MOKDAT MORNIHG, DEC. 16 t 186 L CITY APFAIBS. UtnoiOLOOiOAL OntxnTioxa for the QautU, by G. E. Bhaw, Optician, 55 Fifth street,—corrected dally: 9 o'olook, a. u. U « u. - 6 V,«. r.'x. - Barometer, - - J I r s!epihUcait City Ticket. '. '}■-, ;jfyt SAWYER, Ja. : r foaOomOTT.ra—JOHK UcCARGO. EICHBAUSL u: ••>■■ ’ V’ ' —: r ;1 The Health of Camp Curtin, i A.-rary silly rumor gained currency a few days lino* that the sanitary condition of Camp , Curtin Was most deplorable, and that a malig nant' and contagions disease existed among tho soldiers in camp in that locality. The Harrisburg Telegraph says: - ‘ '‘This story grow eat of tho statement -of a sargeon who had .visited and examined "the camp, and who reported the existence of snob disease. Of -coarse the oondact of the sargeon in tbs premises was most reprehensi ble and in direct violation of dnty and’discip linerfor which he has been vory properly sus pended and held to aeoonnt by the Governor and Commander-in-Chicf. So far as the san itary condition of Camps Cnrtin and Cameron are concerned, we know, from personal ob servation and the statements of thosewhoare hi official position to understand the facts, th*f tho health of the men in both is better •than among 'a -like number of me,n in private . iilTe, and-that the cleanliness of'these camps ffcr, exeeedj at, present, any other similar es tabllshmcnt in the oountry. Mon could not ‘ pqisiblypossess better or greater health, while . the economy and cleanliness of any camp eohld not bo more faithfully guarded than . they are in the camps to which we refer." Andltor General and the Brokers* •‘TlottV Thomas E. Cochran, tho Auditor Gbnorni of the State, has issued a ciroular in viting thh attention of the brokers and bankers to the provisions of an act of Assembly, en acted at tbe first sesssion jf IS6T7relating to broken acid private bankers. The fir3t auc tion of this act requires a return to be made nnder oath, to the Auditor General, of the re ceipts from commissions, discounts, Ac., and requiring a'tax of three per cent, upon the ag gregate, be paid into the State Treasury .. .far a-Sinking fond-for the reduction of the -State debt. The third section provides a penalty of ode thpusand to bo col ‘ Lehted as taxes on bank dividends are now col lected. The brokers hold the law to' be at 0&69 Oppressive and aneonstitational, and, for the refase to comply with its pro visions: xhe matter will doubtles go to the Supreme Court-. • - Shocking AccidenU-Boy Killed. A lad accident, resulting in tho death of a boy named Augustas Satterfield, occurred on Saturday afternoon, at the saw mill of Messrs. .* “ Foof, /Wcgloy Sc Co., Beaver street, Man shllUr. Young Batterfield was employed in - ;. the mill, and while adjusting a belt ne was ae-' d dentally caught and dragged over the shaft Mveral times. The shaft was elevated some : ■ ten feetfrom the floor, and tbfe body, in pass ' Ing between tbe shaft and joists, was crushed and-torn in a horrible manner. He was re f moved to the office of Um Company, where Dr. Qrouard was summoned, only to fiod a hopeless case—the legs and arms being broken - • pMtly stripped of tbe flesh. He Was .aooudfterr®® o **® to the house of his parents, where he -was relieved of his sufferings by 'death a few hoars afterwards. The deceased .'" "■Vae about fourteen years of age, and a worthy and Industrious boy. " ri . v 1 • A- Just Punishment. U‘ On Saturday, offioer Bowden, of Allegheny, •observed a German. na theV street, driving a iow and calf to market—the coifs udder be ing distended to such a degree that tho milk • ’ “.was dropping‘from it. On examination, it • -was found that thecalfa tongue hadbeen tied ' ;ud to the roof of Us mouth, to prevent its Booking, and to help the sale of the eow. This cruel and dishonest act being contrary to or — dinance, officer Bowden arrested the man, and • look hlm before Mayor Drum, who inflicted . : • fine of five dollars. The man's -name was i Htrfc*** Wiltey, and he .hailed from Yaren turn. He was justly punished for his cruelty ■ And rascality, and will not seon-agaln resort < t© this method oflmposing upon others. :: - Mxjuoib H*nd*bsoh\ Orrus Akothxe ' ' Nxw Dbaha.—To-night, Managoc Honder ■ boa will produce another new drama for the - amusement of our citizens, entitled the ; “feo.oth#rn Rebellion by Sea and Laud.*' The niece abounds with transactions which have ! raVn p{nf on the Potomac within the past - :three months: and the scenery, panorama and •", nn boats are .w«U. calculated to the vis • ' flor a correct :ldea of that much talked of 10~-r; ~-r ; catity. The dramfi has been highly sueeess fai {a Philadelphia, where it warbrought out ■t at the Walnut Street Theatre for the first time I on Wednesday last, and will no doubt have okHeia run here. JChe enUrprise which Man- ager Henderson has shown in getting, np new woes is appreciated by our citizens, end we 'Jjfr glad to see that he receives that substan ; tial support whereby ha is enabled to give us a light of every thing new of an important fharaoter-ia his line of business. ’ Th* PiAJikt VzNtre.—For some two weeks r jL dazzling lustre of this beautiful- SS’et in thi *•»««“ h “ ‘ -r-' *# .moec those who have been abroad enlisted for the, w»ri ' Mobs PusoKBBS. —Six rebels were lodged • in; prison quarter# at Whfipllng on Friday. ’ ‘ Theysrt Milton 0. Bpurlock, already indiot -. f or treason, Stephen P. Markham, Barton Markham, Reuben llampsUn, Galloway t Thompson and Dr. Rudolphns Moss. Dr. • > Moss iasaid to have been quite prominent in ■ the recent'Guyandotte affair, and assisted in • 1 lying the prisoners who were captured at that ' "place.' '• ; '- . * ’ •’ • ■ • • •M *• ASxD MtrpAgg. —Thom** Dunn, * resident ' 1 ’ onfetaostfeeuniy, Ohio, was shot recently at Clasp Kerin, Ky., by * comrade named : s HaaM«ood,.firom the Bamo county. They. 1 1 picket guard, when Dunn, gutting lnd not boon ro- Cooti*7»tm AanasTia.—James Crisi • *well. lot putting douaterfeit' twos. oa the Barnert Bank of Schuylkill county, upon i r orloua merchants In BrorarMe, was ar yevtpd and committed Tor trial. : S ‘Xcum or TH* Mooir.