ESTABLISHED IN 1786, 'tXirV .. J>. M. BABMCm. TOHN B. CANFIELD A CO., Comas tf sun a*p and whole. Mb deafen tn WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE. BUTTER, LARD, POKE, BACON, FLOUR, FISH. POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALEBATUB, LIN SEED AND LAND OILS, DRIED FRUIT and W*. SBEPAAC^ ' A kHEPARD, CojoiissionMer \J aunt anddealer* in FLOURS GRAIK AND PRODUCE, No. 243 Libertj Pa; ! Choice bread* of Flour-for.Ra&ereiad Jhaally me comuotlT on Ailing order* forMerchagdlfo’genefaUy;- ocfrdly UkASlt X'Coxatssioji Mueiiaadr, dealer In FLOUR, BOT TER, BROOMS, 6XXDB, t LARD, cheese, pork, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS and Produce grra •nil?.* -Liberal caehatfrence* «nm<« bn iwndpe^tf. Warehouse, No.-114yecond ttrect,Pittabarg*i~. •: . v ■* . T AMiSti A. FJ£T&EK, Forwarding and O. QpjuucnoaJMncaurr,for ih***loof FLOUR. qRjqg^SACOy^GABD.BPTTE^gEED^D&I^ corner of Fim, Pittebnrgh. - ■ iAn Jpcflauffi^ r. LAX&*' SCHOMAKKR ic . LANG. Commission 1 MoCatAßYft and wholesale driers In GROCE. KIES, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, Ac., No. 203 LibertTHtrect, PHutwrfh, P< y, eeUhdly HOLLaN to Jna U'GillASon, No. 183 Liberty street, rilt*. burgh, OENERAL PRODUCE, GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Ounaigninentu mpoctflillyoilritH. fcakdly Wmi , E* :J SsoTligE^;;rFoßWA3mwo TV in> Cohmimioh MiaoßAßts'and d«den~4n provisions and produce generally, No:‘ 235 Liberty •treat, Pittmbnrgh» Pa. my2T ABoEIOYLR, Commission Merchant! • dealer Id CRUDE A ND REFINED CARBON OILS, GLASS, IRlttf, •NAILS, in* No. 183 Liberty etwet. • «... ~ ~ mh27:dly ~ . Bj>ocUl Partner. \IjTBAN9 & COFFIN, successor* to wnowaiusaßo- CJCKS MrM«.jrW»«4-aßd W.tCT.tTwiU, ntttWrrh. r, °°«- t -•■ ■ j --"a ;< YftMUv , wa. i, ciiops-....1. a. roierJ T . H. VOIGT k CO., successor to L. G. XM Graff, PRODUCE AND COMMISSIONMEB UUABTB, Srt7 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ans h book. JOHN ATnicK. "DROWN * KIKKRAT&ICKS; Wiroi*4 iJ lAXI Gbocuu tad dealer* in FLOUR AND BKEDB) No*. 191 and 193 yixrtv street. Pittsburgh. JtfcdlT * • * jAMKti JJALZKLL I., ‘Wbolb; • *ai.k Daooorrr and Mann&cturar of WHITE LEAD AND LITHARGE, corner of'Wood and Front streets, Pittsburgh. ' m b7 TORN F, SyOTU', WHOJ.KSALS Obalbr O a DRCi»; »>XIKIB,'OIt3 I )ViBSIBaE9 AND DYE STUFFS, No. 294 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.— All order* will receive prompt attention. mh'H nunicx 8MAVM.~~......~:............Q808a* mkitul T>RAUN k REITER, Wholesale and asm jjgsaa^mgr 1 -DWood^sireaL-conmr bij| Virgin alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. £ jrrdiLrijri; Attoexet if at Last. OmcxTsecondilory Kubn’b Law Dnfan- Dto, No* 93 Diamond stroot. WiU attend to4h» eoUWmont* eecnriagand ooltec* tion OfCfalmSj', la Washington, district of Colombia. aol9:GmM JMUAJUftftrATiyCX .lIJUJiOX, ffISKPATRICK A MEllJoNv Atiot* jLV.ura.Ar.JaA v, JNO-133 Fourth ttrseU five door* tbOToßwlthfleld, fiUKbortfa»jPi. .;„ pyl7tiitl v . CT\kOMAB KWJJiU r ATMjajiEt akp • JL' ComtUOK AT LAW. ' >’• j- v V - Otticb,.Np. 150 Fourth •tract, corner of Cherry alley, Pittabdrgh, 'Pa/I*'"* 1 *'"* 5 - v aollrdawlyT gAMtiELA*. JP UHyJAJSCE, Attornbt OmoXt Fifth ctrect, adjoining the offico of Shall» burgh. Pa.. T ; .-. JcaPidly H M. SMITH,, ArfORNFT.. Jt?rts • Oouncuoa at Law, hat removed to ICUIDS’S LAW BULLi>lKQSvK6.l2Dian>oo'd ttreeL bext door to Bt.Tatcr’a Chntch. '.myl6:dly BF, LUCAS, Attorney at Law.— • Omci, Kt>i 72'Graut t ttnw< PitUlmrfcb, Pa. rnyfi - _ .''' v" • < /- - ; ShCilOYEli, Jil, ArrpitKKT iT jxiw, • Ko. 139 Fourth etreet, Lowiie’a Lawßoildiog, ■ •reopycc-, ’ "k. *. uctcrf. HUTCHfitSON, Commission J *»yoniAiw»o Mwquwi t daaif to-WBSX. KBN BESKBV2 CUEKSfc FLUyikri3a,BA CON, BUTTER, LINSEED OfL/rdTS AND PEABL ABIIES, BKKDS, GRAIN, DRIED FHUtT and Produce generally. .Best brand* Family Flour; always on hand. Agrnt 1 for the sale of MaditonA: Oo.’t calibrated Patented Petti Starch. No*. 11G Second an&l4d>Fii*tata. r between v Woodand Smith*! Held Pittsburgh -PL I * '• •* » apfcdly j \j H. COLLINS, Forwarding and Commheion Jfer- No.vjle •maNttwt, above Water, Pittsburgh. my 2 TAAIIiS HOLMES & C&, Fobs I)£u^ O km and dealer* in P£OVISIONS, comer of Mar-i fcet and Front atceeta. ja&dly • IJTS UR+AJTCB MJEJTTJS. tlw'JSAiaaOtt PHZUBXUPBU -!AH7> RXUAKCX ;Ix> . BOKUrci -Co«TAnzs» North-fl»t corner .Wood, tndi oONJSS, AqkNt NobthAmebi •>.? I-> ft.SlAl* of PcnnkylvAalaarid Oart&tdln- Wahte Odhipahio, S 7 WAter ■traefc : , ■ CmoDts'j cor dear Wairket and Wat ex' (jKjJfcDuN,, mmiCwtrwiUffrtirrtnrt,- : • ■ - Ti M. BOOK. Secret art Allegheny, JL/» mtftAim Conraxr. 37 Fifth «trwL ' ! GOODS. >A«nMra!rt^!»iinU^«AU M .Mvui!irc]jiDLKKKj CAKR a: Cft, ; ; ’ • } - T( . . r J^rjraeAOo.,) 'wioLttAtx c&aUxi rx ' - JOBXIOV ASZ> POVUHCJDBT GOODS. : •Nb.'