sifekrgj] OFFICIAL 2al i A *if TUB CITT. SATURDAY MORNING, NOV. 10, 1801, CITY AFFAIRS. .MCTSOMOLOniCAL Observations for lhe_Go~ * offiot, for a eutlstloal exhibit of the operating of the new lew by whiob texts ere ptld voluntarily to the Treasurer, with en ebetement of Are per canL for prompt payment. The efiraatages of the system were so apparent from the beginning, that It was at onoe pro* noaneed a laooejs rather than an experiment, and notwithstanding the scarcity of money and general depression of business oonseqnent upon the war, the oonnty Ananoes hare undergone a vast improvement—we might say an entire ohsnge,- Money has been abandint, all liibUi ties hare been promptly met, end thoneands of dollars are eared to the oonnty by obtiatlng the neetsdty of temporary loans at ruinous rates of interest, and retrenchment and reform are •▼erywhera apparent. The operations of the new law are that set forth In a oomperatlra atatoment prepared with earn from official sweat j County Ux assessed far U614?25,63ft 71 nuu . - m *• «cm so Poor - “ “ “ X7,UO C3-.f816.413 21 Feld Tteuaror bo fare Oct. S9th, 1681: Oonnty otB 41 Stole - —.i„ , 43,600 S 3 Foot M 19,347 70 **5325,798 41 Tbs enroot reUioed by the tax payers, being the (•boovnt or 6 per amt. tor prompt payment, iuu smmwb: —fT.»4 80 1,264 16 63-$ 10.499 11 Theemooat or taxes yetoutatandtog U as follows: County, about 80 per ovot_4 68, 33 £>T Stats, •• •• ... 14891 73 Fow, -. “ *6 " ** IfiU 40—$ *0,137 09 ——5*79,844 T* Am't-pd. Treasnrar beta* OoL 3), 16 per c 14.048 SI 'Outstanding Oct 89, Tfffll ~ ,sBf| 494 —or about 86 per cent sf «Ios: 80 per osat. this year. The ejetem of gathering texee by coll actors would not here bean eo objectionable had the lew been strictly earned oat, bat there were radical deiecta which oonid not easily be overcome. Not only did eome of the*coltec* tor* take a long loan oat of the public money, after it wee collected, bat tome tax payers . were permitted to delay payment end tboe ..beea the. aee ot the money loog after others, who were moeh leea able to pay, had settled •p in fall. Both these evils ere now abolished by a jnst and equitable lew, end the prompt t|X payer will no burdened with texee to pay the interest which heretofore ec * on the debts ol the oonnty con* -wanted on account of the evils pointed oil The earing of over $lO,OOO to the taxpayers themselves by prompt peyment oust not be overlooked. The bad practice of public officers boldibg on to tbe money of the county, had become so eemmen that many collector* teemed to think, they bed a right to uke at lent “one urat* or six months oat ol all their collections, while eome of them themed anxious to bold iltfor years—or forever. Indeed, to such «x. evil bees carried, thet the Conn. . »J Treasurer was compelled to adopt eevere mttfurea to correct it.—By patting some dee* en or more of the defaulter* in jail, he bee ae* cared muy thousands of dollars which would otherwise have been lost—portions of it hav ing been withheld four or tve years, end eome even s longer period than this. The fear of the liil has bed a marvellous effect up* ox eome who have been died to all other cans save that of a warrant. It fa well known to oar readers (or should be, by this lime; that tbe taxes oot paid with in the time prescribed by law, will be placed is the heads of collectors, end cannot ba re* oaived at the Treseurer’a efflea. It not paid promptly to the collector, init will be entered el once. Warrants are now being issued for ifcw collection of tbe amounts yet unpaid, to w&ich will be added five per ccdl, and also,- if not paid when first demanded, all costa of collection. Those in srrear should be ready whan tbe collector cills opon them, as no farther time wifi be given. We have, from tbs same source,' the lollow intatcating te&le—interesting ae exhibiting the relative wealth of tbe cities, boroughs and townships: The Coanty Ux levied for 1861, sa divided among the two cities, the boroughs sod town -ships, wes Pittsburgh Allegheny.. 