—Thero wiir be an ' *oiipae of the mtfon 60 the morningof thel7tb . Xui~ lt willharlaibU.toaU in.wbom the lore •• dfthtmarreUouU sufficiently strong to orer eome their Innate to rising at twoo’clck, a. n. 1 lPt****i..--The rtmaini of Lieut. W. J, ' - • Philip! were interred on Sunday afternoon in > • HiUdale Cemetery. Theforneral was Urge aUdUapoiing. • ' • Li 71 - 00pjrtgjjrjur Tvos on the Allegheny Bank, -i- pfiUt eity. wt in circulatlon in the neigh immass?-1"' v.. THE LATEST NEWS] LATEST FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Enropa. ;hly Important Intelligence! Halifax, Deo. 15.—The Royal mail steamer Europe has arrived at this port with highly important intelligence. She was detained at Queenstown till the 2d, by order of the gov ernment. Slio has the Queen’s Message on board with dispatches for Lord Lyons. Loudon, oec. I.—Tho Oltervtr states that is SOS IS SHADE. - 00 34 - 50 , 46 . 46 - • 29 10 _Uh, le Governmenthai demanded from President Lincoln and his Cabinet the persons of tho Southorn envoys to the British governments Yesterday afternoon, after 5 o’clock,]), m., Her Majesty held a privy council at Windsor Castle. Throeof her ministers, including the first Lord of tho Admiralty and tho Secreta ries of Stato and War travelled from London to Windsor by special train to be present. Provious to leaving town, the three Ministers had attended a Cabinet Council at Lord Pal merston’s official residenco. The Observer also says that a special .mes senger of the Foreign Office k has been ordered ! to carry to Washington tho demands of tho | British Government lor Lord Lyons, and will i proceed to-day by packet from Queenstown. .The Times' city article of the 30th says tho position of the Federal States of America is almost identical in overy commercial point with that whieh was occupied towards us by RusBia*before the Crimean war. Russia had a~hostile tariff, while we looked to hor for a large portion of our"general supply of bread staffs. But thore is this particularly in oar present case that the commencement would be by the breaking up of the blockade of the Southern ports, ut once setting froo our in dustry from the anxiety of a cotton famine, and giving sure prosperity to Lancastershire through the winter. At the, fame timo nc shall open our trade to eight millions in tho Confederate States, who desire nothing better than to be our customers. The Time* has no hope that, fho Federal Government will comply with the demand of England. The public will be satisfied to' know that those domands are for an apology and to insist on the restoration to tho protection of the British flag, the persons of those who were violently and illegally torn from that sacred asylum. Tho Obterrer -dds: There is uo reason why thoy should n ;t be restored to the quarter-deck of tho Brit ?U Admiral at New York, or Washington it: elf, in the face of some ton or twelve men- if-war, whose pres ence in the Potomac would render the bluster- dug Cabinet at Washington as helpless as the Trent was before the guns and cutlasses of the San Jacinto. It is no fault of ours if it should come to this. The arrangements for increas- ing the force in Canada arc not vui completo, but in a few hours everything will be settled. Iu the meantime a large ship, of tho Mel bourne, has been taken ap ami is now being loaded with Armstrong guns, some 80,000 En field rifles, ammunition, and other 6tores, at Woolwich. It is not impossible that this vea sol 'will be escorted by one or two ships of war. Tho rifies are intended for the Canadian mili- tary, and a strong reinfurcemant of field ar tillery will be dispatched forthwith. The Morning Star declares that the state ment of instructions having been sent to Lord Lyons to -obtain tho restitution of the Con federate Commissioners, or to take leave of Washington, was premature, and so exagger ated as to be virtually untrue. The Liverpool Cburter believes that the Warrior has boon ordered with the ultimatum of tho government. The stoamor Jure arrived out on the 2¥th. Tho London Times, in alluding the de cision of the British Cabinet, says-that the arrest of Mason and Slidell is a clear violar tion of the law of nations, and believes that Lord Lyons will be instructed by the first steamer to demand reparation and if not com plied with, will be instructed to withdraw the legation from Washington. ~~ Arrival of the City of Washington. ' Cap* Rage, Dec. 15.—Tho steamer City of Washington passed here at 11 o'clock this morning, with dates by teldgraph to the sth instant. The ship Lady Franklin, from London, for New York, put into Plymouth on the 3d inst. She took fire the fame night and was scuttled to extinguish the flames. Some Southerners, shipped among the crow, are suspected of firing her. -?• The steamer Australasian-haa been charter ed to convey troops and a battery of artillery, and is to sail.on the 12th.' It is stated that thesteamerMamoi Adgor had captured a pri- vateer off Fayal on tho 17th nit., towing a pnze into that port. (This is evidently a canard, as the Janies Adger arrived ot Balti- more some timo since. Tho San Jacinto affair monopolizes the at teation of the Press, which denounce it in stroug terms, and active naval preparations .are making. The Latest.-—By telegraph to Queonstown to the sth insL, says that the excitement is unabated. It was rumored that the steamer Persia had been chartered to convey troops to Canada, but this is pronounced premature. The steamer Australasian was advertised to sail for New York on the 7th, but tho Amer ica was substituted. At the banquet at Rocledale, Mr. Bright made an elaborate speech on American affairs) bat declined to give, a decided opinion in the Trent affair. He believed that if illegal, the UnitesStatei will make fitting reparation. He strongly condemned any warlike feelings, and scouted the idea that the Americas Cabinet bad resolved to pick a quarrel with Eugland, and made a brilliant peroration in favor of the North. Liverpool, Dec. 3.