The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 16, 1861, Image 4

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    UtoRDW MOBSIHG, sov. 16. 1861.
~EELttilOl!Bt?iTEl JiliiK^^'
’ The "Central P oo^
'' . • , „j !t pd b? the veteran editor,
Sh Uum, and rf lbe
Df. EUiott, tay* BTI . p / KllU
M. E Church T.
toed that they hardly . >u ,
: TSi o r Tbenrbaveb.n n°n
• tSTWaw-'- *
"" The MeihoJW preachers gi the “• .*•-
T Oburch North, to a man,'we learn, are for
the Onion; The doctor clotty his article,
-laying '‘some ot the preachers aja su®*^
1 -- the e»tremetieg;t>l ho:Ul' 1 ” Bickoess, and
1 \ ..irant,. W*p» ?rJerally persecuted,-afflicted.
tormented.*" Although the M. E. Ohnrch,
” - Sooth, is mostly for' eecetsion ; yet it has
■ .everni ministers in the Federal army, one of
- them a chaplain to-001. W right’s Missouri
volnnleera. ‘ Central" Bometime ago
gave a list of eighty three Methodist chap
. ’ liflnstn the Federal army, not includin'
any' Conference in New York at j er .
aey. jt is supposed there QTCr one han .
dred chaplainaof tb'r denomination in the
—“Amfrioao Presbyterian” con
theeubetacce of an article which ap
r peared ln the Protestant Churchman p re
stating the difference between theiligbaad
-Low Cbnrch parties. The artiole repre
■! : sects the two parties in tho Episcopal
. ’Church at variance in their respective
theories of the Chnrch, oi Justification,
si3"Bsgeneration ; and that they .differ in
practice as well as io doctrine. The
High Ohnrcb overlooks tbe distinction
between the church visible, and tbe chnrch
invisible, and falls into much error by con
founding these two as identical, end as to
‘ ■ other churches, whom they love tt> style
: the '‘sects," how wide the difference
: between ash They refuse to acknowledge
them as churches, perfect or imperfect, but
’ hand them over to 'God's nocovenaot mer
cies—to be eaved eo as by fire” We
quote from the article the following :
Id regard to justification by faith, the
above writer calls it tbe fundamental doc :
trine, i tmtit til saimtit. Kduia, and im
' plies that tbe High Church party “teach in
sffeot, nut necessarily of intention, the doc
tlinoe of justifioation-by works."
.The difference is no less important on
the subject of Begeneratign: ‘‘The one
side oonstrue the baptismal office literally;
we, hypothetically. They make regenern-
Uon, In tbe cose of the baptised, universal;
we, contingent. They make it a federal;
we, ajnorai change. _ They teach men to
"stir up tbegrace given them in baptism ;
we, to repent and be converted, that ini.qni
ty be not their ruin.” Abo, in practice
there is a difference: ‘‘l have known
brethren.who. would not suffer a layman to
.offer prayer fit their presence, and this has
Jed to n fatal and very prevalent error—
_ »4;that the_.Episcopal Uhurch is opposed
Til spirit, if not in the letter, to social, on
premeditated prayer-meetinga
——Honsignor Liverani, ia a letter to
Cardinal Marini, avows himsell as one who
- has ''every reason to reverence and love
the Pope, bat none to fear himend
“““theSJoret “is an-oh 4 end faithful servant ol
the Church,’’ he cbnrges the Jesnits, and
the Pope himself, for having recently pat
to death, an innooent man, a Bopubiican-
‘ 0(1848, falsely accused of murdering a
gofdarm*. We clip bom the letter of
' i£e London correspondent to the ‘Pres
- byterian" the following portrait of Pio
Hono—and this by a priestly hand 1
___ “rhe Christian world has a right to
~ —. seek and require in it* sublime Father and
Pastor, the Wise clemency of a Qreg
.ory, the patient fortitude ol a Leo, the
clear political wisdom of an Adrian, the
industry of an Urban, the invincible
Jbmness ot a Sextus r the influence and
~. and tact of a .-rightly then
- niourns indie sad whenever it finds the
, angelio patriarch thinking with the mind
i i VprafßjMorpdos Willing with the aflimur,
...V 1 i*ii fpeakiog with the tongue or a Jesuit
with the passionsof a Legitimist,
working with the hands of an Antonelli.”
~D. Aubigne writes from Gene
.... .ya thU the influence of the reoent meeting
~ of the Evangelical Alliance there has
been, and is most important. The evan
gelical pastors have resolved to give a
& aeries of leotores during the winter,on the
-\ Ittme authority, and perpetual obligation
of the Lord’s day.
■■■A London ,Correspondent writes,
arm were there, not only so many really
converted persons in London at present,
bnt also active evangelists.
—A “religious house” is about to be
' opened for young men who are members
of the Church of England, having. for its
foundation the three-fold promise of-obo
“ dienes, poverty and celibacy.
1 The Polish Bishops in a body have
demanded of government the former right
enjoyed by the Boman Catholic Church in
: Poland. On the refusal of their demand,
: the Archbishop of Warsaw addressed the
assembled Bitbopa in theso words: “Let
us always stand by the people, and defend
the cause of the Fatherland, and not for
get that wo are Poles.’’
—The.Butch Beformed Chureh has
twenty-five churches, says the “South Af
rican Advertser,” In South- Africa, and
about as many parsonages, besides, several
aohools that have been built.
. —The United Presbyterian Church of
Bgptlsnd is miking Tigorous efforts to ex
tend its borders in London, and not with
" oat some (how of suooess, judging from
tbe number of preaching placet opened
• within the lint Jew years, in different parta
of the metropolis. It is thought probable
’• that the Presbyteries of this body in Eng
lead, and tbe English Synod, will unite.
—The Austrian Minister of State;
at e recent sitting of the Chamber of Dep
- attain Vienna, stated in a speech that
the exceptional lavors awarded to tbe
- eoilegsa of the Jesuits would be abolished,
and that they -would be satjectod to tbe
s? --' tidea applied to other nligioas corpora
- Mona,
Protestant Episcopal Oonren
? delegates from the Sees
1U States at its recent session, in Colnm
_ - Wr, ff (Xr »fter~-oonsidet*Me discussion
Snail? settled upon tbs- 'bubs of the
‘'• ' 'Protestant Episcopal Church of the Con
> MMteSMss," instead of tbs Proteatant
■ptroecal Ohnrohof the United State!. ■
, '• * .f,? ay- t 1" : '' >■ - •* • ~
—At the annual meeting of the Geo-\
eriV Missionary . ' ,
rChurch, held in So* Tfe*
appropriations for 1862 for
Domestic Missions, etc."• , 6 «f *•'
*235147. Ibe cat'mate of theommittt a
1 was afterwards confirmed by the £
I Managers and the bishops. All the to* h
l'l ops were present, except the senior R
• 1 Morris. The meeting was very
-»Vi Q Lord Bishop of .aviLilit'kTN tval'i, CAittoi^jjfi2
... .V T? Ar l ««'* 4*'* / .♦oar LO*‘ia—■TL« Ururtto »lo»i»«r WhL^oTTJI,
ptniEsd by the •»i‘i ■ vf'tj j»pt. Mcowwia, !*»*«*« »»»bo**, on tuib day.u
* i oa w ~ ~ I 4 o’clock Sor freight ir dm**** «pi>» oo .©ardor
nngton ana Dissenting minis* .-1 “ »°' •>• n. i, ! vk .»T 'S *
recently pn*}ehed »n extempore, r
; to the whole bodv of mechanics r
| of the Midland Railroad ■*
Aaeeti-- .iby.
Uit V, the America# '
New York, in rcloty ? r,ct «
.. . , ace to supplying the
J aD wi'h religious reading,
tx S-aT - Slivered by Rev. Dra
3, ..tor .cock and others. From the
repori freer Med| it appMrB that 2 50,000
®tiscn’s Soldier had been
“ itr T ated, and also 1,000 sets Soldier’s
T*®’ .p Library, (25 volumes each) 700
Soldier’s Pockot Library, and 6,000,000
pages of tracts; oto. The whole at a cost
of $9,000. Large editions of Cromwell’s
Soldier’s Pooket Bible, Confessions of a
Gambler, Gambler’s Ballance Sheet, and
on the observance of the Sabbath and
against profane swearing, have been issued
«—The Boston Tract Society, up to
Oct. Ist, has distributed nearly 8,030.000
pages of tracts to the soldiers, and sold
3,000,000 millions for the same purpose,
—The installation of Rev. A. 0. Mc-
Clelland, as pastor of the Fourth Presby
terian Church of this city, will take
i place, Thursday, evening, the 21st.
■The n°w Central Presbyterian
Church, Allegheny City, Rev. Dr. Plumer
pastor, will be dedicated on Sunday, the
17th inst. Rev. Drs. Schenck and Plumer
cfßciatmg on the occasion.
