, two for 81, and J> r o°”".’ Banff Spanish Female afoaMtf Thaaa Pill* are the only medicine bimtW or * ln sj* Iho Dootor can be consulted on all diaeaaoe of a pri« sate natnro. BcientijU; treatment, a quick care and corner of Grand and Orchard streets, oror the ihoe Jtonu nl £“ M No <$ Orchard street, S. Y. Established In 1632. PI tTtißUiUiH AtittiCULTUKAL WORKS, Koi. 49 AXD 61 ftUT SfKUt. PXTTSBOMH. FBANK O. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Wonld call th* attention: of TMmm, D»lrymen, Feeder* and others to the celebrated TELEGRAPH, HAY, jBT&fVf AND FODDER COTTER, Of which he Is now comber, of rations fit*, for Hand and Tower. Also, STAR CORN BHEL LEBfl, cither Doable or Single, tor Hand or Power. BALL'B IMPROVED OHIO MOWER A REAPER* HORSE POWERS AND THRESHERS. DOG POWERS, meet Improved Pattern. INGERSOL’B HAY" PRESS, t t , . And ytb.r AgriailtnrJ Muiln.r,. whol».l'•-'i retail. For furtber.lntormation addms as above. daZUwlyT £|K FORKS'!', AJKMSTKO.NU & for thopurponee knorm for Pre scrring IKON AND WOOD WORK FROM ROST AND DECAY; for -BRIDGES, ROOFS, BOATS,, TANKS, OIL BARRELS. or oR”* wotk °*V rmi “> the weather. . ‘ . , , ... ~ A.. FIRE-PROOF PAJtfT.U |i [nrdu.ble, ul l.wrraat.d .ape riot to body, permanency and cheap- Q es» to toj othor r*int taown. Made and fbr eale by th* ton or .maUer quantity by ‘• 6 rraN-A.SALTMAOTTACTimreG CO deB-3m»n 14 Wood meet, flmhorah, Pa. 'i.or If 200btiU. Kentucky 'tVTUto "Wlieftt Family Floui, ,000 **■ - WMiOTp • •: _ l 20 -BjrO :- . ; . . M 200 fraah Bockwboat Ibr " I BRnWH * KIRKPATRICKS. YKUi*S—9obblvSt iiouis Syrup, SOW. do' do, do •10 bbl*. PwmijlT*ria do 10 Uo Baltimore ; do , / is So. iio k KIRKPATIIICKR. , u -prime LKIiD * CO. V A PPIiESI • ••" : ' f\. : -APrMSU AISLES 111 in prim. ort.r, ' riiHE ALL SUFFrcIENT THKKE. t JL Xho great “American Remedies," known as GENUINE PREPARATIONS, viz IIELMBoLIf.S EXTRACT • BCCinV’ .. •• !SAKSAI‘AniM>A; •• IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBoLD’S GENUINE PREPARATION. “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” L-orrt- COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT RICHt, A Pt*sitlve and Specific Remnly for Disease! of the -BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL, wud DftS'PsI CAL SWELLINGS. , _. This Mediriuo increases tho power of Digestion, anil excites the ABSORBENTS into houlthy action, by which ihe WATERY or CALCAREOUS deposi tion., and .11 UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS »ro rolucw], as well an PAIN ANl> INYLAMMATIO. , and in good tor MEN, WOMEN, or CHILDREN. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCIIU, For weaknnaaea truing from Eaccaaoa, llabita ol Dir sipation, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. attended with the following symp- Lndispoeition to Exertion, Lou of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror ofDUnuw, Wakefulness,' Dimness of Vision,* Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular'System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryueu ol the Skiu, Eruptions ofthe Ks.