FRIDAY MORNING, DEC; 6, 1801. Poe Hotel Arrivals Eee fourth page. - The Message—What U Said of It. 7 rfSe Chicago Tribune interprets the Hear ' tag* by whatit knows of 'the ■ opinions of -'“the-President,-rather than by- wbatjt says :• "Tjte cautious-language' which Mr. lan - cola employs,' doer not hide from as, who /;. know* the deep moral convictions of the man, -the-purpose .that he has in Tiiw, nor the v hSly hotc, which he most feel, of that giant iniquity that has at last brought war and desolation into this land. He has come, . .-—lf not fully up to.our advanced position, at least within easy hail of those who have .. been looking anxiously back to see what progress, he would. make. Congress will ' take himat his word. The members of that Zr-ibody, if we may judge by what has trans tr/‘ pired already, will interpret his meaning . *’ in a way with which we even shall be con ' ’ * lent. :: We know not what.form their legis ,- —who are the most nearly interested in the ' matter. . .. • . The New York CbmnerctaHs warm inits praises: . • ,This admirable document is all that could be expected from the drank, straightforward .and honest pen of the President. It is Abraham Llncolnm every line, ingenuous, direct, unqualified, cautious, thorough and .'. .loyal to the very core—not merely loyal to .to, the Stars and Stripes; but loyal to'the znost sacred principles of r tbe Constitution. is the work of a clear-headed man, sea ** ‘ jible of the gravity of the' time, re . . sponsive tothe vast burden of trust de volved upon him. “contraband’* ‘question of course / merits the consideration of the President. »■ -.. It is. no secret that he signed the confisca* lion actiiTAugust, reluctantly, and it has. ’ been evident that he would lend himself to none of the schemes which are foisted upon ■ . the ; public,and to which the passion and . the imagination of so many respond. He : discusses the question from his old consti* tutional stand-point, and suggests the rem . edyby colonisation for these waifs who did, -“owe labor or service,” botrwho have in “7; “some way- lost the means of meeting the obligation. , The colonitation scheme is similar- to that of Henry Clay. At all 1 evanta, the President desires, to get rid of the blacks : freed by the war,' and erect for them, somewhere, an empire of theit own. Tho New York Evening Beet speaks in the kindest manner of the President, as in fact an ‘ the ‘ papers do, with one or two excep ; . tions. •It says: •• • The official paper just transmitted to -Congress by the President is not socharac . teriatic in manner as his former messages 'r;' - have been.: There is the same tone of mod ‘Wration, the'same embarrassed sense of high responsibilities, and the same fixed devotion ‘ ' /: to the- great fundamental principles of our . popular theory of government. , On the question of the general policy of * in the father conduct of the) war, the Massage seems to us to want Velesynessl We have read it several times .with all the attention that we could muster, bat we confess to only a vague apprehen sion of what it'means. Sir. Lincoln is evi • dently not yet decided in his own mind, ' »*- and he communicates his hesitation to his ' words. -- He asserts -his anxiety to con- the war to the simple issue of re* storingthe Union, which is the object .J.of.sll He deprecates any. hasty or extreme measnrea of a radical rev olutionary character, in which he only ut ' :'ters the sentiments of all parties. His ev ’ ideut eagerness to dispose of the slavery question without provoking any violent convulsion is-honorable to his