Tbo Rev. Ur. Raffonsperger, chaplain
of the 14th Ohio regiment, writes from
Camp Calvert, (which is at London, Laurel
Co., Ky :> ) to the ‘Toledo Blade
The Sabbath night before tho battle at
Wild Cat, I could not accompany the boys
in the night march on acconnt of the con
dition of my horse. At the suggestion of
onr officers, I tarried ona night at the hos
pitable mansion of Dr. Joplin, and rejoined
the Regiment next morning just before the
battle. Many of the Mountaineers who
had heard so much of the Ohio 14thj
waited anxiously in front of the Dootor's
house to see it pass. I was in the crowd
and felt anxious to know how the boys
would act away from home. I could see
and hear, bat they suspected not my
presence. They made many playful re
marks about Zollieoffeiybut notone word
was ottered in my hearing, of whioh I
was ashamed. There was an entire ab
sence of profanity and obscenity. The
Kentucky Mountaineers expressed sur
prise, and one asked whether wo are all
Here profanity and loyalty seem to be
identical. It is hard for these simple
hearted and ignorant Union men to under
stand how a man can be opposed to the
rebels and not swear at them. A few days
Bince an old Union man actually called
my loyalty to the government in question,
because I reproved him for swearing at
—The New York. Tribune gives the fol
lowing statement of a most remarkable
and withal successful game played by
Uayor Wood to defeat the re-election of
two Judges who were obnoxious to him :
“Ihe worst features of this result is the
defeat and displacement of Judges Hoff
man and Woodruff of the Superior Court,
for which Fernando Wood is alono re
sponsible. He had a perfect right to op
pose those Judges, or any one else, in a
fair, open, manly manner; be had no right
to stab them in the dark as he did. By
nominating them in his convention, he
threw their friends off their guard, lead
ing them to suppose their re-election a
matter of course ; then, by secretly sub
stituting the names of their Tammany
competitors, Messrs. Monoil and Barbour,
on tug printed ballots, he sealed the doom
of two of the most upright, capable,
and popular judges our city ever had
Had it been seasonably known that tbo
judges were struck at, thousands of votes
could have been rallied m their favor;
as it is, they are foully beaten.. We blame
not the successful competitors but the
engineer of their proscription.’'
, Itraagei indeed.
In a letter from Cairo to tho St. Louis
“Republican,” we find tho following
A lingular circumstance took place yes
terday. At the last session of Congress,
Colonel Fonke parted with Colonel Wright
a member from Tennesseo, and used this
expression : “Phil, I oxpect the next time
we meet it will be on the battle field,
and 1 want to ask one favor of you; if
you gat me or any of my men. I want
you to use us well, and if I get you or
any of your men, I will do the same ”
Yesterday they met iu battle, and tbo very
first prisoners, sixty in all, that were
taken, belonged to Colonel Wright’s oom
nmnd, and his old friend, Colonel F., took
them. Ono of the men informed me that
Col. W. was mortally wounded.
subUt Jtonus.
BoTlißtft 6th, IMI.
fITS*DIVIDEND.-»The i-reoident and
TO' Director* rf the V7JttiTE*N INSUAAN X
COMPANY, of Pittsburgh, hive d»y dicier* 1 m
dltfdead Cf TWO DOLLARS fKR QQAiIE, pij atle
to atockooHers to or aUer lb* 16th lost.
poOttltd . P. M. OUBIKIW, Bojetary
c ixtVb Pittsburgh, c-et in, i*eL.
(TS»A Ci ELECTION for Thirteen Lireot-
U'or ota of till* Hook wfll he h*ld aitbe Dtiiklsg
Jttouae on MONDAY,~IB;b day_Df No««Db*r,prt.xuno,
tetween the boom of 10 a. m. tnd 2 p. m.
The aanaal meeting of etockbojdore will be h»ld oo
TUABDAY, Not. 6th et 10* o'clock a. m.
oelOtla GkO, If. VAN DOiUMf. n *«btrr.
HMW Cltt tfaHl. OCI. 17, Iftol.
35” AN ELECTION for Thirteen li
rocton of tbte Bank, to •erre'dar.iig the ea'
•sing year, will l-e h*ld at the Basking Uoaae, on
MONDAY,Bov, lßth, between the home uf lli.o
and Ip n.
The assail meetltg r.f the •torlbo!derewill beheld
at the Hankln* llls* on lUErbAt, No«.6tb, at 11
b’oldbhn.u. [ociAlmj J. UAUOFfIN, Caehta.
AiLUßiar n*at. '.-ct. 17, led.
ELECTION for Directors oi
V'V' riis hank, to eerra for Uu essoing year, will
be bald at tbo Basking lloow, us the lßth day of No
Ttaix r, between the oeun of V o'clock a. m. and 2
o'clock p, as.
The Aoooal Meeting of the *to:!bolde't wilt be
bold .at the Banking flftoee, onTUhriDAY, tbo 6tb
day of Now. at 10 o'clock a. in.
oel&dtaolH J.W POOR. Oaehiet-
UeOfiAßiua' BABA, I
Fltt»tmrgb. October 17, .851,/
'b&r ol tbla Bank, to verve fortba ea*c!o« year,
will be held et the Banking lionet, on MONDAY, No*
taabtr 18th, botwaaa the boora of 10 o’claca a. a.
A genual taeeileg of the Stockholder! will be held
on TUBdDaY, Bor. 6th, at 10 c/clocb a M
ocl7-BOt-l 080. D. »oQRKW, Caehier-
-400 bbli choice l>r*nd« fmiJly flour.
70 do Xitra
47 do choice Bje
OCOO lb*. Rje rb*u*.
OVV/ JCO U.U.*rrtp#,
Ottesfl 4od * 71DUI4L
22^- '
tto* p* B ‘ v• - —.. *'
* r le*v® •" * TPC
f;e , S bt.fp.r-KJ.pp»?'
-a •’ , o*|-t J t> , n**-.
- B ‘ - .— \ 4/A V, it & o\i<<k for
JfflOJ* * ~ n •••»«>}'t If
H, ' i.lV|-a-•<!.'» A < o', Ag«uU.
[ JT" j.»UK rLV’E. A*«wt.
flop nUanier BTL-3 OUIB Qapt **. A. mou, »u> »«*-»••
for IIT* fcboTo i%'Sjh\ In'enneJiale porta, > q SATUR
DAY. For frvfglft orp»»eage apply on board or t n
nolS J B. * CO . *gta.
Yho iteamer O'ADKH, Cjpt Thoa! uotfFr*. leaver a*
atyva. on B4TURD4« t at io’UooS, For freight or
uwaatie apply on board or to
noli J B A 00, Ag-ot*
.od hinds
POBTSMOUTB.—Tha airamar RUCK AT, Oept. Jehn
Wolf, will leeva tor the above and all intermediate
landing* TBl« M >UNiNQ, ot tO o'clock, a. m.-f
For freight or paeiege apply on board or to
folO H B: LttWH, >gent.
LIPOUSPACIihT—The fine uewdaHHK
paaaeoger steamer UN<INR, Oapt. M. i. 0»s,
will leave PUtatorgu for Gallipoli* kVBRY BAIUK
DAY at4p.m. ltaiurolog, leavee Gallipoli* KVBRY
TUESDAY at lO*tD* fo< freight or paneape apply
oti board or to
Regular weekly , *
qow and epieoJld paatesger aiwser k.Mst
A yen, leave* PltUbcrgb for Z:nt-e
villeavery TUI D\», at 4 o'clock, f. a. Beta rain*
leave* SAosavill* for PltUbbrgb ovary FRIDAY at 8
a. k, for freight or pataiga apply on < oard or to
J. B, LlB INQBTON A 00., Agent*. PiUabargh.
B B. PfkROB 1 Oo , Agont*. a>l4
¥>E *UtAH WHEELING , fgfr.m
JIVPAOKHT.—I‘be fine ateauerUl
CtKttVA, Captain John Gordon, leave* for Woeoiiog
and lutofdjodlate pirt* ovary TUBiI>AY, -?UOK&
DAY and BaTU* DAY, at 11 o'clock, A M , maktog
do** connection* with the regular packet* for Path
orkaborg and OluclnnaU. Eetnmlng, leave* Wheel-
Ing every BONDaY, WEDNESDAY aad
5 o'clock a. m. Vixnt&cn receipted tfcrouga to Olu
elnaatl fur Freight ov'paaaagi* apply en board
tnl ho. 114 Water •treat
roß Kcbopa.—By or*
£ « of the Eeemar) of Bute, alt peaeeogen leaving
the United BUtee era required to procure Pamper:*
before going on board the Steamer.
handing ana embarking fMtmanMMwaia
at ‘4UEBNBTOWN, (Ireland.) Tna Liverpool. hew
York aed Philadelphia Bteamihlp Compeer mtaod
.davpatehlßg thalr wtl-powared Olrde-bulHlroa Steam*
hip* ai loUowa:
CITY OF NIW Y0&K.....-~fiatardaj, November; 14
*D T NBO Ran Saturday, ** M
OiTY OF WABCINOTON —Batarday, “ 80
FlftßT oaoiii »i» HcradkASfl M . M .„Di m
do to l-oadpa pi* do to London..,»iu M
Stwrarv Batura Ticket*, coed for rtti Month*...*«* it
Psaaenxere forwarded te Faria, Havre. Bamhurgh,
fi/aataTßotteßUD, Antwerp, rednead tbrangt
(CUT Parrrae wlahtsg te bring ont their friend* cat
b«t ticket* here at the following ratal, to New York:
from Liverpool or (Infeastowa-; ui Oabto. pi, git
and flfo Cite rage *ra» gt*. From Qaeana-
Bight drari* for lale on Bagland. trelaaS
Bcovirw* aed Wain
Tana Bceaman nave .gnpertor aecommodattpaa rui
and carry enarlaaeed BsYgeont. Th«y
ure Milt la WaUr*tight (roa Baetiona. and have Fa*
tent fire AnM'hliatoreen hoard.
