ffitttakrgjj Jgaytte. 0. BIODIiB * CO. aaivoat ** » nonimn Publication Qjfict, fifth street, near SaUlhflctd maraing wad Kveatng Kdltlom dally* eentwining the latest New* up to (he hew of publication. PiriBBURGH a THURBDA>* MORNING, NOV. 21, 1861, JUimb.fean Union city CoannUon. Ib* Republican doctors of tbs d ty of atd all oUjtn la favor tf vapprtlog the ACm!ot*ir»- . ttoo latbadg'Tora of tt« var for tb* mafat tuto* of tha NalionU Union, ar« nqaMtcd to »b«trMpoctiToalectio, autrtcta, on BAT HIDATi NOVIVBIK 10 h, Mil, tht bears •of Sand? o’clock,p in,and elect JiTodelegttM train •Mb Ward to tbe City Convention, which will meet at theOonrt Hoom, on TUISBAT, DROIMBIR M, at 10 o'clock*. m., to otmlaita cendldatee (Hty Coat roll< tied Treasurer. TUOB. F. WILfON, ChUnntn, Qlx W.LtcaaiP. Secretary. Dm SbunaftU Blaadtilag In Kentnehy, The retreat of tbe Wild fiat Brigade, (oalled io because It defeated the rebels under ZoMooffer at Wild Cnt, in Kentucky,} - from Loudon to Crab Orchard, is one of tbe most disgraceful events which has taken plane since the war commenced. The Brl gade,oomposed of the 83d Indiana, the 14tb, 17th and 88lh.Ohlo, the Kentucky Bd, and ./ tte Tennessee Regiment, was ordered by Qen, flohoopff, acting by orders of Gen. Thomas, to prepare for marching, on the 18th of Nov. The poor fellows were de lighted, expecting to be led against the eo ■ The loyal Tennesseeans were cape olallj jubilant, hoping toon Ip greet tbelr families lathe mountains of Tennessee. ; ;Of the dismay of the soldiers when . they found they were to retreat, and to re "" frnoe ground they had won with eo much toil. Orders esme to movo all the sick, con - •, sistiog of many hundreds, utterly unfit to move. Bat move they must, or fell, into the hands of a cruel foe. The surgeons remon strated in vain. The lives of their patlenta • Were at stake, but submit they must. Many ~ b - of the Tennesseeans displayed a strongly mutinous spirit. Some swore they would , not reoede a foot of the ground whloh had been conquered; 'Others expressed deter mination to desert and return to Tennessee . at all hsxards, and many wept with vexa lion and despair. Their officers appealed earnestly to their patriotism, announoiogto them that Qen. Thomas had ordered them to countermarch in order-to meet the rebels, Who were reported moving toward Crab Or chard In strong foroe to out them off, and that a retrogade movement was necessary to save the expedition. . The terrible retrogade msroh commenced. After providing for tbe sick as well ae pos : . had to be left. The 88i lodi ana brought away on* hundred and eighty abs «fck.' The troops.marched oot to tbe tune of the “Dead March” and tbe sol dlero composed a song for the occasion, • * whloh raa thus: "Oil ZJllccffjr em’t catch at, Can't catch na, can't eatcA sa, 'Oaua we are rannlcg iwij." , As the maroh proceeded, some of the Tennesseeans madly broke from tbe ranks nad moved back towarde_oamp. Several threw themselves sullenly on the ground, and refused to maroh. As we moved on ward they oontinned to leave the ranks In ; pairs and squads. Then squads multiplied 1 Into sections, seotioos into platoons, and platoons almost Into whole eompaoies. A - -private eame back from the front and ap ' pealed to nu offioer to stop the deserters. He said the. regiment was disorganized— the men were going back to Tennessee; their officers oould do' nothing with them. .. The poor fellows, with despairing excep tions, continued to proolalm their but oould not stand the disappointment. OMnaionally tf etout hearted fellow would - proclaim his determination lo- follow the flag whertver orders csrriedhlm—“ bat it's i»rd 90. Tensetieen,, boys,” ho would 11; to tb, Buokoyei. Io t mereh of ft few ■ —net hundreds of otrogglero were pteaed. Bone were lying prone on the ground, eob - bing; tome Hood by the highway ewenring deSeatlyj olhera leaned agatoat the fence •allenly, undetermined whether to more one -way or the other. .Al midnight there waa .a long Uno of alraggllng Tenneaeeeana, from the head of their column elean book tor their old oamp. It waa marked by the _ lurid hoe of the atmoaphere. Illumined by their bluing bironao ftrea in the foreate, around whiob they huddled io ahirerlng ' gronpa. Hardly a nuoleuj for the regiment waa left la column, though many stout fol low* pnebed on, determined to follow where ordera commanded. After, midnight, the alraggllng army lay down alosg the Wild Cat Heighte, without • blanketa, tenia or food. Woe to the nick— - they are dying of cold and ezhanation, and many alept the aleep that known no waking. A