.■r-SltlHU.CtuhrillWllJ Cain.. iraMonßHlr - i*«3 ;wy Important .Mil: Mu oil ?2*ra^»ndcol*; .cnnet .be;, trough lie.ordinaryprocess, a Cpmmis t,.insure of 6 ’competent and ■f- twiCb&’mw. • for Ibe ;:^W?B,?WW a «l- Bl i«Ueafrom Hi# Cora ojftfaStli/iil performance of tpclr fijr iieiraeyerepuQiahmcnt by « ® oe aba,imprUonm#nVfocJnalversation or corrupt.bond iiciv Wnd'TbF the appointment -deputies; clerks aud mar- r ’ahaU. -Section atx prbridea_ih4t‘ nut foval ; ; «ltisen,whose propertyHhell Wtmliirfiiht’ cojnpedeahancVotlheaiituli6n. that all slaves of RehaUahall M ana'/tliatihe Commit;' reddaetntmide th£cai& u# of- allt who-tday come be fore'trim.ln% Su m«' e.«!imsjtiihanS>er;ahd if thery--*T*'TeMttl«a.'to' weedoni shall grant themaeertlfleaioiff the ' ““‘f’®* tb * Unlted States, which shall jbe! •vojthiwtdatva jiroorof .thorrlawftil Überation.- -Mo SQCtloni eight provides thatall aUvesaollb •ro tmployed by the Commit. -;;;-«en«r:.io,cultivating the- land confiscated «,:.;bythe.United gtates,andin other useful “Wl-.JfMhdng l reasonable: arMtW b„-thst, tbey.may: be/emplojredi if the'i’Coin tmssjoner eonsentij J>y thd notmlmanding. la •officors;oftbeanay,.ati:their discretion, in . such service aa may best contribnte to'the suppression, oTthe .rebeUion; also, at rea . aonable wages, lobe fixed by.the Commis tie duty ofihePresi- M soolras may- b« practicable; to take ! possession, ;of Florida/or of soch ;may. owupied:anS de-v fended, and appoint a Commissioner 'X carry; into, effect the and;]iberaUohclauses of this iff “i® the- rebels to, at reasonable prices sock slavea oMoval bToffered to-Wm.paying “SSpi&PS*# ?/- ■T'fo&toM’lfrptHj of .•,,.ihWl»ls,jHt4 giving them certificates of : r/ “* edo ? i: :. : Tho President iaMso authorised: ,' •■■', •“»«£&':«!* Cbmmiasiohenr id "othegiihel .n.stjwa tttrehapdrt toLHoridnthe slavea of In ejkadweofthe CommissioneifUiery, whoaiall,. *tUa discretion, apprentice'them for such .Uitatma, longer shorty not tbinteeed'sik yeara, '. ntf*> WJodgo.&eat, of land, who shall pay them reasonable wages, and give adequate'ifecnrity for their good -.st'Jttt'WPi “d/pfoiw'r lodging, and spste ••• d»noc. . On tho expiration of their. UrmS of «d«lj of the negroes, . !,WUI Of. course bo short—they wiU. hecome their own masters, end. at .liberty tnwhrk. W r *inom they-.plea»e, and go.where they •-;K* ,,, c : " UlunUloli '“ i “ pf the State of Flor ‘ f. kfoMlwnnore'previded, that'Flor ;r held and govgfhbd by themil-.- n .Magy power,of-the United States. until tlie Ssj fKjttWi “that the: Meet-' Vrdfv for-; “U«ary ;odc4patmft ; -T^';pMaed, . *W» • When he .shall cotamunicat* the fcet* to Congress, add rccbrnmend the orectioh of - aimilario those, or tho Temtoriea of the United Btatos, or if, there be a snffichnitnnTOber of loyal white, inhabitants to tttitU to a represents-,‘ . tive in Congress, he shall 'recommend the -passhgeefan «l anthorlting lhem tb form. " Constitution ex-' Tl»e remaining sections l3>b diaposlUdii of the' Wnd, which la id’ be" n«dto' | P*y expense# inenrfed under 'Chfasct, I'- 'todtb' compensate,loyal creditors of reheia' ’ wip'bawttattheir prop-. - j ■ nv- important feature of. a .SJL M- .Florida, the' . wmi wai, j>e, to; of reftge for the free blacks “ tteebnntoy. all of whoino*n .find, con- ( t nomes in Its hot, climate and- fertile j - J °f *¥«k is., amply snf. . .'fcaent, withoutbeing morw denrely peopled '^i* B , 'r I ‘ma i ?n or Jlayti, to snppcXt the ..JOolo, colored population .of-' the United ~ Ffomda, according to. this,plani . tlarea wiU .bo Jwyimd ttd ..reach.of molootation from their'formed or-from oppressive ,Btata laws: . v.lfaOe there.u jiotlung in fto bill to pro "oWoment there .of whius . who ,i»Nt tjtore to own. cotton,- rice,; or spgar y .plantations, cultiyatcd by free black labor; pr who may wish to reside tb'ere for hcaith ~or the pursuit of. trade or^mahiifacturee. BHtishGoverh "•' *> e »t «w the Captnresf .Wason and Slidell Foreshadowed. " • • WhentheU. B.s(e*mer s J*nies'Adger re • CTBUy lhe British Governtnenl becsmesuspicioua tlial she Was ;ft«te to. unit tie arms Lot the West In- Wjri^'tKei , AJ;jpfcsjfed,; ind: .therefore deputed.