JOHN «. PM.». *crau i* brotdw&r. M. 1„ at
iann TaoHPbua, A*t«k.
41* Litertr ctr Mt. Plltaharca.
P N. J_ (two .and a half boon rid* from Phila
delphia) ia mora- frequented than any other place is
Che United Ftater
lt> bsthiag, sailing tod fishing btcilltlaa ere no
aur pained.
It* Hotels end Boarding Hooaea, which wilt accom
mojate about Berea Tbooent) persona, nr* u well
kept m Chore • f Saratoga and NtwporL |
its Beach is nine miles in length, affording a ae*
nlflceot drive, whim the atmoqibereoHUe piwe la re'
markable (ox Ita drynea
The Mali* ar» carried twice dally two and from
Philadelphia, aod a telegraph extend* »b* whole
length of the ruad.
Trains of the Oatndeo ana AUantio Railroad leave
Vtna dtreet Wbnr-f, Philadelphia, a* 7J4 a K. and 4 a
a. Leave Atlantic at 0:16 a. ■. aud 4:11 r. Dl»
tance a’xty taiite Pare fl. Sc.
detllßßUl’B (United Btntaa) UOTIL and ctbei
bowM now open.
No. 12 Fourth etreet.
Bireoa Laatlaflai Mwrtmeot ol Becoo* Lard and
Pork, matt ot which U of their ova care.
80QABCURED AMS, of aasiooetl another caret
PLAIN IIAHB, vtth end vtthoat eaare».
BJDIB, BmokcAand la dry emit.
UEbfi PORK, Beery.
LBAf LARD, la bbU., firkin* end palla. Pat op ex
prenlytor family ue, ead all of their ova
URKAAS. agitable for rolling mill pnrpeeoe. eo '
Bran Po|»deg aid Bannfaemmi,
Pomps & Braee Work
of Brew, Copper or Jrot-. with tbo tocet approred
Cbaujfceri end Valve* of at) kind*, and warranted tc
glee eattaUAtioo.
HO Water ana iU4 jTront mtm.
X A LAUTH expired by Hoitatloa oa the let day
ol Aacait, 1801. The bnslnem of M>d firm will be
settled by the aev.ftrm ol Jooaa A Laugh Um.
Limited j&bthership.— Thenn
doitlgotd, rrtidlo* la the Out oi Plttaburgb,
bara foroad • limited partoarablp noijer tbe firm ol
Jam A Labour*, In tb* bailoe** of manaiMtnriai
nd deal lax la Iron, (In mccMdoa to thi Arm ol Jobm
a Lao lb,) la «hleh fins tha moral pb»U«a an
Bcniamla f. Jooea, Tboaia la. Jwwe, Georgs W.
Joup*, Uaory A, Laagbllo, and Irwin B. LaUKhUo,.
tad the apadai partner la Jetsea LaQgbllo, who baa
cantntrotyl sena*/ tbcaaand four boadrod dolt«ra to
LbecoiaiaoD atock of nld mtoenhlp, wbicb late
ucaicaeacoaa ol tha let day or AOfttt, 1901, tad to
Urmtnata on the let day of Anfcnaf* l®* I ®-
8.1. JO»U,
T. MmUß**.
Q. W.TON*?,
EepUtaher 18, ISfIU
To Farmers a&tt Others.
Thjh sopebiority of THIS fan
over ell other* ta at* oonibrt* fo U* ebetpbwt,
elmpltdij eod dareMUiy. &*ceod,iaelo*aJDg Greta
(eater, better eoi mere thoroughly, with la* labor
thaq my other mill. The potent** ol the *t»T* fen
be* been loan eagtgedfo aenctacturlog pad Mlltag
AgricallarallnpteaeAta, coarlaeed of the greet weal
of a good Pea fopclaoelng the dlflearent Unde of Greta
end tkeda, preoefiti t&tifto the pabU* wlthfoll confi
de om tbet u elll moottMrweou.
Tbe nodentgacd, herlag pcrchemd the sole right
to manoteetsr* end eel I the eOor* Oreln Tea tad be#-
•rswr In Westera. PooaajtlraaU, Weetera Virginia,
»art ell Ohio, tod the right to eui la Indian* tsa LlU
awl*, U now prepared to fill *ll orders, wholesale or
reteU, at n 9 LlMrtjr atreet, Pittrhanh. Ft
Oilcloth coats, pants, jaor
rn MB an jKSnntMrtlnuilßßt.
OUirteMt, /TsKmUIU*.
...... v -.......,,,, '
XATKa or rAwxea
*rw ) <»rk.
H’dut'i'll U) fci per Pa).
- :11 ri 01’ 1N l J ol tbi* tand
r ., w ~,.u. .UfiiH, in 13 * H b•* U-11 it. •i.-glc
I .-I til- ;.f pfle'vratc tn*ke It (bt m- •rtojtip
,y, ptl l, L l ®;j J C-IUI'V l -LI- U«.-MK* t"l lllr cub
•t. Ai.j »u*pyrr ou il'is AtUutlc.
AnJ wlmier.* hi* teemid- l>».*ly to • to
the com .'oil oils feUesto lbe» »HU-
jrat regard to cAt tv pi uviclr, a-, t l« c vuiOiar. ail uio
ilcmeu" 01 hi l*l>‘.Q«i »t»d»' r .tei mj,.jmuni wb-ch
D «l»n. ».-l has luvxutt.!, and n:-»d.-»n lastt a,*pt ved;
aud 1C? patrons*.* wbicp It hai commanded .»orid*
the past Six years I- a grati.jlog prool that their ul*
°tt» naso b-eu ■ppr«cUto»^
t -r c It.r Il ls, cl tbo Itiiii-*, * ben all »r»
(„ the aioic o .oucmy, lb- hq-
Adduced tbe Frico o! Soaid to Two
Dollaia per Day,
at thr latuti time abating n.nuul the Instil lea • Ufa
which their table baa hitherto been supplied.
ax. nonxß hotel.
In the Immediate neighborhood of tbs Jobliln&UuQte*
onHarkrt, rblrd and Cheainot streets, the naoke,
offioe, Merohanta' Exchange, Ac., Ac.
Hoard par Day, *1 fiO,
Accomviedaiion, wAeo Ttijvwsd on tht hULOPJSAti
PLAN, tiocmt frcwi 60 cent* and upvtardt,p*r day,
and Mea>iat a nut Cuss UxjtXdxast *moH»p to
TBS Hotxu Frtctx according to Ou BUIt of Fire.
Tb« CHr Utri take Paiieagtrt frow
' aa» gtaiion TO or Cl*USlb TO toe
aw- BogU-* l . f.-'i'.-ti, a?rm.o inti rtp’Ol.h fi-ok,,
!yt*-on> ,
iiiouta, tianuta, <!irtau», A-i. >
Duquesne Foundry,
LU>erty ot,» near Outer Depot P«
deecnpuon. _
BOXES, Ac, always on band and for sale low.
Orders left witb W. W. YOUNG, corner of Wood
street and Diamond alley, will receive prompt atten
tion. tablg
Uancfactnrre ««ery variety of
dco. &o, Sc O.
Solo Proprietor of the celebrated
Office and Sales Room,
No. 4 Wood Street,
Warehouse, No. OOLI-itoeriy Bt.
Manufacturers of cook,
ana Ritcbeu Gratsa, Hollow Ware, Btoal and
Qlaaa Moolda, Bolling Hill Calling*, Mill Geariug.Gax,
Water and Artisan Pipe, Bat) iroua, Deg Irens, Wagon
Buses, Hogar Kettle*, Pnlleya, Hangers, Car Wheel*.
Oouptiega, and Caatlbga genetally. Alio, Jobbing and
CaiUngv made to order; Patented Portable
Hills, wall B tea in or Hone pawrr oulAtmd
(Pctcolcum te ®ai6on <©tls
tvoxki at ibarptberg fetation A'l ghcn7 Valley
Office and Wittbton U UAUSE7 FTRKET,
PirraBDAGH. - „
Haunfactarem of ILLDU'NATINO
BXPLOBIVd, mo .pliial. • «•. I21»d
Liiiciter Oil Warks,
COALAND carbon oils
LAUFB, CHIMNEYS, &0., to.,
No. 39 Market street,
BetVMa-fiecoDd end TbU<L
abtodiy pirrsßUßoa. pa.
B. H. DAVIS. I‘tatldeni.
JOQN IBWLN, Jr., Secreltry end Vivwnm
DiaiCTOO—a. 11. Deris. T. O. Nerlu J. ».. L»rue
tb»b, a. Oemeroo. John Irvin, Jr.
Of light gravity, from the <e«ll* of tl»o ccnipeny,
oajt. Creek, tn Venango county, conateotly on heao
eai tortele.
oaee et T. H. Kevin A Oo.’».
my Id) ■ 80. <6 Wood nt.» PitUtargh.
(Quality Guaranteed,) PITTSBURGH, PA.
J9>o %r Oteeee end Becsole cooeUatty on b*od.