-e, These symptoms, If allowed to go on, tvbieh this medicine invariably remove*, soon follows IMPOTENCY7FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may.expire. Who can .say that they are not frequently followed by those “DIREFUL DISEASES,” Many are aware of the cause of their sufleting, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And (As Melancholy Deaike by Cotuumpliv* bcae ample witness to the Tatrrit or the xssEßTto? axd r THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which Helmlwld's EXTRACT BUCHU ferai mM* OLD OK YuUSG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CON- McCuRD A CO.'S, /IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO fH MALES, the Extract Buchu is unequalled by «»: other remedy, « in Chiorisia or Retention, Irregu hiritv, Puiutulnesa, or Suppression or Customar Evacuattoiw, Ulcerated or Scirrhous atate of th Uterus, Leucorrlioa or Whites, Sterility, and tor » comulalnte incident to the sex, whether arising fret indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, ot m the Tako no more Balsam, Mercury - , or unpleasant Medicine for unpleasant and dangetou* Bison**. all now itjioa and shape*. It causes a frequent desire and gites strength to Urinate, thereby removing; Obstructions Preventing and curing Stricture of tho Orsdua, allaying pain aDd inflammation, to frequent■ m tho clans of diseases, and expolling all Bouenonj, Dueled nud tcnm-ovt Jfofier. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS*. Who liars been tho victims of q»“ts, >ud who jetve paid iixavt rxE» to he cured in a ahbrt tltM» ha M found they were deceive, and that the “POISON has, by the use of “powerful iudriDp-ntmbocudncd up in the system, to break out in aggrarntnl form. ARMY* SOCKS AND GLOVES, AND. DRAWERS—niI «i*c ,«£Dicai. •HELMBOLD'S’ PALLID COUNTENANCE, “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ,L WILL COK VIVE THE MUST SKEPTICAL. F KM A LES-F KM A L Ed- F EMA L Eh, TKMPLATING marriage, DECLINE 02? CHANGE OF LIFE, BtE PTHFTOM9 .OSOTE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT l HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BVCHU SECRET DISEASES its stages, At little expense ut uo change in diet; No luconvonielir* .luii no txpoture. PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. C» Belmbold’s Extract Itncbn for all affertlon ad diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, Whether exist inj; in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever own* orißioattnß anil no matter oi HOW LONG STANDING. Dueaae* of theso organ* n*qnlr* the aW of DIURETIC. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And to certain to We tho desired effect in *ll Dto« eases for which it to recommended. Blood 1 Blood! Blood 1 Uelmbold't Eighty Concentrated Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. SYPHILIS. This to an affection of the Blood, and ATTACKS THE SEXUAL OBGAN'6, LININGS OF THE NOSE, EARS, THROAT, WINDPIPE, AND OTHER MUCOCB 3TOFACE9, Making Its appearance in the tarn of ULCERS. Helmbold** Extract 