I ,‘v : L' Ji,?. T *i • K il : ; , .., % * , '. J rt‘' >.»• l: 'i- ■ • -jjX. ♦* . * '*, -A *-'»• Bill 1 - ■■ . • * ‘•! ?• * . • .'i. ; * -•- ••.. "J fc'A*.*' !■ tV * ’*,«;•*V-‘V" I, . <■ L«> v. •:• .‘'*vV. w 4 !."* 4 ' *V ’: ’! Aft:' 1 ., - *». --<.v.v.v: : A -; *. .. :■■>.•••■ ■•. .VfV.V.* if l 4 •; ..: .•.* ••; '•-i. ■; , " T i 3 ,; ;;^^V l , , v:* * "‘vf* •rv\-.’_:.;V., 1 4*3>y ... '„>V. • :■•• ,v %:#? "* y'Vjt: * ' r c4-'- •';s£; # if: [¥■•: -'fl;; ;^;'^r;..;.;>:,. £• ' : ‘*ij : £l:|;•' : .'.■.'-•^■.•■it^-’o-p^^^.t:.f y.i : ' r’.-Sii' ' v ’jWiy;,--*, t ' ‘ i*." 1 -!. .'l'.'"' 1 j i Sw-' :'v'fc : ‘- ’ s :'£y : : y ■' ,h \'y. ’■#&«■?• :£*ml ; -: .f; l^lf-^‘, ; s * v ! i * '/} if/: - *. ; .. •" ,1 I,S v~ -V * ... 7 ... • , * »* / f * f * N’ •V*' 4 4- f ■,*' : 1 , • ' •••, •. .. ... 111 WKmm i. .- • . » * - 4 . ;'i' • Jj’JSTZER, JTorwabdiko and .i - .i lit IT, j»nd Produc* gcuenkU?, No. lr, Afutet .« cornirofPlm. PUtuburßh. SEnJ *’• " ■ p”vfe-iosr A l^riol,“T“N-^ d A tTy l *K„ n e»j I.ii»rtrnrt«. rm.turKbp. 0 - A iIEECIUST, — ; : • - " fa&S7:'(fl» ■sZSSZ "omi’ D t v, “,*•“»»««, 11-ctvo , s l*’ ci “ l Partner. »'■ COFFIN, successor? to 4 Ct»'i WnOLESALE QBO * i«m\L raCrof ' r iy3:Jl3r V.-if"vnfrT -t “"*-•*** ««t. I i C0.,-successor to L. G ' KtiD COJIMISSrOUMEH- CilAhT>- t Liberty attx-tt, PtlUborgli. P\« i.«/[IU^JS rt,u * fnt <*• DHUGS, iIEDICIxrs CHESTS r PERFUMEKYaDdiIi irti ,• *l<9 JxrUloing to his litaloc**. : hIhIIm™ 1 >’ rMcn > ,ti "“* weMly coaijtound.'d at •‘V t AilNEbivCli * CU,'Wboik • wtfMUt sod Manufrctnrer of WHrTS* ! J~r Jlirju DMoame, comer of liliettr ud at . . Lltiruntlg, Piltabnrgh. ■ ■ •JOBS t ■ . Awmkct So&m sESiffiA ,, ° l * Kvu *'t Law b ™“ WUI attend to the Mttlcmmf, aecnrinir’ind coUec cm wiStS*' *» Vaahtagton, Dtatict cf lolmnMa. ••■■• ;-r ■— ndifeGm* TT-IRKPATtICK i MEIXoS^SSS rpHOMAS iiWlNti, Aixoeset and -. X Comtttoi at Law. j ? 0, Focrtli afreet, corner cf Cherry «??** M'Utaritb, Py. ■:.. «pH *ri mi Jr | t^mTSura' & HUTCHINSON, Commission ■ JLi AKl> FOSVitDnsllucmsn. ilnlm la KUX RESERVE CHEEISE, BA BUTTER, LTSSEED OIL, POW AM) PEARL ASnSB.-fIEEM/oitAIK, DRIED•FRUIT •ad rrodaca gnienUj. Beat brand* PamUr Flour Mjwnjrsou far tbe b&lq of >U4i*on A Co. ■ celebrated Pntcnled Pearl SUfd». Stw -lid ? > M n 2r!!‘ < l l4 '\ r V? t * tß- ' Wood and Smltl^ •. Beltl, PlMiibqrßhPa. • • ap2-jly . vVaKKUOIvSK.—HKfIjiV COLLI2»tf f Fprwanilng nr.d cbMir knd Hrafcr.fil CUZEBE, SCIIEB, LAKE FIoH «ul PrcdM jttiorslljv■ So. 25 VTcml .trert, V «ier, I’itmrjryb v my 2 rAilbb JiOLMfcS & CO., Fork Dint* y »nd Bruise* I«. BBSST"""- ifor * h —‘ •»* . CAAUiiiL KIiA, bEcEETART. Citizens’ . KJ Ixitoance Compart, o7rncr Market and Water V -M* liOltljOiN, tiECIIETABT. J. »IxitvuASa: GiurAXT' 02 Water »tr»pt. ' (Lal» r WtUon, Cb. f ) . waoiUHi: cuiiuw TOBEIGiTAyD j&OMESnO X>JIJ GOODS, Jfo,. M i Wood drtrt, third hoc** ihoTc BUnJbnd -•■ ■pio-dtf I M. BUK(Jlii'iEiib, BUCe . 4 .- *<„ j W® l>. MUUUc,- lteAtßM is - list • Oooz>», corner of Fifth end XstfeM ttteku V.. FUttbnrgh. » UANapji' IA)VH, Usuastan tfn • nOfWDKTTJvODSTiIfn of t W oriz* Itul Ko, 74 >Urlro> «fWt r J>ftt>feßrgh » TOSKPH. .HORNE, i DeaLxr a Trui '• -y-Jl'P* VTO fllliW Goow, S°. 77 *i 1 'WMfauty . rimbanih. . ;. ■ tpig ,; f i“SAw4W UirjlJKiv Dbale^inDbt K AY *'S®r , BoolCS«M*MiiUmsBt«' ”i^S^.ii.°-A?.° <>l «rc«t, msatmaio th> • gi^^S i SX™S^T n P ot * »V'A. v. dunxvftivw feCo>; Btatiov ..• f I ~£!Uf Bt^nSOtiX-JfAXCTACnUft*. ««tk *na , J*BOrty,-N0..67 Hood ureat, PitUfargh.. >,tn cajvjaissrojr, tit. .JOHN B. UANfmu I “.“JWH. LAlil), POKK, UA(.D.N.“I,OUK tjKH’ 1 POT, AND PEAKL ASHES siY-vn ■ *!s* « SEED AND LABD ion’s, •dbied FBDIT I?a‘ ? ' Produce nencrallj-, Noe 'MI .nd in i* . T . ,ad Plll.l,onrL . ‘ " lu lront.lr.ei, —: — : - ■ ■ • - - oca . WM. COLP ;• . . ... . fiuLP * shepard; pHocCcT H? aS^L, fooua, BRAIN AND TORA&K VAN GORDEU, Produce and MmchaKt, dealer in rrOTTfftrrT URvVvnt^OUK, "JnJ* ll^n»: ' D i Gn t h ? >nd ProJoce gbn iralJx. Libf ralcwh advance* made on eonalcnmcnt a lHyetond meet. Pi,tXS- CPta : KHOJURin........ .. —— ■ ■ QCIIOMAKEK & £ ANU,’i CoinliasSv Liluny n. 1,1, yimtunji. r„. 'wccossor to Jno. OESERAL HoStt’aS COMMISSION HEBCUAiTT. ClnV A>l> ComffiilMnn TOpecttally toUdtcA ikm.ii. HULfei. A: CO., \Y noLEivhK . tjEOCEJtfi I.SD CO»JIIbSJuSi VlUflUlW SjiUiyekUmnv*ter ninvut, I'HtUmitcb. i»*. ■ J?iKi-EEToN-&- MBTODiSrwi^: JO RIG GISTS. ~i AVholfjhm? J~)rh pp »tsB?5FS’ ?££??’£. ILSI vaKShb if 5 AMn«J« l JfS‘ ho - t * i% Liberty itrcet, PittiTmrfcb.— Ail ontere will rccclv* prompt Attention. mfid* I Y SKK,, PRCGQI3T, £*^TH£Sfcgg of Wwl * tlM ‘ “ J -ITTORJTEirS. A. t^OKylANpi, Attorvbt i.^'M T / c i7 »4|oluldz tbaufflcaof M*r »hall & Biwp, Pittrtmrgh, Pa. •** 'feffidW r n -M- Jll. 1 Attorney and nfvrJ > h »!J BD,OT «I to KUHN’S , " o *r®“oS, >o. U • Duoonfl street, next Uoorfo gt- l'*tcr's Lhurrb. ■ mVls^!