* ? DAILY .KifLi.iv F '-TAli. •r T' - 1 jjfc *1 I I (4* t«di ‘-M S> il% bd oq lt>. Li pa 1 LSI Wr 4. $ DS PM Of £ US tuc fi I r *n* V u Ji it Oi ijd £ util Wk\j& tf b. . J* Josttnl&L > - WfiS'E. BCTTCR, L Pat ■■HPwr] '^v t* k n gfoo, *f*iw4Uvm ‘^¥Mf w Kjj:JrPaßlap. gaa~.il at fc IiMT?rlBO». n&MUi:B fVßdj.C.MbletßtrrK: HSrk»»«j ott- tta-flg urinklft * oa.** h»o !f9jCSk : dd(w2asra B Bcoihcr, FbH»«opW*- ' CCfcdU r ',' .' " ' ■ -'• ' ‘ '■"•'■•■ - ' - jl. tm"***""* 1 - WM. Ft LAB 4. SCUOMAKKB t LANG, ' • '‘ o^ i I •;,, ■• ‘aiofOTna.itomi. aitiifl. peiJddc** to. NMiawrawbmh*Po. - 1 _ _ WK. j. «MIIUM-. *«cm ~~»* «. TOM* tu. VOIGT A CO. I . —' , -**««» »OL.O.(^lMr ,- PSU3DUCI ASB OOMMIBBION MBCBUItB,. B 47 1-ib«rty Htrpat, 1 ... - pmaacßoa pa. Otb&ND KIOULB, ' il. Bbocmjc* so Jobs MtflfiFA Sea, No. tSSULiberty »t, Pittsfcorgi, .* - Q ENIRAL FSODUCI, 8BOGHL? AW® ObWHB . ; BlnM KEECBLAKI. ] " WU. imtxn jMo.,(*aTx» I us. whit*. WIUTE *aOTUKB». i; I ITOBWABMNQ AND COMSHBBION w \F'HMCIUHTS, »n 1 «■*•" r Itywtj PltUborgh, Ps. ■ ■7urdteng3l_ *4 Conuniwto Mos£*nt, h'eflwd j OAUOS 0IU« GL4BB, IKON* Wo. iMLiWrty itUt * ÜBAHB Si oi»n*. ' immun *»»•.««■• <4> rs ' ; WHOLE 8 All S O 800 SB 8?, como«i.‘- j. r ‘.rj . ■Wood Btreete.l - ■•■ irt»nr nrnmoMH.Pi roswi- Mt/ea» ■ — ***“**tff iw^*< ?y JOHN !• HOU9B«|C?O.»' - K 0 SID a* B 8 • ■• *m> '•*: I - aofntmios MSBO/uarrb, CoraßiMrf BnittiMd and r*' JJJ-l, .HTWWMH, PH* 1 aoaaaso* « oi Ctmmi ' * 107* WOOD 6TB iuUn b. 4fcJS*i Bikm;Da JOHN B. OANFIEED * 00.; • Meijohunta, id WMtank D<«Ur* ta ! • . WBS'EfiBN BEBEBVE CHEESE, BDTTZB, Ulan. POKK, BACON ILOO4, No. 141 und 143 Front et, Pittsborgb. - “A- ■ • - - ~ . ’ •»»“* OOEP '‘ ■ COM M'l SB I OTT lrf£ KOHA N T s ftUD DBALfet.rt IN - FLOUH, QKAIN it PROOUCB le t til Übcrif Buctt, t - A- ui • - MWWm'aa, *a. cheto* w*oj* un/to*. tar. iuw* »rti 1 .wsioMttotlj'Mbua; .. tutor itdyf tar tf»«eh»a***— tapenUir* -■ oefe^J ll rjilbWK ' yyHjoiilCSilLiiHi' »e£6"uuiu:ui -n ; PiOTJft SEEDS. , No*. 191 and W 3 liberty *tiiß«sbnrgh. .•• ■aa.*'-’ " : , v ~ ! •*?« ci' j. I , r». Sit*®KUoOtSM'«»n ttald*tun!Ti o) tanpWort kml Front "* l *‘Mtactiy »“* Bl * -■St!attaswM|. -ortwitg itoacine*, - ' ■ “ “sSS3ffi»c* ; } i*^*y r . M i &ii&W*ijraggr 1 / Wood •met, ca» dm of tfowd aUMtod V> itoy, rttuaatgh, T ~~ * > T fr 1 _ J' OliJf P. aOUTX, Whotantoli In Draw P*Jo», qUvT«tntobj»»»4 »; •- • ftaflM Xltwttj lUfet, Fuf»onr*h. . J' jJlortcrawul >««***»prompt•tV»tla*4 ~'T gMufo Jfoaim* 3AM&2J i»4 Depart to ProrWow, «om*r of ~rp»o»*f>a. rs.--v ■ -<•- > ■'- - WlwS.a - MKijMw. •■ ''Ot» ■ VafaUWifc WAKSBWB - B. COLUHB, /onr*rdta«»M Ts^news^ss^* «- , Vy iOluaM t D«at«4tBSPS • ■ •f 4 7V#Bnrt~»Pfrnr‘_ Att*«« ■**** • . 1 ‘ ~ eecntarj AU»gli •• P.JOaASrAamt-Kowa Amerioa^ Iff •*{ lUrtta^U**, woo Jogp«riM> >T Water i; > '. - g 43A»U*ti KKA, Heorotiiry ij j. Qo, v Qt)tpI*UKUUMEM> ■* Jo f—iL l>caier ltkAtaple ‘wrt l, tan BfcOooU, .!*»**. «l*tajO»» ...'Sfe it* atvjnjfe ,*&• •** wi*n**fc** ■»*»•**» * V’-ggJ w a «»■ a* ‘; - 2SS3ES! Vi.iJl AXUNyJiAUKUM. ...- ~., $.. }i ** f ■.• X (r , mow irtocuß, of ttMiftto Bnoof D. * d arxton ' aid ft 00, W#UfrlUo,o. -HMllocna f i> H plttoyh..oßii iigrrcm. Pttt*b%. 1 BeDOKALD * AHRICKLE, XTHOLBSAXE QBOCERS,. Produce |< kadOoamboioa Mcccbtata, Jobber* ia N. 0. |gm -«b4 . MoUsee, Befloed ftocar* and »jn>T«* Jtoar,B*co».ake,Obee-.Se»l*.ftti, v-: . M 0.253 l_,it>erty *t mxabPßoa. ■ ■■■▼ T tOTttT JOBS IOWOI. eaiJPTpON*. 'HOLESALB GBOCERS, Prodooe tliilin Mid Oo*»l*lon M*reh*Bt*. ißonrsMii' iutit, r /f- T*o*< UTTtB. raiKJUA. .