The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 22, 1861, Image 4

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j- -..5 4 / P^? ?WryC:Tt*eTal»le»'. : ■
' ;jf: f Tlm Ykitoid trine'table#' baring! been te
' vjeW and altered, the traina now arrive asd
depart Iron tbm.point a» folluwe:
t. jf :J - ■ - Jrriotttt
Anwrjlmitrtii ffrmnrtirf Depart. AOshuryk
. . ‘ tUi a. .805 p m.
.•TbroogbUjpM**—~~ —.440 Ilsp. m.
u Ini . JO 30 p a 130 n. m.
‘ JoheetowD Accectmcdttloa_< StOp. a.- 10 CA a. m.
.ViralWall**—- - do ... 680 a.m.
'Seojoddo , : do .~UOQam.- V Wair.
p ?b<rd da do .. <oop s. TQ6p m
''Vfeerth do . do ..~6l6|tm. -6 05pm..
ntUbwrpK. TLW.4C MM _
M%U Kxpr*e*.~~.......... I{4a. m 660 p. m
KXprtm PtNfßrr.. ~~~ 140p.m. 6uo*.m
lit economy A<j*n from ait’y.. 740 a m. TOO mm
8d... -do •. d>' do ' Ao_lB6om a. 1010-n. m
&i ,do do do : drf~ 600p.m. 605p.m.
• ; .letßrighton do ’do -do~o|fr«. m. 615«. m.
Sd . do do do do» 4 80p,n.' 200p.m
Mamlllon M*ht P—Ho -■ tio.„ 360 p. m. 11 00 n a.
CXeMtoad d ritUburffK M. R, ’••’
Mall Kcpreie.... .166 o.». 4lap m.
.: IspvcM P—mg«r 140p.m. looov-m.
. Aeoommodaliua 880 n. m. o>oa m.
OMntUnmtliadr<>ad. ■*
; : n: .... 800 am. 68)p.m
MeEwepori Ae«Dinnudat*«L~U 00* m 8 00p».
.. . j Xapfo** Train 830 pm. otOa.m.
‘ Browa’f 4S>p m. 6S>a. m.
rtKiaparl do COlpm. 120 am
*Pm palp tra|n which I#«tm the dtp-oil floadaj.
Ad Snpbatki ClftVpmuii
w . Od the' I4th foil,* Gao. Sherman aeot oat
' _LTant. Wagner, of hla staff, «Uh a imallforco,,
•; ~ to uakf fsploratioQs in tha neighborhood of
S3UtonlTaad,.and to cffar } hlsfproclamaUea, if.
"Ihaj,w<midaec»pt it. Th»y wore idol lo u fort
of lam,-on » marab, at tha. ferry,!'Seabrbok'
: iaßding, by'Kbv. Mr.Waltef, of ,Um v
ltattorder, who, talkaa aboutpeacewed war and
... ... good will y» min; ventured the remark that on
4 Ml ,W 6 could then 'pair of
Lriandfl were ofbo aocoant declined
> , ,-i tbaeoept the protection
p 3' jOffmd—thooght they *ers able lo protect them •
.’ . •alwj atvo'ihatir In a na
“.'Tal4BgagBtoaDt,btrb*damded if!ve eoald lick
■' thom bn.lind-i-tho land wa* theft /o^e—the
• ;:'4andfwaii Beauregard*! bat
. :> the feerof the Potomac premia bis nqw from
• -daHroyhlgeoriwhqle army. L ' They that Major
Silmi.Capußarhwall, Lieut. McKee Noting the
tha opinions
_ of\lhe VeTj R4v* Mr.Walker.-The deull re.
having been gueate on
ti.- .. . w the «team i 'vpropollor, tieaeea, and the
,'v the above. Little aa'
\ -\i -rttht-ilrtviUUa plaoo we are now In, thty call of
bj'-.'rti-mooouat- ■' "
v> ' They Would dot hare the General'* prcolama-
Jtlo.n, ’ They did not waothliprotoetlon. They
uro alr Rebelipf the first water. ‘Ooorteaj la
-thrown away opon'them. Thera la oaly one
thing whioh ean reach them, and that haa not
bora used, but we hope it will bi.
v Goal mi^ork.
“A latter from Louiavtlle aajra;
. -y-. Gan.’ fioalKanamed theeommtnd without
• i. thaua&aciaiidn of a prbclamalioaj and baa
gOBB to'eroik 1 in a. qaiei usd bumueai like
' mnoer. Thepabhc betdly know « change
h’«il»ean aodere dinppornted ’at hot
—..--haring been icdaiead
iita first movement was to eject the Paymet*
ten-from their apartments at baadqnartera,
*'*' —, the/ bkfb'beeQlmposing"and lotrading
r CO* the oorpo of Kogiaeara. A ebaage Is said
-t!rhwfßtended iaiba ataff. Whether ttaa or
-- not,j| change it not apadviiable— not that the
- mcaiber a ol the tuff of Gen. Sherman 'are to-
eom'{(etent,bot that they era not to indqßtriooa
as Beeeeaarp. It may be aa'td with trutb.that
- -i Gea. Sherman did all r tbardatiea of a<d( 'and
staff, while bit Adjntaot, Qaartermistbr and
Committary, with admirable persiatencei made
ploddieg progreta in learning the **rojal
*“ game oi billiards, n and tbe more pleaiant,
more liik, and lean Innocent, one ol
“pooh” in what respects the ataff will be
changed I am not yet advised. „
: The Waekington correspondent of tbs 17. V.
: says that when Ur. Roesell, the Lon
-- don 7Vmes correvpoadent, heard ot the arreet
-ol Miaon and blidell, he remarked, “1 would
like to have seen poor SlidelPe face when he
.area arrested ; looked very
'fonny.” Mr. Rueaell eatd nothing about tbe
overhauling of tbs Trent..
, airambaats.
Xlf hOOMOMT,Crpt.Jcbu rirßhnnk.jflflHK
wvi mu lor dnrlanatland Lonlaville on seTvn*
DiT,!*! laiL,»Uc , eiockp.u.' for rrclghilvr p**-
cn board or to \
' JOB* »L4OK,V. ■ ta
. m 2! u. H.LBWIB. I A * e,,u
nod epWiwild allr wbeet“vteatnrf 'AOA(i(V-u»|-i« o
,• Themes U will leave farSL Lonlsani ell la
ports oa SaTU&OAT, Sd Per
: - • . fnlghlor pnamgeapplr cubotrd or Is
~ nOBO / . e. h. Lm»Q6IOW * OO.Agvotv.
Ike wteamer DfAPBM,OapLThoa. higtti, m*vmm
abtre, onTUid . DA*, m 4o’cUiet. - Fbrfnlgbtor
|iesi>M apply ou board or to '• !
Pol 9 J.B. UVINGVTO* ACO, * -nts
MAlii PACK.. lt» »
» *£.—Tke • ftploedid
/ iimbw OiOO till. UMdildaM, wiliantof
Oladnull, LonUrilli, New Mbiij, IvtuffllijOiln,
. ead *T. LOCI* on THIS DAY. ZM loatf «t (oar
o’clock, p> m. Far frtlght or pta*|i opptyr&i board
or to . taoKi I*. B. UyiS tcwi
. Ft* Wbaclieg. Mar let a, F arkerebargh,~ roneroy,
QetUpaUe, iroohm-ttd pw»tnoolb.—Tß»' tleaser
. OtA&A *>KAN, Oept A. J MmUIM, Will Teive tor
Portaaumtb IVKUY TOtgDAY, at S o’clock i. m.—
Leevea Pwrtatnooth IV BUY U e’cfock
n For freight or (imge epp'y on board or to .
DoSslsd JNO, FLAOi,Agvnh
Rfi 0 u LA K WEEKLY rjCfi’fo
PORTSMOUTH.-The■ tumor MOtr. Dent.-
~~~WtfT,'WHT jiAve a*r the »t>oT» and au latwctedta
liodloge ruts UUKNiNO. at 10 *4 m,
, For freight ur paiMge apply on board or tft * I
~~ felO j>. U. LkWlB. »gaat.
etramar UNMNB, Gept. M. AJ Uoi,
Will ItaT* Pltuburgt, lor Bkf UR-
DAY »|4 p.m,. Hettuoiog, leerae QelHpotte ByltlY
TUESDAY at Klid; For freight or'pa—age ’apply
oB board or to *
1. B. LIVIWO9TON 4 QO, Agtott.
Dew a&d apleotlld peaMoger •
GBABAtt.Oapt. A}era, leave# Plttebwgb for Eeoe*
YfUe every TOlf'Di*, at 4 o’clock, r.«. Katcrblor
• -; leave* ZaneerUte far PlUatmrgb every FRIDAY at 4
' 'A.M. - For fraighl orpeieige applron toerd or to
A. B. LlVlwaai'U.f A 00, Age&U, Pitteborgb.
. *.14
pAORiT.—The fin* etoaaaarMl- JEMBE
MBfeVA, Captkto John Gordon, tmvee for waeeiiag
• asd iatefnedlate pjrU every. TUBtDAY.r-Tlttlßb’
DlYas] SATURDAY, atJLI o’clockpAl,«|l}Sklog
clom amsicikiOt *Jtblhe regalar packet* hnfmtk
arkabarg aod t’luclotiati. Detorolng,ism Wheel
tar every kTONDAY, WEDNUSDAY u 1 FAIDAY, at
8 erdork e.a. PeMoagera receipted tbroagk to On
dnttO: for freight oc paeeage apply eg board
to „ , JAMB* OOLUna A o£>.
*d go. U 4 Water and
Grain and seed wanted.—
-MO baoitla 1/a. ' -
- iftOQO do ■ (Ml '
* 'lOO barrels CMer Seed,
- 100 do Timothy Sped. .
V. 'TafYbrareaikwlU'U' paldat a fair market-price by
aol . V’ Wo.lo WaterAtaaet.
