The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 22, 1861, Image 3

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    pUstargj) gazette.
Omvial r*t * a uj ttsM OITT.
FRIDAY MORNiMO, 50V. 22, 1861.
MmoAoiocxcAi. Observation lor the Go
kj G. £« Shaw, Optician, 6S Filth atrett
■—corrected daily :
' I** o * a anaon
• oclC3i, a. «..»m 00 64 -
11 •• ' 00 go
J 1 v. 60
As OfiSetr of ffe» Bad*
asciat 10 biConit'Mai’iUitd.
Amoog tbe latest hami of loteiugtnee from
Port Royal, South Carolina, is kq order from
Brigadier-General Sherman, ta followa i _
A General Conrt-Martial ia hereby appoint*
Mto meat at Hwd quarters of the Second
»ns* do, ob the 18ib day of November, 1861,
or m noon thereafter aa practicable, for tha
Util of Becood Lient. William Hammond,
Roundhead Regiment of Peaßaylvaaia Volun
teers, and aneb other prisoner* aa may bo
brOßght before ft.
The Coart consists of tb* following officers*
Colonel Ban. C. C/iat, F.Uielb Erg. peaa
iy'vania Voiu ecm
Lien*. Col, Jtmea Armstrong, Roandnead
Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers.' Am*.. B. W.uon, Ei,bth Bejtaul,
MlekipaToli«u.ra.. * ’
■ Ctptai. M* M. PtwMii. Boandhui Pm-
Ciptii. Gordon C. Dimoek, Pim.lh fmn.
e/lvsnia Volanteera.
Capuin William H. Tillord, FilUaili Pann-
Ijlvtnla Volunteers.
Captain G.lberl E Pratt, Eighth Michigan.
-Fuat Irtcatanant John A. Bogara, Friuath
Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Captain Alfred B. Tarner, Eighth Michigan;
and tour other*. *
Pint Lieutenant P. Blair, Roundhead Real,
oant Peoaajlrania Volanteera, ia appoiaied
Jadfd Advocate of the Court.
Ibe ebargea againit Lieutenant Hetnpjond
are aot specified, aad hence we are left in the
dark aa to bit cflanae.
Seat to fee Contested*'
Oa-Taesday last a petitlozrwas proaeaUd to
iba Court of Qaartar Bastions, of Washington
bounty, contesting the election of Wa. Van
kirk, S-:q, as Aiicolata Judge, claiming that T*
MeCvroU, Eiq , (the Democratic candidate) ia
daly elected. The grounds of the oofitest %n,
that the votes of the soldiers (which. If throws
ont of the oonot, woOld elect MeOarrell) given
ont of the oonniy and State are unojoatUotiona!;
.end farther* theft la the ease of some of the
computes, whose votes are returned, (lor ex
empt?, the oompablea which were tn camp et
vctentown-) the eficers holding the electioni
we not duly commUalonad, and hence unau
thorised to hold such elections. A rule was
feasted on Mr. Vaaklrk, returnable to next
*•*»• « pon tba PreeenteUou of the petition,
Jodgo GUtnore expressed Us opinion that the
law authorialng the soldiers to vote beyond
their regular places of voting was eontrtry to
the Constitution. Judge Lindsey will hold the
next term of Court, and the ease will be triad
bsfosu his and Associate Judge Hart.
Another flew Htamr
The indomitable energy of our firemen has
Jaddad another Steamer to those now la use, and
it will not be lon* until nil the old hand mu
ginss are ccparsedod. The new Steamer lately
contracted for by the Dequeue Fire Company
has arrived, and is now being “rubbed uu“ for
a public trial. She la similar, la nearly every
particular, to tho Vigilant, was made by the
Ameakaag ManaTacturlng Company, Manches
ter, H. &, and! weighs 4,400 Xbi* On one side
“ * silver plate, b-ailag the inscription; Pre
••Ued Duqoatbe Fire Co., by Citlssoa of Sec
ood Ward, Pittsburgh. Committee—Wm. M.
Lyon, J. K. Mooxhead, John L. Boyd, William
Daatk from Imtampeiuuoe—lnquest.
Yesterday, Coroner Bor.wick-held an ic
qnsst upon the body of Catharine O’Hara, wbo
- wai found dead In her bed at the residence of
a friend on Qurry street, aear Wesley Chapel.
The deceased w*e about twenty-eight years el
age, and had for several year* been addicted
to intemperance* Lite*/ the had been' known
na t common vagrant, and her laei ** spree”
'•capped the cord ot her miserable existence.
Thu jory after hearieg nome tratimony in ref
erecee to the babito of the deceaaed, touad a
* verdict of ‘Stasik from intemperance.*
Thuosdat, Not. 21 .Present, full Beach.
’»• Wightaan; D. C. Argued by
Hopkirs aod Baird for Plaintiff In Error, acd
by Shkler and MacConneli contra.
Dsan and wi r o vi. Neglejj &P. Argnad
bySbaler for Plaintiff in Error, and by Marw
■hall eontra.
Conn adjonraed nntll Monday, Nov. 25th,
when tho list for Erie, Crawfjrd, Jtfferaon and
Forest will ho taken will coseludo
tho preoent aeshioa of tboCourL
Dlatvtet Court.
21.—Setore Judge Williams.
' Jteob Hocbuly vs. Caroline Wolff. Action
tof iludifi Tudietfortfclotduti *
Jobe Blakely rueet 9 toilet* Action on
* mortgage. The Jury found n vpectal verdict.
Dun c» hniriTitu ,iounv -TU
fallowing soldiers lute died uu Washington
city tiled toCsepom W. TV Tyretl, 2d U.
ff* Chval/y | S. McCbesnej, lOtk Pt. Reserves!
A. Leonard. Ist. Pa. ArUUeryrH. Allbriebt,
musician, 69* Ft-Regiment, P. Gavin, 62d
Pi Rfgimeatf William fiieiis, Sd V. R. ai
li'lam Levi Dnrlt. 45. a Ps.j Peter Lynrfa,
If A Pa» Thomae Dixon and J. H. Wilds, 45ih
Pa-|/. Oro.*. 40th Pa.| Wo. Btrmide, iSrh
Pi.j J.'Kotgle and P. Schmidt, £6b p* | R.
WetteJ,47ih Pa. Regiment, acd Lu O. W.
Snyder, U. B. engineer corps.
- Tu AtxAXr c Moxtjut rox Daoixas*.—
Zfaii yonog giant of oar pericdleal iiterator*
bolds on lu course triamphutiy—nod boo, at
the cloM of iia eighth Tolame, give* promito
of still increased energy and ealsrprUe for th»
dofetag y#ir. The number before as, however,
la ad good that «o would hold it unreasonable to
ark for any better. Now b tb* time to tub*
•crib*, which ean be done by a call at tht atora
of M'* John P. Hant, Maionlo HaU,Tif:b at.
HnxmsLß Ratto***.—The a tockholdera of
this rood hold their annual suatiog on llondsy,
at Wathiogtoft, Pa. The Rcoelvsr, Mr.Acho
•on; premutadlti* report for the last year. The
following Dirneuira wen elected for the ensuing
jeer I 0. M. Reed, Wm. McKinnon, Jams tC.
Clarke, tbos. Soeeoey, J. Ci Aaaeioo, 8. Brady,
Joe* Henderson. At a mettisxof the Directors,
held the naipe dip, 0. M-Rxd was elected
President; Joe. Henderson, Secretary and Trace.
Brer, tad Jas. 0. Aebeaoa, Aaalauht Secretary.
Bonn to Death —A little girl fourteen
months oid, of Mr. P*ur McGinn,
of Mahoning, Oalo; 1 was to badly burned on
'Satwday Jest that she died a few boon after
the ooetasnl The mother had jeateteppodovt
«f the hodee, leaving the child with a liute boy
a year.or two older, and it is "supposed they
•rare playing wiib burning ewitchea at the time,
4be ffamev from whioh communicatedto the
tittle girPe clothes, horning her from the waUt
to the face moat terribly. '
FbjlßX Lxsin’* Zubctbatid Nnwirarx**
-Jir. W* A* Gltdentenoy, Fifth Jtreet, has re*
ceived the number or the above named beaft
trial newspaper for Netember 90»fe. It cbo
mint*eplesdid double-page engraving of the
Bombardment ef Forte Beauregard and
Walker | portrait* of Blanca and Slidell, and
wibir hardly ias# interesting iiiuiUstione. The
price In only sis cents. '
Kb..'Gonna.—Tbs Pittsburgh and Etn
Liberty Passenger Biiltray Company will ran
ive cart from Beet Liberty ihia evening, less*
lof lbere niff b’efock p« a , to .accommodate
Aboon who may wish tb etteod Mr. Gough's
• tootflr*; Sgtra oara will leave the ettuov, No.
