V •tf, ' 1 ■MA- : •• |vj KS*S:.- ' ft- iv f* t - •: v, \ f •;. .-■‘•Sir ’** ~ , r •Vi *. 4 \a sy y“,* y it’yjf l ,% V‘ •* * *£. v.' S ’• ■ :■ ■■■ ' ■ ■ <'iXK • •V ■ t «1«* -t'*" •.!.*(•> •: * . •: *•■ •;•;>:•■» *• • «e%v* - > A , „ t ’ /v.; -[tyi- ?: :-V ». » < T-’. ;.,t :; . •** •v*-* ■•»'■** ■- v> »- n:>; ~n - -*-V * iiJ tr " . ’ '4ti'3'fr&rt&uit+frb*: :♦;«?•:•: y;-: ; ? v*VIUV. ■'&*-’**■s*' * r'Sv ■■' •fi'. ivi. •.••■•SjXvJU .•.HM.sjrflftei*’- C»s‘>.* \ .»> •N'-r-'h*',‘. ' j’ '' 'Ji -v ’l l : :<* J. ■*y i *’ • * . '. ■V > ■ ' V..v, V ! T •'w.vv • v /«' *. K...V. A,-; fift? \ : y* vum oirr. tASB&DAT MOBMiia, soy. 28,180. .. CITY AFFAIRS. IftmnoucKjAi. Obrarrattara for the «e-i yfoi by G. K. Shew, Optician, 63 FUth ttrrai: "/ wwblii dally ■ ■ j tiiVt-i"-’ 1 '‘wim. --ii.iun; » oofcikii. 00 • • 80 ; ■: '-M r.” , • , *— --. 00 M ;• X . . SB , .t! ••mVmm* SB 2*lo j Am Abo*t iha itLoaUrHlltni*!.* U2Va*Sjri ' SIU *?'*••• Whu «t Dotl«d -the tritiftr of Nlcholta WalKatotbiBt.loaiee»thorniaa, tod the radduudnyatariooa dirtppraruea of hie ' parameter, wa atoily thought tbit bar trader* ,hadhraidii«|ittof thoae acap»|r»oet. Ret •o.howeerr. B. W. Daattto, who baa brae . UWitigaWa' labia alforu to get thera partita v h**b fo St. liiolr, for trio', arritad Hera Iron Harrlabar|h, * day or two «tio«, hinj| a wimntfronOoranwr Cartia for die tenoral of Mie- Babecoi Ftldl, alitt Due, blaad ap«ebft|ililiiOaftbm the Ooaarsot of Idia* aortilhe ctup prtfatred tidbit tbit wo* du.twta, ft laroeay—iibeitf *llt|ad /tbit aha bad ttolea aoae 81,000 Iron partite ' tljetd. vll wIU be remembered that, tthei ar reaudharela eonpaey wltb W«lto», aha hid ■lire tel a pot her peieet 88.880 la tweaty *o)Ur.*a!dpleM*. Tbit noeey. it it elleted, -I* part of: the plaader wfaioh Walton obuned ■ froflb tie Goraramesl oa bit ttraoaa u wood ;' po*ut&. 9> " .jtfura'haailatfbaforeM«Jof WUaos»Uwas to hold Waltoa, rbuiiih* ■ l Bossy aid let the wo»ai go. She vainly ea to gat poanwlQß of tha money, tin . VMijbrrtfttflif to linvidor it ' opon »a order ; atvornay kali by haroouaeaF, Mi. . . Coyn. ’Jtto the* esddahly dUappeartao obi&lied from at whas l war fa " . a auta of fear and tanor—tha ahovo Boday -v' hoisg karaby aargoad to tba Mld K.SieiiaV ■ - &. Dairz; rWftbwif m. MoColwoom. - * \ "SCr. Cojlo tntts tha abora u a ability, aa aba vossatarily appakred btfor«'A3deraaa v fioMldtoa asd Bids tho . eotfarriag spoa him a powae of attoraay to. . tha Bosay.' Tbo Mayor very propaUy. ifcdlifiliWa both Uw powar of attorney tod bar > t aad4xprcaeaaa datarßimatioa to ■' r’vheld tin Bony satli It ta etUtd forby aCbort ‘ .* Of jaatier* or «dtU ha haa blghar aathority for ; aarraadeilrf It, tbao tha. order of oaa who, - - s staiUa ehar*cd with the Ureaay of it. ; The ftm atory of tha lady w«, tbat ihe ! ’ wa*h«owß.or tiu«ba hadj>btaiaad I- bar botbaad. It ia mow alleged that v stir ha»baßd (0«at) i* mow la tha peitio&tfiry* " -"arUahakadadtoi clalßlag to havehad aUat tcilira bln eta oa her airtrd hue. She ■ bow LLtUbfHseor olbcar PttieiKi, on her way to ' ’ tbanmraa before *£oan aid jtry. : turn Ow « k h A-WWo.tab* f the Look* htiDS,AMra*f, «la layiag before our retdere '.thJVcliwlag letter tnm Gstsrtl Nrgley, of 'the;penas7lreaUflTigtde, to General LpselJ . -8.- : Ko*aeatt.lirpeiki the pticdeiotloiitb our cbsniry, ot prolsofidid =-';‘BtriilB»l&ronriltito;aaA*rßj>itbyb>ltb her ' lapctilltdcbadltidn. end■•» generous sppre olauea olonr diiUagnicbed lad cbirilross follow eitihea.: When bashill-haverecairtd : c OoßFtnnyliinle, as the repreasatstiteol r Keetackj, Iks ataod «l reglseettl ’ dolota -•' .whichltis theiiieniiiiof GeneralNtgiiyft Brigade so ptueot, the aobls tom of the Key* -•'ote»e Btbtc may bo ui»irit>il IhbirgUt'wlU . ' rarer be dishonored, but that it will *ilwiji - hi fbend d/ieg in the Tin tod the thickestof ~ .the fijbt wßoaorsr it is smeared is the de • frees ot oer coaatry from iorciga foes or do- Btsriolnllorf.” .; Civr Swim, Nor. 14,186 r, j , OmhUjovtUß. Bfttnt ■■•••■■>--•■:- SSifSut Allow methe honorto Ihfora yoa that It Is Iks intention oi oy brigade to present through yea w yoer brtee c.wmmd,e stud W regiaeaui colors. .Ilia also desired ihitGeo., • D. Proems, Eli}.! sbosld preedit Umb.! Von wiUftetss lo traits tbs HBC most oooreeieii lot tke csrsaaiiies. I ssssre yo* this gift tiaorinlcadnd , u la Uls eoopUnsst, , b«t In oxpnpairo of ths nyspithy:! and: nitloetl icmreet Feaniylreeii loete foe.her ' litter BUle.'