3L v IV' - il- % 'ft ' '. • T : v ' : • : -vv:y..v.viy. 'IV.' 1 "if: ' * 1 •■■■“?•< 'rr*',** v. 4 . .v. • '*••••. -i *l_ "■«]iV. .• j > ,v.» i t. rv .j y-V: ,v. ■* ] * : ! 1 *■>,■ .«,• •] ;-i i; : . ■\-y ■ '*?•. ■* If *''X - -■>'T | i' 4 *'. -*■* * *! '**•''*** v ji '.Ny.^v ;s-'. ''•lvy | • i ... f: ''■'•r-:: i.? .. •jJ" :•••: '• 'C5:‘;-**<*■• :*s*yrr-'• ilos-'Sf-MV&x •:$.* — p** ..- * * - ' ‘.‘K’ 1 % -••'• .w; '.Sfl'i •.'* awiia. Hf- * v -KvvJ'','' > »*“ • k'- • * • h- V ? • ’ r*-r: * . .*V,, V ::V.' ~ 1> ■' •-S ’ ' * THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 12, 18C1. Military Activity. I * ..’There )Touft a £ijeit/dea[l of/tyh; throughout tie loyal - - with-the-inactirtty wWcb marks all ' fnir*irtiy. proeeAllngs? Nothing but a sense ■f W Yi* ‘ of sjmpathy with eurGeherala; a desire to /r —l**Te tbeni fixe from all embarrassments : they inay follow their own opinions as ft : to the place aitd time of attack; and a mod es'- *** deference of their tun opinions on the part of the people to that of those who ™ .. t belter able frommilitary knowledge and an 7 tL - ac< l“* in t»nce with t h» present situation of • »**>«*, hfts prevented loud murmurs at de n’ Uy 0f action so wearying and discouragiug. I .J,\ : mftj.be mistaken; but it does seem that the results are feeble in comparison to the - immense outlay of muscle and money. Ad mitting all the difficulties to be overcome, . , ,it still seems as.if,.something more could • • -^ T * leMlireiiaVe a~rtgM " ’ to look for-something definite soon. It is quite, evident thala little more energy et Port Royal would have produced greater results. If., there had beett a rapid . advance, towards Charleston or' Savannah, ■ created by the loosened slaves, ■V - -would hatei.given us those places, with probably little or no opposition, as they were nfarly ijefenseless. The time to strike r-|* »n effective bh>w has been suffered to-pass, , and the terror just.created by the expedi . , Uon not , improved, a ‘reaction-has ~1 4 - . ’ _ J alce,l l , ?“ e tL*i‘4;*Utbemoral effects it was intended to produce arc \osyf ■■ - In Kentucky the Union men are com plaining bitterly of the dilatory movements £ ' in tbat qnarlcr. Mr. How writes that the ■! L , ioyol'people there are sick at; heart, waiting " 1 for the onward movement of the troops. Mr. Holt also asks for an onward move - ment of the troops at Washington. The correspondent ofthe New York B™;„ Poslssjs: Z i-®*.ftHticsU Intereats. of the* country, - "ViV' • f ir ‘ Holt writes, demand more active work i>y the-government troops. This is the —. J lor y told almost alt Kentucky and -' . Tennessee men now here. They assert that ' J> '*■' At ** ittpoaaible to keep up the public l ? e^er of those states to thC - in favorof the government tin-- __ tless some advance be^madcr-.-j" sympa with this view of. the ,subject. l Mr. & ” u, i ed j°. “iioyc. was,com i-.: *® bun,- and he avowed his opin •••’. '•' IfW? 1 , Mr - .Wt.:w«:.right. lie had frequently express, « this opinion to General McClellan. 'lt circles here - - " that the -President and Secretary, 1 Cameron J.* Tor advance-of 'our troops. - .General Xlcdlellan admits the propriety of • such a .movement, and only asks that he r.>--. i bis own time for it, as ho will ,t»|uUed solely by a desire to save life *“t »»*« victory nearly certain, ts tbereainffioient consideration of the ~ ~ hjas of life caused by a protracted, insc ■:) y i . T .!f?. i “.““Pi ii nearly one position, thus !tS: oogciidering'campfevera and despondency w tiV.’i j tmong the“men’? ‘ ‘ A •;- r • Jcrtio'wt .-mipriiteil to see New York World raising the onWard , cr y- That paper has been bitter in its de .'■ ..‘bbpciatioh of the Tribune for its “Onward -to Hichmond” cry, and has recommended uh.udhwmoet.implicit reliance.oa ths judgment of the commanders, but now it talks in th . strain .».V~ V Vh 100 * r#ll unJerst »o'l -that delay is inadmissible a single day be youd What military considerations rigor it - ' ously eract. It cannot be indulged iu \ritb -> - out great injury and greater danger. The' n xonfedericy* £iins heart and pteßtige every -.1 j ;.. ..*«.* 18 eble to keepour great armies at t . bar-r It. attributes our failure totattack to s. .: . . r e*r, and ita adherents are correspondingly •c u : ; Foreign nations,' take tbe zauure aa evidence that, the confederates < '■, I ■ strength—a strength that must • ' ■: ultimately secure-their indd)iendehce. Our , vary inactivity u doing tn Ore than nm an oe , , eanmal defeat couM,-to'impcl them to a /ore .