The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 19, 1861, Image 4

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    TUESDAY MOBNIHQ, SOV. 19, 1961.
Onp of the moil amiiing oreota of thie ei-
Uaorfiloal> war, ia the perfect toundneaa ol
osr publta credit. haa no
dilcnity of.obteioitg money it need,
far lie taal cxpenaet, tat-a lair rata ol intareat,
and eriibout reeortiog toaxj foreign belp..
Aarbpa look, on with aniiaewent al onr mlgn
»y attain*, our oapittowtof trenaory, onr extra
ordinary exporta, and at the continnooa, Uipx
ot'npede, not from I»a»JT buU lor aarplaa
prodaeuoda ol ; The following,
aoaoont ol 'of the
Saereurr of au-igMorT, wbioh a. take
fton-iM Seat. JCbrxTHbtota, «H 1 be 1 road
with Inloreitndd gratification.-'
oiT-ka*** axd tut Jtiw Loan. V
Th* Secretary ol &he Xroaeorj, returned to
Waabixfton tbit morning.. Hia brial financial
dtork t»tbla eitjf bn been crowned with amt
maul ancocaa. With a replete treainrj at hie
command, bat wlttta aaattloai eja toTba fo
ur*', bo came to - Irew to. negotiate bia.l
uun for December.: Tboraaalt ia aaeniitt the
S&rlb* fact that the Aieoctato Banka ol NaatJ
Fork, Bolton, “ and Phlldelphia. jneet to-day.
Ut racaira tba ananimipaarajprt 0/
Hitiaa tit faaor ol taking a loan al par ol y litj
ggßUona of 7 par neat. United Btmlea bonda,
baring twenty yearn to rtin, in eqaitalent O
par cant, bonda. The Committee aid not act
laxlly upon, bat. deterred lift, . , ll> "
option o[Making an additional JP illy - Million*
ol Troaatuy Note*, bearing an intereatol aertn
and tbrea-lentba par cent.' But if wan. gener
ally uudatntoOd that they would be -taken at
Ikatumej U needed.. i Tbia.uaw.loadi like, in*
praaioua onea made nenaanary by tba. oureai
war for tbe prenataation or tho Union, wax
ikkea with nfdeiiljUyMileTunhaTor out[three
at ibnltuomeut when the
total heart ol iho country tamed* buoyant by
tfresuoectsol our snns ii * tbi Wtit tod in
IheSoatb, oar acbieTemeote In - finance—
thsfits to 4b« «kili aad liberality ol iheßws-
Ur/.cod ttfepauioiisia,and genktosity.ol tho
nni' [eta important and 1 cheering.
With FWy Millions abeolniely •ecarc4.lbr.JV
Osmb«r, asd Fifty Millions nude reasoosbly
January, tnc with victories Ulomin
b£Mr flillakll pttu>t ibn fi«ld, w* mty
ttdsed-bia the cotmitjr b« 61 good l cheer..
Wbea Got. Chase assumed the aoues of the
Tretsary, hs found its.ooffere empty, oar finto
e&sjsienria coilcttMkmd oitiCfcdd severe*
W tbtkstu -Scarcely bed ho goi eoauol ol iho
toils of office, ere treason nlnoged ike oonntry
Into a war ol gigantic propdrtioDs, which daily
madadeaupds ol imrdenab nugnUade apoo
Uremossyed resources of iheGoreromsat. .Not j
only bad ho to discharge the erdiaary datiea 01,
nofltailwajs onerous, and to eipound %nd,
•secdtk.knewend’complicatad tanS; bat to;
deilMrinevraree lor iarniihingtbe Treasury
with money Lneome nave* dreamed of by the
mosH»T»ho( Ms predecessors. Bat, by dint
of. rare isgacityiCerefal thooght,wlte.foreoitt,
■and a' cspscity lor'hsrd work .which new
dlgf, ho has already "won a repetition which
Jlccos him second to none ol tfasi eminent men
.rfao have administered that important depart
seat of .the GoTarnment •• With mil thl»i how
•Ter, hVponldhpt•oteeoded except for
tho gemerone aid of ihebanks.oi oar oriodpsk
eltlen.. The coantry owes them odebtof gist-,
• Undo for ihe promptness, ihe-coartge and the
"llbersUty with* which tbay bare mat the crisis.,
' Let them, rest ateoicd that theyno risk la tbn-loynl eaune In ikln CXifnncy.;
Wbalwter elan tbo Unilob State* (ail to So,
tbky will not tail to pay Ibolr fieba to tbo nt.
urmoat tartblng. Lot ua all bo of gpofi obaar.
Tbo ftaTarnuunt btnuaitbai tta by fl'nr fathera
Trill weather tbt a term I _
“Til Bin*, F&t,Coiti*tid Bs»vs*ts
ofthe arlttooratlo Soo’ih Curoliulnus, who
were to whip Ike defplaed Yuakeea with
their koea, seem to bin itrsogely forgotten
Ike role they were 1® play in tha greet
. drama. A pro-alavery correspondent of tke
'New Tork Sirtld U ekooked at the went of
HUOtment Ike ungrateful darkies display,
towards their kind matters. He saj s:
', ''Nearly two.buadted .contrabands hare
already arrived within oor Hate, aid the an
oeulona lncreaee dally. And these let,
sleek, well-lo do darkles are 'the favorite
slave! of the wealthiest,and ileigeet ; elate
owners In South Caroline, whore the loetl
lotioD Is said to esanme Ua. mildest form,
:and where,' oonscqncntly, slates are
more oontenled nod happier than in any
other pert of the Booth. The negroes here
' would never lento their mailers, they would
BthL ead lay down-their Uree for them. It
aeoeeiary,' before-,they would allow ‘htn,
' esln’s hirellnga' to land upon tbeuoaored
aoiL How oorreot they were In their eetlr
mate of the ilrenjth of these bjack eoonnj
drele’lore and affection for masse, and th*
•llttlo log hut,’ may be easily appreciated
when 1 auto that one of the Bret ’ negroes
that came in was thedrlter on Mr. Beabafy’e
plantation, and among others,' were body -
asrvauts cf Gon. Drayton and Coatetworth
Pinckney, whose plantations are within tea
miles of as. These some, and go info es
slaolea of Joy, when they - feel that they are
safe. There are a good many books among
them, who can get up a ‘hoeoSke’ la a atyls
qnlte gay and festive, and' who know bow
to'give that exaot turn lo .baooo whloh at
arrived at only by long.Uperleaoa, and k
paonllar talent that rises to the helghtb Of
thb iiolenos, and embraoes within'Ua ooni
' prehenilvo grasp.'lho oo ordinals branohea
. of tnrlioy . rosatlng end 'Oyster frying.
Tbose’thers bn nmong us to-day.
Thiu oleaglnons darklea that oomo in
aro wsll oared for In every reipest,.and we
expect at no dietanl day, to eee tha rcinlta
of their new fretdom manifested In throw
' lag npjnlrenohmenta eudconstiuetlng rot
" iifioVUons. A couple of thoniaad negroes
' will he just thaaruols wenesd In lalrenoh
lag ourselves, and by the llms We arc ready
' every ahovel, spade and pick tkat we have
will bp In bonlrebeod’e heeds, as they oome
In by Bfilea and hundreds."
Hob’.e Bn t. r ron Saoculon.
In a Lectors on the Constitution of the
United States, delireied recently is Fewee
Yelley, Noble Boiler thus happily exhibits
the fsllacy ot secession- • ■
Dor Government the work of great men
tboeghitls, U yetthowork ofman, and,
of oourse, not abaolotely perfect. And
though It were perfect, tt coold not be con
noted with Unperfect men wlthoot some
times producing - Inconvenience. It is
sometimes badly administered; lor, untor
tanately. angcls will not be oaodldatxa for
the offioes; and, if they shoold offcr tbem
arives, their election would be rathei doobt
hL one imboed with the faolt-fiodlng
spirit might reooont a long list ot grievan
ce* and the tame obe might abow that the
law of gravitationls one of the greatest
aflietioDs of humanity;. 7An i innocent child
li playing at the arindow of the seoobd
story of its father 1 ! boose, when.suddenly
it falls and dashes Ua brains out ■ Wbat
didihiaf The law; of gravitation., A
lovely maiden is riding through a wood,
. wbeo a tree fails and crashed her to death.
Tbelawof gravitation lathe caoae.otthis
tab: - A ahipta sailing on the ooeao, when
. suddenly ft goea down, and eyeqr son! on
board perishes. It wsb taken dowii by the
■ law' 01~ gravitation. Indeed; the law of
gravitation la an ever-present tyranny, never
: soffctlng msn to escape ita,power. From
- morniDgtill night it is with him at every
* step, , throwing him down, braising him,
and breaking bis neck. It is trne that the
> same;law keeps .tha'plabeta in their conrßea,
and prevents the whole system of nature
from rosbtog to destrocUon; bot yon most
' keep r tbia oot of view,, if yon wish to. “fire
. the mind and heart" ol the people, and
.“precipitate them into a revolution.”
' - Exitcu oi Colohei* Ecuot.—Coloml
Kfliot, who woa Id command of Fort Bean.
' ««Sb4 u btlioTed to'be kTeoaesseaobj
■“'SSttir Tbo Ukgrapb not haTibgtarnfcMd
hi* Cnt Dune, we cannot be certain of bil
IdeotUr. ; It iaprobebie, boweTOythat be
IrtheWetit. OoL iieorge Elliot wbo pom
: T»wM' OoL WifllamaOD’a regular Tabnaa.