feelings ’of ' humanity. But with all this, it will be felt unlversaUy tbat he does not meet either the necessities or the difficulties of the case .with sofficient determination. • That something must be done with the 7:.,negro population of the insurgent states he '[ ' ‘ ■ is/painfuily aware, but his view of practi " ' caf solutions is limited and perplexed. He hints at a possible colonisation of the Afri . . can race, bond and freey-but in the same V breath' he tells us of the importance and .dignity of labor. But if labor be so im portant and dignlficd as he represents, and represents truly, why. seek to banish so much of it from the nation?. "Our great want in. this country, at all times, u of -strong arms and willing hands ; we en - courage immigration from abroad therefor; , and it would, under all the lights ot politi cal economy, be a suicidal stroke to dimin ji; iah 'The southern sums in particular are absolutely deficient of-labor, so much so-ihat leading men haye thought "'V of introducing it by force from Africa, and . , • we: do not see the propriety of rendering that deficiency larger.. Besides, if the cot -ton and rice plantations can only be worked ' by blacks—as the southern statesmen al most unanimously assert—why resort to a scheme of depopulation which would leave ' r them ultimately ; abandoned and desolate? • 7. Barely our fine tropieal districts are deserv - Jng of a better treatment. ' The Hew Tork World is 1 delighted with the Message. It i*j»: It probably suffers somewhat from Us hasty •' by telegraph, but its language ;it clear, terse and intelligible, and it is ftee . from the wearisome prolixity which has here tofore made Presidents' messages 10 heavy. The President assigns to the subject of sla very Its proper rank end subordination among the questions relating to the management of tho war. It la pot, In his estimation, a great ; ? question, but a minor question. The Hew York TVwes seys: ~~ 1 ' President's' Lincoln's Message is precisely ■ u sqch a document as fkmiitay with his character, would have anticipated. Jt is clear, unpretending, frank and perfectly loyal to the declaration and acts whole political life. In regard to the question of slavery, Prcsi . ' dent Lincoln spci.ks with firmness, but marked * and oonscientious moderation. /With regard: • to the negroes whoa the progress of tho war ~ sots free and throws \upon our hands, ho sug gests tho propriety \of providing. for their . eoloniaatio*— and alsdof accepting such slaves as may be freed LyTSuteaotion In lieu pro lasto of‘ direct taxes. We apprehend that the project of colonising the negroes will be found open to more objections than occur at first sight. They wiU be imperatively needed to cultivate the coil, and the expense ’of the . scheme would be beyond any direct benefits to /Wexpected^, /We think thf Govern vk«t *ill . find it . necessary to establish for ' them some effective police government here, - tdhowie, and retaining their labor Instead of ■*' seeding them out of the oouatiy., /-. •The New York Herald is delighted. It »7« : : -v.