-’W Diamond alley, filteburgh. aplQ-.dtf < raee««»OT,^ T & tx>., ueuau ih nst ; -TUrt m 3 ■ /Tmanbun! loyis, Wm.kk k. sh* Ksstmmiii&vsn »«S3Siiiir orig. Iml Mo. T* Mukit itml, Pittiljurgh. i "• TMtlMmtJTfiS, tfc. Kr foBBM ■HSKNBTSii2raw r S» W UM, ~ Mir** Itrrrt. PtU.Ua.,. - . .. ~ ~. .piG ; / UlAill.Ea.OU'N JSR; l>Eii«t m JUet VVOgIC at reef. toAn>JN' MAiiKlkArlXJi!; tann 17andl»rfmietraat.TtnibBrgh; • apls J «^ffiSS£OTsS^Bs6)2^jus UPiCTCE . V-/ M Art Dxaui nr PIASO-roKTES. uul Im. q i’tAMoZ itoSkaAtUTTHttS^hT^*” -lift-/*. £*.i " • 1 T .ITTLE .i i'ltoiißLE. Wholesale XJCbockm kire. Cajuhtcuii de«kn to PJBODCCE,' FLOtTB, BAOQH, (THE ESR.TIffIL nftSffif ILULffoLAS? POTTOS *ad PitUborgb mu abet bit* ggogiwr. US SreomUtreet, Pittsburgh. JK-...C. XK*VC*[.t. TVJcDOSALD £ ARBDCKtE, Whole- Xu< la S. 0. SUGARS and MOLASSES. HEHSEB SUGARS And SYRUPS, FLOUtiS COS, RICE, CREESE, SEEDS, * ■. . . \I7ATT & WXLSSON, Wholesale Geo* i! H*RCBjurr», and d**lcrs In ftodwco ud Pittsburgh nuuiQbcttirM, No. ISS Lib- I tiAiAH ;DiCKiIY: it CO. ■WHnr.Mitx tkf.KSs^.9 0, “! ,,n0 and dealers 'in PBupOCTi Ko. £0 Water street, aadeS I’rontstmei.; Pittsburgh,i ■■ *• ... *■ r * CILVOXTS. iT ; 4. u do.; Wbolbuu r “*!32-8«TOd JtlErt, DMT fcmlthfield,Pittsburgh. • .• • • i itjiol iominantiiii.i tinm rum. , JOHN FLOY 0A CO , WholesaleGro- CtaonmowSUßCiuift*, Ko. 172 Wood uttSS Liberty ttrcevMttabnrgh. Jel6 AATUuIjIAM BAUALEY, Wtrnt.iMAf.B . » ' , Qbocib, Kol 18 and SO Wood erect, bargfa,r».. : laSfcdtf . !\TACKiNTOSH.'fIEMPHILL & CG , iff* corner Mke'ahd-'O’Harai City 5 •Water Work*, Plttaburgh;- Pi., ; ‘at' IIKMPAfLI/SmPROYnf *WAK*IHonSS»S . DI VALVESfof allake*and beatnyie.v • f. •?* r *P* °P ••‘Woery of large capacity and of <}■• quality, ale prepared~fo do beery Job ,Ungi and aoUcit erork in thto line,-trotting that by prompttocM, and the character of oar work, toidorit public fmtionage. •>•;.. • : ••••• ... .. Ve-tneile' -«pechl attention to'hnr BAtAXCKD iVALVK OSCILLATING ENOINES/a* tbrnbinlmr' baretaTote hniittalMd in I - = -.wv : -■••• <: • • Ss.jg2&lyd IUU.K.WU. WILLIAM BAKNHILL* C0.,N0. 61 ■ . T-'Pcrin meet; bblAv Werlmrv.pimbureh: P* ;STKAM BOILEB MAKEBS ANI> SHBBT IBOH “OBKRBSfII«IiuJ«ctuI«r,orBABSHHirBPAT AST BOtLAB, LOCOMOTIVE, FLtfSD-ahd CTL** 11,^S™ 8011 "®® 3 - CHIMKBYH;' B BATCHES; ;STEAM PIPEB.OONDESBEBS, SAIT PAKS, SUGAB PASS, lfcm TA’WLV LIJ’B iSS? 18 ’ Alw, BLACKSMITH’S WORK, iBUIDUL ana VIAIJIX'T IBOSS, done at the iliort iHt ootict. ■ ■ Alt ,: ot4 ,;-. ; ; “5-jeas... • MOORB, or : JL MJD Dcattft I* KhtoiarCOPPKß-DIS TIXLKDFURE BYIS WHIBKT md FAMILY VINEGAR, No*. end 'WArttttmt/ betweeo Bmlthfle!d«nd-.&rant afreets, Pittsburgh., AA Fmateordera abi/dTtcd.' Hi»h.■ ■ r f i.Tiv: - 1"* I*’-.' ; xnyl&tf . successors V' of JT. ILDliphanty tfumfijcturan of-HOT PJtESSBDfNUTS AMD .■ WASHERS, -CHARCOAL HORSE-SHOE IRON udHAIL BODS, BOILER IROKaadJUYETS.'- 'v.: :i7 , FAIBCHAMCE IRgN.WQRKai-YiyetteOfciTk.- Jj3l:lyd ' lg »£, PlttiEuiylu. _ S, SEVERAKCB,; Nor.'/SOWater Sr, ■ PUtiuurgh, mVpuracturerbißOlLEß*Bl VETS, W BOUQHTSBIKXS, COMMON AND RAILROAD? of eTorj deocclpUtml.. 'j.VV;'; v."'* **~P>rtfcal»f -»lied or SPUtES aad .BJY KMirg* or uoidl. ordor at »Uort. nolle*. ;.ATfc^ee>ortiaeottoD»teotlyODhead.. ny^O-Ax SHIRT MAIJOJ ,, ACTORY;—Mi«SBi J. A N.AUL, .176,22 St. Clair ■ihMf.inake to or der, by bend, 0H1BT3; .COLLARS,: Ac[, qa short m>- ~hete comilenUr oa hinfl*. Bmmmm. meat of BHIBT3 ANDCOLLAB3, madeln the beet, mo*t fashionable an J desirable' nwifler,. Xjtf ELLS j RIDDLE * No. 2lfi , f f ‘ liberty ttreel. -oppoidte- Sixth/ Flttsbtoxh, »«mfcctarer«brWHlPB,l/ABHKBAKDHWITCH- description ofLSATHBBBR&EBBD T OrdeM ealldted prompt ly ■hlppcdee per inetroettooe. -• fefiidswlyyi 4.4. r. n.t?«xxtTw..^..T:cAMriilL: XCELSXOR GLASS TYORKfcv-i JU; WOLFE, PLDNJiSTXAGO.. Gaa*sMa*p*ac-: ;WMidKmee, lie; 12.:W00d street, corner, •Of yim. ritlßUetnh. IHh.rTi l , : , .eofciyd; .UOALE ‘Nbw :BriohtoX, \J pa.; Jtimai&rtirttijf Buckets; .Ttius/ziNir VaSHBOABDS, FBClf BOXESan/TLABELS. . ] D&JTTiHTMIXVi EXTRACTED: -WITHOUT. : JL rpjtfj #• BV THB.tmB OF'AJT ABBAIRATnS: W^RMV>*O IDHUOSox(U l DHUOSox(UI < TAIiICBA^TBKy %Hfhor'iijiii foie irhentbe apparatus claeepaper oonfl* street,; os^onte-ficßAul'e Of./'. v- . u JMU I Bpjaj& xw gmm . ■ 4*atpu<*, Ka a, gamutoM«iiwi, rttnb,fgi>jA.- : ■ waAj i TAMES M.. BALPH/St/SsSSsSf t* So^l'Sp^iSffiSg^S*^ and raperlntenda their erection on reaeonr able terms. .??{•? s--t vrr.? ; Office on Andenon ctreet, between Leacock and .BoMn*onetreeta,JUlecheny. Bo.6T.WQodi>treee, PitteWh. ae3Q jjoo*SEi,iE*;iwii,gfj: V . nointm. Wo. 71 famli «»m<. AwJto BogdiAia. „B^ACiiES!^fti_tibia^SQnthemJiliiuxs X.lalfj«^l^Uailfon«l.ta.liwi,.,!! ■ “»W WM«w4MrnmtattMte. , . :-:ov .;r ' -’s.. Ci. t Allfl) COMM ERCIA To .JOURISTA-JL.. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1861 »** JTMIS. T\OJLLAK SAVLNG3 BANK, No. 65 JL/-; Foo*tb Srea«. .. . CHABTEBIS IS 1865. OpcndaUj from 9 to 2 o'clock, Abo on. Wrtnoidaj * ~* .wenlnga, from lit) lot to Jiorenber «t,*Brom T lo 9 .o'clock, and from Koiremberlst to Mylit fron to 6 o'clock. all solas not len th&n Ono declared twice a Djeeembeif. intcitrttuu been « to proeeathis pia book. Atthls mls>HKmcy wßt s doatto-ln -teas than twelve year*, the acs»£4w stout jura ovs>hau res cni.Aiux. 1 Doofc*i' tho Charter; Bj-lav*, Bulm nd Begnlalfons, ftimisbed gratia, on application at thooffico._ |,. FutsiDnjrr—CEOßGK ALBBKE. uczrkxtnkjmL'W '.' J Witlljim J. .. Juacs B. D. UeeiU, HUTBara-iHn'' , lasuclt. Ptn&oek, B«nj. L : -r«Hee*tock, A: H. Poflock, V. |>. HoptwMlßejitan; - ~ ,Bcb*rtßobfe r Unm m. JamaSbidlf, JupmD.BeUej, AkwiwJfrXladJft. Alaiftodei'.Brq&ky, ’ Jotmß.WcJidden, JofafO.Backofrn, - Peter A‘. Madeira, Oeorpi Black, > JohaH.