‘M 1“ n |V . ?• * * * s v> . .H t.i ■' Jv,*y .... ■s’-- '4 . v - ' Vi': 1 • ’ •*> ' " ‘ P , ‘ 1 -■ k* i; ,J” *• f .vi-, :*?• •:■ • T'.Vv.Hwia . *. !*:• . vi-V --T: «,♦; *'••;•: U ’ I ‘*;*j-S: !vs''*^ , » #*v ■lip: -A •I.':.- • .*■* -ib+s&r??:’ THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE ESTABLISHED IN 1786 cojrtjniHHio.r, He. IKK B. eumUDn— ' u. BABBOC*. i THQfI. LITTLZ, BE JlXti T&IXDLK. TOHN B. CANFIELD A 00., Co»n»-_T ITTLE & TKHIBLE, Wholesale V Stoa 4n FoxVAksoco HxAchaST* and whole- _1 A Gaoctas axd Commission Merchants, dealers ae> d**krs la WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, in PRODUCE, FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, FISH, .JrtrWEß/IAIID, FORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, 4 CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, POT AND PEARL ASHES, BALEBATUS, LIN- COTTON YARNB.and Pittsborgh manufacture* . 'SEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT And generally, 112 Second street, rilM.tirgh. 1 Proton fcescraUj,'Not,; 141 end .143 Front street, 1 t 1 ■ <4 i DtntCJUt«'IKW*.EB.-J. AKBCCKLE, ABBtrCKLt. TiVToDONALD & ARBUCKLE, Whole iYJL I4U Gbocces, Pbopuci A.VD COMMISSION Meb chavts, Jobbers in N. 0. SUGARS mid MOLASSES, REFINED SUGARS and SYRUPS, FLOUR, BA CON, RICE, CHEESE, SEEDS, 4c., No. 263 Libert; itreet, Pittsburgh. pol4:ly c» bbcpasd. . /~M*h Hi*.' a.*’ cerrnt,- / IFart1 Fart *' t Special Partner. - AjTEANS . TAMES i DALZELL A*dON, Comxis .■ (Aairar XnaiujroJbcthfle&le of CRUDE ANDRE* r , FINED CARBON OILS, No. 60 and 70 Water *troe», Pittsburgh. 'Adrmbcce made vn eonsigntaenta. nnvGCisTS. • “ i *tQIMON JQHNSTON,- Dealer in Pure *" t K7‘ DRUGS AND CUEMICALB, PERFUMERY, TANGS.GOODS*-BURNING FLUID, OILS, FAH ... TLT MEDICINES, Ac., Ac., of strictly primo qua!- ‘ Ity?which be offen at lowest price*. Corner Smith fetdwadFourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. -Prrecrtptlont carefully oompouuded at all hour*. TOSKPH FLEMING, corner of Market V street and. tb* Diamond, keeps. constantly on band'a full assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, % MEDICINE CHESTS, PERFUMERY and all atti -1 ejee pertaining to bt» business. ■ pffriilcianf carefully compounded at JaMyd . A. KAIIfiKSTAMJK. *.00., Whole rUußioociß and Manufacturer of WHITE .LEAD AND LITHARGE, corner of Wood and Front - t/mreta, Pittsburgh. • mbT iIUBN P. &COTT, Wholesale Dealer -e/ rt DRUGS;PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND lIY*«TBFFB,-No. Lfbertj vtm* ( rUwbur*h.— . AllArderr will attention.; . mbJt •' mwiat brack..— .aznxa. ’XM4AUN 4 REIT-KR, Wholesale a*d >7‘x) lmn‘ 'DtvbuißTUf corner of -Liberty and St. s Ciairfctrrete, Pittsburgh. ‘ : . • ■ | . rnK. U%. IL JUJYSKK, Dkco^st, ■t > fTiy.TW. Wood street* comer of.Wvod-attwsi-{usd - Virtclnalky.PiuaUirsbvVa., . ... ; •; J 'jrrORJTE ITS. “TOEK'O. MacOONNELI, Attor»et AT-XaV. dr*«a,o*ea^«tccyJL«« , tso* No* 93Diamond street. \ Will attend to the settlement, securing ana collcc*. tlon of claims, bounties, Ac., in Washington, District: qfQolambhu •..-■■■ polfcOttii : -'~>op,c n.Kiaar*xa«at— into*. *.I7:iiIBLI’AXKICK &JI ELLON, Atios ■ IV nn Daw, No. 133 Fourth street, fire doors ‘..abovOßmithflcid, Pittsburgh, Pa. " tnylT:dtf . fTUiOMAiS JSWLNU, Attorney and JL CotntiirLtO# AT IiAW. Omc*, No. 150 Fourth ; street, corner ot-Cherry alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. aull-.iUviyT . S&MUKIi A. X At ItAtr. ' ■ < ■ ... * Otoe*, Fifth. MJotolng th«uflic* of U*r * Brown, JliUlrntyta; T*. Je29:dly Jl . Al, SMITH, Attorney and Cousituo* aT liir, iiunuovitil to KUUN’S XA!W •BUILDINGS, No. W Diamond-etraet, nest tfoqrlo:6ti[•PeierVChngch. ■-••■• . • roylSdly K.LUOAS, Attorney at: Law.— • Omct, No.-T2 Grant street, Pa. ttnfrd i-j - .• .. . -i : a O bOHOYKK, Jr., Attorney at Law, ' Lv So, W> Fourth etreet, Lowrie’i,Lavr Budding, PRODUCE. ; i. ■tncKi>r»s.—..~~..— „~...c.a. utca. LEECH a HUTCHINSON, Commission ajid Tomitamviso MHcnisrfl, dealcraixt WEST MJUC BESEBVE CHEESE,'PLODE, PISH, BA il * COK,- BUTTER,. LINSEED OIL. POTS. AND I , ff»PT. ASHES- SEEDS, OBAIN. DBLKD IBCIT •Ad Produce generally. fUet Braude" Fault/i Flour' 'tl+tT* W y i»nd.