The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 18, 1861, Image 3

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    or not al rjLicnot ran cit'i.
UnxoaoLounu, Obi«rnU9u for th* oo
rtttt, by a. E. Bhtw, OptieiM, 68 Filth itmt
—conocua lilijr:
„ iii 101; !■ iiib»
» •’«!«*, a. oo: —4o*
**-' “ "• > 00 40
* 1 r. —......
In tho Court ol Quarter Senaioaa, oa Bator
d«y, Judge Halloa delivered an op'aioa in the
t,M ®* the Commonwealth n. Ji En Llttell,
being tn application laarreat of Judgment and
lor n new. trial. It in perbapa neceeeary hern
to elate lhaluoder the act of April 1116,1861,
John Smitley van appointed Inepoctor of Do
tnenllo Diatilietl Liqnora for tho County of Al
leghnap, and that previoualy to the paeeaga of
nauTict Junta Xiittall had been appointed be
City Cooaeila aa loapector and Ganger for tho
eitp of Putaburgh, and thia conSict of jorie
- diction lad to an iadiotinent for miedemeaaer
againat Littel), upon which he wan conticted.
Hance the niolion for a new trial. Judge
Melldh, in deciding thai cane, tare:
"Ihe net of the 10th April, 1840, makaa it a
polutmant of an Inapeotor of Dementia Diatillad
Llquon for the county of Allegheny, whooe do
<ta« oadeow/waortoeahaUbetha aaaeaa theie
of Inipeetor for the city end eounty or Phllndel.
phln. It la only In regard to the dntiea and
eompenaatiott Out any reference la made to
Philadelphia. The net done net any that the In.'
tpeetor to be appointed for thia oonnty ihall be
protected In the azainilra azarclaa of thoae dn-
aa the Inrpeotor of
PhOndelphfa. The aot of 1881 eontalna no al
lotion to the oot 0f1849— notiros by ntoonrj
itnplieation—for the dntlaaof Inapeotor oan be
—perfetmtd, and. the oompunaatlon received:
wlthont the aid or the aat of 1849. V*
The dntiea of the ofßee were enercined even
.n Pniladelphie without lla aid from 1836 to
11 It would, however, be contrary to ee
tabltahed principle to hold an aot criminal or
a miedameanor by inference er implication
merely. Penal lavra are aot eo extended.”
After remarking that, irthe act of 1848 waa
no extended, it would not be an indicta
ble offaaae to aierciea the office ofluapector
hare; the opinion conolndee:
“The authority of thia city to appoint an
inepecler, aince the act of 1861, and the ex
olaaiTr right or the appointee under thia net
to diecharge all the dntiee of Inapactor here,
are qneauona concerning which wo intimate
no opinion. It etrikee no, the appropriate pro
ceeding to remedy the wrong eet forth In thia
indictment (if it ia a wrong,) and to determine
all the queetiona which' artae in relation th it,
ta the proceeding by Quo Wgrnata.
“We have examined enfficiently to become
aatta£ed that the act ol 18484 a not exteadedlo
thin county, and that without each legialation
the charge contained ia the indictment doea
not coaeutule a criminal oSeaea. The. ladg.
meat will therefore have to be arrdated, and
the indictment qnaahed.' l
” The motion wan ably argued by J. p. Sin.
gle, City Solicitor, on behalf of the defaadant,
and by Meaera. Uarehall and Coyle for'the
The Inapeotor acting under the city author
ity le then relieved from the indictment and the
conviction under U, the proeeediuga having
been pro nob need informal. Whether the
County officer will proceed by Quo Werrnafe
It Jin not unlikely that Ihe
act of lSol wiil bc amend ed'orrapetied hr
thcaeltlegialntoro. ; , - ' -
Tta KaMn (lurlarl7_KaT!i?r, *to Ob-
aooer, luOl.
Mr. Heir; Miner, inccouor of Bant It Ml*
ner, Filth ilrent, feta received lie October
naabn ol U. Lonfiai Q.uutfy. Tfetcoi-
UnU. or tfeie nanbei era—LlTe of ShtlUr :
Lilt, Enterpriae end Peril in Coot MineajTbe
Inn.tabilitj of Notira; Newton ts n Scien
tific Dlneoter; Tb. Growth ol Sntlieb Poetrj;
Piittreb ! EdaeiUon ol tb. Poor ; AJenla it
ToniwoiUe i Cbsrcb Rues. Tbo mere o»-
■urelton, ne ebon, in euunfb to ntnuaju
rnUor egof, who known bj pleasant expe*
rinneo how wall abma of tbe aecoapliabnd
eoatribatorn 'to tbie Review diKnee tovu ettb
jncta. Wo pea bat refer to the-article on
Shallop, fa the praeoal Basher, aa oae ol tbeeo.
The eoaoladlag eealancet of thin eeeap are ao
thick to oar mind that we eaaaol forbear qaot
“It la japoniibla not to beltera with Moore
tad Do Qelacj that he wu la realitp Capable
of loeiag that re'.l(toa which be iaeaaelj ht
ted. Aad we know that, tboagh ha eaw ao
BieinltT la itn founder, b« had come to cader
euad that It waa in Bin that tbe enirit of lore
and eelPeacritoe he thoagkt eo aoble bad
fbaad he klgheetdeTelopneat oa earth. Wa
pay be pernitted to heliera tku had he act
btea eet off >o early, he night have adraaced
one atop farther, aad ban enbraced tha faith
he rejeetadwtihe faith which ought to bare
traaeneted kiaetna yeantlap for the kaowl*
•dye of a Central Power and aU.penradiagi
knowledge aad lore ol the Moat
I*o* Citt Count.—Wa taka plaudit it
callilf tba attaalioa ol oar rtadtii to tbit
popalaraad proaparoba iaatitatioa.' A* aa el-
Heaat tad tkoroagh tchool it kuaot bow, dor
baa It arar kad, a tapariar it Ika Wert.
Thoataada of tkt moat iatelligaat tad adeem*,
fnl Baa tkroaghoat tba cooatrp eaa taatifr to
ita atparior adnata! Cl, aod doabtlatamaor
tkoataada aora will pet be tddaLto Ika Uat of
itaaapportara. i.lfot only Book Katpiag, with
all it* teeaaaorleaiia Boat lborou|h!y and id*
tlUlcallj Uo|bt itre, bal ynang aaaa deair.
IndtaatracUoo la at* ol tha higher braacka
orMatheaatiea will Bad ample fadlitiao con.
aaetad wiihtk*Col|rgi.. lu aeaatoia eoitia
al*| witboat iatarraptioa, and ataddata being
admitted at all llaaa, poaeg aaa oaa ckooaa
tbalr Owl lime for eommaacluy a euaiaa of
aladr, and-puriue it ra tbalr eircaaaiaacea
lat Cocarr Comtntrom Ecict.—Sal
arday, la tba Coart of Coaaoa Plata, Jo da*
Bhißaoa preheated Uit ctrtigcaiabt lb* newly
elaatad Ooaaty Commtetioaar -Datid Colliaa,
Ee), I gather with hi* bold,, tad aakad
that tba oath ot office ba adaiaiilared to
him. . Tba oath waa tdadilalerad b; Ur.
Hanoi, Clark ol IkeCoane, aad Mr. Col,lap
will cntrr Icrlhwith upon bla datira. Mr.
Pattaraoa It tba ratlrlag olEcar.
Scebm Dum- Aa old mu umed W«,
Lejbara, a cibiaal miter bj trade, Fll faoil
—dan trblrWd\ca-Bmrdey.' TbVdeoewd
wan (boil etily.ire yean of age, aadboard
ad with hie lira, i who reaidaa M Bicoid
- atratf. Coroner Bojtwick held aa ia (fleet oa
tba body, aid a eerdiet that he died frrha
•'oalnralcanieo” waa rendered.
! Jacs Wiuor, a coal miner, while going
into a coal bank ia Kant Wlllianuport, Waeh-
Ington eoeaty,, on Wedaeaday laat, knocked
I tbraianat of bla yjpe,a portion ot which fall
■ Into Ira alia pocket-end erploded a pored of
blotting powder. Ha wae horribly barred,
and will probably loan both eyne..
: A Pocapune—Oa Therdaymoriiig a flno
! iafnat waa farad lying oa iha atepa or a rani*
dance oa Beraath etreat, Itapataralty coaid
aotbetecaruieeiand 11 waa tokea ta charge
—by MfgfledS gortnab, Hecreiary.ol thh:joard
of Gaardiaaa. . - .. I
i i ...... i -- -i, ' -;r if !
'Camel or New,—Mr..! Collier, la iha
1 Conn ot Common Plena, preeaatad a petition
i aeklag lor tbn.okaaga ol tba corporate nemo
01 iha. Kagly Firr Company lb “The Etgle
SieetaFlrn Kagiao Company.” The prelhn
| Uary order waa made.