*elloiy - : Jum MeAtlcf, Atonic, A,,farrier,. John Kahkall,, Cbarlea A. Cblioiit , , Walter P. HArifcall, WiUiaib ‘Douglju, ’ 1 John Orr, J ' Jobti Kvafaai' 1 :1 - llemy L. Blfipralt, Job*-Holmes, u John I!. Sbmnbernr, :. . . Alexander fipear,. PelcrU. Hunker,WUlUta K.bchmertx, RicbariHiur**' ' Isaac WBlttier,' : Vnmatn ' Cbrlitlim Yeager. • StcixTAkT "axs Tsaiicst*—CHAS. A/COLTON. . fcfcdswT: ■ - >•: ■ O.EKMAN TKUST AND SAVINGH Vl* BAITER coficr SlxtHand "Wood ■trteta; - . HAHK OF DiSCOUKT AND DKPOSI^. -....1100,000, STOCKHOIDEBS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. finiCTOts: ADAM BEINKMAN, PraulnL Bptiogbr Hjtfbatfgh, Anputtu Hoerelcr, B. H.Mjrvn, > Joseph Ling, J. V. UmkolU, ChrUliu Siebert, Antbosj A. Groettinger. DIBCO,UHT,itVEBY DAY. JOHfl BTEWABT, QuhUr. juiscEVi^ajfnovs. TnUKNITDKE AND CHA2BS AT RN X! BCCED PItICES—jJAMS W-WOODWELL, 9f and .99 mid in Fourth airoct, | ALB VARIETIES OF BIILSS. AMP FINISH, •iiu'Mo for HOltitS ujl PBIFATE DWEELIKCS. V All order* pro«jpUj : *tteoded to, and th« For* niton caipfollr packed *od boxed. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS furnished at abort CABINET JtAKEKS auppUed with article in the line.' J - HOPE’COTTON MILI, ALLEGHENY, VinvTACTvmna or BBAMLESS BAQB JLKD OF. OS&ABUBQS, 32 INCHES TO 40 : INCHES WIDE. •arOrdor* left ml H, Child! A Co.*, 133 Wood >t., Pittebnrgfaj IriH recelTj attention, , bc&My I’KltS,! Wholesale aed Retail. G OL . .. PESS AND CASES: BEPAIQED; SILVER ASD COti) PLATING, Done at the shortest notice, at the comsr of Fourth " inrtHirttf streets, spamdatory. Persons Urihffoat ef thedtjharing pone to repair can send them Df 'tnoiL' mildly ; •"• rmpAntiCK > co: F litis vdoi)s.“iSoLii>. UfljLD Wedding .&15QB, SIHQXC BTPXK.AST» CIDSTM DtUtoSl* IUSM, Lidiks' CBirKS,'Bi!rtf ortlekatn am fbr woddirig- f>re«bhU,’SETß OF JEWELKY iatJoni, Jet, Intantt Pad, te.; SIDYBBOUPS-AED GOBDKTSffcr pcwoutloo; GOAD HEAD CAKES, Ac. - .: H. RTCBOBDSOtf* CO.\ UplT *" Ootgcf 6f Fifth imd.Sl*rkt»Ttreeta. •• OTOOX); JA& OWENS, JO STCCCO XITD\iCASTIti‘ c *frO!EKER, PAPKE ILANGEft ANDPLASTEBEK • : • * AVCEKTB£d ; AllD OBKAX2&CTB of all klnda fcrniabodoD.shottnbUcfe ... All order* left at Nq,,2£Conxx«M: street, aix doon from- Wyliew or jU Bah&er*a.WaU Paper Store, Ba 91 Wood etreat.wni he promptly attended to. 1 mhSfl ,w. e..- caxdvkix, s*. pALDWELL i v BRO.i Boat Fitrkish- Kj sbsano DCALut xW HAN ILL A, HEMP AND COTTOH OOBDAQB. OAKUH. TAB. PITCH, XP&- IS ABDiOILS, TABPAUUN3. DCTCK, LIGHT ABD DBILLTNG S I>c.,Ifo: and 78 Fronrttreeta, PHteburkh. ~ • ~~ aps:dly .\V/ r , .y/.. Yutliiu,successor lo . Cart ’ IT f wrirhlA Young,°7 Wood etrcct, corner of Dlamonduley, deder In all kinds of CCTLERY, BAZOKS, BirLEH, HKVOLTEBS, KJiITRB, BCIS -80BS, GUBB,A&i Ac. A'Urgu amortment of. the] above goods constantly,on hand. 7, ’ : .mhl | JACKSOI* A I'OWNHEND, tosi; : PAOxata'Awn nxAuaa-.tx BACOrf, DBIED’ BBKF, LABD, MEWi ABD BUMP FOBK, Mo. 12 Foarth street, near Liberty r Plttsbnrgh. ~ . WP« MARSHALL, Dbalebim Wall • Pmw, Border*, Ac.,-MoJ 87 Wood.street, PitUburgh. ' -ja7 H. PALMER, No. Wood St., . Dwler id BONNETS; HATS, STRAW TRIM MINGS, and STRAW GOODS geoorally. JfSEDMCM. DR. McMUNN'S elixir of OPIUM.! ~The perfection of this Inestimable preparation) U a bleu log to mankiod. Without doterjotating tho Dwdicfnal virtoea of opium, the Elixir is thoroughly purified ftota all the noxioas qdalitlea of the drug. In cases of fractures, barns, ecaldsr cancerous ulcers, and other palnfol affections, it will relieve pain and irritation, allay contalaiqtia. spasmodic action, aud '-morbid - body and miDd, .willioot cane rtlnulias, or'hradarhr idk!< rahla qnilltlm most render It pt»«aiaeat in thejist of opiates. Prepared and sold by A. B. A D. BAVDB, Drag, gists, 100 Fallon street. Mew York. Bold also by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A Plttt btuglL'Pia.' i_ • - •• Sold aleo by Druggists generally. no26dlw-wltT eallaot/intibi LATEST STILES 1 At lb.old.Und of JAKId C. WAIT, cornu Pend and St. JUf ’ WINTER GOODS, ; JUST BECETFED. j We are how opening a choice stock of FALL AMD .'WINTER GOODS, in all of tbe latest importations of CLOTHS, CASSIXXBSS and YXS33NOS, which 'W* fiattei' nhrtaDes VrflT be eqaal J to any swulssiiiT tobefconi eartor t r*m.-Thsywfll b* made-rtt6 order, in k sttperioratyla, asd- et prleee tofalt the times. : We woaM -TOpeetftDr aobdt an early caQ thmi thapnblk. . ■ 'V; j . ‘‘ 1 " 1 SAIfCBL OBAY .‘SOB. , • i KxacsAitT.TkAOks, K 0,19 nfU street. TACKBON & TOWNSEND, Pose -aF-FACSlo,jind H doalen In PROVISIONS, No. 12 Fourth street,-have on.hand a floe nuortment of BACON, LARD and FOBK, mmt of which Is of their own cars. BUGAB CUBED HAMS/ofCindh nsti and other cures. Plain HAMS, with and witb oat eantaK BHOCLDEBS gnd SIDES, smoked and ln dry alt' ?USB FORK, heavy. "LEAF LARD, In bbU, firkins asd isdU,pa> npexpremly for family alLof thclr.owitxendenng. GREASE, suit aUe for rolling,mill porpoaea, . .