> Bt\ LLOA3, Attorney atJLaw>- rn r 5, No. T-i.GfiDi *mwt, Firtabargb, Pa. S Jlt -> ai Law, mo dice: i,\; JUNKS, AOK>?7 AUEJU ci.fitiieor reniuj-lraiU Md Hertford I&< i Iflpynlfle, 67 W*tat itn*ts, •••<• M. buuK, &creia*t AlLkguest Tsvceaxce Govpast, 37Hlntf itreet.' - DRY GOODS. rjatjcos, iic. _ nOOKSELLERHf ffe. J< ”AV; .Bookseller rnsni?tv:itTton* rttf*tr&vbaiT'rtni\M~ u a PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING. IVOVPmuud oo 1001 „ ~r,.,. ■ T ra Tl^f L F B Y'“iiV;VV^Vi-tV" JA ““ Tiixuii Xjrnir« * UtlAUlLL,Wholesale inpna i, 'fittklnirrii' 'RMDuitrtiUH gtttt-ryUr, 112 Saxaj ,ire,t. inm,{ireh " ° .•Swsr^K pSffia-SSIS atrwt, Pittabnivh. ’ * ' ** ¥P* rtjf ~ nol4:ly, &“bkOTHERS H ' B uccm” ni mtEIGS e TRDIIs n v{n|’A\D I s’fi I fr?* lr ™™ _ jrJ>:dl» ! p'&T I S&SiS SZLSSt'ft j Tim uj ' *'*” em,lbtfM ' Piltsborgh, I'.. fftrnr lonaujj “ R 22JS? 8 * s^rwK^SoK WS pjJU.' —— * ' -■ tayg. JUNES, VV UOI.ESALE UeALKK “anilla hope, oakum, NoHl P w£?r?,rl^ I |’ l ‘ n ' e f anldcj SJ"™™’ * Uorc ‘ h ' Monongnhul* 8r1.1g,; Lf UUUIKI DALZELL ft CO., WnoLE- A *'* ® ROCEJU ' CoMMIMicm xjto |J da^.-n| _ fc iu r PRODUCE ami KKI **» aappfiu-tnrwr. pitttbgryh. f ,M r auii umurt . ■ J i AMBEBT ftWSBKTwREE JOHN W4TT:.t{ J- A •*. WILSOSrWnoL^u’G*; I^i^^ ICI{SV Pht.°S‘ : W?»Wn « Wo •raVrpartdloW htiv* Johl nnfnn.! dl(I W ! T ltk iu »bll itos.TTUSUOg ttttt I.T ?3S£ l Z!££££'" chAncltr oronr wk *«- \O\VJ^ a t attention iu our B vLAVrrn — £ Ja2C:lyd AJIBAK NHJLLL It CO.” Xo 01 ISDKB BOILEIU,- CUlixEis HKnrhit A “ orJ ‘ ni ,rum * J,lU '*“ imimpily „. '' LUU * tJi i iLuroPACIt SEK or mgs&ss k’Mr srwaKiF } I * StGA /» 18V, 191, 193 aud ]us Firet atreet bctweeu Smitlifleld tod Grant ttmts, Pittsburgh * mb'* prta , f ’ n ' el ou tpd tU other pclaonou* la creditor* C *ccl2 l? eXtraCted ’ by * process now and iuprored JSSEF.H Kj&uiUL'i'uN * w Comer of Fint cad Libert}* strata, PITTSBURGH, Pa. auscrAcrcicu or SUPERIOR alEAif EKOINKS, MACUI.VEEY 4c ' 4c - J'®^~*®^ASTi _ Uo?7T u CCCSSO rB “bo“!„SvS#-> “ d V“- ■«»'». B‘MLI.K FAIRCnANCE IROS WORKS, K.»,tt. Co , P». •'l.lyd Warehooßg, 13 Wood «„ Pin.hnr.l. Q bEyjSKAWUJi, >o. SU_Watkr St., or«»erf description. • 1-S^ f * rtlc,,, * r * i “ p»p.ia>micUco»..A> : r - T ' FLL’XEtTT T- IUMPBftLL GLASS WOKKS.- JLJ OLFE, PLUNKETT & CO., Glam Jlaxcmc- Warehouse, Jio. U Wood itrwrtVconier of First, Pittsburgh, I'm- iwVlyrJ New Brioiitox, V ri*. AuianctareroLßUClLSTS -TlTn« - 7X\r washboathw, nmrEoxisJb label* r. fTUJETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT * PAIS, BY THE USE OF AS APPAHATCa' A*E UBkS S ° DKLGS ° bGALVaX 1 Colil mulwri, the tlm« whon th. opmranu an. *» n«ed to lu bwt adnntigo. C * B bj m, procra, umi ir« rwuly to I n!ji lioOMldlj pcnoin lutereMiul lu lh » OTUratl, burins l»i knooWjo of my M-AETIFICIAL TEETn iuwrtfd In mreryilylu. E-OPPRY. DtutHt.lMßnillhllel.l.t - fT ( ?^ HAZ,/t^’ I)E; ‘ T,6T ' Cotincl| y'» EUUbugl!?' ° f 61 * ,n0I ‘ d •?* Ora”' Mr.it!, VKtfSBJ jjg - iawd. Thaodom Robbins, Burnell Errott. my-kdly REAL ESTATE ABEJTTS. 'IX7TLI.IAM WARD, Dealer ir Peoh- f*!5WW(AS4*»»>. SfE!" " ,r ° U * h my **“■* thtffr- nionej to good ad ''r,t*"'l “ C ° nJ d “*W" d.nt l Ll Cm oS5 <: *n‘°° , .“ d '"'“M.n. Mrlctly cojifl! Sli7ural 0m Oran' Mrem, oppuMlo. m. Paul’, ouunurai. y. ~ ... Je ). dlf BOOTS AA'D SHOES, i J Mancfactcrer op A R tAiITECTVRAL. glSwjffiasagfflagST gj& *■**»* rtrejt, jMiln PLANS AND SPECmCATION-5 _ _r-fwL. •.• • ‘ : • my«ftQiy Jtf WSIC, He. J mar«agja ■’ ■;. • ?r‘v.'••?■> I.?* trr.lV> ;*t v:.» It: '»■■• ' *'► * T u.:.v'-U llfAttl.- ! 5 t *-i GROCERS. snitatxe for HOTELS and PRIVATE D'ft'ELLINOS niture carefully packsd and boxed In the Hue. JAAffii! 11. CHILDS 4 00., - : UOPE LOTTOS MILL. ALLEGHENY, ' . ! BAMUCACTUBIU OF SFAMLESS DAGS Ab’D OF 03N4DUBOB, 32 INCHES TO 40 INCHES WIDE ftrOrdcw toft.,, it. ChUd* A Co/., 133 Wood .t yrlH xwtiiu .UcnUoo. _* ocfediy rt.vs, \v HOLESiLE iSD Her ail. rri-S ASD CASES BEPAWED; SILVER AND GOLD PLATING, Don* >t the aljottut notice, at Wgtibfra ifr*,.?*?®** -^ | sS? l * •■***■ GM***a>J>«*»**» &***■ ■<*“ Watch* a*p CHAUS, Siivu 9oVd E u^ucank), 0 *c BLE ’ 18 ' If. BICIJAiII>SON A C 0.,: Corner vt tUi h *cd Uwk«t Krteti- ' I G'JJjWJu. woMuk-Jab. ovvilis, Pira “ *^K& A . 5k 0 “ u “ E,Ta ”' *» • All CTo4T*left« No; 23 Goncrne etrwt, «ix door* $r? l ,t W / h *.' Paper Store, No. A -Av ocdetTfet. Till ba promptly attended to. «ai»-j» w. 4. cutvtu, pALD\VELLi'M6., J BjAT fSbk|£ «« “ Ro£ JVA>O OILS, TABPACHN9, BUCK, LIGHT AMMIEAVZ, BKILLIKQS, Ac., Jfo. ft Wsur *nd T 8 front rttwa, Pituborgti. ; ap.V«llr Ww. YOUNU, successor to Cdrt * xrlglili Toung, Xu. vt Wood «UMl,ccfi»r “ A«*l*r 111 “>* kliuU of CUTLERY. '..01L, GINS, 4c,, -Au.. A Lwgw uwrtmuu.uf :tb« Rotxli cumuptlj oo Land. \ mbi . TAtiiSON & iOWMjjliN'b, I*ork "»• »**“»» ■IS baCom, drier JJELf, LARD, MESS AMR RUMP PORK, Jti u fourth atrMt. mm Llhdrty, PifMbmrKti- . T VV AIAKSIIALL, DtALElux wAI.L Jtiaa""- «»*. Ril . P AIaMKR. No Wood !ji • Dealer In BONNETS, HATS, BTBAWTEIM MINGS, and STRAW GOODS (earnl!? jyjBDICAL CARD. Srr'i-fe Ulagia Plttrtmigh about th« oil of DECEiIB£.K, praxicja, t° remain nrinl weak*. iu will,u tutuVdetdtf BU Wand to tuih at?" H. 6K OWFm. —-Tm perfection of thl. inartlmalila IrroMntirfu « * ulotUii lo mankind. Wlihont drt«ri!mfiS'.S porifled from all thenoxtonj qttalMw of tin dru/ frM*nreirbtm», tcmldt, cancsmu cl cm. «mrt other p^nft, l affoctlon., it will wliato pala iS a ?:,!!