f *•. • », HIDDLB * CO, , ■• It ai■ tap rio rsia «e a s foUUaHomOJIet, WA Mraat, nasr SmlOf M : wyrra btjboki MONDAYMORNINQ, NOV. .18. „ 1881. Thi Cpptan of Kan tiA IttiilL lOlket xcileroenl caUsAirby theaflnoonca meat «l .the captore of Mtasra. Uuog kid SIM«U, by Cipuie WUXas, or the United SutM •tun frige te.Skn Jacinto, it bee sot been forgotten, wa obmn, that the set nay load la Important conaeqaincaej u it ia elairlf a noialloa oi international law, ac* eordiag to tbsintarpretatioua of tbit coda oU taa Sained on by Xnuicai auiaimea and j arista. Tba Bail ateanar Traat, oa board which they were found aid arraatad by- Capteio Wilkes, waa not ia American watera area, tbit ia aba wav Bore than three milaa Hob our coast, beirg in ibe Bahamas Channel —in otbar words, on Iba'higk anna, ike public highway, where Ibe abipe el all natioaa are {rea-Hvßaet-and-paß seqaeslioaed I, will ba argued, donbtleaa, that tba irreat wu un wamnubla, and that the two Iraitora ought to ba released and banded over to the Britiab ae- Iboritlca.wlih.an apology tr«m . our Govern meat lor Captain Wilkes’ nnanthoriied _pro* •aediug. Indeed, tbe New York GemswrcfaJ of Saturday dininctly’ propoeae and rveout- Banda tkia course. Waara far from satijfivd, hoeavar, that cur eont’Smpotery visas tbe natter aright; Bat an • wehnva only rpaee for n aentaaoe or two, we eepaot go into any detailed statsauat of ear Tleßa nt prevent. Baßda it to say, that the Britiab Gouvnamaut liaeir, as die Commercial •van admits, doea aot aeeept or net upon tbe Tiaws of intern,tlonal law wkleb would arm deeu'tha not ot Capuin Wiikaa. The Xrent. Ia net a vassal belonging to tbe Engliah Govern. Beat. - bat n nerabnnt or patauger ataamar, wbou tOsera could ia no venae represent tba lngUab Govornmant. HadHeaira. Haaon and SBdell Might nod found protection, u political refegeea, on beerd an English man-of-war, we bold ual thus, ieeor'dbg to tbe lew ofnitlonr, they wanldbavebeen tump-from cap tore,being formally under cbeproteetlon of tbe British flag. But I Bare Wercbactnaao, or other ship engaged in ordinary traffic, u canyiag.maile and panaagea, like tba Trant, ia always bale to bo "object to bo ovarbanlad by tba war vaa. eala.of e belligerent power, and if fopnd car* tying contraband of war, (end rarely than eoßßinioßara would ba lacladad ia that cat*, gwl v)’to bo subject aieo to farther peiaa aad paaaltlu in eonaequtnee of aneb nnltwfnl at tempts to giro aid tnd oomfort totba aaamy —ead the first of these penal tin would of corn* ba eiactly what Captain Wiikaa kaa ia this ease already aitetad, namely: tka loss aad rorfbttanrortba f'coatrabaad'v artldra I - WftWi from Somth Cuolbw-Kiaau• of • IM* wftVUftaVe Onpiai bf Ike Cbarlaaton papers, found iu thn fori nt Hilton Hand, girt aa Ularaatlng tvhlMt af tka UMaef aßeifwiußeutbOarn llua. A nut iuterutiag doeumeut ia tba Vaaeaga of Got. Piorana, to iba State Lv gtalatura, published lu the Okarlaatta OnrUr, it Her. 6. The ipeetta abjaet of Jke meatlbg'of IheEegla'latare.w.a the ehottou of Bleoloru of Pmldent aad Vioa Praaldaal, but tka Governor eagerly an braata the opportunity to lay befor* that body, tta condition of tba State gaucrnlly. el though II la a remarkablyluatruoUee daaueaat In regard 4o iht periluof malutloa aad rtbaK lion. We nut eoateat oarnnlrca witb ez. Iraala, and firat, la regard la . ‘ xiutut euuiunn. Tki rahm of tba suit, thi attar iaa> bttlt/ to ittlat 10« Uaittd Staitt forooo, art ■aataleailf axMbUtd la Ufa foUowlaf «• traata: >Io addition to thia, X daln to ea'l jour at '.tantba b ihiMMt outo of on —nnfirr or - gaalaaHoa. Proa tka proodOK loowitj of thowar 10 any troopa kon bon caUadteto üßn patriot that tho matador of aor popa- UUoo, At for aUUu> dot/, jo loft U o atata of aoapiratira dltorgaoliitlon. Coda thii loto oof of I WO, nlaoUar ml. aoaU m fotatd oil of Uu old aUItU battii. teMad b Baa? parti of Oo Sato tha aloaci of bat: aoapanlß, battaUooi ul nglamla “d harabaaa aaataad bto Oouodonts a*. Tbo. ■' ■■■-■( Oodit till let of 18W ikm fill ragtaaata kan