WBBHgsDir morkwg; *rov. ' ItTOootiQogagotEaterrench writer •nnoanoei iMi jnwed.the dominion of the- "ImIUhM : menfr ,jo France, and abowedtiem tobeftettytberoliogapfrit b in& department ofiife—fo polWce, tawisiwaj,’ :«f,,»ci*oo^'iiad s et6n'fc nll«Btiyf la all of then then was i beldrheaded, man. at. “ tba bead ~of thd' head,’*:«dtha jqong.fellbwawtlh flo*lnK loeb'asd -'iJlypmjoo were qnjfi thro»aln.tho gentlemen, twboee.ooba :were;:aa.bars#od billiard baitat.QkUp, „ho. by tba bje, ta getting alittle bald hlmaelf save ttiw, Whatever tba fact "bay be amon* g”* 88 ! *°f tfa retain nestnbkkeitaioly b (he .superior- bsMtjr of tba ban polftl j* ;toad jinay still be atety I 0*000606 OM-—bat la the ftet thfet ft man - tba batons* and >loe.TOaa. “Kit North,’’-* compo tentfodgeof .tba BiiaiSfc. *?“», “f 1 , ' , [ 0 :aWfng. minded,:strong-hearted. mM'reaches'ui tree pome tumt be ie turned otfortyiMd he keepdon till be li Btaty i befcw prob* biy atMveoty tbreataaad Uy by aaeoondtw'e.thlrdwife.’’ _.4n®S°J>. BTq)fr «otf* Ha.’ flswaan— Tba Philadelphia 'North Atbaribau” ‘ol this morning teUatblaatory of Seoetety Bewv4: ■- "Hon. William D. Seward. Secretary of State, pasted through the mty yesterday morning, at 11 o'clock,'onSliiway from Sew jfijrk to Washington; Hri Bewanl »»»koew whenever poaribteiortnv. eUng incog. He ta an inveterate-smoker, whmi be enters a passenger traln-beeeeki la puffing La Nonnks until' tba .and of , nde.,_BetweanNawTork and tbiaeityhe ooeopiad a aeat witb a pleasant looking genins, who talked about that d—d fool Seward’ during' tba whole trip. The #ta,^“PJK| W a W&laiow traveller tabs a antlera bookkeeper. Mr. Sewafdpitobed into hitnaelf in a mpat aoandalota manner, •eooadiogevery objargationbltbaitraneer with' bsarty'emphasis.. When tba latter . observed Mr; Seward UenUSadand minted by gentlemen upon tba boavWteeiiag* mu»: be .better imagined than deacribedi Tba laat aeen of him by oar informant he TO bldbg behind tba itaamen smoke, ■tack* . ■ ■ eboold give attention to tba prodactton of Bax and wool, bath of which wB be lb great requisition, and: those who tot go btoproddoing tbebwill mike the most money. Wool Tain: mat dSbndt and fkrmerawiH lod sbasp Um mottproUt •hte fdook they oan keep. AgftoSbtal pnreallearadettiDed to commanTmoteat. tenttoa la. this ooontry Tor tba best iererat , !!^! I th *n i they bate erar doom Almost otter kinds of badness have suiftred ao that men naturally torn .to tba mote sale and Ism.annorto oconpatlon oljarmtog uue ttioßtuiasofjoiiQg meowbo goto VAT v iim nitla' dowo wWaitoro Usds when the war Is over, If will be an offret to arils which war begeta. tH* alien of •“J, If they cultivate intelligence, patriot ism and pabtio spirit along their soil, occs py the position of real independence, and are a nation’s bulwark and glory. It Would bewejl for farmers not tossll sheep or lambsfor slaughter, bat'to raise them for tba wool crop • There la no doubt that a good market tan be bad (of all the wool that cm bo raised for yeara >“*n~ ” guMu gotten. jTß*f o»o.'j;—Ai.Qnenl IdettißC of AttTOfl XOMM 1*0.0.J. «r- AUcsMivi iKff?TPilm* ***f wjipmmy **23Kl “ f* •tODDI*LIOW8 I i yiv * r*tit, frrrHii fmipo»uf imrlna ih» J*JJ-* .? d Cfl f2l of Sr “* i viola. AllßtmbmftnltfvttMStoisand. ncfeiM i**iq wmntaStSi P «.m. ■ >f»r-_C»±CTOSaB*<»A*I 0* KXCMOMbW or«ft«tt]»iftfrl&t*'’ '■'*** •iisn ■ ■ ******■' • flMblo. 