*% wunodlt kofion, and morbid .acltMn«nf of bodj antfinlDd, wlihont can*, iny alckDMa, co.tlr.no™, or Tbcmadraf: "dilator ' " n "“‘ r,OJtr 11 Pco-.mln.nt In tbT ll.t B. t B. BKSB9, Drir. gtjta, 100 Folton itrect, Now York. ' ™* _BoW also by B. 4 CO., pjtu ocreb, Pa. ? Sold *Uo by Dmgglfti gfoortllr. no2&dlw.wltP J'OJtSJLE JtJrJO ’M Kfiy ; ENGINE [ iOK bALß— About Eight Houb ¥ome%l& rood order, Botr (Irivlor Power Pnw»ittthltom«. ;_WJU be void ctwlSfyi «uh. Engirt et GAZETTE OFFICE, i ,J»7-dtr . Fifthetreet,eboreßmlthflglH. 'TJK}K r fcLALIS.—A Tory commodiona nhd JL comfotuM* .natdsQcfl, In • deilntla nelehtar. kood. Ja the Third w*fd, AUeghont,r S flM declared twlcua T**Jr*n Jotio tod December. IpUreethaa been ds th*^'»^!^ nuaU * ,ai Juno “d D«cembw;aince aye®. organized, tt.tha ret* SE . Intercat, If hot draws out, is pWd to dis credit 2»e« ihwE72?flr!f rinclpa » l * ao *s*X tho same in •EmSSSeii **** 01 Joseand D4cwaber.com. Jw-wULoDt troubling tho dcpoal «r/^ tt,l » or *^ n toPrusent his pan boot. At this Sak'iKn 7 .^ 11 tloa^fl ln b*s tSn twelve years* Sr f jtxn a«gn , e»te mght axd OHK-Hiit r» ;„**“?*’ , con{a,nin 6 *bo Charter, By-Laws, Boles the ofihs! “ furnbheJ K™ ll ** on application at rEKSiDtNtr-aEoRGE ALBBEE. ■::■• vice rauiDfar*- * Jj iUlsm J. Anderaon, James'B. D. Mowls’ UiUßurgwln, IsiaeM IwTawT' • A:.IC; J*oUocJt,°M , D , Uopowell Uepbora, Robert Robb jSS§ C ir l W ; Jamas Shitllo,' -' ■■.. 1 Alexander Jindle- ' j ■ * Jobs B. JCcFaddas, ’ .. John G.Jiackofcn,, Pilar A HmUiM * • tiwig* Blick, : : . John H. Alellnr * John B.CaafleU, SSSufaSSfe; , , Alonao.A.OtrrUr. O JofanAUrebaU; Charles A. Colton, WaXteeJP Mulhiii JoSotr;^ Usury l. Rincvalt. JbMUrir,- ' • Alexander Spear, WJlUMniNcluini . ‘ «yiN Wt * ?, V*' ■ ~ Isaac Wlrittisr. ' ; " lUlsm S. Lately, Chrlstisn Yn«ir. , ! A: OOlTplf. (^SEMAJnWjb'I 1 AsNU SAVINGS V* BAhR, corner Sixth and Wood street*. - • • BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT < ■ C o^A' 4Ji ' r “"' flOO.twn. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE DißtcToaar ADAH REINEMAN; IVsreW. Sprluger Uarbangh, j AugustusßoeYelsr.i r Joseph tiaff, i i'k n l , *VJ kutte - I ChrfitUn Siehsrt, S Anthony Meyer, _ }' A.GrOetglnwr. • lU&VOUXT hVBRY DAX. mylfrmj . JPUN.SXEWABJ. (hAW .n/Si 4'i'O (/S. 7 T7UHNITURE AND CHAIRS SthE JC DUCED PRICES.~JAMES W. WOODWELL Ans. b* Third street,.aul< 111 Fourth etruei,' ALL VARIETIES OF STTLES- AND FINIfU, **" All orders promptly sttsndad to, and tbs Fur- STEAMBOATS and HOTELS famlshtd at eluut I.ABIM.r H.4REKS supplied wHh every article JfUEtHC*IL.. w. noDEXH.iitrn, it d„ or *nr Toned*?, 1 «•*£ "'•i V< * , pttsbunjh feeffy S. Hir>J>LK & CO £«fTOpS A.St> PBOBBIMTOBS, : Pablicatiou Office So. 84 Fifth Street. ■ MORNTsd AND DAILf, CONTAINISOTHE LATEST NEVTS UP TO THE HOUR OF RUBUCATION. V I TERMS: . Hoxmxo edition-—3C per annum in advance, or 12 rant* par.iMk tin carrirn. Evr-Mvo HniTipN—S3 per'annum in adranca, or C canta per WMk from carrier.. - o ' WtcKLT IsDiTlO!t—Slnglo cnptea, 22 annum; Fire or morn,|f 1,16; Ton or upwards, gl pOr annum ' Inrarlablp In adranre. : ' > * ADVERTISING AT REASONABLE RATES. ' THURSDAY MORNING, NOV. 28, 1861: EATEST FROM WASHINGTON. . Wjumixotoa Cut, N0r.,25^1861; EISIGSaTIOS or Of.o'. m.ENKIH—cm. SIG2L Vo General McCltflan has addressed a letter to General Bleukcr containing snch expressions of displeasure, at; left to the latter no choice but to resign, which ho did this.morning; ■ It is said jhat the illegal tax of *10(1 per month,' which, ho has Termed frouYeaoKbrßie'hlitlore of his division, has olieited ihtrahor'e fetter - A committee has lfeon organised for the Invest tigatlon of theaceountt of thedlrision. '-'The mass of the' Germans hare nerer eonsidohid Blanker as altogether the right man for a ho-' sition so responsible, and the rumor that Gen' .is to succeed him, is hallod with almost nniTersal delight. >' 2-AFt. rxau vana.a naioaDina ocscaan. , ] Captain J. G. Park.vOf- the: Topograph!- cal Engineers, United States Army, ha. Been promoted to the position of Brlgedior Goneral of-Tolunteers. .. "V rue ronTiarn rxsasYtrasra sraiucsr. Col.. Bohlon, of! this regiment, has been promoted to a brigadior generalship. |lis brigade will consist of his own regiment, tbb rsgtmcnt of Colonel Schimelpfenig, - ths Now lorlr Buck Yagoee/andanotaer regimentnh named. Joseph R.lChandler, of company 1 B ' in Col. Bohlon's regiment, has been promoted' from a firft.lientenancjr to captain.