9arwparilla ** and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the SLiu, Giring to the complexion a OLEAR AND HEALTHY COLOR. It being prepared expressly for this class of com plaints, its Blood Purifying Properties are prsMrved to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sana pari 11 a. HELMBOLD'S BOSE WASH, Ao excellent Lotion tor diseases of a Syphilitic Na ture, and aa an InJectfrm in disease# or the Urinary Organa arising from Habits of Dissipation, wed in coSection frith the Extracts Bochn or SanasperiUa, in such disoases as recommended. ■Bwidatc* of ffcs mod reliable and respowilifl cfcaractor will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CUBES, From & to 20 years’ standing. With names known BCIENCE'AND FAWB. For Medici properties of BUCH.U, see Dispense- W S« , lS*2or tdimblo work, on the *MeAremarhe*ih*de by the Into cel.b'rnet Dr. nr. awriuiir MCDOW. ELL, .celebrated Phyiiclui aod Momber of th« Boynl College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in tho Transactions of the King and QueenS Jonroal. ge« Modico-Chirnrgical Bevlew, pabltohedby BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of Royal College of B, SSSi of the late Standard Works on Medicine. Extract Bnchu, f 1 00 per bottle, or six for 85 00. «. Sarsaparilla,loo “ -> “ £ £§& fat ll2 00, which will be suffi cient lo cure the moat obstinate cases, if directions are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely packed from abeerratlon. describe symptoms in all commhnica- CUBES GUARANTEED! AFFIDAVIT. ‘ PanobtUy Appeared before mo, Mi Aldermen of the df, of Pblladelphie, H. UEnMOB, »bo bdhig duly fcworn, doth »ay hi. preperatuine conmin mom coUo.nomottmry, or other InJarloM^-OiP'.tmtjmo Norembor, p BIEB EBO, , NlnVhStTect, above Race, Philadelphia. Address letters for Inforination in confidence to • h. TJ, HFLMBOLD, ChtxaiMt, -Depot, lOAPouth Tcnth stroot. bciow Chestnut, SSWABE of COU2fTERFSIT3t . An&ldfTiaeisM&eto*?:. Who ende.rorto dUp»o;^i'o»'‘"“' 1 -other artiew on the reputntfon attained »‘J Hohobow. StOTlbO ; • ■ • Kanoimrilla; „ "•♦**'* ; Improved Roee-Wash. »#.' GEO. 11. KETSER, • ~ Nilto Wood etteet. PUSbcrsli, And all I>rEgsbd» PToryohero. ■ trull farBEIJtBOLD'P.. Toko no ijthlT. . ; , Cot the odTertieement oot Kndjeohd Jhn it» and AVOIDIMHtSITIOiJ AHD EXPOSURE. M&warißdMt OILS. Xc. i “TVTrrL'u"' " ' rtLEVELAND asd% 'R KKSK ‘ tGKAt Vr E n;m ££ ,,0 S j 1 ,, u1 v,,,r,u. K -,r. ollt I . , I road, in Pittrfjorgli.aa - » PITH L»K*»LM*KI/.tD UEKZOLh j Pi -,, jfct .„L Cof«mfru* «ati Short £in« ria TJETiaiLKI'M cm..—The "New , 'j“ 1 » p. m. : l euncu. ntrlfnrrarOßT ArrtwsCtadmmti Ifr«£st' ‘ i iT.ik lnuoUbli.h.J»lfcp»>? tml '“ l fl E .Vk.iLl d „ gt . Lomu m. i \ ,i.’, for reo-ivim: andsiorini; HI I. »hlfP* ? i Lcar4s ftttstmrgh i*‘in - 1 ivocral teUtml Tlila |».rt » L *, 5„,l,,l?,ll, £lO p. m. ■ , :„Mk,i n ..j...«lbi>c HEFINED OILS, (t(1 Steubenville o-. 28 ft-®- . -ri. • Itir si . nwar Duqucaon «<»5. wheeling 6:& a. a. Diraowa. »* '| arrive. Bolloir. .. OO n. m.,- Thi. '•“ l 'i'“;.,i"iiriy :l 'S'rin ), |,- *I'‘eTBOI.EUM on ! L.