~Agc»t- dTJlUdieon * i~< celebrated Patented Pearl lid Second and 146 First «ts., between Wood and Smith *./ : • Arid, Pa. *P* :dl T rAKEHOUBK—J .. n. OOlllKS, Forwarding and Commlesianlfer , chant and dealer In CHES&B,-BUTTER, LAKE ' ‘VISITand Produce generally, No. 2S WoodatToal* ’• > f ’ abo»*Water,Pittebnrgh*. . - . ’n»)- IfAMlis Holmes * co., fob* deal 'KM and dealers In PROVISIONS, corner t>f Mar* - .--kal Mad Front street*. , . ]aE:dly ' I ■vi'svnAJrcE. JCJE-rrs. " ’ t. ' COFFJN, AoeJt fob. • tV lI e'Fnaiwuj», PBjiA»uJ'KU 'ainj RctiA«n: lit- h*eaatUocher W6od and Thirdstraeta. •;.. < ; . ( WE. JONES, Agent North Ameki • ci* State of Pennsylvania and .Hartford In -i sqrance Companies.B7 Water etrget. ; r .KKA, ; fiiiscmcTAEY Citizens' a [ Cokfakt, corner Market and Water etreeta. " ‘ - t FJL GOKUON, Secretary Western '»liwcKawcK Wateretreet. j ; ‘ ■ TV~M.'BOOit, Seceetaet Alumuent .. Xi'*lwrt»k»eeCci*t , axtrßl‘ ; Pifth atreetw •T-j4‘-?,. : . ; qgggsefaß _j: —a-j —.-V 1 ..'...1i JUHJT goods. 5 .-.;V4iV 7u- - CAHB * CO., i I~r' 1 ~ r ' Yyi • •« l ; ;■ (ials lFiUe* t 'f*i4i d Cp.,) k . ‘'',WkowAi* DtitK*« n» ‘ | roiiETQir ija> itmasnc wnr h . * .. -.-yo' frt y«»wrjtwifJ hoot* abor* puunend ' < «piftdtf JM. BUJRCHFIELt), eQCcetßor to , BnrchfiaM* Qtn Wholfnls aixl Retail Dealers In BTAPLiAXD FANCY DRY GOOD* North tort ftwr of foortb Mil Mwlrt ttreru. ; m 2 . ¥ - M|*KK KKyt: CO., I>BALEM is I>KT v\ IA-- * »«««; »o-, 55.'H«rktt taweta TUM%t, 1 TbOTtlr. frttUlmfithf; 1 - * • ~X. .... "/~T HANSON bOVK. OkalM fit Stfcy , . yj- mim fnirrllßT GOODS, «lrtoSTON ITANOS, vUUand wUb - Jjorr - Oot SotMB AtUrfotn^Bt.- 80. uvmi* AS*' • s *.' , ’‘ ! ' H. rfELIA)K, UHALi» iN «.&?. „ Ac,, So. «f Wood ctrMi,-Ui«^: •Mil*! on* r. unica.....~..j. l bitnkii w«. n. asrMta. REYMER & BROTHERS, successors to Reymer A Anderson, WholesaL* dealen In FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS AND SPICES, CON FECTIONERY, SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, Ac., Nos 126 and 12a Wchal street, above Fifth, Pittsburgh, Penp'A. jy^adly HOST. UOMBOU...KIMCU. 8. KOBI4OM. R ROBISON & CO., Wholesale Gro • ckbji, Comkiuion MkechaKts and dealen in allkiods of PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, aud Pitts burgb manufacture^'N«.’“23s"Liberty street, Pitts- ' | mj2 GEO. B. JONES, W qole&alk Dealer IK GBOCEKIE3, MANILLA HOPE, OAKUM, OILS, PITCH and Pittsburgh manufactured articlaa, No. 141 Wateretrwt, above the Mouougtthela Bridge, Pittsburgh, Pa. , ' 10. 1 aoBKBT OAI.XCLL :.-.3iilE?\. feUCADISO. Robert daLzell & eo., wuole saae Oboccre, Cummubiok am- Fobwabmnu Merchants, and dealer* in I’KODlt’L and Pitts burgh manufactures, Pittsburgh. acdTunm.> joum auifiuN. LAJIBEKT & SHU?TOX,»Wboixsale GbOCEM, PRODUCE DEALERS anil CuWXI«IOK Merchants, Ko. 0 Sixth street, Pittsburgh, Ph. imlLly _ /i>U.> W ATT JutlN WILSON. WATT & AViladON, Wholesale Gro cers, Commission Merchants, and dealers in Produce aud Pittsburgh manufactures, No. erty street, Pittsburgh. - u^s ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Wholesale A Obocebs, Commission Merchants, and dealers in PBQBCCK, K0,'60 Witter street, and 65 Front street, Pittsburgh. OCU. W. DILWOBTH 1....J011N t. DILWORtII. JDItAVORTU & CO., Wholesale! • Gkih im, No*, l.'fct and I.'CJ Second street, near KmithOebl, Pittsburgh. nol .10H.1 FLOYD BICUAEO FLOTb WILLIAM FLOYD. JOLLN t)LQYDe<-ial attention to our BALANCED VAL\ zTOSCILLATING ENGINES, as combining advantages heretofore unattained "Tu this claw of Engine*. v. ja2«i:lyd WILLIAM BARNHILL A CO., No. 61 Penn street, bolow Marburv, Pnteburgh, Pa., STEAM BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IBON WORKERS ; Manufacturers of BAKNIiI LL'S PAT* ENT BOILER. LOCOMOTIVE, PLIED uud CYL INDER boilers, chimneys, bretchen, kirk bru, stEaju»xp.es.cundensebs, salt PANS,-SUGAR PANS, IRON YAWLS, LIKE BOATS, etc., etc. Alao, BLACKSMITH'S WORK, BRIDGE and VIADUCT IRUN>, done at the thort c*t notice. All .order* from a distance promptly M leoded to. yctJS TUOMAti JtIOOKE, Manbfactukek-of A>A» IICALCB ALL %ixm or COPPER-DIS TILLED PURE RYE WlllsKY mil FAMILY VINEGAR, Noe. ItfiJ, lt»l, 11M and I'Ji Kiml street, betwoou Stuitbtield arid Gram Mreeta, Piliiduirgh. Ob* Privateonlem eoliritmL Mighot market price paid for RYE. Off* Ftwcl Oil and all otber polionou* ingredients carefttH j extracted, by a proerw new nud improved. orlS * • JOSEPH E. HAMILTON A CO., SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES, MACHINERY, c,, Ac.. mjlfctf TOHJT OIJPHAJST & CO^encccysors 0 of F. 11. OUpbant, Manofactutcr* of HOT PRESSED NUTS AND WASHERS. CHARCOAL HOUSE-SHOE IRON ant! NAIL RODS, BOILER IKON and RIVETS. FAIBCIIANCE IRON WORKS. Fayutte Co., Pa. Jy3l:lyd Wnreboure. 