ban broad for twain aaatho. Zko '• Oaanatioa olio rolnd coo rrtlawl for tb -aoathi.Uodor OoaManta aathdrtqr o tall aW amt oOobat bgbi ku Ukaw)Mfc£a ait. . toroA (Tate apodal ngaUUoa froa tko Pmidiel of tko Coafkdarato fltotao, "toorajaaa 4. ■ . *h. woe. Bunn of tkua ragtaaata nawb ' yir|bb (oao otha haring ama Ua tiai nd kooi dbbudod) oad tkno oa oar on -b.aU. km, obo, nenUr an tarad into Confadait* Barrioa, by aoooiilridal f .Won froa tko Pa,boat, far Babfor aad daring tha war. irltkfoor gantry aad-two light artillary ooapula Wo boro aonorar, a ragimaat of infantry and a battal. bo of ragabt uiliuid foroaa. TbmwUl aako •aaggragai*of loaotkbg aorolkaa abotooi «o» b oetoil aarrloa. Baida b; iroopoof tko aity ofOharlatoa, : with afomofaon than thm Ihoaaand ilbo tho Boatload on a war footbg aad hold aa a ~fMOm,'araiid-aodtqalppad, raadyfor u| .. taargaaay. Wo htra, la addltba, iwaaty-ona •. saapaola of eayalry aad aoaaMd maaTb tko oaaaoat ptriihaa of Chaibatoa, Buafort, Oolb toaaadttaorguom,katd randyforlaoudlats aornoa. -Zhao waca krat ralaad aada ffoadal —P»l»“oaa_ j| «fr eout finiiou. • Mortof.oar tohntMT rtgianta aoir ii Vlxfi»U utnlj Sjr tir*tra Booth*, aagtr, n(|itt Uut proiiaioa fc* aUt to Mean, if OOMiblo, thair eoatiaatad* ia nnlc* lot tkroa Tttn or for Ik* war. Tkr' tfiTSitV— i* Goaeraor reeoßtaanJiriknt VoniUea tM offend to ioduoe tko ataj to re-eallet. “■ . row ooms. V OT ® rnor reeoßßtmde tko eotnbliak —v.aeat.9remim*rj ooodcßj on ike i!te of FortUoaltrle, end »ej. : ------ . Sloe. Fort Soin'M he. be,,, pol is „ m pi„, «"»■ *»'*• fleet tIBO Boantad, It entirely eraaaade, not oalr tko kntbor or Cherleetoa nod iu oatnaeo bat i -FortMoeliriO.aad, therefore, tko rnmriLi till litter fortran ienot el all oaeoatlal to tko Coatedera£ goeeraneat. . -cokcumoo’. . ~ Not o word ii mid by tko Gouraor obottl ' tko Nornl Expedition, bat he oonoiadm kio + Mango oo follow: Oi tho 17tk of- December, tho day niter I •it IxiOfontOd, I eeot • coitdential Croat 10. 1 Iko Promdent ol tko Vaitod Stalaa, denuding poaoieelon"ofPort Banter, npoa condition 1 eonewhat the aameeethoae npon wklek I nn • dontood tko Called Statee Aroeaai had kooa .pxpaioaaly allowed to bopjaeed endera state ... goard. ” • -*• ••• o • o o.- e„ o •••• ••• .• - ... Oatee JWUt oiPdconfcfr the Prooldeet of t* tko Wind BlataonatSanenlCoaUagia die- of Mnnchaootlo, eo bo, with a loiter, o eopf of which la herewith traneaitted. I badoete abort iaterriow with hlß,aadtoldkhnlwoaid rotnmaenplMe Iba Prcaidaetva latter, aacept to aar, varv «an dldly. ikat tbrra waa no hope for tba Uaion, tad ibal, u far aa I waa concerned, I'intaad •d-to maintain tba upt'lta Me|fendueb ot Soalb Ciroiini, tod Iron (hit parpott oeiibftr UmpUtioft eor d»B|ir tbotld for t noneat dct«r me. He uid tbit lift coatd Bot ut Wbtt ,?l r< 2!? uu ® cw »ifbt proddetj but wbbß wbttftTftr to ehu|« tU cutut of tb« fort* ia our harbor Ia ibv wit. * • • • • * • Tbere isAortba slightest danger ot our be* teg nbjagetad by the North. Thoee wbo eon nlved each an idea had bat liuie aeowledge ae to the 'atenante of reel power. Tbey ere veetly defettvie In ell thoee qailitiuneeienry fer effective military orgaanatioo, particnlarly for perpooee of iaveeioe, while tbe ioetitationa of tbo Boatb treio pur people to ieuividuel Mlf-reliaace, end to policeregnltfooe with die*- ciplieed order. There erenoegrieultural peo pie so eseaiiielly nillury it their ecrly trui ng u ere tbe elavt bolding race ot the South. Av Jlr u tbuNortharw States are concerned, tbair govarinant ia hopelanly goaa, aid il wa fail, with all onrconaerratira alemauU to vara «•, tbai, indeed, there wilt be no bepe for an independent nnu free republic on' tula eooti ■cut, end tbe public mind will detpondingly turn to tbe stronger ted more fixed lorma of the Old World. In tbit point of view, I most rupectfelly urge tbnt you iaerauo the power and dignity o£ the State, .tbroogh ell ner adniaiatrativa emeu, aad adhere firmly to til the oonearvi tive priaeiplu of our coanitutiao. - Clouds and darkness may rtet