hear rain falls on the wretohed and tired aleepera, and they are routed' op to go on theft retreat. Wild Cat Mountain la eur . - . mounted. Bookoutlo rlrer moat be forded, 1 She men plunge in. Bereral wagone, and Bfty thooaaod rounds of ammunition are , loail. All day until,olghi la apent in cros* lag. The rondo beoame more and more • wretched. Men flung away their knep aaoka.and atalked cnwardinutterdeeper : ation, their offieere refualng to aee, inaubor* ’ dlnatioa. • 8ome : etnmbied and fell by the wayalde, whore they ley and alept tbe aleep ,af exhauatloa. And the aiok in the unoor ered wagone and ambolanoea, were racked and Jounoed orer roeka and rulauntll their weak boaea aohtd, their aad.eohntenancea ■ teallfylng to their alterwretahedneae. Apd fhua, hour after hour,- through mud and aiime and ratn. orer rooka and raile and rule and logo, up the rougheat and Bteepeat gradea, and down the ruggedeat deacenla; the weary, fool-aore, ektauated aoidiere aid jaded teama atruggled and toiled in pain all that miaerable day and far Into the night, • for erau at midnight) feeble atragglera elag* - .' gated into Bdonnt Vernon and lay down sup* psriss*. ". J; r | _ And now comes the strangest pert of thia j .dCery.':' Tbe Tenaeaaeeana and 'Kentuokiana ' Were aoattered along the whole' line,' all to i bardinntisn gone, when an officer rode down ' f the line, proclaiming, “Kenlncklana and Xhaaeaeeeana.are ordered baok to London!” j . . .. So, all thin dlatreeaTod lobo waa for nothing, T that we dan eee, else why order there man back again and leaee them without the aop« ... pert of the,.otber reglmeota. The march lated near three daya. The amount of fh> OgMiezkauatlon andphyaltml suffering e»n - aerer be computed. Lorge nnmbera of hereee were rnlood, and other-pubUe pro*' j P*rtJ loot, end many a braae soldier laid the fhundalion for disease which will carry j him to a prtmalure grave. Whoiaanawer* ablet j Q*v«t»w«nt Polity ▼». Babel Policy. ] A requisition upon the planter# baa been j made by the authorities of Georgia,for one in every twenty slaves, to Work on the for tifications In the neighborhood of Savannah. The Memphis Appeal also has this para graph t * 4 We regret io learn that aeveral thousand negroes are wanted immediately at Fort Pillow to complete fortifioatione There* nre many oountics in Miaaiaaippi wbioh have not furoiabed negroes for these works as yet. Let all tbe planters, then, make it a mailer of conscientious doty to lend a helping hand in this matter. Patriotism requires it, and our safety imperiously calls for it. Let the planters send the negroes to Major Anderson, at Memphis; safe trane por-atlon will bo provided. They will be well taken oare of and well fid while at work on the dsfeacss, and safely returned to their masters.” Slaves are employed to help on the rebel lion. The defenses they are engaged in ereotiog, oor troops will have to overcome, and probably hundreds of lives will be lost iu ooDsequßnce of tbe labor performed by ■laves, for without them the work oould not he done. The fact is, that without the la bor of staves, io various forms, tbe rebels oould sot carry on With such a host of hardy laborers at tbelr command, they are able to bold oor armies in obeck and greatly to protraot the war. Oar sol diers have to do the work In the trenobes whloh lo the rebel army is performed by sieves. Beside this, the elavea by their la* borsupportthearmy, and the whole fabric of government. Now, is it not most sur prising that our government will not oonsent to exert the War Power plaoed in its hands, to weaken the enemy in its most vital polat T Is It not really guilty of a great wroog to the loyal people of the oouotry, who bear the weight of this war—who furnish tbe soldiers and the money—if any justifiable means are unused to bring tbe war to a speedy olose ?- And what aggravates the oase still more, is the fact that the system to wards which tbe government manifests so much tenderness, is one which is so flagrant ly wroog, and whlohis so utterly dotested by all mankind not involved in it. It was sla very which caused the war. But for slavery no rebellious thought would have been enter tained la all the wide land. .It is slavery wbioh supports the war. It labors In fur nishing food for the army, in digging treoohes, in removing ordnance, io driving teams, and In hundreds of other forms. It is slavery wbioh adds the venom of barba rous hale to the oontest, and oaases even the gentle, lender woman to forget all that is lovely in her oharaoter, io the fiereeness of her opposition to the soldiers of the Fed eral