■ 25,' IWl!' Tk« v *etitt ft*r lot*4 tU*BearftHi\he ie a Invrd tb» i ui. Tfcfit to rain r'f»r tb<*jr¥tHF ww*ap*rf; A#d4b*M mt i© hi* mitlrrsaftr, .7- ; And to bu wrrvw*uil un£ut*b.of bear*. r - ijbi tb* star, with » mcO- hi her bridit flashing aye, %'&MlMr atw witbaalghi .Jb tj»*heart oftheara tbe Lrlgßt feceofiatar. Abd ibekortr Uuit berlhiune :«•« tbe hcmrt ,of I1h» * 7—•■■/..'.• ** ..Aod wu happy tq kmnr that he reigned llicfe alone;"' . Bat art® nothappy;!!, bow amid I* ho; ~ ; ljßbwnanght-Ltit,' her «li*jcrtv **‘wr c*t»c to ii*-r ■■’m* thrhoa. ■ bad iboßoactmld not go: to btart; rjAiHi {htirtAr. would Qol.aioop from *Uot« : fMlrlore wu in Tain; p«r they fttfll were apirt. * t. • , Aad Apart amid bat dream of the ntptnm of lore. , mk >.■ — / : - Hews from Charleston—Battle -of * »;«■'* Fort Sumter. The following ianW extract or a let ter re- Srijriier, Esq., of Hollidays ■ borg, aod published in the Whig .of.{hat place. What it said nbout the slaughter of the rebels at the buttle of Port Sumter/ is corroborative ; of previous accounts fVoni various aouroea. U. S. Ship SceQCEHANitA, \ Off Charleston yovemher 8,1861. j - . J/y T}ear Uncle —We arrived off this >.*. ■ harborou.the 2lsl oflast monthand let go r. our anchor five miles from and in full view l '-.of Charleston and Fort Moultrie and Sum -Kj.’ tef. Tbe sfcani-frigAte Roanoke find "the gun-boat Monticelloweve moored a dhort distance apart And we took our position t - 4. itween them; Incoming to.anchbrwe 3cif ?TV- » ebme damagein our engineB, .bat our . ei^in^re-have succeeded inrepairing it. ’ . of any importance has turned up •: ... , since our arrival. Occasionally a salute is - » .fired ftom FortjjSumter. ora. bon-fire is ipade in Charleston,*-all *of Which demon -v. ;«mtour leave'His under! j2 N ‘.theiiffpreaaimv that tEby-hfivc ncwooru-I&tc! r* ;/* victory ifr their favbr.- “’ Cv 'On;tiie 25th dr last- ; y seen offihe mouth of the harbor which.was : >\;-!>ti , '?«*H«»tly'-bQund- for our \soon alongside and;proyed to be the Pacific, ‘;* * ••• ;v r • of .seven tons belonging to parties : • not present,-• and manned *by- sixroDUst! Vf-. . looking negroes, Whoaisoonasthey weiei .alongside, called but lustilyifor permission •to come on board.; Copt. Lardner appeared! .: ;atfiwd..t6.hesiiat«'bQtlihen v lie f&and that! theywereslavesaDdUiattheirniMterßhad! kept them'in the employment offiie Con-! federate amy ; he told : them to come on! board) at the same/time that • - sbey were free men as soon as they touched ~the *£3pV deck. S_he was a fishing craft -'' > and. had a seine a board over six hundred! " • feet long by thirteen deep. As U was a ...%• Lardner got the purser to /*?■ 7- - ‘buy it from them, and in exchange,! there* • - fore, he issued each one & fall suit orman of-war‘clothes, that being a veryfair. price. The seine will come very good if we should - touch any fishing grounds. - -: • From these fugitives weJiave-afall.ac • • count of the storming end capture jof .Jfort Sumter, which differs widely from all ac counts given of it by either Northern or Southern newspapers. From the.journals of-both North-and South, one would be led £v' * •' 1 —" W *■-< r-» to suppose'-’that the loss on either side - ,r. amounted to mere nothings. But from the • Vccount of these men we fiud that the Con '• federate;..loss footed up a very handsome v ■ bill of lulled and wounded. • I was talking to one of these contraband ?/:* . artidesjhis morning, whose name is Davis, ■“ ■■ ■ v , » Tery intelligent old negro, andwhohas :'T r - : been a Charleston harbor Pilot for the last ?r- ! fiftecn years. • He iells me that every shot "■ • • Major. Anderson fired, took effect. When . *■ speaking of the floating battery hesaid it yras pierwd by thirty-four shells, ten of • *•'* which exploded inside of it, creating the greatest havoc. The remainder vent clear through, causing it to [go down in an hour - and a quartet after; tha battle, killing ser eniy-fivelir eighty and over one hundred men. AH of the killed and . greater pari of the wounded went down in her. When Major Anderson surrender ed, the excitement was so great that the .dead and disabled soldiervwereleft to take care of themselves for the time being, and " the . battery went down in the meantime, and was