-JjIITLK * TftMBLE, r GROCERS AND rT WMMtTOIOJr- UIBOHANCT, Dedcra Id PKWVQ!t#I>'KJB,R&OON»tiHUBa KSH* Car*m UO« NAILS, OLADB. lOOTTUN TA&NB,«Di'FltUbtuvh Maculae loraa gacardlj, 113 Bacocd attaeC PUtaborgh. _ »**4taOII~~~.V. B. IBMMOI „ V ~SUI. «AT*j« T> & J. WATSON * CO., VV, Wholesale Grooera, AMD DBALUID IN Bops, Oakum, Pitch, Oils aod Pittsburgh M AT) n fnntnrfj ■o, iis f4>KU BTBSKT, >▼• fimlthflcld, Baildyd PITTSBURGH, PA. : L 1 1 WU.Io WiuilUHl, irttaal 11 ' ~ ~ i , i'tt3BgßqH. fMtQXtiKU. JUNKS, ~ IT" vßcurni Man » UnoOIBIIB MAMiLL*BOP*, 04KUH. OILS, ■’ PITCH tad Pitttfbvrtti >»&tifeetar»d articlM. Pft : 141 WAt«B »Ttl*«r, »boT* McaocgthaU Bridge Plttowgfcr,' ffc. joei nrT* -»«*■»»» rurr*—-—..wuuaii non. TOIIN- IXOIJ> i.CO^WUOLESALE •I Qroean uxKOaMarttttoa Jteekcbtt. jNa. US Wirrirr- tttLtewtyWmt. Pitfcbw4 Whole "***«»mrgh, ft ,-N& ai Liberty etowt. ISAIAH DIOKJSY A 00.*\WHOL£- (n Prodnc*, 80. SO Water street, end 68 frodt .street, Mtx *n aianm tx%. CHARLES UOALC, ' ' ' if. i- N»W BRIQaTOS, P 4. > ' USUtiOIVU* Of »OOK*TB. TUB?, MNJ W.UHBO4HDB, tMJIT mum BOX«» AMD L»B«L8. - THOMAS MOORS, ju&il&iMtsitek-o* ; 'Anb pkav |l|[ SR In'ell kinds of OOPPHS'DIB TILLED 7l)BE RYE WHISKY k FAMILY VINbGAR, Ho*. Uft. IM. lfianod lWKni street, Utween Bmitli* >, • Grant eireeta, PUuborgh, ?»- ' 49-Prtreto orders , Blgbart vtrkot price paid fer Bye. oil end ell otber i*olwtoci Ingrt-diebts cwefoili sx(reeled by e prooeaa new snd-taprcTe-J. “Ta -' ■': i ■ocia IODBPU F. lUall.TO.li * CO., Corner first and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA, c. UaHtJVAOTOESaB Of SUFERIOE STEAM ENQINJiB, ~-Tier • JOHN OLIPQ4NT * CO. t , , tscqpwaoaft at M. WU OUtSil?,) 1 MAN U F ACTC RBRS OF EOT PBXSBKD NUTB ABD WASOKB*, Ohanxsl j——JU... Irott iud S.U Soft. Boiurbon ud iron works, 00, rx I. lUrd W.iobooM, 80. 13 Wood IU Plttibartb. ‘ tXCEIiSiOK GLIBB WUttJiS. J A WOLM-Y. T. FLBKKBII-T. OdMI'BIU WOLFS, PLUNKETT it 00 GLASS MJx I * UFACTURBBS. I Warehouse, No. 12 Wood Stroot, I' (OottttofHnti) HHfcBOTDB, PA 1 I «, •. BAdiwiifta.i.n — 1 exusniu- a- i. Biif- ■aCKIBTOSH, BEBPBILI. * CO. (^ttttPi3»ana.O*Hara.BtTo«ti Kev City Walar Works, PITTBBURQB PA,, MANUFACTURERS OF MACKJN -1038 AttlMMtyi J»F&0V«» PATJKT .SSuiQ BTKAM OSISU AlQ> BLID* I TAIiTKS of all rises and boot stjb. /\ - Hsrtßg cnt cp Macfats«7 of Urg* eapactty and of I tha beat fftudiiji w* axa prepared lu do boarr Job 1m- ■.SraStoK waAlnfhlaHaa. mating t£»» by I DrocßStoeas and lha okaractar ofoar work, to nerit 1 W> tori to spedal attention to ov l-Sat.afeap TALTI OSCILLAIiHQ IflQlNßft, aa HedteSttfig advantage# haretotow-aaattafred lit this uJiV.LJ ■!—«—'— lAaAj a. A*p«a. ‘p co., ••KP«a it, Wr*' ' Hiibury,' Pitteburgh. roTSAM’ BblLEa MAKERS AND O- tiufc Iren ! worton, HMmbfttuw. o» B.rn blu’d bnoin,K Bratdirai »* Bri, «@» Ww MaSUnMU*»ht'Thlt'l*flHMl in'tlWa ' All order* F^SiJ*^^£3i£iniii^sasxaßssaE= Lw.Mrooti itAiAif. o|r4tW-»«i*a»»iW.ioß»*w 1 «, •* YOCB« a co<, nViuvutnw'o »CHNITOIIS;*NI) (JHAIHR OfKtarj Dooiptioa. I ,»(30*t-F«lMi'A,3«U««ll»ira.» A- WtnkoMt—ftu. It k4O Bnithnild it. CABIN FC RNITTTRii — jy**a aaw mauntls manataetarlng WkAMBOAT nTw vnuaXSEB sad OHAUUS, and Invite taa ©HhosalntrresUdiafaraahliif beats. raMdliiT - sfc-*-YO0»» • *«>. VSTM- JOUNSTON A CO., Sta > wli- Bhaaßktirai a and Job ;B^CTS3ISSIB®SiEiSSSTOfi>! . w«« *»*.«« i ° aT . fiisTiwsW M Tlrtrt } School sad towtantf dottttasßfr«rh«SßL^- T •■ fcEsswsssais^ Baßgtngai cv.* -.<■>• ■ or ••*•••-« i," Western; itrwi *' - fdNaoiMj! ;»oda«W. had ap£ iAJbt I SJEEiSSSXS^snsnHWiSiNQ pg^aasasg*- the maAtiy sttoad** fto «a emsi I s^ KfßffivlißfmSß - L. B. ,TQ*BT A 00. . * S \’ -yy;:-j.- rf : ' :" "" ’-. AND Pl't"l!SßTHVRSDAY MOKNINU, NOVEMBER Z\, 186 L eftoros. littk Steam light. Tv - i.-' . )a3d:lyd . iliaaitMlUni, tci. ; ml Bstali agnUi- PI TTS B COMMEItCIAL.JOURNAL. M-tltinty* n lata Q B. M. SMITH, Attorney one flee EMSoTai to No. 18 Diamond Street, mylMydls Weal door to Bt. Peters Oharcb gAMUEL A. PCKTIAMUE, AXTOIWBX AX UWi 6iru>*,nna antui, abjoiniho omoi 01 MARSHALL 4 BROWN, Pitaborgh, P*.ltfaMly JOHN H. KIBKPAT«OE IOHS MBLLOH. LAW PABTIIBIBIP. XHB UNDERSIGNED HATING [ JOHN MILLON. I Pittsburgh' tbj 16th,186L i jg^lßK PATRICK & MELLON, ATrORNKYS AT LAW Ko. 188 Fourth Btroet, I dam ftjbort Scxlthfltld, tnjlTil ' -A • /•. ?