The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 22, 1861, Image 2

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flondaff aad KveaUi dally,
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FBIUAV MOHSIKO' Hpy; 22, 1861.
~ HrpnbJeam.Cßloa Oily CoareaUaa. -
Xecohtleu of iba d l> of Plttaberah,
■ •If iHflOeitalwwil aoppactlog tha Afmloistra.
ttoa lo Uj.Tfg ror, pdactouba of tie wee lor-the
■ matet auoeor tha Watloaa! Union, era reeantad to
meat to.-heter,«pocttraaUeUoi etftrto(a,ioa 8»T
-. uatiar. KOTSSBEB ICh.lfat,ba-.wtan tha hiora
of < and ? o'o'ock, p to. and atact Sra adaaeM ham
aaah Wtrd to Iha Cltf CoaeaaUoo, which weUl mast at
UtaOosrt Hoato, oa TUUSsr,OXaiOB(B Id, at
. ncaalnata oaadldatM hr jCaior
city Coatroll r a-d Traaaoroc. *
THOA F. WIL'OS, Chitnaan
Oln W.LKJaaan.OacraUry.
* l^r *“V'V*not a Owpnni Hr .t>
Under this head, afeV’deye ego, wa re
. . marked*- .. .; - =• :
' -•■ ‘'BThyhaehoutd eror hare bees thoaghl
■>. la thla great oooteit with rebellion and
elarery, Ula not eeay to ate. Hlannteoe
- dtaliaaamao, and aa a atataamaa, eorely
. glee bo eaaaieaaaae to Ikoaa whohere, for
. monthe put, been holding up Hr. Seward
to thia obloqay, by ladaatrlone repetitions
of a moat foot murepreaealation.” ;
tha Pitulargh Auf, yuitrdey, after
• . qaoliog: thta paragraph, and. iadalglag
itaalf awhile lo the* ooagaalal paattme of
. oalllagnamei, each aa “ebolltioa preta,”
. “deladed faaatloa,’' *o., goaa so with the
: ' ~ following commentary oa Iha text It had
• footed; ■ ■ ’
••If the •oWogay' of retaorlag Qeh. Fre
■oal doea not baloag la part to Mr. Baward,
It la pretty aetdent that It attaeheo to aoaa
!*• *2*' ‘h* ffaaaffo lalloa whom!
The President la wholly raepoaalble for
remoral, aad to him baloaga the
•obloquy'which Mr. Baward haa eteaped
waaeral Fremont's ramoral wit a aobjaot of
mnoh eonoarn la tha Cabinet for weeka, Bad
»»ly deleriaioad upon after tha folleat
aad moat patient lareatlgalloa or hla ooa
,What than.doaa tha. QauUt mean by
tna ‘obloquy* of hla ramoral, and lta aa
: daaror to raaonelheSeoretary of State from
- allooaaeqUoo therewith."
We should hare lhooght that any aohool
' boy eoald'hara demoaatrated that ••tile oh.
fopty" la oar atliele moat refer to the mis
lv::' repraioatatloa of tdr. Bewardef whloh wa.
were epeaklog,—aainely, that for months
peat ha had bean hold op to tha ‘ ‘obloqny”
. . of being a'oompromlaar. Bow the "ob
- loquy" oonld apply to anything aboot Fre
mooi'a raaioral—a qoaalioa whloh the Put
Itaalf Bays haa beea'-a/'eabjeot of ooooern
la tha Oabloat” only for "ornkt"— moat be
obalooa to tho-Porf, wa aappoao, bat will
, not bo eo lo any reader of oora.
Bat the Pott wanted to hare ailing, prob
• ahlyj aad where la a will,there la sure to
Itkhttay-' Erie tha atopldeat of long-aired
creatorehmoet hare a fling, bow and than.'
~ Bat when the heala go op the head goee
dowa, ia thta inataaoa, exaotly aa la that of
.0 ealoUraat Pott, Thla. phenomenon of
- heal* npnad iMUdswe, though etwpidaod
1 : . . foallah la hoik rather a prodoot
■- «f ooceiilty and a nataral'taalaooy, than
of atnpldily and felly. . Still, atopldliy ia
not altogether foreign lo the aubjeoL
••Aa atnpld u a post”, la aa nnoompilmcß
tary description whloh we hare heard applied
- . .to certain real oraoppoaed epecimeaa of
the aatatna portioa of hunta- nalore.
Bat thp word harlag more than one mean
lag-harlog ln fact,'or at aay rate acoord
log to tho dlotlonarlea. aeraral meealiga,
h»J ?f which might ooouibaally joatlfy the
metaphor—iheforoo of theexpreaeion woold
. ' not be la allplaoea and on all ooaaaioaa Iha
•aoaa,'bat would rary aa., thoae oireom
o atanoio might determlsa the probable
'■ • Aladof “poit”referred to. Afiu7lhepbora:
7- qactatlon oad oOßimeolary, howerer, ■'wa r
may well aappoao thot la Filtabargh at
;.: lout the referaooa la thophraaa ••» Aopld
aa a poet,” will be batter ooderatood.
Xftol ot JRr. Siwant'i Cbtaltr to tko
, Tha London riao, of the Sth'hu ■ long o
dele open Mr. Seward’i cirealu tathe Gcnr
- • : anrt of thi tuboird Stem, ta rtlaUon to tha
ateuilty.of dtCuding onr harbori. It ehugu
' Mm wild attimptleg to ,l getop • quntl b*>
inn England end tbt Uolud Statu," aid la.
aid* that although tha total of tha dreolu art
• - - gmirtl, "nobodpcen doobt that Eaglaad it
. tha poaar alladad to.” Tbt utiela «itw
' - than • ■ ■ ' . -
tkU eouto tiua unt hu bm tha
idea of intarfuiag. ta idj vit ta the
/ Aairiata qturroLOar lateral* an aot'Uea-
Heal vkb oitAar <Ub» aad there s» little la the
V.-.iaiit. to etoke oar cy apathies. Were litre
• ; : ■
■War for eyapatblee tod aotlpathlee. . BatJf wo
; viro tlu oimdrA) roekluf mad !«•
’paldre,whichMr. Seward pmsßMoiio bo.
U tho eloqataoe of two or thrafestleaeq from
. the Seottwa Bute*, who eaa«tail uaotUax
: *• koow tlrttiy, eitherobosi oar waato
-or tb«U powmr of topplylijg thtm j oboot tho
. -taatee of tht par,or ta* moUree by wbisb they
.'art aetattod—ooold Udaee u to plaan Uto
~ ta» ooafliot, wboi poiiibloftln eoold we faopo
Jaredief from tbo Korth tbt
popaloa* tad SuteofNew
V H°P»d Jo.a great exteat b; ealgroau
„ from xk%tp l*ltnd», »ni printing to u aotb
la«biau» oorUUtyof a bfor* and rlxoroM
Ittuuaoo to a Qiflton nn3 TpTSrVuir
' tooaiaeb that voiboald be oca*
■,, HUM to oefoad oormlTM egolxut «*»b taitaa*
. attooa.' Wo bote Iwii ao aaosjaoat mb*
pbiau (onthadowlag tht abaorption ofblmdl,
. ptatafjwa milaiita no loormoarana, thlrittna
far pa, aad for plaad« j m dotln nothing hot
tba world, tad at m ham n-
Mown, with Bd ooaalr, bo math at
Tba London lt*» of tha mm dita pab-
Uthu tbt Biwud-L,oni oomipondmoa at
: -laagtb, aad aakta It tha tobjiot of ■' hading
■ artitla, which at oooa bora tor Lard L,oaa far'
hit awkward ataltmant of tha grtoraßta bom-,
' ' .pltlood of—thaafnota of Bridahtabjicta ' aad
tdoUtt tbathlr. Stwirdhttatgmd thaioattloß
. ' wUhMttob.bilU,| itUl, It toilrU that thaw
( - ntta an Uligal aad a rlolatloa tf tha right* of
. . aatloaa. '■
pV vfci
hoti dtapatoh to Hr. Sawtrd la to
■mmoOmlj orltltlwd b, tha Ran that tha
tht afgaaaal agalaat Mr. Stvttd li
A uttu tna-. Looiarijlt lUtoa that; tht
•tßMpoidaat of tha Citcituti Thaw, Mr.