80r0ugh5......... Townships T01t1.:.. *,*3.6*4 18 From the above it will be von that the city oT Pitubnrib pm oeitly *lOOO more county . luce tbu til the towuhip. combined, while »t» dtp of Alle,heoy peje *B,OOO more Ibu all *h* boroughe in tbo county. In otber word., ■be two citlee are learned nearly *7,000 more tbtn tbc townabipe end borougbi combined. Tbe following cxbibite the amount paid and • Ibree dtetrinte, on tbe pnaent . ' Paid# Unpaid. Pillaburgb J 63.574 14 *2l 376 89 Allegheny. 21 670 10 7,814 44 Boyncgbeand Tpr. .. 80,468 92 28 031 24 Toll)——. $165,411 SI $66,22* 67 Hullxdand Aocldcnt—Cowdaot.r Killed A fatal gccideut occurred yeeterday, on tbe CltTcland and Pituburgb Railroad,, near Remington Stalina, about eighteen mllea went of thin city; A Ireigbt train, due bare at four o’clock in tbe morning, but wbicb bad lallee behind time eome two boura, wae proceeding an uaual, when a plug from one ol the Suae blew out. Tbe Conductor of tbe train, Mr. Pi 0. Ro;ere, waa aiandlcg on the engine at the time, and ataried back for the pnrpoee, ae !e euppoeed, of applying tbe brakee. While panning from tbe tender to the Orel car he mined hie footing, fell upon tbe track, and »ae leniently killed—the body baaing been bombly mutilated. The deepened waa a eery worthy mu, aid a careful conductor. Be waa about thirty yearn or age, and loanee a wife and .two .eklldrea ia-Steubenellle,.where the body wee rent for interment. f PtauarlranlayTalaTiti. ’ The Cbeeter County ftonto' aaye that tbe Chtneee Sugar Cane baa beau eacpeaefelly cul tlyated thla year by many former. in tie treat# era part of Cheater County'. The crop la quite übundual and Mr. Otond, near Cochranrtlle, bae ujuill that ie running day and'nlgbt in the manulactare of molauee by ateem power The appreheueion that anger would be deer Induced tbo farmere to go cuteuairely into the culUeatlon of the Sorghum. -The name paper id useo Informed In Upper Oalord townahlp, Cheater county e mill bee been erected lor the manufacture of Sorghum molaeaee, which : tt now' grinding anflclent' cane to make from nerahty-UTO to one hoadred gallone per day. The ebargee for grinding Ute cue and making aaolaaaea ere, under fifty gallone, Sftoea cent/, per gnlioaj for fifty gallone or trrar, twalre and a kail ceota per gallon. Thua It appeare that molaaeea may in time become one of the efaple preducta of the Keyaioae State. hkochJng Rnllrood Aocldiatt. ' fits Monday morale*, n ahoekieg and fatal ucUfiit occured on the Wert Cheater Rail. < - eowi,* abort dietance from tbe junction with the Panarylraila Railroad. It euma that awo youag lid lee named Hugha, accompanU 'oAbyrhelr brother, wu ildtag in a carriage, .ud were about cronlng tbe Railroad. The dram from Went Cheater waa approaching tt ." **• “**l epeed. An the -bona reached the -—" trick, be turned aeddenly. The carriage wee . opeel,.and tbaoceepaa te weru tbrowa upon ike road. The train. peaaed orer the entire petty. Oee el tbeyonng fadier wla killed in. etiitiy, Her eteieraid brother were Injured in lack e muebr that they were not expected to ureiTe. .. - Wlaion it PnxprcTtb.—Haenyonr i. griteaend chimneye pm la good condition by luting yonr wdan tt n. Dyar-e «r at jay honu on .Harebell tureet, Allagbany. - —faer Pra. Jr. - (gg-Oewse W. - filliott’e •Jf.folt.mtut . In anolbor polama coacamlag "Ifailoaal A beidut ’A Blrtli and s Wtddlaf on tits Isms D^, a ease involving some canons facts— phy siological a« well as social—was developed be fore Mayor Wilson on Friday. A German girl, who had been employed at a domestic in a respectable fsmily residing at Sewickley, had fallen in an evil hour, aed her mistress, per ceiving her necesaities, advised ber to visit an anal in Birmingham, and remain there until tbe aoticipeted event bad passed. The girl accordingly “packed op,” u d on Thureday afternoon she came to the city on the Aecom —odatton, ud .lopped over niebt .1 e U»«r« id the Diamond. On Frida, morning, a great outer, wee retsed in the reer ol the tee era—e girl raebin, in from the ,erd, ud ecrumtng in a frantic maoner. The whole bodee wae tiermed. and men red pell-mell cr,ieg ‘'ibere'i a child io the ceia-pool'” In an Idetau board. Were ripped dp, end some re,e ol light,were caat npon Ibo