-ift The first rogulur annoal;-Meai»ge of Presi dent “Lincoln to tha master piece for style, vigor, force, and distinct ness’. There is a genial warmth about it, and a directness of purpose which com mands attention and respect. There is no mistaking Mr. Cameron on any subject touched upon iu his report, and he bus shown that he understands the greatness of the crisis, and that he has the courage to Scuker on Halleck. —A despatch from Washington says that Senator Sumner made some severe comments in the Senate this morning upon General Halleck's reefirit order forbidding slaves to enter tho lines of the Western army. Mr. Sumner censured the course of Halleck as a mistaken and mischievous policy. Mr. Sumner Ui right. Halleck’ a ordor is mischievous, impolitic, unjust and cruel, and the President, whoso promptly revoked the eminently just and politicproclamation of Gen. Fremont, should restrain liis suc cessor from carrying out his reprehensible policy. Rumors. —A Washington dispatch to the New'York Evening Pc*t says there ar,c ru mors of a change in the Cabinet, but they arc.Fithout foundation. Wo hope so. It would bo a calamity to the country now, and rr sec r.o g.Sod reason for such a step. jrEir +id rERTistLUEJirrs, ink, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS* DIARIES FOB ISG2. • tV . S . HAVEN, qf Wood amtt Third PttttfeargA. AN ORDINANCE repealing an Or* dlnanc* relative to City Warrant*, paued June *7th, 16511, and section sixth of chapter twenty-wren uf Revised. Code, ordained' and enacted Oct. 6th, 1&9. Bo It it ordained and enacted by the Mayor, Aider* men and citizen* of Pittsburgh in delect and Common Councils aMembled, and It ia hereby enacted by the authority of the came, That an Ordinance relative to dry officer* and city warrant*, paesed June 27th, WAtl, and ecctlun sixth ol clupter twenty-seven of Revised Code, relative to city officers and city war rants, ordained and enacted October 6th, IMO, bo and the uni a U hereby repealed. J. I. BESftfETT, Prwideut pro tm at Select' Council. Tbeasuhir'* OrriCE, AlleoScht Co., Pa., > Pittsburgh, I>jc. 5, IWI. / PURSUANT to tho provisions of a res elation of the Legiilatnre of the Commonwealth «t April 10,1835, notice U hereby given to ali persons desirous of procuring copies of the Acts of the next Legislature, to subscribe at this office for tha same. A fow copies of tho Acts of the last Legislature re nfain for those subscribing, and others. dcC!lawd3w Q. V. COULTER, County Treas. Oirici or tul* Crmxss’ Ixburaxcx Coxr'aNV, j Pittsburgh, 'Pec. 6th, 1861. j AN ELECTION for Fifteen Directors. of this Company, to serra during the ensuing year, wilt he held at this* office, on MUNDAV, 16th tint., between the hours of 11 a. m. and Ip.m. defcdtd SAMUEL BKA, Secretary. kuouOjs— . , • , FLOUR—BU bbls. Extra Family Indiana select ed White Wheat. BEAKS—2O bus. small White Beans. EGOS—IO barrels fresh Egg*. CHEESE—3OO boxes soft cotting Cream Cheese. Received and for sale by . jn6 1L RIDDLE. IN STUKE— ~ 1200 bbls. all best grades Floor, 000 bbls. Apples; •. ~ . 800 lbs. Pecans, good and_ncw; 400 Flour-Barrels; WOO Seamless Bags; 2UUO Gunny Bags, old; 10,000 lbs Bacon, for sals low. deti HITCHCOCK, McCREEKY A CO. WANTED— -5,000 bushels Corn, shotted; .. 20,000 do' Oatr, t 10,o0u do Bye; 10,000 do Barley, spring and fall; ' 25,i*«) do Wheat. deti HITCHCOCK, McCBEKBY A CO. RUDE OIL WANTED.—SOO bbls. light gravity, vrantod for cash. HITCHCOCK, McCREERY A CO., . ' . de6 122 Second, ISI Front streets.. VTEW ORLEANS MOLA2&E&—IUO -,1, i bbls. prims Now Orleans, Molasses'receiving, and for sale by JAIL DALZELL A SON, deo t ■ ’ i O and 70 Water street, ' (“IAKEON OIL— J 12a bbls. Reilcod Carbon Oil, 100 do Crude do For side by doe -n, K. ROBISON A CO. VENISON —i 2 saddles choice lat Veil isoo just received by Express and for.aalo by JAMES A. KETZEK, de6 . .Corner Market and’ First airc«»t, ■ BOICE ARfLES—I6U bbls. choico St. Louis Apples, Urge barrels, foraale by .. - JAMES A. FETZER, dot] Comer Marktft and First streets. . PUTATOES —300 hues. choico. Fink Jl' Eys Potatoes in. store and for'sale by JAMES