Mttll, whoa eao.flhirauß had pltetd aider
, tm«t,hu bm riliuad. irott thit Sot.
. >t»U will gir* hi* itteatlol to lho tttaj
- ralhtr thia to bowipipu eormpoadoatr.
- ■ Amato ol tho latter will oot irrrit 'tht pro*
|ntt oi tht foriatr. : ' i!l7
Lzaar arnitad Mtaaa aid
•Udaß, li t iojtl Tirgioiia." a kiaaaaa
. ■attlor Muoo, ud a dateaadut o( Lord
- JdW* l ) who •aplo,od.W<ihltgtoa I wkta ho
' ’ *?“ foaag nm. to tarmT tht faataat.
° 'filrikxtitattti
- hapertuxt Muon ud : M»tnmti'.th» WIM cae Brt.^,.
• ' Tll« t ei,ar« ofi!i» I: A oojimjionden't'of ’ihc Cjeoiobitl Ci
. r *w Ambueidore aa bocrda Briiieb Mill Mreial write. from'Louieriile: .= :
■ **® l *Oe r j ate excited a nrj leiraeJ ditcnxeinn .-.Vine. resell GflhHtraops/rorii Lilidju
on lit liw of nation! with ragard to ioierno- • od lh ' !r ooeopalion of Deorilie, wee dons
tioeelrighie. Bat the bt.tthio.wehireieer, upon an from .Gen: Hherraen wbish
, beering oa the eobieet, ; if the following Hbix
, *>nejd eUUm«»te>f-.. precede, which hoar, piece Gcal Vome. at tholes
immediately on tba cue ia band. In- also nasoon a* the expulsion of Gen: ZalUacfftr
an interesiisg feet io our ima RtWolntioairy' ootild bw tffeoted. Ai 1 have kata <hj mot*
1 .history, which is probib yaew to many reader*; one 9®®* s A®?s there hat never czitUd any
Ho* Bj»ohpd Tieats Rebel AuistsAboas C T^ Xtr S°* t io * AVa^s 07 10 follow ZoU
. Fuchs urifEtmtat Vemel«—ah Istebesi 1 - w» ««feßMtic Vrpeak koowiog
tao Uxstobical Paccedut. v , ljf wiea LifisejrE this. The p'»o* of o*s.
\ To tkt Editor of Ike Ni w fork Tfaut: -• Bhtfrmab could odt/b'e osmedooi uorit Zah f
I rtad with touch satisfaction your smuie H®?®#***®* effectually checked or expelled
list of sniboriitct-sustaining du> gsilaot towns* f ro ® the Stole, sod the order to (Jin. Thoto
. ou, Cspu Wilkes, ia the arrest ol the Tebei m»o oeotipy DsctiUe. wwron tho ouuditiois'
Commissioners- t invested. Either CftoUogeDC, hid to be
A *? Te . g ® ne ai & locompUahed before Ibis retrogade more
, lt^LV 6d .l nl * llcrt7, ? • meet coold bo mtde. It is oatJ*i thaw**
La l^.Sd“r;ru.* b 'SszsssrT -vr of * ou,,e -
, Coagnaa, br Cept; Keppel, of tba Briiiib hi fc W ed lke P ! “• oempeigo, ahoulij
. gate Tofaf, and hie eabecqoent .conmitmrtf d f,? 11 rebellion., bat it;j»
to tbn Toarer of Lyndon oil i chirm ol Hiah fllr aogßtnat they will not reojgcilo tbc im
, Xreeeoa. i' . -posetbilUy ofecoomplijhiog n successful
„ i fl'J^ araa “"•* ° fometfeefoner/i-om tkt oonpoigo fn Eeetern Tennessee during tbe
Vttiiti stctil to tki Main General c/ Holland, wlttlet no' rapidly approaching. Tuoj will
oaf- jat get .weary of quarters in idleueea ni
BoUtnd bring «/ OM poop Dlok Bobineon, nod tolly to lake a
“■« fi «« ‘heir frarddm nod
bnu r^, «rere«“ P re?blct^ o K^ , n^ P ino’ . Th. oooipMloa of Danrtll, bn. not ne
on ezanination oridenen «na fonnd of'n went U ° r *?* ll of th> ,r oopa nt Bomer
■egptiuioa existiof between Holited end the < * MonllMHo » I»n informed thet the
Uiated Suisr* which.reselted io the with- 1 to those pointBp«iiUre
drewEiof bir Joseph Toike,Ehe British Mm- o*l» there iretohiog the rebel Bi*UQtoa t or
uter to HoUutdy end eveotasted in e wer be- hnve gotie fomnrd in search of him. The
tween the two conntriu. ' establishment of » poet at Danville will
' _Bj exaniaiof Ua case, which » corrobora- therefore be bill the advancing of the left
““d 1 " 11 Annnal lUgUter lor the wing of tho mnin nrmy of Gen. McCaok.
Wmco totbaf.T l Cant^!rnkiia bB ct Bmolbo iho line of the Union trmy In
- Cnnf. Kidobl baniran an* Aymi..i t a :?f?*Mkyi end-notice,tho innia body is on-
Bambaof Partianant. fa not Capt. Wilkba ** Bopon Oreeki waiting tho results
entitled to thb same-promotion f -- of movemonta on tho left wiog, end anxious
. : Ah Oid Citiiui. to mow forward. The right wiog hat ita
' Tho intonating caaa to wbicb our curra- oatromoat Morgantown, in Bailer eoanty,
•pondant kindly cnlla oar attention—tbn Bait* * Bd la in force at Woodberry. - Immediately
are of Hear/ loarena, on board" n Ontebni. on Iho left.of MoCook, ia Goo. Ward’s Brt
aal, by aa Kagliab Irigatn—praaenting in arary gade. tho adrknse of whloh lent Oriere
siyif,“”iP^““ l! ° ,I ''* rr,,, -“' M*; »org. Xho left wing; under Gen. tnomS,
"a '»«!*■*'“'« «■
ü ß>rly USspiember Itsu Mr. Hsnfv Liu- f a ® ed Imposition»t D*nvUle, wllh lie ex
rehsjrt* UkenTprisoser by the firitishMrrUstt tr,mß •■ {« • 9atll M Moolioello. Thus e
Vwttl f on hts wsy from Coofrees io the cout oatpoite U esieblishedg esch
offioUeod f ead is bow coafiaed ia the Tower P o * 4 ocaopled- by en ermj of ileelf. Now
ot London. A oorrespoodeoi Bt Partsmoaih. ZoUidoffer ab longer threatens the left
K®f*» fives the foUowmg secoaat of his esp-. *iog, bbsenre whet effort* ere miking to
txret M Mr« £epp«], the Ctpuiaof the Veaui reinforce end elrengihea end tdvuioe the
wu oa « eniee off the coast of America. Unes.