- Uhe hi* sriimssd with ptt*f»l eollottidetboelond whleb bis bong osbr yoorUndlU • the Bin oTarKltgua, iHding ties the tbsogbussi tnd unwary so ibjto oi dstireetlen. (bs bis mss Kutscby, tbs cridi* ot edewse isd tbs birth-plies of beross , bedf tutstataj trruted 1* btr flight of isbt ' ‘ „ tlos, tbekiadl ol progrsis In rood blckon tbs ■ dill (tilts of Urns, *ll the greed eipsotitioni of s tieb ud happy peopts, blighted iby lbs sebsßss of,Jadas patriate end htanleae tret ' tors, ksr wisssl ciutiot bagging tbs pbutlos , . Of petes until ibty ws-e bound ilka tlattt tad - - - obaptllsd at tbs point of tbs bayonet to ewtl low the doidllsst drteghta wkiebaodeld,b* distilled fjoslbs Upttol rebellion. Sbsbit woadertd whether tits toos or Ktatttky htd > degseentod &SB the spirit of uslrlbislalbtn eod had loot tbs eeutkiUty of boaor sad ebia tUy of Itelleg which ooetllk Bull ssatinißL hilly priyan bato bate nffored tor the tee> eess ol those whose dttotioa to ihsir coos try *, above th, —' ff||4s . It ie wlthnch sitotloae PeuiiylTsn)t mds pea elds tad oders her eote *>Ult»g eaeriic* for yoar dtltaet. ' Thosa who oo»s hiss let! testier ertt aid tehisg bstrl*; behiad. lie leagtertie* hse teraed their hterti lato sarbis—no dltsolet* esßp : bta Chsagsd ihelr Batly foellegt.,,Theu rstor: sprtsgs •ot firoß-rdthlese hibita or iadldosnde to Hie, bet Iroß ths atsra rssolrs that Ktn tachy thsli bl fast. Tksy car* not thu the ■- caeai hat* frowa.htg.tiers ol ttolto artilltry, ■ ■■> , ■ ttotf ’tsckt tadereriutieg hill*for thtlrcter tics. tst|!ed'.ior their ptlisidst, deep titan ' sad eatsrsVwlldtn formtlortbelr ally; they -will coaneer -or perish ia the aUaßpt. Iba gig 1 , which w* tender to yen is eorrooadsd wllh htUowed -Besoriee, its bUtdaed foidt • • v chsil bac ralabow- al hdpo aad prootise to the .OBpreteed.udaboldUr'a pledge thtt w* wiU I ' >T yoa le prseat slag the Veloo aeae-r - ' and. SißSßbst tbit bit aatlesal gretuese, . . oeraaetet “aid-politleil- hepplataai tr* eo. ehrtaed ia hi eilhra ioH# tad bright stir*. Tha plaesan oemntity has Se«h ran io htv* aeseretty. Ut *• esbet lttlka ■ i|» the ease tnnebas aad on the etßt Stlde Jsher* inMt of the hefos* el the Betoletioo perwhrtTedßeaee ol the tiae rlgbca. ■ lseoaclitln* f dtar Cenenl.ptrwn *a to ti> i „i _ i, ; preo. oer adairulnii ol yoer peraonU nJor, i, : - geaerost boaor. aad '.laflttihl* . poise la '* 1 k>mk> fcoaof t* matin yetr tired «»« m) cbtdieat Wmot, . . }lt. ». Bum. ; .-■i "|k* BiuePmJitt t , w m *; bmubi of ih« • *- «■ Muliti, oCAHtihu, Conn. _ ' 1 Tkand>, oiftu» ik.eouu.ci for tin - coutncUoa of the tdw-Mirkrt Bonn; Citr BeUdi*i>,.t£., iru let, to c«u«. Th.lr oamof,! hovtnr. hi., *t>t.7«t tcut mid. public. jWeleus, olao, that iMbtedli, wuquiM ipWiea, tbw. /' v bei*J*bot« (..It. orfoirtMl cempiUloit. iVyjr :--iU!*« to ebierTO/thM the bid* v , I mm eiewdt»fijjle»w»bl., Iftnraeb w the *lui ol ptpißOU proptaod bj th. tooeiillce - T 'W*r«*e««t»bla to bu; ot Uau wlablDrto i -r i‘ 7 Patri&ti«a* l > Mr. K ht* the repotatioe or buogso able aadeloeaeal lecturer, and is the antkorof e eerles of article* which appeared id the CsfV* •S«, bearing on lhe pr*s«at war* • r fAUDB.TO Qoagh wee ana* hie to reach the City tut evroiag, owing to thetnla oB wkloh be was eoaisg from the West* atasisg eoowciiQQ. He wi« expected to aniye oeruinly. aboat tea_ o r clock, rod. •riH leelare this eveiiirg at Cohoert HaU. ■ •' Xofsr.-»Mr,€f>egß.aiTived. al :ll Veloek last tight* 'rod r will positively -tectore tbit erealay. : t, - V- X* t>. TsokroMß’s lairiiKSKT.-k.Ai aech <&• spdiyhw bero aede for tha Soveraiga iUB* cdj for Rkecaatlc 'Neeralgu ta the fact,or paiosiathebody ge&eratly* w«i will eua that -the only place where J. 0. Thosipsoa’s geaa* lae Li&ii&sfit cam be had in the city* whaTeetle or retail* ts at the. store of the proprietor, ooraor ef jWood rod Liberty streets. Call rod get a battle* ; v Laotas, be sue to so to Berka'ii W Market itratV ?hey have just reoeived froal lfsw. York Aootions bargaini that vrUl estosleh yoo. SUkabt 81 osms, worthAl XL dekkt, < 6hewlf*‘Dress Qoods, Ac., Ac. Bi tore -tO'gti. ‘ ‘ - - SicisfiioKPrtyms^-Otpt*J.g-M&Dow. «U, C- & A-, ttiived'la thfa atj boYhofsasy •veolag* heviog In ehargo two seeersioa priso ners namtd B. Wilson and A. XogersoU* sr* < rested near Port Lssrenwosth, Kansas.. Thty left oh ths alght train for Washington. Wmn, Cibiios**—lf. any ofonr reader* desire A niee»centecJ* and serviceable winter enit, at*fair price, they eu obtain it at Wm. K. McGee fcCoJs, 119 Federal etreet, earner of (bai Diamond*AOegbeay. T«oy hero sow os hand * toll stock 01 Fall.ud Winter Gooes* ready aid*, or .whichoaa bo ftrsUhed to ocider is tbe beat style. Al*pusonal sttutta gtvaa te the pacchaasaad eats of Frodeeaaad tferchandiet geactaliy. mdrretendnseia andean eonrlgßmaafeof step!* •-• ißunta, timan. *HOWA» AabßOEbl k 00, .