- ; i, ' jm>B T YQN Importer * and AJDaLUmIn theinoatiklett brands of GENUINE . HAFAMVmfIARS, and-all-kinds-of BMOKING' and ichtwino,. 1 Tobacco, fancy ktB£BSCHApM PIPES, TCBES. Ac., Am, id great variety, UNDER THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Pirtsbargh,Pa.; - ; . AEjphEMIAPEIiESIf aTI-ÜBMI—ISS to I^ lini ; Pittsburgh ng speech, ‘taking the same view of the sUyarV question, and going further in advocating -ment of the’ Sapreme rCourt jpfj'LhejCrnitod 'States, aud its .reorganisation oh Tepirescnta ;tiv.tiia-V ■ h. *. * - • - . . • - • .3*5 9? a. LAiJoH. - Mr. Van’ Wish’ B InvestigatinEpommittee i ijsporf within- a few days, "gimong the upon wtp he Ward' H/Lkmoni,Marshal of t baSDis trictof- Columbia,'of WlfoSe 0 ' r V r irginia Brjjmde” much’ has been said.' According to the sport of the Committee, General Lamon (as hmregiatered himself ) traveled • many - miles ostensibly in thi service of the United Statevxqally with* out commission qt authority, cither as Col onel or General, engaged .in procuring soldiers' to mike op bis, * < brigade, , ’ i aptfrouji Virginia,' but from regiments already formad in Pnnn. sylvania and Illinois. One transaction ro ferrod to in thereport isthls; At the instance ofLamon, E. H. Castle? Fremont’s master of transportation, sent-tke Tales Phalanx, (39th Illinois' Regiment)' all the way fromGhieagv to-Wtiliamsport, where it oameunder Lemon's command, at an expense .of .-$30,060.. The Committee, nnable tomeke Lamon refund this sum, since Castle alope is responsible, recom mends that he be required to refundhis trav eling and other expenses, retaining them, if need bp,.from bis salary as BlafihaU Lamon also'tried to get a rogiment wbieh hadbecn recruited in .Western' Pennsylvania. : ' J faMtlyrow FALSE BfF.OBT^ AJgOjjT'CfiEJf. X’CLELLAN. s ” There is no truth : w;i^ ; statemen? , that Goo. McClollon threatooedtu resign, no* less the President overruled a portion or Mr. Cameron’s Heport. Gen. McClellan never ozpreißfd anyopinion on the tnbjcet of Gen. Cameron's poliey of. using stares in the war, until after the ; President had declined to re* ceiveoradftptMr. Cameron’s views'; and even then', his opinion merely, amcsuiied to tho ex* preasitmor a belief tba; the adoption of Mr- Cameron’* views would have bad an nnfar* orabl» v eiTect nn the the field. This statomenicame from tKe President hi itself. .It is probable that:the hret military qxecu- : tion, for doeertion will take placo speedily.; Prirate Johnson, who deserted from Company | Lincoln Cavalry, is now on trial. The: .proofs agaiQßt h»m are. ccinclaeive. Ho -was; endeavoring [not merely to get away from ohr ■ army, bat to, go over to the rebels. It is an- j derstood that an example will bo made of him. The trial will probably bo eoncladed to-morrow. TBS ARirr IUKIKO itself COMFORTabIb. A carofal observer attached to Gen. Frank lin’s division says that the army appears to him to be going into Winter quarters.' "Whether they have received any farther or ders than to make themselves comfortable, he! eannot state, but certain it is that the officers! are buying large quantities of lumber, andi ■ate erecting pennanent.and comfortablo hntai for themsolvos, and staples for their horses.| The men are constantly lemplpyod in logs in the woods to bhiid cabins. In tho; cavalry regiments tho soldiers 'are detailed! 'daily to cut togs and haul them, and in mak-; lug' stables. -The-Orange ana Alexandria -Railroad that run* through tbe ravine* sepa-; the hllls.qn.which are encampod Gensi vHeintselman’e and Franklin’s divisions,! isj eonataptly used for lqmbqr trains. -of thoosands, of.feei.of .lomber havo been al/ ready transported thither for ; the use. of [divisions, and the.bills are fcstbplng covorcd [ with a crop of huts find cabins; sprang up like mushrooms. The sdldiers havo atmosC ceased to hope for an immedlatoengagement; and seem to have : resigned themselves tq oomparative inaction till Spring. We have the following items trie Indianap' oUi,by a dispatch fromthouee of tho 11th inst.j io the Cincinnati Gazette: ' ~ Capt. Hotter, of the Forty-second left Calhoun with hU company, a fow since, and destroyed a bridge on ’ the li. said N. Railroad. They had a brisk skirmish with a large number bf the rebels, of whom seversq were killed andwoundod* and nine taken prisj onort and brought-to - Calhoun. - The Lieutenant of Capt. .Nottor’s oempany -was either killed or captured by tho enemy. Capt, Hotter was also wousdod. ; { FALL AND WINTER I LATEST STYLES 1 Camp Nevin, Ky., has been abandpned, in tfae gmieral forward movoment.; You nqeq not m surprised If- McCook and Wood get ik the rear oi Bnckner and ent off his retreat, j . > From the Frankfort dispatches to thesamb journal we hare-the following, as the latest from Bomerseti ; j ** ZolUooffer hashis troops alt on this sidq of 'the Cnmbbrland river, and we- expect a fight to-morrow. We 1 have three- Ohio, -two Tenneeeee, and one Kentucky regiments, and two battertes.i haa from 10,000 . to I6,floft.m«h. • jv. : J. RiCßxrmob, f. m.” ; This U confirmed .by other aocounte re oeired by „th*. stage eveninjL .Geiieral Schoepff it in position two miles thia eido qf. Somerset,.andis.coafideh^of spoceas.. ; ! 