~ b ,p < “"“d The 16,000 men who ln the
SiawSr a”" 10 ,!! been dirided between
?or Hollwd.- ol U T««w I.^V“ d
Mr« lifterens perceived the English armed boat th! ? 7 ! /?. nl-Bliiabelhtown,
make opto itjsveesei inwhKhhe was.he Tenlhladiana at Bardstowo, as well aa
threw the bdx that contained tba letter, oaer. otiera,too nnmerons (an .well as impolitic)
board,bat the lead that Wee annexed to it pror- 10 mention, are under marcblog order, for
Ing tnanSdeal for finking It immediately, one adranoed potta. All the morementa of
of the doting ten of the Yeetal leaped from ‘'oops now.-lo this riolnity, are iodieatlee
tho feoati and kept it afloit titi the teat aulii. of important moremenli and momontons re
•d him in lifting it. Ur. Laurent tree' bound salt., and if la not unlikely that a battle
to Holland with a Iron, the fon- may ba prodpilUed upon ne ere a fort
gram, and the leaor ol bin baaines. w«. car- nleht.” P P upon ne ore n fort
taiaty of each a nature aa maat haaa prndnead %, .
immediate koetlliUea between Eoglud end tba * rom the abore we may judge that either
Btatee, (Holland,) it thia accident bad not in- Gen. Thomas or Gen. Bohtapff. in order to in.
terwnod to protect aa arautat thia further r„, L .a .
miafortane. The papers which bare Oaea d ™ **** Tehnesoee troops lo aooompany tho
foand In the box .bora mentioned, othera, ordered a foroed maroh as it the
*od a fall Jsaor.ptioa of tho power and eommia* ffe * ln *° “® roer Beyle coaoUea. Bat
sion theta. Some seeret oorraspjndsnoo la aidd the “pious fraod” did not aaocecd very
*•“. «f‘»» «™rd.Wp. that forced night
land, bat wo do not mention thia with any da- “Won brought on the brare, endnriog men
neeof eonAdinee, tehariac bean an oid.and who, undertook it, oan Defer bereoounted
faroriu darlea ol a disappoiated Hinleter to _r, k l„, , 7. ' oorcooonteo
lorlanata tba impatatton and treason egelnel , * l * loa * P** D > * or ihey were not jastlEed by
thoen men who how the lortitndu to disnun a *»7neeeasUy. Batthennhappyorderwere
'"l"*^o,^ g
brooght to London nnder a strong gaard. They therouUne of military admioislratioo in
haw orderedonalientanant to eomeia theebalse Kenluoky. It may in its reenlla haw been
hrA h n..r. .rn.l,bnt it o.rtalnl, ... not mere
whb the AdminUtntl&o. 7h«y ar%im apumU tome olheri-wa have heard
•eletier kt should b* rtotiud o»lj at a*}Amtr. of. Here U a ipcoltaeo :
vcmeoplre.. or 6. m A«yol.o. a oa.d.>a .d.> lest ieek, Gen. Thomw'
T °" r 00 W ‘*° a Multt w “ «» remoetfthe
itm. Toe oommtiaeotby army stores at Camp J)iok Rohinsoo to
tha three StereUriea of State no (bos: . Nlohola«ville. After the job was almost
“These are, in hU Majesty Ynatno, to aothor- M®? l * l ®. be was ordered to take them baok
ueyoatoreoeiveiatoyoar oastodjr the person 4 <>C»mp Dlok. Herd!/ wist bet done when
or Henry Lioreos, i«u htruoiti om out. ho reoeivsd farther* convey them
c * high trssso*, whom yea erstokeep to. Crab Orohard. Ha bad' about fulfilled
wftnnw be iteji be delivered by doe soon* the order when he wee ordered lo teoonrey
oIUw; foreodoisgtbUleyour wenent. ’ them loCemnDlokaaaln -, the Bth of Oxl., ITBO. p ica again. .-fr
Hxll-*bobouom. -
_ Q. QaaxaDiß,
To OsAXLsay Sail Cornwallis, Conatabla of
the Tower of Loadon, or hie Dspaty. ,)
Tha cireamsttficee of Mr. Latrmui’ com*
mUmsat are thus rslitei in ihe New Jersey
(Hzttn, of D&c. 30,1780:
- , fc Oa his arrival in Sagland he was atuaded
by the Secretaries of Slete, whoj after iaferm
ixg him of their rack and, character, uked
him, <ls yoar same Henry Liorene t ‘I; [».i
‘Are yoa the came Henry: Ltoreas was
PrendeotoftheAmericaaCoafreeer <Xt Q *
•Wrara ordareA bfttTEaf r mSff'Cohitdl io'
axamina yo« # and b»vo eeruia qaesuore to
propose to yon T - ‘Tour lordships may esve
yoai selves ihe txonhie of .so exaauaatioa,'ae I
think it my pUon.i» nsswer no qatstioas yon
pat.* ‘Sir, we ars directed to commit yon
prisoner to tba ToweiT* <1 am ready to at
Aceordiiglj, to tha “tower ho war commit,
lad, whin hia iapruonmiot eoatiaaid for Sr.
wu month*, ud bo wii aot libontad till if.
torUbo eoaoluioo of tho WIN Daring hi* In.
cnrciriUon hio kultb grutl, loderid [ bo
wu mlieid, howomr, b, the hied ntuouooo
ol amoog wboia wu Edmood
Bnrkn—for, aallha tht mimribla paaauim of
a would-bo dlnre-power, ot wbico Muon ind
Slidell wore - tha emiuirlu, tha einna ior
which lunu aaflind wu oaa ia which tha
aoblaat miada ol Euopa coaid wall iSbid to
agmpathiaa.- Tha Brltlth Gorernatnot mada
fragout attempb oa Ml patdotlim, hot In mb.
All that tha, obtalaad from him wu a petition,
■odoitlj cxpnuad, la whioh bo itnUd that ho
had koami, a trim to pnmat tha flonl raptorn
batwau tha orbwa ud tha ooloalu. Whlla a
prlaoaar, ha laanud tha dulh ol kU lon.Jobo
Laarui, tlala la a ikltmlih aeu tbt clou of
tho war. Though hla health wu broken whan
ha wu rilaand, he noilnd thtooaualiiloß of
Coagnu u oaa of ita minium for argdtlatlag
paoam Hi prociodid to Paris whin, (Rot. **,
WU,) with rraabllo and Jij ( b* ilnid-tlu
pnllmbtrlu:of the treat,.
Al to lha ooateqouoei of thli tiliari, the
Britiih Oomaauac,ib ru from opologtalag to
tha Dotch for nlalag Lianne oa board cam.
tnl manl, mada lha fut that hit dUpatohu
ladicntod a friudl, fnllag towardi tha Aaur.
Uu Ooloalu oa tat -put of Holland a pratizt
for dulariog wu ogalut that ooaotr, 1
Soroaon ud otbtn la btett Mlhoritt
to 0» Eulora.Nonharn sad ttHthwatara
km addnued, (ho Sontamrol hro,
appioTia* In itroaf Ural dnml dam.
•roa'taxplfall ofdm to Oratral T.W.ghn.
ouD t of th« Boothtra Ami, In nfemco to sUtu.
Ai U if fvidttt U ITIT7 ifiUlilftol mind tfcnt
•IfTiiy hu btta th» oui« of tho wnr, to now 4
U oqanpy olw tint to* ww will umroUabiy
oonln dwt h. blow to tbnt “poeatitt 1 ’ ns4 off«*
•in ; 1~
Than oan ha so doobt ta to fforthera acatU
Btntj tha tfaahla la that tha, eaaaot gat thah
•aaUaaat Into ptaeUoal aotioo. Mr.OaaaoaV
iaatraotlona an all right, hat tu, Bhataaa
aaaaealataa thaot b, hla proelamatlott.’ tfhlla
.*• Wait la tha Iprßig ol nhalbmdtrlai to;
pnpltbto thaaa b 7 ooortaoaa pbniaa.ha cicnot
1“ eao of hlr proolaaatloai latp elrealatloc.