]V ',4»er boob ted. volanton, tornB#pt***er;
’ MM* to Apr«t Miff, .flriWtg W*
vnUMUaueU to toobattlaoJ N»» Of
{••at, Wbere bo *u wogattod.- Afterwrti
I&isrW; ■ \ -
Brtch op QsKKiut Drittop — The
rebel .General Thomas, E.Drajloo, who ,
commanded the Southern tfoopj in general,
bat who, it seeinßr-was-also-in command of
Fort Walker, is ountire oi South Carolina, ,
nod wag bom io 1808, in Charleston. In '
1823 ho was appointed a West Point cadet,,
and on the Ist of Joly, 1828 graduated, and :
become Becond lientenant ot the tiiith In- ,
lantry.Jrom which position be‘resigned on ,
the 15th of August, 1836 Snbseqnently
he wee appointed to' the lucrative post of
resident engineer ot the Charleston, Louis
ville, and Cincinnati Bail road.
. In. 1838 he resigned, and occupied no
Very prominent office until the breaking
bat of the rebellion. Owing to a scarcity
'of West Point graduates in Booth Carolina,
he wag immediately made general. Qia
' brother commanded the United States gun
boat Pocahontas—one of the Seat
LOUUVIUiI —The splendid pti-HHv
•«ng«f eteamer JACOB Eu», Oepteia e*oo,-e.«lil
Inn for.tbe iVen k&i aUlntennMiito portion
WtDN*ePAT»2OIb iort*» etiVcjtoeh *. «». I<*
U.a.L*WI»- j
Regular mail pack
*T<—Tb* tplo&dtd putOflgtvjfSHtt
.Btunter DACOCAH.Cant BeodrlcUoiyjpiU Mjv »«
<JlQcinß»tf. LffolftlUei, n«w *lb»oj, Xririinua, O»tro,
Ud *t. LODI;. ooWdDNESDiV, aLb lclt.i ttfoor
te m ° r mwffl&g*
Regular miuuuAuu. (gy. »
Itim PorttoptthATßßf f Et JJ P? I ***
°..f.^" tbt ° I
w”«lil l«w fa. th. .b«w uiriltouwwdtoi.
THU MJBNIBO, il M <Moek, a el—
,o, ‘g „
PMMbTO tt**®** tIKIIXVB*. 'Qggt I
wSlkira PitWOiiii to I
oAT«t4p.a. Boiflrnloi.toafoaOtUlfoUißYlßY
TUESDAY at 10 ».«&. f*r tntfbt cr pM*M* »PP‘J I
“jy* ” J. B. UTOOBTOK * 00, fllßtrti-
nn u( •d.oiU PWWBBOT «*•».. «••• |
QHAHAH.OipI. Aym, IEWW PtUEiUE*oticEuw .
tlUa aTor; TU»iD*», U < o’clock, r. it artßiulcß
tarrwZuMTllt*(or Pltfabcr*b m»J f ZIDAP *»»1
J.B. UMIHJBTOK *OO, Aftntj, PitWrtrfb.
ZcAwtHh.' -wM
Regular whekllng t j
DiYaod SATURDAY, fti ll«'ck>cfc,JL tL, atfclatil
olowooaawUou with tbo. P*c*ttt »rPart*i
ttkabors tad ClßctnnotJ. Krtwalnf, WDteb
a^ckeAt-m, B—ttmurt roe«ljptod,tfcr«flgfltoCto;
u— 1
»al . j Wo- lU.Wotoratr—t .
>o* or
dtr oflbo Beerotn? of Stats, »U putwftfr Iffo?
thaUplUdSUlttart reqalrad to proo&W*P»«rport*
before going on board tSo Stainer.
Uadis* tad atnbtrUng fumiin JHBBM
>t auju&flryww, <&»;»&>
Vert Ud ffciU4ilsM» otaaoublp-Comotw intend-
OMMteblfit thtlv !oU«vovu«d
QtSY Of BflW YORK-.—-JofardtTb Hovofter; 16
KDINBOROH _Batard»j, « O
riTY Of M M
'U3JT QAftUl r> •»
!o toLoadea..o~.»StMl do to Umto«....Stt M
,Wii3r*lU*ani Tta*aU,«oAd tor Ala UootU...»M «
funutn larvudid u rarte, Watt a. llimboirb,
: r«a»a. Aotttrdfm. Aatvarß. Ac.,at rvdtacd throoin
' iSr f «tmm wlj&io* U 6tin* ontlbalt trl«&«a ei*
*a« siOi. StMrw* 'tub Liverpool Itl. fmi mmm
l°Sr Sltfcfc drtfia i«r ul« oa Bmlfd, lrmi*a4»
i aadWat— . . 4 ,
f)»M SMUun &»»• Kptrior usoaeuMitlsii wi
, iMSfftn, u< «nr uMiincad t*itw Ttor
• Pbinv (• Wfttcr*tt«ht Ire* Metloat. tad fcm P»*
>-at-Fir* A*»'*tnior»*n boirt. . _
JOBW O. DAli*. Aa»ut- 1> iirotdvu. It. f M ot
iuun rH(H&?s3s.AmK
v «1P US*rlw «tr—t. PUtabarrte.
SBALKD PROPOSALS. wiUbs'rsoelTed by tbs u*
derelgbsd, until 11 o’cl&ck doodo(, XHDSBDAT, the
Zlet oey of tut, fee tbs erection of •
uarebt houib..ohy bali* iratea boalbs,
Aa. In eooordaoee wttO plan* spptoTKl by Gooncll«i
«blcb nay .be naming at the sffics ot Meeere.
p4tt ft Bnn, AichU*cta,Ho 4T Diamond, Allegb*
will be ready for the nee of bidden
on MOM DAY, 11th lost, and ran be hid from the
Committee or from the Architect*.
AU bids must spseHy the lowest pries U (an In
caehaa the wotk profteeses, and sl«o the price if paid
by the rvrenae srltiog fretn the rents seeming A) the
dty from the etells In Market Honie —said teresne
to be »t*sfactcrDy secured to the contractor.
Oonnclie reserve the right or choosing the manner
of peymrat. All bk:e to be sobjeettotb* approval
of OovncUs -
Rlddan wllLsddrtss their Proposals to ths Chair
mas of the»Bpemal Committee cs Diamond Imprcv*-
nul,”BttkM M fVopo.ele far Afhplwey CUg Dt*
mca4 lmfrtvmmi." „ . w • _
Ooosctia will regain all bidden to fornleb a gear
antes of their reepooalblllty, helots censldsrtsc bids.
BAH*!* RIDDLB. CBirimiiw
JSd.-aBatEL <•
Nkw oonbionmsnts—
-Bft acki JUot Boater*
Tl.boabeJA prim* Ob'staois,
CO do feotllbark BUkorjftati,
iO do' Wtltidta,
ft Until Mteoeaota Crsotartr*.
I? do caliUatsdb*fl-*b»pt CrtQberrlM*
to d) ' dbofea Applca*
40 d) ioUdWtoat Applri*
M baifislsprU* ftaohcd,
IftO doaeo CtecteDaU Brooms—aaortsd,
10 barrels par* Ytetgar,
10 do cat and Dry Tobaoco,
00 aroM taparlor ftfcjt• folbh.
| ft bsrrala print Bwasl Cider,
60 do b. lantljr floor—Tronpet k rand,
I 100 do do do —Palottio UUla*
10 box*, 1 dca. each, pora Oet»wt>a Wlua,
6? do 1 do do Btttl do do
I ( disl|cftoi do do
-* tl#ttta Darts* Bagtr Ctuad Bans. _
I te tab by poft 1» H. VoiflT * C*.
I tj WOO tap £»!■*• OcSaH,
I 100 do H flatting do
I ftoO barral* prlaa N.O. Molaafos,
I 100 do boldao Bynip,
| loohbds prtot N.O Bags*.
I 100 do rorlo JUca and Cuba Eagan,
I ftO bar tall Qnukad do
1 Bft do B Coflea do
I 4000 aackd Extra Balt,
I 1000 barrala do do
1 • WOObotes aiaarted elaaa Wlodoo.Qlw,
I 1000 krge „do Valla,
I 60 UIM Qanstn ulay,
I iwf Perea BaUbflfld and Wator atraa U.
IS barnli CnaHrrla,
li do Catena,,
100 dears faeoylir****
ISO do Bari do
100 da Carpal do
100 box as Waiter* Baserra Ohacso,
I*o do 1 Vogllab Dairy do
I ft bartab VO 1 tart,
ft kegs do do
10 saeks Dry feoeksa^halvet*
I lObbia. do do
ft) do Balaetad Apples,
raoetradiod (or Olaby
J«t aewro » PbaßK VAH fIOV>BB,
toll lift gaaoad meat
CtOBN MRaL—lOO bo*. trMh gftmm
J Cora Maal last ras'd and (Or taU by
—Jdf. A- ftTVBB,
bcO Ooresr of Markat and ftrtt eta.
l/LOOR—2O bbls. ohbloc Family Hour
C lu .una
i Qciperof Marksts bd mstets.
Grain and »bjc
10,000 do Ootif
100 bon oil dcrerßlod,
luO do • ftsoiitylowi
, w oblclieMbffU o« *
aol go. Kt fibfrmt.
' MT OoH Tim o» wW) if ptturta,
iinaiuiM Mi jilt, fcr Mil u tht Hai)ry*etn
lexrolr Vi JOB* A, MITSIUW, .
j; *tlQ O,nMtOf|J»««,«o;Bl*l»rtW,t^
• viAt:' ',■■ n.T««t*aoa »
I^RUM'QIIC^)LSSA,. J!dMl* faf'
j PUILLii-s
bran Foanderi a&d nanDfutlarta,
UANUfAvTItIURR- £»A.L*U>* 1*
Pumps & Brass Work
~y «V«ux t-oauii.p-ii ■;»
Oil. WVkil-I-
t UrrH, w* Iron, »»tli Urn t^ioye.