I ' .drad thnaaaad poaada otekelle ware chipped
'i tj ?<ro od Satardey, on Ike Pntebtrek,'Port
: Wayne pad Chicago TtiUroad. They ware
coaaigaad Commodore Foot, of the Uni*
II- HiaMSttina a Wonabww-Jeaeph and Lbaita
S Pfetfer.or Blrmlnghtai, were commuted to
II JiU Betardhy, fit enewar cbargaa of a entail hod
battery, preferred byjkmalia. Pfedericke, fbo
' allegro laat they beat and abated her ehrete*
‘ ,a,, 7’ - ' i
BauttXD ru Tar_Wi» ii U , Tail, m
joaaj , ml iwiitlof nntilci lor tko Uretar
, oT» coafc waa ralawad fraai prjioD,.S.uriiT,
. bfl«-
~.Ca> ( da< at pact awort ijfo'i’llia ytr.-, (,;.4
Iflckolia Wftltoa, tba! Bf.
fhziti £>jisa iftjsSp
*.? o< i*. ,, ® I ? ,r ' rf Railroad
‘vrT*** * *“*• or tbe Pkiladel
pbla/e<(j«r,ufollow*: “How ia it, thitwhei
the iaeone of the Peiiaylraaia Railroad Con
paay ware Ed,000,000, the Muti-nunn.l diTi
deada ware fir. par cent, and now, when tbe
fheonet are writ Billion., the dirldeada are
three pet cent I Bow ia it that the proa*
peilty ol the road aball.reduce the diridenda
ud pot the atockboldata in a wotee eondi-
*° ,w * r * " follow.: “We are not
_,*|^-,****• ■J*t«m*nt'of oor correspondent
of 5 percent: ii tree,
Ml If tree* it does not follow that with larger
reteteee there might not be smaller dividends.
The capital of the coantry hu bees greatly
ioersaasd within a fewyeare, tod restrictions
oa the charges here beta interposed u well
by the Legislator* is by competition. The
bnslaeet lor the greeter portion of the put
jeer hu been carried forwird af some uiaad
venuge, being direction, rcqnir
tag greatitaeuitlM of loeonotieee, cira aad
ftaifkl ,*Bd panengera etatward,
■ atarang conparalifaly anpty. Thaa, while
■ll"t»teTaTaaa*a nay haea ■heea'iacraaaed.
J.7.T. P . . M or - ? ootopnny to dieide all ita
V 4 t “* u 4W ** tow than at
r I» a word, anonnt
mcil .k..” oooplnliTe aa to profita any
of * conpaur’a proa.
aala«l.fcf«*" , in ,h * i ® ,t “ Ce of U " P “ n *
°onp»»y, it r* autad that,
alter proeidingfor tho laat dnidend, there waa
t aarplaa of aone *800.000,. which inaiew of
tbeengagamenu of tbo Company, and the
grant nanertnimy of the fninra financial af.
raira. It waa deemed moat prndent to ratain In
hand lo nant co.iiaganciaa. Wo bnow no
non ol tba Pannaylaania Railroad Company
10 J** PtWo, hat wa belieaa it
to beta the control of oßeera who are man
aging if with: fidelity and thill, and for the
beat mteraata of tbe ahtraholdera.”
..... 595-10
Pannaylmjalam Shot In Watten, vtr-
Tbe Wheeling Prttt, of Setairday, anye:—
“Ihe remain, of two ol tbo caralry in General
Eally’a oommand, abetoD Tbnraday lait, while
oh a teoatlng eipadltlon, ware brdoght to tbia
elfy oa Prlday erenlng, en roam far tba ruk :
daneaa of their frlanda In Washington eounty,
taken thither to-day yla tht Hemp.
1. “S'S* 4- 41 "■ laarned from one of the
Ringgold Oayaliy aooompanjing said remains.
‘tapPMra aoma filty-fonr of the Sraanfidd and
the Ringgold Cavalry ware out en a aeoat, ud
tad piued throngh n gap .boat nine milea east
or, Romney, toward! Winchester, when thoy
w ®r* trad upon by a party of rebel gnerillaa,
•boot ran handled in Bomber, eonoeeled in the
wood* by tbn roadalde. The hlndmoat horie of
the troop waa killed, ud: than the whole line
rv, „ d ?p° u - Samuel Dram, of the Qrten
fifit, ud Wm. Hertraft,
of the Ringgold Oanfry, atooped rram hit
B i° tt cn, a ,ta, s“, to ““ U »* Three honat warn
atao klllad, ud alght wonndad by the rebel fire-
Futnl of a Soldier.
John B. Rolmeyer, n member of CapL QUta’
oompuy. Bleklee* Brigade, died let week at Port
Tohaoeo, en tha'Potemae.ef typhoid forar. Hli
ramalna raaohad thla elty on Batnrdty, and
wa™ Ib.twred on Snnday afternoon, from the
hallpf tbs Vigtiaat Saglab.CoapaDj/of whisk
» ttsabtr. Ths'klreoaiuaut of ibs
PWMU fif .tht rtfo—ud wws ueh thu It be.
for IheeefflMsjto ettrad his
bttnsi, which w*i eondaeted in e twj crcdite.-
ble muDßr., Cirriigei tm proennd, end
•Tcrjthiog reqaisbe for e decent bntUl His
KM»ms wue mUmd on Troj HUi. .The do
-7“ • printer, end prejiou to his en.
Ustaent hid bun eogtged In Here&’i offices
Hn vu in,delieatohenltnwken he enlisted, end
wu ednsed not to do so, bat bis Japalses were
ra strong that he eonld noV reaein u home.
Poor bellow Ms Us lore of conntry he over,
looked self, end now sleeps In the petrlot’i grsre.
• taddeaDewila.
.: ?*• Sadler, en aged and highlj as
taamnd raaidut of Allegheny, iall dud on
Bnaday mornidg, at her reaidenca on Sandnaky
atreet, near Water alley. The deceased, al
thoegh far adrucad in lift, had been in her
nsaal health op to ihe moßeatof berdestb.
Bhi attudad prayer.muting in Ree. Clark’a
ehareh on Wndnaaday nulng last. On Ban
**j *he ete her breakfast ts nseal,
and‘had wiped her spectacled preparatory to
reading, when ahe fell npon the floor aeorpae.
Chvxcb Dcpicnaoirs,—Dedicatory' eervices
were eoedected yuterday in Dr. Plnmerti
Central Preebyteriaa Chnrch, Allegheny, ac
eording to prerioos anaonneamenti The at
toadnaoe wai very large, and the extremes
were solemaud impreuive*
eeilee recently erected by tbe
Methodist,denomination, on Bigatey** lane, in
the Second ~ Ward, AUegheny, wu alto dedi
cated to the service of God, end a large amount
was nbeeribed towards defraying the expenses
ol the betiding. . r
Ktuxo it A Hokie. —A aoa of Mr. P*r.
01 . .^*! 1 * l b “ r *' *« ,d I? leer*, «u 10.
■laotlj killed by iha kick of a blind homo* on
Sondiy lut, The lad had been aant for a baa
kalot poial«a;,paaaint thron|b tka lot where
the borne wee, and, u ia aappoaad while laai
■f **?, recairad r fcltl kick on the
aide oftbd naek and face; Hewaa dlaeoTered
by.tuaa.olb.r a f.w nutates afterwarda. with
the baaket in. kia band and the potatoes neat,
tared oa tba (ronnd.
/Dun on Holm***.—The followtna Penn
nlTtob soldiers died near Waaktngisn on
fnaadar and Friday leal; John W. Buss.ll,
deranth eaealry. at the Otrele hospital. Z. M'.
LtMhUn, Third oanlry, nl the boaplfaL D.
B. Jadd, Forty. Sixth rafimant, at the Inllrma.
nr. Obaa. Bye, prfrate; Fourth oaralry. S
D. Writon, Xorty-Fifth rolunleara in camp.
Bibber, UawlUr, at the KrnpUra
Jeana Hospital. Prlrate Jaeob Bran, Iwaaty-
Thlrd Tolantaera,of typhoid riser.
x T, !i I?***"** ”- M "I 01 tbeaoldieta of
the. “Becktail” Re,la*at Jus* written koine
to Ueeditsr of the Tiofa Agitator to seed
tbeaa batak taile to plane in tbelr beta aa a dia
tlnetiya decoration. /The editor reqnaate the
aportatnan' la hie nel|kborbood to aflr thiuu
selres to meet the dented. . -
Baaeuniil Balaam! Banaama I from
■2". *ioJ' ’? AueU °“ Salta, at Barker It
A I aria lot of email
n|nred Black alike of superior quality at 87
«nta, worth *l7B. Aleo, Clo.ks,Shswl. and
Dreae Goode. Call ead tee.
• Bua »«i employed in Baker k Co’a
coal-bank, near Webeter, had pla collar bone
broken eel*. ee.erely' iejered, a few
daya ago, by.,.the falling of. n maaa of elate.
Oar fi«ok Tabu.
The CampUgbla£e 110*7 [ Hooted Down; Oetectlre
Felloe; tharlee Diet.