• foneeonclution: Moreover there is fearful danger that protracted delay will breed po-: - litical distraction. We are already seeing tnkens of: this! in the growing differences , ® B the ,negro question. A strong’party 5 rui " s %. r “»eeping, abolition, and < . ““7 »w effectively ' pressing the argu- i ment or nditujr. necessity into thSir ser- ! -f *7 , default of successful war in any other form: This is giving thetaa prodig advantage. If ohr Generals have it tn their power to demonstrate, as wo be _ lieve they have, that there is no such mili tary necessity, it is high time they should be • about it. .Their prolonged inaetiOn through the winter will lie unavoidably taken as a - confession that the work in hand is /• •ESSi'fj ‘ •*"■««* of Uwir armies. b f, , true .w. ? ot > lhe majority of , !: , v! tte people will BO construe it;'and when f on! ’■ .“PW 1 will. “lay . them , from the ertremrre “S, of * min K slaves,—for there is ib.TSfLft? .V? , n °> for, sooner to this infernal rebellion. Every 1 ' T! 10 for the restoration of / 1 :lConiUliUion as it.was, has an'interest’ ; !“ «*,?**!£ ‘ctwn «f our commanders in the field. What that action shall be. we do ,not presume to indicate.. Military science .. . moat alone determine that. - But action in -JSSthST?’ T Bt ** '. .WeJcaunot Geheralsiipany ; ’ ' C *“ l f ad tu But if tiere he -,-T~ m £" k Ixl m ™«ved. Any risk ;> - *fe^- | -s- 1 the IForMV “onward" de •"f'-uottM'fc Si'drytitir'ipaift, while we think great .-..istience.and.forbearanceshouidbe extend- 1 - . .*$ *P our Oenerala, and that our confidence' .iot be withdrawn,bni for tl^sound- 7 i *““ 0B, > J et Age.'.'never have felt • give up the right of just criti ;-':-r^oisml;cWe hald the Qenerala aeoountablo quite as mneh forwhat they Tail, to do, as' _for whit they undertake and fdil id. We • as strict nCSpbmsibility as we; ' ‘-A • -da any'Other public' ftinctionary, and auy~ abnegation _nf~ this right by the ipepjHe 7 would be,toin»ugn»te a Dictator. , %P‘ We are informed ,tb|Lt: ! the reuoa ourro ember, Hon. J.. K. Moolt iT.lby. did not vohron Air. ( Euio;'i re«o-’ lution, onthefirat day .of the session, tras, ::Ui .(Ulal'koho. flil-inpftrHiig Jo the pw&diap of, |T' fc ••••■ ■ WffeU. If heb«d,beenpresenti>ewohld jp gi£‘{{i»}AtoMtf haTefotwl \wiO»; Jthe, Refmb- H-rv -mt* übe ht& doDe' onefery lett-Tot*- bwn inforroei liii Hon. district,,wm «latt absent when :l .thh'nbof w*» tskcn, showing •!/ r.'-'nooe Httibargb kislforsbout the ospitol. Si:sArp'ißELonrl»«UltoJbeiii d»ug6r. ! n.;5: : ."i "Hla c**e f»’ bnly tfefen^d./oJ'vYelrl d»y«. . ™ Ok*fl«»»t(fri»iiiVji6 UiiatSrto b* . lenient with'Uioee who 121*7 tWr ho*rt»»r»irith th» rebel*.;— :i T^ e , Co »^«» t |o«J Slaves ofj'senMi of luff cmStitnUonjft obligaiiiii, ft ■ -mim OMU lie would allow i*. • Ihe Sen lork Times, on this ’subject, threatened into any course, or out of any" says: course,-by a military subordinate. Mr “A more nonnl.r l i , wuakocKs and dangfr when ihe civil strongwdvtw-at^anTr’r^l,;.:/" 3 u^ on Vv^T,‘°e Ule ,‘ liC,!,tionoCU ‘ e, “ il hcyal impulse of the public mini. There is ZZ ' .t "" certainly not a solitary reason which can he Jh™ «' l b * '[!” “ ldstof “ revolution nryed far the confiscation of any property the revnl.riv 'oT T ' Vta ‘ which does not apply with still greater force IIILITL, 5 ‘,' eJ “‘dhonties of the to the case of,loses; and if it shall be thuuyhl “Micate their su eipedient to pass a general eonliseation act P IT , ,n . ll V: of one of their slaceryshouldnothe^emptedffomitsop^ Strangely, enough, after this emphatic clft^^lUche^"- 1 &fte declaration, the Times is willing to content Boullion at the head or his army ; when itself with the lame and imperfect law tbe y cannot, as Secretary Marcy did for so passed the last session.' Vie question if a Te,eran a General as Winfield Scott, de dosen slaves have been’ co>fisca,ed under ,™nf™n “jlStoS “Ly that law, or ever will be. Very few of the least surrender their trusts to\he people contrabands now within our lines have been from whom they were received, employed, by the consent of their masters, „ 'I? not i we re l*“ a t, believe that Gen. ora service whirl. 