Had- ha told than that -ho eaaao than.
down tha rthaUloo, b, naaai la thi powar of
tho OnTwamt, aad that ha woald ana thalr
■brat aalaaa tha, lubalttad,u hU lailraatiaaa
aathadtfd hla to do, ha waald aot ham hant
tha aeouib/ of naortla'g to o'dtg 7
of traoo to git hb pmltatUoa wlthloliho
llsn. It maid hamigada Ilka light.
alu ud oarrlad tamr to tho haat* el m,
Nbila ; j i
1* la nportod that euirtl.
pllaaid a gnad flank aorrneat a fow da,a
«l»i hat u aaoaiMoa ’b, Lawe la hit billoon
rirnlod tha liit that tho nhola hid utld.
paltd tbt fuk BOTtaat—probably ibroafb
thttnaohmof aona ooacooaaendwlthtba
ana,, It to alto aaid that Oaa. MeClaHu u.
•ortatkiltha tnaohar/auut bautoalihiaa la
■ena lor emr, oat of hia daafgaa or
atonawata an rat, aow dimordrad
Ba Jamioi, of Philadelphia, whoae
mle tnanagemeal it Harpee’e Ferry, ul to
Iheoeighborhood of WlooheaUr. il is gen
•nUf eappoeed, lost in the battle of 801 l
Bob, baa made hte defeooe, and throwetho
biasu on Qan. Soon. Aa, Gan Piiraatoa
wailed four moalha, uotlf ’V Boon left
for Eoropo, before mikiog Ihieetaiemeni,
wo prefer waiting to hear Gan. Bcorr'e re*
plj before wa accept aa exparte defeat* to
yl ° ril '» Kadnt In
Mnnnwnn imkiimi.
A correspondent of Ua Cincinnati Gant It,
io »latter to that piper, dated Payette c. H ,
Ya. f Not. 16, flree an Ua beat aecoaot wo
hare nil ot Ua botUo or MeCoyVMilla, aid
Sen. Benham’a obiao of Floyd. ife I
Wo lefi Uaioa flebool Houae late fo the
afternoon, matched aomefonr mile, to Oolooal
Oiekineoa’a place, well known Uroigh tkU
pan of tka country, the Coloaelbeiag p«bi.
blp Up moat influential Secetaioolat la tbla pan
of Uo coantiy. Hers we obtained eome items
ud eaplartd a law Saeaab (ooa. After halt*
log for a eooplo ol hdai* wa took np the flea
of march, and tired aa wa were, toiled oa naiil
four o’alock ta Uo morning, whon we again:
ballad to allow Up men nod nones to relraah
tbamielTea. Soon after daylight, the order to
march waa gireo, and wa paahad on orar
roada raaderad a] moat iapaaaabla by Ua hairy
reins, and eat to piecus by Ua recent passage
of floyd’a artillery and wagon traloe. Oar
aklrmiahera, aadar the commend of Ua gallaat
Capu Gardner) of Ua ltu Ohio; ware la ad
ranee of the eolama on boU aidea of Up road
and proceeded eaatioaaly. Julaaahry riech
fd.i biad in lb® nidi os® of th® <oapuv
(priests Slag, of-Company V,) crawled orar
and aapiad two aqaadroia ot earalry, aoder
Col. Orogbaa, of JCeileeay. aed here com
menced tne battle of McCoj>a Mill).
■ ArollejWaalnrtantly opened on tba.eae
my, trbo wbara. aaUalr wounded afterwards
acknowledged, taken completely by aarpriaa.
At UP Stat ire, acraral eaddlaa wnreemptied,
and Col. Crogbaa tell mortally wounded in Ua
abdomen. The rabnla, tboaghnnrnnaed,
■bowed flfht aad retired eloyrly, flrlag i they
went I bat OH men bPTiagjioiaeatipn ol the
aimed gronad on boU aidea, eipoaed
a galliag Prone’ ire,’ aad reread them back.
The’ mala body 'Uea adraneed. bariig, aa
bafoMi atrong'partial ol akirmiakara. 001.
Crophen wu carried to th# nearett bouaa, and
waa cared ter aa watt aa the atateof the cat,
would admit of by Burgeon Chase, of the 13,h
Ohio, Ha waa a gallant map pod. an, aceom.
plubedwiffloer, and though an enemy, Ua tight
of ala. dying agonlee.“draw tears from the
eyeaof mil unnaed to weep.” The Cploael'e
faUar pad Oat 'Baahara. were old acPnaia
tueM) (la ftet, I belleee, claiathatea .t Wen
Point,) «od Ue lalarriew between them Waa,
of eoaraei Paaaaally palalai, ' We did all we
coald for Ueeaforthacte map, bit kamaa aid’
waa rald, and be eipired the name afternoon.
We brought down Ua .body oa oar reinrn,
nod Gan. Seahim intandt forwarding it tohia
fkiaada at opop. i-
At UiflO oar adranoe reached HeCoy’a
Milla, aad-a aharp aetipa atoaeceppied. The
aaamy 'a forcea conalated,, of the earalry eq.
gaged la Ua former aklmlab", and at ieaat one
—I Utah two—rpglmaata of Infantry.;, Tney
held Ueir own agalaaj Par ikirmfakem, and,
haring Uaadrtataga ol ground, bid (air to
gtroM poaaidtrabia. trouble aad delay, for
tome time at Uatt, la onr paraait Of tbelr main
lore®.^- T
Gui. BMib»m*t o®o® ordered tb® BeTntli t
■Oder Col» Cr®ifhtoa» *cdk*JC ol tbs Thirty
Brr«lb Oara**, ,io üb®. wJweoiot: of *
ridga oaUsrlgbtof Urn road. Thaadr.nce,
eonalaUag olUoThirlaaulb, Ook Smith—
■*o did Ua wprk aa: wall aamaa it
—oecnpled Ui left, and Col. Bchnaidai'a bit.
**Tt *W*t bipnght io Ua aatrama front, wa
prepared to dislodge them.-----
Colonel SmlU dtaoorartd a largo body ol
earalry la an eipoaed ptrt of the bill, within
grange, and Up flaliaat Garmnn, only: too
slad5 lad ota chanceto Ist hip bPrkPia apeak;look
alibantaala, aadbaagwemihe gaa.'whia
want Up:baU, and—«way want UP earplry as
dar eorer. I rode by Uoaido art .'UeHtlllaiy
ud digtlaelly aaw Ua that itrlka among Uom,
&»*»• pwrei it thir 1 ■# ’. : 'i@
tcartsred in «!1 directions., rAlfctfcis* (ini 1 refe . **W?7~ ■ &QOgnUStlSjCytit jW
«»r ino-xyoo- ta« right ware fi#g i jfl|f S)XHEtiB, MILLINEBi? EBESS*
eyer.lbejh 9 4uir chtti(jtv*ad copemntly lgi i A v D- LAblMfiW»*
*4QCiog. Ai oV b-'orevltv ume r not t*JTio»--car» (lie tp’exictt wiournummertfa*,
ibe op ft t»-*i*.ioo oo ituir c*- l>*MoKK3r'» QU,Minty MJBIUjR OF FA*tf
threatening to geL In th*ir,rtfar,r ,
Ti. rtt-c*., lindlos the .limit* b.eommr w* !(Syv^'
»ar» for wen. iheir Sonihere cosamalimt, Teari* $t (<m* do'iu) with*v rovT
aadlho thermometer constantly raieg, fled is *£« °&£2flJU’u&lam.uir*«o*&t»-ut*K;titgW ctph«,-
duortler—dsftufai down thrcucQ ft corn field. t^t* B and fall sited letterta. lo
oar men poppir.g awsy at them in themort 0 Brogd-ray, sew froth,
peasant maonar. They did dot •ad'SJICSSSJnce "e wrTwfSd*«orh I
seem to nee toe point ol ibsjukii-tAd* inn MW * »-n tinn in tost,
what we at* alieiward, it i« mr deliberate ¥%^m , - ' ■■*—']
opicioa that they are raomag jet—at ieaei we OllurrTJie "JTew-Vark j
never got within guoebot of-them scam. It ■*,! 0° e « 1 t»l se r«7 rrwt, N©*>.