dirk Iranetc lion. Taere la, a new-born bibe, elrnaalini for eirewnce, and happil, in aach condiuon ae to admit ol 1 sere remoeei, eithoo.b it bad iailen .bout iwut, leal! B, a iimple plan, baatil, denaed ud aa batlily eiecnled, the little airinger wu drawn stfei, op,and pitead in comfortable quarters. r A a.w qoeelioo now aroae. Where was lbs mother t The girl who fled eo precipitate!, ud ecreemed eo tlgoronelj, wu eaeed from ‘“■f'" o ” ‘’J’.j" °*“ coddddi bntpreaontl, all doubt on thia aabjecl wuaoired b, the an. pearuce ol tbo German girl Aral alladod 10. Bdo denied noihtng—in laci, admitted .11— and attributed tbe mietortuno to eo nniooked lor ud na.TOidnble accident. Her etor, wee general!, credited, bat It wu deemed adriea ble 10 heed.ber orer to the enslod, of ibe Major. Tbe lad, of tbe house became ei cited— (women, mange 11 it ie, hare little Jill, lor their eel in each cuee)-ud ordered »ne girl 10 lonbwith. Me,or WiUon, fbeelng beard of ibo affair, aeot an officer to •Tieit too girl, ud placed a carriage at ber die poeil. Tbo officer attended to ibis dm,, bat strange to ea,, ibe ,oong mother preferred go ing to ibe Mejor'e office on loot I Bbe .ccoid ingl, walked ibe wbale diiiftnce, com. tore, or four njeeree, ud on .rriving at the lßm wu Inraianed with e bed in one of tbe bjr-roome. Dr. McCook wu then seal lor, ud in a ebon time both mother end babe ware “doing well.** Bull another question wu broached. Where waa ths father I This important and interest ing question was modesiiy suggested 10 tba one who, of all others, ought to be atf e to give an answer. Tb® answer was giveo, * n d a warrant, with the father’s name thereon, waa soon after pieced ander bis cote, sod he wee invited to step to the* office and behold hie “heir apparent.” With f««r and trembling he approached tba unwelcome scene, and was permitted to have a qaiet “view” and “inter* Me waa jocularly arraigned, ami in answer to tbe question—“guilty or not sail, ty f>» put in the remarkable plea “Um he would taka her word for it—but he thought their acquaintanceship bad been entirely too short to warrant such a development!” But having got into the difficulty, he wee anxious to fina the way out, and (after the mother bad been consulted) be was told that “a wedding** would acquit him, and reatora him to liberty. Oe immediately consented* and the mother waa so overjoyed at the news that she got oat of bed and began to walk aboatl Shi was ad vised to “lie low," as the osremony would be jnst os binding os though she were standing on ner tip*toet. She took this odvloe very reluc tantly, and If she had had her own way she would have stood up, aodgot married tike “any other mao." Daring the ceremony her face wet lit up with pleasant smiles, and she seemed highly pleased with tbe Idea that she was now "Wife" as well as ‘mother.” ts ana. Ul tMADB, 00 40* 00 40 Boon after a carriage drove ap to the door of the ofSoe, and “ihe happy family," brought to gather so suddenly, and under saeh extraordi* nary circumstance*, drove away we know not whsra, to play their part In tn* great drama of life. The father is an honest yoaug German, and D employed at an establishment in the Filth w ® Aeed give no name now, liaoe M lt*s all over." Aonstlsni of Army Gowda. The committerto superintend the collection oj_bl*nket«, kc., for our tick end wounded soldiers, acknowledges tbs receipt of tbe fol lowing goods: * Second Ward, Pittsburgh— Fiom Miss H >w ard, 10 pair* of socks, I comfort, 1 biatke 1 pair of drawers. School District No. 6, Bheler Townsh-p Four comioriere, 1 blanket, 1 dotes pair* ol drawers, 6 odder shirts, 1 pillow, 1 quilt. Eaao dasparata pi hopeless but It may U alleviated by tbt* Jbiot'nrent, and its faithful application wOi always remove ths Lamenan aod enable tha horse to travel with comoe retire caa*-. Bverv bone owner should have this remedy at band, to’ its timely nee at tha first appearance of will effectually prevent those formidable meatlooed, h which all horeeeore Uable and whiob reodar so cxaoy . otbarwtM valuable benre nearly worthlere. flee advertfsemanl. B, L tiKLLBRa A OO n Aganta, Oonter Wood and