||ittslmrg| fe^tte. - 8.-BIDDIB * cc, i: |DI ))K &v t mm• i 2 n Pwblicatie* GJJUe, /«7tt ttreci, i»Mf -pirrsßXTKaKi MORSINQ, SOV. 14, 1861. I liirtil H'Tr"**“~- *— l OiherU In . fBIMBIBtIi from the etelomeat# wbloh we hen copied late Mother solemn (tom the Re* Toth Aniv Pa,t < 11 11 clear that the prepare tiooa foe dispatching a eeoond expedition to the Bsuthern ossst, ete-ln a state ol greet forwardness, it nol Indeed already com pleted-.. This energy In the Havel Depart ment is.surely a glad surprise to thoea fe verish patriots, whose nnteaeonlag lmpe tlenoe no facte however unquestionable, no .argamenta however unanswerable, sonld of late persuade to delay the Irrepressible ut tecasca of Its disoontent in aooueatlone and 4 daaunolatloos agalaet everybody aad every thing ooancotcd with that Department. In Ihs enooeao of the expedition against Beau fort “and the South Carolina onset, the vindication of Secretary. Weller and hie ecadjntore in the Navy office Is most aatiafastorily, and triumphantly wrltteor Thera was no inefficiency where, within Ihs spans Of time given, and under the oircnmstanocs exietiog when tho present Administration oamo into power, snoh a fleet as that which was assembled in Hamp tonjlcads two weeks ago, and whose glo .'rions beginning of the work assigned to it in now thrilling nil truo and loyal hearts with jay-there was no inefficiency, we say, justly chargeable upon a Department under wbceo insnsgemenl.snoh a fleet was prepared,' the completeness of tho eppoiot mcnte cf 'which, as all witnesses have teetl fled, both surprised and delighted the other 00-opereting dsparlmonts of tho service. But in our feeling of-deep sai'sfeoticn and grateful acknowledgment of what has been done, wo are far front being disposed to reef upon anything that hae yet been .dine ae eofficient for more than the day .of lbs achievement of it. That day- paet, its •natal, like the death of a hern after vioto ' ry, witnessing to heaven ite own glory and consummation, with the flretdawn of another . daywo would orgsto tho preparation for , new eohievomente. In war, that General is daageransiy unenterprising who, after strik ing snoh a blow is this at peaufort, delays long enough to give bis enemy tlmeto re cover from the effeots of It, before etrikieg - again. Wo urn sssorod that cnoh will bo no •baraetsrlstlo of the man to whom tho dl . reotlon-ot this expedition le committed. Bat he most be reinforoed immediately, else he cannot repeat with -effect the blow which We see has tlready staggered the boastful eesmy—and whisb, with dna repetition, swift, and sure, and weightier itill, will eoon proetrate him and orneh him utterly. Kaowisg the importance of following np the first grand blow etrnok at reWllion in ite maet vital part, cor reef ere will be de lighted to Bad that brief bat significant eeo ienoe in tbs telsgraphio diepelohes, by which we letrn that General Sherman la al ready availing himself of the permission gives him by Beoretary Cameron to employ tho negroes to aid in eubduiogUheir rebel maetere. It le elated that‘'the day after the'fight, the Beoeoe and two other gnn boats, under the command of Lleat. Amman, proceeded up to Beaufort, and found bnt one white men in town, and he was drank, and lha plantations up the river eeeiaed'to be deetrted, except by the oegroee, who wan seen in groat aombert, and .who, as —Ua boat passed, oame dawn to tho ebon . with handles In their heads, as if sxpeotlng to be taken off.” And then, a Utile farther on we read that ' “General Sherman hae hundrede, perhaps thoosande, of negro laborers st his oommend to work on the new Intrenohmenta.” These allies on the epoi, form tho first , great reinforcement, which tho Expedition -will reoeive. In the whole region around BoMfort, for fifty miles In every dlreotion, they outnumber tho whites, at the. present Urns, probably six to one. Snob M aux iliary foroe, to arm with plckexo and spado, - if not with gnu and bayonet, is thereforo of unoslpnlable importance toGeu. Bhtrman and to tho prospects ef the winter eempelgn in