1 On the; eltuall o h.Vnd the inferiority of the. forces of Gen. Schoepff, the Gautte remarks, editoriafiy: “ Our Frankfort this morning' seem to leave no’ doubt that Zollieoflbr has enoseed the Cumberland river, and an engage ment with the Unibmtroop*, near- Somorlei, . Was expected yesterday.: Gen. gohoepffV force consUtod and twobat teriot, including three Oma reginient*. Nino thousand is the.minimum estimate of the ene my's strength, and thtf 'hlgkMt figure Is fif teen" th6ttiand.v[ That's too bad. "But : the' opinion prevails at Frankfort • that Genoral nUF maintain Ms gtohnd. ' •tn I.viakitt oV Gnr. SiiinnAN DEwni.— A cbrrcspondent 'bf- the Chicago 3Hse*e' writes from St. Louls;. „ ", • ,*; ; The reported insanity of General Sherman is ,a humbug.; Mi* diffieuUin are of a leis ss .'riotti'naiuie.' KXECUTIOX FOR DESKRTIOX. Kentucky Newt. “ Somerset, Dee.-IS,' 1881. I The Eulogy of Charles Sumner* in the Senate, to the Memory of the Late Colonel Baker* ‘ Mr. PauiD£xti£ r TIM Senator to whom to day we say FarewelJ, was generous in funeral homage to' others. 'More than once he held great companies in r*pT~attention while he did honor, to the dead. t Of erthe .obffin of Broderick he proclaiQud.tho dying utterance of this early victim, and gave to it the fiery wings, of his own * i rt Tlrdy : hare ’billed mo beeaoße : l ! waa'epposed*t<> tKeek ten sion of Slavery and i&KTt}p£JAdmoistra- - ] tion,” said Broderipk, and as tha.oratoj; rer* peatod theso worda/ms oWn Soul was' kfitt in sympathy with the~dead,ond tbhstU endeared himself to distant nwtititadcs. >■ the Prince* Rupert of dobate. His success in ‘life attests not* only to hit own remarkable genius, bet thebcoign hospitality of our- institutions. Born on. a foreign soil, he was to ;onr country only a step-son; but.-worn bo;now.alire,X doubt not that. he. would gratefully, declare that..the country sfas.poror to,hint an ungonr Uo itop : mother. ; , The childefa, weaver, ho was brought wbilp yetJn tender.years to ’Phil adelphia, where so6h“Tbst 'hiB 'fatb'or "by death. His earlie'r'days 'wore passed in tho loom rather than at school pand'yet from this beginning he achiovod the highest'posts of trust and honor, being at tho same time Se nator and General. , It was the.boasi of Peri cles, in his Funeral;OraUon at tho Coramicus over the dead who had fallen in battlo—that .the Athenians'wero ready : to communicate to ;all tbe.advantages which"they enjoyed—that :they did not excludo the granger from 'their 'wall*—and that'Athens wsaa city open to -tho Human FamHy. Tho*amedx>ast-may be n£' peatedj>y ns,-with hotter-reason; as wo com*, me&orate our dnad From. Philadelphia,,tho weaver's .orphan, was . car ried. ,to the,,west,, where., bq grew .with tbo growth of tha) surprising region. Ho was one ‘of its children, and his own manhood was its powerfol progress iTho'huM&EjLbf thoßarana of Cobgrcsf 'tbdtf ‘wbro his impatient-temper led him 2 from into• the MericajfwarJwheHr :he the -place of : Shields/thro* j with wbutids and almost dead atCerro Gordon ißutthe Groat -West, beg-inningto teem, with population, did,not satisfy his.ambition,and ho.repairod to : California. . Tho child,, whose, infsnpy .was rooked on the waves of the Alton - tic—-WnoiO manhood was formed’in thebroad, open expanse ‘of* tho' V home’ oh the shores of the'Pacific. There again his genius was promptly ttfcdgni red. L A jnetr State, which had just taken TierplaW in the Unions sent him- asheroarlicet Senator, and Oregon* was first known to ns on tins floor by his eloquent lips. : Jntho. Senate, he at onco took the plaesbflf.*Orator, His voice was not full of sonprous^ntfharpandclear., It was ponotrating rather Jjtoh.cgmtaanding, and yet, i>yjmt t uueni'haturo A it became sympathetic/ aha mutual.‘His countenance, body and geituxo AlTthared tho unconscious inspiration of his voice—andbo went on, master of his audiencej-masterulso ef himself.- All h» faculties were completely at his oommaod. Ideas, illustrations, words, seomed to conle. unbidden, and to range them? selves in harmonioas formsi as inlthQ waUs pf ancient Thebes each stono .took ita-prpper place ;of its own accprd,,moved only, by the maaio HU fame As a,speaker was so conspicuous, oven before he'appeared among us, that it was somewhat lack thoso solid powers without which tho oratorical faculty itself can exercise only a transient influence. -But his Speech ontbis floor in reply, to a ilaveholding.conspiratoiw now an open, rebel—showed .that, his matter was as good as bis manner,>nd .that, while bo.was a mastor of fonce, he-was also a master of ordnance ' His controversy was graceful, sharp and flashing, like, a jsounbtar; but hip argument' was powdrfol andßwooplng liktf a battery. You bavo not forgotten thatspecch. Perhaps tho argument against the sophism of secession was never bettor arranged and com bined, or more simply- -popularised, foj the general apprehension.