Government. Bat yet, etraoge as it m«? peem, every other means bat the natu ral, reasonable and jnst mode of ponishlog and destroying rebellion Is resorted to, lest the saored rights of slaveholders should be infringed. Slaveholders stop at oothiog to promote their nefarious cause. Ail means are justifiable In tbeir eyes. Stealing and oonflsoation of Northern property, of evtry description, or of Southern property, if they oan find a man brave enoogfr-to maintain bis allegiance to his government, are resort ed to without the least hesitation. On the ointrary, oor government promises to pro tect slave property, and exercises its inge nuity to oonviooe the slaveholder that their human chattels are safe from seizure, and it even prevents tbe poor panting fugitive in his straggles for freedom, from availing himself of any ohanoes of esoape wbioh the presence of our armies, seat to punish bis rebellious master, may give him. How long shall these things be? Gen. Dix'a Prodamsitloa To the people cf the Eastern Shore of Vir gmia, io which he promises thttsUvery shall be protected, and no slave permitted to come within hia lines, has received the highest praise that the New York Herald can bestow aptfn it. It says it is “an improvement on the ex* eelleot proc amation of General Sherman to the people of Sooth Carolina !’* Praise from inch a quarter, on a question where slavery is concerned, gives evidence that our Generals could not well go farther, unless they detail their soldiers as patrols and overseen for the benefit of the lordly rebel stave master. The long-suffering of the people of the Northern Slates, who are sacrificing so willingly and zealonaly for the defence of lhe Union, may be exhaosted. Already we hear the low matter* tags of the pent up storm which will brealr forth in ail its Jury, if this disgraceful, and moat weak and contemptible- policy, is to be per sisted in. Gowo toßosto* aAw Ambassador.—The Ndw York Timer ssys it was Mr. R. 0. Win tbrop, of Boston, who, a few months ago, asked the Virginia Senator when he would ▼tail Boston. The reply was: “Not tIU J com* a» an ambateador.” This official visit is now to be paid. How the Envoy will like the palace prepared for his Legation, and the State with which Yankee hospitality will sur round him, remains to be seen. -He may at lean be able to anticipate Toombs in the de terminaton to call tbe roll of his slaves ia the ehtdow of-tbe Bu&kcr Hill Monament ; for if the fugitive from his Excellency the Ambas sador's plantation, be not at fioaton, it would be hard to eay where they aro. Whether Uiey will come at his call as readily as of old may be somewhat doubtful. Akotbxr Haul.—A Washington dispatch says that the. Government has seenred a largo ®*il intended lor ibe rebel Commissioners, Mason, and Slidell. Information was given to the Post Office Department that letters and des patches for those Commissioners would'pro bably be forwarded, by wsy of Havana, to go out by the mail steamer lor England from New York. Detectives were set at work, and the mail intercepted. It contains files of South ern papers, letters, despatches, drafts, bills of exchange, Ac. This may be true, but we doubt it. Prompt. RsTßistmoir.—A farmer living aboot one mile from Guyandotte, ascertaining that a Federal aoldier had escaped from the recent massacre, took bia gnn and went our and shot him. The body was found by Zeig< let's Avengers, and on learning gll the circum stances, they proceeded to -the scoundrel's house, shrrouoded It, look him out and shot him.. Then ordering his family awsy, they fire* the building, and staid long enough to see it completely demolished, a few exam ples of that kind will have all the Uflneace of a.victory. 'Lanonoa Cxxxtxi, in Savannah, writes to a friend in Charleston, last month, that one negro ont of twenty in the district mut bs spared to work on the fortifi'-atlone at Braddoek’s Point, on the same Island with Fort Walkar, and that applications for commissions aro much more numerous than tnliitasnU. Soldiers are so •earn that to bring fifteen or twenty is almost an Indispensable requisite to a oommlssios.' This missive was (bond et Fori Walker. GfnisaAL McCtrixanhas ordered six of the .Ohio and two of-the ludUi& regiments -to Xenttefo from Western There is e probability that othar Indiana regiments will follow aoon. Yarcxi writas puMiciy in high saitlm. but primely tells his friends that hail ont of •jmpaihy and ftitade, but hie kopaa. LETTER F OR PORT ROYAL. Iren Car O*Q Csrmpofidnt. 