—The sales of CotK*n for the.past two days baa beertT,ooobales. The market opeu<*t at a recovery of under tb* effect of the • I’enU’i America!! advisee, but the improveueut was not sus- tained, end tb® markot clowd unseul«-d, and with a downward tendency. The market for Breadstuff! closed unsettled. Flour tinner at Gd advance. Wheat «tUI advancing nod prices are * 10U. Com ha* an upward tendency and is Gd higlicr; tniit-d Corn, 34s fid. The market for Prov Moat closes firm. Beef firmer, Pork firm; Bacon buoyant; Lord still advancing; sale* at 49*4567c. Tallow quiet; Ashes are still advancing; «iles at 37c; Common iioein dull at Ida UL Spirits ol Turpentine nominal; Coflco steady; Bice steady; Lia- Seed Oil dull at 2Gs. London, Dec. has un upward tendency and pricea have improved ltgdis. Sugar dull. Colloe hit a downward tendency; Common Cougeu Tea ataady. Bice firmer. Tallow is inactive. Linseed Oil is stUl declining; sain ut 3Ja 6d. Spirits of Turpentine dull at C6s. _ CoosoU lor rooneyare qnotvd at 90’£g00j4*x div. American secariltes —Illinois Central stocks,;4o(SrL>; Bris Bail road stocks, Liverpool, Dec. 6.—Sales of Cotton for two days, 18,iAK) bales; closing firmer but quotations are-un changed; sale* to speculators and exporters, 7,o Col onels of regiments, and the school for regi mental held officers by Brigade Commander#, j to whom two recitations in tactics and regu- j lations aro made. No rflicers aro permitted to be absent from these r.••.•nations unles3 on guard, dotaehed service o: sick in tho hospital and in such casos the recitations aro required as soon thereafter as practicable. Regimental and brigade officers are held responsible for tho strict observance of these orders, and the names of officers who are care less or inattentive, or who fail to acquire the lessons set for them, are reported to head quarters, and such officers will be examined by a Board appointed for the examination of volunteer officers. Division commanders will be present at least once a day at some of tho recitations of the schools within their divis- toss, and will give such strict and constant supervision as will assure then that the re quirements of this order are fulfilled. The Ueneral commanding the district will at least once in two weeks visit every cantonment, post or station within his command, and will assure himself either by personal examination or through some officer designated for that purpose, that tho officers of this command are making that progress in acquiring the knowl edge necessary to enable them proporly to discharge their duties which ougnt to he ex pected,and he heroby notifies all officers w ithin this distriot that no considerations of rank nor personal feeling will deter bim from the promptest and most stringent measures against any officer who does not devote himself assi duously and earnestly to tho acquisition of that knowledge which alone can fit him to hold a commission. A cantonment has bcon established on Lanime river, and Major Carse, of the Sixth Califoruia regiment, appointed Provost Mar shal thereof. Colonels of regiments are tu be held responsible for their regimental trans portation, and aro required to koep it iu effective order and ready for the march at any moment. Any failure in this regard when called out for the march or for review and inspection, will be considered and treated a? gross neglect of duty. The sale of liquor is positively prohibited to, every camp post, or iu the distriot, aud all liquor now at such points is ordered robe sent to some distant place at the risk and expense of the owner. * From a copy jof tho Army Ary u*, published in the rebel camp at Osceola, and edited by J. \Y. Lucker,] formerly of the State Journal, which was suppressed in St. Louis, and who is now undergo,ooo bonds for trial for trea son, we learn that General Price has issued an order from the Headquarters of the Missouri State Guard,in which he states that the Con federate Government proposes, in accordance “with tho terms of a treaty between Cabelle A Co. and (the rebel government, to receive into its service as many troops from Missouri as may volunteer for twelve months. They are to be enlisted as State troops, and to be under the command of Major General Price. Mus ter rolls are to bs sent to the Secretary of War of the Confederate Government, and the Pres ident will commission the officers and provido for and. pay the troops, bat until the troops are transferred they will be paid by the State, the Confederate States guaranteeing however that they will be paid. A bounty of $3O is offered to every non-commissioned officor and private who will enlist, and ten cents a mile for traveling .expense from the place of- enlist ment to the rendezvous. St. Louts, Dec. 15.—The Democrat learns from a gentleman just from Lexington that Gens. Rains and Stein, with 6,000 rebels, were in possession of that town on Friday last, and another large body of tro.Opa were expectod to reach thore yesterday. Gen. Prentiss, it is said, was on the north sido of the river with 3,000 Federal troops, and bad throwu a few shells into the rebel camp and destroyed one"oT the two ferry boats in their hands. This informant says that be beard heavy firing after leaving Lexington, on Friday, in dicating that an engagement was progressing between our forces and the rebels. Also that Gen. Davis, of the Federal treops, left Otter ville for Lexington. These statements need confirming. The rebel, Capt. Sweeny, and sixty-three other seceah prisoners reached here last night, i John Hagan, late Postmaster of this oity, was arrested yesterday, charged with the em bezzlement of several thousand dollars from the department during his term of office. Ho was taken before the U. S. Commissioner add hold to bail in tho sum of $lO,OOO. • Gen. Hallock'a order relative to the assess ment of secessionist* for tho benefit of the refugees from the South has not yet been car ried into effect, but probably will be this week. The last instalment of Camp Jackaoh pris oners was sent to Cairo last ovening, to be for warded to Columbus, Sedilu, Mo., Dec. 14.