not raised again until fifteen days ' afterwards. Moses Pickney, : who'was etn . ployed onthe premises, describes thenight as .being V horrible one, hnd•_ says, further : that although he did not count them, hfe . ’ knows’there was not lees than one hundred , and tenor fifteenmein taken lout dead,— But the greatest loss sustained by the Confeder ates in thatfight ldand, op ‘ which smairplece of land (according to thie jitory of the' fugitives, j less than throe . hundred men bit f the dust. One of. the .companies stationed on that island belonged .. . to Savannah,' ; and ,out'of'one hundred and laevenmen of ihe : rank amlfHe, only fif - teen returned to their homes.; All the rest A. V were either killed or . The rebels suffered severely in Fort Moul trie, the flag of truce wa? hoisted on it fall .ten mihutea beforO Fort ; Sumter ‘ was sur-; . . rendered, but when they saw that the fort : was on fire they re-opened their batteries. Vours Truly, ‘JositW E.Wrtsos. . A Ifegroe’a-Description of the Battle withtheßebel Forts. : , ' ... ‘‘Bop© Vara" writes ua in another letter as follows.: On our way to . the beach ire - lost one of the negroes. He. was a regular gri&ner, and showed hioTrories to perfec tion. I asked him if he was in the fight. Oh golly, said he, l wer dot- . Well, what do yon think of.it J As ncar as Icanre member Jiia words, the. following was hU: answer: Well, Mansa, K neber see a , ship before, and when she come up dis way de general say to my maroa, Now, General . Dayton, you look at us sink.dat . Well, Marse he s&t down, den some, more v gentlemen day come from up de riber io <: see de ship sunk too. Welh bime-by. de* .. > 'Fort Wabash sent one of dem tings she has . in her what makes a .howling in de fort and: makes an awful noise here, too, and . den breaks off in-pieces (a shell) and flies . all around. His frighten dem some; den a c good many ob em-cum togoder, and oh gol ly, Massa jump and run. for his horse, he • drop his sword, dis nigger had no time to’ pick em up, bat gets .on his. hps too, ..and . follows marster. •: Pern things ihowled on t dat Fort Warbashj .den dey come ober hete and howle and brake up and smoke end' throw de iron* all [about like*3ifde betel • wsa in em. Rime-by, when we got in Marsa he run too, but dis negger got be-; i hind-de house, and arter. a while all fle whole army—soldiers, horse. and ebry one —come running, [but dis nigger stowed away and let em pass. . 1 f&iVl- vry.' . Tek Duke of Wellington w« nm*rk*Ue ?&>.•»■ . for the coolness with wUchhegarnbisdireo : -■ ■ i J tions. Etcd in theheat of he ' has been known to gire a. bamorouaofeserra^> tion;'especially wbenit seemed to raise the Tkttrf,:wh*btbe British, were hie. grace, rode up J.rWfcUpttbi-LbaiU werofaUmg'around, and otn •erring 'an- artilleryman particularly. ao lire f_ fnanlrod the'than’s name. U»vu answered l< *T4jrtor? , t e blind to the service which war is doing to the southern states; they have waked to some semblance of pro gress; boro put into motion their sleepy, have paralyzed limbs. “Who knows the future of the war; who has not been thwarted in his guesses so far; who knows there will not be a peace ful dissolution? Leave them to deal with themselves and they will learn of commerce, of human nature and the ten commandments. Now that we have learn ed the.secret that two railroads are-better than a river, we can spare, the Mississippi until it bus better people on its banks. . “I hope the war, said he, will heal a great er wound than it- makes. We have learned to acceptevery theory of evil. The end of all political struggle is to establish freedom as the basis of its government. This* is the lesson which the time speaks, namely, that the government must be a moral one. What signifies a proclamation or a secreta- order against the reality of things? The maxim of historians has ever been that victory falls where it ought to fall. Our cause is in Hands stronger than ours." PoTou.vc axd Buttermilk.