* frigate towsu-hber .JOOTementa sad protect any ''British vessel' , T>^r , Wd i*€oi4o pa tJ "Me anxiety of the British officials thongh' directed in a wrong direetio'ngaVeriseto *>_TOir^.deTO.'^^.Minieter-’JMr. 1 1 tip jVdger-to .interfere with! ' '5” tiah l interests.. The ctptureor'theTrent itoexiitainiheir ppsltion, the Av*ncan r „hap, tuck thaf there mtyJU have leen/air legal’arovnzU /or the American cruiser seizing the* steamer as ajprise even-in British waters, if ffyp&n. knowingly veriOH* of enaniet if the y*m Stafafa.tfo-tfagejrf th e dele •..gates,OMihetr dispatches”, r ,. . •., Wdfhmen now employed at Nary Yard is two thou- W“ ST*.“of dred, Several ressels are al xaost ready for sea, and jnost .ofi them witt bo fJoati within* fortnight. The .atierois Msfe. readiness for service in three orfour w^csrr^^de^esriieSßer-KeyflSr. W4_.h*odsojnegun-hosts Tahamsi ItasVvandWimHckon sro ia niogientsr. r Wa..hsTO «Ire»dv stated that i h-y.tfor g to the/soe whea he no? farnjtfcod; ,to .the Manama .Stsry that the fo . ; ,;> virr,?^>.-.v > &?x )i'-' v .«:•«>< r.i: i-»;V, ;v g> ..j; f y ' '•**»*» eiotiiiide 4MTK.SS| . ier.v.%-? ';>■> *, :>• •.•>.: i-;v' ■. ,i: DEFERRED MATTER. .*r. 'Jffonr! a! . . . * mT * 4 dates to tMCth ltlit. ' .'J a i IZZV;;?'J - » U H h , f? iT '®i'*‘HaVtnion the 3d, in An dayafrom New«rleaaei '- : ■ ' '■ the brother of (lon. An derion,.and- his'familr, ir« passengers on bMnl the Columbia. Iff) escaped from the rabala at San Antonio, Trias, and walked to -Montsrej.Merico. Ho war treated with peatnndiau hjr, the Mexicans at Monterey and Tampico, whence he sailed on the British steamer Clyde .to Havana. Ho reports that, : although British) subjects were violently in dignant at the return) of Mason and Slide II on board the Trent, he and his family were totaled wtth the kindest personal friendship. Mr. AndersOn a family was originally sent by the rebela to tho/Meilean fronller,while he :wu beld'asA prißODfff of wttr. : S • : ‘Tit® eteameV Clyde met- the Spanish Beet wrt Wn-36 hoars sailofVoraCrui with »n*-weather. ; The .Mexicans are daily expecting the allied fleet. The genhrah feel mg appears to be hatred of Spain. lAlTfends aye glnng away ton sentiment of armed ro sutanoa to the common, en«my, *nd the ‘ fre sqnent remark- was, that irthe Spaniards came alone. they wonld he warmly welcomed; No nflttanoe' will,: however, bo made at Veth Vros orTampfco..- The gons td the castio of ? allol, W*«** carricd iinlacd. If Mexlcan army systems-can be trosted, the .■most determlnad reaistance 'wilt be made to ! the armp of*he-SjMtnisfc invasion;' '*«™-dan,-no. I*, 8 -vaalat- The slock''oo hand- is- about 25,000 hoxoS. stock oh ibkhd. ‘ One American vessel has besn'engaged to earre boxer to New-York or Boston at 3(ic boxfnosther business. Mhny vessels on Saw-York,.4K@sX. ’ : • ■in Front port Rogal. ; V - r-Niw Yoaci Deot tfci-The U: S. gunboat : Cograecticitt has arrived;: fieanforthas bean. occupied by the United ‘StetnUroopi.' Cotton picking was going on by the con trabands employed by ourtroops. A force has been sent to Tybeo Island; The transport City of New York brings Port Royal dates to.thoCth inst. , The. steamer Atlantic reached Port Royal 2d. foot. ..... —> - • • Ckn. Steven*, with 1,000 men, bad occupied the town pf Btwrafort. - . . Pawnee, several transports »r froop*. left Hilton; Head on the ineL, to oocupyTybce Island. I %. G^:iS^ t * d appointed:CoK ifoble, of theyO.th. hew. York. Begunent,and Col.Suy* superintend.the picking and securing of. ; ootton at .ililton Head and the adjacent islands. : : j - 'Theiheolth.-of the-troope was good. - Np fighting had occuTTed. . tfen. Teile’s expedition would probably sail about tha 12th inefc -ri: , ; Weekly Beficw of We Pittsbnrgh Marktts. 0 ‘. r ( iStpirtei 4p4datfyfim the PUbbvryi OuHte. J : r Tavasnav, JH c., 12,.15ai. - {STgu.rrXbo given. in the following .Be* view, it moat be understood, are tbewhofeeale prjcts; lw uotlcedrand that in all cases otTOfr&l bVd^rito' rtT/etfy’ anifconntry edranceof^thrae: to flk« * cant, will b« cnanpMover these pnotatjons.J 21l! L Sal* of Pearls atSWe; Pott range item 4 to 4*m toliiintiij «ur. improma thipmentt. The U restricted to Erin . JtotOribtwttcttjidceariDga f*omss t6cs,S& £xtrm i* **•K;ti4;&@4,7s| *nd I’ucjr $5,£Q@6,75 Jt T a ySlty. ** ,*>»! s*Jd «« 53.2 U pertbl, m to !