SX*/s“ij£ M V El S' *“—» * Bretben;
. SSSfi gffiSST’ ~ f
In Ibie yoUait the Pnbliabere, Meeare, Pe
lerton, who hart preeanled the works of
Ckarlee.Dickene ia a Tiriety ol edillona to the
American pnblie, hare eompleud the series
by collcctug / together Thn Lamplighter’a
Story, Hnalad Down, The Hannted Hoots,
and a camber of other stories, which ha*a
■jyor baler* been collected into a yolame.
The edition before ne it a aeet dhodaclmoi
we noticed, oa Batnrday, a .cheap edition, in
paper contra, pamphlet form, but those who
weald add a ajoa to Ikau collection for fntare
praaeni nee, will of Conroe prefer
the more permanent and eeayeafeat form of
ttUneaOypriataddaodecimo, in ite atoat and
aeefel cloth binding. So much for the me
chanical pert,—ae ter the other, let ua aay, that
if we war***Ulag oatoa a jonraay and aonght
a book for amwemaal by ike way, do yolame
pnbllaked thin ceaeon ahenld find a place! in
oar ntliee till waked tret safely stowed ibie
on* bi n comer. Lei tbeetory he telle belong
or abort, Ckarla* Dickane alwaya telle it-to
•’.ail that entry reader ia enre to .wieh it. were
wafer. Some of lbeW ehortar itoriee of hit
are eiqniait*'; and a tolnme of them it la wal
tsome addition to lb* readable book* of.the
aeaaoa. 1 • -*
Nonre.—7b Ike Pammiefikt Gatitlt.rt.
tUf*g i’f_Sht* k*t TokftrtncnUUi Utying
: a f Reetae of tbit Afentmg and Rnaafeg
Bantus aabaeribere are notified to .pay! all
money* dae ap to Satnrdiy, Nonamber IBtb,
tome. After that date,totkelratwcarrier.
Ia takiag laa»a, 1 weald return my eincer*
and kaartfatt ikaaka.fbr.tha many kind labor*
baatowad whlladnltrarfog the aewe inf bat
dieifipi. . Tontii Gao; W. Maaenaui.
■ ii~L. - ■ /
jeetiPA,!. *
~laaac*lad{#dbttiy*mflfo*d<7).*maß>*i lu
'MM,tamthenaMmae<d kmda*(Mer,Mia R, 0.
Otchtantyßa WBae(mkyahaal.< i' iy j 1
h fr-wCfv JI 4i ££* ‘
S3* f *
v . far
Sflceestfol phy is always foosd in bereditarv
•octal lh# Only btreditarr
pneilrge ia this country is stivery. With <hu
* basis, a play may be made “fierce as tsa
fanes, terrible as hell." We, therefore, do
not wonder el tbe idea being seized by tb«t
aery clew drsmstist, Mr. Boorctcaoh, who,
some time ago, pat forth ibe "Octoroon”—a
plap which may lay claim to beiog the only
national oneol any merit on oar stsga. The
Idas of tbo impreitihla lore ol a high scaled,
generous young mu, for ona damned amooi
women, thongn loroly, feminine, ud with >
the Inlenaitiee of lona glowing in tba ganilaal
of boaorna, becuia oat of eight parts of her
nature one wu derived from African blood,
given run to n tragic drama with nay thillini
*• may be icon from ■ brief eketch o
the plot:
ftmily, with the attachment to
old family eluta which may ha readily imtg.
fund, becomea, nflcr tbo death of iu mkaco
line bead, involved, throagh the rucality of a
Yankee overseer, named MKHosker. George
Peyton, a newphew of the widow, returns from
u? nf .. , ' Joan ! i 0 K «ope* He Tails in love
with a beaotifttl Octoroon on tho estata, whom
bis late ancle had liberated ia writing, bat, aa
appears through a legal informality, she atilt
1 alave, the estate being bankrupt
Tba Octoroon, inclading the negrost, c&me
ander tba aactioßMr’v hamaur. A rich y oang
who hu fallen in love with the yoani
min, radoers her father to buy the estate, ao<
her sensibilities beiog aclto, aha seeks to lave
the Octoroon beaaty from the busily grup of
the Tillaii. who, however, on ibid*
her, giving $36,000 for the prise. The eeeond
?J el ?^ cr Vk Blllem Judder, is alto enamored of
the fair Octoroon. In the second act, a en
rious aeeno occurs, in which tbe vUiatn Me-
Ciosky murders a boy, robs the mail, get pos
session of certain papers, and lays tbe founda
tion for his detection by being accidentally pho
tographed while in the act of committing the
ctfime. The tragedy of the piece consists ia
(he Octoroon-artfelly getting her lover to ad
minister to her poison* to avoid the embraces
_i.S* r master—on taking which she says,
with a tolling meaning, «I had but one muter
on earth, and be'has given me my
A nk-tragady comista ui the paranu and death
of tbe villiin by the Indita.
Among tbe best scenes in the piece is the
beautifol and touching love scene between
Zoe, every word of which is listened to with
breath’ess attention. Then, in the third act,
where the Octoroon breaka ont in' the warm
expressions of veneration lor her father's mem.
ory, and will go gladly to the bloek that bit
o»*J be cancelled. A speech from
Old Pete” to tbecongregste'd staves, exhort
iog them to be as lively and cheerful as possi
ble, in order that ihey may sustain tho
reputation of ihe estate upon which they have
been reared, prepares tbe andience for the
sale ol all the chatties at auction. In the
fon ih act the Indian is arrested for the mur
der of Paul* Wab-no-tee is about to be lynch
ed, when a photographic plate is brought to
light, giving an exact recapitulation 0 f the
murderer of the boy by McCioaky. The vil
)uq it seised, placed aboard the steamer,
bat makes bis eecepe after having eet fire to
tbe same—the avenger of blood, in the per
eon of the indian, following his track. He
follows him all night throngh canebreaks sod
swamps, and in tbe end - takes the price ol
btood for blood. This, it will be aflmiued, a»
it has, is a siroßg and effective plot, fall of
incident and excitement. The firattetpaste*
off smoothly} the attention is mereij inflated,
out with each snccessive scene the interest of.
the audience intensifies, until, at the cloee, its
enthusiasm, which bss given vent to repeated
ontbnrsu of approbation, is worked up to an
irrepressible pitch or excitement,and a perfect
storm of applause greets the grand and beantifol
übleiax which immedUtelv precedes the ffinai
drop of the cartoln. Indeed, the "Ostoroon**
as an noting play, cannot be considered other
than a complete triumph, u sooh It, lino won.
der that It hu proved enoh a decided tnodsss
whenever It hu bsen so fur prodncsiL At the
Winter Garden, Hew. York, the place hu now
kero run for several weeks, and m see ti will
be eontinasd nbtwilbstandtog the absence of
Mr. Clark, who bu gained a great reputation
for his admirable personation of Salem Bsnddar,
and who ti at present plajhiga star engage
ment at the Walnnt Street Tbutre, Thiladel
At the Pittibargh theatre to-night Manager
Henderson promises to pcodas* the “Octoroon”
in the same splendid style that browned bis
format tfforti on tha same drada last winter.
The place U well cut, alt of the parti being In
competent hands, and at it ti a drama that bu
been more talked of ib»n any other, save, p«r
b«pi» Uncle Tom, there ti every ronton to sup
pose tbu the theatre wlUbe crowded with large
•od faahltnable audlsooes for nights to eomr.
We are to formed that seats can be secured three
days tn advaeoe by applying at the box effioe
of tb* "Old D>ary. w i
Tmtml Aocldewt on tlae Valley Road*
On Baurday afternoon, at fonr o'clock, a,
fatal accident occurred on Etna street, in the'
Fifth Ward, on the line of the Allegheny Val
-I*7 Railroad. A teamster, engaged ia hailing
n load of bark to tbe tannery of Mr. J. H.
Ralston, on the bant of the Allegheny river*
nt the foot of Locust street* whs thrown from
his wagon, while pusing np Etna atreet, to
conseqqence of bit horse becoming frightened
At a locomotive a coal train. Tha
hone became altogether onmanagable, and
the driver waa thrown againai the train. The
wheel* of one of the care pitted over both
legs, ernahing them nearly off, and cansieg
speedy death. He wu abr,nt fifty years of
age, and boarded in Allegheny. We failed to
learn hti name.
BoariD.—A aolditr nuard Shide, who en
lifted hero ia « ctvalrjr company, and died
recently at Washington, ol\typhoid fever, wai
beried os fissdsy, at Bharpebsrt, where he
retided. _
Bi&od Food.— Attention is called to
tUs most naurcabl* end ecUollfle pnparadom, ad*
tenitnna soother eofotan. It la an settnlf
<JUooTery,and ma*t,iot bs coaioanded with any of
ths nmnaroai pstaat nadldnss ottbs day. it h •
•onaltt mnsdy for all tbedfnuM speetflsd, and »
pecUly those of a chroslo loof ■tw*t*fi 7 £
--oi weaka, month*, and yean. Bnfr«r ara» try Itl
' Hewn. Ctnnwn A Dcronr, of Vew Tort, ara the
sob agents for it, and alsoiprapnaton of the world*
ranowMd Dr.. Jitn’i lirinu Oosmaii, an' aril
oSs whichever? Mother atontd have In harasdlctse
oloeat In can of naed;and containing, as It doaa. so
paragorto wopUUoI any ktnd.U can bs raUednpen
with tbs otmoat amfldcnce,aad will be an b>
valsabls specific in all eases of InfanUU
Ohio BtaU Journal, . Wumbtu.
tißsa advsrUaauent. for sale, by 410801 B.