—An amusing stoTy is told by some Dubuqe boys of the “lowa First" about the changes which a certain password underwent about the time of the battle of Springfield. One of the iiulmqne officers, whose duty it was to furbish the guard with a pisswbrd lor the night, gave the word “Potomac." A Ger man on guard, not understanding distinct ly the difference between the Bs and Ps, un derstood it to be “Botomic," and this, in being transferred to another, was corrupted, to “Buttermilk." Soon afterward, the offi cer who had given-the word wished to re turn through the lines, and approaching a sentinel, whs ordered to halt, and the word demanded. He gave “Potomac.” “Nich right—you don't pass init me dis way." * “But this ia the word, mid I will pass. “No, you atan at the aauio time plat ing a bayonet at hia breast in a m&nne that-told Mr. ollicer tliat “Potomac" didn) pass in Missouri. /■ “What is the word, then ?” “Buttermilk/’ j i “Well, then, Buttermilk.” “Dat is right; now you pass mit f self all about your pirness.” There was then a general overhaul the pasword, ami the. difference hr°j l’otoinac and Buttermilk being limit 00 *.' the joke became one of the laugha^ 1101 * dents of the campaign. > The Press and the <3ovenr D *' The press is the natural nod ally of the Government in thP* struggle. Its own Kite is direo**! ** jJ ‘ Kobody can suppose that, under ... lions ns Jeff. Dnvie 4 Co. medfr would be free, or that it would’ ’. PJ of the power‘and prosperity ” oW \v* V at from the education of the / a ?^*. r least, quite well understanCj . , bellion were to trinmph ov**® JP * the Nation, no sneh Wr'" . tb ° Tr, f*"' would long be permitted t/ lst - 1111 '. nI l struggle for onr own «!»“ L“ “SS,",' 41 "* dhe authority and digni? bbe P In order to •eenre n.' o'™ 0 '™ ““ ' ffective accord between tho Oort*™} “* it i. essential thal«Sef»" the ability of tho latt>» “5™ by honest and fearlef. n,icls ? r ’ rt *"[- K“ by indiscriminate lar\‘“ n ' Pral ” e ~h’ c h given of course is i 4 ®*! n « P™ I ™. at " H - X.. oitol, i» view °“ r ever, act of the Uf r, ‘ mcnt « to re 7' r tb ' press ridiculous ‘''l’ 0 "" to " < ’ rv ' 'tho common caw But let tho Government and the press dd“ !tl ~ t 0 ”'; b lives ; let the t” rcali, “ . that the Govern ment, though P»l crr m judgment, cannot possibly be W»g ■>> purpose; and let the Government ? > hat «■» P™->, whore It ven tures to crif’' tbo Mts tbc Nation s chosen leadc "> tbu strngglc, does so only bccansc the' iam F b of theHepnblic;ts m its view ahovJtH personal considerations, and alt will ,n« welK—MKJViinne. Vcgeta) e Riches of South Carolina. expedition,, in force, V as made fr® Hilton Head,'on tbe 12th, through some o*h e inland stream? : „ T iy landed first at a sjmt knowu as Sjcajf.reck—perhaps it is a golgotha ero now w jre,ot high water, a boat drawing twelve feet if water can pass without obstruction. "Li©*. Holbrook had orders to seizo oil Quar termaster and subsistence stores, and here he Bc: i ten in advance, and commenced a recon n,Bsnnce. Going up the beaeh, which is -a.Tc, fairly, with oysters and cultivated beds, p met a sloop called the Family of Savannah, Kimmaudcd by Cept. Johnston, of Bluffton, S. C., which laid high and dry at low tide. His men dug under her, and at high tide she came away with a jerk from, tho Farkers -1 burglT - He found at this point a corn house, with 2,000 bushels ebrh in the ear—a whito and rep'fine sort of corn, and by aid of old flour birreWio managed,through perseverance and good luck, to get aboard of the propcllor 500 bushels. He ulso found 51 bales of cotton in a shed, on what is called “Pincknoj'a Island," owned by the widow Pinckney. There is sufficient cotton here and on Popo Island, unginned, to make, at a safe calcula tion, 3,000 bnles, and carn-bonses filled to the lO,OOO bushels in the ear." Barbonrsville. This town, in Knot county, Ky., (which is the southeastern part of the State, one uf tbo borier counties on the Tennessee line,)la thus spoken of in a Jotter from Catnp Calvert to tho Cincinnati Gazette: 4< Barboursville, which is tho Lexington of this war, the first blood of Kentucky haring 'been spilled there, is located on tho banks of the Cumberland river, tu-an oblong basin of which, two and a half miles (to u?o mathe matical language) is the conjugate diameter. It i«f a beautiful plain, hedged in upon every side by bills. K rode into it at sunset,.when every treo was gilded by the setting nun. A more enchaotiug eight l never beheld. The autumn trees wared their foliage of red and gold, beautiful as