' Binoa.it hi* l«en aaoertainadthat th* ram entitled "Oh, why ihoal£.Ui*ipirit of mortal beprondt" wensot wHtonhy Mr. Idncobvtbe wnUrnpaopfa an tiy ing toabeoant for thacoraof hfeamMUon to wriU T«*<*. Thh l* tb« |*tWts. planatioA vouchsafed by th# Chtaigd Pott : Thirtyyears asp Mr. Linoojnaoi lkittt -rich finnan, tba-lawyars, tlm ~T. and mammas of tin -who]# ataiad intbow DoodlM. Bhiril,' Kfehiid*!, ' Trumonl, Browsing McClarnaad, WhSu ■■ H *™“> MeDongall, Colonel Taylor, Lin ertaj the ncraTdnsle, u "“•T hi*# rises brooms ai the eut# or th# nation. Mr. Unootn hod Gen. BhieJdson* win tir were .each enamored of th* asm* fair udy, Th# gnq# and elaganoa ol th# former won iheaubject or the Utter 1 * nillsrj - , ind were revenged by his falthfe! Md Wr defomUFTh thit jmtrthe hero ofOerro Gordo upon pin#,ioa euora •d » humorous «y#« for Mr. Linooln’* mat*. He aung.hi* gong lUc# Homtr, throagh aevermiqtiea and ihe Joke odming £».f . **• Waooln. Thai# wer# thorn whohe- U#*#d that the van# hid b#«a iaditsd by Umr hindi thin Iteoota'i, bat he md th#m to'tboanodi u hit own, indit wu impoaribla for him to beck oat by throw ing th# responsibility on iaoth#r, and that : othiM Udy. Bo .he aocsptod the ehil ’ bag#.' Gen. Whiteside, it that tim# Twaannr of State,? wii th# aeobttdol ind Dr. Meirimah and Hr. BaUar, Ijegat State Treaaorer, war# th# Wadi of Mr. Linooln. . At tttit-fime- “Blobdy Idaud/> c in the Mwerifipi, nearly opposite-St. Louis, was the tatTHHI field four ail affaire; of honor. The Becoods met to airangelbe term* .of the meeting. The place and time were agreed upon readily, but. when theweapou were named old General WhiireUewasnt terly natauishei . Mr, havingthe choice of weapon*, selected long caralry •words, the two principals to be? placed op poaite each other; that between the cook batants there should be' erected ■ rail bar rier four feet and a'half high, tad all blows to be exchanged over this barrier; bach party, ol conree, to be at liberty to ap. proach aa near the barrier or kelp a# dis tant from it aa he might choose, bat not to jamp over or go aroand ih Th*ae extraordinary terms were at Brat indignantly rejected, bat Mr. Lincoln would oSsrho others, and Mr. Shields waa foieed dth|r to accept them or go. withont a light. He choose tba former, apd the par tiea all proceeded to Bloody Joat aa they were abbot to engage-in tba duel, and after, the fence had been ereotbd, friends interfered, and the aetnalflght was pcerented. ' ; - This was Mr. Uneolo’a first known ex . periment aa a poet, and his moat ,in tim tie friends have* not beard of hja engagiog ; In the bnaineea since, though it /a eaid that In, 1 that affair ho assured hia friends that he. placed great reliance on a ted fence. 'How that nuance has been proved to be well founded last year's campaign has served to show. 1 Biauras or>n.En*onT*.jDi)icuiT. —Ths Hew York Tribana giro* the fol lowing statement of a moat -remarkable and' withal auoceasfol gams played by Mayor Wosd to defeat the n-eleebon of two Judge# who wen obnoxioui to Mm: , “The wont features of this reaultJa the defeat and diaplaoement of Jndgda Hoff man and Woodruff of the Suptrior Oonrt, for' which Fernando Wood ta alona re sponsible. He had a perfect rightto opr poca thoab Judges, or any one else, in a lair, own, manly manner; hehadabright to atab them in the darkaa ha did. i By nominating them in MacennnUon,ha threw their Sands off tbair guard.kod ing them to tuppoaa thsirreelectfon* matter of donna;, then, by laently stitating the nitna# of thrir Tammany competitors, Jtfe#us.MoneH andßarboar. on Ua printed be sailed the doom of two of th# most Itpnghv. capablc.' and popaiar Jadgas oor ouy ever had Had it bean seasonably known'that tbs jodgnawora. striuk at>thnaanda bf rote# oonld hava. baan railiad in tb« . / EptKOpU i Ooa«tettUr, which Waaiffee* afoti.M South Carolina, on the ' 18th of October. The proceedings on ,that day wen, yery' animated in eonee.. qneeceof n diaoueion w to.the body of beUcrere/repreaentod lathe oonreutioh. . BbhopeOtey,- Atklnaon, -Onto, endebma othen forored the nameof *GdthbUo Be ;l fOrmedCharoh,”.** diatihetire appropriate - and_‘‘affjrdtag eiempUanfranr.tha odiotb of mcta,aU of which arncalledProleolaaL'l Bose of tbeee dirineeatWbatW the esUU log erßeof tto aogntry to ultra ProteaUpt , mb-or Faritnetei, Bbhope Dari, Ley and others defended the nuts ;“Pro teeunt”' aa a perpeful prnteatagaimt Boaaatwn and *‘Epteoopjj t, M exprea rire of the form ol ohurth gorernmirit Bhhop, Mead• and Ber. Mr. William* botb'ofVfrglni»,'prote*tedeg«iißt'Mbi)r ¥ :' the ism "(jalhoHo^ihklkiteriieelarlng ©» : that wedoptit would bo going more'tban halfway to Bomankm. Abmooxb told nr Dahul Wasraa Hon. Daniel Webstar had an anecdote of old. Father Saari,: iba miniater of hk boy hood,whJeh haa Jiarar faaan. in pint, and whfchie.ioo good be loet. Xt vaa coa. tomaqr then to wear taekaUa bfneaha* in cold weather Ode Sunday morning fa the autnmn Father Saari brought hie down from the garret; but the waapahad taken pntMmian of thorn daring the rammer and Wen haring a nice time in them.rßy -dint Of effort he got but the introdenf and dnbMd'lbr maaung. Bat whila raedhiß the eoriptoraito the congregation, he felt ’ a dagger from bna.of.tha: enraged email watoted.MDwa, and jamped about the -paipft ihmad hia tUgha. Batthemon ha alappad aroand and danoad the more they. atung. .Tha people thought. him -cnar.and wan inoommottonwhai to do, bat m explained tha matter by aaring: “Brethren datft be alarmed. The word of'the Lord ia in my niouth, bat the dhfllain mj breacbea.” r ■ Smn or we B—Daring the war bed lacktue marked jdlliar effort io pUceeue , nameofwbich. begin jrithß. Hadwanot in tto beginning Big. Bethel, then Boil - Baa, Ball’aßlaft and on Thursday, ini of nil, Belmont. .OoriKerel Kxpedition.li now.bombtrding Beaufort, on wood Hirer, „ in Bennfort coanty,Bonth Carolina. Bhoold ire be badly beaten, and our banjaea, brig, andbig brigantines be brbkenaodbattered at that bnU balUng. we ahaU begthat tbe lettßr-Bbo branded eeceeh/andltboted bet of tbe.alphabet Brigadier Beanibgard, . tbe braggart, b at Beanfort, whoe fc trill' bottettbo tombinkn aa badly a they men'tfraMbd 'at the BaSae, Bet oar bnrre boyl being not boMtftal can bang bank. ' ' laatheßafingl ./.T,. ~ ~;'y ~ OAff BBI*9 8. ©.