1,.;,,—, . V Slct.lellati, as a good soldier, in whom the , T & natlon lms raagnanin.ously confided, has scope oi that art, and it will be so impossi- so far step! out of his path as to dictate the ble to prove the fact, that the law is useless P°l' l *cal measures of government; neither as a penal art to punish rebellion. s*° W 0 tlial President Lincoln would Besides whai te . have tolerated for one moment so audaeious , hat is needed is a sweeping an interference with his functions. That confiscation act, which will carry terror to he consults Ihe General as to all'niilitary rebels, and give promise of security and movements is probable and right; he has compensation to Onion men in the rebel ”° milila ry c 'i‘ oriencc himself, and he e,„. „ l , , . ™. ■ . must rely upon hts commanders: but that he Sla os, and such an act, the Tones admits, allows any of those commanders to threaten WiU justly include slapea. Why, then, de- liim with their resignations if he does not -lay so wise and necessary a measure. How odopt this. or that political scheme, is nt long is the country to bear such an enor- fr r, y incTO l‘hle. We should as soon believe -an, i rtn ,i . p. , ... H** ll he had allowed them to tell Mr. Chase moos load, on account of the fastidiousness what kind of securities he should issue, or of some to touch the subject of slavery, when where he should raise his money, and the I it, being above everything else, the cause * nterest he should pay, ns to dictate of the war, should he made to feel the l ° Mr - Cameron the management of his de quickest and most ponderous blows. The war is waged with as much energy aud fe- to the President alone, as he is responsible rocity. as it possibly can be by .the rebels. lo Congress aud the people. It will not make a particle of ditferenceto ■ 7**7. *n" , t . them what Congress does with slavery, hut . **" " 0ad ’ 8 * C it is believed it will greatly strengthen the ■Government and place it in a belter as pect before the civilized world, to level its blows upon the rebels in their weakest and most sensitive point. By all means, let us have the confiscation act. Cien. is of the Right Kind,fatid much Needed* Brtry Department and every Mnjor-Gen _aral, of course, has its own, and his own, spe cial policy in, this'war—which policy, also, of course, subsists as long as Itcan escape 'modi fication.' Even Brigadier-Generals and Col onels hare occasionally imitated their bet ter*, and tried a policy. Of the great Smith family, * wtfJ hare; had]reportsof two, 'out West,* whose polioy is as harmonious as their names, and with as little difference—which is especially little, as the gentlemen 'spell alike. 1 The General Smith, who has tried the casy -going policy at Paducah, we bare already henrd.of j .but.nowjt.remains for us to hear of tfteColonel. The Leavenworth, Gmterva r»w, of alate date, noticing the arrival atSL Joseph, ‘Mo., of thefiOth-Jllinois regiment, .CoL2ano,irom.Quincy, »aya place ha* now a sufficient forco lo ! protect-it and Weston, and cleanvpot the nest ijj But if Col. Smith, of the 10th I Illinois, continues is command/we-despair of I Northwestern Missouri. A weakerai Jworse uohey could not have been conceived of than I has governed that dotard in SC J«e. He | t direcUy.answerable for the recent outrage at I \\ eston, and is as much an aider of treason as I tbe Si Uordon, whom he permits still to be I destitute of hemp and a tree. I Gen. Hunter, has, however, adopted’"* dif. terent and nioro decided policy towards the rebeli in that quarter, who have been allowed to run riot under Col. Smith's very nose. The Cvntervatice 6ays : “ Aeommitle* of thaeitizeox of PUtto coun ty visited Gen. Hunter, on Monday, the 2d The OeneFaJ said to them:.Tell the Trustees of Platte .county, that unless they giro up Gordon and his gang, and break up every reb el camp, that I shall send Col. Jonnison over there, with orders to burn every house In the county. ~F am getting tired of this wholo • subject. Coa*min«* —“Will you put that in writing?’ Gen. Hunter— l will." That brief interview satisfied Platte eoonty and the policy indicated will satisfy Kansas and the country. Fugitive Blacks ix W.isiiiXGTox. ;Tliere are seventy fugitive slaves at the Washington Navy Yard. They have all been' comfortably provided for by Secretary Welles, and most of them are working for a compensation of $lO a month. Marshal Lamon reports to the Senate that the imprisonment of slavesin the gov ernment jaii in thiscity was in strict ac cordance with the laws of the Distnct of Columbia. Military Dictation. Hoil Thaddeus Stevens/ of this State* stated in a'"Republican caucmi, held at Washington, Monday night,'a report which is likely to startle the. tvhole.country/- He said that “after Mr. Cameron's report had .been accepted by .the President, General McClellan, went to him ind Jhreatened"io ■resign if it- wob sent'into with ,the • passages respecting the emancipation and,'armihg or the slave of rebels nn modified.’' j TiiMe is something so astounding in this report, that the general impression win he that Mr. Stevens is misinformed. ’The New York Evening /W gives the following rea sons in fnvor of this latter supposition: ‘ ’ In the first place, General McClellan has the..reputation of being a good and honest soldier who knows his duties and his place, and who has no ambition beyond tho lofty position to which he has been generously that m„ a - 30 'f e r* l,c '» perfectly weft fUaction «-I® execute . IM orders of his government to the liesi „r • MS abilities. In 1 ;thd direction o£ military movements, he. may-stipulate thit his own • supremlSi he ia-tespen. ' Sm, —; therefore, rightly demand that tfie anuy should bo , athUdisposal. But with thenolit ■ alnis of the governmenU-its policy - SSSL*?:' war " !>*»««>—hehas nothing U any w,ltympVon7iis dictate ’ I^m 1 ’ 0 ! 107 ’ « r to interfere- witiii.it in the i ■ jffi***-' bn not only an im- WfflWWihut an acl .of;insubordination. ’ mirr« h **“■* increment*,'have hoi b&n indi cated. and nntil they are, and what is more, JiHlAtiooesslliilyreiteoß^'OeWoniahdlng General will not venture to arrojrate anv imdnewnthority.or sssume apart which I?.°g»nd 1 ?.°g» nd services:, even would ■BOt- 'U:ixtiirbe7Rnm«p(i c etothwe4frespecto(:&, s?£ ■ iaeUi,'tohis cleertpfceimMOn'dfXlrliat ia hia office, and conscientious | ■ . -%-v • (tfpeoi.l (Virn*4jhjnJn!iov u r lb* Pittsburgh Gawitto.j lliltox Head, S. C., Dec. 2, 1861. 1 have to plead a trernen dous. pressuro of Laziness as a reason for not writing oftoner; bat I bad another reason in the seeming nog lect of Lhoae from whom 1 expected letters and papers from home. The last dates we had before leaving Fortress Monroe were to Saturday, Oct. 26, and as mail after mail came in here, with neither letter from home, I began to conclude that you or your mailing dork had forgotten me altogether. It was very natural to conclude, under such cir cumstances, that it was not worth while to writo to those who seemod so neglectful. But at last the mail came, bringing me pa pers to Nov. 18tb. Water to a traveller iu a desert was not more wolcomo than they. I sat up all night reading—to use a cant phrase, “devouring" them. You folks at home who get your papers twice a day, and from as many points of the compass os you please, have no idea of the longing for a sight of a newspaper which comes over those who are almost literally shutoutfrom the world.; E*- tjecmlly strong is his longing to geteyernpon a.paper from home. As Sam Barr says, a man. feels as if he would give a quarter for the sight of even an advertisement cutout of a paper from home. (Mem, Tor advertisers, and particularly for publishers to send ths.i paper* morn regularly.] i I have been cooped up for a rouble oLweeks I in Gen. Stevens* brigade, with but little on- i portuuity to ran around and hear the news, i Bat everything* has been, and is very quiet. There has beeu no for Ward movement ol anv i kind; and the only stir visible has been in ptting Ueu. Viel's brigade ready to disem bark Upon some expedition further down the coast. Where it is to go is not known ; but it is generally »uppo-.ed that Brunswick Georgia, and Florida, are the point* to be occupied. The number of tacn going is about 5,000. They have not yet em barked, bat will during this woek. A week •go every thiog wa* hurried np for a momen tary expected departure; bat it hakes two weeks to do anything of this kind in a hurry. The gun boats and some troops havo bubo sent to occupy Tybee Island, at the month of Savannah River, and that'lsland is now vir tuaUy in our possession. It is commanded by Fort Pulaski, now in the bauds of the rebel and 1 presume it is the iutention to surround that fortification with the gun boats and re duce it by catting off supplies from iu