Order* recrlved tor the prtaeot at 011MH9, »MTTU
ADO'S, tVelar sod flrtl *U*U*. *AAtm
J. . 1. «!»*««. Ji, *"cT
JlannfwJteiera tad Wboleiele Dealor* lu
SI. Clair 81., ruar Uu Bridgt, PUltburgk.
Trad* JCerfci—BoUr Mecbtos O l. No. 1; Solar Ma
chine OU, Dir>. >| BoUr Darning OH,Ho. X, eolef Boro
log Oli, Nx 1 . o • . ..
Advance* made oo eoßilganjeo * special ttieo*
Uoo given to Oiling otder* lor Crude OU of all i(w
glflc gravities IcVS.
Lubricating Oil,
At the low price of 25 cents
per QALLOS, constantly on had and for uU
\j 8. 0. A J. U. BAWYSa.
a« to Uw anallt*. we rotor u> annexed certificate:
H • pmsBTOOU.NoT. 27, ISflO.
Uisbm ti 0. AJ. H. Jiiwr»a» flente-lhe taluk*
Uog oil wa are getting from 5 0Q we And to bo the
be*i for oar pnrpu*M we baee erer o*ed.
r TtuL R-R. tA.
Wm. Rapt, Pru*’t.
In Bttamand Atxnoaptxcrlo Hamro«r».
LETTERS PATENT were granted on
BepL 4th, 1860, toTbomea Beach, for i Twj
ample — vOclcut Id Bt*io 40d At*
cuwpbexlc Hummer*, wnerthy the 101 l 'jroke oi the
hammer is obtained, no matter wbat PC th® thictneee
of the mass of Iron to be ba®moTad“lh®Tcl! y effect*
log ■ gnat Increase of power where large j'U coa of
metal an to be operated open, and • cuimpmdlng
•arlufoteipeiuto, „
Tne anbecrlbera are owner* of **W patent, ei.d are
aoirona of sailing rights to a*© a*ld Improae-naot,
aa well »« territory tinder said patent. Ainv-irl of
said la left at the o8!ca of Jltnti e J*ae
well A Goablut Attoraeja at Law, corner o; Grant
anil 6latni:ud eteeeca, where parties iutureet»* l»ay
-roll en<l ae« iL auii iearn al»“ the ol iKonee
■ale, Ac. P- P- WBAVHft,
»r—nr»r*.Arwiatromtv.., r»
|pi ji hyi I T K iii KS, |p|
A aery large atoek of ebol* Tie** of a-leo'.-d \«L
*tlea to cbooee from, with erery V° SBlt; \® c,r " tikan
to bare every variety true ton*m® ,\ M , L L
Of Apple alone we bare l?A,tOO—60,000 rf whch
ere thtee >ear aids, 10 COO four jeer old Pear, 10,000
two to three jeer eld. Parch, Platt), At,,. Une
EuxUßCt—The trees la iba ooraery. Cali thd
from 1 to 8 Seel, by »0e hundred,
cbea ; also, giIADH iR*B3 AND dUUUiU’bUY
wboleaalaaod retell. , . „
Addrtas Pittsburgh and Oakland j I'ig
toil" Pa relff-d*»T JOB" MPRJ Qi 11. »r.
Removal. tub vekin tea
BTOKB baa been removed from No US fifth
atrawt to
wo. SO SS' OLAIK ar„
poor Poor* fte® Liberty at.
EOVE ANODYNE —Heooramondod
tor the core o 'Toothache wltbimt Injury to tba
te«<h tr Ktrna. boldr-y _ -
* HllfON JOBNSTOH, Druc*rat,
• uddealaris Choice Family H*iu i **,
oei (ctbor Bautibftald and Ifottr.t. street*.
mitt—lo bbla. OkUr to wriTomd
IvaUbT oU A.e(U»WUi*OO.
>* AaOKfi.
- * r*L,
Qc»tntLk ».r*a GixXfcxl's Orrc«,t
VVspJ.ii.fcWa, u.-li 18til. /
p:uj«.*>tli are inv.ted f,-« the Icrntihtng vl Army
Prop.eaU ihvOM stale IUO pi .ve> at * hi h tUcj ran
be toru’nliiaJ at th.* place w! at New
\u;k. ‘*tiiladet|’bla, lUltlmor?, V» ssnington, cr Uiu
ilhhatl, as prelerml by tb« bidders,
Tba uqujwt which c*c botbadebjauy bidder with
in i nn ru.atb after receipt <•! ttia order. *lso ibe num
ber which be can renter wllttu.hlie week.
The ff« 6 '.iu m-?n tisclly »ual..-<m lolbe tollowlujj
Ip Ctfi ftlldi;*, HiJ t i a! lit Led patterns
. e.tx aiaie (coten-c) wag oi, ul ibe site aud desertp'
>o as.L Hows, tu wit:
ibe trout wt e*ia to be three te> t tea Inch a high.
bnb> ten in. be* to d saioo-r, and foattsen and a qaa.
lucb>a}un& biBU wheels (oar fat tap laches high,
babi X mandaqustter inches tu diauietbr.acu fourteen
and a qoarterincht-a tot p falie* two and a half Inches
wide »ud two and turve quarter Inches oeepictxt irou
pipe bux>s -twelve Inches Log, twoand a ball inched
a; dn> Urge end and utea&u inch at
■oi*U eud; tire two ami i tnl inches aide l*y live-
< of an inch thick, fastettd with cue eervw bull
sod oat in eseb follle; bubs made cf guoi, the apuku*
■odfuUibor ibe beetwhila oak, tree Iroa dciectd,
t«b to bare a aaud band tod linchpin band
two and three qua* t?r luchea No.B band I run,
and two driving bands—outside band one and a qa»r-
•r inch bj ooe-qairlei icon thick, inalde latui one
,cb by ttrpc-elXurth tu in ih'lckneer, the bind wheels
> bo made and boxedeotbat they will tnewaorw from
the tcslde of the lire t i the large tu-i-ar tbu bc2 til
and a ball Imbus, sul (ront whtela*ix,aud uoe eighth
iDcbealn a parallel Hue, and each axle to be ibieeieet
eleven am) three eighth inebta from ibsouulq* of one
tboalder washer to the omilceof tho other, no as to
have the wagons ail to track five feet Loin Centro to
centre ot-the wheels. Axietrot# to lie made of tba
beat quality refined Amerlrau iron, two and a half
Inches sjuacr a. the shoulder, tapering down to one
and a halt inch In twe Uiiddio, with a sewn eighths
Inch blog-bulk UoL- lu each axletri-ej; waaboisaua
tlacopiai tor each axloiree; six* til ltmjuplcsoLe icon
wide, three-eighths ol ah inch this*, with a hois in
each end. a woodun stock lour anc three-quarter Inch’
sa wide mod lour Inches Ut> p fsatsUedAQbsiaatistiy to
the axtebwe with cllpj* outhwenoa and wltu two
bolts, six luchea i.un ths middle, and fsatwned to the
bounds and i oister. (the bolster to l>e lour teel five
incur* tong firoiocuts wide, and threw ana a ball
deep,) with iiAir ball-inch bolt*
TbetougurVo be teu lewt eight lo.hes lung, lour
laebrs w:Oi> and throw inches av Irout end oi
tho bounds, aud two aou a qoa;ur Inches wide by
two st>q inches ot*p tithe troctruj,
audio arranged as tc Ini op, .the I root eud of it to
bang witbtn two ireful tn 4 groan t wnen.ibs wag->o
is aianding At rest ou a leva] su;taow.
The front beau ’s to he t.x f et two leches long,
three laches ttiluS, and loar Inches wide over
end to retsla that width to tho toe* eud of tho tongue,
,j. r. iocti*.
lawKoi viiehouadt quo kx>( *igut incuts juug auu
tbrrs luchos eqaaxc at the irent und, with a plate ol
iron two aud a lull loebta uids o> th oe tishths Oi
icb thick, Ina'.cnc'l ou lop of Iho boouda over tbu
tnd of tba tf*DgU’ with old h.ll-luca acre v Xrwli
ch end, aud a plate ui iron o* too umesias tuiu-
St ©*CD tQJoUIf *Qj • hltl( lUCtltl* IUCUIUp tbl
bouitfs tug<ibur, «ud trsieotj on tiv audoi
and e* ‘:ont «u 1 cl boutidn, with half Inch screw
icrMifcb wa;u hound, a set* q eighth luch bolt
tbrotrga lougae and bound: la the centre ol jsws, tc
srreute tho (vagus in the boouo*; a plate of iron ifcres
i&o&es wide, onvqcsinr tuch th;ck,abd Ohe tool
eight 1 tithes Lag. teciliv! on the loside ol jaws o
hoonds with two ilvets, and a piste ot the twine dl
moniiom an sacu »la« ol ih« Lngo», whers the tengm
•Ud hoauos mu logelLn, ee.UttU lu like tnatiker,
brant ot seviu-eigutna o> an inch lound iron to ox
tend Horn aalir the Iront axletroe, and take two licit:
tu tn>at part of same brsca ihreoqc.wT
ura ot an luco rucod to coutihQe tu lbs bac* part u
iho hchiids, and to be ta«twoed with two Uius, on
near uio back eod cl the boauda.aud one chrcUib t&<
slider uod boandsi a brace over Hunt bolster one aod
a half Inch wide, ou« quarter ol as Inch ibics.wlih
a colt lu each end to Issien It tu tee bsnoietibe
opwulog oetw.en toe Jswi ol tbe bounds, to roceivs
toe toogue, aod fonr aod tbiee-quarur Locbts ia
front, and lanr and a hail in-.hvs at tho back p*i tcf
Ths bind bOatida four feel two laches long, two and
cbrte-qaarUr inches thick, aud tur. c iuoQ-.s wide,
jews tco Tout long wherv the? clasp ihecooplingpoUq
Its bolster font leel Ove inciua long, and five inches
wide, by three Inches deep, w!:b steady iron two awd
* ball toibbs wtae, t>) oowbaif Inch thick, turned up
two and a halt itebta and iaste&ea ol cwJta cna with
three nre;s; the coister stocks and h.uud* *o beve»
cored with lour ball Inch screw bolts, aod ouo he
Uith screw hot! through cue coupling pole.