Baoond streets, PUtahorgb. Arrivals at tbe 'rlnetpal llotelp LAHT NIOQT. Dp TO 8 O'OLOOI 6T. OBARLEB—Oorner o Third end Wo*l street*, suit sirtau. Joo Cangh#;, 8U OUlsea 1 Jan Davte,PHU d ttiidQ. n y JBuarei,Ch!et() J B Camming*, Mr* Moßrtd* 4 aun, BatUr J 0 Mcßae, UU O Qcndetvon A wife, B'#o twnvlila Tu£t.ul wife Hy K 0 Wll*ao, N Liiboo Jooeaurul, Wcoaler, 0 Mr* Or loble & kid, M dtily, Ibl’.a B B Brown, Cla, 0 U B McCormick, Franklin A Q Apper, do J A U keaog, £r{* J ff Holderraaa, Sri* : Geo Bldgwaj A nice?, : Joo Armstrong. Concord W J W Uilima, Parkerab’g J Slclatooh, Bialr do L J More:;. Orteae co DZi!lar«.whio | 0 V prlterfok. OaatoD. 0 i L Baldwin, Chicago 1 } MAHSIUM HOCBE—I Mrs Bobarta * 2 children, L Craig, wife 4 cbM, New J>noy Jdo Thompson, New York W McCabe. Peris, Pa ) P McKinley, Prank if a This Hege, do I D McKee, W ft Welsh, Ghieega Mr* D Plommer, RFonyth, BrewoavUle trH Wlll-una, Oil City 0 W O.optr, tttddlsport K Kit*, Denton, 0 J Largs, liix«beth P Barry, N Castle D, Ta 3 W Watchsway. Qreane U Ooodtaim, N T J B BabletXell, Maryland W II Irfok, N Jersey » B Jooos, do B B Beynar, Pblls S Sever y, Colombo* IJ B Z irk. Oh to |Q Coltum, Maadvtle •No. Ktl Liberty itmi nt* raoratnea. L D Scott, Uarioa •soul av ■J-R MeAfcse, Wert oo Pa i f O Miser A oo ■ T Diogh-rty, Altoona . , H Blobattaso, CarUala D WbHoej, J B Bil j 4 s:n,Laocsrter 0 Oortfw Beaver It V P/ssbkwrn, Bllteaa'g H Adams, Cln 0 Bogbes. do H Dai 7, n Y D Med.ady.O D Uoom, O MttchcP. Phils LUat Meredith lod i D Castir, J 0 Qoeg, J BockmloU, Tork L B Boeltr, do U Bark, do J Jobosua, WsitslDg'oa W Bleoardt, do EB-lrd, Mrs Riley, Phils J Major, tfarilas*lUe J 800, f peDOer, lod t L Qoodyear, N Y L M Ffomje, Phils aiRABD HOUSB—Corner M Karr, ’ 0 Bow, lodises, Pa a. W McKee, N T 5 Storing, Cbtesgo ttbe Woodi, L G Baibsek, Day t B.Kncwlae, Barilegtoa D Crowtey. Ob logo A Lat.ce, lodUe* 6 KernnL, Soßrrwt J H.lall, T D Toogbt, MUBln J H ttnney, Uiaietoa 3 G Ltloe, BoUtUo. Ky J B Ter*. SB Potter, Mich Dr Ktorum, Newark B WManbaU. Pbita P 8 MoGlrr, Altooea 3 T Moon, Plymouth 4 Plitangk, Detroit J B Pcr&ey, QarrtebQrg J O Kasu ay, Bprlr gdata L W Bead. Grmad Baplde J OcOiy, Apollo 9 Garnett, Acmrnet A T BIsoK, Morgas co Stalthfleld asd Third street, it. roraistva. 8, L 803US1 W 0 DonMitb, H R Qlos, Oterkivllta 0 Yonog. J 0 Lwusrden, MO flad, f*ml MoOnne, EHatbetb F a Andsnon A tad/, J EAGLE HOTEL— Ubn ton* urn, M 0 MoQocnsN, C«doqbV E rherr,,Cb«rry Yslley J Bcnw*rU. Z I co Bambergtr, co /Waottawenks, Manor i‘a •* Loot- or*«&ibaTg J Stewart BED LION HOTBL a. r. soanau. B -Barker, Batter | 0 0 f ctnoh, Ohio | /so Rea e'l, i ■ Bjod Warm do B P CUrk, do ti & Brows, do 3 kfoGoln, do JJ MeGnua, Jamestown J B W ToexoptOQ, Batter J Balt, Wub oo Jno Bali/, Centrsvßte J Coitus, Osoaopstiorg Tboa Lowdoo, 0 M Moor*, Carrollton /so WlUe, Uotontows J Park Ist, It Kotos, Crawford co I* Bates, do J Biles. do 0 Marry A tad /. B Bates, 1 r»w»H co Mta Hsynolds, Kittson tag afj J Johnson, cprlog Greek W Patm, do NATIONAL HOTEL— y. iaimx, iflolh ar land, T Mocnboute, 3 Cochran, McKeesport B Barites. CoosaltvTila— J Thompson, Batter oo Mias Heston, Onto H fipoHa. Qraaaa oo DA BopklsarUle,Grease 0 W Doty, HIM Price, A Large, J 0 co 3 Moliklnsey, 3iO co t Skeplar,, do |Mu A Lace A children Crasbatrtai secelVfd.l IU bbla Wettorn Ikli day osd for able bj '• KBTAUIt AMDS,' IBS asd US Wood SBWt. THE LATEST . H Y TMLKQ Ra » R RECEIVES «T 'HE OftllV 61JET7 e offici IMPORTANT FROM PANAMA SENATOR GWIN AND OTHERS AR REST EO FOR TREASON! New Y<»*k, Nov. 16.