v tJ&ssaY' aitMiifS?' ?>, itoilif „ ; »■- Vvit*;.': ; -ueTOs.qxLac; Strange Siiht--S«»entr Swam* of - ~•«*** at; War. , fbn VOMc, -a wriitojowiiCHiienof t’ou-/ ueant, engaged. \ ia- Oia ofb bees, , » interest* - » -lßypartlt;nlaraor « b*ttlo ftittaag: l»is bees. znt He had-TO ■•nwftrißA of. bees,«bpukßqniHy ♦• ditided esst and~w*»t sliies:of-jfls , ■*: ;„• fcefae.- One-Sußd*yafteroooiv -about‘ 0 o'cloek, the weatheribelagiwarto/and ,t&e .'-windowiopen, hU house wmsßuddeniy filled £ ' withbees/ which forced the family -to .flee /at i ~-w«nprGW*ted*gainatliisai»4illant&, pro-. to ' take*’ surveyrSnd~ if; possible 1 1 ’ leant tbe eause wbich bid them. ■ i & The seventy • swano* *ppesred3o be ont, *’ -and those on one Aide -of the hoiweirere aW r&yedin .haute-against thase oh the other •' ■■« -stdoj-and snob a battle twma perhaps never - ’ before vfritnessedi'-Tbey filled the air, cov ering a space of more theu i: eae-’ acrc.,jofi fooght despersUlp-for some three-hoar*—notfor Car: eon-r '•quest;-and. while At- warfiiOlrting thing i . *' could erist in They* stung * Urge flock ofShanghU chickens, dearly all :* ''of which wdro obHged-to make -. avoid their stings. -i- vt: ■>^.-;.'. 1 ri- ; * -i.-.u f -.A-little' after quiet wis re* Stored and the liviugbee* rsfurattLtpjtheir ?-•. - t .hitevleavingtheelainaliDOStUlerally Cov ering the ground, ainCeiWhiebj’hul -kv, have-appentidaronhd * ' apparently.stationed aa sentinels to watch: '• tno'-etftmy?. fifit-ttfo’* JuW ewarms were. !’Y ;&dislae. l u rible sTaughtocpfbees jjftQtber,injury was r*< dono.• /-Neither party r-iras/.victorious, And *-«r, * - they appnmcltj6f, night, ‘ ana from' utter: pro4trarion»V-;The'9Ccas^n \ of -this Strange wariingtamong the-bees is not *a^: ! most conveishni. with’ their management never, u .. ~f before-witnessed Oyheard of each jv specta-. * •••.'tie Ayhere^niiTat^/^^r/'^; .* • Nonfetern People aod.Caitoki Pre • V dominatinr«tW*»lii»gton. \ .. 'There'; isaiiaticeabta infinnht.Northern » tnitineas to this city,and;-;lp\r.cf the country;- -i 1 " ' There b ’institution ,- s we should /lie glad to eee imported to tlua 6 ; district, and /that is,.Common-Schools and .' School houses.implied by these terms at the Korih,/'We hope,.they will'fofidw/as aner cesutyi 'vrhenthese emigrants he*- come pemanenbflxtuws here.' • • There |s hnt: that - Northern induencea will; predominate in) .h> t-tbis eUy hcreafteT. and society and com :. 1 q", A per ' son edooated-anddjelongiog North, and ac • - quainted with thtfstatus- of reqciety in this' ■ '•' city 'for a fdvr years past/must have been 1 •;» convinced there wae room for improvement; ' . *-It will doubtless take w-long time J diice a radical • s f in the right direction.— Oor. ClcteUtnd Flcdn -4 dealer . V!■; .. sa .made ; a worse ; figure of than that, ;and very few - have made ftS'good. p : : ▲ Local Mementoof Ma>on. Y‘^* r ''The''WeUBbiCTg'.ffe r of Saturday, in '..S' apeakibgiof tjiearrest of Mason, has the following-paragraph: * We acknowledge to a sort of personal gratification fit’any ill ; luck that may be faU that paragtin'ofjjotppoaity, James Vi Mason,’whllonr I »ha t ® l ' ! i^ lll ' ;^A p “ * ginia; ever Since wbeardhbhjTsU years ► ago, in theCourtHouaein Well** burg,-thatthe Sontlr-wouldhare her rights 1 ,ru& Xff the Vnicm \fihecovlct, outiideif * t\e wto«, IT i, whicli althoiigh entro- * i ' ’ a self ■ -- “•* convicted traitor, enforced*with a,violence • i,u of gesture thatinrited applause/waa.re ceired by .the crowded audience of Brpoke; county farmers and- 1 good -• • 1 ’* a aiienee so' ptofofthd/that it was' more ph>* ' ~ qae atthan a'tumuUtlots cheer. 1 "Ever since hight we havi*7iratchedhhh-7-we have --followed’biin dotrntiurough'the tortuoiities of .ciinie until we are rwoiced that at last ;.... *he irtfboutio gethis *‘rights”'at ; the handr t. ... y,r., 0 f government fcehasdonehir utmost to -*• *overthrowrA* for : tlrepeflple whom he r ’ -they/hkre' already con* "‘ • iUJfc airaw : himtd eteriial infamy. : Pjtf. ~ - * Bppn Wpflrtd' the : war&. _ bave'ft rslljing song telling hoir 'j' ,r we haye comp tlifemotmuiliis,? ‘‘from "7^J&SafajJ;* patera," auilso forth* 7 A yffnirtY' ijd Trsmfthu&; *>>,**+**•+. "•*-;• rally, •''- H - y«m Bbttr'i each Milcad nllcy, . - : . m Amto4tmt»afcrth w»«fljr ~ . . Yhwo oanblaadlcg cogafty ■ ■ « rrom-ADeahwy Mcxint*ln*feo«i7,, „ : > &■•■■ ,j V;•■WhcMfciMhilWtantellth* fiery V.tf- v; ;Ti J'rom cSd jnntter— “ ' .rf dutt-la7*l«*,t»a.*rtitth«r— Centre, 1 And firton poß^mbums-’i • «•_.. T: AwS tbaWaphntjr in thowntfons * 7 .JcradoidP m6c»tock ' •'■ *••*' V. I : jsemctt^Jrr ; tailors. JJEW GOODBI NEW GOODS! •FALL AND WISTKBt 1 .LATESX STYLES! ->i ii • . '-V ir-Wi.'. }• *Ai tb»«td tUBd «jf JAKES 0; WATT, eorawt f-' •• <■ -1 ' 1 t*;*' X6e hrlfr of Jake* C.WitTrdeceMad, iwpwt r-i -,•/• IWiy lartt® pobKc rftinflotftotto ttrwrtockof yAIfL' ASD ■ynSTKB GOOM/WmpririMill tto ii?::, tv«*««*s ? > '-ftaet*d oo r ttoau»aj)pror«difia&Ber nbcrvtofMv. »•' " tothladty. OtfUMlyd^ 7 "” ft.l. ••■< • ’•• ••• ..... \' r ' l ' J^ATfca'i'V’l,Ji3 l - FAtiL r ■‘ just ascario. ' Won» now oponioij ft .didcs itodc of TAIIi' order, in • wprrtor atjle, mri •*'wfe» totttfttto ttorfft. Wowcold rwbetfaUy, nrtlcU to otriyeaU from oar patiooa antilS* jpWfc.'^ -'-r---'—-- BAinnei« -...« “CW.'Xmppi, “ do . A K-XcCMUa4i ,r -"t J QoM»rnmi,.WaAb, Pa J*Um< .. E'K YirstnU ' j fcATßowd, SUcbl«*n JBt:Vßikr»i Cniontuvn' iUJ C O B*l*lne, 5 X.cttj M SteQbeo* Tflto ■*■' " I QIRABDHOtJSE—Corae L««yCK*Et, jnoT McOoma, Gienwood ■\V B Barnett * I*tnio*l- IntfVfc" - 1 Wta Coniilhgliamt W«t Elizabeth ; II BrHfUeri-Peoria, 111 ... TP. Tbonjwoa, do HAMTd HOTEL—Liberty ttxoet, foot of Fifth, i.v::-iv .»aan;n.HAiui,raorauLxoß.. . Jlte Mitchalh Ohio ■. |SMlndar,N. Cumberland A, Jfchpcirtock, . IB F. Faraaan, do J)ih Sajtard* Bearer co . |I» Ream* do do’ •- jA JStewird,' do ■BH Officer; Slancheeter ‘ IT ABrabdon,.■ do U H Bell, . .IH. Barger/ I- do ;A Bitradlib; Wieamtin ; iJJ-tiUpley,. ;; do SOftoore, . .do, ■ . >.