«• v KIB®.P*SHOO*kOO,- , JOSEPH a BVCLR&. **, Oto:tauU, A«d OTOdWtjjlgctoal»jno«T*t|y. , nng3l«n4 Mlf yiW&MßUUrium oimtaS ' INbbio OoaioUin*laafljliwr,to V~ "■'• '*bo6*a; ' ,-i ;-• , 1000 fes Bfcfelte* just toa iteobo Itotor;'. ~ ; ‘• 1 i' . Itt bb‘o frtehleuf otWo Uom. lor Mb by JOaNB 4 CO., aolO , 1 JtnrtiUw t war Wood. IKTOTIUIfc—The Warehouse lately oocu* ‘plod by Hi hatinr toes deotrojed by fir*,** bn muna to TO ft 93 LHHUtXI BtBUT, aTO 6aon poiow ev tamer toutim. ‘ 1 si - Wo • j* oo# nobTtct *iokotc* lct flf 'BAOOH SHOULD IBSy UAH* dir net (rots TO Back* Bcota'sad cfcall bn pleated to Moo«r cQ;to> nor* -.pritatt - BATBji oa . jz t itui r no** :iA.v«;xMi;«r; V X v.v vU-Th» to-*• oili bin rentedla roi&i frour SSOO tofAOQOe ter » term of IrootfcrotO troaovr.: Mcoroa/by boalosd aptigtgo-04ante* cumbered irti octroi* JliagtuDy taut*. i*a«>r« >t , opge isahotiitcuMi. : m i UII4 PJCAR ; W&tad-rif pot* ,JLVt#WU v ceu.vlthla* io 'p!«ot. iMi rati, bPWKWa'O Oi&UPlI’ KDRIUn royvtiirooororxto Pt*r TOrnggi^ THE LATESYIjBEWS. ar ntMOHAPB. fiECEIVEO THE DULY SJUETT E OFFICE, From Wuhlogtoß. W *rh*bw», Son 12 WhOo tom. men ot dtsUnotioo ere desirous that 8m shall .take the fisJd, it .fa known that the lior ernasht;apprsdating bis eminent qroHft cations far the discharge of this eztroaive rod very la pertaot iabdry derolved on his. Is sot inclined to transfer hha fnnO' the ereUs departseet to the perfbtaaooo of other publiodutt**.,'"* * . . Mach spectilatiowooßtUau to be iadalged fe relation to the- Masoa asdfilidfil qaestioß. Bo far ro cm be ascertained tho MieSater of her Brittanle government bss taken’ Bo tcUon whsteVet apoii the inbject, bat will probably wait insuiiQdo&i { nor hat there been even an Uiornat coavanattoo between, bio sad the proper, Depvtaent obaoeralDg iu Those who are. idttaately' scqesloted with Lord Lyoss beUrre thtl in uur, as in other Batters* he hea observed hie dhlalditeretldD ia Tflralaing from • preastare eiptwsioa ot opinion. j The Mysadaek ran the blockade last night* makieg Indian Head aboat moonrise and the navy yard this Burning. Bho washotftred aU Tbt ateaaer B« B. Hall also raa tho block* ede downward lut night*haviag oa board, a large qasatlty ol aamenltion -end ordnance •tores gentraliy,* /, - Two sohoonen loaded • with wbod raa the blockade saceeMtolly oa Wedauday night. : Theebemy la tpparentiy stworkon anew battery at.Ppssaa Nose, which Is far above the others*oa Mr. Ouetback's land* ‘ WABraGrog.lfoT. Itr-Tbn followlog ailj tary appoloiatsois wm> made, to-day, wbi’i Eobart Soytb, of lowa, to bd eddltional pay master of Tolnateartf Vrsderlsk 0. Ogdto, of Haw York, to bs MLieotenaotof the Ittran aent ofC<ed States cavalry j Oapt.Jobn JL Bobofleld, of th** lit artillery, Baited Stetls •ray* to. be nltaf adier Oeneretof Tolaateere} M«J. Tbooas J.iioK»%n,of lowa,now an el* diOoael paymaster* ta be e Brigadier Qenvral of rolonteers; OoL PMUp 6k Hoorge McCook, United States ertty* racsntly made a Brigsdihr Qe&eral of Tolonteerr, was proaoted-to stored to bit edmnund. -' ' ' . Uen. Bmith*sdiviaioa* inclndUg the brigades of Geas, Hancock* Brooks rod Branton. tnd Mott»s rod Ban’s bcueties, .rod Friedos&'s cavalty* win to hw* bees reviewed this after* aooa by^ bnt as pebde bastes prevented him froa beieg present* Gen. Smith himself-reviewed the division. Altar paaaieg In review the regiaentt were drawn op in line ol battle* the artillery ■ oc enpyiag e proaieeet point The Mfantry first opened the fire* which was continued by the entlrt dirision lor nearly ro hou* move meats as la to'ual battie_belsc observed.— They iasgirod tho cheap to.be in the direo* lion ofLtwinsvJio. Ayra*a batterr*which oc enpied 6moot’s Hill,-took pan-ia the rogsge auk: The esdiimew were eioeed by t cjiurs froa fiii&aro’s : cavalry oa e Uaemd cojamn of th« iniontiy. The oolj accident was that to • member of company F, of fkil dslphia* who wsa thrown from his horse rod MnonalyLMuedrl, Dptb the |nd ths snaa oatlie was In ths highest degree creditable to Gen. Smith’s division rod Show ed that it has rapidly ogre wed In dbdplins rod efficiency. Col. Einstein* yesterday, took formil leave, in ibbciiy* of the officers of lbs regiment which be formerly commanded, bans* been appointed Cental to Namernhorg. He will leave for Earope by tho nest ateaaer. Jcnrxatoir Cut, Sot. 22.—Passengers by the train iron the west, report tb&t the rebe«e bnrni Wsmw night bofiiro laat, to prevent lie being Deed as winter quarters for bar troops. The intelligenco reached Syracaea Jut before the train' arrived) and is conaidarad ralubie. A quantity of aoTeriunant atoras wat desiroy'd. A train of 80 wagons, with an caoort of 200 m*D, left dedalia a few days ago for Leaven*; worth. A meaecager reached Sadalia at 12 o’clock last night) annonneieg that they bai bean attacked near Nob Roster, by 600 or 000 rabela, and the uain ctpiared. . Aefageca conUane to artlve bare In crowds, many in a moat daatttvte conditkw. Bt. Louis, Vov.SA—Jodge ThotnaaS.lUek erdaen was shot tkrongb a.window in the Ooirt Hoove, in Memphis, Scotland county, on Wednesday last* while coafiaed as a prwener in the hand* of the Home Guards. A.reward olslooo was tibacqeenly offered for the appro benmoo of ibe aaiasain. AutanT, Hot. 22.