if Ibore was not.a traitor in the land. JBut the town looked as if a pesti lence bad walked through it at noon-day. Tim streets wore-desorted—the houses without' inbabitants-rrand the abandoned stores,strew ed with the litter of rebel horses —this was BarbuursviUe, as your correspondent found it." _ anu Slavery. —A correspond ent of the Philadelphia lutptirer says: We have been all through Maryland, from Harper’s Ferry lo Pori Tobacco, and, often conversing freely. with Marylanders all along the Potomac,' we unhesitatingly say there* is.not a man. on the-lines, who owns a slave, who is honestly. & Union man. Wg may as well look the matter squarely in the face, andiknow who are our friends and on whota we can rely. - The man who takes the oath’ of allegiance to escape a cage or prison, and he who swears devotion to a Government he hates to save his prop erty, are safe among us aa long as we bold an iron Tod over them, and no longer. The editor ef the Union Democrat, who has had some experience la the pulpit, says : Some years-ago, when folks used to ask ns about these things more than they do now-a days, a good old lady Inquired of us what kind of water longer water w£s ? We replied that we’d never heard of that kind of driuk. .‘‘Why yes,-? she ;said,"Paul-cautioned Tim othy-to drink mtlonger water, bat. to tako a little wine foe -his stomach's sake." . ~■ • • Tire fighting men of tha loyal States of whieh fi39,BooAre in seN Tice.* 1 The‘total -population is nearly twen ty-three milliOM, .. >: ' :'/sIwiCIEST THREE,' "t?or,st. iahtiS—rSßneTW.. mgst n,m«H«r- nw «* .J_ ftttMuu'r 11:/ ' Geo. D. will lcarp (ir.tho abovn and all Vi«.™ ,/ .nt-tunniw m«luu,. [w,rt». oN TnrnsDAT, 2 -, ;i v - / lei -- JuBK-fLAixAff-M> Am PREPARATIONS, viz: RACK IST. V ,npr ■>> —Tin: rai-’onzvr ' „• D.VCOTAH.» apt. Hfmlrickiwn, will lrnm lor CaukLMBOLD 0 EAI&Appl]l op Iwari or to PJI. LEWIS, Ay 1 PITJ’SBUKGH andSTAINT.JE LOUIS PACKET.—The new splendid aide-wheel steamer AUAOO, Capt. Tl H. Golding, will leave for St. Luuiu anil all diale porta, on MONDAY. For freight or f apply on board or to £ iio3) : J. B. LIVINGSTON A CO., RKt» OT/A it < W K kklTyT* I‘AGKET FOB OALLIPtILIS IttDJft, PORTSMOUTH..—The splcftdid steamer , in- Capt. John Wolf, will leave for the aboYtfk.— tcrmcdiate port* EVERY MONDAY, at / Fortrelzht or passage apply on hoard otjnt. felt) P. ITTSBUKGH AJS i> ruKTjcgfis MOUTH PACKET.—For Wheeliifllpoln, ing. Marietta, Parkersburg, Pomtf CLARA Irunton and Portsmouth.—The abr Ports- DEAN, Cant. A. J. MasslUlot, wilU P- m.— mouth EVERY TUESDAY, »ij 1«o’clock Leaves Portsmouth EVERY or to m. Por freight or passage apply |STKRUAGE W »to London.... i«»,uo| And SH»S. Steerage frynr Liwn**>! S4«i,U). >ro* ' uaportt before joing on board die Similar. JOHN G. DALE. Agent, 15 Bnwuiwav, New York. JOHN THOMPSON, Agent, uiblO:«Uf No. 410 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ED MICA TtOJTa/i X*. KNN INSTITUTE, Hancock Street, KtAtt Pehm. is now open lor tbe receptiou of pupil*. . Tcuwi 8•-*_*> r»or seasioo of five months. .nfrUd ■' J- M. SMITH, Priuclpnl. OUMAL SCHOOL.—II. WILLIAMS ha. a NORMAL SCHOOL at No. ST SI. C'UirMnx-i, Tblnl story. itf Tracker* : He i 3 Ibe rounsallor of tbe Teachers, tbe man to " b "‘" •« « f “ for * 4T ‘“jSwJ. WOLCOTT. 1 “” l "” r,Mr “leonabdu. katon. 1 Cheerfully coucur in tbe opinion expressed above. • W. B. . I take pleasure iu giving it as my opinion that the fojeguing rucomm«i)datioa is folly merited. ____ I know of no one Who deserves higher tetttmony In hlstkvor. R.ILAVEB*. I hilly concur i» tbe above rwronmwndation^^ lie ran prepare pupils for the High School pokker than any other teacher In this city.' pQuynETT. Tcax*—sl per week, In advance. aoB:3tawd JIVISC£f.LJ>CO VS. aYiS & PHILLIPS, BRASS FOUNDERS AND MANUFACTURERS, PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Manufacturer* aod Dealers lu GAS FIXTURE??. PUMPS AND BRASS WORK, >f «%rrj description. OIL WELL TUMPS, of BRASS, COPTER or IRON, with tbe most approved Cbstnbcrt or Valvoe, of till kind?, and warranted u> give satisfaction. MANUFACTORY, llOTOtar and Ir qas Pix.’i'UkKsr A LARGE ASSORTMENT JUST RECEIVED AST) Foil SALK BY ratly, Darrell * co., AV. 12» FOURTH STREET. woeo: ijpso-H) f'■ 1 ! a.W vAriOa.vbr.-i.'.-....