“■ T^or ® VM •onrtwhxt niore adleftY wwtftftedln th#Qrocetx whfie pricer, with %•!*■* fo%>|£ J&£ **:• «ilTanced 'tod we qu6te the ‘market ScbetS^oJ o^? 0 *^ 011 ’ 18c for prtme ' ««l l%c Hlctt in ■toadp, with mail mJm’., fronrtttrfe.- Br« tioth*nired-'*re r ?&t ThtmhM^Seen -'nochEp> in >o framrtovnati Prtnce.Albm. M^tsT- - rrtiueni otoclt, and gOTenunentde toraa, then tun berawo ndrtutee in Muting twWdor 5 75 c p 'f ke fi “d H««fowder of $i per Sip nl SWrdnLght wpply.ln am*,,„,„c. of which cs a •* _, aE f l ®-rf nkl< !®J r *• dull.of nVM; ind dorer a ti. ‘iiSnSiddjith^? l- ■d»;| Eagte Sbwtlog . -•«. "-H «ii ■■.-.«! .Tii i'.&S ; °nt>*nf »nd for bit »( Jdri, prlcj. ij {J l ■ .'‘."y* *■-•■■■'•:• ■••••»’’< a i..-- •.! . .! ■ ; .•■.•» ■ : 8.; J 9 HN BXqjf, »%mQui t • “ " j Itt-Ciwio* tmUj JMidaa, • § .. !i I'■■■' 1 '■■■' : ■-■■ ■ » ■B ■■ : •' 5 ii-l-rH'W Hivi’i S L^ggOOgfl E2BJSSH®; 1‘ “ ino.' .ao ‘ OttW'Applet ksil"% T*i /* ; « «■ 4g.f*iaSr.swHß wi-s •■•• I-.;? j ysWs£&^::yy.y . JftSfaßi mi fj hey flwmpy J * »*•', ’ rooarf,'; * r -^- wew * XI ao ib. FUnt HoailAy, WfewT' wfo'CnQJtt’ : a !:-scagas#SiKate: hStejgffiafea jsmbw® 5. !*••*>'«* ***>*« .-.• va. tow* *££• j 1 Mi:i: • ::y\ JsoJ»; si 'L;>jy. r - V/ i rl :■■:<„ jv wfl u -i.i Xvjj.-iu ndi'i> ixzi c'f; co ••*.-. r <3Ttt , Otp*. J. W/ HnAwfclt, -trill ’ ffrS^PfC uul jjU iataCßMdUu port* on SATURDAY F«w.frubi—'itjo (ioo, res- .. etfuaer DENMARK. C-pi. j, j IgSßatig -Koblnsoo, win leave for tbe above and ■inTurmSi tttapotte.oti WEDNESDAY, utb imt fit t orMMge appw on board or to .. * bl ; . J. B. LIVINGSTON A CO., F JK (JIMJINNATI, LOUIS-, jirs- h TH.LE AND ST. tml.a -ti,...- UfeSttV 80KNT SIDE. Cpt. F. mJSSTKS *h ” "“ 1 *H lutermMiUl. port,, on FKIDAV/ Vi!* {(Hm I'LNCIMvATI A LOU-, „ *. • bMatifol KaiumlS^S if WI “ p - “' *“.l - ■-— JOHN FLACK. Airem F~ OK CINCINNATI & LOU- , JEg-L» ISYILLK.—Tho fine steamer fl u r-igßwLHr "" ,ra " «ud «U intermediate poru, t :°*o* Pr.'MtW. win leave for tbe aboTeand all Inter- ; t-f*. »■> SATURDAY, 14th in,t.,.«t 4 p. In . For freight «r-passage apply on board dr to J.B. tIYINOSTON AClr.,) . ; t • . JOHN FLACK. ’{.Agea^. pjLTTSBUKUH AMU UAL-, Vw- * Jb JUFOLIS PACS.MT —Th. t—..m.i-UHgftlOg aawr.-»Miir»l«MMr uajHME. I'M"*" fiWJ"* 1 * ( “ r QaWpolU. EVJtny. 3ATUR “S£& fc iB&ESi •oSTSSf' pMMt* —MO, J.;B. limyQBTONACO., AinmU. -ITMOUTH mLu '; Martett*, Parkersburg-, PomeJroy^Sliyyff : SS^SP^f 1 P^Umoßth.—Xhs sieamar CLARA motitb EVERY, TUESDAY, at 3 o’clock, d mi ImvM Pdrtaiwmtb EVERY FRIDAY, at R&clock m. Far freighter pasugb soph-00 board or to ; ■ •- JKO. FLACK.. Awnt, tjja(*Ut,AK WKERL YTlSff*;fc. At ZANESVILLE PACKET.— P»*«n*er steamer EALMA uaA UAJI, Monro* Ayer*, leave* Pittsburgh for ZabwViUe KTKBy !TC£BDAYi at 4 o'clock n m Betnming.-leare* ZatesriUe EVERY FRIDAY, at a *• orpMBM apply oti board br to ' £-®- k^Ti^? c *-’ Agwita, Pittsburgh. IL 8. PLLSCE-A CO., Agoott, Zanariila. • m(« dipt. John GordoiTlSSSTr porta EVERY XUES DAT, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at U o’clock a; m., nuking doM-connertion, wi* the regular packet* for. Parkmburßh and Cincinnati. Kctum. EVERY MONDAY, WEDNEU *>AY and FRIDAY, at 8 o'clock a. m. foMiunn receipted through to Cincinnati. For freight or i«u sage apply on board or to JAS. CULLINS A CO* ■'' • : •_ 7 114 Witaritrwl, v; JHSCEEL^UrEOVS. QtKAM WEEKLY BKTWESN efts OBE WY ORE At. - I> LITEBPOOL. l.~i- wßßtk 7?te3*> «i» j* oid Piltodjt.' joli .StMhjWp'CoftpMpr mubf dafotchW* tti,ir ha-Ik)»M»(l CtylJMwlll Iron Stjumfii* .. SlloW,-. ■ - <4. aANGA800...;..:4..a. sstnrdar. December 21 CITY OF NEW YOBK-.^...Saturday, S' and every Saturday, ay noon, from Pier 4th North JUlrer. _ | ttATM or FASSAOti TOST CABIJT. —173,00 STEEBAOE.... .$30,00 S 2, ' to t»nfc n -.- 80,00 do to Eoiidoo . 33,00 - do to P0ri*....... 83,00 do to Pori. 38,00 Oo to H.rabnrjt- 80,00 do to Uratrar*.. 