1 / W \ Hilto* Hcad,S. C., Nor. Ik 1861. A V^WV7 Tbe army it now all landed, ifbe (7 T. _L 794* end a battalion of Maxines occupy Bay Poini. The rest are at Hilton Bead. The soldier# are bus busy unloading the ships, but it iaa slow process, the shore betr.g very shut.. low, aod mere being oo wharl at wbicti the ships can fie. The ireigbt is tbereiuie loaded from the ships into small busts, aod then rowed tiX shore—s slow and laborious affur. Tbe horse*, too, are stiff and unserviceable, from their loog sea'ridr, and when the frti.ht la laoded, the men bare to boiat it on tbeir backs aod carry it back to their camps. This, bowever, will be ail right io a day of two, when the machinery will work much more smoothly. In tbe meantime, the men endure their troubles with much good grace. One of the goo boats ran up to Beau Toil on Saturday, aod found it utterly deserted. One man alone remained, and he waa a Mansacha* sett* man. Tee Captain of the guo boat tent him back to tell the people to return and lake care of their property, otherwise tbe town would be tacked. He waa enjoined to tell them that all that waa required of them waa to anbmi* to the lawa and behave themselves quietly Gen. Sherman and Commodore Oopont go up to-morrow, probably with t view lo occupy it permanently. It is a strong place, with a fine harbor, and can be easily fortified. The weather U oppressively ho t, and on shore the moiqitoes aro at nomeront and as blood, thirsty as in August. Tbosoofus who can must* r simmer clothing are sporting it, and find it none too light. There has been no frost here, yet The dews are very heavy, and there is every reason to fear fevers among these un aoelimated troopt King Jack Frost has not yet became oar ally, in this part of the world. What the potioy for the fntare, is, ft seems impossible, even, to guess. It appears to me that if the blow, here, bad been promptly fol lowed np, Savannah would have fallen into oar hands without a blow. The penis among the planters was so great that no resistance would have been made. Sven as it U, with the feel, log of terror now prevailing aiong the coast, Savannah woeld be an easy conquest. The “Soundheads” are quartered about a mile from the beach, in an open field, and have a very good location, ana there is bat little sick* ness among them. We have not heard from home since the Uth of Oetober, A glanoe at the Oazetu, now, would be equal to a feast R, ./aattats £ottcts U. B. Army.— MSN WANTED IMMEDIATELY! FOB BIXTH REGIMENT U.B. CAVALRY, REGULAR BIRYICE. TERMS OF SERVICE ONItT TREEB TEARS. Menjolning this Bsgiment will bo UNIFORMED ss ■oon ee enlisted. The highest pay per monthtm{he ssrvioe. Horses and Equipments, Qlothtng, Subsistence, Quartan, Foal amf Medical attandanca free of charge* $lOO BOUNTY! Advanoeaeht open to all. for further particulars apply at the Recruiting Ofioa, NATIONAL BOTBL, Water street near Bntitb field, Pittsburgh, Pa. * QSNET 0. HAPS, Osptaln, Sixth Regiment D. 8. tiavalry, sefcastf Recruiting Oficar To complete tho com ,r,wr paay:3o men, a 150,4 ihoalugsmiths, 1 saddler, 1 wagon-maker. The company is now tn Camp Lamon, Man land. As enrolled members an to report at Baadquartan.lL Patterson's stable, corner of Diamond stmt end Cherry alley. Immedtately lor ord»n Aoy penon having any good books would confer a favor by leaving them at 18ft *h.rd street, as the boys an boil a* ing a library, ami want something to amuae and to forest them on cold nights. J. THOMPSON, no!8 mtf Captain. irS>FIBST REUIMENT OF HEAVY ABTILUBY, under expraa orders for for* trma Monroe. Bacrulta wanted for Battery A. uffleen with companies or parts of companies, will be accept ed under authority granted to me by order of the War Department. Inquire of CapL 8.-L. BBAUtf, Broadway Saloon, nolfclw fifth street, Plttebnrgh, ps. PERSONS ob COMMITTEES engaged In solldtlng or collecting Blanket* .Clothing, Hospital Stoves or other goodi for the vot unteors in the iroj, are rtqneatod to forward them ae Hut as possible to the oadmlgtid committee, at the OChTOn HOUdl, earner of Ptflb and Bmhhfleld streets, Pittsburgh. A bill or I tat of tbs artlelss should sseompsny each box or package. A H. IRISH, JAOGfi aiaOdeßß, nolLdnatf JAB. PARK, Ja. fry A FEW MORE RECRUITS wasted to fill lbs tanks of ths OHIOH RIPLSB- under Ospt. THOB. A BOCA ThsOotupsuy will bs oSosred sa soon as comptatsly orgasised, sad wilt go Into sirvfce as (harp shooters. Armory in Sd stoiy of WOkis’s Hall, where good men will be enrolled far a few days longer. eaSLtf THOAAB A BOH. Captain UtttlU rrg>Lo3T OR MISLAID—The follow bg notes bskmalag to the Solar Oil Works Company: oos sots oaird October 10th, 1801, at ore year after data, payable to the order of th* Solar oil Works Coapaoy, tor $2,000. signed by J. Weaver. Jr.; alao, oae note, seme date, time and order, lor $l,OOO, signed by Thomas J. Bonier. All persons are berths notified not to negotiant or hold said notes, ss they have bean lost or mislaid J. WfiAYfiß. ncattetf THOB. J. BCMTXR. Oma Pmucaeu A Oonauevuia B. A t’o. TO STOCKHOLDERS.