1 T IUktML, ,pocpl ... f oiq j3iwSr!S!tf^l l thk’Buk bMaaM.OT v*i th« atefttoof tto.ux atataeatte mriMiiiTrt , ocUihwJMH' RIBUi,AR PACKET -i- ‘ *’ • • "••• - JNO. K mi;-„ j&^z JL, liTlLta r> Xotlg-Tti. jjBKX SLK*S»'i»«Wj-lXBi'n, c-^.ias3Sls, *t!B *“ ta£TO * 4lM VA *” "•W. 1 “ P««l» f OH CIgOIWTATIi, I.QIT.., : WS? "k xnuLi. i>d ifivn^ib-.tvmug iiatOmatr 8t lOniA.jU«i>t A. A. k am. 'Afcitk' WwHRI ~ .*«* ' ' " J/B-LlTlßfli ~3lm OfiffiurSAti-AMUr r aw>BviLL«._n. a,. Jzrlz. £*w J* 8* K*?»U»irwOl iwwlS^L JiLu iusSf»u inij *«>4*.ii»SV D ° a '■■' ■ J.B.IITI%aaTO3BOO.; l A ;' _g« • Saggis*Sg*• 4^,^ *•• LfOK CINCINNATI, * XV lamia, cuißoiMHlKi l»^8aa«»r KJS O U LA Hr.'WakiLf ,-Jlib/iv PA3MI roc CUUSOLIII akikmHlßC . MMav vMvUiMTite tto ibon ipd.iii tnimiMi'lan '“'Hy MUI. MOEHUtD, it ,1P o'flStlTiSl T *WJ w. • :t> - g-^TO. |>ITTBBUBQti ~4NJ>QaL*i ; JT Ui>OUBP4OE*T-.Tii < 'a tl . ££•“«« ®‘»i, o»t ruuDAx at iO »• »,, fpt. freight mi tjiinn >yyiy Atat. EkoOlaA watJikLY. m* uimm' r*aux~sh»iaWK SS H SJ.nS*S 1 “ fsaMMHasassfe *■•»*'.•.. torfwjhi m MSSKSfriSrK^z,: •*, -.- .^r.^msSjai. BALED PBOPOSALB. «crJiiSSS , »Sfi?u i * ai *"'* = * lTed b 7^*U. ■apf’aaitffssrtf rfe WiBttMHOUJ?,gITI UALL. ffPSH aontm^ i LIS •f 03riJ ‘? : * pt«» ippicTKj by OeonetW etiich may to uasolocd at tse office of HmmU »*?Uy * UW * B ' Arotlll * ot ‘' Vo 47 1h«984, Alfegb* vx »¥ d »* w UMCMof bidden can b« b*4 from Urn OjCMBUfe cr team lh* M 4 s «*• lowaM price if t *u In ca-Q M tbs week prtMviwa.ond ai«otiu price if d*l4 V, •few™* «■*»• tnp u» muinnbVtfSS fJ » t 2S.2?tSfl? h u £*°' g i "".-*»u ««w»2 tu to tbeoo&tnaor SSSStt *>». WOT »i w. Pwpo.ll. totb. Ctalr ? *®**s**¥L£W!** OOSUBiMw cn Twifu ’I" *rjßvSZrmt^SS n^olc*adMdd#r» to fbrnUh • mu *»*•• of ttxlr mpouUDßi, brfS. *s££te«S£. «**2' waWM 3&fB5S? 8 - ** JtteB ° | -- OmmlH't. Answ OONsiasMEires- A” S “?* »U»‘Hjbuw, OtiMtasla, 2 5“ <““Ut»rt “do Wolora, » OMrM-HinpQta CrmbcrzicA. ‘is. U «« wKStSppi^- _S® bo*M*mritt« h«iTM >MnbM, ' ’fS ft"", ni " rt "’‘n nnSTiSimd. *' gWßgftSfai* *S to»j5BT i Mmb pitiM I*n(CUMi ' ■ tni £ Vi** . do —PoIOMttoJHUo, < dcßllohßt 'do do -E^|^^; O,HiKOOEBraB - ina>K.ajkMr, M» J" Porto Ales aiiuxw tas*n, • WJ«ao& Onita £T *> *».■»»» do tSSEJifW iSSS?^SSI?^° ,, r au^ M bozoa flonaia CilyT' . M tomli Mlimrt cut. ttUoiXferWob* Joa*LEOD!«*ao, *°* Oonwr «mna»ld «ad lOHMGNMSSIB-t . wsssasr* HiMthivlntßJi nmlnt mil totmitij nanragonn, * . Mo/114 gMond «» < tt f') ONSIBHMMT &— . L . > »-oboto«ApplM wl.ond (ran, •M twtnu of tnah rntbM, . 100 Dca.roiataM, . , "' Tl tain rSnßrootti. . j 100 bow. 4 S*£-.«as^"" 0 ~“ Ci "-' I ... I do ’ HBKk 10 baitek CfewtactA FUSE VAH Qo»t>lB t . 