- s. lustre tAtlob. rpAYLOR & BROTHER, CmoiresiON _L Mt*CfIANT!», • ->.j Nfc -tfl WALNUT STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO. tOT Pvmmal attention giveu to the l aixliaae aud sale of PRODUCE and MERCHANDIZE generally. Moderate advanefea made on consignment of staple article*. * • 2'3md PALL STYLES MoCORD A CO.’S, W 1 ITpOD STREET, FITTBUORQII, Have now on hand a very.lanpi Wfhjrtment uud com plete stock of tbo latest atyles of HATS AND CAW, Both ibr the city and country trade, which they can noil at very low prices. . < i WyOrderß promptly fined. , /mm amL oik OLuTfls AT TUK V/ FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE. ' W. D. A lI.'WfcOALLUM Hare thiadny cAfeuod part of a. very large and varied assortment of CARPETING, to which they lavite the attention of buyers, aS they Shall be offered on tho most fitvorablo terms. Albo, a newly imported tot of beautiful DRUG GETS, of all w idths, and at the lowest rates. W. D. AH. MoCALLUiTi S 7 Eourth street, near AVoo*t ÜBRIckTiNG Oik.—2s. bbl». Buck lfnp2l “ . r , ’ No.OOWat erst rest. UKAOUEB.—-lu . bnaJl. i)rie Ui<' late colabrated Dr, ELL, ecalebraiad Physician and Member ofthe Royal - Coifege-of Surgeon), -Ireland; end pnbllshod in tbe TreuMudfotta or Ibe Klng and Queen’s Journal. _ See Medico-Cblrurgteel BavkiW, pnbßehed by BENJAMIN TBAYEB3, fellow of Royal Collage of Surgeons/ Sea most of Ihe lateStandard'Worka ou Modicine. Extract Buchu, SI W-por bottle, or six for $5.00. •• Sarsaparilla,! 00 “ ** &«J Improved Bose Wwh, 60c. “ ‘ 2AO Or, half dozen uf cacti for $l2 00, which will U snlß clnot'to cure the moat obstinate cases, if directions are adhered to. DoUvurtd to any address, securely puckod from aUwrvation. DESCRIBE 9YMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICA TIONS. *• Vl/RES OUARANTEERt Poreonully appeared l>etom me, an Alderman of the_ city of Philadelphia, H. T. Utuwio, who being duly sywfbtdoth eey hla preparellona contain p°uar cotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but:an> purely vegetable; •. H. T, HKLSBOLD. Sworn and subscribed l*efore me, the 23d day or November, IAM. .' • ~ , ; •WM. P. HIBBERD, AUerwoa., , Ninth street, above Rare, Philadelphia. AAdnas letters for Information in confidence to Deput, 101 South Tenth street, below Chestnut, BEWARE OF COVSTEBFEITS, dad umpri»cipUd ifeafer*. Who endeavor to dispose **ol lhrtr»*D”and “oilier’ articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold’s Genuine Pm*r*ilane; i, ,i Extract Buchu \ * - „ • *« - : * • “ Sarsaparilla; : « .Improved Rose Wash. . DIL GEO. 11. KEYHER, N0.'140 Wood ttrect, PtlUbarghi Ana »tt Omggirt* «irefy*bere. JB£- for HKLHBbtD’B. ' Taka no other. Cot the advertisement, ont and send tor it, and AVOIDIMPOMTIOS AND BXPpSOBX. noabwaaOßdawr y\ITHRTSpK^^X OVAL CARBON OIL i Th*- !>■«-» that haveewr yet Wji ul'.ttv4 to the ..nUic Tln'v are tin* l-csl for thv Mlowing T**m>\\* • 1. BemuMs Imdng of an ot»1 fhspe, the; glan is eTury where cqnallj distant from the Aim.*, no I hut the draft U strougerand more regular. ; 3. The oral shape is tetter adaptwl lu resist the *Cwt of suddeu expamsioir, ki that it U ilupiwsihle «>' cnu'L them. ' „ „ , ~, , . . :t. The gfcn* is wade largely of head iuml Vvattoh, giving » jrn at degree of strength slid ebistic.ity. Tim* cliin«n*>y» which honsekeejw-rs have found to l« »o brittle \elili*h Alttlnekfl, W. Ogden ' W. Y. WnoMridp*, W • M. Murray; or at the Bttnutsctory, Washington *t. near Peutuylrania htcumo. uuliktavxutl E. B. I)lXl*** A. McCLUKG, CRUDE AND REFINED CARBON OILS, AULEOU, WOKKS.—WBIHTMAS * ANDERSON, refiners ainLdeatera in PURE CARBON OIL, (quality guaranteed,) PITTSBURGH, PA. r IW* OAR GftEASE and BENZOLE constantly on h \)rilorfl received for the present at CHESS, SMITH A Co,’a, Water and First streets. aofcfimd .. . rwjiNMJjSTteU Oil company. \J R. H. DAVIS, President. JOHN IRWIN, Jr., See** and ZtauV. DinrcTOßfl—R. H. Davis, T: M. Serin, J. L. Car naehan, A. Cagienra, John Irwin, Jr. /. PETROLEUM, of light gravity, from tbewellaol the company, on Oil Creek, ia Venango county, con ataatly on hand and for sale. __ Office at T. H. Nevin 4 Co.’a, No. 28 WOOD ST., Pittsburgh. .. , my4:lyd PETRONA OIL WORKS.