35,t0 Fooooigenolm toroardod to Httrro, BmiiflO, Itot totW Aotworp, Ac, «low hum. tJ .. E?? ’ tUtio « to Brio* out their friend, can boy ticket, bore at, the fblloaln* rate, to New York, ISfl, «• Qoeanttown; 1« Cabin, $73, $B3 Thaw Steamers bar* saperior accommodation* fir paMeagora, and carry experienced Surgeons. ThoT i we boOt to Water-tight Iron SectlaS/and have Fira AnnihiUtora on board. , ! ko* Enort—Dn order o/tU s«r- j °/. jxutongtn leaving Ott (Tatted State* hiPrtKMtt PMp ° rt * W 0” ffotep °* board JOHN Q. DALE, Agent, •• __ 1* Broadway, New York. ... a*. w JOHN THOMPSON, Agent, mhlfcdtf , No. 410 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, jQAVISp BRASS - FOUNDERS AND MANUFACTURERS, PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEABI FITTERS, Manufacttuars and Dealers in OA9 FIXTURES, PUMPS AND BRASS WORK, of e*ory description. OIL WELL PUMPS, of BRASS, COPPER or IRON, with the mot approTtd Chambers or Valm, of alj kind*, ud warranted to giro satisfaction. MAIfOPACTORV, .110 Water and 1(H afreets, ££««l£. - nJEGISTE&'g OFFICE, i PITWBOBOH, November 23d, ltaL l ATOTICfi IS HEREBY GIVEN, tW XI the Amoving Accosats of Etocuton, Adminia *c '* hlk,r * been duly passed to said B*ffwt«rs' Office, and will be presented to the Or- ““ *»"■“■»•» Account of J, A. Gibaonund Catharine Brown, ex :ecutorof Ueurrßroira,.doc , d...iriiedfiept. a>, ism ttoSXc#: - JS3 “ f ««* F,t> gtUU ’ di,ai ° r D*'*** l Welter. *w;*. iß ** ygodnt of John Irwin, acting executor of ,^?* ar *M*7 , sy **Pt. S 3, lfitil. rSi?L ®» T i* DcnimoTß, acting executor. of ueory ©enamore, dec’d. Fifed 0ct.'2,1861. Account of Leonard Walters, administrator ' of, Fraud* HeagU.dec'a. .FifedJtet. 4, mi. Account of Benjamin Luttoo, administrator if- George Parcels, dec’d. Piled Oct. 9,1M1. Y lUoa > of John Cralfc dacd. Piled Nor. 1; 1861. i John. Adam»r *dmlnitiator of John Fatterson, deed. Ailed Nor. 2,18G1, „ «dodn< orilewklah WlUett,tiecm«r of Wll- Ifaa-WDlalt, dec’d. Filed Not. 5, 18&. U D. fjflfeland, administrator of J. B. Irwin. Fifed Jiov. 7,18G1. ¥ Flemming Morrow and A. Hollands, ex- & L t Q Mo i l £ ,ir i. dec ' d -, Filod Oct. 29, lbOl. Account of Joseph Barton, administrator of Mary Thomp«in, Aeccaaod. Filed Nov. Ji, ISCI. Account Carr, Administrator of James C&ff* rtso.d, • Fifed ffor, 13, lsor. Account of. John Awards, wlmi.littn.lar of J.a. Sword, de ftaTintfclalmj. aaalnrt said estate iHU urusuat them to A. li. MILjuKB. jKohn’a Law Buflding. Di*mondo*trect, Pittsbdreh! CUABLEav. Adm’r!^ ; defc«lrF-',.v. 6-v- ; ■mghitoirhnhin. ; ; lA rvpvw ll --- ''-' ' JBl' r ;r :i !■ ; Ol i ajii.af- .ESSST B. CoUl2i^ .'JV -trrr rr.-l-ai-M *oi - :* tfry-t .-^V uii ■pITHRIDGE’S XX FLINT GfSS ’ i OVAL CABBOff OIL. .IS J ! . The. beat that hare ever yet been offered (<> tbe public; l They nre the bfe«t fer the fcUbwlhg reasons: : L Recause, being of aji oval afcup*, the gltue u everywhere, equally distant from the thuue, |j,ai the draft is-strongerand more regular. 'L The oral shape u better adapted to rreiat the effect of sudden expansion, so that it is iiupoMiiMe to crack them. j '3. .Th* glass y tmule 1 ttgely of Lewi and Pear lash giving a greatdegrea ofatrength and eUßticlty. TtfJ chimney* which boasttk.eepera hare found.to Uno brittlo as to crack, even wbeu not iu uaw, are inTaria umd* of Lime Ulaaa insteed of Flint talwu of which onrs are manutactured. 4. But the greatest advautage of thine Chimney* i* :lU*t When you have one- it WiU* U«t t>rec*r. m„i if *u*y housekeeper break* oue by.th* beat of,tho lamp, lei Uui; call at the mauuiactory and wo will replace her cricked chimney bjr a down, whole ones. This proffer dues not include accidents nr those caaoa oi breakage where tba chimney has.through Inexpert eucc, U»u screwed so closely lo the lamp as to ore- I vent itsexpaiuibu when heated. , ; Mahufiictunfiji and con*timers uf Cat bon OU who have felt the magnitude of thd obstacle, which lias existed in the gh*t expense of chimney*, iu (he 1 wav of ah*: uni venal [use of the oil, hare (band a reined r in Um aval XX Flint Glass Chimneys, which bus mate rially lesseued