- A generation - bad passed since that traitorous absurdity, the fit .cover of conspiracy, had been,exposed- It had shrunk for a while intoobaourity——driven back by the massive logicrof Daniel Webster, and the honest .sense r of Andrew Jackson. M -V the times hare been; •" That when the tmrius were out} tho tna&vrould die And there an «od; but now they rise again.” As the pretension now showed itself anew, : our orator undertook again to expose it. How thoroughly he did this—now with historic and now with forensic skill—while hie wholo ef fort was elevated by a charming, cver-ready eloquence, which itself was aroused to new. powers by the interruptions whioh bo oncoun-' tered—all this is present to yoor minds. That speech passod at onee into thc:pormanent lit* eraturoof tho country, whilo it gnvo, to its. author an assured position in this body. An-; other speech showod him in a diflbrcntcharac ter. It was bis instant reply to the Kentucky: Senator —not yet expelled from this' body.! The occasion was peculiar. A Senator, 1 with, itreason in his heart if not oh his tips, bod just; taken his seat. Oar deTmrted ; Seaator,-whO' -had .entered tbcchnmber ; direct- from-bia camp,' rosoat onco to reply-■ Hebcgan. simply . and calmly; but as he proceeded, hie fervid soul broke forth, in word* of- surpassing power. As on tho former occasion ho had presented tho wcll-ripenDtl fniits of study so now ]ie spoke with tho spontaneous uttorsnoo of his own natural and exuberant eloquence, meeting thepolishfcd traitor atevery Eolnt with weaporiiMoencr ahdbrightorthan inown; Hot'content with- theJjrilliint op port uni tins of this -ehamber, : be. accepted a eommission in thaanny r -and vaulted from tho Sonaw to,the saddle, as ha had already vault* .ed.from .Illinois,to -California,. With: u-.-icaj tixedj after,recruiting men,. drawn , by ; the attraction of Ids name, in New York; I Philadelphia, ahdelsewhero, he-Held his brit gadei in camp neat the so that hi patsed«ksllyfr6m'ohc'tetho-other,andthns -alternated betweeh the duties of a Senator ana a General. His latter 1 - career wa* short} though shining. At: a disastrous encounter hear Ball's Bluff, he felt, piorcodbynine balls* That brain, which had beonHhe seat andhrf ganofsuoh subtle power, swaying groat as* »erablies,andgfnngtothoehUdof obscurity ‘place and 1 -commend' among’ his follow men,. was howTtidily tdrh'by lead; and that boa* on ' Which - had throbbed * bravely was rent by numerous wounds.. He- died with hiS (bee to thefoe, and .he. died so .. instantly. .that he. passed without'painficom.thft serried of :hU;country totho jervico is sjreet and becoming to diefar.oneyeouniryl.: Suoha deaths. Is the crown : pf thcpatribtjjoldiecVufo. 'But theqnestlon is painfully asked, Who Was thio author of this Calamity 1 ? Ahd.ihirfols'a strong deslrcto hcrld'Bomebody -respotisiblo'for a dls asterwbercYo icanyperished aonnprofltably But Wonted hot appoint CoihmUtoes or study testimony inrordsr to know I precisely j who took tho precioas lifoj The gun*;: the belli,, and the men that fired Uiera, areof little portaneei. ' It was the Power behind them all,' eayfng,' f 'thdStitUhi4t li'l'^wUcb 1 took this procioos lift; and this 1 nine balls' whicltslew oar departed brother’ eemu Crom SUrery. : Every gaping wound of bis lacerated bosom testifiesegeinat Slavery.' Every drop-of his' generboijildod. ,crie».oui from . the gxbund sCTlnsk Slavery,' ‘. To hold, others responsible i# ‘toboldthc agtntaiid to, dismlssthYprihcipal;^'’' ’ ,; -V.V \ ' l‘. Let not'qnr grief;be wjiollbw pageant; let U not expend itself in vain word*. -Itinust become a motive} and an impulse to patriotic ,aeUon.*>~Uat. patriotism nowls’ualy a name, i unless yon resolrcjLhat Slavery} the barbarous enemy of ottr country, the; disturber'.of the peace, the . violator ; qf tho Conititutiqn, -vampire of oar National life, suckingJts best' . blood, and the assassin of onr. children, sKtdr. be overturned* TTntil this irdohe, tho patriot, can' only say soirrowfolty/ ; ’ ' '.! r r poor country fv : -1 r -- - ‘ Grsat.tTianny Uytbou thy.basis sure*: • : . ■, Tor goodness dire .not check they 1” . . .: . Mr. Lathamycliowod with amost.hcautiful; eloquentYnd toaohlng eulogy on thedoceabek-' whea'thcSenatea^ourned.;V- jt.'.u: via J ' 'iTC v J.ETTEII FJRO.M, 1 Guatto.. Ca*p ifiousy, lUriia ) Thursday,‘Dec: sth, isbi-.j’ Lest tho- bad Impression ray last made upon you may not bh bbliteraied,' indyoO should' imagine ds A 3! up to o >hwl» br/asb drying «p tUfi\gm*nd*, <#■ vestige *of his' men certainly enjoy good fare, and can claim an abundance ofhu jmor and animal spirits.. Tho-cars, I have observed, run down to, -The telegraph, wire .has been put up and doubtless it will b‘6 protected by tpy.araiy until order, is brought out ’of the* confusion which reigns in thispoftibnof Ken tucky [ln alllikelihood, 'they havo confu sion-confounded- iif the neighborhood of ‘Bowling Green.] .Wherever ; She United j States troops sojourn, there.order'eventnallv prevails, i-haye no doubt concerning the re sult in Kentucky. Ordor. w(t. prevail even here. There are many things tohe overcome though before-We' can-; hope for order.: The fighting-men ofKentocky, I am led to.believe, are In the Confederate ,army—tho. men who | have roughed it' through' life from here to |South America; who have mlbd at slave hunts and slave-markets; at the .ballot-box ‘and in tho bar-room ; men’, whom society brands with infamy—outcasts 1 These must bo