in mates. For several days past W o hare heard heavy cannonading in that direction, the commander of the Tort seizing every opportu nity to fire upon our men on the islaodrand on the gun boats, as they approach. The march of events is slow, you will • but I have no doabt the parpose i* to occupy Savannah, Brunswick and Fernandina, as soon' as possible, and have as little doubt that what* »» purposed will be accomplished. We bear but little of the movements of tbo enemy. There is a report that 25,000 men are concentrated, or are concentrating, at a point in the interior, about 150 miles from here, with the intent of recapturing the island, and it is not improbable that sneb may be the case. As to recapturing the islaud, howover, they can't do it, yon know. J All bands have been at work in the trenches for tww weeks past, throwing np a formidable retrenchment. These earthworks entirely surround the camps of the three brigades. Beginning at a point on the sea shore, a milo below the central headquarters, they extend in a semi-circle to another point on the coast, a milo above the headquarters, the furthest point inland being about a mile back from the coast. They are encircled by a wide ditch, and tho height, from the bottom of the ditch to the crest, of the embankment, is twelve feet. The construction has Immmi *u perintended by the Engineers of the regular army, and the work was laid out by them fhe general form, as I have said, is that of a ficmi-circle, bat in detail it corresponds to the outlines or all regnlar fortifications ol the kind, The guns hove not yet been mounted upon the Hanks designed for them, but will bo shortly ; and then Gen. Lee or Gen. Beaure “B - The weather, since I wrote last, has become Itn.e cool, and, fortho lack ofcproper shelter uncomfortable.-While tlieTJ, ,l,i„„ u -pleasant enough j but at night it grows cor, cold, generally with a stiff brCeie prevail ng, and the tents furnish but poor' protection to their inmates. On one or two Woraings we.hare had ieo. At homo, Zi should not consider such weather very hard to hear, because.there we:hare warm houses and good Ores to go to; lmt hero, without Ore and only a tent for shelter, it is severe. I SCO, in one or the papers received'from Home, euextrael from a letter upon “the lhi- 1 1110 wril «- ‘i 1 ? 7 '.** 1 "". groves," W. h.l'.hf 1 ' P“ a 1 yo® heiiove idch stuff. . ; i day " of floe’leather; but we are ..located ou a plain of looee C>, i mo™ sand, and the "balmy gale," Oil oir’e,„, n »S® cover odr clothes with sand, and 'locomotion is U difficult astbrough a snow 'drift. At every step yowsinkancle dwpifuto the loose isml ; bnu,at night,.wheniyoul pull'Vour boots !off, you find that its hand has" penSlrateiTsl had you lieeh paJdif *J A ‘ ~ t o lh * on ‘ u P»». , »hararn. two or three orange groresamong l5;o(llj mcn? thofirst few days' ofrtafitlp: groinsl!*’ their mind after tbceaperiened (fi wi.l uf two, Silting doira in \ .tant'diP-write, and ftndipg yoursheet ready sanded by.tho wind i? 1 “ f dta P ioo. , tasns and pork for snpper. and jtoaaand.;pprk ; li>r. ; id«k*iafc; Tbi v,fe c, .. .< w . wa good antMtltail gatfrnh meat twica a week, aMha^gdieen w,ore - moments^ “•"Off thtir iooss change to clean the 'sutler isgf along with them. All of the rigim.ut. had r ir' Hz ' w' $r numb^roT^sick otfhaud beforwlenriag'-rf'ur- Monros; bufjthey all wanted to :touH.*, “badlyi and t/id come, lnsiea*T of goiug into the hospital at the fort, a« they should have The johmey tfid them-no goody jrere enfeebled XyJhivinM td ln cUj^ e.^un w b dTevolife -quarters. Then' they were landed without tents, slept a night or two, uncovered on the sand,, ho.! to‘carry their cainp equipage bn theiri sbouldcfs td the -catnining ground,and finally were put to work on tjhe trenches, many having to go ou picket duty at night, bosideay There way, of course, much prostration in consequence. ’ -An additional cause is found in the fact that tho “coast feycr,” as they call it, here, comes on. very mildly at first. A man feels slightly unwell in tho morning, lut thinks it will pass off*daring'tho day. Ue gi.es to work, and noxt day feels worse; but .tarhates to go to tho hospital, and tries to work another day The next day, probably, ho is dead. A littlo care, aL first,.would have saved him. An instance of bow this operates occurred a few dayflsincoin the Roundhead