801DIB18* Übl .A eoperior mtteU-potMfact*
m bybve*oreold—Lreajeattbeladle l«M«t It*
Mt, Up, SOaad 88 At. Clair atreat.
-Yl'C'’" J A H PHH.LTPB.
' iIOBN MEAL—IOO boa. fireoh noand
A«S Cora Mae} )dat roe*d asd k» tele by
4?'.' ■ jas. a. firm, _
• doO . Oaraorof Market a»d Ftot ate.
J?LOUR«—2obbls. chotco Tamiij Tlour
JD Is flora aad for oatobf J- -'•"•» ■
’ '• FAS. A. im
- " ■ Oeraf bf MkIKH jgffiiteta.
'JU ; Ooaf VAr«ofa virlety af,pattern!, haadaotaely
■ gilt, for aale ai tbe Family Grocery
A . TO*** ' * r JOBH A, **NBtUW, :
oelO. Co*«rfoflJi)tfty end Baodetmte.
'vj- ■ - J OBOtaB PKIB9.
crtryfliaT * co
eKUUK OIL—IOO bblfl., taitabla for
Mnlii,, far^Ubr
Ml Wok. <0 end TO Water aW.
-0 last aabatltata for grtaa eato. dried nd pal op
■aar*anykith*Veiled Society o# - Bbak*r».and for
iiitiiiiy . . -
S'. , poU • liberty aad Haadatfo ‘
• \f ENISUN .—4 • bddlea prixae Voiiisoa
f joetreoatvedaatfor eel# by
: - Vo •> • - ‘ AYETZIt,'
; : Cocerr ofMatkatapOFlritatraete. .
~ M"*? | .
Oto barrafo Drl*4 woy,. ?
10 .do -do AtipfoT " r f d« * n
;;; , :mt«kua »u.
. lIL OLOTii. J>V4N.UXa £!QB SOL-
Wwfclj m?itwi)Mb»fUbbnT|kVßrfceb;
\ Reported tpedan* for Vu tS&buTgk Qaidtt.}
Pxmuuaou. TeoisDiT, NdTssßu 14. leet.
IKOT«—Tb* qoouituos given In the toUi.wUg Be*
rHv, lt mail be understood, are the price*,
vzoept wherrotberwiee noticed; eud that ia ell cam
(n tbe filling of email order* to the cltj and conotrj
trade, *n advance of three to fir* ft cunt will t»
charged over the** quotation* )
.APPLBg~*rp Id better *epply, oit«t»haUi.di.Jg
■bleb pile, a rexaia tieady bit oa<b«n*ed. We sot*
a*l*« at prices ringing from iSto ti. 76 ft bbt-meetly
•t rU6®2.6u.
ABUEs—lu limited demand. Sale* Peart*
fluda Aeh N&3J4; I'ota.raug* irutn 4&4^£.
ALB—There t* bet hill* demand enJ *btpmt ole are
limited. Ibooubtubnt rate* at present are:
bbla. ball bbla
..-ja $4-W
... 6 3,00
U T 3,60
Porter....-..—.. ——. 8 3,00
BACO*—Tu« cDtrkm fm U« Oi contlbaas doll and
lo*c i*«s who a slight dooiloe Id piioa*. tbcuider*
O.KDOI* d Sidra, aod Plato llama
*t»i sugar Pore j <?£@sc.
sUl'i zit aHD atl3B—Tbei© i» bat 11 U Ctim*u4
fur Batter. Trlute Übll I* uomia*! at
KgK* ac*rc« and Wealed at lb<sl6cs d a
BKANB-cootlfcue to mri>l «>l.b a gool nqaeit at
iL26ol,ft» tor Prime While. ..
BOuKWUKAT rLOUli—la moderate demaud wife
i aatea at $T,76 tu feo!k kiu<ls2 Id utka.'
BROOMS—The following are tbe rates obtaloed lo
tbe regaier wap from *tora: Common |t taffi mr,
Fancy ftOD&S'Vdfc Kitra do *2^09*76.
BUCKKTb AND TUBS—The factory pricce (caah,
par toada) at Fallatßb ami Hew Brighton are lor
.Bucket* $1,66 911,76, cud Tuba, V doa
from store, imeketa aefl Id Ibe retail way at t1,769tX
Manilla Hope, coll 100 ji BjUanllla Bope, cot, 10.- p B>
Hemp Hope, coil, 12c y fbltiemp Bope, cat, lac V lb
Carred Rope, noil, lie ft fclTirted Bope, cat, lilc.> lb
Packlug rard,fine, l2c|MblPackitig Vara, com l‘iy4 r -
BJU) OOBDS—Manilla, 9 doi.
Setup omL U eta Jft fe.
PLOUGH LINKS—SUnHIi,*? eta * doc. Samp,
No l-.—.-
No l— —.....8K c ft yd
OANDLKS A SOAP—Tbe lollowlsg quotation#caa
be relied on aa being atrlctly oorroct:—Uoold and dip
candlca, 100, Adaoiantlue, 16 to 18;; epeim, 44:; Boatu
•oap, 4J4d No 1 Paim, 6}fc; Cbeqtiral Olive,
Toilet 9 to 10;; Friend to Womao’aaoap, 7c; Herman
_ >'•
OOITON TiUNß—Tbe market ia firm and ao ai>
ranee has been established. The following are (be
•tootattanfl Wkjfb are corrected to date:
rotnro rua.
Noe. 4 to lOlne’Te 32 c ft lb No. U 37 e ft ft
Hoe. 11 k 12.... S 3 eif ft No. 17..... ...340f ft
No. 18 ...—B4 c ft ft No. 18 „89 oft)
no. 14....~~...~.-46 cfli No. 10.... _.40 e ft ft
No. U ....~~3d o V ft No. 20 41 c ft ft
Mtu Tina.
*0.400... —IT c*do»lNa.SQO..._.«.U eft doe
No. 800 18 0 ft 14 oftdoa
No. 600 ~15 «ft doalNo. 1000......... 14 eft doe
No. too.—. 14 aft doe)
Oarpet chain, aaeort- (Twice «..Blc ft ft
eo 0010n~.......~32c ft ft n»aia<n g M
Do B2 family - *’
- enta 83a * Batting, No. 1 Ho “
Do 88 to 44c —c ■ Do No. 2.—20 c “
Coverlet Xam_.BsC “ D> OommotUUo “
Cindlcwick .... 83a “
Eagle .. ~..«• aft yd.-
Nlegarm .. ¥ »dn
08I0&K&5—Toe following are (he vno ieeals
prlcee: valor crackers, 6ssc ft ft; batter, 6sfc engar
T&Boatoo, B>fc wine I2)*c; pilot bread, $4,60 ft bbL
OHahSf—more li a regular rvqaeet tor this ar
tide et trots to To for W R—oaetiy et CJ^c.
OUCStNUm-*ln (air demasdvlth ulti at 22 net
044BBKB8U8»t abide lower; Common com*
m»nl (5 to ffl, and Cultivated 18 to $9.
01D«B—Prime Sweet la to Ulr request atlt.6oo
6.00 ft bbl.
CORN JfBRT • —unchanged; prime silted la worth 42s
ft t aih from first handa and 4 fro tram alore.
DRIBO BSBr—*qaleh.witboecailuael tales ofangar
cored at 16tfdid)!* ft ft.
«.!>&! RD BRUIT—Ia good request at Impr.ead pri
ces. new crop Peaches coomica $2,7103 ft tasb. and
end Applra2l@l,7k
FKATUIKS~era v«ry dnIL Prime are held et 46
<3l. r ?r mixed 80g$40; Pigeon 16, and Chicken 10.
tiAd PlPft—the folhnrtag are the qsotaOcna for
I rua tnblng:
Per foot. Per foot
?* Inch Baa Pipe —T eta. I>s Inch OaaPlM... S 2 eta
M “ “ »a “
X “ " »S a* “ Wi
fi * * »X J*- “ “
: “z. l i H ' ' “
snhJect to the customary dlaoonnt.
Birtol fau undergona no particular
things since oar taet r-pou. Tne nqQeit U only
prices are hardly «o firm. The following
are tbs quolatwßS . Iron start: Soper, no sales;
Kxlra Extra family $6, $6,12 and 16,26.
end fancy•'ertnfla ftjMftlJi Hje floor la qalet,
« ltb email talc* Irotnetore ai s3£3,i2}f-ft bbL
- 6KAIM*—I ka ttirnat for Wneat hM been very fitm
rluee nor list, and bnffor tbs advance In freigati eaat
liv ma<kit soul I bare advanced. We quota Red at
f-om96e to $1 from first hand* and 6o itgher lor
lVbltv: Rye lit gber end may be qooted et *63 from
wagon and 60c (rum afore. Ourn U firm at 40: boa
brat handa for prims old; ehelled new not y«t to mar*
tot' to any - extent. Barley cwnttncee very roll et
oto 46c irem wagon. Oea wanted at H®2bc and
Lot tew in market.
QKOuBRIKS— I Thtra U coidivi Italy bat Util*
io tb*<3r{**i7 aarkei. Tb« damaod u limited
u&4 the Uaonctkmj •• a gtoeral tb<ogaia *ll to lh«
■aialj way. flaf*r U atcaay at HoU'»m
doll *tiws4te; Cofi** firm at >7c: *ic*B}4@»c.
UOMlftir— Wat Homloyta vMib $1,63 V ba»a.
H<JPs~B*lo*of Baatara were reported at lT^plti.
HIPE)-Q(Mo nIM ib»dj *lui * regular demand
Urj fllnl Ann at 18£U=»
BAY—Tt»e bu u«n a pod rajnMt (or 11*7
,ai»4 pf|c»« bar* admired; relaa fro a oity arale* at
price* ranging from $lO to $ll )i ton.
I<aßD—No dimiod with a limited ito.k In mar
krt; 1 to 7%6 are a Unit tit* prevailing rata*.
LIMB- aocbangwl. Bale* afl<oQl»Tlll# at |1,2& V
ttl._ There la do Maryland lima in market.
