Ipittsburgl acetic. 5 BIDDLE 4 CO, ••inn ** t '. a*or»i»TO»« Publication Office, Fifth rlrcct, near Smithfield PXTTSBITKGH : B4TORDAV MOKNIKQ, NOV 16, 1861 PHUbnrgh W«kljr Guiiti, The Weekly Gaxette, published tbit contains full details of the battle at Hilton Head, oecapatioa of the font; affairi iQ Kentucky, nf the progress or event! io Mis •ouri, around Washington, the Upper Potomac, and iho laieit new* by te'egrapn and mail • from all important pointa. This great Naval Bombardment, the most celebrated of modern timer, and one of the meet brilliant specimens of naval tactics, and splendid gunnery, will forever remain a most Interesting event in the history of the Greet Rebellion. We (bereft-re dedicate a largo part of oar space to this subject, and lo addition to the !ett rs of oar. correspondent, present a desm.tlon of the magoifiesnt scene, so looted fr«T th*» correspond eoce of the New York paper*. The reader, in reading the foMovhsg dsjerip. tlop,.^ill recollect that Hilton Head, on which Fort Walker la situated, l? on the South or Sa vannah ildo of the entrance of Pari Royal Br y, and the two other forts on the Charleston tide. Oar chips exiled up aod down the bay, tn the form of an ellipsis, delivering their fire as they passed the forts. The pltn of oar atttek irsi iqualty simple, admirable and effective, being neither more oor Ires than lor me ships to steam ta a circle, or ellipse, running cioie to one shore as they came down tne river, drifting or stemming %• alr.wly as possible past the battsnre ibrrn, and paying their Gary rcir>f.m>, tbsQ makings the turn to go bick, vnd as mey went up ;be river, favoneg toe cmsi e>ai er.es #ub auu.Jer complimei.;—;h* gime mbe domiciled ad hh form, or until the Rebel fl ig came down. Tae ships were ali prepared for aulion the day before, and, at 0 o’clock on Thursday morning, began to move from their respective points of anchorage, aud take tiie.r appointed place* in the line of battle. At about nail-past ihey began their magnificent march, in the following order, as nearly e« it could be preiervH}; though, after miSiog tbe first voyage round, i; was found feasible end more effective to change slightly tbe plan, end proceed in a eis'gle line* wbicb was cmne, .u übedienco to orders signal s*d from the flag-ship. DETAILS OF THE BATTLE, tflsonaisALomraor TMBitnj , Ok our first psge will be found a-farghly in teresting letter from our own correspondent, at Hilton Head, South Caroliaa. Tlie Boath*ra !fcwi by Teligrt] it 'The news from Jbe South la our teleg spF ic reports to-day, is ol courte to be uke; with several grain of allowance. When the* * tell u« of the alarmed Savinaiiat fifing up the country, the concurrent probabilities make tbie likely, atff we are inclined to believe it. But when they lell ua that Gen. Sherman ba> x not yet oecupied Beaufort, and that before he doe* ao Geo. Lee may have made prepare* tiooi to defead it, we are in quite a different - mind about that matter. Gen. Sherman and Com. Dupont have Beaufort estirefy within their control, and cm land troops ana occupy it Uliy moment. Not so Geo. Lee and “Ad mirall* Tatnall. If they are really making - any defensive preparation*, which it probable, thaj will try to defeod tome more defeoeible _ P»iat ‘k»n Beaufort, with which they have not •T»B railway communication, by land, and as lor the inlets, Tatnall*# “mosqaitoes” have already shown an excellent discretion in keep ing well out of the wsy of danger—though, we generously give them credit for being *uff.» cienlly blood-thirsty under more favorable circamttanees. LATEST FROM THE FLEET! Another Letter from Oar Own Correspondent. fcb., ts c., tc. Haijif Head, S. C., No?. 9, 1861. y The o»ras ticlory, bore, will be fcoown ee Ibt victor/ of Hilion Head. The eootb itlacd, OQ which the main fighting took placet ia called Hilton Hoad; the northern ialand it known in Bay Point. * Tpe regular garrison at Hilton. Head con •itted of 800 men, troin Bsstb Carolina, but wae rainfrrcfd *;oce Monday by 1 4 000 men, from Georgia. The troops were all raw, and - were made op of hasty levies of Home Gaarda. The knapsacks of the Colombia Rifles, e?i* denlly a crack-home company, were new end their rifles plso. We know that, because the; left them all behind. The fortification at HUton Head ta an old one—that it* it wee constructed at least aix months ago. It wii aeieniifically conatructed, being a regular fert, of earth work, moontiog twenty gone, and wta a aery strong position. Four of the guns were rifled and were made at Richmond. The others were 32« pounders, stolen at Norfolk, excepting one English gnn captured by us* in the last war with Great Britain, and honied at Not folk. The fire from the Wabash on Thursday mum log dismantled fire of the gana, shattering the carriages to splinters. Two were spiked, and the rest'were leaded and left, their frlgbt giving them no time to shoot them eJT The gnoi were served by a German Artillery Company, from Augosta, Georgia. Oae of them lies dead In the field behind the fort, and wm a sturdy, flne-lookiag fallow. A piece of sbetl passed dear through bis heart The Georgians ran first They loft at 12 o*doek, making a dun track for the ferry at • the farther end of the island. They were fol . . lowed shortly after by the cavalry, then by the South Carolina troops. T&ey started with all __ their equipments, bat the paaio tnorcared as they ran, and than they dropped everything. The road from hero to the ferry is strewn with gnns, blaoketi, kaepieeki and accoutrements. It wak at-bed a panto as that at 801 l Run, theroad being covered with every thing porta* ble and eatable. The Artillerists ran last The •fleers left everything in their quarters—s words, trunks', clothes, letters, money