A. FETZER, deg ' Comer Market and First streets.' / tAfiiiON OIL—SO bbls. beßt No. 1 \j White Carbon Oil for deG J. B. CAKFIELD A 00. f UIiKIIIJATIMi 01L—25 Tibia., an ex- Li tr* article, for sale by tleO J. B. CANFIELD A CO. NAFTIIA —50 bbls. Fainter s best Nap- Hill, a substitute for Turpeutine, for *ale bv - • ded J. B. CAKFIELD A CO. BKOUM COHN HKUbH—4b baleß prlinu Brush this day received by.. UmT . HENRY If. COLLIKS. UGAK—2S hhda. N. O. Sugar, • ' X 5 do ’F. R. J uo ■For sale by >• deti ■< . B.i ROBISON A CO. /''lOi’FEE—loO baga Kit) C’oiiec in store \j and for sale by . B. ROBISON & CO. ~ bbls.-No.i-to arriveun< IBAIAIIDICKEV A CO. VfKW DkiY FKAUHKS in Ktore and Xl fcwMlabr . ISAIAH DICKEY A- CO. rf FALLOW OIL in store and tor saio by X dec ■ ISAIAH.DICKEYA CO. UKEAriE in' store unit Jot. sale da) IBAIAII DICKEY A CW. m ibs. in >tore and tor ■ ISAIAH PICKEY A J CO. TjIEATHERtt JC sale by deC " OLato.. ;s —3UO l>bl*. 14. • O.Holasnes .ln«tor»Mdlbr«l*bjr R. BOBISOK 4 CO. " jtEvr .i» *'EitTitif^wEjrrs. E MfiKO.DEKIKS,j L FOE THE ~ : ; a / 3 ' , ' H oil days, r CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. E.MBBD HANDKERCHIEFS for 37, 75,1,25,1,60. do COLLARS fbr 85, 37,50 62,75., ■ do SETS for 75 and 1,00 and upward*. LACE COLLARS, LACE SETS, LACE LANDKERCHIEFS, JACONET EDGINGS AND INSERTING*, CROQUET FRINGE, GUIPURE LACE, THREAD LACE, VALENCIA LACE, WOOLEN hoods; SONTAGS, NUBIAS, r SLEEVES AND GAITERS, Selling at Greatly Seduced Price*, CHARLES GIPKEB’S, No. 78 MaBKET STEEET. A/TURPHY & BOON'S, Coiuiisaios i.TX Mwhuoti, and Wholesale Dealers in MACK EREL, SALMON, SHAD, HERINRQ, CODFISH, Ac., No. 146 North Wharves, between Race and Arch 30U0 barrel* Maas Mackerel—large, and medium else Noa. 1,2 and 3, in assorted packages. 50 barrels prime No. 1 W«lifnT Salmon. 1000 do Economy Mess Shad. 4000 do superior No 1 Herring, Consisting of different brands, Labrad* - , Halifax, Bay of Island and Eastpoxt, Ac. 6000 boxes Scaled and No. 1 Smoked Herrings, 1500 qninfails'Qeorge's and Grand Bank Codfish, Which we how offer at the lowest cash prices, and solicit a call before buying. MURPHY A KOON3, dct:6md No. 145 North Wharves, Phil’a. LLKUiiKN Y COUNTY, 53.—jggnM Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Cornelia* W. Lawrence and Elijah Purdy, exocuiura of the last will and testament ot David 51. Prull, late of the city of New York, deceased; also to the heirs aud all others concerned. In pursuance of the fifteenth section of an Act of Assembly of said Commonwealth, entitled “An Act to creatoa Sinking Fund, and to provide for the gradual and cextaiu extinguishment of the debt of the Commonwealth, ’’ passed the luth day of April, A. D., 1840, you aru hereby cited to be aod appear before me, Wat. J. Richardson, Register for the Probate of Wills, Ac., in and for said county, oojor before MON DAY, thotilh day of January, A. D-, IMI2, then and there to show cause why the collateral inheritance tax upon tho fullffvnhg Real Estate shall not be collected tinder the provisions of said Act of A*r.ouiLlj; herein fall not. ' baid Real Estate consists of 3 Houses and Lots on Wood street, 5 •* •* •• Hand “ : l Vacant Lot - “ 1 “ •* *• Punn •• 1 House snd Lot “ “ 5 lionets and Lots •* St. Clair '* Glvcu under juy hand and seal of office at this sth day of December, A. D., 1861. dits:ui:td W5l. J. RICHARDSON, Recuter. ' OAKLAND SELECT SCHOOL.