Udifficott toborrwuly-oet.nitothoiws of .he SSielvioi !
enem;, uw« were too much homed to make BaUrcaL Th»F<Kt!s* lahVwVctk ind
«esrcn for them, but it could not havr beea. mociibutUug <oa»i*areot*iv-l
fete tb&a fi’lcen. killed and wounded—probe* ~*rr daustewa ; cat*. . ,'A
b!y much more. Wo did not loin . mu.
This ail aonado nthdr fiiby, but u» T bid no * “*™° * lo:
aruiie'j, aod all of ear men within reach of
their Basketry were kept carefully under cov
er by; their commanding officers—wboee catt*
lion and skill cannot be 100 highly commend
'ed. Prom this, psintwc bad* .abundant'evh
dance of the nuer'roms md -hasty' flight of
tae enemy. They were hidly wared, aed
though to the course of oar march we pansd
poimooft wh’ch competent effieera anared me
were almost impjegtable. they did not attempt
to take advantage alone of them. Floyd was
blind drank the night he came through Fayette
C. H. } and I think baa been in a state of ebron*
ic intoxication for some time} he certainty ‘la
much bolter adapted for pilfering than fight
tag, baviog notihe least stomach for anything
in the shape of danger! AH along the road
we foood floor, clothing, knapsacks, canteens,
tents, be., As., scattered at short interval*.
Now. commenced our hardships. We hid.
been much delayed by the action j and know
that the Virginia chivalry are perfect rtce
horaea in running, from an enemy, however
dilatory they may be when advancing on one,
,wo hurried par movements.!* much as possi
ble, hoping if nothing else to capture the
w*gon train, which wra in the rear {• bit we
fought against insurm Quotable difficulties*
From the General down, there never was a
more gallant body or men. They straggled
omnile after mile, through the moat wretched
apology for roade -that the imagination ever
conceived of. Some, worn oat by 'fatigae,
dropped down by the way (ill were picked up
alierward,) bat those who could by thy poe-
I eibility keep their feet, etruggled on.' Col.
; Smith I noticed, particularly, wading throngb
the mire nearly koee-deep, having dismounted
to give his horse to a sick Captain, as tolly as
if .he were on foor horses.
From ioformatloa received from oat-guide,
(who by the way is .a roracefe la thU country,
a uue-oiae Virginia Unionist,) we thought we
should overtake the wagon train at Three MUe
Hill, seven miles from fleleigh. On reachiai
the Blake farm, one mile from the foot of the
sent forward mounted snouts,
who voturnod with the disheartening news that
the aforesaid vehionlary conveyances, liketke
“hieltnd laddiaM .of musical notoriety, were
**o’ertbe hills end farawa*.** What could
we dot Oar men were used upj we had
neither tents, provisions, imbalances nor haavy
artillery, (having been obliged to leave Sehnal*
der’s piece* some distance behind,) and were
deep m an enemy’s country, with a chance of.
oar retreat being cat off if wd advanced any
lurtber. Gen. Benham wisely resolved to
ceed no further that night. We bivouacked'
ii the open fields, and if I had lovad Western
Virginia before with all the ardent affectioo ot
one of her oitn gallant bnth-whaekers, that'
night would have turnedmy love to bitter hate.
( strongly advise all who read this, and who
may be afflicted with a mania forthlspirt of a
soldier’s life, to do it on paper, for, take my
word for it, “it don't pay, sir, nor can’t be
nude to pay.’' That night at.lo o’clock, the
General received orders fjrom Gen. Schenek—
who had crossed the river at Qiuley, bat none
of whose reinforcements had aa yet reached
ua—to retain. We took up our linn oi march
at S o’otock a. m., and reached this placa at
about 1 p. m.,where both brigades erenow
stationed. This ends the cimpaiegi la West,
ero Virginia. . ’ Fioyd dear out of the
country, aad sweats he will never return
Putltt JiOttCfS
kUftGB:—I enoocßcemyeetf lofouuacu
,i,*iareia * ,l * eUoa «*» tfaa cfflcegf OUT
COaTAOILKE. it* longexperienceis nrled uul
•xteeUTft ft parta* umllieriu with *>
iba I.eot’OoftUon of a Hlo-tlaa with *ll
ttaftto MtiTioiij, eotlUeme utw ce*
flteßCftftftttftftpport.l «U 1 eeefldtatlF liom lor soar
[coatatirtj WILLUti .
ZZ OOMHITTEE rt qa«t m»t | a u»
-two ward*” bevtagcftcta -|*o elociUi pre-iaste/' the
foiiowitg apportion <e cat >baU be m»d* to wwfu thf
»rfpdJ:t"uftbe&j v<tfd,t«9(2)d«lentM.ftul
iatbft*ge<»edj>rt«iaot :t o{tfc*EdWftnl UireefSldetw
K«tea shell be »t*ct*d« frwtactf of Iha
ftia ward, two (2) driest**, and la the ‘reeond Pre
®®®i u the ftuj three (3) deleft** shall be
, THOS.P. WiLlQti/Chftlnßft’i.
Qi*. W t»3irA»..Pecrettry < a -distill
_ Onto* hrnwm 4 ComiAtTiui b. k.
Putrtmrgh muJ OOTn»!|»rtiifl B*Urcad Ccmp»y vai
in held tx tb« oßa* of tit Goaptoy, (Juste*Stildtsc.
roortb Mr*-t)l*lte dtj of PiuatsnttL on the niUT
M<'fti>A7(ij <l»j)Or OtOLMUJia Nixt, Olio
o’tfack *- Ut lbMb* porpoM of oteotfsz (win u
rc:IO:e tor tbsccttioj ji*r u
- rodut w o. BtaneaT. e«',.
ra»MEBoA»'mji ÜBBAKi Ab.
BooiiTtos Laotnaaa johk u. oouoa
wlUOtllnra Itelara btfaa tba Haieutila Lttmri
“ 1 “w DibUj atotra'.!/. oc iaiDax
*®»k* J u, ttor. an. at umt ri.u. rnnen
THajemixu man open at e>j O'o'oek. laeton. to
camaaaceatlUoWooa. Tlctata,><c*E.tK to ea had
•l the Bosk sod Have lUzwt it I4br wy rows* uut
o« tte door, -
W.ii. Knctzs, J. B.Boubt,
W. D. MoGcw a,
Jol Auui, . Uttwtf^Baitki.
jT|S»J.OsT OH MlSliAlU—Th* follow
to* m»m baton* tojto Um PoUr CUWacka
Cemptay: udvboco eutd October lOtti. mi, it m
£f*L* n i2 rfl * t *»**y* b, * to toootdcrof UieoUr OU
Worti Ocmpanj, InrlWO.aiinad bj 1. Wamr. Jr.i
K*j,«n nou, 4tte.tUM«od fwer.for 11 m
•!p»*d b’j Tbcrmu /■ Baoiu.. AU miiobi ire lunb*
nail'd oot to c*co<Uto er hoU ttii DotM. m tt«v
hifibtia loilorißi<lild J. 1
oott** *llO4 i. BQSTIK.