—■ Parties the West arrived here, report that 3,000 r?bcl troops, under Gen. Stein, pasta point fifteen miles west of Warrissburg, on the lltb, evi dently for tho purpose of escorting some 600 or 800 rebel recruits, with their baggage, provisions, etc., from Lexington to Price’s army. The notorious-Capt. Sweenoy and bis band of forty marauding rebels, captured a few days since by a detachment of our cavalry, have been brought here. Prominent Secessionist* Killed. Pakist Ky., Deo. 14.—Aba Speers and Dan Helbsr, two of the moat promlnont secession isU of thU county, wore killed at about fire o’clock in the evtniog. Helbar shot a Sol dier through the bead, killing him, when one of the soldier's eOmradea killed them both. Tb* fracas originated by a man named Rodgers attempting to get opt of to*n with contra band goods and letters for the Southern Con federacy. Rodgets was captured, and is now in jail. Letters fdond on. him are in posses sion of the authorities. —An attack on the town by the rebels is ex pected, and reinforcements hare belin sent for. Seven hundred soldiers will be here to night. All was quiet np to nine o’clock this evening. _____ : Farther Particulars from Charleston. BiXTIXOSt, Dec. IC.—We learn from tbe Captain of a Norfolk boat that he wasToform ed by the Captain of the steamer Illinois, from Port Royal, that he passed within six miles of Charleston Harbor at ten o'clock on Thursday night and that a tremendous con flagration was evidently at Its height in that city. The reflection on the clouds exceed# 1 anythihg'he ever saw, and tbo whole Bay, with the dark outlines of Fort Sumter, was brightly illuminated. It did not appoar like reflection from smouldering ruins, hot from an unoontrolable conflagration. Tils is later than- tfc* ' Norfolk Day Book dispjtyh. . .r, ’-s' 'u'i i. (/I Advance of the Uoipn Troops in Kentuctif. Cincinnati, Dec. lb. —Tllo Enquirer's Lou- t isville correspondent, und?t date of the 14th, ! , says that Gun. Johnston "ith 16,000 Federal 1 troops, on the northern b..nk of Green river, | aud Rossoau seven miles cittant preparing to I join him. Another Brig?do, under McCook, , we* also moving to concentrate at Mapafords ville. Buckner with 26,000 men was covering all the hills two miles back from Green river. Gon. Thomas’ division or left wing is bearing down from the east ta get in Buckner’s rear, j Mitchell’s division, or right wing, moves this mottling toward Greon river. The Confeder ates are actively on the move, and an_engage meat is Imminent. Gen. Buell is iu constant telegraphic communication with our advanc ing columns, and is employing all the rolling stock of the Louisville and Nashville Rail road in forwarding troops and supplies. All bridges are repaired, and trains are running through to Mumfordsville. Six uew Ohio regiments will pass through Cincinnati thin week for Kentucky. CINCINNATI, Doc. 15.—Tho GtmmcrciaVt FrankforWiispatch says that the Southern Bank of Kentucky, at Hopkinsville, having -ordered the Louisville branch to pass large sums to credit the mothor Bank of Liverpool, to be aied as suspected for the rebellion. The Legislature authorised the branches to act independent of tho mothor Bonk until the State authority is establised- A gentleman in the confidence of General Schoepff, writes on the ,13th, that Zolliooffer is fortifying at Fishing Creek, five miles west of Somorsot. Dr. Jackson, without provocation, shot and severely wounded a Minnnesota soldier who went to his bouse, near Springfield, to buy hay. Jackson was arrested and taken to Le biioy. Bo is a brother of him who~shol Ellu i worth. Vague rumors, are afloat of a fight at Mun i fordsvillo, between McCook's division and the enemy, but it is But credited. Western Virgima^Legislatare. Wheeling, Doc. 15.—The Convention baa disposed of the boundary question. Thoy include, unconditionally, in addition to the thirty-nine countiox included by. ordinance of the August Convention, tho coontios of Poca hontas, Greenbrier, Slonroe, Mercer end Mc- Dowell. They also tako in Hampshire, Mor gan, Berkley, Jefferson, PendeHon and Fred erick, on the condition that a. majority of the rotes cast in the district, and a majority of the counties composing it, express themselves in favor of coming in at the election to be held on a day to be appointed by :the Legislature. This attempt to extend the boundary is re garded by some as an endeavor to embarrass the progress of the|fiew State movement. The Convention was yesterday occupied in the discussion of a section relating to treason against the Stato. .Mr. Van Mukle, of Wood county, raised the issue that there could bh oo such thing as treason against a State. The clause makes it treason to write, speak, print, publish or circulate any thing to uphold in vasion or insurrection daring the continuance of the same. This clause will probably be expunged. Mr. Battel!, of Ohio oounty, introduced a proposition prohibiting the importation of slaves, making it the duty of the Legislature to regulate in a humane mannpr tho relations of slaves, and providing that, after a certain date, involuntary servitude, except for crime, shall ocase. Referred to a committee. The discussion on this will probably begin some time next week. Prom Washington* Washington Citt, Dee. 14. —C01. Mnrphy’s 15th New York Regiment made somo inter esting experiments to-day noar. the Navy Yard, to show with what Facility the means for crossing rivers can bo arranged. A pon toon bridge, 360 feet long, was thrown over the eastern branch of the Potomfic, on which the regiment, with heavy wagons, passed with perfect safety, A numbor of floats were plied ovor the river, the soldiers using shovels as propellors. The 23d regiment, of Pennsyl vania, commanded by Col. Barney, was pre sented to-day with a flag, the gift of the State. Tho presentation speech was made by Speaker Grow, and the flag received in behalf of tho regiment by Hon. Wm. D. Kelly, of Philadel phia. Those eloqueet addresses were listened to by a large audience. The grounds were tastefully adorued, and ample provisions pro vided for all the military as well aa the civ ilians paesenL Jacksonville Deserted by the Rebels. Louisville, Dec. 14.