—Cspu Contort, of the French army, who baa served fourteen yean in Algeria* hie btea, at the request of Gan* McClellan, aotboiijid to raise a regiment of fr one flftun. - Their eervioe will be epeclal and nndar the Immediate command of iba GeneraMa-Chlef. . New Yobs, Hov. 2L—The PMt of tbia evenisg aaye. EoglUh lettara state that the fleet of the British Govaremeni rafntsa to grant eleanaces from English parts to vessels having on board arms for the Vailed States, and shippers will be compelled to sand each goods as vessels from ConUnenllal port*. ; BAPTUfoaB, Hoy. 22>—The Old Point boat baa arrivad* but brings bo news. Th* paaaen geni report , that a. fiig of,trees bad arrived iron Norfolk Vwith .several: women and chil dren, tat no Information eoeld be obtained from them. : ‘ • ftarkets bf Tele|v*pht . rsttinaaaiA. IlcT. ’tt—Tbst# la law dotot ta brr«d*tiifiibßtpc(t*tsr*nachaac*f} sob* of 190 b obis etsst994M>fifer topwao*,*wli» Ptifts ferwora. Uj* Floor Is wanted st A 4, aaf Uus Uml si |f th*)*i*totbstarca. mnrasis'tn lensCsmsaC.bat pries* art wrli melatalmdi 6,000 nn«b PscssyttuU iSdatglfl}olS6»*o4 whitsccmwsndsgl 4*. Coin Is qqUt; setocor old yellow atTScf 4000 btubssld «t 4;>ip4ta. BsMry bu«Ur«Dosd to SoftiSa. Frovtsince dai« end prices dfoopleg; srise of wtwporit at SI4A 14 69} for Mooc.pt less srantsaiaalt Un kesdscilsed tops; o firstsscwo’.ssdßio tieeltfagal WiQil}A wiast y sold '=• !TnrYo»tifLT JX-FlowbooyaatjsiWtllWObWe at go bOgil 60 taßutss $691#6.M fovQhlo,aee |M6 CP td tkmbsrn Wasal nss advaooeA aalss )90* Mdbeih ittlHgl V Lr Cbloigo Bprlsg; 1111618 br MUw*akssclQb,aad is Crwi ssus ol BQ£OO feoafe at 660 Lr mlxsC. Proristassn qoktssdoochaog;4 Whisky Call atSOlfa. Bscaipw of floor 46,919 bbj| Wbsat IA2TO task Coin 116 7.9 bulk use Teas. nor. tt—ftvsofnfr-CMteo * firm sdssxf 26AP0 bales el SiKe. ttioobbaifit $6«6 forOakdU4S«ata for Sat*. asd.|6 7Mft6 Ka for Scatht**. wlbas; Sairoof .190,«00 huh at sl:3SeiS»faeObte*g» mrlaatll ST g|t sOO tor JUlwanAmctnoi $1 somi ST far lSdrasd ft 960146 foe whits. Com; Mka 148,000 bash at tt •6fe* Fotk ate*** at UMp for mwe. whtay Mdystao^G.OMe.. - «b oka heavy; Uhiotceeedftta XslsndlflA tmreis Ontrml ftolttoad Miarigu IVeibsm -York OmheS 7995: Ksbdlrg •%«.Hinraata «nd Shectiriaivtstefc .. nowiv ■ - new sizums SEWING MACHINES, . taklaf IKb .. . ' ■• • • 7^ LOCK STITCH BKAM OmrULLiDOCT, AMlof bailor If, Bbtrt Makiar. Gattac ntttDff and fbooßtadiattbaoabavo so oaronoc.' OoJ asd ao tbea MMMfthiUMtt -v L W. IiABGELL, Baskbt ib», to ■rrtv* pty ateasurTOoTO by -no»* _• r - : • ■. TBJIUW mfiKITT »«io. UiiArttitituJledS.— o\) bold WeotoiA Crmtxrtlad tKaftj tfetl 017. lii ft>r oaia by,*. vb v...’ A aotl Koo. m and lit, wcod unti. _TIH B JtKD.tj IL—2dbb!a. receired and 1 ,an»«tuhr ,; ;- i^m-C^kb ’iliieiiwllibtels. K,Ua »9Bi. : third sad: ,nenmA.*--- 0 W Sendtlck, wdnL F» R B BT?aon,KswTsrit OB*sb;*v J F OrtAo, Ctleans Jft Hcktt, Fait*' ■ - d Higolf*, OUp J B Boris,;. do ' t. H Stawart, Atuni 0 3 KeCr*ig»i Fprirgd J O eol'kieta’, atawbl AABs*rj,Chioaya ammsaittei urioe.Miu^ SL-.dgAßfcgg ■ dorcßr o. ; r sattT\mitA J W Bait] "Tnkrooww-"-'. ■ B salt' i adv. XhsasNg ■BOr .iock.fHtio w H . ip r, KiUu?i*f H Phelps, do JJBruwn.: P d R«t*sr, poll* J a jtnhs, BWttmV UOreylagton.Port JUnbaj £ K Mas n. Brewssvtto DBcnahebr.7r ' ' J JPrenvnh.Stb - W Wi Uspi, Psrhersbnrg NANSIOK aOtJSB—» j OJDMI sDUI A 9 VbMenl; Ohio. J Clsrwn fo.£M Msrtj jrtnet: iv» raonnrea,' • U MeDuih’a. Ofcfe * a 8p«or, GUrte cite DBEtailb, Aladdin B fittrr. I'd CrautAMi jDßOgb.PhlU ATfaoa>pMß.|*OQMfcT I & WoU, fttqr (TOBt>,o ! • A 8 Bdi’jb, 1 siiCT.f-prtmetHiio •; Un Sprtnfir-AfSil'd, IU &tt TootsW, Balptor If L *octl», Sjofri* Mm •[ rty tmaMwfo* dcvtakb. j wottti»o»i' }»v' J H Tbomp*^D r UiriooL*n Q W-Mjm, Hititun J WarsawSArfcktoy DBtrtbtfliliiQbi 1 Wlft, Uin**? g Oonnsit, BjahtmflU J B tfcepUr Ohio J ibtoaoa, Gtfrofrt *n»pitf v opo- . jWHiUj, iniOltj j frac vutk. ; rnomiaMQ. S, • W B BukAwUt, Wish eo MttE.A\Vpfi« OUlr ! Q B Blows, Mt Btelr . * •SAtilt.olliritrM. : MnmaL - ■ —VtcJdolph, ‘p OrosssAO: AJ. Wolf; kewbtoen . Nr* Tirmoo, Pblte ‘ - Hrsrtsylf'r, KcEsrspotl Uis Blebba'id A datuhlsr. , er«x>kvi}t<, . .., . >Un Ilotle? ' 1 P Waahiarton i Mrs Herein, do . W B Unoapksr, tfoith’i. Fsrry )•. _ . • 3 OootLOookatown 8 WlbM.lft# Brightuo It LawSsew, Botitr l>B Iboit '6O " W Small, do AOWUaea, tibpsry 088 UOH HOTBL» - L >Aeoea*. .WDsVtkWalkA9' r 0 Orris. [ do WTaiWs, - do K-EBfa*9M9Utaf r K 8b35/»: •: • • Tf!cff.tt(kC«dts W B Br«itk.Obl<> ♦“opc.Priwttit.O ?: -do. B Qutm, Msurtik «BtnUL, ••' - TMeAa* ■ sad want ouzethlM t • aoesa and a tare>nhnauicoldiilchte. ‘ TfiQ4Pdo{f, .r-iswtr, C-optala. osCOMMlTiKlfib ctgiged fokl eltlor or colieuiiay doth ; ny, ocspHai Stores ooetner gcodyfor tbs vol» antes re inthosrwy, ars rHjntetrf whrWd thorn asbctai' pce-JbU to ib» oalm'g-el cowialtus.at lbs COtTOW QcUiA oureo'rM fMi *nd tifflbbfloid atresia.Pfttsbrafah. ; ! . A bill or list of th»-srtkf«a ahodd iMwp>i| each bsaorpa.ksgai- B H. IBltm. "JAOOB OtOddlß, noUdaatt Jag PARE, J*. -S»FIHSX HEaiMESXOr Ufi&VY A&TittBBTa tred»r cspren nrim for Vw« treoo Booroo. tfocraiawAstad for Battery A. 