Klkblb, Accnt.i4o Pitubarsb, fa.
.UlTiMwtnV ,
19* To Hone Owiers..
■SOT fOR UURIKI U oartraUdby aay }
h» all satM of arising from fipralsa, Broires
ot Wrenching, (to sffset la magical and esrtaln. Bar
noas or Baddls OalU, Scratcbae, U«ngs, : to. It wU»
also core speseny. Bparto and Ringbone may bs easily'
prevented and eared ic their tnctplohs stags*, tmt eoo*
Armod oases ars beyond t>ie possibility of a radical
swra. No easo ef tbs kind, tuemr la so nrspsutu or
hopeless bat It may be alleviated by tfcn Llaiment,
and Its faUbtnl appilcatVm will alwaya remove tb*
Caatneaa and soabls the boras urtnval with oompa
rstlv* saa*.
Bvwy bona owner iboold bavs tUarsaady et band.
Am Its timely ns* at the first appearance of uuaonees
will effectually prevent those * formidable dtmse
mentioned, tc wnich all kome are liable and wbicb
render so many otherwise ralcabl* borscs nsarii
worthUes. Bsb advertieemant.
&, B. (HLLIBB A 00, Agents, Ooraer Wood end
Booond atreeta. antTdjdAwrali
muitars Aotiits
U. B. Army.—
MVnJofalng tbts Regiment will bs CNIfORMBDu
•oon ss snUated.
Tbs highest pay per month In the service.
_ Horses- and Bontomeot* Olotbing, bnbalstAnea,
Quarters, foal end Medical attendance freeof ebirga^
Advancement open to mli.
for forlbsr partlenUrv apply at Uw RmtoJUbi
ufller, NaTIONai. UOTBL, W«lsrrreet, ttekrfimllfe*
i*M, PUtabnrab.Pa.
- HfiHRT Re.BAlfi*
Captain, Blxtb Brgtment* Unvalrr. .
irr i FKw- Mon* juroauiTß
- wantad*to fin lbs tanks of,the .. ,
( DMlotfJUfLKB,w«dsr(l^te'TßOfi.R.BOBX.
Tb* Company win ttt Peered U sobtt M'mmpWsly
erganlsedf end vrfll go into imka as cbdpJlMDtsra.
Armour In ■ ood
- v '/ Jw4- Vj ■■:!* J; 1 ! W- ;
u t/iU.-p tM’i *■s: ‘,l* r 7 cm utfi t a
They are on tbe way to New York,
FoaTBF-a, MoitnoijNov. I.*) tia Baltimore.
—The U. 8. steamer Sjo Jsciato bas jost ar-
rived from the coast of Africa, via West In
dies, where she has been cruising some six
weeks, Uid Poini wu electrified by the ti
dings ibsi she had now on board Messrs. Ma
son and Slidell, who were going abroad as
ministers of the Southern Confederacy to Eng
land and Fnnce. They were taken from an
English steamer in the Channel of tbe Baha
mas. The Sao Jacinto will toon proceed^to
Hew York wiih. her distinguished prisoners.
Contender Wilkes rep;rted tbe news at Head
quarters tn person, and will forward his dis
patches to Washington to-night.
The steamer Belvidere, having been report
ed, will leave for Port Royal early to-morrow
wiih mails, dispatches, be.
Foanutsu Monaos, Not. iff.—a special
dispaicn to the New York TVabims uys that
Muon and Slidell were aboard a British mail
steamer. Commander Wilkes, of. the San
Jicinto, sent aboard and damaoded their sur
render. Tbe reply, was that there was not
force eoough to take them. Commodore
Wilkes then sent ao additional force, and pot
the San Jsciato iq a convenient position,
whereupon Slidell and Muon were surrender
ed. The officers of the fioglish steamer atate
that they took them aboard not knowing who
they ware, tbeir destination or bnsinesa. Capt.
Wilkes lennderutood to have acted ou his own
Gen. Wool hu granted Slidell and Mason
permission lo send open letters to their friends.
The San Jacinto leaves for New York direct
tbia evening.
Fobteiis Mokboi, Not. 16— Slidell aad Ma
son ware taken from an English mall steamer,
on toe 8;b last., off Bsrmn'da. LlenU Fairfax
and 36 armed men went aboard from tha San
Jaolnto, with five offlaars, and picked ont the
Rebel Commissioners. They made a feabla re
sistance, bat war* lndnoed to leave. Tbe cap-
Bogltih ateamer ravad and swore,
ewW thi U. 8. o(Basra piratical Yanksas,
eto. Mr. Emtei, one sf the Rebel secretaries,
also resisted, bat himself and oollaagna nooom oofiftnement. Mr.
|lUdall had hti wife axil fonr ohlidrea aboard.
*key were allowed to proofed to Europe, deck
Ohu. Wilkea, whole a New Yorker, had aa in
terview with Gen. Wool, and expressed tha
opinion 4bet-h* had done tight,, and. said that,
right or wrong, thasa man bad to be secured,
and if he bad doaa wrong be eonld no more
than be cashiered fork.
!S BT £*1 B Not * M— Via Baltimore.
*U 6. stumer San Jaolnta nlUd to-day
for New York, with Messra. Slidilfand Muon
aa prisoners.
A flag o! tinea went to Norforlk to ay, but
•brought down no newspapers, or Intelligence.of
any qeeeriptlon.
Tba gnn b'jats Canibridge, Meant Vernon
“2 Ij,ckwood have gone up to Newport News.
The rebels have auembled in oonslderabla
fores at Great Bethel, and an attack upon New
port News Is by no means improbable.
_ Thu gns-boat Young Rover hu bua unl to
York river.
To* gun boat Cambridge arrived to-day from
the Rappahennoek, bat briogs no news.
' Tbnreoest-fin 4t Norfolk destroyed a Urge
quantity of stores, inolndlng nearly the entire
supply of oil.
(Tbe steamer 8. R. Spaulding leaves for Hat*
teras in let to-nlghr, having in tow twosohooners
loaded with frame houses for tb% troops, and
•tores. The steamboat Bstvidsre will also luva
for Port Royal to.eight.
. ?bLTiMoa*, Nov. 16.—We have no details
or tbe srrevt of Muoo 'Stidellv There
are many euteide rumors, are believ
ed to be mere gueetwetk. An officer of the
tttaaer San Jsciato caioo np on the Old Point
boat wtrb diipaicocs » 0 d harried off to the
railroad depot where he took a special train
for Wsahiogton. Tlae fact of their arrest is
undoubted and has created an immense sen
sation here*
The name of tha British vessel from which
the prisoaere werataken cannot be ucertalaed.
Passengers by the Otd Point boat state
that all tbe private paper*, document* tod in
struetionaoiliiiideli and Manon, ware eeixed.
The tamiliee of the prisons'* wjre allowed
to proceed on tbeir voyage.'
the Captain of the British.vessel is said to
have delivered them up onder protest.
Soother* ffewi.
Baltikorx, Nov* 16.—Virgloit pipers of the
14tb insu, have been received'; by (agitivea.
who arrived here by the boat Irom Old Point.
Tba papers appear to be vary mnblf in the dark
"ith r «M to the operations of the fleet.
A .A tg of trace from Norfolk hie to-dsv
brongbt down onwhandred and fifty reingeee
The rebele uantne to mike light ol the «*•
fair at Port Royal, bat it the fame time be*
trey their apprehensions of the resells.
A resident of Norfolk thinks that there ars
netriy 20,000 rebel troops in and near that
The frigate Mernmac hie not yet been com*
pieied. .
Lyntklmrg, Nut. 13—A diiptteh from
JoneiUorongn, Tenn., dated to-da,, a a .a that
tbe Union men have s camp of 1000 to 1300
men it Elizabethtown, near the North Caroli
na [the, and have also another ot abo tv 700
near Strawberry Plains. The forcas ars ia
creasing it both then plicae ind they threat
en to take possession of the Railroad, and
bam ail the bridges. It is also reported, bat
not confirmed, that they have taken pbaaenion
of Bristol.
The panic is so great at Savannah thifevu
the men ware running and tht small
ware merchants*!* packing «p their goods to
leave, bat had been notified by the authorities
that they would not be permitted to carry off
their goods. The RspvbUcsft te indigeael at
this cowardly deterlton jn the time ol danger,
and nrgea Gea. Lawton to iaane aa order pre
venting any able-bodied mea .under 60 yeara
of age iron leaving. *
The Richmond DitpMUK eaye we have in*
formation that the auiboritiee ol Sonth Caro
lina have commaeicated with the Government
■pon tbeeabject of bolaUeg the black flag, to
which ahnsioe has been-madhaince thd.attack
upofi the coast of that state. ? .
