f * A'?: iiis trir.7 FRIDAY MORNING, DEC, l:; 1861. 1: ' - : ■ :r W! e«- 0«. MoCfell.n is nfavorile of the iVitfVbut his Wdcft enemy could “*> !?f« stab than to coni ‘ of the most ' hensible to bin,. r u P "“‘‘ l ' Pt : lYeTcnotv notwhat. > eClellan a views are respecting the • a «n« to. Mr. Cimoron'3 >*. ’S'L"* 1 • no .^“.*%».Htf(Bßoii ! Msright to • oujojtucnt of his opinion,, nor-to of it to the President, 80 10 do, .or if.it cameac hi»_w»y- But tho statement Of Mr. Stevens is, that Gen. McClellan went < to “« f re »i'ioi>t..»nd threatened to resign . **?• c^ m «n , o’»'r*port was sent into Co n.. .. gress ae ithadbebn prepared. Thu was an obtrusion. apd,a dictation of the most ex ■t ,tr«ordinary and reprehensible character, i .“.“! t ?s* 3r “defensible on any principle the relations which' fleh. McClel —__wl4ij.l? the President and Secretoty of A™’ ** Ul 0f ,lloln orohisauperiors in the • v ' McClellan is.still a . . *?“>' ? n ? i 1“ given no evidence that •hwfr*" fhe knowledge or qualities flu , .for a statesman; but if he pos m sound: statesman ?, < *?* lUie> * «» Peedecessor, ceupled |rith hts age and the great serribes he hat, I°° d. threat, would forever ot fopntation. ■ • ■ , ■ iM his peculiar duties - to perform, and they are large enough and enough to satisfy an oldormah, who ‘ •-!?** “OVO”* 1 Ms way to distinction by his : .tho field, and if wo were called: upon to ~T for such extremely improper con -** so commended by the we should • r ■M.’yMtramed to the supposition that, his « d extraordinary advancement had turned his head, and led thus early to assume the airs of a dictator. we-are writing on Uie hypotheais that -the statement of Ur M*TBtwie correct, We doubt it greatly t “• Bn *i hare been misinformed. We think rf MICBLnir, than to snpposo he iggaie gudty.of .u«h a piece of itnper . , JuOlVeense :s!s** “ duo *0 the dignity'of his high jwtibon, and of the relatlona.officiaUy sub •stating between himself Md his eubordi- wcmld Promptly luxe spurned interference. - eomioends such an il '*hoh an onb « will offlicr atima _ ~Could idol Worship ,0 gw furthorT If Gon. M'CiEiijjt should St S*S of the White House, ind ;_|W*Min regiment to clear out both Homes . of Congress, and dictate laws at the head ■ rt'* rmJr,lro ' iW the PoH commendLhim forlar How mnch worse would- this "be i*"""™ 9 ; *«.dictati! the poKcy,iand that, of tho members of his . the Post oommOnds' him for -t^tdpgV--. : ........ ij: ''"'V ' . " ' coofiKition is* AU tk » property of or o&orwiae—ismerciless i w'fltir&uiu «f 1 -■ £??££•s/ P** the ,lav “ w£o work on ” or * re fo ““ d eerring in wtr armies—they go the whole hog. Here u a Tery recent sample of their spirit: . S.’> J -i ; ,f 'A ; ; / ?ha*q, .■; . . hme then, «tmt y that policy- hara bnM D u7ft!^i^ tna fox tbe of their " eTor y r»Ment on the aoil of m£L! !Sm? 0 I * n4a or t l ™*° tt* inT»d«r de- UtUe mercy u Beelzebab will air* them in , Wf.ra-l™: -Wh.rW,r th. coOnUtTSiS ri SSo^ ' tLH. • * rt,o " ld *» Rrlcken off, fertUpoto-M «di v t. contacted M -onr Sohthern / thnB d ° Doi ' ael eooord intfy.ho does them greet injneHeh. - A ril uesnake has more chance of mercy it their ~ U ? D .J a } oy f'' Uoion-loring. oitiien • > ! -&“X iA who speaks out. ““f 4h« scarmty of Unionisli:. at the 1 "t*J •£““* in orory Sta te dec lare for/the Stan W hut they are not quite ready ‘ ’ l yJ!Jjme' ,o,ni . th V- k ««P sileqce.