-‘He is a son of Joseph R. Chandler, of Philadelphia. John Wiecke, of philsdelphia, of the same regiment, hes boea,|)romoted to brigade qoar termastor. : A ro*AO)|XO EXPEDITION. A foraging expedition from Genera] Mc- Dowell's division. to-day obtained a Urn quantity of hay and corn, about hair way‘£i the leading from Falls Church to Fair fax Court-Honse. There were no indications of Uu> presence of the eueniy. ' flir PENNRTLTANIA HIWEkVBS. There is m> doubt but 'that the Pennsyl vania Reserves, under Gen. McCall, will oc cupy Leesburg witlilq the noil few day 8> a iui .make it their winter, quarters. IWB;lyttm IMIEOID (’OUUrNICA+IOS HKTWBRN WASHtKU ' tOH ANb niLTIUOBE. * Government will recommend toCobgress to loud its credit for iv short- tima'to the c«a.- atruction of a nfcw railroad between Bllttmbre and Washington, upon the couditton that! It carry passengers and freight at stipaUtcd rates greatly below those charged by the-1 Baltimore and Ohia* road, and will also-aik 1 for moans to accomplish the projects, fully de- 1 tormined on, of new aiding* and more doable ! track from here to Annapolis, and of a rail- I road from, the- Navy-Yard to Georgetown, through Pennsylvania avenue and aero,r the Potomac tipon the Aqueduct Bridge. DETECTIVE EXPEDITION OX T|!E LOWE* potO« The little eipeditiotfqnthe Lower Potoinhc. .and*! Jji*ns»rin(eode»ttr«f&eteetiv« Baker, has restated in thecaptaro of« well-known rebel spy and several of his Confederates, a quantity of arm 3, and a batch of letters duly prepared for the Richmond conspirators. Soime uf these implicate persons here and in Mary land nothithorto suspected of sympathising’ with tho enemy. .Of the nrma, fifty Sham's rifles wore discovered in a newly-made grave in a Catholic cemetery near Leonardstown' wrapped in flannel; m a-coffin-shaped box* Thoir whereabout was made known by ehe who witnessed the ’'mysterious finera!.** A lot of .musket# were found in another locality a few mile? distant, buried in the sand on the. shore. By these discoveries aud/esp- 1 tores the Gorernuent.it put in possaulon of 1 raluable information, and tho rebel spies who : hero so Ipng conveyed information andertzta! to the enomy bare received a sadden eheck. The expedition was composed of a detachment' or Indiana cavalry, placed at the disposition of Mr. Biker. • •••'■ ■■ BECeHSOIASAXCR. This morning companies A and IJ. of Col. Friedman.'* Cavalry Regiment,- commanded by Maj. Batler, wont on a tour of obstrva lion. A milo beyond Hantor’s Mills, tb«y mot a company of Itebol cavalry, supported by Infantry, Our men were fired upon ' by cavalry. Ono horse was wounded, and ona member of company A injured by hi* horee falling upon him. -At the order given s by Lieut, ml for Cempany A- to advance the mrantry of tho rebel* took fright and jo treated. ' r TH! SIUMOBK AXD OHIO tAILBOID. Gut. Peirpoint, of Virgin!., and Hr ford, Agont at Wheeling of tha Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, wont home to-night. It la believed that they bare succeeded in their miißion, and that the highway; so long cfos-' ed, will soon’bo open to travel and traffic.. 1 TO*>£VoLtrrioWßTs 4T WOEH IM eOBOPK. Thoroughly trustworthy private letter* from Europe. contain tha highly important in telligence that tho Revolutionists of tha Con tinent have aada.the moat ample preparations to *ei*o any opportunity whicn a meddlesome intervention in the.affairpof thisbbuntry may give thorn. In Italy, Austria, PolanA dnd even France, mine* are laid ready to «&e sprang at a moment’s notice! * Should Eng land trouble us, she will be likely to cause a general conflagration. ; , v MOVKHCXTS or THE ABUT, Everybody hero teems to have come unanl mouely-tothe opinion ihatjaeneralMcClellan ;is about’to make an advance nnon the ebotny Iliii;ariuy Ir ceruinly in excellent condition! and the movements of tha past few dayi cer- . tainly stem to indicate a ! movement of some kind. In; connection with: this fact, I *yiv etate that the Wheeling-/»ie«w«»w r n Jiv2; the. important- statement that’-the ttacpe r bf Oeneral Reynolds' command are being.-Jvis-- ionodfor. ftctivo servicciiLQthsr quarters' of thecottntry. The advlcei from Cheat Moan tain are tbat seycral of the Ohio regimonti are ordered, and are how on thelr'way'to K#rr lucky*. .Other*,; it: is; reported, will tilto 'up the )ine of march in a tow days for QeneraT -Kelley'e hoadanartere at Romney,, and, t In connection with-the force T already! there, com. tocnco. aforward movemenl in couoertwith'an expected morement of tbegrand army of tbV! Potomac. ;| IRpiCATIOK* OP WIHTEt. We were reminded of the approach of-wln ter. by a . light fell of enow bit nigbt7jU»t enough t£ change the'top of'thn ground td a, white appearance. A/tight'; enow aformUt Ball's Cross Roads Is reported by moiVongeri from. Virginia,:-Last night was frosty,hut the • soldiers: report; that they were .warm and comfortable in thelr tents. - Covering it boing provided for the cavalry-horses. i 8 | ABRIYA(..O)r 00V. VOBAZI. Govrrgbkiiiifioi^^l^V'fiTaTianiy-and sereral Hungarian'followers. tf® whi rating rineyarda in Texas when the rebellion broke out. . Inconsequence of hisloyalty ; to his adopted country newaa driren out of lha South, j . . : • ■ ARBEBT