1U Booond treat; CttSSH OBQ9K&U9-fio bMi Ur JF **•«<*• HrttlMjw n< w"*»&r uiTLi*cuiura, i ** , .118 E>ootm itmfc S(M) JULd tf u - uo bdLbim,! _ H ttdfcji, o, loan, 0» hwd tag tor ml* by iSStI « T»IUB1,«. t>nil ~ fr** h gronni JiTA-rMnK, | CcrawofllMlMt mil timuJ. Jflffla'Sfc**? '"“f* 7 rum Ott—KHtartouifiSStt. WAKTggtr . fcrt,‘ ' ssr rf* 1 ' ■,«-—■ Ha.lo W.WT..^L *' u * w '* l>! i gr <■--» hi mjam.ijpg. (^^wwoobSETiaubit. OM.S^iA5 I‘A 1 ‘ A f LA.UP PATESTBO =iiTIHBSB IBre, IMI TUt; BEST THAT HAVfi KVfcK t«ea off-red to the pcMi<»f t»!oj *r* Iml foj tbe let.owing reut'Oi: t Bacilli belig of an <»*»| inapt-, th* : f • nOfttatf* tfluall} tfUuul (rum th< flame, bo tt*t ...*• dtafi ted mot* r*ge|*». JL Tfl® Seal absp* ta letter atfap’ad to i->ai.«t tbe SOaet r>! tcidati erpncaion ao cbMlt ta tmpnalbiato track tilers. j, S-Tbeglaaeta mad* largolj at L»-.d *ud Peariuh, o# and aUattdlj TLa etxlainejt xLldi boaaeletpare hart roc ad to tx 1 » brlttfow t®;erack**«! «bee no*.in goo, -.re Flint Qiaax, of 'wUcbccn are maatlacKurd. 4. Oijt ihagxeau«*adTaoi«sTvf these O&imoaja !i Jhatwbea you hare cue 1« will lv< fnrev- r, ml \t nt booaakaep* breaks C*c by tba beat of the tamo, let bar tall at tb« H*cot*«U*y and w* will replace cocked chimney by a duteo whole on*e Ibi* protT.-r 4eea not include ecodeou c* ihoae cmi of troahay* «%et« tbeebtooey baa, tbroagb loeapvl'-oca, t>orc •flfawadao x'oeely to Iba lamp o to preerot fta ex when heated. aad eoofmnur* of Oarbeo OH. eko barofoß thacniiiiodoof tbe obstacle. which b*i aSlMad la Om kiM&axpame of chimi«)i, in the way of ibe ua*rtJ»xl ow a the oil. *m-« jound a remedy la the OralXX Pilot G!im CUinii'ey« T »iJicb has ma taxtatty Ifawed tba ooct of "arbon oil ibcao wpoasa than, aad laaaaaad taeaDnaamvnoxi of oH OtaMaanx opoo the leoeoed ezpeoae lor obltooo ■*. , i»or«la by J. 0. Kirkpatrick, L, Ibomm k Oc_ Kogtra ANaabli. P. Qaydsa, Lwcaaoo Oli Qo , Walden JrEefaeia, W. Ogdan aoq., W p. Wooldridge. W. M. 2Jorr»y,or at the Vmoofaotory, WMhiugtou atreet Okar Paaaaylratila aveso a (UlO-uvwAsU WPsSI , Wf»UU(iiu iob Kuaopa.— By or dtr of ib*£tar*t*ry of |uw,tli ptnccgus Ifarlog 't&a VolUd 4Ut*t *n nquirad to proear* Put porn Wot* gdsg ea bond tb* BUamex. BjJJW YOlUi AMD LIVKR- g aA fdUtß CM PltntDlil tost No ’.” ob ” j BDlMgPgflfl ...... -Btordeji 4 23 . ♦IQ Mb+rt» rtT»l ntt^rr* PHI LADEL PHI A. ROB SKA BATHING, Atlantia Olty, :f.'ii? 0 25? • bilf hour* tUa frost Phi3> MMDriuU 1* tatbta*. nlllsf >Dd Oxhlog bdllttn m on : •Ma pIWQt .-iSSSif^ BO-^?8 Howe# * wWcb wW ram ggg* &™ n , Thwuvid pmooi, «« M V p|] *■»*•Jtbo** efßuiton aod Newport. .iSSinSJrSS’ “Sorting >. o.« e S£^u^.2aSSL* I,rarh ™ o,tL*»““u -mSFAjSS* “••*"*•* nfc» dally no u< from '**"** "“ nd * * hol ' swwSrJaja^u^irsjTT' IL l*£«kAilaatfe tt &46 A. ■. BDd 4:41 ». K. Dl» tun *Wy mil*. Pare |LBc. kfcKLßBlK*r (Unfed States) HOTOL * o bal< l^s "a^Sg^^n^-W^rsn. _iao; UfUA: A TOWNSENi>, WHS PAOKBB.B PBALBBi n» PROVISION8, Wo. IS Foorth otreot. ema bulitn untow o< bom. Lard u t Fcvk, mat odwhkh la of thatr own onto. BT7QAX OUTBID AHa»oranolnMlf andotbarenrm ftoli Him, with and wllliont cuni. SBODLDIB9. BBS Baokad and U dr, nil. IBX2B FQ&S, BaaTJ. LlAf LAM), la tola, flrkloa and paUa. Pot oy ex- THliOp-PAKXMKBaaiPOF^OMitS Umltmftonooto.lMA, efAQlwt, lUL no boitoioo of aotd flno wfliMa MUadbMMoowlnaerJaotoALniifbUDO. . T pAEXNiMBUP.