—The steamer,(.hem* pioo baa arrived with Panama dates to the 6lh The Pacific mail steamer Uncle Sam broaghl down to Paoamt 500 troop*, with a large lot of riflts, etc. Bogota wat quiet, under the Mofquext gov. ernmeuL General Herrin wit on hit way to Watningtoc as Minister. It bad been retolved at a convention of the Conlederate States to change the name of Hew Grenada to the United State* of Columbia. A fight bad occuned at Gnaymat, Mexico, between the foreigners and natives. The American Consul was imprisoned, and three Americana were shot. It is said that thirty* five Americana pal to flight five hundred Mex icans. A Californian recently reached Manxanillo lo a small steamer loaded wiih percussion caps. He was sentenced to be shot for introducing articles contraband of war. Senator Gwin, nod Calhoun, Bonham and J. Brent, of' Calliornia, were arrested aa the steamer Uncle Sam was entering the bay of Panama, by order of Gen. Sumner, by the troops onder his command. Papers compro mising them with the rebels were feund aboard. Some «f Mr. Gwtn’s friends at Panama applied to the Governor to annnl the arrests, on the ground that they were made in New Grenadian water*, and that a foreign government baa no right to transport political prisoners over this territory. Gen. Oman, who is an intimate friend of Mr. Gwin'*, also used his influenoe, and the Governor Issued an order prohibiting the oonveyanoe of prisoners across the Isthmus, and a large force of soldhn was sent to release them as soon as .’they were landed. The U. 8. Oooiul went on board the atoamer, and It was finally deoided tnat the prisoners were allowed to eroas the Istbmaa as eoefc, and the qaeatloo of tho arrests be referred to Washington. The steamer Bogota arrived on the sth, from Valparaiso and Callao. Gov. Bigler and family were passeogers, m roar* for San Fraaolsoo. Mr. Uetggs has contracted with the Chilian Government to boild the Valparaiso and San tiago Railroad. His contracts now amount to about ten millions cf ‘dollars. Business In Chili was Improving. Peru was excited about the election. Cas tilla and dan Roman still 'quarreled, but the power still carried everything bis own way, to the total disregard of the constitution. NEWS FROM THE SOUTH, BaLTUfoxx, Nov. 15.—8 y the Old Point boat, Charleston papers of the lJ.h lost, have beeo received. The following are among their con tents; Goo. Lee 1« making extensive prepara tions to defend Beaufort, whloh place has not been Gan. Sherman. The negroes are ongaged lo removing the ootton and other property. Two Yankee guoboate are agronnd near the village. The Charleston Courser states that there is bat little oottoo stored at or near Beanforl. Messrs. PopcenJ Bayard, wno reside on UiKon Island, set fire ta every building on their prem ises, and also their crops, leaving a mass of rains behind them. Tbp guns of the Lady Da vis and the Huntress have been plaoed in the battery at Port Royal ferry, under command of Col. Donovan, where a stand will be made. A large number of families have left Savannah for the up country. On Saturday last, according to the Charles* too papers, there w«« do atgn of Geo. Bherm*n taking poeseeeion of Beaufort. The Rutledge Mounted Rtfiemeo started for Beaufort on Sun day morning, and also a detachment of addi tional mounted nfismeo. CoL Ciingmxn’s North Carolina regiment was also on the way. The Charleston Mercury condemned the manner in which the Confederates have neg lected to prepare (nr the emergency. Nxw Yobk, Nov. 16.—The steamer Coatx\- coalcos arrived at midnight, brtngiog Port Royal dates to the 1 1 Us. It was rumored at Fort Walker that the Federal pickets on the opposite side of the Kiand had been attacked by the rebels, and reinforcements were sent out from the fort. The Federal troops were to take formal pos session of Beaufort on Thursday, the U.h. • The Coa*iiooalc?* passed tho gun boats Monticello *aod Conoecticut on the 13. b, ofl Frying Pin Bboa!s, bound South. The Frenob gao-bnat Cttinel hat arrived here. LBATBaweEta, N e. 14 —Tile first K«cia» oatalry, Cot. Jamivos, bu lef: here tor 3edalin, Mo., to proteet the enpply traioe and other gor ersmaDt property at that asd nclgbboiicg point*. Jamlion bit tamed a proclamation ta the people ul Jackson, Lafayette, Can, John son and Pattis o>aotl«*, in Mbsoarl, from which tbs following cztrsote ere made: "Wa march to enforee the laws and sustain tbs gov ernment. Every loyal ciiiaeo ta eipeoied to give evidesoe of bta loyalty by astiva tffyrts for tbe protection of tbe fiag. For four mootbs oar armies have marched through your country: yoar professed friejJtblp has bees a freud , yosr oaths of altegUn a have been shams and pe; juries ; you feed tbs rebel army ; you aot as •piss while olaiming to bo true to the Union. We do not oarejtbout your past political opln. ions} no mao will bo persecuted because he dif fer* Jrom us, bat neutrality is eoded. If you are patriots, you must fight } if you aru trsi fors, you will be punta&ed. The urns for fight leg has come; every mao who feels, harbors, or ta soy way gtre* aid sod comfort to the eoemki of the Union, will bo hold responsible for his uossos with hu IUo and property, wh.lo ali ibo property of tbe Unton men,and all their Tights, will be resolutely respected. Traitors will everywhere be treated as outlaws sod en emies of God and mao, too base to bold any description of properly, sod having no ngbta whloh foyal men are bound to respeoL The lasi dollar and the last slave of rebels will be tak o and turned over to the General Govern ment. Playing war is played out, and when, ever Union troops aro fired upon tbe answer will boom forth from cannon, and desolation will follow treason All the land beneath Fori Leavenworth and the Headquarters of the Army of tbe West Is under the jurisdiction of the Uoited States and we propose to have a regular road over it, and a safe communication through It, no matter at what oost of rebel and treason blood. S/kiuarULp, Mo., Nov. U.—Since tbede psnure ot Gens. Banter, Fope snd 6tqrgis>* Divisions, on Saturday le*t, forßt. Louis, via Warsaw, nothing of Interest baa transpired hero. Gens. Algol sad Aibolh*a Divisions have returned from their position south of here, whiob wte merely a feint to proteot onr with drawal, and will msrob for SL Lome, via Rnlla, In a day or two. ffpringfiaid will be entirely evaooated, and large numbers ol the Union men of tbe elty and surro'hndtng country have left and will continue to leave with the army. Sterling Price began to move with hie army, 87,000 men and 25 pieces of artillery, on Sat urday morning, toward Puteville, McDonald co only, in tbe eitretne anuihweetern corner of the Slate. Ben. McCulloch broke up.bii estop on Friday night, and (be neat day wsa march* tog toward* Berryvllle, Carrol connty, Ark. A man recently a prisoner In tbe Rebel esmp saje that Price designs to go into winter i ßarters, at Cros> Hollow, Washington co,, rk | that all bia rebels who wished to go home have already retained, end that those now with him intend to fight ouutde of Mis- Suuri. Niw You, Nov. 10.—Senators Gwin, Cal boon, Bonham and J. Brent, who were arrest ed by Gen. boomer, have been released on pa role ootto leave the country wlibont psimisaloo from the Government. The ship* Lydia and John Cottle were sen •d as rebel property 10-dtv. The steamship Edinburgh brought a small quantity of arms, and her manifest shows an lomense quantity of blankets and army cloth- ing. A letter from Hlltoo Head, of the lltb Inst, atatea that the entire Freinel lightning appa ratus, formerly used in tbe Hunting Islacd and Martin's Industry light houses, were dlscov ed in excellent condition In tbe arsenal at Beaufort. They were taken aboard tbe Wabash and will be plaeed in their old position*. Br., Nov. 10.—The steamship Arago from New York to Liverpool, pawed Cape Race at I o’clock on Thursday morning. She earn# close in hot it was 'impossible for the prety jratch to board her. A frightful gale prevailed and no email bcM could have lived in tbe oea. The spray flew oompletely over the Arago, It wae impossible, therefore, to pul aboard. Ute-B*wefci-tba vit«. ton et Beaufort, ta wee ia leaded, particularly ii Jint, g«b. Sektt war * paueesferon •Muir. NKWS w * sl Jln gt oi» = *un/ 6 c~ Tb ° N *«> Bating Kaaraej inoapaeitatod »'i“ ao ' lo « ts»rei>oe Sm “ placed on ited £?? h at ? on ,b " *•««« *1 branch of the itertico . of N „ y ptJ[i a( Qtnaky, at Z*m *r •* Basses { .. 'BCUOII .TIAKKKTfI. ~ P “* aa >' «W»rP* Oo**., 8»t«l.. tiouß—ih. ?“**'■ Noreibw is, iso. Col. JuM*. Vltfa EO TsrittloQ * r ‘" “■“'""M OOiM hit 4t»d, by bu own reqw at *s@s sj- ..,,, prtM ' «*>*of so bu. r.*ii. Ibt, b&vlDg eottreJ w at |465 fcTta,™ “ * t @ s - ls :'=o <-o do , 3il;t In ISIS Qoorga W. telr *’“ d * S @S.2S Isr r, m „, .i J J CasHa; W-. 