end liqnors. i The fort appears to beve been commanded by - OoL He Siuisure, of fioatb Caroline. Thej sent their wjaaded back two miles from the beacb, and carried all but two off dur ing Thursday nigbtr Bow many, cannot be ascertained, but probably not over fitly, at the infantry do not appear to have been io the trenches. They left without firjog.a ehot. | The msgsiines were full of ammuoition, and _ ; si large quantity o! musket cartridges wae found back in the fislds, where the infantry had pro bably bivouacked. They were io new, prime boxes, and along with' them large numbers of percussion caps were found, of Eaghsh make, and it is probable the cartridges came from JEsglaed as wall at tbe caps. About one kin dred boxes were found. The balls for the ions were from the foundry at Richmond. Every white person on the lilsod left with the army, taking ell the negroes they epold wKh them. Many of the negroes, howevsr, have ilnoe found their way baok. They rep re* •ant that the whites along tbe coast have fled back to tbe highlands;, that tbe negro mth re ivied to work as toon at Otey ktard the gunt; that the planters then sent tbe women to work - and tried to carry the children off, expecting Hie women to follow; end that tbe women, in most cates, have remained where they were loft. There were twoTorta on Bay Polct, mounting j 15 guns, and manned'h/1500 aeo. 1 Several of the gum were diiotnUtd, end the rebels appear to have taken a greater sears lb ere than kero. Tfarj left OTtrj thing— gone in boxes never opened, ammunition, beat leads of stores, floor, •pork, coffee, and small stores—alatbing, track*, tents end til. The cowards ran with nothing to taped* tbsa. -The msrinev landed first, and the camps were giTen ap to them to pilisge. The; reap* *d a rich harvest, leaving the ground covered with Jaitera, which were picked ap by those who followed, end nearly every one Jn the fleet hu a letter, picked op from the ground, aoet of which are rich in. their content*. 1 pUked ap one, from a man in Americas, Georgii,to hie brother in the fort, sod the first sentence which struck ray eye w*« • quotation from . Seriplnre—“Pat thy t/ait io the Lord tadfie will not suffer thy fori to be taken.*.* The fellow seemed to have pat his trust in his legs. Moct of the troopa are now on Shore. The ‘ If* Y. 79th baa pomtaion of Biy Point and themt are on Hilton Head. . 'Onr low wii five killed and.fiAeto woanded. TheWibaab bad one killed nod four woanded; • theSeainole one killed and five woanded; Mohican one killed and three woanded. - ind the Gaiqaebanni two killed and three woiftded. Tbe Chief Engineer of thoSaaqae* kuit wan killed* The five dead were baried i \ jwtirdif. / ' -Th* teaol the rebela cannot be folly lean • barfed their dead la the fend u ' .* Aftte the/ coald. Thirty haee already bees hate tome few prifoaerv, aid con* ~ wUhoot ana her. I The Wabash B'.w.e-Hall ihr.ingh bet mam-' maal, hid apanlei " >om ,j,„, ,„, 7 I (dt.tbrse Kih below 'he which cine nett fl -cdTr,- :be n, !f!t The Hemmrde hid h-- omnui tjiimtcred. The In the fl;et, however, sre not great, •specially considering that they rrere within point blank range. Tbe negroes describe the boniHardmen' as terrific. Bombs Tell thre* miles inland, aeH the iqrfaco of the island is plowed up in all directions. O&t-ol the negroes say® »t looked as if it were raining fire and brimstone from heaven sod tue earih jjrapiog up to meet u. I have a IMmettn musket at n trophy winr.b I Will forward at Crtt opportunity. 1 enclose a Set Is'acd cotton blossom and pod. R. Tbs Battle of Port* Boy at Fhmkir.g Qwusin Bleonl «,u*puin Stsedoisa, 9 gaos; 8 abort iS-pcooders, and 1 i;ng rifled plvjt-jim torwsrd. Pecgutn—4 gnu logon*—tt gQDi.' Curlew—7 gnns. fsuea—-1 largo r.flsj gtzo; 2 email bowuzfra. A. B. Forbs—l gua. Tbe Fbobes dtd cot com* into the fight notU theioc ood roatd, bsvfog teea in gaged fa towlrg tbe ‘Dtl** to tea. &arbea’doi' Main Cb’tmi Fitg-Offloer Dapont, 69 gone btrqu-bsijua—l3 gao# MotlClU—7 gQQB. P»oi|qo!«—7 guns. Pawum—9 gobs UamjliU— -H gnr.B. Ott«w«—3 guns P« mbias—o guns. Vacdtlls, lo tow of the ?uo-bost Is-ao emitb—22 gun*. lis*e Ftnltb—l large pivot gin. Tba action commenced at prec:t*lv 10 j. m , the first ahot bciug fired from the Hiiion Head fortification at tbo Big.ib'pi and three gone w*.re fired before we replied. Tbe tboti then elicited d reply, Cota. Dapont being too paoo ulicme a gentlemen to permit to marked a .compliment to be long unrecognized and un answered. Tbo two eotire broadsides of tbe Wab&ah, compcaed of :wo batteriee 0f25 gone eacb, and the pivot gun, cl once poured in their fearful itorta o( shell* upon the batteriee on both tides of tho river at once. The man, who bad stripped to their work, instantly re loaded tbo gone, and ae the frigate moved with joet sufficient epecd to give her eteeragowar, and keep her uoder control, the bad tbe bat tery m range lot treaty minutes, for all ol which time tbe men were loading and firing at tbe rate of onee a minute for eacb gun—thus giving the immebse nambsr of 440 ebellc that were rammed in upon that devoted garrison by the Wabash alone every time she passed; for after the first fire she used only tbe star board guns. Let it be noted, too, that the ships were within point-blank tango of the shore, some of tbem approaching within less than 200 yards of tbe battery; tfar Bienville, which ran closer in than any otoer ship, was so close as plainly to duuogpisb tbe color of the shirts ol tbe men.who worked tbe guns, and to hear thei* cries of encouragemeut to oach other. When it is remembered that tbe gnns need are large enough to carry with effective precision two miles and a half, a slight idea ol their tremendous effect at sneb short range can be