the cost of Carbon uil light tu those who Use them, uiud increased the cotuuiupiian of oil conseqnentopohl the lewwaed expense for chfumeva. h For sab by J. C. Kirkpatrick, L.Thumm Unger* & Naabiti tVUaydßU.lmceacoOil Co.. Weld.ni & Co., W. I*. Wooldridge, W JU. Murray, or at the,. Manufactory, Washingt near Pennsylvania’aveuue. aitU):tawn*stf QAS FIXTUKIfiS. FOR 3AM BT ATS ASP CAPS. “ “ .JTALL STYLES At McCOBD A CO.’S, *l.ll WOOD ST&X&T, VlTTStiOßail, “O hand a Yerj largo aamrlincnl and com pletri ttock of the lalMt «t jlea of : HATS AND CAPS, 8011, c,r Ihs ciljr ,nd counlrj trade, «LLh they cat *©«** Terr low price*. • • •®*Ord«r* promptly filled. gEEEEKtf 7 imperial cough stbup, tiELLERS’IMPERXAL COUGH BTBUP SELLERS’ CILKBSATiy £KSb /iIL9 CELEBRATE® LITER PILLS,' UNRIVALLED VERMIFUGE/ UNRIVALLED VERMIFUGE ,pr| P»tt*by E. SELLERS A^CO.* An’d told bj DrnggUta > fe*r contamination and cor- I rnptton among their-wives, promialng sons and itel'llfT' fW” be a» I I*. n. t r,V?y£j?ww i^ 1 “ I * 11c,,ll * tth W io >>■«»»» I M Dr. BRANSTRUP, (except pnbUahing,) lest'* Itv S 2? *”2®*** m . { B ht b»t to them, among stupid, frlaely modast and presumptuous < femmes, &rn and \ Sr* 11x1 I*nor“c 1 * nor “ co > «P»ung op as mnah-roons, *nd whacoropare society, fntel%nce l aehie l etc„ to dot- IW* cents, mysteriously, measly or illr eottsn. Iti. topnbllcit/, howerer, fhotnumerour parcziu and guardians are thaakful that their eons, daw*, tars and wards, previously feeble,, sickly and of deli. ***? tltat . lon , “ d *fcP«urw>ce, hare been restored to health and vigor by Dr. BRANSTROP/bwidea | many before and after-marriage through him-bar? been nved much suffering, anxiety, mortlQeaUon, etc; , Daring the advantage of over thirty yean* expert !vmf n .^ l ? er 7 ««"®aoeutly he h*a,Bupcouf skill in the troatmeht of apodal diseases, and who U daily eonanlted by tbo'professioni aa well as recom. mended by- respectable.cltiMns, publiaherai propriei tors o( hotels, etc. Office, 85 fimilhfield street, near Diamond street. Private communications from all parti of the Uui'on atrictly attended to. . Direct to • ja~-> • 1 Box &JO, Pittsburgh Post Office Dk. bonds fhench PKEVEK TIVES-—Thto- acitclo enablM . thow wlioM oonth orclmmutMCM ilo not parmlt «u tncreaM Jl family, to regulate or limit the number of their off. apring without Injuring the constitution, hu the only safe and sure pnyeotive against Pngnme* oarf Vneaie. The shore article can boeantbyinaU to'anr port of theJJnilod Staic# or Canada, twvfur tl. and • 85 per dozen. • - PITTSBURGH. O. ;»• Sp4»»*A Female MutUklg PttU.— Th«B pais are. the only medicine marrtod or aiorl* uwit* can rely upon wiU* safety and certainty far tW iiP 1 , ato . nimovaiof otipirucUwns; ircegiUariiiee. a,- !Tftcy#Ao«M set be tued' during pregwuxjj. TrtceB2 KT *£** k®* contains W pius. l • Sent by m»n Tbe Doctor can be consulted on aU'dieeMw of a nri> rat* uatore. -.brntmetUt * tmfct cere -ini' . rnodermejckargu guaranteed. n M. D„ Office comer of. Grand and: Orchard atreete, orsrthe shoo store. Entrance No. to Orchard street, -N.T. Established in 1832. AG*> |rf “ Hot. 49 *jri> 51 Fiut Strut, Pitt£bubqu, FRANK 8~, WILLUXB, frpprteivr. ■ ftyulj can: the attention of rimer* Dairymen. * eedere tod others to the celebrated. TKLKGBATH, jut, straw 'asb ioddsb CUTTER, • Of which he la now nninuflicturing* larga nnmi wr 0 » for Hiodand Power, Also, STAS CORN SHELTERS, fftbir Double or Single, for Hand or Tower. BALL'S IMPROVED OHIO HOWES A REAPER, HORSE TOWERS AND THBXSHEBB.; DOQ TOWEBf,mo*t Improve Pattern. JDiQEBSOL’S • , ■ • HATPSESB, : <**««. Agricult oral tHachloery, whcUwaVand tSijlNrfrr KOKISST, AKMCiXBUNG * (51; Dti Y,GOODS MERCHANTS, Nos. 75, 77, 81,. && D4*p o Street, KBW-TOBK, ‘ 'VouU hotifjr the Trade th*t thejnre (opening o> la hew &od beautiful pattern, the WAMSUm PRINTS; ALBO THE AHOSKEAG, pr^t > 'wWch extelaetery prlftt fnthe country for execution nod dotigii, in ftl? Haddtt Color*. .Our Prtota *r« cheaper Utah sny-ln theater? - 1 * BJW lIhg with exiansire '.