W Egsrap j-Tf MaßSlStt;' D EC. 1% 18C1;) I Awlnslde View of liife W the South* A! UOOD-UUMOAJU* LETTE& -FEOM A t ; : vßy/tltocourtesy of oneiot our chiacnß wc pubUshthefollowingilct ter from a gentleman of high st*Qdjng,aud & ; -lawyerin Florida. aail.ia, itcasts i 6 touch lighten the StatoCuf- feeling ami con d dlUobiof iiiihgB"jto‘'iß the.BauilTj and iris positive prediction* ASf. to* the lend' of thifl l, w at 'ls iridic Ati vs 'of * some -reason, operati ug r? btfhiß“mincb ■★hich to: us;:, •^ r * ?; OA. S», : WBi; : * •; ,l r and Mbst [‘‘Talsisaht ‘Antipode; '-"Sometimes ? a 'Vessel Allege* to TundveTfiromSavannah or else" with the ex !J:/pec tation thatbne '-will bergoing from thence fn a,few days, l -Hunk* proper to try and ' report myself. * r If therefore,' this should s,} eVer. tte&li pleased to understand; tfeaf ma all my household are well;' Not- the whole South; seems'to bej turned into a military camp. *1 have been. r "still am. mdchoccupVed'ihpro vfesBfbnil ‘ and ! ‘write’ this under. jhe Influence of wliip an'd'spur, for l am to to-tnorrow ihorning'to St.- Auguatine /to attend the Confederate court, wbete di-,‘ cases and questions of Trite l Seques tration, &c n must be discussed-aud disposed. '; ;; tif,’arithey aro way than,an .American, steamer. Pray take my advice for. once, ii',;,..*.;.* ;-V “Fate, Providence, or the Devil . interfered last year and retained you in .Arctic quarters. Now take my-advicSoap also thirty-five .cento per. pound, and shorty pretty much'every thing; else ‘/'/ ih ihe same ratio, ’ except perhaps flour. •V ; - Bnt,]we don’t seem to mind it except, that *f[rifrseems to me it makes us hungry, for T can we eai morb than we ever did iin peaceable times. We have raised, this Uf season abundant crops of all kinds' of pro ,-..visions ;in the South! [This is attributed to Providence, but I understand, he has dona J/ thb same thing for our enemies, Wis posi- V Uon thbrefore .ishot very : well defined, if V ;t the real truth could-bc got atyhe toon our /side,'.BUll,T am-;inclined to think'that the .i 'C inaking, our crop for this year, he left pretty* -.x mtiqh to our niggersr I mean;to say that h&in't 6 een/or (henigger*! I don't tkink much of a crop icovld have been tnpde. . ■: :“Well, i cannot tefl you how much I wish ;7. .thatyouand Mrs. -- coold come and pass [ //<> the; winter .with us. We could go boating (when there was no wind). We could go' ; to the bar/or tp 1 Indian or.to T j- Kcya and cat oysters, ahd do in fact ’• - 1 whatever we pleased. As it is, l don’t be * lieve this war can-last till sprihg, now / v mark. -my word. It can’t last,, and there iis do reasou on earth; why it should. No. ‘ . maUer-r-you antl l .cannot diacusa it, hut e >the fact is it cannot in.my judgment last. -i. • v--Never mind, you and Mrs. pack.np and » " . goJout to'Nassdu, ahd write me. as often-is ou.- ytra can, and. enclose the letters as afore- - said. With my love to Mrs. [how is that knee ?J 1 am very Indy yonra, Fugitive Slave Case—A Clergyman Punished. '■ • V Rev. George Gordon," President of Iberia . OoUege, Ohio, has been convicted of resist jug n United States Marshaltn an attempt - Vto capture a fugitive slave, and sentenced to imprisonment for six months, and “pay metU..ofJ»aJSne xnd costs of prosecution, . amounting to fifteen hundred dollars. In ' ‘ : "Ja letter To-the NewYorkiVtncipitf, ■> • ! Cleveland jail; November 29, Mr. Gordon say a: ; . ,". ,c Xhe thing occurred in the neighborhood * of. Ifceri, Morrow county, Ohio. About " dark, eight men-came Up on the train, rang ;; / V > the;bell .thfemselves, and stopped it about < v - . tvo miles, below, the station, 'got off and i ■ 1 divided into companies. One of these got I "'' ’ to-their place beforeany alarm was given, ... .<■ /. .-rushed into the.housfi with their revolvers ) J nnd bowie-knives, seized their stray man ! .’and fettered and bore him away. /Another v. ‘.company i invaded ft second house, .and j' r ' searched it, bat the alarm-had been given and th? man or 'chatter escaped. In the yard they .encountered two young colored . - mea, Btudenta of iberiajCullege. .Marshal ~ . . Lowe, of Oberlin notoriety, seized ,one .of . them by* the collar, probably mistaking him v F J for the fugitive; the young man resisted, . - V.thp Marshal fired his'TeVolver twice, wound ing him in, the; hand and putting another cl . bullet through his clothes. i. ' ' thFa juncture the other colored man 1 ] V ’ atruck with his : gun-barrel, and . a shot was ■* T j-hred as A sighal somc distance off upon ■ ■ ■ which thc rcdoubtnble official put the s team • pedals and escaped. The thiM com- I . was still less fortunate. They broke into thedwclling of a Mr. Jas. Hammond | •:' ■ did not find the fugitiye, bu\ report says } : Mixed and bore off a watch instead. Mr. •i ■ Hammond soon came in; learned what was M done, took up a corn cotter and followed ■.. them Ho soon, overtook and stopped them. • < r Aller keepingithem at bay a short timohe V ' ‘.had, others come to his assistance. The men Vu-*-wero ’taken to, the Iwdodr and Whipped. In tho midst of their receiving a • C* 1 " ttatfgatioh, I - came up ; was told*, they had. • xtoeived but little, and I stood hyv consent hig to thcir roeeiving from ten to fifteen riKen Wld the deputs whyhe i® fcfcaimsed, the kind of men who did.it, 'and'/that ho had jrccOived bafcaAmall in ]£.