Q;-s V»l»e« ot *U *QJ vsrrmtiu
giro MtW r sct>oc.
yAHUf ai/to&Y,
V.O ,^.lT r " nd >U * pmSSmoK*
'o Parmers'and Others
PATENTED rat*lJAß\ 10, 18W.
over all ©tfur* la oar oouaUU In Us cheapm'**,
■lmplicit/ and comUIUj. Beoirt,tn c |** n j n «
fatter, better as I more,thoroughly, » l 'h **»• I*** l *
than ao7 other mill. The patentee ol tiieabova Pan
h.. long engaged la maxiqbemrtng »nd soiling
AiHea)(anlllß9l«Malii.WDtlDui<l of tho groat want
KSoi Ri W SS»H«i the dlßcrrmt klnJaol;Oistp
utf preavote thia to the put-se with fail ccofi
denca that It *Ui meet their venti. , , .
thaandenlgned, haring porch***! tbe wl-tlgbi
to manniaeturi anJ cell the-abevi Grain tan and «<*•
arator in Vdatern..Pe««jl»anla, Western
art all Ohio, art the right to **ll la Indiana tod 11U
noUrie now prepared to fill *ll otdefci. ebultMl* «
The best that have eveb
t«i teen offend to lb* public. TUo, en lb.
beat fee the following naa.'O* _ , .
L Fsrttitt. being of •« ot»l shape, to* gl*** I*
eviry where equally distant from tbi flame, ao that
i tb* draft b •trdnger'and moia regular.
t. tb* oral Hup* is better adapted to resist Che
jHurt of mdden expansion, so that U is Unponlbl# to
b mads largely of Lead and PeerUsb,
gblng a great degree of strength end efMttcUy Tb«
eblmnejFwtteh botueheepen ben feobd to Be eo-
I brittle a* to orach eno when not In nee, ere tararto-
I tifj wall nf Lltne flies* Inatsed of the flint Glen, of
1 which out are manufactured.
I 4. Vox the |fwtw< advantage of thee* Chimneys is
1 that when yoa fear* one it will last fewer, aod if
I any booaekesper bn she one by tbs hsat of the lamp,
I )>t bar ceil at the lianulactory and we will repleo* bar
I cracked chimney by a dosen whole once. This proffer
does not Include accidents or thews cases of breakage
I where the chimney has, through iixxprmpco, been
I eoewed eo eioaaly to the lamp as to present Us «x
I eonstoa when heated. . „
| M«tiß<trtortrs of usrban OIL who
I hare bit the magnitude of the obstacle, which has
I existed In the gnat expense of chlmceya, to the way
l of the SQtrsreal ne of the cU. he?* totmd * remedy
| (a the Oral XX Vilnt Olaea Chimneys, which has tna
I ttrWy h******* 1 the ooet of t'arbon CHI Light to thaee
; i who ut* them, and Increased the oooaamptian of oil
I ooneeaneai apes the teseened cxpetles for chimneys.
:l |br aele by 9. 0. Kirkpatrick, L, TbnmmhOe.,
i I Roger# M Reablt. P. Hayden, Utneeo Oil 00, I Leiden
I *K*tneha,W.ogdaahOo, W. P. Wooldridge, W.M.
I i Jdnmy,or at the xianttbetory, Washington street
‘ '~£Z3Xf‘ E D mIBRIUOA
T7OB SEA BATHING, Atlantic City,
Mi K, jrTtwo'anil abalf bonrs ride from Phll»
dsTphis) Utaora frequented than sny other p*»o* Ic
the Coiled States
Its b*«hi»»g, sailing and fishing facflltlM an u>
i Boarding Booses, which will accom
| modat* shoot geno Thousand persons, are as stli
I tap* sa those cf Benton and Newport.
U» Beach to nine mils* hi length, affording a
I bUl^atdrive,while tbs atmespher* of the puce Ist*
tsarktMa H* tte drjnae* ,
Tb* Meiu vs carried twice daily two and fruco
phUb£)ilphla t and a tel(pt|)l> vitoodi tt» *Uu
Itnatb of tin toad.
Tralna <4 Caiadeo *O9 Atlanta. Railroad leer*
Vina StnatWtarf, Philadelphia, e»TK 4. M. and 4 »
•. Leave Atlantic at C:lh a.w. and 4:41 ». n.' Du
1 tasee e>xtj tail**, fata $l,BO. '
i UoKIBBIK'-!) {United Stetea) HOTEL and ettei
I boeene oowopan. lelfratt _
yitnAr.ff.Rfl IN PKOVIBIOKB,
No. 10 Foorfeh a treat.
Bavaon band a lino aieortmant oi Bacon, Lard ani
port, moat of which U of their own core.
BUQAR CUBED AMI, nf Cincinnati and other tore*
PLAIN HAMS, with and wltfcont canrti
Btx>n, tooted and la dry eeut.
LEAVLABP,Is bhlA, flrtini and palla. Put a;> pa
preealyfor family nee, and all of thalr own rondo, log
naenMl, Bnftaßla tar roiling talll pnrpaaee. ao •
-10 bbU F*aUj Floor,
14 do Aap«rto« floor,
U do prim* Bwsa,
6 da Craaborrttt,
88 to BoMatt Apptoo.
«0 do Potato**,
Bft fr**b cromod Goto Meal,
BQO do potato**,
i 8090 pooftdaßocktrbfot Floor,
I Stub* tioah Roll Bottrr,
nolS Goroor Matfcat *od tint «tM*t
In receipt of our trrt nppl; of Ne Plii D»t»
Minced Mhi, pat ap In dpeand gl*u J»r*t or lor t*l«
b* tbe poand taml, at tbe femtty on*»*7 ?*
ear. Üborty and Head elrem. ,
55 bbla. Ko. 3 Largo Mackerel
00 b»H bbU. do CV do
15 kftt*. Mai do do
33 do 3 do d >
13 do l Polidod,
WAIT A WHAOH, »S ÜbTiy it.
PRUNfia— 100 boxefl Prunes,
60 do
tb do Fiona.
K, Hot' .id niTIM «*J' BROTEgM .
oeSS Woa. 1?4 aod 126 Wood
OIL OLOi’li oOVKUiS—OI U»* differ
>lt «»d •»»)<•.« r»d “ ®»<* *• aaKloM
froa Ibm aetory «ad (* «to. "bo l **;!* p l ,’»»
WuHMiMXairWfwt. J 4 B Pj»nUP>,
BMtand c&Mpcat la tbe l&a.
ncmtrwi oa cosmltwanl and tor aaie-law by
oclt LirTLaOTaiMHba, |}t *««»■* at.,
ttftAN BISKKIKB-4V bbl*. OultiYatdd
t Western. In prUfte a mditloo.
/ iTcaurUf id pruso § waOB , T * 00. !
nolS . • Wa, ?& Wrti and M front aus>»«
f>BEBll QBOUBBIM— 6O bags fair
fer* u" &HBV*
"rj* 1 * ° F 113 n»,oa «trtcL
bfcU. MlDaMCti OrsotosrrteaJutl <rv»
6 aoH ; tJ HI S*ooo«l atr^ft,
RANBB.KRIRO. —6O bbl®. ‘ohMOO
A r .
eoa uuitj «trat.
Camp fiLANKKTSI-A largo «up
tl. oflhM. rap«ri« 0»m
N" 6. ». LAHI) 01U-ZS bbla No 1
Urd Oil on k»4j»J ..
JAMS CUln.l A 80S,
ltout ttDWinnwi.
UIiOOB AM) I«B- „ .
JC 400 bbli ilitki bturfi lolaCy Ffettf#
to do ttrtrt »»
47 «o rboteoßj* : oo
oeoo ttw. Bj* • ' . wn
fafmU by tOBOBBIBa A lAWQ.
Qnn &BbB N. O. MObABSKa.
Ov/U ice niiijtm i
■ ..
T>OIT*B—4 bblt. frtah HollUnMer
ilroailway, New Turk.
dour.. K;tiueed to Hi l»er Da).
O i i UliOPiMNu uftbi. va laud
v . L u ~..... Ua „. I. 1# 4l: u„ 1».B tb.
■ . - .i .1 lb. pri.prl.tun to t».b. lt I[l ' ni-«i .’JWf.
t.. ~ couTTul-Dt .u Icm Lit,U. Aunt. »>' c,c
sbt, nail etraujrr .. thl, ■bl'’ "* ' ,!F AUwitic.
AliJ wti.t.f.r t. Mronl H«U «« • ! ' ralol * t " “
tbr comtorl ol It. gout. tt*. tt.T. .ulu.TOrtJ, «lltl-
UOt rrg.,4 IU CJit, to [uOTlllt-, did U CODiUun Ul lb.
rt.a.a:. ot lucl'Uu'l .litHt*l»l >a)u}Oi.Dt «b'rb
tatri.rr. .rib.. laT.nuJ, .oj muinb tut.,
•ctl tb, p.trna«. -bleb It bn»l barm,
the i‘.rt sti r-.n I. . ,r.t tytott proa' >»•> **>'
■oitwbNTebrtrn spproctstod
. a;tl lb. <itr»tl.t a f *" “•
»„,lt.i t. -1.1.1=. tb. too.! rl,l l Kouomj, lb. an
w-r*4. o*- *i »*•
ftetfaced tbe Prioe of Board to Two
Doilarc por Day,
at ih« ism* time abaUng Bine ol thP ioxarioa with
whub their tab!* has hltbwto been sepplled.
In tbs un in odists oolgbbirhood o»
oeHartil. ■ bird andOhsstuul streets, the banka,
P < Oce, UercbsHt*’ Bxchsuge, he , Ac.