Jtttn ttßawmnnmu. :
Kill bALM BY -
W. a HAV£N,
jut pobUabtd In fti—led KnT*ky*tj ’ .
A t«Ktaio on .Qm m&ot, tmtacnt, »nd tsdkal
**■ of Bpcrmatoahoakar Bouteil Wt*ka»*s ZatoJ.
notary lmiMta»,6cxiul ScMUty.ftod i pedttMßta
to Mintage Comccbt tlu. Ip.
«Wtttl fit* Mental Mid Ffaystatl »*.
flrota B*lf Abate* liOffT. J. OBL.
TASWIiiL, MiP., Aaibtr oftbrtite* ftofryifc,
“A Boon i« Umiiudi of Huff«rcn.K
B«a tfader Mil) la » plain envelope, ijiby •Mmi;,
pet* jMid, os receipt'of ill oefita, 'or iwo portM*
•tasipeby <i RMSiv.*
WSftiwT. lit Bowery, grr Ybrfc. p;,o.Hpyfigfjp
85 boxee newbocch AaUtat; ' \ .
•• B&bczuiijctJUi4&a. ,
vutftoeired tndtoraatobv .=«
' ‘ -, ' JMIH«U MfoC,
go«aHB>odlsy Woouutot.
8o k#i« Packed Battfi; .
10 (o MifUtdi
is bcif prime Obceett '
; 15 buteitsAeUbtflt Ulckety jfaU.
' ;8 bftlec UOpOS . ..
Io Men ftftd lor tele by • J.B. WLWOttTO ft Oo :• •
ftoOt.. ,_ WboteotU Qgoowa. Btooed tjrni
ArmSoT : • • ? •
lfObblttims Applet
„ Applet, ..
.t M®DuNAU>*AftfcCvßl*6lA
- rmt
DBUBII PiSAVitJS.»*—soo fcoft, _ v% .
foicbw, prl** Mre*. lo itor» *-4 tor Mb b*
acn. ».>•.*w
UK**? OHfikß? r aopyfa,Vi^kM
- VT BB#w*rUpt«ferrftblßfbread,«|'enj£ »aefc
%b*at t ttolßof, A«. Tfili jniili •tthoetuf idai.
.ttrotfea, *ad vllitop kcoJ ta a ttnr piu* tor «■>»
«c*lv«ioo4 ftr**tol;y JOtta A. htSSiRMWi
«*ad «n»t i
( IV*W UKOF UfittMai*
' X\ A pr!n««rU6l»»Jv* »®edr»c; 'r*~7'•Tiiiiti
r.wu§ n,wCJticm Uma* wt <tn*u§
Bdn n>.nv»»¥iHtPi w ...'.
flCifcr attest tfc*/Mill? oro«r7Bte»ot
JoatfXuaj&Mt; .
BOwus ,4m> uaup W
ZlBUm*h PaPKR, ■ i : <
U ULVf LOl'o.
’~e Btffier, Hini,
«tk«f op $l,BO pop dotta; ’
-_-.Bua.nftP Mtojo»cTT«h, fifth *tftgt, ••
ofan Ob
• “ r *ctirt M«n; flMb’fPoemr ia b!u? and z-iUI. Tor
nimaußCT j :ri iSatt«»p
U'm ONbTATIUNERJ—Ihe hugest
shdbertseAirtmcot Inthecitret bQ»T-a. -
co-partaership hereto-
A" «>r* iltdiuj botvorn the. under
Wfaftt Coapony O'Ptno
■ylTAnl*," hu this day totn dtoMly«d./i^
a we c . J.wkaVtk j*,,:
:.. . JOHtTU. o&bly.
Pltt«bm*b;yoT.U, IfPl; TBOS.J.HUWTKri.
T annitanfc&odvlQ'ctntUib .lmtinetß •* boreto-
KxwfttttuutM pU**, Boat Tn. 0 n*r *imt
■._;tCTI«M .■■->♦■ . . Tfloa. JoHUftikß.
ovriv-Tux a**,
tfcrtrapteta being In Plttsbnrgb ebont the 9tb of M
OBIIBU, proximo, to remain Mreml wocka.' Hr
WUlj M Oriut, dwota hU excltulTo ettratl.n to th?
MedloUna4 rnrgtfal treatment of OduOMIO Dm-
Meof Uu.lt9ver looel—tneb u
PJg, *tt\ tug 9 fjht
BtmA.atnaxrt cffkt Aned, DlccraXon ofth Bo*,t
ius^mm^t? UOnielHtcatfi thi ****' JBtf
mu iMideaoe vU be at the tf oxomaxiu/ Boca,
fall pertieotniv on arrival.
NiwJort, Wov. 14th, JB6L
tA-PFPIiU!I,—I6O bunlichpioß Apples
XX «fv*clM» ÜBd*Je>t(«erindaßaiernto b/^
.. Jab. a. vstzib,
p°*« ' Odrrar Mtxfcat *Ld Bird girtO,
RUGKWHfiAT fXOUB.-50: taoka
MJ Bctlftm yi»rwotiTa>BJfcnMii by
*WM ; 'JAB* 3 A. rirziev
Ooixif Mirt >t wit Hut itiwo.
—5l) boxes prime Gutting
V/OtucMjaitr*celT»:«&4(ora.Ubs °
„_ja«. a.nm%
ncBI . „ gprßT Ifortc* and Hu airwf.
PJ6AOiiES.-3l) losb Uried I'eocbes.
tsi laruitbt
■ vltt iatunpioit«T< pi.
Tallow oil and unEAbE.
I tlwoea T«Uov Oil;
# art ttottol «cA ter tiW f f
poO I?AUH DIQg»T A <?a.
WHITE FISU— 100 h&lfbblß White
ft*hlE«toT%cdi consign 'Btottfer lUslov to
«p». : tpogl ibaiaH piogfcYa to.
ttf pound* Basket
Tf willow*, oa coa»lstiment, ibr »a by
-PO*3 ■ liUIaB DfOHtV ACO
NEW YOKE. SIRUP 20 bbla N. Y.
Bjrejyrco*lTtn* jwEooda. £UUro*d.ror uls
JaUBI D&L2«Lb«£C>N,
- - «9 w«|«r atr>«L -
OiL.—3UO bills, from uii
jattktor JAS. D4J.ZtLI.iaOS.
DO " t 8 W«ICT But
T ObiUOAUNO Vlb —Si bbip- Duok
U Curt 04, p»?ltr so, tor ule bj
t 9 »V«*er im«t.
REWftßu OIL;—2S bbls. Mo L Me
flntd bj
‘ WTsttisifert.
_ A SSIQNBffij TauisDiY.
*“ i •***•»*•* at JOo’cluclt, *.
cArat («b4c*«'« ».Ur*«qo«mty of Wtaiiwi U»»j,
wbiim: I'O iotN la kttcrJN edootr, ieo u.u
J 1 J^ottoontjr, 80 icr<i (a □■a»ck tuaoij, i- i 7 ,i
ia .Worth co«&ty,,low»; S» mu la Loot* coon:*,
Ouo. M«r To eiks 16® aerta tu Le fioinir county. *aj
OTaralhamdndacmaMr fetPaal, to JUa«y toontr.
MlflBwoU; land warrant* acuocotlDg u th, acre*.
bMMMt iarg* nombM cl e)a!nv *<>*•** laeramita.
dw blits, iC| tfl. • tti sui* ill be without iritm,
totioa* out aw treat, Capitalist* aad part'll ism*
**tod w«ud do w*u to atutJ. Acdr«a» Bdx 495.
**>. County TnM.
nri&tfcaOßtirfHoort Tcnaaeiah. <
■ HM. tt.OAHFPrtL.