< tfngßPßOa. PA. c 90H0YER, JB., i ATTOBNaX AT iiAW. No. 139 Fourth st, Lawns’* Law Building, jo reraagafep. pa U F , LPO A B, , tha ttffia whan tha 1 banaad to Uabaat adTßßtaga.; q ft ' ,1 - ' nifcfcMllU haaapid'Ottf I taaih extracted by By procaaa, sad art raadyito teatity aa to tha Miaty aod padnlia'iijiai cd tha otpratiOT—, 1 whatever baabaao aaU by paraaaa latataatart itt-afcl aarttas tha caßnt), ha Tiny bo kacmadtir, attract I t *BßraiOlil.T**nEltiiaa«tadtßaTarja»j[la. a BJ. OUBRY, PTOtimt. ■ | I . j * c? Bqtiimwn w i JOOE oaani Donnelly's bnilding; \yj?ner of 11 and Grant streets, Pittsburj BmuMii-Dr. A. U. Pollsoft, Or. IW odor* HohUn% fcwU »mti. ■ «oou & £llon. | Bin wc*lt«! HBNIPAaD DOTa’XWO aN*TBR*» MOLXD B Orfl,*>th(te*lUp*, kMtaadtoctli*DlßS' l^gjgms&sasgprS^ MBI liAßl»»l6iaw i„faF JLf ANUFAOTDRKR OF BOOTSI^ I V* I inn p'iQJBHof itwt fl—crtptlo*. 1 an* yGrtfa _VuK a KN Si 11 41.., T MPORTBE AND DEALER IN THi. AND ALL HINDS G» i amOKINU AND GILEWING TOBACCO »NU»*.»*BOTrjißaaUAßiiriF«a, jrusma, AO, Aa, U AM aDttJ. '} LOadar thoJJL.Charles. Uotel, Pittsburgh. [ N. R._Tb*Tnri**oppH»3tra-Ut*r*l lor**. I i_ airUilya BKKSAR THHBT AJPtMIIIRSIIjBAAfc, Corner Sixth and Wood Street*. ■iißorDmdiilv'nkD Dwoiijr. _aAßtl>W B a. A »&' ItMlVAl«AHo4»fc4*lM!>;^«» mi Iu uuilot 'UnnUlWita towlA to » ««■« •nTin/niuiotfnka »>*«*'** b mntJtag-B"*** a«bifwatti'•uMrhAliliiii 41«»IBt tr in tta Soont-wliodasagliMitbAVMßSoiuiltool goods It '■> ! . Bolofotooo; feAndn ottJO" idnooo/o totilo rabtnlrod terflOom, atttxntnf frompKtraxn »•» bnown Is UlißcolDinttnllr, ondob. k»to*»fl»cqitj oSotow tom Slid TOOT MUntUdf In on Bo»lm*HA in bow **** jSS» A. ngiv. Qn.-vxtorrotilir'ialii Bcs. ALU. tOBertTH, Qururaunur UU> Bog. . |Btb.R«». PT Mite, pan *£OS. UH.K BWk*T 01DJ£R.—« I GfttriwtTmtvttlDd trr id* by j JAS. DALXIUi ■- •?• *- Mott Wi UOTTBR I BOTISB H--Mb& ft»h ■■-'ortl " *6,'Ut «»**•*. *Nr U O fc -i WUIXBJWUKAf 'iLOCR—ttOO bUa. IB Itort m 4 •rritteg tor Mto A&BqoKLfcS, Wo. CM Übjnj *mU.. nouva mmuA«atr.~fl -tody « iMKtvV m— l,n«na»—QUO lbs, Cat vr&Jfc£3S» s»■ Ipittsbnrg^ PDBLikHiSXi UaIlY AhD VUHtf BY B. EIDDI.E * 00.. n**H BTkxss. asevn srnrnsisic. PITTSBO KGH THURSDAY MORN ISO, NOV. 21,1801. Un. Saliw'i Victory; Although the fun account* of lien. Nelion’i •accent! in Extern Kentucky, neu Piketon, were exaggerated as to ike nnmtrer killed and uken pritouers, jet the practical idiaatsges ot hit success were not orerralcti, He de feated the enemy completely, andr so demor alised hie troop*, that they dispelled—*o that [there i* no necessity of k**ping Gar forces in that region, proeided the Kentucrians favora ble to the Onion are willing to doanything lor themselves. Prom rations letter* from Nel- I *oo’* army we gather that the toils of our eol- I diet* were most severe, and tnelr pluck un- I gaesnonable. Neleoe’sarmy was divided into I two cola mas, end . the battle wet mitnly fought I by ihe-coluiun' ouder his Immediate .command, I la which he manileatnd the greatest personal I gallantry. The rebel*, two tlic-Mecd strong, I end very advantageously posted, were utterly I touted, with a loa* of at least forty killed, and I those who escaped scattered fa'r and wiie, the I matt of them making their way io Pounding ! Gap. To give our readers aa idea of the iabore soldiers hate to undergo mountainous region*, at this season, we make the following extract from a letter from an tfleer In one df which was commanded by Col. Sill, which msrobed to attack the enemy at * Piketon. It waa Holy an awful rnarob : On Tnfiday j.tnn>ogi the 6ib, after a long i march Irom L'ickinc elation, ,'cmt regiments— , the 334,2Ui unit 63-h Ohio-r*nd a light bat -1 talioa composed of ais picketf companies from I all the regiment* of the brigade, end nnder 1 command of Major Hun, arnvedat the ferry oearlyoppoeit* Preatooshurg.