(John Boyce, .do 'P Sigler, XtneeTWe V jEHT«rreU,N.Bruittwlck BQ Iron*, do - " .''jjaeephPears,; Elizabeth 8 FrshMfcrt W W Wright* la, Lour’e -Springs i•> Ljjlets, ao ; b Swearingen»Beaver po ISaipncl Grore, do \V . . .[ - EAGLE HOTEL—LU*i ftmnatfy .BWl&kJepieck, OUo H,Baker,V. ’• 111 Terrell, New Jemy JooGUehirst, P-B Pettit,'Ohio * BSD LION HOTEL- John £a»ik; CliamtwsVg Jeedb Lasts, do T Oortietf, V. Bethlehem jJohttltMOn, do ■ lUBWUUum, do- ~ J Haas, Armstrong co V Elded, ' 'do ' S Copeland, Cadlt, 0 CDunning, Allegheny ■■■' ; NATIONAL HOTEL . -'-Tl •iiki’ljlS, Ja» Tower,. P 3 A I W A'Andtron/Ky-' * 1 NORMAL SCHOOL. - H. WILLIAMS lliMopaoed* NOBMAL SCIIOOL ut No. i 7 Bt. Clair BtwoU lUid*tol7. . ’ Tatimouj *4 Xeacftm: He utho emmeeUorcf Teachers, tfao man to whom all of ns look for advice and ln»t ruction. “ _. . . : JOHN. J. WOLCOTT. 1 concur most' heartily with the'above, .... LEONARD H. EATON. I cbecrfdllyconcur In the opinion expreesed eborv. .i ■ ■ v “ V, B. FREW. I take pleasure in giving It as my opinion that the foregoing recommendation is fully merited. A. BCRTT. I know of no one'who deterree higher testimony Jn hb favor. , N; AVERY. T fuDv concur Snthe shore recotmnendstlou. • ■ i D..DENNISON, He can prepare pupUa for the 'High School puicker than any other teacher In this city. ,•- * A-T^DODTHETT. - $1 frcr~wfeefc, in aJtnnce. »qB:3tawd T)ENN INSTITUTE, Hancock Street, •jL :- jrnaa : PtKjr, is-how open for the reception of f2s per atari on of flvanionUu. aoßrlyd -r . -J- M. SMITH, Prludpal. ™—f' - o-PrmwiiQH, Noremtar 23d, ISiil. J "VTGTICB IS HEKEBY GIVEN, that ■l\ tb» ftillouriiig Account* of Executors, Adminis trators, Guardian*, 4c., bare been duij passed In said fiegtaerV Office, will be presented (otbo Or* Phans’ Court for confirmation and allovranca, on MONDAY, Dec***** SSd, 1861: ' ' Account of James Btaßord, administrator of Henry ' M’Kee, dec’d. Filed Sept. 7, A. D., 18bl. . Account ofJ.A«pttieou and Catharine Bmwn, «- ocmor of Brown, dec’d. File*! Sept. 'A>, ls»4. Account "of James Leech, administrator of Mary Pritcb, dee’d. FUed Sept. 21, ItwL Account pt James Fib guardian of Daniel eller. Filed Sept. 23,1861* ' Final ateountbr'Jonh Irwin, acting executor of Wmyret Irwin, dee’d. Filed BepW 23,18 UL . Acamntutf: David Deusuwm, acting executor of Henry Denxmors, dec’d. Filed Oct. 2,'1501. ; "Acwnnt ‘of "Leonard 'Walters, administrator of FraneisMtmgle, deCd. Filed Oct;-4,1861. Account of Benjamin Dutton, administrator of George Parcels, dec'll. Filed Oct. 9,180. Final account of WUUam Wilson, executor of John Craig, decide Filed Nov. 1,180. . ■ Account of John Adams, administrator of John Patterson, dee’d. FlfadNar. 2,1841. Final account nfflrurUnh Willett,executor of Wil- Bam Willett,,deC’d. Filed Nov. 6,1861. . Account, of D. .Oakland, administrator of J. B. Irwin. SIW NoV. 7,IKL '' 'AcaMmtnfFiebiniing Morrosr ana A. Hollands, ex ; ecutord of r JMtn Morrow, (fac’d. Filed Oct. 29,18G1. Account of Joseph Barton, administrator of Mary Thompara,. deceased FQed Not., 11,1861. Account of John -Can, Administrator of James Cut; dec’d: 'Tiled Nov: 12,186 L Acdount of J. ft. Walden,administrator of Wa*h • ifigtnaMason, dee’d. fiMFor.bS,.IHL . Account 6f John Mcftlheny, guardian of Mary Jane Swords. Tiled Nov. 16,18dl . Account of John Swords, -administrator of Jane Bwords, dec’d; Ffletf Nor. 19,1861. Final account of Drfaelds Wood and Joel T. Wood, ! executors of, George Wood, dec’d. Filed Nor. 19, r p Final acconrithfJobn Y.Scult, gtumlian of James 1 A.Shiehfr. Tiled Nov. 20,IBM; Account of Joseph McConnell and Francis B. Me* Council, guardians of John J. McConnell. Filed Nor. y|, IWI. ')■' . ;r. . J, .1* . . Account of. Bichard Banter and Hugh Dan ter, ad ministrators of John Danrar, dec'd. Filed Nor. 21, 1*0:' • --'Si j .-- .. Account of John Mitcbel and Johu M. Faas, ad wilnl«tT»tnr«4if H- II- Ryan, tlwc'-d. Filtd foT. 21, 1861. Partial Bccodnt of Jami* Blaekmore, John C. Dav ltt and'Waite* Fceter,- «x*cmoc» of' Tbotna* Black more, dec'd. Filed Nor. 2A 180 L Accountof HenryHaysand AdameGetty,admlb buatoteam tatoweiit mwm o( (korjp B. Hun;, d£’d. -Filed Nor. M, Mdl. ; • Final kctount-of Petor Tortman, odmlnUtrutorvf Pater Fortatan, dec’d. XUed Nor. 22, 1801. . ,5- « v;m J. MCHABDSOIT, Kojuter. no33:ltda3tirF 7 ' . ViMA'jbl’BATOK'Sj -Let tezs of-Administration upontho e*tato Vtikiu* luwrubip, Alleghe ny cdnnly,'Pa.,a«ceaSed,' have been grouted by the Begbterof WUk td tbfi nndenlgued. All person* hat tug claim* or demandiagaioit the mute of aald decedent are requested to make them, known without deliyi and those indebted to him ale' 'required to make payment to IVH. B. M’GRISA, Adm'r, ucSl:ot*rF Wllklu* Tp., Allegheny Cb„.Pa.* . A DXittffiTKATOK S NOTICE.—Let- XjL Admlhlatratioo upon thecatiae of Mrs. 'LavinaT. Atatim late'of Col Una township, AUeghuny coonty, hays (Ida dayJ«eiLgranted to the undersign ed- AU peraone Indebted .to the estate will make lm> medUtepayaent,amithoeehaviDg claim* trill-pro-: sent them, propariy.aatbenticated, tpr settlement. ..i HENBIEITA B. SIAIIE9, Adm’r, ocgfcflwT" ' " • Bart Liberty.. ' t?bXAXJS OF . LEHAUIN,. Adt<iihratlop on the cauictdrliehhUii; late'bf fifaler towriship, deceased, baTwfc been granted ttf the 'Ohdenlgoed, ail penuha JldOAbtedtO the said estate wttTpleaM moke payment, and thosft bavihgclaims trOl phase present : * oc23;6kHr 1 ’ ' ‘ShalerTp.,AlKghtny,Co.,Pa. ■VT of All min.-' Of Tbomaa of the city of Pittsburgh,ddotaesd* have been granted to ths subscriber. AU pehoui Indebted to' the aald jatate aro requested .to make bn mediate papa eat f and those having claims or .demand* against the estate of : fbe mid dbcedmirw&l make known the aame'without dalar trr 1 * •-.HABAH^lAßDiniß^Adia’x, ritfffllm'M to ‘jJe-all pewoni interested, that the Coqrt ha* fixed *Af CRDAT, January j4th, ABBQ, aft 10 o’clock a. to.. far the bearing of tha apphfalkaxC the nodewlgned. far hU flnal-dmclua'gagnmrtb* JaiolTsnt Lew*, at tta Coart Hmm» in tbocitgwiPllUbnrgb, when and A DMiftffcSi'KATiUX'S NOTICE.— (&B received on.&tpoail. • ' iirfTawk'nlftted StocktoWem hie Individually te* : 'iij»n»n»}otbdfpceßore“totbe whole extent ofibeir utnumeinL s, _ •' : it r Jams'Marshall,"' 8. B. Robison,. ‘j , '■SambelGeorge, . V. A. Btawsrt* ’John BTDeritr, Fi W. K’Qwgw, ' v • William Walker, r ■.’Joseph Long, • • Robert Bell, "■ '••:< '.