Of Jt'DQK PATTERSON] D. S. Patterson, Jadgo of the First Judicial Circuit of Tennessee, andeon-in-lawof Andy Johnson, has been Arrested and brought to 1 Knoxville for trial. > UOSIT FOB TAB ABXY. Paymaster Patterson has just loft thd treas ury with $550,000, to pay off the afrmy io Western Virginia.. _ Two of tho treasury clerks will start in th* morning with a million of dollars for the army’ la Missouri. .The/ go to fit. Louis. This HIM. | Government has advices from Richmond that thai city, as well as Savannah and Charleston, MemphisjmdNow.Orleans, is in a I P an,c * wore packing tip so as to be l in readiness to learo when'the Yankeos an ; prowhed.' It was the getteral belief that the Tebel government had already commenced re moving Its- arebjevee •to Nashville, so-snd denly -made the -Capital. Government also has intelligence that the discount on the Con federate ■Treasury:Notes is already 80 per ~c ® Pta nd that on private issues mu«t bu Mill greater. . , ■ Tho. Richmond predicts that the next battle, on the Potomac will be in the vi cinity. of Occoquan.nnd T)umfries. It expects ,a combined movement from Alexandria, the Potomac.aud the lower eountiesor Jlaryland. At'Manaßsas, fiO r OOO or 70,000 troons are massed. r . ; .. KxrecrrD attack oh columbos. ' I .There is thought to be imminent daneer of ou eoiumfeii, Ky, The CW/relou Mmyn ot the 21st, pabtiahea a dispatch from ■i-?i"7 Orfoan*.- Hatea the 20th, which slates that intonso excitement prerails there relative to the threatened attack en Columbus: Kv. Com. Hollins had gone there with his fleet, and had telegraphed' fur the steam-ram Sla naaaaa.: A floating battery with 20 guns’ was going.up.Uiat.night. Alltberircr pilots had 1 bM . n . , „ ni,ire '' cli ' Seventeen thousand troops end7(>,eßnnon. were at Coiumhos. On the “i*! » I'uhlin meotlqg was held at Memphis. the people Passed resolutions to send-men l and guns to Columbus, and adopted an address •ailing uponTsisler SUtos also to send assia lan* tor tho dpftuso of tbo Mississippi - Val | ley. Theaddress says: • ■ .. .. [ invasion is at hand by the enemies of | sur ngbts -and - liberties, moving upou -u* in overwhelming number,.: .In tha neitflvedays there "Wall be a great faatUe at Columbus, and ‘f tho.Confederaltj areeverpowered, Memphis will b. lest to the South, unless Alabama: I Mlesumppl .and Louisiana help ns. Our trtends .ip.the surrounding States must look ibe faets in the face before It is 100 lake.” I The Tennessee Legislature has established ? r^D,n ™ and apprfpriated. $300,000 for mannfaclnringarms. Itliasslm Instructed the Governor to presS into immedi atesorvice ell the guns in the State-. ■ Theremorai oftha itinerant capital io Nash ritle point, in the .same direction in rebel johrnars of Frida,.' t. WiST.OS CLOTSISO SSOSQ THE REBELS, The Government bas also information that the supply, o winter clothing for the rebel troops is .ant rely inadequate to the require ments for the winter, and’that’the sources’ of manufacture i re not sufficient to supply tho increasing ds Bind.-Blankets have been ob tained from. the beds of cititens to answer the Immediate, want, .but their troops are in no wise prepsred to stand the rigors of tho win ter. , They are eounUng confidently on goto* into winter quartors when our army shall havo mado an advance, and a battlo shall havo been (Ought, as they believe that in any event our troops will than go into quarters tili spring. . i'loyd, who has bean doing nearly aa lisrd work us his late assoeiute, in running awav. will soon boonth. sick list. H.e is now a[ Raleigh; Court-House, which is As good a strategic position for his favorite maneuver as any other. Hs -claims through the Rich mond Jotter writers that G«n. Rosccrana bad thnee bis-numbors.- FIOTD FALIIKQ. BACK TOWARD RICHMOND. Thopeoplo of Richmond were excited Inst week Ey Bad nows from Western Virginia, a country from which they have rarely roeeired any agreeable intelligence:- Oen. Firyd had fallen ba«k toward the rebel cepitai in confn sion, pressed by the Tankcos, whom our own advicto ahow to hare been under command of usn« Bonham. - HOftr rsjoji rnisoKiSß To Bit biwoted. -The'Richmond Euyuirw, of the 22d, an nounces that arrangements hate been made Tor quartering. 500-more l of the prisoners at present inßichmond,at Tnsealoosa. Ala., and pahibnry, N. C. ;■ The, first detachment for the former place, who were to start-on Friday aftenioon, comprise one hundred and fifty, fa?-' clnalto of twcnty ioommlisioncd officers, the whole party of Sargcon Honrr Rirta, ofLouiatana. The says the prisoners selected were generally areree to the "*?•/ A row were gratified by the change.; akoißlß ;caisGir*iir THr hxikl cabin**. *.' Thbmas; Bragk; of North Carolina, hka been appointed BebeljAttornoy General In place of Boiyirain/mado Secretary of War. . , • ilikifci'BEMATOM,'' «!$&'CUy kra olocted Reb«l Senators from Alabama. ■• WIM COIfTAtSICsiIT. Ueory A. Wiso it so maoli tatter as to re port himielf. for duly, -t : . 