■'ibacocpllng pole uioe letd etgut iu< ues loug, three
inch us aeep. »ud lour and a halt tmhes wide .1 trout
•nd, and two aud inrcwqu :rier luihus wide at back
enu; diaum e from the centre uf kisg Lou hole to the
centre ot the Lena axieuve six leetocs lu&h, and
irou the ceutre ol klug-OoU bvie to ihv euntre oi the
Djurllce lo the biuO end ol the pole elgut it«t clue
lacht*; king toll oue aod s qaarier lecuea dUmet r,
oi nest tedbeu iron, orawu uuwn to Ben,n-wigktus or
an Inch it pesaea ibiougb iLv irca ex elrvr;
iron'plate six in-dies locg. time >6:bvs wid ~ end oce
elgbtu ol au luco thick ou the uoahiem and lovgue
i m utrv they rah logelDt-r, lion pUte oceaod a Lsl ny
| uheqaartcr or su icr.h cu tbe sliding bar, isstentd at
I e*;b eud by amr w licit through iho hoaud*. Iron:
I *.ni«i to bare pi.ius a*«T» aud beio# aiereu tutkea
| long, ilii so »od a Cali IbChta wide, and time a gMoa
oi as inch thKk, corners drawn out aod turoeu down
ca me ot tne .ulster. With a nail la rath tor-
r, an! war couoiersunk nails ou the lopj iwocaudi
the hind buoocs, two acd two and a USII lucbH
• lua, ul hu ll) batui irou, the rol> pia<e uo U>c coop
llog poie to t>o td t h; lucbtx luui, our »U'i ilucmwjqv
ter* tucbM wile, aud üb» quarter olau loch ihica-
Dsrtlbletfee three kel Uio incOts lotg, ilugu-ma tow
(ml eight IbtAra loug, ah well mad* of bl-Koy, with
ao ln>« rtiig and clip ateieli ena, ihtunir* O'lp to be
well •ecarmi lea-i bar aod stntcocr (O be thrrs leet
two incbca long, two aud • quarter lucbc* midland
oao aod • qo*ru>s tui-n tbitk. UaJ bars, stretchers,
• tidainglutrats lor aia-iuole Uam; the l«v tiug>eiioes
L»i ib* isadmulr* to bate boou id tbo middle to
boob to tba end ui the otib cbalo, tbs wheel and mid
dle pahs nub opau ring* to attach them to the duuU
Utm and isadber.
Tbo Qftb cbaio to be too loot long to llu fjik; tbo
fork one loot ten inches long, with the stieictur at
tasked to spread tbo fork* •part; tbo links wl the
doubletree, stay aod tonuua coain», three eighths of
an I Orb tu diameter; tbo (orkod chato seven alateciitb
loch in diameter; the fittb ebsin to bo seven sixteenth
lath oiainoier to too fork; tha Cork to wo flrv-*ixt«*uib
inch diameter,tbs links 01 these and 01'tbo iockcbalns
to b* not mote than two and a quarter Inches long.
Thetodytotw straight, ibtee'fott d locbM wide,
two feet dap, ton toe* long at tee Dotooai, and tin (eat
«>x moboo at Vbe top, sloping equally ax each end all
m me or ti»s do; the bod to. ba two and a
uai; toOboa wide, aod three lacbl* deep, trout place*
twoluchet deep by two and a toll inches wid>; tail
piece two aod a baJf inches wide and Ibm tuebaa
deep;andldor lncnes doepJn themlac.o to'rent uo tbo
coupling pO:« tip rail one ab_d a halt tocb thick by
one aud aoTtn etgutb locb wi'ae, lower rails one inoo
thick 1-y on* ana seven-eighth lath wta; throe studs
aLd onv rati ia fioat, witp a seat on strap-mngt* to
close it up aa high as tba sides; a box three loet four
Inches long, tbs bottom fire Inches wlds Itoobside,
uineandabaif tsebrp dtep,anqelgbtsai aban .I ache#
aitnetopiapsrall.i Uaetotua body ell la the dear,
to be sabslauUaiijr iMtanedto tba boot anx oi the '
body, to Iron snap passing xuoud each and, 1
secured to tbo bead pioce ana front rail by a rivet in
eacnonduf it p**sm< through them,; the Ui to le
(aaleoed to tbo uont rail with two good strap btoges,
a s.rap ot flvowtfibtb iron roond-lb* box a half inch
_ from the top edgo, and t*o straps saou< sizo ou tba lid
‘ near the (runt t«ge, topraroot tbo mules Iron) eating
tba boxes) to have a Joint hasp fastened to tbanxidclu
o! tna ud, with a good wooden asst obtbo inside, .*
•irepofiroaoß.ibo centred tbo box with a staple
pasa.og through It, to feuca ibaUdte;.tight studs
pud vwp rails wo each side; one baltter fasten* d to tho
body.six'Jnxbss deep and -lour .inches wide at king
bon hoia, iron rod In irunt sod centre, oi eloTeu-siz
teeufb* of au Inch round iron, with a bead ou tbo top
wfntlland not on lower *uj; iron rod tad be
btqdi.wiib shoulders uu top cl tail place, and nuts on
tbo finder side, and a top ot rath a plate two.
and ahiii inches wise, pi Mo iO band bon on tail
piece, across tt»q body; two uurJcea in tali piece, and
bind bar two and a quarter ihebaa wile sod one lu;b
thick, to toceivo pieces tbrea (eet lour Incbts loug, to
be used at heroes* bearers; lour mets through each
side stud, and two riTet> through each front stud, to
secure the imlng boards, to be ot the best qoaUty iron,
audnvttod on a good bur; wnerlvat through each end
ottba rail*; floor ilvo-tigbias of an inch oak hoards;
•Idas Q?o eighths -of an Inch white pine, taU board
three quarter* Qtsu inch thick, of white pine, to baJ
wail oioatcd with Are oak elaats rlntedatesch end
tbrongb the taU board; an iron p>st» three feat eight
ibcbeek>og,iwoandequasUrtbcbeswhle,4sd tbt««-
aigotUs oi an inch thica un tba under aid* ot the bed I
pie e. to extend flrou the hi ad tod oi the tody to eight!
inches lottoht ot the hind bolitcis.ld b* isstsmd by
t&w rod st tne end of the body, by toe lateral rod and
two of an Inch screw bolts, one at tie
forward *cd of the platband the ofbarabcut equl
dutaui b«LW«ed U aod the lateral iwh-. ▲ hsi finch
round troki rod or bolt to pass diogonally tbrqpgh tbe
rolls between Us two hlndstads toana through the
bed piece and plhte under U, with a good head wo tbe
topao4&Utand:e-:tewattbeboitoh!,tobeat the lop
one foot six inches irom inside of tail beard, aod on
tbe bottom ton Inches Horn tbehtud rot. An Iron
clamp two'lnchos wldo, one quarter of an Inch thick
around the btd thu centre tolt to which the
locxrbtUi is'aUscbea passing through It, to aztond
eeran incus* on tbe lußids ot th* ttdy, tbe top
and button to he socurod by tsvo
loih screw bobs, tbo tnltidl* bar ar the eudi lobe
flush with the bid p>uc* on the towar tidts Two lock
cbalos aacnred to tb* centre boll of tbe bodj one
aud eioteu InUivs, tbe other two feet six Icchts
looi:, to be of thro** Igoihroi an meii round iron; lead
trough tobcloor f«Kt sixtnchts loug Irotu cut to oat,
<be wot.oca and,eadsof oak, the tiiw of yeiluw plus,
iu uietgbt toebes wide at hottool, twnie# tncht* wlilo
*t top, end eight aud a bait luflbes deep all in the
c ion, wall ironed, a pan j ot hoop Iron around tbs
top, each eu'd auo tbre* betwisu tbe iuds,
suengand aulUblo irons to fasten thorn co th* tongue
when fTO-dlDg; .good stroeg \baiu<t to-be attached to
ib<i top' rill of c&e body, socurtO by a staple w itk s
b ok to btusi It to ;bj trough, nix bows ui good
ash, tub inches wldo aod onv bill luch thick, with
three staplra to Cuotlue tbe ndge joli- to IU ylsoe;
two staples Cb tbe boy, to metre vWbonucl tbe
bow«; cne ridgepnie iwe,Tt f«et long, ou* enn throw
quartant&chro ~wide by Uto tightai.t aulnth thick;
un cover to bp of tbe first qntlttycolion duct ho.—,
i flf.vwn tee* long uud oluo fact tlgctlucLes' wild*, made
i in tbs'baft manner, with fent bbmp cords to usch
side, and onethrooisnecebund to clceafl atboib scd>;
tWb rlngs vn each sod ol.lho body, t >cUeo nod seenro
the end* of the ccro-r; a suple to tbe lower rail, osar
tbeaccood stud from inch oud, (dtastsnthsaidecords,
Tbe cuulde of the body aud t.ed troegh to have two
good coats of watte load, ootorrd toabluo Uut, tbs in*
•hie of then to have two oosts or ▼cnetiunreJpant;
tbs running gear and wheels to b*Tt> tvogona cba<a
of vmirttak red darkened of * chocolate color, the hub
- ’ and fellki to be vroil pltc&td, lustead of palntedi Ur*
i qulred.