— The un ■-M T* tll W a r toMdtot to tt» ato of HBM.mli, (SEftßSSsfiffS ff'totototooiitoc tho «rnTol UwAtoiDOMoflMnotoctoTtoj » t\££?i&!2SiFi' "XWT l " " *• «"» ofJom «J» too nani portonoln •“tontoi JT* ton,XftooMo M.Joon, litario Sr tatoOOTf iMlklli.iM Irw([i B. UaSoio. ud too nodal poitou Jo Jomn Uonblto, wbo »£ mtuMtoa otooato tkotood tour to%r« Ooiliri to tooooaoMt ko« otum portowMip, wbioa on ooraiponmnof too lMtto, of o«o«»C IMI, .n“ to Boot Into on too IMA, of Aanit, lifld. B-FJo-M, fcILJOffUL O. W.JOffJOr H«»«I A LaVOHUB, IBWtf (.UDdULUI, ’ - . JABW IAOSHIEnf, fapfoatofM,Uß. , . " '-■*£***■ MotootoowtofonD, floor, ■ rfO'.-Mh Bin. . , do a ° . ~ ooaoitAMa a tAKO. DBaaABI/S KVm WHO ALB—A JJ •Wtlf Mtdto efco jTicom- BHwlMM»l«D«fejt<>lSoT>fUii an ot debilitated wwtMHiaaa "antoinniiMaton, Drog«i.u ajilMil r>*r m *»*■« m»a., 10* ■* ■ at mu wiwjuifr am riiul, tf J * a puit,uyp. fa cad CUOIUB 80UUU|-JW(MU)> HAMS— «*«£••• to «b* wuktl—3t,oDolltaL ocu tifinj * Tunis” utiZ™* «. DiUMJS AMi>oMti^kodlVifi;il.’ axS I «*- a wa - ufcxoM*Joo. B. P DITgBIDQ K. bats* or r* BSA.S* i plukubdr* fcT NfOHGt.a.B HOTEL. X«wTorU K'duewi to $2 per i):j, *h ..t-iiUi v>P * NJNJ of tbb ?& tau«:-«»tbtzi»ks U th* mini rtia-p t . . -•• nt*li l 'UI »*sH f.-G-jl-bl* *>• «i!o lor »h<3 r »\*j to aji^i-.wd, »c«* rcuiiuao.ied >!ofog tile pe*t ei* y : , r j ti * pr.-wif tbet tbtl, H- •.py.wrUM - ~ -*» »h* tMSjpui ««- t-f Its v v heu »J mrt r-ijolr* - * u> it,*. niOit rigtl '••imoaif, the no £IZ.X>S[rA., *-& tbo tuKDedUce oH;htortu)od of the ’obMog Boqbc* oiMukit, -.htril *Q« uuu. H. Itevte. T. IL Kwta J. L Caron- A. Ootccroa, Juha Inrlo, J«. PETBOLEU fti Of Ug&t frota tba ««Qc of taw oodhu, M‘Jii Gnofc, In vtowjD coQotfi cootosili m oisJ •Dd ftuaaU. \ Otsm at Z. IL Nevtu A GO.**, ny4-lj*i So. HO Wao4 at< f I'nirtrqrgh. OIL WOK&.8! WIGHISAI «\.BDKBBOa, BJSPINERB ASD DBALKiU IN PT7£t£) aJWXIfiOCT OJL, (Quality OotrmotwdJ PITTSBURGH, ?A. Gfum sod Busole eoootaotly on b*oL ortwirccetod tor tb« prv«m*« OIUSS.&VTTB A OQ.Tt, »«ter«od Tim ttmti. a&dflm J • yoiT, —L tfuru, jr, Sw*? CjOLAB OIL WORKS COMPANY OF PENNB7LV tNIA, U«BnC»etaien tod Wboloiito fraUri is LcaaiaiTitiu and rbuhbb oils, SL dair St., «iar tki Brtigi, Ptftiburgk. Trail Mart. Pol* Uacblas 01, No. 1; Solar ftf*. CbiaoOU, N*>. vj &oUr Banting Oil, No, l,boUrßar» log Oil, Vo. & Adnmoea nudo on eourigaani'a. itUt tiooglreato Oiling orders fat CrndoOuof »M ip* olflo groTlttoc ccVk' Lubricating- Oil, At THE LOW PBIOB OF2S cents per GALLON, cooiteoiiy on hand end foraale by g. a A J.HoiUWYX&w Ae to the quality, wo refer to annexed eerUlleeta PmsaVN&.Efor. JT, Idoo. Uiku. B. 0. A I. S. SiUDi Tbe tabrlen* ■nf OU we are getting from you we fin* to be the beet fi>r our purpow we here ever need. _ TK*LS.M.