A*ilgp— ot Jam— iMikal;
TBUn TBaSAO WO3UX tatrmb;
,IM pratdi &oa Kind,
100. do BUik Mind.
*» : do Plata Bltefc.
MO do' Plain Whit*
lUah.aicTrapfrbr bt.T, Ttue.lhr. e Tam,
« ®»wl pel Op tbOQf 10.cote'- to the
prepend to forclih UOs Toro to
pdot Uuui uy Bay other In ihe market. j
w>M »Aiqir t MAqRPM* co, uriah
Ef uw& l.’ WIAM&I “
A *0 barrel! falls of Ofalo XX W.W. floor:
■ is® *5,
SO do Par* Barui, Baker.' d->
110. do Jtpfcwtaa XX Mta-t-d do •
W do do;
,I» do D.Gib*Oß,aalottaa «*.
ITO do of nriooa breads VUto and Bad
Ixn Family floor*
•• ITtamlacMea Ryeftoart • _
803 Liberty atraH.
,*• .do Qtaao Af|4ias
} sSk»fc»Wfc
< dQb*nalajrot Balts
. W. d» ttaw Hanlag ..".
I tittCM Bfoo.
ttct ® '••.-■ , ' • aosi.i6CT!>afi4*:. -i.
VlUttfcadtotbo•atttaMQLaacarißfc &&
fba iddifof tho varlote fowl
SS J*E2£f quuutiM m
w*£jSSmßh* co,gtamjob -
■d* - 'V.ii>»w«miMt
JJATPAbTBI /■:.■■- •".■ I —r~
*wajir*,ojn,ißß4T»»a*TfA!n i. a*.
OnlJt 10 cuts p* tar
■ „!•’ '»O WD» Ijallj Mai Idas', !
»ol» Uorafrlladlliflsldsadgcsrtli sussis.
. SO &b!t prion n. 0. MtUrtrtr :
»0». n« limai lotMio, 1
SoiwjrcbMta Vong Bysoafead Sbok su>;
clEolti ‘ 1
It fecit* Paul Btorrh; •
U humble Ukcrito;
«0 bbU Lwg* So. I gukml
. ~ S gawnr Ih It i>i« nut;
, . «g £?"“***“ •'*" wioao* a Ui>; :
W J“*BUtwmnwiitcf Qrontlei; lamugtr
MMtav i. ,;•» .-.jn- . > . H fcIDDLB.
-' - r; "ICa. It 3 -
pKQouofc—a.ouo na. x nß hu oU Bat
■■■• ■ i»fcioOc*oop»ctodre*(nd* ■>;■■'.■•.•' i
WltlMfLirt * - ,fl®
10 fcafe Pried Apolm do
■* ._£?£■»** H»M*od do
•■• IQOQfctßkckohHt I locr'do
iOOftiVMlbrtf ; - do
- <lO knife AmUWM'o Ban*
■ ' iWF bsa Wimo cottf sc Cbw an
„ ;9000U«axUaliI)»irj t .loanin»i'•.,
> 7 ! ,
tfV M y^gj™feJ’ttoba; e d tfco in-
P. B at
ofbiHDiawß BaoißPaytht
•mtNianiwtad ilbSSotmo!?^
aummttCitt, »o*. iatb v iMW?iBaws™‘
©LOAiKS, : '
Al $S and Upwards,
ndv *4> j
.... .... --;i ■*- f
190. 00 MABKSTBT&EET, Y {\
|y| oas Haw augiMs
Ratr exiLu netntxo oasomibuc
PLAIS i'LJ.WObli [KLiMfojfiictM
PLAia isnHarass f anxcn duartoa.j
VtUi» fanamrtaiatt'
aM NJHJ W 9BfiD:B.
GOUU A&&OkT*|££lT-
. .-i". •„ .. / .
mat aoooa
oovrtßi bumr*
phikts, oviraEAKA, *o.
AT tow PAICAS ras OlftH. , ;
■M ... -■■ ...■ .- - t x :.-
Q.UUWJ XO AiiiilVii
°* *OBDAT( >OT, lath
JlirtlMMß l»nc*M om KOSBAT, i'.
BUBXt7V*H qoaUtlia;
L^iEA*?L caaj>iUftfi ’ majoso visn
SNYarml o7 1?!*? * * a®* l »<>«»>■
R.! b VT2i'? , “*. ,n,rtrtl P«»' w»«nato lad »•■
UiLfioym arsiatiud Mcili-Md iztniM osr
wocfc bctarv iuchiMni BlMvhcrt.
jobuph zxoazvs,
77 Marlwtgtrett.
«• “» *P'“W »<*»C* AtßrikofVALL GOOD*
anubtiotto ill of tb* Utact UaMrtftttowoJ OLOTfii
wfatok, vtlftttir oar>
*9Q»I *° *ay «Bi3rtaeat tefeotoueft
■*** j® Mil-fctßuhopwkßir.jß i
kttyjttjMyh, tad *tferfa*;t» wit(b««*ip.; Wt
•»*M4 JMMt tar«irip e«r
pBtEGBA tui |bt• ii' ‘a . ■ •
jojgALttOliAU B&lill'Sl. -
ldoE:*g«f t pstowU
■ W»WiLi
atniOL : lilolTiUcitfiti o<£“
«» " ". teantkttiM
jSinHsßßflGll igKATKE.' !
.Al tii« ip:«Ul r«jse*‘.o’ a BriaVarof clifxa*, MB,
SAORNTt will a; pur for Din. '
....KING U EN&I.iy.
-Jr Jctm i. n . u r Hi-***!
Botipar kj. lbultraotu
To cooelode with
T - r QPB ftAT, . |
0»Tolla. Yrrim —. Wilt. nmiMMMi.
, fllutUlti:*4Rn»ic. v
V/ Ari VHttllT «Ut#4 COVftOMfnPVHI
w»d TUto,»liii l iaTlr®a|r«iU« t ts'ibk| I f TT|
bj on* of ih« ol a*i finai ta-aaw for...uUs4 *Q
A Be* T Octave £o* vcoilrtm ........ lfO
At>««? •» ; ~ ~ I*}
*»»>•»*t 'aoim it?ic)asidbß4»i'w7S*M.
Bt>». f<t*.en tUm»LdaUtty Aa)•#<•» lh«A
CUIUft titi
Si» nil
linct irom th» cmofictjrjrik /m I I W I ||
sS?*2f «??V®*?*®.l»«w.fc** m»I.E*RINQ
PU3OO, IS pt«hi sad ci'Tttf Uuuvood tanJiorfc
JaiWsoMTid»»d joe by
Jjnx n >ULLOB v BVw o *lUr«\
•PftWM-D Ptaocd I' Q,u] fumtuti
would icsject*
•fatly nnrm ,m ihiiuv b kw itlliic
off at a tracUco abote
. fOB^,
•“ itock o(
PlANOrOfcYtrt, * • . .3 ;
.... •••., .-'i
- MUtUo AND, -
. w-. v-t- • tNeTBUMISTIL
ffiSSSwT.t ,! °- 3fas. r M'a .h a W BpuS
_ ! oamoTTi ejnn.t.
FOio Alt. lor'Kbmb.’l Prince fci.kxlpcni.
■■ -J ' j
|W OXiJt/uTbVUUuW .i: ' 5 I
h.-wilham;)#, |
~.. Jftl.Qpnitf a NorpTal tk&oot it
Wo.,Btf BP. OCAIR Mliitfir, M atoy*
i Tatimeny Qf TtQshtTi. *
; Sa ia 4m ciua*ellor or v • Mfta m»a to
*ooe all ol ai took lor aa\lea as I loati’orttpo. i
A Jjdfif J.*OLOGTT.