the Southern States. Bat though thebe aa cilleries ere the first which the oeplcrs of Beaufort have as yot reoeived, we are glad to observe that there Is no lack of .energy In preparing to eecd sore ships and moro men from the .Eastern SetpottOi ' Besides the statement we have already'adverted to, that there lea eeoond Aral ready, or nearly eo, in New York, we learn that another largo force is aoonmuiat iog at Annapolis.' Already there are at least a doxsn regiments at that point, and it tapposed that if relaforocmenta aro . ..’beaded at Port Royal or Beaufort, these 'troops will he immediately cent.on there, and if not needed at that point, possibly Gen. Burnside will oommend a now expedl - iioo, to'bo eeot to another point on tho -Soaihern ooest. So, at; length, the scale has decidedly toroed, and while the lata news Is all good, the prospeots aro so good that we may weU be enoouraged te look for even better (if that .did not sound unreasonable) before a loog while. But tho words may stand as written—Charleston remains to be taken. ; m-- I Dr. lalUTi IMtm. Tk* footers deliTsred it Concert Hall ea Toeeday areal* g b X the Her. Dr. Jih.it, of BaUiaere, being the bit of two Isolates on tko "Asterloan Bebelllon aadits Jesalts, u. liowoi to the llgbt of Prophecy," was lit* tosodlo by e large old intelligcßtaudlsaeo, who wore, lit: profoaad attention aid fro qaeal'lmpressible bursts of epptafte atsy be taken as evldeaae of approbation; highly ■ pleased. Tk* doctor. Iso obute and pleasing, speaker, and prorod, by hlo obaterly effort, that his Is a olid of slsgalar originality logloal end analytical jmirer.' Tbs speaker took as the bads of hikargu meat the 12ib ohapler of the Apooalypsei Md ia the wooua slothed with tbeiaa, the birth aid reseoe of the maa ohUd. lhe Sight of- the women to tho wilderness, aad her aoarlthment there, he pointed oat with sin* C" golar eleeracM prophetlo embfone of the . btrlh of dril aod religions liberty ta Bag tawd ary-, the long*nd peln ttl straggle* attending that groat ereatj aadlhefUght of pirseooted _meu to this ' whta, es the eyobollo women ' ewd her offspring, they hero been so woo. gsriaHy,: projected aad. njorlehii. Those : pstwtg, wS laid opto and dtiooifOd io the .. gli risg lirfr r~* T" w * »»• jjgglggfjrteUrsSilng, sad ws thUh carried . & ■\• ■ . ,1" V oißTietijn w ike m'cif of oo.i : of . ttlOTflitawtt. ' wio hoord bin. ~ } S ' . S» viVfc" 615- wi» i» *1 tCVuKE of the jf ■_ /7> ft/l 1/ ,;5’ Wi'kwetkr*oorf*linitUfl * « * V 2&? }?£»,s OnT-J/ •/ -' rfDf.W it'-' V„ 0««br " 4 - *•*« 01 79 * J ?' Iltt, io»i teaMC?: f*«»- • A,"l* £.','* /rf/f??J Tfiis evening he w’r.l tafce up th« eobjiti " S'bwi 3- . tV*«>;'»' *a/ c whor L « ,, '" , u interesting eubjeol of tho Orest Rebellion, -, INK : and show wherein It Is foreshadowed lo to* Y flf| spired prophec/, together with its reeoit*, •. whloh he assured ns would be such as would = animate the hopes of ereTy lorer of his country, Its institutions and Us Union. I The hall was well filled on Toe*d*y esen* | lug t %qd vo hare no doubt that It will be (oiler this wenlng. Oar. CaitH'l cfettUr? Hr. toward'a. Got. Curtin bay addressed 'o tbe Secretary ol State a communication in reference to the recent circular of that officer recommending tbe fortifying of ooreei coeat at tbe expense of tbe separate Staiee. Tbe Governor aaya be la glad to learn that-there i» no proepeet of e disturbance of our relations with foreign pow ers, but declares bimaelf noable to see why, eueb being the cate, the individual State* •btald be called on to fortify themieWes. Be further remarks that tbe Legislature of Penn* sylvenia will not meet till more than a oooib after Congrtea assembles, and that tbe enter* geney doea not eeent eufficiently great to au* tbor te bim to call a tpecial eeealoD. He cent aaya that be doubta not Congrtaa would Vote to reimburte the Staiee Tor tbeir expense* io» carred in accordance with tbe circular oi tbu Secretary } yet be <»Us attention to the delay which baa marked tbe payment to Pennsylva nia the money ebe advanced in