npou oar ba loved country, but il we are true to aarsalvu •»d jut to otbaie, loohiag with confiding faith ap to that Pnwideace wbo pruldu over the. daatioiu of man and govaremenu, we will taraly triampb, and eomt out uf oaf trial* t wiur and u batter people. F. W. Pica tin.” Than are come eurlotu feuiutti la theae Uklrueta. Thai "Individual self rellauoa” of ibe Southern people,epoken of by the Gover tor, ia aomathUg uaw. A people that ecu hardly areata'n 'aln'gle' irtlolt nt neouaity or luxury; wbo depend upon their elarca for a living, aad for almeat every kind of par aonal earvioe, aad wko era now auffarlug tot iba obaapaat maaufaaturaa, wklak nearly •very hamlet In Iba fine Statei ana areata for llaalf, to Ulk about ualf-reUiuoa I Thau,- eaji Ike Gsvarisr, tba gavmmtßt of the Noftkaru Btataa, that ia, our Federal Osv arumtnl, "fa hoftltulf your,” and la "da faollva for the pnrporea of lovadOB.” , Aid this aUlamaut la aada just ■ day or two before that seme mined government appear ed off tba aonal of South Caroilai with ■ mngulfiotat fleet of forty abipe, ud iftar baUaring down tbair forta, ud oaoalng their oUralry to taka is tbair bails. Undid a larger army thu Smith Caroline hue now la the fiild st homa, or la VirglnU 1 ; Governor Piokaaa done not Beam to have much filth ia Bepubllouism, even In an* lightened South CtrolUn, ud hinU pltlily that it wnibeitefimry te ndept u montr ahlul go verna tut, and to ashn thn bmntUloh •»ey, nrgee the LaglaUtura to Uerotit the power ud dignity of the AdmlaUtraUva offleei. Tkie ia tba first step towsrde a io bility uad moaursky. Happily, pUin, old fuklonad Bapnbllou Uaola Bib, will put a sadden atop Is all auob vlaloai of earthly glory, ud the Goramor will have to remain plain Mr. Floksns, ud he may tbuhhii nan if ht eaeaptt tbs diaagmable oßeet of tbo kugmu. Übi base after tie Greater After tba taasioa givaa by tka aura of each >u event u the victory or Hilton Heed, tie bowatriag of popaler fetiiag tfow not relax witkoat some xaplaanat etaeatioav. Batao poaibis program of create eonld auiateia the tension. The vary last day wa But nflu the aebou of tba gnat battle, tad tba high excitement which tka rarer baretiou of thou thrilling eights tad toaade stirred within ne ws meat suffer them alike to cease, giving way to tieceodiag treats wkleb moat bar# bid tkalr dUaiaiabad buda ia tba pretence of tbe others, area yesterday. ' _ Teeterdey, every «thtr. neve wu tkratt uida, or, at any rata, eclipeed by the gloriou iawlliguea wa had froa Port Royal ud Ban* fort; bat tba firat ixciMaut of tba remarka ble aehlavamut at Htltom Hud baiag ia aoßa dagraa abated, ba msj rantars Ueday to gstbv ap the skalo of otbar events ol lau aagaitada, bat soaa of tbam hardly lam ex citing mad important, among which wo-may. asutioa Gnaral Nalaba’a brilliant aad Uacia ita victory ia Ktsteni Kaataeky, aad tba ase •scra at GayudoUa—that Work of fiendish tmnehary which wu soon to ba ovartakaa by a rigbUou bnt tarrikla ratribatioat 01 tbs tanner avut wa are not yu iavorad with u fkll dataila u wa eonld wU, bat of tka gmt fsctttaalf, that tba baud or RabsUioa that wu JUtad ——- gutarhjj bu ban afiacualiy eraahad tkara.Mvuto rtas again, wa bars every seal ran ca. Failu dataila of Gnaral Naim’s salndid saecam wa will wait with iatarast,'bat the frnita of that saaaam iuall wa have not to wait for— Kuusby.Tauaaan, Sontb-Weataro Virgin* ia, ud ia fact tba whole eonatrr, are already bagiaalag to reap tta fall barvast of tbam. Wbat daiails wa have raceivsd wo bars givaa •luwbarv, both from this qasrter ud from u •yawluauof tba horribla "Stir u Gayudotu. Tho nmarkaol Col. 