LEATIIB&—Ther* ii eccsidtr&bio activity la tbi«
trite l *, wliU* ptlfn tro rtLh*r oo»*tt!ii Koogb
OQOQtr? ImUmv it firm tt 2££«t. I>t«mkl littw
U quoted M follow* i
Had BpAniali Bole m lb,
BiMKnter 44 “
Upper Leather fl do*.. _
Bridie *• „ ....^.....^."*0^*6
Skirting Leather 9 E> _ /T£s29
ta totbiog doiagia the loobu
market, aod la the abaenra of aalai «• omit quota*
- MESS PO&K—Tbs ateck to market Is light, while
the toudli limited; we quota nominally etiioau
OILS—The demand forQrnde Oil U fi!r, while pri
ces an dud; with so opbird indatwr. Holders |io*
aiatlj do not appear disposed to press sales, aa thsy aa
tklpeto an eurtnoe betwraJvng. Wa not# mrsrsl
large aalea at BQffe V’gall, t>bls to b« rstoroed: Kefl
aed Oar boa Is it«adfii tram 8S to 40e, and-No I Lara
at 70OT(e.
ONlONS—qnlat, with small aalaa of prime at AOj ft
POTATOES—Jo better snpply, whila price* remain
nochaoged. Pink Ijn and baahantocka c.tumaad
Bic frowllnt handa and St®34c from ature
POULTRY—a ibad*firmer, with a ol 60 pain
dnaatid Obickaaa at 2So ft pair. -
SALT—in a .good demand at *I,66©UQ for No 1
Kftra trexn ate re.
BLEoB—daO bat noebanged; Glcrsr la held at
$4,0001,11; Timothy at sl,fco<§l W, and Flax $l,»
©Tfcjbcah. ‘ ‘
BTKAKINIt—doII and has declined. We quote at
TaLLOW—GaI! sod lower. Bongb may be quoted
At te. and Jlesdared at To 9 fit
' WHITE' LEAD—firm and la steady demand at
sw*o 9 keg tor pan in oil, and dry Bo ft lb; sabject
to the tuoal discount. Bed Lead BXO9, net, and U
WINDOW OLAAS—prices are firm, and we repeat
oar quotation* (or the small rises, city
And TX9, $3,06; Bxlo, OxU And 10x13, 12,80;
BXIB, txl« And lOilts*76-9xlB and 10x1*2 ftbox
'olMfote—lkflcedtatecoQQt off.
WHIBKY—In (air reqaest,-With small salsa of
Common BectUsd at 170186. Old Dye steady at from
$1 to $8 0 g*li, aa to age and quality.
. 81 aaeka. Flint Heafey,
’ 78 bosl*te:j>fima Obsstanta,
£0 ; do. hneUtmrk Olokerynott,
40 do Walnuts,
38 barrels Minnesota <OranberTtes«
10 do ooldtated balMhspe Orsaberriss
(0 do ‘ cbotbe Appiaa,
40 di solid WlaterAppUa,
M buahela prime t*l?*s Peachsa,
„ 180 dowsaOiseiimau Uronma snuilsJ.
10 berrstspare TJaegar,
19 do Vnt and Dn Tobacco,
80 Poilatu
f barrets palmar tswart Cider,
M do . Ex. fnmUyFtear—Trumpet l tend.
- -too-do- —do —96~ —Palmetto Mills,
10 bcxes,ldoa sack; pars Ostiwb* Wise,
0 do • 1 do do eweat do- : do
t demijohns do do
8 ttaceca Daris'Bagar Cored fiama,-
lor sals bp no# L H. VriOT * Qrt. •.
12 bnrob OmbarrlM.
U do Oblom,
100 deem fotter Broema,
160 do Bor! do
100 do Oorpol do
100 box** Wwtcrn Bownro Obouo,
100 do ■oglbb-Dttrj’ do
0 bunU No 1 Lard,
•k*p. dO d 9
10 nett Dry Ptiefa— haln«,
10 bbU. do do
6» do Bctoctad dßpWo»_
rocolvod aod for nb b j
001 l
lit Pmoil etreet.
Praoheramd a pplks.—
Jl VO bojb.'WVDry Peacbem
£OO mm fresh ntth* for Family dm;
luo bbls. choice Gnaw Apples;
Jut received and for ait by
polfl Alliiwwlitnrt.
aertteraera prepared ta a*U EIFIHMDOaR*
OIL ANN InSull fa Urge And mil mhM<
tto, fromtoeHsmifa CU Co’s Worts, si tbs test
4««)9|M tttr airkMpii(M, v '
W* V COFFO arriving ud tor m!« by
J. 8. DILWOUfB A 00,
lot juit ncafod at the
Ito Rnbar PtpoC, S 6 and 88 ft. (Hair street.
•»* ■'■* ~ £:■ A A JL PHILLIPS.
jgAvJffSinn b«-i »-d,
Brail Fonidcrt act! Sniiufaflgrm.
Pumps & Brail Work
)f Bran, Copper or truu, with the uu-*t approTc-i*.
Chamber* and Vabee of all kinds, su>l warranted to
gtra satisfaction.
il(i Wuter land 104
I‘l'i'Tit HUUcI |{
To Farmers and Others
over all otberaln ue ooosUta to Its cbeipuoia,
simplicity «nd .durability. Booood,ln cloanlog Grain
tester, better snl mors Chorongbly, with le*s labor
tbtn SD7 ether milt. Th* patentee of the stove Pan
bsa been lung engaged In' manofactarlng sti«J selling
Agrtenltnrsl Implements, convinced of tb» groat wain
of s good Yen fur denning the dlflereut kind* of Gralo
sod dteds, presents this to tbe pobtle with full con&
denes that It »Ul meet their waau.
Tbe a&dertighed, having porobseed the sol* right
to oanofnetare end mil the above Grain Pan and hep
arator In Western Pennsylvania, Western Virginia,
and all Ohio, and the right to enjt iu Indiana and lilt
nds,la now prepared to fill ill orders, wholesale or
retail, at 319 Liberty street, Plttaborgn, Pa
•eSuuAwtfV W. W. WALLAOB.
yet been offered to the public. They are tbe
heat for the following reasons:
L Becaaee, being of an oval shape, (lie gists la
artrywbore equity diet sal from the flame, so that
tbs drat; Is stronger sad mote regular.
2. Tbe oral snaps U better adapted to resist tbe
eftet ot sudden expansion, so that It la Impassible to
crack them.
fc. Tbs glass la made largely nf Lead and Penrluh,
giving • groat degree of strength and elasticity Tbe
chimneys wtlch booaekeapera have fonod to be so
brittle as Co crack even when not in oaa, are Invaria
bly made of Lime Glass Instead of tbe flint Glees, of
which ours are manufactured.
4. But the greeteetadvantage of these Gblmoeya Is
that when yoo have one It arfli last forever, tod if
any boosekesper breaks one by tbe beat of the lamp,
lather call at the Uanotaetory and we will replace ber
cracked ebtmney by a dosen whole one*. Tbu proffer
does not include accidents or those casee of breakage
where thecblmnaj baa, tbroogb inexperience, been
•crewed so oloaely to the lamp as to prevent Its cx
pension when heated.
Minatetturera and consumers of Darken Oil, who
have felt tbe bagnitode of tbe obstacle, which baa
•Slated In tbe great expense of chimney a, in tbe way
ol the aolvareal bm ot tbe oil, have toond a remedy
in tbrOval XX flint Glass Chimneys, which baa ms
terUlly lessened the coet of t'arbon Oil Light to iheee
who use them, sad increased tbe consumption of ot*
consequent upon the leaeened expense for cbimna/s.
For aala by J. 0. Kirkpatrick, L, Tbnam A Up,
Rogers A Neebtt, P. Haydea,-Loceaco Oil Oo , Wddeo
A tteineka, W. Ogden a 00, W P. Wooldridge, W.U.
Murray, or at the Msnobctory, Washington street
near Pennsylvania avenae
•nlb-tewsiAsti 1. D DITTIRIOGB.
T?OR SKA BATIIINO, Atlantia City,
n N. J- (two and a half boors rids from Phila
delphia) la Bora frequented tban any other place Id
tbe Dotted Stales.
ita bathing, selling and Bshtng lacilittea era nn
ear pernsd-
Ite Qotsls end Boarding Houses, which will aeoom
modate shoot gavan Tbosautd persona, an as srli
kept as Ufeaa tf Saratoga and Newport.
Ita Beach la nine milaalo length, affording a aag
ntdeent drTVe, wbl>e the atmosphere ot the place Is re
markable for its dryoeea
Tbe Malls era carried twtea dally two and truu,
Philadelphia, and • telegraph extends tne whoU
length of His road.
Trains of the Qamdao and AUaatic iUUroad lean
Vine flUvet Wharf, Philadelphia, at 1% a. *. au.i « t.
m. Leave Atlantic at 6:16 a. ■. and 4:11 t. «. DU
tanoe ehfty miles, fere*.
McKIUBIN'S (United fltetea) DOTBL and otbai
baoem now open. lallbutf
No, 13 Foarth street,
Havaon head a fins assortment ot Bacon, LsrJ ant
Pork, moat ol which Is of their own ear*.
BUOAR CUBED AM*, of Cincinnati and other cores.
PLAIN (lAMB, with and without ennvu
RIDES, Booked aod In dr; salt
LEAF LARD, Id bbln, firkloa aod pslle. Pot a;, is
praaelyfor family oee, and all of thaw own rendei log
UKEABB, suitable tor roliiaf nilli pnrpama. an >
-10 bbU. Family Flour,
It do Sapart!oa Floor,
11 do prime Boaaa,
6 da Cranberries,
’» 38 <0 TtQSMft Apples,
60 do Potatoes,
85 bubals fratb ground Oo»n Meal,
mo i*o Potatoes,
- 8000 pounds Buckwheat Floor,
2 tuba fie*b 801 l Batter,
Joit received and for tale by
'dol3 Corner Market aod Flnt itreeL
O In receipt of our first supply of No Ploa Ultra
Minced Meat, put up lo 6 pound gleseitre, or for ails
by the pound tr barrel, at the Family Grooery Btore of
- boIB cor. Llbarty and Hand atre»la.