ratting and eqaipping -volunteers, and hiou that it would be satisfactory if the Government would be more prompt ut settling claims of thia charac* tor.. He suggests, in ooeoloslon, that tt would proper lor tbe Gacwal Government to do ixa own work directly is regard Lo fortifications, but promisee* if this eball not seem doeirable, that P.cnsylvanivwiil respond »o%ey demand of tbe ooantry. Vrota But TenfttNM* Ffoa Washington wa ieura that that -a* maador of journalism, the Chailesrea Jfereury, U disojvcnag 4re enough now on all aide*. Buidaa the Beaufort cocflagrotion, wbiob la near* and threatening to oome itiU nearer, bo i hold I ia the far North-Wect, among the hills of Sast Teanesitc, tha blood-shot eye of tba frmllo iferowriof prophet of Charleston, wet, Cassandra-like, tho beacon-fires of the loyal Union man—lighted to carry despair to the hurts of iraitora and rebels, aa they Hashed Iroa summit to commit along tha moontaln ridgaa of the North-Woit the signal for tha overthrow of the usurpers and the restoration ot tha Union,—btaoeforth unpolluted by tha ‘•resorted. rights*' of a Slereoereoy, and eoma orabed to Freedom and to the works of Freedom | unreservedly and for ever. Wbeo we read, then, that the Charleston Mcr.*rry has aoooants from Essl Tennessee, • -bowing Indleatloni that the Union men there a-o moving*” that they are “aocusedof catting down telegraph wires and bnrnlng bridge*" to thwart the movements of the rebels,—we say, Good men of Sut Teonesaeo, and sore £wer to th« 9 In this kind of work! IT TfcUt.—Tbo Boetou Ttom- that a geDtiemso to ft ponlioa to | be well informed ot the plan* and iateaUou* of tbe&oTerooftOt, lay* tbit tbe aecemry doooneat* were taken out in tbe Na*al Bi* I pedition to lorn, la tbe place* occupied by the irocpti Territorial Goteranieat* to be la force outil the authority ol the Doited State* u re- MoreU orar aa entire State, when tbe old State toro'wtU be re-eitabllehed. Who HaJorO«M*ril lUUcck l»iadW«< H« i» the eenior partner of the Uw firm oi HaUeck, P/achey fit Billing*, of San Franefceo, and one of the proprietor* and manager* oi the tamooa qmcknlver mine* of Hew Almadeo. Be in remarkable for poMeaalng tho*e qnxl* ifioatlosa for the administration of a Depart ment which' General Fremont totally lack*. Once the writer «u congratulating General ILiley on hi* igsceeaful administration of the government of California—la bringing order out of the political and eocial ©hao*—when that boneat eotdier remarked That "ill the «a* doe to Captain Hillock, the chief of hi* *ttfi.” A* a mao of OBiwerriDg integrity, a* a rigid economist In -the expenditure of the public fUada, aa an hone*t co»todlan of million* of ffoU belonging to Uncle 6am, Gen. Balleck ha* proved himeelf tube the proper successor tor Gen. Fremont. Though Geo* Halleck bad onder bia control noarl' $1,000,000, oollected a* a dnty tinder a mill* order, he practiced the mo*t rigid ; economy In hiMdmtoiatrrun, and supported ! hlmnlf cn hi* military pay and allowance*, when the naceaiariee of lite were at fabulous prioe*| and turned over to Gen. Smith the last cellar not acooonted for. ' On the termination of the Tcrritoiial Gat* ernment of California, OapL Halleck resigned out of the army, and became a candidate for United State* Senator, but wa» defeated by Dc. Girin by two rote*. Hie eiceaalvo med eaty prevented hi* canvaring himtelf for of- But the proprietor* of the Hew Aimaden had learned to appreciate bt> ta'.eol* of ad* ministration, end conferred oo tom e ware or their rich mine, and a share of u* direction, | and in tho manegement of their mtthoe* be ha* faily vindicated hi* former reputation. Still, he i* an untried General, and *o far wo muit take him on treat. Yet, be U the *eiy antipode of Fremont in everythin*. Ho baa no gang of dttrepntablo men surrounding him and publiahing In the newapaper* fabricated aoooenta of fiotitiou* wealth he doe* Dot pot ted but is *o modest end rafting In bit whole demeanor that hi* friend* mn»t bo surprised at Government finding out hi* whereabout*. We eonolude tbia