*.n.R.Co, ncaaol By WM. Jtm, pnat. VALUABLE IttPmsUfißT Id Btoam and Atmoapborto Baomin. LBTTEBS PATENT were granted on Bept 4th, ISOO. toThomaa Beach, for a Vtn atapU end cffloleot Improvement In Steam and At waapberic Seamens whereby the fall scrota of (be hammer te obtained, no Better what ba tba tucfcam of Ute meat of iron to be hammered—thereby effect teff • ffteet Increase of sower wbara large fleece of metal era to be operated upon, end a comepa&dfcur caving of eXpeoeo. ~ - j ~ fhenMcribere ererowsere of eeli patent,-and are wlNoeof' aslltng rights to dm uid ImproTcmwit, ••-well a« territory nader laid patent. A model of eakl lßpnrTetD*ot to left at the office, of Seam Bek» «eU A Cubing. AUonttyg at Larw, corner of Grtnt and uiataood streets, WMe 'parses totereeted may call and eee tt, and learn also the tenbe-of Uosise ■ale. Ao. P.B. WIAVfiR, rSOXABBBAtm, o««du fn+oan, grroetroo* ob. Pc $ FHDIT TREES, £ INDQOBVENr TO FU&OHABSRB. ; A very luge dock of choice Tree* or keleclvd tail, rtieitocbooeefrom, with t»»ery po*»ibl« oir« uheo to bees wv*r? vsrjety trot to n»we Of Apple alette we here If LIOOt-60,000 cf nhfeh are lhrt« )«v aide, 10 U)0 foor year old Peer, IQJXQ two to three jeer old. Peecbi Ptami Aa/e One •took. BxfteX.vqg-Ths trw« in the mireery. Oil] and ne tbem. '■ WAU6EBBNS from 1 |n B test, by the hnodred chea p also, gfMDfl IBESi AMO gQBUBOB&V eboleaale eod-rotail. Address Pittsburgh end OtkU&d Sorceries, heigh. Pa. adMftwT JOHWMUADQCD.Jr. . j "REMOVAL. - THE PEKJLN TEA JLfc BTOKI baa been temored from .No- fifth *V*ei to aro. ao a* claim st., _ foor Door* from Liberty, et j _Mbtf ' i ' ~■’ r 1 iOWANOTt—B'JOU freeh Oiji&n Knts t Jnet ier«lv«d end far tele by BBTHBa A BROS., >T Nes 116 end 123 Wo;d u r- XV*crlb» r i are prppuedm*«U llirLVKiiOaß 1 hum.OILANB SBNBOLI[In JhrffßiM imall ooentl ttee, froral'.eßeeem rU Co* Works,of tbetcet 1 , At fair market priMb ‘ i • - >i. •' QtAIAH PICKIT AOO. AK(JDYNfi to> J»maonreo'Teotha&be wltbont loiory to tbo ttetbognma. BrldVy ' 4 7 " “ BIMJNJOBNfiTOB.^rOntet, anddaatef la flbelcenaily MsatSiee. Ml omertattklalAakd fourth tob £.iiHY BiOjAQE Qciaavjii*t*4 Qxaixu'a 07#’o», i Vi* pcetlsaro lamed fee fee tar&lMiu of iJn, Wagj&.«i. # stale iht prices at tt til b they c*j Itia 4*\ft? Uoe, »‘ toa3otac;uro,cr ai a*w tMtauoiv fV.aMiutoa. otCls <4n»ti, ee preferred b> tbs bidder* Ibe DDmtx>< which c»u be tsadabyaoj fcnJu-r *itb in on*; JB-csb if it* receipt uf tn* onj«r. alto thenem* Wf watcb be can ccfrror within cue *k*fc. Tbo W»(,.,«i mitt i xactly toaUu to lbs iolJowinjr tptCtu.siLroii, &H-> to tb« Ba'iitilieLed pa'.ti rtia Ml tiw (coro-ni) .i e M Ul. «»> .uJ ttOO W li4luW*, to «]U H 1 *» ,ro »* «t-wl4 to t* three le t ten mch a h!sb bQDatss tnvb*»;u d-etnei-r, *o,i k-tirtc«a aD .| » <,04/. i«r bioa wheels loarfcat uq iocUm b»a£ bob* ten and a qtiartw toe Ut in dun. Met, mod • quane* tuebrs to; g; SwUsatwo sno * tail Inches *i«J* •»! and three quarter Inches aeei* cut iron pipe boats tvarvlncbas l tw ieeb by oDe-qo»rter loon thick, inside naoo cob loch by'thrae-iixieeuht to ibtcVnssa; the bind wbsefe to bo mads and boxed so.tbas they wlinneaiurefresa the Inside fit the Uie to tb« large tod of the box six aid a bal{ lusher, ttt 1 frost wbt*lMlx, indoae eighth uctwi In and each axle to be thiee sett eleven boo three sightb inches Orem thaocteid* of one kb.».