It is believed that Gan. Lee has received or
ders from the war department, urging that
those captured mast be regarded aa prisoners
of war, which will be disregarded by the au
thorities o' South Carolina, and that tbe same
course wilt be pursued which Governor WUa
adopted at the time ol the John Brown raid,
saying, when we are done with the invaders
tbe Confederate Government can have them.
~ The Norfolk Uejhß#ak7Df r y««erd»y,- con
tains the following t
Macon, Gs„ Nov. 14.—The planter’^. con
vention have adopted a resolution endorsing
the defensive action of the Goverameet, and
recommandieg a discriminating doty of 26 par
cent on the productions of the United State*;
aleo that tbe cotton planters, should the. war
continue and the present crop remain uidie
poeed of, ehoold not plant next spring, •beyond
the wants of home eonsuaptloe.
New You, Nov. 16.—A special diepatoh
to tbe Ttofttt** isys that there are between
4,000 end 6.000 Union troops in Aetoaec
county, on tbe eastern shore ot Virginia, where
there ere 1,800 rebate in arms. Commodore
Goldaborough sent a gun-boat there lo*day #
A regiment of cavalry is expected there in a
few deye.
Fifteen thousand troops are now at Au*
nspolie ready to eabara. The Vomor is that
they are to reinforce tteu. Sherman.
A fleet fe uadentood to have gone to Pensa
cola, and the. news of another naval exploit
may be expected soon. ’
Geo. Sherman is reported to have seized
Pinckney Island, and all the able bodied ne
No attempt hzsbeen made to lead on jibe
•main island. .
HpwYou, Nov. 16 —Tbe etaamer Oity of
New York sailed to-day for Liverpool withufl
passengers, and'‘the Prussia with 14S jftiben
New You,Nov. .16 —The general meeting
of the Bank Commlttea hid e leagtlgr eeealon
this aftarnoon. Obese was present.
It Is reported tbst tbe iotion of theSeteei Oom
miuee of yeeterday lo reference to the third
fifty million lean wefl Mtontreft lav ; ;
N«w You, Nov. 16.—Adviecs from Btr
badoea to tbe 28od ttlu, etate that the Pirate
Bammrwectherent that 4ate» ;_ _ .
Dttioif; Not. 16.—Joko MektCHf,! I«t»
BUU Trta»rmr f trild &t Ut Il|kaft CbiHT
obuii .Cowt, for «aMnimwt or »a».ooo
>««■ coorictod. f
"rut*. r-i *• ‘ • •
*• «• kj. 1 ~M
. From WnUagtoa.
• wiiOT«o*i‘irb»; wr—ateu*r fto» us*
Upper J* oInHUC u> 4*i eays.tfcataajntc igent
lady,.the wife ofarefugee.oowiVovT employ,
b« reached Darnestosi^|romMarftnib«rg r
Vc., which place the Itfton !u( Monday.
* She reports that the esccsaieniete .were .still
crowding their troop* into Winchesterto op
| poae the progress of Reily'a eoamiai, who,
iney >m‘gi*e, Are much nekrtr Winchester,
tbaa vu report** it Ust account* The de
feciea of that place were being strength
i Ntd ud advanced) iad every preparation
nade for a/desprrate resistance. All thtmi-
Htia of Berkley and Jefiarson had bdeir seat 1
thither with aeoh anai as -could begaihered.
About 800 of Cot. Ashby's cavalry ware eta
’ tlosed at Martineburg, and picketed at vari
. ooa points on Ute Polomic down to Harperto
• '*ny« These treated thefewrentainig union
people with consideration, bat e coynpany .of
guerrillas, 60 in number had spread terror-sad
dismay amoof til classes, depredating alike
1 the property of friends tad roes. Bhe can
give no reliable intelligence from any other
qaarter of Secrssia, ezeept to confirm a pro*
viont report that Johaatoa*e forcee were con
gregatbo'-it Centre villa, leaving bat few men
at Manassas.
The following order has jaat been issued:
HeasQoarsma Acer, )
Aw v Gsnnai/s Omoi, Nor. 14,1861. f
General Order A©. W Complain! hat been
made to the President of the United States the!
oertala persons within the State of Virginia,
id plaoes oeoapled by the foross of the United
States, olelm to be incumbents of olvll offleas,
SUU, Coanty and Munleipti, by alleged ad
thorlty from the Commonwealth of Virginia, f&
disregard and violation of the deelenttion of the
people of Virginia represented la Convention at
the* City of wheeling, Thursday, Jen* 18th,
1861, end of the Ordinances of the said Con
rentloa and of the Aott of the General Assem
bly, held by authority of the said Oonventlsn.
It l» therefore ordered , by directions of the
President that, If any parson shall hereafter at
tempt within the State of Virginia, wider the
alleged authority of the said Commonwealth,
to exercise any cffioial powers of a civil natare
within the limits of any of the commands efthe
occupying forces of the United States, nniess in
fursoaooe of the declaration and ordinance of
tbc Convention aseembM at' Wheeling on the
18th day of Jane, 1861,- and the acts of the Gen
eral Assembly held by authority of the said
Convention, taoh attempt shell bs treated ee^an
not or bostUity against tbt Unitad States, and \
toon parsons shall be taken into military csito- j
dy. Commanding offi&ars are dlreoted to snfozoo
this order wltbin tbnir respsativs commands.
By command uf Major Gan. MoClallan.
[Signed t] L. Teonas, Adj. Qan..
WAanraeron. Nov. 16.—.Tha lataiiigence of
Ihncapture of tf aeon and BiideJl haa dlffoeed
the greatest possibe joy among alf clashes,* fa
elnoing ol eourae the'Government official*
from the Preeident down to the hsmbleat
meeeeeger. The brilUm,explon at Port Roy
's! was certainly not more,lf quite as electric
in its effect spun ybe pablie mind, as the. in
king of then generally regarded dbpr&efrl«d;
end dangerous rebel emiesmries. The follow
ing order has be«o issued :
Uny Department t Net. 16—To Flag Officer
Sami. P. Dupont, Commanding the 'South
Atlantic Blockading'&qusdroß, Port<Royal, .8.
C., An it is with no ordinary eraotioßikat
1 tender to yon and your command the heart
felt congThtolationt and thanks or the Govern
ment and the country for the brilliant tueeeta
achieved at Port Royal,, in. the war'’how
waged against the Govecnmnni, in this most
cauaeteva and tSnatwrnJ rebellion that ever
afflicted e ooqptry. High hopes hive
daigml in. the navy, andgrfafhonfideacern*
posadin its efforts. The remit of the aim arid
bravery yonrteif and others have totaled and
end your associates, nodw tha ProviJ«e4 of
God, we ere Indebted for this great nehtovamena
the largest squadron ever, fitted oat wider the!
fl *C whlab yoa here so gellentlj vindicated, end
which yon will bear onward to continued me
ets#. Oa the reortpt of your dlsuatelMer an
ooundag the victory efcPorrßeykL.tb# De
part meat Issaed the Inclosed - general-- order,
which, with tils letter, yon will cause to be
reed to your command. "
I remain, sir, your obedient servant, : '
[Signed:]- • ,v. GonovWnuu.
WatamoToar, Nov. 16—Cspt.Tsy lor,wbo
hae strived here with dLtpatcbes,reporti.U«t
the escape of Slidell and Mason -was ascer
tained- Proceeding theoce to Bahamas, ir
was understood that they had’taMu pasnse
oa.the 7ih beat , on the BrtUabsjneU steamer
Trent, plying between Vera frixTby jray 'of
to Bt> Thoau ud Soatbmploa.
While the 6.0 /iciilo' tu ii th. e.rroireiL
ptrlot ihe Ckueel,aboet 34 allot:
lo Ul. wett-ird, tb.y mot ihe picket, ud; u
and I. neb tun, fr.d . rtol
ho», ud broa,h|. T»o Kota, wan
thu out to b«r,ud.r lb. orLlut;
Fwho -boarded to. packat ud wnatod
Muoa aad SlMbjl, who warapanoaalljrlntowd
to blot. The, fint objected io ibelr batia
raaovad mtboat the tteptoj.neat al loroa lo*
tbit parpou. aowanr, tkcT -an aedajdur
remoted witbdit lanbcrtroaula/ud coarnid
>|>o Su Jtclato. Moan. Baltl. aad Uc> #i» alao' broagbt da’ botrd, tad tk.T
«ro all ao—.oa thair w.,1. KIW Yolk.' The
paeket had no other 1 ante her own flsg that
of Great Britain.' Tbertmainderol the pas*
••ngers, including thqj ladlee eoeneeted with
ton SlideU and Masoa party, were not molest
ed,^and were tberalore left freo to partde their
journey, v • {
The official dispatchea are -volemltoas, and
“dude meral accoieU-lof tfae etptare,
together with the Masoit aad llidell
against being taken from a jßritfek akip. <
Kama* CttT, Nor,l«._A wagon mortal,
jut attired, gtVee UlormiUo»oftl(e*beptun,
bylb* tebele, at. thraeh’clock fkla aioralu.