A tar pot, aa extra blog boll, aod two axira single
trees to b« Iwratsbnl with each wagon, the Ugt bdl
and alogle-trtee similar In all respects to thgee bo
longing to It ,
hacb aide of the body of the wagon to be marked?.
8, and numbered i ■ directed | all ether parte to be
lettered ?. 8 | tbe coTar, feed boa, belts, Uncbpixw,
terpwt, and barntaa bearer* -for itch wagon to be pot
in a strosf box,jfyooi «red l ) and tbe contents marks*
thereon. •
It la to ba distinctly oodentood that (be wsrcri are
to be so constructed that tbe aeyaral parte of any one
wagon wHi agree and exert 1| l.Bif of any other,to
na to ngnlre no nwtebetlhg or arranging tor potting
"to* rtthonteSal oMdfor tSteconSnite
Itaio bnnl tftt tart aa the wood tfcragUy
i U-ji- h.i-'j v---i -L.';
eoMOded, *£d 7wTtt%'»l?i!» p»{la tkitoKUb
•-ut*d m tne beet workmanlike nwahtr. : ?■■
Ibe work mey te tirpecied frogt Uc&e 19 time u It
progresses by *n officer or agent et cut IjuerurnmL
11'« b« psfttxienl, and sn.a** cl H shall be painted until
it »h*U have been inipoclftl aai approved by mild , of
ficer or agent atttbbrUed to inspect 11. Whoa finished
Stinted sod accepted by en offixr -,r agent of the
aerifrra^ter 1 * Department, tad dullTtred m herein
•greed, thvy shell l-e paid (or. U. O.
M l£ti Qairtsrmaster Ueoetal U. 8.
UKUrU.£>Ai.& HUn Alb fill WAUUN
Oypici 0# A jibs CMtaus ard Eonnai.)
Cvrner MomirU oaA Mirar tsreU, V |
Niw Yoax, Augusta, 18X1.)
i‘a«.pveau will be received attbla-offlce tor icrnab
itg, by contract, Army W*gon Ummm:
tb«prope**U should *tat« the prteeat which the*
c*o oe tarnished et the plates of menoUeUare end
the p? tee et which they cma be delivered et this do
pot. the ndnrtwv which can be made by the Wdder
witbla cbe month after receipt of (be order; aUo the
oumber which he cxndellvsr within one wt«k.
Ihe hstoeee most exactly conform to tbo oilowlog
•reification* *os W the ettabllatied pattern*:
Pent male h*rniee» s* follow*, to wiKj
Two Qallors.—Breech etrepa 8 feet 6 Inebee long, 834 (
inches wlde,#ewuitiito 14 Inch rlDgs of ft Inch iron;
bip straps 8 (eet 11 inch* long, aft Uicn.s wide,awy
piece* 2 feet long, 2ft Inches wide, with lft
buckle* cron elrepe to bpckte into etay piece*, 8 |
‘feet long, lft Inch wide; side strips 4 foci loog, lft
inch wide; tie strap* 18 lncb<ilong, ft incli wide, I
tapering to a point. [
Two Belly Banda Loog vide two feet 8 tnebee loog, 3 I
Inches wide, with a two inch bucklr, short tide 1 foot |
6 ixcbea long and 2 inebe* wide. I
Twq HalrCollere.' 18 to 19 inches long, with double I
•traps and safe leathers and buckles ft Inch wide. I
Two Pair of ktrong Uamee to inlt._ia*de of white oak I
r«ot, ironed with book* breast rtega Ift Inch I
equate, liepiesXud line uug*. I
Two Pair'oMlamo Straps. Lower one 8 ieot A Inches I
loog) ft inch Wide; upper one 1 foot t) Inches loog, ft I
iocto wide. I
Two UrtiJes. Grown piece 2 fool loog, Ift inch wide; I
cheek piece* each 10 ruches loug, Ift inch wide; front I
piece lift men*# long, Ift Inch wide; Stay piece*,
trnm blinds to crowd pieces, IS leches loog, Ift Inch I
' wide; nose piece 11 inches long, 1 Inca W|ds} blluds |
6 Inches loog, Bft Inches wldr, reins,'long side 4 feat I
long, Hoch wide; short efle 2 leet long, ! Inch wide,
wild 1 incbpackir; butte, tinned muiian, to weigh
8 Dm to tbs dozen.
Two Petr Gbein Pipes, 2 fert long, 2ft Inches wide. 1
Two Pair Tree Chains,7 fact long, 10links to the loot* I
sf Me 8 iroD, with T on ooe end, weight 7ft to'B lbs I
'perpair. Twisted or straight. (
One Pair of Breast Chains, 23 inches loog, 14 link* to
the foot, 01810 8 Iron. Twisted. I
Two fleck Strap*, S feet 1 Wch long, 2ft Itches wide,
wUb 2ft inch bockio.
Two Ncct Obelus,-4 fast 0 Inches long, 14 links to the
loot, No 4 Iron, T end loop to be riveted on to the
node strap. Twisted.
One saddle, made oh Atuksps* tree, bead, gullet |
sod centte, ironed, covered in the neoal way witlr
hsif-tanoea hone tilde; flaps 20 Inch** loog, 16 1
Inches wide; nrcibuJo 7 tact 8 inches loog, 2ft
inches Sfide, with a 2ft Inch buckle on oa* end, 10
be featened to the aedole by being riveted to t*o
carved alrsps Ift Uch wide; ibewo straps joe pbced :
one on each aide of the saddle troo, one enaL is uod to
the (rout pert of the bar, the other sod do-tbo*x»
tensloß 01 the bar behind the cantle, Bpsolsivseddie
taahlon; itlrrop leatner* 4 leet'7 inches long, lft
inch wide, wlut Ift inch buckle;atlrrops, malleable
1 Iron, tiuued, btOt eye pattern, to weigh 18ft lbs toja
1 doxen pair. A
lwo Collars, 17ft to 18 Inches long, made the same »i
for wheel harness.
Two Pair of flames Ao suit, of the same materiel as for
wheel harn**s, irored, with book*; breast ring* and
line rings, with *trep* e« In wheel bsrnees.
Two sexno M-lor wheel bnroess.
taro N tek eUapsasd Obelus, saoie ns fur wheel harness.
Two Belly Bands, M **
Two Pair Cbala pipes, “ "
Two Petr Trace chain*,
ZwoCrapperasßdiiipetraps. B**.k etrap& feet long,
taper lag from Bft inches to 2ft Inches wide. Hip
Btr«pt each % fael 4 Inches long, Ift Inch wide,
with e book at ooe end.
Two Back Bonds, 9 (set 4 inches long. Bft lnchos vide.
Two Martingales, 4 feel long* Ift inch wide, to buckle
One Oooplisg Strep,B tevt fl inches loog,inch - wide.
Pue Cbtfk 1181a,4 fe&t'loog, L.lnch wide, to buckle
into the bit et each end, with e ring tewed in
tbs centre to rective the lead !<no.
Obo Lead clue, kl feet loog, ft inch .wide, with a
cocaie at use end, end en 8 ineb loop el the outer.
One >* hip, heavy plaited none hide, 6 It4l 6 Inches
Oue Mores Brash,ov«l*ol brtsUee, by—inches.
One Carry Comb, No. 2a~9 bar.
The w bole to be packed In a"box' about 18 inebee
wide, 7 inches deep, 84 Inches loog, made of l-ioch
stuff, coopered, wuoaboop* or irou a* may be required.
Pour Uorse liaibeu, as ivllows, to wtc.
TwoQuilora Broccb sirwpsS fact 8 iuchtw loug. oft
Inches whip, lnto 4-inch rlsgs 01 ft loco innu
bipstrep«4 foot loo gl B tochee wide; stay pieces 2
tout 2 inches long, 8 Inches wule, with Ift Inch
bnekias;cruM straps bucMwisw *u> pi ece 0 hwi
long, lft iucb wide, eM« strap* 6- feet 8 inches long,
Iftinth wide; ue straps 16 Inches long, Ift loco
wide, tapering to 5 point.
Two Belly Banda Long side 2 leet 4 inches loog, 2
iuchfMwlde, with s 2 Inch buckle; short side 1 toot
fl tnhhes long and 2 Inches wide.
Two Hair Collars. 22 to 23 lottos long, wirh double
stiepe end safe leathorsaod bocfcUs ft iocn Wtd*.