Flail— 55 bbls. No. 3 Large Maofcerel,
60 half bbla. do 00 do
85 kitta. No. 1 * do co
33 do 3 do d>
' 13 do 1 flaltnoa,
ter aoie by WATT A WILMON, 268 Liberty «t
FRONBS-100 boxes Prunes,
BO ftegs do .
SB do Plums.
In store aod arriving and for tele by *
0033 Noa. I*4 and 136 Wood »tr*et.
euttinasaadatyk*,nsgoM mean bemad«,iuat
from the factory nad fit sale, wholesale aod retail, at
E»and2BßAOHfrstreet 3 aH.PiiluiK
Best laid cheapest lo the market—33,ooo Iba.
received 00 consignment and ter sals low by
oc!3 LUTLSArefMHi.e.mfWwndat
C'tKAMJBKIiItS— 5D bbls. Cultivated
J Western, in prime emdUloa. -
noli • : No. T 8 Wetrr and 03 front iirwt.
JP.tQ prime KloGcSee uririogper Pa. At-aid
teaale bp ’UWLi * TBIMJT B,
m u 112 ('eeaoft street
bbla. Mf aoeeota OHuberrlealoat rtcrived from
Bt pMI nbdfdr tale by LITTLE A TaiMBLB, .
C hAi 118 Broond Strret.
CRANBERRIES. —5O bbla. choice
Crunberriee arriving from the writ -Ut lor Sale
aSlf 808 Liberty street.
AMP BLANKETS!—A luge spp.:
ply of those a« perl or Qom Blankets turn reoetred
ettbelndii Bubbsr Depot, No SB and 28 fit, Uialr
atreat. ocH JAM. PtIILLIPtL
NO. 1 LARD OIL-25 bbls. No 1
Lord Oil on hand and ter sata he ■ *
aol Noe.» ATO Water at met.
-400 bbls. dtolee brsnde Family Flour,
30 do JUtre do
41 do cboteeßye do
6COO Iba. Rje VherU
uUv/100 Mb. Syrup*,
10 hhde. If. O Bugsm,
Okbnnd andfbraala by . L.TTLMA TRIMBLB.
BUTTsR —4 bbU. frtah Roll Batter
Jost receivedund tor mb by.
nolfl Ooni»rofllsrketAadFimatr«etf
J=n BttUi MU. 1 BariMKU CABBOS
OU - it *«CUJWL .
•i „>s t. iij'ivtis .Htru-i «cu !
' IflauU.
st Jnlch6i7as hot el. ~
nruudway, Sew York,
doar:! Hcduced lo $2 per Day.
IN o-fcl l ÜBOP&NJNU of this va-taod
con*-.nilooftQotfl, la 18*4 It b i U-u lb* alegU
. i >. Li the prupilrtoia to make It (ha m»i atioip
11. .... c> tiYaok-ul end e-jtnfoil-bla home fur lL« clu
iei. ano stranger UQ this aide ol lh« A tlanttr.
And whatever b-« seemed Itkrly to *>2mloUtei to
tb« comfort ot lie gQtals tne* Lav,- eudeavored, with*
cut regard to coat, topiovfde, auJ u> comblm ail lbs
element* o! iuulTldtfrt md sorts) inji-ymtol ah’ih
modern a.-ths* luvrntrd, sod modnru taste approved;
soil toe patronage which It bae ouinntanded during
tbs past eix years Is a grat.tying proof that their .!•
,u rt* bare been apprecuted
tn-.<ttb« fi'g’o.lurof the tiu»«, wheu all art
r rqnlit-. tu .TY-tloj tbe molt rigid tfLOOtny, (be nu
kr*i,Q. h
Reduced tbe Price of Hoard to Two
Collate per Day,
at the ome time abating o .no ol tba loxarlet with
wiil. li tht-lr tstlw has liltbrito Ueo topplled.
Frocit aln.
In tbu Immsdlate neighborhood of the Jobbing Senses
onMarket, t bird andCheatont ttrwete, tbe nankt,
P~«i Office, fUercbante' Bxchaogv, Ao.
Hoard per Day, Si 60.
wAcn rcftarsA on (At BKROPSAN
BLan. Hoomi from tooentund upward-,p* r day,
ami Mt&tnt a risevCuta IiisvAOSAW amensn to
ths Hone, ftiert acoordity to tke Biiti of F*rt.
Tka City Uais take Pusiagar* from
say Itstioa TO or GLUik TO tne
S6r* kuglldh, frearh, Gcnnsn tod eju.tiLb atokeo
!y U-Ara
jbioOfb, tkangrß, Ocau»,
Duqnesne Foundry,
Liberty nt.» near Outer Depot Pa
Manateetnra MACHINB, Q**T BLURT and HOLL
BOX ES, Acu. always on hand and for isle low.
Orl*ra left wltn W. W. YOUNG, corner of Wood
struat and Diamond alley, will receive prompt atten
tion. » mb3B
A.BHD L fi Y
klanntectores every variety nf
Ao. Ao. dco.
Solo Proprietor'of the oclebr&tcd
Offioo anil Sales Room,
No. 4 Wood Street,
VALLEY foundry,
Wurehouso, No. 301 Diberty St.
Manufacturers of cook,
aao Rihben Gratea, Hollow Ware, etc.; Steel and
Glaas Moulds, Rolllug Mill Castings, Mill Grating,Oae,
Watrr and Artlcao Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog iruna. Wagon
Migar Kettles, POtteya, Hangar*, Car Wheals.
Oonphogs, *nd Caatiegs ganerally. J«m>lng ana
Mactiux Castings made to order; patented Por tab la
Mills, witb Steam or Horae Power. ooltfimd
ihtiolcum St ttaibon o<ls.
MILLER * 00.
vtuika at tharpiborg elation Alhgb n, Valley
Office end Warehouse S 3 MARKET oTRRET,
Maoatectnrara of ILLOtfiNATINO aNDLUBBL
KXPL-mlVd, mlw*>* >o bant. >3 ltd
Lucifer Oil Works.
LAM IS, CHIMNEYS, &0., to..
No. 39 Market attest,
Between Second sod Third,
mt»3o:dly ' PimBUBOn, PA.
K. 11. I>A VIB, President.
JuUN IHWIH, Jr., Secretary tod Ol.
uia*OTu«b~-Cl. U. Davis, T. H. Nevlo. J. L. Uerne
gieau, A. Cameron, John Irwin, Jr.
Of light gravity, from the Welti of toe company,
ouOn creek, In Venango county, mutant.? on beat)
sod forait*.
Uffloe at T. a. Kerin A CX*a,
tnylilyß ilo. >6 Mood et., Inutorgb.
wioiiTint. e A.uißiui,
(QnalUy Qaarsoteed,) PITTSBURGII, PA.
AfO*r Oie«M) and Bensole constant:) ou band,
(mien received for the praeot at CUXHB, BMITB
AOO’B, (Vaieraod Pint streets atlLilfla
i. ». uuli, Treiaa.... -J, Waavra, ia, aec*y
Maunfaciatera and Wboletale Dealers In
Bt. Clair 8t. t near the Bridge, Pittsburgh.
Trade Mark,— BoUr Machine O 1, No. 1; Solar Ma
chine oil, N-. /j Bolar Burning Oil,No. 1, Solar Boro
log Oil, No. 2.
AdTaocea made on eonalgnmeo'i. Special alien*
lion glren to fllllog orders for Crude Otic of ail ipe
dfic goariUee. ocSS.
Lubricating Oil,
per QALLON, constantly on hand and for sale
by B. 0.11 U.PAWTKB.
Aa ta the quality, we refer to annexed certificate:
PttTMgaun, Nor. 27, lb®.
Mkqses. b. o. a J. H. Bawyxai Oente—lbe Luhrica
tiog oil we are getting from jon we QoJ to l>« the
beat fur oar parpoese we bSTeevw need. '
TasL Co.,
noWrtf By Wm. Ben. Hne’t
VAhOAßiik uaPUtivaMfeifli'r
In Steam and Atmotphorio Hamm«ra.
LETTERS PATENT were grautod fln
Brpt. 4th, 1860, to Thomas Beach, lor a very
simple and efficient Improvement ta Bleach and At
mospheric Hammers, whereby the fall stroke of the
hammer is obtained, no matter what os the thicknew.
of the mace ol Iron to ho bauunerod— tlwrehy oflect-
Ing a greet Increase of power where largo plena of
metal are to be operates apon, and a
wring ul expense.
Tne snbecrlhoTa ara owaaii of said patout, and are
dasiruneof ealilog rights-, to nee eald Improvement,
as well es territory under said patent. Atqodelof
■aid Improvement Is left at the office ol Aicesre Bake
well * Cashing, Attorneys at Law, corner M Grant
and Diamond streets, wbere parties interested may
call and aoe it, and learn also tile tenna ol license
■ale, Ac. p. 8. WBAYBIi,
ocftArritf *r««Dort. iui„ I'a. .
J£ FttUlTHKlfb, £
A Tory large stock of choice Trees of ••’itc.ed vart
etlas to ohouae from, with every passible e«ro ttken
to have every variety troa to u»me
Of Apple alone we have 176,009— .60,CCxj rf which
are three year side, 10 too four y«er old Pear, 10,000
two to three year old. Po*eb,- Plnm, Ai ~ a fine
Emaisaa—Tbe trees la tbs nnrser/. Cal 1 ahd
see then.
NVSRORIINB frost 1 I* 8 feet, by the hundred,
cheat-; also, 81IADB TRBBB AND BiiROBBK&Y
Wholesale and retell.