formed. Though the rebel guns jo this work were Columbiads of the largest eixe/ao'd carrying s 180-pound projealilc, and the guns ero so heavy as to require twelve men to work each one, and nrive jt effectively on its carriage, each wa* the irresistible force of our shot that in 20 minute# three of tneso imatenae Coium biadf were dismcuuted—knocked ftom their carriages, aod rendered completely ageless. Of course the shipa were not obliged to wait until they got -abreast of the w oia to com mence firing, but the make or the nver per -Qitted them to brgm to throw angunr raking •bote at a dlstanco of tbrse quitters yf a mile, firing down the river, keeping it up as they slowly drifted past, and finally finishing the round by pitehmg some parting soots up the river at a with the one# first fired. This plan permitted enven or eijht of «.ur ves sels to piay no the fortification* at the same time. The peculiar make of the river ia such that not cure tbao eight of our ships could bring their guns to bear on the shore batteries at the same time ; but even then the sight was one of the most magnificent conceivable. Eight vessels would deliver a broadside of not loss than 60goes at a siogie fire, l*d by tao battery of tki Wabsib, of 27 guns, and is each gun could be loadctj and (‘iscliarged once m a minute at the vary lowest tsumalo,it.wili be seen that more than 60 combs and other tern* bly destructive proj-cuies were raioed mio the Hilton Head fortification every minute that tb’ fleet was within range. Eieh ship ws* in rfficiive range cf the for*, foj about 20 minutes, every time the iioe came round ; they moved like a terrible procession r.t destroying angels, and atresch ol tneir vis its, which indeod were lew; bat not fxr be tween, the combined force'- hailed upon the doomed shore a fiery storm of more than 400 fiery shells. The spoclaci* was one of thevnost impress, tie mat ecu!d be presented to the eye ot mm. _ The air was filled with Worsting bombs—each deadly projectile, as it boomed through the air, first rose beavonward ia a-grtcefal carve, ana then sw«opod down to earth to fulfill tts fatal errand, leaving through the air a min waveriog lino of smoke that was fl«t aaory white, then light purple, then fading .o a pale bios, quickly blended with ibe aaare of the c.ear Ooathoro aky. Bsau::/«; as was the airy course ot the dead!.. ~.8 # .1e, i<. earthly, track was marked by a crlmron atream of fliwing blood, by the sickening craab of sbatteriog bones, and by wreck, ram and dte.ructioa ot whatever thing it toothed. Nothing could stand before this fiery storm— goes were buried from thair carriages; booses were knockec into beeps of brick ana mortar, anil beco* and boards; the formidable fort»walia of the sol»~ ideal masonry were is places true and splint ered, and the toogb trees of the pitch-pine woods ware shivered, twisted, wrenched and cat off like slender reeds; and the men were beaten into quivering masses of bruised, gory flesh, or were torn iolo mutilated, ghastly, sickening objects, terrible effects of a shall bursting in the midst of a group of ana oannot bo adequately dworthed, for words and pen aliko are weak. ?;, CC3 1 6;a talking togetherrTuU of .sturdiest life, end earnest action; every word *»“ gfotore denoting the healthleit and molt vigorous manlln.it end etrength—(hero oomot a puff of pearl, .moke, a blinding flub of red liro, a tbarp, indden report, and in as instant lbaaolivallf. of tho eager men le enuhed and beaten out, tbe parched rand drinks up tbelr liro-blood before tho emnke can clear away: bat the mangled limbk, the still throbbiDg brains (be gaping wounds, half Siled with dirt and purple mud, an not oovored bj tho nod ontll f 6! tf5 r ,w °td and market are laid uide for the pick and rp.de, and men fir . ?“ dl » batoi to oontign "Bortb to earth, aod dust to dost,” fbe .ffeeu of a round shot, or of one of the new./ inrsethd riflsd cannon nrrjeoUlor. are not ao gbastl, and terrlblo to tho oje—the men diktat tbelr limbs are not torn end twitted off a» b, the Iron iplintere of a homing bomb. j-1* was (upeotad that tho enemy bad a large force oonokaicdln tie woods baok of the' fort, and mu, abeUe ware thrown in them for the t?T«r «f diklodgiug u, troops thefo aUlion. •d. The.npporlUea was pwttall, correct; a number of mu had .fled from the fort to tba *ood«, tariffed at ua tremendou efftoUof our' fire. Mu, W thcaa poor feUDwt were' killed without having flr*d a shot □ad Gen McDowell to shelled (be «oodj near j Jli*nase«s, instead of sending jo, uo*appor>’d, -iugle -rvgimentt of iofan'ry, there he l never t“jeo for u« to; Ball Ban runt Vter the ships bid made ooe f ood, aoi tailed toeir flsry tircie once, the order of hat.le was ehaoged; certain ones of the goolmts dropped oat of ibelr Bft'u&ed p aces, btviog ditooverod that they coaid take ap a p-tiuon which would enable tbetn to remaia sta'ncery, and still keep op a rapid aod galling An* oo the fort /So, beooLfortb, the other attacking &hips moved in a stogie line, the Wabash still leading Pour o! sue gunboats ran into tha lughPol the river lu the uorlh ol the Fort, were enabled to keep up an enfilading tire, that completely raked the entire fortifications of Fori VVaikrr, tnd distressed ibe •n»my #i creumg'y. These guot»*>»ts were the () taws, Curlew, Seneca, "tfod Uoadilla. They were afterward piaed bv the Pocaboniss, under command ol Cs.pt. Pjrcival Dayton, a South Carolinian, end brother of Bngadier-Genenel Drayton, ol the rebels. Capt. Drayton, thoogh placed in this pecu iar and paiE'u! post mo, evinced no lack of loya.ty to ibe Union, '>r e-igerners to give the rohe.s their' due, aod the Pocahontas was moat score ia tno fight until it ended. For the teood umt the fleet crime rtMni rg down ; tor the second time ibev poured in ihet terrible firs, dismantling the guos, shattering the buildings, and strstcning in death numbers of tbeir men ; and for the second time the fleet pstifd'CO in safety, showing not iho •lightest itffi Ol aoy intention of going to the bottom, Bui tbe enemy waa by oo means inactive He offered a stubborn—so berate resistance. Look.ng through a powerful telescope, belong ing to the engineer officer* of the expedition, l saw when the ships were approaching tbn battery the second time, two men wearing red shirts. They bad been particularly active, and now tat at tbe musxfe of a gun, apparent’y exbaaated, and waiting for more ammunition. This terrible fire from tbe fleet was falling ail aroccd them, but they moved-not, and I doubt ed if they were alive, Ftoally they spring up and loaded tbeir piece—a shell at that instant burst near them, and they disappeared, doub - lers blues into atoms I heard frequently, during tbs hottest of the fight, most unquali fied expressions of approval for tbe manner to which tbe rebels served tbeir guos. That their marksmanship was gooj, the torn buns and cut nggiug oi our vessels, rather than toe number ol killed on board, furnish full evi dence. By this time a new element begin to mingle with the feelings of, the rebel garrison. Wun astonishment end wonder—that they bad not yet sunk anyofibe opposing vessels, begin lo mingle n large, a very large prspott’on - I doubt whether they could do it. Wnuoui paying more attention to the bark ing of the!battery at Futt-Beaarrgard, on Bay Point, than to pitch them an occasional shot merely to let tneta know they were Dot lor gotteo, fop the third time the fleet rounded their circular track, and came slowly down m pay their > respects again. Again was tbo whole of Hbe fire of tbe fort concentrated on tbe Wabash, and afterward in turn on eacn ol the ships, a* they passed in a fiery preces before tbe lori, delivering with tbe utmost co<>]. ness and tbe moat exact precision their mur derous fire, runoiog 'even nearer than before, firing more effectually than ever, and agslu ■teaming away unharmed, ind turoiog tbe point fur still another ioatd. Tbe utmdtt coofternetion now took (nil possession of tbe rebels, and in an uncontrol lable pimc they fled with tbe utmost ptecipi tatiou. The paoic at Bj!1 Ran was out more complete; indeed, not bait so much ao, for the rebels to their mortal terror ran lor the woods without stopping for anything whatever. Tbeyrieft in tbeir tenia hundreds of dollars of monev, gold watches, costly swords, and other valuables, showing that tbeir fear was uncon trollable and complete. The fl.ght was observed first from the little gun-boat Mercury, was communicated lo the flig-shlp, and was immediately telegraphed to all tbe fleet, Capt. John Rodgers, now tbe commander of tbe aloop-of-war Flag, who bad been on board the Wabash, acting as aid to Flag Officer Du pont during the fight, was at once sent uc •bore in a boat with a flig of truce to ascer tain K the flight waa real or a feint. He found tbe tort entirely deserted, and immediately with bia own band tan up tbe Ftara and Stripes on the ramparts- ‘ At precisely 3 o’clock p. m. of Thorsday, Nov. 7, 1851, tbe Auxericao flag was planted in South Carolina, on a South Carolina fort, lor the first time aince it was hauled down at tbe disgraceful capture of Fort Satnler. Tbe vboutsads ot men on tbe transports witnessed the event with frantic delight, and bailed the cheers that see i.ed to have no limit, either in number or in onthu oiaara, and in leas than five minutes half a diten brass band* on tbe various decks were fi'hog tbe rebel air with tbe juyoua, trium phant, and uuaocQatomed strains of “The Star Spangled B*naer , *Vnd “Yankee Doodle.’* Tbe action lasted exactly fire hours, from tbe miDuie of firing tbe first'Shot to the inataot of ruoning up tbe flag. Preparations were now instantly made to lo discover considerable sum#' of South Carolina paper mooey * The search for trophies was universal, and there w*re few who visited the shore on that memorable day of lbs bailie, who have not secared momentoes of the action, more or less .•iioaoie. » The road tbe rebels took was strewn' for mites with muakets, kuapsseks, blankets, car' tridge boxes, and other valuables that they bad throws away in their flight. They bad re treated acrois the island to Seabrook, a dis tauue ol hpil a dciso miles, where they took ooat for Savaunab. Even tha wharf at 6©a. brook was strewn with valuables, carried even so far and abandoned at tha last moment. Tbe troops who were in charge of ibis fort, and wbo certainly fought most gallantly, wero tbe 12;h K+giraeot of booth Carolina Voluoteers, uocer Col: Jones, and tbe 9:b Booth Carolina Volun teers, commanded by Col. Haywood, and a battalion of .German Artillery, aoder Colonel Wegener. They bad iq the lort about 1,500 men in all—enough to serve all tbe guns to the most efficient manner. They bad alio • field battery with 600 troops stationed at a point e short distance above Hiltoo Bead,whet e they anticipated our transports would under* take to send troop* to attempt a fliok move ment lor tbe assistance of the navy. On the opposite tide ol tho river they bad 400 men. Jt cannot be denied tbat tho resistance was as gallant at the final panic was complete; but tbe hardest fighting on tba.rebel side was all dose by tbe German Artillery, they being the Us to leave the lort, which they did not do until long after tbo greater part of the valiant Palmetto “Chivalry” bad taken to the woods to save their precious neekv. They had spiked bat one guu,* most valuable rifled esuoon, which they temporarily d:sabled with a steel spike, which can with difficulty be extracted. The other'guns