13 Wd short no tice. ’ Also, bar* constantly an band a. fine assort mentof SHIRTS AND COLLARS, made in. the best most fashionable and desirable manner. . JeW:dly XCELs 10 R GLASS WORKS. - WOLFE, PLUNKETT A CO., Glasa Mattcrac torus. Warehouse, No. Id Wood street, corui of First, Pittsburgh, Pa. sefrlyd nHAKLKS UOALE, New Brighton, - ; Manufacturer of BUCKETS, TUBS, ZINC WASHBOARDS, FRUIT BOXES nnd LABELS. -Jallrlyd T"~1eetll extracted without BAIN, BY THE USE OF AN APPARATUS WHEREBY NO DRUGSoaGALYANICBATTERT are dsed; " . . Cold weather It the time' when the apparatus can be used to ita best advantage. * Medical gentlemen -and tlieir families have had their teeth extracted by my process, and are ready to testify as to the safely and painless nets of the opera* Hop—whatever has Men said by persons Interested to asserting tlie contrary, haring no knowledge of my process. ~ ffsPARTTiTCTAL TEETH inserted 1n every st vie. K. OUDRY,,Dentist, 134Bmltblirld »t. JOEEPU AI)AMSj Dentist, Connelly's Building, corner of Diamond and~Grant streetn, Pittsburgh. Beytnrarrs—Dr. A, M. Pollock, Dr. Uailorh, Theodore Robbinl, Bussell Errett. my:»:; SPISCIF/cATTONS »U; kiuda of Buildings, aad superintends their erection on reason ahVl tepfUf- •,. i; ~ .... Office 9jD itrwt, between Leacock sqJ Robinson streets, Allegheny City, jol2 HARTBERHJSr, ! ASb it- V TK-r. Office, IRON .BANK BLOCK, Fifth street. Famishes PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS for BofMings'tjf *t«S7 description; works superlgrand on moderate'tefßiai.\ : . u v i tny l 2^aty• ■ jaOOJKfiEIjLERS, ■ S:ti >1 Q7VCLU2. .---.i- and Sta - IV,' -riwrua, street, next door to the outoQ ; Pa. SCHOOL and LAtfBQOKg gtSatenfly on hand. ' '' Ffr-inci? TltaN* 1 B Fsngm, Mo.N W« bbls. Southern Uliaoii) HOf' ‘ SGWUmxA as Vroiu iti^u. S .i.-uh-f-sc.* t-'. 'r 'LS . i v: ': JUNTO COMMEKOTA.L. JOURNAL. GROCERS. Corner of First *nil Liberty •iroots. PITTSBURGH, P*. ■ARcrACTrorr.* or DE.I~riSTR I’. A n cuite err vra z. ISSTON & CU, STATION ft aad Job ijfirtr!. Pittsburgh. «.‘3Q r, ,, UOOKBBM.KU_ ,U BuHiUag*. PITTSBURGH, B4JTMLS. DOLLAK SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 j Focbth Stbxxt. chartered ra USA. j S. RIDDLE & CO., EDITORS A-V D i 1 It OJ*B lETO B 5, u^moL'oZ B °'„'‘“ir a frjmSoTembcrlK,o • Publication Offite So. 84 ‘ Fillh Street. Deposits recelred of all ttuni not Du than One ' iV npvcviwncmTTß\B rtAiiT DolUr, and a dividend of the profits declared twics a ' MORNING AND E\ KNINQ KDITIONc, DAILY, year, it* June and December. Interest has been de- CONTAINING THE LATEST JfEWS UP TO THE claml semi-annually, in June and December, since ' (,p PUBLICATION; the Bank was organized, at the rats of sli par cent. TERMS* Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit l_ MoaMNa EotTibN—so per annum in adrauce, or of the depositor as principal, ana bears the same in* „ _„ v • tereel (romthe flret dnje ofjone and Decern ter.TOttl* U rente per week from corrfcre. . pounding twice a year without troubling tbs depotl* Evlmso Edition—por annum In advance, or © tor to call, or even to preant his pass book. At this uu t« j„* r w#«k from carrier*. rate, money will donlle in lees than twelre years, w Fnmou—Simile copies, per annum; making in the aggregate right ajcd ost-HAtr rxr 1 watatr r.nmoN single ™e*“> *- “ uum ' ciarTaixam Fire or more, *1,15; Ten or upwards, 91 per annum, Books, containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules invariably ju advance. - ead Beguletione, tumlAed gretle, on .ppUcMlon et , , d v E r TI sI!