*vcs PHtBlmr*h . L« p. 0.. ■ . ir.J. .n l ' > AdlHt[r .. mrt J o ,ui o.n.iiMi- ; do Hellcvlllo.. 1.00. p. o. ...ii.uiH-1-iri, v.r. WFVVLIC.dn., dw SUMlbcnvni* 5;10 p. to. A«l*«rc** * ~ ,io Whirling fc2Sp..m: • - Arrives BelliUr - CM p. tn- L- UCIFKK OIL WOKKI?. J eourn'ctingat Wueoung with-uanunara'aml Ohio iri/inM p. WOOLBIDOK t lUHnwd.aii.iat Bellair with Central VM© BftilroAd H li.Lf.i.i ! t,r/.ancsvilU, I.*Dvm»ler, Circli-villf, Cc-lmnbui and Cincinnati. imrarn or CO A I. AND OA KBO N OILS, Junior ib L.UICS. cniiiSKrs, tc„ i-., . ; ly JUiket ntlavl. N-kOUil ali'l lllUa, h ' IMTTSBL'IICH. I’A. |s.VliLt; Ul I. WUKki?.—\' lIjU 1M A N Pi i \_SL'KK.Si>N, ftiiu-n and J<’Hlcri lu l-I KF l- vlißoN i)ir..i.|u»lilsgu«r»ule,il,) I'ITTSBUBOn, I’A. lwrißGlir.\f‘Kaii.l lIKNAULS conslaull) an hl pT.jfrM rn-ivM I>.r tUa at t'UErW, SailTß A Water nuJ Ftral t /7oKNPI ( ANTKK oTLlajmpany. \i n. U. I>A.VI*, p'endent. JOHN IKWFS, anA 7 V J J V; r Inur-i Touii -K. U. Dina, T. M. Sevin,..l L- Car 'iMuhati. A- i.'rt«i**rou, Irwin, Jr. .. 1 PKTKOI.EFM.nI l»Kbt gmTlty, from th« mil* «t tho r..n.r»iiY, .'II Oil WHS? in V.muign comity, con •*‘"l* Z *G- So. 2fi WOOD ST. Uftu*al T. a. *>'«* i u . . m yA:\yA Ptmlmtgh. ~~d 3 fJIj'L'BUNA OIL. WOKKS. —LONG, *•*». AlhS^ nnd -1 MABKET S'IBEE.T, Pi Man“u« U <..r»of ILLLMISATISO a„J LUBBI GATING CABDON OILS and BENZOLE. Oaß-No. 1 REFIXEPOIL, warranted non-oxi-o sivfe, alffayn on hand. —~*~Z ÜBKICATINU OIL, at the low pei« UP 25 CF.STS TEH GALLOS, tl f ~u bund and fur «ul» by. B-C.iJ. H.s'™'rUfloaW ■ ' A» to thu nualily, «e refer tu amieiod rarUOrale. I’ITTFBEKOH, NOT. 27, I#W. JlffeiM. H. C. .t J. /i.-SwrifW-GeutSjTU cat mg Oil w* nr* B-titwg from >«>«i «« ftnrt t«. be th« bu,, for our lurr,.*.* „ tx , Bt SVm. Ebl*\\ /VrAKiej-J- A. McULUKO," < oMMISSIOS MEUCfI-iST roa tuc sau: or UIUDE AND REFINED CARBON OILS, N‘>. M Wood Street, ito. w. uouiNiir—l'“', k OIL KtI’LNEKY // oLDamr, BRTAS & CO., MASUfACTrcr.Bs or BUBSISO OIL ASI> LUBKICATISG OIL. K~-“cra»tminljr «n h„n4 tho vrrj- best m iLNISO OIL, clear and wltlirratodor, also,* good LUBHICATOK/rn™ WHITE BESZOLB And CAB G «fflrAtt orders left at So-35 Firm STRtET.Bank Block, second door, will bo promptly attended to. uc&.dtr ' spores, ac. A LLEN. McCOIiMICK & CO., Vali.et I J\ ForsntT, Pittsburgh, Ta. iSjyWABEiioTJsr, No. hOl Liberty tfrwt. Manufacturers of COOK, PARLOR AND lIEAT jjiG STOVES. PARLOR AND KITLILLN HOLLOW WARE, vie.. Steel and GlaaaMonliU, R®H iuc -Mill Castings, Mill Gearing, La*, W at<*r and Ar tKeotfip*. Sad-Iron*, !)«« Irons. ag»«> J***??*”' air Kettle**, Pulley", Handera, Car W huula, Coupling Sd Castings ReutSlly. Also, Jobhiug and aUcb.m, Costing. made to order. ****** *«**£ with Steam or lion**- Power. not-om-t 1 r. yoCmj. vS^aworaffißsrSwiwws-Fora- X I.CV, uLrfy utrwt, ut-nr the- Clnie rS c .?S‘,«E IlnT BLAST ANl> ROLLING A! 11.1. EULNALE I'AKTIMiS of„v,ry A™cri|>Uo.. vun'iT, UILFIFK. HOLLER CASTINGS, FIIIE I KOSTB, GRATE BARS, WACOM BOXES,, *4“ Bl’tW lIHJNS, GRATES AND GRATE FRONTS, STOF COCK