—LONG, Works at Slnirpaburg Station, Allegheny Valwy Office anil Wan'lioiLS)', 23 MARKET STREET, j Manttfeeturcro of ILLUMINATING and LUBRI CATING CARBON OILS and BENZOLE. »®-No. 1 RKFINKD'OIL, warranted nOn-expiu eiva, always on hand. . oclfclyd T ÜBKICATIiJG oil,, AT THE LOW I J pm CE or 25 CENTS PER GALLON, constantly :on Imud and for sale by B. C. AJ. 11. SAWYER. As to the quality, we refer to muuexfd certificate: 4 Pittsburgh, Nov. 27,1800. jfawn. B. C. . W. UOLDBMP RA*. BRYAN .0. T. M’COKMICK. OIL REFINERY. noLDsnrp, pbyan l & co., JfAXn*ACTt7REH3 0r BORN INU OIL AND LDBRIOATINO OIL, Keep constantly on band the Very boat quality of BURNING Olli,•clear and without odor; also, a good LUBRICATOR, pure WHITE BENZOLE and CAR GREASE H®“AU orden 8eeood! and Third, PITTSBURGH, PA. mhfthdly * Etna stove works.— a.bj LEY, manofecturer of crery-variety of COOK, PARLOR AND HEATINGBTOYES;GRATE FRONTS, . FENDERS, A*,; te... . Sd>l« proprietor of tha celebrated. PATENT- GAS* BURNING AND SHORE CONSUMING ARRANGE MENTS. '• aorOrrics asd Saus Book, coroor of Wood fend: Third streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gorily With uamei known to ADVICE GKATtSt AFFIDAVIT. H. T. IIELHUOLD, tiiemlat, PHILADELPHIA. I.AMr CHIXHSYS. “? Paii ni'ni irj'tcmbo IWh. K. U. DITHRIPUt COMMISSION MKBCUAST, roe tiic *ale or No. r,i Wood .direct. BTOVEB> He. A LLEN r McOPJanCK# CO., Valley J\, Fockbbv, Pittsburgh, Pa. «rWAA£ttDPB*,No; 801 Liberty rtmt. Manufacturers of COOK, PARLOR AND HEAT INGSTSvES.PARIORANDKrrCHENGBATES; HOLLOW WARE) ettfe Sterffend Glass Moulds, Boll* ins Mill OaatlngvMlQ .Gttttng, Gas, WoterandAr tiren Pipe, Sad : Irqna, Do® tasw.AVagoa Boxes, bn- Castings made to -order/ -Patented Portable .Mill, with Steam or;gorw Power. nol2:6md JiKri >. TQCSO... J. P. TOCKO.: Young brothers, Fodx- B*t; Liberty street, near the Outer Depot Pa.. GRATE BARS, -WAGON BOXES, SAD AND DOG IRONS, GRATES AND GRATE FRONTS, ‘STOP COCK BOXESf-Aci, always onhandand'fcrsalotow: Order* left with-WV W. YOUNG, comer of -Wood street and Diamond alloy, will raclvo prompt atten tion. • . ;mh2B ; Stoves ! stoves t-D.DE haven A SON, SUsnnracTtrii»t or STOVES. Warehouse, Federal at., ncar Suspension Bridge, ’. ALLEGHENY CITTi • We ask the attention of deafen to our large aasohr. ment of COOKING, and HEATING, STOVES, fer wood and coal, which w* an Soling a* **• rat«c. Those visiting our city_wiU- And U to their advantage to give us a call and Msmlueour stock bo* IBON BAILING, SCALES, HOLLOW WARE7wAGON BOXES, PLAIN* nd FANCY GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS, *tc..and CASTINGS of all kind* made ttf Order. - 2 Jyl&lyd ’ D-D* HAVEN A SON* HOTELS. rtT. NICHOLAS HOTEL, Broadway, © NEW YORK. BOARD SEDUCED TO $2,00 PER DAT . iMore the •hkrtia&cominodiona Ho tel, iul&s4, it~baa.be©a endeavor the proprietors lolkaka.lt ; lent and comfortable home for the citbcneod ger on thle ride of the Atlantic. ' ■ 1 And whatever has doomed likely to administer to the comfort of its gunatatboy have endeavored, with out regard tocwt. to provide, and tb.comWueall the ; eiemants of individual and social eoj6jroent which modein art hiu Invented and miAlcru tasto approved; ; and the patronage which It has commanded during the past ajg years!ls a gratifjlugprdof that their or frtta have been appreciated., ' To meet the exigencies Of the times, whan «D pro required to practice the most rigid, economy, the tm- _ . deraignod itave REDUCEDTHR PRICE OF BOARD TO TWO DOLLABB PER DAT; attbe-sometime abating none of the luxuries with ' whichtbe triable has hitherto been supplied. . . j ' ; TREADWELL, WHITCOMB A CQ. - . oc3i2nid •' _■ ' »'• ST "EOCis CnraTscT stiuiCT, ACOVB fniRP, P7IILA.DEL PHIA, In Ihe ImmeSlele . nelshhothgaliof Uii jubUnj , llmum on Merkel, Third end , C&esltmt I Htreets, the Banka, Pust-Ofilce, Her* j .chaoU - / ' •. - ' S O A'S D. _PES • D A Ti' $1,50. Aoami*odaibm, wfe* regaired, on fee EUROPEAN. PLAN. . \i -i . i’* , Booms from GO centeand upwards, pcf.ifej) and Hciu at a mnoun BxsTAtnumr attached tub Horn. Fricceaecotdlng’toßiUacf Fare.* •FThb CtrrC*BS um Pamxxqsm *bom m StATiox TOhn CLOSK TO t#* Hofei* • ■OrEugiiah.Tft&Cb; German and Spanish spoken. ■ jyW-dfim ' ; ; y t. T YON AKNSTHAL, .^d L/ Duumln the moel MlMt bimmle of OESCINS HAVANA CIGARS. a»d : all kinds Of -BMOKINU AKD*OIISWII«KiOBhin».