(0 AT REASONABLE BA'TES. the omce. c. .. P&KtiDEXT—GEOBQE ALBBEE. vice raEatDEKTS. James B. D. Uoeds, Isaac Hv Pennock, A. M. Pollock, M. D., Robert Bobb, James Sbidle, Alexander Tiodle. William J. Anderson,' ' Hill Burgwln, Dozy. L. Fahnestock, HojtoweU Hepburn, Janies Herdmtn, James D. Kelley, ' : YUUBI John B. McFadileD, Peter A. Madeira, John tf Mellor, James McAulejr, Jobtr Marshall, WalterP. Marshall, - John Orf, Ileury L. Blngwslt, John H. Shoenbergsr, Alexander Spear, William Isaac Whittier, / Christian Yoagor. tut—CHAS. A. COLTON. Alexander Bradley, Jobu Q. Backbfen, Guorgft Black, John. B. Canfield, Alonzo A. Carrier, Charles A. Coltoh, William-Douglas, John Evku#, John llblmu, William S.'Haven, Peter 11. Hunker, Bichard Hays, WUlUtn 8. Lavely, SscaxtaaT and Taxascai faibd*wrT.. i 1 EK.UAN TRUST -AND SAVlNlid \3* BASE, corner Sixth and -Wood linen. hank of discount and deposit. CAPITAL. 8100,000. STOCKHOLDERS IN Dr VI DC ally liable. DiarcTom: ADAM RKINEMAN, Prerident. Springur Uarbsngti, Augustus Houvelar, L. U. JcTiupli Lang, J. y. lUvekutt*. Christian Si«l»«rt, Anthony Haver, A. Groetzlng*r. DISCOCST WEST DAY. JOHN STIWAHT, CmAicr. jti is cel. i.i.ri; o vs. pUKNTTURE AND CHAIRS AT RK i; DUCED PRICES. —JAMES W. WOODWELL, Nos. U 7 and OH Third nroot, and 111 Fourth stroel, ALL VARIETIES OF STYLES AND FINISH, itablo for HOTELS and PRIVATE DWELLINGS. OS' All orders promptly attended to, and tho Fur- inn carefally packed and boxed. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS famished at •hart CABINET MAKERS supplied with er«ry article i H. CUILUri & CO., jAAIRd HOPE COTTON’ Mill, ALLEGHENT SEAAfLESS DAGS AXD OF OSXABCRQS, 22 INCHES TO 40 INCHES V IDE. *D*Order* loft at 11. CliUds A Co.'s, 133 Wood at. rUtabWKh, will rncairc atMnlihn. ocSfrdly PENrij WHOLESALE ANdKbTAIL. ry.m and oafef bbpaihed; BILVKU and gold plating, Done at the shortest natice, at the corner of Fourth and Market streets, •sound'story. ‘ Persons livlnc out of the rite harinp jieu* to repair ran send them hr mail. mhiCTrdl.r FITZPATRICK A Op. IUNK GOODS.— SoUD'UoIo VVbdmmo J? Tttm.lt, Sisal* ftTomt *sn Cmwyi* -btatfcnnt Risca, Lames* Gold WaTcncsastn Chaivs, Silver articlie in caste suitable |c»r. wedding presents, Sin'S OF JEWELRY In Coral, Jet, Amethyst, Pearl, Ac.; SILVER CUPS AND presentation; GOLD HEAD CANES, Ac. n. RIcnARDCON A CO^ aplT Corner of Fifth and Market streets. STUCCO WOKKEK.~M£. OWENS, STUCCO AND MASTIC WORKER, TAPER RANGER AND PLASTERER. . Bij-CENTRKS AND ORNAHSSTS of all kind* furnished cm thort notice. ' All onlera left At No. 23 CoOgrew. atreet, nLx doom from Wylie, or at Palmer’* Wall Paper Store, No- °1 Wood limit, be promptly attended to. mh2B W. A. CALDWKLt, JOH> CALDWKIi, J 6. CALDWELL ll ot-tbaistast imsorutios* of CLOTHS, CAS3LMERIB aqd VISTIM&, which w* flatter ourself** will be “equal toaajt ttsortoeot 4o W foand'ssit or west. betaadeopto order,' In a Mtfetfor. itjlb, 1 and at 1 prices toaait the tlnx*. Woi would TMpectfaUy'wduclt so {early call from onr patron* aodthepobnc. • ' •; : 8 * SkUtrth ORAY *;Bon7 Jt*»cHAjrr j ,Tiiiow, N'5.19 Fifth street. T VOX ARNSTEAL. Importer .and "I "J UgALskTn fh* njuafeeTeci brands of GENUINE sad iar ktodtf of iifOKING AND CHBWINO TOBAOOO, SNllt>*i FANCY MKERSCHACar-FIPEm TCBIW, Ac., Ac., in TsrietJ, UNDER THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Pittsborcb, F** ! N B.—*The Trade fcpplled on liberal term*. "j >• / . A diylfnlly XT I'bt Warehouse lately oo cupiid bT-tM h»Ting bw» d«aroV*d b 3 6r», we have tetoom) to No. 283 LUwnr?Lre«t,».fHr, -V ' : ' V- J a&d'Jbr sale by X3&S VUi: MORNING, MONDAY Pittsburgh teettt MONDAY MORNING, DEC. 18, 1861. LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. Dee. 12, 1861 SLAVE-CATCHING IT SOLDIERS. Senator Bumner read to Secretary Cameron this looming a warm. and-Jntilgfiani letter from Gov. Andrew, remonstrating against the employment of Massachusetts men in the disgraceful business of silave-catcbing, as bad been done on the Upper rdtCtmac. Secretary Cameron promptly refsrred'theYetter to Gen. Stone, with the emphatic'request that he would sco to it that tho m#n Ofcolor who en tered tbe camps under his. command were treated liberally, in the apirit nf. tbo orders concerning fugitives from-Shivery which the Secretary of War had already given to com manding Generals. CODIFICATION