'Offlserr bootoapv •4 trader antbortly Kttotod to tso by order; of «*• Wari>epartia»st. JaqninoC < CiU 9. U it itAltar, Broadwiy Baiboo*. Mlblv Fifth i rtot'Pltt'bmgh.Pa. rg~ A IrEW MOttc: K£oRUilti = * vaatttlLafiU the tauhooT Ibo. vmoa BIBLES, under Oapk TUOL B. BOSB TbcOospany will be at coos m coaptcMy *“ anztioc. rartTOlir rfMd er t&aped BPIKI3 AHDBIVITP, Urfc* or *E2eU, *&aOfi lo.cn.for at ahurt notief. good MtortaMcs crtMtaottir oa bind. . mr«Mra .’ . . . . '. * " NOIIOE,— flarmg porohssed the in* tenet of TBOB. F. - ÜBNOEHSUN, of tbrfl B of »'£sDt&soN uttorarn*. to niter to roadoeted "J BBHET H, BBNDEESOH. ■ AUtcnry Out. !•<>>« 188t.—-oHiwi . , IPH&BU tiULTER UN CUNtiiUN -1 kagaprt»afnahm*B«oota Butter Jurt roealnd thte day tad far aalo by - . BirON.MaCKVEAXX). poll a , . Na-UrifOntwi. Tb/f INNESOTA OKANBIfiRKIttS.^- MU ktp chotoo.Mtaoiaota Oraobtertestoar> HnJ>tnttei>j :■? EAXQ«,IIACILoa:AOO,. nol» . . wo. if mthotrootd |>LMUVAte—IIB. CoiriT's nsideDOO £Vto Hot 69 9OOHTB nUtKir, Bank Boitainx, totweoo Wood aed'Karkct* «o totorh.lt Wo. »» fifUl »t' ocMda , 5 tiercei, to orhTd per X by L. ■ t^aott-TT- IBAIAV DIOSETAOO. boxes pxitne Chteet for \j tab by 7 B. DALXHtL A OO„ CitUDK uUt— 6lf • , ■ ■ J. H UQQWTT A 00, pBUl« WBs’X'sUM BKUVM COttM. IT —W) btfec» Utilise per n|lro«i*Bd rtwr.wrf bfd)*M UXrißASttttfßbS, : ‘ m>9 •;■? USlMWDitcitMft. TJUTAIOSS. —500 eaoka toqnd .Fiak- JL qal* IKttTKI Kid tor ~Ubj JiMHSMfptWB, .. Qltw of Mott! wtHwiinrti. UkIU-100 buah. froth gtouru \j OanllMllßitmlnd«M|i (*ntob> - ■i-J:-. ...., ■ JAM*! i.rITKE, . Bolft • • ■ OOTtf-OfßwilMHiyFg'UtWlH. ■ T> AUON.—X4 oa>ks Bacon; j . . ■XJ j ■.» ;.. .6-: .. d» Siiftotor*' j Oiiar’tlnßealt&dtorMMbr V V_ ?' •■ ■mIS * * - Jt-PAtmL AQO, TyfilCffßs^SOToBfTixiSTeloFw, .••■T’.. prtfiubfUfctbUwtbirrlTtptrwtMmrOtu* - DlCjcr A.OO, f JfclkJ&N bbto. chOKO JUT-Apfit.lL ' l *•'.•■ •-■•-.- •- bolB rVT". ... •* ~ nißEr^.-OOLLTHB. tIMJB.— 2i)u bble. lreßh'Jbiijie for sals tj t«Ha» u Q i liaa.. . liSAiiLi Adit—HU bble JSo.'l for sale b» “ “ HB&HYIT.'OOUI"#., . t| OP(J— o balea prime Hope for Mile by IX mi M«SBV HOOLLHH jittgijOllOlUJU K.;oWJiASB. ,10 LbVChiHna **d list** Fimo. j-i -;. - .. ' “lutMwlwMßtakHwlMT;*****, ®f W! * «*»* bbla: Aio.l ret-civcd, |*V - ooT,t>«w./ ? | > £.\ KL&.C tt~»3o ‘3» oil i ■ ] usi it X, :&/«*» 4»1 frr mUby .nwhut. n> iWbUHi!,. WMmsxmmuß^oßDi MTOBCAWI HlBim [I«mM upaotaCfl/te 04 ftflftwvt s)u»at, Bfgvexbar 32, 19§L FLOBft-£be daauorirfcr Flersr u u» eteody bat cachaogpd; aala of USbbbfamily at. o.OP,6,lO»sd|sl*;',O3hSo do aift6#i*:Boodo da at KM far B* tre end $*£6,26 lor F*aily;l4 do Hat. Uyet eg* 10,u4 674 da &tfratlsMo9l,n.' OdOCRRUS—The demand (a limited, white prion remain unchanged; ulo of 16 bbl* Kotemea at 483 and 80 b*g* OoSee at U>}£±. to steady at 9J(o GUAlK—Vbaact steady*’ wits. nutate of 100 bcah prtal Lei from fint hula at 86c. Cora tela good loq«n «tfdy Woacbaf»d;ffateof«b«ah eist£hperbs!h. POTATOBs—ta tetter supply; select6obash He* ehiQDorka from Wore atc6c;9ooo Piakßyee atSOe, an 1 90 bbie do at Mo pir bbb - BOOK WHI AT *UiUB-« shade lower; nla ofSDOO Ihitaaackaat at $1 par cat. BR'JOBMaldof f»do«raoov at, s3eB,6o«Jc« . MARCH—.eteof 90to*h* WoodtfaTdjrt BBAtla—aoohaigsdftateofW bhsb argfts par bntb. COBH HBAt—Sate of SO fob prime lifted at lie bub. ; • ... , ~, i -HtfOP PoLlS—Sate of djXOnteckaelir pas lON* u 11000 do tight* at f 10. ▼ftftUOV-gale Of • aaddtedAl lQglte ;wto i - CH h *H4—Bele of 16 toxte W R el 6V<9 per to: WHlSKY—&achugad t wfchaaaU or JtbbteOos. moaatiTo tegtllcB age barlty, Specter * derrard, 160 bgi ault, <1 Wfimlita 68 bau paper, Fr?:w*aH(i; 1 bbl oil. CUarte i 00, 83 b» plpta* Uaiasa A Cofflo; F pkga,*ktiia Maem Sddodo. u»ptJ 9 BmufatSO gta*a hidta. Bayed' itawarl; 10 carboy*. Jaa Jrwio;B bbtaappte*. *«tm. U#rbtrt!’3roUalaaiber v S9peacaa4nca t J B dbar.fl; 188 boaii coraand oate, oner. ZANxaVILUB»p«r i'tetU Her in—4oo aka corn, 08 wblekj. bbU.Xhoa lieli 4 cm4Toil bote, Hntcblnaen A co; 60 tola. Ydfarton 4 Btewmrt; 6860 hoop potea, 88 aka feed, J A fetaar, SU9 aba corn, Baktor Beⅇ 381 bga mill ft*!. air ~Unt* Martfn; *6 dot waaaboards. Jg DUwunhßcofBo7 bbl*floor,Bbbte *l«a.Ci rk« 4co;8 bbla tmttcr. adaouXipra't co;60 0 Mmtman; IC9 