Two Pair of Strong liaise* to suit, m*Oe of white oak I
root, ironed *’Uh hooka, breast rings iftluchsquate; I
aukpuwend Hoe rtuga. |
Two Paifui lleue ntisps Lower one 8 toot 8 Inebee I
lon*, ft Incu wus; upper on* 4 feet 6 inches long,
ft toeb wide, of alum tanned leather, I
Two Bridles. Crowa pfecs2 leet 2 Inches loog, Ift
inch wide; cheek pleees such 10 Inches look, Ift Inch
wide; .front piece 12ft i&chcsfaog, Ift iocn wide; I
stay piece*, from bUMs tn emwa pfacwu 10 loebee I
long,lft inch wide; nose piece U-lnchee long, 1 I
inch wiue; blinds 0 inebee long, 0 Inches Wldr;relßa, I
loug side 4 feet 2 lncto* long, l Inch wide; ahoctelde I
2 leet loeg, 1 Inch wide, with 1 Inch buckle; bltts, I
tinned u-uilon. to weight Zb< the dozen. -
Two rair Chain Pipes, 2 leet o inches long, lft Inches
wide, T 1 >
Two pair Trace Chains, T fast loug, 14 links to the foot,
of No 2 mm, twisted or straight, with. T an one end, ]
weight 9Jbe per pair.
One pair of Breast Chains, 28 inches long, 14 links Id J
- the toot, of No 2 iron, twisted. •
Two Neck Etrepa*B feet 6 inches long,2ft inches wide, ]
with 2ft inch Ducfcie. . ( ;j
Two Neck Chains, 4 feet Cloche* long, 14 links to tha
(ootr twisted No 4 iron, T enS loop to be ttvated cn<J
to the neck strap, swivel la tbs cnnla. 1
One Beddle, mode on Attakspws tto*, bead, gullet and
can tie lioaed, *ovend ta ihA nanal way with half- 1
tauosd Lprse hide; flaps 20 lncb»s lonmlS tnchse '
wide; snrdogle 7 i«*t 8 Inches loom Sftmtoe wide,
with a 2ft inch bockle on ooe be featened to
the saddle by being riveted id two curved strap*, lft
■inch wide, Uppa straps are placed one 00 , each aide
of the saddletree, dno.epd is tied to ib*fi»tit part of
the bar, the other end to the, extension ol the bar
- behind the cantle; epxoiab swdle fksUon; etfrnip
leatbtrt d feet 7 inches long, lft thch Vide, with lft
inch buckle; stirrups, mausUto Iron, Maned, bolt,
vye pattern, to weigh 13ft be tOndosen pair.
Two Bridle*, sap:* xa far wheel hxnwai.
Two Collars, 20 to 22'Inches long, nude thexsueea
foe wbfisl barton. ' '
Two Pair of BasM to suit, of 1 nine tutorial as tat
wbealJurneta. Ironed, vuti books, bteeet yingi an d
boo rings, with stxape m to qrheel harness.
Two ttcckhtrape sad Chains, tame m tar wheelbsr>
•Two Belly Bands, net As for wheel harness.
T«o PalfCbaln Pipe*, midom foe wheel harass.
Iwo Pair Traoa'Cbel ns, asanas for wheel harness.
twoOrnpperaami Hip Straps; Beck wrap dint long,
upcrlitg lrom inches to,S&l iachcwwlde. Dip
Straps* with' bucklee.eech S leetS inches long, lj<
icch wide,’with wroagbt books.
Taro Back Banded fast T laches long, Scinches wide.
Two Martingales, 4 tact tong, Inch wide, to bookie
Into the hit,
Oae OoopUbg BUsp, 6 feet fl Inehee k>ng,K Inch wide
this Check Seta, 4 foot l lochloog.l inca.w|de, to
boebte into Uri bit at tech sod, with a ring Mewed
In the oeotnr to receive the lead line.
One Im4 Line,,JU feet long, W Inch wide, with e
rbx 4and tns inch loop at the other.
One Whip* heevy plaited horse hide. 0 feet 6 Inches
One Uoree £rnah, ots), of briettes, by inchoe.
One Curry. ©oraty 9 btr.
Tbe whole to be pecked In a box eboal 11 Inches :
wide.l9 Inches top; 84 Inches long, medenf llnch
•toB, coopered, woqd hoops or trod, ss may be ngnlred.
The whole to be made of the beat'material, wring
to be bade With good, waxed thread,’ and eoMSct to
Ina poet too daring >h* process of manntactnre rtfralao
whtn finished, '
When 6 horse 'harness la required, the toed collars,
lildks. hamM.oack straps, tmly tanda, chela pipes,
trace chain, cropper and hip strap*, back bands aad
coupling atrapa are donbted; one btaring chain 8 feet
long, U links to the toot,of#o 4 troth with •X on each
eaa added; and leal line (o be 89 teat long.
The whole to be made cf the test material, sewing to
be made with good wAxed thread, end aobjoct to in*
■puctloa daring the prana of maantactoiw and also
wbeu finished. -
Whou 6 male bsroeals reqatred, tbs lead collars,
bridles, heptea, seek straps, belly bands, chain pipes,
trace chains, croppor and btp • traps, back bAodeand
coupling strep* me doubted; one baling chain 9 feet
long, 14 links to the foot, of Ho 4 Iron, with • T on
e«ch end added; and lead line to be ‘A feet long.
Proposals will else be received for tasking and de-
UVtfiio* ambataocebsiMe* for swo octoor male or
bone train »-a tpedflcaUon oi which will be hemfler
iorau ol propoeal and manatee will beforaiabed
open sppUcatioßto this office, and none will be con
srtored that do tAI conform then to.
The' privilege U reWved by and for the United
Buu« oi njvoung any ptipomte that may be
Proposals will be Intoned on the envelope Ittto
■log idem, “Proposals ter tarnishing Army Wagon
and Imbalance Daroeea.” end addrosed to
Quartermaster V.B. Army.
WS hbde, teit good, frlr end Mine fcogar.
i W boxte to, 8* and 10s Lyxchborg, VeTTobeeco.
to fctns. P*o!t»7ltAoJ« Byrnp,
fer**l*ky BHBIVBB 4 DXLWO&ZB,
oca.- • . • . ,-i- •• m Beoood surest
T 5 bolt, choice Green Apple*,
lb do * Sweet (hder,
■ 19 ken prime Leaf Lard,
4 hbu. fresh Bgga, -
8 do p—»%td ttnOOTy
Instore and forsale by g?LP ABHKPA&D,
- cell , Ml Liberty wrest
choice White Wheat VateMy fJoer, hi storeaal
m r tenuc p«j JPeasaytrente BaDreed, for m<« by
sad Ifo aw Übcny Street, nrer bead of Wood.
1 : n alls Oreaw
' Mil >AVofiai*oo
wUvaivid A
ON and after Monday, HE a—p
No. ibe 4iU, 1861,
*UI i*a»* the Depot of the PmnejtetoH Railroad, tft
pi;r imrgh, *i (Pliove;
PiittburgK, and Oiwtanod Sheri ZMfc
cvo SiOthtmUU.
No change of cart between Pnubarg.j tad Clagtimitt.
Leaves Arrive* tt Arrive* t\ Ardiu ai Arrival a*
L6S »to U*-& »n> 430 p a ,
1:43 I» Bi &45 pCI £OO ain
Thi« rout* ta shorter to Cincinnati, LoatsvfUst
lomtiis and all pclnU Booth, than any other root*.
Apiasold trooping Cars attached to all Night Irabu.
/VUturylonN Wtacluv&ne.
Leaves ArTlvet at Arrival at Arrive* at Arrive* at
Win 8.10 ata 4.10 am 623 a m &89 a a
1:40 pm **s p m &60 plO 803 p B 636 p B
il &80 y:m 460 pm CU& pa
I The L 63 k. m. and HO p. *. Trains connect with
| Train* ofO.O. K. il. for KaoravUle, Laocastar, Ac.
The 830 p. m. Tralaetopt at all stations betwesa
Boone- u~ tsc WfUcvllle. V
l'UUbiirs\ and Clcwl*#l Lint.
Las Tee Arrive*
liit,K AloK*.
The 1:10 p. m. trala aunaecte at Bayard for Me*
Philadelphia and stations on the Totcarawaa Branch.
Passengers deal ring to go to Sandusky, Toledo,
Oblcigo. or point* West, via Cleveland, moat be par*
OcoUr to *»i for Ticket* via Cleveland.
Through Tickets can tw procured at the. Liberty
Sima, Depot, Pittahor^b.
JOHN 6TBWABT,Ticket Agaai
Jt>r further nforrierton apply to
At the Ocmpat'y’s 00ke In freight BUUoo, Petn at
I. n. KYlftS, General Ticket Agent,
no* rnevelaod. Ohio
kaoi.. Winter it,rruugemenuti6l
£ 'j.MPfftAl. RAILROAD. . M9BH
■jf. «nd efter MONDAY, Ndv. 4;h, the THROUGH
MAIL TRAIN lesvratb# Pavseogrr station avarf
tncruh!?.f«scept Sunday) at 9:60 stopping only at
principal *t:cu<, and arriving In Philadelphia at 1040
r. m
Tii.a THROUGH DXI*JUtK6 TRAIN iearaa dally al
44 a, stopping only at pilcctpal stations, making
at Uarr:at>urg for Baltimore, andar
rfvtar io t'hJi-dalphla or Baltimore at T:4O a. x.