O? THE UNITED STATES LAWS. Senator Sumner intends pressing to a con summation the measure which he introduced ten years ago, for .a. .classification and codifi cation of the statutes of the United States, which has now been recommended in the mes sage of tho President. Congress-bos, since the organisation of the Government, enacted some five thousand acts and joint resolutions, which fill more than six thousand closely printed puges, and are scattered through many volumes. A bill for the purpose mention ed has been introduced in tho House. the fugitive SLAy* bill. Senator Clark's amendment to the Fugitive Slave bill, of which ho baa given notice, is in tended to prevont rebel masters from using Mr. Mason’s contrivance.'lt will provide that tbe claimant must prove that ho is loyal before he can avail himself of its provisions. It is, however, hoped that other legislation will render the adoption of this amendmeot unnecessary. THE CONFISCATION BILL The unanimity in both Houses in favor of tho propriety of confiscating rebels’ property, and emancipating their slaves, is such that it is believed there will be little difficulty in ob taining even a two-thirds vote. COL. SAM BLACK’S BBGIMSNT. Capt. George Nelson Smith, Quartermaster .of Gen. Morrell’s brigade, has received the new Zouave uniforms for'.Col. Sam Block's Sixty-second Pennsylvania regiment. The men Trill appear in their now uniforms ‘on Saturday. ‘ It is a remarkablo fact.that thore islets sickness in the Pennsylvania-Teghnentson tho opposite side of tbe Potouiaii than in tho regi ment* from any other Stat bat ten miles from Savannah, the Staeples of;whioh alrerplalilly nriliblo from the decks of bur shipe ride at'anchor. It teems to bennderstbod ’ that*’in "addition to o«if was atoncetobe aeni with a' cansideriblo force to oeenpy ihe mmtt Jmpbttant pointtn the near »ppio«h W ;e.•S.T.nn.hj Md th.t mother fonw.wUlgO VMatt Oft t.m. Ilm. an- »tim lUrori»»d U U» • -.v«) "t’.ii i « >•■?» Ha'/l | (.&!$} ‘ The Caucus of the'Republican Con* ; publicans, held in the Capitol last erening, p AJ *Y OF PHILADELPHIA- Oflico, 455 and 437 the resolution of Mr. Bingham, of Ohio, ■ Cbeetnnt street, near Fifth. - * providing for tho unconditional emancipation ; . .. of "lares, was the principal subject discussed. Statement of A##eta, January Ist, 18G0, publtoned Mr. of Ohio J7tirod and di.gjj.jd • with tho talk that this revolution must be R64l ( *^. t cl)cost 102,905 00 pat down without molesting slavery, i It Temporary Loans, on ample Collateral could not be done, a.* slaves furnish jtbo Secttrie*..; sinews that carry on the war. Ho was op- ! Stock* (r r «.n. valo. |SO,M7TJ) *««.. posed to conditional loyalty, aud said that as Providence has placed in our hands the means of crushing out this rebellion we must use it. f2,2oBJMl<# Senator Chandler, of Michigan, supported W The only profits from premium# whkh lhi# the resolution, imteonid notion the neo of ? '*™ "** * hld > confiscating slaves, when wo had two hundred ; i'„™,, ra .d. on ‘.very descjipiioa of proper!,, and twenty thousand men in arms here in- . i» town aud country, #t rates as low a# areconsfstent active against eighty thousand of the enemy, with security. Mr. S/K. Sherman,of New York, said if: &u« tlwir incorporation, aporkdof thirtyyearif « «* •>«"> the rebellion wilt j SXSSESSS not be crushed for many years. From six . of advantages of Insurance, a i well a# theiraWH months' experience in the army ho was Bat- tv and disposition to moot with promptoeos'all isfied we over-estimated the intelligence of thoj liabilities. ■'■'il-'i master and under-estimated the intelligence ! W J SB,T, 1 I «. 