—A Bagdad courier, from Jacksonville, says that Lee, on arriving, found the houses all deserted. A squad vis ited several secession residences, which they found vacated, with evidences of a hasty re treat. Three secessionists are reported wounded. Col. Whitaker ordered the build logs whonco shots wore fired to be bunted, but Lee, at tbe request of the Union men, who feared retaliation on the withdrawal of our troops, got the order revoked. Movement of Cavalry and Seamen. Bostov, Dec. 14.—1 t is reported that tho first Massachusetts cavalry leaves hare noxt week, and thoir destination is said to be Texas. ", Three hundred seamen left tbe navy yard this afternoon, via Fall River. Their desti nation is nnknown. From Tortrees Monroe. Fortxus Moxxoi, Doc. 14.—N0 flag of truoe was sent out to-dsy. There are no further particulars of the Charleston fire. . - „ • _ The steamer Illinois arrived from Port Royal this afternoon. She reports that the pilot boat Riebard Blunt, of N. Y., had arrived there. , • _ ACoWonahSHOT —On Sand., night tho Bth imt., . oorpor.l belonging to one of the Ohio regiment. >t Romney, wu .hot by a ■entinel on duty and in.tantly killed. It ii luppoied the corporal war triging with the .entinel in order to try hi. nerre.. DanOMOOnl.Tr Ini..— We learn that Daria Ula.., a private in Col. Black’. Regiment, and a resident of thi. city, ie reported danger ously ill of long duoa.B, Hi. brother, Mr. George Glass, baker, «f Wylie .treat, has gone on to attend to hi. want*. Hie ohyei elan. .ay that ho cannot recover , -DIED: GILBERT—On tho sth Inst., AIfNIE 8. OlL BEAT.endeo'tbelUhIust,SHABBY E.OILBEBT, of malignant iCarlct f*™ r » children Cfß; F. E. end 0. A/Uilbert, formerly Principal of Georges Creek A Saturday afternoon, Itoc. lflj 1061* i sfssa» , a. , !a! , 4 By art reflwXlOUy lßvlrtO to attend.,, _ RETREAT OF THE EHEHY. Rebel Los-, over Two Uundrcd- Cincinnati, Nov. 14.—A special dispatch , from Cheat Mountain to the Commercial, says > that on yesterday one of the hardest and best ! fought battles of the war was fought at Alle gheny Camp, Pocahontas county, Ya. Gen. , K. U. Milroy commanded the Union troops, I and Gen. Johnson, of Georgia, commanded,; the rebels? The fight lasted from daylight j till three p. m. > The Union loss is only about thirty, while ( that of the rebels is over two hundred, includ- I ing a Major and many other officers, and . thirty prisoners. \ Gon. Johnson was sbqt in the mouth, but j not fatally. The 12th Georgia regiment suffered most, j General Milroy’a force numbered 750 men , from tho 9th and 13th Indiana, 25th and 32d Ohio, and 2d Virginia regiments. Johnson's force numbered over 2,000. j i The 9th Indiana regiment fought bravely * S to the last. j Aftor driving tho enemy into their bar racks no less than five times, our forces re tired in good order. , The rebels set fire to their camp, and re treated to Stanton. 1 General Milroy has driven tho last of the enemy out of Western Virginia. GREAT FIRE IS CHARLESTON, S. G. Immense Destruction of Property. &C. f &C n &C. Fortress Moneof, Dec. 13—via Balti more, Dec. 14.—A flag of truce, under 'com mand of Capt. Milliard, took Mr. Eddy, of North Carolina, to Cranoy Island to-day. A telegraphic dispatch to the Norfolk Day- Book of to-aay, from Charleston, S. C., states that a fire broke out in that place on Wednes day night, which was supposod to have been the work of an incendiary, and at the date of the last dispatch, 5 o’clock on Thursday af ternoon , the conflagration was still raging. The Round Church, tho Theatre on Broad street, the Institute and other public build : ing. are stated to have boeo destroyed. Tho i I fire had swept aoross Broad street. Assie-J I tance had been sent for to Augusta. f Passengers by tho Old Point boat bring many additional reports in relation to tho Charleston fire. It is said to have originated in a mill on Broad street. The Mills Honse, the well-known hotel, and the Roman Catho lio Cathedral, aro also said to be destroyed. The report of the fire says it broke out in a sash factory. Engines bad been sent from Savannah, Columbia and Augusta, but they arrived too late t« stay the conflagration. The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted M&sons, mot at Richmond, on Monday, and eleoted Lewis B. Williams,of Orange, Grand' Master for the ensuing year.' Baltimore, Dec. 14.—We have the Norfolk Day Book of Thursday, but it contains noth ing new, except a long editorial, urging the Importance of increasing the defences of Nor folk, and that vessels be sunk in the channel. The editor is evidently alarmed, and has bad his confidence in the river batteries shaken somewhat. Later. —No Norfolk papers have boon re ceived here, and the only account of the dis patch published by the Dag Book is contained in onr letter from Fortress Monroe. There wore reports of negro insurrections current among the passengers, bnt it is impos sible to say whether they are well foundod or not. From New York. , New York, Dec. 14.—Captain Briggs, of j the brig Joseph Tarb, reports that ho was j overhauled by the pirate Sumter, which had I tho American flag flying, in lal. 6, north lon- j gitnde 42, when he was ordered to heave to 1 and an offiecr come aboard, saying the brig ! was a prize to tho Sumter. At tho same time the pirate run up his flag and hauled down the Stars and Stripes. The brig was thor oughly overhauled, and every thing valuable robbed from her. The officers and.crew wore only allowed their clothes. A hundred and sixty-five sovereigns were taken from Capt. Briggs, who with his crew were put aboard the pirate, and the brig was then burnt. The Sumter then tailed northward, not using steam, and reported hersolf to various foreign vossels as a United State? crhfi. On OcU 27tb, the schooner IX. Trowbridge was captured. On Nov. 9th Capt. Lyonj of the latter, and Capt. Briggs wore landed at Port Ruyal. Three of the crew of the Joseph Park were enticed to join the Sumter. Capt. Briggs expresses thanks for tho kind ness shown him by the Consol at Port Royal, and several American and British shipmasters. New Yoke, Dec. 14. —Bernard Levy a money broker, doing business at the corner of tho Bowery and Canal streot, was found this morning with bis throat cut. There is no clue to the assassin. The steamers City of Baltimore and Bavaria sailed this afternoon for Europe. The 4lb and sth Irish regiments will leave on Monday for tho seat of war. A dispatch to Gen. Baxter, aid of General Hollbrook, of Vt., states that the Vermont cavalry regiment loft Burlington at noon to day, in a train consisting of 144 cars, for this city, where they will arrive to-morrow at noon. They will leave for the Sooth on Mon day, escorting the two Irish regiments down Broadway. New York, Doc. 14.