— The anonslmsstlttgofthsstockbolderaoftba Pittsburgh and OonosUsvllla Oompeoy wJI be held as tbe ofiloa of tua Oompaoy, (Jones* Boitiiing, fourth atrvet,)tetbaeltyof Pittsburgh, On ths PIBsT MONDAY (21 day) Of DIOtUfiKB NUT, at 10 o’clock a. m., forth* purpose of sleeting twelve Dt* restore for the entalu year. Bo2ftfit W 0. PBCQPABT, Bro*y. rrS»MEROANTUJS library as- BOOZATIOIiLSOTUBBSa—JOBM B. OOTOH will dsUser a lectors befits tbs Mercantile Llorari Ai sodas lon and the pobila generally, on FBIDAY BVBMI w O, Bov. 22d, at Oocoert HalL fwm: fimperaee Boon open at o’otoek. Lee Sore to com mane* at TK o’clock. Tickets, 18 oents: tote had st ths Boek and Muco storm, st Library rooms and at the door. W.B. Eiacaio, j.aßbbut, P. A Biusot W* D. MoGowih, Jos, Auux, oommittse. Jlito anmurmran. jffASvirm: — PHOTOOBAPaiC AL BU MB, DlAßlfil FOR 18658, roa Baja nr W. 8. HAVEN, oosaaa wood and third bcribtb. doOui* MANHOOD. HOW LOST I HOW HBBTOBBD! Joat pabUshed la afiealsd Kovsiopod; Price 0 eU; A lector* on 0* nturs, traataent, and radical ear* of Bpsrmatonhoeucr Baabul Weakness, lovob BsbOlty, and I pediments to sunrise* generally, Bp. UspsyscdfUM Mental sad Pbyrioal Incapaolty, re aulUag fries Ball Abuse, BOBT. J. OTJIr YBBWILU M. D, Aatbor of the Green Amk,Ao. H ABoonte Ikemaadi of Sufleren.** Beat under weal, be plain envelope, to any address poet paid, on ncslpt of six eaut* or two postage Dr.OBIA e.KUBA lg Bowery, Maw York. P. O. Bor. 4SBfl stamps by WHAT UHBIEf-Uop Yiut Uakes 11 AmvaftM.fc.nM^STMd t ßb6alk l &ack Att.. TAil 7MM it Wliboal uj adal. tenUoa, uA wIU kn. good I. , dry puo. lotjmrt, nc-mdiMferatokj • JOHN A. UNAHAW. <*xvr m»rt)T md Haul Mrart. NKW OKOP QSKUAN PKUXtKS.— A pcu—uvOUin, on*- ptuu Pitxu Built— lUtat—l ti... T—k Bl—l Ac, tar —l.—lk. fk—U, Oisai. (tor. ol JOHN A.RINIHAW, •n» eora—Ub—ij-nJUmlrti. BOWUt AND OAMP KNIVaa for -tab. Bom A TIILIT, 1M Wood.it JUt& AUurtiStmmu. (Jllti.SE in ntore cvO i-blf COSta Mill# '•milji f our, tO arrive; fttOO B>« tiaoan lU.v« Jq»: lia a stnsks hr-OWk 9000 Shi S&ualJwis lost »iaoke bouse. tui bb a !r&fch I'onlstltle l4m«. JOHN B CAN FIJCLt’ A CO , First stre t o»ar Wood. for sals by n.'lC ■ DO *ou Want wuidkekm Du YOU WANT A . BELUNQ BAH9 CELEB UTKD 6TIHU LATINO OHQUsBT is p’epartd by Or C P. B+llinghao. »n eminent ph>* ilciatt of London, and is warranted to bring out a thick ■«of A MUnTAOBBte from three to *lx weeks. This article Is th-? only one ot tbs km* n-ed by Wo French, end In London and Paris it Is tn universal use. It will be sent to aoy one she da* iir;s It, by mail, (direct.} securely packed, on receipt of pi lee and postage, $l.lB, Apply tomyaddrrsa; JOS. rLEttttG. pelß Corner af Diamond and Market «u. JJAT PASTE! EAT PABCBI EAT PASTE! KakHtN'd OBLIBRATBD BAT PAtTB Is !un* qoeaUonably the beat art da koovn f.r the extermi nat'd! of EATS, MIOV, BOAOBE4, la. It b sold at less than h«lf the UMt oi other inferior pre pent lots. A sing‘e box—lo cents worth—has be-n koown to kill fifty-two ms In one night. Only 10 cento par bon and warranted. Sold by BIMOS Druggist, aud dealer tn Oholsa Family Medietas*, noil oerntr Smltbfleldaod fenrth streets. PBUDDCE. 80 kegs Packed Batter; 10 Co Leaf Lard; 63 boxes prims Obeese; 16 barrelshhellbark Biekary Nuts; 2 balit Bops: In sure and tor sals by J. 8. DILWORTQ A 00, . 002 l Wbolcaale Grocers, Second street. APPLES. 160 bbb Breen Apples; MOO buabsls Dried Apples. In afore and ter sale by UoDoRALD A ABEUOKLRB, 963 Liberty at real Dried PjfiAOiihb.—6oU bnah. Dried Peaches, prims halves, In store and fa ante by MCDONALD AABBUCAtU, no3l 263 Liberty street, Pltttburgh. BUTTER. 1600 Xbi Packed Better; ICOO &t« Presh 801 l Rutter; Jest received and far eale by JAB. A. FEWER, do2l Corner of Market and first sts. CR AN BERRIEB.—I2 barrels prime Cranberries recelred and Car tab by JAB. A. FETZSB, no2l Corner Market and first straste. POTATOES. 200 barrels Pink Byes; 600 sacks da sound and In shipping ordi r. In store and for sale by JAMBS A. FETZHB, noil Corner Market and first streets. HOMINY. —10 barrels feari Hominv Jast received and for ails by JAS. A. FETZBB, _nc2l Corner Market and Fteat streets. I*EaTH£rS. —700 pounds prime goose feathers In store and for sale by JAMBS A. VBTZIB, no2t Corner Market apq first streets. UUOaR uUKED IiAMB.