1 - «7na mt'iiv of tho .lave. x “« " aki J " r ‘“S ,1 “ VB5 ” Mr. Pomeroy, of New York, approved of Charles N. Bancker, Isaac Lbs, all that was said against slavery. It was Mordecai D. Lewis, Jacob R. Smith, ••• enough for him to know that the negro bears Totiia# Wagn.tr, Edward Dale, the same Divine image as tho white man. Ha_. f'n^r 0 ' deprecated the dissolution of the republican j am ** CHARLES N- BANCKER, Prarideat, party, and asked, ‘'Where is the party now ■ . EDWARD C. DALE, Vkt Praidmt, that elected Abraham Lincoln to the Presi- Wu. A. Stem., Secretary pro tem. denoy?” It had been sold oat in New York ; R v?S!J ATWrS*iia and other State,. j myO Ofilc. cor. Wood * Third, U.. Mr. Beamau, of Michigan, said he would T7IIRE INSURANCE, BY THE RJSIil* vote as his judgment dictated, without regard ; J* ANCE MUTUAL COMPAHY, to the Administration ; and if the institution OP PHIL ADELFIIIA, on BUILDINGS, UmJtedor of slavery was in tho'way of peace, he would perpetual, AIERCIi-KNDiaE, I n *--* *v- ..... j town or country. Office No. 308 W#lntttJt»es... put il oul of the way. «1 CxT 8229,610; Amsts, f3oB,soS#96—lnvented Mr. Julian, of Indiana,said tho war had M follows: ; ' its support and nourishment in slavery. Com- ; First Mortgage on Improved City Pioper- . promise and peace had been ttied and foiled. ; _ ty, worth double the amount ~!Ug»*g S Ho now Z tteUdag aUhr root Ho was g“£■£ for compensating loyal masters, and if elavory [ Loa „ f cost v ’27,90000 could not be abolished in that way ho would j city of Philadelphia, 0 per cent. Loan.;- 3Q,000.p0 strike it in the name of freedom. * j AJlegheay county .door ct. P. R,Tt. I<6an 10,000 CO W. McKee Dunn, of Indiana, Colonel on 1 Collateral bond#, 2,««.C0 General McClellan's staff, urged that tho Free- I . .4, W «0 dent must bo supported by Congress, os he j Railroad Co.Vt>teck.......;. i .-4i900 00 would bo by the people. He was in favor of ! Stock of Reliance Mutual Insurance C o'... * 2ii350 York as to tbe-nccessity of perpetuating par- Uni on M. Insuranw Co.*# Scrip„.~. . 100.00 ties. Tho democratic party by that means Bill# Receivable, business paper...-.!..;...- had brought about tho present condition of Book Accounts, accrued interest, etc • 6,a»72 afiairs ° r Cosh on hand and in hand# of agent#....-. - UiSwrlo Mr. Colfax, of Indiana, briefly referred to 96 the position of parties, and said ho was for ' TINGLEY,' taking middle ground, and confiscating tho property of rebels and protecting tho property of loyalists. Mr. Lovojoy, yat in favor of supporting tho administration, whether ho deemed alt its measures wise or unwiso. Ho know of no party in favor"of making this war one to abol ish slavery ; antLhad it been in his power to bavo inaugurated civil war, and could he bavo foreseen that the overthrow of slavery-would have been tho remit of that war, ho would not havo done it, and it was thorofpro unjust to charge upon any portion of tho republican party that their purpose in carrying on the wards to abolish slavery ; but we are for de stroying slaTory in order to put down tho re bellion. Uo was at present content to confis cate th# property and liborato the slaves of rebels.( Mr. Blake, of Ohio, advocated tho hearty snpport of the President. He said that the Government was in his (tho President’;) hands, and it must survivo or perish there. Mr. Van Wyck, of New York, took similar grounds. After a general interchange of opinion, it was found that thore was but little difference among tho members as to practical measures to be adopted. Tho conclusion seemed to be that the members present wonld vote for the confiscation of all property belonging to the rebels, and tho liberation of their slaves, and adopt measure# to fully compensate loyal mas ters for all the losses they might suffer. — impe rial Diapntch the Iferald, on the 12t/i. From Kentucky. The Frankfort dispafeh of Friday’aCincin cinnat Commercial say*: Startling accounts have reached us from Eastern Kentucky. All the leading men have been driven from Owerisvillo, Bath Co., and the town is in tho possession of four hundred rebels, under a leader named Mono fee, who are committing tho greatest ozcbsscs. Judge Burns and his son 11. Q> Burns aro at West Libortj, with four hundrodrebel troops; Col. John S. Williams is in the neighborhood of Hazel Green, with 1,600 more, and Hum* >hrey Marshall is at Prostonburg with a aTger force, making in all, 7,000 troops. Stewart's and another Virginia regiment, and one regular battery, are with Marshall. It it said that four thousand of Marshall’s force are mounted, and carry their provisions on horses, thus dispensing with wagons. These accounts come from men of nerve and good judgmentand intelligence, somo of whom are here