were, most ol them, colorobiad* of the very large*! sue, 130-pounders, and of theiflost admirable fin ish, being tbe finest and latest productions of tbe Tredegar Works, Richmond, and fully equal to any gaos owned by tbe Norm. There were 23 of these gun* in the lort. Tbo fortification is of tbe most admirable construction, evidently planned and built un der.tbe superintendence of a thoroughly able eogineer, aod is one ol tbfttrongesi works ol the kind in the whole country. Uoder tbe efficient eommaod ol Gen. Sherman, tbe lorce here ts ample for present emergencies. Tbe wbola of the military force was put ashore si rapidly as possible, aod met with oo btodrance whatever. Tbe fate of tbe Hilton Head Tort decided, as we anticipated, tbe fateof tbe foroa on tbe op*, posits side of the river. Tba two batteries were tbat flight abandoned without further straggle, end at daylight In tha morning the Stare aad Stripes floated over both the two points and St. Phillip's Island. The works tbire were two well-constructed earthworks, lh*> one on B »y Point mouoiiag 21 beery cotumbUd-, and the ..tbrr mounting f or colurnb’.ads Tieso t.ree bi'teriea af»> hoi i\ ruflj leal to pr«;eo* tr>- hatb-.T sgalnet any hut *cch an h'ter Imineasu i k vsl iVce as bia ueso obdjt i turn, end m - ,ai J srrd itn.vrgnabts sg-ti - »• aoy poaar tor K>bola can Di-picsout oossia .J. t • k a few printer.*, about 25 in all, most of them being the sick in the hospital. Among the spoils are 30*) mu.-kits, the com plete camp equipage of 3 regimcnta, 50 cannon, and immense quantities of admonition. I' id a noticeable fact that all the powder >a the very best Englieh powder, that many of the are ot Englieh make, and ih»t some of the projectiles for the rifled cannon are <»t a kind unknown in oar service, bat which ane eer to the description of cer'&in 6cw Englieh inven- U >ng. THE OrrTBASA'D ELEMENT. As soon st Uic negro tijrea observed u» coming no shore they flecked aioig tne bank* in great nombe's. tome bearing parcels and butd’et :b il expecting us u> take thrm nt once to a liras of freedom. Ercry variety of negro and •lave was represented. 1 say no gru and slave, for it it a mesancnnly fact tsnt tome t‘aeee ere apparently at white an their master#, acd a» intelligent Pitkin# of gen uine Congo physiques, and dark its ot the gnn aine uncle Tom pattern,,darkle# y ung nc-d Jubilant, Jakfe# middie**ged, sno eager, ard gray.haired, solemn-looking fellow*. Some appeared mtitified, and totnetnteliigent. Tho quadroon and tho octoroon, possessing an in di*tingm#bsble unto! negro blood mingled, one drop with seven oi Southern nativity and *t,. ctent family, formed, to speak ratdiy, an intc esttng aceoe. Aa fut aa the contraband article oame within rc&sb, it was plaoed in the guard house, an old frame building behind Fort Walker. Hero qoitfl a collection was made. They wore hod -4 ling together half in fear and half in hope, when a naval offioer of tho Bienville looked !□ opon them, nakiug t “Well, well, what are von all about r * “Dat’e Jsat what we'd like to find cut, maa'r," was the response. The officer assured them that they would be kindly takoo earoof.'aud perhaps, foacd some, thing to do, and need not b*' aiaroiod. “Tank God for dot, mat'r." w&b the reply. On drawing them into conra.-sa ioo, they said toat they caught a great deal »f fish in Pert Hojal hatbot, fishing at night, after the plan* Ution work was over. Two daves were found reooanoiteriog about on their owu account, and on bolois brought* into camp, rxplalned that thay belonged to Mra. Pinoknt-y, ui Charleston, and came dewn to "tee wba*. de white peoplo were pH ab :ut They said that (he white peo ple ul! ran away whau (be ships came up, ory io«, "Great Gjd ! Great Gvd ! Great GoU 1 the Yankees are coming; fire tbo boats." Other Slaves repurled that "wheo do whi e folks see 4e little boats cornin' up, dey laffed at dem,but when d-y eee do big cnecker tided vessels corn in', dey laffed on ue odcr side der tnouf# " The number of slaves will probably increase each dsy, aod the importance of their aid must be gro&t. kEAUTOBT. The town oi Beaufort, I am told, is a pri vate watfrtng place. That is,the wealthy plan ters, tor miles around, hive erected commo dious summer residences th:rc, at.d in the beigbth ot the season the town sccotamod&les from three thousand to tour tbtyo..r.d inhabi tants. The remainder of the year ,bc white and colored pjpalatiun together doe# not ex ceed five hundred. When the recoanoitertog party landed they fouod that extreme terror <’t an attack, consequent upon the defeat of tbetr counlrymen at the mouth of the bay, had prompted a stampede of all the white people, with one solitary exception, the day before. The exception was a man who doubtless woald have gooe also, but he wis too drunk to move. He was taken x tory, but which will in the end riv.>>u.truot this our glorious Federal Cons itutioo. It U :dlo to talk about Usating' with thasa Rebels upon their own tprsu. We must meet them a# our en emies, treat them ss enemies, and punish them as enemies, unul they shall iearn to b-have Lhemssivcs. Every means which God hat placed in our Kanes it ts our duty to we for thepurpoet if protecting ovrtelvet. lam g> 4 d ot toe op portunity to say here, what I have already said elsewhere, tn these few «ord», tuat / approve the doctrine» thie evening enunciate d by Cot. Cochrane. [Loud and proloogeJ cbcermg.J The personal aon t manifest ed to the Secretary of War by hr cffict-rsof the Chasseurs as ha stood in their must, gray hatred aod worn with the exhausting labors of bis Department, was a sight that vm out soon be lorgotleo by tho bandreL’a who hastened to catch the key-note ot the war. Counterfeit Treasury Rotes. It la reported