'Cocnan' to bit refi noalt li f.yor -of uoli| tho alevao. of the Booth, to untt to puttiag down tho rabollion, ud tho emphatic epproral of tho autimaala al tered, by Qaa. Cunn, areaifaiJeant itoma. Tha remark, af Co . Coaaaaaa wan pointed uddiract, tad could aotMn boat minidai* atood by hit. Cutaaov, ornly Ola oho iuard them, ud they wara loudly ehaarad hy tho »««• Wa quotetbefollowiif ntnet, takeo from thu nport la tha Row York BtraUjl \ bnppoae, aald tho opeukur, oar a nay ca eoiutara myriads of cotton button aad wa ara Ohio to export thorn cottoa balac to Europe (ad raealaa frmnbmn mUlioaa apoa mUUoaa orua ajaeare of war, do yoa aay waahoald aot Yoa ara dear apoa P°Mh Boppaaa that maaltloaa of mu, that aahaiataaca tar thetr anay are withia oar. teach, weald wa aot ha guilty or akaiaafU aa fleet were areaaa to appropriate than to oar aaor. Canalaly v we ; woaii...atpp oordut ai.waut ofllayury. fa rmntolku iaatUatloa, he heiityed tut the aad of the ararwoald ha the Md ef fiaTaty,aaiaa» the rebate reiara'od to'their ceties end tbsfr Ict alty. :, ' ree Secretary, io tbe couiee of the cbnver ■stioa, larfimr remarked tbet.in fitting. oot the eapeditioo'whicb bed to recently Bailed for the Sooth ha Ud directad that an astra qosntity bl guaaahdnld accompany tbo forces, end that tb'a commander'abould place ibeee armetn the buAaof Aav wu whomight,offer lu are them. Be hid do doubt that pieoty of'tteu would be loaod, enen in South Parolma, who' would be •riling to fight lor 'tbalbanae of freedom end tba preeervauoo of tba Union, h i ffiti btlitf Ki mniU l« rAnr my ofArr ezpadfNea that migfit ktrafttr gaSaaffi ikmliukd tufftcitnt anal to enable tAess tcAo desired to fight , to taki tki fitld ia aid of tJu Union cautt. The navi of tbe ficeretary were received with Ibe greateet gratification, enhanced by tbe frukuem, raadinem, end courtesy with which be responded to tbe mnoy inquiries pf them wbo nought' bis opinion. Tho-eur and tba Government-wara vastly strengthened in tbe heart of Massachusetts by Simon Cameron's free ttlk with the people ol Springfield. The IMaeocrmer Abuadoalßg Slavery. The New York Conamial, lo a long arliole, aboiriag tbe great obiuge whioh base come over Demoeratlo leaders with re gard to ilarery, toys: "Tbaprogrem of areata baa' ahoirp that at tka beat alavery cm nerer ageiu. be a BGuree of politisal elrength. Tba real mo tlre that Demooreoy bad fox; upholding It no longer exiiU.~ They auu nowufford to eee tbe iuetltution lu lla owo light, and they no longer worship ut Its shrine. Nty, they are willing to eee Ua altar throws down, and tbe whilom deity trampled vinder-fost--’ In all probability before another year bat passed, Bepubltoau will be oouoeetling Democrats lo moderation la tbe treatment of eleeery.” Who will be the fanatics then! The OMupeltoa oHIt email Demoeratlo fry will, be gone, ta 'deooaociog abolllloalvts bee been the etapla of tbeir editorials for the iwt deotoe. We abouid not be surprised io find our whilom Democ'ratib oete&porarlea poefrnp at u pro-tievery. Ou ward’ move# Iba ponderous ear of human freedom,- and we do not wander that the " unterrifled to gat out of the way. - Thb Dniawva ot Gawp Lira ar Pout Botui.—A correapoudent glut the; follow ing deeoription of th* good tlmu our eol dlen bun In Boulb Corolla*: "The elimtte U deiioioua, aad *ll Ibe ipleudon of the Indian rammer uid a beauty to tky, tea, and the green aborua of th* bay. Mag uileant ora|(a,(rona an found within * abort dialtnoa of our oemp, and the fruit, Whioh la quite abundant, la of au exoellent quality. Thera an ihouauda of buahala of awaat potatoes within our 11*as, upon wkleb our mau an fautlag. Colton und eugar oaaa flalda, tka former wkite with butatiag twill tad the lutlar ripe aad galdn aa melse, •re to ba foaod aa the talaud. Indeed, aurylhlng about ui seemi to ba aa pleasant aa< deaira. Thera ooald bans man deilrubla apot for. winter quartan for ggrtnopa." Thi Uaxnuaar Act or Au —While thn South baa breu elriving to propitiate Bog laud by tharaoat abjeot propoaltiooa otex oloalu tree tree, aad auu bUUug ut a pro teotfruta, iba Loadou ftarr tells tbem In rabMuev, that tba only union why It fa vonUtadlvUoß of the Colon la; tbit tba aUu Stutap may ba radooed to a aoyt of Anglo-Bexoi Braill, to ba curbed und ■nabbed ea atbtr aatlou may aeam proper. Af aa integral part of tba Halos, the aUve Btatee bad ftgalty, poaitioa aad power; aa aeopaiate tiuy woald only axial