Addrrm Pittsburgh and Oakland .Narm rlov, Plus
bargb, Pe. eeIBAAwT JOUN MUKDOtIII, Jr.
Removal. the pekin tea
BTOKR hu been teaayed'from No 83 fifth
•tree* to
no. eo bt> on AIK s*„
Poor Doors from Liberty si
npfctf -
CLO VE ANODY N £ —Keoommen ded.
for the careot Toothache wlthont Injury loth*
teeth or gnam. Bold ay -
BIMON-JOHN WON. Proggtst,'
and dealer in Oboloe family UeoicLey,
WO4 corner BmfthfleH and fonrtb >ir*et«.
SYIUER—IO bbli. Cider OKaxmevuid
ViiocM(i-eF e u r.aqesmij Aoo. c
.J. f. TOTHS.
Proposals rou army baugaob
<to4»Tiuus<u<JurUAJ.'a Orrxi, i
• W ashlngten, J tro* 21, 1661. j
Piopi-sal* *re invited fut tae furnishing ut Aim;
Baggage Waguox.
Proposal* ftbwou stale the prices *i will h the; can
be tarufehnl at the place st aiiuuUcloii, ur at New
Totk, rhilsdelpbia, Baltimore, Washington, orCln
i iooetlf u preferred t>; the bidder*.
The ntunner which c >n be made b; eoy bidder kith
la one month tflcr receipt of the oniui. alio the Bom
ber vbich be can’ ceLvej within uuv «ut
The Waguns most txaetty ccolurai to the following
sptclfl:aUuus,aod tc tbee*>ebU*hed patterns
bLx male (covered) w«g n*, of lha *;ne aud Jt-scrlp
tloD a* tallow*. to wit:
. lhb Ui»ul wit M-l» to l-c three let t ion Inab ftblgh,
hob* ten in.he* in darnel- r, and fourteen end * quar
ter inebea long; hind wheel* four feet too inchca high,
bob* ten and a quarter inchea in diameter, ana fourteen
aud a quarter inches lo.g. feiliet laru and a bail inebea
wide end two aud three qosrtetJacboa deep; cast iron
pipe buxra twelve inches long, l*o and a half intbea
at the large end and one onu roveo eighth-Inch at
■mall end; tire two and a ba I tuchra -*ia* by five
eighth* of an inch thick, faattacd with Cue screw bolt
and not in each felile; Uuba niado of gnat, tL* •poht-e
and feliie of the beat white oak, Itn from detects,
each wheel to have a-Bind band end linchpin band
two and three q natter Inches wide, of No. B band iron,
and two driving band*—otUento band one and a ua»r
ter Inch b; one-quarter loco thick, tualde lanvone
inch by tbrewaixteeniha lu thick neee; the bind wtieeia
to be made and boxedao iu*l the; win mtaanre fn>tn
the ioalde ut the Ute to the large tud ol the box aix
*nd a half Incbee, an t front wbteiaalx, andoneuighth
inchoa in a parallel line, and each axle to be three loot
eleven aud three eighth inches from thaouUtde of one
khoQlder washer to the outline oi the other, so aa to
have the wagons all to track live feet from centre to
centre ot the wbteis. Jlxletrees to he made of the
beet quality refined American iron, two and a bail
inches sqnara a. t&eahonlder, lapeting down to ous
aud a halt inchin Ute middle, with a *oven elghibs
Inch klcg-bul*- Lot* l lu each axietiee;, washer* aud
linchpins for each aiifctree; sis# of liucCplcsoLe luen
wide, thrse-eigtuha ol an inch tblex, with a bole in
each end; a woudea stock Joor sud torte-qaaner loch
tw wida nod lour luobee dorp fastened substantially to
the axl«tree with dips on the euris and with two
bolts, six Inches from the middle, and. fastened to the
bounds and bolster, (the bolster to be lour tret five
Inches long, five Incites wide, and three and a ball
deep,) with lour hall-itich bolt*.
Tbe toogna to be un irot eight iu< k«a long, lout
Inches wide and three inches uutk at trout eud ol
lbs hounds, and two aud a quaiur incuts wide b;
two and thiee-qnarttr inches dtapatthe truntena,
and so arranged ns to im op, .tin- iront ood ol it to
bang within two Icetof toe groom whoo tbo wagon
1* stendiog at rest oo n level auiutce.
The frontbonn-a to ho sixfiet two Inches long,
three Inebea thick, and lonr inches wide oxer axietroo,
aud to rataia lhai width to the tinea trod of the tongas;
laws ol the bounds ono loot - igut iuchts lung ami
three luches aqasre at’the iront end, with e plain ot
irou two and a bell incbai wide by tb ee utahtbs or
«u inch thick, fastened ou top ul the boauus over the
t>*ck tod of the tuiigne with one bail-men screw bait
lu each end, and n plate ot'iroo o* the same slab turn*
ed op at eacn and one and a bail Incites lu clamp too
trout bounds together, and fastened on tb« cuder
tide, and front end of Luanda, with half Inch
welt through enob hoond, a savioaigbih inch bolt
thtougu Uingoe eud huond* lu me «.euae ol Jaws, to
secure the tuogne in the bounds; a plate ol lion throe
inoties wide, unreqaan-r iucb Uuck, oud one loot
eight incite* iwng, aeonred on the inside of jaw# oi
hotrods wilh twu tivels, sdo a plate oi the same di
meniions on anon aide of the Wogur, where ibe toiigua
and hunnds ran together, secOird in line manner, a
brace ol aeveti-elgotus oi an ln<.ti round Iron to ex
tern! from trader tbo front axletree, ana tsk* two bolt*
In troal part ut tne b.auds, tame orate tbreo-qaar
iers ot an tuen round lu continue to too back pat t ot
the hounds, and to oe tsateoed wiui twu ooita, oue
near the back end ot thu honuds. and ud« Utron e h ibe
slider and honnds; a brace over hunt bob.ter ouu ecu
a ball Inch wida, uuetjUarter ui an iucb mice, with
a bolt lu each end to Uaten it to tbo turnon*; ibe
openlog oetwren toe Jaw* of the buands, tu receive
tue tongoe, and iuor and thieo-quoiter inclxs lu
trout, and tour and a half* at ihe back part of
The bind honnda luor feet two inchas long, two aud
three-quarter luthes thick, and thrte inchca wide,
jaws euo foot ioog where the; clasp me coupling pole;
tue Ooiater tour feet five Inches lung, and Avo tucUb*
wldo, by three iuctaea deep, with stoadydrun tw<. a*o
* ball inches wide, by Oue-hall loch thick, turned op
two anha ball indue aud inauned cu'eacbtnJ wun
tim«uveis;lha vtnaier stoeks'anl b.anda to hr «-
chrod with loer half inch screw bolts, and odd ball
inch screw butt tnrongh the coopiißg { ole.
Ibe coupling pole oiub itet right iu-bt># long.ihn e
lucne* deep, and four and a ball Imbea wldo .(trout
end, and two and lhree-qa*rier lucbiw wide at bark
end; distance from the centre ot kiug boll bole to the
CoDtreof the back axlerree six leet one Inch, end
troth the centre ul king-bolt bole to tbo centre ol tb«
mortice In the bind eud of ibo pule eight leet Lint
incbrsiking noil nun and a qoan*r tecnes dumet.r,
oi best tedued Iron, drawn uown to aevuD-eigMae ol
au luch whtre it pssara ihtoogh me iron »p»f T
iron plate six inches long, inr»o inches wide, aud one
ei«hm ol an loon mica ou the -oobletrwe and tougne
vuir* the y rob logniucr, i/un piste one and a bal. by
oue quart- r an mch cu the eliding bar, isatsdid at
each aud by a sir. w bolt' ttroogb tn» boande; trout
agister to nave piwtos a-»ve and toiow eleten iu. bo*
loug, ibieeaua a ball luccta wide, and thr«* a-gi ine
ut an lucb thick, coraere drawn oat and tor bed duwn
on the stues ot the »outer, with a uail in earh tor
ncr, sod tone coanierannk nails on the top; two l ands
oihthe bind hnou.s, two and two and a bail lurhes
wida, lO band iron; the rob plain ou the coup
ling poia to be ei*hi iuchastung, one and ihree-;uar
ters rnches wide, and ate quarter ol an inch mica.
, Dunbletree thrwe feet ten inches long, klsgieirt* two
taet eight lachre long, all welt made if hl.kory, with
an Irow ring aud clip at each end, ihe centre c lp to be
well eeonrea; les t bar and eutteber to bo thiee (oet
two mi-Uss K/ug, twu and a quarter Inches wideband
use eud a qnaticc luon tnick. uai b*n, atretcaera,
■ ndaioglctreca Inr six mnle tram; ibe two eingleiteats
for the lead male* to have books m the middlo to
book to the end ot the fifth chain, the wheal and mld-
Oto pairs wuh opeu (luge to attach thorn to tbe doab-
Istrsw end lewd bar.
The filth chain to be tea tb+t long to the fai k: the
fork one foot ton inches long, with the stretcher ei
tecuod to spread the fork* apart; tbe links w the
Ooabletiee, stay kad tuDabe caalus, threeeigbiha of
as luch In diameter, tbe forked chal., seven elatcaath
loch todiameter; the ftlth rbus tu be itTu iltheotii
inch ammeter to the fork;-the fork to i>e five-sixteenth
inch dlam*Ur,lha (lake ut ihsseand ut u>e lock chains
to be not utuia than t«oaud a quarter lnche* Log.