‘f *{ tjtalmentr a mere taste of whjitho endcav* ..’■•r* •-. wring toinflicl on.men as fcood asho was. J r ‘ ; ■ He’ humbly confessed the charge, said he ? / r ;! . woujd go h o ™®? resign, his office, and do_so v.it ki - nomore. .i #-• -'‘Judge Wilson* in passing *®n? jteiKflwfaiW-jVrbnc or the most v rated oases ihathad-comewithinhis knowl -s-edge;-' From his character and antecedents, thatlooki Uke atrongprcsmnpUve evidence ihA-.cohduct *asr-m.* jA feiryhoat, huilt^ - fdPWL fer; Hatmnaj- Uaineid Nmstra |Knonr . Wt ab6dl ; wiui.th^ fleet, was exposed to the gale and iwnimu Charieston. It is Said an effort to seise her by the Rebels to turn into a gunboat was only * defeated by '-the of j tbe : Spanish Consul, and that .afterward was. oflered and and'refused Tot i her. After the victory klio eamb into the harbor and 'hASbccu hero ever since, for ;what:. : parpose : .ixQ>.one'. seemed to know, jpnlya few!days since one of her boats was .discovered on. sliqre endeavoring to kidnup of the negroes remaitirag oh one of ' the plantations, and a subsequent examinn lion ofrlhe'steamer herself disclosed Uie fact that pn board a. con siderable in thehbTd, and destined for Cuba anil a market.; ;Her hajitain was arrested and put in. Irons, and tW -steamer now lies under the gunsrof a sloop of war. r So one thorp effort, at the Christianization of blacks has been put a stop to.- •• \.i : .Regulations for Recruiting. 9.—The general army order number-tM invites the attention-of of ficersof the army to'the, following, in addi tlon'to the orders of the Secretary -of War, embraced In the regulation* for tbo recruiting serrieo-The first, the large. 1 number of en listed Men discharged on. certificates:of disa bility,has.attchctedtbe notice of tha General in-Chief, and fti.it,is'a special duty, to.: render the rank;and file of the anayoa effective as pospibie, the attention of Superintendents and' other officers concerned either witb the enlist •meht of men or. their discharge'on nefcount of ‘disability, is. ‘ directed to the judicious discharge of their respective duties. The evidence is abundant, as attested by the records of the AdQutent General's Office, that 1 many men haye been enlisted who were unfit for service .prior to or at the: date of enlist ment. "It should be borne in, mind, that the law provides.for the enlistment of effective; 1 able-bodied men; and if any officer shall enlist any person contrarytotbo true intent and meaning of tbo law, it is further provided that for every offense be shall forfeit and pay the amount of the bounty and clothing which the person so recruited may have roceivod from thepnblio, to. be doduoted from the pay and emoluments of such officer. With this object in vie w, paragraphs’ and 981 of tbo revised regulations miist be strictly complied with. A -sense of duty tothe-poblio ■ wilt bM opened a NORMAL SCHOOL if Nb. 27 St. CUir stmt, Third rtory. Tatimony of Teacher*: • ~ B»li tho'cotawellor clothe Teachers, to Whom all of us look -foradrice and In*traction. T , JOUN j WOLCOXT> 1 concur mo«t heartily with the above. LEONARD H. EATON. I cheerfully concur in tba opinion cxpreswW above. . W. B. FREW. : I take pleasure in giving it as my opinion that tho foregoing recommendation is fally merited. T 1 A. BUBTT. I know of no one who deserves higher testimony In his favor. , It. N. AVERY. ■ I fully concur In the above recommendation. D. DENNISON. • He can prepare pupits for the High-School jrakker thnn my other teacher in this city. . ** A. T. DOUTHETT^ TnTUtft—ll per week, in advance. anS-Stawd TjIJSS INSTITUTE, Hancock Steket, •JEtheax Ptxx, ia now open for tb« rccoptloa 01 pfidilk, ’ ► Tx**£—l2s per eewlon of five - J. M. SMITH, Principal. •OKEJIONT STREET, ALLEGHENY. 1* ,-~lle*oifed bp the and Common' Comrift 0/ the City i\f AUeghcmy, That the Report of Viewers for the-opening of Fremont street ho and tho same is hereby approved, and that the same he’ certified to the City Solicitor fur filing la tboDUtrict Court for confirmation. JOHN ATWELL, President pro tem of Select Counc D. Hicmm, Offrk of Belect Connell. ANDREW I>. SMITH, President of Common Coonc Attest: M. M’GoxxiaLt, Clerk Common Council. ' tbo State ment of Yfcwerafbr.lbo opening of Firm out street has been this day filed in tM District Court for con* -finnatioa, to which Court all parties aggrieved mar appeal If they eoe proper, within six Weeks from this fl: SCHOTEB, Jn„ Solicitor for Allegheny City. , ~ •December o,lBCl—£wd ■•■»!’•• • - f >JS OF IKON V/Thebost article for the purposes known for pro aerrtng IRON WOOD WORK FROM BUST ARD DECAY; for BRIDGES, ROOFS, BOATS, XA2*KS, OIL 'BARRELS, or bthcr York exposed io tKewenlber. . j'- \~A»*FTBE-PltOOr PAJST.it is invaluable,an< warranted superior in bodj', pcrmMehcy and cheap*' ncaatoany other Point luews.'* *: u ’; • ' Made and fUr salt lijrthe ton orfinaUerqaaotlty by th* PENN*A. SALT MANCTAEtCEING CO. 24 Wood stroet.'PittsbqTglyPa.. JfB-3a»Mg DIgSOLtmON OF 'CO-PARTNEK -BHIP.