—The second Session of Miw MARKHAM'S SELECT SCHOOL,-at Oakland, will commence on MONDAY, December Bth. This School is easy of access, being but a few steps from the Oakland Passenger Railway Station, while at tho same time it is in a quiet, retir ed situation, cutircty removed from those influences and surroundings'which so often lead the mind of the pupil away from study. RATES or TTJITiON PER TERM OP FIFTEEN WEEKS; Primary Scholars, first class .. $ 0,00 do do B,OO Intermediate, or in common English branches. 12,00 Pupils in higher English or .. 15,00 . The School year will comprise iur**a terms of four-' toon weeks each." Further lufbnnatioo may bo.ob tained from Mia* MARKHAM is person, eithar at the School or at 142 Penn street, Pittsburgh.' do4Jtd . MAKEUAL’E SALK.—by virtue of a Writ of bale, by lion. John Cadwalader, judge of the District Court c-t the United States, io aud for the Eastern District .if Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, w ill he sold at Public Halt, to the highest and best bidder, fur cash, at DUTILU, COOK A CO.'S AUCTION STORE, No. 124 South FRONT Street, on TUESDAY. December 17,1861, at 12 o’clock 3,000 bags of COFFEE, be the some more or Ims, being the cargo of the berk MJSACO. — Samploe can be seen at the auction store, and at the •lores of BUTCHER A BKO., New. 146 aud 118 North FRONT Street. WILLIAM MILLWAUD, G. S. Marshal, E. D. of PouiwylvanU. rtntAbELFUIA, Dec. 3d, 1061.— SKLA-lING C NEW COMPORTS, SCARPS AND MUFFLERS, NEW SONTAOS,. SLEEVES AND NUBIAS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. no2C EATON. M A CRUM A 00., 17 Fifth it. I>Sriljtfl6T 1 H-ATOB’S SALE OF STOCfc AND SCRIP.—On TUESDAY EVEN ING, December 10th, at 7A£ o’clock, at the Commcr dal Sales' Booms, No. M Fifth street, by order of Jarooa P. Sterrett, Administrator d* boaui non cun intancnlo annexe of Frederick Ldrenz, deceased, will be, bold, * (529 share* Pittsburgh, F\. Wayne and Chicago Ik R. Company. _ ’ ' ,• 88 KHOU Scrip of.tho same Company. * 21 sbares Ohlo.and Penn's R. R. Co. Stock. ‘s2o Scrip of the same. do3:3td J. G. DAVIS, Auctioneer. XiDK OF IKON PAINI', The best article Tor the purposes known for pre serving IRON AND WOOD WORK FROM BUST AND DECAY; for BRIDGES, ROOFS, BOATS, TANKS, OIL BARRELS, or-other work oxpoeed to theweathcr. As a FIRE-PROOF PAINT, it is invaluable, and ' is warranted superior in body, permanency and cheap ness to any other Paint known. Madoacd'for solo by the ton or vnallor quantity by tho ' PENN’A. SALT MANUFACTURING CO., de3-3mifg • 21 Wood street,’ Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 QftO —DlAKlkb ANDALMANACS AOU/W. of all Idnda for sale at HUNT’S. T LOYD’S LAKoi”MAP OF SOUTH. * J ERN STATES,' colored in States: Only 25 cts., at "' ' HUNT’S. T ADY MAUD, by Pierce Eaoen; JU LAMPLIGHTER’S STORY’, GREAT EXPEC TATIONS, CECIL DREAM, CLOISTER AND THE HEABTH ond aS other now books con bo had at HUNT’S. BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. —A Urge and complete assortment of Gift Books, Juvenile Books, Annuals, Albums, Ac., Ac., now opening at HUNT’S Book, Stationery, Magaaiho and Newvpapur Emporium, Masonic Hall, Fifth street. ' . .L. .ALLEN, Agent, * ' PRODUCE AND COMMISSION ‘ . merchant, And Wholesale and Be tail Dealer in WINES, BRANDIES, 'LIQUORS AND CIGARS; v RRCTIFYIXG DISTILLRU, - Nort) Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Fcnn’a. no23:«ttapl \;. ■ : - •' -*• PAHTNKiWIUF WOTlOK.—Thb’part. nerahlp'heretofore existing: between tbo under* •tgned, andorlhe Arm of" GKAFF, 'REESE A CO., hM been diMOtred, JACOB' REESE having parchM* ed tIM Interest of CHRISTOPHER GRAFF. The biuitittt will bo'Mrttlcd bjr REESE A'GKATF. . ’ MATHEW GRAFFi : JACOB REESE, ~ CHRISTOPHER GRAFT. Nor, ao, iwi.