—3 tierce. of O those extra flavored Bugar Cur»d Hems of L. Gray A Oo.’s coring. Reotivedand for ssle by H BIDDLE, no2l 188 Liberty street. 1 I Kill POUNDS CODFISH jast re lOUv etivedsedfer sals by H.EIDDLE, eo2l 168 Liberty street. APPPLjgS.— 58 barrel* Apples on wharf and for aala by JAS. A. * IKIZBR. noil Oornsr Market and fim stmts. j£ALMORAL tfRIRTSI BY TQB fiTBAMSDIf PAB3IA. 150 Elegant Styles of Balmoral Skirts, Bvprcsdy fbr our retell trade Price $325 and upwsrda. BATON, MAOhUU A 00^ to2o i»a 17 fnth street. NOTICE.— The co-partnership hereto* fore existing between the undersigned, under the name of the "Solar Oil Works Company of Pans* ■ylvanla, w haa this day baea dleaolved. JE, JOBN-W.OBBLT. PlUsbUrgh, Not. 16, lE6I. THO9.J. DUNTBB. T: e nnJeraigned will co&Moua busintu as herato* fore at the eame plaoe, Na 8 Bt. o00)13, CLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS, At $5 and Upwards, DRESS tjiOODS ISOM IHI NEW YORK AUCTIONS, J. W. BARKER & CO.’S, 59 MARKET STREET. GREAT BARGAINS SILKS, SILKS, SILKS, AND OTHER DRESS GOODS, J. W. BARKER & CO’S, XO. 69 MARKET STREET T* FROM THE SEW YORK AUCTION SALES. I GREAT RARGAINs!' NEW GOODS J M BURCHFIELDS Niw STiLES FIGUR«D OaSUHRUES; hedasd black iicroaiD rama; *4 COBURG* PLAIN ALL WOOL DELAINE FOB 26 0*3.; PLAIN AND FIGUREDVBXNOH MKRIKOS; With a fall assortment ml| WH W GOODS. GOOD ABSOHTMKNX Of fAM AID WII7ER ‘ DRY GOODS SHAWLS AND CLOAKS; DRBBB GOODS; BALMORAL SKIRTS; COUNTRY BLANKBTS; PRINTS, GINGHAMS, Ao., I? LOW PRIORS fOR 04 SB. C, HANSON LOVE. POlfl Q.UUDU TO AKftiVK oa aomii iot. iitb HORNE'S, 7? MARKET STREET. We win coameaoe to recatee oa MONDAY. ■■ fßSt,answ stock of WOOLSIV HOODS, far Ladles tad Cbß Jno; BRAfINQ GAPS, of all iti*.; ■ 80BIASS, bow atplas; NUBIUS, all qaatltieu WOQLJDI SLNAYRB AND SCARPS; •WOOLRNUNDBRBBIRXdANDDRAWBR?; _ . UW«P-4IP CHLLDRRbB' MARINO VASTS ANDDJUWRM; MDBBR TANOY WOOL BOSS; : : LADIRT LAMMS WOOLflO«fc MREtr RNiX WOOL BOORS; MSNftVRNJT MITTS AND OLOTAS; LAOUtt* BALMORAL SRIRTS; LADUff HOOPSKIRTS AND GORSKS, Ao.io. Wo bo to bow ob hut • good waaortwcnt of WOOL* cobcijOßtublo »r knitting So!* Afar* aook% «ad far o®er knitting, wbtca «w wUI mU at tbo ?ocf iowoft market pnes, Wbotaeita oad Be* ton. Bopaca ora Invited to call aad azataloa ocr stock beta*parchaaingateewhtra. roura Bdsns, 77 Market street. STYLED ; .• 0» 5 FALL - G O O I) S JUST RECSIVRD. W* are bow opening a eholeo alack of f ALLGOOD* eondattag ta Ml of the tebwt ImporUUooc of OLOZHS. OAMTMRRM attd V*snNoB,wbleh wa flatter oar* saiT**wtUte aqnal to turn aacortaont tA bcloiuld Bailor West, They will bamadeop to ardor, .la * aaporior styla, and at prime to ntt th* times* Wa would rsaueoltofly ntoU an earlf-oill from ocr fjatmaa and Ike pobUe. oijrinßfcfißAirli son!, ‘ MiicbictTaxlom. So 19 Firm S*. JJALMOBAL SKIRTS.^ w.k... la l'ocku4 to srlr. errer- ■ * **ke6W OUmpyat ll.tttti m»kM.ln thole, trttfit bOMtnmitol MmiliM twlir folium lUH, tuatOK kOn, ■bU feUafthMo* H2iahto^ \I/ AN l AD -50 u bu»b«is good Kye by t 7 Jab. a. vbtzrr, noli Qororroi Mutt) tad Tint *t*. WaNTKD— Bonds and Mortgages far SSJWQ. tsd E3,c00, b*rtn* frocaoro to th’oc ;«*rj to nm Apj.ly At PKTTY'd, 18 BL Clair «tr*at. ■ . MIQ Soi &au St Co Utt. FOR very commodious and ccD-.fortiblo rMideace t ts » dcotnt'tto neighbor ux) tzi theSl W«rd, Allegheny, on loot sod m«j »'meet*, *od *erj-loir. loghirc of & 80H0YB&, Attorney at Uv, (80 Poartb itniL IT ALUABLii OIL i'KUFJjfiHTi {fUK f SAL*—Sltcated on French Creek* eabradnß seiwten iOendlkacrea, ‘There ere on the property ti t weUain rariona program, three of vhkh ere et ufleieotdapth to JoatUj operating. Connected with im t eetla 1* e powerfei engine* la good raining ante. •:ju property Is edjolnlßcih* celebrated M’Cormtck fera end U perhaps os* of the beet ell eltee to that '.££»■«*. ■ We Off«-r e greet bargain on eeayterme of >*/ oeot. or with ezchuge-for reel estate la or ed f > ; og the city. For pa rttonlare apply to - B. M'bAltl & 00 • +<& ' . Ko.MK Focrthrtnet. ipMumao arum iai.K-iWMff ri¥* J ruwia, in g-tod order, oow dtiylngthree power jrauwlnUiieofloa. WUI be eold cheeatoroaah. Sn* * tired QhUTTB OFFXUB, •7-ti . Fifth atisei. abore BplthflalA. Boots. Puo¥ookauiu alb'omF" OT SSBAITABUTTi CARD PHOTOGRAPHS of all the Celebrities; DIARIES FOB 1892. A largo aiaort&ent; PUY3IIIANB’ VfSICING LISTS FOR Ifcdt; For sale by ROBERT 8. DAVIS, ~ 93 Wood street. Books for 'iukj arm*.