Bour<l per D&7. 81 00 -
AccvtaaodohON. wA«» u&r*
PLAN. Acoeu from WortU #»«*
and jfta/i ai a Itaar Cura *«*«*"! *£ mi?
tm Hotel trice^occarimgtotksßUtMef
Vhs City Van take P«*»tlii*r* f ,B *
say Itauoa TO or CLOlh TO tes
W EugUah. Frearh, kp***®-
jjtoatii, SUnB»,
. a —>• *■ »«»••
Daquesne Foundry,
Llboriy »Ui near Outw D«pot Pa-
R. B-, PlTMBtfRflB, Pa.
Hsonfsctnre «ACQIIiB, Q OT BLABT snd
nRATg barb, wagon boxxa, sad
BOXK4, ho, always on baod end for *o«-
left wlui W. W. YOUN9, comer of Wood
street andDLsmood alley, will nrt* prompt
B H A D jt S T
Uaoabct&rea every T*ri«tj «I
&O, dco. Aco.
Solo Proprietor of the celebrated
Offioe and Sales Room,
No. 4 Wood Street,
▲liL.bß, MoVOBMICK * CO ,
prrTBBDROn, p£
Warefacraae. No. 301 Liberty St.
ana BUtbeu Uratre, Hollow War* *tbo8to«l and
OUaa HoolJe, Bolling Mill OaattosOini.aaarinj.Oaj
Water abd Artlaan Pipe, Bad Irone/Dof
Boxra, Barer Kattlaa, Pelleje, Hasten, Oar WkealA
Oaatlsgi lanacallj. *“?•
Merlin., Caatlnga mad a to ordan Patented Portable
UUU, a-iu- Steam or Horae Power. oolgtdmd
ffmouum & Caibon @ile.
Stocks « to*rpiborg ttttlon Alkgbtnj V*Uey
OillSd QAKttON Uit3 ini) BINZOLB ,
KTPLJSlTa.alwtytop baud. "* uciilja
Lucifer Oil Work.*,
LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, &0., &0.,
No. 39 Market street,
Between Second and Third. r
mh3(tdij wrawaon. fa. |
CoEnplanter oil COMPAAV
a. U. DAVIS, i’rMld'att.
JOON IRWIN, Jr-, SocroUry »&d Tiwnro.
jnuotort-B. U- I*tU 4 T. U. Kerin, J. L. Omiu»-
gtiko, A. U»s*ron, John Inrio, Jt*:-
Of Ugbl groTily, from tb» «• wniMjgi
on Ju Omk, in Votuago county, «*»teotiy on twao
•ndforttU- _.
CNIoo •» X- fl. Ntrla A Oo.»,
tayoiy Bo« *6 wood »*.> piuibcrgh.
p'AQt'iS Oil» WOU&n-j-
aiHlltM AMD DEAL*an IN
oarbqn oib,
(Qaalit* Qotraatled,) PltfXlJßtlEQtt, PA*
«»»<?,? Or««?L»d Hanoi* 000^‘; y lf ft2
Order* ttottwml fur tb* pnaap* •** MKfI
A CO’e*. Aa>gr*Tx! Firat iractt- , tfi.aoa
J M iiiiiT TfrMi in ..J. ffiATtii At
Uaanfietai«n Mil WbolMln D««l<ti In
». Clair SI„ war If
lVadi Jl»cbln« OJ. No.l»BoUrM*»
ohlaToiiJ^o.B©Ur Burning i, Kolnr Bnifr
111 Ad-iilooM nstdt on conrlgnm** 4 *-
liongtroo ho Oilingord««»< CtoiUOiUol
clttcgmtite*. ——— - T
Lubricating Oil,
- - «-“»• *• "££ss3t£*fi*
Uimu. HIJ' H. »mu> aeott-mLotittot
Mai oil <n an pttlai M>“ V, od4 “** “
M,, (or ocr l>nn*~ .. B K 00,
Bt«WM. J^PTvPfH.
In Ot»am *nd Atmotpherto B aumm
LETTERS PATENT were granted on
tsMpheno IlUßtoert, wtwffbj *" r '' fc . c 0 ?. U “
SSSoerltobuiued, «w «*?dug«
Of lb. mao. of Iron to ta l
log . pot locr— ofpo™
OMtml *r« to b? opor*ud opoo, •»<* • <?i«-»pu«uui*
■l.kifouo of a.lllnj rl*hta toJfjf™ W r,md"Jl
•• »»il aa territory onilor \; rV.»
MiU bapruraiuenl la 101 l al ibrf-btr ' ~ \ t
•rail * Sottloj. attofonya at La*. “V ; ' ' ■ „ 9 2S
anJ DUmooil atreoUf »bor« , ‘"2
, •« 'L “Wsi ; lr
~K '' A, ~ TIIUSAB lliiif --
£ .rit u i x I* Bll ’ l
A TOT lU*» ««» »< ■*«>“ T ‘ iaJ d«*
"uTlSKtoS'Sibl" ITV<W-M.“;; '
“SinMO-Xb. tw.U> UWJjwmrr. 0,11 ud
from 110 ffcftl t t>y t*" l Ijorulwd,
BHAMJBWS and biiumiDwP
•** 0.t1.0J Nmo rlKi, PIN.
xl BTOB* bM t*« i*bowl from No. 88 filth
; nroat to
HO, 50 Bt' OlAtt. ss.
foor Dooro fro® Üborty ct.
C* r m7?ir*Tisos?W--^Heoommenssa
J lorK#c«»*' Tool * icto# wltfesnt Injury totte
ftnd lUilifln iff*? I** 1 ** Mnmclbw,
mot ■;,.
Proposals ahmv baggage
tt A-JU.NS.
UUlftTlbMi.'TaH OtJUKAt'S VTtlCi, I
Washington, JOj- 21 IMI J
Propueuis »re invited toi in* loraUUiug ol Army
guguo W agoaa.
pioptMl* tbaald stats tb* prices a wbi to tue; ton
be furnished »t the p*ac* o( unnalscture, of »t
Yotk, t biladeiphi*. ttoltlmorv, V* tsLtbgtvD, or Cln*
tlonoti, as ptolentd by tbo bidden.
Tbe nnoioer which cm be m»de bf any bidder kith*
10 ooe Htonth after receipt of lbe order, alto the num
ber which hs can telivet within on** wwk.
The Wagons mart txsctiy aeatoim re the loilowtog
•p<etfl otiose,and tj tht-ea'etllft'ed pavurna
•jfctx tuoia (ouvured) wait -us, o( the nM and descrip
tion aa L-llowa, to wiu . ~ .
Ibo irout w: eels to toe time lei t teu Jp : ® * “>i5 b *
babsUa in-bee rad .emob-r, and toartoeu and a quail
ttt loenesioo® btoa whe?Ulocrf k «t tou iucbaa higft,
boh* lejandaqmrterIncßes la diaaeteT
•sd a quarter Uubee »o. g; *®iht«e two and a bail luchts
wide end t«o and three qaerter iatnes ueoi>;c**t ir*u
pipe box** tweire iucbee tong, two and a ball inches
•I tbe large end ant one ana seven eighths inob et
■nail ends tire two and a ba f Incline u id# b> fit*-
elahiha of an inch thick* fastosed with one screw bc.l
•nd nut In eacn falius baffi hi»de ol goto, me spokes
end {elite of the' beet whits cok, rroo from d*;ecir
eicn wltiwl to ban a asnd baud md linchpin baud
two and tUreoqnaxtd Insbn wide,of No.b band iron,
and two oxiTiug bend*—outside Uuia one and a quar
ter Inch by one-quarter ioea thick* male* oano one
inch bj tUrew*tkwen‘bi in the bind wheels
to be made sod bored so thu they win metmrr f. vtu
tbe Inside 61 Oie ure r> the Ur** *oo oi jbe f**
and a half laches* and front wheels six* and ono eighth
loches In a parallel line, and eacbaxle to be ibteeitit
elann aaa three eighth inches irem tueonUlfi# of one
iboakM waeoer to (be oauioe ol tbe cibtr* eo as to
baTe tbo wagons ail to track fl?e feet f.otn ocuire to
centre of tbe wbeeU AxUtrece to be made of the
tuai<nailt7 refined Ametlian Iron, iwo ana a half'
inches SiUer* a. tbe shoulder, tapering Uowu to one
aoda halt tech In tue middle* wUb a rosea eighth*
Inch Ua**boU bole in each *xlcti«i MtiLeta and
linchpins lor each axlelm*; sia« oi Uuc- pics one inch
wide, tbnMlghOii oi an inch ihletf, with a bole in
each end a wooden stock foor ana icieo-qnarisr men*
M g & d inches dei P fastened euDfcontialiy to
tbe axfeUfle with clips ou the tuda and with two
tom inches trem tb? middle, and listened to tbe
hounds aod lolstar, (tbe boiskr to U> tour loot are
: [nonce long, fire Incute wide, and three and a bail
doepj with tour hsU-mcn bolts
Tbe tongas to be ten feet eight lu.bts long, ’our
jnehee w«d# aod tuzve Ibcnee thick at Irani end ol
1 tbe bcands, and two and a qoarur Inches wide by
l two end ibreesosrur ineboe despetthe (ivnttus,
and so arrangad as to lilt up, .the Irani euil ol li to
within two I ret of tus granua when tbe wagon
Is tissuing at rest oo a level an: tace. ,•
Tbe front to be alxtet two inches long,
three Inches thick, and War inches wide orar e*i«u ee,
end to retain that width to tbs back end or the toogns,
laws of the hounds one loot ‘igbt Iccbes lung ana
tinea laches square at tbe tnmi cod, with e plate ol |
iron two and a ball inebta wide by lb ee oigbths or
•uincb tn>ck, tsstanedontopuf tb* bouoas o*ft the |
o«ck cnd of the toegoo with oua hsiPinch acre « belt ,
m each end, and a plate oi iron o* tbe saoie tau.*
ul no at each end one aod a half inches to damp tne ,
Hoot bounds togetber, and l.sienea on toe auder
and a* ‘root end of haaads, with bsif inch strew |
uelt tbraagb earn hoond* a aevtnelgbih inch buit
tbrocgn toogtw aad SwasS* in the centre ol Jaws, to ;
■aeon r h ** tongue in the nooudk} a plate ol Iron three
iuohea wide, on«»*qa*Wr Inch ibxk.oud one root
eight Inches long, wonted on the luntfe cf jaws oi
boands with two iteets* ana a piste or the ua« dt>
mcnsioni «a esen side of tb* t*.ngu»> where the to*.goo
end bonnes ron together, se%n,(su in use minuet, ■
torse* of aevsb-eigntna oi au inbh tonnd lrou to ca
und nom nadtt' tbo trout axteuee. and take two bulls
In front parr of tb* hmods, same breoo tbrep-qnai
ten of au round to cuuUnua to tne hack part of
tha nonuda, and. to be leilenod with two bolta, cue
r a*,, pack eud ol th»boniida,and one tbrengh tb*
■Udar and a brace over Irvnt bolster one and
■ bail Inch aide, on* quarter of aa inch uttek,wlih
a non U each end in fasten It to U>* hecaosttbe
rrtnlns oetw*en the Jaws ol the hounds, to recelvu
tu* lottgne, sed four aud ibrewquaiur incbcs in
Iroot, and tonr and a bail ia<.hee at Uis back part of
The bind bounds foor feel two inshos long, two and
tnrc*quart*r ibUm* thick, and three inches wide,
laws eu* foot long wbere they clasp ibe coupling pole;
the holster four la*t nve incb«e long* and Ova luebss
wide, by three Inchee deep, wiih steady Iron two aad
a ball lp-h«* wine, L»y ooaiuii Uun thick, turned up
two and a naif Inchee and laatened ou each cou with
ibne rlteisi lbs boistar stocks and b<.nuda to bo so*
cored with lour half isch screw bolts, end one ball
Inch screw Doit through me coopllag pole.