-rThe flrmbf R. A J. WATSON A CO., lateTy-ebeiKcd W tho Gree«7 and 'BuoUStoro btui> dm, trail dlaotrid bn the 6th daf erNorcnbcr, 1861, .hr tWwitbdrairalof i\ U. AInDBBSON, and the btttJocas itlil be dowd oot by JAS; ! WATB(|N,tsf the flnnof B. & J. WATSON, at their offloe, •who alone bwauthorUt.to BDttlo the buineeeof the late firm, - . > -': • JAKES WATSON, J*. • Not. 27th, 16fti;-^nb2te3fi<; JSLMBoL'I/S UiJLNmtfK i&KFAK-. ATION. ' •*-•- • :•«' •••'•" . UEL'MBOLD'B 'BBCHU forth© Bladder. forth©KWium.. - IIELMUOLD'd BUCiIU for th© Gnttd. UELMIWhD’B BUCHU, for tLo Uru|dV. . UKLMUOLD’B BUCIIU for Norton.,**,. ■ . ; SLB’B BUCIIU for. »lmn™>ofVUloiu., LD'S.BUCKU for BlßciSt llrcethJeg. , Lp-B BL'CUO Hrf Vtatii Berm. HSLBBOIDB ImOUU for CeoOTlßeljDltT. - , . Vt fOr lasfltnde :l < jf#r*sßS-^V' ■;*' josem* pushing,- finTT^r nfrihaPHaCßon'landlUritetstreets.-’ J OOJ w jpiRAN KKRKI KS—5O bbla.. a prime \*/ article* tx nb by J. RCABFIKLDAOQ. rincipal Hotels, ;k'LABT SIGHT >f Third and Wood Strwst», ( Arrivals at the P 1 rp zrao'CLOci rSTs CHARLES--Corner of j, proprietor. D Holliday, V’u««et. «> S B French, Beaver y Uoretto, Rochester A Taylor, Cp. Curtin G Howard, Minn. A Johnstou, Jeff. c*j U Loomis, ilealtille J Lindaay, W Wbinurter, X Y J Shaffer, Elizabeth J l Birch, Wash. l»a J C Noble, do J Wright, N 1 ; G Plummer, Wuester , J Lutes A L, SteubenvQle J Latahaw, Webster, Va J p Large, Elizabeth K>rty st., near R. R. Depot. V L WHsuo, Hun. city J Jshoosc, Steubenville It JiTnbber*, S'. Castle d llaron & ilaujdtter '.MLo-S Taylor, Tll j 'Scott, liehanbn, 0 K Sfll, Cuotß-lbrvtUe WiUfvWiacliug ft, ilrotfu. Kittnuoiug JOrrgg, G HkUeckr Ohio 0 George, Jr, Cadiz, O S New bcraer. Parkersh'g W McCloskiy, PhilUpi.Va A’Nolt, Cleveland Miss Bremer, do MANSION HOUSE—LII UXOROR ACRES rz, PROPRIETOR. T E Hartshorn, Itavenna WE Huntley, ConnelUv. M Isa Gilmore, do A X Harmon, Freeport H 0 Allen, Gneida J Hesa, Middletown J W Hunter, Philo. J V Crawford, do C D Casbbeer, Lancaster G Fritz, S Rhodes, Somerset co J Rhodes, Deice A 'i chit. H Stern, Somerset B M Speedy, Indiana J A Filbert, Carlisle W H Kelly, Soltsbarg ij A Alter, BloirsviUe Jj Douley, Mt Morris jr Third and Smithfivld ste. T E Ralston, Indiana Mis# Susan Slicpley, do J Thompson, do J Anderson, do G A Fater. Kittanning J il Williams, Ackron, 0 L U Clark, Lancaster H Glass; Carlisle J Gurder, Greene co H G Thomaf, Wash., D C B Euist, Jamestown Cal W H Johnson, Cal. CA Brunt, >BteWAlady,Cln. Lieut A Thompson, Erie J d Douglas; Lalrobe N G Peiuiey, Kittanuiug E tireeu, Cleveland GIRARD HOUSE—Corm S. I* HOCK.KRI N G Piuney, Elttaunlng 31 P McCLtnahan, West J H Vanvoorhis, BcUrer'n Bubt Patterson, do John Springer, BrowusCe J E Armstrohg, do J Guard, Qgilettidlle.Md G F Gray, F C B K Un Miller, J R Donley, Greene cu T B Sturgis & son, Smith field, O □ W Gaddis, Uniontowu L'B Valentine, Mon. city M Robinsou, Cleveland F \V Andrews, do urty street, foot of Fifth. FKOFZIETOB. J K Kennedy, Findleyv'e D C Kennedy, do B McEvay, do John Harrison, Freeport W Beeles, Freejiort R Boyce, Buyco'a .Mills Thos Boyce, do j Stafford, Cuaotuburg W J Doyle, Washington Bire Day 4 son, do U W 3lorrlx>n. Frankfort ; J S Porter, Virginia D Culbertson, Froderict'n i B Boyce, Thompsonrillo j |J Harriett, HorrtcttsriUo ! Newton, d McClure, Elizabeth Wm Sykes, West Newton Peter Baker, 'McKeesport Seth I Hurd, Brownsville J W Pedrow, Athens, 0 Hiss Jennie Pedrvw, do M B Stauftor, Connellsv’e C E Swearingen, 1) H Bell, Camp Orr J Bellow, J H Phillips, Mohsrille HARE'S HOTEL—Lit Alex. Walker, Prospect AlesMcCullough, do J Doncaster, Bruwnington RMunroo, J H Clifton, New Castle J H Maflrt, Elizabeth J W ycoff, do J F Richards, do DuTid Hitcboy, Wash, co V Colvin, do 11 lUla*, 1 do Thus Heed, llochwter Jaa Morris, Up St Clair tp D D Douoldson & la, do James G Marry, do — 8 J Ewing, Moon tp ty street, below Seventh. EAGLE HOTEL—Libct JOtnv KISH, B 3icClung, J l> Clark, Pamaasu* \V d Stewart, Indiana J Robinson, West, co David Clark, Usystowu 11 ilikles. East Liverpool Win Curtis, Cunideu Geo Bruiucr, Wm Copley, \V F Irwin,Larimer's St’n| RED LION HOTEL- 0 W Hawkins, Bruddi'ck's Field, Fa Wm Price, Sewjrkley L Gibson, West, cu A I’ Afcbrn, Knou, l‘n W 1’ Aicurn A dtr, do W m Curts, West T McMaatoin, Turtle Cr'k G Morrison, West. co |L Baughman, do -No. 6 St- Clair street. L Fitzwfllhuns, J J Walker, H L Fortney, J F McGee, Camill c0..0 J McGee, do 0 Teudolc, Wash, co G Cannon, 111. A Field, Jsunestowu J 3d Conutck, Mon. city W Hull, Steubenvillv Q Sodorons, Gil city J lleatheriugton, J Haines anils on, F Patterson, Wash, to r Pattersou. do l> Sample, do J Miller, do H Miller, do W Lynn. do S Lynn, do W Moutgemery, do ft Conley, do J Sutton, Cannonsburg J Pall, Jr, do II Col Tin, G Cavan. J Smith, D Smith, W Klwick, W Jenkins, W Ct'lingvrood, J B Sbcad, Frrvdom J Garrett, S Enkin, Venango co B ¥ Martin, Pa B Emery, Pa J Cruwlord. Oil city J Pall, Sr, do J Pollock, do J Barclay, do B McVay, Notdostown iJ Burrows, Phils -No. 137 Water street. NATIONAL HOTEI Capf J A Daqka, i>3d Pa' R Xi W Milliard, PiCKB John Miller, do John Tlernan, Cook»Xown W Wright, Wash, eu J Gallatin, McKeesport J U Patterson, McßetaJp't Ilobt Harvey, do W Williams, Brownsville E L Morehouse,- do J\V Ackworth, do A Liuu, Budd’s Ferry W Holmes, Brownsville E J Brocken, Kentucky Jas Uraluim, dtt W Scott, do David Hastings, do J R Dull, do Wm 3lcFatland,do [n&ac C Williams, L Miller, Latrobe Geo Bentley, Lhuclown 0.1 TS. BTE»*J\ F~Tk Cincinnati, lquis-iJesLa Vtf.l.R anD dT. LOUIS.