* in «m(.na Matrato »h«ib ail.tiK. to ba lb. Uet qaallty teSned Atnerlcah iron; two and a half loebes • jnera a; the shunlder, uperlnc down to -one and a half Inch in the middle, with a •erus.ciktnbo tbAvXagjboU bole in each axleuea; washcwsami Uocttplns for caahaxiau»e) alaeof liawrptefOialnon wide, tbrefrcigbib* of aaincb tblst, with a hole In • wwxUn atock QrtMurter inch', f* **^ 6 ■®o lachea detp feeteoefl ankfiMtialix to tba uletzae wltb cilpo tn the eons. and with two uo«s, bis inches iron ths middle, and futenad to the boooda and Urtater, (the boater to be io« feat five tociiea lens taonta wide, and three and ■ hail fa'FO *Uc« of 1 iron two and a hall laches wide b* th-ea eUbths Of an inch thick, fattened on top U the heouc. s?er the | t>«cft end eftha toagoo with one belfiucb screw b*a ! ih each end, and a plats cTUca o' thsaamaametnin. ad op at •■dj.ondana and a bait inchcaw clamp tba front bounds togetner. and /.at«n«t on th» nno.r side, and at tons end of baniMls,with baifloch screw vale thrcqgh taoh bonnd, a aeTtrielgbib inch b4t Utroogn un>goe and bound* 1a the centre of j«w», to «wuia tbe tmgaa in the bounce) a plate of Iron three Ujchaswidß, une-qoancr inch thick, and one foot Waht lathee secored on tb» ineina of Jawi ot hounds with two lire's, and a piste oi Ukumedl* * D Mco ,Jfl » t. ngue, wberu tbctcnKta ana bonnes mo tosashir.secoi.a 10 tike aenuer. I brace of aniavhrooad iron to u*. tend tram uadar the Ironies!etree, lad take two Ulu mcontpartof tue ters of an inch round to oonunne »the bac*paU 0 f the hvnnds, and to be laetetted with two bolts, cue near tbe hac* and of the boaoda. shd ona tbrooeb the IrnttbobteroSaaS a halt Inch wtde, of an inch ihlok,whh a bolt la each and to Usian n to the hetiaasi (he opening Dotwean toe Jsws of the bounds, to rsosiTu toe tongoe, sod fcar and tbie«*quarter inches in tSjiJS? tow ““* • h * J toohee at ib* tuck p«i t “ m rt V to£b “ d »*fS wlih steady Iron two aad a bau tmhas wid*, o> oce-half Inch thick, ruined op two and a half inched and lastenea on each end w stb three rue.e) thi bolster ilocis and h;nada to bo s» mired with iMr hsUtnoheorew bolt*, and one half screw poit through the coupling pole. The coopUng pole oiasftei eight rashes lose, three ‘“ u ** aod h»ar and e bait Imhee aide *t hoy* end, ana tw> and UuwqQ*rter inches wide at bark end; distance from the centre of king u»u hole to the centre ot the bent axWtree six iwioue inch, und irom the centre u klag-boit bole to the s*otra of cho Ctortloe in ttM bled bud of Uie owe eight leeltioe tu-hr si king poU*»De sod u qaurrof di*a&^-r. roOiied Iron, trawo «wvj) 10 esveiMigktba of wf loch wb.r«upaie».e ibiougb u:etn<.