Regiment The orderly Vorgesnts reported 107 men in the morning, to the Adjutant, as “unfit"for duty.” No report was made to the Surgeon as there should havo been. The Surgeon' accordingly, reported only 47 sick. General Stevons, on noticing the discrepancy, com pelled the Adjutant to alter bis report to cor respond with the Surgeons, and to turn out tho other CO, reported to and by him as sick for work with the rest of the regiment in the regiment. The result was that uno of-them died the noxt day, and one or two afterwards Had these men, who were really-sick but unwilling to acknowledge it, reported them selves tn the Surgeon ired *» been permitted to remain qniet fora day or two, they mighL possibjy, have recovered. * Measures, however, have since been taken to guard against occurrences, hereafter, and also to prefect the men against the malaria of this region,* and there is, to-day, much less sickness than far sometime past. I enclose; a list of deaths which hare occur red in the Koundhcad Regiment since it landed. As -this regiment is delusively from Western Pennsylvania, the list will be 0 r in terest to your readers : LIST or DEAU IX Hl'l'NUllkAO KtIOIUEM nj\i!r XoV. 7. ~ • (oinjxjiuj /hit.- yy'; •* MntthiiiH P. t'rtml * p t .. •t. W. .. K, •• *»7ii, J«m.fs Bird met., al >uru au hour aa the meeliutc may detor "** BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE —Letters ot Administration XI BUD the vsuteof Sidney 3. Umi»M, Uw of Soulli Fayette (oniudiip, havlug U-en gr«uiU*«Ux. (be undunugtiiHl, all iwrauus iiidebud to estate ar» taqutwted to maio immediate |wyui<-t>t t and those having claims against the same aro requested to nre »ut them for wuleiaenL at the late residence oftho deceased. ELIZABETH J. UEUU:uTT. - del2:6twF Admlulatratrir. ' VrOTICE TO TEAUliKKii.—TbtTpro: i 7 wl.fcli *„ ailvurtuid |„ Im belli ou ttia 14th Jnßt., ia iniarmd.iUy |i. n t.x ltlr( | II will lie lielil lMa«rd4w WM. BAPKEU'ELL, Serrelarr l/’XHIHi'liuN OK THKI-ENSuK AJEKARY RII.’IETY, in CONOKKT HALT. ru, IHVKBHA Y EVEJiIItU, Hoc. 12, lsul, to emulator l*U,Wul Orations, Ewii)b, Dialogue* and Delate ou lSarfi*V*T*d*’* Liberty of the I'ivsa |„. . ; fl CELEBRATED BAKU will U* {., ttt . ; tendance. * B 1 | »t Ti J rl< l;V a conis, to bu at tlio au j JUi»#tc aianji, from tbe uiwubera mid At (he ( lw>r mina. r nrT/' rt “ t » oVk * k ‘. lu com- I .iein : ;tt«l OmCC OLKVCUND * . Clev*Uud,Nof«nt*»-ir/th, Iwi '( r PHL ANNUAL MEETING of tuL!?. i '* ckh,J \' i * r * of ,hU ou 9» t, 3 r » for the^Wtfoil of Uinciurs Aml tnuucaiuu of Other »*, U KDNtlsf>A ? (^ ai F*7' iu.Cluvelamj, ou ocki-kaTm I * ll> *** ~r January iiert, tti 10 1U« Tramrfrr Book* wUI bo ritea rUi *«W; wi errrconthJl! rr • lontf MpeHouco In mried ami exlcaaii* k, ÜB: P«rtSi familiarity wllb ammots, and it. M^:a^i?!JS , ssaM *^Mg{SSia- »»srtae (*rr«*»*• i stvvirlCK Cumm vt r » W -f ■AN-MIiEGTION forWfteAri/HiMeiJn MONDAY, uJJ uivi.j WM>«ui : Ui«iiy(Uvoril *.!io,«udi}/. m. , . . - iv -iwwoaaMtii&uitTffii •■j.ii c.i !•-I-*-; 1 Cs; * ;■ !•' iixjr •>7 :;i ;r«il *. dtakibs ft* Tec2.'- ? -, : ** I ' - ■ ' ■■■ ' c.i; I .-), - ■ I „ i'JON.^WeierebyTrarij^tiTepuK w, “tSKSSSjsiSsSl^^lig*. SimMjboaUMi Syl. •W- '• . TTKX&JLMM tie aupp&3lrfsr JL njmmt ofCounty -WumiC toTJ™ 11 their order, .it*, office of' BTjfcLAIlf 4 CO^ Jfiw CAKI’ETS, Oil Cloths, £c.: ~ NI’C AL LUM’S, ,a, ° n,!van ‘ e iD Pricw, of KOK * °' lTHUt, *« < ‘ r ‘o poiThwrt ‘ deU* O l ‘ M ,V 4AL ■ Glmikal s Orru'K, WAMiwotos Citv, Pec. Resolution has been Adopted by the Uouw of HepreMutativwof the United States, rlz: tUMlrnl. That the Secretary of War be rai nested to fiiruUb to tbw Hon*, copies of ill contract! made bLvt*h r i t!r ?“ i 3 L ‘ r 8 for feeding disa bled honest dnriDg the winter, to Mate tbo terms of u!!^ri UU il]!f o, i’ tla ~nui‘ 's l uf ''ontmctors, the num ber of boraes giren ont, and whether those contracts w»rumade npou public notice/’ AH officers and agents of the Qaartenunater’s De parlm,.|,l are lust setuTtu tlie yuuriecmw -2153 ’ “".""•"•'"'T “I"” s~iug this tlfctice, within the terms of the Keaolution. w * JIEitJS, - l(nd giiartermaatcr OeneniT CAKL)~ Hiring arnred in Pittsburgh, will, M usual. deroh U.l en'luslro attention to the Medical and Surrica treatment of Uir u nlc especially those ofthi L.