-MOLASSES,.. ■*m£EEkms- ■ :V ; r^ OBmedWtenietT ZxniaißUfßiJi ( fStwmfcMti. jijjffllfc iCINCINNaXI AND-, IB* - ■is. ’»». AOCa^Tt.iMMHi., .>»!%■; >., J. »> MTlBmto.'i 4 m.ima, - IjlQg -OIEHnWNAn ANl> , B3>» ii. n* *■ H ‘ «m: btiiwikßiTi “* •*>, •“‘"“f’taU pou o. THMiDAT.VHi. lij, B MVINBKtOW Agenti. ljos cmeiya/cn. loc-‘; ■JR ’IBtAUMD »T. LOUIS -ThiilllSyi -lUMMmftr fftuitr ABIZOVA, o. f i JaTSSSf ***-■**< L’OB CINOIN NATIr IiOC-, JC»IC 'EL£?JSS£ ■▼'seviLta.'ciitoiflßßt' A*PffT lonu—lM ?sfi THUS DAT?U IJ JtOOt.Aa. FAAJK.It'i' JLV ITAUfIYIELI CtNCUl.^lHfcK' tn* 11th lait, Yot trclibt or bw. oobosfdcr tp ™ -r.;. ~ Jw6l FLACK. tout W WMUINMATI. LOO- ■ io V imfcl*. aht> bT. uou!-n.i|N> A. fcsSiSR nAT h ST.^kt^ fatora *' !l * 1 * D iliV f *»£&: bO “ 4 01 * 0 b»u . ... . Jyb.UrißoMoif * 00, tfu. FOB 1 CINCINNATI; UiV- . UDfeiA unujuir. loots* liolo* ‘ 4A fem. ■ II JIOU.I-AB WJUCM.X ■ «y.> vSBSSS&i&i?™!" WX*»I. o*pt. Jot. fs§£® lfe®ifssia?rs2 *"&■»«*• •* l*4 B.MWH, »CWt. , I.PITTOBPBQff AND GAL-. «3» Ml UFQCnPAOUT-na tMMviflKB j»y—»•<—« pwcm% oat - **•««■ •pply '■■*&>■ •■' d-B.im»aBToitaoo,,t n au. -&££!K°* llll,T “ T m3® A*. *tu K&k ■ >*■» «pf'r oc boord Of 10 ***»« - - JitO. TLAOk; Agrot. RIO DLAB WIEKL X i i urniui; piouf^n* -S^-a^^BSWWSSsSB ▼OJ* *wy TuliDit, it 4 oWock. >i ■. !r rT xw^xmJ j « »SSB2SSS?C.*WlirMt««*cctD H. IL PlißtlkkOO. iron to, EomorOl,. *MU jp£i£k. i-SJfSSag jAt “'^^kSSmS * cl -■ -- niunami Vitlit Jtotto*. oi COMMITTEES QclicUllut or oollMtlac Blioketo, or ‘A*?. * ' ,h * ,»”*■ ■d'to'nrworf tbca k<*M poalMo total aadontfcod oovmltteo,ot jln|D» ** Rf,h “ d omlthflild ho J “•*«““QB PIB OIHT da UilOoplul Stock, oot ret Uii prollto of the Uotatx »ooUio,pojoblo totOiok kokjoraoo.lkitrl'inl or otm Uu iKkion. , oofcid ago, p, M'OKow.cilh’r, QlfiUNfl* BASJ . ■■ _ „_Ptttobor*tH*4«to»or.K ifdL v. ra»THI PRESIDENT ANDJUBKOT* Oil of toil Book ktTO Utl dor doclorddo dir. tdcki.otvout pkk . . . ' < «• Oubtar. ALbBGaMMr-VAMJK, - ' : Pmab*«h, HorambsT Atta^lS&L andiorsot- T 7; OREaf thin Bankhara^this daydadanida dMdeed si FOUR Fll GCHZ.ca the Gayltel Fleck. .onfofiheproßteor tn* fast payable to AXCttABOI BAMS gf i'AnsßUMuT' i. ~ ", •' ‘ 'Korrabcrfttb, (SOL • rra*tha dibiotobs or ‘this Mitt Bate iheairde dlTldmdtir rone pea OWIITmi, tM ef Me Mrtiete ortba lu< alx ■eeim. B '«taeo , a»j>»itai, ica»t npn~ctuty*,wuj fr p«M «• «r. tftar tt# Utb SmL • . : H. M. MOaEAT. rwtitf> , : • BASS Uf fmaUBBSe ff^TfIBTBBbtoBMTAJiDIiIBBCT. ottbeyniner'tke'bw air ■cuth*efefefcVi& te gidujteaaoiey, uwr t«d nrwMw, aSmcaime . josa Baariß, ommw. ’•> Hawmm lib.- imi. •M r m IKn o t»n | j.«. «B» WISIBnNu INIOaaBIIB «eWe*abie(nrcnoreawtbt'l6Uiia«!~ • »i Md OOBPOtf a BMftrr, Mewwmehoanari»a>e.emdap.B. • xoseawdoo »m m uid« TOaeDAT, Bor. Ilk et M|« eWeek a 8.- -ooiMw . nag >■ tab noßnß.eo.tiw. “ T racton of tbit teak, to avr* datax lU M ** Hois fa MOBDATiin. NiktMtM fa hoart of llm. m Ml* p. m Aamaml mMtsg of th* ■MhA’fanviU fafaU' allte BMktaf Boswo»XCßftl>Air ( Kov. ttk. MU oVtortAoW, {ooiiOa] J.MAgQfyiß.OMitor. I^AM'iXBOTlW.fo’/’^tonV ***b*fi tetvna tM oMn of 9 o'eiock ■, «, 1 vOlOOkOaSh* .. w . T!** *•“ MocaiioMKe wait* igJl£l£ k^, J!Z° B *' nu » AT i aum ;olM»nB y J. Wroool. Hf!ihf h " ;■ .■■ . rittbbWßh.ootobwJlT. JWl.f KLBpXIOfi Or-DIBiCTOEff of thASiMki-ttf mm fcf tb# «toafatf( jmg. Wfllfc* Md it tte BisktßK Boom, oa IfOVblt, Ho- Ti«b«lM| lNHriM'lj»'bMnv 10 (Mkelk Mi So'eto* *JB&**—bt * tfc»Btocfch«ld«n vfll fa MU * *M2Pb 4T «^»•> •» W VetocM. K ■ tgiO. P. MoQgJIW. tofablflT. TW *trCOBBIOHMgOTB— A woke ruer aouw,:' - J*' fc *b*toyrtweOh«teota ' U>mlelUniiam,Oeahanl«t , : % 2-52 '4O 4*> "H>H Whwijjiplea * ,K MO roMoOtaetusU Brwimi i. ■i«iil»C, W raei«*« Wire feiaa. v * & „ , »nwewnerweetwOerrCHewr. ewl-h . - -eo*- r, n. toiot a o«. . OF UKOOKKLKB. 'lOO eo BMCuMIr 1 4 . aaotenelenmeg. q>Kolewii, :: »r£«&S“^ u *T*’ j: ” o.wmr do < ,sssanr"?:;.';- •m aoungeauoi.i, MaemlalDmrKmr, i ; . ■* loetwoaod toeele e» ioai LHOOMa 00. mraareemaewdndmßtmSiw., C'KCBH bace tfto Ci»mtß»oOem»teH>m»er %)7i M e r^u?aSs*^ l, i '■Vf *;iJ,'' , -yyvK [ , 1 .: £tactllatuaa». . s. • | CfviXttßlWiJS’aiXX FitlNt ÜbAJO OTaL CARBON, Olu LAMP CHIMNEYS, i 7 1 IAtt HMD HRIMBIB Un, 180. *PHE BEST THAT HAVE EVER A J*t t«ea offered to the pobllc. tbej are (he boot far theJoLtwlng reeaonr BeCnset ti*l£g iit *»a oral ahape, the frla*ala erftrywbere eqoaliy distant from 'the Saint, wa llut :lhe daft fa Stronger and mof I**4 end Pearleeb, avtog imtdyni of strength and elaettcuj Tbe ehlsnwyf which booseketpet* here feand-io be to brittleerto Crock e«eo when ndtlb tile, are inraria. ttrdale of-Xhne 9t«a Instead of the PUnc Clue, of -n&tcbbma ;are metrafectnred. , -L B«t tbe greatest advantage o< tbe* Chimneys U [that when yon .have one It will lutforever, and tf I any bouekeeper break* oee by the beet of the leap, fathered! at the Manirtaclory and era will replace her cracked chimney by a docen whole oaee. This proSar d’t** not loci ad* accidents or tboae mrrt of breakago when the chimney baa, through Inexperience, been •crewed ao floaely to the lamp ae to prevent i|a e« powtoh when biated. - , Jdinahctarerveadconniavrtof Oar ben Oil, who have fait the magnitude of the obctacl*. which baa •XUted In the great expanse o( chi enter*, la the way of the aaiveraai nae of the oil. have roaod a remedy fa the Oral XI Pilot Class Chimneys, which baa ma leridjr faaaened the coal of i*arbon OU Light to those who ate them,Vbd laereaaed the of oil coaeaqaaß*. npontbe laaaeoed txpenae for chtmnara. Fur ml* by J. a ttbfcpurick, L, Tbamtn AO«U Roger* A Ncablt, P. liaydeo, Loseaco Oil Co , Weldon ABatneka, W. Ogden * Co, W. P. Wooldridge, W. H. .dnrray,or at (he Manufactory, Wsabiogton atroet . near Peotuylvanla arrace v 'aalfrtewaAatt n. D Dlthhidgk. SEA BATHING ' PHI LAI) EL PHI A. SEA.BATHING, Atlantio City, & M«J tad a half boon rid* from pnila ybla)l*aoi* ft equated then any other