Tbe coupling pole nius feel eight Inches long, three
deep, and fonr and a ball inches wide «t trout
and, and two end threwqn trier laches wide at bath
endi dtatance from tbe ccutie of kisg boil hole to tbe
ouitnof tnwhack akieiree six itelous loch* and
imn the centre »i klog-hoit bwls to the acute* ot tn#
mortice in the hiud ejd of the poleeigot leet ulus
Inrb-ikif'g bolt one and a quarter li.cnes dlauat-r,
oi ten ieku*d Iron, drawu down to eeven-elghtus of
an lnr h where it psseta thcouyh ite iron
iron plat* six inches long, tutte »s.bee w!d-, and oue
eigbtn ol an inch tales on the coatloiree and toague
ancre they rub togetner, iton piste oce ana a hat. by
onaqnnrttr oiau tuebcu tbe slicing bar, Utttatd at
each end by ae.r. w tooil the Uoouds; iroot
acliter to lists platM s'eis and below eleven linben
tuag,tbiaeandahalt lucoce wule, and three cigums
ol an lech tbiek, corkers draws oat and tnruea duWD
cd (be eicea of tbe t oiater, w.lh a call .Id *a’-L coc
uar, and tone eonoterenak calls oo the top; two tends
on tb* buonoo, two aud two aud a ba}i luebca
•loa,*l flo-'W hand irotgtbarohplaifl on tbe coup-
Uni Mtc to ye eight Jnobas lung, oue and; tkrewqusr
texetnchMal!le*aJid one quarter of an Inch thick.
Pottbletree three tret tea lhUice loug, clngietrc* teo
bet elgOt Inches tony, alt well diljU hl-kou, with
an troartng *adcUp at etch end, ibe centre o lp fob*
wvUseoareo; I*m bar oml stretcher to he Chine isel
two uw-Ure loug, two and a qaerter Inches
oneaOdaqaarMrUictttbick. Lead bsx*,'*lretcb«re,
rndalnglatrecs lor six-mole tenia; tbo two singledm*
tic tbe kiwi mute* io bsvo books .in tbs muldio to
nook to the end oi tbe Otrh chain, the wheel anil mld>
ole paiit wuh open rings t* stUUi them to the doob-
Uue* and lend bnr.
Tbe flub to bo ten teet long to the faik: the
fork oue toot ten Inches long, with U;e stmeter ap
tacaed to spread the forks apart; tbs liakaoi lbs
doubletree, stay acil tongas cnaraa,threseigbths vf
on Inca la diameter} tbe forked cbai serex sl*(« uith
radluneter;the fllth chain tuberevea sikLcnib
Incholamaiei totba lock; tbafork toDaUrweixleeatb
lack drams Ur,tbo Uoks oi then: and ot tbe lock chains
to to* not more Uun tiro and a quarter inches long.
las uody to h* atretgbt, three te.t dlucbeewlo*,
two fast d*«p, tea l*at long at tee uottom, and tenteat
,n utebee at the top, sloping equally atosca ana all
io tb* dear or; tbe b«d pirete In to* two aud a
oeli lnoaes wide, aod three lacks* deep; treot plscct
twotccbee deep toy twa and a Half mcbea wtd»; UU
ptecs two and a half metres wide and three inches
dees; and foor inches deep In tb* mtdiue to rest ou Its
coopting po c; t.p rail ou* and a half inch thick by
on* and *•▼<& eighth Inch wtoa; lower rails one Inca
ikirt hj*vM ana eiiTeltelgtllh Inch whs; three studs
acd on* ran la treat, wop a aent on strap bingre re
cnee u up aa high as the aides; a MX ihiee Ires low
laslM long, tb* bottom fir* locks* wblj uontatoe,
ala* asdanaif incbee deep, aad eight an t a bail iucbca
at tua top tn parallel line to to* body all lh crew,
•o be sotaUnUaUy taataned to tbe front soj oi the
body, to buss an Iran strep passing renad reck cud,
eecared to tb* bead piece and trout rati by a rives >n
each end of It passing through them, tb* 111 to Le
tMteued to the Irani rail with two good etian blugut,
aaxapolflvwoigbthiroa reend the box * bail ineb
from tb* top edge, and two strap* same aime oa tu« lid
hear lb* frOat edge, to present tb* mains (ram eating
tbe b.xee; re have* joint hasp fastened to (be midair
of the lid, with a good wooden eteet oa tao Inside, a
etr spot iron On the centre cf tb* box wUb a ample
thrangh it, to fatten the tid to; eight sicds
~.s rail* on each aide; on* belstar fasteued to the
bedi,aix Inches deep and (oar inches wid# taking
bou bole, iron roi in .font and centre, of elereD-tix
of ao *T»~ h roand Irvu, with a bead oo the lop
of rail aod not on rawer end; Iron rod and brace t*
bind, with eooalderi on top «Jtall pUca,aad ants oa
the under side, and a union topot rail} a plate two
aodabslt rochet wlca, of Wo. id band liou on tali
pieoa, aeresa tha body; two morikes In tall piece, and
hind bar two and • quarter Inch** wld* and one inch
threk, to receive three feet war inches long, to
be ns bnraees bearers bar rtrete thrangh each
aide stnd, and two met* through each ticntetod, re
•ecara too Unlug boards, tobeol tbe hwtqoaUty iran.
tad riveted on a good bar; use rivet through each end
<it the ratist floor bvwvlgbtbe of an inch oak boards;
aides flveeigothe ol an inch white pme, tall board
throe qoai ten ot an inch thick, of white ptue, to be
wed created with fln oak cleats tinted at eech end
through the tau buardt an iron plat* three feet eight
toebse lose ttro and a quarter incbee wide, end thraa
eighths ot an inch thick eh tbo under erdeol the bod
b|* • to esleod from the bind tod oi tbohody to eight
anebas In trout oi Uw Und uoistars, to in taaiento by
tire rreLal tb* end of the body, by tbo lateral rod aod
two three itghihs of an inch screw boas, one st ti *
torwaro end of the plate, and tb* other ebcut eqol
dreteut b*sw*on U aud the lateral ltd. A halfluoh
rooud Iron rod sc bolt to pom dragonally through the
rails between the two hmS itudi to and through tbo
bad place *ud plat* wider It, with e good heed uo the
rependasiandauowat uebo4oo),teboat tbe top
one foot six liichee iroas lnabi*v.f .toll board, uod cn
tb* bottom ton In.he* irum tbehlua rot. An Iron
araratwo IhCbe* w!d*,oae qcaner of an inch Ihtcfc
•round tb* bid tiro«, the oeaue toll to which tbe
luck ebam to attached pitting throagh ft, to extood
MTift ibous* oa tbe Inside or ibelwdy, tbe tnue, top
■cd bottom to be eecarad by two thiet-cighin
imb-acrew UA.S, lb* middle bar at the ends tab*
fljiih wUh the bed piece oa tbe low»r *ld\ To* lock
roenrad io tb* oeaue belt oi tbe tody on*
•nd breteo tbebes, tbo other two te-t six lochrs
lose, to to of three*. Ighibi oi ao icoh ranud iroo; lotd
trough to be tear f«t sixlnchis loog fraa out to oat,
tb* bottom end auds ol oek, too sides of yellow ploo,
to do eight lathe* •!>!* at boOum, tyreiTe inebto wbie
•t top, aud eight and a- half incbee deep all it: the
eleuyirell ironed, w.tb a band ot hoop Iran arenad tb*
top, on# aronua eirah and aud three between the«nils,
strong and enitable irons to laatou (hem on the tongue
when leading | good strong chains to be attached to
tb* top r*U of the body, sscarrd ty a staple with a
bv«k re afUoti if tb tbetroagb. Mlx bows ol gaud
aeb two rochet wldu aud on* halfluoh thick, with
ibte* staples to* eonflne the rldgo pole to lU puce;
two staplm on the bu y,re eeeara ce.hunool u.e
towsi one ilfla* po<« ( feet lung.aue auJ three
quarters loebee wide by five eight# •>f.aaln:b thick;
the cow to bedl tb* BrstqnaHty eoitou dnea Wu —,
fifteen leet long audnine (e*c eight IncbM wid*. medt
In (ba beet mnnnar, with four beup cords ennacb :
sld* asttcnelhroogbescbeudtocltseUetbGiheodN
' two rtagaen eech end oi the body, laclcn aod secure
I tbe ebdaof the cover ;aeupie lathe loa*rre!l,h*e*
tb* aciuofl stud from each *ud, to laslea the aide cords.