• * Joseph Love, - •. Richard Fiord, JaeobPchltev ‘JohniJcott, - 1 - L Tbotnto Scott, Thomas Mellon, -.D.K. Galway, ?rJ6hft.:YlqgA,'.- '. .Jam* A; Knox. : -r’ .„. , ~r’juua *arshau» mM. . , . : .«rai:i>«t . - IttteJy oo iiN unpMtbx «*■hawng'ieen; destroyed by lire, vc * N* of BACON SHOULDERS, SIDES and HAMS direct from the took* Howe, and ehall*bs_pl«—ed to •es'ourcusto am. tatfOtdtf] Wit B. HATS A 00. W. C. BOBIffSON, Tx turn. 'rtnei pal tiotel j, ! k LißT' Mairr. ; tV f3rtilr£tijl [Xri llcDaiUkM, - AUlanC* StrtD ti nald«B*n , Mii»rva, ;o * j W Mc£v?o, CftOonlb'g W li Smith, Mem city CorßßHit?«{Wwfc. P* J H Brown, YourigMowu \fm SkioDer, Phih |j.p Hillard. Sakna DB.Saafeid,NY U ll DuuUp.Str Enimi rlJKUlUter, |B Johnson,-NY •cThlrd'and SmltlxfleU eta. ri raonuiTOß. . SS' Smith, Kanawha, V* 3 MtKafciport . SCDunnen.Buma VUt* W BPusey, Jr, Beoref ' Mis* Taylor, •do Mis* IHLlner, . do tty. Mow Seventh. , fDonujßtn.. Over kin*, jQeo .W Doty, Wert «* H Tbot McHaster* |W Ferrells, Cnon Valley |S LangrtalT.Ofiio —No. S Bt. Clair street. 3 L McGee, B M Brunner, Wuab’ton Geo Land, Cknonstmrg A Sautterly, Oil City J H Vanvoorhia, do TMadSy 1 /N Cumberland B Moon, fcstrobe So-. 187 Water street. , TKorarma. £' [John Ingram, W EiLr-ab’h TMeObrd, do W Johnston, Maryland jed vcjt no.r.ii. DEPOSIT BANKIN'! 00., So. Ms rOCBIn STBIKT. • . : bass ot jdeposit A2n>ri3comtT. / ;; IKtEDESTtArDOSIIEPOSITS, <*«?*■*< •»«-.—-ra«r.!'a,?w»yi ■,ia««a>Tiattt-^.-yvr^e>yai < vair; STEAMBOATS. i™'R eiNCINNATI 4 fioßi rJEL* £ ISVILLt.-TUe fineeteaber i INGS,G*pI. K.‘Bobin*m;'will leave- fdr-tbo above [ ail intermediate'.port*,-'on WEDNESDAY, at i 4 o'clock. For freight or’pamge apply .on board or '.to , *uso. _ J. RLITINGSTOITA CO.. Agent*. TPOE (JiNCINNAII, IAMJISkt JEgl^ £ ISVLLLE AND-ST. LUtTlS.—TheJgSggMh fine summer AEGONACT, Capt. Porter, teavee lor the above porta on THIS DAY, at 5 o'clock?*. m.— For freight t& laumg* apply o'u hoarder to c 025 J. B. LIVIXQSTOS A CO., Agent*. REGUJLAH WEKK.JL Y , PACKET FOB GALLIPOLIS PORTSMOUTH.—The splendid rtonner ROCKET, •Capt. John Wolf, wiU leave for the above and all In termediate port* EVERY H*SPAY, at 10 u'rlotk.— For freight or passage apply on board or to fr]i> I). 11. LEWIS, Aernt, . T7H)K CINCINNATI, LOUl^-. jngL.% £ VILLE AND ST. LOUIS.—The fliuMw steamer SUNXY SIDE, Capt. F. Maratia, leaves m. above and all Intermediate portv, on WEDNESDAY, at 5 p.m. For freight or passage: apply un board or to de2 J. B. LIVINGSTON A IXU Agents. F>K CINCINNATI & LUU-f-tCfg^ IS VILLE.—The' beautiful JACOB POE, Capt* Wm. Stoops, will leave as abon on WEDNESDAY, at 4p. tu. For freight or pamage itmlv on board or to dei jony rtACK, Agent. TJOkL CINCINNATI, COUIS- [JERj> £ VILLE AND fcl. LOUIS.—The fiQfflß&S steamboat ST. CLOUD, Capt. 0. A. Drato. will k»va a* above oh THIS DAY, at 6 p.m. For freight ur paanee apply on board or to i. B- LIVINGSTON A OQ-. Agent*. PITTSBURGH AN i> FUKTa- 1 tcsr^i* UOUTH PAGKET.—For Wheeling,JCßßafififc dog, ainriet**, Parkersburg, Pomeroy. tiauipuus, Trunton and Portsmouth.—The steamer CLARA DEAN, Capt. A. J. Uamllllot, will leave for Part* month KvERY TUESDAY, at 3 o’clock p. m.— Leaves Portunodthi EVERY FRIDAY, at 12 o'clock m. For freight oejamage- unity on board or to notfartlm . , JNU. FLACK, Agent. PITTSBURGH ANl> GAli-jrtrjfcTh LIPOLIS PACKET.—The new passenger at earner UNDINE, Capt. M. A. cw,' will feare Pittsburgh for G alii polls EVERY SATUR DAY, at 4 o’clock p. m. Betttrning, bares Gallipo- Us EVERY TUESDAY, at 10 a. m. For freight or nauagoabply on board or.to ■ J. B. LIVINGSTON A CO., Agents. WU.III.AK WKlilC'Lii.lte., ZANESVILLE PACK ET.— TbnKß new and beautiful, passenger steamer EMMA UKA» 11 am. Cut. Monroe Ayers, loaves Tittsbnrgh for Zanesville EVERY TUESDAY,« 4 o’clock p. m.— lietdrnlng/bjavtii Zanesville EVERY FRIDAY, at 8 a. m: For frulght or p***gO‘apply on bounl or to J. B. LIVINGSTON A CO., Agents, Pittsburgh. H S. PIERCE A CO., Agent*, Zanesville. , se!4 «un i.A-Vi' wkiiEmiOi: iiar .1, PACKET.—The splendid steamer MINERVA, Capt. John Gordon, lean* far Wheeling and ail intermediate ports EVERY TUES DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at U o'clock a. m., making cl, (IreUniL) The Liverpool, New York and Phikdci pliia Steamship Company Intend despatching their fall-powered Clyde-built Iron Steamships as fallows: ET£)A m ~~ ,---, Hoittrdny, Novembor 30. CITY OF MANCUESTER—SaInnIay, December 7. CITY OF BALTIMORE Rattmlay, December 14. and every SutunUy, at koos, from Pier 44, North River. i bates- or pamaqe: FIRST CAB IS—W STEERAGE -.530,00 do to London.— 80,00 do to London 33,00 do to Paris* 85,00 do to Pari* -38,00 do to Hamburg. 85.00 J do to Hamburg- 36,00 ' Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rot terdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low. rptes. KWPersons wishing to bring out their friend* can buy tickets here at the following rates to New York: From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, $75, $B3 uod $lO6. Steerage from Liverpool S4G,(M. From Queenstown $30,00. The« Steamers havo superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in-Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Talent Firs Annihilaton on board. S9EEssiesgk&s fob Ecboff..—By order of (Is Jkc retry of SLZ&, . . McCOBD.ACO.’S, " lilifobli-ISTiIEET! PiritBUBOU, Have now. on band a.vary largo assortment and com plete stock ofthe latest styles of : HAT? AND CAPS, • • - Both ftrtbecftyasdcotmtrytnde, which.they can 'BjU AtTsir low price*.’; 5 ; ‘ A3F Orders ptomptlyfilled. t . . so2l * LL.Miillii!i V -UOUi,XX, B*.—in the XXCourtof OommonPlea*, Jfp. 2£>i October,term,' lftO. r la the matter of the voluntary assignment of Z«&H. Ooe’tdh.vi: C,‘o. EoceUs. ' \ ntfwtd WltjKcnrember l JCth/TSU,the report of B. B; Todd, Eea., Urn Auditor heretofore sppolnt ' sdUiihli«Me»*xhi biting wStatsrafnt, sndflnil s*t-' , account of C; O r ImumU, as aarignee sdbr?said f Wng filed, it, la confirmed wvi. And it U ordered tnet nolice.be published tln;?la Pittsburgh RVelitf Gdstfl* -for thriw wrtkxofthe flling of bald aecdbtil. Abfftfcar it wffi be ooafinned absolutely, and the said ewdgnre discharged &W th« ."M* K?