- TbwFi Ohio preceded nelrno day, and wrawtn ogfepanoy of IhetowniiU ofwhich jon hive n&Jbuht been ‘informed to detail. - . On tWfbttbwljjf-evening the Thirty-tbhd, ■oderCol* B!%V end- Major Bart'f light bat* ulion, twprtptrn twoHayt’ tU lloenaod bem»dj to more aerpmjhe rim -during the eight ' acvftisg -of 'the 6tb found ba in e lie* of marehihroogh Preatoniburg, end, ae we eeepectod,; toward Piketon, dwthntby direct itmte 85'mjlee.' A section ol arullery, consisting 4»f t trio jilod six ppnudeiw, nnder. command ol Lite! ftbner h oej aleo, 160 mounted ! m*e«nderCdl/Metca!f. ' Weeoon Ascertained i that oei confy-wae-doviiUnfrfthp the direct ! tfete ep-Beadj river, and na ap Job*’# creek, which root* led es-Adistancc of :40 milf around, * n< * rnLetß d the townof Pike ton nearly-opposite .from the riverwoote. The obiect waa to attack the euerny »fl the rear, whilst Geoersl-ffelioio, with the Seeend end Twenty-dim md F«f.t-nmth Ohio, with Col. Marshal's tregmentbl a regiment, who alerted the day following, would attack them in front, I The match w«e‘ traly 1 a severe one. The I ration* which ware intended for two dayt, did 1 "not, onan svjirage«l**toneday. We took no | tram but obdSragbh ambulance*; ac cordingly W meuVe/e without tents or meant I of aboitei. The road Very narrow, and in I mapy placet precipiU'O* Oilen it Waa diffl* I Oult tO fiad infficieM room for our cannon, and I more than odce tiie expediency ui not only I uolimbenag, bat of making artificial carriage I »aye waa calculated, fb narrow waa the road 1 npoß tbO-mnonlain tide. I On dn? fire day** march, the men were com* I pelltd to lord the #*eek, which i* about 26 | yard* Wide. Tho water.: came Up to thetr I waist*- At Sight wwb.Wflhcirad OB t moantatol aide. It waa very Cold, and-we deemed it j advisable to have as few camp fire* at poiai* I bte, Irom the Uct that tue hill* were lull of I rabel acoeUi They bad fired on our cavalry I advance Irom * hill during the day, wbleb was 1 returned rigorously, and wiih the rfl'ect ofl killing one, wou&dicg Another, and *t killing j one boTtn. Io lbi*-*»trm»*h we received-no I it jury whatever- But in the evening, tear | our camping grout»dy-noe ol the. ca?al/y ’w*s I fired ‘upon from an ambush apd wohedbd by | an oblique ohot tbrough the hack. j The fecooudday we mareh*d all day, with ! nothing to eat, onleaa It may hare been n very I few wboeeonomisod to a better-advantage then I their fellows. At night we retired rattsns of | of meat, but had neither salt ner brand, tenet I alone. We bivonaoed again In e narrow I meadow spot, and war man had deputed thatn- I I selves eeaumfortkbtyhJ possible lor the night, | when the long roll was **»-. notwlthsiaod-1 1 lag it was the 'first lime this soundbad ever] i Ue» heard by mosti.f them, yet in leas then I tni minutes we were in lipe of battle. It Weal afthlatim* that CoL Bill,-who bad commando! I thU peri.of the expedition,‘displayed to hi* men | nod 4he efiTcara present tbeUlMU.be posseeaed 1 io com men d,- an d - co a vtueedhl* on A regtment 1 still awreottbeirgood fortune Inhering raohe I commander over them* 1 A-«bmpeny, Teriouily I estimated at 300,t0 300, moved down;the creek 1 to surprise avwbyn ouf picket* fixed ttponJhtm.l end xsve-tbwnlsrmi This Am wonqded thelf 1 Crttaic thrhugh the cteswand they immadl-1 nteiy f*treated;' Bat autlelpetlng:ih4lr eonttn-1 aed advance; ;©ar line or ;betU* wm wrtded. 1 Oar inrentrjrwea ett*ngefi;il«■)«for .onrngnMd mUi uit itcotdlogly mn.id with mnter enution Ibui »« nnnd to h»»n dona on. we nn.rcd tha town. -At one point,'JnnMnw pund by n- loo,' nittow n’ad wtnhin, roid, n.ti lhnlut tbU-btoti|bt no down to natr tbnfotd op[».i«rthß,llU,«,w« tbon|bt tbit wn would Mrtljf enconni.i n fbreo. two oicteU only were mot, who "fl.d nod |..0 tbo alirs, bnt .not tfio noon to «* Jnm_ drib* n'Vfflt.y.