! Tha cnUld* of tb* body aad l.vd t|uagh tobave t»o
godd coats of whit* lead,oulur»d to a blue tint, the to*
' aid* of them to h*v« two coats of tenetlcnred p*.‘ot;
tbe rannlAg gear and wheels to hate two gooo corns
ol vuetlaeraddxikcDedotachocolstecolcr.lhehnb
and feltkk to he wall pitched, ins toed of palutsdTa re
-1 q aired.
A tar pot, an extra king bait, sod two extra sisgle*
tnm to o. fiinUwd wltt «■.. w«*oo. *.
and single ins* *1 "*»■*’ la nil rmpecu to tbi** to*
lugging to it.
ireeh sii* of the tody of tha wigon to b* msrkedU.
g. nd numbered is directed} all otherparU Wbe
lettered U.* cover, feed boa. boU*, Uachpln*.
teapot and harma*bearer* .fcr taeh wsgeb ta b* *«
In a troag bog, (coopgodj and the conurau maikw
te dietiaetiy oodantdod Oat tb« wsgoiu are
Io b*eoeo«atmt*d that tba awmal pans of «oyo«»a
wagon will agree and «saot|M ®* **?
molt is *J' tli pmtU lutbtoilj
mtti at the beat woxtnuwlHe ni»nutr.
' Ibo wur * may be io*p*ctol frocaume to tima u it
t.rogrM>ea tj an officer « »*M«» “*
>*’• Drp»rUoeai»»uilJwae.9l itbe
it thill owe beebiiupeowa tal •*** ®f
flctr or ueot latborlred to io*i»ct n. H bea floJ»h*d«:
piloted md eccepWa b t « *®* r t
Qa.rWrß.ner»« Dtiputant, utf diUT.i*lM bonis
umd, the* lb ill Up*U lot. U. 0, ***<»,
eolfclt 9 Qainertnietir Uiperal 0. 8.
I IiiUrU&ALO lUtt KlAttUltf
o»nca c> Ain Ototaire a»d Xquoao*, |
Corner Etvxri and MtrttT RtteU, >
Hiv Vo>K, AQ|U*t «. IML J
fttp »&u vttt be needed •* U»t»a®** ,oc iw***,
ut Gtum-t. Ann? Wigon Utntut
1 ib, ptopetatolbMld IUU ihi price »t »Web
- fatnuheti it the x>l**w or minofiotan
“e r ,i» ““hid. to,
oot.ihei.uOterwbld. eeii be oede b, to bMder
Suim oue month tt« Mbtpt ot.! to order ; elw. to
aomber .hlfh he cun deUrer .niton .
Ihe huw. mud eiectljfOOfcrmmtheblto^oj
•pedficetlon* und a to eeUhlUbed pitterni l
Kcnr mule b»nw«a esirtlowo, to wtn
r«<, or*.—Breech atnp* 11 feat 6 ioob*6 Joa|» *K
iccbe* wide, aowca into 11 loch ringsoiftlaahiron*
hip au*p« a iuill tong, aftlnot**wuMPg
piooea2foc« loot' 2ft Inches
bc.-klea; cioa* strap* to buckte lhlo htaj 6
bit »<«B,lft inch w:d«, all* strip* 4 feac long; lft
loch wid* U« strap* »6tccln* long, ftluch wllw,
uperio g to ■ poUt-
Two Belly Bands. Long tide two test 8 lochs* loog**
Uicbv* wide, with s two Uub bucki«; ifiort «4» 1 fo<t
»inches long sod 3 inch** wide.
Two Hair Collars. 18 to 18 inch** leas, with double
•trap* sad safe leathers sad sock lea ft taco wld*.
jCwo pair ol Btrasg Uanea to salt, made of white oak
ironed with hooka, breast rings Ift b&ch
sgoaie, staple* and ttao ring*.
Two Pair tf H*m« Ut*api. Lower one' 6. tees 6 laches
I inch srutet aooer ons * fat 0 lachaa tong, ft
I lUCii WMe.
two brtdlta. Crown piece 2 testlong, lft loch wW*%
bi-eekbUKes each louche* tong, Ift lacb wide; treat
pU«e Lift inches long, lft inch wide? •»» pteo*,
uuio blind* to crown pleats, lllachea long, lft inch
wide; dom ple«« U inches long; 1 inco watef bUaaa
0 taebo* long, Bft loohis wtda; re tea, loag Bide * tost
toog, l lsUt wide; thorf aid*, a. Jest long,ilnch wide, I
wiihliocb bookui butts, tlaoed xnouen, towaigjt 1
6 Bw u» the uoueo.
Two pair Chaiu Pipes, 2 feet bag, 2ft Uches wide.
Two pair Trace Chain*,? (set long, Id tins* to the toot,
•1 tta 8 iron, wuhT od oae end, weight 7 ft to 8 Da
per pair. Totaled or *usight.
One Pair ol Bce*»tCb*in*,22 lachaa long, 14 links to
the loot, ol No 3 Iron. Touted.
Two Neck Straps, 8 teat 1 lacb long, 2ft inches wide,
with 2ft inch oackla.
I Two Neck Chalet, 4 (act 0 laches long, 14 link* to the
toot, No 4 Iroo, T and loop u> bs riveted on to lb«
Deck strep. Twisted. . , I
One handle, o>sda on Attakspcs tree, bead, goilet |
and cantia, lreaad, covarod in tbs usual way with
half-tannen borto 1119*; dap* 20 Inches long, 10 {
loch** wld*, surcingle 7 lset 8 inches long, 2ft .
i..rhM wide, with • aft Inch bockla on oas end, u>
U teats bad to the laddl* bj being rmtad to two
cux red strap* Ift kch wide; ihaae a trap* are placed
one on each aid* of tba anodic tree, one and I* tied to
tbe front part of ih* bar, the other and to the ex*
tenaton ol the oar behind the cantia, jjpaalah saddle
|Uiiq|i leathers 4 test 7 inahas tong, Ift
luth wide, with lft inch booktej stirrup*, maUaebw
iron, tinned, btdt pattern, to weigh 18ft w* tefe
casen pair,
Two Oollaia, 17 >$ to 18 Inches long, made vbe tame m
for wheel liuumi. I
Two Pel/of H>mee*o roit, of the acme materiel aa lor |
wheel bemeea. Irotad, •Uh'boofce; breast ring* ind
line ilnga, with elrepeeetnwfitelbaioeaa.
Two iiriaiM, eaioe aa lor «*heei haroe«.
TwoMechBtrapa*adObainß,eaaeaalot whMlUncM. |
Two Belij Banda, - # **
Two Pair Chain Plpea, “ '
Two' Pair Traoa Chains, “ . • .
Two Cropper* and Hip titrap*. Back strap frfoat long,
upcn&g from&M incbe* to 'Aft Hip
Btrapa each % feat 4 laohea long, i>4 inch wide, each
with a book at one tad.
Two Bar* Baiala. 8 feet 4 laches long. 8X l*chea wide.
Two Martin galea, 4 feat loog, IX loch wide, to tackle
Into the bit. __ _ ,
Oba Ooopllng Strap, 6 foei 6 inches loo&Jginch *”•«
Ouo Check Hein, 4 M long, 1 tacb wtoe, to b&ckle
into the bit at each end, with a dog etved 14
Ute centre to reotlva tbe lead Lae.
Oii« Lead line, 21 Jett loco, ft Inch wide, with a
Locale atone •&d,.aad*n&lnen loop at tbe other.
One ttblpibeav/ plaited bora# hides 0 leetd laches
Onaflotte Brash,oval, of torisilee, bj inchsi
ttbeOorrp Ooiah, iNc. 212*8 bar.
iba whole to be packed In a box about 18 inches
wide, -1 Incbaa deep, 84 inebee lung, made ol l imb
■fniT > coopered, woou hoope or iron aa maj be repaired.
Poor Uwree-Ueineae, aa idloaa, to wtu
X*o Qcller*. Breech auaixS feet ft lathee let#, S}>4
Inches wid*, sewed law 1-Inch ting* Ot % 1000 iratif
hie strep* 4 bet inches wide; stay pieces I
t'eoi 8 inches lang, ft Inches wide, with 1)4 Inch
bucilw;cn«iin|ii Wbactblaw at*y pl<cw 6 Heft
long, iX uwfe wide, aide straps 6 feetfi tnebfe long,
1)4 tai.ii with-; tie Knpt lft laches long, IX Inch
wid i* i>p*iU| tb a point. ■
Two Belly hauls. hang side 2 foot 4 Inches long, 2
Inches wide, with • 2 Inch bntkle; short kid# 1 toot
o u-the* long and 2 inch## wide.
Twu-ilair CoUara. 28 to 82 inches long, with doable
■nape and sale leetnere and backus Jfi Inch Wide.