that the five and ten dollar treasury bills bavo booh counterfeited, »nd are in circulation la this city. Wu have hot scan any of them, hot the oonnterfclt is a aid to al most defy detection. Who are the Traitors 1 A telegram found by oar officers at ono cf the fortecaptured at Port Ro>ai clearly coo firms the report that our seororo are known to tho rebels. Jtff. Davis telegraphed that tbo fleet had ta.Ud, and dial the d—tLatUa was Port RoyaL That our Department* are Infested with splex, baa notf bt>oome a palpable fjet,and the interests of the cause demand a moat search ing lnvo< ligation, to bo followed up until tbs parties are dtsoovered aid hang. Wbtj. are the traitors f Bad Aews Prom BJehxnuad. I lea n br private sources that the Do-called Confederates at Richmond are In tbe greatest state of solicitude in refsreuoe to the people ol that city. Tbe distress among merchants, basinets men, and produclog and oouauming classes grows more and more grievous.' Only two days ago tbe intelligence of ibe move ments of the naval expedition, magnified by alt eorts of rumors, almost drove tbe popmaee to madness. Richmond vu (or yeots an old Whig city, and -bo Union uicmsn; Is s tit olive. I'be sstiiac Wise, and tbe wretched robbers in the train of Tioyd, having misled nta fired ap the populace, a good many cucsirvitive men baa to yield in order to save tbrn.drives, and now that there is no business, no Govern tneot, no cur-ency, and no confidi nee, the elcibeuts ib&t were forced to yiejd will on duubtrdly be orgau.Xsd, and strike n b.t.w at tbs first opportunity. Basttrn libers of Virginia. Accomac county, Virginia, m«y t* understood that a portion of tbe Sixth Michigan Rfv.meot is also to proceed there. We shvi probably soon have interesting new* from ten quarter. Important from «o»ton—Utlnfo.cementa Ainadf Bent—more Soon ts trtmowTmM Mutiny at Hoiral.,eu.,«tl; ' T a _Sostov, Wedee.de,, No.. IS —r i.reo ihooi knd ol Gen. liuliei'i New Eoglemi DiTieionua onder order. Io lem.e carapj neer Unweilj cn Wedneed.j ntii. Tee, -111 emb./k «i Bore too in (be new aieainer Cooelltatioo end tome truipoil tenet., ukln, tall Held equips,o end nppllM. The Boron Traatctipl Je&rsi 'rota whet it considers that ihe («overs- _ ■ w a -™- 500 _ -• noil fernT o'Vnrket «od First The :s ’uraisbed'wiUi as eitract \T/ a»\ IKU B.imi* nn.l Morttratrafl f”lb.\.Ti! r ßri r «ide W W JjL J 5 ijL trcmlwfto in lb. IVsTai Brigade at Fortress Monroe, un- I yesrs toron. Apply et PBTTtV 18 *t. Cl&ir der dale nl November lhb, as follows: i ureet. Ml 6 “Thu morning nows reacbo;: here that 3000 toJaiers of the rebel army bed mutinied at wail ibe cilixens, who had delermloeu ooly to fiiibi fur tbe Union under the old grid iron.” ia confirmation ol tbit iMelitgtnce, Captain L:*ckw *tr; a leitma no ‘far ctitjre, treatment, aod rallcal core of Bpcrnt-iioriboca or r'tuilaai WYakarsi, laved onUij *tßlsa:ons,Bi*xual Debility, anu 1 pediments tomarriage e 6ybraliy, boreunattraa. ioutuoy tioD, Xp- Repay aod Fits; UooUl end Physical Incapacity, re volting from Sol# Abuse. *r— j.y HOOT. 3. OUt- V tRWJSLL, U D , Ao*hcr ot tfce Grtm Book, #e “A Boon to Thousand* of Sufferers.’' Cent under m%l, Ins plain *ii?aicp-», to auy address pan paid, on- receipt t* i * conle, or two postage Itatspa by Dr CU J Q [SUM. eeft3L-«*T Iff Bowery. New York PO. tin*. I'Jt 'PUB UOUK jfHOM A THE "SrtTl NAL HV.aS 0 .DUITT " f-oyrg9 W. Flllott. No :e Waik-r »ire. : t, New Vera oa« mat poblisteo NATIONAL imi.NH. licwthfr*. •re wrltt.-a at.: Low ih«> ere no. *ru.»u a tyri* na*.l.;ott o .r: y Ujr the times rb> nish rJ Grant HbUft ’’tm volume, elrgantly priutol on timed P»[**. wliheaiUdlabnibßU Price, bwnnl In oil th. ft Aa an imprei«l*»n pr»Ta‘ls torome ixtsntih tthe*r are t« be l*i dlff.-r*n» bo.k* upon ibo tbov» enlj er, Mr. Kt iott < 1d» alone to be known for a sp-eflad ilmoas pnhiiabtr. STANDARD BDOKo F >R chei and Writing* of DiatlagnUt el Men, 1 T01.t2m0.504 pag*a. Prl:«?oc*nts Copies of lbi»3 Works aont Da y a idreas, nrapald, oateceptof ibeprloe- Agcntawastrd n s i parts of Great inducement# offered. m*oaUtD«Oaa Book* sa;H.)i«.l at tbf lowest rat*? uto ho b w. KuMarr, No S 3 W-lker *t , New York Dol&JtJltwT 1 000 OIIEESE CCO t»lil» Ccoai Mill* Family P our, to a»rl»ej 6too Jb* Ueooa Uano Jast fr«u *m;k* boo mj; 1000 fits gboaldera, jut from smoke bOQM. 103 hb i frceh Louisville Litno. , JOHN iJ OaNMKLu t CO., ' Pint itro t o*ar Wool. For eele by n.IC gOAKCE OuuDS.— JUBT BEOkIVKD 103 CA-E BOTS’ AND YODXHS' PRIME KIP AND TUICK BOOT**, Pettni Steel Tap, Heel and Tow Market, betwten Tctrd aod Poerth slrevte, Pittsburgh. Pa Doifl.?w>tw3 SOLDIERS* LETTERS i i —Envelopes prlu'sd with the address of th? various Prase} I* eanU Volunteer iteglme its —* very couvoa i*oi artf* ole .or the frieoda of the voloateora—enaorlog sifetj against errors, la adotsaaiag or’deilteripg letters. AUo, Newapaptr Wnppere, printed to Uie »«me mao ner. Copyright secured. For eeloio qatnitttes i# rru*tpotoa«e*ra. by W Q. JOSWSISjN A CO. aleiaj Job PilsUra. ° ll6 No. 6T Wood street PEACHES and APFLifL— -I*o bash now Dtj Pctehcs; £OO c*D3 fnah Pea.be* lor Fata'ly u*; ltl) bbia. cboue (Jroua Appivs; Just rervsvcd end lot sale !>* VKAt/d VAN GOUDKO. po ™ . No 114 tacotid etrc*t. YLNISUN —l aaddies prune Veoisoa ja«t teoelved aal for by J.tS. A. SKTZ iT, nolfl Corp»r of Maiket and Firstaunts. COKaN MEAL.—-38 saoke fresh groum Corn M-al Joa: reoe'rel a«d ; o( Market sed f.m #tm-t« 0N.0.*.i?.-6 bbla. Om-ma just received and fur sale by JAS a. FfiTZOK. Dold Corn ro» yarict and Flr.t a reeu PITTSBT7RGH nxouDiiixrro store. D. OOOPEB li CO. Co. 7» BABKKT BTttltkCT, Have Ju»t reoelrod anchor tupply ot iIOTT *N LNGQvHJD’.Ia UlacK aud furple, end ltlack andlavraler, tnciutlng OTTOMANS AND VELOUBF, BBSaiStTA-OLOTHS, IM.