BOXES, Ac., always on hand and for T * u * r : Orion, Ml sit!, W.W. YOUNG. owner of Wpod HIM m.l BUraoiri alloy, will rra ITC finjuil'^atnon STO V ESI sit) vKS l—U. I>F. UAVR.JN & SON, MAKTTACTTTXinta or STOVES. • Warehouse, Federal Pt., near Suspension Bridge, ALLEGHENY CITY. We ask the dealers to our r«ort mentor COOKIKG and IIKATING STOV Es ; <°r wood and coal, which wo ore tho lowost »u fo £Snw irirve lIOLLOW WARE, WAGON BOXES, ‘•LMS :»?iIsOTGBAIB FBONTS, FESDEBS, etc., and CASTINGS of nil kind. d'“' i o'?? r / l ' r '. ivlfirlvd D. D* HAVEN A SON. Etna stuyjs; >vurKjS.—a. brad- LEY, manufacturer of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES; GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, Ac., Ac. Solo proprietor of the cdubrated PATEM: GAS BURMNG ANDSMOKF.CONSUMING ARRANGE- M *£J?rnc* Ajto Bale* Boom, coim? of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. ja-Ldly TjIKENCH’S HOTEL,. OS’ THE EUROPEAN PLAN, SINGLE BOOMS FIFTY CENTS PER DAY City |f tl U Sjiaare, comer Fronl/ert Street. CSTMtuli u they may be ordered Iu the spacious Refectory. , . There ia a Barter's Shop and Bath Rooms attached to the Hotel MTB«w«r. ~I BONKSB3 *ud KACKMEh who ■ay we are (all. ooifthdly* gl\ LOUIS HOTEL, UitestjvUt Street, pHI LAD ELP U IA , tb« (mmediatv ncighborir vStaifl dnmnodlotii Ho- ; tel, lnl&M, it hot been the single vodeaTcroftbe prepjieton to make it tie meet mmptnoni, conten ient and comibrtaijie'heme for tbe cititen anti etren g®r on tbia §ido of tbe Atlantic. .*'' And whatever has eoemed likely to administer to tbo comfort of its guest* tliey.bave «nde»Tbr«i, with-' oat regard to cost, to. preside, and to combine all tbo elementsof individual and; modern art baa Invented and modaro U*to approved; and tbo patronage wbkh it baa d*un*nd*ra«ing tbe put aix. 7«ara U a gratifyiogproofthat tbclr ef fbrts itovo bccriapprecieied. ; ' „ To moot tbo.Talgendeaof.the timcsjwhen all aro required to practice’ tbo moat* rigid economy, the an detained bare jUSDIJCEb TJtETBICB P* BOARD TO TWO DOLtABS' pro: DAT. »*; As. «mo time abating none of; ti» vltb tbdrtrtlo baa hitherto beenrapplbed. - ’ TREADWELL, WHITCOMB * CO. . oc3£md .■ ! : :V"'- ADVICE GRATIS! rmLADELPHtA. T7KUITTREIffI.-ISDCCKJ^ISTO D Puß i cnuitas.—A very largo neck of selected, varieties toplwoee 1 . bie care taken to bate every variety OfAppleaiooo we ‘ have of jbkh aretbri yw oldis 10,000 fonryewdda -000 two to three ■jmtfß old. Peach. Fl«“>» Ac -> * - *Atir«MQ*-rtb®Trot* ltttho’j(arwry. CaHand HTxwwwgfisp: 9MHM.I. "Effig*"* Jlu PitbUirph O'til CteetldHil lift*. Leave* Pittsburgh Ltt *. tn. d.. Wells vUI-.-. *<« a. m: Bayun!., do -Alliance do Uutlrui! Arrives Cleveland.. Leaves Pittsburgh, do Wellstillc.. do Bayard - *P- ®- do Alliance - P- »• do Hudsou *;tH p. m. Arrives Cleveland JklQ p. u». Counseling at Bayard wiUi- Tuscaratvas branch for New Philadelphia und .Canal Dover, at Alliance with Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, at liudron with Cleveland, Zanesville and Cincinnati R. K for Akron, Cuyahoga Falls and AiillersbUrg, and at Cleveland with C.