£l, Fourth fUt«t,tri«r the lecture la over.
Oobwotioß'—la the atatemfni of ootitaad'
tog tax* for JMlj published e day or two Maoe,
the for tbo Third wnM‘aacnld
hart bean 93.175 29, bitted of $5,175 39- a
difference of 93,(0* io favor of tbs ;ax-pat«ra
of Out ward. ,v ;
lit- n ,Ht Oorinjivß.—l>*
meed oeetilon cf-WboahtU be Sheriff tbd
derker ibe O/pbtnt* Coen of Philadelphia?
di-comtd before Jhdgee
Vdlpw. Md h? them flaallj V
ierred toßoyelaor Certln lor eeultmtftt ' -
Ab imA*Anoa.*-ihe yooeg gentlemaa a eoa
jof CapU Ale*. May* formerly of iW Pittaberub
Tl,. m Am r ***-«« «a W»bo. ' .
* —*•(Ohio)ltatoeraf relates how a
®*a, answering to the heroic name of
- fleott Campbell, whose parents reaide
Aurora, Portage coanty, has been playiog
“extensive “confidence game” lately. He
has generally aelected mialetors for his vic
tims, end by assuming to be a aeaJoni member
of tha orthodox cfaareh, baa in many isaltneff
•scared tbe sympathy and cosfidence of cler
gy maty de baa operated more or less id
•astenraed western ciUes, and haa probably
formed aa eataeaive a clerical acquaintance aa
any young man oi hia cge.
About six week* ago he visited Wmen in
itswlv, and paid hia reapecta to Rev. E
T. Brown, of that place, representing himself
aa beiogxbfto connected wub tbe army, and
jest then off on a larlongb -to visit bis father,
whom he hsd etpected to fiad there, but wee
disappointed, and unfortunately »ae out cf
money, boi if he could borrow ten dollars, he
woulc send it back aa soon aa he got among
his friends. The rose wae sur.eiefal. The
matter leaksd outrhowever, and Campbell
was ahortly alterwarda arretted on tbe mail
traia, at Warren, but flipped uway from the
constable, wbo placed too high an estimate on
bia honesty, and in tbe evening stopped at a
farmet a boose, in West Warren; wbere he-re
poittd bimielf a recrciting officer. Ha stated
that be hadjnst learned ibat bit father was at
the point of death, and he mail go to Aarora
that night. A bargain was made by which he
succeeded in beirg conveyed to Aarora that
Mgbt, where he left without settling for hia
passage. He bed an acoomplioe at Aarora,
wbo a tamed him in escaping.
Word waa tent to Cleveland to officers to
watch for tbe smart yoangioao, and one eve
ning laat week he was discovered sitting in a
house, and arrangements were made to capture
him. Upon tbeapproacbofthe police, he ran
and secreted himself, and wae found ia bed,
s:owed between two cbildreo. tie was cap
tured and daly eared lor. Oa laat Thursday
“• wu brought to Warren, and committed :n
default of bail; to jail, to answer the charge of
fraud at Commoa Pleas. He is a cool scoun
drel, aad shoold not be allowed to roost
large, if the lair can present it.
u “’ E, ‘JK 01
We are indebted tp Mr. J. K» Newman,
City Ataetsor, lor the following carefully pre
pared statement of the real estate and-par
•olal valaatiooa is the several wirda of the city,
together with the nnmber of uxablei:
Humber of Peal B>ta‘« and Personal TtXftbl-e and
Wud * P,tut3ar .* h ' f-r
VjJtuHn Vd'uaßon Totil No Tbtel
,„ _ , Heal /tnena e. J<csa6 «*.
1.W0,*03 gU49u sl>4o fI?&«G9S
2d 1«J.0« COM) ItJ L 721 TOfl
M Ward—, 04.28 S 2,oui I.OHIOI
4ta Ward—— IlifltM ..tOtii 9H 1607 r6l
brt Wttd 1016X40 63.415 1,910 1 •3i'd9l
6hW«d TlSflrt 7«516 1630 818 687
Tb Wmru 418060 23954 Br 9 44204)
2*!? 2 602,««t 82870 1,082 638.131
9lh Ward— 83i,«» 47 890 916 629 380
810,069,961 s:6t.T4i 7oj
The camber or peraofials is two
thirds, or about aitty-loar and tbree-fourtba
par cent, ol lha whole number of taxabiee, and
tbe assessments of personal property embrace
nearly one-eighteenth, or about fire and a hail
per cent, ol tha total valuation. The per oeot
of personals, and of personal property, In the
several wards, la about aa follows:
•M WAtd M . .. - ti * ** M< “
U W»rJ— »* evu •• •» u
4ib W«rd~~. “ « “ • ta7 *i
tib Wini M «* 73U« ». VV£ u
«b » 61U“ •• s 2 u
Tib W*fd_ • 40 •• »• 6# -
Sib WAnfo_ “ e*v **
9m w»tc* - «
Sr. SoagSt 1 ! L:oCqn>
We out? remind *»cr readers teat-Mr. John
B.’ Gougb, the world.renowned temperance
Imslcfo*, i: tSDococ*d to deliver a lecture
ttfa eveairg at Concert Hal<',~nnder tbe aus
pices cf tbe Young Men’* Library Association.
All who have beard this celebrated spanker
(and thousands in this community have bees
convulsed with hia anecduus and touched
by hia pathos) desire to hear him again, and
tbe mere tnoouDccmeot wiJidoubut*« crowd
the bam Make your arrangemen'.s to-day,
tßd doii*-t miss the£'4i icc>ure,as the subject,
atteougb old, wiii bo in a stir light,
asd :z Gosgb*« inimitable style.
'‘ AMaii A*ctDumxi.Y Smoots bis So«.♦-
We leirn by a letter hum St. Marys, Va. t on
tbe Oaio River, that on Saturday last Mr. Isaac
Bigg* and son left borne lor tbe purpose ut
homing deer. -When about twenty fire milts
from bumo,' and whrat pmr g tbroogo a grape
▼me thicks:, the father about fif.een feet be.
hiod tt< son, the hammer of too latter’s gas
caught upon a t:2o> caosiag the discharge ol
tbe weapon. Tbe ball passed through the
back part cf the ycuager bigg j» head, killing
him instantly.
The GactT Acroa to Ru&ir Two Niann
Moos.—lt give* ui great ptaaaare to ictorm
the peblic that the great actor, Mr. Bacfceti,
will remain at the theatre, at the eoitettation
olmaoy of oar ctbaen*, ior two ntghta mere,
and ibia evening will repeat hi* excellent per.
conation r.l Sic John FaJstsff, io toe bii’.otic&i
pity ot S>ng Henry IV. Ulr. Hacheu poei*
lively dove* hie ecgtgemeut on Saturday
eyeaieg next, and on. Monday night tb* cele
brated Mian Maggie Milcbeli appeara, after an
abeenco ol a number ot year*.
FaTat. AccrocaT.~On Tburrdey, the Slat
nlti, Mr. John Dick, Baliikin townebip, Fay*
•«* corny, while healing in Bnehnheat faJ
off the load end broke bia neck. He spoke
.once dr twice, and expired in aboat five min*
atee efter the fall. The deoeased was aoont
fifty yean of age.
Swan ?H7T.~On the 14*.h ioac., Mr. Henry
D. overboil, at Broadford, Fayette coanly,
•hot s joong white 8 wan that weighed filteen
pounds, and aeaaared six feet ootween the
tips of ue wing*. .lu feathers were per.
tecilyj white, and its lege black—aoppoeed to
be or'tbe Auitraiinn ipecies.
Qoic* Tu(e.~Jobn W. Pittock, onr agent la
Piiubargb, Pa, r*o*lves the Journal erery af
ternoon, at 4 o'okck, the day after pabiioation,
wn»ra oar subicribers can find iL
—To* above we flad la th* Loaltrlii* Jour
nal, at Hotember IPib. It speaks for itself.
Wibtxs Clotbuo.—lf any of oar readers
desire a nice,gentetl, and serviceable winter
suit, at a fair price, they can obtain it at Wm.
H. McGee A Co.**, 113 Federal street, corner
of the Diamond, Allegheny. They have now
on band a fall stock ot Fall and Winter Goods,
ready made, or which can be furniahed to
order in the but eiyi*. Also, a fine amort
ment of QenUemeo’e Furnishing Goods. J
J. D. Tsoatpjon** Rheumatic and Neuralgic
Liniment is a certain cure for paisa In the face
or toy part of the bodv. Try it. The genuine
is prepared vn.y by ), D, Thompson, at the
corner of Wood and Liberty atreou, Piitsbnrgh
P*., and told wholesalemd reiati.. J
Lambi, be aura to jp to Barkvi's, 59 Market
street, to- mof row. They, have Just raorived
from lTaw York AuoUoss bargains that will
oautnlab yoa. Bilks at 91 cents, worth 91 13.