-icWW U«;tHer-nJ j nxplodin#. 1 n .honor two In ibnir Bid.t. j i 'An tbnr Had beyOhd the liter n ;(.w nhilln morn W.r. «nf nlretlh.ai, wrihrrrlom .ffeet-, , »onabodi»rltJ<"W» wrirnlbnnd ib one root. It in impnwibto to u) b;« many tdnro killnd nod wonnded, I w»« told by n ta»cUb!a ciiiroii that blood w>« loond ts.ttnrdd lor noon diituMa .lon, lh» road whlnb they Iflnd. On, 101 l Into our hand, worthily wnonadd. . Lkau It iron u«initautlioritT that tbiafl cera .10 .wuro cl to dirolrii. tkclr lomi in bsttle, .odium ..rtth.y 1.»0.*4'y pnean. uon to cpncaaithi-hodl#. ul tb.lr billed. Wo i®K*dltlrV I0"h priKMion o) lb. town,' I abonld-tbtnli in tlinb "* y**"*> * dlraaanllu tln Vill.ls, nmnr»<^«lyaUnatrd.bnd tannr. «d nOmri tarj (mjorwh't*#** «Mlina.n«ral cowmaodln,' Bhl IM Ad* taoiu onr mn, bod moat Miloa. to adbalat Opon.j I'b.ajon Inith. Haaeilm.i iKo ««d*r Oanar al KtUotiti. ada.aoaJop iha tirortiod Jo. csnntnnd an ombbiitail. or about TOO to •» of tbnrmomy, «H«» U»*(i*Ml»* ?«} loroW W* bn wnabM J;Vih» >h W Wioal.maa, honed to dMirny oh* «*/»»»,«. *•; '»»* thnothnr. Bllr»* |h»» hWlMttlllUbMli thny t»nf» ud tinly about tha alßi* btiatiet tilt l«n H tb|‘ |oi'a' to bn fcj Ihb liibH fttlrttf. Col. bill. . ... j '.i* i ■ Tbit U Kttiern RtalheSlr tklS'll 01 Mr op* preWora, who *U(«.» IiS BRf4Bi*'jiMMMUfi«. they barn .MOliliielj biHiailUl tt».Bhn*uy and our.only aonilllC* »tt»i f»B8 Vm bbot*. I will tddlhlltiS i |f*« *•»! rtf at|bilb*M ,fceBiHlB ■ l&eSBlfa .Ilf Jtyt t'v j 1 _ >S| ■ 9J H JBr. H Xv V ’ ' tod toppling craga. Io many places, one woold think that they viewed the tom* of some mighty caatle on the mountain top** *• the rock* woo|d n*e in-walla and apfre* high tboae the p&iMcolored'fpr***. oehual vzuob’s otou. Headquabtibi, Caw Hoklim Csast, ) Piketoo, Ky » November 10, ISfil. ) SoUierg f 1 thank you for what your have I done, fe e campaign of twenty daya yen have j driven the rebel* Irotn Biatera Kentucky, and I ?iven repoae to that portion of the State. 'on have made oontienal forced nmche*over.| wretched roads, deep in mod; badly clad, yon have bivoateked oa the wet ground in the No vember rain* without amormnr. With scarce half ratione,you have pressed forward with I unfailing perseverance. The only place the enemy made though embaibed and very atrong, yon drove him from in the moat brilliant eiyle. For your conittucy and cour age, j thank you, end with the qualiUev which yon have ahown that you poaeeea, I expert. areal thing* from, yon in the fatnjre. 8 W. Nemos. \ LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. WitHiHGTf*, Not. 18, 1861. loldtm Fit for IHrty. - The Snrgeons of the army of the .Potomac w«r«, o *bor( time since, ordered to report to headquarters the number of soldiers In their re ■peottre regiments fit for-field‘doty. Tht PopeUr Loan. Forty-eight mUltooe ot the flret $60,000,000 loan here been tuned, end the remainder will be tuned In a day or two. PHoUri Me elwork on the not**'for ths second $50,000,000, end thdr Isn. will eommene. In .boot. wm». Ik. Tmt liiid. u b. OnthniM. It U not Improb.M. th.l'th. .turner Trast bij b* oTnbralod b, two otbar Amariean *.r nu.lt bofon alwnuluf her dntluUon. "Mortality In ti. RonimenU. T&u* V. nouaboat twain boodrad alok aol dlan loth. topluli. tkaprinclpri dluua bring i fanr. It lit riogsUr faot tbri tba mottrilt, !■ .rotor amonr tba PatnujlianU troop! than thou front nh, otbar itmta. On 1 tho'other hand, daathru. lau among tho Humbnutta rafim.au. Inaoua ofthalnlurnonnbanoo oundT To-dar tha Aral daoth ofmrrod l«tt« Mulicb usfcUs Eloranth. * - Paraonob Ml*. Lincoln, c.corl.d b, Goooral Btcklca, todaf. aiaiied the Araonal. 