8. Bp«r, of Is. . tr'l’Z <-* bar; and Hinton Rowan i a $-©4,«6. Ayres. . k • >*M. M01.,*, , ef 6 “h^^rr'r^- milting trade on Beaafort or Ita vicinity. BUQKWUBAT ILOUff-'-aocb»Bgtn the declaration which the people of Baltimore aud or Mary land have made, in the reo*ni eleotlon, of tbotr approbation uf these eli.rts of the Federal Gavcrnincot, and of their eoduiing loyalty to tbe Uoiuti. 1 regard the result of thcee elections as auspicious of retorciag loy alty throughout all tbe icsurrnotlonary Stales, Tour wishes lor n fair pariiclpttiao, by tho tnechsnirs and laboring men of. BtJti more in tbe bentfl s y ill* efticfcairir BattU now thus Cu amounts to, oa'u afliloi 4olUn. ‘ 'OMMERCIAL record Hcoclpxa or Produce* « tl Anntxcd will M f'.trnJ » ••jtem-nt ofibe-recolnu of floor, groin, ole, b, Hirer .ad H.Uruna, f„ r iho 14 boon aadlog l«at (■▼roiag; * ’ Bg 844 obU green lftjen fl jBP 'liO eka wheat, 403 :.a h birkr, Bi ktga, 1 bbl ta.ier! T dorggi, 10 bx* chteee, 8 bbn ctj itipiu. 6 bis 8 laiW. 41 bbl* cranbtnica, 42 tto oU, flfcgs boti. wbesi floor, b bxi *u*.' l a iki beaaa, • *JS tFF i” T * lT •kewhoet.lco bbl* pork.B4 bah* wool. 41 kga,« j*r*, 4 bbl« butter.B Kg* Lard, 70 bbdi bacon. 18 do tobaoeo. bObgsdo 23 bb ■ wttl-ky, 8S do oil, luo egg*, ti obla, SaO aka po- Mt«r*, 812 bbl* grtep appUf, ai4 aka mlil 140 bblt, 2 aka ailed lioit, 440 buib corn. 18 bbla, 6 bl do raoltnw, 1(0 bbls pork,26 t>xi cmdk-a, 60 do eoap. 26 S?!“.VL siß r.,12 LD!a rje fl.ur, o ikaosloua. Imports ny Uiwor OALLiPOLlfl—psrUadh.e—B?6bbla fl;nr, 7 rclla h«m b Jk r ‘ C ViW°' * ‘« Ia dr!u,i Loaning b *® 4 4 V » P6ltl '- B 4 A co ; 107 *u ulndUngi. A J Kagan; 6Ti oil bp;*, p tenofti k co; 21 bead oittlr.owrr r •* Z .1383V1LLB— !*r Llizu Martin—U 7 bbli dried ?r^! I '“i , onihf 8 S LUt c« r \ i ' fl V“ 21 bbl* dried r V &■**»♦ 2i aka »«Al,ekg» itrd, 4Jar» but ,b, , e SS»,4bx*b b good*. Conte A co; 2 lacks dried applet, 2 bbla bovt r. 0 sweet i C o h«ca, 3k K « baurr, >2 bM* erda- oil, 6co onion*. SL djflaxawd 3S ik* m«u, Jts A rtls:r; 10 bsa Ua pM* Parfe>, McCurdy A co; 10 bbla crude o t<, Jtbu Me Cargo;JT too*pigm.**!, 11 ChildiA 6o;18aodo ftc Loumla; 12 boitOrQ'iei 11, ffH ik*n |*. Us B-J flour bbU T&O h:'jpp;let, J*a A bead bog*, ffm Vojrbe»; iqq do do, c.' i, Barter* 104 do do A, cu Djsleu; 217 D,* f..J,200 Qjoj bbls. floor, 4&6 lmb o.te, atr L:«;l» Mutlu. WlißKLlNQ—per Joan f MoOombi—2 bbla boiler. 1 bx Pooka, Olarky A COI lu'J Ska Lt;t*to?a. Mf Hm. tbo:oi ? bil. me*. J PBtui-fe; W bd:. bKlra’, ?k Cuoe; 19 eka (eaibesa, 86 oil* |, 3 eka me*l J Jiahr! 111 ' fyß bo!s ■■'H.a L»>*JlsV. btwß—pcr Ho I'rator—33 k 3F Rleigca Ljoa bt b», r N Heff.wu, Bo bUa appka, J«y natt Lalu; 1U) do floor, McDo«,*ld A Arlotaie, 3 bh la, J.bu kri.r; 6bulaol, Ww Mark o«o; IUAj oo flour, 11M bg* wheat, to tut lobar, o. 01 ,rke A so 2«4 b la fluw. Ordun A Tbonti-; 100 g. do, Scfaom*’ DW* s“* doao,Bß f,o » d 46 * HI rk* wbwt, CINCINNATI—per Horlzar—4Bo bb!* flour, Me- Collj Aco; llfi dodo, Jobn Urler; 100 b.orn, W 5H.J.4C016 tab m.,P,llip our,r: 113 bbla apple*. John 'f HcCoab* A co; 2a tx» cxndira 60 do wap, f teller* A co; 2 lx* bo k«, a 11 HorMalc W 3 tbleapp e*. Mcbaae A At)jer; UO bb:a flour, -ami »lud*aj;23Uo bbla floor, 60 bbds bacon, 26 tea baoia, , oblawbUkj. 16 bbdfl tobacco, S 3 beta oil, 10 rolla laatber, Clarks * co; PoKTftriouni-i** E«ktl—sJ Ibla fleer, Vn Uo mra; 1 pk a monej, & V klaira A co. fi& t. )U . metal, olmtck A co; 66 do -a. Peuu-ck, Marl A ojj 80 do do. Cl A ,; 80 00 No». 16—10 bblaapp’oa, P B-enweio*; 41 emi t* oil bb.*, Ja« Balstlt A co; fl bbla a; pie*. 8 bxi aorp. r»-lix A at-u; W bbl. applM, .Natban v.cpe, fl Bkg ra g«, K 1» W Ha-d-Biu: 10 do do Ihot UcOlellaud; 0 bgat do, A A co;u burttry-* wkrratoera. Brown A Kira- j 6 i-*,, 3 tra bet*, 6 ,lgca tsogueM, t r-e iera a 2B kga baiter, W Q ihxrua; T 1 bmi, uli cm D-r.O e Quae;. ,r * ‘ ttmiMb A Prmamwsa Raoh^d—Noveiubtr IZ -268* bar, ir.o. 3 te», Ba>d 4 co. lTrb‘.l 9 -cplrt LH Vulgl Aco-,8 bbl*. I bfbul eag', J II Cnufli td ft to 6 bale* bopa, bpeurar A co. 10 11. chef t . J fla kbUooppir.T U Ut>We 8 r-bu C offd o , 5 Mli apple.. H-aal ai*K:ho; 1 bx J B B. i lljUtxi t*pper Ido ccffe?, wm ¥eddraak Vangor* der, t 9 bdla cbalra, fraek Walker; 100 bbla floor Jtt l.lßgett Aca;l63ak. whaet, HcCaH>a s b, tmub Ac; 8 tbUdned apples, Ja* a Pa. Bar;. 