-Ufi-a CLOTUB. AND MBRI v OS, a „ ltr , rn B*PB AND LB LAINKB, SHAWLS—n«we«t itylnt, awdw*aHtwp SANDS' BALT RHEUM UEMSOT,— ThsaraatsuooeM of «bt* mettcioo la cmtng dts* eneaof tbeSklD,aocha* Balt kbeum, hiay Worm, Itch, Foald Hvad ( . Bcama, peoduia, «c ,Is withuu;a parallel in the aaoa'a of itrdicluo. Fauda' *sreipa- Ulla li recommradeg tu bo uaed to tbtow oat tbe ao* beeitby butnora ir.cj the ayatem. when by epplylsc the bail Bhetuo Lemedy externally, reliance tuayba plaoed upon a speedy aoJ poroiaaent care. Praparedeua eolii by A. d A L. ftANUri. fTosatl/t*. 100 Sultoti etroet, New Y<-rk. Boldeiiai by 0 A. f AUNKBfrXJsC. A r. n ha iGth >o«t lor Bep*ltkj« lhe> Abuttnratmf tb*P.ri Big BaU Creek, n*»r Beojaiu a C-.eV id Pawu towu ship, and (wr putting on a row tVir-den Bt:U:turo frpau flfiy.flvo feet. 'To ba dooct by the loot lio>el from *nl tend, Btooe-woik tp Pn dose by the« AF^PLiS—-50 bush prime Pry Applo«Ja> t and for sale b> • Aj/mIiR, oor. Market and Tint at?, pARBON OIL—2O bbla. No. 1 receded V/ by . vl UNB? B, OOltLUlB,' EH ants JFot Sait Jr.Eo Art. FOR very commodious aod ocoifortable residence, Id a desirable neighbors >:o.MQthe3J Ward, Allegheny, on long sad easy ;■»> nunt*. and very low. Inquire of fI.KUHQYEB, Attorney at Law, v-r:tr 188 Foorth street Valuable uil property -pur BAL*—fiitoatad on French Creek, embracing between 10 and U acres. There am on the property six wall* in virions progress, three of which era at ■iiffloieet depth to justify operating. O eonacted with the wells Is a powerful engine, ligood running order. Tbi* property Is adjoining tt* celebrated M’Cormlck farm suOOEa FOR THE ARMY— JL> Regulations tor the Army of tbe United States. OUhstn’s Manual for Volunteers tad Malttla. U. b. Infontry and BlQe'Taottcs oomplete Scott’s Infantry Tactics. The Zouave Drill book. Manual for the Recruit In the light Infantry Drill. An* okfd lor the UaLed BlaUu ferotvos b? the Ib** OoU Ellsworth. o«>oout Kxeretaea for the Army. AiSO, Personal History ol Lord Bacon. Life of Sir Philip Kidney.' Pliteon Decisive Battles. DyOreasef. Sir Walterßalclgh. By o.Kingsley. Adventures in the booth Pacific. By ‘a Borina Prinut. Tom Brown at Oxford. 2 sols. Popular Astronomy. By Mitchell Beauties of Buskin. Miss Gilbert's Career. Glossary of BnglUb Words. By Trench. Beulah. By Augusta J Evans. Classical, Medical aod Thtclcglcal Books. Blank Books and Stationery. J. L. BRaD, 18 Fourth street. £oll* URfiESIB, by tho Ifit® Major Winthrop, of the New Tosfc Seventh Berlment. The Arsis* or Europe. By Ckoersl tieerge B. Mo GW lan., ItevUjd Army EcguUtlcaa. Advtnlni‘l in the Booth ractflc. By e Bovina Printer. Tur H3Ufi oa the Moor. By the author of Marzv ret Maitland. Tho Throry and Practice of the gweiicb Movement Co e. 8:cal aod Zion. By- Barsmen. uijsct ussoas for Teachers rnd Parents By H. A. Calkin* i Tue Defeats ol Armageddon. or Cot Country lota told In B'.rlpture. By V. E SlUa. For sale by R.B. DATIB, 81 Wood street PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS aih> CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. A fine assortment of ALoUM*,bolHog from twenty four to ninety tlx Portraits. In plain and elegant stylea of binding, witfr Photographs ct nearly all ibe dUtujgol.hod men and women living. McOLELLaN, Mrs. JIFF. DAVIB. »;01T. Mrs. LINOOLN, LINCOLN. UABBIMP LANS, • Mrs. 8. A.DOUdLAB, BBAOBEOAHD, Mrs. BIaoUBNBV, IHECABINBT, EHPBEBB IUJENU.'fio Per sate by IL 8. DAVIg, 03 Wood strut. Major general m'OLkllan's ORBaT WOBK-THI ABICUS OF AD ROPE. I‘lunrted. Revised Army BegulsUons Unltod States Xnturry Tactics. U’uUHan’s Baronet £zerci*,t RloKsbury’s Infantry and Artillery . Beott’s Infancy Tactlos, S vola. Qliham’e 0 »vatry Tactlee. The Bocrult Gr<*»’ unitary Enrgery. For aale by B.A? A CQ n 66 Wood street. Revised reqouaxions rot tm ABMY OF THB UNITED OTATBMB6L With a fall index. Cue volume, Bvo. Prloe|2,oo. Important chengee and addltlona have made to thl< nBVIBBO EDITION OF T«JI ARMY HEOULJI* TiONS.anllt sbosld at once be In the bends of all wl,o havn the prtTloos tdlteona. For sale by o<-9 KAY A 00,68 Wood strut QPSNED AT W. a D. HOODS’, ‘•PhNiD AT W. A D. BDsoe', uPBNBD AT W. A D. HDQLb', GFBNB9 A? W. A D. HDJOi' OPENED AT W. A D. HOG OS’, STRIPED FRENCH SHAWLS, BLAOR A WHITE CHECK SHAWLS, ÜBCULA&S OF THE NXWKT BTTLB9, BALMORAL KKIRT3 AT ALL PRIOKB. W. A D. HUGU6. S'fYLEa o, FALL GOODS JUST RECEIVED, Wt are now opeolcg a choloa stock of FALL GOODS ooailaUng So all of the latest importation* of CLOTHS OAS&XMEKfiJ and VBBTXNQB, which we flatter oar* •elvei wtll ba equal to any aasortmeot to ba (ound Kast or Wcat. They wQI ba made op to erdar, In » aapertor atyle, and at prices toTalt tbe times. Ws would rtiepeetfaily. solids an early call from oor patroueand tbr pnblte. SADIdEL (iRAT X SOV t M«scniKf Tailom, No 19 Fi,td S*. H ATS AND CAPB. FALL ST'7LJE3B MoOOED d L GO 'S, 131 WOO STRBIT, PfTTfIBHBQH, HAve now on hand a very targe and complete «imt ot the lataat stylss of HA 1 S AND CA PSb Both for tbe city and soon try trade, which they can soli at vary low prloea. promptly filled. ■ uZI /Carpets alsd 6il cloths POUHTH ST. CAHP£T BTOHB. W. D. A Q, UoOALLUII have thta day part of a very largo and varied uaort&ftnt of Car* FKtlbO, to which they invite the attention of boy era, as they shall ba tffsrcd on the meat favorable teams Also,anewlytmportedlotofbeaatfal DEUQGBTB of all widths, and at tbe lowaat ratek T.D.IE kfoOALLUM, 87 yourthstmt, osar Sundries— 80 barrels DiiM Peashca—sow crop, 10 do do Apples do 800 Inuhels White Ftnh-Nje PoU'oss, Tn store and tor salt by OULP A 888! ABL,- a^l3 MB Liberty street. r PABLfcj BALT.~6 cues extra ground X Table Balt, ant up la boxes far family use i alio a soppiy In sasU bags, tor aala by JOHN A. &XNBHAW, . 