— Tho Bermuda Royal Gazette, of the 3d inst., has the following rel- ative to tho escape of the pirate Sumter: On the morning of the 25th of November, the Iro 3uois astonished the St. Thomas folks by ropping into the harbor, and reporting that on a dark and squally night tho Sumter had slipped through - tho fingers of tho Dacotah ana Iroquois, and gone no one knew where. The escape is variously accounted for. Ac cording to uno aocount a French war steamer came out of St. Pierre during the night, and the Iroquois gave chaso. When daylight came, the latter discovered his mistake ; but in the meanwhile the Sumter had stolon away, and neither the Dacotah nor tho iroqaois could give any account of hor. FROM SATURDAY’S EVEXISiG GAZETTE. A Dishonest Soldier* Henry B&rnott, a private in a squad of men now at Camp Wilkins, recruited for a com pany in Col. Stambaugh’s Regiment, was ar rested to-day, on information of Capt. H. W. Derby, (now in command of Camp Wilkins,) upon a ebargo of larceny. Barnett was re cruited in Wayne county, and since his ar rival hero he broke into the “round house" at Camp Wilkins, where a large amount of Gov ernment property .is stored, and stole there from a now gun, two pairs of shoes, and (it is supposed) other articles. The gun had been sold to a man in Allegheny, and was found at the tavern of Mr. Beilstein, in the Fourth Ward. The shoes had been sold In Alle gheny, and were also recovered. ‘Barnett, af ter his arrest, took' some paper money from his pocket, remarking that if he could not spend it, no other person should—and threw it into the fire. He was taken before Mayor Wilson, and committed to jail toanswer-at Court. _ Romance in Camp Life. A few days ago, a young volunteer namod John Stewart, residing at Tyrone, Blair coun ty, aged abbut twenty years, accidentally met a Miss Drennou, at Huntingdon, and'“love at first sight" was tho result. A . wedding was proposed and aooepted by the lady. The com pany was to leave next day, and half the night was spent in a vgiirendeavoFto find the chaplain, but tharirorthy turned np next morning, and the impulsive young couple were forthwith marriedat the station house. Their honey-moon was of short duration, for they had but a* few minutes to : chat to gether, when he was ordered (o jump aboard. With a few fond and affectionate embraces, and the shedding of .tears on frotlj rides* which fiowed copiously and without restraint, be was gone.; He to renew hia pledge to bis country, insomeniw field of aotion, and she to her tempo bfresidence,-to mourn over the departure of her hnsband of but an hour. * Hears as' Wesxlt, Leslie's New, and all other papers, for next veth, have been re ceived at Hunt’s Book, Stationery, Magasine and Newspaper Emporium, Masonic Hall, Fiflh street. ' This is the’plaee to: snbsonbw for-your papers an@£,3s for Family.' Bye Flour quiet with small sales at $3,16@3,25. GROCERIES—Iess active, notwithstanding which Coffee and Sugar remain firm with an upward ten dency. Sale of TO bags Coffee at IB to 18}£c for prime to choice; 10 bbls Molasses at 48c; 11 bhds Sugar, in two lots, at 10c. _ DRIED FRUlT—has advanced; aale of 25 bush new crop Apples at $1,50, -and 25 do prime'new Psochus At $3. GREEN AFPLES—qulut but Arm, with small sales at from S'A25 to $3 per bbl—mostly at $2,50. CRANBERRIES—duII and lower; sale of C bbls common at $6 per barrel. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—firm but unchanged; sale of COO lbs in sacks at $1,75 per cwt. CRUDE OlL—continues firm, with a demand fully equal to the supply; aale on wharf of 200 bbla, 42 gravity, at 16c per gall—bbls to be returned; 47 do do, 43 gravity, at 15c—51,50 allowed for barrels; 20 do do, 40 gravity, at 16c, cash, bbla to be returned. SALT—SaIe of 30 sacks No 1 Extra at $1,30 per tack. CHESTNUTS—SaIe of 10 bush at $2,50 per bush. Receipts or Product, etc.— Below will be found a statement of the receipts of produce, etc., by river and railroad i during the twenty-four hours ending last evening: By Railroad— 2oB bbls floor, 616 bush wheat, 625 sks oats, 4 bbls butter, 4 do eggs, 10 bbls pearls; 10 do lard oil, 30 bxa candles, 33 do soap, 19 ska buckwheat flour, 10 do beans, 39 bbls apples, 14 ska barley,s bales bobs, 3 dressed bogs. By Bivwr —3l46 bbls flour, 11,190 sks wheat, 127 bbls whisky, 116 bhds bacon, 61 tea, 14 bbls lard, 41 bxs soap, 20 bbls apples, 20 bbla, 40 tea beef, 8 bxs, A pkga tobacco, 86 bn candles, 326 bbls akohol, 26 ska, 3 bbls dry fruit. 39 ska cots, 65 bbla lard ojU, 235 aks oats, 291 do malt, 109 do bwiey, 43 do potatoes, 25 bbls roirib, 6 sks feathers. Imports by River. CINCINNATI— fee Emma—2oo carboys vitriol, Anlisco oil co; 83 bbls whisky, 325 do alcohol, 78 bhds bacon, 60 bbls lord oil, 476 do flour, 20. tea hams, 40 do beef, Clarke A co; 25 bxs candles, J 8 Dilwortb; 167 molasses bbls, Guthrie it Bill; 200 bdls roofing paper, J Hartman; 60 carboys vitriol, Hutchinson A co; 5 bbls lard oil, Knox A Parker; 60 carboys vitriol, Lucesco oil co; 611 oil bbls, J Daltell St sou; 32 bbla wbiaky, J Loflnk; IOU do flour, S Lindsay; lOdocrudo oil, McDonald & Arbuckle; 50 carboys vitriol, MUac keotru; 50 do -do, North American Oil cu, 12 bbls whisky, 1 ck brandy, Jas Patton; 16 bxs soup, B‘ Bob iaon A co; lot empty bbls, Spencer A Garrard; 100 bbls petroleum, Sellers, Canfield A co; 26 bxs soap, Cl do candles, 61 tea, 14 bbls lord, F Sellers A co; 50 carboys vitriol, Forsyth A bro. WHEELING— Vie Minxbva— loo bbls flour, 186 sks Triiilt, 8 bales rags, Clarke A co; 237 sks oats, 100 bbls floor, J S Etrgett A co; 83P bgs wheat. Collins £~ co; 106 sks malt, V Hearwuoner; 31* sks corn, Jaa A Fotzcr: 20 steel