• uito tad a nalHromPiaaetnt HilT/Caen co!,
oflftj »**<!*• Mod flfakuadnd nan oathair'.
way to Sodatlai Whah-fhe wafoa nano **-
capod tkn yokeawerebaieg bnrnedaod pr*.
paratton ni*d*tobunw*tona. Tha.lrani,
•ten an all prlaoaen.':Denaleonm»rche* Im
mediately for Pleuaot Hill.
The bask of Northrop It Co. and tha Union
Branch flapk at thta plana warn rob bad to*
daj katwaan twklro and one o’elook !»>*_
gangol twenty nan btlohglng to a Olaralaid
bendofgiyhawkern.. BortanaUly botkbanka
aaucipauag a' rohbarV, bad Torwardad ■- tka
greater portion ol tkair moony to aplaea bf
aeenritj. Northrop k Cu.ia loan la abonf
$8,000; that of tko Union Bank SMO.~ Tk!a
will not prayanl tka baaka carrylajfon baai
nabs aa nanak r**■*» «■■ ; -
Cnturaan, NQt,l6;—Adticaafromltoae
enna> haadqnartara auto ihal bn tkn. lOtb.
Gan. Coa’a brigade eroeaed tka Kanawha aad:
New rlrara, and drorn tbe rebel*back threa
mile* from all tkair politico*,- Gea.Scbenck’a
colnmalaundod attacking than in tka raar, hat
wan pnraated eroaaing tkn.nur from high’
waur. Qtn. BankaaUbripdeaioTednp and
began to foal tkair trial, wben.nlharp akir.
aalak took place, laatiag from fonr p. m. ailjT
'dntb;—Whllw-BaahamV font lan on their
arm*, waiting far 'daylight, tka rebate began
tkair retreat, and ware wall on lbeir way tS*
Raleigh before tha moreneat waa dlacorarad.-
Bakbam puraued than for twaot/-flea ntilea
•Widal a drenching rain, bat aaaing vary liulr
chance oi orartaktng tnam, tnraad back.
In a akirmiah with tka bear gaard, Col. Cro
gan of tka nbeUaralry iad ; t (awothara wan
killed. Tha Inaa on oar aide waa hot two. Hr
Sr. Lottie, Nor.l6.—Tha armiea of Price.
and BdcCnllocb an retreating into Atkunaat
Ipin nadaratood tkap kayo gong, IQ Ft, Smith,
wham aoppliaa kara bean collected and tkair
winter qnarUrakalng bnUt..‘tßafonlarin#:
Hlatonri they find all tka hayaucka, ebra
cnba, kc., in tkair Vicinity tb pnVani our
forca from obtaining foraga in cam weparaaad
thorn. '- r- * : -.-> r
Preriou, report* regarding tka .immlnenoy.
. of- a btttla on tko 8d inhti, originated in n largo
foragiog party oi rabpla o* Wileon'aCriefc
bang mtaukan fo r aa adraaoegiardof 15a
■ tflOmy. .V'W-h-o fa irir-j .
Unn. HiotarhuatanrilTtnFlotHnrPiler
by a flag of lroce, npndHrttag : tka, intlybe.
twaaa paufad
into Nor. lot, and addrliaid a latur to Adja>
lent Gaaaral Tkoaaa, aattiag forth hla rtaaoka
tkenfor. :j ' .-r|
r<i>Bnwonr>, Nor.- lO—Gan. . dLafaia'
cuwmind waa rapaCtad ay Port SaoU ina tkn
.aTanlagbltKaT*ih'J^A 3 -
'Adonbtlalraabrt InyatMrawaanforcb of
1:000 tVkau at Bowar'a HIU, llty iniiff ftbßi
Port Beott.. •' ~ j. .
Tka eraadag .of tha' *aw.wlHttrySapinianv
o( Kanaaa t witk|d«i;.Gan,Jtkit*rl*ci)nimind, ;
glVao graaliutlafaetion aifdoon(danoa lp ! . tka
dttiaaaa pl lanMa;' (
Tha racaat'atacllon la thltSiat* rttnltenia
tka eholea ol Topeka u tka Bute capital.; ,
/ Barron, Nor, 16.—Cept. Hunter, of; Uni
jntißerPeUa.lrom Batwuli, arrlredtt H»b<
ifex and ttportei&twTrtr'k»:'lin7ieiiaide
the Britieketaaaied
euaWer Niahrllle wareta porL.ThaFlagal
babltuteferrad herdergo.oLorme tod tdoa'U'
jtlone otwer to IkoNathriUb udth* latter had
General Dix’a Proclamation.
Bai.TiMonn f tfov. 17.—About timrikonsawt
troops, including Minns* Button battery, will"
nitrch from Snow Hill, Hd.; feta iiccftm.c
lad rfortb*tapt43B-eoaßttea,-Vi., to.jfir. - Oc-'
cofflifriapMpArad to array iiielf lor lbs Uoioa
bui Northampton show* 6ght.
, Tf • following proclamation from Geb. Dix
bis Men sent in advenes of tbe expedition »
T 9 tU ptopU of Aecomao and Northampton
OountUo, Virginia:
■ The military forcsiaf the Untied States are
aboor to estar joureoaaties a> a part of tbe
Ueioa. They will fo among you as friends;
aad with thaearoest hope tfiat ihej may not
by your own nets be forced to become your
eaemlte,They will invade no rigbts of per
>on~or property,' contrary To yoorttwi.; Your
limitations will be scrupalouslyretpected.
There need be bo fair that -the ; quietness of
'any flreiide will ba disturbed unless the dis
turbance ia canted by yourtejvee. Special
directions have been given not to interfere
with the condition of any persons’ held
nattic service,- and in ordar that there Bay
be io aroead for mistake, or pretext for mis
representations, tbe cobbs Oder*. of the regi
ments and corps have been, instructed not to ;
permit any neb ; persona to come within
their lines. The .commend of the expedi
tion te itttrnstid to Brig. Gen. Henry H.
Lockwood, of Delaware, a Btate identical in
•one-of the. distinctive featares oi social. or*
ganisatlon to your own. Portions of his force
came from eonntiea in Maryland bordering on
one of yours. From bim and front them yon
can beaesured of the ayapathy of near neigh
bore enrwell as friends, if yon do sot repel it
by hostile resistance or enact. Theirmis
sion Uto inert the authority of the United
Suiee'‘to, reopen your ioterconrae: with the
lovtl .gutea, and especially with Maryland,
which his just proclaimed her devotionlo the
Union « by the most triumpbaot vote in bar po
liticil Minis, to irntore to commerce it* ac
customed glides, by re-esubliabing the lights
on your coast, to afford yon a freeaxoortfor
the Products of yoor labor, and‘a iree ingress
fer the necessaries and comfort* of lift; which
yon require in-exchange, and,io.a word, to put
an end to' the embarraaamenta and restrictions
put uponyoa"bfa caSablelirandtiejurtifiible
rstslUq*.]f the calamities ot intestine war/
which sredesolaiiog other districts of Virginia,
Md; have already' crimsoned her fields with
fratetial bloody fall upon will not be tbe
fault of the Gonrominu It asks only that its
nutkoytty may be recognized. It sends among
yon/ a force tooatroogto besacoemfully op*
posed, which cannot be - resisted in other
•pWt t. O ! wantonness and malignity. If
‘h^Mre-anyamong you,jrho, rrjectingall
overtures of friendship, thus prcvoYerVtafia
tioft: anci airaw down upon themselves * conse
quences which tbe government is most anx
ious to avert, to tbeir account mnst beiaidibo.
blood which may be shad and tbe.desolation
which may be broight upon peaceful homes.
Oa all whoars thus reckless'of tbe obligations
of humanity, aod duty, and on all who are
found in'eras, the severest punishment war*
runted by the laws of war will be visited- .To
tboee who remain in the quiet pursuit of thier
domestic occupations the public authorities
assure all they cangivepeace; freedom from
annoyaneo, protection'frbmforeign andinisr-.
nil enemies, a of.all constitutional
and .legal fightu,and the bleaiiogs of a. just
and parental government.>,
(Signed) > Joan A* Dir*,-
. >.v . ‘ Msjor General Commanding.
Louranuje, Nov. 17,—There was a alight
•*ow, the first or tbe'seaton, thte'mbrfling.
The Mount Union Whig has a rspbrifrom
Thomas Turner, one of Geo. Nelson’* aids,
relative to tbe IsteFikeian engagement. Be
•*j» it Preatoabar, Ik. fedeiaT itn ditid.d
ialo two fcolaaiaa,/aßa aadar, Col. silly ait
John. Creak. Tha olh.r met' ika aaemr by
aaotkar mala at Jo, Cnek. Tit. litter had
a sbarp engagnmeni for one hour and twemv
WbUadjmf-tWsniyflbur. ; » -reported
that they had Ibsf from two to'ihree hundred,
ot whoa forty, wire killed and about .sixty
wounded*—Another eebonai says-tbe-rfecleral
loie wUs %ii killed 4nd' seventeen wounded.