—The QnejßUUßft steamer SUNNX. SIDE, CapL P. MaraUa, luavss os above and all Intermediate ports, on WEDNESDAY, at sp. m. For freight or passage apply AY, at 4p. m. For Xrcighlor paaaago ap ply oo board or to de2 JOHN FLACK, A) TJIOR CINCINNATI & LOll- ■ tCifr.fc Jj ISVILLE-—The flpe steamer nr NANGO, Chpt. S. French, will leave for itu» auwve and all Intermediate ports, on THIS DAY, at 4 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board ca te des J. PLITINGSTON A CO., Agents. Regular weekly PACKET FOB OALLIPOLI3 ANDjfiSB PORTSMOUTH.—The splendid steamer KOCKfcf, Copt. John 'Wolf,'will leave for the above and all in termediate ports lO o’clock a. to.— For freight or passage apply on board or to fclO b D. 11. LEWIS, Agent. >R CINCINNATI, LOUIS-1 JESI*A VILLE ©AND bX. LQUIS.-The^pS i 3ftE& beautiful new [steamer PRIMA IK)Nit A, capt. Oeb. D. Moore, will leave for the above and all luler mediale ports, on SATURDAY, 14th inst., at 4p. m. For feeighror (usage apply on board or to J. B. LANGSTON* CO., l AttuoU defl JOHN FLACK, fAgeoto. TjATTSsBUittIH AJSU GAl^, JT LirOLIS PACKET.—Tbo be&utlfalJSßt&Bb now passenger steamer UNDINE, Cant. fit. A, Uux, will leave Pittsburgh for GalUpolis EVERY SATUR DAY, at 4 o'clock p. m. Returning, leaves Gallipo ts EVEBY TUESDAY, at 10 a. m. For freight or Doasace auplv on board or to MW J. B. UYIKQSTOH k CO., Agqnte. Tjm'sjBUKGHANOJPOBTS-, X MOUTH PACKET.—For Wheeling,ifißfcHi ing, Marietta, Parkersburg, Pomeroy, uaibudis, Iruoton and Portsmouth.— I The steamer CLAIIA DEAN, Capt. A. J. MasslUiot, will leave for Ports mouth EVERY TUESDAY, at 3 o’clock p. up heaves Portsmouth EVERY FRIDAY, at 12 o'clock m. For freight or passage apply on board or to no8:dlm JjU. FLACK, Agent. Regular WEjsKLYijKjj ZANESVILLE PACKET.— mw and beautiful passenger ateamer EMMA UttA UAM.CapL Monro* Aron, leaves Pittsburgh fur Zanesville EVERY” TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock p. m.— Returning, leaves Zanesville KVEBT FRIDAY, at 8 tn m. For freight or passage apply on board or to *J. B. LIVINUSTON A CO., Ageatt, Pittsburgh. H. 3. PIERCE A CO., Agents, Zanesville, ' sell w iKttm.AK WhkkLlng. .iTOr.fc PAOK.KT.-Tho splendid steamer MINKUVA, Cupt. John Gordou, leaves tor WliKlioguid all intermediate ports EVERY TUES DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 11 o'clock a. m., making closo connections with the regular packets for. PnrfcershonEh and Cincinnati, llctorn ing, leaves Wheeling EVERY MUNDAY, MTDNiiS* DAY and FRIDA ¥ t at # o’clock a. m. I’nsieugcn receipted through to Cincinnati- lor freight or pas* sum apply tm lwerd or to JAS. COLLINS A CO., * ’ 114 Water street. VS. STEAJkf WEEKLY BETWEEN *SSL NEW YORK AN I> JiIVEBPOO L, iQßaod embarking Passengers at QUEpNfeiuv* «, (Ireland.) Tho Liverpool, New York and FbUadcl' phi* Steamship Company intend despatching tholr foll*powere , December 14. KANGAROO 1.~ ’...Saturday, December 21. CITY OP NEW YORK .Saturday, December liS. tnd every Satnrduy, at book, from Pier 44, North fiivur. katzs or passage: TlftST CA81K......|T6,00 STEEKAGE 130,00 dd tt> London.— ‘BO,OO -do to London 33,00 • do to ParW—• 8W» do to 38,00 ‘do: to Hamburg. 86*00 do to Hamburg.. J 6.00 I’assengen also torwartlcd to Ham, Bremen, Hot* tordam. Antwerp .tc., at equally law rates. B7*Penoss ' hiog te bring eat their friends can baj tickots Vto at 'the following rates to New York; ‘Yrom Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, 875, |8& nnd.Bloo. Steorago from Liverpool 840,00. from Queenstown $3O.Ub. Tbeso Steamers baro superior accommodations ror passes gen, and carry experienced Surgeons. They i 5» bnflt in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent t’ire AnnlbUators on hoard. ■ ■ kWPiMXJrOtUS roa Eckofk.—Bjr order of the See rears of Slate x ail pa*»engert leaving the United Stntn on rtq*kedU\, procure Pattporti btfart'going on hoard o«Sra»n-. JOHN Q DALE Ap^t, 15 Broadway, New York. JOHN THOMPSON, Agent, mhlfrdtf No. »1Q Liberty street, Pittsburgh. y^rPLESI APPLES 11 t’mKKHB— 2UUU t)ia. BJOheeao, ■» '- v eoo-do ‘ ddr Hamburg do ' . fIOO do .. do E.D. do v, . ae3 - : J. * 00. n ITIN'I'JSB At’l’USS —W barrels priine ■ s i r, ,z /y.jjjSciumvriWWvKi*™**'' * %|W*JJia*'ltoir«6riwto Y.ifl I and Black Ted, for ala by de7 ,_ B. ROBISON A 00. .ffISfEtL.LI'£O rs. XX FLINT' GLASS OVAL CARBON OIL LAMP CHIMNEYS. Patented September Iflth, IMI. The that have ever yet been offered to the public. They ore the best for the following reasou*: 1. Because, being of an oral shape, the glass ts everywhere equally distant from the flame, so that the draft is stronger and more regular. 2. The ora' shape is belter adapted to resist the effect of sudden expansion, so that it is impossible to crack them. . _ . . a. The gi— is msita l irgely of Lead and Pear lash, giving a great degree of Strength and elasticity. Tha chimneys which housekeeper* hare found to bo so j brittle as to crack, even wlrnu not in use, are iUTaria- . bly made of Lime Glass instead of Film Gian, of which ours are manufactured. 