placets Che. United BUto*. ■ Jt*! bathing, tilting end fishing fadllUea ere do nr pee*id. It* Horn* avd Boarding Hoo*ee,wbich will aooom modate abort devna Tfaonaaod persona, ere a* well kept aa tboa* bfKareton end Newport. Its Batch fa nine mil tain length, affording \ one sUtedt drive, while Ota s;mo®her* of the niaoelare .markable far if iTrjima* 'TS»» Mall* nr* carried twice dally two and from IWlidhlpWa, and a telegraph extend* the whoU length of the Joed. ■„ Train* of the Camden tod Atlantic Railroad lean Vhw Street WharVPhlladeljfala, aaTfc*- m. and « » M. Lear* Atlantic at O:UA.B.aod 4:46 t. m. Db. tanoe sixty aril** Vara $l,BO. ' 'MoMlßßtirß 1 United gum*) HOTBL and otba* hocus now open. Jalfadtf -JJAVIB ft FUILLIFo, Biui Foaidtri ud luufaetnren. rSVBUOM, Oabano BTKAJXI FITIBItS HuraTAornußs ahd dialih* in GAS FIXTURES, Pomps & Brasa Work OJ IVIBI DIgOEUmOS. OXX* P^MPS, Of Brian Gopper or Iron, with the moat approved Obeaibare and Valve* of all kinds, and warranted to (It* astfabetioru MANUFACTORY, UO Want ana 104. Front «tn lyfiHyneff PITTSBURGH. To Farmers and Others FOR SALE, qiOWlT>l ICPEHIUR PATKV7 GRAIN FAN AND SEPARATOR. MTHtini 4ANDABY 10, IMO. TM SUPERIORITY OF THIB FAN over all otbera la sac eonebta In'lta cheepneaa, alapUeltj and durability. fleoond,in cleaning Orals fMtar, totter and more thoroughly, with tarn labor than any other mM. The patentee of the above Van bad been long encaged In aaoalaefttrtng and Belling AgrterttarelXaplefaeats, convinced of the greet want of egood Van far denting the dUktest kind* of Grain -end Beads, present* this to the pnbtta with fall confl denes that U will meet their went*. . The ttjlenlgned. havtag penhaaed the sola right to maanfeetara and sell the above Grain Van end Ben «atsr la Weetecfe PaauylvenU, Western Virginia, end *H Otto, nnd tbeTight to etfj to Indiana and Hll neds, I* now prepared to filial! orders, wholesale or retell, at tit liberty ■ treat, Pittsburgh, Pa. mfcftftAwtfff W. W. wallaor. IWPiMMa.M vox Euk3Pa.—By or der of the Secretary of Btate, eU peeeeogera leaving the United Btatea are req aired to procnrePaaeporl* before |tKo| W board the Steamer. JDISBUEBH B*tord»j! - ‘33 CITY OP WA6BISQTOM‘ fa lordly, “ SO ■ATM Of fAMAM i riiißT oabam iniui 111 M>illbdlmi Ml an fa loto*4aa«.ee»oi» wl to toX, fa.it tadatti thretti* r SZ i } 0 % oa Bailuie lrtlMi. 'PyglMjHm jwytrtor moamodattwa* (cm BmaaKsstawt.'R JOKB e. PAIeBe ABMk tt Bnaivtr, fl. Co. irj nit. MWIPPXK. Battj. Llif LABO, In bfa firkin Md piib. Pot oa ta malpforfafallr va, Md all of ibtlrown rtodnlM tolllai tall! ptipttn w< r |'U* OU-PABTNBHSUiP OF JONiSS X A LAUTB expired by Umirttloo oa the Ist daw of AngafaUCle Tba tmalntn of ttid firm wui be ntuad by tbo atw. firm ot Jfatt A Uegbltn. T IMITKD FARTN SRSHIP.—The qd- JkJ rMdipt la the Ott T of PltUtmrgh, hew forfo.il partoenbip odder tbe flnn ol ,o *lf 1 f *• botlontof maoßtactarloc fad deelfoeißlrott, (ta tocottlou t»tbeftnt«l Jooea A ÜBAt) B »hW flra the ceoeral pettoer* ere BtoJsaiß JP» Booee, Iboau U. icon, oeerie W. Jooet, Brary A, lnogfcllo, end IrwJo b. Lttubltn. nd tht racial pertaar It J»e*e Uaghllarwbo be* eoptnbatad aarastythfanad foorbaadrao faiUn to tbt wnn atock of aaM pertcenbip, whlcb kto Ooa»*ooaa*of iba letdiy of Aunt,lsaLaad to benataat* 00 fit* let fay of AagoaCufa. B.P. JO N BB, ToM-JOBaS O. W.JOMBfS HBH n Y A LABGHLIN, Iltwrw BoLAUaiILIN, 4AMU tAUfIBLUr; September 16,1M1. aelf.2n FLODB ANDf ICJEI> 40(1 bbU. fade* brud* Pmmlly floor. TO do Bxtra . do 4T do cboloaßy* do 1(00 Iba. Bye fberta. Potnleby. • , fiOHOMAEBfi A LABfl. DESK ARP’S EDIMRDBQ 'ALE—A Al aoppiy of fbla cboloe bmd, to blgbly yroom* wnMa aa a lOpMor toolo for tbe Oteof deoimated eonUtroku • ailfOß JalUfaTOti.Draialfa ode QpraerlgorthMd t*ariibaet(i«treeto. OLdru the differ. Vtilitoind atrlMaagoad aaerabe nadejeat from the lactsry aad/sr aale, whole*ile tad refal. at *6 tad a >k otafrtreat, Jtß. PaiLUPP. OHOIOHSUOAE OOAAD HAMS— Baal aad ebtapaat la tbt markeu-a.OOO iba. nMtfad.oacfaaifnaaalaad foraakiowfa odl , .. .LlTTlaßAYUHßlaß.iuflaooodfa pKiMKAMUuUUiUI HIOOUIIffK, & £ssjrsd , j?ss‘ -a*.-^foJggSltiaafea. BUUAWiIAATriiUOH-JhlU pound 1 afa ta atota Md lb* tala by ~..r . . w-' “t TOltti * 00. - " ''•fbattw;- ~BT. NICHOLAS HOTBL,' Broailnar, lew Cork. rfoarc ticdnced to $2 per Pay. C tH'.-E TIIE OPENING of this va-tand Hotel, to 18.4. U b»e It*d the alegla .1 la.urof Ui* proprleioretotnik* tt-tba meat tamp. 11> ut, ccutealenl *a«J comfott.ble Lem* tor the cHL ua end etrengeroQ U-l* side of the Atlantic. - And wbaUvet b*e t-win-d 1 1 •%«y to i'iululit.-i L> the comfort utU* grieaiii they Lif,- endoi«*»i i-d, «Uh ont regard to Ovit, to piovxic, aui to combine ell the eleDieula oJ lu4lvlJqal *ndenciq) mj -ytuant wh-ih mod.ru a. the* and t*»lc apiuuved; sod the patronage which it Cm* comrasnled oonog the p**l alx jv«f» ta a grattljiqg pr-wf that their u(. (fits bars been appreciated »L»*>t lb* rx-gi-b-to* of the tiiliei, then all are tu -rauiUe thn mott rigid economy, the na- : Q .i » HnAaoed ilie Price of Hoard to Two Dollars per Day, el the t»tne lime abailug n ne of the luxqclo* «ttb whub tbtdr table hu hitherto been tuppHed. TBBADWBI.L, WHITOOMB A UO. oc3yiajtl ST. LOUIS HOTBL, CUESTNOT 81V, ABOVE THIRD, PHII.ADUI.PHIIJi., In the Immediate notgbborboud of the Jobbing Hoaiee oeUsrkct, rblrd end Chestnut atroete, the bank*, P.at Office, Merchant*’ Sxbhungo, Ac, Ao. Board per Day, Si CO. ■dccDMeiodottou, vkca required cn Uu gUROPBAN rLkN. ttoowit from bQ cekti *nd upward*,p*r day, «nd Mtait at a ruarCuis Rirntrsint tmoHU to tu Horn. fVicei iKwrdfng to the bilk of Fart. Xb* Gltjr Oars tab* Passengers from •my Station TO or CI4USk. TO ton Hotel. 