3taion and Slidell In Fort Warren. The; San ijacinto, with her. chop-fallen prisoners, arrived at-' Fort Warren, Bos ton Harbor, on the 24th. •: one of his overseer »hrogs,«artepping oTertlie Tcssera sido, f hagaVo a glancemt the: saib-walla of Fort ? which fi to- be Lis' ' ’SS&tfSMWS? .»>*«!«: Mufti*--i • ’ Blldell lobkwl- impsasitfe,- but immenßely , •: Hl* Bhtty-eight years boar upon him with more than their wonted weight." Tlie JSew. Yprk Evening I’otl ; giTes : the following account: , • rv, .ruE pataoasns noaiau TUB pasjiue. ;' | The rebel Commissioners and their aecre*' ; tarita:- «cupied>V captain’s ‘ cabiit -and mesied-with him actable. When they first cameonboaidthe San Jacinto Cant. Wilkos mfliqe the following* ', . “totwiiw? rehiir «rd«vor to make you as comfortable o»‘board as iny ineans will perMlur J: IwieVtovhaye it :dl»tinctly, Jnoenloca;' hoWcTek,'that this la a veseol • belonging (o thelgoTormriont of the United 'S , «W» v ;, , i'hcte.ntn |, U» no political talk on* py OFFICERS I* MIS3OCB!.' - An order will this week go out to St. Lonis, directing the ptfipent of ail the officers ap pointed by GcQ. Frcmont. GROANS OP THE REBELS. . Washikotos, Not. 25, 1861. TBE KOVrVknT OF THE BKBEL SEAT OF OOTRBS - ' )■■■■ Private intelllganoe-vecelvod by the Qovcrn mant to-day states thattha movement of, tho BBBtof Government from Richmond to Nnsh- T‘H» was caused by .the general- belief that booh onrarmy would marchagainst that city, preparatory to, going into ..Wiatar ijiurterr, and'thatit was deemed safo to remove tbd archives of the rebel Confederacy to a point less exnoaed.. Sharing in this belief, many ef the higher familreshad already paoke'd np moat of their movable property, to be in read moss todeava-thooity fn-enswof a demonstra tionof.oor army in that direction. - As a coh . sennenee of thie movement on the part of the rebel Government,-the rate ofdijcoont on tho I rebel bonds had risen to 30 per cent. The Cactsufficicntly.indifatoe the waning faith of the Southern people'fn tho solvency of Jeff. •paviet-Confedoraoy;- and tbo present-rate- of discount showa.tho rottonnoas of the concern. Whon Anatrian credit waa the lowest, the to curitloa of tho empire wore nevor more than 24per cent, below par, and she recovered with difficulty,though;, possessing roonporative powers which the rebel Statos do not A PANIC IT THE flOrttl. ,TUE NEXT. BATTLE ON. THR POTOMAC, I’LOTD 15 A BAD WaT. ADDRESS .W - THE .COMMISSIONERS X i \ -T v very well, but none of the persons on board j enjoyed the long and rough passage of one > week beiweeu New. York and Boston. i At nine o'clock yesterday morning Com modore Wilkes and Marshal Murray: arenf from the vessel to- Fort Warren, and ar ranged with the commandant, Colohcl Dizu mick, for the transfer of the prisoners. A small steamer was • sent out’ for their hag gag®, which was brought to* shore: -At eleven o clock the debarkation took places Mason and Slidell came out of the cabiq, and walked to the gangway, as a person who was on board says,-the *‘most dilapi dated looking roosters” he ever saw. When Mason saw the fort his chin dropped| the tegs of both commissioners were decidedly ~“* y . “ I 11 '? walked to" thegaagW; They bowed to the officera, and got ontho tug»withlieutenant Fairfax and the Mar ahal, and steamed towards.shore. • THE PROCESSION TO THE FORT. 1 > 3 e Quarter of a mile from the .fort,; and whfeh the party ■'landed several officers ivere in,waiting to receive' the pris-; oners. After iheir “trtfps” were on shore the commissioners were escorted (o thetort On arriving at. the entrance; the prison ers vrere introduced 1o Col. Dmnnick. wlio made the following ' ADDRESS OF WEtCOME* “Gcntlancri: lam most happy to receive you in Fort Warren.” ' ' ■ * - Tho Marshal. then informed the prison that it. would ho his duty, to'exntbine their baggage, and requested, them fg give up their keys'. A thorough search of their "effects stas made' iti'their presence, and no papers or dispatches of any sort were found. Their keya and baggage were then delivered to the prisoners, who were' shown to their quarters . ■ Commodore Wilkes has pot yet made his official report of the capture'of the rebel commissioners. We shall not be surprised if his report-should stale that he autlior iied Lieut. Fairfax, not only to luke the commissioners, but also to seise the steamer Trent. It is certain that he sent engineers I with Lieut. Fairfax rto'lhc Trent, for this'l purpose of taking charge of her. When j the Lieutenant-returned to the San Jacinto' with his prisoners, he reported that there were many passengers on the Trent who were, undoubtedly, anxious to proceed at once to England,-and the Comuio(|ore con eluded.to let her -go. r It is not at all Strange tliat no disprilchea or papers were found in the baggage of the rebel commissioners. Ifthey took credent tials with them,-they were eitier in the Treuta mails, or on the persons of the hidies of the pnry. Pittsburgh & CimncllsvillcUnilrimd. .We