** ontbe l-tth dW.of Deoember next, if cause be shown to the contrary. From tbd Record. nolff:StwF Attest: D. ARMSTRONG. ProWy. gECEEMffIeI 'BEfciima' ntfistAt comw stotp, v it UUXBS'jaMBUb COU9K STBOPt i-- 3SIW;Ba-.CKI,SBBATiD. UVJ!B PlilA 'SELLERS' CKLEBRATEDLIYER RILLS,; 'BELLEBS'BKEIVAEtKD VERMirtfQK, SELLERS’ UNRIVALLED TK BMIPOOE,' And nU by DruggUta and in atorec throcgbout tb» amntry. ocsrwtff PJIOJPOS+f M*S, PKOPoSuS WILI.BE RECEIVED! wtlxi-to-.# <£!££• m, L olled Mates Army, No. 1139UI11ALI* biLLET, 1-hH.Mphk, Tmill ItuVtack x.. on tb» .rru OF UE CKMBKB- NEXT,fer furnishing GNL HINHuMI FOUR WHEEL AMBULANCES, kiiwu as the Triplet patterns, to be endorsed “-Proposals lor ftir nbhlng Tripler Ambulances." AMBULANCE (Boot.) Sills 11 feet lung, out to out, includingloot-board, wWe by 2>i Inches deep. The foot-board : Is il»4 iuclies wide, made of 1 iuch stuff, and bsteued oo tHe tills by luch bolts at each eml. - The sills are made at trout end bo an to iuchue the foot-board upwards. Thcrearceight Muds on each side I>* inch square; aides ens solid panel* of inch boards, So inches high (With middle rail) from top of sill to top of rail on panels. There Is a top rail»iU>ut4‘* inches above; this rail is listened, lo tho stud*. The body is 9 feel 9ft inches in leugtii in the dear, from OQUidu of tail piece to box iu trout, and 4 feet wide in tho clear, front or head-bdanl, 13 iuebes high, 3 foot high in centre from door to ridge pole, and top made oval, 6 bows 2xft inchus, fastened to mils ami •tada with acrewi ootiiufi. iu secoud lower panel or - fret troai front, on each side, there is a wicket door 9V£ inches wide Hud 14>| inches loug. This door ia rnado to slide iu a groove on the inside. The seat for driver is male or the lid of box, with cushion. The box is 18 Inches wide, lift .inches in the clear, with partition iu the middle; the i..j h fastened to the lid of the box, plain hand I lock on side, to which is attached an iron rod or lever alongside of bddy; to tbo lever la aslrup-by which the driver locks the wagou. ‘ A middle bar 3)4 itft inches is bolted on sills, for the hindside spring, 2 braces on tall end of body reaching from tail piece to top rail. Frame work of body to bo of best white oak timber thoroughly seasoned, the bows 'to bo of white nsh; 'panels to be of poplar, thoroughly seasoned. Curtains to be strapped, straps to bedewed on with harness thread, well waxed. SPRINGS OF AMBULANCE. Springs to be of best quality spring etoel. Hack spring* feet two inches long from centre to centre; sola springs back. 3 feet 10 inch*** ceulro to ceutref front backspring 4 feet 2 inches centre to centre; the cron spring* are 2% inchc* wide, 7 plates; tho aldo springs iy 4 inches wide, by 6 plater, tho side springs front d lu inches long ceuire to centre. **>«■ of iron, to be case-hardened, Ift aquuro, turn ed edgewise, with nuU on ends. Boxes 9ft long, l % by 11* inches. .. . Huns of gum or locust, thoroughly seasoned; the •pokes and felloes to be made of white oak, thorough ly seasoned. Hlud wheels 4 feet 6 inches high, without the tiro, hubs 7)4x10 inches, spokes IftpU inches at the shoul ders, lire i Inches wide % .inch thick, felloes 2ft inches deep. Front wheels 3 foot 6 inches high without tho tiro; , hui» 7)4xli> inches, spokes 2xl y 4 inches at the shoul der. felloes Xft inches deep. ' " liouiidf and naif hounds to bo of White oak, of best quality and without defects. llalfhoundsXfoct long, r mb wncol, 2 feet diameter, Ift indies by y % inch. Whole bounds 4 foot 4 Indies long, 3 cross bars on sth wheel, 2 Inches square, cross bur‘on Erout houudi 4 lout 9 inches long, the steps on each side ora fastened to this cross bar. Boublo trees 4 feet long, Ironed sumo as omnibus os, as' Is also the whole running gear, the double frees, and b-ui uoe to bo of. white hickory, without defects uod thoroughly acusoncd. Tongue, lu feet t> luches long, 4 inch x2ft inch al front of jaws of hounds, and tapers to 2ft inches squire at hack end; at front end it tapers to Ift inch es round; a hook with eye iu u goes ou tup ol tougue . to attach lead bar lor lead burses; featl bar same leugth as double lice, made light; tongue to be made oi white oak, of best quality and free from defect*. litter of AHBt LANCE. Sixfrut 7ft lucliia loug, 1 foot lu inchis wide; pan els ift inches wide, lft inches Ihick, oF poplar, and has a solid bottom; mattnvw is made of heavy oil cloth, stuffed with best quality curled horse hair, the covorof litters is festeued to panel* of litter by a leather binding and tacked oh around; lu frame of litter them are to bold matnu* springs; crons strips To Us mode of best quality oak. The frame work lor upper litters is composed of 3 t-tws stripe, ouv on eacn eud and one in the middle; on* truss piece on tom on ouch side, and two In the middle for tracks to run tho litter lit on; the tracks are made in the bottom os well us the upper, % inch xjl inch Iron, and extend the whole Isugth ot body from inside of tall piece; them am three rollers ou each side of litter frame, with flange, samo os regular rail* road car wheels. There are 4 litters for each wagon; 4 small pillows and two cushions, one for driver and one tor buck seat; cm ouch side of litter frame there is an iruu han dle, 6 paint ed until it shall have been inspected and approved by said officer or agent authorized to inspect it. When finished, painted and, iuspocted by an officer of tho Quartermaster's Department, and delivered us herein agreed, they shall be petid for. The ambulances are to bexleUTorodin Philadelphia, if desired by the Quartermaster's Department. G. n. CROSSIAX, Deputy Quartermaster General. Army supplies.