— N. i By all meins, hang loyal Tennesseeans, •; confccate their, property, .ind ruin them effectually. . Only do not touch the sacred institution'ef 'alsTefyj Conquer the rebels, and thin gire them back' their human chat tels, anihid them go to work once more to rule or nuirlthe,country. Thai is‘policy »>»ifeon do'not ' - i? -Oinr hornß they'inav'find .toi&ndraMcClolUn enoK n'lmar'Se Jf ,a £ ■® u ®* a, *®t : ftiind*iii Cromwell/and ?'Kr. Hundred found in Na poloon Nonapartc.— JY. Y. Ilnald. r ■ ‘ill* ITeirTork Jrn-aM aid theKttaburgh i%rt seem determined to ruin ben, McClel :i*n, thatisif ,tiwy an'do bo. Henri* the ■HfraHthreßtgtlpg Congresswlth'ircClel -1»B‘ Bt thi.ir doorflj it th'e head of tb» army; and tho Post cxaltahim for an **lJn'a hie government, wphld ruin tto most popular man that ever TOffBUBt theyaao. . _ MeCtniAß A»p_,CA>a:Eos—A Biroar ipecial, dispatch to the H *w Twk Afcniwij Po^'of the 11th insti - «t»t« t)iM the statement of Gen. McCin. “f * ““«*wae« with Secretary r.w,.. orserport ir Contradicted on the'highest terms. • •&*&:■ Vo could ' Uon l or ' »«<* was due to of raising M“ U “ ation of country ! JBTSjtti b* abandoned. Gen. McClel "** »W-«pprocUto it. v 'i- • ..seAj^gSSSiSSS TOCn * ndor » ite .-2Sr£ '- loboablo to Bend rou a .goodmany hew Bubßcribers adorn 7 >,i ■ *«.. ' •—StS-: M>Pl**lllo Journal publiihea the ■rt*re ■ with Happarcnt gratiflJatioh: u *W*;.l^*cd: with; itapopularity with aympathisefai"' SuSlireiaTa! 4* count it with the “jeeeshr S fl 1 ' Brechin "dsT‘ U!rm - D « received Hi Vot< . B in , ho T T' t 0 • 2,0, ' s te Hfr«A. ' ~j“' ®.* T “ “ * re, T'*fc men-ind-haif already dtstteguished himself in public life. ' i> » -alive of that State. M year', old,is -’ - - P r; ?f*.‘-vion. and hasjicquired great distinction at the bar, and a very lucra r» praetiee.. Ho 'was a Representative in engrail from (he Bourbon District in Ken tUoky for eight years, from ISM to Ifnr. Uu residence is Pam, the connty seat of Bourbon, one of the wealthiest “blue grass” eonnties in the State! Whin he left the public service, so high had he risen as a f„- renate debater and*,,killful parliamentary tachcmn, that he ...justly 'regarded... one of the very foremost of the Whig leaders Uft But for “. d Wm oat congressional Ufe- But ever since , hi. retirement h. has had a leading part in shaping the state nolio, Mdnn ( important .movement ha, been mad. without consulting him. I He is a ,t,„ng opponent of secession, snd Tsn «d b° n S ”“ d ° Co ”P i<,d b T Critlen don and his compatriots, .ho ar, so tender towards that thsy dre.d to use the •£“* effective weapon ,in the hand, of the goreramonl for the ptraishment of rebels. . Gen Nelson’s Brigade. Th. we.ll.nt and effective service, in th. good «om rsndsred by Gensrai Nelson .nd &« Brigade which serred under him in Rut ”m K * ntock y. »!*1 not soon b. forgotten bj tbs country. _Wo.ro hippy t 0 find that ho is **“” ready for the field, end soon to be in it The Louisville Journal, of Tuesday, saysi E.gt regiments,, under Brigadior-Oeneral tv o*’ 0 *’ ‘ hi ’ “*reh "* by thowayof New Haven, to practice the men and learn them the fatigue duties of ac t.v. military life. In a few day, this brigade' hopes to be in the face of tho rebels, and, from the .opener qualities a, .leader developed by OoneNelson in Eastern Kentucky, we antici pate for . brilliant success iutheSouth ern part of our State and in Tennesse. No man has worked more assiduously for the Union cause in Kentucky than Gen. Nelson, and he came, away with him th. best wishes of a host of friends that victory may perch upon his banner. ™ . I A F4ss ALAM—On Tuesday night a alarm occurred in our lines in Vir ginia, occasioned by a report that tho cne .my wo advancing in strong force. Seven .divisions of the anny were under arms all might, but the alarm proved to be false At noon Wednesday ail was quiet. The Duty of Congress. [From th» K«w Torit trenios Post J ’ We cannot agree, with those.conlempora nce who argue that Congress should lea T o tho whole determination of the policy of this war to tho President. Our constitu uon, m pursuance of tho profonndesfpoUu real research, ha, divided the government mto distinct departments, each with its appropriate functions, and it is the dictate |f wisdom to keep them distinct Tho legislature oust make the laws, the Execu.' them, and the judioiory decide ,arislnBn 8 u s der them; and it would be departure from sound prim eiple to look to the President for laws to Congress Tor their enforcement, or To ’thS f ° r anythiflg elae b “‘ The President uHt suggest what ho d —" 0( “* e trim time’to time, he may exercise a qualified negative gnaaa-sagasSg. With the entire freedom of the House* if ™? r^ n ‘2r iT “- Hi 3 “Mndutytam«££ out the toeasnres which Congress W adopted, with al, his abiUty and force. j£ is the agent of the people for particular b n - * ke “ Byeri6 tranac ®nds those. purposes he usurps an improper authoritv Congress a one is tho »w cr ' * lono 1 “ a ded.ro war and define ta-objects; and Congress alone can vote thasuppUes by which it i, carted on ™ We hope, therefore, that'Congress will SonJaeVV^" and -STIT tions at this important crisis. More than resanbf br& ,? Cb °u tbe B oTcr nmentit rep resents directly the,people; it is ant to frca U>e great heart ot the people; and ifishkely to embody more tndy than all others, bv its very great va , I 5,t 7 ° f T“T 3 - •*»«• sentiment of the people.--But it should not waste its Umeand Weaken its influence by ?wc£ measurer 8 ! 0 A^ 0 -^ and in >M»ble . -■Action—action— action _is what the times, require. While McClellan ”wd*“Bw d *“8 idle Oh the banks of. «tl,^ 11 5? C ’ W M e Sbcrman « refusing to oottonrwnd negroes at Port BovaL while the rebels are driving the loyal in habitants,.of .Missouri into the fortifies, tions of St. Louis, from regions lately occu- Tcn d n^_ OUl: *? > n pa ' whUe “» Union men of : K «?‘ncky are calling loudly for protection againßt the outrages of trai *°ta,k »^“‘oolmi fnr nei? l and * cts of «n*ncipation for negroes whom we do not possess and iSK.iSW I’d"' 4 ®- ' :«iese become ! tlmcl T .subjects of debate, and many«cS! I a T niayLestig gestetf, >ut at present our. work is to carry 1 wtthMMhe of business, and i “ d can ! whole'North is agreed h ?t^bßl,i^ bBl,it > a aho Pld be put down, r and4hat f^ l '7- IfWiU not tolerareany g quarters, if such a thing “SHfed..nnd wo believe it uS? will be per *n arms against us are ,^ y ‘ n C ?’? ea, i » nd thi people feel must be met with an e£fsl earn, esLaess. Oar troops are escrer for ni*»; v fore iL wSch is to PT» expression to, the nndiyided w'she, of the.commnnity, to deal ! with tho rebellion dreuijely and to that end to mature a corn to which, all oar generals, from the highest tothe lowest, mostbe com- Pgtedtnconform, at the hazard of instant .. It is not enough to pass separate resolu tions about the shortcomings of this officer f “5 * *«?!«» BlUeck for U, Ot,condemn Bhcrmanforhia ignorance • it in.noi enough to make formal declarations fWhfo? 1 *? 4 " P ur P oS ® M to-thbretum of «V other incident Of loe campaign , these occupy .time, .■ briwd ?l* Ba “if. n |*>- ! SP* ral e.P«» t ies, and, after aIL accomplish only a transient gooi if they do so moch a*: that- What il Winred m { general scheme of polity—-firm cmdstent ss^Sffifeasissss ggssjsamssM “d people alike are botmd to finl?’. ra ■£ a^, -P° doubt as to. its final authority. We .want. the .pnrposo of !kr'J,Tf. ‘hppenaltiesof rebellion, if hrrmJ«i T 0 .eonfiscatioh of. all the Bu distinctly pro, KSKwsaisyKS s the 1 * *** PWormaaee of jtjet*er;froy ; niltan jfeaa, s . c.- * IIILTOSiKSD, S. c.. Doc. 4, I*6l „~Wo-urp having regular northern weather J t'“t"4‘ ’SK >»»« d °ue ji’ lice (o Canada, in midwinter. I found it im although haring fiVebliriket. to cover me But then, our quarter, are not, whitbetter than aback woods barn.. The wind whistle, through the houae as. fceoV a j through trees, and it ha.: neither window, nor chim ney Wo leave the door open, in day-time, to get light, and shiver all nighta, with an ague Those it made application to the Brigade Quartermaster to have iind'ow, and U chimney put jo it; . reasonable request .ecu w,n ~y. especially as brickand window Msh are not scarce; but he repUed that Uen. Stove ns declined; to comply with the request. Fireplaces and Windows, in this climate, are luxuries we must not aim at. Bnt little has: transpired, in the way of news, since I wrote you last. There is a large fleet of vessel, in the offing supposed to con tain the men of the second expedition under Gen. Butler, amt I understand from a good scarce, that such|il th. case. One of the re giment, is that of Geo. Howell’s, from Fay •tie county. j' J We have a horrible report, resting solely on negro authority, that Col. Saybrook, on. of the Rebel leader, on -the main,” having in vain commanded hi, negroes to go to work, caged them in a Barn, fifty io number, sur rounded the barn with rebel troop,, aid then set fire to the barn. Those who attempted to escape were bayonetted, on the spot, and tho rest were consumed in .the fire, their owner swearing that if they would not work for him they should not for any one else. I This story i, almost too wild for human credibility ; but the negroes insist npon it, verity. It is worthy of note that not one of the negroes I have yet scon speak, well of his master. Thoy Represent their owner, as crnol and heartless in tho extreme, and they are ready to believe any statement of thi, Kind, implicitly. An important soisure was made on Sunday hut by Gen. Sherman. A Spanish .learner, called the Nostra Sonhora-D. Rcgla, put in here a few day, previously, ostensibly for coal, She represented that she wa, forced, y.tress of weather, to put into Georgetown, C : s that her officers and men were there made prisoner,, bnt were finally released, and dhat ,he then started for Havana, tonehing here ,n hope of getting a supply of coal. Thi. story wm not credited by Gen. Sherman, who Mused a strict search to be made of every «ung on tho bo»t. In the Captain’s trunk a faiso bottom was found, containing paper, of much value, Showing her to be a'.ecesh vessel in disguise! Among the paper, found wa, one containing an elaborate plan for running ,h, blockade, sdso dispatches to be sent abroad, and among the firemen, or disgnised a. a fireman, wa, a socosh gentleman, whose name I did not hear r P n r 'v “ OTdiUn * him a, . Minister rota the Rtbol Confederacy to somoono of the •baropoaa GoTornmcpt*. This, at loart, i, the story a. wo hear it in camp, and l am fer from tho beach that r cannot learn more fully about it. It i. ecr taiu, however, that the vessel ha, been seised and confiscated. Her running in here for coal wa, a bold dodge to avert suspicion and j prevent being overhauled. She is , queer looking craft, resembling the Jorscy City fer ry boats, very much, and the triek of putting ■at. Georgetown, in distress, .arresting and imprisoning her men, and then sending them hme With her Southern emissaries on board, to retail a story of wrong and aggression re molf wv B ' b v' h “ a *' n ' 11 c, "“ «rpcri mient, although not quite sharp enough to win. Wo hoar, also, to-day. that the Rebel, hare boon reconnoitoringour position with balloon,. They learned very little to their satisfaction, of course, but it seem, more than probable' that they intend matting an effort to retake toe lsj&od The work on thelfortidcatiouv' progrewe, rapidly. That part commanding the only roaf-by which the rebel, can approach, by land, from the main, i, already nearly eom- I plotod, and the Engineers are to-day mount ing the guns upon it. The rebel., when they come, .f they do come, will not find ns alto- I gotbor unprepared. Yesterday morning, about three o’clock, the pickets fired upon some one trying to sknlk through oar linos. The alarm was in sternly sounded, and in fifteen minutes the whole Division was under arms. It was soon ascer tained that there was no Toreo of any kind ap proaching, and the men returned to their bedj. t A very close watch f, now kept to keep any | 0D “ from the line, from without, and no one, not eren a contraband, i, permitted £» g ;;nlg UhoDt ‘ f“ from ,b, °” DW ‘ I The health of the troops is much better than l it was, the cold weather having completely dnven away ,h. coast f„ e v. Cough, and colds will follow, bat the Doctors say they are much less afraid of them than of the fever, incident to warm weather, here, at thi. season. I The Imprisoned Slaves. Marshal Lamon haa made a report to the Senate* m which he endeavors to ahow that the arrest and detention of slaves: in the, I city jail was in accordance with local laws. I ute still remo? ? i * t .^‘ o . lti Marylandi atat trk !? g esutenco ittthe Dis trict will cover aU manner oFoutra™ *1? 1 >ho colored population here; but 1?“ overlooks‘one point—that at Iw-” 1 , nn ?-, * t^cir uhpnaonment was in |-«S t W* t, ° n n- low Passed at do Stain ?“: Dl »tricl law cannot ov«! C ? D * r ! BB i. It has been ascer thi£en^fMr‘T 6 i‘, ght Whicb followed ISBUO of Mr. Seward's order, addressed |{? ®® nw »l McClellan, respecting the slaves liris™od“ t 7 ne * r ly thirty of the im prisoned .negroes were' givon up to white s^wasssSws Work for the Senate. nominations and promotions of the ext* session of 1 Congress ' ate ti, he I sent in to the,Senate,to-day. Amon- ii,. I name* thus submitted is that of Brigadier s V >n *?* n ' of whsm it ft rMatei' h '. d « l!,r «l publieljr that,shouldCdn- J cmain oo&rse in; I lll ° war, ho for one woiild eh'eatfi hi B awnM “d: throw up his ; commisaicii,,.,Thu niw Ibetnui or not, but If true, he" is a subject fobdiscipline. , AtWjnta whqae.naines have, been given us have said the ssj&o thins* ud.h&To vet (mm v J™«™o or conditionJ" and'Veby bergiected-2iff°f. g 1,11 * tiSisf*'**'!** mmws ss®; Z^^se.'sgf I L. H. TOIOT * «>™ | ■zr ,-r jy- v. JFQ ‘TICES. t inaJ Armory and J.jnndrr a| PitulmiTrh. By nrd«.r to, * ; WILUAAI WIUUSsL *%'££?* Anuory aiiJ^'ontiiy. omeir MoTowaiutti iiivuurtos co > rittalmrgh, btcrmW-j, Is,n ’\ l ONONUAHKLA NAVIGATION co^AJa-.-KcKTiccto iluu'l A f ,n , ua i.®r fli,, * <>f tbr Stockholder# JttU MoDuapUiei. Company will Ur h.-ld at ti iM Office ofwid 76 CK \XT - of PitUt-Sgli/mi .aaipadUA Y, the HtVdi? nT Ibf M Th ” * !lH ' -non *» "Oio-™ urraid Cuu,w ■««*«■ s* WM. BAKEwkLL.S.vr>'i.rr Ornce I'lrmßtuuu UailS,** U . CleveUad, November27th i»«i ANNUAL ilKlfm'G 5Ve J. Stockholder* of this Gomjwnr, for (be «l«-n # Ihe Transfer Books will bo cloned u » 11>* o-«j a 0 “ e “ l * r “ d op ”“ ou ““’ »<>> of Jinnarr “ y E. KWKTOLL. TV A Hi* Cl 1 i/KN 8 of PITTSBURGH JL I announce myself to you u a caadidata «* th J .taction for , t(1 offic , 0( 01Iy h,r.i If « longerj*ri e n™ In r»rl«i ud Jniiln™,, • perfect tamilinrtl* with eccoanta .rS .n ATOiiUfi.—l.erara of Administration Spun tho «tate of Sidney S. Llerrintt ' • AdmlnUtmirtr W QBPBB of COaiMITTEr Uol2.it A. T. XIUPTUKTT. Uo.’gunT A rf,£ L J CTION for Fifteo “ directors #SS3^a BAMCEL BKA, Secretary, Jrctr Mtt'tMTisEjajß. jyjAtTVE INK, pnorooßArn albums. diaries fob I*o2. w. B..HAT EN , «f °»< Third Sing,, Pimho.,J, day KECEn^A iSKgg^g nlajntr thmli im pini 1 f *or thc«e com o—.frtt. esses*. '"'“‘“T'"' Ati.to„ r ,r crowr,' l - THf a £ K2^!!??* h . , De « l =>»r 131 b, 1801. f ? L AS ??S SoKS ake-kequirkd ■“ °? u L « rf *. " ftiUow, p.™ M , 30HAIHAH BEAUTF.) GLOKGIS HAMILTON 'i’ i’ DAVID COLLIira S ' f DuioaiiA.ionen cle!3:ltd«rF ’ MDKPHY&KOONS, Commission ! tr^S,"pSiffiiS,' UU ‘“" *“» Ml Arch »x» bwd. JJ« IMmW.p, „ d mod™ I 0» d» f ,£conom, M™. siud. , 4000 do - mpertorxo 1 llar-Ici? 1 522! JlSf'f S ! ! *)f d “ d s “ok«l Hcrrioits. »:ssas«2aw?ti i W GUQUd! srn' ooods;. WHO. «. WHITE A CO., 25 Fifth Sheet, “*™“ l thl ' FKENCH cashmere io.no SHAWLS, witli Broche Border., whkh are „, rj -•racre, and all the rase In New Tori, and Phllad.l- Also, « largo asaortnmt or FRENCH MERINOS b ° usiiu "“ trt-l SHOW* REPS .ad BROWN ESPANY, fo, Ladles’ u reases—Terj doslmn, alute lES HKBIK<> -BAWERS AND VESTS la ‘ —* **’ dell^id ALCOCK’S POROUS PLASTTIS rOOB ALAN’S PLABIRRS WXCH pf&XEBa, plasters, MOBKHEAD'S MAGNETIC PLASTrwq corn and bunion plaster* 1 For “‘‘j?J . M*o-1 JOUNSTOa, JtaSil, de9 ' V J S ,r L tt < * oi . M F *™Ur iledfctoM, tinier Smlthflald aod fourth ttrceta. noflaiuMMJSfliyi- KJ 100 bbto. Green Apples: lObbU.D^i.^b,.; ,59 *J«b ground Rje Hour; S Eff" w - fi-Cheeee; « ijns Fimcj Broome; 75 boxes >l’ood.' Surob; 5? ??£ Fmejr Broome; 1 £ E tabricatbuf oil; Jh«£J?"E5A rim * Ull *°'7Mutt, mw. Just wceiTcdVad for ula by . FBAUIt VAN GOBDEJL yp. Ili Second etrwt. gUNDKIEte—2OO fags Rj 0 C'offoc, . 80 ht chest! Blacfc Tc», ; 20” » O.P. ' ‘ 500 keg* awortfrd Nails, 250 boxes « • Window Obw “ Cora BBOTO & KIRKPATRICKS. I pj^siu^imrwoHEs. .5“ Wt. Earning Oil, '■ 5S B'bkh,.*' “’.■■■ « , Steam Clarißed'Mecca Oil, J* ‘ PuwWccea, ®® Wagon Gress», ; • w •* Anand Oil. . -JBB « , , *£s%FaSZ c r b t rr ’ — ; — ——- .-wraar office, Monopgahaja Hntww. ginu«t_9o, b bk St Louis-SySp,. • :20ht a© ' r a-P • W bblsr Penn*yir*ol* do .- v : }j> 4°’ 'BaWmorp: do : i *,,,, : ' BltoyN * KIRKPATTtTnra pKui>licE-r • MUmV£D_ w ’55 ehoiM hjaTß. otw ■ *,l? ■ “’T-w.dA»i». ~rr }j UBU new Codfish, 0,1 itrw- fir -^g£ J iow 0 barrela lorrmJe • »BrtOTin«nt, bj ■’ " '“• ’ L JAXEB DALZELL A Sok ‘ ‘ '

«ife, of St Lonif d 1 "" A <>n, Elixaboih, hi, TfSTi and R«d, reddene. bSboJ?bS3 B * ohel known, and J. Uadiwm vT*' nn icghenj coontj, Pwl *o»Mhlp, Al- SITUSDAY, th.!fh ?f~ r lr > «dd Conn, on o’clock a. m., and acc.nwir nfoi r,, o *?’ 1 “ 2 ’ ** 10 appnuaeineat andif not »£* property at the .0 .how aoi Alton; ty. a. nt.noy, clwkf T I n^^^^JKToFAl. «525 wtst SSi^gS iS«2!^l^,V^ l^s:, » s & i“'j d^!! rt ’ on S^ifis-H-asSS ■££***• HUM. C 1^ Y Slight Cola, £ rJ irp /i jrSfCacLtß rn.es s or gfaee ffJheaat, which might be ahedked with a simple remedy,: if neglected, often terminates seriously. Few are aware of the importance of olappAng a tfotaJi or mtahl froLd. in its first stage ; that which ln the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if not attended to, ken attacks the lungs. a /3f_e ctlcJiuciJ. fffr-cjz/us were first introduced eleven years ago. It has been pawed that they an the best article befon the public far /gcog/ta, £clda, fSjianahltia, fitsthmcL, the Backing Cough in sanausn/tilan., and numerous affections of the ffjheaai, immediate relief. FOB SALE BY Public Speakers X Singers will find them effectual far, clearing and strengthening the mica. 3ald by all (Druggists and (Dealers m Medicine, at SIS cents per box. „ SIMON JOHNSTON, Corner jyjfimuAL OAKl). w. BODEXBAiIEB, Jf. D. or irrw tobk citt, ' S “ will, a, usual devotu b._t„‘^i p ln T ‘ f “^‘^r, 1 " «S : £3?~SSSS?- Qn.nj^JS,, '-I'W'JiftTy.FlVJB CEM t S. Enrelopea do do C Steel Pens, ° 1 Pen : Holder.* I Lead Poncil K ” r? ■ rt,d * fcr.„j-. W 1 4., ; M .. ■ WWOHIOU*L^SBA nOTOyro , T . « . tOLIO. , asEjr«f b M-.<«■■*. .« ?«»p %fiSSS“*~ ”* »*» 8 ..,5; s S r asay* is-aaasr- JSrSW'SSSFa® S|swS2|%li s£%S«.'S!KSSSS.“sI msmm for tha-PhMte Atvrl ll ■l’ Bcdittr jaaes.'SM-BsSSSSI 3 HmjftM and LoU on Wood street ? „ " “ Hand « ’ . 1 vacant Lot •• 4. «, 1 Homo and Lot *• _ 5 Uoum aad Lou •' St. Clair •• ’» UiLKAP FOK CASH, J- M. BURCHFIELD’S FIGURED CASHMERES. *> JCEBINOS (hr Tfic. Cashmere plaids. BWiE CLOTH, for Boyi - aw. BOVS - CABSIMERKS. black cloth, ibr iodic* - annka. WAIER-PROOr CLOTH. SHAWLS, CLOAKS. FIGURED DELAIHIS-ncw nrlii. EMRROIDERIEJ—haI/pric*. S’W'CaU and examine be£m> pan:bju[ii.F;,cVliprß. •-ISART Consult roOT.Tn * kabki7 BTBKITBt '' ;U ■ ; ,; Tho largest stock of In tbedl7, dotfn* fintat COST.' y * - Mo. 27Y LHwrtT «tM^. J ““SES-ns. *39 Woods tnsL- Q.REAT BARGAINS QREAT BARGAINS QREaT bargains QREAT BARGAINS i qheat bargains 89 Market Street ■Dry Goods, . s ii^V^ OD3 : ' P.“.T-oSh r ““ n i ICrOßrjl a CM. nels To! '" 3 r * MJ> andw'hitb FLAS QBSY '°«« BALMORAL and hoop skirts aSBDLB-WOBK. kIod( "■■ h * T * * MI •'<** *t low prica fcrcuh. JJOBNE'B EMBROIDEBY SiALE No. 77 Market Street. GOODS CLOSING OCT AT PANIC PBIOES. 3AHGAHTS! BAEGAIHB!! Cmlrtc nd Swlm fct. from 65c. to *j,oo. nuua.rchl.ti for 25c,, prel, 75c,, n Xcw Winter T.n. ter 20c?* * W ‘ ■^»SsSLS£^^i.-,7 Pj»ffBla*T» «c«t. .^ssacr^ff^ate ..CIXABIXO. OUT;BAW 6? • V. i y PrenchßmbroideriMmdXMeaood*, c**, - ■ Noa. I7iiri, , i9Fn TH Stseet. J: MpiftSioti offrine Emhwiidfffa; f '!* . | B**l Trench VTark* ' ' “' x '''''* '-• •.: ' --,v .-•, jKasssfflaw®*?. r_.-_l*»t.ißj4 tm-'- ■' •' I • • CHOICE STYLES AT DECIDED BAEQAIHS 1 _ ELIDE, kACSDK A OO **. »<*• IT SJ u jW Si(. Cl O C K S :|j BR% GOODS. Q.O AND SEE"THE ' CHEAP EMBROIDERIES, GIPJTEB'S TBIMHIHG BTOSE, "*'«■ 18 Market Street. EMBROIDERED COLLARS, for 25c. worth 50. EMBROIDERED COLLARS, for worth 75c. EMBROIDERED COLLARS, for 50c. worth Sl,OO. EMBROIDERED SETS, for 75c. worth 11.25. EMBROIDERED SETS, for 76c. worth 41 & EMBROIDERED SETS, for 75c. worth |1,25. EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, for 37>. VERY CHEAP. EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, for $l, VERY CHEAP. QREAT BARGAINS CLOAKS, BARKER'S, 59 Karket Strooi SHAWLS, BARKER'S. M Market Street. DRESS GOODS, BARKER'S, 59 Market Bft-n«t SILKS, BABKBR’B, 59 Market Btr««t SKIRTS or AH KINDS, AT BARKER'S, 69 Market Street IN ALL KINDS OF' dry G-OODjS; FAtt AND WINTER A’OIF OPENING. C. HANSON LOVE, 74 MABrpr BTBBBT. STILL COKTISVES AT JOSEPH HORNE. A'i' OO ff •r : x ? s ; M is& SVA < . ’DK, GEOBGE a KEYSBB, Wholesale Druggist M E D.l CI X £ Di AtEB, So. 340 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. P' ? ?? f p I TSUSSSS FOB TUB COBS OF BBBXU OB MARSH a RADICAL CURE TRUSS. RITTER'S PATENT TRUSS ' PITCH'S SUPPORTER TRUSS SELF-ADJUSTING TRUSS . v • UR. BAGNO'S LACK OB BODY BBACE «* tbti curbol Proltn»i)( Uf«»rl , * B*o.l W„kuoJT ' “*> pomm. * " TCU ' d sil 'm-plath> SOP- A E NKLr I^f»^ ECAPS '' 0r W ™ l ANKLE SUPPORTERS, for weak .nti.iJ » SUSPENSORY' BANDagS. SELF-EJECTING SYBlVftrc. .. Ol jtiafGES, asio orcy kind of JTc»™ o b r R:x Tsrss rt,ch *T«tT (llffno , tho^l^ ,^ d^ BK - N °- 1W WOO® •Tary duewe requiring mechanical roonort. u*.. Add**, DR. GEO. H. KKYBER. UO Wood moot, ritubnrghi Pa COsiuL F 'i Cnß f D »r SWArxEBBOWEL —.-sasr . MO Wood itiwt. o»irfta.tm,gthenlHg«™. W ZT ’ ,h ° J “‘ w ° ml,r ™* M'onl.hmtltrf^l T*™* aOUL over four hundred ™ r »* ribn »«' »T « With, in the last two jpar*, attort this tut B. E. SELLEBS 4 CO., Agent* 'corner of Wood and Second ■tleeto. Pittehnreh : JESTBIood Food.—Attention it call* “ w tbo not. rmohbi, n d .dentine •iwntod In another column. It i. M Uecorery, and mutt not be confcohded with ity,/ tb.ndmenme patent 'medicine,of the 'dayi Bu, ttunedj /or all tlm dhenKx .podded, „ d Pecfalljr thorny/ a chronic natnra-of long eluding ' of oecbe. monthixnd yean. Snfforen, try it. AIEUUL CsinCß £-DVFOXT.‘ 6f Kav y—l, •} m Sw-'mSS —«*«> ‘” f ' nUlc "nnphilnta. Kor*U, by OSOESEH.JUIVmB.'AgmB.No. 1« Wqojwge^filteburgh, Pm . JOC^KAHHOOI)— How loot, How “,pU b 'l,hcd l -,fe * M AMm on the Nature,'Treatment: and B.m— - Onto of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal lVeUnme, Inr o i. untaip ilmlaeloue, Sexual Debility, and Impedi. mentetoMmiagegenonlly, Kerrouenem, Coumtmp tioo, EpUepey and Fite; M.ntaj and pecity, reenltlng from SelZ-Abueo, Ac. By BOBT J CULYBnmj.. M. UrnGeS£ *c-,4 c. . ••A Boon ro TnociasM or Sorrxxiiu.» i,'. Sent underaeal, lnaplain enrelope,,toanyedtirflmc poet-paid, on receipt ol err crura a two poetaoa atampe, by DBc CH. J. C. KLINI^ K. r., Poet-orac.Box dsBd’ Superior Copper Mill and aaiULTING WOEILS, PxrTtßuaon. ~ 4 i PAM, M'CUJLDY & CO., M«aufctum. of SHEATIiISo. A »„ BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS RAISED STILE BOTTOMS, SPATTER SOLDER;’ •So Importer. .nddederelnMETALS, TIN plate’ lEOii ' WIBE ' Con»unUjT,on Und, TURNERS', MACHINES AND TOOLS; • - Wasmocsi, So. 1« Firet and 120 Sooond itniote, Pitttbnrgh r Peon’a. , WHSjtedol order. 0/ Copper cot .0 knj dclred pet — «ny29:d4wlyT Extract Bnchn, HELMBOLD'S ExnuSSf DIDaE ” a •HELMBOLD'S extbaCTßifcmL 1 helmbold-s extract Bcciro T I>roEETia the great diuretic. And . Poem,, end Spocißo Bmnodp for btaMoo of ttoßtedto.Om^Kidn^teb^fprgS^ turned all dim** of the Crinmij Oigwa, another colmnn. Cotitirat. Saaa^-^-ttgßg? ,w ** c. nosmojt....- wim r’ So. a Hunt Stmt. ' J ‘. . oU kind, of STEAM ENGINES AND MILL MACHINERY, OASXINOS, RAILROAD WORK, BTEA3I BOILEBS AND SHEET ISON 00 ?^ JODBINO AKD bepaibiho *n» Ph3B:dly fSST JOHH COCHBAJT & 880, *»<** WUKO,IBO2fVAW,i2 iouli - WINDOW MtUlraS , *« »l-««>nd*trutu4 86 Third atreet, botwoen Wood ud Market.' - V Han on hud . mini of now ikhcj- " *od plain, auitable for all purpoaea.. ««fanlU4dfcnUonpaU W .Mttdhg Cimhlota. done at abort notice. : ; ’b» t3£*Htt»lrargli steel Work*. ~ - JONES, BOYD & CO," ~t Kmiictttmi or OAST STEIt; Hh, BPSI#O. HiOW AND A. B. STEEL, STBttfIPBIBQS i«i> AXISB, corotr ofßoa ud RntitiMj, Flittbajk, \ tggr*. H. * c. F, HABJELE.Paper MAJfUJ'ACTtTBIiBS aa4,VXAF> p^gyAMpL.- ; 7"'/ .'.V-;. u Ho. Zf Wdod »t not to Wo, 83amtthfldd»tr»«t,l > m»bgrßh > l > a. :, ..Or \ *y*CABH OBTRApK FOB BAQB. » : '***{ c£TT. HOMES * 80H8, S^cn »a iroBUOB AK&BOMEBTIC BUUOt k±. SM*?* CKETmCATESW BKPOSIT.BiM KOTM AND BPECIE.No. 47 JUrirt ruu- ■ ■ ' ' "■ i -* >b»rprt£taia«fiai it th. PnltM BUtM- . . ! .St;- COLLOT& Eor- COKJOSSIOX WttcnAwS afeoattl. CHEESE. .BUTTga* agm.' Artortn^Ha.' ]CS” J < Mr LITTLE, Merchant Tai • *» No. 64 Bt. Cun Btzult, Dr. Irf*h*» ttpffrL 'OTICES . BVPTVBE.*