brief notice by congratulat ing the Administration on *o excellent an ap poui Ls>efi t— Corrs»po*d*ncM RockmUr Undo*. Jn Linn —Goa, Lino la encimpod 00 Mo] Baru'a firm, threo-fonrthl of a all* from town. Bafore tho aßiaai of Son. Lino tbo gtti‘*at pnjidioe ni entertain*! »giinet Mm W “*OT strong TJoion man of Springfield. H« »a* looked apoo u * kind-of logilliid, pint* *nd the chietof jejhiwkcre. On i hotter icquiln*- ISO* thus prejudloee aro fait becoming died sited, ind * revulsion of feeling in tk* Gen «nl'a firor hia taken plioo. Mj informiat, bioaolf » Spriagtteld am, oontoieoa to hie* felt * itxosjc ncßgnuoe to the mm* e*y* now tnit Lin* & beoomtog the moat popular nun In simp. He mention* the following ** »n ill**- t ration of th* change that bu Üben B——, a Urong lojal oltlirn, hot pjo-aliyew in principle, viilted Line’* o*mp, toelljg hU Waj oantlonalj nlong with hit oane in ordor to g»t» aha at ue UTUVi 11U bo won WM OagOd ligtr, ducerou to approaoh. Xh* Dofltor mb* •cqoe&tiy bad ab iawrriaw witn tbo aodropwtodio hia nelgbbon tbalbe was h»- ly plsasad wttb tha nun. • Anotbe* of tbo Doe tor’* naighbora alao eaUad on bane, and talking aritb bis eos* to tb* oonoluaion that be *woold be perfaotly aatUflod to have Lana plaeod in eblaf obaaand.” Lane aaawed tbaa* l on that bo was not in favor of frying negroea At apart of fair a ode of oenduettng this war* btt bo was in favor of oonfisoatlog tbo property owood by tbo rob*!*, lot it bo wgroat bonaa- LaaaUoaoof tba aott roaolnta of aao.afld tbo pvraooal aagvM ltn of bit obarsotor anal bo zraacto tboa favorably iafioenoo blaoppoaara I sw j torn tbaa Into frtonda.—Obr. o f St. Ijkaoerat ■ T*» arrlwl»» Springfield, Mo., of nm of Frenoni’i Body Gaud, made prtoonon to i tho doling chug* 00 that plaoo, Udupalobly Sou It that Geo aril Pneo to «t CaonUlo, »d to noting ooaitantly towardi tho Routbweit. Bo to laid to haw 30,000 moo, lo good ordot tor oerrtco, with thirty picooo of oiulloitl tod hit policy U uiidaretood to ba cooaf fell own men* to tfeooy tbagrest body of oar troop* ter Iron the tuna ol nor* inporUM oper itkrai oo the Mieeieeippt, to gWo chctca tor rebel idraaea Iron Colombo* or eieawbere Id the Valley. C:er»nle li too coooiy eetl of Barry, about fifty m»lee eooihwen of Sprieg* field) cod #ot ter ftom tba A'kaoeu iiaar— C kice{9 7W6iw<» Dooms 0. puhio Phytiolnniotoo a*»t for Kafc,boV. od*. bratod trssa for BapKm- Oonw of P«a and Wnyna fltwto. I PHOTOS aikPHIC At»9OM5, DURUB rott lB«a. ro3 baU bt W. HAVEN, COUNCIL WOOD AND THIRD BIBRKT3- veto** _ manhood. HOW LOST I HOW RESTORED I jMt potdlabad in » B**lsd *n»f'«l»*'i •!>! A lc-.tuia »n ‘be nlm, treatment, and radical cm* of Spcrmatontaoea or Prmtbal Wtaknt**, lotol notary Kmiraioua, Bnnnal Bebtllty, and t pediments tnmarrirt* »anerally, Koteonsnasi, Cooromctlon, Ip- Uapayandlttst Mautal and Physical Incapacity, re sulting from • Belt AbbM, Ac—by 80BT. J. out er RHWStt, H. P-- Anther of tb* Ortm Beck, Ac. "A Boon to TbonianM of Knßcrera. p ganl under anal, in a plain euTalopo to any addreai nut tuH 'em recelpl of a l cants, or too poata«e Pr.oa.J 8 51ITO IST Bowery. Wco Torb- P- 0- Bon; 4680 STRAY iiOOS.—Two ttrajed lloy a nama to tb. premia** of tb* anbactlc.r In Man a^sar UIBA.Y bXfißlL Come to tbo prem a Unoftbe robec tbw, ©a Western avooao,*«o ood Ward AlLgbeay. . bLaOS t-TABB, with s®*!! «b*t. Ott b«b .04 wbll« 03 tween the ten lrg*-»bor»e loog eed tpxeeclag. The otrsft is r.quttui to oome tor«rJ,priTe properly. ud ukt b mw. o« *t * yraralag tolaw. [odeSt] MBB» t »H^B. Ol i\ R^WAKD—ioCteT—UU> Tu»* 2b X vl* BOY LAffttRMOB BARB\. sboot 9 jnn oid. oa-i oo wb*a he Uft borne e *r** mkt of elctbM*. war »*•««•»« D4Tl * rHnU ' & Liberty'trae!. wt.h.drtT*» tucoid Wm. Cerrou.— Ary pexaen glrtog Uiijra»ti>o Of b'bx n.'H will treefr* tbe .Der>c BIE Ey. I fean »t*ect, Sth werd. sbere Lccosi, p .tul-urgb polßVd ■ Gfffxcs o» *aa oo ituuii c» lumbott ca« e. a. PHUbsigo* liomaber 13lh« 18 il TO CONTRACTORS.