Cloaks, Bnnwli, prase Goods, &&., ha. B* sore
to go.—
. Wm. Tobkxst, Carpenter and Joiner. Jobs
promitly attended to. Care and ; attention
Siven to all work entrusted to him. Gall at bis
obblog Bbap, Virgin alley, between Smith,
field and Grant atraats, PlUsbnrgb. X
Boctoa C. Bools, Water Care and Hoa>«*
pathio Physician; also age&tfor Rainbow's cele
brated Trass tor Ruptaru. of P*nn
and Way** fttraeta t
; Daxtxirnr.—»Dr. C. Sill, No. 246 Penn at,
aitanda to all branches of the Dental profession.
BUT—OnThtrsisy. atIJOp o, iftaraptfofel
IQoess. Un. lU*i£aß*Tß J. BOoT, wife of Jl©‘ Bast,
ag«l Id years, 1 month acd Hc*ja.
Tbs funeral «1U itke pl«c* from the r*sld*eoe of b< r
bnabundflUT o'oondstmt,on esicifitTirtmooi,
*t 110p.m. Tbe trlcodsof Us famßy 1 *r* reepeet-'
folly larltsd to sitUnd, wlUoat fortber nct!oa.j
ii/xv Fooe.—Attention is called to
tHhmon.zusaraUienfid edeaUllr nd>
vortised 1£ TcoSmt oSnmn. It la en entirely now
dtswvery,ecieast awl ha touxonadeiwills''any of
the nnsMrons talent a«sdkiae* of Ibe day. It ts •
eoxtnia ru&edy for all-thadfeMsaa specified, nod e*.
peeiaUy tbcsaof a chrunle nstuxii—ot louj standing
—oi **eto, months, and yrars. Suffer ora, try ttl
Messrs, drain. * Puwt, of. ftn, York, art the
•ole Kgtats tor it, and also prapnetor* o i the world*
Urums Coanux. an artl
nl* which every MoUmahonldhsve in b*rm*dfdi»
cloest la cnee of, need; and iwqiatafnm a* it
poragprlewqdamof any kind, it am he mm sson
wtto tb* wU b* found an to>
Talaablespeeiin tn ell oanae affalcHls eomptalnti*—
purijwi mrnmh’rtmkit; •• * • -
u— ■——h- » by dßokta &
jJ^uy M »^*.- W * w >.K
Letter from Wcstsia Virginia.
Wjuubo, Vt-, Roy. IS, 1861. I
OtAi GaXettx t Thit place fa probably
more appropriately named than other locali.
tlea in one respect—it lakes a great deal of
wheeling and curving of ear* to reach it irom
•local any point.
A perion’s aeataUona, starting on * jour
ney in the middle of the night— la a species
of half waking, half sleeping state—are cer
tainly not pleasant, but the smooth, sesy nut
niag ol the trains on the Clereiacd and Pitts
burgh Railroad eoon ramove the unpleat
aat cedaatioca, and one fee la aa contented at at
home in bed. X was reminded of the Bard of
Bctx'rg through tba fjcun
Wb esiug o’er ibs vale—
p ttili Is plismnt.
hid <ng one red.
It it as difficult to get information in regard
to any movement in sms State here, as ia yosr
neighborhood. It ii as unsatiaiaeiory aa tbe
* fl| wer I received from e fcilow-passscgsr on
the trtto, to tbe queetiob, “How long does
the train stop st Wellsviilcf’* “Taw,” was
the reply. I w&s enlightened. There is
nothing new of imoortanee that hu reached
here, however, as yet. When I get farther
op X may have a better chance.
Oar friend Fred. R. Foster, Esq., formerly
of tbe Pittsburgh Jon/iial, is flourishing at tbe
Press office, and looks well.
There are very few soldiers at Camp Oariiie,
and the camp is beginning to wear rather a
deserted appearance.
Gov. Pierpoiot, (who, by the way, ia getting
to be almost a popular tdol,aod tbe man who
Is expected to know everything and do every
thteg.) hu organised, and pan of them in the
field, jotne tea regiments of bona fide West
ern Virginians, ready and willing to fight to
the last extremity, for the honor of tbe old
Tne people here are highly gratified at the
capture ol tbe two arcb-traliors, oo tbe high
sea, especially Msson, who is very cordially
hated by the loyal Virginians, and are wtUisg
even to risk a war with Johnny Bali to main
tain their carcasses.
Business, X am informed, is beginning to
brisk up considerably here end getting into
tattled channels again. Western Pennsylva
nia nod Western Virginia will be almost iden
tified hereafter, in the strongest sense c! the
Yon of coarse know that the sentiment of
Western Virginia bat been expressed almost
unanimously in favor of adimion of the State,
n&d the delegate convention wfaioh meets on
tbe 20;b, st Wheeling, baa nothing to do but
formally ratify it, and lbs rest ia for Congress. j
Many who are warmly in favoTbf qltimae di
vision opposed it as inexpedient •t'the ; preeenl
time and embarrassing to tbe Government.
But the question will work Itself out us othsr
problemv have done.
The people here appear confident that tbe
monster'ia effectually crashed in this part of
the State, and those accursed sympathises
wbo are willing to destroy thegoveernment to
gratify ft devilish personal animosity, and not
for soy reel community of interest with tee
Southern States, are as quiet as mice here,
now-a-day. They ore crashed ss effectually
as-if by heaveu's thunderbolts. Vox pepuli,
vox Dfii 9
Will write probably to-morrow from Fair
moot, 70 miles up the Baltimore road.
Boefcy Mountain and PUUburgh Void
Mining Oomptny-Uraat slrTtn gw
v*ua-,ninnu»e« Agents Wanted—ttur
-s®*ons tor tteyor
or lMarir City.
Dwivxn 'wr, Hov. 9Jt, 1881.
I have been rambling abont the Rocky
Mountains; exploring the minlog region, col
lecting specimens of quartx, and find tboss on
the'Soutb Baidu the richest in the territory.
I noticed t bill that lias passed the Leglala
tare, and received theTignatare of tee Gov
ernor, for s company witb a capital ol $250,-
000, called the “Rooky Mountain and Pitts
burgh Gold Mining Company.” Said compa
ny has tho privilege ol increasing the capital
tw half & million dollars, wild 260 “‘eii”
claims of tbs richest quartx in the mining re
gion, and splendid waisr power, with charer
ed privileges to dam streams, build railways,
sink shafts, tunnel*, etc*, with saw mills,
turning laths, etc. They will ooen «o effies
in Denver. Pittsburgh and New York city, to
transact business for s>td company, with a
eba tar that is ptrpetnsl. T noticad several
Pittsburgh names ss incorporators.
Ia pasting through Nevada, Xnotioed a large
portion ot the town bad been burned. Oa lu«*.
day morning last a tornado pieced over tbe
piaoa. Tho fire had caught tee night prev ions
ia tbs woods, north-west of the town. The
trmpeet came howling down the mountain,
driving tho lie aed rpuks before it with tueb
violence that it baffled the skilltf tbe eitixens to
check it, and heooe tbe enure basinets par; cf
tbs town was laid In aehta. The low la various
ly eetlmated at from $75,000 to $160,000. There
areno well organised Fire lasaranoe Companies
in the Territory, and a good company, wita an
efficient agent, would do a splendid basinets by
Insuring property here.
Shooting occurs uflsn In this Territory. Msj.
Gheviog ten is trying two persons for shooting
at bio yesterday. The Captain of Company C
was shot at and wounded in tbs arm, last
Shooting natobeiare eo common here that they
•oarcely duerve s a petting no lot.
Several of (he vfflsere and soldier* are In
prison for treason. There are many red month*
ed rebels la this Territory, rejoioing over the
defeat of the United States whenever a tempo
rary advantage is.gained by the Confederates.
The Legislature hai given Denver a obtrter
fur a d»y, and the election for Msypr ukes
place next week. Gea. Larimer Is the faverlte
candidate for Mayor, with a fair prospect of
suojess. JUxinx
Bexptt wnxour no such
thing as beaoty whboat'health, but there is
such a thing as beauty without paint There
is ho rooge can tint the cheeks like the net
'oral rose color, that is brought about by
asiog a bottle or two of JJn&ay't Blood
AeorcAsr, which alvee back the vital principle
of health tad life to the h ood. The pale
end laded cheek, under itahealth-giviag tone,
pots on again nature's colore of lovelineae, and
the dull eye again sparkles with its wonted
lustre. The excrutiating pains of rheumatism
. aoou subside by its use,'end the contracting
limbs regain their ynatbfal elasticity and vig
or. Wide gaps in the fsee, scars in the neck
tod deep ulcers in the legs, and dreadful can
cow have each been cured by this great nine,
dy* It cures by removing from the blond all
d erased matter and restoring the healthy prin
ciple of life and energy. Prepared and told by
Dr gayer, 140 Wood etreei.
o' Burt— emt. or am
-jtleiit.uumu botu -tln. urthu t—ml 1.
lul <*—U mn wllk Uu rant
annMhiiis saeeeaa. As aa extares remeor It Is
srithont a rival, and will alleviate sals mors tpeedl
wan any other pmanttoo, for oU wh**,.