(•••.. : ptomnUy-aUeaiM tft; jaairlywT ■pJtliiMOWT STKEKT, ALUSGHBNS7 CbmitomUMHeOt c/ **>“ *h» BtpoOof. ViawmlbV Tremont atrect. faand 4he ttmeie 1 ’ h£^T«ni ‘ the ‘fcStebe, ofetiEd to the city solicitor for filing Intbii' -Dlittoct Courrfor confirmation. JOHN ATWELL; - ' - . _ „ President pro-temof Select Council D - M AcraaosiißforkdfEHoetOaiacll. ~.. ANDREW D. SMITH, m PwridmtofCotmhon Oodni-IL A£twt * iLH'Gslnnci*,Gl*rk Common Council. ; notica liiftt. tfc» sute wm*brth» ©penlng ofTremoat ,strut Gmrt ?i^ a t i°r O V t^> _ w ” lch Coort d*!***- aggrlyred «*▼ *PBm If thfepm proper,'.-vUMn *ix;»*ok*from iu* ~/r -B,f BCUOYKB, Jj*,; t ., rt »:t: TO^Jf dtprforjU,r ‘ b '« rCi,l t' TvT " Tk® jwjt .article. Sot. tfatparpowvknown. foen*. I Wlßg IKON AND - WOOD WORK- nuW-BUtir AND- -DWAY; 1 fcr BEIDOBS; W>Ors,' BOAIB, TANKS, oil otter Woiic ‘< k XDo«KJtW' iVi, Lnjtfuu* ** W4r **?t«lrtperior to Iwd 7, ptymenMcy ud clujan. by jj , -rt- J jtL, laci. E. I). DITHBIDBE A LAHQK ASSORTMENT JU6T BEGEirSV B.ULY, FARRELL A CO. So. FOVSTU STBEErr. 'EUIAL COUGH SVK- 80W byJ _ -, .1 WLiJEO.B. Reysvw And : Cut and -md -ibr it. and A^ngosmwAKD i .'-Jj ! rpHE ALL SUFFICJENTTHKEE j A Tbo great “American Bemrdie*,” known'a* ‘UELMBOLD’S’ GENUINE PREPARATIONS, viz HELMBuLD’S EXTRACT 4, BCCHU»’* r *’ „ “ SARSAPARILLA, M IMPROVED ROSE WASH. . u . IMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTBUCHL’. 5i aT/Aph for D>*mw of the SixSSSusGs*!*”- i:R " EL ' *“ J D*w This Medicine increase.) the power of Diitestiob and excites the ABSORBENTS'Into hcalthySion’ \‘i which the WATERY or CALCAREOUS* deposi tioua, and all USNATDttAL ENLARUEMENTsSi mlucbd, u wU ttßArs AND INFLAMMATION, nod iegood for MEN, WOMEN,or CHILDREN UELMBOLD’S EXTRACT liUCHC, tor weaksaeaee arising from Excesses, Habits of Dio Bipatiou, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMK. hjdispositloo to Exertion, Loss of Power ■U* »f Mwuory, Difficulty „t Brwlhiug, Wm 6 Nerr«,. Tnunldiug, 8 Horror olllDeu., W.Lefulo'L,,- Httiu it, tbo Back, Unireml LMSltud. Of tha Mooculor Syrtent ij®* ‘“ nd *», Mushing of the Bod v. Dryness of the $k in, Eruptions of the Face, pallid countenance, These iymptonu, if allowed to go on, which this I****-.-.** S*!-. In eplleptic fits. In one of whichthe patient they expire. ‘lnsanity and consumption." Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, ( BUT NONE WILL CONFESS IHE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Vea the by Commotion, ,UE AMFLE WITNESS TO.TICE TBCTHOr TKI AMEEIIOS. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and luvigorate the System, Which Ueltnhold’s EXTRACT BUCHU inmriabty dv*r a TRIAL WILL CONVINCE, THE MOST SKRPTICAE. FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES, OLI.uK YoCSC, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR ‘ a nfn Js ei *> oe , Suppression of CustomSy Kiacnations, Ulcerated qt Scirrhous state of the Uenu LoueotTbea orWhiUe, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from 1 udiacrotlon, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DEC LISE OR CUASGE OF LIFE. tei arWpTOMa above. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT ! “? myre Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine for unpleasant and dangerous Diseases, relsibold's extract Bucnu CURES SECRET DISEASES i M?! 1 itB Bta ? o *’ , . At little expense ; ~- LUtio or no change in dirt; No InconienieDce; And no exposure. » dealra ■nd giro, .trengtli lo Lrtnatc, thereby remoTing Obstruction* / Stricture* of the Urethra,. Allaying pain and inflammation, so fhjquent in tbo class of diseases, and expelling all Pobonotu, Duewd and wom-onf' Matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS* * Who bate been the victims of quacki, and, who hare VT nZB J° 1)0 curB( ? ia a ,b&rt tim». hate found they were deceived,'and that the “POISON” zTiJ’tu 080 of "POwerflU astringents,’* been dried and *”* i ** twn » 10 break out in: aggravated form, perhaps after marriage. jAMia r. T0C5a;...„...u , - VOUNG BROTHERW, Dcquksne Fora-' «r»t, ««, thi Ooter Dopot Pm. ■ P **» 'MA('HfKt/ r»OT?