an glad to learn from the Preiiaini if the Company that a new.nudmost.imndrtant Motion of the Pittsburgh and Connoil.villo Railroad woa opened upon' the 10th of lakti month, whereby tire road is now extended from its previous tormina* andjunction With] lb* Pennsylvania Central at Turtle Creek twelve milt* eostward from Pittsburgh, info it« own proper and commodious.depot in, that city, - Ip the whirl of iJomestic .turmoil and national agitation, we have lost Bight.of. tlu« work in which we have a<>. largo a stoke, and ' of old, have, felt ao deep an interest. The original, and with many, if hut moat of oar people, the preferred roate and .tcrujinair of oor, great Wea torn: Railroad, the PilU burgn and Cehueiravllle received, fn 16(55 after tho completion of ’ the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, to Wheeling, -'a substantial token of our favor in the loan of a mil,- lion of dollars, for , wblci tho oifv of Baltimore holds a mortgage- upon the 1 work The expenditure of this, With tho other rS loaretis of tho.CompanyV was but sufficient to complete in January, IgST, some forty-eight miles of the road between. ConnelUrille. ind I Tnrtln Creek, where, from want of means to extend it into Pittiburgh/it nhited with the I Pennsylvania Railroad, over which road its I passenger! and freight-have . Until now been carried into that city. A year’s Operation of the line under this arrangement proved, how erer, so discouraging, und thendvahtages of an indepcndcnt'read into Pittsburg became so manifest, that measures were taken in the winter and spring of 1858 towards that object. The President represented the case rn strongly to ottr City Council that, npou -V. deputation : from them being sent ont topittebnrghin'Febi. rltore of that year, arepori was recoired which th tnc passage of an ordinance giving the. Compaq the power to pledge specialise the now section of the read Who built Tor tho payment of a sufficient amount of firstimort fW» bond =- to accomplish its -construction.- Tho necessary-legislation having been thus obtained, the next step was ,o issue the bonds, and the next and more difficult one to nego tiate them. The case was h peculiar one, we boliovo quite without precedent, the seenrity being purely, local and .upon n.sihaU portiob of the whole road, and on which nothing Knd been previously expended to form a basis of credit. The administration of the Company however, entered upon tholr task with a good heart, and although a year elapsed- before they succeeded in oven partially' negotiating tho, bonds, their perseverance has- been at iength crowned with success, and the result:: after three years of incessant effort to over-' come nnmborloss embarassinents, great and' email, of every scope, has been tbo consum mation of their purpose.- Tho road thus. lengthened ia now-fifty-nine and a. half miles long, including a mile of' branch connecting it with the Pennsylvnnie Railroad at Turtle Crcokfor thoijointbuai neas still passing between them, and another' mile east ol ConnellsriUe/ forming part of the. £?f“ or thirteen milcsTong from that place to Chinatown, which wes opened two years agb by tho-citizens of that: bhrough, and which ' : being really a part of the Pittsburgh and Con msllsvillo Railroad, makes the Total length: of the Tatter noWitevonty .and ;.a half miles,- TfaUßy .while wo in Baltimore have been paying lUtlo or no attention to what waa doing upoS th« valuable tbongh • neglected' and-almost forgotten work, it ha?, nnder ita quiot but ef» neiont administration/- been-ox tended from twenty-fife miles, wUhout hhalhoM,.i6 nearly threo times that length ofroad,"with 1 good pramiiio of> tradeand revenue from which' wo may,hope to waliio oltiinawlf fiomo re tarn upon oar infeiuhent, boßidee the hrixht ening prospoet of Oneatohsion eaitwhfd from CoanelleViUe toUamberland.: Upon thnnihetf miles: hotwoon thoro places, :tho:: only heavy work—comiating of the long Summit Tunnel, thirty-two mile* from; Cumberland—ie more Uian. half completed, at>n expenditure of eome two hundred thousand dollars; and by coneoting with" the Mount: Savagu .Railway, four miles from Cumberland, tbo length of road to be built is reduced to dghty-aix'miles 7 To prOTidtflhdr'qicinaTof'lhlrthe Company has tho f ignt/by f t&e : -eqndHionhl wiiyer of °ur prior hen, to mortgago upoh’ W;™»-'-;°f--^-W a 4,;exoept.thp-- ton and half miles which tho mort gage would bo a aecbnd onW *was madedaaf winter-to offect an .'exchange of ifS curtate, which Would,;tog6tb«r;with gidrprov cured i from other-Houryor,. have- gireu- iha Comrapy thei: ayaUablemeans. required yibX' the efiort will soon,ho renewed with potter prospocts of fliiccoee. ’ - 'v.