Hsrvoas Disorders it Is truly UtfelliMe, .aad as a.en
nttnior Cores, Vcudassnlaa Braises, Ac- Its
soothlaw. hsellns and powsrfel stnnsthsnloc
ties, sxelte tbs nut wonder and astonlsbiaeatafatl
etrieL- UverfoOr handled ear
otreaaraablsearss pertermed br it withfe
the last two rears .attest this feet, bee edmtlsM
flent. - ealS:lrd*wf**it
*«>,, SSiVSVL
geeoort strMtt, VUtsbnrah-
jy|~ arts a & 00., ~
*o. fl'3 loath Vfalrtf itrsst,
Oold and Bilvev Bought.
B*>F«mea forwerdlog pKti, M oj aaprtss will
meet withe prompt ena eotrwt reiars.
Rvfer to 8. KPpm A 00, CkudU. eclfc2ewdlm
aso. W. nttVosti)»..,.,i.i A.oasciu.
J 8. DILWORTU A 00.,
Boa. UO aiuflSU Second Btr»*t,
RiUH FaP£H HANJfiNQa of mod*
era nad antiqu* derigns, ingo d and velvet na d
golo far nle oy W. P. MAUSHAUh
nod BT Wood street.
barrels Dock Creek lAbrfcatlogferula by
no'.O - Ha-Mi* tLOQLUft'B.
UJSiiAK rcoblved an as
•ortuuntof Cedar Tabs, Backet*, Sliklns, Ao.
trara and Irvß, fur mle by
•oflU- „ '.' , oornfr Liberty and Rend sta
(^ufittANTd— 30 oaski prime Zanto
/ ComatefermWby BBVMui *
no2o : Nos. 124 nod 121 Wool street
OA lCd. o. C.HAMfrj
Isskreoadforsnlehy Q #.SittlKBAOO
- : mW -■ - Pmsitml Pittsburgh.
BUiMR \,UKJSD HAM!i—a Heroes of
tbns cairn flavored Boaar Onr»d Heme of L.
pray A Oo.scoring. JUartvadoad t^reai*by
' -V. - r •
, MtL. r etrmi. -
- Ml \j'i: w, # MiWePltJ. 9
hf T'gLBO'i'APB.
From IVaiiiiDgtofl,
WASUtxoroK, Not. 81—Since the negotia
tion of the new loan, ca Fr-diy hat, Seote
tsry rbsar has placed to the credit r»t the dia
•bo'iicg officers la New York and
Phi.eoe’phu, the cam 016 604,874 doliarp, to
bs psic to cufU'acUiis aod other Govetument
The tent invented oy Gen. Morgan, of Ohio,
has beec to toe attention of tbe Gov
ernment. cate) sanitary excellencies are
the arraogemaot for ventilation and elevating
tbe bee* i;vn contact with the ground. Nath
log more complete or desirable in tee Way of
sheltering in army in tbe fi;ld has yet been
pfCICMVd. _
WasnuuToa, Nav. 2L—lb® auwuer Step
ping dtoue, waich rao tee blockade on Tossday
fght, with stores for tee fi>iiiia. cn (be Lawcr
Potomac, transferred h-r stores to tbe squad
roo, aud ukiog on bj.rd a number of contra
bands from tes staamore Baltimore aod lee
boat, agaia ran the blockade last night on the
upward trip, *od arrivod at tbs Navy Yard this
morning, bhe was not fired at from tee rebel
batteries, bn; from tee signalling on shore, it is
supposed that her movements were notlctd
The contrabands brought to the Navy Yard,
number 68 men, 7 women and 8 or 10 children!
Tbe Wyaodolt Is now taking on board the ar*
mament, oto., of the ice boat, which Is being
stripped of her war-like partphornalia, and is
to be sent home to tbe Dsiawate river, tee Gov
ernment no longer needle# her service.
W. BHoto», Nr.r. 3L—Th» Post Offljo D,.
partmeot to-day icoavsd information that 16 -
000 letters hsve ro* ohtd New York from Hilton
Head by tho last arrival at that oily, MK J. H.
Bearn, wbo U acting os postmister under mili
tary authority, baviog forwarded them without
prepayment of postage. Tbo Postmaster Gen
eral has i.rdcted the letters to bo sent to their
respective destinations, with an endorsement on
eaco, "due Z cents."
Toe Dsportmout to-doj e,ubliihod > coat
tffiaa •( Pori tt.jol, t»Hj» called b 3 that Dams,
and has tent oat a bUott commission to Q aD
Shermio, to be filled with the name of a talta!
ble person as postmaster who will gfra the re
quired bonds. Letters destined for Fort Royal
" ,l ~ md iS o ** at t 0 N w Tork P°®« «ffioe.
Toe Navy Lspartoieut to-day instructed tee
Commandant at (Lo Brooklyn Navy Yard to
Inform tbe at New York of the de
parture cf vessels for Port Royal in time to dis
patch the malls.
In tee eoarsoof this wttk probably tho Treas
ury Department Hill take d.-finite action with
regard to the custntus and regalatloo# to be sa
tablisbed at Pu;t R.y.l, A
Tbe following n.imsd gentlemen have just
been promotecl to be Mrjara io the regular
•rmy. Deleter Davidaoa, Arthur J. Lee,
ChnstOpbcr J. Lowml and Granville O. Hat
t»oj and me fpliuwing to be Lieuteban; Col
ooehf Wm S Ks’chum, Wm A. F/encb and
Caleb. O. Bibiei| J -fl. dsoiaocd, and Hen
ry Clay McDjwcM, each to be Amiitaot Ad
jutant G-iieral* wl n the rank of Captain, the
former lo report to Gen. Sherman and the lau
tef Rosseau, io Kentucky.
Tae following additional appointments to
Second Lieotecancirs have been made from
non-commissioned officers, v;xt Daniel Loose
[y, Cbas. Braixan, Oiesr Hsgen, Bamuel k.
Cuibeitson. Joseph J. Wagoner, Wm. K* Lave
Cha*. Berry, Waiter W. Arnold, Homer H
Clark and Adongo T. Bailows.
A poo pMi t has been privately circulated
making varh.uf ebargrs against Gsn. Meici
Tbe auibor is a foraign arcbitect, who has
been desirous of superintending the capllol
exiensioutr- The motive «f ibis is ao apparent
that tee very actof lie issue dereata the object
of its awteor. It has bees official ly ascertain
ed that tbe govamiasct has nowin the field
camps aod m pnme«s of formation, 600 bOO
volunteers, aed iht? eotisimrnts for tbe regular
service are more bumeroas than heretofore.
A Utter from Diraestowo, dated to-day, says
that nothing b*o btrn beard for several days of
tbo movameots of tbememy-oppoeite our linos.
Everyteiog is apparently quiet in their eoesmp.
meu >*, Twi* n> oautsd by, the withdrawal
of iho!r forooj i u - tt 3 dsfoaso of Winchnater,
Ahiob ib*y no* coastder ia Jsopardy.
A ProvfNiouai Government Es*
labllsbeal iik \orlh Carolina.
HwttaitA» a.. Nov. lA—The Pro.-
vlrional State Govcmmrnt for North Oarolloa,
the esiabllshmeal of which has b<en fa osnteai
pletioa for months past, was formally instituted
to d*y, by % Cncvuntioa of and prox
ua rupresomiug for»y fiv» ouunuasof the State.
An oidinacea was declares vacant
ail the &!•:• ofiiou, aca declares Marble Ntsb
Taylor Governor, aui dirwots hiut to order elso
tiom lor Congrestaen and make temporary ap-
L>oin:mects of effio m of Siaia.
St. Loots, Bl.—Geo. Hiiieek his is
tned orders mat, in eo&sfqQeDce oftmportsn;
ififormuton rr«p«cti.;g tbe numbers and con
dition of cot forces bettg conveyed lo the
enemy by fugitive slaves, no such persons
•bail bo hrrevlter permitted to enter the line#
of any camp, nor any forces on march—and
aoy now wumo each lines, be ;mmedlate)y
excloded ibcelrom. •
The Geneiel a:s*J ctils particular atientioo
of all t ffioerß o<jiuu>aobiog posts or ircop>* in
tbs fisid jo the importance of preventiag ua
autborii-d prisooe, olcrary detorlplion, ftom
• alering or leaving our hoes, and of observing
the greatest preccuuoa of the employment ul
sgents and clerks ic coifideottal positions.