>f™ *. .BOLLING MILL FUBNAC® CASTINGS of flTtty description. fIPB, HOLLER CASTINGS, FIRE FRONTS GBATh BARS, WAGON" BOXES, SAD AND LHMi i BONS, GEATKSAND GBATE FRONTS, BTOP hand Mid tor «al* low. Ordcnloß'Ni'h W. W. YOUNG,comerof Wood street and Diamond alley, wffl receive prompt atten- USE; Li:'.' " ■ • • mb2B HILMBOLDS EXTRACT BUOHU . S^VKSOTOVISmOJeHIVSI? IS THE GREAT DIURETIC KJi SON, MiTOTiCTHisrai or STOVES. " Ibtobold’m Extract Bnchn for all affection* ud diseases of the .. ' , VSnUBTOBGASS, Wbftlier rrlrttriK fa _ MALE OB FEMALE, From irhatm ohms edglnattoic and no matter of HOW LONGSTANDING. *lVs£tl• aid of . And U certain to have (he desired effect in all DU eaeea for which it U recommended. ' Blood! Blood! Blood! HtlmboJcCt Highly Concentrated Compotuitl FLUID EXTBACT BAB3APARILLA. SYPBJUB. IhU U an affection of the Blood, and ATTACKS THE SEXUAL ORGANS, LININGS OP THE NOSE, EARS, THROAT, WINDPIPE, w. i A , ND OTHER MUCOUS SURFACES, Slaking iu appearance in; the form of ULCERS. t. :» .HMmbold’a Extract Sanaparilla . Purifies the Blood, «.. *nd Amoves all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, Giving to the complexion a ' CLEAR AND HEALTHY COLOR. • V P expreaaly for this claaa of com. plainte, Ita Blood PuriTyiog Properties ar« preferred Haw ** t#nt tIu,D B *y o**»er preparation of HELMBpLD’S BOSE WASU, Anwxccllent Lotion for- dtaeaaea of a Syphilitic Na, lure, and «an l^|eci a j a diseases of the Urinary mrUing from Habit* of Diuipatlun, tued iu coonbction with tfao Extracts Buchu or SaraaparilU, in such disease* ar recommended. of IM mod reliable l and re*ptim(bl< character will accompany the medicine*. - CERTIFICATES OF CURES, Pri/orß to 2(1 year? sJanding, With namee known to SCIENCE AND FAME Bvcav - - Profejwor DEWEES* valuable worka on the Practice of Physic. rSSdSffiaS&S!!**' : Dr - See remarta madc by Dr. EPHRAIM McboW ELL. acalebrated Physician anlTllember of the Royal See most of the bito.SlandardWofk*riAg OIL ihlrH the tpntr*! RaUroaii. This port is coarettfehl to lurk, aad turos curtagp and much handling.'— i solicited. 3!ark £arrtli pin MifaMotPN HouU. KcrtitEaotrt— fUTid Akhqr, ciflh* ftrili'of’KicbeT, to.j Bogerri-A KeaMtf; Eaton,'. Majcrutu A V°' • •• :. • ' • : j* OQffKlioiiKwT OOCAKOIL works company of k 5 PENNSYLVANIA, ttauafkcturera of LI’KRICATLNG AND BEFJNIU) UILV No. 3 Si. «'Tuirai.,.miar Duqueiuo Way, " Pmuvsbu/PBiff’A. Tluh < (irnjwny u exclusively WagageJ- Id the OiJ taulr.aud la i:„ust»ally offering \I’£T&OLEUU ou cuimuisnltjii, u tioleeale. made oncoDslau iu..nt. A>ldr«a. J. \fEAVEU, ’ , fkcr^r, T L'CIKKK Oil. WORKS. ~“”unu ' WILLIAM f. HVOI.RiaaK, % UiNITACTmtKH or 00\L AND OAKBoN OILS, aiul dealer iu LA 31 PS, CWl3tSEl’g t No. lilt Market atfwtf, between Second and Third PITTSBURGH, PA. tob3o:tlljr Ea« Le Oil. W UHIvS vv'Tu kt ma n (k Ah DERSON, reflnew aud In PWUE I’AKBOKOllj,’(quality guaranteed,) ' nTTSBoEoa; pa. kwT R GRKASE aom AND mt CKBN GRATES, HOLLOW WARE, etc.; Btecl and Glass Moulds, BeU tag Mill Castings, Mill Gearing, Gts, Water and Ci tizen Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes. Su gar Kettles, Pulleys, Haugen, Car Wheels. Conplina* and Callings nnenllj. Also, Jobbing' and Machine Castings mans to -’order. Patented. Portable Mill, with amun oi* Hone Power. • • noifccmd Warebonse, Federal ft., pear p rtfrgg,. . % ALLRGHXNY CITY. We uk the attention of dealer* to Qnr'Unreaatart ment of COOKING.and HEATING J3TOTCS, for «**» which we are telling atthe lowvt rate* Thoee ritltlngonr dtr.wJU And It to-their advantage to giro ue.a call and examineonr stock bo* fore purchasing elsewhere. .CAST JEON HOUSE FRONTS, IRON RATLING. SCALES, HOLLOW WARE, WAGON J BOXES, PLAIN and FANCY GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS! etc., and CASTINGS of all kinds ihad4 tOorder. Jyl&lyd 1 -D.Pa HAVEN A SON. Lyi\NA STOVE WORKS—A. A-l LET, mMiuliictuMror ereriry»riitT of COOK, PARLOR AN» HEATINGSTOVE9: ORATE FRONTS, PENDERS, Ac., At T ..,iS.t ro P ri9,! HAOKMEN wh say.w® a» fall. Dp2B:dlyM B. FBEJSCB, Proprietor. LOUIS HOTEL, Chestnut Street, ABOVE TUIBD, P HULA DEL PUfA, Iu the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Mnrtit, Thini' and Chsatniit. streets, thoßanfa), rc«t-Office, Mcr- ‘ _ chants-Exchange; S&f&c. -• • B OWD' > re^iwV«f, : o« Ot£ jEITSOPS-lN PLAS. }; Kooms from 60 cents Aadupwerda, per day, and MEALfi AT # A FIRST CLASa.EESIACftAXT ATTACHED to tuk HoTfu* -PrtfieeVfcccfaing to Bills of Fare. - Cxrrduts tixs Pabssxse&9 frovakt StATrosr TO w CLOSE 10 th* Hotxi. French, German and Spanish spoken. Jyl7td6m ..... -HOTEL/ BRflipyAy, "saniy xsi>ifQEt> Tfrjfaoo-peri>a r™ Since the opening.oflhia TsatftadccamodJouaHo tel, in 1854, proprietor, to mak*tt themortsnmptttpnt, confen ient and eomfbrttble'hem© for, the citizen and etran gor on this side of Atlantic And whatever has seemed likely to administer to the_cqmtbrt C fit«^ g^tlu^ihaT# aodeaeoredriith. ®tt rsgaril td combine ellthe element! of, indiridma • and social enjoymeotwliicfi moderaart has andmoderhtasteapp&red; !fJth"; onnrnandrf 4nrlß* ’****.j®^t* r k\^tlis^gprwfthat. : tiiefs^ 1 r( _ ! To meet the exigsßcfttof the tfma<; ; whWaJ!Srs i*®9*feSJl.t4> practfm tho roost rlgjd-eooo i**fcwW “?■»«*; ,W?W» with. which' their-tabi* has hitherto been :v vf »«•» r?r--v:i.» : ~*->Tr- .WgITCOMB A CO. , . .. ~ . Decided for SMA£di - 'PRtJ(TEKB, r^^TXTfoSfIMr DRUGGISTS, BAjS ®fis®33fcrssferssr£asssssK iffisaSgg^S^^as; ! wssaia'er wss&ssasttsa? '«»* •-BV^BMHfcßTMrttrtiKtnwmTSSßasa- iSß^masgsSs { .r.i Laftli Qlah j ••iilao 3J&C3 /~\LEV~Rr.\>:]>iv-T^ 1 -—-l ..‘.TT^T^nP CUnmhrr amf Chcflmff BhoH U„ rf. d.» SteabenTitfe £:£, r “• '«“ *«»*-••• ; .rr.ilste “• 4o Columbus ...» • ..„.. „ : l-tA iT -Arriv««'Cindnnati.........'.'... ’ <■> s,. Lorn, Armf* Cincinnati ; . ?-4n *’ ! m do st. Louis ......11:30 $ ml ?ni n t i D i g tn° r C *!™ U ? wcon I‘lt‘sborgh ami Cincinnati. SpUndid Cura attached Jo all Sight Trains. * ' ' a*h ate. : • .* Leaves Pltuburgb . - i;m . .io wdisTilfc—• “• Jo Steubenville * TsS *• S’ Jo Wheeling f. “■ Arrivt. Bellair S *, £ S LfttVes Httsbureb .... 4 , . 1 «r dti WcUsriU*.... du Sttube&viUa •** }r: ' t-ffi £“* — fates «SSll" 1 nc “'" r ' Cohuoto™? ■PtUibmtyh and Clnvlan.t • Le:»v£ *• *“■ Lcuv.-s l»iitabun:li... n ;;. ft - ta do Bayard £ S' do -Aliiuacw., • do 2ad*oti.. *nv . Arrives Cleveland „ S' wiihoTuacarawfl* branch for Ntfw 1 hUjulort Wuyue' and ChJcbjnr Raifrmri at M»il Tcln lamt &0i»; m„ stgpplnj it »li Uous Ujtwooa Bochttterud BeUHr 1 V K ' ■ •{jijialWiujs.i. S’ >g^A«» S a N w J „::: s« .£ £ ■rkIJJS. 10 *V° Toledo, «'**? 1( S” tz For further a ? SS^S , ,' ri ' :l “ t *«“'■ A no27 Comi, “ nJ ’“ oa “ - ~ ■VTKXt AK-.l . ... 1 BANUEMJ£KT.i'oßjfL ! Sffiffiattli3 1861:—the ■ rE.vKSTi..«SS» 3? Say3 ' , trand AccummodnUim Ir»la lor. WalTa elation Sunday! at 11:00 a. a. ‘ • Third Accommodation Train ibr WanV Station l«arca dally (axcept Sunday) at 4:00 n.m. fourthArappjnodatlon ; Train.- IbrlWall'a Station Icarra dally (erctpt Bunday)'at 6:15 ,1. m. Boturnlng Trains arrira in PlttafiikgS'Mdaiowi £xprera, 1:15 p. m. ; Mail, S;3sp, bl; fast tins, Aax, m“oOatlXs JO A n?;Thkd Train, for BWmWound Indiana connect aißUirw I??F lQter * c 2i!?i D th JohD «°'* r » Accommodation ..•ndExprßaaJraint-Eartand-W#«ta J-V T?!; *7 i s it find U greaUy .to their in- $ “*» 10 *w*l py ,*ha (Ms. •ylrauia liallroad* aa ihflaa-ivora l^^it p Tni nf)^rri /f nri^| ««mot beaurpaa*don any oih*ri%X atone, and taentfreiy freefronrdw? W» can promise aafety,.apwd and comfarttaailwho may &rorthiaJlqad with their patronaf*. . fabe.. . „ £ o £?* Tork IM 60(To Baltimore.,., Man 1 #**«S2sgS ■tmw. pimtoriix tickets In., care, will .•&* ■^j^s^^ssfasaass w ™*^>Comp«a3 r hM no Agent. ctn of lon, tba Company will hold th«Melre« r**poo*ible for personal baggage >only. •odJoran-amotmt not .excoedlng . 7 ■d^^Q** 1 &***"* *»“» Wplojii to eontny paaengan and baggage to and from tfcebo »Silfandl!? rg * Bot * “f"? 25 cent* ror eafchp£ teogeiand baggage. ■: Tor tickets, apply to 5 ! - * A. r> „ « « > ’ J. STJCWaBT, Agent. eMtnrsv»?' “*°“ i?r ? u "“. ma'»Hl , wiVls(iiring tSe ikffiorSlß * *• n~m XUrtKma «o®a*tn»e i* < *girffi )CUr * j ... .1.. .... j«. •-• •Atn...»oM?tH, 1 - "•'- >■•’u 5, .■ Qn«rtmn«M«r. rnarteMilh Ucglmtiti - - : .rii?; -i .*l. K. MOOBUKAD, ,v, >n3l QMmniiMitjTtintwiurStKiMit.'.. JpO YOOR OWN PRiNTINO. r