aa a oonvtiiaaoa for nUsg aoUoa. Aa a National Fewer, It woald nta with Brasil aad Pertogil. w Arams nos jnuD, Bacraury Cbaaa ietaada to appoint a Collec tor for tka port ud district oi Buitart, Bouth Carnliia. ■ Tba fmraattt ialaadt to mika Batafort a port of eab; lot coaiaarca. It ia autad tiatUo Piealdoat wlll aoon iaiao a proeluatloa ealliaf apoa tka Sotanota or tka difataat Btataa to faraiak 300,000 iddl- Uoaalaaa baforo tbo lit 61 Jaaaup-^ A amakar ol poatooi bridfaa kaaa beaa •oat down to GuanJ Bookai'a blind, lor tka aarpoaa of ptaetieiaf aad drilliat tbo aiao ■a tbait oaaa. A largo qaaatitj of haj. wklcb hu boon laadod at Baltiaora for tbo Soraramaat, baa boot eoadaaaad. Row that tbo Sonramaal baa a aaßaiaai aapplj oa baad, tba oSeara art datamlaad to pataa aad to the waolaaalt baada wblek barabaaa praeliaad br daaigaiag apoealatora. -ytpy Ooloaal Baerga H. Oioaanaa, dapatp aaar. lamaaur at uOaUadtlpbia, ia baro. Hair apobaa or, ia coaaaetloa witb Qaa. Van Vilat, aaa nccumM.&ta. Uaigr, who goaa to Uiaaoari. Colossi Bsyts* of tho Sixty-Xhtrd Pton sylviais. is.ttiUontd itCtnp Lyon* b*lwesa Alsiudristad Roast Vitraos. this rtgimral to. on Un sxtreat 1«U, aad docs mneh uiiri ; f&laatlMufjpia’t Bghty-Kighth Pnnnayl naU rtfimnal waa ranawad at Alexandria, yeatarday, hy Aadatut Adjutant Sanaral r ratio.. The rtpment launder fine diioiplinn. Ouaral Meatfomary fa ooaßnad to hit loda iaf* hy illaaaa, aad_Col. McLaao la la com. jnsnd in his plieo. Isisssss^g Mr. Dodfa, tha Chief oTPolicnof Baltimore, aeting nadir the Fad oral aalhoritiee, war ham to-day aad raputad Jo: the War Oiparunaat that information waa broanht to Baldmon ihta ■eraiaf by. tha boat from Fortrapf Monroe that flan- Skarmaa had taiaad lwomillioni dollara worth of cottoa in; tha aiaUity of ct, jtnd thumnwhara of cftiUM there had prnfaaaad Iffalty to tha foyarnmul, and ware aolleltinf anaa arith whlek-lo’ oifaalaa ud protect thomaalraa aftlaat the rahale, . A faVflamu arriTad Mra M-day from North CaroliatTpr the MMoea of ohtalalaf permit alontacarry totkitßutatbe twochildran of tha laid BaUiior StapkU fl ap, paan that thaaahoya ara aiUtlpdia lane aa tataa la Rerih Cirollaa a edit War Inpl, which, under the racutly enacted law of; tha raba! confadaratA, are la datfar oi.coaltcatiaaoa acmaal noa-raaitinuof tha children, althoafk.thty ara iafuta. .Tha rtlatlaee dt ttalr mothdw are utlaay. that they aball ha broafhl foaV to aacara thalr tin hie in .able popytj-»hay are daairou alee that Mrh. Doiflaa ahall aceompuy thnßof. aha wUI iiaaa of thAPdaral areiy for Ach Vnrpoai, «p it iataadt loukaneh acildl u willrdhrfar •Marly nil aid void aay of Ike coiflteiMoha nadar the tela or Iharebel aaarperaol aatorlly ■a iheSonlkarSlataa, • Vhe Cedbo Mill Oiuo, Tha Raw Albany Loigor aaya that aoriraor Morton hu ohlntned nn ordir from iho PimD dnnl for two of lap "aoliM mill fipi," aa they era oallad, a.Baw aad. daa4{y laaanUoe, which promlaaato baafalfaal Talaa la awtaia oatw ud altaatlona. It la aa amafamodt which am or thru mm ou epafalt, throwlof Mlhla hplli of uorly two oMou ta walfhtwlib Urn ummy of a rldo ud the ruya ol a arit-olui rlMarawa. TkaMrtndfMarapriparodpnr- pomty for ifc udhn laku eat af a boppir, aa S3S£ y ordapramid at jdaaatra, ud twapt uy dia. team tram ilda to aide, ao that fl wlll eanr to uytofalrad nafldi aalMtraa' a Raa of hallo iwoaplnf acroaj uy Wat width, ,1a foatlt » homjfpe dam water, ao that Thay wIU dtw-the haUa aTftS at tM lUdd «“k b Mad, aad thub aaftatthu tealra or mora wlUba hi tha ab hahratha ftntont giS mmb,iwfMethalbafill mil*. Sis£sswstjr‘ m, "“ ' Anaaemin A. letter from Hiltoa Hetd «)»: A caripoß fict Kss e6ae toii(ht i • regatd to i&e tba. Steentti. - Oor re cooDoiercce »od>r«Mbe toP j unlearn to tbe eray, are rtqseeted to forward tbea. aa beta* poaalhletsthetxndtnigedcceißtf m*.at theCOtTos UOUaX* comer of Pjftb end tteUbAeld •traata. PUiabarab. 