49* kngUah, french, U«nn*n fend epokeo. if 17-€ m a>tob.», ei.ang(», Gcauu, an, US. B. TO UNO.. YOUNG BHOTHBHB, Duqaesne Foundry, Liberty et,i near Outer Depot Pa R. Hn TimBCRG H, Pa. Uanufsctar* UAOGINI, HOT BLAST end ROLL UIG MILL PURNAOI OASTINGB, of eterj deacrlptkm. OIL PIPS, BOlLKft OABTJNGB, FIBB FRONTS, GRATfe BARS, WAGON BOXES, HAD AND DOG IRONS, GRATES AND GRATE FRONTS, BtOP 00G& BOXES, Ac, slwsy• on bend end (or esle low. Order* left with W. W. YOONG, corner of Wood ■treei end Diamond slier, will receive prompt stten* don. mhffi Bis* stova wo&n. A. BRADLEY MsnDfhctaree every variety of COOH, PARLOR AMD HEATIRO STOVES, OPATE FRONTS, FENDERS fto. fto. fto. Sola Proprietor of the oolebzated PATEtrr OAB BURNING AND BMOKR OONSV MING ARRANGEMENTS. Office and halos Room, _ No, 4 Wood Street* JsAly PITTSBUKOH, PA. ALLBN, MoCOBMICK * CO., VALLEYFOUNDRY PITTSBURGH, PA. Warehouie, No. 301 Liberty St. "fUf ANUFAOTURERS OP COOK, XIIL PARLOR sod HSAiINQ BTOVES, Psrlor sno Kitchen Orates, Hollow Ware, etc.; Steel snff Glees Moalde, RoUlng UU) Outings, Mill Water end Artisan Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Irons. Wagon Botes, Bagu Kettles, Fnlleyi, Hangers, Car Wheel*. OoopUugs, and Castings generally. Also, Jobbing and Marbitit'Oeatlag* made to order: Patented-Portable UilU, with Steam or Hone Power. noLLBmd iJftiolcum Sc Oailon @ils. PETRONA OIL WORKS MILLER ft CO. Work! at Ehirptbarg ktstfon Allegheny Valley Railroad. Office and Warehouse 93 MARKET 1 STREET. PITTSBURGH. Manufacturer* of ICtUtflNillNQ AIfDLUBRL Gating oa&bon oils aod benzole.. 49»N0. 1 BEfINBo OIL, WA It HAN TED NON BXPLOaiV, felwyaon h«n>t. ocIS-lyd CORM’LAWTKR OIL tOAFAWV. A a. DAVIS. President. JOHN IRWIN, Jr., Seoretery and T-‘.oarer. DiMCTOftB—R. Q. Dsvla, T. H. Nsvll S. L. Carne gben, A. Cameron, John Irwin,. Jr. PETBOLEUM Of light gravity, from the aella of tp* company, onOit Greek, In Venango county, oonet*oii7 on band and fares!*. Office at T. H. Nevlo A OO.'a, my4JLf Mu* »0 Wood at., P.rtebm-gb. t?AQLE OIL WORKS. WIOHTfIAB fa AIDERfeJII, BSFIKH&ti AND DBALKBn IN PURE CARBON Oil., (QoeUty Oaenoteed.) PITPaBURGE, PA. APOir Oreeee end Bensole coaiUDlly on biod. Orders reoelred for the prceeot et 0&AB8 ai BMTTH A OQ.*8 t ffeteread Pint ureeti. e*3:d6a J. At. Om, Tree* —Waapza, jx., 800*7 gOLAR OIL WORKS COMJPASY OP PKNNS7LY INIA. Unnofiotoien end Wholetale Dealers In LUBRICATING AND RKPINBD OILS, fif. Clair Sf., mar the Bridge, PUttburgh. Trade Jfa-ln—Bol*r Hechlos 0.1, No. 1; taler Ue ohiae Oil, Mo. k| taler Bnrotog Oil,No. 1, Solar Bunk* tug OU, No. A Adraacee made od coailgDmen'd ettaa* tlon given to filling orders for Crude O.U of all elfic gras Itlee. odUfc Labricating Oil, At the low price of 25 oents p*r GALLON, cooatenlly on head tod lor a*U by B. G. A J. n. BAWYIB. As U> the qoellty, ws refer to ensued cerUflcste: -**• qoAllty, «•_ uuuta cerUflceW. P(TTBST7MB, Nor. 2T, 1800. UMtu. B. a * J. D. lUvrai Geato—Ttw Labrtea* Hog OU«b in getting from jroa ve Bod to be tbe beet for oar pnrpoM ve bare ever aeod. TuL R.M.H. R. 8.00-, _ acSSiW Bjr W«. BjTT, PruH. VAL.VABLK inPHOVKnKHT In Stnmud Atmoapbotlo Bimmin, f ETTERS PATENT were granted on XJ SepL 4 th, 1860, to Themes Beech, for • very Map!* Mid efficient ImproTemsnt In Steam and Av aoaphorlA H»mn«n, whereby tbs foil stroke of the hammer la obtalnsd, mo fn>|| « T whet be the tnlrbiifm of tb* maw of tnm to be hammered—thereby effect* Inf a fteat Increase of power where large pfecee of metal are to be operated upon, and a correepoadtmr jnvlDg of expense. The rabacrlbera are ownera of eaW patent, and are daetrase of selling rights to nee aald Improvement. ■■ well as territory coder aald patent. A model of aald Improtemezu is-left at the office of Honrs Hake wail A Cashing, Attorney's at Low, comer oi Grant ano Dleßond streets, where parties Interaatad may eaU and ne luand learn else tbr terms of license •ate, 80. f. g, WEAVER, THOMAS BEAOfI, wftiltl Wr*«)uort. Armstrong pm. 2 KKUIT TREES," £ INDUCEMENT TO PURCHASERS. • A very large stock of choice Traesof *Hcc<»d rsrl* etlei to cbooao from, with every p»*slbl*> etn taken to have evtr? variety tree to name 01 Apple alone we here 170,1-00 60,000 cf which are ihies jur rids, 10 (00 (taut yesr old Peer, 10,000 two to three mr old. Peach, Plum. be., a Oaa stock. Btfmanuß—The trees In the nursery. Osll and aaa them. EVMRGRBINB from 1 t-> 8 feet, by the hundred, ehea.i also, SHADE TBSE3 AND 811RUBBRRY wbolaaaleand retail. Addnaa Pittsburgh and Oakland Noraerlea, Pltla bnrgb.Fa. srUfcdawT JOHN MURDOCH!. Jr. . R~ KMOVAL. THE I’EKIN TEA MORE hu boon removed from No- 88 fifth street to no. eo st- nan sw„ Vonr Doors from Liberty at apfctf COCOA M/Tc—3ooo fresh Cocoa iSuts Jnat received and for nla by BBVUER * BROS., Nee. 126 end 128 Wocd atrret. PARLuR COAL VASKS—Japanned Ooal Years of a variety af patterns, handsomely Ulnalnneted end gilt, for sale at the family Grocery £ tor* of JOHN A, BSNHHaW, odQ Opr per of Liberty end Hand atrettA OAKBON OlL.—The sub- JLllterlbera are prepared to eell REFINED OAR* MH OIL AND BEN Sole In large and smell qaantL tte, from tea Baaerva Oil Co*a Works, ol the teat qoellty, at frlr market prices. pot ISAIAH PICKET A QQ. CLOVE ANODYNE—Rocommended for tfca core or Toothache without Injury to th* teeth ot gums. gold by •' BIMON JOHNSTON, Dtwgglat, and dealer la. Ohrfoa lh»ilj Headset, not OonarßalthSeMMdVouihitiMta. Proposals to* ahmy baggage WAGONS. Quiifttju*ra Gxvuu’s Gmtcs, i -■ Washington, Johs:2l,lMU I Propcaalaem invited tut the famishing U Arm; Baggage Wagons. , » . l'ro I x».U .Iwnll .ut. (he pjt. «t .hi h the, cm b*EaroMi«l uth» pt*ot»iJMtt a Ucln»lorM 1 orM N.w Toik, Hill«l.lphK B.luSl(jfr?r^s8 < t. 0l ordov tfanati,as preferred bj-titfbtdden.' : i a. The numtor which can be made b; an*, bidder Vitl* hi ttne mufith after receipt cf the order,' also the num ber which he fan fl stiver wtthlo one week. The Whgcns mot«xaetly conform u> the following »P'ci&;aUoht,asd to the established paitsras tix tßdw(coTer*c) we*me, of t£e use and descrip tion M loilowa.'to wit: r the Iruul wr-eela tobe I hue lert Uu inclisbtgb, bob* tea inches in dianew, agd foatueo and e eosr ur loebeslong; hind wheels fearfest uo Laches bleb, bob* t«o and eqosrter inches In dlameter.woji fourteen ■«d s q aerter inches long; fettles two end shell inch* wide sod two sikJ three quarter taeboe o«*p;e*»4 Irva plpeboxce twelve Incbar long, two end e half niches et the Urge end aad 9ns and seven eighths Inch at ■mall end; ctre-two*stta'haX tacbea wide b* five* eighths pi aa Inch thfcki tuteged, with one sets*holt aad oat In each bills; hohe made, of gam. the spot** and (elite of the belt white ash, (lee troa delects each wheel to base a tend band end linchpin band two aad three qnarw inches wide, of No.