—f#i!ed Prop> poaala will ba recalrcd at Ibis cOrcuntil tbaioih tbot-ior Bcpairlog tbe dboaneau of tbe Bridge cTtr Mnu (RK,near B*a;eoi'n Mtn Wm thfp, eod fer pniUagoo aaew Wocdao JT (•pea bfay-bve tel. Ta *• *<»« by tbe 'ool Uawl froaißi torptf. to bedooeby tbepircb out b- •* offic * 0< tb* Ootro'j Ooffim’jitoiere Bt direction of tb. Oouoty Oomnils* ontr». ool&itd aBNBV iA.ttßßßT.OootroLw. SANDS’ SALT RUIDM REMEDY.— Ib. traatanmaa of tbla wwiWba la ooilng dm ..mi rf tbeSbia, inch •• Belt bhe»B» Bin* woraty T»ch. told HeeJ, Kcsm», piorleal*, do, !i witboai. Mrr »|ai ig the udi!! o! Ktdlclat. todlf Bertep. rtU. la cetomxa»ded to b> m*4 to throw oat tin uo« keeltby hamore trim the ejeteio.wbeobyerp>y , ®B tbe Ee!l Bbetts Remedy e»tern»lty. toUiae. imj 6# ‘“aoEiSTB 1 ' * 00, Pllt* >< »Sd , B-ltail“^ l 'T lO YARN BUYERS, THBXI TIIBE AD BOOLIX YARNS. (03 panada B'na MUed ■ 100 do Bl*:k 200 do Plots Black. 169 do Plats Wb rs Ihl* ba wry heavy TbreeThre*.d madact ftoewoot »id pot npebool poaod We widow pr-pered to Cuiiwh tbi* *•« 10 WBOLB&AiiI AKD AEt'tL BDYHL3 »• • lower prl« thea U 7 aay oihtx la the »***•* nO X4 KATOM, MAOEPM A CO, IT g.fth it OALM-OtIAL BKIBTB. ** We ban mw la ■ oeb icd to arrive ever 300 PALaOBAL 8KI&T8 WlVOasd opward*. Ot imported and Pomwtlo Is chafes trtffbt lAdteetaweatof BdmonUbad bw.lst call acoo rANuY Traveling BHI&T*; 10 pifllßMfT BTTLEB, t rti|o( PLAIN. VANOY AND BIAaLIT f LANNBLB, cf Boa VrtßCa «oi lo«*r |r»de», AT $l,OO AND BPWAHOB* »».»»«> t. i^IONSiQNtfKNX8 — \j 12 barreto Cranberrlea, 12 do Onion*, UO deem Taney Breomt, ICO do Harl do 1 100 do Carpet do v 100 boxes Wertcrn Erarr* Oheue, 163 do XfigUah Dairy do j 6 *-arr«la Ho 1 Lard, I 6kt(a do do • 10 aacXi Pry Peach——nilver, lObbU. do • do 03 do Selected Apple*, KC.wf.dd .« CUE, yjlS aOIOBSi BOU 1U BtOCUd SgCt 6. WH. HALL'S BALSAM, DR. NR EALL’d BALSAM, H Wtt. BALL'S BA LOAM, i TOB THi LOHQB, fOA TOB Minas, I POE ZHI LUBQI, / A certain core f» A certain cere for 4 oert^D *'”* Congh*, Cold* and Pain In the Side, Count, Colds and Pain In the bide, Obnghi, Oolda and Polo to the Side, And all Dleeaaei of the Chr t and Usp, And all Dleeaeea of the Obeet aod LucfS And all DttaaaeaoftbeOheataad Loega, lor tale b» /OSIPH fLBMIHO, noU Oornar of Planond and Meraet urcet -TUB. LUBTON’B OHOLAGOIiOB, A 01BTA1H CHEB TOB ague and iteveb And oil ctbv KUsmtUo DteMM PBICB »I,SO PBB BOTTLB. fOB BALI BT X3W. KBVBBB, 140 Wood Stibit. A»-Noao Bosotoo sritbosit of L L.LOR ION.M D. «° lWlt ITSSSucuwaIaNMBNT— r 10 Vbl*. Ttailf Hoot, 14 do BapetOoo floor, li do 'pit®* Boob* « &» tnaborrU* U (o Bomn Apple*. 00 do Pott*** M . U taehels fre*b croud Cc*n Hot), tto do _ HjjO poa&deßocßwbtet Hoo r » a rob* fmb Boa Boifct, .**„*<*.**<.*» J4tA . mxwlf M H nnnur M»r»rt u' »<"> ■»"»*■ aoli cor. Uoorty »od Pood mutt. Su A k Kft 6W MET OUftM—An expel ]«d( •Bbctlttte for tried mod put up eeiefaltr tj the BilledlSoefttl of the***, wd f« ••*•. "V b» 4. bkn.haw, boU «anM->f Mb«t«T ml B»ad ■“ JUJNDBIBS— O 80 baii»d P>wbw-»»* «0P» 10 d# do Apple* do .sassaf-sw^^ ik/iiiJNJsaoTo 6K&wß»iaau.6—B? iVl"i" suwwiot. sv*;'"! HiSf* —iAiahE-110 liaioen trima Argue to „«*" p- •KSSTS, SSM^_ —gUPB olLi—soo barrels, ■■ BaitaWo tornflulni,for pusllllt , oW . Bta.Cß tnaTO Vfatof rVj^iei 1 WILLOW6-40W to 2-r ««^-* fc sjaa motka pItAN K' HRIBB. —W ■ bbl». ohotea 0 •»<^Ssb£!HWS US. 103 Llfilf mwt. ('\B4.NBBKBIEB —ou ddl«. Cultinted J Wrtttrn, n> piu» «■»*]Hobbit * 00, Asia Wo. 7ft Wtltf tod M ftoot iw»t —« KKKLH—BB Oil Barrels to arrire to- IBAlAal)IO»«T«Cft xiiofi XL PITTS HttP.Gll. FA . with a patrocago 0-n-r.r 8,000 STOB*«’; ~ r o" 81 £ »r. ytteo, snl lb. r«ljr «»■« ■> . f ' b TT | l ,“ Uclioo autowhch o!ord« osm;tew oua rolubte lo •ttoaloo 111 oil ol tb« r AM BOAT M*ac ASrlLt ¥AaO»ioltJitKK" STrAHBOAT. “W/iSAa FS.aA.aEiP, EOS?ETISa, r BS9IN«aa NO ANO MATEfMAT-' IC i kaoeroUy* enter at any tlm**. SftMrtYM •<>»• ”**®To?Co;tlozati ccattlAl»l| fall lnlbraAttao. ip-d=i« of Plkla ADi OruomoLtal Poamiiitblip *b« I •loigooiid bwotihll of tbo Colters » I c,w • , ‘ h, **“'"Jb'nKlNS * SMITH. oolfcwT • HULLIIIISN'a BOLLinas’S “ HULLIHHN’B rABISIAN T3OTH PASTE. PAStBIAN TUOIB PASTE, PAR “ JA