do, Canatsgkiß) 104 dodo, K ticadaiaoo; 9ido.do,Benar 4Racd. Rtrar flaws. Taaßtm aa» ; -sTiuflik*Aa*mia an rmn> giH-BaiT» La&Tora To>Dar, no, rtvar. oonilan a to made atowly, with 0 teat fs U by tfca pier aatka laat eronlog. Cba waaltwr ycatardaywaa doojy, mild and v wanted, lndteatteaa of. rain. waa tmtooapsratlrtey UUa doing at tka Uie rpoalpt* being light aa wara alao the ahlp* a»e«m. Th» WaauwnUnd Iran dad Un ate Xaftta from BaaaevUtearrirdd daridg.iba afiarr* ntot. .Xheßai City, Martagoaad Angto-Baacn warn reported agronod cw fliaai^onaayesterday,'and tbs jr,B.'FHagU lying bntediddacn. the haad.of &pa te, Thayaraanididedoodeap ter Ihapreabat tugeni water, and will be eampaUed to UgtUen btecra they oao gat up—~.Tbo Diadaa, tor f I. Loofewltb a fiiir freight Uet and agoodl/BOSberofpmatagcr*, waa theosly daparuun fur bcteWMwtba fine ataamar Bco&otoy,Oa;t John ft fehtuk, teaVa*for dneteuti thlaaiTealßg pOQiUrely_~~~.Tbe popolar X>ac«teb,ja oammand of Capt. Uandrtetooß, fa e&aohßcadferßv Um r * tbl* cfanlng? iUli rn ocilM toat, with One aomocodationa for paiaengsra. Mr. Q. Mfieen has charge ot the Miner?* Captej John Boidji,clei>Q :'Mr. Jahnatop t t* thsWbeaUng packet tor toteayi tearing at 13 tft1..... r ..r...Tba Vodtnaj from GanipoHr, ond Bockst from Bortwaootk, were dd» teat - 1 at tTia wharfkhia morning. - the former nteofna again itTp and the latter at 10 aa. They are both gvodboete, aindagreeable and expnte **aoadcffl^r<— M .. M Tha Brima Donna firm St Lcn!a wIU probably arrive is day. aswO) aharetnr&aoo baxt. ; j Cemffliittzs, Stoveatar *l—Uiw* Tun-iThi eftMtageef beef eaitle were ooasttefabhr. largartbia tost week ae wire tbo ths se?e»> Bo for, hcwnirt ii ptiim in tosctroedi time bt b«Q bot Itttfclb'attj. ~ ; -Ttecff/rtogiot Hop, «m larger tia* nrnal, foot* l* op MIA beed, OlthUrsua>iur 70J wsca’eeld, tbs Ci cfcceptbe oSittisgi were moderate, nachfrg Blip bead. The whole bomber cold epfreaated Tl 4 bead, 'While the bilccej were toft eret end eblppcd Bart, lb r> to!lowing erethe parti :n!a?i of the nja: j; -. Gfna. - ZA&amtbsL Met. w Colwell.. 0 3W j Baaco»fc.- ■ - 9* QO M _ -S« OAtliajar..w...~~ 1* HOtS ft Deal .. IB , - I' ftfX M IT * KllPseccck...-.—.. U - %U J Bamterwa—..m...— 13 » Joses ft Andrew....—. 4* ■— lit Mfttdd- . tt - ijtfWZ J Monieen.——~»Bl . lttAilZ Fa Weteoa —— IT «• Aft Uoon H »>. MM - 1# _ BAMmfcU— « J Ms~ OeealathmAfteAahaelt fV#4f «b Xlacie~-—.~ ; SMptrCMd J H UpMOmmmxm 18 M . |ll per bwd ft W Cahm.—*o llturbead John M, . - HAW per bead Blue Outsell 05....».mv tf —.. s2olfiQ perewt B 6 PnAUpe...-, ..... J 8 890880 per cwt Myers ft , : 9 08 J B'llnff—.w -80 ' .- I^o4 OrotM ft OooA—.. -SI _ : S ASK ft H ‘HmwimM.. ... U : | 2||7 Qreeatwall A Kobn«. 100 9 S» Traoetnaa A Matfce— Ml.. . - Hft lB -lllftou -W B Qordga .. l .fwww M . 40 - HSiedaia-X-.—.. Oft Joha amberlMdUMt* 80 • : , HhsrpnaekAWcbb— *m 40) Bascoofc A r m •■':••.■■ i - TO : BEhleMt.....—. - • « 85 ... ■ ft- ftaltawli-*.** ■ M — 81 Oft - 43. 0 Walker;w . It BO ■ - » : \.> : HBti| 88 • ■■ . •••- Pstarotr ... ,„lflD i ■"•■ lll fterrso Pelt...■>»■■—. 88 Thee Ports*-...-..... . 44 13» liSl tain. " SoU. SmlteuL " i Pttt*. . i Tboawott—it* - troptrbttr irt Bfjaptrbatd' BolMtAFtakOtf.^-Ml - fttt mt*m4 & lobbm.t N , . ' .' WE«fe BtHohJea™... B 4 , < '■ 1«> Brtlttftk. ■ ■..».«: >«« • " ITJ ? Wj«Off*llO.SMiuU ~ M ' - Bc&<7 - ' MO JBraOTr«~* ->' SO " ' M hddli,.^i'.».—. - i* r J Bwdwwmm >*>*> .:*• : . Hi » > { < : W SU .100.:.. ; \i fW.t0i,,;,,,.,.,,-, ••- : l»o - ‘ v. HO tttfT . BOM. . x AU MM. f Ml SMI Dowtfl-^,—i ; , MO . mo. . - MO.:. A. »J 0 - F .—•■■. . QW Law,• '• Wr ; '.v Ol Vmn..:.w. ' . t - • niai.,.. m - • V -«—^..i00.-..... •.-. ♦ • •: ■■■- -•-.' ;.«v .V - «:. tt9 ' ;••; .• : AtWlnn A ft.— M Wft.,-, ' : . . la.. ; . . -wH -i-. • - HO iinu>„-ij..:...•,: r« i ? ' >v...- JO ««*»■-- j ■ r -. w»ma B Pb«lp«—_~.™; M «4r i v Bolbm * FWcffir—, - v Ml* c~ r l6l - IMIJ i«t jp-llnty.— «.*•«... 89 —■..••• |3ta P«rc*t H » |- L 'AI : ■ ■■ ■ |Sjopwcw( D o**r—s»loptr««t 'W'ft»tapler mHwt M.FO - 4340 par cirt JB Tiptoa,^.,,;'... it .•' ~ OlUpNr*l "• :-: s?!' '• ; «S‘ i ' '.v** -■ ■_ SEWING MAOHiNE>' '. Ite'l7 Rba - ! • .FAttßOf usd. Ai-WILaOK . Awantod Oi Jtete fVsmteaa of Me WITIDgIATOrtIBj OHiO &TAJS FAIS; mao»Btdga>4ife WIBOOREDf *TATfI FAUVIOWA* &TITB FAIB; , O wreoVT BTJgB FAIR; I tUFMUB STATB FAICt 6X4XB FAIB -V£BM9VC;Bt4n r4lFi | • - j Chicago MacfaenJot'institute ft ' •' 1 loQtevUte V*ek*nir* , ltatUnt<( . ; -.OtndnbatlMacbm>o»*loa-ltnte; AtLYOnKftT eOUWTT FilU, FIK4BOBBB, falm too anmatens topanUoa. > • «fcu»Wte waiiiia UtFBaTBD MAOUlftia'AS SnSVaiß FRlOIfl,. with' iaoTHwad oonfldanc* In ite'mantala raUabia vamUyyawing kDchlM now tanw. .Itaawarqaally.wellon tbethicir*;aad thfsaal tobnea, makae thsr:ektettteh' impoaiibla to nnrava!, with the cwrattal advantage of being ebke on both ted**, foaming noTtdga.cr caela on theoader stda-tf aimpla in eona^netted,more speedy is move ment, and n ore d arable ihn'asy other machlee. 