Two Patrol Btroog Hams# loemt, maeeof white oak
coot, tros#d withhooka, breast nag# IX inch equates
staples and line flags. I
Two Fair of Home etrapa. Lawer on# ft feet 0 Inches
lone, X Inch w»e; upper one 4 (eet 0 Incbee long,
' X Loch wide, of atom tannftd leather.
Two Bridle*. Crows piece 8 feet % inches long, I|£
loch wide; chean pieces each 10 indKw long* 1)4 inch
wide; treat pbn .18)4 Inches long, 1)4 Inch
stay pieces, tram Mina**) crown pLecee, U Inches
taog,l)4 loch wide; nbU piece Ift Inches long, l
Inch wtoe; bunds 0 inches loog, ft Inches wide; Mns,
long elOe 4 leet t laches bog, 1 inch wide; short tide
8 leet long, 1 Inch wide, wuh 1 .Inch hackle; MU%
turned n. aUea, to weigh ft fin the down.
Two relr Otialo Pipes, 2 test ft Inche* long, 8)4 tnche*
Two ralr Trace lamina,! feet long, 14 links to the loot,
of Vo 2 lion, twlitcd or straight, with I on one end,
weight ft lbs per pair.
(fro pair of breast chains, Sft inches long, 11 links t»
the loot, ot Vo 2 Iron, twisted. ' 1
Two heck ttrspe,BfeetA inches long,2)4lnches wtda,!
with 2H Wdi buckle.
Two Meek Chains, 4 bet 0 leches locg U links to the
loot, tawtedrtol Iron,Tend loop to be riveted on
to the o«c* strap, swivel to tftfi chain.
One hadule, nude on Attakepas tr*t* head, gullet and
i anile Ironed, coveted in the nraal my with half
la oced horse hide; ft*pe 80 inches lung, 14 Inches
wide; rardogle 7 test ft inches loog, 8)4 inches wide;
wuh ■ »X inch brzckU an one end, to he fastened to
the seddte oy being riveted to twe carved strips, M
Inch wide; theeeetrspe are placed one oo each.sloe
ot the seddie'tree, one end is tied to the front part of
the her, the other tod to the extension ol the her
behind the caoUe, epaolsb saddle leahloo; atlrrcp
leather* 4 leet < Indue long. 1)4 loch wide, wtibl)4
inch hackle; atlrrapa, maueisU team tinned, bolt
eye pattern, to wHgh 18)4 fee to a doeen p*lr..
. uud; •
Two Brid)ee,ssse as far wheel harness;
IWo OoU*re»aß to 22 toshes !oog,medetheaaue«
tor wheel barnesa.
Two P*lr of Uaawa to solt,of same malarial ta tar
Wheel harneea. ironed, with books, breast [tags and
Hue flogs, with drape as in wheel harness.
Two Meek fttrape and Chains, cane cs tor WhetUhax
Two Belly Bends, caste ss tor wheel harness.
Two Kali'Chain Fipm, seas as tor wheal harness,
two Felr Trace Chaise, setaeß* tor wheel haraem.
Two Cruppers and ttip Btrape, Back strap ft betloaf,
tapering from b% Inches to 8)4 Inches wide. Bjp
t)trope with bocfclcs.eacb 2 feet 8 Inchss tag,l}4
loch wide, with wroagbt hooka
Two Back hands, 8 tost 7 Inches long, 8)4 Inches wide,
fvro MaxOngale*, 4 leet long, 1)4 Inch wide, to bookie
into the bli-
Ome OonpliDg Btrap, ft bet O tnobee long, ft loch wide
one Cbo*-k itein, a bet l Inch long, 1 inca;wlde, to
hackle into the hit at each end, with a rtngsawed
la the, center ip receive the lead Uoe.
One Lead Uoe, 81 bet long, )4 lacbwids, with a
hackle at one end, and an B Inch loop at tb# other.
One Whip, heavy plaited hone hide, ft bet 0 Inches
One hone Brash, oval, of bristles, by Inchss.
OayQorry Oomb.MoTrf' ft bar.
Tbe whole to be packed la a ha* about 21 Inches
wide, Is Inches deep; 84 Incbee long, made of 1 inch
atoll, coopered, wood hoops or bon, as may be
The whole to be nude of the best material, sewing
to be made with good wexed thread, and sotyact to
Inspection daring Jib prunes of minateclare and atoo
when finished.
When 0 bone barnesa Is required, the lead collars,
, bridles, hames, neck straps, belly bends, chela pipes,
Decs chain, cropper and hip wraps, bet* bands wad
coopting straps are doobtsd; oae bearing chain 8,/eet
, long, Vi links to the tool,otMo4 trO% Wtth a Ton tech
. enoaoded; andkwiUaetobeSO Ikat.ldpg,. .
Ihs whole to be made of the best material, sawing to
, be made with gooid wafisd thread, >od satyect to to
, apnetioo darieg the process of amnabetare and also
, when finished, ■ ± ■
Wbta 4 malt baxßNiU r*«nltod, ti» load collar*
bridleo,baaes, tack itnpo, poUfbaada, c£ain plj-00,
traeocbalao, cnippcrud hip imp* bMk'Bandoatd
ooayinig otnya- oao 9 frl
long, 14 link* tft tfto fooi,oC Bo 4 iroatwUßat on
Mcu«Dd addoiii and load line to be 18 Coot long.
Proposal* will aleo bf_ rtceiled Cor —«H"g tad d*
ilvnlag unbalance herb*ao Cor nro or mr minor
horn team*—a apeclflcatldftOJwbkbwlilbeheroifter
torno of proposal and gnaroatao wfll befurohbad
Qpanappltealielfetotkf*csc*ftSd Boat viUbo.eon*
■ulcied itat do tAt conform thereto.
The priflUi® U reoerred. by and fat th» United
States ol RjucUng an; proposals that may bo dotunad
Proposals will bo lniorsod Oft tbo aavslopa taclo
•log them* “Proposals, (or luaisblnc Anny Wagon
»cj Ambola&ca liar new* 0 aad addmssd to
QnartCnafarU. B. Army.
: m «ood, Wf and Prtm* tjpi.
ito boxet ta. Ba and 10a Lynchburg, Tobnoeo. flood ea«»r.
(5o b»p»l9 oolba.
tObN*-P*m»jiTinloBytop, •
total**? BHaiVflß * paWOBTB,
: od 181 flacondattaat, .
SUN DELla— ■“
?5 boU. choka Qraan ipplaa,
it do |woatOUU£i
10 krgs print Leaf Lard,
4 bUa. bih Xgga,,
, B «a pcfctßßatUr, _
Taitanudferntebi UDW* BHIPABD,
cell•• ;--.j4Blwttftuaafc_
T7"BSHJOKy FIiOOR.-r-450;. fciwl;
IV. dnio. TOIU WbMtlataJl) _1104*,4* toco*
M.M w rMßßlwilaKaUnadinr atkby. ■
-' * AMOOft*, _
aaU wwwmj#
odisa« o» tiu»-wint*k Aikuiajuunß.
S,N and after MoMBAT.ESt—
-1 sor. iso. Tm'uiS^E^K
Ifin }bfl DapatoX tha PanorylTi&ia tuttrcad, to
P<ct- tckht»(ouova;
/"ESifcttrpK, OcZtsmbu* am* CTiactonati JA*fl Ztoa,
*%a SteubaniU*.
Ho sbun ot car* beta**# PUUborgb'ftad WadaaitL
Lmtm Arrive*it Arrija* *l Arrive* at AhltmU
1:46 * B IU3A ft m 430 pm
L 49 Dft 9:44 p B iiOO ft B>
Cib roau t* ahdrtar to Ciftelnaati, Lcniavlll*, oo*
lemma and all point* South, than AOJrthj* r«t*.
BplsrdM SlurtagOut ttlacstd to ill Night Trttoft.
Aumiryh soil Whaliag £«»*•
.Lmioi Attltmat Airmail Arrive* at AMtveaaj
I*s a m 410 ft b> 410 • B fr.3A • a ■ *-S* • “
• 1:4) p m lii p b p m 10) pn» 19 p o .
IApBIUpB 9:16 pm
: fh* L6sA.ft.ftod lri«» a. Train* connaet with
Tr*xac oS 0.0. B. H. for Zanesville, Lancaster. Ac. •
I The BJR) p. in. Train itoya ctailsUttonapatvesß
I 3oib*>M( uni WiflnUlft
I iVlaourpA end Cleveland lam
U» vea AnI*ea
L 65 ft. a- 0:46 4. IL
1:10 9. M. SAOr.M.
Thai: 10p.m. trai* eoooeeU at cayatd for N«»
pbttadftlphtft ftod aUltoca oa-tbe Tnacarswaa breach.
raoßcan dmlrlng to go U ea&dnak y, Toledo,
Qhictco. *rf point* .Wert, vU Clfttatoad, roan b* per
uctnirtMitet ncv.»<»uei»»UM.
ftetttgf “T/cist* e*a be fronted at tha Liberty
Streft. Dwcl« pKabnrgb.
JOHN ST*WAIST,Ticket Agent
tor far Urn ntormstton apply to
At the Oompany’f Qflksln trrigbt station, l*ena at
p. a. ilYHU9,Qw»rftl ‘neftfl Agent,
IK* Ln*velap«».l}nte
1801.. Winter
‘iT’UJSf «ia—SMß
A. .
llthiT DAILY IRAINo.- •
Oil anil. slut HOBDAY, Sut. 4;!i, ih« TlffiOCGß J
if Ail,, tBAUS UsTWth* Pamogw' Stftßontrr*ry
taj/ntof (txceyt Bnnday) at 6*o A.*., flopping only at
ppuctpat tt.nou, and arriving La PhlUdslphU at IDA)
44' a. il, itoppingonly ftt principalstations,making -
dtnet oofiftacoca at Earrlafeerg for BaUltaor*, and ar.
rlvfcs 16 Ph'i‘d*lphl* ©rDalUiftc** at 7:43 A. ft.