4. But the greatest advantage of these Chimneys is that when you have oue it wilj last forever, and if auy housekeeper breaks oue by the beat of the lamp, let her call at the manufactory and we will replace her cracked chimney by a dozen whole ones. This proffer does not include accidents or those cases of breakage where the chimney has, through inexperi ence, been screwed so closely to the lamp as to pre vent Us expansion when heated. Manufacturer* and consumers of carbon Oil, who have felt the magnitude of the obstacle, which has existed iu the great expense of chimneys, In tbo way of the univerem use of the oil, have found a remedy in the oval XX Flint Glass Chimneys, which has mate rially lessened the cost of Carbon Oil light to those who use them, and increased the consumption of oil cuusequent upon the lessened expense for' chimneys. For sale by J. C. Kirkpatrick, L. Tbutnm A Co., Rogers A Ncubit, P. Hayden, Luccsco Oil Co., Welden A licineke, W. Ogden A Co., W. P. Wooldridge, W. M. Murray, or at the Manufactory, Washington at., near Pennsylvania avenoo. . nuKhtawicaittJ E. D. DITHRIPGE. QAS FIXTURES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT JUST RECEIVED FOB SALE BY B.ULY, PAHBELL A CO. A'o. 129 FOURTH STREET. »«2U:lv:sc3o tIAKPETti AND OIL ULOTIiS at the J FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE. W. p. A H. McOALLUM Have this day opened port of a very large and varied assortment of CABPETINO, to which they invite the attention of buyers, as they shall be offered on the most favorable term*. Also, a newly imported lot of beautiful DRUG GETS, of all widths, and at tho lowest rates. W. D. A n. McCALLUM, gT Fonrth street, near Wood. JJATS AND OAP& FALL STYLES 131 WOOD STREET, PITTBBUSBH, Have now on hand a very large assortment and con plete stock of tbo latest styles of hats and cats, Both for the city and country trado, which they can •ell at rery low price*. 5 per'dozen. Dr. G. W. Bond’s Spanish Female Monthly PWs.— These Pills are the only medicine married or tingle ladies can rely upon with safety and certainty for the immediate removal of obstructions, irregularities, 4c, They should not be need during pregnancy. Price per box. Each box contains 72 pills. Bent by maiL Tho Doctor cun be consulted on all diseases of a pri vato nature. Scientific treatment* « quick cure and moderate ebaret* guaranteed. GKO. B. BUND, M. I>., Office comer of Grand,and Orchard streets, over tho shoe store.. Entrance No. 05 Orcluinl street, N. Y. Ybtabllshcdlu Hfti. PiTTtiKUKU-H AUKIGUiiTURAL WORKS, Nos. |D axn 61 Exut Stueet, Pittsbubcsh. FRANK B. WILIAMS, Proprietor. Would call, tho attention of Farmers,. Dairymen, %eders and other* to tho celebrated TELEGRAPH, HAY, STRAW AND FODDER . CUTTER, Of which he Is now manufacturing* large number, of various sizes, for Hand and Power. Abo, STAB COftN BiIKLLKKS, either Doublo or Single, for Hand or Power. BALL’S IMPROVED OHIO MOWER 4 REAPER, HORSE POWERS AND THRESHERS. DOG POWERS, moct Improved j Pattern. INOEBSOL’S 1 HAT PRESS, - And other Agricultural Machinery, wholesale and retail: Fur further information address as above. deUlswlyT . JJK FOREST, AitMiiTKONU & CO, BBT GOODS MERCHANTS, Nos. 75, 77, 81, 83 and 85 Duane Street, APPLES I NEW YORK, Would notify the Zmdelhat they are bpinlng week- Jy, In new and beautifbl pattern, the WAM3UTTA FBIHTSi Also TIIK AHO6KEAQ, A nevrndnt, urtuch exeelsevery print'intbe country j for perfection of exoditlon and design, In fun Madder Colon.’ Our Print* mn ehaaper than any |n tho mar ket, ahd.*ru ttaeUfigTrith.exteniivo sabs*.. - wW-Orders promptly-attended to. , Jq3l:lywT vmNIIOW ; CUKi’Al»itT4t. [Whole fff sale and retail. 1 no3o W. P. MARSHALL, 87 Wood street. ?siS!3i6fejStsSss mHE AT.I, SUFFICIENT THREE. JL The great “American Remedies," known os GEOTINE PREPARATIONS, viz HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT "BUCHU," <• SARSAPARILLA, “ IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATION. ‘HIGHLY CONCENTRATE!)’ COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy Cor Diseases of the BLADDER* KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CALCAREOUS deposi tions, and aU UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well aa PAIN AND INFLAMMATION, and is good for MEN, WOMEN, or CHILDREN. UKLHBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCUU, For weaknesses arising from Excesses, .Habits of Dis sipation, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMP- Indispoeitkm to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak. Nerresi Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain In the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Dryness of the Skin, PALLID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowod to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," ‘INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION. Many are aware of tbo cause of their suflering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, Aad the Melancholy Deaths by Consumption, BEAR AMPLE WITNESS TO THE TBUTB OT THE ASSXSTXON. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH Requires thu aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which Helm bold's EXTRACT BUCFIU incarially does. ' A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SKEPTICAL. FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES, OLD OB TOUNG, SINGLE,MARRIED, OR CON IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FE MALES, the Extract Bncbu is unoquailpd by any other remedy, as in Chlorisis or Retention, Irregu larity, Painfuluess, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrboas state .of the Uterus, Lcucorrbea or Whites, Sterility, andfbr all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in tho ' NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT ! Toko no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine for anplcusant and dangerous Diseases. McCORD A CO.’S, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCUU CURES SECRET DISEASES In all its stages, At little expense; Little or no change in diet; No inconvenience; And no exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflammation, so frequent in tho class of (uscascs, and axpelilng all i’oiscraotu, Diseased and uwrn-out Matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS, Who bavo been the victims of quacks, and who have", paid ucatt rc£S to be cured in a abort time, have found they wore deceived, and that the "POISON" hi.n, by the um of "powerful astringents,*’ been dried up in the system, to break out lb aggravated form, and ' , PERIIAPB AFTER MARRIAGE. Use Helm bold’s Extract Buchu for all affect Urns and diseases of tbo Whether existing in - , MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating and no matter of UOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired effect in all Die* eases for which it U recommended. all new *tylea and shape*. HelmbolcTa Highly Concentrated Compound This It an affection of tho Blood, and ATTACKS THE SEXUAL ORGANS, MNING3 OF THE NOSE, EARS, AND OTHER MUCOUS SURFACES, Making its appearance in the form oi ULCEUS. AND DRAWERS—aII size*. Purifies the Blood, and rcmoTes-all Seal; Eruptions of the Skin, Giving to tho complexion a CLEAR AND HEALTHY COLOR. It; being prepared expressly for this clans of com* plairita, it* Blood Purifying Properties are preserved to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. An axceUept Lotion for disease* of a Syphilitic Nn turg, and a* on iqfectifcm hi diseases of the Urinary Organs arising froth Habits of Dissipation, used iu connection withtho Extracts Bucbn or Sarsaparilla, in such diseaso* as recommended. Evident* of the most reliable and responsible character will accompany'tho medicines. From 8 to 20 years’ standing. For Medical! Properties of BUCHU, se« Dispensa tory of the United State*. See Profcmor DEWEES’ valuable works on the Practice of Physic. Seo remarks made by the Into celebrated Dr. PUYSICK, Philadelphia. .*9ce remarks'made by Dr. EPHRAIM MoDOW ~ELL, a celebrated Physician and Member of the Royal Collcg* of Surgeon*, Ireland, and published in the Transactions of th* King and Queen’s Journal. See ifedjco-CUlrurglcal Review, publishod by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of Royal Coliege of Surgeons. Seo most of the late Standard Works on Medicino. Extract Buchu, SI 00 per bottle, or six for $6 00. ** Sarsaparilla. 100 ** • 600 Improved Rose Wash, 60c. “ 260 Or, half dozen of each far. $l2 00, which will bo suffi cient to cure the moet obstinate cases, If directions ore adhered to. 'Delivered to any addrett, securely packed from observation. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICA- CUBES GUARANTEED! Personally appeared before mo, an Alderman of the city of PhUadelphiii, 11. T.'UelmDolc, who being duly sworn, doth say bis preparation* contain no nar cotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but nre ; porcij vegrtobla. U. T. UKLMBOLD. Sworn -and subscribed before met tho 23d day of November, 1864.- . • WM. P. HIBBERD, AMermo*., Ninth street, above Race, Philadelphia. Address lettetsfor information in confidence to Depot, lftt-South,Tenth street, below Chestnut, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT S, . 1 ’ And nnprinctpted dealert, Wlio endoavor to dispose “oftheir own” and “other” ortlclcaun the reputation attained by nVlmbold’s Oonulno Preparations’; { ! «< . ,•• Extract Buchu p 1 - ,r‘ ‘ “ ” ' Sarsaparilla; , ,i . ,i Improved Bose Wash. DR. GEO. 1L KEVBIE, , -No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, And oil Druggist* eserywbero. -r. ■ i Ir-Cut'lhe advertisement oat and «i>d fcf it,.and AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. 1 noSanrMtadavF sUDdioila "HELMBOLD'S’ Flushing of the Body, Eruptiou* of the Face, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, TEMPLATING MARRIAGE, DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. BEE Si'll PTOSIS ABOVE. URINARY ORGANS, Blood! Blood! Blood! FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. SYPHILIS, WINDPIPE, Helm bold’s Extract Sarsaparilla HELMBOLD’S ROSE WASH, CERTIFICATES OF CURES, With name* known to SCIENCE AND FAME. ADVICE OBATIBI AFFIDAVIT. n. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, PHILADELPHIA. PVAikibr.HKLICBOItD'S. Take no'other. tins, ifc. Reese & gkaff, i - OIL REFINER^, iti jsaMirxmmas or WHITE BURNING OIL, PURE DEODORIZED BENZOLE __ AND STEAM CLARIFIED MACHINERYOIL, CRUDE OLL OF ALL tfD-New Oil Barrels wanted. ! _ ;, y Corner Office, Mbnongahela House. deliMXawiyF tiTUOLEUM OlL*—The ".New ioitk Chemical Association,” 36 Day street. New York, has established a Depotat ELIZABETUPOBI, V J., for receiving and storing OIL shipped by the Jersey Central Railroad. This port U .convenient to New York, aad saves cartage and much handling.