springs, Jones, Boyd A co; 60 car boys vitriol, Jas Irwin; 29 bbla, IO hfdo ale. Win Ed munds; l bale hope, T D Briggs; 66 oil bbls, Ardiscn oil ou; 5 bxs tobacco, John Grier; 36 bdls hides, J -N Myors; 4 bxs keneys, J A Myler, .11 kgs- beer, P Lauster, 725 bdls paper, E B Godfrey; 41 sks, 2 bbls wheat, L Wilmarth; 1 roll leather, H Childs A co; 109 sks barley, Rhodes A Verner; 43 do potatoes, owner. CASEYVILLE —rcajCnasa. Poe—6BB bbla floor, •337 bn wheat, Clark# A c0;43Ql aka wheat, B I Kon oftdy A bro. LOUISVILLE— pcb Lbqxoxa —so bbls floor, M Connolly; 160 So do, Colp A Shepard; 214 do do, Thoa Nelson; 100 do do, Joe Craig; 415 molasses bbls, King, Pennock A co; 25 bbls roeio, Martland A Connor; & bxs wine. Miller A Blckelaon; 4 pbgs tobacco, 2 bbls, alcohol, Jas A Hagnire; 37 hbds bncoo, 30 tea lard, 116 bbls flour, 21 eka hair, Clarke A co; 6 bxs medi cine,'Henderson; 23 do do, R E SellenrA co, 1091 aka ‘ wheat, D Wallace; 740 do do, 103 bbls fldtur, Schoma* kur A Lang. EVANSVILLE—peb Silte* Wave—2o bUa ap-' pice, Mitchell, Berron A co; 10 aka dry fruit, Brown' A Kirkpatrick;'2 bbls, 5 bga do, 6do feathers, 3 bxs tobacco, li H Collins; 952 bble flour; 3 - hxa wine, 20 bbla beef, 1 rolls leather, Clarke A c 6; 4780 alts wheat, Mcß&do A Anjor. Imports by Railroad, PiTTsacaan, Ft.-Watke A Chicago Bailboad.— Dec. 14.—5 bdlit collars, McWhinney, Bare A co; 1 bx scales, Jones, Wallingford A co; 1 bx sundries, C 6 Hussey A co; 107 oil bbls. Brewer, Sill A co; 4 hf bbls butter, J B Canfield A co;-100 bbl# flour, Schomaker A Lang; 10 bbls pearls. Brown A Kirkpatrick; 2 bbls eggs, 1 pkg butter, J S DQworth A co; 10 .bbla lard oil, T N Miller, 5 oil bbls, Mackeown A GreggplO bxs candles, 1 do soap, Jas Brownlee; 10 bxs candles, Jno A Rensbaw; 7 do do,. 10 do candles, McClorkan, Her*' rou A co; 10 do soap, Jos do do, 1 Little A Trimble; 19 sks buckwheat flour, Means A Coffin; 12 bxs, 3 cks rivets, IQ bdli win, B Townsend A co. Ceyelaxv A Pirnstmott Bailboao.—Dec. 12. 8 bbls flour, 10 ska boons, K Boblson A co;10 bdla rags, M llcCallaugh, 16 bbls apples, 100 do Boor, Mc- Donald A Arbnckku 2 bbls eggs, John Herbert; 6 cks rugs; E B Godfrey; 14 sks barley, Spencer A Garrard; 625 bush oats, J 3 Liggstt A co; 1 car iron ora, Zng A Painter; 1 do do, Loyd A Black; - 2 do do, Lewis Dal sell A co; 175 oil bbls, C G Hussey A co; '6 bales hops, J N Straub; ID bbls apples, Frank Van Gorder, 13 do do, Wm Cooper; l kg batter, F H Eaton; 618 bosh wheat, L Wilmarth; 1 bbl butter, H Biddle; 3 dressed hogs, McCullough, Smith A co. River News. Tnx Bivcx xsd Wkatkf.&—Axjuvau axd Dx rAatUKiS—Boats Leavzko To-Dat, etc., etc.—Tba river was receding slowly yesterday, w ith five feet ten Inches by the pier marks last evening. The weather yosterday was dear and though- not. unpleasant for this season of the year...-....Batincss was rather dull at the wharf on Saturday, the re ceipts being comparatively light, while the shipments were only moderate.- The Leonora from Louisville, Clara Poe from Caseyville, and Silver Wave from Evansville, came in on Saturday, all with fair trips. The Emma, from Cincinnati, arrived on Sunday morning, loaded down to the guards. The Unilne for Qslllpolls, Llzsie Martin for Zanesville, Bay City for Cincinnati, and Jacob Poe for Cairo, constitute the departure*. The Poo had a good cargo for thoe: timee, including twenty-five toot of soap and sixty tons of munitions of war for the ,army in the west. The Bay City also bad a fait freight Ust, together with quite a number of .passengers ——The little' arrived from the “Land ofGresae?’— Oil Creek—with all she could carry on the. prenent stage of water in the Allegheny river The Key West from Louisville, and Emma Graham from Zanes rille, wen due last night, and win doubtless be round, at tba wharf this morning. The latter boat returns, i as usual, to-morrow at 4 p.. m-..»....Capt.. Thorotoa Kuaiel, formerly of the Sallie List, 'was in the city few days last week; with a view of purchasing a boat for the Pittsburgh and Portsmouth trade. He in* forms us that be was unable, as yet, to find one suits* bis for th* trade. " -j Ton CnrccbuTt ax» neat and fisst steamer Ospt. J. H. Bfsrratta, will Isays as above to-morrow at 4 o'clock p. m. Msssn/Pai?*. Up and McConasil .are.seebjdstsj in. the office; . Ton St. Lorte—OTh* Sunny Side,' in command, of. Cspt. Frank be ready to leave for St, Louis by to-morrow «r next day. The Prima Doona, r Capt. Geo. D, Moon, and Denmark, Capt. J.\J. Bob* Insob, wfilfoßow atsh eariyday. * t'' Foa ZAKEavn-it —Tha Emma' Graham, Osptaln Ayers, will leavw as above’ to-morrow at 4 p. m. Mailwu by Telegraph/ PxtLioarsu, Decvl4.—FloGr in better demand aleedOOO bbli at $5 37*$@5» for anpor, W 75 for extra, end <5 MfflSa for extra fomily. Bye Flour to steady at f«. end Corn Meelnt6i 87)4. Wh**t to wanted, but not much comlnxln; aakafiQOO trash red at $l 4OOl -4li and white at *l4BOl GO. ac tiTe: ole 10,000 both Pennsylvania *t-76c. Corn hi demand at 65 for old yellow-and .53050 for inew. Oau; sales 6000 bnah at at 40e for Delaware and 41b for Pennsylvania. There. U h6Cha»ge in Provisions. Sales 600 tiercee ; 0c. r .‘Coffee adYandng; ■«* of Bio at 1701755; fiOgflOKe. t. ' New Yoaa. We,uMXOM.„JfcurWj;}M"°>*£ “' 85 tO®S Do toTgUU, fsOSSiTltejOJ 10 '»“****f. Southern. WhMt.fln&; lJ* 1128 for WaJairtipiMl dnb, ui H 375 l « ttiurn. Cjtj Wm; ule, 41(000 buiE u naMc., lnn U tJSBSfc; | Whtokyatoady a* JsJjfSfo. :. * ;;■? 1..-5 J '-.