1 Contract* for Baaf Cattla. Tba eoltnetf lor .applying 1M Cqiara. Oint-aitb tfoiKJoU, pa«Voi font ibnnwod; head oro.Me.bW- thr bool, drii.eobla at Wa.bi.gton, nTorh og Otaibon imm; wan awarded to>d.r, aW-lollowa. Tb. flraft.Kd 'orDlp«imezile have be* much annoyed by visitors that they hate not. heen able their annual reports.. The? hate*'lfcgrelore, been'donipeUed to r*“- solve to ixclnde 7 itll eltpr-.the. meeting oi and in*vifcw of .this de- Urminsliun, parties who eootsmpUle; ViSitieg Washington lor the purpose of fcsviqgtoter* i T i e n» with tLe heads of Department*, are *d i joemeyiblther until alter i the assembling ol Congress.. , Rt Mote Telaattin is be CsUcil For. I The statement that the President Intends to j 1 issue a prpclsmaUon, calliog opon the State*l for iwohnadred thousand more volunteer*, i* j without-loundattoo- the hall million | voluntwrt Xilled forbrnet o* Congvew bate I- bderrecruited,'ywnn vrill be' received exeept In tie regular 1 :'v". '*• ’~ v i. BUUtsry Storekeeper. Ephraim D. Ellsworth, fatner of the let* Cel. Ellsworth, hit' been appointed Military Storekeeper.by the PeeettfenVbnt »• hot y«« assigned to doty.' "Hußsw gnutonftem Kentucky. • If is eapposed that Hon. James Guthrie, S*c relary bt-'ttae Treasnry nnderPresldent Pierce, end Jolni-J. Cfittehdhßj will belbfl n«w Sena tor* from Kenlahky,ln tbeplacff'of Brttfkin ridge and Powell... dipt Wilke* Sustained. There 5 re so increasing oooßtfeocs in the entire cqrreotness of Cspi.Wilkes’ act in tak ing Slidell and Mason, and 1 im informed that Secretary: Cluie ha* expressed-his regret that hh did not ialwf-setis the vessel. Count Da Gurruwikifr certain that Great Britain will hot take exception to the ant, in' view of the (set that English writers on International Law class powder, ball, Ambsssador* and hemp,, even, as belligerent—thss disagreeably sand wiching Mason and Slidell ae/edotrsbsnd of Tbs Visit talks Wsstsm j Di|»;rtlß*sfj The Preaideetnii appointed Captain A. H. Foot* Flag CHBcer ot tli* fleet in tfao Wertem Military .Department: He thoa task* with tho Major General. Thie arrangement: obriaiee an* eoeeiblo conflict of antborit; between' the commander* respectively of the land and water Fert Mackinaw. Il l* proposed to lend a portion of oor prie ooert ot warto FortMtrhloiw. Thl BitalUtiai Dralt- T«p«ttt*rroin ihe- Swift *bow the ftlrn*e*,bf tbe wibllerj/ 1 by which the eiotfas were eeleeied: toiufferin retaliation i for the privateerame* id her poiaeuioo. .The men coectanedeac felon’s dnngeon ere ell or rhe hiiheil rank, tnolodlog Cole. ' Corcoran, _L«eadd' Cognwell, Can;. .Ricketts and Con ■grtkimthElji-' .;a ioUlir'i ThannaelTtnc Dinner. ol vnetna, armed thia evening, brill tier a tart* invoice ot roaat turkey, mince oierend'plnm podding* for the-Tbankeginng dinner of Ute Cbeleii 1« the Fuel .MienehnaetterffimeSt. A Bham Trannetlm. TWaj an aipoia ol a eharp transaction, to 31 the feasV-came tallgVt*. A Brigade Com* ■ear*madeareqniaitinn npon the Commie* | sat* Dipartment for IfiO 'barrefa oi Soar. The rdontaliio* #*» ,811*4, ihd : tba^CpmmisiirT,« atorviiraceirinf tkeraforov*isl,ooo. ‘Bnbee qaehtly thodealaf-eold the four to another party».and received the money ’ far It He in . 5* Win ofleied it lin eal* to w«j. Beckwith, of wbo! laftntmod ; Uui Oli* 'Thalkfttl i WfllA *I-'| plained, end the lief dialer call«l| npon.tbe^ S at for hla Money, who 'relntned it tbte eftej noon. It ie eaid that thH U o**l i aerie* Of aimllar transaction* that bar* taken] place he* twee* the earn* partiee, end by which CteGov amment he* bee* ewindled. |. • ' J -. m ithe Waetarm SUbieU. ... Yesterday, net hendred Beaman,’ who hire been stationed at Fort Klleworthj 'and two h*odr*d ; maria**,l*ft iorCalro, to, man the gubottf tbtre* ;i. . ! •,-> n*m. K. Joy Xonla*! . , fcottort liuly rotbivMl from oar amwter m* ConiUßliaople, HoA.'K. Xoy Mornly confirm tbtthcorr Uit-tho eoUrprito of atkwf cotton fa A«it Minor promiten to bo completely i s -Biehop Mdletine-I* In-tbobity, tbegneetof hamutyHWaWMifli* l*«" *«”>»• b » the n*ai*teem*t.. r ....