1 Wa gtn tali Inatraottoia to enable thepnrefcaaar to «w ordlaaryaanaa, aUtcb, fell, qefltogether, sU eo tba ■taa'Machten, and warrant jKtorihm years. e wWbefnrsiJuogmte,on or by Htear, MAIm Wk, Mr Cote uI Ofl eraKesoy oo hiodr . ~ ... witsdmSkS. P*TIiUU£UM OlU—Tue XV ObMtol /iKiebtCn.-.,, r ly, imil N.i- Wort, btt wlrtlUbwl • a.p«t it. *l!n!x t jpomN. twnoUflu .a, .ferine ml rtippM bt J.-r^jCuonl 8.11r0.0. tfawpolLli coDTonliut to l,ow.tcrk, ICO UTM autq.mil uort bu4Ur,.. tonliniMiiu •> lifted .iKHnn.rulturtlTr :00r». kuiuna—Culllllob.T.or li. mm 01 Sfebn, ami. g.. : Qii|iW . .Mhlrt . VI. BoWlilsurr, , -, ; . . TTONT'S ONON aXiiMONERY rX PO&TFDQO,««otilila| FAtBB,. , .. , r ... I4BSYJLOPB,. •’« ‘•> .•/ t BTSCfd WBRS, w ,-Jfe ’ - -- JfIVHULDIB Aim FlftOUi. ' dr 9li6Ba«r.daßNi< ftarmtebr --i..... ' j toJimvF " - - - Maaowte atfeat EAMI BUE.-1 haYe tbrea quarter aacOofta'of USd/eontnloiogdHjKria Is lei Ins flra mlaa serth.rf psqn\l» Shalfcy'ocflat't Ottawa* ano’jg (be flrtt aatrtee aeteia ter north lethe Lend Office at (ieelo .rati aTinothe rdf.each tract oncer good it&cd and fsdQltenpioß|Witli coaibrtabfo boUa'bg* on tWoof the tracts, the ,Miami Oanal paaalcg.throaghcsacf t* ; Tnialudis pot Is mirkatfor po ottttr resaw than my inequity tomui'geitto alvkataga aoy lorger* tMtag lo Or ytTsstr uXth iaar of .tg*. ■ There i* a k atooaoo lt»aaid by penoaa cleaoins'tok&oirJto ba trooora. . ' JOOOM OBolfr. DK MBKST, IBASTBUNtt S t!O., i ; DRY GOODS UBBOBANOS; Bin. 76, 77,79,81,83 and 85 Soane at, -V-- ' ■ ibw' tons. 1 5 ; ■; Weald tnda that may are epaalnkWWtlK tn xmw th* ; ■ ■ WAMSOTTA PBiHI S, .k \ '-"'S'-.'iUO ' •- - I - - •/.i -• A-VewFriKwtxicfa excalserary Prlot ba Ota Ooozv. try flwpartoctkioof exccntioa anddsnlgo lofltfl Rid dar Ootocs. Oer Mata are chmpar than any to atomT gfarkate and meeting Wttfaestoufvnmlm? : , Order* promptly Mumped to.. ii faSXOywt . UOtfr 9ALl*. L i ‘ WjiwjW fl ; i,: aiXKomiTißo&SßtiooK, Fc; Mia atß. FAXBIOS 480 ’S Banking HooM,. aalB.tfwF\Obnaar of Wood and Fifth a‘«q t UtsbdfgV FUB «AUS—A fin® j SIUET BRICK BBILBIhO. oo au A DMINISTRiTOfI’S UUTlOS—Set ter* of ddminlatretiOß-apDo'the nUlsct Thom* aalacOraa,!a:aQfWUkloe taveehip. Anegfieojicoaa' ly, youdtoaaead, bate : been granted by u>a iicgte.cz of WUla to the "oodaralgnad.- AU parabsa having eteioa trdasnnda igdcat the cauieof eaid demdeae -ate laiweiat to makathem Known wltboct delay, ui' tboaa totobtad to biaa an reqalrad w make payment wttoß. «oO"RA,Adwl4te»r»tnr,. datatwT .»CMflaWpVAltethcnyOi>4Fm‘ A DMUtiSIBATOB'd NOIXOg.— cietten of AdmtnUtraUoa’ np*s. the Mtcteof Bn. Uvba T. AiMa,libM Collin* towaebip, Ai* Uflasor ocaatpi bars tfte ea7'fce*s granted to the aU perrooe tadebtei to tbh estate will AMltfclSttsHata pejment, asdthose baVtay; dainu srtll wewat.tbea, propvlp aailteatieated.-fcr.aa*' Ikftsat. ; OABEIASfA ft. MftftftH, AdtaV. ... Qdf.gtw? - • '•' ••'••' ftietfaberiyi . EB i «TJB or ANORBW LBHMAN, ftKO&ABXX> <*Letters of Admbiittnftoa oa the totals of Andrew.Lebmis. laieot Mbiler tcVsahlp* oeeeeead, htrlsg heeß created to'tbe -aodmigsed, aU pezsoas Inucbledto th)ia:d uati wilt pitaee BihapajtuoVesd those hatlog ciatais wffl ccimtthe nzae wUboata*lASiO-“^; ca Bftito, AdntaUtntor. i >' 0c98.-BtwT . T?X£OUXO&S*ttOTIO£.--LeUera Teq\ X-l tißMaterj oa thooitat* cr Jehu Movis, liUor Viflla wra»i>lpi. fottitd, bin but iiritnlpirl*. AitnmnfVT f r|' t *r I "TT atiti •!• rtqn»£»d to'piMeot thin* f«r pojo«4L : udihoco tooioiod to mu csuto u« r DHAWIR9, - » ‘ FAIR HITS AeiD BBiD CBWBia*_ A SKIT lOt Or BALMORAL tKlBTft JUBKOIDBtinS YB&X OEXAP. *” ' tmfert will find oar a»«tiant una*o* *By good, aajoor price# a* low Miajr boua m U» Mr ' " ‘ HOOFttlMl Ofttiray beat tteel Sprlnii, tic ladle* and efeflirat i few iba *ott oiletorAed/rifc&nfiKtorie*, la { Qcria, Xmw Tg& 's - = • itea’WMa-fWn,W«o«rt ► ••*• Tape* end Mittfsef t -’■Bouoff* tua ojlaa, < Aa adnoUj* whkb p«* i ' ~ "." j .wiiSM s 'At' 1 ' -j -r. *4- ■■: -T; ' ; Y. >J i|4',. runt: XXTOOU>eaU U» attention 6( tolu j.W fiuuxn. Ixihm..ud ottun, fetejnl*: Toiepapli Haj.Strawind Fq3der Witte,' eftvkkh to y BeW nunnV.tnring ■ Urge I*l,ol wriaM«Hm, fct Heod m* fo»«t. • ••••••■ ' SheUeiß, ' ’ rt&ar'PdM* H»flrtor ' ; BaO'i ImprtredQMo MuWer aodijteaper, - ;■> : B«ne Powers end tbreabers..,;, - 'DoftPuwefra; mottlmproved Pattern, '-i "■■ . *BDi>rß*a*^MCT7i'nm»LW*osnr»aifi:W ftepsjrondntv Maatal ud Physical Incapacity* •aiUng > fro«a BelfAbota, 4f—by BOBt. LODfr tbe CM Baaft,«o. : u A Bsootd TbouaMtiof SofltnitF tad voder aati, in a ptelo eontepoi to nay sUMI put paii, an veoelpt of s r cant*,’ Or two