1 A bill or ltat ol the articles aboald tacotopsajsseh boxoryotkaga. K. H. IBIBH, AStSbBOUMaiB, . nolb-dsitl - • JAB. PARK, Jm.' V’tixta 1 * Ba>x» pmabWMhtiMi id, IHl* |TS»AN ELECTION for Thirteen Direct era of tfcla Bank wUI bo betd ettbe Banking Houao oo laoaDAY.lfck day of Boaember, proxisw. between tba boor* of 10 a. a* and *p. m. . .Tbs aangal westing of stocfcholdsts will be htld on TUBBDAT, Hot. Itr at XOUoUoek s. m. oclftltt 910. f. YAH -DOBAH, {leakier. < . jaoaOmßen t bet.ir t IISL ‘ [TfAN ELECTION', fop Mrtewm- 5 rectors of. this bank, to aecn doxtsg tke as* using year, will be held ettbe Banking Bocae, on MONDAY, Bov. ISih, betweentke boon of llZw endl p m. • -*■•», Tba aaaaal areting of the stockholders will beheld at tba Banking Roue on TUBeDAy, Hot. ilk. at U o'clock a**, [ooißOia} J. MAflOrytW, On>W. • Aumm nui, uca u f iwu. jr§*AN ELECTION: for Directors ol Wl * r tbia Bank, tb aero for theeaantag.year, will be held at the Banting nones. on tbelStSdajof ffo nabtr, between .the aaiin or 0 o'clock a. mf and S o'clock p, a. • ! The Anneal Heating of tbe Btoa&oMers wfllba bald at tba keeking Henaa,c« T6BSDAY, tba Mb day of Mot. at 10 o'clock a. m. ocl&dinolt *T. W. QQQX. OaaMar. i MaoianwfßASA, t . Pittsburgh, October IT. )«t,r ITS*AN ELECTION3)f UIBIIOTOBS el.tlilaßaak, Mam tbrlk. aaMatjatli win kbU .1 ißa ImUoi How., awHOnZt, No tambor UUi, batwiaalka ImO H gWwi.i and 3ifcla.‘k r.at ' - ; - J l- ... 1 mini Bwllif d Ihi Uockhddon wfll te kdd KlTDlsDaJ,Bo..t«>,atlO aUocka.K. acllAOtl QIO. D. MoQRBW, Oaiktar; ; m.tto awntutmni». jgpUVTTM; — PHOTOOHAPHIC ALBUMS, DHKIII ton 1B8», lOK lUI BT W. B. HAVEN?" . OOBNI* WOOD THIRD BraHtTß. ncfc«B MAMHOOjp. HOW LOST I BOW BJBBZO|iBOI joalpabltabrdlaaSaalolXaTCltpaitPifcaOati; ■ A lactaia oa Hit atom, Imtwut, and radical cow of Bpwnutonbow at fiaalaal Wrakaiaa larob aararplailawcu, Bocal MNUtp.aad 1 gadOtnla (p ll.aul aad Vhjrical laeapadtr.ni wdUag Deal Balt Abara, lar-trj aoir. J. SOB ▼nvnU R.». Aotbcraf tba Awna Atek, Aa > “A Boob to Tboanamda of OwWararo* ; Baal oadar. aaablc td aap addraaa part paid, da raoalpi of ua oactf, or twa paatafa oampa by . . Dr. OH. A. 6. Kim. : Xg Bowary, Kaw Yocki P. O. Box; ttBO 1000 80X180lITTIN8 OHEKSK AOO kUi Oaaaa HUIa Vaallp arrlaas • , WQOtti^aacaHaaa Jaal.fraw ajiaka fMQ Bm Shooldara, Jaat Dorn anoka bosaaf ' - 109 bbu ttmb teniae Hl* Uom. foraaWby- JOB* B. QAHVULI) ft 00~ - : ”4* , . Pirftatrttsear Wood. QANDy SALT RUSUM U MfMoLtbsflkttpSSchss Mt UMMfftlsrWsra. Xteh« (Nii Qssd, Mean, ls«ttlMi»s : psnUal in ibssnnls.of iMdicb*. ftMtfVfcirstM riilaltncmuwaMio bs usd lb throw oat ths no* bbsitby haaort froa ths nitsm. wbsa by SppMsi thsßsltßbsaa BssHdy sstsrasttyi hUummilm plaoMapCßsspsMy sad pmsasalears. .■ 9 Pnpsnd sad aola bj A. n.« 0. BAZU>B t DrooMn 100 tul ton Brut, Hew York. (oldalio by B. a. PABNUIOOK A 00- Pitta- Mntlwby DrminiiwiWny. UlMlrtltf J£T3TBIOnmt>IOOOAII9 BOTff AND YOUTHB’ PHIMB KIP AMD THICK BOOTS. Cflosl Ur stUby tUcsMlow for casbby i -► v OCO.AUBSBBOItnOOm ; * sold i < ' . .go fi Woodstt»sl»as>T fostth; • 350 - BLS ■ rot BAIfl OS OOKSIONMUfT. 80-snriylp IdObbii oa d—swr Borison, . . . ' 3CQ bils on «Uimw fljlm Vsts. JOHH T.MfIWUBI * 00. PBAOHJSS ARP APPLfia.— “ AT UObiiih.BsirVry Psschss; ' too cum'trcih Psschw fee Badly aaa i ' 1M Ms. ebotM ansa nppkai : in«l vseaivsd aid tot sols by - - . ■> fAAIiS TAHaOADUL * - • ftoldl , Ho.ll«gseoftdattMl. : t/'JCNlSONi—4nnddlei prime Yenisoa f J J4OaAfXIZ|Bp , 0016 f . Coregf of jfsrkslsadfutwmtt. MJBALw—3B Mokn fittth ftroood \S Oofh Mt«) j«atrsostrsdaadtorislsb? Vi 3 *- ‘ « - • 4dl,A.«M*a, rftolff.,. ComrofMartoUSd flral itttiti ' BDITLR -4 bbla. frtah Roll Rutter jmfeQftTtdsnfffertslsby* -- n •.;•!••• 948.4. filZltt, Pol 6 , . > .QorntgofMtrt«tspd Ifrmirttts. - tOWR*—6 bblda Oniona justreoeired v/«o4torwkby : £■ JA*.a* ffAStVß, • i noli ■; -- (kifwotiiglrtaatllr • POTATOS3.— 18S bbl* Meshumook ssd Malt Sy*pbt«ti»s,istlirsaa4vM bod be tate by Jil,4fiitti>,aofallMtoUDdm»ti. DDOKWHBAT ITH)UR.-8,000 Ibs- JLj ehsks VBSkvhsallloftr rnstrad aid fbrntsJ ST .Jss.4:tnnun>etr.itsrhsi isd ruuiu. APPiiliS.~so .bask prime ®rylM«iUb:i»sesl*s4sadlßr>M#:b>;.'. 