•. • , ■ I tao veteran pn* Johneon, wUl'he eleoted ui tke.Cnlied Stai** Senate by tb« Vsio*,tt»lp«!na«ii» t* rtp'J'r w eambleatAnaapolle. , ..... ’ Halanaa bf Brtttah Minor* In the Amy. | »n arrangemtnt ttaboit to n* entered wio i by whieh all tbo'Britlibeainor* who bane en listed la Ut« AwtarlOei'erMy era tt ih* tetnma edbotheirreeptbtl**tune**: yoiegeiera barovoliaMeted Horn Cnniaa,*nd | at Lot* Lyoat iei not nowtln the ydry, -bant of burner*, be ha* demanded that -they shall be., nteraed. ; Tka Secretary of War and the SiMitary ofStit* hiv**Ticlouilyeond«it:end litb iboadf tfabie tesoait. v j will aria* oat ihaiolat arraita ol “e*ara. «6SS»SES»«Sff board lb* maU**ta*m6tv.Tr*«J« ‘bat Mr. ■award wUI-hava.Ua band* fall. ;; Ili ‘t *»:l; r'T*-' ‘ II GAZETTE ' Inaamolty Against l*oma by PU*. FraaklU Fir* ««■»“! •* P H,l L A D E L F B I A- Office 435 and 437 Ohertnnt et-.near Fifth. ftuumeot ol AwsttJ, J*no*rj lrt. 1818, pabUita agreeatlf to an act of Ij—mltlj, Indsff Temporary loan*, on ample Collateral B*s . inißMiiiniiti —i OVyUtv gtocka (pment ralne IMiKT IU) B>»7M Sole* andßlilirecembla...—.*— J*®“ Cob ”« aiß 49- Tb* oaij FroftJta ftutn Piemtoma rtttl|U» Octopenj can dlride by lew ere from Bun vnicb | have bo#vdetena!oed. . • _i •' , lontmnoM nadt on nMjr deoeripttoa c< Frotnfi ! in ttwn a»d Country, at ram* aa *** *■ knconlam I *BlacafuJjr JocorpweUoii, t periodbt thirty J«n. tber bate p«la Loan by ftre, to an aaonnc \~J fbur Mtiliona of Doflan. thereby affording erV dfcc» of the adeantajree of lnfOranoe,aa waliaa then ability and. djapoattloa to meet with prootynw®'aß llablllilea. ; : ' ‘l nun ri tV--*»»ir«h- tlfllLM* 67 ; DmSoas---Cbarl“ N - Baockar, Mardacal IX UTla> *nl*,'o*“** OEUBIM M. BAHOK»», Pnidrot EDWARD C. DALI. Vtco Pn*Uesi. *«• 4 -“‘“‘•TftSfflarabfra. iU fc ,fl pmoaHcrthcaal cor. Wood and Third a®. - riBB IBIVEABOBi I By (hi EsUuii tntoat iaiutun Q«. or roiutiirm 1 I 0„ BntUlap. UiM ; « Ptryetol, Btrchulm I furniture, *o M IbTovb erCorotry. 1 ■ I Office No. 308' Walnut sheet 1 ainTu.sisMio..„.ias««imw6 oe-iiTMue M rtrrt£°r»*»e» tm ImprorriOltj Pmp.rtj, | : JooW»th»«mollBt $1»,«00 M I □round rent,flret*l*i» n i f«nn». EUlromdOo-iB per cent BortW* atjotVuSS^*? '« ['““S' " Jj-000 Ot I I *lkgiißnyeoaatyeii*r«aitP»ia.B.lr)»mcftOOO CO fsssssisisssssssis* rr ketfoirif MtAnalAlhanranoa Oo~» i WM 00 I Btook of Ooonty fin Inanraaca Oo«——.. __ OO FBtbokof DaliwirbiLß.hi»Minoe 0a....—* fToo JO Oommereial-BenX do , 01 JJS g. »2»J!BSB«====:. £5 B I Qaah on band banda of tpun Pi” ** ol*m nuaLK.iS^Sv* nirtoßO-OUm lia*i«..BMal Thompson, Robert Steen, frederick .*rowpr w® M&ttr, 0. RUreatcn,* W. TintfOl* JoiULR Worrell, Marab.ll Mill, B* I* TTobt. Tolmbd.tlliajL 'Uland,frnTk Wtnffc.Jawb T. Bnuioc. u. B>: Wood, ;3mlth Bowan,y** ®- Wood* r"4.« h ” t, “"’ I J. O. 00ffiw, A^«nt | Biyfl Bortbcaat eof»or TMrt ahd'Woun atnaU WMtora istOnuM# B, MILLTO, Jhs Prildant f. Si. (30BDOH, SeorbUrj. omcr No. Oa-Watel' atnat, Spbng * Oo.*a Ware ~. , factm* up ftaifi, PltUborgb , VQ| injure cuafwt alt kind! pf dndMdyk* BWu. A - ffcnS faUHution by p*™* 9 *}, take a re veil fcmmnv. eidaetu?uty* ore dtltmtwd, iy promptnaumd Übenlitf, ••-■•■•• 'a s oejcoronituii*- s S •• ? mSS ii 1293,3 ft! a* nnotou! « [w--frn p«rM>, WA ftlfcßftltfl!, E. Millar, Jc., N»th»nWß^a»e«, UewJ-Tfiunu, i O W Jacktoo. I Pavtd.M. U>u* t AtatftOdVT Specr,- "AvOtoW 'AaJtwy, xajao Kiri, BaM« nau lgiana iDJOraaee. H NBUftATfOB COMPANY arNOKTII .JL viMbIUCAr BmiADELPfIIA-. I INaUBANOIt CO. OP Xilß STAIx Qf I'IBMBYLVAMIA: PHILADiLPIUA. Xatorpoi»!