—office of the Actecq CoxxasißT or Svtsißttsct, Xo. 1138 Gulxmj} Street, PuiLanEtrsia, Novrxstn 22, 1861. PKOPOSALB wilt be received at this office uutil 12 o’clock uD tho 30th DAY Vi' NUVKMBEB, for furnishing for the use of tho Uiited States Array, at such times sad In such quantities as may l*e re quired during the month of December, the following Subsistence stores, via: 150,000 pounds first quality Smoked Barxtn Sides packed in tight tierces, of about JOO pounds 2,000 barrels Ultra Superfine Flour. eO.OOO pounds first quality Pilot Bread, in good flour '• barrels. _ 350 bushels first quality Xew white Beans, in good dry barrels. -- , . 150 bushels first quality Split Peas, lu good dry barrels. , _ , 10,000 pounds prime Bice, in good flour barrels. 30,000 'pounds prime Bio Coffee, in barrels. 42,000 pounds light yellow Sugar, in barrels. 2,000 gallons vinegar. , „ „ A „ 2,500 pounds best quality Adamimtino Candles, rail weight, one-fourth sixes and three-fourths twelves. 10,000 pounds good hard Soap, fall weight. 250 bushels good, clean, dry fine Balt, In good tight barrel*. 250 gallons good Molasses or Syrup, in barrels. Samples, In box** distinctly marked, to accompany proposals fbrall articles except meat. All of the ar ticle* to be of the boat quality, securely packed, and In perfect order for.transporUtion, Bids will includo packages and delivery in the city. Sellers fiuttip and dato of pnrchttw required ou each package. Certificate of inspection of tho Meat and Flour will bo required. Bids from known dealeaa or mauufiteturers only will .be considered, and each bid must bo accompanied by the written guarantee of tworesponslble persons lor the fiUthfal performance be endorsed “Proposals for Subsistence Stores.” and directed to atone, an CAPTAJIS C. W.-THOMAS, A. Q. M. and A. C. S., U. g. A. QAS FIXTURES. ~~~ PITTSBURGH. A large assortment FOB BALE BY MKfclyticaO mi) THE PUKUAJ, especially thcjs^ J. ignorant and Pal*ly Modoat of aU denomination!, treat Sicrat and Delicate JMh'. ordare, Self-Abuae, Dieoaeae or Situations common and Incident to Pantile of both Mgea, awl ndull»,«n- : gla aud married. Bccauee Dr. BHAbSTßUPcpob fisbeadim fact of Ilia doing ao, the ignorant andfiJeely mudest are diaadfiilly ahocked, and think it a groat aio, rerr immoral, and fcar contamination and cor ruption among their trite;;, promiaiiig eons, and danghtira. Their family phyalcian ehoukL ta. can titrS to k»p them in ignoianca that they do the aamo as Dr. BttASSTBUP, (exmpt publlahlng,) J«t ,o lu crative praotica might bo loet to them, among atupld, fiUaely mod eat and proinmptnona familire, bom and ndaod in Ignorance, apronr up tia moib-roons, and wto compare aocietyi fnteWgonce.ieniw, etc., todol iari and cente, mjeurfioiwlj, meanly or Illy gotten. It la to publicity, hoarder, that ‘numerona parenta and guard! eni thankful thm their tont, dnngh teta andenuda, prdioualy feeble, aidtly and of dell ente conatitntlon and appearance, hare been roatored S hSand rlgor by bdldca many before and attar marriage: through him bare beon anted much Buttering, anxiety, mortification, etc: Haring the advantage.oforw thirty once and obaerrution, com*finentiy bo hai AhpdiOT akiu in the troatrofoit of apodal diaeaaca, and who la daily • coneulted by the prifeaelon, a; men aa recom mmded byi roapoctahle -dUzona. pnbliahera, proprie- SSe^hoteKyrorvntoe,BfiSmlthfioM .treat, near Diamond atreet. Private communication. ftom all Wttofthe Chian »Wclly attendM to. Diroct to BOXwVPlttalmrghToetOffice: (JOUGiIS TOHN Jt'. bCUT'iY WHOLESALE I>EALEB J » fcßfcGS,' tiltf*** OIM, VARNISHES and T)YE-STUFF&, AU order* wl» rpcoiro proofrlimatlpa. is-nn Hit A Pi>LEsJ—l2# bbls. primo Green Ap- JuL Ibf nil by n 025 H£NBY B« COLLINS* ! IThe great ''American Ranedka,” known eis OEHUIHE PRKPARATIOHS, viz HELMBOLD3 EXTRACT “BUCHU," •• “ SARSAPARILLA, “ IMPROVED BOSE WASH. HELMBOLD’S -GENUINE PREPARATION. •QIQULVCOKCENTEATED' COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive nud Specific Remedy fur Disease* of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, ORAVEL, and DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS.. This Medicine increases the power uf Digestion, and excites Uie ABSORBENTS Into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CALCAREOUS d«o*I- Uoms and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENTS ore reduced, ua well as PAIN AND INFLAMMATION, mill Li good tor MEN, WOMEN, or CHILDREN: , -lIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, Egy weaknesses arising from Ex ceases, Elmbiu of Dis sipation* Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING STMP- Indispoaition to Exertion, Lorn uf Power, Low of. Memory, Difficulty of Rreathiog, Weak Nerves, Trembling', ' Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dlmnoss of Vision, Pain fn the Back, ' Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hinds, .Flushing of the Body, . Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions of tho Face, ~.. pallid countenance, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow* IMPQTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In 000 of which tbo patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those “DIREFUL DISEASES,” “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many an aware of tho cause of thdr suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And th* iltlancholg Deaths bp Consumptum, nctt imr WITSCSS TO THE THUTH Of THKAWERriOIC. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH Requires the aid uf modlcino to strengthen and Invigocste the System, Which Hclmbold s EXTRACT BUCHU invariably OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CON- IN MANY XFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FE MALES, tho Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, ns in Chlortsis or Retention, Irregu larity, Paintuluess, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations; .Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to tho sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habit* of Dissipation, or in the Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine for unpleasant and dangerous Diseases- lu till Us stages, At little expense ; Little or no change in diet; Noinconvenicnco “ And no erponre. i It' catue* a frequent desire and gives strength to; Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and curing Strictures of tho Urethra, allaying pain and inflammation, so frequent in the cln.ni of diseases, and oxpetttfig all Few won*, Ditemcd and worn-out Matter. JUST RECEIVED BAILY, FARRELL A CO. AVI29 FO URTH.STREET. JtrEDfC'AZ* “ITEISIBOLD*S' ORGANIC WEAKNESS, X TOTAL WILL COXTTXCE THE MOST ISRPTICAL. FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES, TEMPLATING MARRIAGE, DECLINE OB CHANCE OF LIFE. BEE STHPTOJU AEOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT! HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU cunts SECRET DISEASES THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS, Who have been the victims of quacks, and who hare paid hsavt FEES to bo cured in a short time, have, found they were deceived, and that the “POISON'’ has, by the use of “powerful astringents,” been dried op in thn system, to break .out in aggravated form, and' ' ‘ . PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Use Helmbold** Extract Buchu for all affections and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whattfvor cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Dt*aa*es of these organ* require the aid of a DIURETIC. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And fa certain to have the desired effect in ail DU cows for which It is recommended. Blood! Blood! Blood! lldmbM't Highly Concentrated Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. SYPHILIS. This is on affectionof the Blood, and ATTACKS THE SEXUAL ORGANS, LININGS OF THE NOSE, BARS, THROAT! WINDPIPE, AND OTHER MUCOUS BUBFACES, Slaking its tfppearance In the fbnn of ULCEUS. Helmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla Purifies the Blood, . . , and ramor.ee all Seal; Eruption* of the Skip, Giving to the complexion a OLEAR AND HEALTHY COLOR. It Wing prepared expressly for this class of com plaints, Its Blood Purifying Properties are preserved to • greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. HELMBOLD'S BOSE WASH, An excellent Lotion for disease* of a Syphilitic Na ture, and as an injection in diseases'of the Urinary Organs arising from Habits of Dissipation, nsed in connection with the Extracts Bochn or Sarsaparilla, in such (Unfair* at recommended. Evidence of ike wort reliable and responsible character trill accompany the medicines. CEETIFICATEsi)F CUBES, Prom 8 to 20 yeart' trending, With names known to SCIENCE AND FAME. - For' Medical Properties of BUCHC, see Dispensa tory-of. the .United States. 8c» Frofessor DEWEE3' ralnablo works on the Practice of Physic. ‘ Seo 1 ’ remarks made by the Into celebrated Dr. PHYBlCK,Philadelphia. ' ‘_ 800 remarks ..made'.by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOW* ELL, acolebratod Physician and Member of the Royal College of. floraeons/lrejand, and published in the ‘TranukcOoni br tbe tong'and Queen’s JournoL •- seo Modbo-Chlriirgical Review/ pnbllshed by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of Royal College of Bnrgeu'ns.- 1 .' So* mart of the late Standard. Works on Hedldna. Extractßuchu, $1 OOper bottle,or six for 95 06. ..'BareapariUail 00. “ •* “ COO Improved Bose Wash, fiOcJ 1 . ' “ 2 GO Or, half dozen of each, for 912 (ft, which will be suffi cient to care the most obstinate cases. If directions are adhered to.' Delivered.- to any address, securely packedfrom-nbmrration. - - i DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICA- CUBES GUARANTEED.! ADVICE GSATISt AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, 1L T_Hxlmbou>, who being •Utfly. sworn, klotli say hii preparation* contain no nar- ; colic, no- mercury,or other -injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. il. T. IIKLMBOLD. Swum and subscribed before lne, the -id day of November, 18C4. . WM. r. HIBBERD, Alderman-, : Ninth street, above Roe*, rhiladeljjrtiia.; Address lottcn for information In.cnnfidcnco to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, -< Depot, lOf Soath Tenth street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. .BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, AndMpriMtpUd.deaUn, ; • Who endeavor to dispose “of their own” and “other” urticle* on the. reputation attained by _ „ Helmbold’sJJetiolne.Preparatiay: . r . Extract-Bucbu; .. “. ‘‘ .Sarsaparilla; “ . ** Improved RostrWash. ; Dft. GEO. H. KETBER, -2To. 140 Wood atrwt, Pittsburgh, 'Ain! (ttH cvtsrxwhtre. - ; A ; ik.for lECLMBp i l«p.‘B F '.T*kffno other. !. ifiy afitfertlaemenr* out "vaft and AVOID IMPOSITION AND KXPOSUBfc. naMnraeGmdawF ous, *<■ t>£tSOLKUM 01L. Tke “JTkwA* ork Jl CHEHicxt. ASSociattox,” Nj Dvf street. New- Ywtk lia*e*tabli»h«la Dvix)t at.KI»IRABJCTHI*URT T - N J ,'for receiving and storing ol L shipped by Hie Jersey Central Railroad. This port is ronvement to Nr* York, ami mvn cariAge'and much handling.— Consignments solicited. Mark Barrel* riu Allentown Rev ca tsc r>—David Eiclvf, of tho firm of Richey, Hurts* A Co.; Bugera A Nesbitt; Eaton, Mocrurn & ,» 0 nogtlniHEwt Otn. W. foITAS li. r. JTCORMICI TTTOODVILLE OIL REFINERY. HOLDS HIP, BRIAN A CO.. KAxcrACTcatus or BURNING OIL AND LUBRICATING OIL, Keep constantly on hand the very best quality of BURNING OIL, clear anil without odor; obo, a gwd LUBRICATOR, pure WHITE BENZOLE and CAR GREASE. „ ttirAll orders left at No. .1* Firm MRttr, Bauk Block, second ifoor, will be promptly attended to. OcD.dtf - C! OLA ROLL NVOKKS COMPANY OF Pennsylvania, Manufacturers of LIBBICATINC ANDttKKISEDOILS, -No. y St. Clair *t., near Duquediu M ay, PtmtaruaH. Pesn’a. ThU Catupauy U exclusively t-ugaged In Ova OH trade, and Ucoustautiy offering PETROLEUM on commission, wholesale. Advances made un consign men hi. Address J. WEAVER, Ja,, . mrA,:dlf Secretary. UAGLE OIL WORKS.—w lUilt-Man JCi l AN DERSON; refiners and dealer* in PURE CARBON OIL, {qualitygnaranteed.) PITTSBURGH, PA. CAR GREASE and BENZOLE constantly on Order# received for the present ut CHESS, SMITH A Co.'