Tan General also directs all stiff officers
ol this Department, whose eiafl duties
have cessed uoder recert special orders from
Wsshlogioo, hut who still hold commissions
in the regular army as volunteers mastered
into the service cf the 'Doited States, to im
mediately report In. peraeo in fiu Louis, orby
letter, it elsewhere, 10 ibrte headquarters.
Lvbst advices Irom Pries, place bia; in
Bsrry county, meking prcparatsons for ait id
erauoe to Spriugfieli.
HAbattftrno, Nov. 91 —The Governor pre
seated a htete firg to the 1 lib regiment, Col.
Coulter, yesterday. Tbts regiment will leave
in a dsy or two lor Fortress Monroe. A flig
was also presented this sfternooa to the 86;b
regiment, Col. Joetiui B. HoweJl, which ar
rived here at noon If m Uainntowu, Fayette
conoty, ar.d left shortly alter the presentation
for Washington. The 93j regiment, Colonel
McCarter, passed through this city yesterday
OH lie way to Washington. Tim borssefor
Co!. Williams’ regiment of cavalry, the,»Bd.
have arrived. This regiment is fall, and will
leave in a few dsys fur Kentocky.
• Gov. Cnrttn ht« appointed Jimcs Parke. Jr.,
and Capt. M. W. B Jtsboover, both of Puis*
burgh, a committee to vis:; and attend to the
interests of the Pennsylvania regiments now
in Kentucky, and, as they will shortly be paid
off, aid them io transmitting funds to their
families. Tbo above nsmed gentlemen were
suggested to (be Governor by one of his Aids,
from Ibe eame section ol the State, and they
are known as men capable and responsible far
the million.
New York, Nov. 91 -—The transport steam,
er Baltic arrived at Uii port this aflernnoon,
having In «>w the gun host Cnrlew. The
news Irom Hilton Head is unimportant, affaire
being in the tame cooaition as at tha departure
of the transport Atlantic'
Parser Allen, who is a passenger on the
Baltic, brings 919.000 in Treasury notes,
which is to be forwarded to the friends of ibe
4tb New Hampshire regiment.
Among the passengers by the Baltic is James
Damgb, a member of tbe9.h South Carloina
regiment, wfhu waa found ai Fort Beaorvgard.
He states that be had been six months in the
service of the rebels, nnd complaios bitterly
of the treatment and fuod reoeived by (be sol
diers of J«ff Dsvia.
New Yoxb, Nov. 21.—The U. S. steim
transport Bntic is coming up, having a gun
boil in tow. &be is frum Purs Royal, aod wil)
probably bring later iotelligeace from ibat
>*w Yoa*, Nov 91—The steamship Ctiy
ol Mincbtsie.r is below, aod will reacb her
wharf i boat noon. Her advices from Europe
were received via Cape Rsce*
K.w Toik, Not. Jl —Tb, Aanitti
bu ban to.ed bßi, fiom OreebporL Lobr.
Island, white she into custody.' *
H.w Toss, Not. «._Tbo Tmioh (Hnl,
bos arrived.-
Boito*. N ; t. Jl.—li. u.itri SutM (Uu
Ban Jaomio, »iib Bum. Muon nnd, bu pu Into N..port, £, I. la eon—
qieooo of sum, woaihtr and a baarj erott
Twonij-Sr. rebtli, Mpmrtd oa Sutaßoia
Island, during tbe&lgbt attack oaCoL Wiiwm’n
—ap, ban anirad a« Vat Monroe “1.
BALTt«o»i, *1 _Jnt.lll«nM bu tut
Arrival of the Asia.
NavYou, Rov.3l.—Tbeßiyal nuiistetni
«bip Asia, from Liverpool on the 9Ji ja»t , via
Quantum wn oa the lO.h, arrived at this port
tnit evening, too Utefor her mail to go Bc«tb
to-night. ..’ v
T&e A*l* brings £25,0C9 in epsole.
At a QBetiogof tbeahareholderioftboatsiis.
snip Groat Eiitern, in London, ih-j rrport of
tbe Director* was adopted aod resalatioui paw
•d to ratio £35,000 in 10 per cool dobenuire*
to equip her lor tea. ttfae ia expeotod to l*'av«
Liverpool again next Friday.
Tae Brltith m*n-o(-w*r Conjurer and Saca
p«ml ware to tmbark marines on tha 9 b, a-.d
forthwith depart for M«xi:o. Th. Lmdoc
thinks tbs operatious of tin expedition
wUi bs vary easy, bat diffleu ties may aru.Tn.rn
the different political sympathies of the three
It u reported that the Uahed 8;&iu steamer
James Adger, now at Southampton, win leave
for the Mediterranean, to look alter privates!*.
The Grand duke Constantine, of Rauia,
"od the Luchess, are ou a visit to Qietn
A strike among the cotton spinners of Prea
toorwaa imminent, owing to the threatened
reduction of their ffogea.
The Freneb Government b&a given reas
surances to B*i xerltnd, wnicb will have a
tendency to quiet her apprehensions arising
from (be act of the French troops in occupy*
log tho valley ol the Duppee. ft ia probaoie
that this eiffleoity will be adjusted without
any unpleasant consequences.
fhe rumor is revived that Mr. Foald will
•hortiy resama the Ministry of France in the
rmii Cabinet. r
Tbe Financial Accounts of Franca show
rather lets anessioeav, as.the Bourse dosed
firm at 68 and 75a. ,3
It is reported that Garibaldi has annoanced
to the Central Italian Committee, through
Gen. Tarr, bis firmrintenlion not to provoke
aoj movement ia favor ol Rome or Venice.
At the same time he wished tbc Italian arma
menu aod the popular sympathy for the Uaioo
of Italy to be encouraged to the tumoat.
Itu rumored that ihp preparations are being
nude at Genon* for a revolutionary expedi
tion, to embrace Montenegro and ail the slave
populations of Turkey, and also Hansary and
Gaiecis. .
It Is true, as previously stated, that Belgium
has appointed an Ambassador to Italy, bet it i*
remarked that he is accredits! to the Court of
Turin, aod not to the King of Italy.
In ad autograph letter, (be But per of of Aus
tria lets forth the measures reecntJy announced
to be taken In the management of Hungary.
It avioeea a determination to carry oat the pot
ty of the government ia Hungary.
Liverpool, Nov. 10 —The Rryal mall steam*
ship Arabia arrived at this port to-day.
Xoufcm, Nop. 10 —At the Lord Mayor's
banquet, the Mayor proposed tbe ( bealth of the
Foreign- Ambserador, ;oupled with the name of
Hoo. Cbsrlcs F. Adams, tbs United States
tf lniitor,.who ruplied that hie mission to Bag.
land was toprtmuie and perpetuate friendly re
iaiioas between tho two countries. Lord P*U
merstou eaid that, although eircomitanees may
fer a time threaten to interfere with tbc sup
ply of cotton, temporary toil will be productive
of permanent good.
We shall find in various quarter* of the globe
* sure and ample-aupply, which will render
oa no .more dependent. Wn witness with
affliction the lamentable differences among
onr American cousins, but it ia not for os to
pats judgment in their dispute*. Lord pel.
maraton, in conclusion, espreatsed a hope of
the speedy restoration of harmoay and p-sce,
Rolla, Mo., Not. 81.—Ad rices from tho
southwest are to ibe tffcot ibat Price hu aban
doned his position at Camille aid is motiog
towards bis old camp at Neosho* About four
thousand of his army, twdar Gen. Oirris, were'
on the Kansas line, directly west oi Carthage,
with the endent iateslioa of entering that
State and ranging its so a them counties* Har
ris* fores was principally cavalry and Indians,
o f' 18 ® WIB in lhat vicinity with about
3 000 infantry and it ianof improbable th«t an
engagement will tabs place between hi* and
Harris' fi>rce*>-
It m reported* that th-ra is a camp ol 000
Cherokee Indians county; Kaosas.
The rebel State Lcgui&toie, in sesitos at
Neoaho, hid ptaied an ordinance of seces-<
-aion, united the Btate with the Ssuibere Con
federacy, sod elected Gen. Rain# ono ol tfce
Senators to tho Confederate Coiig>rer. Itwnr
thought Geo. Paraocs wootd be the other .■*«..
ator. It was said that Gea *Fro#l,ol Cimb
Jackson nolorieij, would take the cormauo
of Geo. Hiins, of the rebel army.
Lopuriux, No. *l—to. B>a Antonio
Herald , of the 26 ;h alt., aaye that Chiries An
derson was arrested by McCulloch far e.;.
tempting to coma north, lie had twined
from-the BnirdAgAjyAe then at largo.