The uody to he straight, three fait 6 lucUt* wide,
t»u fast de*p, ten teal long at tue bottom, and tea feet
•>k inches at the top, eloping equally at each end a|
10 tne clear or loa dvj the bad pit'cva tu bo two aud a
hall tnaaea vide, and three leches deep; treat pltcee
two inches deep by twu and a half Incite* vide; Uli
piece two aud a half inches wide and ibtes Incbra
deep; and fonr inches deep in tha middle tu-ieet uu the
oonpitng puie; up rail one end a hall loch thick by
oae and seven eighth luch WM* fowur raite ono ineu
thick by one ana aaTon-eighth Inch wtee; three atnda
and on* rati In boat, wit* a eeat on strap hlngtw to
oioae It np aa nigh as the sides; a box Uu ee tent loor
inches lung, the Dcltom 'fiveibche* wide bout aide,
nine aod ehalf tnchee deep, and eight an 1 a hail Inches
at toe top In peraUrl line to tue body all in the clear,
tu be eaUtaotlaily listened to the front enu 01 the
body, to have aa Iron tuep pasting round each tod,
secured to the head pleoe and Inmt rail by a rivot in
each end ol It paving through them, the U<i ta te
fattened tu the front rail with two good etrep hinge*,
a s rap ol Ave-algbth boh round tho box a hat! luch
from the top edge, and two atrepe aaiur else ou the lid
near the boot edge, to present the mule* from eating
the braes; to have a joint heap fastened to the middle
ol the lid, wllh a good wooden ciest on tbe Inside, a
strap ot iron on the centre of the box with a tuple
pase ng through It, to fatten the Ud te; eight atnda
aud two tails on eacn aide; one beisterfastautd to the
body, ttx lathes deep end lour Inches aide at king
bolt bole, bon rol In irons and centre, ot eleren-six
tuenths ot an Inch round trou, witb a head ou the top
of tall and not on lower end; Iron ruti and brace i>©
bind, with shoalders on top u( tail pieoe, and ants on
the und»r aide, end's not on topol rail; a plate two
aud a halt Inches wide, of Nu iO band liou on Utl
ptoc*, amis toe body; two mortice* in tall ploco, and
bind bar twoand a quarter inches vide and one loth
thick, to receive plate* three feet lour Inch t a lung, to
be seed as hanieas bearer* (bar nveu through tech
aide siod, and two roefo through each Iron! Bind, to
secure the lining boards, to bool the best quality iron,
and riveted on a good bar; one rlvi t through each end
of the rails; floor Are-tlghthe of an loch oak board*
aide* five eighths of an inch whit* pine, tail boatd
three quarters ol aa inch thick, of white pine, to be
well eteMed wUb'ftve oak cleats riveted at each end
through the tail board; an bon plats .three.feet eight
Inches long, two end eqnartsr Inches wide, hod throe
eighths ot aa inch thick on the under aide ot the bed
pie e. to extend from the biodand ol the body to eight
inches In front of the hind bolsters, to be fastened by
tho rod at the and of the body, by the lateral rod and
twu three*lgbtht of aa Inch eaaw bolls, one at tbe
forward tod of the plate, and the ether about equl
dutant between Uaodjbe lateral rod. A half inch
sound bon rod or bolt to paaa dlogonaUy throogb the
rails, between tbe two hmd stod* to and throogb the
bed place and plate nnder It, with a good bead on the
top *ad not and s.rew at tue bottom, to bo ct tbe top
one foot six lnchee Irom Inside cf tali board, aul on
the bottom ten fnuhaa from the hied rol. an iron
clamp twu toebee wide, one quarter ot an loch thick
around tbe bed pieo.*, tbe Ceutre bolt to which the
jgckchslnjs aaacimflpaging through It, to-eitend
•aven incnes cm the ipaioaot the body, the enaa, top
aod bottom to be neared by two thie»e?ghih
loch screw bolia, tho middle bar at tbe-ends lobe
flastnwltb the bed the lower side, Twe luck
chaiqi secured to the edntre bolt or tbe body one
autf-tievon tnUws, the other two feat six
long, to teof tfarvflgbihsot an inch ronud iron; teed.
troogh to be kinr fott tlxinohie long from oat to oo*Z
the bottom end ends of oak, the sldae .of yellow pine,
to bedgbt laches wide at bottom, iwatve inches wide
at tup, ano eight and a half inches deep all in the
doar, wall ironed. With a band of hoop Iron around the
top, on* around each sod aud .three between the <nd«,
Hi ting and soluble Irons to listen tbem on tho tuogae -
when leading; good strong chain* to be attached to
tbe top rail of the body, secured by a staple with a
book to'attaob It to ibe trough, eix hows ot good
ash, two inches wide end one ball luch thick, with
three tuples to eooflne the rhlgis polo to its piece;
two staples on tho bo< y, to secure <-euh one of the
bows; one ridgepole tweive feet and three
quarters Inches wide by flvseigbteof an inch thick;
the cover to be of the Aral quality ooltou dock ho, —,
fifteen tael long and nine feet eight ioehee wide, made.
In the best manner, with fonr hooip cords co each
Wde; and one throogb esctnsnfl to clcso Tl et betb ecd*
tfotlng* an e«ch end of the body, t ? eloee'aod secure
tbe «ade of the cover; » staplein tie lower rail, noar
the second stod from each end, toteatouthMldncorda.
Tha'cnttlde'ortbe bbdy'aod Itod trough to have two
good coats df white lead, adored to a bine tint, tbe in.
aide of them to have two coats of vonetlod red petnt;
the raonlog gear and. wheels to here two good foe's
uf vcnetlae red darkened of achocoUtecolur.thehnb
and feUk» to be well pitched, Instead of re
quired., r.
A Ur pot, aa rxira king belt, and two extra single*
trees to be famished with each wagon, the klpg bolt
and stngleJreaa similar- la - ail-respects te these b*
longing to it. i
luch ride of tb« body ofthe wagon to be marktdU.
B, and directed; all other parts to be
lettered U. B } the cover, feed box, bolts, linchpins,
tarpog and baixwes bsaisrs for each WagonX6~De pot
dnd tha cements matted
It fate he dlgtißoUynßdaratood that tba wagons ar#
to taco eoMdrocted that the aeveral parte of any ooa
seasoned, and the. wotk In al> lu parts tatthfolli axt
cuied lu the best workmanlike manner..
Tbe work may be lntp-ctel from i e itme as It
j rogroesss by an officer or agent or the Qaarurmait
tr’s Lx partmect, end none ot lteheU be painted nnti)
it shall bam been thtpected and approved by sxld ot
fleer oregenteoihortxed to inapecait, When flnlAed,
pslnted and acceptsd by an officer cr agent of the
Qaarterm«tler'a liepartmeot, and delivered as herein
•greed, they eheii be pal! lor. kL 0, aiKISd,
sel&tl Qnartertnaster tienaral U. 8.-
urncx or AhwT Ctosuea ais pqoirtQ*,)
Cbmcr Bcvxrd and Mercer itreats, V
Nxw Toes, August 8, IMLj
rt*. P.B4LS will tw rernived atthis office tor famish
tug. by ccmract, Army Wagon Harness:
The proposals should state the price at which they
can be famished at the place* of maoafactare end
tne p? ice at which they cao be deUvarrd at this 4*-'
pet, tbe namter which can be made by the bidder
within ooe.month after receipt of the order; »!-<* tbs
camber which he can dailver within one w*sk.
Ihe harness most exactly conform to tbe Allowing
specifications and to the established patterns:
Fcnr-mole harness as follows, to wit:
Two Qoilors.—Breach streps 8 feet 0 inches tong, 3>s
ibcnt-s wide, sewed into 14 inch rings of % inch iron;
h:p susp« 3 leet 11 inches long,lnchra wide,stay
p>ectw2fnt long, Inches wide, with jIK Inch
hackles; crow straps to bnckle into stay pieces, ft
feet long, Iff inch wide; aide straps 4 (bet long, 1U
inch wide; Ue straps 16 Indue long, wide,
tapering to a point.
Twu Belly Bands. Long side two leet S inches loog, t
inches wide, with a two Inch buckle; snort side 1 foul
6 inches long and 2 inches wide.
Two Hair Dollars. lS'to 1» Inebea tong, with doable
•traps sod safe leathers and bncklea yf inch wide.
Two Pair ot Strong Usmes to soli, made of whim oak
reot, iru&eu with hooks, breast rings inch
•qtuue, slspltxand line ring*.
Two Pair cl Uetoe btmps. Lowrr ono 5 tea 6 Inches
long, Inch wide; upper ono 4 fmt 6 ruche* long,
inch wide.
Two Itridirs. Grown piece 2 toot long, I*£ lech wide;
chock pieces each 10 inches long, 1y A inch wide; front
piece Inches long, tccir wuie; stay pieces,
Horn blinds tu crowo pieces, 18 lachea long, mc-b
wide; nose piece It luebes long, 1 inch wide; blinds
8 inches long, bX lnches wide; reins, long side 4 feet
loug, l inch wide; short aidt 2 leet long, i inch wide,
with 1 inch bncwie; butts, tinned mutes, to weigh.
6 tbs Co tbe dozen.
Two Pair Chain Pipvs, 2 twt long, Uchoa wide.
Two Pair Trace Chains, 7 leet loug, ftlUnks to the toot, 1
at- Lu 3 iron, with 1 on oue end, weight to 8 IDs
per pan. Twisted or straight.
Oue Pair ot Breast Chains, 22 Inches long, 14 links to
the lout, ot No 8 iron. ' Twisted.
Two Neck Btrapa, 3 feet 1 iucb long, inches wide,
with 2££ inch bockln. ’
Two Ntck OhaiDS, 4 feet 6 Inches long, 14 links to tbe
foot, No 4 iron, T aud loop to be riveted oo to tbe
neck strap. TwLted.
One badtiie, made on Atlakapaa tree, boad, gnllet
and cautie, Ironed, covered In the nsaal way with
half-tanned burse Tilde; flaps 20 in»b*w loug, 18
inches wide; sarcingle 1 teet 8 Inches long, 2W
inches wldo, with a %% inch bockisuo one
be fastened to the saddle by being riveted to two
carved strapa 1)4 lech wide; these straps are*placed
one ou each aide oi the saddle tree, one end la uud to
tu» front pari ol tbe bar, the other end to tbe ex
tension ot the bar behind the cantle, hpaoloh saddle
lashtou; stirrep leathers 4 feet 7 inches long,
iucb wide,with flinch buckle;stirrups, mnUssbie
iroo, tinned, b<4r eye pattern, to weigh 13U &■ (cia
doxen pair.