* band iron. aad two driving bsads—ontside bsnd one and aqnar> ter loch bj one-qoartef toen'ihlck^inside band one luch by three-etxieenihs In wheels to be msdo and boxedsotbat the; win meaaare from the ioalde of thettre to the large cod of tho box six and a half incbea.ani (toot wheels six. afid&ae eighth laches in a parallel line, and each axle to be three A4tJ eleven ano three eighth Indus (rum the outside of one •honidf-rweeber toibenauldeoi'theottuc, eo as to heve ibe wagons ailto (rack five fcetfrom »ntre V> centre ol the wheeU. axle trees to ie made of’Use beet quality refined Awerken Iron; two andahaii incbeesinarea. tbe thooldar, tapsrftig down to one ande bell Inch in the hudJlo, with a seven eighths inch king-bou waifler*U.d linchpins lor each axletreeisliecd linciiplnaone inob wide, throMlgbtbsol anidoh tbkx, with' VholTfn eecb end, a wooden stock four and three-quarter Inch* m wide acd hinr indies deep damned tcbsmntialiy to tbe axletree with dips on the ends and with twe bolts, six Inches from tho middle, aad listened to tho hounds and bolster, (tbe bolster to be fear teet five inebee long, live end three and a hail deep,) with four half-inch bolt*. _ The tonga* to be Un lest eight Inches long, loot inches wide end three inches shiek at (rout end ol tbe bound* and two. and a quarter inches wide bv two and three-quarter inches deep at the front ec*. and so arranged aa to Hit aphtha front end of it to bang within two teet of tns grotuu when the wagon la standing at net on a (aval sir Jaoa. The front faeoD*s to he six feet two Inches long, three Inebee thick, and (oar inches wide ov«r axletree, and to retain that width 10 the backend-of the temgae, Jews 01. tbeboands one -loot -Igbt inches* Lour end three Inches square at the (root end, with a plate of iron twe'end abil! toc&eiwidebytaree eighth* of an Inch thick, iasteaadon top of the Luanda tmr the b«ck end of tbs tongae wUh out.half-inch acre* belt in each end, and a piste oi iron o' tbe same ties tain* td ap «t eecn end one and * half: Inches to clamp the front bound* together, and featessu on the nsder side, and at front end of heaadi,with half inob strew (•elt through each bound, a sevtn eighth inch boll throogn tongue and hounds In the centre of jaw*, to seoor* thetoaguein thebbonda; a plate of irva three iuchra wide, one*quar icr Inch thick, end on« foot «lgbt inebee lung,-mental oh the inalde of laws 01 hoanda with two tlvets, end alplste 01 tbeaemedfe uensions on each tida of ibvtvngue, where ibaUugoe end bonnes in like braoe oi kev«n-elghtn> o D an inch round iron to ex* tend from ondsr tbs frookaxletree, and take twobclu in front part of tbe hoods, same brace threwqaer ters of en inch roundto continue to tbe beckpertef the bounds, end to.be tMteoied wtUidwo baiu.cne dmt uu oecx end of the hound*, end onetbrauidkth* •Uder end bound* e hreqs over bunt bolster one and a ball loch wide, one-qnarter of an tnch.tolofc, with a bolt in each-end to fallen it to the heohdacthe opening Detwten uw Jaws of the honnds, to receive tbe tongue, and four and- three-quarter laches in front, end four and a half inebee at the bach part of tbe Jaws. .j. t. rora*. Th* Mud hounds four feet two Inches lona, {wo and inches thick, nod tone inrtnn wide; jsws eoe foot lon* when the* deep the eonpliogpoi* the boliterfour feet flee Inches loo£ sad gve i wide, bjr three laches deep, Whh steady froa two and • heir Inches wide, tip oneUdf inch thick, turned op two end e bell Inches and usteaeooa snsbead with three nr# teethe bolster stock! end .hounds to be ee ■cßjed wiu tour bell tao(t screw bolls; sod one half loch screw bolt through, the cetpUng pol*. .. The cocpllog pole ni<* feel eight inches lohg.three Inches deep, end loar sad shell Inches iridelt front end, and two and throe iochtw wide at toyk eoo; dlstsncn Irma the centre of king bolt bole foth* centre of the beck exletree six ieetoae loch, sad irmn-tbe kingbolt; hols to the centre of the monies in the hlod eod pf the poleelgnt leet nice loch ts; king bolt ooe end e : qaeneq |ncaw dlsweur, 01 best roQued iron, orswo down to Kvcfeejgfctas of en inch wlureu pms«a through (be Iron axiom* iron piste six inches long, thru (aches wide, end one eights of ea Inch thick oa the coobletree sod longue «nt.ra they rob together. Icon.piste oneenda heL oi onwqoarter also luehcmthekUdlng bwr.lwtened it each eud bp e eur* w bolt through the faosndr, front twister (o here plates enovowad below eleven tnibtt long, tbtee end • baltlnehti wide, and three eigbtne ot so Inch thick, careen draws cot eud tamed down ca thesu.eso! toe ideter,withe cell la each cor ner, end (oar countersunk neiie on the top; two l ends on the bind boaods, two end two end e'-tui! ltM ihtt wide, ot ho. 10 bend iron; the rob piste on the ooap- Ung pole to be eight Inches long, ooe end theee-qaer tan laches wide, end one quarter oten inch thick. i Doubletree three toes tea Indie long, singletree teo lest eight inebee tosg,.all well medvef hickory, with enlrou clip at each ena, ihec*utr»o-lp to be welt eeoareo; leu tor end stretcher to be three Met two inches long, two end e qtwier laches oee sod eqaerterlacb thick. Le*J bsrs, stretchers, snd singleuees ler six-mnle tedm; the two singteuees for the leed naiM to' here books (a the auddlfto hook to the eod of the OUh chain, the wheel aha told ole pelts with open rings te attach them to the doub letree and lead bar. The Orth chela to be Ua feet long to the fork; the fork on* tool no tflekes long, with the stretcher at taoeed to spread the forte apart; the links of the doubletree, sup end tofiga* chains, threeafghths of en loch In diameter; (he forked ehal.. aevefreUteeoUt i lack In diameter; Ihe fifth ebsin to be seven etxfcedth ; Inch diameter to the fetfe the fork tone flrematfentb inch diameter,the links or theseend ot the lock chains to be