— Consignments solicited. Mart Carrels ria AlUntoun /W IUTEREMCta—David. Richey, of the firm of Richey, Dartre * Co.; Rogers * Nesbitt; Eaton, Macrura X Co no2s;lraMEwF OOLAK OIL WORK S COMPANY O F PENNSYLVANIA, Manufacturer* of LUBRICATING AND REFINED OILS,. . No. 3 St. Clair st., near Duquesne At ay, Pmsßtnuiß, Prnk a- This Company la exclusively engaged in the Oil trade, and is constantly offering PETROLEUM ou Commission. aholuaale. Advauces made on consign ments. Address J. Y\ SAVER, Jiu, m>A r .:dtt _J Secretary. Lucifer oil works. WILLIAM P. WOOLS IDO E, MANtTACTtara or COAL AND CARBON OILS, and dealer in LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, dc./de., No- »* Market street, between Second and Third, PITTSBURGH, PA. IJLYGLE OIL WORKS.—WiUHTMAN !i A ANDERSON, refiners and dealers in PURE CARBON OIL, guaranteed,) PITTSBURGH, PA. &3~ CAR GREASE and BENZOLE constantly oh baud. Orders received fur the present at CHESS, SMITH A Co.’s, Water and First streets. so-:femd ORNPLANTER Oil, COMPANY. R. n. DAVIS, President. JOHN IRWIN, Jr., See’* and TrauV. DiatCTone—R. H. Davis, T. M. Nevin, J. L. Cor naghan, A. Cameron, John lrwio, Jr. PETROLEUM, of light gravity, from the wells al tho company, on Oil Creek, ini Venango county, con stantly on hand and for sale. Office at T. H. Nevin & Co.’s, No. 26 WOOD ST., Pittsburgh. ; myi:lyd • PETKO.NA OIL WORKS.—LONG, MILLER A CO. „ „ Works at Sbarpsburg Station, Allegheny volley Railroad- Office and Warehouse, 23 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. Manufacturers of ILLUMINATING and LUBRI CATING CARBON OILS and BENZOLE. B&r No. 1 REFINED OIL, warranted nou-explo rive, always on hand. ocl2:lyd Lubricating oil, at the low pjucs or 25 CENTS PER GALLON, constantly on hand and for sale l)y B. C. AJ. 11. SAWYEfi. Aa to the Quality, we refer to annexed certificate: Prmßtmoir, Not. 27i 1800. jfear*. B. C. A J. n. Sawyer— Genta : The Lnbri catiug Oil we are getting from you we find U< be the beat tor our dot poses we bare ever need. - ' Tub L. 8. M. B. B. R. Co., Bt W«. ESPY, ProuUtU. a. McCLUUU, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOB TUB SALE OF CBODE AND REFINED CARBON OILS, oc!B:iUy No. fil Wood Street. o*o. W. UuLDSiiIF BAU. IHTAN t*. T. WCOIIXICIt. OIL REFINERY. HOLDSHIP, BRYAN <* CO., KAKtJTAGTtTBEBfI OF BURNING OIL AND LUBRICATING OIL, Keep constantly on band the very best quality of BURNING OIL, clear and without odor, also, a good LUBRICATOR, pare WHITE BENZOLE and CAB GREASE. * • „ . 03-AU onlcn left at No. 35 Fjtth Stbxet, Bank Block, second floor, -Will be promptly attended to. oes:9tf . ■ STOVES, #c. Allen, mcCoemick & go., Vallet FouTtnnr, Pittsburgh, Pa. ObO~WA&KMOO6s, No. :jul Liberty street. Manufacturers of COOK, PARLOR AND HEAT* jjiG STOVES, PABLOB AND KITCHEN GRATES, HOLLOW WABE, etc., Steel and Glass Moulds, Boll ing Mill Castings Mill Gearing,.Gas, Water and Ar tizen Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, Su gar Kettles, Pulleys,Hangtrs, Car Wheels, Couplings* aud Q»«t{ng« generally. Also, Jobbing and Machine Costings tnado to order.' ‘Patented Portable Mill, with Steam or Hone Power. nol&Gmd JAMES P. TOUJMI.. 3. t. TOL'HQ. Young brothers, duqueske fook dbt. Liberty-street,near tho Outer Depot Pa. B. 8., Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacture MACHINE, HOT BLAST AND BOLLING MILL FURNACE CASTINGS ofevery description. OIL PIPE, BOLLEB CASTING 9, FIBE FRONTS, GBATEBABS, WAGON BOXES, SAD AND DOG IRONS, GBATES AND GBAIK FBONTS, STOP COCK BOXES, Ac., always on hand and for sale low. Order* left with W. W. YOUNG, corner of Wood •tree! mod Diamond alloy, will rooeivo prompt atten tion. ’ Bih2S Stoves i stoves i-o. Ok hav: A SON, MaxcracTtrßZßa or STOVES. Warehouse, Fedoral et., near Suspension Bridge, ALLEGHENY CITY. We ask the attention of dealers to oar large assort ment of COOKING and HEATING STOVES, for wood and coal, which we are telling at the lowest rates. Those Visiting our city will find It to tbeir advantage to give us ono of tho lnanric. irith which their tabt. has tiltbertoheen'snpplledl TREADWELL,WHITCOMB A CO; ' oc&gma ! : . . ; a. h. w. taVLob. mAYLOR Commission X MbBCBAKTS, No: 45. WAINTT STREET, MV* Forsonal attention idvctvfo the pnrcbsM: and ide of PBODUCEjmd MfRCHANDIZK generally.. articles.'' __ _ , ‘ JOSEPH a And Cincinnati nwhmti gsswnJTy. acfcSmd Or,KVELAKD PITTSBURGH rHAVAßifgiw j On after MONDAY. -November Ufl, Trains will lea** tbs Depot of the Pennsylvania Ball road, in Pittsburghi a*fallows:', : v \ PSlibvrgV, Odambtts a*d Oiscrnno/i fieri Lias Ha SUaboiHße. • • ■ -. -r Leaves Pittsburgh.. do Steubenville Third Accommodation Train for Wall'll Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at 4:00 p. in, . Fourth Accommodation Tiuln frr.'WulTs Station leaves dolly Except Sunday) at 0:15 p. m.‘ - Returning Trains arrive in Pittsburgh as follows: Express, 1:16 p. m.; Mail, 8:36 p. m<;! Fait Line, l;:iu a.m.-; Johnstown Accommodation, IWO*. m. First Wall’s Station Accommodation, 6:30 a. m.; Sec ond Wall's Station Accommodation, 8:30 a. m.; Third Wall's Station Accommodation, 1:05 p. m.; Fourth Wall’s Station Accommodation, 0:05 p. ui. Trains for BlairsviHeand lndiana-cunncct at Blairs rßle Intersection with Johnstown - Accommodation and Express Trains East and West. - The traveling public will Cud It greatly to their in terest, in going East or West, to travel liy the Penn sylvania Railroad, as the accommodations now offered cannot bo surpassed on liny other route. The Road! Is ballasted-'with stone, and is'entirely freo from dost. Wo can promiso safety, speed and comfort to all who may fovor this Road with their patronage. TABS. To New York-. GOITo Bnltlmore..,. To Philadelphia*.. 