- •••-,-v-- s.. . .The importance to the (lomiral Government of tho direct line, as a military and postroad, from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, throngh' Cum-' beriand and the Baltlmure'nndOhlicßallrcad■ kirtibg the northern couutiee or. Virginia- is' eo.striking that.esiiatance ih lheopening of this* rateable,.indeed iniiiipenssble, thor.. onghfere, should copimeDd UTo thefavorable | consideration of Congress; So road W the’ i Continent would bind;.tho-Border. Free 'and I Slave StaVesTo closely as lhin/intersectinc as j,U. does, lit the seme time Ptmbaylvahia; Marv limd and Virginia, and openhigdip a country. 1 now insulate#, end abouiuling in ttic material ef trade in peace ohd aefencc in war: Thentter trad- hopeless 1 inability ofThe 4lbnblo:tsacked Ponnsylrania: and northern Central Railroad To.afibni;nit:«stwiinlpntl«t:t!riholgoreenf' freight;,nowbronght-tq.sPittshnrghhylhW. Fort lVayno * Uevehuid roads,ond therthii demands, tho tmmedinte • openmgiif.Thls, ■ thS‘ ' Pisiw ■ ”“ 5 ; JrfWi lliHls G*a : speed thp" panyjn their cfforb to elojS the-gap id its something ranr*,th»n onr:gt>od:irl«he» nbd: prajuifot thelrutceesscrejßnltisiort dmericn)*': IJI'SURAJI'CE. TNDEMNITTf'AGAINST LOSS BY" J-* , I?E.---FBA>JKIiIKFIBEIIcmi.'.."' ; raisa co Nptoa.and BlUt Bocclrablo - 1»82I 00 * 2T,519 00 . tar X&e only proflUlnmi Company can cdiride.by law an from ritfu which ' b*T®beendatennined, ‘ Insuranos made on trtty. description of property. , t .‘ >wu * n ® country, at rates Its lowas are consistent withseeurity;,, -£> ■ .Since their incorporation, a’ported of thirty years, they hare paid tones by firs to an amonnt exceeding £*om*, afaium of JMtprt, thereby affording eridanct or the adrantaees.of Insurance, at «eU u theirabUi to;meet with pronjptnsse all LoaaußTTrß*! laoos paid doting tfctf 7earl&sB.^ SS2i?k B ? Bck * r * ~ ' I«»61<*, • ’ •” v • r... Jacob B. Smithy *• SSSmtii B ®*!'- Edward C* Dticu ‘ DaridS. Dro«b r .. .. Goo. W. BifcbihW.. Bamoet Grant, .. , Geona FiSml*?/ . CHARLES S. BANXJKEB, PratW ••: . EDWARD C. BALE. rfa/aJagT Wji. A- Stui, Secretary pro*«*. • -'™* lf ' • ' J-;OABDNEB COrFIR.aIW mj6 » Office Northeast cor. Wood *.TUxdSi I.TJIRE INSURANCE.-BYuTHB RKLI !, r ANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COItPANT or PHILAI)EIJ*aiA, ooTJUILDINGS; Bmkedor MEBCHA.NDISE,-FUHNITUBJL ?q town or country. Offlco N 0.308 Wulni?rtmtT o toSSS? oSnywtod Flm MoUg»£»nn ImptoT*dClty Proper- “ i < “tffi g www »n* * LiladelpU^'cpar csat.rXOflh;.'., • anflprv^ AJlcgheny cptiuty Qporct.P. K. B.JLoaa, OO Collateral bonds; w®tt»ecured.;.7.^^“.,v.*«.' x ' 2660 oo ilMttog t ba,w,d 1 -Broo.\Toj )r JttoanliOtt' . ’ Railroad Company, uortruo loan- *• 4 nm an EaUrUd OO , Firrlratiranceco.......... -. j'o&O oo i DolAware -MirS; lumra:?ce .•. .700 00 Commercial Bank do ............ r. l-w 01 Mechanician*: .;tfV.;Wrr ~ S Uuiuu.M. lusunuics Co.’* Scrip.*....*.. ' <»< Bill* Rocelvablu,'business paper..;.. ” r * 10037 in egoi! C«t» onnaudauiliu handi of agent* ,/ 11j58515 CLEM TINGLET. Ss(£. M Samu.l EUiJtam, ■ Z.-Lolhre,!, \> i " ' Chu. L.l.nd, - •JpjHkMrsmi,--.. : Ered'*. JLmdlr, W m. MlM.r, J»coli T. Bunting, C. Ster.Mon, ... O.S.IV«IxI, f . •!'.., Smith Bowen, 1., Join 01™'!, J„. 8. WbMiuS; MarshallWill*.-.... . j John Bfeselh PUtab’ffb. B. MISCBUAK, fiecrkdiT. J. Q.'comir.j&a. Third and Woodetraot. toy G ■ Northeast corner TTCESTERN INSUKANCE COMPA yy. NY Oil JPITWBtJBGII. ' ' ■ - v ■i o::h.O—s^ LLEE »X m f™”- a 9i int «tt «** e/ iVri and UtrtH A Uobu IfuOtKtityn, manag'd- l s Direetbn teho are tpell kuovnta the commitAilf, and ar« deter, mtned^bgprompUut aud tlbetoiag, to maktoSe the ciafwfrt- vhKklheyhare ussum*J,oe offering tJjelnl yroteoUon lo thou vho deiire to be iurvrtJ. " ■•• ; - ASSETS, OCTOBEft 30,1859: J .ntock.'Ammntn . ®- in ini m Mortgsgv# «h 2 w “’So on Opeb Account#, it....; 1"...*.”."!'”." •" 7,809 00 Premium Note*. ”*"’”*'*'*’ Motes nod Bills 'UleciMufed..?.;l74*o7s 12 DIBKCTd^S George Dareie, . - J{. Miller; Jr:; ' B«* » ,;i : ;*ps3BBSfcS^*^ . TOtO. C, AILTNfS"S?” KGI)ON ' P a ' daL iWTInBOTwjQBJn the»boroeld:andmliabla Com. J*aai«i caa ba,otuHaed by.*ppHcation to - /c M ' ,w. P. JOXE3, Agent, 87 Water»treet.P»cMlOT«« i&SBSSKH® .J^^w'Sie^boaUibd'iJarsoe# -•"'"■■--- •;■•■>-; Itfth. uriptlon - iMureiagain*t lo«Baaddunagahv fir«: 2£M£? .V, P ■HILAntXPHIA FIRE 'AND'ED'S COMPANY, No.U? Chaii,., oppoifl. tl» Cmtorn Homo. V . , R3f\| 043■ ■• iirTiSfli?* 8 411 UjwUof loiunuic*,eithor perpetual ’•“lW,onertry Aracriptlon of Vhjport y, 3m„ Chaadto, »I reajon&blo ntw of premlmn. - ■ ■■. * • gPBEM.K KI.VO, rntUnt. ,•>•■■ M..w» Baldwin. Pum *\ JH4CKITOBNIV Becntan. , -•■j, Dmtcroaa: • ttoST” ' ' ' Jo “Pl> S-P«*l» - • : p-n'SPiVi: l ' C.Slioniaii.:;.. . »<*« CUjSn. • ' n 0 0 Bfo»o, J. B. M6miKwj ■ " p.B.esrcrr,. .. - E-wiii; - ~. . J.Q.COfnB.jMU • cornar Third and Wood a treat*. • A lleuueny; INSURANCE, COM No. 37 Fifth ». Mrßoojris2^* ,cCuß ?> "-A**- Xsa«« Jane*,- O.Q. lloaen ... • . HamyChildi, *?•!<; K, ?'i 1 ?r'IS^“ Dl8 : *o4 other Cumity Fairs too . MU>BOVKI> SEWINO MAun?v5 B f WILSON'S - yeiCES.rOth ln^St^.'Sll'S',A‘ailHltEO L th» bavld U. tang, • VUUam lEgmim; *. W,.Rick©tsou.— ' gecntaj John®. UcCbnl. ' CWt.AIIUIJtODbV f B. e. sterna*, •' Ctpl. WOliim Oau K. Om 1». ■ jjjjirj .. i ■