—ltntiuwT PUtsburgUj mo THE CITUSKW » ort’OTSB U KUH: . JL l anboonoo myself to you aan candidate at the. issuing ejection for the office of CITY CONTROL* LIB. -Ifu longexperiencein varied, and extensive business, a perfect umUiarity tvith occoants, and the identification of ailfo-tfane with aU tb# iutcrest* of my native city, entitle me to your confidence and support, I will confidently hope for your suffrages. tn4l;MKtf WILLIAM LITTLE. J X> : CAKSLLU TLOWKBSi 4c., loorittni-'J' '-.iiCA,.. . ; A i( ,t ; ?r ... wntDODITB QTTftOTOtTSfc OAKLAND. ;■ JJUY GOODS CHEAP FOR CABH, J. M. BURCHFIELD’S NORTH-EAST CORNER FOURTH A MARKET J-JRY GOODS FOB CASH. SU.i IFIS J.VI) CLOCKS, HANDSOME . Dress Goods, I ' ' Flannels and Canton Flannels, > CHECKS AND TICKINGS. Prints and Ginghams, FRENCH MERINOS AT 50 .CTS., Cassimern, Satinetts aod Tweeds, Hosiery, Needle Work, Ac, dc., Ac. C. HANSON LOVE, No. 74 Slaeekt Stbeet. 0030 pLOAJtH, all new styles ned shape*. CRIMSON AND BLACK SKIRTS, army socks and gloves, AND DRAWERS—aII sixes. oar hoods. FIGURED CASHMERES. do MERINOS for 75c. CASHMERE PLAIDS. BLUE CLOTH,- for Boys’ wear. BOYS' CASSIMERES. BLACK CLOTH, for Ladles’ Cloaks. WATER-PROOF CLOTH. SHAWLS, CLOAKS. FIGURED DELAINES—new stilt. EMBROIDERIES—haIf price. ffTCall and iucamins before purchasing elsewhere. STREETS. CLOAKS, Fire Hollars' and Upwards, DRESS GOODS, FROM Till NEW YORK AUCTIONS, J. W. BARKER & CO’S. NO. 59 MABKET STREET. GREAT BARGAINS. gILKS, AND OTHER DRESS GOODS* J. W. BARKER & CO’S* NO. 59 MARKET STREET, --L fkom'thb NEW YORK AUCTION SALES. Great. Bargains. »iogS:WEwF ■ ■ . , :•..... HORNE’S TRIMMING STORE, No. 77 Market Street. We have received this week large quiailtidfcs of WOOLEN nOOD9, SONTAOB, NUBIAS, SCARFS, HITTS, AND YICTOKINEk Also, WOOLEN SOUKS FOB SOLDIEBSThERINO AND WOOL BIBBED HOSE, FLEECY LIN ED COTTON HOSE, ANDFANCY • - WOOL HOSE.-- A splendid a*-'' .. ' Kstment- offnU’ldnd* of :f ’■ . GLOVES and XJAUNT- ' ' LETS fori LADIES -, and -MISSES. -• • r -' ALEXANDER'S :■ toth.K*ll,r. OOUXTBT .. KERCUAKTS AND StHLINEBS; . Jffl fad wuMuitof BIBBOSA RUCHES,ELOWEBS, BOIOIETB, HATS, . : AND TCRBANB; SILK 3, VELVETS, EOMBA *IN*S, KNQLISH CRAPS, -fas fa:,. manrpiMd , by.any In the city, either Itr prtceor quality.^ noSCntryT JOSCTH'HODKN. 77 Market it. QOLDIEkS' 'iNDiA KUBBER UtlA& inai Ntidred at tholndk Rubber PfepbC, 26aadltt St. Pair ■treat. deS i ; J;> A%. PHILriML pEACKm.-»36 Dnad^aa^i^i. L’ Kentucky halm, in store sad for aak by ■ ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. \ speciaZ JTOTICJES. ityPAGEORGE H. KEYBRR, Wholesale Druggist MEDICINE D,EALER, NO. .140 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA- ? ? % ? ? ? J f TRUSSES FOB THE CUBE -OF HERNIA OB RUPTURE. MAKSHS RADICAL CURE TftCSS. RITTER S PATENT TRUSS. FITCH’S SUPPORTER TRUSS. SELF-ADJUSTING TRUSS. DR. BANNING’S LACE OR BODY for the cure of Prolapsus Uteri, Piles, Abdominal and Spinal Weaknesses. dr. a. s. rrrcH s silver-plated sup porter. PILE PROPS, for the support and cure of Piles. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, for weak and' varicose veins. ELASTIC KNEE CAPS, for weak knee joint*. ANKLE SUPPORTERS, for weak ankla joints. SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, j s SELF-EJECTING SYRINGES; also evury kind of Syringe*. * . DR. KEY3EK has mlso a TRUSS which will radi cally cure Hernia or Kupturu. iWOrncs at uis Drvg Stoke, No, 140 Wood strut, sign of tho Golden Mot Mr. DR. KEYSEB preectibee in <«m of Chronic Dis eases, and has Instruments for.Dcalbearaniljalmost every disease requiring mechanical support.' ' GALVANIC BATTERY ob ELECTIiO-MACNET- ACIIINES, for medical purposes, of a very supe rior kind, will be sent free uf express charges, wher ever an nxpreea run*,-upon a remittance of ;Tcn Dol lars. Address DU. GEO. XL KHYSER, 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. DIARRHEA CURED BY 6WAYNE'S DOWEL CORDIAL. Every buttle warranted or tneuey .re funded. Sold at DR. KEYSEB’S, No. 140 Wood street. BED BUGS, ROACHES, <£c.