to consult the military board, and are substantially corroborated by a telegraphic dispatch from Col. L. T. Moore and General Buell. HEBEI. PIIXAQINO. The outrages along the whole southern border continue. They have not been exag gerated, as the members here from those ooun- j ties testify ; on the contrary, but a small pro- \ portion of the enormities can eror become | known to the public. i A Union Senator now here, for example, was three several times chased from his home by parties of rebels-, who threatened to hang him if they could catch him. This man him self saw these rebel soldiers who stop negroes in the streets and take thoir shoes from them, while stealing bed quilts seemed to be amain Eart of their business. Bat recently news as come from one or two counties of a visita tion from a pillaging party just after the most of the farmers had been killing and packing away their pork for the winter. The rebels seized the wagons through the country, loa ded in the pork and hauled it away, leaving the people absolutely without meat for the winter, and finished matters by impressing a number of Union men into their ranks ! IN THE JUMIIOTB -CAVE. The proprietor of the well-known Mammoth Cave liotel la here, li. would be worth his life to venture back. At this very time there is concealed in the Mammoth Cave a well known Union man of that section, for whom < the rebels have been scouring tho country side. 1 Suspecting that he might be in the c&ve they seized thb old guide, and used every t meanß, even to physical torture, to oompel him to conduct them through the labyrinths of the cave to the hiding place ofthoman they sought, but the brave fellow held out faithful, and pro tested-his ignorance. Fortunately the con oenlcd man has some six weeks' provisions. Can yon realize, reader, that these things are done in Kentucky, and wirtin thirty milef of ouc Grand Army ? Boos it not sound rather like some anoiont chronicle of the Comeroni ans of Scotland, some 1 romantic story of the time when men were driven to the caves and moors to-escape tho persecution of a by-gone ago? • ; ‘ ; The. Right Spirit-in the Kentucky Legislature. , . A Frankfort correspondent, of a Cincinnati paper states that the general tone and temper •of the Kentucky Legislature, is very■moderate, and a disposition manifested to sustain tho Government at all hazards. The following incident is given: , “A little incident that .occurrcd daring the caucus debate illustrates the temper of the members. The'probabillty that.the war would ehd'in the destraction pr slhverjr Was alluded/ to. The strongest pro-slavery- Enan drr the Legislature, and one of the -largestelarehold-i ars in Kentucky* arose and»aid,'fAS to .that* sir, I wlsh-tb say, here, in my place*-that. the question.comes to tbat, thbogb.l think it need ,not* butif Jt como to that, I vr.UL. wil lingly lose every slave in my. possession, rathr' er than sco.Kentucky prove falso to the Gov-' crnmont! Perish .slavery, sir; long live the Governuionf I* - And the declaration was re ceived by that Kentucky caucus-with a.salvo of vociferous cheoraT* - •• There is wisdom as w«U as patriotism In this, for Kentucky would, flourish and .grow, witnoutislaveryj butin a dismcmbcred Uhion, she wouldbocopHTa doseri, .There * redoubt;- less thousantfsbf , too loyal tnadlyi'to* TUBh' r lnfo eecesiioh>b:-a VQLUME LXXIV—324. IJI'SUJRnIJI'CE. Clem Tinglev, Samuel Biepliam, Wm. B. Thompson, Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, Wm. Museer, 0. Stevenson, Bonj. W. Tiugley, John R. Worrell, Marshall Bill, mv fi Northeast corner WESTERN' INSURANCE .'COMPA NY OF riTTSßUlffili. ' " ’ It. MILLER, Jr., I'mldtx!. G. M. GORDON, Secretary. Office, No. 92 Water «tr»et; Spang A Waro. bouse, up stairs, Pittsburgh. ... . Will mmre against all Lindt of Fire and'Martnt Suit. A Home InstiMionr managed bg Itirettorswfio are Kell known m tAe community, anti wljO are. deter mined, hg promptness and liberality, to maiatah* ths character which they hare assumed, as oJTenng the lest 1 protection to thru* toJko desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER :k», 1860$ . > Stork AccouoU * \ Mortgages 32,160 00 Office Furuitanj. ~ - r. 250 00 Premium Note*— —•— ,?