Two Colists, 1?)4 18 inches long, mads ths same as
for wheel harness.
Two Pair of flames to salt, of tbe same material as lor
wheel harness, Uoretf, with hook*; breast rings and
tlnu rings, with streps a* in wheel barnees.
Two bridles, same as lor wheel harness.
Two Nt-ck e trap*and Chains, same os lor wheel barnees.
Two Belly Bands, - -
Two Pair Chau Pipes, M >'
Two pair Trace Chains, •• -
Two Cruppers and Hip straps. Back strap 6 feet long,
tepertug from Inches to luebes wide. Hip
Dirspa each 2 fatl 4 Inch os lung, i)£ iueh wide, each
with a book at ooe end.
Two Back Bauds, 3 leet 4 Inches long, Z% Indies wid*.
Two Martingales, 4 feet loog, Inch wide, to bockie
into the bit.
One Oooplmg Blrsp,6 feet 6 inches iong,% inch wide.
One Check Keia, 4 feet long, 1 inch wide, to bnckle
iuto the bit at each end, with a ring sewed in
tor centre to receive the lead Lne.
one Lead i lu*, 2l feet long, % lm-h wide, with a
bncs le at one and, and an 8 Inch loop at the other.
Oue Whip, beavy plaltod horse hide, 8 feet 6 inches
One liotse Brush, ovil, ol bristles, by inches.
Oue Cnrry Comb, No. 243—8 bar.
The whole to be packed in ■ box abont 18 Inches
wide, 7 inches deep, 34 inches long, made of 1 inch
■toff, coopered, vuua hoop* or irou as may be required.
Poor liurso Harness, os lollows, to wlu
TwoQnilora Brocch lirapadfeet 8 Incbtw long. 3U
inches wide, sowed into 4-inch rings oi Incii iron,
hip strap* 4 lost long, 8 Inches wide; stay pieces I
trot 2 Inches ioog, 8 inches wide, wilh inch
buckles; cross straps tu bockie Into stay pheue 6 lest
long, \% inch wide,.*)de straps b feet 6 iochp long,
inch wide; tie strap* lfi inches long, lie inch
wide tapering to a point.
Two Belly hands. Long aide 2 loot 4 inffr— long, 8
inches wide, with e SHnch bnckle; *hor» Udul loot
8 inches long sod 2 inches wide.
Two lieu Collars. 22 to 23 inches lone, with doable
■traps and sale leathers and buckua ft inch wide.
Two Fail of ntujng flames to salt, niece ol white osk
rout, ironed with hooks, breast rings Ift inch square;
s:»pttsand Une rings.
Two Vgr ui flame etiapa Lower one 6 teet 6 inches
loD *. H Inch; apper on* 4 feet 8 inches long,
ft loch wide, of alum tanned leather.
Two Bridles. Orowu piece 2 teet 2 Inches long, Ift
inch wide; choek pieces each 10 inches long, Ift Im-h
wide; front piece 13ft Inches long, lft inch wide;
stay pieces, from bllnae to crown pieces, 16 laches
long, Ift inch wide; nose ptecw lx inch vs long, 1
inch wide; blinds 8 inebea tong, 6 Inches wds reins,
long side 4 h»t 2 inches long, -i inch wide; short sldo
2 teet long, 1 inch wide, with 1 Inch bockls; bitta,
tinned inuileb, towelga 6 tbs th*dozen.
Twu fair Chain Pipes, 2 feet 8 Inches loug, 2ft inches
Two fair Trade Chains, 7 feet long, 14 links to the loot,
ot No 2 iron, twfeud or straight, with T on one end.
weight t* th* per pair, 1
Une pair ol Breast Chains, 28 inches long. 14 links to
the toot, o( No 2 iron, twisted.
Two Neck etraps,« feet 6 inches long, 2ft Inches wide.
with 2ft inch bockie.
Two Neck Chaise, 4 feet 6 Inches long. 14 links to the
foot, twisted No 4 iron, T and loop to be riveted on
to the neck strap, swivel la.tha <-fialn
One Bed die, mads on Attakapas tree, head, goilot and
cantle ironed, covered In the usual way with half
toned horse bide; flaps 20 Inches long. 16 Inches
Ilf? ‘iSf* : 1 l ° cb " loa *- a x >° chn -lie.
with • 2ft inch buckle on on* end, to be fastened to
the aaddls by being riveted to two cttrnd streps, lft
inch wide; these strips are placed one on endislde
m the saddle-tree, one end titled to ths front part of
the bar. the other end to the extension of th* bar
bchmd the cantfe, iponisb saddle feahion; ctlrrap
leetbere 4 1 feet? Inches long, lft inch wide,with lft
iucb bnckle; sttrmpc, malleable iron, tinned, bolt
•ye pattern, to weigh 18ft fife to a dosen pair/
Two Bridles,same as for wheel haroens.
Two Collars, xu to 22 baches long, made the same aa
for wheel harness.
Two Pair of Hamesto nit, of came tutorial aa for
wheu harness, ironed, with hooka, breast rings and
line riopi, with streps as in wheel harases.
Two Neck straps and Chains, asms as for wheel bar-
Two Belly Banda, asms as for wheel
Ohato Pipe*, same as for wheel baroea.
J wo Trace Chains, asms as for wheal harness.
Two urappera and Ulp fltrop*.’ Back strap fl feet long,
uperlng irem Bft inches to 9ft inches wide. Hip
B traps with buckies.each 2 feetfl Inches long, lft
Inch wide, with wronght hooks. '
Two Bock Ban*, 8 feet) tnchto long, Bft Inebea wide.
Two Martingale^.4feet long, lft loch wide, to bnckle
into the bit.
Use Coupling Strap, 6 feet 6 inches long.ft loch wide
Une Check Jtein, 4 feet l loch long. 1 Inch wide, to
bockie Into the bit st each cod, with a ring sewed
in the center to receive the lead Une.
One Usd Line, 81 feet long, ft lochwid*, with *
* eBd > and on 8 inch loop st tbo other.
One Whip, heavy plaited horse hide, 6 leet 6. lnches
On. Brush, ot brtttlu, —bj
One Corry Comb, No 832—8 bar. *
.l b, .r‘ , . oto . to B* o ** 4 l» • bol .boat al locbu
lIS’If, ‘“f!? ton,, nudbof llnck
•™5 rooprrtsl. wood hoop, or Iron, M [UIJ b. MalrU.
lb. wbolo to b. mu. of tbo but nalaHwtißf
mb. mUs .lth .ood mud tbrud, snd retfet u
iospoctioo daring ths procoss of ntotUeion snd sleo
when finished.
**■*»• *»"• hamem la required, the lead collar*
bridle* hames,nedL «Uaps,beUy band*, chain pipes,
trace chain, cni PP er *hd blp strap* back bands *ad
ooupUog straps are doubled: one bearing chain A bet
long, U links to tbs taot.ofSoi Iron, with a Ton each
enaadded; and leal line to be 80 feet long.
The whole to be feeds of the beet material, sswtog to
good waxed thread, and subject to to*
spoctson’dnrtpgthe prooem of maonfactore and »!■>
when flnlabed.
When 6 mule tarn net* required, the lead coUan.
ckl ki. Mtjbudl, Amti
trace chains, crupper and kip stnq*, back band* and
cuopliog straps me doubted; one beartns obmln 0 feet
long, It links to the feot,oTNo4 Iroa, with A T on
eacn end added; end lead Una to be Ids faction*..
Proposals wUJ elso be rteelved fbr makteAad da.
ilveiing ambulance baroras for two or law ante or .
hone tt*taa~a apedfleadon of Whlch WUI be hereafter
forma of proposal and gnaranteewQl t* famished
apoo appUc*ttemto this office, and none will be row
•ider«d that do AtconformtbmSto
U n * by azid for the United
P*opssaU that may be deemed
PropoaaU-wiU belndoriMl on the envelope loclo
“Proppeala for iorotohing Army Wegon
and Ambotence liarnce*** and addressed to
Major p. H. VINTOH,
aniatf - Qaartermaater U. B,'Attny.
S(J(J BBLS. fitliUS «. O. MOIiAS-
Ud hhda, fair good, fair and prime Sugar.
450 bags bio Ocfflae.
60 fabis. Pennsylvania Bmp, '
_S2 U 2 hml lliSil.
J* b ; l *- *«*• or»n Applet,
1» (to iMIMu,
10 prim, Lk( Uni,
* Obit, (mb
, . 8 P«»ed lluutr,
Id ttort ud for u£i tj UDLP A BHIPABD,
<lcll M 3 wrt.
chalca White WheatFMflf Plow, in ctorsaal
atnnng per Pennsylvania Bailroad, for sate by ~
Mfl No.36BUbmty streat,«iahr beadofWmd ‘
ulmiand ft ntahoigii fitliway,
ON and after Mojii>a7,
flat, the 4th, l&dl,
DIU leave th* Depot of tbe rvuuiyiTsnia. liailrcad, In
Pitt-burgh, as foiiows:
AlfobsirpA. Ckhtmtou* ana CinnAnat> ZAss,
na SCeubaniiU.
No chssgwof car* betweao PltUtcrgb end ClndnnatL
Leaves-Arrive* at Arrives at AretTea si Arrives at
L6J a m a o 4:20 p m
1:43 p m 8:46 p m 2KN a m
This roots Is shorter to Cincinnati, LocisvKls, Co
lamina and all points Sooth, than any other roots.
Bp'.scdtd bleeping Cara aHadied to ail Night Train*.
fuutmrgh end Wheeling Lint.