T«ft IABT LX Nil icavu toe Button OftiJy (aneapt
; Baal*;) at jO;* f.. il, flopping only at pMccipal
atafoai. nuking direct connection at Barrub&ri for
I Bailimo'e, arniMrirtaa to PoVadsipklaat 12.60* ft.
2a* Johnstown Accommodation Train laav** uilly
l» lt apt Sunday) at Sa Or. it, stopping at all staUesa,
Aad t is aiog as tftz as Oenamangh.
/list Accommodation Train tor Wall’s fitattoc lea via
AftUy (sxtdpt Sunday) at &40 a. tu
‘ g*ootid Accommodaiton Train for Woli’a Button
Uft*caa:2i (Br«pt 6uc t»y)»* 11KO ft.B.
TLdrd AesoauaoGfttlonTrftin tor Wall’s BttUon IfttH
tally (szcftpt Bnnilay)*iA6B,
| Puerto Acoom{&e.utu<n Train for W'elPs BUUoa
I Uai»j a>il) (*xc*pi Chhdftjr at til r. u.
I - Eararaing Traina arrtra in ntubargn* r. M 4 Uall, 6:C6 t fa*t*Lln*, LA)
4. a 4 Johsstcftn AcectcmodsUon. 10*6 A BdfUil
WalTa Eta bo- AcccTsmddftttos, s. mA Beccfau
Wall’s station &B3 IU Tpir-t
I WfttlV Button AcooamtßUiiM r LOk % '«; fi erv*
I Wall’sEUtton Aocommodation,6o3 r.n. *
I Crains BiMrsvlU* end Indiana connect at Blau**
1 riilt inmnscttoo trith Johsitoiru Aocotamcdatkn and
I .Ispram Zniaa K*» and Waal.
I Tba tzavallng public will And It greatly to toaL la*
I Krasin* gotngAaator Wast, to traydl byUmFcnn*
I syitanis
I OBtoot ta aorp&fted os any clbar rent*. Tba Road b
I with (teno ;»ac la icticely Croat dntb Wa
I can jrmnlsaaamjtipetd rcA («u6ut to all woo nay
I Utot thb Road wiui ttulr [wwr.ii.
fJu i*
t« Htw Tcr» r JII Wrw Baltimore % 0 tl
Fhlladoiphla 19 M*j lancMtar-*-.,.... ci *
Strrlsbnrg~.~..< f 45!
g nawi* Uhackod toftU ciaiica* on tb* Fkju. Mil
rgi- «oo fcfPhCadaiphla, ind Kit ZailL.
FunnmriparchMlsg ttckttc (a tut Till b* mifg*
•dntv »Xcwi weontttfc to dUtane* trrteltd tanddittco
to to* auUOn ratw, ■««;.; rrora rtisstew «Ur« tfe*
Uoavpsß? ca ft'*
HttpCß.—lb caw or iou, ifc* GJtpaaj will hftn
kto* w:tw . iwpoci&la 10. personal t*g£*E* only,
aid f'' an OTcniiS no* JiOO.
jl. £.—Aa OtanliroaMa*- t»*a bMc cmpioyad so
00a?>- riuengsi* and Eij*~gn from the Dapoi,
atacfct.'l' »ct Vj excae-12a rtnis fee tacb panwngar
«nrt lApctyt.
tforTVfc«k*pp'-J *° *• SXSWAiIT* Agent;
i,i iLs f. tv- fi. » , c*viuj««r bu>k»i>p, on Ljb« - 17 aftfl
Bt»nt •> . °°°
IMPORTANT.— All per-nSijt—3
•oaa puicheelng tkktts (or BlmßzK_9B>
jowpb end otter points In NcrtbiriTUueourt, the
State *f UesM«,or the Territories, •hould;letDt on
hstiagtlckot* thetrtsd by the
Tbtonlf rail rove ma at. tools to PL Joseph. It la
tli ft abotuei end qnickeet line, by thirteen boure, to
the romoUet point retched by nil, end la alWtje an
cheep ee any other*
hoy jour tlcketrte-Eaneaa end ell polnti la Worth*
ern Missouri by the Worth Ulaeoun JUtlroeiL
ishao u. moftQvos,
President end Qen*l BnpL of the ft or lb Weeourt it. E.
nnwaY H. HlMelOMd, Agent. selQtneHa
U O l. bA h IiVIIGS >A■ Si
No. 65 Fourth Street,
osiilr fl £ £ r iff i 8 6 a
OPEN DAILY rnojf 9 TO 2 O'-
O’CLOCK, eleo on Wednwdey end Setnrdey
eteeloee, from May Crtt to hovembo drvt, trera T to
6 tfotoeto end ftom November Ural to May ar*M*«®
d to a o’clock.
Dtpetite received cf ell nine net lew then one
DoUiC., »nd e dividend of the fsoftta declared tvloe
e ycectln anno aril December. Interest. bee .been
dedared eeaifoHnoallj, la June end December, Macs
U't Bank v*» orgatlntd, el the rate of els per-cent,
e jeer. *
interest, If cot drawuoat,la pleeodto the credit ol
, in* uepceltcr ee (ginctpal,and been the seme Interest
i from tboflat aeyeef Jane end December, compounding
I twice e jeer without troubling the depositor to cell
I or even to present hu ptm bow. kithia rate, money.
wIQ doolie4e iMe then 12 jeers, ouhlog In the aggre*
nteiUKtexnssaßatrruanaf a tieh.
Booceoaßtaama t&e Charter. ny-Lews, hulwend
E-rVI-rtcti* tuixlikad grerta, on applicationatf the
I tEca
; prxi6f*-QMOa3M AIA&U,
WaUfA t. And«r»
Baajaadb L. fahnwioch
tfq»«*U ItapWirs,
Jura B.Kalkr;
Ahnndar Bradley.
O. Baokcte, • •
John £. OanfleU, >•
ilm« A. ikfrin.
WlBtam fioogla*.
. John It>Ui
! Min Wftlmi*
' WUUjm&HaTu,
hkrl> Hunker,
WDlJattß. Lafjlf,
mrrfary m 4 from
itObbds.H.O.&agir t
40 Mdi> Bilaat itair
-too \ petae Plantation Uolaiatf
100 * aaaoctadbxa&dß Bjrur*;
100 baga Bio Coffee;
80 pocket lava Optiee;
100 buxaa comi bra&da Tobacco*;
, 85oattjn da do
I 150 hall chests Tooog Qyeon end Black Ini
I 50 catty boon '-do do do do
10 hoxaa Koala Boap;
25 •* Qennaa Boi^
85 u Oteta do
10 « übald OttsdUs;
36 u Star do
800 bbltlitnud fatrtliaUj flra*,,
In lion and for Mle by
i*£at l
) 6S bbU4hlt«mor* flolien and S. B. fjrap,
16 do ’PMUwrlTasla do -
80 boU.BUodardoaJ A Onuhod Stuart,
It do fowderodiod GraaoUtod do
U do Voitov tad ft Oa9M do
ft) dO H. O. HolMC*
18 btik Hi O i fitfv i.
76 boxeo prima tJjoaOarf Chao—,
lot nlo by ocH ~ BOaOBAMB A LAKQ.
XL bdww onmi&A.
ty gfelrtoj Bcooko.
Qr<ai ftgpogtftttoaa. Uldatratiid fdilloa
Ton Brow* at OxJocdi TwoTotamoa.'
fraatoy rarsoa*f».fij Abthoav Trollobo.
Iba UoflM oa thaMoor.' B; Nn. OUiteat
KooTMtlou of* Country Panoa. UtoadHMffe*
Tnccfcoulfcofitadyet ICordo. Sow odlUoa.
' *«¥>■.Jt.jroonowc
VJT 83flcWi. prim* H. MoUiwii
TO 4o VotcWa t*4 8. H. Bjnipi,
tobkdt.s. 0. Ba(tr, . .
-100 tup print Bit Oolite,
7# baifoMeti Ji EL tttdßltek Teee,
*OO ddf In. dO t r= do : do
6fr ocxm H Tob—co, morted fcttait,
60 fcegt l 0. WUlitau’ eix t«l*K Xeboooo,
tof tile bj Llb-t* «t.
NSW BOOKWflfca.T.’f'fcqtßWuit
nMtnd a trethrapply orbHoa ntw Baofcwbaat
floor, I*6o and 16 lbouck*, nr uaiUy-aNfforial*
0083 oornar Utortf »n 4 Hoad ttt.
V ■ * CHtaTyilTß.
,16 ivb ifcotc* mw CbwtnnU Joit i(oUr«4 and
lot c«u t>j ' •- riUKtitf «uu)lul
«& - - Kb.
t>ocuoil.— "
♦» 8813. JROM tUHKWni,
VornU by
oeit njgaumwj.*»oa t W:y«»«t
NO. MOL\B»BS—SW bhl». Wl
• feyitMOMr St. LcqU. la «fwf Mid -far W# fey
. . ii«so(i4Lu*iAhaooEiW
odS Ko. 9U ÜbMtnMli
T ofrjfeJUNO'ii - STJCAM. j»X*ur_6
Jaaca B. D* Mae*,.
IlCaoM. PNkpOCk* ;
A. M. PcUocka kJ.P.
sofccrt Robb,
‘ Joko B. gcVadfta*
■ BL
. Jxsica MeAnlej,
WalU»p; fcUnhA
John Orr r
Baary JUxtfwaU,
Jvhn S. ghoeiUnrgf t
Ataander Span,
WUUui B.te**Mrta
Imm Whtttter,
cbasijh Zfiauom,
ATWItL. m * 00.