#, Water and First strcista. aa&Gnid - OiLCOMi^ANY. \J . R. 11. DAVIS, President. JOHN IRWIN, Jr., Seep andrTrw'r. Dulectobs—R. H. Davis, T. M. Nerin, I • L. Car cachan, A. Cameron, John Irwin, Jr, PETROLEUM, of light gravity, from the well* ai the-compaxiy, onOil Creek, in Venango county, con stantly on hand and for solo. Office at T. H. Kevin A Co. a, No. 26 WOOD ST., Pittsburgh. my4:lyd OKTKOMA OIL WUKKJrf.—LUNG, X MILLER A CO. Work# at Sliarpsbnrg Station, Allegheny Vauoy Office and Warehouse, 23 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. - Manufacturer* of ILLUMINATING and LUBRI CATING CARBON OILS and BENZOLE. OiT.Noi I,REFINED OIL, warranted non-explo sive, always on hand. • oc!2Gjd LUUIUOATLNU OIL, at the low pate* or 25 CENTS PER GALLON, constantly on hand and fsTAal® by B. C. AJ. H. SAWYER- • As to tho quality, we refer to annexed certificate: Frmsrson, Nov. 27, ItitjO. Mean. B. C. d /. H. Sawyer—Oenta : Tile Lobrl eating Oil wo are getting from you we find-to be tin best tor our purpose* we have ,erer cued. Tub L. 3. M. li. B. B. Co., Bt Wk. ESBX, Pmidevl. Lucirek oil yvokks. WILLIAM P. WOOLBIVGE, KjennrAcrimca or COAL AND CARBON OILS, and dealer in . LAMPS* CniMSSYE, Ax., Ac., No. 39 Market street, between Second iiud Third, PITTSEUKIIII, PA. IT A. AicULiUKG, COMMIFSIOX MPECSANT, ron ths kale or CRUDE AND REFINED CARBON OILS, oc!8:dly No. Cl Wood Smet. STOt'ES, esc. A LLEN, McCORMICK & CO., Valley J\, Founlet, Pittsburgh, Pa. "" «ft**WAnaßOU*t, No. aul Liberty street. Manufacturers of COOK, PARLOR AND FI RAT INO STOVES, PARLOR AND KITCHEN GRATES, HOLLOW WARE, etc., Steel and GLua Moulds, Roll ing Mill'Casting*, Mill Gearing, Gas, Water and Ar tizen Pipe, Rod Irons, Dog Irons, Wugoa Boxes, Su gir Kettles, Pulleys, Hangers, Car Wheel*, Couplings* and. Casting* generally. Also, Jobbing and Machine Costings made to order. Patented Portablo Mill, with Steam or Horse Power. nolfcCmd James r. Touxa —r. roesa. ■\7OUNG BROTHERS, DcqcesmeFoon- JL bet, Liberty street, near the Outer Depot Pa. R. B, Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacture MACHINE, HOT BLAST -AND BOLLING MILL FURNACE CASTINGS ofeTery description. OIL PIPE, BOILER CASTINGS, FIRE FRONTS, GRATE BARS, WAGON BOXES, SAD AND DOG IRONS, ORATES AND GRATE FRONTS, STOP* COCK BOXES, Ac-i always on band and for sale low. Orders left with W. W. YOUNG, corner of Wood ’Street and Diamond alley, will receive prompt atten tion. ' ’ StoVes f axovEd i-n. de havlsn A SON, Mascfactceebs or STOVEB. Warehouse, Federal at., near Suspension Bridge, ALLXQUEKT CITY. We ask the attention of dealers to our largo assort ment of COOKING and HEATING STOVES, for tfood and ocmi, which wo are Belling at the lowest rotes. Those visiting our city will find it to. their advantage to give us a and examine oar stock be fore purdiaaing elsewhere. CAST IKON HOUSE FRONTS, IRON RAILING, SCALES;. HOLLOW WARE, WAGON BOXES; PLAIN and FANCY GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, etc.,aml CASTINGS, ofail kindajnoda to order. jyl6:lyd~ ' D. Dk HAVEN A SON. TNA STOVE WOKKiJ.~XJB LEY, manufocturer of every variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES; GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, Ac., Ac. Sole proprietor of the celebrated PATENT GAS* ■ BURNING AND SMOKE CONSUMING ARRANGE* ME NTS. . ' A9"omci axd Sale* Boon, corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh; Fa. - ja*: d Ibl- Kilo “““ at ° ca * 6t |?H°s AfifegHAW, host Conurof ÜbotrudßuditmU. Trains Vfll leave the Depot pf the PcmsyKania Rail road, in Pittsburgh, aa follows: Pi&batvA, C'wlamhus end Ci*cinnaii.S&9rt Line via Sic*ib*nul?e. Leares Pittsburgh... do Steubenville. do Newark do Columbus.... Arrives Cincinnati... do St. Louia ltMo i. m. Leave* Pittsburgh Luj-p. m. do Steubenville m. do Newark .12:00 midnight. dt> Columbu?... , 1:30 *.,n». ArriveeCincinuati . •. n». do St, L0u1i......... ,_Il:J0 n. m. No change of card between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. Splendid Sleeping Car* attached to ail 2*igbt Train*. Piltabur-jh and HTicdoip Li*i. Leavu* PitMburgh l:oo u, m. do Wellavillk! 4:'A> a, tu. do Steubenville..-. fl:28 s. ra. do Wheeling..... &3o a. tu. Arrives BtlLtir.... ~ a. tu. Lonvo* Pittsburgh 1:33 |w tu. do Wolbviue ...... too p. tu. do 5teubenvi11e............ 5:10 p. m. do Wheeling 0:23 p. m. Arrived BclLiir...—...— - 6:40 p. in. Connecting at \VbeoUng with Baltimore and Ohio I Railroad, ami at Bellair With Central Ohio Railroad | fur Zautsville, Liiictuder, Circlerllib, Ctdumhui aud | Cincinnati. J'jftsiMrj/A ami C’VrefunJ Liar. Lravi-s Pittsburgh .....\ 'l:6s'*. m. do WeUsvilte... - m. do Bayard - OdHPa. m. * do Allianco _ 7:03 ft. m. do Hudson 8.-23 ft. m. Arrives Cleveland tfc36 a. m. Leaves Pittsburgh— _ 1:55 p. m. do 'WeUsviUe.—.- 4:00 p. m. do Boyanl 5:21 p. m. do Alliance - 5:50 p. m. • do Hudson 7:04 p. m. Arrives Cleveland 6:10 p. m. Connecting at Bayard with Tuscaruvra* branch for Heir PhJlrtddphia sud’Oanal IVvcr, at Alliance with Pittsburgh, Port Wayne &u«l Chicago Railroad, at Hudson with Cleveland, Zanesville and Cincinnati B. K. for Akron, Cuyahoga Fslli anil Slllluwbnrg, and at Cleveland with C. & E. It. It. for Erie, Dunkirk id Buffalo with C. A T. 11. U. for Toledo, Detroit and Chicago. Mail Train Inarm at &05 a. in., stoppiug at all sta dias between Rochester and Britain WeHaviUe Accommodation leaves nt 3:35 p. m. " Returning trains arrive in Pittsburgh as follow*: Mail Train.-....- *lO p. m. • Fast Lino„....— M - ..Kh2U p. m. £xpms Train 2:00 a. m. W'elUville Accommodation- -,...,0:40 a. m. Piusengurs' desiring to go to Bandnsky, Toledo, Chicago, or points 'West, via Guvoland, must be par* ' ticular to ask for tickets via Cleveland. Through Tickets can bo procured at IUo Liberty Street Deputy Pittsburgh. JOHN STEWABT, Ticket Agent. For fhrtherlnfonnation, apply to ; « WILLIAM STEWART, Agent, At tho Company’s Odea in. Freight Station, Rennet. n 027. - : . ■■;•••• TV BARGEMEN! TCR 1801.—THE pgwgvT..r d* <.iwjihia vania central bail-hdad. kiumx daily TBALNS. • On and alter MONDAY, Sot. 25th, tho THBQUGH matt. TRAIN Iwm* tho Paraenger Station every msrning (except Sunday) at 2:50 a.