948. ATinktKsor.Msttstsbd riratsta, . /IAR&OROIL—2O bUf. Ro. i reoetod A>byn , | r «PtBT lU JOLUlin. TOW PRIOR© WALL tllwiiaifeteeiriitaliw -■OS Sly .■LxtiTsr MACaB *l*/ JHOTQQNS, ©oClUi4ltt» BUTOLI B4«- ltd Rood St : . W&M 9 * rosld«n«. ;tsvX6. to fOD*w nm*rrK4^Sy aesaffiggigataSg lo&cmx HOTO--4 bbL torahfd by mu J. A USSIR a oor ftlrtf ttiHtmmt*. fi OD ocir— -3.0C0 lbs. Fresh KoB But- Ur fMXITrd; 1000ftrehoic« portodxoofcjTed; 600 Km LmT Lard da MtalltrMApcla do LtObuhfliS 6««i /• l000B)»»ocl|»bMl!lov<9 . 100 B>»JTwtb«s do - -r-v. 10 tnK.AMU iTM'r BMoB ... 2uo t'Xs prtaurattlgf Cbofw; ~ MMi Jb|liik Oiby, (o HriM: . - 800 bW* Xxna-foaDy floor, Coonfr*; oodtoruUCj.. H.JUDDIB, :-:aolfr«r v m Ufc«ty*ro»t. ~ QCNDHIE3—I2 lihda. pnmefl, u. Pogar; SO bb!a prims N. 0. UoitMM; 90 b x«a 6a »Dd 10a, baft b'ruda Tobtccb,•• . OOhaifcbaata Yoqds Hyson and Black Tsai; ■ Itbctruwmtf gptaaf,—ortad; . 16 left Bi QmontU of EMi; II b:saa Pearl Starch; lShaltbblalakaJfcbs . SO bbU lairga Vo. 8 MackenU - 6 quart* r bt la Laba flab; lOlboxaa itnUAdM-Vtalstilia;, SO bbl* eiaaa Carboa Oflj ..* ■ With a fait awortmant of Qrooaxfoa. la atora and for y HRUDDL*, 198 Libel tyatml. EO tOD WANT WEU3RERBI DO YOU Wiar i.ilWiQßir SXLMVfI -3 itprrpmd by Dr O P. B*Uia(h«a, ‘"OtfftmttfeK ilcwb of London, a*4 It nrmud to bria* m% a tftiek •e»or wauUHB 0E A MUnTACM la from Mum to tU wMln. Thto artfol* la ft* only doa or (ballad «Md by tb* frt ach,rad tot; Losdoa mad Part" ui»!m onlrmal willba m to any om ahoda dnr« U,by sail,(dlnot) Mcnrety packc4,oa recast of pi k* and po»t**e, tliS.Afpty fomyaddmr Joa.rLHaifQ, 8018 ■ Oonwcaf PUiDocd and Jdartei m*.-' -* IGELANiI MOSS PAST*. ,u ; ' •* -'IBIUNDMOSSPABTI. „ ',r.' : UIUWWIMBt Tbla dolloloiu pnparatloa, oaisooaad of Lataad H,e lUrlfcUap aad car* or - ; C.JUGH), tom TH&MT, H041411CU8,40. ■ 4oW by ■ 11M03 JOHKBT’II, BranSt, > , t 4ud dollar nmeinian nio^bueiomijiiiae ii oaimreMooprnshfetoie«bnr<&ii (bn “• lotatnliaiailabqa biannilM enam lo wy tl*l nth bool tbo MU; Amtlheibebooea emacmeat «Hb Mum. hUA Cork laMbeoumof repine*by vhfebWrioM ** H fciTTm fw intlMTf—irnrrihlr - BIAaPAap HOOKA fJ« AQI&I& looh>|>e rtncotol Htotcejtot ttoPnlWAtitoi. lßolyronl iTo.7o)mMeMutriTtop. ntcoixe. , TdorißOAhrißOaOAfeeileenai lyomno, Ira, 418 poem 100 mtielfe. Frlte|l - rmosiUbof iMtooß. a Tola, royil iro , 1,041 » mri porUßjlo. btolde other OBrnTtne~r«co rmutatfetad Bfebla Momeaee. Bttraoto boa •S2sassteaftfflS»ap ,! M o. < SSr P , o, of ,, s:^^ , *“ ,t3 ‘" , ***>. vested a ell petto ol th»coqotrj. Proi tadoceoMßli oe»i 8. Boofci npplkd at tkt lotrtri rmtao. *MMI W. BUJOT*, Bo 18 WUtor «t, Bow York. \ ftol&trtltwT J)R. LURTON’B OHOLAGOUU*. AOIKTAIff CUM toft A Q D E A H D t E V K B, : UtimtOo t IHwil . :■ FBICfi 91,90 PBBBOTTLB. | '‘ibkiiiß it X> K- KBTBHR, 140 Wood . Stmt. (nmlH withcst Bignitari ol t L. Lua MD.li.Pr ■ solfcdtf TPHX attentionof jobber* and dealers in *Saa !*'*SbdnM hytc***b*bftiwr, which Mull* *t u» town* ha tes print. . .. : auu wibroa. > riooUaaQlaoue Mcturs ItwHaMn,! Chimrj Law, below Mir tat, towns Third tad’ fcwrth«tr«cu.pmannh,r». aolhlsUsß COLOIEBS’ LKTTS&BI l-Knyelopw erlsl.4wllh'thc*ddisaof lh* ntoarwint •'tlw.tl.-w "rr Coaisahwi sol. d. ft>r tht friends qflht Totnntnn rsisrlth Uhl. n«lsil wren la wMtmlsi <*cWhsrta* Irttni AUo, >mwr Wrappers, prtntw) Is Ch. tawclßa. Mr. weam. fe sslcla ouatttlM *• ■UMnuitfLbv ’ . W*SJOTSituHaCo,etnaiMiMatm. : Mie -- Ho.tT Wood turn. G*NT 8’ FANOT THATXUKQ • eann; 10 Dirraam BTiuti, - pum, jutmjUD aaauar ntmiu, tf Im Vnatk uillotir cndM, $l,OO ABO WWaSmT BotA WholwU «ad JUMP by - -U IATOW, MACapK A 00, IT flftfc it. JgALUOBAL BKIBTB. f" W. bar. bow la clock ssd to trrlr* crcr »Ooe*U(omdl.»«nTB*»ty«ti>d spwiedt, OltapeitaOul Dosustlo lathis, in chalet hrtjtt **™'°' OoOsonUbKl btllir ctU too* ssOMccimt. aatoß, Maaau* a 00, MU ■ Da U lUtketrot JJOTIOHO TARN BUYJSBB, THMI THUID WOOLIN TABSB. CO) pmrodt BTw.lUnd. too do BU:k Mind. »0 do ' rials Black. IM do fhtaWklto. t> ft te*7 raperier he*vyTkrot fkrotd Torhi ■Mdocf finvooi «Bd yetapoboat lOests totbo WWd Wiutto* pMinltoftfritl UtoTin to wfloLWAt* amd bkail girms At • bum' prtoB UAa«o7iA7othKlalbBßtfk«t. ’ BATOtr.MAqRPKACOetT fifth M.L riONbXGWMBWXa— itf -tt ‘; ■"•'■•i* ' do” Orion, 1 • • ;•<.