*li. Arrivals at the Principal Hotels* . SIGHT. SI. of Tliird andWodd BlnuSi;"' m«. ■ i_*, yaorninrox- J R Thovpetn, Waabton W Daaadbon. Ohio BWeir, Off Creek - l> LMcGaffin, ...... ... J M VaaTOOchi*, do . GHdward,Mish^... B W Dojik, SteabenviHo B Kiff, BloemirlUfe ; • B B Brown, Cincinnati J W McEweh, ‘ Ononab’g JoCotanan, Va AH/Kiag, , A H Everett, Cleveland Ii P Hafc&man, Ohio J H LocknOw, J Galbraith, A Roes, KY E Bailey. Canfield . W G Power,'Kew Castle S M Mack, *“ Capt G Nevrfg. Cin. J Johnston, Gaioatown. • T Oar**, Louisville, Kr A McClelland, C Bolter, N. Lisbon, 0 W Damon, Phil* . Sirs Bell, Cleveland, 0 J Hava*, Delaware, 0 A Brown, Marietta, Q. WPerdval, Altooni W'Johnston, McConnelUv L Johnson, TO*. GKrukler, Balt S Walker, Milford, Matt.' J- Lumel, Cleveland R Cowlea, Clertdand ; . Jj Curry, USA CMerritt,SY 3 Dili, Va II Lawrence, Wis. Brown, Va J Warden, IT Y M Bmy, Troy, y Y ' J Park, Ky. L Schaffer, Canton, 0 |S Perry, Wash. DC. MANSION* HOUSE—Liberty su, near B. B. Depot.' atones aunrwTZ, rnormston. Dr W E Emerson, BUlrs- \V Williams, Wash. D.t>. E Bletleman, Phil*.'' JGaraon, • ‘do A WiUimer, CoehoctoniO lira Palter,Wuh. DC. i J McCall, A Ge«ney,Joe Davis eo,YU J Keller, MCole, East H Kelly, M Bean, Ravenna, 0 H Thompson, Cancaster.O J Seaman, 0 Luat C Bonn, 7th Inf. F Browning, USA A Haust, USA J Crawford, Phils. BABB’S HOTEL—LiI uam Irwin, Elixabeth J Montgomery, West, co I J WUaon, BeUevemon, Pal W McMunn. Fayette co C Hoblitxette, W'liendersod, Wose. co EAGLE HOTEL—Libs jotar buck, i M Thompson, WHkiasbsg H German, USA W Kashline, Bath, Pa If Heather, E. Liverpool BED LION HOTEIr x. r. odanos, S L Thomas, Unioutown L G Thomas, 'do A Frield, Boons town, If T D Smith, Candor. W Snodgrass, Wash, co D Frt oiler, Warmony M Cralten A lady, H Flaherty, Cherry Yah I Boyer, Harmony J Millar £ Udr.E. Liberty B Mcßrido, Mercer co J Treat, Philo- E Slow, , do J WUUrtt, Moadville, Pa H Tomkins; Oil Creek J Flaser, do H Ha in©, do J Smith, do. W Hutchinson, do NATIONAL HOT] r. ssxflab, i GW Canfield, CoalßluO Jno Gonlt, do J Farquar, East Betbelem Eli Farquar, do W P Marshall, New Castle J W Bell, Youngstown Jos W Bell do jtjavsEJWEjrTS. piTTSBORGH THEATRE „ THIS EVENING. : r r.. Fint Hmo of the splendid new Drama, tntttiiid Southern MUbcllionT BY SEA'AXD LAND. .t Mr. Handaboa. „ ......Eltie Hendaraon. _ KataNawUm. , Pretton*. to which ” State Secrets. Paul Dmgoti-. Molly arShan*..— Ella Lyoo aypooraopeaat 7 o'clock. -Curtain riaes-at WAITA ritOUR BARRELS WANTED. - 1 Wo wont to buy FIVE HUNDRED FLOUR BAR RELS PER DAY, tho greater part of which Mould bo round hickory hooped. • For »ucb we will pay FORTY C ENTS cash, delivered at onr Mill, or THIRTY-NINE CENTA EACH at the landings or Railroad Stations; Ui Pittsburgh. R. T. I%3ggY* BBOC; del&lOtd . Pesr! Steam-Mill. fCity dailiee copy to artit of 83 snd ch. adTtr.] ANTED —A competent mail to take charge, ©f a FLOWING OIL WELLinJPenn cylvania, as active manager. : HieUattea wilLreqniro him to procure barrels, barrel thq .oflapd attend to its shipment, with such awUtaaee'asmjiy be Oeces g&rr. ’ A man who is' Industrious, ocopom* leal: and troetwortbyi-f meaesing aopnd Judgment, good habits and lair business education, can secure a good situation at fair without capital, or, ll desirable, can purchase'*® interest In the btudnea by . investing from 81,000 /lopMunt to commence as soon as possible. As the situation is one of responsibility, satisfactory reforeno6« a*to ca pacity and integrity wilt be required.■• r; V Address,-- giving .references,, J.,G. JSXILWELL, FranUtp, Venango Co., Pa. " ".delfclwd YY-20,000 bushelsprimeßeans, ‘ •' 10,00 d‘ 1 **'“ Flax Seed, ' .’' 1 loo: - • .Chartimt*, ' -60 barrel* freeh-Egg», ,: T y. . Delivered at 217 Liberty street;, .. • d&T V/ ' " L. HYYOTffTr.OO. ATT ANTED-— By a graduate 'of'a'tfJew YY'EoglandOoiiege, a situation'a*V TEACHES IhVphMfc-'private-or fcmily'SchoPhcn’Xlwfcost of testimonial* and reference* as to intellect ual character can be. given. _AfIdTMB " , . WmrA.LQQTT, •delfr.ivd ‘ ' ’• Bbx &63 City P. O. '\l7‘AN!i'BU—Bonds ’atid'Mortgsgeß to VV «ir»otintbf on Improved cjtvpr property in the county, In *um* ranging frbnTgSoO td#J,ooo. Time from Ito 7 years. Apply to ds7. B. HcTiATN St CO. MOKTGAUESTYANT XD EQBtHWITH fbr the fbUowthgiramK fSOO, 51,000, ss,ooo'and' $6,000,’ onuueDeumb*h»d Beal Estate in Allegheny county.,,-Tiae for whlch the in* r yestment will be made waging -from' two to four years. Apply at PETTY’S «O.'W SC Clair street. noac • ' fTOOPKKS VV ANTED—2good‘ Qtiopers for tight work. Apply to • • . : . JAUE9 A. FXTZSB, n 027 Corner of Jttarltet and Elrststreet*. KE3VVAX WANXJfii), ioff.s?iusatho highest markot price will be paid, by . . ; b. X r ahnestock'aco., nrt2s _• : • ' CareerWoodandyirttstraata. (Pwbkh tL^SfcSS dell B. McLAtNji 00. . The subscriber woo|d respectfully IsJbn&.OM pub* He thnt'ebe U no jolting Off, V ’ AT A TRACnOJt ABOVE COST?’ •ner l*rg*ia4 ; eonip»b«uit» itocfcof ■ ' • tuxo-fobteb; uii6b£osß* yVBICW) MUSICAL INSTBUXXSTS, m iWwdU nmin to rATIEBSOSTSHIWSOttD mo,niiH Btmbt. ; • v.-.i *>**< COABIOITS BU7MB,'a ftpll’itiwt, Agent for KKABt'S '«n4iittSdlPß Unto ■ deOne; ’ ' IT ■' ~ : dell NBW PlANOSir^M'elegant- V/ly-earvad n«w Roaewvod foll lien frtmA, mad* by ob« of thebldeet Anns York, fbr'J *—.1200 ; A uw 7 Octare Eofewood,. iron fram*~;~.~i_-..1T0' r »» —1» FOraalebr ra*r ofPtoadatwt *odCbenxjlley, la mediataly forprdeta. . Any mz*ob baTiftj any good book* would ecofera farur by at 116 TWnl atratWaatba hofd am iwltdlny 4 library, and waatncnaMfaMftJo a»«m and-Jnatra£th«Ki on odd aljhta, ... nollatttf, ■ .J.IBOMPffiM, Cap*. . . ' jrßir'MgoM&h- E W! LAW Treatlaa on tha/Laga! and (ux oT tba^eoantAmerican StattrtaaVasd ioaa under them. By WiUlaarßvCort i: < XM; ' ■dalO » - KAY AOO^rtWcodetrat. - uAVALftY^f^.O - TlCS.—Bofculattona and*Tna*Wfetift» for the Yield Service of Staten Cavalry in time of War. By 1 nJ. t l2mo.. ~ ■ JEAY,* treat. 1 (pUit/mx ■mwMEti JsmWjiJOOJU • i mbsoks ijLuye. ,- 5 ; A writ, or AmllUr'Eov*.W IramiTncom, •nUtortif ‘HJoiarolV’ “t*ttOT toYotiaj Pwpta,'’ “Bltt Robinson tp, '.. r ]J Hays, Venango. • .. ' 18 Hays, do '• - |J Moore, do |W Daugherty, ty street, below Seventh. rsoFurrou. ' ; Lieut JDong, Cp. FlacpH . J Thompson, Hnlpatowa W Neur, ~ -No. 5 St. Clair street. ‘ _ r aarattoa/" A Eiel&i, Jameatbwjt, N*jf D McGee, J D Klftr, Clarion, Fa' ; W Hockkras, Craid&rt J Elder, Bed'Baah ';' J Mortimer,” do- T MorinaU,-- - - SBFarin, S JtcCoby, *’ ' C Cerickion, " W-H Slabbach. r T ,.,,., S C Sloan, Oil Creek 51 Henry, '- do S Fliver, :r do. JllcLaugben, -do -- / ' Cforman,' do -. iJ Molnor, do 1 ’"' J jp. William*, -No. 137 Water atroei: L Crensor New Bedford G M Gray, Hon'chala dty Jas Giles, P A CTTB*'- R N Tbomp*on,Ciw*hrg C 0 BgbM. C WUUms.Mon'ghnUclty R Penbrbok, Newcastle jpi.i.ros.