— Begafat’om tor the Army of the United Statu. Gltham’a Man cal lor Yolonteen end M«dri» U. 8. Infantry end Rifle Tactics complete, ftroti’e Infantry Tactics. The Zouate DnQ Book. Manoal far the Racrnlt in the light Infantry DitU. Am aged far the Ual:od States Zoo area bp the‘late 001. Bllsworth. ttajoaet £xertlwi for the Army, ALSO, Panontl History o! lord Bseon. Lift of otr Philip Btdnoy. Fifteen Decisive BxUlee. By Qrenaej. fclr Wnlterßnlrlgh. By O.Ktngsley. Adventures In the Smith Pedfle. By '■ Busing Frinur. Tom Brown «t Oxford. 3 volt. Fopnltr Astronomy. By MltchelL Beauties of Botkin. UIM SUbert’a Csrser. OloMiy of Bogibh Word*. By Trench. Ben Uh. By Augusts I. Bvins. OlMiCft], Medical and Theological Books. Blank Books and Stationery. oc3 J. h. »BaP, T 8 fourth atreefc K£VlS£l> BKQULAXIOM roi ran. AfiMY or TBB UNITED BTATBB, 1861. With ■ fall * ndex. One volnme, B TO. Prioe g2,OQj Important changca and additions hare been made to Ui« UKVISBO EDITION OF ZHB ABUT KJKJULA- TlONS,anlit abonld at once be In the hands of all who Kara the pritloni edition*. rorseletiT ik9 KAY A 00- M Wood street. OOODa 1 HBW GOODS!! CHEAP FOR CASH. WOOLEN HOODS WOOLEN HOOD 3, WOOLEN HOODS, BONTAG3, WOOLEN BT.SS7S3, QAITIRB and GAUNTLETS. The cheapest WOOLEN HOSIERY in the city. MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HeRINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERB, WOOLEN 7AEIB. KNIT SHAWLS, ZEPHYR WOBBTED, SHETLAND YARNB, GLOVS4, GAUNTLETS, HOOPSKIRTS EXTRA HEAVY CANTON VLANNELB, DRAWERS for 75 eta* OHARLBS GIPNSR’S TRIMMING STORE, poll YE MARKET STREET. Q'PJfiMfiU AT W. * D. HCGUS’, OPINED AT W. A D. HUQU3\ OPENED AT W A D. HUG US*, OPENED AT W. A D. OUGUd*, OPENED AT W. A D HUOUff, STRIPED FRENCH SHAWLS, BLACK A WHITS CHECK SHAWLS, OXSOULABB OF THE EEWBIS STILES, BALMORAL SKIRTS AT ALL PRIORS. W. 4 D. QUGUB. gKALKi) PKOPOBALS. auUDPMNUUwintenaM ijth.oa airtlgntd, until II o’clock soon at TBDBBDAT, th. Slot dap of Ifersinbar, far tha eractloß of w MABMRT HOUIRt UITY BALL. WRXOH BOALRS. Ac, la aeoordanca wlta pins, appeared bp whkh nuy be eiamtnwl at. tea olflea otMcasn. Boa A Moan, Architects, No. 47 Diamond, AllaM* apCUp. • ... ... r speotSoattou wOl ba raadr tor tea aw of. bidders oa MONDAY, ilih iaat, tad can ba bad' Drat Tfit" Oomalttoa or Com tea ArcUtota. AUblda matt apaotfp. tba lend prfaalf paid la 'caah aa tea work program*, aad abotbtprfos if paid Sr tba raresaa arid— from tba Mate aceralag to tha 7 from tha atalla la Marfcat Hnnai. arid remos to be fatWhetecCp seearsd to tha oootractor. GaoneiJsreservwtka right of choosing tbs maanar of payment. AUMda to be aobfecttotM approval ofOocadta. Blddere will addrtta their Proposals to tea Chair* man of the **Bpeetal Oonmttte* oa Diamond Imotor#* meat,"marked “IVepotaU fir MUghcn* Qit* Vta mond Jhußmat N w Uoasetu will reqaliw all bidder* to fornfah a nsr* aatea of their responsibility, bsfaca eoaaMerlßg Udi BAM*L RfDDLB, ChnfnMA* JAMBd MABSSALL; - A. b. BMITH, > »a HOPKINS, nva buiath*- LOUISMOUU _ HARMAN SKILBB, ncfadtaqflP OmmtUo. * Off ICR. “ . Daslgpid fog toifl Priatera, Btattanm, Dragglatef Merchaatt, .flrsoacah Baakaca, /rttWhn, tha Anap aad.harp. Ad. Tha Pn—a wa offer far.aala an el •a New Padteraj ara ihw Mmphat aad atzoogaat IBd bcatmadeofaay chaep Pr—eaawt iavaated,«aflo» enpp tea apaee; esa ha oponted. bp np <«% wkatto pr later « not, aad aca aold at prioaa httew to aahaard oL teat la to aap at abrat ONBZBNXH tha prfca of' Job PreeaM oow la ma, tfaa OaMnata (apoa wtJth thaPimea etaod J are aocapoaed of —all fteard. naat tp and atroaalp pat *~r t *~*r, ami fnr fhoinarfn— aad eoateoienoenaf*aerar ban adoalted. T OaQ bad '*mfee, or and farriroakra,'gmag stem, prloaw Ao. ••'•• •• ; - fcfl.OOOLKfjroi, - wSfafad - - Nb.lßpnua*traatkN,r«; IO TABN BOYEHS.^ - THRM THBBAD WOOLW _ 105 pounds Btai* Used. n : 100 ,do Black Mind. . *OO do YWbBlMk. ' 1M do . Ptela WkHa.. - •. _' ' TUalaampirepericr batTpYlirnThratd Tata, made of floe wool aedpet ap abogt-10 e«ti to tba JioaoA . We are Bow.prrpertd to fondeb tbte Yarm to WHOLIBALB AND BRTAIL BUYRRS a a SrS prtea tbaa aap aap other to tea toufliM. - r-oH'- ' A CotlTlifthat : /lii« Ttt' YAMOY T&AVELIDiQ AJI iBIRTf; 10 DIffIRRNT im»; PIAIN. PANOY ANDSpARLBf XLANNKLS, • - , cfiiaafrraehßftdlowerfradMv • . AT ILOO AND DPWARMT Sold Whokaa'e and BataDbp r nel* • R4TON, MAOROM A 00« IT Ptthat NEW DRIED re cetradaadfarrtl« ~ . SOI both prlma bah— W do do • oaarterA -•? - - - - BQIO - . : L. H, VOIGT A 00. j A&SBN APFUd.-«*Bctoif{og'4idf TJT tboicpßattoßadOaoklraWlafar Apptefc ~•8010 r - IKg.TOIGTAQa. CURiiA-NTA— 30 ffbufl Zanto Camatefaradabp MTHUIUOk naao • Noa.U>«Bdl*iWood—aet, riAILBOEOIIi-aObMfl. 