*»2§ IS Note* and Bills Discounted....———l* George Darsin, B. Miller, Jr., Bees J. Thomas, C. W. Jackson, Jamas McAuley, Alexander Spoor, vAndrew Ackley, my3Q TUBE MARINE AND INLANDIN- _ J? SUBAXCE.—INSURANCE ‘COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, rillL ADELFHIAi* ?? ft Incorporated 17H—Capital, §501X000..-. Asset*. January 10, 18tt> . 61 * ABTHUBG. (XJFFIN, Prflrfdnit THOMAS FLATT, Secretary. / ' INSURANCE COTOF THE-STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated l TtH—Capital, $200,000;- Assets, February 1, 185y~~ M ..« M... 00 HENRY D. SnERBEBD,'JPM*i*itf. WILLIAM HARPEBi Secretary. . y , ; Hartford fire insurance co. HARTFORD. Incorporated 1810—Capital, $500,600. Assets, May l, 1860. .*A~—~......i49M,754 S 3 IL HUNTINGDON, Pmideßi. i TIBIO. C. ALLYN, Secretary, •V* loaonoce in the aboT© old autl rallabla Com panies can be obtained by applicatlorvto W. P. JONES, it, Bagaley’a Bolfdioga. riITIZKN'S LNSUKANCE COMP AN X vOF PITTSBURGH. Office, confer Market and Water streets, second floor. • WMr BAGALEY, PrekUknt. SAMUEL B£A, Secretory. - .._J Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. I injures against loss and damage in thfi of tbe Soouern and .Western Rivers, Lakes ana Bayous, and tbe navigation of tbe Seas. • Insure* against loss and damage by fir*... Vo. Bagaley, Jaa. Park, Jr., B. F. Jones, Francis Sellers, W. G, Johnston, U. Zng, Cant. S. C. Young, 8. M. Kier, PHILADELPHIA PIKE ANl> LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chtanut opposite the Custom House. Capital, s2lo,loo—Assets, $304,0*& Will make all kinds of Insurance, either (perpetual or limited, on every description of Property or Her cbandiae, at reasonable rates of Tire mi mu. ROBERT P. KING, President. *' M. W. BALDWIN, Vie* PrvuUnL F. BLACKBUBNE; Secretory. Chat. Bayes, E. B. Cope, E. B. English, Geo. W. Brown, P. B. Savery, J. G. COFFIN, Agmtt deadly • corner Third itre*U., ALLEGHENY LN'SIIKANOE COM I‘A.tjV OF PITFSBOEGH. Offlce/H0.37 Flftb street. Bank Block. . lueurM ttgalast all fcindsof Jiwand Merino BUki. ISAAC JONES. PmidinC' JOHN D. IfcCOED, Vic*Prtri(U*l. D M. BOOK, Stcrttan. ■ Oapt. W*.DEAN, Q+uraX Agt* Isaac JoDt*, C. Q. Hosmt, Darret Childs, .Cut. fL 0. Gray, John A./WQixm. B. L. Fahnestock, TjyHEELEK &-VVTILSON’^;> Sewing Machines, ko. 27 rrirrH street, fa. Avardid Of Tint paths WISCto&Bt STATE FAIB; lOWASTAW FAIB “ KIKTCCKY STATEFAItf; TEKNESSEtaTATE FAin; K.& STATE FAIB; .;• YEBMOHTSTATSJTAjSi . Chicago Heehanfca’lneUtuta;,-. \ LQniiTflle HecfcanWVlttftttat*; -.a-.-.; CJnciha*tK*ehtolea‘lnititnU: ALLEGHENY' XXXVKtt-.; F AUK* ; M?JTBB|JBQH, anaotherOootttT F*lr».tt» mtmeroui lo^MDtloa. Wa XSoS&'pobU* WfIEELKUAWILSON’fI XMP.BoV»>.;WfflHOi?UgffW ,ft'B£DUen> 2filCl3:-*Witb'toeree»a-«onn3eneo4if Ita merit* m tha bert-W****** nllAhk Fa»i)£ioMring Machine ™ to wen oniESlcluat and lhtaMt the lock**titct ImpoeeibJo to imraVeh with tb« cwcntlal advantaga of being aliko . «r both the nndar limpU to‘oon*tTwctiott, mow *VO*&7 to more gcov-aad < Wagtra foUiia tract iwi^wti^^hepurehaiCT to inronHotty b*p,Wli«iim, gather, bind nnd; inch, all on th»J|»to» warrant Clrculani" cont*lalng te««i»onJ*U; ftran ladiea of: I thnUsheK auodtog, prtcw> LAc*;*Ul ba fttfnjebed gratia, on application in peraon [ tVacUne- -Silk &M, Cotton acd t|ffl-ttortkktljr«'h«n*.;.b ” . iUmS- ■' io ‘lt '■r—vlKiz'i .'X ?.rjt io ir.-2: z-J: >:< *.* r"5 ar jtf CJ H. L. Canon, Z. Lotbrop, .. Robt. Toland, v Chiu. Leland, Fred’k. JLonntg, - Jacob T. Boutin;, C. 8. Wood, Smith Bowen, ju. S. Woodward, John PiUaVgb, B. Secretary. J. G. COJTFIN,.Jjki**. Third anil Wood atreet. *20,251 25 Wm. McKnight,'* Nathaniel Jlolmar, • Alex. Nlrnlck, . / DarM M. I/onjCc ' 'WUUcun H. Smith, C. NV\ lUcketabo. si. GORDON, Becnian. DIJUCTQRfI: flon. T. M. flowe, John fihipton,, Jaa. M. Oooper, S. Harbangh, . J. OaldwaliTJf., John 3. DUworth, Barclay-Proatou. d*30:l; DIBECTOU: , Joseph S. T*ul, O. sWmas,-/ John Clayton*. J. 8. UegargM, E. Wilerr- John D. McCord, Cttpt. A&UBtJnoobf, :B. P; Sterling, Capt. W&UjunDean Eolrt. li. McGrow, n.ptTH, o.r ijkiji wkesiss: Amikdß^ misowstASE rut • .. z-S'?>pZz. r .-£ZZ' ? [xv.-i-sd,; > Ji4rV R?" . • r ii*o u