-.& E. K. 11. for Erie, Dunkirk and Buffalo with C. A X. It-R. for ToUtof XHokroik and Chicago. , ' Mail Train leaves at (Hto a. 01., stopping at all sta tions between Rochester and RsUair. '’ ■ k ' • WiiUiviUa Accommodation loaves at &3op* m. - Returning trains armo in Pittsburgh aa follows: Mail Train - .4:10. p. ®* Fast Lino ilfcSO p. m. Expruce Train £°s a-.* 0, Wellsrillo Accommodation 0:40 a. tn. passengers desiring to go to Sandusky,. Toledo, Chicago, or poiuta Wost, via Clov&lond, must bo par ticular to ask lor tickets via Cleveland. Tltrougb Ticket* can bo" procured at the Liberty Street Depot, Pittsburgh. - " JOHN' STEWART, Ticket Agent. For further information, apply to WILLIAM STEWART,. Agent, A,t the Company's Office in Freight Station, Penn ft. oio'i? . WINTER RANGEMENT MR THE rKNKSVIi-SttMIDCSSBEX VANIA CENTRAL BAIL-noAD. EILiHX-DM^Y T o£“d «»« MONDAY. So.. Sib. fl» TIIHODQH MAIL TRAIN Wares the Passenger Station every morning (except Sunday) at 2:50 a. m., stopping only at principal nations, and making direct compaction* at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington, and for New York via Allentowo root©. . .. THE THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN loaTos dally at 4:40 a. m., stopping only at principal ItMitm*, making direct connection at Harrisburg for B«lu morw and Washington, and Ihr New York town route. THE FAST LINE bares tho Station daily (except Sunday) at 10:50 p. m., stopping only.atpnncipal stations, making direct connection at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington: • ' _ WAY FREIGHT TRAIN-WITH PASaENGEtt CAR ATTACHED, loaTe* the Piuraonger Station every morning (Sundays excepted) at 640 a. nu, TOJ- Ding as far as Concraaugh and stopping, at all Sta tions hotels. CITY OF NEW YORK. (Opposite City Hall.) r. FRENCH. PaopgitTon- above Ttitab, Broadway, n.iienoiaos. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. Tbo JohMftwnAocomiDodaUon Train leavta. daily (except Sunday) at 3:00 p. m., stopping at all stations and running as far as Coucmuugh. ... First Accommodation TminJbrW ail sSutibn leave# dailv (except Sunday) at 0:40 A n. twoiid Accommodation Train for WaU*. Station Waxes daily (except Sunday; at i3jWa»m. - Third Accommodation Tram for-Wall s Station iufw daily (except Sunday) at p. m. _ Fourth Accommodation Train for W all * Station tam* daily (except Sunday) at 0:16 v*m. Returning Train* arrive in PSfauorgh asTolKm*: £xnmos 1:16 p.,ui. i ilall, &3a p. nu; _F*«t IdwS . l-:>*a. m.; Joliuatown Accommodation*ltr.o3 m. ,* First Wall's SUittou Accomni*Klatluu,'6:3o.m m.?8eo ood Wall s fiutivu Accommodation, «h3oa. m.; Third Wall's SUtltm Accommodation, 1:03 p. Un > Fourth .Wail’aStatiou Accommodation, GW3 P- ®- . Trains lor RUurevillo uud Indiana cotinecfat lllaiT*' ‘ rillo Intersection with JohurloWii Accommodation and £x|rtfc«s Trains Jwuit’aad . ' The traveling public will find it greatly toxorirto* terest/in going East or-Ws-t, to travel by! the retm ■Tlviuiia Railroad, an the accommodations uow offered cannot be, surpassed on any other route. Tim Bond Is ballasted' w ith »u>uc, and is entirely fm> trum dust. We cun premise safety, speed auiTcomfort to all "who may favor this Bond with their jwtreuage. To New Tork~--..,513. WiTo Baltlmnre~....