overcome, and.l have no. doubt but they will fight like devils if they can find any. one brayo enough to lead them. Thom the.luke warm men, the. strong,- healthy young men whp oome into our camps with baskets fall of voiy thin pios at prodigious-prices, aud with looks neiinOf bold nor yet sheepish, but cun ning'; who "are. ’ not healthy or "ablo to love their fight on either side will haybtobe taught something in the way of fair dealing. To nhe. creditofKentucky, I must confess she numbers-but, one cunning coward, .whoro Maryland..numbers; Kentuckians, generally come, out boldly .on ono side or, tho other...;. ... ~T dm sorry to say that Ifhe'health of‘the brigade is not quito as good as it was when I last wrote, tho ratio of sick'pbr thousand, to day, being about fortyA bodto nO-fourth of this amountaro in the hospitals. . As a gen eral; rule, bowover, invalids do. not rejhain' in the hospital moro than three days. Compared with, brigades in our rear, we am very healthy. The mon are’in- capital spirits—those from Pittsburgh.and vicinity in . particular bear thomselvos well. ,I’have often hoard tho re mark that "Pittsburghers made out well every where’'—Clever inclined to that opinion my self. On the, contrary, :I aacriboa the utter ance of the opinon to ovex-weoning vanity; but lately I nave adopted the belief myself. To boar mo out, let me give ah insteneoortwo: In Camp: Kevin, somo three weeks .ago, ,we xan short of bread (orackers.) Flour' was issued instead of the usual amount of bread. Government bako-ovens (patented by a luna tic) were at hand; but owing to a lack of .brick and mortar, and -ansfexperiencod baker to oversco .the wholo of the baking for .the brigade,.wo vrero left upon our own resources. One trial ofdough, soaked in rank fat over a temper-trying wood firo, satisfied Company B. .They determined to do something better. They laid down rails, covered them with straw and , clay, shaped a Batch oron with largo brick | of straw and day-over that, started a firo in -it, and proceeded te bake bread in it the no.xt morning, in a matter-of-fact, common-place way. As tho oven was built in a very'short time, (abohltwo hours,) it attracted the atten tion of the whole brigado. Yesterday, finding. ; themselves somewhat , cold , and in want of kitchen .room, they tore down a log house a’ short distanco from the company’s quarters,; andproceededjwhen off drill, to erect adbceht log hut* To-day it is almost completed. Ono of the tnocniiee geniusos.has half.thatohed it with straw and cornstalks. I auTsorry they can’t find transportationslbr it; it- would be a capital place to take a morcelinwhen on general guard, or to sloop in.. stands, it wouldaocommodate at least thirty.; .' Sbirituons liquors of off kinds arefnrtlypro- Xibucd in this-camp. I have never place whero! liquor is as scarce: as .it ;is he»4 rorhaps will; say to yourselves, “He must naye. bbon hunting it.” T confess I did ‘hunt* f forif;but Trailed to find it. When Cottpany ! Doctor proscribed-,it for. the .whole oompany upon the morning, of one of the worst wct_daya wo 'experienced—-the m»- ; iority of the company having slept on very i boggy ground, and,- having consequently; ‘sponged np’ more, wator in their elqtnos than ; wal exactly conducive to higk hcauh—l did what leould to obtainsomething stnuulatingi -but 'Rflgimeutal: Surgeon eonld .noi Xarnish it. -The Captain, in the meantime,' was seeking-liquor in the UtUo town ofNolin,, bat ho also faiicd to pTocuro it, and the men .won compelled to do withoat it at a time whon it was absolutely necessary. . You can judge from this our chances of obtaining more ; than is good for a man’s -‘stomach I* I • ; The; rebels, have been at their pld tricks again, sixteen miles sooth of usthey have j the 'bridge recently built ovor : ' -Sa far, the oxploits: of these bravo rebels, have, been, confined to .the bunting of railroad bridgos, hnd the pillaging of union men’s houses."' •“ r -- x Tho nowsboys still bring us the Looifville. Journal --and- Bemoerol,^and^-although' our' - mails aro: somewhat irregular, we • receive pa-' nor* from homo with every" maiir Ifevorthb-, test,' those who have friendfl'in sot aend too many .papers:? . Xor j write too many letters to their friena*. I«e^ 1 ters aqd papers bringa“hemo iufluohco 1 * withi tham.-' Any ont : who has- witnessed this'rush, for letUrs whe&nhetnail ls'«pCEDed,-anii the' changingreipressions of- iecipi*nis.Mtd< ■ nhn-iuoipientaf,el 'lotters,:wiU-teiUty.-tq *hpr t Oone«tn!pM,u^my--aBBer3Uon.- r r\ , - rtisreportediforthe the ■ 77th iriU* rpcalve a'month’s pay qp, the. 7th.' Mylimitedexperience.ihsuch matterrbwenei l will be pald whehr^thembney 1 'iFln'mypbcket/; £ Hubeve.r, vrbareas able; to-' serve witnouCpayaa ourbrothrenin Western- Virginia.' 'ln -good r time; in gckwl tisie—at your lelsUre, Mr. Paymaster i In the mean time, bo assured we will not starve as long as ye arefti'Kentueky.- 'And-when the pay doss,- come, bo; ussurod two-thirds of it will be senttothe "folks at home.” - ~i. 'Very rdspebtfulTy,'»' • ■ L. ; •• ;Ocir‘readew>wlll thatj ia • tha Peiisaeols tiho Fcder t IHha.wJy profits fcom-premidma ifliicli tbil -- Company ran, divide by law are from risks which ' have beett determined. ’ *' if - -- <...