•;■ .. ICO desmfuer Brans, < UO Hari do • Ufr 4o v SaffMOtlrr tbmlfßelUrt, ■ '' ■ tow-' dodo lOnekaDrt F ••••*.. -•.• i WUOLSM OLMY 18 ABD MAtlft WOOUM nmuauu AYPDHAWIM: : ■ LAOM* AMD CHILDKIBg’ MflllKO VtfTS AHDDBAWSEfc.' •• -=—• ; HIBBM VAVOT VOOLVOtl; f - LADItt’UMrS WOOL SOOt ; IUSrWSWOgifIOGKir? ,;*.r ~ t XIWUIfMAUIIMUm • LAitt«rtMuin»ALMnm^ : n TAtirCmre3^SiNiiantatiaH|'V6r. 4tonT took* •** ferlwkttlii«kU vvirtb «*U lk« w l*M MMpnMThiMi^BA 1 —- «wH 77 Hi&rtitwtt, JQBY GOODS i :' r ' DM ODODC CHIA* , li ABO * BIW BTO OK. XHIBD ABBtVAIi J-.KC.81 -f . T NCWOOODBII WOOUBfiOGM.- : t .isA HiriUl, , WlllTAflL' '• {juaning. Tto ckttpart WOQUV HOUSST taihEdtj. mhiho mm amp Muwita. Mftßiso mm abd dbawmb, WOOLEfTAIIJL- 3 £*-Vj -•■• • Mf JBAWU. / >. WOOUM BOCKS. WHYaVOMTID. 7: ■HITLABD YAH!, HOOFKDW v . “*?W Bxui iumi - r . . ... hhm imimm. ' ' ~ J .WUlWßifcrUcU, OHABLSS OIPNIB’B - “ ; • MU - J. W. BARKER ft Cft^S, STUBBS ,6'.. r. V J j to COT tool BILKS* SHAttI.B, DDBTKBB, T'l “^ABHHKBKBk DILAOnU, poraas, .. D RBIIfIOO Dl, or MTOLT DSD. Mn 0310MD.MUHI*, IXuril TABD. Mmmtnrat, "•*?/,:{ IT?*, FsAi iri? ~:*j~o7o7li| S ;/' jobs - -1 ?^.,, ;'.... {: V '*<■'*!&■* tJ.V> ; . V C; \W*J**: *«in nn>«■- ~ ■ K5».;:|, lai Sr 5 * 0 * 1 t. f "•?.’**' '■•'.r■ ■ • mjS»iuum. MtanugfXiOMvl’o Klhvtfe amusements: iIXTSBDBQh theatre ■■ *)*•*» bov. u, QBEAT BENBATION PLAT ] QBEAT SENSATION PLAT 1 in oeioiooßi OOSO&OOXI ETTIE BENDERSO.V AS ZoE r ETIIE BEBDEaSGB AS znm •utnt»=s««au.; VAAy •!>(n>(r;e>md ni« IMkflnMHI “»* J*«M»*J* *OHK H. HEtLOILnW£«d l *: >olt . . Irtnwi Mauri alley tad Vantl^ii-.t,> ruucKS&uta * y M .HQ nwblSßflß *■ f jSKsafihA.w*' “r** 4 piAßD.—Thetnbeoriber would resceot* -pabUo ite It dov MlUat .90 n • fraction tDOv*-> ..■; :. , vCv-.voOßTr mHorewSr 4 «***"«*°< 7 M|R>oXONft t ~ - , i v> MVBip ihd;„ £y*“| *J>^no«k,P4T r IMO!r , |>M*(r , «slSj " -jßtittcaitonat: OBUAI* ttOUUUJi. ' *fuoJ*M« timid school Ho. a ll'. OLAIE Ham, M ctorj, _ - .-■.- Tattmtmt «/ Teuton. • ? 1 I thrXiW^ 00 ”' ■ —UtfH J»ATfI|C, ' i I cftMKfßUjr ccacar opinion tynm^rtc|t.\ ibi^'Sss^issSssi’^ 1 h & _- ■■'•••••'-“ A* BOUT* fctabfoc; 01110 Asttrns higher teettmouta' IfhllyooMaria^lu'ibcTe^ecoaafi^itinEU^' 1 * HO en prepar* paplli far the High School onldut «taanr In tb» cl™ T—Mff' ftp»w>fc.iß>dwMi> g *. Po SS^Krt^ P*NN INSTITUXE, ' ; = r IU»OOg* mur, HIAK MBBt J j»mutE4t,ni.ad d W ot auu» BU- taiu: $Si par Marion rof lln aooatba. a* ***** J. M. »MITH. prinrtinl. \At* Q.AS FJXTUBSB. &AROB ABBOHTMBHT :eeu3»b. —BAILY, ABRKLL.& OtU. ■O. lit (UU&IU ITMUt, ■WtlyiMlO: QPaH.ID.aT yf. A V. UCGUS’, 0 WHIH itTT.V* D. Htavsv OPia»l>.iT W. A D..HDGCK, i _ ,r opaaaa at tv. * s. injauA’,'. onaiu> u v.tj), auaur^.. STiUPJBD FBKNOB SHAWis, w i ' BLACK. A WHITE OUEOK SHAWLS, : onouLiw oi sm hbwki shim. uu»nunaH«tu,.fHiiß. Mw ; «gapw -umw aooiM f au. Aas wtnm ? •mssi Attfc»oldata&d«f „_I jfAUSJC. WAIT, Ooramr.ot pnm and Bfc'OUi^iW latte yctlfe tttMUon to tt» KTti.r. al® WlnViw til tlu ttwttt .‘W*** t ***■»■»*» ■■iwitl tdapttd t» ttHOU *■».*UUj Wlldtecui Mrijr c»ltr?lte'-M. ***** m . P* “ya***** ll ttetUMtKirond mumm P»ov»». mm: D ” OEOAKB D» HATSR BpR„ STOVES. * .^MiSktfcp i«tt«attai -cf .4toZp* to«or)arg»MMrt> mm <* Qx*MtK* fcsiw«udcifc:ffc«» to aft* BtMUudoatoM 9**uu* MtopparcMaftjW fMlmßoaao fMnvboa Mlia(, Pacos Boxes, ' PlaJa-uuifiuioy Orate Frontar-jraadtra, •CttOMCloporollkMamodatooite. - : : a.Dimiaui * goa. KH’.—KI ■!■ Miq P. 9 KXMjeXQM. roOODYltiUi-OIL bbylmcky. KMM ML 111 IaiKMK ML fill llimi Q»' hrt Ih WiM aulll’/ o TW'YOUftOWH-FaiMXlWftt- - 'I MM MMcOav tbHV rnmnmr kmii/iiiS 3BSSS^JE3EKfiH^S&£2 gsi»<.yi»y«t«tg«tofflswwsysgH sgsasKssttsSS '• ****** ' • Ho.i gwM«, tm^£rf.. ..jf nioiuiH, \ ...... wmaun oßio. -^teaagasaa^j^ Juu Mimtl 80S, Hoa,«9 tadio Witer «tm£» Htrsiott ' JUST RKUaTBt For Bglp by W. A D. HOOPS; uiutmuis