The. previous, account from Cincinnati appears
to have been greatly exaggerated.
u falling rapidly, with 7 feet 3 inchss wutir In
tbs canal. Weather clear." ,JfercUrj37 o .
SiTumiH, Nor. H,—Afedtral Biel i.
port** to »ar« ptaadFargaada, Florida, TU-
Mrdrp, boaodcd looth. ■ i
la »Uen|Uieniii| tbo
ol tlio eiijrj aid * rtieral foetioo Jot
aaoaritp-privalli. ■■- ■ * 5 ■
Tta Norfolk Dan Boqk Yajra that. tba ahip"
kaaarrired at Saranoai'wjlh a carlo ol
•• •• • •
ml (mind at Camp Putt; twelra mlteaabjTa
OtmlMton, tkia asralaf, ■ Out. Ball, of Com
pany* KvtttS OMtpndaUmraf fetrapK wliiU
aroMtaj Ua Kanawllt |a »iklff. fan audof iha
itaama- CoaißodoTa'Panj. \Tha Captain and
NTtnof all man Kara drowoad, Too ramalo
thr van nrad. .
‘ Diltoki*, tin] 19.—Got, ’ Htaka bn iua
•d a piaalaaMtlaa, oaUlafirVptald Hulon of
tto Lublatwa al Mtrjltnd, >i Aanapalia, aa
tkrSIA iam* U» ofcj«t;Maf-i».»-caMli>h
Manbad ia kar old pnilioa J at Ike hath ol
tha Union, and Id nndo th« tniloroai Infiaia-
Han;of Uib in em bora bow' coaEaed' Ih Fork
Want*;- ,— -S'/-- ; •
St. Jama, Not. IS.—Tka atcan.
ibip Siioili, ftba BoaibiiDptoß oa Um 6.1 i.
paaaad off'Ctpa Hie* Jut areiiafrbmfruHh*
wtatbar waa blattering eba' oould-' -abt ta
boudad by iht pna» yaehu . ;
1 -’"-"WiP “
C*id»u6, ffor. ie.—A ipulal dispatch to
IhaAcataf Ji»niaVfr°m Calm, »aji: Ithtt
bom anaitalMd that iho Kabala at tha balilo
of BalmbatloirMl klllod; «JT: mtradad.. arid
288 ttltriof*' v '■ ■.
-Wn.Foaaarr, Omrpaatar sad Joinor.. Jobi
CiTn la all waikaotnuadta blm. Call at hla
Jobbing Shop, virgin "allaa, batman SBltfc.
laid and Oraof itmta/Fliubargll. Tj Jr.
.Docvoa C..fiAsu,'Wuir Cara aod'Homa*
'ritUa Phjaielanj alio agant for lUinfawVoaltJ
tnM trui for Boptona.' .Coroar of Paoa
and WaynaStriata. ;
Arrivals at the .Principal Hotel?.
.;; 7 77PPTOJ .
BT. OHARLXB—Gormr of Third;mod' #o©d|»tttau;
2. ' jj
TbfrflSliffttefcttft MWMeLaaahUo.
;; ~ irwarßbhtiETwtfTiu» v
' wrtoekßMMiMalihim
, fT.lCeWnilmßa. irA mod 1R Sottish; 1 da.-:
.r fTCattU, do
OHBoctarfjClo ;-,.r *R*o&V do .
Miaa ftZa£tf*r, Sutlw JW 81 okas/"' \do T
DTO ton. BTT ; £d ;
HDKsoSt'tfmahDO.. R Brown, . •io" ,
ft& Hdi; WtmaUoj . n u*n* ni :
!W . •; JMcCoaoftimnGcifomrjj
V.B RodgtnvGp Pfcnpmtot \OJfhrdxk, “ *. •
R j Woomtar J HeOlmr. ni;*; . '. t
J D Arwy»«adt*oo, N T
J BMtuaß ImdyjTraDkUo
JJI gtrtnsbrd, « 'do
ftMCnmnin*, OrPlar^co 1 .
rnTnoekham,-? ’ do
frtJ Morofotd,- - - : *••-•
ft Kafmrlmad, - £ !
t ri 1
;w a KootMj, stMUbviu*
OtptT WilttftmftiGLfl A
'»»'4taOmlofc I~VN»kU» l ~VN»kU»
ttCo'Um, V«i4tUl»
B-D»ffnifl t WY ■
OL?ct«, c Vrtai?tft > ••. — J
■urSS^SsMtSb- 1 -.--?;
SLSu Breu.BT
*rapt~ “'4o . r
aMOouma,i»o _• OAokrano, taint* i *
JWBaotw, .do »!*»«*; BolW to- ;
,*»SS!**!* , *_® ■M*«3fc.Hil«»ool
'RfisssSw-ii. »siBttaa&. .*
O O OUrkiMft <*.'... < r
i ft OlUfeoa, VIQUv co O
40n|, OUntauT
T PftrktTf Allwm
rntpopo Qf9*boa»tl
ofMk" .
«•* BlToo4i, •■'■rr i .'*
gtt. I '. ' Hjpjw.l
• tfo* . t
/ XttflD, ..v . i:
J 0 McGlonli.Sl tool*
i ttarptPrfnetttßjP*
B R B*nUertott,l*. -OmC*
J BatifitJd, OtmbiidiD, 0
D Wttifenn.phto f><-
M JolUMSaOtOhl} ,; -
.f ,;y.
IW W TfcOTpwn. Kciai
£ B.B«rxllan, OrtiJnitJi
g«g|& jtotMtlt-K
r "
:»casss»ssasiA,4 s*
■ *
BART 3 HdTSlr-ÜbettjLt '%t\** w *
i siMJlfc B4Kl» BKBl*.
fcfffcfek*- HBftßS!en£?
Rc*t Por.rm. ” ' i*aok.lii>ator»mf
INlmfa.o, ww* f VIXSJS!?*
DHnff«i3Jawe!SwJ' : ' Jl*:* fly r
bldximHota>-*se.£ **• flu 1 * "?*•: ....
v ,v-. ». MKMI \ »o?»bff% •
U DSaox, Wish. DO , UWflier • .:;
JQTowaeeis[>hll* |V .*ftaltA,BmltVeFan-r J<
jBbetnattkiV*t v ,-.. B Hi(u,Bin»te£7
8 T Shettledortb, Ya
Aifi iur 1'- ‘ • j vcoui, So
iE,‘ Tt 5 B, ?“ T ■' -,-.
2Jff?**y»®*»«w«o JB BJce.JtCco
TMUlaf, 8 Keaaett
W *OrtJg,Bliel»en J Smith,- Freedom
A Welker, - - . W M BeTmtbarg
njTwtney.Oellon JPWIW * '
J Btrklfy, Weth. eo ' JLMcGee/Chrlanco v;,
J Btmreil, He*iOßtDgo»o J&hhk, :• fo _.
0 K Patter, Jeff, eo J 0 Christy, pjead 0 ' *
.tfAXJQHAL HOTEL—Wo. 137/Weter etraet.
JBhepUf.PeietCiaa 8 Bentley, Moo, c |tr
W-OuhMß, Ihdlase ... Ahtattwk F
WDatfdaoo, ' ' • O B Redemt, Otadonitl
O BCubfordtVi ( . E J«klzu,Cwll BlcS
* f*** A G wap, Greene co
J Irens, BleKeesport WQtnp, ' do
BDon,?arkent>nrg •' WBBnJson.?*
flMmotmSjA* . JOAndetera.WoceUc. Pe
M Bettk,; - <t> * Cbalftnt;
W Shaaooo. cfp '' •'-j-- . .. i
..r rinsuvßuujiußKim.
|Apor(«f ttpMaOf ImJU FUUtmnk OmO.]
FattthMt, NoTeaber 18, iB*L
ILOOK—Thcri J« • *fefr demand for.'Ud* article*
whUepTlrW’areetwdj frnd felly ‘maintained. l gal*..
Of ftO bWI Family at 88.88:26 to -Jo e teitna fl yoret; l
1740 i to do do at S&3S,W; so do dool
|4 l Wfc?BxttM>»ftsfa»'2ft for VcnUjiaadlQObbU::
FemUy-.lowgred#, from wharf, et st,7fc Bye Floor ;
of »bbl*ir,m.fttat banoe at|t,sr. „ z
: OBOOSBIia— ;market
•nf.dall! while ps}c«e itmiin -enchanted, It '
drm et 10:; VoUuco, sod Orffee. i644Al7eV‘
a but Doctieog«d; mlvtt tft&T B>i' f
«d’L«» : <3e sum nMX* . ;*
i mATOia-cmcbentea; tele o Q wbut ot ISO bsefe.