-.SSCCT, T nil c r TUONDXX," 5 oV. ISffi,' thTTREOTG H MUL TRAIN Wave* the: IW*iis*f Statjoo eTery * morning (e\ principal stations, makinu direct connection at Harrisburg for Balti more ami Washington, and for New York vja Allen- town route. . ... .. , TUE FAST LWE l«»vw* the btat nm daily (except Suud.sy) at p. ni., "»!>' «tprtt>ctpal StalkuM*, mutiny dinvt conuectiou «t Harrisburg for Baßiinorv and Washington.. WAY FREIGHT TRAIN WITH » ft 4it ATTACHED; ? Irate* Ibe. Tai*eup>« everymyrnlug cxcfplod),at m-, r '‘ u " niug Mitt. j Fast* Liu,\ l ; :a» a; iu. ; Johustown Aci-omromUtlmi, UhMa.jn. ; Kiwi Wall'* SUMiou Accnmtaodatlou, 0:30 n. m.{ Sec ond. Wall's Station Accommodation, S:lJ0 a, »».; Tulru Wall’* Station Accommodation, 1.06 p. tu.Fourth Wall’s Station Accommodation, fld)s p. m. Trains for Bbinvill* ami Indianacouuect at Blalrs ville lutßracctloo with Jubostoun Accommodation and Express Trains East and West. . Tho traveling public w ill ftud it gryutiy to Uteir in terest, in going East or Went, to travel by the Penn evlvanta Railroad, asthe accommodations now offered cannot be turpMucd on any otber routr. Tho Rood is tadiaeted with stone, ami is entirely few from dost. We can promise rtfetv, speed and coinfort to all who may favor thin Road with their patronage. FARE. To Now York .#l2 60]To Baltimore... To Philadelphia..... 10 dfrjTo Lancaster..- To Harrisburg 7 4-M . _ r *■ Baggage checked to ail Stations on the Pennsylva nia Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and 1 Naw York. > . r . passengers pure batting tickets in caw will bo charged an excess, according to distance traveled, In addition to the station fates, 'except,from stations - where the Company hai ho Agent: ; . ' - - NOTICS.«-ln-cale of low, thc Cpmpany wiiyjQW thomaolrea ireqiohtiblQ forn poraooal baggage only, ■ gnd fcran amount not exceeding 9100. .. . N. B.~An Omnibtu Line Baa been employed to touvoy passengers and b&ggaso to and from tuo De f pot, 'at a charge not to exceed 25 vents for each paa - aence'r and baggage. For ticket*, apply to : ; J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. R. B. Passenger Station, oh Liberty and , Grant streets. ■ ’ uoS /~ILEVI£LAND ANu«ss2sm&AitlT3 * V/pittsburgii ttAiL.lifegaaaa—M. WAY.—TIME CUANGEI>SHSHB9E3B —WINTEBABRANGEMBNT; Ou-aod' after MONDAY, November : *th, 1861, Trains will leave the Depot of thaPcniisytTanla Ball road, in Pittsburgh, as fallows PiUdnmjk, ColttinlAU : oad Viucianttli Short Liu* cia SUuUcneiUf. . No clmogo of car* Iwtwwn Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. Loaves Arrives at Arrive* at Arrives st Arrives at PITTB'G CUL’MB’S CIN’l IND'APU'S ST. LOUIS l;f»5 a. m. ll:!i»n. in. 4:20 p. in. 1:40 p.m. • 8:45p.m. 2:1)0 a. til; • , -This route Is shorter to Cincinnati, Louisville, Co lumbus and all points South, than any other route. Splendid Sleeping. Cars attached to all Night Trains. Piitdntrgh and Wheeling 'Line, Loan* Arrive* at Arrivi* at Arrives at Arrives at PITTSB’G ROCH’B WELLS’E SrJB’K >WULBBL’G VIA a. m. '3:10 a. m. 4:10 a. m. 5;28 a. m. 8:35 a. m. 1:40 p. ml 2:55 p. ni. &50p.'jn: C:O0p. m. 6:25 p. m. 8:20p.m. 4iflop. m. : 8:15p. hi.' • ' The 1:55 a. m.aud 1:40 p. m. Trains connect with Trains of 0. t)» B. IL' for Zanesville, Lancaster, Ac. 7 The 8:20 p.m. Tralu stops at all stations bvtwoeu Hoc luster and Wcllavlile. Piiisburgh and Cleveland Line. Loans .Arrives at PITTSBURGH CLEVELAND 1:55 a. m. a. ra. 1:40 p. m. 8:10 p. m. The 1:40 p. in. Train connects at Bajkrd far New Philadelphia and Stations on the Tuscarawas Branch. ' pMiengem deslrlug to go to Sandusky, Toledo, Chicago, or point* West, via Cleveland, must be par ticular to ask for tickets via Cleveland; 1 Through Tickets can’ be procured at the Liberty Street Depot, Pittsburgh. . JOHN STEWART, Ticket Agcut. • • For further information, apply to • WILLIAM STEWART, Agent, At the Company’s Office in Freight Station, Pehn st. y.R, BITERS, General Ticket Agent, no* ; CleTelond+ Ohlo. T M P O K T A .N T.naaaßnaf,r> T*l £^^. i SsSSBIbb. Joseph and other point* in Northern,- tfHeogiythe i atatei«rKanna l 'pr'the Territories, tbonHlosuLon lutring tickets that read by the NORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD. -The only route firom St; Louis