not note then two end e quarter Inches fonn. the oody to be straight, three fmt 6 lochee wide! two foot deep, ten leet long at the bottom, andtea feet six Inches at the tojv elopingequally at eedraa-raU cue clear or inside; Che bed pi tote to be two end • cei> inches wide, sad three laches deem treat pieces two ißChee deep bp two snd e half laches wide; till piece two sad ■ half ikaha wide and three deep; end four inches deep |q the middle to'iest oa the i coapitng po.e; trp rattens sad a belt inch thick bp one end aertn eighth inch wto* lower rails one toon thick hp uoe.eea wrewwighlh lath wlo* three etads atd oo« ran la freut, wap a mat on strep hinges to dam it apes high as thesMee} s box three faK four lochee long, the bottom Are.lochee wide trooteße. aine sad e betfinebee mep, end eight eni e hell eiuetoplapetellsl Use to the body mil in thecteer tobe substantially listened to the heat enuot the body, to hare ee froa tuib pmtiog reond each end. eecared to the heed piece eon boot rail bp a rivet in each end ef ii pasting throegb them, the Ua to be lMieoed to the trout rsUwfthtwe good shen hlom. ee-rep olfiveslgbUklron resad the bote hetflnch from the top edge, end two straps urns size on the lid Bear, the front ©dge> toproveotihe aafee boa the boxes; to haves Joint heap fc—nti to the middle of the ltd, with a good wooden clast an the e sttep ot Iron oa (he centre of the box with e stank, peu tig tbroagh U, tu fastco the lid to; eight einds end two tails onuch side;one Ulster fssUned to the lothea.4efp.afc4,foar inches side at kins bon bole, iron-rod in iront aod centre, ef elevaa-six* tMnihs clan inch. round Iren, with ahead oa the too ofraUaid anton lower environ rod and brace Ue hlod, with shoolden on top'tfuii piece. and nau on theuod»rside,and aaatontop aodabslt inches wide, of Mo.iO kehd. lion oa tail ES ,^! Cr ; ,B tt *J ***> tmo ® crUc ® s UU piw4 uS hind bar two and a quarter inches wide find rae inch thicMo raoelve pieces three.feet loot Inchiß Iona! to Q^ d ? a harami bearer* feu rivets through each ■lds elod, and two rivet/ through each front »«nd u> eecnxe tbe tobeol the keel qaaUtp uron, and riveted oo a good ban oat rivet thtnogh seeb e A ot the rail* floor flveefghths of aa inch oek boerdc eida Avwelghths of aa Inch while mam tail boaid three qaarureolaa Inch thick, of wblteoina. tab. well cleetsd with five oak cImU rtvSS Jd throng hthe Bit board; aa iron plate three fSidfebt tong, two anda qnartar Bches wide, end t2S elgbtke oi ea tech thick oa the under aide of thebed pfk.e. to extend from the hind sad ot the bodv to eiskc inches in front of the hind bolsters, to befaeteiitdbv uae rod at the end of the body, bp the lateral rol two throe-clgbths of aa SJ forwaruend of the plate, and the otberabent dm... UnM. ronea Iron rqdw bolt to pus dlogonallp throcth the milt, between the two bind stoda to sm thtoaxh the ked piece end piste voder It, with a good beaden ihn top and Vdt and airew at tee bottom, to bo at the one foot six inches worn inside of u|l boaid, and uu the bottom ten tnchee from the bind rei. nn iron cump two inches wide, one quarter of an lnehnhtch around the bed ;lrc*, the centre bolt to which the loca chtlnle attached peealng thronjh It, to extend seven tnouee on tbs lusido of the body, the enas. too and bottom to bo secured bp two thiaewigbih Inch screw bolt* the middle Ur at the ends tote flash with the bed piece on the lower aids, Xweldok cfaatne secured to toe oentie bolt oi the bods one ecd eleven inches, (be other two fo«t six laches loeg, to te of threj-.lghthsoi aa n»cb round from »«*d trough to to four fe«t atx indue long from out logout, tbe bvtioa pnd eodeof oek, the tiou of yellow pin* to i*eight laches wide ai bottom, tweiv* tnchee wide •l top, sue eight and a tulf Inches deep all in the clesr, well Ironed, with a Undo! hoop Iron around (he top, on* arouoii each end eod three between the end* •irong and euitable Iroo* to tettou them oath# tuuaua when feeding; good etioog chains to beettedwdto th« top rail ol toe body, enured bp a atanie with a teok to ettaoh It to the trough, nix tows ol good ash, two lochee wide sod oa»-haif loot thick, with Uiiee staples to coafloe the ridge pot* to Its place; two ataplee oo tbo bo.'p, to eeoare each one ol tbs tows; one ridge pulo twwve feat.lung, use and torse, qaerten lochee wide bp fiv*Hghtsi,r an inch Ihlcki toe cover to to of the Ant qaeticp cotton dock Ba ArteetrtMi long eod nine feet eight lochee wide, made in the beet manner, with. four .hemp cords oo eaeh •ide, ena one through e*ch end to close it at both ends rtng. .0 jmh emilU ih. nd wur. !£• »d. o, 111. eorer r ■ K»pl. In ii. |n n nlLn. u tn« ucood ttnd from ueb ..d, toluUntb.itdecordi. Ih. cot.ld. of tb. bod, ul i.m tnmib 10 bn. tdo good cwtoof ton bln. Dot.lb. In ■id* of them to b*v* two coate of veuetlan rod Mint: the running gear and -wheels to have two good emus ol Venetian red darkened of a chocolatecoier, the hub and fellbs to to well pUcacd, Instead of paintod. if m. qulndb- Atarpo*,McxmklDf bolt,«Bd two extra ttstU. tree* to be fvnitafcwl with each wagon* the kfn* hL|t endi afagleXnes similar io all respects to tone b* toogtog to il “r*’ kadtalde of Uu body of the wagon to bCmarkMU 8* «ul oombefed is directedj*Uolharnerts to J***”* 3 D * £ i the ooeerrfted fcox, tsr-poi,aod harass beams breachvafimtab«Mi bQx,(oooi,eredJ and theeSSSsarK ~1“* «°> .'“■dttiqr .to basoooutßwted that-the wrenl parts ofafc* one vagqgl wui agree and «uMfpJL«bc«efer •»«£*!•» ae to require do numbering or ftogathar. andnß^m£famEE2£2Z!2£S: - monad, *s4tbe work to•Utoiptrto tetLhfeltr-*!