Leave* Arrives at Arrives at Arrives st Arrives si
IA6 a m 3JO a m 4:13 *ra 6.-23 am 636 s m
143 p m 166 p m Jtf>o p m AW pm 6iO> ptu
tffl p m 4:60 p m 8:16 p m '
Tb* lA6a.». and l:ior ■. Trains connect with
Treto* of 0.0. H. R. for Ztuniilli-, Lsncasttr, Ac.
Th* 139' p. tn. Train slops at all atetidfii betwe«o
Boch*<Ur and Wellsville.
ntuburgh and LVtvJamt Lint.
Ltavos Ai rives
l*b*.n. 8:46 a«.
1:40 p.m. flaop.M.
TtMktOp'm. train connwt* si nayard tor New
PblUdelphiasndstatlousoQ tbe Tascarowa* Rranch
Paoengen desiring, to go to Bandn*ky, Toledo,
Uhicsgo, cr pulnts West, via Cleveland, mosi be par
Cedar to ask for Tickets via Cleveland.
Through Tickets can be protrured st the Libert?
fitrea- ffepot, Plttsborgb,
JOUN gTkWAKT,Ticket Ageni
f«'T farther nfermstfon apply to
WILLIAM UflfWAßf,Agent,
At tbe Company's OfßcBin freight fltatiun, Penn at
f. R. MYARB, Cte&erai Ticket Agent,
p °4 *ru-v*:*n<l. Dnto
1806.. Winter Arrungemeab. 1 k6l
f U ; Llli PKNN&It LV ANIA f3-r
A o-ttxaii. u.iuioiiv ’
HlObl DAILY T\lAitO.
■Ju and after MONDAY, Nut ’4th, tbs TUEuUGQ
MALL TRAIN leave* the Paueogsr Station every
num > nt- (exceyt Bnnday)»t6:6o’A.ji., stopping only at
principal su lion*, and arriving Ja rhilsufelphis «t KhSO
44>a. k n stopping only at principal stalk os, making
dlrectconasciion at Hvrlsbcrg for Baltimore, and ar
riving in Phli-dslphla or Baltimore at 7:40 A k.
TH* f AST LIN* leaves the lUstlon daily {except
StiuUMyj ei h, stopping only et pticclpd
stabODS. asking direct connection at Harrisburg for
Baltimore, *«.!•*r?vlng Phi:adelphtaatia6or ■.
Tfi* JobnstoWn Accommodation Train matm dally
(axcept Bnnday)atB^op, M.stoppiogat all lUtlons,
and ringing as far as Oonemangh.
first AeccnnsoditlOQ Train for Wall 1 ! RiaUoa iaavas
d»Uy:<*xc«ptBnad*y)st (HO A. M.
flasond Accommodation Train for Walla Button
IsnVMCkIU (»XMpt Soo(3fcy)at A.M.
Third AocommcpCUion Train tor Wall’s dtatfon Isavss
dgUy (axcapt Bnndsy) at 8 68 1. ■«
Voartb Accommc. «atten Train for Wall's .‘itaUos
lsuv»«4»iu (txoept Bnndsy) at C:U r. M.
ftstßrntaa Trains arrive lu flttsbnrgn as foitowa .
to press, 1:16 y. u; Mail, 8:06 p fast Uns, 18)
a. Mn Johnstown Acoonuaodanuu. lfcCfl a. tu first
Watt'a Btatiou Accociaodattoo, c*) a. mu Betccc
Wall'* Station Acfoumddatkin.b foBo A »u Tni.v
WaiP* Button Accoramndetio:: -1:06 p. fcnr'b
ffsira&tatfoa 4octunaodailoo,eo>' p.n
Trains tot BlairnlUe and Indiana connect at Blolre
. rllia Intaieectlon with Johnstown Accoußcdatlcn and
*frt>ru» Tralna Rut and West.
The trsTtihigjinWla will find it greatly to thsit tc
teren. Jn polng hast or Wvxt, to travel by the Penn
sylvania Rsilfuid, *t tha Krcotnmudatlo&s now offered
cannot fc* snrjwi a-- ou sap alhsr root*. The Road I*
ballasted with stone entirely (ret *n» dust. We
oan premise tsfety.tpssd xai comfort to all whs eav
tarer thta BosA withthstr pstroexge.
*8 a*v AU IOITo DalUmoie- M .«..a 0 fl
PUHadAphla ...... lo 00/ « ,
f 4(j
Uheikod to bit Bsallooi.on the Paaas. Rail
re»# *«wto Phlixflklpbla, Balttacfi and Haw York.
tickets in cars wIU b# chars
•d aa •acresaccording to distance trawled in addition
to the ttritozu-stsir araopt Worn stations where the
OoApaa? ha* no Agent.
N0TI(iB.~In case of lcta,:&« Ocmpany will hold
thsnwivu responsible for personal baggage only,
and fur an etasent net cxoceding fllOc.
N. B-—Ac Omnibus Line ou been employed to
«0a?s« f i*i«cg«ni sod Baggage to ami from the Depot,
atach&‘ i- iK'ttu t ;c«j 36 cent* fur each pesunzer
snd Wcgcg*.
for Ti:k*u*pply to J. STBWART. Agsct,
at the P. B. ft. (wßm Stet/n*, or, tjbenv «ni
grant at-. '
Important.— aii per
sons pneebasing licktfo tor
jouph and other point* In Northern Mifeouri, tbe
Btato of Kansa*,or th*.Territories, shontd Insist on
having tickets thst road by the
The onlv rsil rente rrtm at. to Ht. Joseph. It ia
tbe shortest snd quickest line, by thirteen boors, to
the remotest point rsaihed l>y rill, and ftalwan aa
cheap as any other.
Bay yoar tickets to Kansas aud all potato in North
ern Missouri by the North MUsoori Railroad.
_ 18IIA0 U. hTURatfON,
President and Qra'l BopL of tbo North Miasoori k R.
No. 65 Fourth Street.
OaAUT K R M D iN1866
O’CLOCK, also on Wednesday fiatcrUav
•sealage, from May first to November first, from 7to
fl o’clock; and from Novsmber first to May flrrtTrcm
6 to 6 o’clock.
Depodta reoalvad of all xnma lan than one
DoUat, and a dividend of the profits declared twfee
a year, la /hne and Pecember. Interest has been
declaredeemUnnnaUy,ln JoneandDecsmber, since
tho Bank was orgattaed, at the rate of alx per cent
■ year. .
interest, If not drawn oat, la placed to the credit ol
the uepoaiter as principal,and bearsthe nmainterest
fromthe first Says of Jana and December,
twins a year with oat trembling tha depositor to oaU
or even to proaant hi* paaa book. At tha rate, money
wfU docbl* In lees than It yaara, making In tha a2Er»-
gatenagraxßonßaijrraaam * „»
Bocxsouatelnmg the Gharoer, tty-Laws, hulas ut
tt(>udos> furnished grafla, on apnhflatlbn ati the
efilt*. . *
WSttaa j. Andenoe
# H&I Bcrgwtn,
Benjsanth L. fahneatock
. HopswsU Hapbsro,
James Berdman,
Junes D. Kelley,
' nsrn
Alexander Bradley,
John O. fiackofen,
Qeswge Black,
John JL Onnfisld,
Alonxo A. Carrlar,
Jcfirn Svans,
John Holmes,
WfiUuh fl. Haven,
Peter H. Honker,
Richard Hays,
WlUtoin ft lively,
and iy<s/ur«r>
James B. D. Meeds,
-tosacM. Pennock,
A. U. Pollock, U. B.
James flkidla,
Alexander Tladle,
John 3. McVadden,
Peter A. Madeira,
John &. UeUor,'
Jnu/ee McAnley,
Walter P, Man hslk
John Orr, .
Henry L. Rlngwilt,
John a. flkbanberger,
■t'SJßifSa 'AI VOLTOM,
JOOO bags prime Ocffeea,.
100 oo Koastlng do
Suo barrels prims N. 0. Mulatto*.
100 do Uoldwn fiyrnp,
lOOhhda prime N.O Bogar.
100 do Porto Rloa and Cnba£ogara.
M barrels Ornthel 5o n
86 do B Coffee do
4000 aacks Bxtra Balt,
1000 barrels do do
:SS *toea Window glaan
1000 krgs do Nalto,
60 boxes german 01 sy,
60 barrels flUseonrtCUy, ' -
Instoreandfor aalsby JOHN I. HOUBR Ado
. po * Ooraar flmithfiMd and Water atree la.
M bbU. BilUmnrt Bolton .Dd B. B. S.rop,
15 do Pennsylvania J da'
4 hbda. do do •
80 bbla. Standard ant A Crashed fltxgars,
ia 5° lt o, !f <rei4n4 Qfeanlalad Ao
W do ; VeifowandhCoCba • go
to do N. 0. Holaisec*
18 hbdfl.if.-0. Sagar, ‘
75 boxes prime Bambarg Obaeae.
forwtoby ocM : BoapMAMB A lANB.
A^te?K“ n ' BNIiW
*oi».Brown uoxfcnL; Two MumT I .'.
: B*«*on*i*v. SpAotboa, Tralton.
Tbo 31ooi» on Uu Moor.. BtMito OUsteito
Trncti on tb, gtoj, cl Vord*. Hnr UUtoa.
con i . BA* * 00. U Vood otroot.
:N*v »» »W»- Wta<Jl.:o. <: ■
, JSi^pllwßtocSb.,
. l&burcbMtiT.lLotolßUokftoA. 5,-‘"
U tnzm MTotiorm, mortM brmoto
, , E °b(««LO.WUIU3M'Ui t»l>VxfcbMoo.
tor nl« by WATT A WHBQmg LlboiS it.
“ «*• ikolM nnr OheilnflU Jolt Ttctfni mi
Bo-114 UtoM St
Pin lAias umu, * boh. « w»i w ,l
N O. MOLABaKS— 2SO bblß. Boo’d
• by stMDer 8t Loafs, ia a tore t&d-fcrMfe by
E 1 *” »■* as* io^jssl
aCsssjssf^^saags 1 ! -
--' a wife—fc' ’