80. I reodvw V/*7 * MIT Et OOLLIW. AMUSEMENTS PITTSBURGH THfiATRB. THURSBAY EVENING, NOV. 21, L**t txlghlor the Great Comedian, MR. HACRITE. Merry Wires of Windsor. Sit Job* lihtaff n r< Ha&ett STRATSOBHB 0? AN ACTRESS. l*ara-~— —...» Eitto Henderson. Uanoßsslßasu | IHifiAP P»MW i'IANUa. w=ta— V An iWganU? oin*4 cev BosefVVfllH vwdPlacO.*ithraUlroafram»,in*dc| | V l ' || by one of the oldeet firms In Nev York, for- A mv T Octave Bow food Iron frame _ 170 . new T “ •* *• ,-i MI in f« ealaby JOHN H. MILLOR.W Weed at. Pole Between Dlaanad alley and fecth «t» /TUiUKiaUfiU A BUNh> \Jf £AN OiL— a nav ;n!l direct from the aaaateocryat Boa If W | |V tB ? I 0et * T * NevfceleOUloKEßlNO PIANOS, m pUta aad cimd RoaeVood tarnliiir* Jtut lecelved aod for eels by , JOHN HJtt«LLOR,BI Wood strcat. aolfl Pttveen Diamond alloy aad Voortb Itt CARD.— Tho EDbscnber would tesceet* folly inform the pnblle thetehe U dovklUbv off et • fraction above COST, Her large and c;mprehcnstve stock cl PIANO fORTa*. MALObIOKS, MUSIC AND A w _ INSTRUMENTS, Aaaha wIU remove to PATTEBS Jfii'S NEW £UILI> INQ.linh atrret .. .. CHARLOTTE BLUHI, No. 62 Fifth aL. role Aet. fcr Kaebfo Ptenoe eod Pyi»M>*k lle l^o *^ - school. H. WILLIAMS), Hi* opened a Normal School at-’ No. © BT. OLAIB STREET, Sd *tory. TattmoKf of TmeJurx. Ha fa tbo eaaaaeUor.of t»a Teacher* the mao to whom all of tu look for advfao aai InetrocUoa. , JOHN J. WOLOOTT. I concur moat heartDy Vith the aVova. . . . LEONARD H. EATON. I cheerfauy concur la the opinion above, ... . wTreriw. I taka pleasure Id giving it as my opinion that Uu forefolag leoommetutatloa la fnNy ipyrftM. TV ’ w A. DUETT. JfM* °1 m oaa who deaerree higher tcetimony in hie favor. R.N. AVERY. I telly concur la the above recommendation. _ „ D. DENNISON, Ha can prepare pppfls for the High Hchool anlcks lhaaa&y other teacher la the city. imaMß-ii i D BO SSS FKNN XJVSiTI’UXJS, r HAKOOOK BTKIHT, NIJUI FHW, Wfll reopen co SdONBAT, the 3d day of BRPTUfo RER. lanu |2fi per eentco of five mootha J. M. BMITD. PHnrfraL WOOLEN BOOKS, OORoEZS, SEWING MACHINE. Ro. 17 fUth Strut, Fittibargk. WHEELER tc WILBON 4«vdN file Tint Fra aim at iU UNITED STATES FAIR; OHIO STATE FAIR: ILLINOIS BTATI FAIR; WIBOOKBXN STATE FAIR; lOWA STATE VAIBi STATE FAIR; XUINESBSB STATE VAIS; U. i. STATE FAIR VERMONT STATE FAIR; * Ohloago Mechmaiot* Inetltnte; loaievllie Mectanlca r laatltatr; Cincinnati MecNaatoe* loatltoir: ALLVOHINff OOUBTT.FAIB, PITTSBURGH, aad other Ooooty fain toonamMotu to nmatloa. —Wapgm to the pabUo-WHEEfaBB * WIL“OJTa TKPEDTED' SEwxRGTICAOERNE, AT' RRLUOBD PRICES, with. increased eoafldaooa in ita taerita aa tka beat and seat reUafcle Family paving Mtcbloa 88. lt hvimuUj veU on the thickest a&d thteaat fobrtea, makes the Lck-atitob Itapoasibla to aaraval, vtth the w—ntlri advaaUfe of being ,«fc« oa both dbif formlog do ridge or — ~ . wm. BDHma. WEW GK>OD»! JMAU W GKX>p* tail and wnrera LATXST BTSLXSI I ARES c. win, Comer ol Fen& and Clair wtm. Tba baba of < Jaaae a Watt, d naaad, retpeetfallp lartte pabUo atteatfaß to tba &aw stock of TALL AND WUftlß GOODS, otnapvtoiag Ml tba aewote ttjlaeef ftehtonabla material adapted ta GSNTLX* E*VB* WHAB, aoUetttag as aarlp nQ. Tba bad* a—wfll ba rood wand oa tba aaaaapprorad "f™— m baratofaca. Tbe atock of aow to aopla tbWcny. ociajyd isom Ddy haven a. son, • KAZnjFAGTUKEBA Of STOVES. Warehouse, Federal Btraet, near New SmtateMn AIiLBOBUHT CRT. ; W«Mk tt»«tMßtta or Mm to oar Urn ha ■•at of Oooktof tad fldotiaf Storey for Wood tod Oay.vhkhaaonwinaemttwlovortnrtoM.TboM rtdtbf w dty vfll fiad tt to ibatr adroaUm to afro u» a eoQ «ad esoMiwjmioek Won parchwlii* Saw Owttaaßoonfraatalraa BotHaa. BooSM Hodov ..... Wm», Wagon Plain and Fanoj Grata Front* Fenders, . ■ ' 'M«Ciatlat>cnlaiacri>r. IIMJW ■ a. Pi HAVEN a BOM. QilS AND CAPS.— 1 FAX.!, STYLES Hooeao A oo.»■, m voounuat^txxaßUßon. Bm bo* n> kud • «tr W(> «d 4 eoojiela MDek . .RAIS AND CAPS, ANU OU. CLOTHS Ainu ' POPBTHBT.CABPBjfgTQBB ' W. ft 4 H. XoOALLUM bin ; tfak doi oaoiwd ■•WoiWMalrt OaK tavttolko ottoatluaof bav «VJ thodattk rfhradoa tbSSS^SaS MWWB of iU T WMtlut tad of ttw lowda mm. $l5 000jsyjgygaMMiT: ™ T, ‘* wl “ l * >»"*>«> to ■M»gcar#BBotot^OOO, far »Urmof.tro«U»rwl» «*»tM-Ma«na-b7taDd tad OHrtCßg* oovola* ea * b ** 4 —*•*• m Aiith—y emoty* lagtln WW P«T*yu»M&r»Pwfc 11l F£AH I'ttClflf.-lf X V f VvU aa* vtihiax to sUat thfe Wa via CftU .M MU&ftOQH’S OAKLAND mJKSMM. tiMjrwlllM»iom**stn Pmv tnn, reurlfe ittM cu»£nflM«pth»Q«rtaatm) Uisbu aOirntw. HMMB / MOSiOAL SSfcßmujtiai. FAIRS OP I 860; fAW and vmni IAZUT £T¥LXB AtthaaldrtttHlcf SSOVBfr V. ft. A B.McOALLU*, w yottrihifr-^B-c