-m-r Bowel, aurb an Piles, Ffotula Msaiire, Balling of the Bowel, Stricture of the Bowel »«l?ffmt U i Vf M l il BoW c , *» M e wUI “ Uo tr *»t.tbe rari on-* Chronic Diseases of the Womb, Kidneys, Bladder. Ai- Hm rooms are at rbo Muiioiigahela Houmi, when ho may bo seen and rummlted from U o’clock amt* 3 o dock p. lu . daily, Patients, if they desire it, will be \ pdted in any part ofthc city. deliv*ctf • Slight Cold, ,JfCa£Ltßeji£.&fi or gfa/* gfhtaat, which might be .checked with a. simple remedy; if neglected, often terminates seriously. Few are aware of the importance i f topping, a, jgfLugJi. or gfh'gbi salcL in its first stage; that which in the beginning would |M>oriu said Court, ou SATURDAY J;iiiuarj ~1„ l ? a, Id o'clock ». m„o( * H 1110 property it IheippnUamMil! * uk *J* *, t 1 *H > ™«>x>nl, tof .how c,». why tho suns should not’ be sold. BY TH£ COURT. Atl «t If KEKQy, Clort. d»ll:3twF QARU. AT A FRACTION ABOVE COST, Hot large and couiprebeuairo stock of . PUNO-FOBTE3, KTIaDF.OSS, toISraAND MUSICAL ■ , ' " TXSTII UifEKTS, twal, ° wniTemortio PATTEBSUN'S new build, ing, FIFTH street. ’ OIIARtOTTEmuSIE; C2TsUMtn»t t Agent for KNABE'S Pianos ami PRINCE’S MeJo ——- NEtir-GOobfK? CEO. H. WHITE & CO., Jt'o. *5 Fifth Street, Hav. loomed tliiii dap PBENCH CASHUEBE LONG HIIAWI.M, with Brualia Borden, nlilch ere T,.|-T nearer, and all tlio rage in Now York, and Plilladet- Also, a largo aaaortmeut or PHENOH MEBIXOS pj •niepp.'riur quality, laioghl at:-Ved u „U iirico.-’ BUOttX BEPS aod BKOWN ESPANV, for Ladle.' Dreaaee—Trip deelrnlda gooda. BABIES' 3IKBINU BBAIVEBS AND VESTS In ONLY twenty-five cents W Klimts Pu^r—Union and Plato L 4 Envi-lopwi do 'jy ofltwl Pt*ini, 1 PeJi-HuliW. 4. • .1 Lead Pencil,, ! Kr»»ry article ofbest quality, suitable 6* ally HUNT'S OBIUIA AL UNBJN STATIONEBII POET -■ •».' -r-* :i FOLIO. ------ jgJCCHsNHB HOTEL;— Mumi mmm ipr mmsm »* SALT. '■ '* if JiMfcrcity, Uuilug out at GU&T. J : i. jraKAon; 1 .^a^?^^s^”ssfcsra .¥*~h c, IQO and' SEE TELE ™ : ™=- CHEAP EMBROIDERIES^ ' ' !> ti ? /l AT ' "■ t CIPHERS TRIMMING STORE, JFo. 18 Market Street. EMBROIDERED COLLARS, (or 25i.worth Me. EMBROIDERED CO REARS, for 37j£. worth 7tc. EMBROIDERED COLIARS, for Mlo. worth *l,OO EMBROIDERED SETS, for 75c. worth 51 45. EMBROIDERED SETS, for 75c. worth g 1,25. EMBROIDERED SETS, for 7.5 e. worth 51,25 EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS,' for ;I7V. VfeRY CHEAP. EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, for $1 VERY CHEAP. (JKEAT hard a ins ~t CLOAKS, ! BARKER’S, 69 Market Street, qrkat bargains j SHAWLS, BABK£B.’S, 59 Market Street, QhisAT BAHGAINy DRESS GOODS, BABKKR’S.S9 Market Q.KtiAi iJAKGAIN'ti SILKS, BABKEB'S. 59 Karkot Stragl Q.KJSA'i' BARGAINS SKIRTS 1 L ■ P? • ix *»>ai ii.Vv i-s .j ' BARKER’S. 59 Market Street i ■ STILL CONTINUES AT No. 77 Market Street, GOODS CLOSING OUT AT PAXIO JPAIOK3. BAfiQAINS! BAHGAIHB!! SSTuS ,h.'Zr and SwlnSete from-65c. to $5,00. t> *■» • „ .!*- CuJUtrifronlOc.toS2.6o ColUrjfnjm 12}*. to ji 0 00. svij! L * ce TrtaiMdJ&Hm .t worth H.idiwrchlefc br ssljprc., Tic. »i Infimt*’ Baptismal Robes - ' r ' • lafeuU’.Wtlau MtdGua. Bifft?“** 'v4J* L * c * °*P«*° d Beitluu. " Veil# Cram 37%c. to ft&eo. . • Kiw W inter Veils tbr 20c. ; / *>r On-Onr chip. - French Worked Budrat cfirt. - p OreMdtuj Ber**. and Tim. Veil,. LimoColUr. aud Set. Tory che.p. PaffSleevei ntcoet. - .gssas^^^-aiii- ~ JOSEPH HORNE; iKfitFAKBiVAL I'ALI, AND WINTER , NOW, OPEXISO. H^w:£k D 1 e - ,abepp ? for “ '•■ liS*S ? ‘*- s - TWtID3 ' ' JJ*» ANFyfHrra FLAK “mSMiOwwi- '^v2SJr?3iJil£2H£J! s ANpomaKS,- ’ W* I -»iwoSg D *gS°„ p S?|, UD d, ■ ~ We li * yi » « ftill etock »t linr prTcf foe __ J I -c. HANSON LOVK, w«rX«Kigßißgpr ;MBKOIDKKIKS AT OOStf: JEA3POJV',JIACMJM jfc CO’S, Nasi 17akd18 * l .V.„-v<, '.'.Tm"'/.-* p| “ MnIUBKID OOWW.TBB FWOKsSotIt” ” oTFliic EmhrotdHlei,~ spsoui bawaiss An^aw'-jantitkiti. w.ri~ici. w«k<39n < n i .i LZ-.'LZ' Z ' ' ‘ ■ HBOIK K OmSm^ ITgf £= i_ JSf *cca«£ jtotices. pSfTDS.. GEOEGE H. KEYSET? * 'Wholesale Druggist ' MJJDXCIXE J)£ AX ER, HO. WOOD'STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ?? ? f TRUSSES FOR THE CORE OF BERRU OR IIARSH'S BADICAL CURE TRUSS BITTEB’S PATENT TRUSS PITCH’S SUPPORTER TRUSS. ' c SELF-ADJUSTING TRUSS. m. BANHIKO'S. RAPE OR BObl BRACE for U»ajr. uI Prol»p. M : yfcri, Pn<«, AWomloJ Jpmsl Weaknesses. * •tnC s. 8. PITOH'3 si lyeb-plated SUP PORTER. BDP " Pits PROPS, for ll» npport tat cam of PRm. ELASTIC STOOKIHOS, for m»k UK] ...I—, Tcias. . . "V.;' ■ 1"*... 