-m.,stopping only'- ut principal stations, and making direct connections at HiurriuhTirg lor Baltimore aodWasUington, and for New York via Allentown route. • - -. THU THBQUGH EXmNSS THAIN leaves daily at 4:40 a. m., stopping only at pHodpal stations, making direct connection at-lumiburg for Balti more aud Washington, and lor New York vpa Allen town route. : • ... XHK FAST DINE leaves the Station daily (except Snoday) ut 10:50 p. in.;- stopping onlir at pnndpri , stations, nuldnc. direct connection at Harrisliurg for Baltimore and Washington'. " ’ WAY FBEIGHT TRAIN WITH PASSENGER OAlt ATTACKED, leaves the Passenger Sution every morning (Sundays excepted) at 540 a. m., run* ning aatkr. as Conemsugh and stopping at all sta tions ACCOMMODATION TBAINB. The Johnstown Accommodation Train Icarus daily (except Sunday) at 3:00 p. m., stopping at all stations and running as tar as Coneinangb. - * , First Accommodation Trainer WoU’iStation leaves daily (except Bniulny) at G:4O a. m. Second Accommodation Train, far Wall’s Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at 11:00 a. iu. Third Accommod.Hiou Train for Wall’s Station leaves dally (except Snnday) at 4:00 p. tn. Foortb Accommodation Train for Wall’s Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at fi:ls p. m. Returning Trains arrive iu Pittsburgh as follows: Express; 1:16 p. m.; Hail, 8:35 p. m.; Fast Line, l:3ii a. m.; Johnstown Accomtnoaatiou, lthus a. m. ; First Wall’s Station Accommodation, 6:30 a. m.; Sec ond Wall's Station Accommodation, 8:30 a. m.; Third Wall’s Station Accommodation, 1:05 p. m.; Fourth Wall’s Station Accommodation; 6:05 p. tn. Trains .for DUinrillo and Indiana connect at Blairs' 1 vlUe IntcnMction with Johnstown Accommodation and Express Trains East and West. • Tbo traveling public will And it greatly to their in terest, in going East or West, to travel L>y the Penn sylvania Railroad, as thcacconimodatKins now offered cannot he surpassed on any otltcr route. The Hoad is ballasted with stone, and is entirely free from dost. Ws Joseph' and other points in Northern Missouri, the State of Kansas, or the-Territories,should taaiaton hating tickets that read by the NORTH -MISSOURI RAILROAD. The dnly route from St. Louis to Bt. Joseph. It is the.shortest and quickest line, by thir teen hours, to’tho remoteetpoini readiedby rail,and is always as cheap as any other. ' - Buy your tickets toKant&s and all points in North oru Missouri by the North Misaouri Kaifroad. . ISAAC-fI.BTURQEON, President and General Supertatctideht of the North MissouriJUilroad:' ' sclO:itxGm : HENRY K. SIMMONS, Agent. AL L E Umm* «55S53an®BiAl 71 BAI trains daily depart from arrive at, Pittsburgh, (except Sunday.) - Through trains, stopping at Hutton, leave Pitts burgh at 6a. m. and .4UW p, m; . r • : llulton Accommodation trains leave Pittsburgh at y and 11 a. m., and at 1, 230 and 6:40 p. m. • Accommodation trains, returning, leave Hultqo at 7:40 and 10 a. m., at ltd m., and 1:45, 5:30, 6JD and 7:35 p. m. “ .. , EzcunUm Tictet Ears—Pittsburgh to-Holton and return,- 25 cents.' All pnasengers fronu Pittsburgh, • without tickets, will be charged fall.fate. Je7 . : R. F. MUELEXt.Sopedntendci^. QOAP! SOAP!II~Thb Cheml- Ocxt, Ourx Eftxstrx -Soar, manufactured by B. ,C. * J. D. SAWYEBi U acknowledged, to be the .most serviceable of any.kind yet offered to the public. Its superior advantages arc faund In. its cheapness, saving of labor, and its 'efficacy in removing grease, paint,' tar and without' injuring the ekin', or In the {uastwise'damaging tbefintut quality .Of goods. It enn he vaaed with jILI kinds of watery : Reference is mado - with, pleasure to tbs subjoined certificate, from gohtlOmen weQ known In tbia. community, add .who tod .every facility afforded /of seeing It fully end-fidrly tested; QtuzrUrmiuter't Dcpartatatf ttf tie Twelfth, ThlrUenOt aitd Fottrtsiaih Regimtni* pemugUßMia-\oluni*cn. '‘Sawyer’s Chunuod Ollro Eraaite Soap” having been used voiy extensively lit our. Regiments, ere have no hesitation In certifying that It was found ad mirably adapted to-tbsusaof thesoldiere, and decl dodly the'mostiuportocboap.'wfalchcoaJd be procur ed far the service. ; JAMES A. EKIN, Quartermaster Twelfth Regiment. 'ALEX; FORSYTH, QuartermastefYourteenth Eegjmest. . .. . vv. jf. K. MOORHEAD, autfl • QuartctmastgrThirtaanth Regiment. C£© FARMERS AND OTHERS. FOR sale; geowets superior t atebt GRAIN JFAN AND SEPARATOR, Patented January 10,1809. ; . The mperiorltraLthie.FAN' over ail others in use consists in if* cneapnees, simpUdtj and durability, ifecond, in cleaning Grata, faster, better and more thoroughly, with JesaUbor, than any other mill. -The patentee Of the.above Pan has. been long en gaged to mono factoring and selling Agricultural Im nj*meut*,t&d (jonvtooed of . the great want of a good Fanifcr cleaning the different, kinds of Grata and Seed*, presents this to the public; with ft ill confidence thatlt willmeet their wanrt.r - • The uodsnlgnod, having purchased (he sole right •to manufacture andeell.the. above Grata Fan and Separator in Western Pcnniylvania, Western Ylr* gtaia, and ail Ohio, and th'o'right to sell in Indians and Illinois, is now prepared to fillall orders, whole tale'or.retail, at Sldnibcrty street, Pittsburgh, Pa eSttauawtf?- I '-- - . CVS -W. W. WALLACE. X)U VUUUOWN r COOLEY'S CABINET F ItINUNq OFFICE, iiwlpnc-1 for SHALL FBIHTE!18,'BIATI0SI»? DIUiCOISTBi' MERCHANTS, CROC EES, BAKE 1 EU3, AMATEURS, tht ABYIYmiIKAYY, «». H» Prcsaee wooffcr for taileareof anew pattern; areth ; simplest and Ktnmgen and.be*! nUiW'of any cfcM Prwaoe evct3nTnit«d,and occupy'kae apace ; an *» operated by, any one, whether .printer or not, indir T»|d at2pr}oo» hitherto unheard U to nf t about oue-tnU& tbo priee'of Job’FMa*!* now In dip 'The Cabiii(dr(apon which* the fteae*e *t*nd,) ar compos of annul cdsoc, neatly pone gether, and • for dooßiactnan, and,- cottrenienc* hay nsraffr.beeo and.examine, or eeodfo K*l?o*o6biEr * co.. •*c2fc3md r '' ’ * *", r ' ;; 3fa I fltfradn'atreet, M. t. .fipnwarttrtx-, Alti) OlLiisWro sn4fori»aJa by n 027 ISAIAH SICKIT * 00. of* . l:M t m. . a. xa. .12:M p. m. I:M> p. m. 0:43 p. m.