N o£¥£S^*.*i-r»^ bulh '“ tI w bhltio « stv wr
' SS**lf APWi l»'"«>nUno* ia» ectlre
W-bilOr-prtaoe 'pro Arts .with on tdrshttnc tvnoeaost
eeloof B(lbMeit $2,60 ft Lbl, ea: 60 do do*tl26odfc •'
; HBWBiaBIW-?.i0o!T bbUcommTO etHO?mi
tbL < AprltM.eUQr*taj cpi&toeiid . -,T\
' JtttOOm—Bale 4p lote oL4Q die ett:32 > 6o Bdos
demenl f«r Bwtcr ~U
»blje the ropply fa Bucket it large; **! of 8
1>:leBo(‘ '«t lOcv u>d 187 &i do at lie. juu le&re*
»adwHetl6©lo,*_do*. * ,
otl objub chotee
ettV76dlEt't>B*b;«bdloddoiderop*tt26o. - ; Ts
tales of new crop et 400 B *
OlC—There ft • (sir demand for IhU &rlU
ct*, while pdcae art eteedp wlih an coward tcnd*oor r
The wertuiog rM» i» 0j Hr call. J
npo? mifr-dia oT s;000 Btslofor aleeki end
IT vor tfgnu,- -
RoBe!pteorprodaet f *«. .im
•Ahic**d vfilWfcinl ei atetetßeot o r thoTacelDtsot
fl«Or, grahL .bj Blrar end juilruaL tor iae-M
-hpM* wiping leu ertntog i , _ .*%
bUt gmarepph* 119 do- ffwrt
BobonAee^ooma ) jqOg, bacEwheet floor, Bdo ryw
9 " 4 * **/**»•
• 'Jy-Jtawr£»lQ,6Bo htte fioor. SOCd ahfe vbttt.iTd
wht#ky, 226 do elooboL 6
bhdabecon«2l kgt, T.bbU, l.bxbotur, 1 bbl eggt. 10
ngt, 88 dowool, 9 tcehemt. 2tf7*he
aall feed, lOQ bze cendlea, 81 eka ftetben, 83 balea
k «* *»b,cco.t7 T 5.
pjrt. n Ui flriri frnlt, !S iki ««ej: 17 b>lM tumvi
ion v^
""' laporii lqr Binr. -■ 1 -’S it
r W JPi?!' l £L®T* > ® r bbU Oll.ia knLDt
tee, 27 bUi tact tied abl| 10 do chasipanedoi 10 bble
*ool..lhh(ia I SSc«S?4O-kffi
S?{ 5 9 **g*. C!trhe A eo;-&
bbu oil* a APaimen U oil; bbW adteblneoa Aeo • l
bz kerteyt. H BaeeiihiU bbleilteer, 4-eaWT baS, J
l bz bUnkab. Uw Taltaferro. 60 MlkM*
per,ToMtr A'flM*oa;6d bg* earn;'Jet A fetsex 22
bgp.wbo*t f ;B6Aoak bbl*,L WUmerlh; 7 btd« batter.
bx Dotter.-l doop ohickeee.l bbl egg*. W Heniesn ;
HT LOUlB—per Artgo—4o bbtaoppUe. Moßoae A
Aijter.totb h goods, bar Kow $f able applesir B
Tbomptno; 84 bale* hemp; If Herelg A oz 2U bble, Uppit A cft HO do do.J BCe ifleid A Oo;2104
ModSlbge pbeet,43 belec hemp. UMriteAcot 2*
Z Q MeOeA; 8 ton a&Mi teed,Barf*.* ; <T?-4
CIKOIMSAT!—p« ilT.rWafe—frJ bbSflonr il
Be*,Jr, llOdo dodoTMHarttn;2loo do do. SMThage
wheat, 90 bbtooa. aJ do elcdhoL rTOQ
bbde ba-xn. OUrke * cc: 100 bxe jCMdtee,
SM bbla eppUe. 7cb o T MeCOmbei SO da
.wbtok/.-rtza; 8 bbla win®,' 1 ek do; Jtto JArcber; lot
ttttbi»taaßfto,Bl>Uwcrtb*K)i 10 bbtemaM.l
<dl meal, Jig fiinpeon; 8
i b J
•W—lt, Kloi,
***** SS2JS SS
do»S820 Ike Wheat, 28 do ared, 4 bbi* wblfkyjoiarke
m VO.’ '• ••'—' - - J--- 1 : l .'it, .
8T LoUlB—per Dicoleb—lt£o bble Qoar. S 6 bezee
“J*: eop3lobbia appl*< ThoaTotterslM*
-gj* 4i *f* J $ Uggett a oo; 4 fio epptaa, DW 0 Bid*
mm .
tapgru kr Btllnu,
„ Ti ffim k OKiCADo Buuoili.—
3M*(* «60 Obi. am, flw W U.mtanoo;»,
SSSSSISi-.i"* 1 ourtws IC
bgitnaybMt Bint, J P; IMbdUpuwr. B A
■ wrack! e*3o dot bmkafr. Ltlil* * TtlabUs flbbU
*7®®2?,!pW}aanj; 4bHa floor, Jm
£X<» Mifflymug ob; 8 b«l** broom britthrUlifo *
Irtoliltj 1 bbUnu, WT EluiilllliUl>bm,B I.
»1-11 rl«w, JTM t>Bowccn;lot h b cood«.g WCtaK
J 0";! souo aoTVwatSJ
v ..axyjßß, lews. .
- .8?!**;: in Wumv>iuntii abs> Dmu*
oosr-Gciia&oiitm a luvim
«o,oc.—l3»;rtra, under ihe lillaeoca ; of R* r*.
oaj iirt CTfitog
0 feet-*a 'adtottoo rf Wv'lwt.
wailfiir coottoaef eiooty, vet abd EMatUed»vitti
-lo4l<atfac<of rilnor vao tot fiUle
tmbiomtrfcwirtNj ettbe vbtiffb®
■equeoee ofthdmrfkrbribleeoodltten of ttitveiftier
TOtreeeJpte/boireTer, vere he»Tj,i h' Is iWrtolp.
yun toveroriUtor light The' JeoobPoe 'thf-juteer
boa ClacittiutJ, j wOiilua frcm LoaleriUe,
■illniptodDKotib (duntt leßii,
<U4£«rffoea,ceaitirate the urtroU daring* atorday
ud' BQ»|lf.>TiM ,fIVeBM fIMB
;lßtti.Qnbw. ItoA luttfllla, v«ra das lost digit
tyd villdQsbtleujbe found etthe v&arf Vt» Mmn
iDg. Toe arelumxßtorne uuael'tbmorroirat mr
o f c)oek p m —~~.We U*ro fr«u the o«ceiief the Poo
**■* tjg^Jg** oo ptO oyonioite ty toetTttlcb vA
dien U ahaoet
b«u redrad to •*bM > ea4oaW«dn«daj ilghtvbea
tbe Poe paieod tbtfe, tfcecßirtraadJog.oos&trj vu ll«
laminated by the Haht ortti tomlng Kver '
daco4tw pretest vat btoka OB V<taf Mdst:e baa beta
considered adasgetoaepleoo Joe peering iteauboala,
•ad oor attbaboetmea jkre rrjoleed- to Hara mat It
hutoao lfeofcet forppvtesooth,
Uodlae f>r Galllpolia,!!**!* Mirtlnla?z\nt*Tl]l* l
•nJArlauoH Cjz at Lonle.clured oa fatoidey,' Vo
wgtil to eaj thejalt hadrery poor tf!p‘* M ». MM .The
'WiU,l»«eiito; b/ ,p* r d, the popster iteaaer
llabdrickeoo, J* an&ooacaltorßiicai#
Jgx Wfcdaot6ay.__u.Tbo fit L«U*i Caaafi la
tha Hoe beat for Qtoots&iti add I*mi«TDie.Bb# trill
probably 00 ready to. tear* tbb eorping
IMadtxn, Oapt Bogoia. h receiving ter et Loatr uj
Ifefar«Jttta!ppV«ltb aptoepoet oi getting off to.
■tOrtOVr s ''-? <. -■••: •. v ~.. ... ~v .
iaerr!id olPitnra*)',:
Tt» K«nt D, Bo«»« Uolel!»a, m,l Button.
nttacnr h, Sound rma flatn, uMna DBuun
ton at U.U,ooulttt.ih, mtnu.
ln-Wtt Uihi trip*. th. p<hu<l iS
tell fcr St.
“J*«*•* 9*o tone efh*jr &ga«*d at
.?■W*t.Xw BBMaogo'luff-goaa
toUaiimUearty a ltd .
toaa far PicaborybQa ibo
>r ffltotrto^iMaawnAdr^lM^^j^ U,S^
rflmrknt* >f Tdiafnpii. '>
- CumiATt I oar firm at UA
♦'telpf IMhfa*
In u* iwi tta
; *>P
•flrml;4ytfc. Ora at like. Ma« 4 «U
j ftm >.taO bvad
tad*ai«v4«l tad
bneun-doil: Tfatrnta w deniad -for &«■ M*k.
"SSKSSLUP*'***, fcr *****,ll*l4s4o. tectffM
*6 d 44*tt far too! iw, *» (
jrr.—Tb* ijpifndid ptvMnrJji^^HlK
cMii*; rt-'L*-, „ ,, s ! Srf’. •'
- *“irt ■- .• ,