*- cßtad m fee feet vorkaaolUesuasu, tW work *• tafptcte* fro* time to dale u i( [rogreaMiyu officer erateacorfee’QtutßtMß* , tr*a Department, end suae ol ttebfij be p«fou4 sstU U ibail have been inipecttd aaiCpproTM b/ add-ot ftoer erepatmfearttedtofeapeci it. 4 Wbeaflallfced, Delated .aad accepted bj ea offigar cx a«cat of fee qaartarmasteHe Dapertawot, and deUTerad u bar* la a*r*ert,fei7»h*Ubepe!d tar.: , M.O. HH&B, wlttf - - , . QaartanaaaUr tiaoeral U. 8. i>KOrOSALo JfOK AKttX 1 WAUON X AND AXfcULAKQB HAfiftKSft. Oiricxdv AmQnmm nn Comer 2Zcsear& and Jfehxr streets. fc H»w Yoxx.Aognrt 8, KAl.r , i' siVosals will be receivedat tbit office lor fnrnlih h'S by contract, Army Wagon Hermes: ibn proposals ibonld state Che price at which they urn l* farnisbedat the pi mm of muafactar# end the pi Ice at which they can be delivered u thJtde* pot, the number wbidh can be made, bj tbVbiddw : within oae month after receipt of the order jnlsolhe number can deliver within bn# v«#kr' " .The hiarw ceostexaetty conform to the allowing ■pacifications end to the uabltihart patterns: s .Vc urinate harness #e follows, to wit: ; . WHBSL. . Two QnUori.—Breech itrepe 8 feet 8 Inched ,Uum , B>4 lubes vide, tewed in to 14 inch' rings ol §4 Inch Into; blpsuepeS teetlt K«ee Steel long, B>4 Inches vide,«Uh 1W Inch CKlee; cross amps to buckle Into lUrPleAi feet long, I>4 inch wide; tide streps 4 loot long !lW * inch wide; ue strips 16 Incbti long, U inch wide, i tapering toe point. , ■ Two BsUyEuds. Loog aide two tret 3 inches' long, 3 ; ■ Inches vide, vith • two inch backls; abort aide 1 foot b inches loog md S Inches vide. Two HtirOdlUre. 18 to 19 inched long, with double straps end mis leathers end tocUoi jg >nfti wide. >Two PairotStroag Hanes to atdt, made of white oak rsot, ironed wub book*, breast tlnga 1U tuch equate, staples and litterings. Two Pair of Hfnje atrepa. Lower one 6 tettfilnches r long, H inch wide; upper one « feet 6 Inches lons U * inch wide. ***•» Two Bridies. Crown piece. 3 feet long, I*4 iceh widec cheek piece* cnctrid isshee loog, |U mob vide: hoot piece 11)4 inevos long, 1)4 inch wMetsiay place*, iron blinds to crown pieces, 1# inches long, IU inch wide: noso piece llincbre long, 1 inch wide; blinds 6 inches long, 6fc incuts wide; reins, long aide «test long, 1 inch wide; short aide 3 wet long, * inch wida, with 1 loch tackle; Lotts, tlnuod mailen, towstah 6 lbs to the dosso. Two Pair Pipes, 2 feet long, 2U laches wide. Tw ? '»’& »a«toS Xtoi, *1 Ne 8 iron, with Ton one end. wrikht 8 lbs psrpair. Twisted or straight. - °“hf “f “..‘."f “ loD *' l4 “•* *« I SKiiS* l ,nc ■»*- Cbmu.,« bra 6 indie. lon,, n link, to tn. wo * Iron, X rad loop to b« rivotod oo to tho htex strep. Tvlitod. 0.. Kodd l ., modo on Attain tree, brad, onlht rad esmio, trenrd, cor.red in tb. asonl «»,*witb biJOtraned turn. -bid.; flop, 20 Intbra long, Id Uobra *td«i rnrctngle 7 not 8-Incbra lonm 2!g Incbra wide, with .ai* Inch bnckle on one eid. iS . "*** B ed to the saddle by being riveted te two carved slrape 1)4 loch wide; these strap* are placed one oo each aide of the saddle tree; one and is tied to tbs front part of tbs Ur, the other sod 10 the ex* tansies of the urUhind the cutis, Spanish saddle jiablon; ttlrrun leathers 4 foot 7 Incite# long, l»i inch wide, with 1)4 inch bookie; stirrnps, malTcafu* iron, tinned, belt eye pattern, to weigh 13Klbe tola coasn pair. ** Two Collars, 17)4 1018 inches long, made the same ns for wheel haraMa. - Iwo P»lr of Hamea to suit, of the same material as lor Wheel harness, ironed, with hooka; breast rings and line rloga, with straps it in wheel harness. Two bridles, Mae as tor sheet bar nets. Jl 0 « t «P* and Chains, same as im wheel haruen. TWO Belly Buds, •• M Two Pair Chain pipes, « >. Two Pair Inc# Chains, *« « TwoCrnppwt and HJp £ traps. Back strap 6 hist loog, tapering fromJH leches to 'i% inches wide. Hip . sech 9 foet 4 inches long, 1U loch wide, eacn with a book at one end. Two Back Banda, 8 teat 4 inches loog, 8 U indtss wide. * **** l 0 0& loch wide, to bookie into the ton On. Ocnplin, Strep, 5 (e«t 8 Incbra lon,, K Inch wlii. h ?? lD ' * •"* k,n 8. > Inch vliu, to bnokla Into tb. bit u rath ran, vtlb * ting «m In’ the centre to reoetve the lead hoe. One Iwod One, id jeet long, U inch wide, with # Md, and u ftrab imp u tb. ntb.r. One Whip,heevyplaited horsehtdeje feet 6 inches long: On. Unraa Snub,Orel, o! brbtlra, —bj Inch... •ne Carry Oomb, No. 8 bar. tts whole to be packed Id a box about 18 Inches wide, ■ 7 Inches deep,,B4 inebea long, mado of l ineh g w J£ r * l * hoope or iroo aa may be required. Poor Horae Harness, as roUows, to wit: * «.. whbbl. T T®i ‘ Br * c ? nn S» s feet 8 Inches long. 8U inches wide, *owsd into 44neb rings cm % loco Iron, hip 4 loot long, 8 toehes wide; stay pieces 8 feet 1 inches long, 8 Inches wide, wuh 1% \ o **'foch *We, side streps 6 feet 6 inches long, tHinchwlde; tls streps 16 Inches tong, I>£ inch wide, tapering to a point. j ™ ■ Two Bally Bands, hong aide 2 fwAk 4 inches long, S o i!*hZ ?** *“* hnckle; short aidelwot • fochse long and B'loches wide. Two flstr OoUara. 13 to 88 inches long, with doable straps ud mla lesthers ana backus K inch Wide T roc^^U?SH^h ß V l4 ?. toMlt ' ~UQ * of,rWu °* k L “* er ra.B Irat 6 Incbra 51*1* •?“! »Pl»roa. < frat 6 Incbra loire, it loeb wide, of elom leather. ' : "T° . Orow ® piece 8 feet % tnebre long. 1U “? ,e « k Pfow* ««h 10 Inches long, lU lnU Wide, ,treat piece 13)4 Inches long, !)£• inch wide; P/*ces, bom blinds to crown pieces, 16 lochM f * och . wld ®* “O" 8 piece 13 inches lon*. 1 loco wtori blinds 6 Inches loog, 6 Inches wide: reins. sa 'rz?*? fon*. i ins'wSet'i&is # lael loog, 1 inch wide, with 1 inch bockle; hir«t Unned autiUeo, to wslgh t lbs the doien. ItomL Otretn Plpra,» train Incbra tong, Incbra Two kair Trace Chains, 7 feetioDg, 14 links to the look ■“ 1 « “ala “ ,nch “ tod “" Two Neck Chaiu, 4 feet 8 laches long, 14 links to the took, twisted No4iron«Tand loop to be riveted on rJZSZZ** ewivei In thecLin. can Me ironed, covered in the tuna] wav with half. incbra tout 16 Incbra LSR “° ci “ to “ 6 wl “' '"*ra..oB, Uil» luonred to • to rovred«trapa,li4 •f® Pi»cedone oo eaUslU °o« *** !• *fod to the (root pert of i*?, , *f»* h * other ud to the extension oi tbs Ur behind the cutla, fcpuisb aaddi# *** blitp; etlrraD * *••• 7 inchee loog, 1U loch wide, with ll# ■*frr«P«. malleable Iron, tinned, bou eye pattern, to welgb 18)4 foe to a doun pafr7 Two Bridles, same as forwhfol harness. Lr^hSbSJl.” 