0619 • OTpat,Liberty and Hand atreete. - UHAKER SWEET OOKN—An exoel !®°* anbstitnte for grran oorn. dried aod pot op csreraUy by the Halted’ Society of Shaken, and tor •ale, wholesale or retell by „ Jf HN A. RKNBBAW, b°lB aornernf Liberty and Head ate. KIOU PAPER HASHINOS of mod «rn and antique daslgha, to go’d «od velm and. gol) for sale by W.JP. MAKS HALL, _po9 ■ . ST Wood atraaf. LUW FKIUfiD WALL RAPICR^-. ■ 009 w. F JIAEdHALL. WAXJSR PIFRB— 2OOO vnrds Btone Water Pipe for aala by 0c22 HINBT B. 00LUN8. j._ . amusements. ipriTSBDKGU IHBAXRB.'"" lUMES3EBILL roB BiTDCDIT SIGHT. lati Kearnty, or the Lskts of Killaney Kite Site Bender«“- TBR FISiTEi; Oinca* or THE EUlirKB- B»rrj Ucodrlcti.ulHi .jcg a,, m.m... To cinclcdo with tie tragedy of the BBLL RINQ-KHB. Ztt!« □< and 7 OetaTß .New Scale OUIoKKRING PlAiioa, in plain and eitTid Boaevood fnrnltor* /net received and for eala by ■ JOHN H HjELLOII, 61 Woodatnet, Lots Between Diamond aiicy >Ld Fourth ik C'lAKi). —The fcubßoriber would icepeot* J folly Icform the pablio that ahe (■ now aalllnn off at a (ractlOD above COST, Her Urge md ctmpfebeniiva etoek ot PIANO FO&TftP, MILODKjKS. MUpIO and MUiiOAi. . . „ 7»iTKUH*STfI, w{ ll H‘oJoVtt to PAlTaajtbi*d NMW BUILD* UfQ, rt~b etnet « . , oaiHLorra oi.uas.t.-<, Murm.t. Bo e Ant. far Unable Planoa and Prince*! Melodeona. iEbucatixnal. OKaAL SOHUUL H. WILLUaiU. U*« Cpmed a Normal fcctlitol at No. »t B*\ OLAIH eTMttaT, 8d «tory Ttitimony'Ct Twktrt. .* 3a Is the caoneellor oi toe teachers, the *en ta •hoc ell of hi koh *ot advice aud in*tfoctlja.T r JOHN J. WOtOGW. icoornr orest heartily with the above. . . M 1 LIjNABD a. *ATOS. I t&cernnly concur to the opioloo exjreit*! above. V* fl. vksv I take pleasure ia khring It as my opinion that the ■wegolng recoouaeudatlou la fully merited. _. A. IiURTT. I anew of oo one who ceaervte higher twtlmony to U !“T° r * . . B.N.AVgBY, I IcJlj eoDrqr to ih* ■bcr* rccoouataiUtioc. „ , D.DKNNIBON, e» cu proptro py»::i |„r tho nigh Echpot gnkko than eiuor teacher In thi» dly. * TlßilP-jl tmr -rot. I„ ,1,.%*' D °m S “u”' P&NN IftiSTri'UTJti, " HAMOOCh ETIIEKT, NgAIl PIMM. Jvllir«jj»D cm MONDAY, tho Sd d»y c .' hKPTIM. 818. TWrutv $23 par anaic-n ©I flro months. QUKL XOUit ti&iK! BEATJTIFY YOVaiBLF. UP CSIHQ COiPrELL’B UTPERIOnr, tOa UUBLING TBB BAI&. _.£ h * *odGeoileiuna tlronghontthe world W1I! be p tufid CO learn Uut i b«*e recently disumr •dan artfeletbit will Curi tbo Hair. 9 By Bring C-HAKt-ULcM DYi'lUxlON. Ladles and Gentlemen can beantlly il itn-tln* a lhoo»and Coid. vhappmll's nrpxmotr - Is th® only article in tbo woeld Ht * f - Tbo only article that win Carl tho Hair IN BBAUTIPUL CURLX IN QLO9&T CUULHI JN tiILKBN COHLH IN njJTBN C 77 «/,.*/ . in rhowtKQ curlt-i IN JtA F/A O 'U&LIf llmfc Jk - , r IN LV*UBI»2rr ‘CVRLB It Invigorates the Heir. It betqtiflea tbo Heir. It olcanMe tha H*«r. J« «“ a ®“* delightful porfamp. IT PBBVSaNSH TBI Halit Ft OH FALLINGOJFs It I4WOJH to tUNUf. It !• tbo only article eroc yetotacovered that will cnrl straight Ua■>«« The IlTpitaiON Is'he only article In tbo w: rid but wbatcaq bo countrrfcltwi. orlmlteteJ by aoprlnciplcd To prevent this, »n do not offer it lor sal* at any Drugtfat> In tbs United buui. iTnoretwe, any Lady cr Gentleman who doeirrf to beautify tbomMiveo t y nsiog tbo im’aßlON.most lso-OMtbePtflOl. ONI DoLLtMoa Utter, ud Address, * W. CHAPPELL A CO., Vox 84, nokctf Q.AB FiXTUBKH— „ . LARGE ABOOBTMENT y JD3T BgOEIVKD / I y) **», I Ij For Sale by BAILY, FARRELL d CO., KO. I*o rODSTU C?K£*W, * MSOslyacoQ ISOTBB. STOVES. D* HAVEN A SON. MANCFACTUKHta Ot STOVES. Warehouse, Federal Street, near Now Bupe&sloa bridge, ALLEQUIBY CITY. We esk the stteaUoa of doeten to ottr lsrge usorV meal of Cooking siul Besting Stone, for Wool end Opel, which wo ere seUlog et the lowest prices. These riritinjr ocr dly wOl find U to ibeir edfaatsg* to gHe wh*n» eXwntoo 091 nock ***** ptirchuing Hr- Oul Iron Bovs Trents, Iron Brillog. Seeks, BoOow _ . Were, Wagon Boxes, Plain and Fancy Grate Fronts, Fender*. etc, ot ell kinds nude to order. Jjl&iyd O. 0» DAVfcKh BOH. NAS-W OKXJXJbI ttJff-W (iOUD* BALL AMD WINTBBJ »all and nintis i LATEST STALES! SAirm ETTLIB Atibeotd lUndcX JAMES C. WATT, Comer ol Fean and St. Clair eta. The heirs of JsmetO. Wstt,d twpectfolly lariis pobUa sltssUoD to tbs cew stock of TALL AND WINSSB Q3UD3, ooaprising ill tbs unrest styles of fseMoatble msterUl sdsptod to QKMTU> UKMB* WUB, soliciting sn evljr ceil, me bod* Dess win be conducted on Um anno approved •• bsretotoe. The stock of new goods tssqonlto soy toikWclty. cclßdyd YOUKOWA A*AitimHO 1 cwfcE i*s OABTBrrpwwTnra omiom. peaigoed tor Small Motor*, BUOojitta, Drotstota, Marches ta, fltwn, Banker*, Amatoora. theirs* rod *«,'• The Freuee we offer for tale are at a New Pettoroien the atapLaat mui atocmaeat and beet made of eojr cheep Preaee tmr bmted,tad«» mpf lea* apaerj can be operated bj any coe, whether prtotor or sot, and ore auld at juice* hitherto onboard of, Hull* to aay at about OKff.tlMTa the price erf Job Preaate now in sea. The OObinete fspos which thePrtmeeitaDdJacaaompoeedof email Oaeea, ttaafr Ijr knd atrongly pnt together, aod for coapactaeai and ccnteaknco her* Barer been eqaeUad. o*ll and ex* - - Qua a, or aeod tor olrcttlara. glt ids atone.- price* da. OOOLhK d co, WO. 1 sproaa atraet. f». T.; 013. v. nowiEif—mx. f irowciaSu W°° fill. BKFXNEKT.— HOIiDBHIP, BHYAR & CO IUHKVAOTUBIR* QV ** BDBIU6 OIL AID LDB2IGATIS6 OIL, tPßaiatXOE.p.r. » Wto BMKuS ,£dVGS _ l ** AJ lwtJan ha at No. uiltJ’&ETaUT.Bwk «es3wS° 4 tm ‘ W,U ** l,lo attended to. OHODB Urrals, aaiubls Bw rafloJag, for safe by . .. , JAfoJU B.ILMLL4 80H, eo** Wo».flgaod>o WaUr itotcia lUKUKY Jjl .•oU [ To—l bbL lor eala bj J. a. uaoKrr * 00.