THE f APT LINS lcavat the Station daily (except
Sußtiejfat Oac r. stopping only el prlrdpkl
atat'onr poking direct coonicuou at Uarrlsborg lor
Baltimore, tmt -rrrrics ta Poi-ade)phlaatl36ot u.
Sae. Jobnftnvn.’ArcomcDodattoft Train leavs* dally
,except Aenday) eiSwO F,k , stopptngat all dlUcna
nd r ibatng ►* far Oonemaugh.-.
' i hat tpcoaimodxUoD Praia hir Waifs Button latvas
asly (rxLept Sunday) at 6.40 a. M.
£«ccnd Accosimodatlon Train frr WoU’4 btatftoa
Iraraac-'Hr 11:00 A. st.
Third AocummonctlonTraln for Wall’s Station laavas
Sonday) at 8 6? r. K,
' Aoconafao.'Vtign Train for Wall** Btatfoa
1ac.16 dttlli (»sc«pt Sonday) at k-
Beianttng ttalitfcrriva lu fUUlmrita'aa follows
B> (•ran, 1:16- y. *4 Mall," 8.06 t *4 fan Une, 1:61
i. u n AcoouiSiOdiboD. A. Kd first
WaH's 6tst7o- .Tc.*tm:3odat!i3a l ,,i2o a. Md Beccnd
WalTv “Butlon' ArcwcnDoda«iMJ,c 8:«0 a. nd Tnird'
Wall* button Acst’ZunuulaaoK 1:03 r. H; frnrfh
WaiTaßUtlon Acromm&tlation.O.O) r. K.
Trains for Blelrt7lJlt and Indiana connect at Blair*
ran inanoctfou with JoUnisowu Aocommcdatlcn and
Bsi<kot Trafns Deal nod West.
She Cravallng pnbiio will Ond l| greatly to thflr lft>
ierea. :e going Bast or Weat, to travel by Iba Fann*
tylvanls lui jr-iO, as Uie kLOutrmcdftUons now ofirod
oanuct he tnrpaa. ** oa any other rente. The Roedls
haUaitnrt v!ti> itoDsiiu. i» antlrvly £r»e from dost. W*
I can yromlao aafety,speed roinfortto all wbs tnay
tr*or tkß> Road w'U: e^irtvtgi,
ffe Raw Ycrt ~..a!s w.'llj Daitunor«^. M ..6 9 61
10 Ctl — T —. B
Htrrltborg l ii]
fl to ati t'latlcut on tba Pena*. &&It»
re** *sc w Pb*!aJelpnJ», iiallltoora and Nov York.
PM*4Bgeriparoh*#lag to ora wUI bo chars'
•d as esteaa ecoerdlng to dUiwea trocbd la ad dittos
loth* fxc»p'« frcti Stations where the
ht# ac
N€KIIU,B. —in cu» 01 CotnpaMj wDI bold
tnen.lawa* responsible, »r pettoaal baggage only,
and fox ao LsiooDt Dot exceeding $lOO.
N.- Jl—Ad On:nJtjn* Lia* bu been employed fee
orate. r'Meagws »o<t to and boa lb* Depot)
ett-ifc«< v '‘ .vt to exceed va cents for u:ti inwnna
■•3 x
tcs 11.-yeti apply l:> J. fcliW*BT,4*M , i _
«« :h> e. rt«jiUcfti OB Idbtrty utf-
Qnot vt . . no 6
IftlFußTAflT. —Ail per^KCcaa—a
aou paicbMla* tlcktts lor
jo«cpb tad other point* Jn Northern Uiaooarl, tb*
Sleto of KtnoM.or U>» Territories, tiionld lotltt on
hoTiugUckeatbttrosd ay tko
The atilr roll roo'e trcm »u boi
toe •boitast aod qofcktat lie®,
the reaoUet point rushed by
cheep u any other.
sola to Et Jo**ph. It la
>, bj thlrtern boon, to
rail, aod ia aivaja aa
Doy joar ticket* te Kaoaee end *ll points la Vorth*
eta Uiaxrari by Uie Norib Ulnodrl fUllroad.
President and Q**b’l flnpt. of tbe North Ulsaoarl u. JL
HttStcY 11. ElMAtOMrf, Agent. aetmaj&a
No. 65 Fourth titrent.
O'CLOCK, alto cq WadueJay and Saturday
Attulap, from Hey fim to November Ant, trota I la
S </cluc£; and (tom Novatrbet first to Hay
0 to B c/oktck.
Deposits received of all coos Dei lan *k»" oaa-
I I,'oilm, kod a dividend of toe profile declared evict
I a year,la Jqq* aad December, Interest baa bean
I declared senit-eaDoally, la Jaaaaad D#o*abe|r,
I tbe Bank was organised, at tba rate of ala per cent,
a year. -
lateral, If not drawaoat,ls placed to tbe credit ot
to* depcdtcr as principal, aod bears the ametatecest
from Uie first 4*)i dJone and December, compouadln*
tvtoe a year vuboat troobliag tbe depositor to call
air evea to present torpwtbooa. At Hue rate, nosey
ffSl doable la UM yean, maklfis la tbe aggr^
\(t(f TOSS 400 wx BWt ni C«ar A YUb»
Booaa ooatalnmg Um o barter, t>y-i«««, Balsa aid
I A**.utVti tarnished gratis, oq appilcattea asj tbe
I office.
Wtttten A. Andsnoe
Be&Jeatn L. Yehnseiock
-Bop*#*!! Bepetun,
• damn BerdXDOB«
Jane* B. Kells),
James B.D. Beads,
ineaoM. peonock,
A. H. PUtock, U. D.
Bebertßnbb, '
James ShldWa
John B. VefuMen*
Potor A. Madolr*,
John H. MtUof.
P. ibUnhalL
John Or* :
Moart L. SingvslW
Joan ti. nhoimMrgir,
Alazufer Bpwr,
- WUtUm I. Bohmorta
Hue Wfetttter,
OhdttUn Yeamr.
cujjums juJjotioa.
Alexander Bradley,
deorge Black,
- i Ateao’A/Oerrlcft
- irgsT 1
•• WUUam’fe; Her**,
Pets* B. Booker,
WlUun 8. lArelj,
Stertiarp end lHinrt
IMhhds. ».0. Soger,
*0 bbls. Beflosd eager,
MO *• prtiee Ple&Utloo Moieties
MO ** seated broods Byrne*
COO begs Bio CoQtot
Mpucket Jsre CoOee;
100 boxes Maori*! brtsd* Tobeooae;
IM bell chests Yoang Hyson end hteck Teee
»catty boxes do 'do do do
-M boles Bosto Bosp;
b ** German Stop, \
O “ OIjSXB do i-.
M “ Uoold Oeodlee;
S 4 u Burr do
SOO bble. Bxtre end Xztxs p» a « t float -
In rtoro ead lor sole by now,.
. ***** , . ATWHLTI f,»l 4 GO.
- dibble. Ooldcn end 8. B. Pjroe,
». da ao
e Aba. do 'do
JO bbU.atenderden! AOnuhedßogers,
| 01 * ~
M do Te.lov end 6 Coffee «o
U do ki o. kiolaasta.
18 O. BogttP
T 8 boxes prime Heabnrg Shews,
TOreeleby ocg\ BOdOMAKBBA LAIQ.
ASS B®"'*™ 8 ®"'*™ PO£M
Tb» Bii*rr Oort. By ebirioy ImU
wt*% BxpoctoUona, UiiutrfttKlrtliloe.
TonHratßit.OxfoTl Xvo tqlqibn.
maloy Porowww. ByAotbOoylxoUcfw.
Tbo Uooa* oa th» Uoor. Bj Mrs. Olfobut
fUcruUoMoU OoiioUy Puma. Utmi U writ*.
Trutcb on thoßtady of . Now odttfon.
<•«» KAY k 00- 6t *aat ttwwt
VX 3*B bble. prlao ». O. Uoleeses,
70 ,do thrtdsn end fl. IB Byrope, '
M.hMe. If. O. Sogsr, .
100 begs prlao Bl> Coffee,
*' 78 baftc&ecti Y. ILead Block leas,
ttoddyba. do' do do
88 ooxes to Tobecco, assorted brand*
, ■MJwii-aguuMiit.ttuutTOwcoo,
torl.Ut, WATT k Wqe«a.M«tnml>»*■
JLI iwotvod* (rub rappiyo(nrta*MVßaokwb«ot
tint, M and 24. IW ucbi, f>r Molly 000, far «lo
by _ iOUA A.**d«H4W,
• oc2i oornt Mowtyipdßm »u.
16 atcfcs th?lM taw CbeatnsU Juft raeafrad tat
far a«H t>y fSANK TiK QOftDXB,
«*> ; NO- Ui gacood atmt
Tor sale by
cell ' J»U LAUItJ, t BOS. TO W*tw il
NO. MOLASSES—2SO bbU. res’ll
• kj Steiner St. Loala, la nor* *»4 for Ml* by
ocSZ ' ■ ’ Wow Me Liberty itrat.
IJLMJ..I.B. lanrlaf>snn*uf* M rkltam
joat sftd.toc by