TOJTU PASTE, Prvparal from tbe original recipe bf Pr of Wb«*lto«, nod r»o.mmondc l by XJ. i. f. HnUibeo/of thin city, aa b Jog £" oa, *£ M and Ccssloo article thte Parte new bHoc* tba public Tbo ro* ly tinita tun* of ihi* CELEB tATBu PABTR»bwaldraa*9tu pot Uu to be caxeml l" 4 «h'«in*. ** the o*9* mu u t-T »»b - only Is tbla city ly BMOS Dnws’a, ,ad lak *D Otolc. Rtolly Modlclmw, CorPT Srolthflold otid Poart h .trootl. pCFKL VODti UAIBI BRAUTIRY TOOtttSliP, BY U3l¥o CHAPPEIA’S H¥PE»ION, POS OUSL’N-J TS£ SAIH The Latins atd GOBtfemoO tbroagboilt tbs wsld »,U bo jtes.,d to Isom tb*e 1 b.vo roomily dteumte EVrKMON -Mtog* OootlomiC con tvsnuly thimiclTes o ibOEMod Wd. cBirPJZLL'S HYtZUIOIf Ii tho only article in the world thot will Oml 11.0't.h-. 801 l Ite .ml. •*>•* will Corl lit bsadtifol cURtn s Lv eu»&7 catchi-i lirSIUZ&S.CQRL't rv rr.AX&x t \ lCi Flo Wixe errs v* u J.V W*Vt>Q r 'UULH • ui LUJ U&l> m CURLS It nukee th> Bair «cfi aud I* ln»t*«*toi the Hale. It be»nuftia tba ilait. It obwcaai tba Ha.r. it baa a meat dt-llght ol t*rfcm . of -, IT PBfcVSNT’t THE HAllt f*OHPALLIWU »»n It tr rc ta« sou? It l> v ' Vat olaeoPcTPd tb»t w tl sail aH»»6bt Ba*t la beanU bienrK witcoui iuia y ilair et The HtPEWOJf doacstt in any o*an«* totar-B it. ean be »o «a toesiao the Beir locrnl (jar, nr k»r oaa week, or «cr one ooatb.waoy locc« -1 !* U‘he only article In the Wbaicas be conntanwted orjintutoi by oaptlaapM p*raccr To prevent thta, •• do not'otfrrtt »ar »ie ■i eny DrasstetV in the Ohlied fiteua. . . Lady cr Cectsaaan who dcelrca to boantify taeoi«»iTea 1 y c*lng tne HTPBhXuN.moat S!o«thaPrfXM 098 DJLLt&.uc Wtter.aod W. CHAPPELL A CO., PoX 54, fortaton, Qtavg* <*»* AcditolU U cwefnlty wni by t«wra suit poVfltf : OKsALEU PIIOPUSALS. r BAIRD PFOPOBAIB will 1» ' c ' c lT, < f„ J doTlsool. bD'U 11 o’tlOib soon ol . UURSbAY, tbo Slid doy of Nor* mb. r, lcct., U tbo etocticaof ■ MAAE.KTUOOiB,cII? HALL. WUQU BOA LIE, Ao. In occcrdobio wiiq pI.M “g 1 °L C which mar Ve a*amlo«d at tbo office ol d Mocxa, AreWiactj, Ho V Ihamond, AUef|h^ ” I £l?lta*n. «U bo rebdy for Jo boo of Wddm on MuNDAy.lltb Inat, atd ran be b*d hoar mo I Qocunlttoe « t) om the Arciutecta. u . I All bull mnstafeeny tbo loweit price If E, each aa tbo work p'Oiieasea, and »l*o itjj price if p»W by th& r*e»tne *ri*iog fro« the rent* accnimg b>the dw from tba at.lb In Market aotuo.—«aid reran* to be eat afaiunly wciuel to thaeontracior. Cotatila vaserVa tb- U*bt o* cbocamn ti» B**aet olp»>m-nt. All btea to be appiorai addrtaa ihdr Propoiall tj t ' ! J' OW of the -ep«Jß| COtan»ilt««t Dlamotd lmp«ra imest.'* taarhed “iVapo.oir f* jXUgkay Ctfy Wd ail Wddcrs to farnlAb ante* of their rwponaib UHy, before MdCi BIDDLE Chairman. JAMS! UABbiiALb. A D, SMITH. JHO. BOPBIN2, JHO. BBaTH, duHXS MOUL. _ HABHAN SHILKK, ncfcdtßtfo ammlU".^ t AIS aTYLBb FALL GOODS JDST BEOtIVBD. We are now opening ■ choice stock of TALL GOOD® ooßdattng to all of the tateet Uoportattona of CLOTHS* CASSIMSBXS and VXSTJNQB, which aw flatter car* •elTet wDI be equal to any awartmoot to be toffid laM or Wart. Vsey will be ©adenp to ofder, to » aaperior rtyle, and at trice* to wilt the tlite, Wa woSd reiecttolly aolki* as early c*U from ear patrooa and the pobUe. SAMVEL OB4T & M»S, ftTn rTT Tailobs, No IP Errrgßr. & CO., AWATBBS AfiD HKNBiS gold and bilveb, ■q. U aovtte Whlrd ?HU.4D«I*PSIA. Gold and SiXve* Bought. fonrardSog P #c *** t *2 j«ptt«9 will Boot with*prompt»ao »*_ rt * r * luri V. rpHfi ONIiY AKTICLE THAT OA^ 545 . aa T PASTE. ggSj-Sg ll '^SS'SSffiß: lh.Bi.mouJ. A F\C\ bBLS. CUOIOiS W. OiUJSAN 4je/UnoLAB*BB. ■ . O Pnni 100bhd*.feir.k wd Wf »nfi TsTi*«l». o.«xg*i» 60tobU.Oetf«» «4*® b^s^?£: hMMO - IttboZM Sweet B*»ek6**»i I £_* wb-Ceo TfrbaUcbeeu? a.eadG* P T®** : ) KVISBD REGULATIONS ■■ 4fcMT OKilE® 01?ATBB,18ttL With a fall y ndeS. ofiiitt4ti®o,BTO. prloos3»M^* NOTICE —The Warehouse latelyooon- SSSr Safes jsa. , ( u | pjsaß XKKKS-—lf per- SSssES.^fss.aar* •ni^kwttT 610 coma ««i« *s&s•„* 00. •all 1»1 not 1M KnotU nrwt; TjltflA. kdkuk'tt Wh lu4US*bctD^o«,«»» D^s, 's.'j?H. PRlium 90# w— • Da. tA. 0. JOSiKbi 103 WTU® Bt^iET* HpABIiB SalT.