11 *'''* ’<«*•■**> tt—u.ra Hams*to aamwmatarial aa for l!rLs^i^ n r«l. lroMd * •f o * hooka, breast rings and line rlop, with streps aa in wheel faanteas. I^^ ckB °ra« Md Otrebu, ralclra tor .brat tree- TwoOrnppmannd Hip stripe. Back strap 6 last loog, toaXincbef.U. aip 3 *~« 8 Incbra locfclj. Inch wide, with wroagbt hooka. shj?* On. Irad Um, 21 frat too,, tc tnchvtd., with . “O" .nd,Md noSlnch loop ra tho otbra. ° bng. h ' I> ’^“ ,7 ,l ““ d tam Bw. Om I Bore. Brnih/erel, ot bttetlra, by - Incbra. On. Oottj Comb, No *B_4 bra. 4, . prakod In . box .boot 21lachra Lcbra long, modeo! I Inch •*2sfrapored, wood boo pi or Iron, u m.y bo reanlrad. to bo mtdo of tb. brat mmrartaLrawbre tob. m»l. wra^T tbrrad, rad rabLct re *** 01 ■Motoctor. ond olio ■ U I*o Hired, tb. Ic>d oollur, 8^ Une to be 80 feet long. kJ . •*? *" a * d * heal material, sewlur to wmajewlth good waked thread,and subjecttoln. wha^°°ntsf^ 8 prooese of munfsetore and also •JJJi?.. 8 “"** ngnlnd, the lend collate, ■“*'•. »«* •■"[*, bfllj benda, duls plpei 2S!? -8 ' cropper and blp etxapo, bock betide rod cccplin* • t r»P« we doubted; one bearing chain 9 fret K< >* . T ou eecb eed added; end lead line lobe S 3 teit lon/A ||JS^S**‘ , 7? 1 ***° I b * *“•»•* far fitaUnond Je-. llroilpnabiboteßceliaroen t> we etnunlaa •pecincadoo o. athich trt,!^b£^ mSsss^ ssc*? •M^£Sd^ *” StateaMiSeSj*alr ,n “ > bj ,Bi fcr U» United “JP’cPWrlhatmaj be deemed ■lWUteteL Jodo _*«*»“ ■-QaaAgggs..'■ • 500 *•«««£ «• OMOIjAS 12S hhdi, imlr food, Wr sod prime Conr. tfOtMgrufoOoflee. tObbia.Ptfßnajm&feJf’GP*' »rn|*)>9 BHJUYKR k DILWGBTBL m Kmi ,*u gUND. liJLbo— « kMm. ejiota Oiwn AppiM, It do Swwtdldfr, *2 C?«»I«dlMd, i ktli. fre»fc Vm - 8 dp p*efc*J totter, id *tow and for Ml* by CULP A BHIPA&D, ocii att-abtrtr iiwt TTKNTCQKr FLODB,_4Sp L ba mlj *L ebslfi* White WhsttlkaOj YlMr,-la*toreus * tiTing p*r P«mtylT»nl» KUlrotd, for rto by _ MCDONALD ft AKBUCJtUL teft Na. 368 Liberty »tr««i. amt b—d of Wood. I USX KIOJtIViiJU AND gQR SALE, ■ -: ■» U B. VOlfil * 00 JUT.IIM * pitma«*»it aatb*l. daxsoji ot tuu—wihtu ainiffaT—inrrr Will leal* th* Dsgtt or (lie P»ppaylV>qi % MWrojtfT« v Cbtoefej ana fTnrftnn Aort rj — •to ftncßMMßC''' So cbso|« ot cua batWMO PUUbnrjh'aaJ iwim : U«m Anlna U_tnlm u lnlni.t.Atitmtt. HTTBII'U OOVHM Cnri IND-iPoua gr tSoJi' MA » D LL3B a D 430 pa MO p m &46 p m *O9 a a ' ZhU root* U aborts? (o OindnnatL LoolstlU* lam os'sW ail pointi Booth* than tcy other mu oplei'dthßlatploi Osrr attached to all Night trains, JMttiuryk and ftAafey Xufo. “ » w»»df ■ *3O f atHf i tllia ' . , ~ ~' ; Ike IBP 4. >. MB' Lto>. LTnliu iohnitirlli ' Trala. at O-tl. P..H ? f al TM*ll *- , _Ttw S3O p. o.lnlnnpp, atttlilatlguMmu Rooll«>»r .on WelUrtla. • - - • . . t'ittAmrgkanA Glailamt ■■. - Lmtm Aniitm PITrSBUKOH olivnland lAAi,a. . 1:49p.m. 800 p.m! - Zb* 1:40 p.m. treta eunonte »i bayard for )Im Philadelphia and e(a Booses to* lorariwu Bnnck. BMMogert desiring to go to Baoduaky, Tofodd. Chicago,or points West, via Cleveland,most tset? Ueolar to aafc ?Ja Qerelaad, v Zbroagb Tfcksrn ran be procured at the Liberty to*#; Depot, PlHsbergh,'-’ •■ -- ’r • J JOHN BT2WAHZV ticket Agaol For laribei nfornstlotiapply to _ WILLIAM HTCR'A&f.jLnAL v ‘ ,,b,o T^ l s'SlS»^ p wwJitoOMl ■'* ■- . wci. \V inter ikrrangemeutiaali " •" JL onKTitAb . wmSßm , “fIaTPAItytBAIIiB. •: - JS- *St•*? MOaPAT, Hot 4cV tb* inSOOTH ' a. x n stopping c-Dly at principal stations, Mn ■cars* Tnfam Mart «cd W««t* ■ -j • thr Invsllng public Min find u groaUr to thats ia> tvran. in going Mast or Jfyat, bj tbs Psnn.. syirania baiircad, m tbs accommodation* now ofiered x c«moj b» nym 03 uij mbn nmU. Ih« BudU beuaatw with st&oa eau Li entlcaly fra* from dost. W* un promise aafity, spaed comfort to njl wbo mr toror Ibis itoad wlUitAclr patwiren. ' rjitm. “SSTTfIr —•¥" ■% an „ PfclUd«lphb IP 081 Lmmw— ~ ' Dirrisborgi* M .,L ftf | • . I«Zgag*QbeckM toaU.fiuponson-Cba I’aaoa.Eall. re.* MidwPbCndclpiua.axJUamie auauawtott* . tlcketiißEtra *filU chary ' £tlf. ttarclid in addition fo taa ate Boa rata* aicapt from SUUooa shin' tfoa OPSpany htono Agents JfOTIOAi— Ujcntoof Company «IU hoM •BSEKlres .for. perponal burut only, and for an smonnt not slo9, M 9 S. 8.-"Aa Omntboa Lin* baa bant ■ employed to eonrSi rtoeaogar* add EUggigs to and from the Depot at achat*, sutrto uoaad at oicta for aach oasHnsar aodteniwe. 1 For flckatsHpply to J. BTUWAST. Agaot at the r. B. E. hutuiß, on and •»»*** • .' uoB IMFOKI AM 1, —All per-RC j—MM. sooa po»cba*lßg Uckits juaepb and other point* In Northern HlmoozL tha °l*s“f» 0r **« Tarrltortt*, thonldlarirt on bavlagttckatatbatmd by the NORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD. The only rail ronie from StLoafo tojt. Jo*eoh. it is tb« sbortat knd qnlckMt tine, by ihlrteen botus. to tt* remotcit point reached by rail, and Is ainn u cheap a* any ethmr. - —. ' Boy yoar Ucketa to-fisnsas and all points in North* ern Uiaaonrl hy th*NortbiSXmoazi fUllrßsrd^ -* .. * 18Ha0 ff.-MTDBONOV. Pl H«SkV*ii t»mla L. NisMtoeh Ho{»w*U Hojifcnra, Jq»M TTfrlgm, .. | Jmm>A. K*U*j, * | non, AUxanrtf BmdUy, i 4BgaA.-Xukote, -■ B«otg* Block, . John JMksJUU, Alonso A. Oonfer. QhnrlM A. Go! ton* WtlltMa IWiritt ' Jokaftrsni, , John lldiae*. VUUunfi. Bins, PotST Q. HnnVff. Richard Bm WltfMn &Uv«lj. Arcretary And fWoMM'i cna»»r 8 UNDEliJgt— lMfafcdj.N-.O.Sotfir. ' 19 bbU. Reflaod wpgVr-, MO “ prtmo PUnuUao UoUuaaa *OO “ aaorudbtaua ajreca: 800 big* ajoCoUtK MpocktUmOofliee Sl!i2?T? ru4b ™ il,r< "*>«»i • 2»o*etji dj do *“ cb ** Tt «o« B»«m >O4 Black taaa : “gSiStota,, M Benotat«u; » - Olttn da M •* ÜbaldOtadbc » “Star do WO bbls. *U« and Mxsn UaUs »tow.* “ In itore tad for aato bj wr '-* J***’ ll ATWBLLLak * 00. 2YBCPS AND BUGABB - kj 05 bbb. Biltimor* floldoa sod 8 H ptm : - 1J do rwavlTMi; 4 bbda. te6y V WABlWimoii l JBCJCfcWHiAT FLOOR-Jiirt %c«i - cjagAagggA. :. JHKSi'NDTS, , OHKTBOX&.: ,“ ! . lh,lc * Jilt rtMrci ail (orij. b, MASK T*« OOBDM. ■ cc 39 Wo- IH BkmU SSh. oca oil.— eoo BBUL »BOM TUNS Will, for ills hj ocll MUM titan * EOS. M W.U, 1L NO-.MOL4SBEB-2SO bbls. reo’d • by ttatam et, tooK fa store sad Biraalt by i McCOMlLat - ■” Kfc MU Üboytystreid, I syupp-a j*? mtiimi «>r jSKSiSfSSSSfijS'i;: €OB Joa» A. miBAW. i * 1 CCB >