~«ta. W To Philadelphia-... 10 wOITo Lancaster....-..-. 8 00 To Harrisburg 7 46| • Baggage checked to alldtntiOns on tbo Pennsylva nia Kailrond, and to* Philadelphia, Baltimore and Passengers purchasing ticket* in care .will be charged an excess, according to distance traveled, in addition to the station rate*, except firm stations where the Company-baa no Agent. __. .. NOTICE.—In case of loss, the opmpapy will bold themselves responsible for . personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. A K. B.—An Omnibus Lice has. boon employedito convey pueeugcre and baggage to and from tlfo De pot, «t a charge not to cxuu&l 25'ccutsfcr each pas *'=*J^«J^T“Asarti At tho P. B. B. Passenger Station, on Liberty Md Grant streets. 005 - Tickets for St. Joseph and other points iu Northern'Missouri, the State of Kansu, or the Territories/ should insist on having tickets that read by the NORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD. Tho only route from St-.-Louie to St. Joseph. It is tbo shortest and quickest line, by thir teen hours, to the remotest point reachod byrail, and is always m choap as any other. Buy jour tickets to Kansu and all points inNorth ern Missouri by tho North Missouri Railroad, ero irussow j ISAAC H. STURGEON, President and General Superintendent sf* tho North Missouri Railroad. . ... aelOiMECm IIENBT IT. 9IMMON3. Agent. ALLEUUKN RAILROAD.— j| trains daily depart from arrive at Pittsburgh; '(except bQa(i.y.) _ Through trains, aiopplng- at Holton, leave Pitts burgh at tl a. m. and 4:30 p. ttb, . Hatton Accommodation trains leave Pittsburgh at 9 and 11 a. m., and'at 1,230 and 6:40 p. m._ Accommodation trains, rotnrniog, leave HnUon at 7:40 and 10 a. m., at-12 m., andl:4s> 3:30, 5:39 and 7 Ticlet fore—Pittsburgh' to Hlilton ahd return, it* cents, ' All passengers from - Pittsburgh, without tickets, will boebarred fhll fhreS.- j eT 11. P. MOBLEY, SoperhMehdent. rjio FARMERS AND OTHBBB FOK SALE, CEOWEY-S SBEEWOE PATENT GRAIN FAN AND SEPARATOR, Patented January 10,1860. The superiority of tbUFAk overall oth»sntqo«>od certificate, emanating this community, and who. had,eTerj,sCility afforded of seeinglt fnliy and Dcps rtmoU tf • fae Stesfytt* TliriemA •‘dawTer I *'Obemtcal-OUrs Erasiro Soop’haTing been, used vary. extcorirelyte ,nd NAVY, etc. Tta> Prisasiw we offer 1 fersateareotunewfiattern j are the ‘simplest uhdstTongwrandibßatinade.Of anj cheap pivspsa.eTenlnsesiti*UhnAoc , ri*py.; , «?*- J 9?45« operated by or.npt, ana an Boldatpricea hitheno nnheard oFitbat lsto say at abopt o9#-U*ik tbe priceof Jpb Prameg.now tense. The Cabinets (upon VWch rtte Prwwes stand,) are composed of rtaalt cwiws neaily-and stnmriy pal***; Briber, and for coapactnem,ana; K?aTriiiface tow MTer bwu txiaaUed. eendwr .**ST- '~‘»OWmA' .'‘- ' ‘HoT i l'«lOT<»ilK«l.».T.