Andy Johnson aruVed this fr'm
Eistera Keotncky, and Gen. 6faermtn left fur
St. Louis.
LouimtLC, No?. El—£ren«^.—Th» rive*
U faUwg «u«dU/, wim 6 /eel 6 tsci c* ksUt
in the canal. Weather clear. Mercer; 4fl°.
Bigh Prloaa In S<W Orleans,
Hard titnea and famine price) are ibe lot of
the rebellion) clliiene, of New Orleans, ar ,p.
peata bj faa fallowing talk on oesuge, in the
fractal, of the »:h inn.
Pealing bj Ibe talk on baltiei and dle.-nptiooe
in Ibe arm], wo coma m ibe eteaddT increae
mg ecarcit; of breadomlTr and other nec*ceari*B
of life. Seen Ibe aftrcle of rice, which ie etU
t.g in Cherleelon alt} to } cti.
par poned, ie now retailing here ai 7} cento
per ponod.
In.h potatoes, which might be relied la el.
moft Bay quantity on our proliSe anil, ere eel:,
liag et one oeat each, or about S 3 50 per baahel.
Coro bee ouwjidieacrd to SI 86 to $136 per
baebe!, end wa ken lor mootee pan been
readieg of tbe greatsat crop of corn and wbeet
ever known. Wo jodgo tha>coonlry ie abac*
daotly .applied, and tbet fornere .oi reieere
loteoa to bold on and aurre aa oat bare in tba
Oreacant Ciiy. If pf.niara bare ibe.e boa**
yield* aecared, wa urge them to send j. .hare
to market.. Floor la* advaocing to femiae
Sdarai. Bach eaoeeediag day ia attended
amb aa advance ol 25 cenu or mure pel barrel.
Other arliolee— each ee toep, ceodlee aod
•larch—are adfabciag Irom day to day. Soap,
candle aod etareb rectories could be made pro.
ntable. Soap, which can bo made fnr 6or 8
ceata per paoad l la bold at SO or 34 ceata.
Btarcb, another neceaaary artiole, commaadl
40 ceata per ponadj in fact tbe. supply ot Utie
ttiicle ie running ao abort that ehirt collate
will hare'to lollow a trilled cabbage leal For
caadlea the poor folke bare to pay 16 to SO eta.'
•aclt »t tbo corner grocery. U It not lime
tbat eome ol oor laidiog eiiliene ebonld take
action tad move in ibe eeitblubmeat ot meo
arectoriei lor tkete end other prliclet f It re
qatrea bat very little capital. If dcalari in
aenp, stocks and paper e.ei; expect to coaler
any good on tbe country, now ia the aoeepied
time. But we fancy it ibe war should be
brought to a elnao, many of out moneyedeui
aees would leave ua and go northward or to
alurope, acd our good city would be a ancon d
ary thought with them.
It ia aaked what Ms foroed up the price or
eottoueeedfiU.' Six pr eaten months eao it
wee eelling al from 40 to 66 ceata per gallon ,
now it Ie held .at from $l6O to ft and' {3 60
There Is no cotton eeed in lbe.couni
try—in ltct ItUedreg where plenterc have
glcoed their cotton. Are there any .olid rea.
eoee for an advance of 3QO per earn,, .imply
for ihe coat of tranimutlog the aeed id to ell t
* ’*», *“ S"°l«d In Macon af
3 s ® for el ”» r *idai| Adamantine ean-
M»H| coffae. «0@45 cental abot,
H 600600 par bag of 35 pouAu.| lead, 180
tOcjma per pound) rifl. powder, 816018 «o
per ke|| Pika's maeboila wni-hy, (I, u«r gal
lon j a arch, 50035. ; ceata per pound) super
earboeate toda, X 6 cenl. par ponad| bar aoip,
S4OSB canU| aalt, tuff at |IO per tack—eonid
omj be boogbt at reuilj block tin, 1 60 per
pouodj aheet tin, nunc In the marketj no sheet
copper in tbd maikeli wool, clear ot bun. 80
to 70 uauio pet pound. ’ .*
XOVXb. _ ■ J sxovfia.
Wtrehooßß, Federal Btroet, neu Nn
B<W«^™j>rM n , u,LIOniMT OOT. ”
Tl*Ulw»Brdl7 will 0«l It to tkdt «i»wi«rtod“
o«r«iaektot». p JUrS“y"
OtotbatatotaMtoltn Balllii,lcMm.Botk.«
Pliiuud fißey'oKt# Feaden,
rANUX TttAVliUaa
mm Buo^MMUK«oa,onk*
OMMERi'iAL ilt.i ORD
dux oam Cams Msaui, Njrrsbcr Sl— lTsrtir
Taxb3—Tq«cff*daaeef b#«rc*tila w#re eonrUerablj
!»rg#rth a olAet«W)k as »' r? also the sVttr BoftW,
Kow#T,r,»» p;Uu ari oonitraed, litre hss been bit
The • ff rtrgi oi ware larger tUa nta*?, foct
leg c?6dTBbeta. Ofihlmaaaer 70! were ibid,.the
prices ranglcg fro a |3 u t 31345 '
. ‘ f *rcr«?ib'o?trlax* med-rste, reechlns 6l||
if.r.kP.® wbole DGa, l <r *mtwt«d rSKL£
while the b«iei«3 Were leltorir And sbi>-p.d XatT
lb e folio Wing ar* Uw c«li.TiU»of the asks T
<umc ;
SJd, Kail /yU,
V> Cl).T>r 6 M eiyi.
J H-nto k.._.. iss _ • ;2i:
0 0 54 _ «*J|;
OATbmur ..... •» .. 15iaS S&T
S Whltue**; IS _
K Ptal.. )8 3 QJ3£
M Pst'el IT 9T *
*H in
• J }2
Jon«« k An :r*wi v
* S Idd S 8
J Mjirtton ~, .... Jl
J S Nelaoo V
»J Con.b it}—........ «j
AR 19
H fs
Onbiiioth toi A Doaetns Sf
Wm ting e _ \%
J M Tipton i 18
K W CmhiH „,.,. so
Jcha \i ler-.««..._ 44
Pil*s o»»tcriin» , ~, 47
Bs Pa-llipa 1$
Mj«f* A lira. 200
4 tf 60
CrcOM * Oooi. ... as
R O lhoSBp»OB_ ... ~, IS
(foHg«M ICQ
XtißinmA ft!«i kt— lor
H B o»mp..». u
W 0
H Oaddl»
Jobs ua’berl*n_
Bbarpn*ek * WcbO~
Hftie.'Ck arn ,^
J OOhibty r ,„ ...
BfrbHfl#.: _ _
M k Seller
Tboi noA>ti.. ~. _
0 ffßlker _
H Be»g „ _ 5
-*■ » Hi
Herrea _,, ~ • g£
Tbot Porux
1315 litf
_ _ Bid. ixxiZmL Frk*.
' Tbonpvm IT! _ UnprrbM)
■Heurr long 1« _ »JJi ur
JJ 01 ”"* PttLff.r...— stl _ $J 61 parheoß
II Bobli•in no „
»TBuk'ei.__ ... _ s»4
Fr» J Braa»rJ~
Wjco3* Mo _ 320
Heo f _ f®Q
J _ 2-0
■ „ 40
J Dnuder*o»..««i _ jfil
W W ... io
H «. ICO
Sf Wall.Qg JjO
t*6 star
„ M Aid HaUEaxL Ftiat.
9am Down , M jfp
Wleoo A „ -
£t xencer Aiaaaetl_ _ 600
Geo Jama i „ g.Q
P R»fden 1,, n.i M 3io
O W Lot , _ 10
0 S Werner.. ion
U WlihWer - „ fi> -
H T iclrftn— _ ay
J P flay ... fioo
Jm _ 574
W tT _ ps
A Wat«oa , _ iBo
Atlerton A — rTI „.,„ M fjq
IP n _ • '8 O
HO Millar _ gQ
JO Harlan.,,,, .... ... 425~
**i«T»n Fell lig
B PDBlpi 460
IZoiBIM S »*l.l tT.e )|^
—— ,«, - w.M80.1
. « k — 18 i S<4*».wt
89 _ 13 26 pTr.cwt
o*ldw-u r _ i\ ... gS.ROpsrcwt
r- 1 ® • lo per cat
i w“J, lapI ‘ r 2 „° - tS.-'fi ter cwt
g, °-—® 7 - s‘as M -cet
Ji* T.ptoa.. IT - «u?per cat
• Mi 48i2
UlVttU' JIJLiWte
Tas Arras Asa tf sstßas—Aa&iV'ia s*» tU*4*f*
csss—W f tfimr ftircmo S nx—Coirs
tt*Dat. 00, ate —The ilrer was ebtet *ta!lon<r»
itthr'eji with He 6 loAk by thi pier marts |*t
«renl3f. 2h) v uih.r co tlnue< cioady, tssjtnd
d ingreealle, ni li v! c ori ra‘n..~i
Ucttnwqatn a of tb« uufiruralle o.nUUou of the
••ath r. «tih tht> fut that ifcers was nat »
flfal or (.‘epwtore b yooi tb# tTgaUr ffk
•tSthers was tut Ji ti» aetlrttv at the
u-hk.’f. 2he Usj Ojtr froa. Cio.tahsff asd
lan* from iho Ij. er-Ohto, Loth liraw ng more w»trt
than there It fo too rlrrr. were atichlig eoirwehete
btre aod ots'oTi lut tr nieg. It U
proheble, hawere.*, ihita.ttr fgh!e&iag tai y wjnld
tea Ulo reach the wharf tuttveo'ng -.AnjmcTwse
euirtit at the wherf that the *7 1 Msotey .hocud from
thUcitj, rank t tbori«Lt>Q'e b- low the
tortm* diy to Tu> d«y. Efaebeds bM<yc&r{o, in.