-S ground X I.bls Itlv rot opln»»»; ** CoU * ”’* l • •opf*!’ lo tm*ll l>H a * ■“Jo^N 1 /. DEHSHIW, col» ■■■« Utottr »o° H.ml ■twott. "■ «kaki,a(-u— 3o cask* lvo. i- lust re- COAPSTONK— 1* 5m- Owtimmton I&-1 bVUorMMDy J. 8. LIOOKIT * 00. D&V O'jOlHSt LARGE new stock IHTDD ARBIVAL ixjitasiE'XEix.i> »s. NKW QOOUSI UOOPB OBKAP m O&SH. WO3LRJT HOODS * ' WOOLBH HOODSi HOBUft, B ° !Q ATO& v * u 78 MARKET STREET, gHAWLd AND tJbOAts.B, ns* enui ROBINSON, MINIS. Si MILLERS, FOuaDteita WAaHINeTON WORK*, Plttsbovgbrj P*DO*. oati, 10.1 l Bl*rlr«t •Vra.t. ttisaUcsaro »U RIlOioJ umjo *n*mes *n4MtU IMvruu; -ry Calling", Work. BtetD &00*t<- Ware. wi^ttaUc*. .V. t ESADtITO!.‘tB232 00033, ALL »»»; BALUOSAL 'BEISTa mreuLS woie. vawoßi*?: tu.'vxtia'ot Ati, Kii'Dft pbisw, aistiauis.io; Bminros, bbtbiisoj. *O-. *«■ AS WttSU fos CASH, BO CBS GAB 6EIX OHSAMB. 0. HANSON LOVE, no. 74 uaasßT eraser. BofeUWV • J. W. BARKER & CO.’S, ca sex ions SILKS, 1 SHAWLS, L DUSTERS, MKBINOES, DE LAINEB, POPLIN 9, fLAU.HAiB asp brutes DBI 8 8 GO O D 8, artmTBSD- lABT OjIIOMP PBINrB, SjdO. MS TilD. amtTWOx eu ore pa wso. CLOTHS, OASSIMEBEo, JEANS, FLANNELS, do, *», *O. at*W< artrwnjMtiloolo TM3SB, aid our Beet ti uw DoateonplM* lo ie« »*V- «»wi ones a oiaiTßa VAJtistv mas in o;aa« uodJin oali BsrdwrPO&aiuaißQ smewobss. eeSnc**wtn [JJOT7 Aid all POH3M wbalMr** «■'» wta. *>■■ out •otf'tsaito i<« , . BTOCS Of ,00008 ■ ip 01 the Cteol *a* thlMito* : W rreTttoVo** oikbrrtod ffiaottcSorfeMa Xtariit jr,rww:T*|iti» — &tn WM« »ora {Bj»B«s4 X* Uinta; .. BOVAHT iob oabb, . • . Ud Vftkfe w» gostwteoto „ clkMpMn;|k«*rls tct dlj. i ••-•.«.- ‘ JofUpH fIOBNE, »• TV BMkM •«•«• prrraßUitnn, lost' reoUtiM B.OOUJ2UL • ilfl. babels good B^fby -1 : J \s. ? r*T7,ABi , . . -~,f :KTO* M.ftc, *tA VsTTr, , c,!'-—B and Horcgigea W : L-i loaw «ol Una iron, two to A, f.v »t WirA L= MCUk llttPt 1 —i ■vFUni Jks?iu<* tpeillUfi CO?rKR IBIKaSc A»i? ■*vj 2 L'i 1 # *5 CirffiSVß^Dr- yASLS, &TCUKDT A C©., I HANOFACT«KSBS OF BHSATH iso. BhisMSi- *»* BOLT OOKBB, SBMBIIv 0 PPXB MI! Bottom,OfcdU. | aaldM aiwh importer* *ad Bmlct* to SIWW, S rLAI yvw IRON, WEM, * ■ oi fc*od, 4Um«*» >*d&toe»awl Tool** Wer f Ad. Hfc.i'trfJ and •*'** &»tusfettXB*i Pa*»a« I cfOopp*r'cTstto wj4Mlr*i P»l* t.«T . ; c I3ye] Hair 13ye I BtdrDV* ,A. »AIOUKLOU’« UAIH DI» Tha Original w* World J j others gtq iner© Imitations* aud i AoQldb» woiaM.lf jou wto to cacaptridlcoto. a*AT, BSD, oa BUSTS BAIS Dj* lattuHl. to i bumtilU «w o*toiilßtow»W BUck, without tb* tc«st icfarj to t&ebtlror ikSn. nrxfiSJ* MKpAi-ri ani> dxplqhas b*** «w.*a to VOL A. E*takel« staae 1830, t»J ow jOj&oy nsp!ti»ti3t* btfoteao ms.* to tb* Bilrofha ibo2> of till ft WJi. DtfSpWuoec* * C(Asm no* t<; be lrc-w tutor*, tod tesitaifl* jjjotu to too isatf, however tong tt a*fb® ccaUao««J, and tii* UJ ofitcui n D*d Pj** reoedW*. too Hair iDTifiorfttoi t ji Lite bj thl* rplondM PJ*. iUde, said or *pi»U*d(ln» srim* roottJJ « «a» Wiv9. tor*.«i2bioiilwtty. UcwYwlU'- 3oUl in ftllcltlut «yj towu Of tilt Oattui J» ro fim Utd SmMT OwJj Ot!*ier*. __ . aarfhc rcmiipq ast thentta* tntfndcitMilpo*, ujat* O3 foortldcj oT uaca box, oi H WILLIAM A. BATCH*LO*» . )tt «ond ttTewt.yew York. WlttS-W IUU-W io»< fcATCIIELOR’S WIGS AND TOU- ] PBE3nrpu» •& Itsy no <*«*»•. Usbt, Mr «■> dortiJa. y.tt-ry to * daro—no toning op bdUnd—oo •hrinhu-g' cl the howl, Indeed thta U the colj moment wfcar. tune things wo property ondtswoo ondrand*. jos«|>b iiUwwrU. ~-J)< W. C. BltlwAli. piMinw aoc*it>»y -fsua«**or»-w Fctia> h JW,V & - pmtmctimEßß - o> KAIL BO AD SPIKES. CHAIRa ANI>BOAT SFI&EfcJ. Corner of Water Street and Chray alloy, t>at»g«*»fc. «tH-fw uoUtlrt/UX at SOtC*> i iUBdriOTAtSy Of Iron Railing, Iran VauUt, and Vault Dean, Window Simttoj Wiadow_Bnardi,t^ «*U. ill £c=o«4 Zirtet and #« S’Ami Srni, x dWwcea Wood end lUrto-t*; FHThBUEGii, JrA*. I givo oo head a eeriety ol ,acw lettcro* ttacyead pI«U «alt*Ufc for elt porpowi. Pwtlcnlw ettcntict, D»W to fteVUSc Grew- Lot* Jotting d&t* vi titfft r . mi 9 Ui.t«CC- » iy. liOi-iMJSS m 9SIUR3 IB foreign aai BoEtttU Bills c? SisUaigt CI2TIIiCAX*3 cr DAPOMT, ffAMg worn AHD fiPIQUt rtG. ii SUBSET BT&KSI. PITTBiiCBOU, PA. mnde on eU the rtt jl* 1 * thTwr -t-t? AS* HnUKt pfi-fclT 0. 