<« u too. , tetter, with e tall La each w ,^. k !?L eDUtt:er “ lUl “ ili 00 *• *o« twocands on the hind buuoaa. tw .ud two sud ■ ball la. bis u| Jfo. 10 band iron; the rub l Ux* on the oouiw lucLej one and ot * «wt*» 01 an Inch tt ic*. fronblettee throe but ton locbts loug’, ilnaietrte cho Sl™ “h iV D<# *® A| U uioty, with an froe ring *nd clip atpscb onu, iheoetitra c'lp to be veil aecoxeat lead bat and sutteber to be three test two inches lon* two and a quarter Inches »ide*»nd o«« end a qosner laon thick. Lra.i ban, atmebera , fcr two elagouei to Ustb books in the nudd.e to took to tbs eotf at the hteb chain, the vbac! and raid* SSttSfiSrtortttE' I“** 1 “** ** th»a to the d^b. Tbe filth chain to be ten feet loar-to tho Coaks the fS«2Tt« fO SiS l ff b T ,oc * wlUl »• ktwteter it assMto^a-sssaS ?°artar Utebra ion*. piece two and a half isenee wide and throe iacbci oeep ,aod bur tnebes dwp in tbe'mldciw to'ieet on tbs coopdui s.p rail one and a half inch thick b* MjeabdssTatteighth Inch wuct lower raUsnneiaou tbtek bjQjne ana eennulgbtb Inch wh.ej three studs acoone «au in frnaii with a seat on strap hinms m OM-jl np M blgh a. ths aido, a box u2se4«f J>£ lochea kuw, the Down five leches wide front eiS nlnesndauaif indjiee drop, aadafghtnoi a ball lacha atitetopfhparaiUl Ua*nxtoe beipcalin tbaciaar to iw.smb.tanu.ux f-»«ed to thofipnt J?w!sh2 bony, to boss an iron strap pasting roaad end. 1 S2d»ft pbc *«jTSfs|s? artsed ro each and of It posing tbrohgh them, the lid tt La tasuesd to tba front r*U with two good- sfrap blnxea. H!J[*iL 0< . a ’* , ® ,£hUl *”° the boxabaiflnS from ttt top edge, and two straps s*m» aise on tba lid nrar lb. W edge, to prevent the rinISISSuS T * *l I>parUcuul, and of UcbeU bo ciiot9o uaui' ii etuil have been uppoctod so j approved by whj \+ \ Scsr tolutpatttt. Wbsotatabed. piloted and aooepted b/ an «JB»r cr agent or the! Qttart*nn**ter*«ltoparttoeat,ami6eUver»4ae herein I agreed, they ahaU be paid tor. M. 0, si VGIt, ■ aelfctl .; QaartacasMtw Ccgcaal.Q. fl. i>ltU«Oa}Alfc rUK AKUY !WA(iUN X AND AJitULANOB HA&NISj. \. 'jyrics or iui tttoraiaw ar^'Sqeumx.') Corner ficvvd and Jkrcer *trmUi > You, AtjguUMJfiLl i*» r *UB will be . *'" Qallurj^—Brwfcch fctnjw g feei'6 tsobee lona.file taeots wide, tewed iato 14 Inch rings of Kroehnotu ® ioetit laches idakgSMutetea wide; stay pieeMßfaa* Wag, x>{ tt»ch*e «td**wlfbl>4inch •*“*!•* *”*■ to bochte hits stay plats*. A fott long, ift loco wldaj «lda straps 4 tel'ioos, 1W loch ww«} ue stripe \i inch»e leS, tapering to a potae. ww > Two Belly Banda, U»og rid* two feet I lnchea loot, 8 tnchea wide, with a two Inch bocki* abort ttdsv&J 4 tficbaa loag-aad 8 Inches an do. Two Hair tollers. 10 to Id taebu loos, with dsobte ■trapaaad sate leathers and tackles }j taco wide. Two Pair oTUcro** Hamas to anil, made of white oak raot, troaisn with hooka,, trout rlaa Us i..,* agnate, tlapleaand lhw ring*. ”” Two Pair of B*ma straps bower oaa b lest & Inches lo °4i H Itrab wide; opper one 4 fe*t 0 inches loot. U Inch wida. Two Bri.iita. Croara plsoe 8 last long, 1W inch wldat 1 Cheek pieces each 10 tnebu loos, lit latt vmw *£• I pieceUHtsenea loa*lfc tn& VrJ^UTpS! f tty» Winds to if inches tosai IUtS wlieroosg ptece 11 inchiw long, 1 iAcnjrtOe: JbUhae • lushes Wng.OH tsefeaf «Mt lens,! Jctb wide; abort st!»i/w j •« a* 9 Iron, with J on one eod weight TU ho 8 Cm par pair. Twiaiedorattaight. '“«• “ «*■ - ssais? 