dnd Dg 3 ICO Ibis o' flier, 60 tans of me:«L 60 bet*
heap, 9CO hilx i, 800 u:ti earn, 60) e k k i rye, sad 40
o ehsor *OO3. Wew re nu.bietoLernaoy f»rUo
ahrsiimhsr th ntn*{ eh# trie comyUte'y rrachsf*
"-tch; so wd bast, end bees lu
comaanl of G*(t Wet O-twiy for asm* time p«*» ~
The Dr Ksee left St Lon's f r ll; ibai*boa Mcacey,
t>befo)lo«el fcy »h>CncnjSlie
the Dl’dm beta? cstUs ro fci(s;lste her cargo;##,
terd jy. wts osapt-red to Coftr her d#p-.rtare nttil t>
dej. £h»wtUma«ethU«feni!gwithsalfo:! MMMMU .
Sae ln«eßd Diectah. both first cites bestg are ia>
Bcotced to Itaro ter St Loot. fine
etMxtr le?ooaj,C*»tJ S dbaal, is aaamneal tu
Clncinsstion Estardsy. 6hs fs an ex:alleot beat,
and wi t tears as übt!m! y cl) 3^4
PcfUsoQth,atd om GellipoUt, wen dns
last night. Tbsybolbretnncn&aaidty*
MatfcaU by ValafTtpfei
KaT.H-»tnßt«if«—F«ttf &bwttfed,&fid
waned ooly dm t*n a Mot <-bii|to ooporftoo V l
ou tL« mu k«t to 4*y aai w» < tt rs l*» ft) **, bat octU j
not b« C( tO Ititstuiv qoeUts; imaUaa'Mot
**® 4 Wor«*-ro- Wbtoi
4« la:TB9Hct.r r«d.udBvottifar wttta.,o*a to
to tooddeuiaad at tt;; tbe fsmaodUftctira. Cora to
■towJy «t2ftaao3 LrM»,»Bi ,B®NtrUd. Vh»tj
Orm fttllHe. Urgofa fair t>m»nd at ftft MAS tt
U>l ■ «*ll 101 TWJ bu»j,t (3 43; pnt»ttn«B«» .HUB,
to pay |SBoft3 tt forg*xl ot»s«. >lh< cork diltv
ttA 96 M** turrets far oiatdiid elt>Um*d»; ftot
b3iiliittTiolo|udtoitij«t im>» ritri T&cr* to
• good far at T}< . Gieoaawto io gisd tt*
maadatf£&4* Grocea* firm.
• ? : * ir * .?!?*• • ikoT * 31 —frcooirg.—Cottott b Cm:
lilNtflttitinln Iktrdtdn-dtaiitMol
52.103 tbo it ft& tt tor OHM tt V&ilZlal
#tt T&ttOjfa fa,- routh.rr, Whnu; wlrtof
185.C00 t o'ti »t ZS for Chfein btrioftil 31
£l MAI SO <er tftlWltUea elo’>, f*»d
lornluedrcilosJ; win 14# WO bo«b at G&H&i. Lard
lny»otUBA9o Whtoiy steady at
Pua-MUSU.' Not., S'.-! here to Itoe tttog li
taaoetoff* bat print are nocbiajMfa ‘-Vt&ar !• aMdr.
*£• f* .0 1 ».f10.J1|46aJ4; «n;t.»HS«»B7H. aid
(Itm [nmllj 11 J4J6 34. ,]tlM, U ..Hied at tl,
Urfifra Xml >1 $1 90. Wfeiatlaln good n.miud!
11,000 bo>fa wldalftl ttfcr faaaa. aadfti ft«wi «<
far rod; white cemisteede ft d'AI 63. &teeoidT»tT6
BxiObQiti aid; yellow to wasted
aTftAttc, eaj wbuaelU:. oete etiiafoil* *t 153'
410 atMfprk bia ttelioa# to $l4 *#. tuffn-ftn?!
- w m mu*}
eoidet 3<62l^c.
lt»r dm: niki 11,000 bt>U
»t *s 4i@s 00 lor Mar., nod (4 9,es v lor OhK Ifonnl
c«i dAcliLtfl; anlin llQCQObaah u >1314*1 St tj Obk
ago airing |1 3.@1 in, fcr tlllß.niaaClub. Corn
?*• r naciiuifig ttLamcy, ukxoi 14.C00 run at Ofio
i.r tailed. troTtilo&iqßUt.' Whtoky doll. ;
Hocle are lower. ~ . i ri*
FOB aT. LOOld.—Tho fin#
pa D iBNA.iMiHK
o«pt.Oao It.Mooro, will ln«va forth*
iourmai aia potato >b
rnlibtorpaangKafplj ottoerj orto
BP” 7 J>q »LAtnL l r at.
kA * Wl&KWfaft BaTWaStt ’v •
LAfiltaa mad Mrtlnw rerrni Liii ia i frf t *‘‘VH¥»
at tlrel* BiiTrSTv!?! 1 * 1
iota aad riiiltdtle&lfc,Bt»ama!Ua.Cto*«M > i«S^
OlT* or ' - 1 “
a*ra or (imu i
SwEk»l .»= 'lnsirt.
toSt* "*r»
in ol iU fc«a«u,3 »l ft.!.. ,|| r *«n=ni»irJ.nta.
tt.U«U.4. U ii» «. ..anr-o
UtaßgolSto.Dowdtha nt*intnri "
TrMi lWui etnat
h«a»Mdi« f mmmo. ’
; ®oi9 ".ibßaaNttka
irrttifeiitoe Principal note!*.
Uf TO I tfCUICE LaBT niout.
St - OEATU.CB—Oorter o> Thin) *n<! WoaJ .tnyi
suit asm* ftonimi. '
8 8 Wflllua*, Phfl* J R B>rt «I«tkibtn»
W H««m, CimUid' rxlo o«nec. 4m«w
T J K Jlllht. B -%\*t
PBi«!£fcfia ObXo'il««s>'lt«co
J m JuHbioaSd Vi Elf SCoVmla, V«
J O bfcfc'a PUJ« i J pfeuitf 0 8 A K
DOoot, (far Aklstdcr J 0 NmrL Johawo»a
r Ratooo, W W tT*<*a K O
A 1 nt»k, Balla'ra l m f?U'moo4» 0
0 PoUnA O C J £clx«. I’oial
BI etuUr, Uso4rd;crV|
JSe*tu,Jf, 8t Q>«xkTlL'o
a # lit. By
O F Uutcr , 0
w 8 nii.icgii.aV i
8 W»rrv:tcn, 0
* Clrelttiili. 0
* »•»doft,9r*«ae qj
b etmt, rilrs, o
8 8 trfek lex. Utdstcfß
J Croa*. R»
J fatt4,.KtvGut!a ’
flllLlßD HOUSE—Cora pt
2 <& t
' «.UBoetßK
'f'n Brfjgt. Mo*i & tj
Mtatßbolay, di* j
d». I
8, tt sharb*r.. Moaafrv*«J
» Browu, CI»T9 ud |
• Mtn *?•%
it ©3
m> jSa p> r lie«d
. |l3 par he«d
tUptf bMd
«• llloA l per bftvi
%L&iQ Qp»rc«t
~ 520209 ptrrwl
S Q 3
l «•%
t ciiw
- |tl *fce*u
s Oomtok, m
"Mont moo,Kf
W a HotrU, Pfalla
J A VeDmald. do *
W fiord, ,
W«Mk, etas* do
B V oyd, W««t oo
A Wotnto, Woeotrr
UXtTU 0411,
B PoDtldooo, Wufa oo
RDMUdioeJr do
((Jickioa, do
Ii tf CorOife Bokoratowa
W s Moutewi, Uaratoay
Jidtlr, * '•
A Feuit, W mih oo
J QRdwnd. ti«»CMth
H Daa«idm, Oisikr
B Donate II >r*.o«
J 8 rojouoeo
9 a Digit, uwtu, o
J Boyd, Bill
• •*», «os
• Tteudilo, Wood, oo
OfliU. .