15. A C. P- MARKED. P apeb masofaotdbebb, And Deeieri in .. i,. L n , 300 K, PEI NT, CAP, LETT* A AND ALL SYHDP Of whappino P 4l b „ r „ an, W D,ri from No. S 7 Wood .trccl to NO.EA amltho.ld Street. ritutmxtfi, J*- . ~ .'■• .>3~n—h of Trade for Rege. Pittsburgh Steel Works. a as q jointf.. .yoga i. aow^»e**«— w.«* yiTTSBUWB, »* UAi?L:lTd** J OLOAKS forwarding & ConnUstoo M*rch«*i am wuOLSsua talus is oa.M«, Sritta, Baada, B’lnb. CASHMERES, A«4 Product CtHttißy i 4*«r Go. «A gfcPd aifti. FitttAw.9* Ur. Geo* U. heyser. Wholesale Druggist, Wo. 140 Wood Btroot, Pittsburgh, Fn. sfs f f f TRUSSES FOR THE CORE OF HER NIA OR RUPTURE. Marsh's Radical Cure Trass., Ritter's Patent Truss. Fitch’s Supporter Truss. Self Adjusting Truss. Dr. Banning’s Lace or Body brace, for the Cora of ProUpraa Uttrl, KU». AMooUap Mid *pt -0»J Wcihr.tMf. SATINETS Dr. S. 8. Fitch’s SilYer-Plated Supporter. Pile Props, for the support and cure cf ElastioEtockingp, fbr -week and varloos* BLANKETS, Elastic Kuoe Caps, for weak knee joints. ; Ankle Supporters, for weak ankle joint*. Suspensory Bandages. ; - Self-Ejecting Syringes; also, every kind of Syringes. Ur. Kctbib has also a Trass which will radically euro Hernia or Rupture. ; Office at hia Drug Store, No. 140 Wood rt., nign of the Golden Mortar. jp, keyrur prcfciilieo Jacueoat ullilONIO Die •X.HI3 ud hi* Iwirumenta for DIATOMS.ted •IBMtVro'r mccbimtol aw»a • V OAtVANia BAOTuir crStIOBO UABMHO UACUISIS.br KeitaU jrajweo, & » wy snpwbr AmO.Wifi tsttnttoo. ct “P“Sa^'?fS s ?neS«l ■“££“ :rua> * w rorofH.KMW* 0 A * »o. i»o wooa owoi. nurbuiiarr*. fMARSHEA. CORED —By SwayneV 1 Y k nr£r*r fymf>TE T — racrV mnoM *^‘ DO -^cW«l>R.KinfaXK , B , ““sio'J? - »' “iriKD BUGS. BO VCHSS, do.—Tho IS If o ! uetf*y«’» Bifljx .SoUAt Bn. KKT3IS.B, j no U»Ban»rco*>dy- j • w/ITS ANDMICE—Sura dcstmiifian'i A%n«vt§B; Air. tnureljr fP “s&w"' . . . UBMA- I ..■ -'WWooSOdMA.: j&S i Uo*IMWOOAItZMb. Ilicslftcuus. LUU&aTd, giuiima, pbmms pnTaBOBOH * lattoit nvbj.uk*. nov. ti 3V USQTJB.*'?. BYMWfoS. BTMQOIM( UNCLE TOM’S CABIN. „„ UNCLE TOM’S CABIN. I JHU HJN , 'B&ION AB rd?3T, la which cb»raeftr At will dot “Cnglc.qr fii—. for -1. to v»**%°***§>l*fa : I octi NO.BI Woo.? »trwt Fltitbcrgh. mai HKD JiUUAa--- O • TDB OYT f' l kvr* &o one who b Ighcr i eiltoiW to (hliftpor. - B. N. AvAmX*, I fetty coacw to the »*»*« I Be cwiprtpewpppns tor the Ulgh Bcbool qafcfcee . IhiouiyctoiTtosclwiiit.TecUj.^' I tCRVt-~tl perorssV. tn adores noMWid . ; I DLbM i.Nb'i a.TI : TN, wf bXivhAT, HXAB PANN, ttNOoon on MONDAY, the 3d d«jof bKpTSP* Irfttrw- v*rl\* s *3& mt jowlon-aLAte jncnlhA-. - - j. ,w. rtMiTii. Q&* FIXTURE - XiABOS AeaoaTMßN* JCBT ÜBCrIVBD For Sale by BAIL?. FARRELL 4.C0., ho. i»© rouaTn bvukbv* gflfclyapßO BAiOB a o 0., BHXP AGIOSJXe, COMMISSION MSRCIIAJJTS,^ XBS 'Wolnat Btreox, PBHADSITSUA. &IALBUXS JLOUR, GRAIN,PRODUCE, TOBACCO wares AND MQtrOHB, OUlmi braton to b. midooy H Tlftfol xoah tarum inado on ocougUDfOß* oafrir* . .—• .♦ • ■•„ - i -- - [xTHToESfEs EOOBtH SS. CAHPET BTOOB. W. D. A B. KgOALltnC him tin dir gute< »mm Uig.,pd mited MHgtmrat et OA»> (SlKB,loiLch Jwj iaTiMihi Ituatfynot hep er*,M Uw? shall to* cB*ri4«a thoacat-ftwiMto *SL aaewtr hsportsdlot of it in«fkt^iMiitt>towtontoi. w. D. * tt. tfoQALfiUlt, 87 fourth ttrwtjjttAT SZOVBS. “ BXOVBA DO ■ HAVBN * SON, , BAHOTACTOMBS 0! STOVES. Warehouse, Federal Street, near New BusKDSfcJB bridge, iLIIQBWY bioiß *»^JS ! S C hinfi«tooei ite'ewiajmhuwmh. rUtYSiMT 418 WUHtßlfclMte JJATB ANO Ga£&— SAii, eirsrtße ii " .. Hooois * OO.’O. 181 WOO BZ&SBThPITrSVUROB, ■ aftbelUMtMJfMC* HAIB and CAPS,/. Sloth far thoclfcy tod eocstiy trade. frtdeb tbsy SM * . . .. \y a. MoOWIttO, Oomnlseloa Uerthaat,' Jut lbs «ak trt croile sod Beflned Carbon Oils, , , ea st r«» STM«*- v ■ lAlbll—'ss bhjs. No: # EargeMaekewi, JP • , -eohmitbbu. do «o ' ' • , - ’ ukiua v lor alto by WAT* * Wtt6o*,tt*Ub*tT«i.