*S, 42Wf». ' IUSftY p.fIMBRMBIs ! I 7 .. . W,P.JONBb,A»«mW W«Ur*4, * I T«*fc4ly B>g*U»yfr >QDdfa3«.: | liiuufl’* luaruM uoiap’rai A'ijunarjn I 0801, ooi. MarMt ft j - '. (BKQ8» IMP*,). V • I I »m. BtftALWT. fraidiat 1 ■ * guni Rii. ISSBIUS BI*AU3»A-i8 AMD OAaOußi, lIIUM tjuisat Loot tod D*m*» *“ U ?l* Ml *s!? oa «» r. sl aoRDOH.SwoY kM.HMBIII IMBOaAUQH co i -or riTTißuuoui - _ ■ " omoi—No.37 Fifth Bto4t, Bmntßlook, TNBURES AGAINSTii ALB ; PHDB t-ofUii Ain) iuuhi » j -*taAAO JOSHS, Piy«fifatit; JOHM Y| w f nirfilirM Da* B ißOOSpflMntey} WM. mvw».fW.a.O.Qrif, JoM 4S TTllKtt.jg. >f»£ Z££SZT)<&**>- *rocrt J: o f pt.Aa*a i lMg5 i RUriSi, o«pi. WUUwo >^7. *** siaVc/h,, s!* ; bhu’ aseiotßi •■ COMMISSION MB BOH A1NT;8» 138 Walm* Street, a ranußstrmi. -piAiruw FLODB,aSAIN, PRODUCE, p^AOOO W»BB A»b iiTOPOBB. ■; ‘ a l»H»i tor *rrcrt to bo mtM on m«!f< ■* F““.. . 1 *. k;oßtata- . fkoOtii*: no c6»«inwi> MSBCfstA 1 ** 0 * ] 1 ' No. 2045 Muon B***n> P H I t ißin.P Hl*.. ./■.■■■cr- ' ' ■ ** t ? l 1 . *T»i T ii e « T *°° ”• Oppwlte «<*•■•* ****** Hotel* *na Prtnite ; l^r«uiiip. «riu*w> !*“?f i SiV ,d *•*"" «m.u. joMKS. [ “ I■SsaSfSiSftSS.'tiSSrt^ *4*t«*»_ 13 ~■ 101 ws* - . »«* >»»■■■ »fc«f Dlaaoad Alm|i H. ulliLOa t UVn HOP! OCTTON MIIX, . JUAMRSHY|.QIR< : Kinnimsuei SEAMLESS BAGS, | OiUtAilVltU», 38 mehee to «XO IncUea wide* I Orders 11. Childs A. 00/b, IS3 U Wdod*twi4PttUlKUgh,vrW auaftuoo.^ OlMOtt JUJAMttTO*, Dbai.Bß' IN FURE DBUQSAND WMUMM MUIXBFtMLU JINO TvUAIB &X&* Pirtaui/uau, pa *. ! ant'd* L unm, . a. u»n. Wa. o« aat«u» ..iiauat RlUoi * Blcketa»*».|) r a m ykaß « tfaOVlilßEli rjiiMMciii to Kora ft RtuiCiM VIT UOLfiSALfi OfiAidaiiS iN FOK* W fRUIXS, BUTS and. BPUUtB, WN* »2ot3oh»j:i. buuaus,' mu utOu w ■- * • • Ui« tnlTftJo* ris NEWWaLL PAPERS, BORDERS, ** ja7 No. 87 Wood Stmt. Jig o u K.K E S J£, DBAMtii IK _ BTQ MBTtT, . IfiOH OBl» |ini»M lltON 80&AP bTAML, OANAOLAN GLASS SAND STONE. U «loftu!:-ooasitu oif vi.ojt asD sumi- SliZi tg-munn. ’ J t ft jfUAl.lJfiMlHCllUtitt ft ' ; ' " •ißucaitcu M &-1 - • larokxazs aip'D* ll ?’** i» HABDWjUSB A. Wo. lei Mar) mill' ■roasters \J - - J BOAT ba&fUVU«np4£tt Out o*l nrpa&Uttt boafc'tttpu rj< 1 ft 11 uu«, •T’--- - SOLID v 1 ■ V-UAIaA < >;., Ounu el yum >aa Meckel tirteu. UU'tbKlll ■vUilAlik'i'lL WW YOUttu. (successor J» Uabt* -• # Vimu A SotiWOU- 91 WOOl* »Wi*t, . oocotr SHusaud a**iur,u, »ll ijwu _ UUILBtoX. nJilVStt*. -ItAvSSbt * •• c •'U ««'» | >diriment of lrwwb %&u ftpa Ha&gi&Ei, * • ha to«a tad country bonus*, Ibo variety *tii tc h cn*s a* bftxetofbr'u, and prlc*» lowei. IHCH 1 * L- . . I t'ih * W. *t. S.XsAI O UiU W JAMJCI UWEIIBI > t , wnflm AHD RUSTIC WIOEBB, fAPMb » ."'ST 13 OoufTMa •««•*. * lx to ” Ki£-Wjttt,£uftmnft Wtu UpK Bun m ;Ww^yu«ivuib»p» a| p^y aa6||ld> ’ itt,v °>o^_ q 44 I >yl' MAM UJTAtfILOttX. . .F?.v - Miaaßg J. aTs. AOI* 80. H sx, OUAIELSTUICKT, M.tM to ocd«r v . by band, UttUi'i-tW OuLiiARS, Ac. ob abort botto*. Abo, bava eaaaU a «»• •UKT.I .... > YY mi ‘ | - m | Mmm.taA fcuT 215 Liberty st., opposite Oth, ritwburgh, ' ■->•■■■' U ■'■ 1 WHIPH,. L&SiUStS A dWITUHEts, ■n^saSnSs&i'WoifiL | . tm in iiwii inuntm r t»*»i »bd procapQy I’ gttu»a4aaptr toffntctfcm*. •. . . itmu, " rtTTeflOKflii, pj* . M OAiIBON QWiS. 4vlw>d tad U wo*l»ln< Bwi JSiSStuSTSubk lor tabrJaitn* «o aBTfeKT'' 111 " . iJkNiH BKUkktt, lor too . :4 CL.aUor, earek»» ol Metol, ;C«Ura Oil, ller- . r *o«.-it.Ty-* f— witfctwg Bmitr>ct«.Mla ml pare!* _ j -,J N6/47 St Clair ohws A I ~u*tt - . . HBBBWB. ~g SAkiJilj UJMUiJSi'X, : : | low, ’asp um % vuifniulb ctdMta, BUmlmjhMn,■_*, ' >■—- I- ' - «W“- —l—■ . \\r b. u&VJiN u prepared to lor -1-W MwituJAfa, 0I ««I B' —qiMno rcLolUa; or, batter quality ■■Mom, ttu otowtaMto«!>• Btaut. HQOB, Unnrimfalo, P«- 1 ; : , ftttlMmWfa T ASUS! St ?ALPH, ’ saaaaag^, t gnu,,.. -UmSlk,, tot «btIiWUMOI cl , r l, ESsSn^t : ™v -ji&ir.ESgf . I Iw * —— 4 . raaJIISVBB. JUNO : CBAia», James W. Wootiwell, ■ i: Im. 17 «■!••* W* «»«* 111 y O t 7 » ® H . a aX V All VailiUii of Itylei uiff loiiki j; * V>» 1 V.ii