to SL Joseph, It is the shortest and quickest Uns t by thir teen hourv-toth* remotest point reach e&by roll, and laalwaysoscheaposonyother. - Bay your tickets to Kansas and all points in North ern Missouri Xy the North Missouri Railroad, era missoun oy ISAAC H . STURGEON, President and Guncrul Superintendent of the North BUaimiri Railroad. . • oeKhUnfim > HENRY H. SIMMONS, Agent. . i Through trains, stepping’ at Hulton, leova Pitta burrii at 6 a. m. and fcJO p. m. - Hulton Accommodation trains leave Pittsburgh at 9 and 11 a. m.» and at 1,230 and 6:40 p. BV Accommodation trains, returning, leaveTlmton at 7:40 and 10 a. m., at 12 ui., and 1:45, 3:30, 6:30 and 7:85 p. tn. _ . . . Krcartitm Ticlrf Fore—PitUborgh to Holton and return, 25 eenta. All passengers from Pittsburgh, without tickets, will be charged full fere. • 'RiF.iIpBLEY, Superintendent. SOAP! SOAPIt SOAPIII—The Cbehi- • cat OitTsEßAfiT* SoAP.miinufecturedby B. O. AJ. H. SAWYER, fe acknowledged, to he the most serviceable of any kind yet offered to the public. Its superior advantages are foufrd in Its cheapness, saving of labor, aw) its efficacy in removing grease, paint, tar and'without Uijuriug the skin, or in' the leastwise damaging tbs finest qbality of goods can be used with all kinds of water. - Bt-forcnco isimade with pleasure to the. suhjoJned oertifkwvt ”" I « T>llHw g from gentlemen well known In .this commtmity, and who had cVery facility afforded of seeing U fhUy. and feiriy tested: ' QurfmMiArV .DcpfirtmaU o/ tie Thiriimlk «w| Fovtwntl i Reoimeati peaMjfiraaM Vcfeafeora. “Sawyer’s Chemical Olive Ererive having been insed.vsry exteufvcly in oar.Regimeata, we have no hcaitatiun in certifying that it waa found ad mirably adapted to tbo'ttse of the eoiafero,wadded dedlvthomoet superior Bcap whkhcouldhe procur ed fijr the service. JAMES A.-EKXN* -- Qaartcmiastcr TwelAh Regiment. | ALEX.. FOBRyTH, Fourteanth-Rcgiment. Jff. K: MOORHEAD, - aa;n. , Onnrtgmn»ter Thirteenth Regiment. mo FARMERS AKB OTHERS. roll SALE. OSOTTEII’S SOTEBIOB PATENT GRAIN FAN AND SEPARATOR. Patented Janimryin, 1860. Tho superiority of this FAN oyer all otters Jo um constats m its cfnrapnow, simplicity anddurabflity. Second, in cleaning Grain, tester, tetter and more tboronghly, with leas labor,'than Any otter mllL The petentoe of the above Fan hia bean-long eo* gaged iu manatectQring and wiling Agricultural Im plements, and conrincad of the great want of t good, .gnu for deaulog- Ilia difiereut. kluda of Grain and Seeds, presents this to the public, with fnll eooAdenco that it will meet their wantii.' ’ The undersigned, haring purchased tte seta right to nituhcibn and adl the above Grain Fanaud r Separator in Western Penniylranla, Western Vir ginia, and all Ohio, and tte right to tell la Indiana and'JJUiiola, fa now prepared to till aH order*# wboJe nde or retail, at3lo Liberty street, Pittsbngb, Fa. • se3ni»awtfy! i-W. W.WALLACK. £)0 YOUR OWN PRINTING. coor.ET'S'cabinet printing offic*, Dwignod for SMALL PRINTERS, STATIONERS, DRUGGISTS; MEHCUANTS, GROCERS, BANK ERS, AMATEURS, tboABMx atidNA VY,etc. Tho Praam Wo offer ibruletn ofawtpillifmi «* lb® Ump Jest aiid Btroogwt aiid ctf any cLtep Premesorer furautod, an«l occupy la* spaca* Oto bo operatfel by anyone, whether printer takon to hate eterj rarfetytroa to mvm. Of Apple'«Juoe we hare which .an threw year. bW*» 10,0 Up four year oUk! Fear, 1Q»- UOU two to three- years otu. Peach," PlnUi,Ad., a fin* stock. ’ ■ ■'• ■ JUmrckcs—lheTrtealn the Nursery. Call and 'enmilbethem. - ' - . . ■ 7 iSVSBGRBBNS torn: 1 to 8 font, hr tbehundred, xhne TBKKS AKD BEBUBBEHY, * 8BBIB8; Pittaborgh* Pa.- - •' f - . > ' - ■nlfcdAwT : JOBS MPBPOCH, Ja. TACKtION & IVWJSIIMibi arPackiu, and'dealers in- IS Fourth street,'bar*, on hand a.dzta anartment of BAGDM, LABI) and POfiK, most of atidt li of their owe con. StKJAR.CURED JIAH3, of Clftdn* iatl and other cures. Plain HAMS, with am) with* oat canras. BTIOULDKBS and BTI>KS,aM»ed and in dry aalt.MESd FOBS, hewty;LFAFLABD, in bus, firkina asd pails, inrtiQD expnnty far family use, and all of their own rendering. GBBASE» •alt* able for rolling mill pigpo—. . ' and , SKAUKR Of .WBtQHTS AjSTP UE&^DBBS) . Ert «M< of lh» DUmoidrUW*! Onion' itnMana UuUt. SBn oga m? Wnaix udSumuT. --oiiUjU • i ‘