IcontMttMt taartliy - i
‘ L¥j »AHO rf IATO!f.
I cscßrnaljr ooncnt la it* oxjraw*! abem
M uKW«
- Xtaka ptaMsta to tiring K«tS!y r fijlß(QoihM Um
fetafQlng.zßeo&aeniia.Uaa UiaUy am l tod. I •
. :lkno«;oftd9sa aiw t, t ttn m fclghir i animoarta
.. v:- _2Tir.^JßttY.
iluly.tiQocsMa.ttMabora rac^»BWßdauon.|
• _ 5 ;- D.PRHMBOH.
Baoaa ptapara pnpOa ftir.Uj© afahncfcoo] oofekw
tkaoasy otSartMtibsk in tHa Htylr * ’ i
p£N« -iabTm’xit; : • awtioubrlMr'inonlha. !
qojOi lourt uAift.r, r '
■ beautify votatiLF, i
ay CBIKO--
' Fbßctm^ma . rax mm
_Tbi illd OKllSMiTOlUirMghoM tbe TOU
*° k* ri L lij ;t l b*?« ruceotl; dlsami*
ed n artfel* that will (VW nt* Hair.:
flYi ardON. Udtn nd
e <hng^ n j
vßieent.j.'B ines&ioit.
, . Is .the only article iii tho »okld
tb****fll Owl ■Cit.ghi iltlr. T.iu ini. uucu
»m Curl t*e
- Utf/LJCS* COBLft ■ r ii
■ ■ ur,rttjncH
. —£y tLuWltio CtrlL*}'
-<■-■ ■■ I.v 1».1V,.0 -
•.. V£-W . . iti IVJtOBt.Kc ctmu
tb»Halr. ls teiQiiflii tbs HathU'Otcura uu
iU>r. It hu » nett <S«U&bt at parfam*. •,. ■
jr pany«N*n aut.HAiiuft o.« jrauiua orrs
RVasTorm tu*a*toil*. IU« tbev&ij aniclaetar
J*t «booT*red tbit tort aU.ljjljl twattCfr
ftrfeorl*,sitiioor loin p tJtto Baircratalp.
Tbs UK PiblG* a«« set Id aay hussar {state*
with \ : : ! \ r
H*futtAta(ji7frs»s or tm baje,
llCftiib*racorrb&a oot ri.W It 'ibvUVptfßTOß
oasbsao applied aa to en uatba Qair to carl fjr on*
a*Ji *r lor oits week, or Ict osa icoatb. o; to* idom
parted (t9i rad. - ■■ •
TbeHTPJUlinii ia haost/ arilela Inth# v-rldbtU
whatean w coosterreitad o» lblutaj by nopjinciplad
pmoo. Toprereot ibb, *o to cbtotfcxit tor tala
at cap Orogiiat’r la. lbs Uol cd Staua. i
■ i'tLt>eau aho .dwiift to
beanWfi toamtfcTe* i j oalng tns. 'UePahlufi.tatoat
IsewetbaPalOJl. 0.11 iA/Uuh,!** Uf-tr.aad
L . iOdlCTt, ' v ' ' - - . ....i r
, W. OHAPPELt* Co.,|
r _ ■'"; Box 04, i. I
* ' 2fdmm,-Ihuig*&-v*tv Ok*
A&a Until bo cmfoityMiiioy leura uun. I
. DgwHf. ~ • .; ... ;.- , .
*«. 17 fiift gt<Kt» flitobaigh.i
masoriWL •; . ' >
ytstmaxissa. * Wir.ao2r
- - Krii nt*tim at tit j
Sfflsaar ,ao “
MHHSBBM BTATS *A1«;. N. J. BliT* 1418
v _ -•••• ar.r* txa-, *
CfalafoMachuJe/lmutata; ' . ! -
'vi'.' »; letCoviUo tfodtanlrii? lutltatq v i
Vi-r-kiiW«L..i -.^5? n * ,n^^Mcbioio**
Mdotbor Ooatty lair*apßQttcniu to awotioa.
ISuSS J 2ifc 14 2^SS*^ a I N- * ATi
ib» pg Uichiao
Uiicke* - *od
U»tn*«t-fcbrfco, m»k«rUiß.l£MlMiUch itbpoatlblato
«ar*v«Vwttfet£oe»otftrodin&xai of Uim «uka
Ottl>oUi tM*a, fermlcg oo ildgeifircSolo on ibeandv
tide—ii alapto la ootutraetioa.'mare opeodMn aovtr
•’ "*liwrelUftiOTeiloagto eub'.iibeptiitlkiMte
j*w wfflnnr* «nx#, itltcD, hem. Wl, qu^VKuber.'
ttte rt.4i“w lc “ lt> '«“?» w«ta». mkU«ijA«£-
fmra l,lit, tfr*
*•**. .nldg prices, Aa,
MltajDnlihMfm’i.on aj
JSSteSSSST* *“• «*
a»t:n«i«.r .... : wk. etiinnta.
ANI» uui'yiboxns ;
~'".:yM. ; "‘i‘ **■*■>;' j. j
*: B. A iJ. BUOAIXTTJI inm chfi Aijcww*
"J. 0 * * «»»,*•'*»“•wM.iwum M 048.
FWwdj to »Weh iboy Invito tbs UKoiKd ol; t«p
isoyiboU bo offered on thonuit MToroha
tCRBO . .--,'l c * j.
Abo. o uvl) lapbrtod bi«f betßtfalJ}&o£Q IX9
of nil vWUUp ud *t tfco toitoit ntofew^
ITfnorth «&«!.• natr
i a'vttiutaa*
. aouJßHip, aaT Air a co, i
. or if.
&V eaMtaatl* ©a hisd ili V«t Uit aoilltf b
cIMT and wUfcOßt'.ter; alto, a good
XDBBlOATOiitiiara vijlU 'iiWlSUjUl Md uiß
or&nbltfttirotftllf ra OTZUtlf.Bttk
BMtNMUfIoOr, Will l«pOiD(itl; ItntMlo, :
' Orfcxvdl
T\U JtUU WAWi’ Wuia&JtaoJ Lu
bprcptmi bj/.ftfcft 9. B<lubfctuau:»n im unith*
tUaa et&oetfoßi«na KvarrAbtoj toXifioc oaisthtfA
•wofWßtafilftftQk A «V»TAOattUrroo til m
iosU **•**. Tab*ilbl*J* ib»«olxm» onb» ktni
niidbjtb* Jfrcßtb,aaa to.-i<eMtaa:*o4> ffaft :|» im
2i «lO:te |tßti|4iutgu « ao d»
strait,bjmaQ, (firm) Kctu«jy pocopo, oairtc«LA
olpilMUdpofUie, slls,A tp l f
•• ; -••• • . »iiHi«A»o. :
- MU--; Oofraw »fnuwopd iti,
. j£U&BCJii UvSiUa.—
.. .. JCSrBIC*IV£t>
M»t St»l Tip, ffs»J Ul u!ttV '
tb*cM>Jo»!ar.«Naty w
'»U •>»«>. Am** SOK* 00,
now Wo n Wood «tfi yth.
aitentioaot joauin oe»i«r. in
• iim > •ri'i«Uubf k i»2MD^trKi l *
otto* toteeßUMhloH TJV o»U«B a'*iS«iar«?
y^*!2*2r* w *«**t&~™t3tS
■ PhtHwithK!} , ytto'fcyy>i»j ">
MbbtotniUvaitd^JW). 1 * >
-ißAnntfkiCKUbj tßTplQtiOOkl'