10 bollo Lancaster..... To Uarrislmrg...... 7 *6J Baggage checked to all Stations on thePonnsylva nift ItaUrOad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore mntl New York. Passengers purchasing tickets in cars will b« charged an excess, according to distance traveled, In addition to the station rates, except from station* • where the Company has no Agent. NOTICE.—In cose' of 100, the Cptrrpany will hold themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and fir an amount not exceeding |IOO. N. B.—An Omnibus Lino has bean employed to convey, passengers and baggage to'imd from tuo.De pot, at a charge not to exceed 25 cents fir each pas* sengcr and baggage. For tickets, apply to J. STKWABT, Agent, " ‘At the P. B. B. Passenger Station, on Liberty And Grant streets. . nos IM P U K ta —All persons purthaalngJ^s^a^Siffiß^s^ Joseph and other paints, in Northern Missouri, tbo titoi© of Kansas, or the Territories, should insist on having ticket.^that mail bj the XOBTH MISSOURI BAILBOAD. The only route - from Bt. Louis to St. Joseph. It is the shortest and quickest line, by thir teen hoars, to the remotest point reached by roil, and la always as cheap as any other. Buy yqur tickets to Kansas and ail points In North* era Missouri by tho North Missouri Ballroad. * IBAAO H. BTOBGEON, 1 President and General Superintendent of the North Uissonri Ballroad. telthurlim trains daily deport from arrive atJPittsburgh, (except Sunday.). Through trains, stopping at Huton, leave Pltts bargh at 6 a. xn. and 4:30 p. m. Holton Accommodation trains leave Pittsburgh at 9 and 11 a. m., and AiT, 230 and G:4O p. m: *• Accommodation trains, returning, leave Holton at 7:40 and 10 a. m., at 12 m., ond*l:4s, 3:30, 5:30 and 7:35 p. m. Excunion Ticket Fare —Pittsburgh to Holton and return, 26 cents. All passengers from Pittsburgh, without tickets, will bocharged fill fire. je7 B. F. MOBLET, Superintendent. rjAO FARMERS AND OTHERS. foit sale. GEOwrrs arPEßion patent GRAIN FAN AND SEPARATOR, The superiority of this. FAN over all others in use consist* iirita cheapness, simplicity and, durability. Second, in cleaning Grain forder,' better and more thoroughly, with less labor, than any other mill. The patentee of the above Fan has been long en* gaged'in manufacturing and selling Agricultural Xm* ; iicments, and convinced of tho great want of a good fan fir cleaning the different kinds of Grain and Seeds, presents this to the public, with full confidence that It Will meet their wants. ' ! - The undesigned,'having purchased the sole right to manufacture and sell tbo above Grain-Fan and Separator'in Western Pennsylvania, Western Vir ginia, and all Ohio, tho right to eeli in Indiana' and Illinois, it how prepared to fill all orders, whole sale or retail, at 312 Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. ee3:***wtfF - W. w. WALLACE. QOAPI SOAK! SOAPli!—Tiiß Chemi- O cal Olivx Enssm: Soap, manufactured by B. 0: *J. IL SAWYEB,* I* acknowledged to be tbe moat serviceable ofany kind yet offerodto the public. Its superior-Advantagra are: found in its cheapness, savingLof labor, audits efficacy in remuvinggrease, pnintj ttf and without. injuring' tho' skin, or in the the finest quality* of goods. It raft be used wUb£tkinds'of water. • • Beferehoeis made, withplaasiire to-the subjoined : ' mnanaring fromyeUtlemon Well known in this comaunlty, «ad who had every facility afforded ofscelng it filly and'fairly Wtcd: . QuartermaUcFtDepartment if f*s Thirteenth _ oad Fourteenth Jtealmmtt Pcawyteoato Vofaatart. & "Sawyer’s Chemical ‘Olive.Erasiaro Sosp” having been used Tcry.cxtenaiTelj'in our Begtments. wo have no hesitation in certifying that it was found ad mirably adapted to,the nso of the soldiers, and deci 'dedtrtno moot superior Soap which could be procur ed for tbe service. -. JAMES A. SKIN, Quartermaster Twelfth Begiment. ALEX. FOUBYTB, Quartermaster Fourteenth Begiment. • iT. 1C: MOOBHEAD, ao3L : Quartermaster Thirteenth Begiment. JJO YOUR OWN WUNTING. OOOJ.EirS CABINET PSINTIKO OFFICE, Designed for: SMALL r&INTEBS, STATIONEBS, DBUGGISTS, MEBCHANTS, GBOOEBS, BANK* EKS, AHATETJ&S.'tfte ABHY and NAVY, etc. Tbe Preases we offer-fir sale are of a now pattern; are tbe simplest asdetrongoft and best made of any cheap - Frames erar invented, and occupy Jess apnea; can he operated by'any one, whether printerw not, and are told'at prices hitherto unheard of—that’ is to say at abont' wse fiatt ihe prlco oTJofa Fraarafi bow in us*. The Cabinets (upon whieK.the JCrasses; stand,) are computed tff smiUl cte», neatly and atrongly put to gether, and'fir cbmpacfiesi and.’cdnVKxience have - nerer beeucotulled- CWI iknd epnd for . Circular*, 1 giving lizct,’ prices, l 4c. J: ; ? / d Hv 7 £•, . r^a-OOOLBYA co„ jrseflCfcftod Bp>uoMtraat, N. T. .....8. LESTXB TATLOB. GZNCINNATI, OHIO. 1 AHD Oil; mYtotws&&&r*ale by 1jn037 IBAIAH BIQKXT * 00, -litt a. re* Z:'2S IL 81...... p, ......p, m. .lfotft (L tt. 1:53 p. du 6:10 j*. m. midaigbt. 1:30 a. m. kU^lTl'DAiLtf HENBT IL SIMMONS, A| Patented January 10,1EG0.