•- .3 t 2 Insurance mate an -every, dceccfptioa of.propeitr, f in town end country, at' lowaaarecoaantent ■’ wit hr security. , - . v - • '•?;: **■; Binoe the|r Incorporation, a petted of .thirty years, L ' they have paMleeaee by fire to as amount exceeding’ „ Tmr Million* ’-i ty,,worth doable the Groand rent, first claw 2,462 60 Penna; & 'B.^Co, 1 * C per dent.- MUfedM loan, $30,000* c0*t.„—27,900.00, City ofFhnkdfll|ihla,'-6 per cent'. 30,000 O(r lpef.cWP, B. Rltotri l&fiQߣPr Collateral bonds, well secured .2355 DO* Hahtihgden Stock of County Fire Insurance C0L..V... 1,090.00 Stock of ' TTOwOO Commercial Benii. do . .Uf? jj* Mechanics* BanT* 1 do il r ? 65 W Uziioh M. Insarancb-Co.'a Scripw^..J •. 160«00j Bills Bocelvablo, bualnoss.paper...l6,297 18 Book Acoomita, aternoi interest, 1 6£lfik72i Cash on hand and in hands of agents...... 11,38815.. $308.506 96 CLEM TIHGLET, Pra&onL " DTOXCTOSS: • / Cbm Tingby, ■-■ . H. L.Caivon,. - : > Samttel.Blspnam, . - 2*,Lothrop,- ; Wm. B. Thompson, . . Bobt. Toland, Bdbett Steen, r |* Chk».Lalahd, ! • 1 - J FroderickUroWDiv; *lWil’lfc:'Lewigii'‘ t Wnu'Mnsa^r, C f . Stevenson,, Bon!.' Wi Tlngley, ’' John-B.'Worrol< Manball HUi, - • B.M 6 Hortheaqt cortei WESTERN INSURANCE GOMEA^ ITT . ,r ; .. . ; '' B. MlEtEß,'Jr.rPreAfriU. G. Mi t’: Offlco, No.r92}WaMgrstTeet r Spang A Co.V?fara~ boose, tip stairs. Pittsburgh, .... ; Wilt Cnt*rt apain#-aQ tindr t>/ Fire 1 oitd lfariM# A Horn* Wtitttion, managed bp tHrtddr* btjnfrecL - -ft ■/: iSSOTS, OCTOBEB 30,1860* * Stock Accounts. BZftCQ.DO Mortgages .. 2,100.00 Offlco ' 250 00 Open AcconntsyAe...ii.. 7,809 00 Cash-.-..-..; .... HJSL » Praminn Vnti'w/ 27,003 14 Notes and Bills 174,075 12 • . -OIMCTOM.;,, • . ‘ . . . Georgs Barrie, •• r Wn£ KcKnlght, '' ■ ' B: Siillef, Jr., ; .Nathaniel' Holms#/--.-.. Bees J. Thongs, - Alex.‘Nimick, ’ O.'W. Jackshnr'' ‘ 1 Jsnes-McAniay, , • _ . William U. Smith, Alexander Speer, ' C.W. JUcketsoa Andrew Acliltp, my3o F RE, MARINE AND INLAND TN SCBANCV.-INSUBANCi COMPANY I 'OP NOBIHAMERIOA, PHILADELPHIA,,.,; Incorporated.l794—Capital; s£oo,ooo. Assets, Jkauary:iO,lBsU.^™'^_-^X^.4IAS0 r a2*il • , ABTHUa O, COFFIN, Ae&fatf. THOMAS PLATT, *ecreiary. - TNSURANCE CO. OF THiTST&TE X OP PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA.' Incorporated 1794—Cajrttal, $300,400.'; Anseta, February 1, 00 - . HENRY D«. SllEBBE&D, rinidjnU * WILLIAJLHABPEB iSeeriiar,/.. TJAETFOBDJFIRKmSDKANC&Cd JLX habtfobd. .•/ ,• Incorporated IttO^CabiHilVjsoO,000. 5 i’ J Assets,May 1, iaiP-;.^.. , ,"s<^7*4:pp H* HUNTINGDON! ZYsndeat. 1 TIMO. C. ALLYN, Secretary. V . in the above old and reliable Con panieacan bo.obtainod by application to , . • , w. p. JONES, Aaeiii ' felfcdly 87 Water street, Bagaisy’i'Buudlnif. • r'UTIZEN'B INSURANCE COMPANY \J OP PITTSBURGH: Office; Oorner Harket'dad Water atreots,-second, floor.-■ - WM.BAGALE Y, Preside*^. BAHU KL BE A, Secretary. *—• ' Insures Steamboat* and Cargoes. ■••••3 *•: - locons against lom And damam in the navigation of the Southern and Western - Riven, Lakes and BayonS,and the navigation.of the Seas. " Insures against low and damage by fire. • Wm. Bagaloy, Ju. Park, Jr., B. J. Jones. r Francis Seller*, W. G. Johnston, C. Zng, Cant. S. 0. Young, S, M. Kler, . PIKSUBAKCECOMriHrJ 1^! oppoxile tb& Cuitom llotuo. • "•* “ • ‘ $304,048.- 7: - ? <'Wiirmate all kindi ot Inranaoa, eltberpttpatnal ot limitedj Oa eTery description of Property.orHer chatntlMi at reasonable rate* of premitna; : » -•• - J ‘. < ?:;••.■ BQBEKT P. KJNG, ' M. W. B4LDWIN, Vice Pnn&enC • T. BLACKBUB3US* fifcretMf.J ' r, :!:. ChAj. fiajw,' E.R,O*P6, E. B. English, Geo. W. Brown, P. B.Satery, A -LLEUHJSJN Y J&W&iJSCK&W JrLPAKYOP PlTTSßtmott. OMNo-IrWlb. street, Bankßlodu.-:' •* f ' tlnsnrea againstaQ kind* o£ Fire and Harin# BBki. * ISAAC JOKES, PrmOmL r;~ ■ JOHNH. McCOBD, rfceiWdewt D. M. BOOK, Ssenotoy. •• ~ (kpt.Wit DEAK, gwwiijai) Isaac Jon~es, ' " - C.G. Hussey, Harrey Chads, Outt. B. C. Gray, John JL WUson,. . B.L.Fahnestoeic, * . ; . Sowing .Maohmesjf n EO. 27TOTH STAKED, PITTSBTTEOHr^A. ; r UNITED BTATXB Pl3S> OKXDS?ATS >4?«; .r i tuaaHojs.mtjsyAiftjj S*A» IfAXB; lOWA fiTAXK TAIB . ".r ' kIIfTCCkTBTAJZ>AIB; * ' s ‘ (Mcigblftcluuik«*liirtltaw‘^ cst: *:• •’;-I*CUltrili*Mtefeala'lnttitst*| r- ; ,: .„ , r Oißclnnstl Mechnnks > Inst! tots: AH*OHMTT COUNTY XAIB, FUTSBUMH, oflftrflwgrtyFairs too man—c— ott>elgr*M*» o&rbothafcfcf* ftnnlngJMLTJdMorcEalnon tbe under dde—4e«imp*e In cotutroct£oa r moreeppedylnijwte* mat, end morp da—Me UtennaycKberinyhlDe., We git* Mi Ins tractions to enabla'ttie jxnahMer •to ee« ordfiisry deenu(ttltch.brce, &U,%qDti lather,- bind and tack, sB on the afid-waiTant lrfer three Tears. Sr"--' t Cirenlsis, ladfeu of the high—t standing, «—i «—1 %—kiilf lhg pricer, *ci, wuTleT^tSßMtt WtytotWmg&ipfpi tayj*«o* ,: ; c ~; j t-i •'. jr, •: fjy’:'r4 LXXIY- *«•< ju. B..yrilsorth, BarcU j Proa to nv . de3fclyd v^hf BI&ECTQUI ‘ , : : Jownh S.WnV ;-G.Bheniun, John CUjrton, J.B.Utg*rg«e,.?**' S. Wikr: ■ oornerThlrd and Wood nnzcTou: • John I>.Mi^ord, :: '' / ssar*" ■ CaptvWmMntown :•> Kobt, L.ilqGro*,. „ , H. Parti.- » J»l:Iyd »aibs oi^w#: