THE DAILV ' .Mj-V ESTABLISHED IN 1786. fi ■„ COJmMt&HIOjr, He. -«* *>• a. BAUocfc. JOHN B. CA&FIELD & CO., Couluh near m Foiwabmßo MMcmtfTg and whole* BiltlSibrraa WESTERN KEtiEKYE CHEESE, — r . BUTTER, LARD. PORK, BACON, FLOUR, Flfill, . POT AND PEARL ASHES, tiALE&ATUS, UN . ICED AND LARD O|LS, DRIED FRUIT and produce Zcenenll/, Nua. 141 aud 14:i.Front atroet, f , V. , : : *,. i j i oCi |W*. IIETUU. CULP it SIiBPAKD. Oouiimaiow MEH citKra and daatan is ALOI'K, 3 srv -Liberty at-iwt, Fitubrirgh.Pa. 'wlfrdly HOLL AKITMIDDLE, succcstror to’Jno. .M'GIUASon, No,* 183 Liberty street,' Fitts f*.. J>or|lb. GENERAL -FROLUCE, UKOCKBYAND r commission merchant. • respectfiilly'tuJlfcifcJ." dly --WW. WH1TK.,.......... JOB. Nf uitlL WHITE BROTHERS, Foewabdino f c JJfO OoMisaow Bt*cHAKT* aml de*le>r» in ....rPEy VISIONS AND PBODUCKOKNJiBAIXY, No. street, Pittsburgh, Pa. .. mjZl 1 A SUiOYlilt/CrpxMissiox Merchant, -o..'(Ua]or in CRUDE. AND REFINED CARBON “-ft Wt- — V - _ /. . ... mh27:dlfr '*JL±lK*otTt*\'i ' COhrtt'ofWbodsal d Water streets, PHtsbnrfb, • 4a .s'. - ftStfiy wm. y. HiTCHMAxs..^njaaiju.juiuJ > x l. u.toi«t. '■"' T I Bt VOIGT & CO..Bticcessdr toXk G. • A!ft)COjrsll6.SlO>rilE ßsvi CHARTS»3t7 Ltextyotmt, Mbj 1, ;HOUSE X CO., Wholesale t/ Gbocxrs axd ConamsioN Mkschaxts, cornet l or . ,v:NmitbffeM and Water ttraets; Pittsburfrhi Fa. jyt IjUXJEKTOtf & &TEWAKT, WhoLe- JJJ BaXK.OBOOCIBIXXB CoVKUStOX-MEKCHaXTa, !fo. Hff-Wood street, PiUsbargh. . Jc2:dlj - nR7WXA...-vx; uxxnTßioiu Fittabur^h. atamtß ,,y go».*«WM»».lor.thma*af CHUBB AND'UI ... JIHEUCWBOS OIIJSi sJ i FLKMJLNtx, corner oi' Market -tf . afreet and. the Djaacmd* 'teepa .ooastantly an hand a full aewrtinent of DRUGS* MEDICINES, MEDICINE CHESTS; PERFUMERY and all arti i eMs pertaining to biaUniaem.-*• •■■■• ••* ■' | prrscrij*km» carefullycompounded fct —atthoOT*— T —; . 'JaSiiydj -n® .f &-eor, ~ -A?e**aPwrwtw and Manqfccturorof WtfTEE LEARAND LITHARGE, comarcfrWoodandEmit * Pittibnrgn. mh7j .. TOUN P. btQJCX, Wholesale X>RALm V ntDRCGB,TAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND - -DTEffTVFFS, No. W Liberty rtreeWPlttibargh.t ;.AU ordwa . < rtli recaiTei.rompt attentfop, ■ :_-mnSI; mxpuucx ii...aroa»i butxjl -TSKAUX 4b REITKB, .Wholesale and .yXX&BXAii. of Liberty andsto. >rClairßlioota, - - ■ ■.. i ■' i TIK \}M). fL; KKYSfiR, I^goim. \ ,I, jLF Jto'Wbod" street,, comer of Wposl street, add JtTTOnJTEITS. - TOHS G. MaoCONSELL, ArroßifEr VXI-itTaw. Orrxcti socontj story jtxranr'* Law.Bcii^- vfcM, XUflKm ~ ~ , •- Will attopd to tbo jwttkmcnt, —raring an A adlofr tlon of claims, bounties, Ac., in Washington, Distritt of Colombia. • i ‘ nolthflnm \ r' /OHJrf :..jouh ltlLLOi. - TT IKKPATKICK & MELLON. Arroi : IV«tw Ai,Liiv t 'l«o;l33.F{inth «tnw, St*debts abQTgflmithfield, PUUbnrgfa, P*. ",. tayU.dtf 1 ">koJ . miIOMAS iSWiNIi,! ArcojmeriND j JL; CoiwmiOß XT I»XJf f;L . cv>i . i- ~1 ! ■ 'Ortici, n0.'160 Fourth ttr»et,coni*rof'Ch»rry •ltoy. Timtmrgh, P*;-- '* ; ‘ »tinrfli*l «ua ; ■'.'.to. */ Leech s hotchtnson, Comutssk.? mlolvitoutf Ksbcba»ts, dealer* In WKaTV ~EKN*. RESERVE CHEESE, iU>IJB,,FDIU,KAf CON, BUTTER, LINSEED OIL, POTS AND ‘ PEARL ASHES, ’SEEDS, GRAT3T, DRIED' FRUIT 9 Hffrt Familj-Ylour *JnT&aa.fcaaiAP«jy» .Paijupttrm*., axp .Bman Ix< _ vra^a^Mun^^Kufiti^Mi^aM^Wooa^Aa r ‘ \]i}' ’ jiQKTII AjdEKl' Y Y • ca, fiUU* of P«b'niy!v«Qla kad Oartlofd li>4 gnr»PMComii>Bii«»y»fy«Ur«/ -<* Al t; * 1 AMUfllr KKA; yBCRpraST UrriJSsa'i cor»W lt*rk*4 '-in J ‘Water fit &ECKETARV WESTERS . liuCTmcA W*t ! jfouiM^M&iKt-iiZCBEIABT 1 Al.LKailETr J*S »Jy«cA*sci yo»rA)*T.3T rißh.4ftyftf~.v_ !;.; ::: DKlryCOpps:;'; ;-•-•;, M’RutEixm. Tjniujos, CABS &-C0,,..... , .r-ji-i-.-.-ru-;. rv.ct i; W&tO*?P3J%*& Co.,] vnnu*iUL CTAtti^ iK>xs3naiaur^ooss> l^o, n M Wood ftreet, third bpM*j*bpT*JW#*Bond —3?-. —<>lCT.-Wtt»>«if|th.—— CTlftthf "it^SoECaHlCßv^Sc^MflaCto • BwelkfltM ft 00., Wtolntli and lUUU Dealer* t KAHiJ*JS fttunts UI JJkt *«W»XW*i«** ■ A HANSW”fM VJKL' ilKALjaysl'^iA ■ V/i'Ht>taWVaTQOObs, cru;- -' I fOaKPH--HORSrE i tl icaraa, HUr.*TT i*wsi oo.iiwn V/Aoom, Knrauwni Mcu .ix Mriatamt, riilthmuh.- ■-> «l»- JElmmauwtH nwnm Xm am. *te.. KS. •*'* ‘ 1 Mvncy - Htc: -•• "s^:; rIHARtOTTfi-BLUMS! JlAjftrfAttftt ' ,MJrjflr*;CQ.’B;»o6Toil; ElAXDB,*itfc «»*»££. —♦ «aI«M, frmnfrßWßt. } Ko.-ffl.jrtfth'Mwci.^my» TUUtt#. O.Jtaacn na, to- ltd. n Wood na«l(Mq ."-xeSSasia-. . • -Kli-iiii r ;>M <*Ta &ffi ...LiLSiSifinuira.. T ITTLK k TRIMBLE, Wholesale JUCboccu a*d Cohmiuiox Msbchaktb, dealers lo PRODUCE, FLOOR, BACON, CREESE. FISH, CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON,NAILS, GLASS, aniL Pltotrargh oiaanufiwtiir'tt gene rally, 112 Second street, Pittsburgh. DCI'CAX M*IK)XAJ4)....J. ABBVCELC, J8....C. ABBtM'BLBj McDonald & akbuuklk, wuole xas.kGboccb*,-Fbo&ccs andCumxishioh Hub* ttfAKTt, Jobbers in N. 0. SUGARS aud MOLASSES, REFINED SUGARS.and SYRUPS,; FLOUR. BA CON, RICE, CHEESE, SEEDS, Ac., No. 253 Liberty • »>t—t, Pittsburgh. t ■ oo!4:ly V. RftTMKK.. J. HU. U. ItKYMKK. DhYMJUi & BROTHERS, successors Av to R*ymer 4. Audenoo. \VbuWu]a lAaalera Jo IOBEKiN FKUITS, NUTS AND SPICES, CON FECTIONERY, SUUARS, FIRE WORKS, At., Koi. Iso sad T&Wuad ttnwr, oboire Fifth, Piftßhwvh, Poan’a. . , . 'vMSkUly . .il-JONESf-WuObESALB Dealer VjT in GROCERIES,'MANILLA ROPE* OAK GMT OILS, PITCH and Pittsburgh manufactured arild<*», No. HI Water street, aboro tb<> Mouougaheia Bridge, Pittsburgh, Pa. ItOEEBT DALXELL JAMES K. HRXAIrINU. Robert dalzell & 00., whole-. KALK GEQCEtA, CQtfMUslUll AND FeEWAHDIW Meecuakts, and dealer* in PRODUCE tuid Pitts burgh manufactures, Pittelmrsli. UCMBT UMIUT .....*. JOHN HUtPTOX. LAMBEIiT & SHIFi’ON, Wholesale GftoccU} Peoduce, Deaxebs and Commission hlE*fl*kww T No.6:Sixth-'stm:r» Pittsburgh, Pa. poHTly ...... JOHM WATT ; JuHX WOWIX. WATT &. WILSON, Wholesale Geo- CXKB, Cunxisstox Merchants, and dealer* in Produce and Plttabnrgb manufactures, No. 139 Lib- Tty Pittsburgh. TItAXk&~vWKSX :4k GO, Wholesale X Geocxe*, Coronaio* Mebchakts, and dealers in PRODUCE, No. 80 Water street, and 63 Front street, Pittsburgh. " o*o. W. SUWOETH .. JOHN #. DILWOEXH. T DILVyOUXH & CO,..Wholesale 13- Second street, near Hmitirttold; PlTOtmighT. . , ,’. . -00 l juaa flotd *tetrx*ii n.ero.‘....wu.UA« t rtoiD. fOHN FLOYD A CO., Wholksale'Groi tl CCK* asd Commisuqn Merchants, No. 172 Wood andSM Liberty street, Plttabnrgb. jels WILLIAM BAGALLY. Wholesale abd-.2o;W6oditrwt. rim burghpPa. (u24:dtf Jtt^JTVrJiCTURERS. V. •- r. SAET. iXL corner Pike Water Works, Pittsburgh, P*., Mauu&cttthra’of MACKINTOSH AND HKMPAILL'S IMPROVED PATENT OSCILLATING STEAM ENGINES AND SLIDE VALVES, of all sixes and best style. Having put up machinery of large capacity and of the beat quality* we are-prepared to do heavy Job bing, and solicltcwotkdjf thla-line, trusting that by promptness, and the character of our work, to merit public patronage. We invite special attention to our BALANCED VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, as combining adjentogca Jaxctotpre ainattalneit .itt tfcfi class of william m.bbcsh. WILLIAM BARNHILL & CO., M tji * * Penn street, below Marburj, Pittsburgh, Pa., STEAM BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS; Manufacturers of BARNHILL'S PAT ENT FLUED and CYL INDER . BoH>SI«S2 -CHIMNEYS, BRETCHEN, EIRE BED, STEAM PIPES,CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, SUGAR PANS, IRON YAWLS, LIFE BOATS, ktc. Also, BLACKSMITH’S WORK, BRIDGE mid VIADUCT IRONS, done at the short est notice. All; orders from a distance promptly at t»ndedta.<- i i .-~'2 M' je22 ' rpHOHAS MOORE, MiNUFAcicHEK. of X asp Dialer is all usds or COPPER-DIS TILLED PURE BYE WHISKY and FAMILY VINEGAR, -Nos., 189,191, IW and 193 First street, between SmithfleM and Grant street*, Pittsburgh. . - B3T Private orders solid ted. .Highest market price paid for REErj-f ) { *v \ \ ' " ' . , j Fiiael OU and all other poisonous ingredients carefully extracted, by a process new and improved, oeli ! • • — r -'- * . josEph f. iLudiL'i'uJl aou., ■ CernerofTlret afcdittbcrty'rtmts,' \i. I -rriPHIBBUBGH, Pa., KAJrur*CTuacu or SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES, MACHINERY, Ac., Ac. * my!6:tf JOHN OIiIPHANT Sc CO,, successors of ‘H/ OUphaat, of HOT PRESSED NUTS' AND WASHERS, CHARCOAL HORSE-SHOE IRON and NAIL RODS, BOILER IRON and RIYETS. Jy3l:lyd Warehouse, 13 Wood at., Pittsburgh. SHIRT MANUFACTORY . - Misses J. A N. AUL, K 0.82 Bt. Clair itrMt, make to or der, by band, SHIRTS, COLLARS, Ac., on abort no tice. Also, hare ootutaotly ob hand a fin* assort ment of SHIRTS AND-CObLABS, toade in tha best, most fashionable aad deSiraWdruatnier: ' jeSOtdly S No. 60. Water St., • PttUbuiwb, tKiaafiiotih-ercfBOiLER RIVETS, WJLOUOHTBPIKEB,4*>»IMON AND RAILROAD, of •Tefy~deacriptk>n. tiiador shsjwd SPARES and RIV ETS, Urge or null, made to order at abort noth*. •; A goOa Snortteant constantly op band.- mySO-.xa . tjl/JSUtf,, ; KUNULIS.; * UJ., No. 216 FF 'Libert*,atTnL .opporito. Sixth, Pittsburgh, . maaaIwtnwaot.WHIPSrLASHESANIiBWITCH XS.abcT every defpripttan of LEATHER BRAIDED WORK. J •-:« • thetrade,aud goods prompt ly shipped as pet instructions. fwSidawlyK j. a. aotrr.u—..^.T4rtCaatrr..:.i i ... T. caMrtiiLt,. TpXCELStOB.GLASS WOUKS- Jll,Wol/VM PIVSKHTTi-t-11., Glam SLscr.c- TUB KM. Warehouse, No. 12 Wood street, corner or vi«t,p»&buTrfb; *j u : y d nft4Wwss-i • .i;,- Persons can procßra LOANS tbnmgb' my agency od reasonableterms. ’ —,: s '’ w • ti: i thsiramraey tn good ad ; tak endeecood class paper l ’af toy offlos, for sale. . c^f mpmtmlc*tiaßiAßA:interrt»we atarletlycbnfl- Ozantratteet,' eppoeiteSt. PaoVs TOHN CAMPBEIXTM aNtryamregfe-rry O BOOTS No.; 34. Smlthfleld tfrpet, Pittsburgh, Pa.__.-r oc^Ldly. jJtoHnn;crKiM£. able terms. - RobinwfrStrttUtlAZfcflMO* street. Funtishse PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS' $m golMlngs.ofatary Ascription; Cartes raperfur'aod on moderate tersuu '< myStdly Ray & -co.;.'B«ad«Li(Sto' ; !tiio Sta d®°r ,0 ,h * comer ofThird/ Ti tfilwttrtL Pa? SCHOOL and LAWBOOKS qwtimttyCtla Suiar vwk. wo;,-s*aticw- FT Job PxWTAM; NB. ?&T>tW«eEhtmtr tpfttabbreli. * se.lo «TA. t/ • TTOiraa, Jot.rerfpwrthauwet, Apollo Bolldlnpi. town a jljoattattajlUinoifl ■ ■ Itw mclTwS ftod tor m]» by ta :w A, x’jMjj&t 4Txu£aj>< _ . -b» print ardf, for «!• by ____ .-. Jfe.7sWWwM«»»roet«mti, ***»?,*♦•: it-.- ... ’ HXSBTB.OO&UHB. nil*- v.i-j.’tre-. — l —“*•—■ -.■• .'“• 'i , •• ,• /./.•/•. { rr.S!.;-- 1 *"* mf3 ;.; (K)oi. rtiU'i Cl ws « AJ\l> COMMERCIAL .TOTKRiNT A.Tj. GROCERS. - 'iiU Mm ‘. i PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13, 1861 Dollar ravings bank, n O . 65 -Focntfs Street. • - CHARTERED IN 1633. Open dailj from .9 to 2 o’clock, also on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to-November Ist, from 7 to 9 o’clock, and from November Kt to ; May Ist (rum 6 to 8 o’clock. , Deposits received of 'all sums uot less than Cue Dollar, aud a divfebmd of the profits declared twice a year, Id dune and -December. Interest bna bwu de clared ootnl-aunually. In June and December, Wnc'e Uio Bank was organised, lit the rate of six per cent, a year. Interest, if not drawn out, (s placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the sania'in terest froratbe first daysof June and Decamber, com* poundiug twtea a year without tfbubtlug tfie deposi tor to call, Or even to present hfs pass book,At this raU, money i wtU dontle iu hwa than twelvA'yeirs, making in the aggregate eioht and ove-malt t>r.a CENT. A YtAR. * Books, containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rales and kegulatlouH, fhnilHbpd gratis, on application at the office. PakstoEKT— GEORGE ALBREK. " . . vice panmitvie. William J. Ai Hill Burgwin,' BenJ. L. rnhneatock, Hopewell Hepburn, Juais Herdman, James D. KeUey, Isaac M. Peunock, A. St.' Pollock, U. D i Robert Robb, James ShidUi, Alexander Tlodle. real. John B. McFaddou, Peter A. ftladeiri, John IL, UeyOr, , Janies 31fcAi)le& • John- Mar§balj,'‘ Waiter P.Marmhall, Jdhn Orr, Hear) L. Rlngwalf, John 11. Shoenberger, Alexander'Spear, William E.nduxiertz, Isaac NVfaitt ter, Christian Yea jar. isa—UHAS. A. COLTON. - Alexander Bradley, John U. Uuckofen, George Black, John Alonxy A. Carrier, Charlw AJi-'olton, WiUbiin Uougla*. John Ev«in>, - John Holmes, William 8. 1 Uaven, Peter H. Ranker, Richard Ff uya, - WHHim S. Lavely, ScCUTAEI A-HU TkLAAUUI ' fc&diwT ; EKMAN TkUvST AND BAVINSS BANK, comer Sixth and Wood streets. BANK (jF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. CdPiTAL....L ‘ $lOO, Watches ard Chairs, SUttt articles in eases suitable for wedding presents, BBT9 OF JEWELBIf in Coral, Jet, Ametnjsx, Pearl, &T-; SILVER CUPS AND GOBLEIS, for presentation; GOLD HEAD OAK E& Ac. IL RICHARDSON A CO., ajil7 . Corner of Fifth and Market Streets. OTUCCO WORKJjHt-JAS. OYVKNt?, O STUCCO AND MASTIC WORKER, PAPER HANGER AND PLASTERER. 09TCENTBES AND ORNAMENTS of all Worts ftirnishcdoaiabsrt notice. ' * 7 All orders left at Kb. 23 Coogren struct, six doers from WjjUe, or at Palmer's Wali Paper Store, No. pi Wood street, wiU La promptly attended to. mh2B’ W. A. CALDWELL JOttM CALDWELL, JE. /"'tALDWELL & BRO., Boat Furnish- V ns »kc Duitu ct MANILLA; HEMP AND COTTON S CORDAGE, OAKUM.TAB, PITCU, ROB IN AND OILS, tarpaulins, duck, light AND HEAVY DRILLINGS, Ac., No. 68 Water and 78 Front streets, Pittsburgh. aps;dly W\V. YoUNU, successor to Carfc • aright A Young, No. 97 Wood street, corner of Diamond Alter, dealer in all kinds of OUTLKRV, RAZORS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, KNIVES, SCIS SORS, GUNS, Ac , Ac. A large aaiortment o( the aboTo goods constantly vt> band. tnbl ■ TACKBUN 4 -TOWNSEND, Pohk t) Packkjui akd dbalkas nt BACON, DRIED BEEF. LARD. 31 ESS AND RUMP PORK, NV 12 Fourth street, near Libwrtj , Pittstairgli. I’. ifA in Wahl • Bassos, Boedbu, Ac., Nol 87 Wood *liyh«, Pittnhurgh. , Ja7 117 BALMfiK, No. -—“Wood 87, • Dealer in BONNETS, HATS, STRAW TRIM MINGS, and STRAW GOODS generally. JftEM>IC*AL. DK.MuMUNK’S ELIXIR OF OPIUM. a—'The perfection of this inestimable preparation U n blessingtomailYind. Wfthodtdeteriorating tbje medicinal rirtnes ; of bptam, the Elixir i* thoroughly mri&ed from all tbe .noslcra* qualities'of tbs drug, .a rases of fracture*, burns, scalds, CAhcenras.nlcers, and other lt .wiUjfeUavopaio and 'irritation, ulUy convulaidns,spasmodic action, gni) tbbtlild a*rUaiDeni of - body and mind, , without cans- IstrslckheM, (tatlrepba*, or hotukche. These idml .rimle gdalitlta mttaf refador It preeminent (o tbe list ufoplates; . 'Prepared'add* sold by A.' B. A D, SANDS, Drug- lO6 Fbltda street. New York. Sold also, b/ B. AJ FAHNESTOCK A CO,, Pitta burgb,'Pa.f .• ‘ Sold also bj DrqgglaU gaasrally. . nogd.dlw-wDT .«£KtIUAT TAIIiORS. GOODS!NEW QOODSt 'FALL AND WINTER ( FALL AND WINTER I LATEST STYLES I LATEST STYLES I At the old stand of JAMES C. WATT* comer Penn and St. Clair street*. , The beirAof JawksC. Watt, daosaaed, respect* my . iarite public, attention to the • Bow stock* of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising all, the newest (tvlea of feablonable material adapted to GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Soliciting an early call.; ,Tbe boslnea will be con ducted on the same approved manner as heretofore. The stock goods is equal to any in this dtf. oe!8:lyd i X. Atl’iS FALL AMD ■Jj WINTER GOODS, JVBT BECEIYED. We ore now opening a choice stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to all of >th* latest imnortatioai of CLOTHS, OA6SIMEBES and VESTINGS, wfalcb wTHatter oarselvea will beeqdal toaay sm orinlcnt to be found east or west. They will be. made Up u order, in a superior style, atfd at-prices to sult thei times. We would respectfully eolldt an from bur patron* and the public. ■ •" - *•• SAMUEL GRAY * BON,' MsacaasT Tattoos; NO.IO Fifth street. TACKSON. & TOWNSEND, Pok® qj Pacaxxi, aad-deeJeriJn. PRO VISIONS, N« 12- Fourth *tfe#f,-bave bn hand a floe assortment of BACONt-LARD and FQBK».raost of wbidrto of their own cure. SUGAR CUBED HAMS, ofCtsdn*. nati and other cures. Plain HAMS, with and witb-i out canvas. BHOULDEBSaad SlDRS,emoked ami' far dry sale. MESS PORK, heavy. LEAF LARD,; in bbls, firkin* and pails, put up expressly for family' o», endall of their ewn rendering. GKRA&E, suit able for rolltng miH pnrpos«e. „ euS JLYQN-AENSTWAI*, Importer-and, JLi Outu in the most select brands of GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS, and all kind* of BMOJUNG AND CHEWING > TOBACCO, SNUFF, FANCY MEERSCHAUM PIPES, TUBES. Ac.. Ac., in great: variety,. UNDER. THE ST. CHARLES UOTEL, Pittsburgh; Pd. N. B.—The Trade juppjied o» liberal,term*. . ‘ ,J " mytl:dly fr;ls i yfa/'U* U*>T.' littsbnr# mm\. [**'”** w" . » | The versatility or Mr. ScWard’h pen it c X . rn • .mating, mil hU ability i. imclouU,ai, of,a o. xvx ' high character. Ilia diplomatic correspond- EpITOHS AND PSOP*JE T O D 8, I e nee, whieh bas just been > Publication Office No. 84 -fifth Street. ’book of- 500 closely ' printed |Vag:e9; P 'niarkeil HORN INO AND EVENING EDITIONS,€)A I tv, witl) the fore© of an acute iUtelle£i* ;The New , CONTAINING THE LATEST UP TO TIIE York Timet thinks that «epartcrttii filled Sy^iJklHojin, .12 att par <~k nwnW. Hi . Juk Quitiov' Mtini, k ‘ , :v«»,» o^,, l oa-», 1 p.r.n,,am ; 4ad,,a,„,0 f 0 ' coat* par week from carrier*. s * t • : . i .• ...... «j-» ■ • i ■ss^i , :. , "aiuL 1 Wxaant copf,#! ,»r ...namf I “»•»*»'“•« .‘ l “; of a Fite or mpro.SI.W; Ten or opwanl* $1 par anbam, • ball been so eniihently fnied/abd lias added, ( Invariably in advance. i 1 to hia . ADVERTISING AT BEASONABfcE RATES. I nut his -whole corr&ptfndenco ther£ ii*a’ , ' of confideoce'ln" the bobfitry* tionsj'and of a final trltfalptt -oVer ’th'e'tnad ness of the pro-slavery rebellion.'"’ 1 This confidence Is as marked ita his first ; ns his later letters, -Hi* firiibletteHo Mr. Adams bears date April Hfythedaj-beforetho attack'on Port' Bnmter; yet tt anticipates the -whole prograttfee of the Disuiiionists—net,r forth the nature or the arguments by which they 2 would seek the sympathy of tho English Gov ernment, and'places at command of our Min*, later the most ample means of meeting and Tefuting them all. At the tlmo that letter was written the disunion movementseemed to-hold completo possessionof the public maid profound fear brooded' over ' the whple cotumunily—n Tery largo - portion of tho presses, politicians and people of the Froe States were in active sympathy with the Booth—the .cannon of Sumter bad not yet roused the patriotic echoes of’ tho ’American' heart—and Southern loaders wereJtill chant ing confidently on tbeactivo aid of troops in: New York city, and the political co-operation of the Democratic 'party throughout the Northern and. Western States. Yet even then ; Mr. Seward cdtfti thus confidently, write to \ Mr, Adhtw* of ths assured TCtfult: • Nevertheless, all thr-world Icnows what ire ,tlHp<*annr99Srof: the.-.United-States,- and .that. they unencumbered ns wellifl& InoihahstibTe. It‘would be easy, if it wodld not’skeot 7 ihei9ioui, l to whoVr that' whatever may .be .the hill) development of the disunion I movemepU.fAoif r<#ojn-C(ji be tenoiniij dimtniahea, and that Die fevenuet and. credit.of 1 country, as they are to all others.\ic ; vhichthat iAetruetibn naturally produced it near -Ily poet. What ha* hitherto "heenmost needful; for the reinvigoratioa of authority is already occurring. The adders, abettors >nd sympa thizers with disunion, partly. by their own choice, and partly through the exercioeof the public will, arc fkUmgout from the civil die piytjpenta,of the Government* ye well aa from ‘ the army and the nayy., The fiational Legis’ loutr'e will uo “longer'be a ilietracted council. Our repretenkttivei (n fdreign co«rf» and ports : unit henceforth npeak only the language of UtyaU ty to their. oour\try t and of confidence m tto t»*b tution* and ite denting. And this is tho genoral tone and tenor of all Mr. Reward’s correspondence on the sub ject. Thoro is not, in tho whole volume, a single. sentence indicating tho slightest ap prehension of the ultimate issue, or any lack ‘ orreTratfWbjn and rcFUtfey# loy alty of tho American.people. In no .instance docs bo permit any foreign Power to presumo In tho least upon ourembarrassments, or ta advance any pretensions 'in the leaet degree contravening our full and complete sover cignty over the whole territory of the United States. ■ 1., FRIDAY MORNING, DEUV IS, 1801 LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Bed 10, )£pi. TUB REMOVAL OF TUB COUPRDniTfi CONOREBS. We have corroborative proof that the re* moral of the Confederate Government was proposed to Congress, hut withdrawn through Virginia's influence. We hatfe also good authority for asserting that thfyyamevad Will take place, if, in the.meantime,£Ge&eiwi_Mc- Clellan does not the whale hatch of and Congressmen (tapping in Rich* mond, and remove them to ?orftWarren.. l £he removal of Congresa and the division of Virginia ihtp&roe ptft*,virtaally wiping the State away from among her paeir*,’ will afford a goodoopmehtarruponthe folly of the course she has parsuodin this wicked . rebellion. Future historians,. sifter an fmpar* tial investigation 'of all the'dtases of this great rebellion, will not be ablo to shield Virginia from a very' largo share of the in* strumentailty in tho work of destruction now going on. ; STEVENS’ BCBMABtNE - At the special session hcomtiisslotf of naval officers was authorised to examine;-iuto the various prqeots for submarine, batteries. The celebrated invention of .Me* Robert Stevens, Of ttobokeir, N. ’3:, upod Whlch»omh’sB{jo r ,ooo of public money have been haan^en 1 examined with great care, atil It is v tye» lioved that a report will be mlde in favor ;otf. employing it.after the fashion of the Hollins ram, whioh the Secossionists qsed~upon n A GRAND &CQOESUON. The idea of seizing Texas, kftd giving it up to foreign, Northern, and, Northwestern emi gration, is beiog received with great favor. The Secessionistshavingexpellod tho Germane from Texas, will toonbe erptUed tbemselvjii Tho utmost confldenco is felt that whenever a demonstration is made upon the Texas coastii will be a successful achievement. The State is full of revolt-against.the Secessionists, ahd. bo, with the.lndians on its frontiers, our fleet* on its coasts,asd our army on it* soil, nothing can prevent the-fruition of the grand thought of giving it up to a vigorous and enterprising emigration. THE LXTTEft Of OEOKOS J>. PBRNTIC*. The editor of tho Loulsyiljto/ turned to Washingten So mo inquiry having been peroon-io* whom he addressed the letter denying the au thorship of the articlc ia his papet attacking General'Cameroh, it may satisfy those self* constituted critics to know that this person was Col. Thomas A. Scott, Assistant Secretary of War. i 11 • ' The Sliesonri Mystery. We have never pretended to understand the military movements in Missouri, whore the army has boon going Backwards and forwards like a shuttlecock. .The following extract from a private letter written by an ojEßcor ef the Western Division, and relating to thereeajll of Fremont’s forces from the Southwest, |n the fade of the enemy, makes.tho mystery still deeper : “ Immediately after tho departure of Fre mont from Springfield, Hunter dalled a council of war, to which ooly generals of divisions were invited. Wo assembled at twelve o’clock. The council was opened by the Adjutant-Gon eral reading a long letter'-from'the’ President «f the United States, io, which Hunter was advised to fall back upon the lines of railway, garrison Sodalia and Rolla, and take the bal ance of his troops to Ist. Louis. The Presi dent stated that, Jit his distance from the seat of operations, he, porhaps, could not advise well, hot he felt im|>ollod to say what he bad said-. “As soon as the lettor was read, Hunter called upon me to give toy opinion of it, and my advice os to what was best to be done* in our present situation. I moved that we prd-, ceed in the morning to attook Prico,'stating that the President had been misinformed ks" to our ability to fight a successful battle, ih&t the country knew we were before the‘enemy and oxpectod us to fight,' out mien and officers were anxious toßght, fejl'oonq dent of our ahiUiy to win a signal victory tbdt wotild redound to the credit of our country , and ourselves.' ■ » , • “As soon ks l had finished, Hunter aske|l' for a vote on my proposition, to fight} every' member o/ the ft>na?i7 riled W'-jja ‘Jfonrofi dna fight." ' 1 . vy i “We separated at fout-o’clock,eaoh one of us assured in our own minda that the armt would move ifa advance the next morning. The next morning arrived, And with it Hun ter’s order to retHat. 't* “I have gone into detail, because I see it stated in York papera that the counf oil was opinion. ’ - - Perhaps all this can* be explained; but, at present, it is very mysterious even -to sound military judgmentr—— — I The Opening oflhe Winter Campa>ai The people often disappointed in their expeirtatioxu that they were about tq witness great forward mouements by ont troops, thAt they will prob Ably be disappoint ed again when thoy bear that our armies Ar i actually in moiiOPr- -ThewUe-evidence, how ever, that the opening df the.dediidVA'wfade campaign, which there is erery rDMOd toHbe Hove is contemplated by General McGlfllan, i at hand. A dispatch . from Louisville las night informs us.thakGeneral Buell’i arm; (which, on the direot Louitvllle 'and Nash' villa line, is not less than sixty thousam strong). Is moilng forwkrf. to Green river The Quietude oft tbls army fOrK iong a .period, renders its movomente : mor signlfi^niv; gensnPt Gap, by Gen. George B. Crittenden, with a force Of ten thousand tueh, well supplied, is confirmed by intelligence recoived to-day by the Adju tant General.- »• In tho House the eleven secessionists voted against a resolution thanking tho Kentucky Soldiers' who had volunteered to assist tile United States in expelling the iavadors of our soil, whereupon Buchard-T. Jacob, of Old ham, offered a resolution with a view to their expulsion. Mr. J. said: *‘l want to show these gentlomon that they dare not giro aid and comfort to the enemy in this House with impunity, and , that ,if_tbere are traitors amongst us to drive them heneo.” 1 A Unibh ' caticus 11 is being held to-night to consider resolutions about' Cameron’s policy,, .the President’* message, etc. Theprevailing. policy is to make tho resolutions w general as possible and to uphold the Government dt! all hazards. The President's Railroad pro jcct.wilt be actively pushed. Louisville is-at' Jro« to secure the, Cincinnati needs tir ook to her interests.. . ,]'■ of this last matter, ; we may,add. h’ paragraphfromthl)letter of a' correspondent - of the Cincinnati '■"Odtettf, ■ showing ho w * in.- ' tcrests sometimes mix themselves up so as tj> decide issues that mlght have secured, to one not initiated j-very foreign to- them. On the. clectipnof Mr-J>aviarather.thAuMj..Gnthrie to the trnitedB.tates Aepatorsbipi.nics Breckl* inridge; the cprieffpotitteflt'afbVesaid Writes : 1 J The Prc?rdentVKeUtiicky railrpad‘ 'recomt mendation appears to kare hod. a'little tobe with the resalt; Me mbers from the; Ehstbrn pirl.of the State wanUduthe road ld be bull! from -NicholasviUe. to GumberlandGap, so ab ip threw the; BastTenneasentradetd Lexjpgt .ton and Cinc^&atl ; while^Jdx..,(jathrie,: ap J? resident t of ,the ; .Louisyille .a»d: Nashville Railroad, .was supposed to fayor ,th® route from 1 would throw -the tradi overhls roadtoXouijviiie. Insofar as'thip affected : tho matted/' Mr. Mavis': n'ominatipa .was; therefore, : a CHicinnftti trihniph. , ;“ ; '. : . -Tne-voting' was fety close;'. . After Beilwat -dropped; the nexthMtot wae-a.tiey :j Guthnd .aao.'Baritt having each 45yotes. >At the hekt, /payis .Guthrie.' remained ttm swpe.. The man. whose vote alectadDavit Is said to ne from GuUrrie’s oWn home, Louia-i W- i,, ,-4 i “ ' ‘ ~ ■ .rl-l ' v- »’ From. Kentucky. Dr. - in his lato masterly* papiruh the'cfvil i ;;: “Thereare conditio n*4a -wbjehV*et ‘bodies .pfllaTpimajr.h? considered * tefcr ipowerful element ih the military;,strength plthnSeutbi o thechikf'6f \whfflh 'bobslderetipn*' arbjJ/irif] >that ofthe States .fh9UW;wt;he.wble»to4ießetTat6 Ihe'hearf-bx the < , y«w?re»{fop«rs*ibii •Aouftf fcs ve£k/tuQigi} [traitor*,,a* jfrM *sr4 J wjcr«f.'*\ v ["[}[[‘\ . V-'-.-v;:/ v Dr. BtedrirnridgrU, as'iur roederp khQwi •bUe of the-mbit'ttxstinguUhed ‘ ia r th« oorntrypetaineht fbr lmirniiigi’ ;piety;ak fariiretaovbd : lCi l 6tn' <4 fahatr6ism M as,' lt question? ofi thiakind Is entitled! to; .the ota wtighti from line; facts-that he,biaa .'ilwhjiheep walaeat the pes'tiense,otthewor4;,thut he.wju (been- 1 Gtyiy, epfl that he hasfrdta leng . personal'-obecryation rand study, a thoroughknoWr»lyeQf~CEe_ch4r» r^r 'Ortt6‘ilavo populetion.-“ r ~- 7W’" ’r-- - as -that -aboveix-' vreMtd .an {breed upon it’ is^irite 1 sdle'tb m,". . , .Gu. IdcCLcubAJ^^Thwstatement of Thad.. Stevens that Qtrt* to re *iga if Oamewn'r lp, i Report OB Irou-Clad Vessels. By order of Cdngres* the Secretary of the Navyappointed on the 6th of August a boanl of officers to Investigate plans for the con struction of iron-clad ships. The officers‘of the board, were Commodores Joseph Smith, and Hiram Paulding, and Captain C. 11. Daris. nave handed in their report in 'which they 'the belief that ironclad ships, though fitted for harbor defences:).nd for special operations on tbo will not boauec&saful as cruisers. They say ; . i - *• TKe enormous load of iron, as bo tnqch additional weight? to; the vessel, the great hreadjh of: beam necessary to give her. stabil- : us, tie short supply of coal she. will be able, ‘fcfcfeW in'bunkcrs, the great power ' required to propel her, and the largely Increased cost ,* are objections to Chitclos* of . vessels as cruisers, which we betievu it i*dif- J Gcdlt*BUCceSßfully to overcome.” . : jJ Tliey"do not believe any iron floating bat tery caiteops snoceafolly with properly con atrndtedforti|ications;|bul say.that “armored ships or batteries may be employed advan- UgebuHlyto pass fottji Qcations on land, for ulterior oljjesU of attack.- tp run a blockade, or to reduce Temporary! batteries on-tha shores of riversjand the approaches to our harbors.” ..In. the question*.befween ships all iron and. . those of wood iron-clajd, they inolino to the latter. As cruisers, iiion and iron-olad, ships will be unsuccessful, -they think,' 'because, though their attack-ori a wooden vessel must be fatal, the wooden ship would keep out of tbe.way. . In regard to the most effectivo shot they ahy-'r **We know bf nothing superior to; tho largo and heary-ipberical shot. Rifled guns have greater; the oonical shot does not. produco the*, crushing effect of spherical shoC” It was suggested, i< geeuis, that our gov ernment should procure an iron-dad yesiel, to be built jn£pgl&nd;;butthi»i9 notbslieved to be necessary., It . was, therefore, ..deter mined to seek Tor ’owti shipbuilders. ‘demanded werfr light draught add-invulnerability.: The board received if proposals, of . which the most re markable is ope by, Benjamin 'RathHorn, for a vessel 80' feet'wide; deep,"drawing 25 feet of Waterpahd’nieasjtring l&jMO'toas. Tho board recommend tbrpq of the propo sals and specifications. .These are by. J, Ericsflon, J»ew York, who'proposes a battery, 172 feet tong, -il feet broaH7Tl% feet deep, 10 -foetdra tight, 1,255 tons mhsffuremhnt, to moke a speed of 9 miles pferhourpto.; cost $275,000* >nd ,require one hundred By ' MerricK'A Son 1 , Philadelphia, .who propose a ■vessel' of wootTand iron combined; T 22ofeet long, 60 feet beam,! 23 feetdeep, 13,)feefc draught,' 3,296 tons', and ,9% knocs - speed. She 1 will require himrta'otiths" to build, and' cost s7Bo,ooo.Lastly,’ of Bnshr nell i New..Ra^m r ie—fora vessel ironv clad,.on tbe rail- and.plalel principle, and to* obtain high speed.. ohois 180 feet long, 12% feet beam, 10 feet draught, and to- go 12 knots an hour. She will require Tour months -to build, and will cost $235,250. Senator Poik, of Missouri* 1 The Hon. Trustcn Polk, of. Missouri, is ex-?, pccted daily in Washington, to resume his seat, in the United States Senate. He will be con-, fronted by tho following letter, written by him to one P. S. Wilkes; just before Ihb-bittle of Wilson's -Creek. Wijkfls whs editing a secce-* ■ipn paper in Southwest Missouri.' "Nothing' else will bo heeded to! sccuro'Polk'sbxp’dliioh. fts'a'traitdr.' '' The letter was fonnd qnthe per son of Wilkes, who waa civptqred at Spring field, Mo., just befoce tha battloofWilson's Creek. It was afterward* published in tha St. Louis Democrat on Aagukt 3d, and it* au thenticity hot never been denied. ‘ Tho Bulk- Kn, ‘to which Senator Polk . refers, tho Se cession paper Of St- ;Loai&, which, was sap pressed by,our authorities in'Missouri : Diax Six : Abovo:I send my check to you for- the Eqwtl-. Right* Gmette. ; Itixali I can do, and conld not do .even, that .much until now. You bavebcard of th.o. dUhculty that the Bulletin has {alien.into. I have had to “anty up” there at tho rite of $2OO. J hope the friends there have made arr&hjpmenti ~ which trill insure the permanency'of the pa r>r. • It hie been-anfl ls doing good sefrico. have made a speech (yesterday) on the state of affairs, Southern, Rights, and the position of futnts, which -I will send as soon ax published in paihphlet for distribution. In the|mean time, 4. will send it in slips, and if tho Gaxette can stand the draft on its oofumns, and you -approve of it, and think it Will do'good in forming correct pub lic sentiments'in''Soi.thwest'Mfesouri, please . hate it published. dissolution Is now a fact —not only a fact accomplished, but thriceTe peated.- Everything here-looks Tike merits bio and final dissolui ion. - Will Jftwoorifiesi-' tote a moment to go with her Southern fitters f I hope not. Plea4o lkt roe hoar from you.. L would be glad to keep posted as to the condi tion of thingsio So uthwest Missouri, I like Governor Jackson's position... It looks like' adhorende to'the Ja jtson resolutions, f am truly your friond, [ Tbcstftn* Pot:*. . P. S. Wilkes; Spr ngfleld, Mol : Gen. William Sherman Insane. The painful Intelligence reaches tfs in such, form that wo are liberty to dlsbredit it,; that Gen:-W.-Ti Shkrman,-lufe commander tif tbe Department of dumUerland;4»'insaee;- lit appears that bt-waaiat. times;whemeommand ingiu Kentucky,: stark mad.; .We learn, that he at one time telegraphed. to tho. War Do- _ partment throo times iu one day for permis sien'to"evacuate Kentucky, and retreat- into - Tndiaba. 1 n,e’ also] ' on - , several; occasions, frightened'the .leading Union men'oT Lqujs viHe almostdut of their wits; by tbe inoit aa .tounding'repreechtajtidhS of thtrorerwhelmlng ; force ond- the aisertioTi (hat Lou-. isrilla idould .not bb defended; ; The- retreslt , fro djr Cumberland Gap.waa ona 'of hU mad' freaks. When relioved of the command.ihr Kentucky he .was Missouri, aod.plsced, l at .the head of aihri gade at ScdaDa, where thß. ehoCklbg that he was a madman was- de- ' veloped, by orders thal his:suVoriUnatea knew to-be preposterous; und to Hp his, of course, foen relieved altogether of command;- The harsh - criticisms which have ■ been lavished upon thfe gentleman, provoked ■ by his atinnga conduct, will-now'give-way* to. of thedeepest sympathy for him in. great .calamity,. It aeoma, Proridontia] th&t.the country, has pol to .mourn, .the losaoif ah army through the loss;.of ,the-,mind or. a General info wliose hahds were oomrnittod the b f ;the'commandlii £enf : tueky. J ~U»iettniOH ; PKESh>jCXTIAL r No -toiry * feiici io&tjr ; e*ptesu&, i i ;th» other>irb*n' seme frieildi df .hi»-wer« Mfr'tffaitfib'thi .intestioMiOf.Bsapposfld tfdrahijfitwottld'beiM absurd f«r In lading plans forfeiture political #dy*dCej imn%>Tjsp&h?sQ%iri rr-^-r. 3JPOK-BA&E. 0 v-“ ™ .■»•■■*;“ iAwIHMh Miaf!®* 9 s llii ?*;:..d® r. iOWawt-V't d < »Jtt .dp . ,JUdMaicS'.-t 1 ~nc./ 4a. ;:;;, ; ; 30 . ; do :Haad-BiTwtßdd«*:flttcfc J3tock etjsrsTj' dcacri^Uoa‘bo^^tand«^}|taf^ia wtiteQ: cß»KTtraHb'itswt;?i&bwfe? -T fahHckpyp" -^Av^*c«»tDTyßribll>weU^ field fWtftndjChenyeltotf* wftlr alUbe.;oat*bftlW 'inrfeotmeettd thtrtwfth.' ”:; ~•■ ,'. V"!{* : •■~Mtr l , ' T l‘ > it^the Sixth’ -Weird of Mid ttraf,end extending. U&aM;huhjli*d ud twenty 'fMtrto‘Docirat* fctttef. * , Sft! «*»* m }^ aU {\ VOLUME LXXIV--322: gjrsuitouircE. - INDEMNITY XOSB BY X riBKL-FBAK KLIN rati I NdCRANO* COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, 435 and 437 Chestnut street, aew Tlfthr' ' Statement of Assets, January Ist, 1&G0, published agreeably to an &Ct of Assembly, being— 1 First Montages, amply 5ecured............e1,88013 00 R*!al Estate, (pree’t ral. $105,314 61) coat OO Tempuratj Umuis, oh ample Col lateral - ■ Secnrin 39,135 00 Steaks, (piwent value f 30,tiCT 72)cost.;. 50,766 00 Notes uul.Hills Bmvlvablc 1,82100 Cash •' : 27,919 00 : ' “ ' 52,208,051 G 8 SB? The-only profits from premiums which'this cau.ilivkle by law are from-rUka-which have been tlstermbied. Insurance made on every descrlptlou of property, iu town and country, at rates as li« aa are consistent with security. ' r -- ; • ' ’ biace their incorporation! epe rit d of; thirty ypers, they have paid loesee by'flre to ah amount exceeding Four ililif 'ns oj Doilar*, tbeteby tiffordlngi eridmee of the adtaatagea of Inturance, a * yrell as their abili ty and disposition, to. meet- with -prompibeii all liabilities. , Loraii.BT nfict Loaae* paid daring tbe yeor 1868..- DtBKCTqMI Cbarloa N. Boncker, • ItaacXeAi Slordecal D. Lowts, - Jacob Jl. Smith,- , . Tobisa Wagner, Edward Itariii 8. Brown, Geo, W. BlchArdJ, x Samuel Grant, George Filea. CHAJtLES N. BANOKER, P^aidmt. EUWAUJ) C. Wm. A. Steel, Stcrttary J. GARDJ my 6 Office Korihetal FIRE INSURANCE, BY THE Reli ance MUTUAL TNSUBANCECOMPANY, OF PHIL ADELPHLA, on BUILDINGS: Unit'dor perpetual, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, Ac., In tows or country. Office No. SOS Walnut ptraet, > Capital, $229,510;. Assets, $308, 508 ?fl— tnyeated tu fellow*: ! 1 '• k *’ First Mortgaga on Improved City Proper ty, worth double the am0unt.......... ..$165,600 00 Ground not* 2,1® 50 Peons. It. R. Co.'s 6 per cent, Mortgago* , ~ij Loan, 830,000, c0at....::. -YF;tWI 00 City uf. Philadelphia, 6 per cent. Lo*a.....f;"WW 00 Allegheny county'6 per ct. P. B. R. Loan 10,000 00 CoH&t«rai-boa /. .ChauMm&n o;d Frederick pr0y0,.,. Freddie. I*nnl&„_ , -Woj. * '' ; - Jicotf f.-Bantmk* •C. Bteveuuon*. ••, ■ C.-S. Woo«i r --s-i 0 K Wktor; • • BniUKßiJWcrt; ‘ Jptuvjt, \Vc*tull» , .; Jw;'B.iWcwlrafc'i 'MaMmll Hill, . John.BltoeU, £lttaVgh. >: r. iß.XnftnntAYrftcMfaw' Third i£a^re&Fn@ TTTESTERN 'DfSCKaifC* 'COStfA TViiT'orpiTTMpßfiaiLi'l*'! 1 "I* • K oWheWf^orair OSlse, tlfQ. QxuteUmkn hooM, qp stairs* Pittsburgh. . , . .' 'Wffi '(mm ojoiiu* r ao ‘i‘iHi* 'o/'Ffrr* I nno''.2f«rf»o £ui«. J Home liutiliUicn T tmma^ed, i hy l art well inctcn in the domritusl/y, dmS whoure deter* bf vromptme* a#d to laicditniw (he character which Otey hate aanmed, at efferieg fie teet thxttttiov lo thce* wfco dmirvto fo>nyy til-' u ' A&SEXB, OCXODEB-'30,18691 Stock Accounts 65,000 00 .Mortgage2iWo 00 OJflco furniture.. 250 00 :Open Accounts, A........;..;j.'.“7,M0 00 .Cash ........ , 19j551 90 27,695 14 ■Kotos *ndiiina.J)i» | coafited...~..~~~...ui.,';l74jJ74l2 onutcrofis George'Driiiio, 7 Wm. SfeXfilajiit» ; IL.MJller, 4r., u .Nathaniel Bee* J.Tboma*, ' Alex. Nlmlck, JackMDr - -. • Darld IC LoorJ' Jam** MoAolej, William BJtoUlu,., Alexander Upwr,, •• ‘ "C. W. BlclrttaWir £&*-***»■ T7IRE, AND fe. X* COMPANT OT NORTH AiLEBICA,'THIXiAX)i:LPHIA L _ Incorporated 9500,000. ■ Anew, January ICL 1859...... ,139,924 61 ~ f ABTHUR 0/ COEFUT , PrtaideV. THQMAS-Pt AIT; Siewtoy; • : •: •;** SSORAKQE fcp -TEF STA^E _ . ~ 1. OEfXNKBTLyASIA, PHILADELPHIA- , - '••’ • , lD'roTi4oraUil 1794-^Ca'pUW, •200,000.'.' A»«U;Pebru«7 OO HEBBY JX, BH£&R£BD t ;As><*«. WILLIAM HARPER, Seerteorp. -V ~J. , . HARTFORDFIRE INSURANCE CO. 1 HARTFORD. 1 -'J : ' ' :.i •' I H" hicorporaud 9900,000. Assets, Magr 1; 1600.. 63 TIMO. a ALLTN, Sterettrp. -*iciw>. i. - in the above old and tollable Com* paniea canto obtained by application' to ' W.P.JONEB, AgM t ±' ■ fa»: i 87 Water street, BagaleyVßqlfdlPgi. riITIZKN’S LNSUKANCJS (XUUttft * VOK PITTSBITBGIL .Offlce.cortrar. Maikel .'and Water: streets,.second floor. • ..* WJI. BAQAJ/EY. PrttU*#. SAMUEL KfiA, Secretary- : T Insures fiteamtoats and Cargoes. 7 - •• Ibe urea against loiri arid damageln'the navigation of ( the tkmtbemand'Western Laker: nod Bayous, and. the navigation ofthe. Seas.,,;. T :- Ti; Insures sgalnsf low and damage bjr’ftre,. ' ' i. niaßctow: 1 Uoo: Bairs, J :i J«hn3hlptoa, r lL 'j.-, Jap, 11. Cooper, • . 8/ Harbatjgb, ' Jjul - J. CaldwaU, John fl.; Dibrartb, ; ; v- -'Mm. Bag*lay v ; • -• . Ju.-P«ck, Jr.» B;P. Joae*, " ' Kraneii SMlew, * W. Q, Juboßtuni,: Cl’Toubgi BIKB aWj'MJfJS X INSURANCE COMPANY, No. Hd’CferootW., oppo«ii* the Costom.Hoaw. .r -Xir’ “ •' * Capital,|ap',ldl)^AMat* |,o«.^ - - kind* of-Insonuioe; either'pefseit»»jgl»ffie a-sajt ffllTO BTATXaFAIBy:! r. OHIO HAT* F&»: WBCONBtS STjITE FAIR: IOWA 6TATJIAIB ~ M ® v "' nawant Siiwriam, • ,T7PWJ»B*fSTAI»yAIB:'.iS-jIOTAi k FAIR ; Bontoflb Mochapig’ n; j.? *" “ J,C7sr AfchEOHEHT UOiaatt'.:MXß>'«*ttßUioi; Wither County Tain tooamawoneto-pentltMC-.r ' We IMPROVED SEWIPOrMAOHtHRjog REDUCED PRICES, with lpcwwyd JwnflgAoft in If trait* theta! iaSi sort rdULle Tiurinx.Sowing Machine nowin* o»*. ."It tan taauywwQtrtfee tSKtat tal to _utir*xttif .with, the Mential-edrsntjMeariWngeUk* on' botfafita, 1 forming' ho' ridge or csUh«n fte,«nd«r elMplo fn ,aent, etfd pore dtnwlrfe thui eay athex web to* S t WejpTefull ,In«troctfo»,tocajftU t]ftjri|rnhfir wmn ohlittary'teenWA'itlichi bwp/fcll^aWHintbor, . bind end todt/nll ofrtMteum machine, nocHrireiot ■.'. ■■. ■' . .Circular*, .conutaing i tertinin*Jri» tcca-Udta of ‘Jibe hlgh«t-«U4dl»itr •iK^and'WTßrt^'gWn^-'ptoe*, ’drbytottar. . . •„- . , * '-•• •.• •••■■■ ,f B»»in*.*UN£B COPFiNi Ajrnrti it cor. Wood St Third «ta. ‘fcssjtfjw '-c.f ©3,251 23 . (X Sherman, John Clayton,,^ J. 8. MegSrgrt, E.VTiler. • t . . j. ojcovrnr^Mrt, ■ XbW end Wow gawte