pMtolot •'•temps tr.OXB. aXbnai, ‘ffetefCi lgtoetry,H«wT«tk,f.9.3«bß(l >Aitn iurEimun wurrnm ~ ksfb 91V918V888. PABJC, ITGO&DT ft' pd, ‘ • dANurAcruRKRs or sdsAni* ISO,r£R4ZIB38 r ' and BOLT OOFPBB, wdwmiwa 'Jjppiß BiOTOMF, Batead Kill doMar, discs .Importera end Beaten Ia.HIUIA, tlft PLAI» HfIJCC lßOft,Wiaß, l *o. TmterTfatj on. band, Tinaw 1 * Vectlnaa and Tools. tv * W srelAMi, ifo. 149JVrafcmd ÜBVbdM^NSnfr niubuik, .ruu. -: • edt to any titeiltol tw . . - . . . . ■".wdlfcifd^lfT ! Ujo 1 Hair X>?4 . WR.A, BATCBUO!Vi aAlBl)fB Be Origiaai tmd bmt fm .ilia; WvrtAlswi All others are. mere; imitations, tpd should be avoldad, U yoo wteb to.cs=aperfdictte,. , GRAY, BBX> 2 OR BUSTY EAIB Bytd to a bmotSbl ana Mitral BroWh or BtMk,'wttlNat tfaateattlßiarytothehalrorekta- . nvZBIV' MKIULLB 4VB Wv» Bc« awarosd to.Wm* A. Entehater 10,000 applteUan* bate bean eute fo tte' Sshrdiffcli patroßi"ofhtefrttoesX)ye;’" ■ ■ •' WX.A.BAmBUttt , BfiAIBDYB|BO«iM»4W^ V' tniUrtininlibail frnin natiiia asil tewmlfll ' fln.not tc hgnze lathe te^howererkag(l44l9 hi aad the Ul dtects oe Bad. Dyed rcuadted thalteb. faaticereteA tn Uto by thteimlanAMPtm • JappUad(iq B pnraee tooaq «the Wigfaittisy,3BBbradway, Haw Ycark.; ' ■: ff-M fit nil r ml fffTrna rf rm ITnltod OtitoolCT BrecgtetnaadfaocyGooda-OMlaro.-*:". V>»Tfadgaontßatua tho cam*awdaddreacoMm ; am# ptoteengrsrimoa foorridaaor mrk ' ’ .WULIAM A. BATUMvDwL, - jefclydAwaoi 16 Enod ftrMtaltsteTO^k, W 1,,-W 10,-wiei^ BA'iCliBlOR'S WIGS AND TOtJ* f BBS aarpi— aIL They an elegant aafl dsraUa. , FUtlng. to .a charm -.do taming vp Htifnii to) airiokiiuj. cf ibe head; tndead this' la the osiy mtab* ttebaant. where tkaaa thnqp are pfoperlyondmaMed aad made.: • •; - T, to»WcmA.atwwtflfaw.yiyfc.,-,. WIfSBOW ftIWUM /*****~ “ ""«r^art^^wry t> * ROBINSON. ftllNiS & MUAKBB. rutmoKiui AnD MAOHiniaTa. VABHiNOTOIir "WOBAB, Pl 9 tlbQf g hi : PdDßir OA** t Vo,Bi aRTka4 Mantttoctcxa.aU kteUaut Maam BngiaaMAd WQ Work, femWlwg •r JobtitageaateapairtagdoaaaoMcrtdMfdfc^ ,a«-a‘r-tnif. .. ... ; ~ , • tULUU AO.au aifUUl OOttL&AjMT. MMI, Puna, • ’ aibaiuaa* Ulmbm ton « ftrtas Aatfb A l»uHl .-m'! i.i - BPIK£B,'OHAIRB‘ , ASD BOATBWKSB;- Cornar df'Vf'atsj-Streesand Chain'kiln. uOHW jjutfxtifeffea. ,o» auu. ...... '■. naaaktxntt» Irm Bating, Iron rtnUt. atd nalt bot n, Viido? - KboUtn, Window Ssarii, a*,. : ' : r' : Bito.'a'Bid«td'Bfrari MM rMrdVhwf, ißatweso Wood aad Hera cakud a of new fattana, toncynAd plate fer aU parpeaea. PsrMraSg rttoßtlnw paid to 6a idoksg Gram Lota.'' J id • tUHfO*. -J j\ ";:,r 'a . Biff ’ ; 2*. EOI.MEB Ol «OSt«. -. =. 1.1 uuuau I«n|gi ud £oiu,Ui Bills "'.TiiaTmoATfla ct'xnfvcsit, ,'.'': ' Hukin.utiriiß'ASfii bmoir," -' - VO. 47 MABKBT BTRXBT, ;PISTBBQBGHfV!SL y. AB flollirtlniia made •ca alt. the pMr l dttes thro&g o*!eri to: ' ■OOK, rSIUTi Otf, um AS AKD AUXpiM ot WR AP PISOPaPB B. Her* leiabi*! ftom'iio: 3TWm4 Mmt it Bceia- PistthSild Street, fittatarclk **., orTredrfor * * 'myfcaStfte Pittsburgh Steel 'Works, UHnnh-,»jtDAi«n_ni,i,^iianii. ! JCHSTEB, SOTO * QOw MTANDPACTDRSBS OF 1 CAST led Wirt ■>«; otla t PITTPBCTQn r». • j.sa.xa’f] : • Ho. 64 Fit flliir fWriwit (Dr-MTh* VnrSeMJatAv HIWKWSH, M KaUfrllrffo . . '• . HB«IBX a O(ua4MB. roiwarfiiß* R Comnuaaloa HftAul > SMUnn OkMM, BMMtrtaMUkFMh, SaS *»d*M eternity,-. V A*»F JW.M Jirert, «a«4tid - Dr. seot H, Keyset Wholesale Druggist^ ' UEDICQIB DBAXitt, (To. 140 Wood Street, PUUborgb, Ha. J i l P ’ I i TRCBSKB FOB > TBL COBB' Of. HUB* NIA OB BOPTO|ti.! Uardt’e Badical Cora i Bitter’s Paten* Traas.' t Fiteh’a Sapporier Tnua. -V: i v Self Adj tutting Truae.,; Dr. Bennie g’e Laos or Body Brace, fin the - i su*i mi Ml Dr/S. S. FiUMi Slhti-Hatia; Sbpporter. Pit* Erojp,-flnthb support iftd one el • Mas!; '• Hsrtio nrieoM ; -Tetris; '-vi l;--.? NlasUoßneeCapr, for trade kfcee Joints, AAUe'6dpportera,'for weak anile jainfe. - cash. BuspeAeoiJ •'Bondages. wHa'rt Stof-EjettingSjTiDgee;alwV ' kfa4 E Of-Byiirigei, viK. Dai Kama haeelro a>' Thus %bioh nil! •v-radlsaUj dote Hernia orEuptnre. . siOtteee* Iris Drag Stare, No. MO Wool *£, eignofiheGoMonMortar.; grBriJUMW ymerftn to amne CBHOJtIt et tlisss, M 4 kM iQHtitaeßta ka. DsentßS u| *lmo*t ,rtrj dtMur nqmilai E rohtaicr I rapport. ■'oaltasiti Btttinj or siasTSauaaHtzn. UtoaUiSAfer kmDcblparpMA«T a ntf Kparkr Iklefltwill ttatura elcepme. ekarpr, akmrry as npnftiwv, upon t rtm'tßacaolTkaDoUe* aasmor- DBVOKXKBSniB, >.IU: Jta.l«»eoditnetirmitrank,T>. ;¥St.4nPfiEA CORED—3j SwajneV . at- OOHDIAL.. Irrrr belli! wautttbtS Dr motet tefcudul. . - Eol t■ t ERttk ISkiffl •- ■j]T»;e»tr.'- -j - - no. iu Wood matt. ■ iiu> Beds, BOACiISS, do.—Th« ssiasa-a itiWwd rUiet,!** .l ATS AND MICS-Bir* deetroetts* iXV.lQJh.**t Y4CRNfcLt* BX* TfirJtlKAlOßf u Btv es| onr? hoctl Mi} 't, A . DB-msyauiß, Fjjwtm"” •'S Iffiti; ti ,s