J 8 IToUuo,
OW*|B*r, AliUnc»
aCtißoroa, Mvotfco
T ‘ •
8 Kflhtllßd,
I ißltb, • '
ih OldfloJd, ttr. An*) 8 Povrte.CoAtativa
J tfoatcomtry, ifett.oo
“ & 80 \D.-aa>taohv».
n - Kh : „ J rv iTuuittUMiin ti»
UM«ih*!l,4o *IM Clark, do
J 800001, Qrw>no *>
JS£y/»* »,
J Boris*, do J p»y ti fi r .
HtaMtott,*) »r..r,,t'm;Mii>t.
i “*"J' fF Joaf* *o3,tor. (*•
P Taraot, Woyootfccfy Wft e*sl*tt ?? -
U. 8. Army.—
timms or uitncM omr rastt ri-iMS.
Mtajotiln, ab will t» UHITOBMIDU
Th. blgfawt pi 7 per mocti lo tt. Bnt».
. _ u “™“ *“> Jtio'paenie, I lolblni,mt»l.Uaov
Qmrlon, fml mi Mbi-g-i ,:t,n iim vl j
Advanooment opon to aH t
For forthsr portlciilin ipplj u th» lUcrsttn* ■
aadTtSwSiHiii oriCL * i
Copula, Crglnuct 0. 9. i*r»l ry, j
ttaatf HKfoitiin QBcer
o*^-5, 3 . X * K iIMEm Ov HEAVY
AhTIXiUHY. owiir • x.rr+o orl*r« f,r »or«
wnoMoaroo. Hermit* o*titei wr Hattrry a; < ffl-rro
«JUeo4i k oa>nortft>tt fcon, ui .w;,l
•« ao4ero«ifionif Er«ot»fl u uu u* witt ol U*
WtfDoportmrai inqirrni *
AQIB.IW Filtfl * ter, Pittb'Hgb. Po.
io comp-eta tho com*
’ sr PMJiSffltoefl,al#o4 ’hj* ifai.t«*ddOr.t
•HOOKDU»». TIM CvO fcfljf It HO* lu ifetufl I MDOa.
Harjiaad Ih* rbrtiad mm.tars *r«ia r«io i*t
UM4^airt«rt,«. P»u#-i.n'«aUbit* curawotuUmcod
*od Cbarrj •>«), Xbmtduirl* or d&n Au*
mna bavisj: *ay goo i beoka »oa u ea&ier » (*n.r c*
•* *** 1 h ,d «»rrer, «• ha boja at* bolt*
»og aitbraiy. and vast atc-aiMo* l- «ruuw *ad la-
luW,l * ir Oapltl*.
ouLUM idll’i EKS
-CUUl&Bißrcplial&ftm brcttrr giodtfor rb» Y.b
“ Ul * ~*> a r-qn-itrd 10 tjrawd than
?!*%* P®mbl* to ihi BL !}«» ui ClttCi;Sut. at
«S^2 eu£, ?,'£“• °'™'«' *•““ “? *****
*£ siisjsr•*“ * rti "= ; feA':’ •*
JT a iiiW JttUrtei KiiOhUmj
aaated to All tb* tuu of ts»
. UHIOtt RUXkS, «si«r C*ft.TUo3. *, 8083.'
TktOaaptay will b*offle*mi *»«oecm cctti>Ll*?y
USisliad,lad wUlc» icJo«'rttc*Meb«rpu.. «>•»*.
Amcrj la U larj of WUkla*s Q«U t vftno mod.
«n <r Ut»c&iuU«4for*l*» o***lon«:r. ?•■
giiiT AflU VAl'a.—
in woo BißgnT.piTTaucaan,
Hnw now os luddd s «rr Ur« nadeoxidntnntoek
X ihn IntontMjlnior
ss fJzz&i'SLr*--’
promptly flltod. , w3l
|0 YUUiiUWA PrtlMlKuT
OUOLk. orfitCß.
tehaaUPriatori, BUttooora, DraggtaU,
Z3 C s2?'*? n SF'& t,k * 9 ' tbairmr
“J S®* Ptweea *a offef far iat« art bl
• How Pettenr, ora iba ataplwt aai iirotu-aet' aad
bo*l made of ary chatp Prateoaever teo«U«fdMMl oo>
cany toaa tytoc; wo faa operated by oay wvwbcibar
55*?ff •» owd ot prfcea bttbtr to outward
aayao aboot ONfrighTU the pries of
Sob Prmu now Io; oea. «je CeWorte (opoo ebteh
tba rrcaaaa atsod,) are compoiad of email u**< t>**u
If aad atowaly pot togHbar. atidfeireoaipectdMeod
omreokoox btTe oever baea eqaallad. :04l|u «a
•mint, or eeoJ tor dreotoza, fiviag tto?<iuicae. ac.
„ S. t » CWWdftV a CO,
_toggg>d__ . . W rBpft&»Oratt, •«. V“ : j. u.i.ii tgfira.
• f - >j c o*®im4O)i jtKßonftVka,
'«0: « WHiSOI SttlW, •’ ■ ■ i
XfnntVß gjtin. to tbn pnrthnin nod
**l> .« ■ giMf.iij
WOXnn” 1 * ndtniotniandn co tf nttgU
Mnm.TBOIU? JUtUUIUn goo. -
, ;•.-. *!«» PlltmOS d 00. ” 1 d 3 r ** 1 .
JOSIPa u. BOIgIK, c«|„ .
‘ly.. ; - a"M*»d
■Z:4 *Wi fuiUrVior. ts
,# toi2s
rrpxw. Joasti anNrmiii'.co,
n ' lo firrtttr. Wool.
u : v
kjoi u mo.m.g<rn4r.rnT«gumin
ldrUr.hrXhI cr.dufnd u*n&
2&*£2 , £2Z!L t f 6 *V•»«ss& *
mpmiaonwii anaou&toroo •• v
WirehouHo b«ca*
torn dMtTojai b» art, wa
iHo. ‘ 7
tttdflo* aCtotoa lot j of BAOOtf
gftUOLpMVAIDM asd UaM« direct Iron ibo
BtoCM.UttW* aalobaU Mettorco to
- • lf*,r» pn
9 I V.MVW -TtoiWa wlu w ia;a* n) ia
•otos enßrftttOoottJHSb tor-* iwn of ;in»uribrae «•
fltaioaro, eoooioa by bood ood oo'wnlo*
ttiHMftdiaal oataiam *llaptu*y -Iboatra
n a- Udlrn>ja<
fJTCB. IU DBIKD B4xr ( £1 "*
v b bio 8 d.Bnf Toofteait
lot toco ttd far aatobf .t. 6>LtlbB B <*oto
' oil , v.
Ift.S44Li>«erly sfrwt.
A Al'rr A la*jr B tliTffl
V ll't.aa, barriaw co, 0
A I H»rp*Bt
J H U- r«on, Vhl M-'atpbla
# 4' £ pilot do
i s &»«*L«r r aiir*ib
0 W| .on, dj
t * do
k B *ealk P 8 R
'I'M \»hit*. rnnth fertji
] Motrj. liovtUwd
1 8asltJjQ*!d tad TMcdktrwt
tr. rtonuirok.
13 PKovV S*awi
JB SI %a. ’
* VifQgfeton OnnJ'eraTlHa
I W*JUc», Mc£h«p>ii
|A J ttMar, &* .
rty Stmt, Wow .Devestt.
A tfetbm.Stfow X Boads
R McQn l*io, co
i (I B ?Lll*
POU. ff«aa 4
-t Jobation Wntro
K t Ctiit,cp p** polal
*7 .Awt, foot of Fifth. i
. P*O>i!»Tot.
S 3 baa.ia. We'aS
D Fiibar A July A lit O)
3 Wtr kk|tl«ik»oo
( Warded. Waiblaatoa -
WaJJf'io®, { «o
V, M cCoilaia, .do *
ABetttp. - v “dV»
3 Oaapba'l Ultkarv
vo Olarlt, . : do
d Uilnui.. - do
4 ttymad. Cbib jt
3 Qilatnj, Wrttoci BiU
•!fo. B, ftt. CUlr itreeC
{8 O-thrfet,
0 W Try Os. do '.
A K itatam. ijt. bltafn
" O Bmi, EibA*tnuK.
•i»t«t», do
/ M Bader, " '
i Fcrardt Onder
•No. IST. Water itmt
&K3UZ4& mttos.
fli , t '