8* (.h!« apple*, J Uiular; 12 dot brco«*. P Beckert A to; 27 Ik* wheat, J L Aobla A co. UIVICIt IBWSi Tas Etna an Waaxsaa—AsaiVais aid Dinar* C&ss—Boats Lnviae To-Dat. no, xtc—Ths rime wai about stationary ymteidtr, »ith 101 l T le*l by tba pier marks imt evening. Tb, weather «•« cloudy, wtt end dlssgneable, with ettry spresrsu* of a continuance of I——~Th«w waa but little bail. Bess transacted at the whirl lu cooisqutnce of the die agreeable weather. The receipts were moderate, while tbe shipments ware rather United__Tbe Bucket from Puttemcntb, Uodlne Lea Gallipoli*, Liuio Uartia from Si&eiflllo, eat Moderator end Honnoa Irem Cincinnati, alt With good trips, ct nuitat* the arrivals. Tbe lowa for Bi Loo I*, wa« to hare cleared last night — —lha 4 Tyeojn, Angle-Soxon. Koiplro City, aul Larina Logan, armed at CtuclonsU on Wednesday. Tho Florence left lor tblaoity o*i the aenuday. to be followed by the Marengo and Ewnatay on Thursday... —The Bilvsr Wave and 1. W. Hallman fnm Louis vide, wsredna bare last olght -.-The fine ateamers, Uelnotu, Capt. McOcwlo, and Ar.tunta, Capt. £ho« #»sn, Ai. fha la an excellent craft, with good aoeem* moJa:!cni end geatUmoniy tfitars, and lfena 'promptly at 4 o*tiock. Mr. Jai. iloVay Is the clerk ——.The Diadem, Capt. Eogers, for fct. Lout*, aod Bt. Cspt. A A. Kano, for Lrulsvilln, will leave *t an tarty day ttxi D*c;tth frenj fck LonJa, with a fall cargo, will probably roach hereto d »T- Aark.ta by T«l«grttpXi 4 CIacXXiAVT. Nuv. 16—kvtnli’g—-ff oor firm atfiS 41j fur sepeifioe end gt t 034 d at (3 IC©3 L*iu In demstd it To. fora and bacon SuiL /here Is co demind for mc>s ponJar:d $1 67© l SO.for ied weatern. lorn an hatg*C*DEa* AAI> J9ACHIJUBTI, W4BaiNQTON WORKb, Pittsburgh, Piqqi. °® M » Market aunt* Manafaetcre all klndaof *ceam fo/rtnaeand u iiilltotU WorkVfitMß Bo[k** r , •n;l Hl)«: lrt‘D Wort. • * JcbbinganiiKepjurinmlo&BuaaUkortncUotr ' '■O Rail Soau ftriiLii compamy •r-aaepfc OllworiJi. £>< w. O. JKldwali, tuusesf. Stanntir. ISLccu&r* » /VMF, Eio/% 4 A**«.) . L KA3ClAQ?tjljam, yy HAiL ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS AND BOAT SPIKES. ‘.i '.-ner oi Water Street and Cherry alley tnifrlT'tfr PTTTH»«I,auR. PMNV'\ ■* oUQuit-iui at BABWietiiuge o» troH RaiUng, iron Vaults, and Vault Doors, SVimlow SiiaUtn, Window Guardi, hi,, A'oa. «1 Second Sirtu wad 3e rferrf Stmt, iKetwoea Wood and MukatJ HTTBBUIIGH, ft -B»ti on b*nd a rartoty of new FaUenia, fancy and pltb finable for all pnrpcaet. Particolax attention paid to et tinging Orate lota. Jobbing done at abirt .. my® HOX4MEB At BONB, ' BUUU IB f'oreifs ftfid Someitis Bllli t[ Bltbaier CUkTIFIOATEn OF difohy, Bttnt sotzs tn apicm, ao. a? maksmt maun, phtsbdkoq, pa. I&.GoUeet[gna made on all the principal dtfea thf.>atf nt thy PoMed Stator. pgfcly a. B. • C. P. HAfiXLB, PAPER MANDFAOTtTBERS, And Dealers in- BOOR, PRINT, CAP, LlTIIil AND Al4i op WRAPPING PAPB2R. Ua*« remorad from No. 2T Wood itrat to No. BJ BnilthOtld Street, Plttabwfyh. •aarOaab or Tredrfor Kag*. myidtf fa Pittsburgh Steel Works. a.4 has also a Truss which will radically corollerala or .Rapture, Offioo at his Drug Store, Nq.rHo Wood st., sign ol tho Golden Mortar.,- . Un.KKY3EEpmcribNlQcucsot QBBONI j BABKB and baa futruineßU foil DBAVNBfifi and altnoat evary «tlmam r*«DUlngm*«baak»l rapport GALVAKia BATTBET or BLSgTfif) UaGEKTIO MAOHlinßLfor nfodlcM] pnrpssM, of'i v«y Bopmicr kind, win bs sent cf axpnra wk«ms •n cxprMi ran*, upon • tun, - ’’iS!l." taA4 Sou u on KsrexE'B JjW.»v H6.J»WocS«iMt. BsaAsat Hu Wood raw, u • >cre TKi«!j, T) ATS AND UlOfi -rrSara jU^rootisß XX totbiae V«mla bj Mlsg rA*Miii>g pf. TtittUINATOE, n eottltijr .Q*V 4>rep*nttaft, utd warranted to restore Uum phasr fro* inn boo** Bridal , DXJ^XIUR^, j>BM*w IttlftoSetn*?. TDXTBA RAZOR'S.—I h»T»».fcw Ez m Burn, whlt&T »1U clm Wat mt. QBO. H.BBZBIB, , 1U Wud nu' Headache co*ed.—Aajbfr ibu car*'lor Hosdtub* *lll b« tau 4 to VJUIIVN F 'UIAO&QiiIPILL*.Tn lb*f»: 4tftftf 4. », DILWQiXHiOO,