—TheHousekeeper’s Rifle. Sold at Dili KEYSER’S/ l4b Wood at. RATS AND MlCE.— Sure destruction to these Vermin by usiog YARNELL‘S-£XTERMINATOB, oh entirely new preparation, and warranted to ro move those pests frum every house. Sold’at! DU. KEYSER'S, 110 Wood straet. EXTRA RAZORS.—I liavo a few EXTRA RA ZORS, which I will doss out at coat. . ' (? GEO. H. KEYSES/ 140 Wood street. HEADACHE CURED.—Xn infallible' kxm fox Headache will be found In FRAZER’S HEADACHE PILLS. Try them. Price 25 cents, at JySfcdawT . KEYSER’S, 140 Wood^strcct. gsjE"i'o HorseOwuers.—Dr. Sweet's infcALLIBLK LINIMENT FOR HORSES U onri vnllvd by any; in ali caxw of Lamenw%. arising Rom Sprains, BraLtca, or. Wrenching, its effect.!*'magical and curtain. Harness br Saddle Gails; Bdrmtches,' Muugo, «ty TINUKES’ ILACHINE3 AND TOOLS. .* Waxshocsx, No. lid.Firtt aud Second streets, Pittsburgh, Pcsn'a. ••“Special orders of Copper cut to any desired pet tern. . ..... mj^riwlyT .Extract JBD.ohu, tue : 6bSij Diußsna HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOHtI, 3 THE GUEAT DIURETIC. HBLMBOID'S EXTRACT BUOHU, •- THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU, ' Tllil GUKAC DIABETIC. And a Positive and Specific Remcdyfor Diieaaee of • the Bladder, Gravel, Xidnoys, Dropsy; Weak- - ness, and all diseases of the Urinary. Organa. * Seo adrortiscment in another • Cut it out,* and send for the medicine at onco.' Bnrau o»‘ CoVßTiarott. i : rw26.-wl«a*wT wa c. nuaiNBON WHUBOW DOUaLAsa —i-.urtijtny kru-EM. jpat-BQBnrsoy. nuns ttmuL ■ LKttS, -FouncxAs and MachuoaTb, 'WiioDcszos- Wunsa; Pittaburgh. Ponn’ft. . Omcr, No. 21 Muttf SrcrcT, ' Mahofitctnre all kinds of«Tl=;,vM AND MILL MACHINERY, CASTINGS; RAILROAD * WORK, STEAM BOILERS AND SHEET- IRON AND REPAIRING done dm'abort wticp - . > . . nh2B:ftly ' £SSTJOHir COCHRAH ft 880.,. Manufocturera of IRON RAILING, IRON VAULTS,. AND VAULT DOORS,' WINDOW SHUTTERS, • WINDOW GUARDS, Ac., Noe. 91 Second street and -80 Third street, between Woodland Market. Ilavo on hand a variety of sew fancyr and plain, Iraitahlo for all purposes. Particular attention paid to .encloeing Grave Both* Jobbing done at abort notice. .'•; . ' - phO. Pittsburgh Steel Wprl ISAAC J05U..... M L. a^fflLOCOH. .. JOSES, B0Y1) & CO., Mannfocturen of CAST STEEL; also, JSP2UNO, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, STEEL AND AXLES, corner of Rom mid First streets, Pittsburgh, Penn*a.'‘ /odp KCB- & ft V. P. MABKBB, Paper MANUFACTURERS and dealers in BOOK, PRINT, CAP, LETTER AND ALL OF WRAP PING PAPER., i V-- : .r , . ; .’ l-v < V't ‘ Mrilate removed from No. 27 Wood stredt r to No* 33 Bmithilold street, rataburgh. Pa.-- ■OTABH OR TRADE FOR RAQB. • f HoLlm & 80BS, l«3OT - lfl KUUEIGN ASD DOMESTIO SttLS OI KX. CHAKOE, CEEIinOATESOr DKPOart.DAHK-. VOTES ASD BPEOIB. No. 67 Xukit ItnaVDlttV". -burgh. Pa. tWTCoiloctkas made on all the principal difca* tßiydchotU the United States.. - . '*p23 SE'HJBHBY M. COUUQIB,. Eor, DAKDISa ASDCOM3HS3IOS KIBCBAKIuid whohMb daUv li CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS,.' riSE. ind Prodofiolgmirdi j, 50, 2S E»d itraW- Pittißmjli.Bn, = : ;: ■ nol Xuchant 'CaU IOB, No. fit Ih. Cuii SrasxT/Dr. Irish'i BnQd— lag, Pfttaburghjpa.