1 ,'.”’ s*,v. 5 * ,v . ELASTIC KNBB-CAM. tor weak Joint.. ANKLE SBPPOBTEBVor wo.k,«'DH. lotau SBSPKNSuBY BAijilaia.- Sjrtaß^ liJKCT,t!a aVEtf;OKB: **“ kl»> of BU. KffYSKR • U«f .bp a Til US3 .which .01 radi call/ cure Hernia <)r Hupture* «»»-Orri«'*T uis Bauo Dt uec , Nu . 1w w ■taw, iigu yf thetioUleu Uortar. > UK. fchnmlcDU “uJ ll " fMltimcula' lor Dealhni ud almou «»w, uoxhaulcal anaporl «ALVANIOi.ATTEIIYoEELEOTKO.IIAQNKr- IC (it u*dtaap,,rpo**,of. „ rj riwr tiod. w.u to *a, free or .iptoufcto™,, wtoT .ret aa caprcat ra», upoa a rtu.llUitc.of Ttu Bol> lane Addra. BK. OKU. H. : KEY3EB, 110 ATood «Irpet, Pltuhurgh, Pa. Bi l«O Wood«r ' BATS AND MICE.-Sim. deatrncthlb In theao Verutlu by ming YABNELL’S EXTSBMINATOB •a.ntiraly a.* preparation, and wareuttad to to’ movatbcaepeau trout areryhouae. Sold at . DB. KEYSEB’B,I4O Wood ilroot. BXTBA BAZUKS.-1 Bin a few EXTRA RA ZORS, which I wiU.cioM out at cent, i >' d UKO. H. REISER, Ho wie It SAHA CIU: CUBED. — Au lutamUo br Hcadacho will tic found iu FKAZEB'S HEADACHE PILLS. Try them. Prlco-S cuotJ, »1‘ _Jy3od«wT KEVSEK'S. ltd Wood .treat £3TA Fnena-m HeStiftT it- Dtt. aWKET'S lAEALLIBLB LiNIAfENT lapn- P«cd from the tcdpo or Dr. STEfuEASwart, ala,", t 8“““ Bettor, and haaAaou uaud in hi. hut Iwynty ,l, u tlle utonUhlug -Ai external. rvtncdy It l„ * rh » l * AllovWa pain aero modil thßiany other jmpmtlnn, l'or nil Blt'cnmatlo and barren. DUorder.lt fa truly lufaillblo, and a. a enra ttvn ‘ for Sortn,'Woundii' SpriitUb'’Briii«u, Ac., iu toothing, healing and powerliil,tire, thou tog proper- t**iJsSU»ond«rand aitonfahtnent of aU who hara ,vcrlgttohltr,atrUL lOm idnr hundred cenineatea of remaifcable cured perfohuadl, It with in W:Uu*mZ Cxvbc* ijJupdir.-York it,,Amt ihff pp»wjfif(iri 1 .a C *- Btroa , a wortd ttotbcr Hlonld haVcfla hw^tntolSna ch»«t in cm of mud; and /» -to bjra£Oß«K H.-KK YsliK> .^ tt , Ho . Wood attoati PUUbarghi : - Xort, Hot snmiopt Fifuficaoti, lector* tm tku K*tttrj, Tnt»f' TmTl t' B*dic*l oo>e i* aperamU-rrhoei Ox-Seminal Xr—Vn~m Inrol a*t**7 fenlMiuiw, -Ami; Debilttjy'«U Impeii meau to lUrrisge Cttendlj, Herroatto*,' Coaraap ttan.'EpOeMy and jrit*j Mental tod r p»citj,ro«mtiagfromtielf.Aboie.4c. By&OBT J OULV£BW££i, It D., anther of (ha Bun Boos. ■ •- T -A Boo* TO Thocsaxo* or aiojTtana." Beal titular aa*J, enTeJepa, to any «UnM. J«o-t-pald, on receipts «x cnrfa or t*o postac* •lamps, bjr t: : ’DB. CH. J. n irr.njg ’ wCramdiwT K ‘ *°z iM. XSTliake Superior Copper Kill and SMCLTIKO WOBEa, .< < PARK,, Micupy .& CO, HwiSkttunnof SHEATHIHO. BBAZUBS’ AHD ‘ BOOT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS. RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, BPALTER unman. *lsolmportcn«iu]dMlcnfaSiKTALB,TlH PLATE. SHEET IRON, WIRE, Ac. CuaiUatlj oo hood, | USHERS’- ItACHIHESAKD TOOLS, s Waakhouik, Ko. T4‘j Pint and lioajmdrtraoUw Pittsburgh,'PefaQ 1 *. • • .•:>» . . •* r 3p©ci»] orderi of Copjvrfßl to >'ny.ALi rff j p*t- nb&iUwlrt £=£jj~Helml)old’ Bxtractfinclm, I HELUBULD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, T MVUXTIa - HKLJIBGLD-S EXTHA'KrBIIcmf T ; DESTIC - S HELMBOLD S EETEAIr“Iu 0 C?H S ,f. T rf,miTla i . THE GREAT DIURETIC, j Aod a Pueitivo. and Specific. RemedyJb* Llmam# of tl» Bladder, Onirel,jKiUneje, l l)ruj>egf f Organic Weak* uc **» diwaae* of the, UrittiiyOi^ia*. -Heoadrertlaoment in another cgiumtt, Cut It out,, ud Aatdvtor .tto ttiadldM Btvm or/ Coqatwuta - noacnrSSt? j wk. c. I 1 'VRUROV- HOiinLiw - "MtnilVlLLtu’ tarnoßnrsoir, mots I *KI» HACHIKtST^r^rASKIBOTO'K I Works, Pitutiurgfi, Peun’i.' ’ / j OrncK, No. kLUiSKET Stout. -* ia'kludi ; it3TiAU 1 B!iOi*B' J AJIB I MILL MACHIHEHV, CASTIEOS.: UAIrnoAD WOEK.' . WBM f IBOH AMD BKPAUIad £3rJQHH. COCHKAJ(/S~BBfc (808 BAILLNCi.iBM VAULTMI AKP. ViPLT POOSaV, .WiHUftw .SHUTTERS. WINDOW WwoWR *A*d Uare oa » Tsrioty of 7j«v Aftsrns. fracy nod pUs, ralUble fur mil patpv • rfjf 1 * 1 " *“*f“ »•“** 0m« Lot.. Jobbing dope «| short uottto,/ '’ ‘ f • - bM lUtargh St&TWorK. I u'cvttiva. p: ‘..JONES, &HD/3t reap fbtinnftclmri oi CASTHTERLc’Eti 1 8PBIBO Trfnra, fnm,.-,,,, Ll>«n»s,-,-.->.-.- L' i>.-.v j\ : ,.t qcl9 f&per M?** I.oob, nun. C 4 p ;:;PPT?fB ASD, AiL J(iBD3 0y WRAP. 14. * *7.Ww y naut Hto. bafgb.Wp C- 1 ;?-'*-'. 3 -'* 4 / JCSTJ. j*. UTTLS, Merchant Tat* S»««. Dr. Irlch'a Ban*. .. “*> ntutoni, Ha. i#J# • BUPTUBE.'