1 ‘" ci ‘ *** 3 * ■«*- W** 4 *“* 0 htfhaa long, U lioki to the taoLHo4 UoojT and Wop to be riveted on to tbs 1 neck atrep. Twitted. “* Ooe bridle, made oa Attakapaa tree, baad. cnlltt and catue, traaad, corund in the qmu! way with k.l>taonea borao Hude, Sip?*) hSos IoL7 l 6 Jicbas wide; aardogle T Met I tcchet lotur, 2W 1 leches wide, with • hfe inch book* no one aid, 5 be fattened to the aacoie by betas rlwfed'ts two I curred • traps IJ4 wide; thenttraps aiwplaced I one oa each atdasf tha usdi# traa,one eng ta itedto I to* boat part o( (be bar, the other *oa, to theex* i k-wia* ot the bar behind the oaaUe, Spaatah ffddHt j faahiotii atlrrap leather* 4 tecatT I Inch wul^wim bockie;atirmpa, I UJ * * J * p * t^ rn * *° ■'4SU>4Bis t(g» I lDch “ te »' n * 4 * **“•« f of Hama* to enit, oftheaama material übt SL”« n h “ D iS. iroi,i - ' IU “ *~ l w Una riMffWlthatnpe Mia wheal harden. * .Two urtdisa, mjm aa tor wheel baroeea. Two Pair ChalaPlcea, « Tin* Pair Traeo Cbataa, u r T iiS? W V* n i B«!i >tnp t bn long, tapering from tit toobee to iu tnchea vm> «*,. S“y * ££\s2S .2? with e book at ooe end. two Back Banda, 8 bet 4 lachae long, 8U Inchea wide. T c °K,h“ul““' **“* to “ t «4VtotSu. I On. U.a ito,a Iw Ikk Jf loeti .ki.wiili. be * T * pWi«i bon. bidtt 0 tan e loch*4 I »zgl jzxsi 2 tss r#g Qullori. Bxtwcti auvpaS &*t 8 Inch* teu. 8U Cacl» rtng, u iSflroS ? **. "If iwo -» 4 U*cb‘* widcj iujr 2 **“** a to**** wid®, wiU» U< Inch t>oakl«a;crasa fttrspt Wtactie iato »t»> Dl>c«a 6 tia-i %* >«““* *“».•*« «tr»W“ fteTb Set-to? »■"s—i-ssb's 0 ibttw long *dJ 9 iac2ua uo»lw« Two a*u ODU«k Si to S 3 lochf long, wltk ___ •. taca wia* biioila fliaabea tduhd »Rre«®SsS@i rfasawassjasSrS rwo^lr K »aUM 1 T« , e»loo<.l4Ual,toUu^to. 1 o 0< . 1 4U al , toUu^to . r huo. to l«*»«tael». wlis unavd Lone WMmSrS& ECTAi? 1 ? fiwsSwasSS^fSg "Owbulto tlu utnulosot tutu -rp.!Urn,t<.*« t t,uj tft< „.*&««£ _ •• -. UAO.' ' ' ™° gSr"’ ,KM “■*W *•“*! fcKlWi. T VhS£Si2S3,!S.^ , S “““«*•> ■• ** tw&«*•»«Onto* «2SubTihwlhir- SSS^® i »®SSi loch wide, Witt wrooghftookk * /• ! * *■*■ i^?3<£S%i?^hSSl [ &S2k , 2£ , i’iJ?? *sfl- ■"w.***** laUMoutartorMßtfottalSitelr 1 rta *** w,d U-Imc isdiwtte. wltta ot»wiSA2* **■»« witodhlmrt&ctffir °w put* tom hidTtftEu £s£ SsSSSSSBSSS 1 - ■Kffl^w^^&sasste. iffi^wPstess^ssssfe , gj?.a« ii>, '< i, “" “'•‘“"W'Si.s Ms 1 * r ssssssa; aaSttsssestttefrl •f s *?!* tb. unlop. tW ■—• i SUU gS? **“»* «• O. MOLAB. las bhd* fair good, fair aod srlaatabw -•' IfiO boxra6s.SttodlOtLnchbar«fv?7rAti*iv« 660tMg»’'laOofff«, ' fcObN* PausDjiTialaijrTOi' toijtoky Maiviu A DILWOIin, <>ol ,m«MwuiSi. CUWDRIio- O I» bbll ciolooOtnan ipplaa, li d<> -B»«U(bdrr. • to pacteduutter; iDilcr*«oafor OPLP A SHfiPiaO. -g 1 ! ; Mildfcwttmk. XTSSIUofI* rU>OK.-480 bimir XV eb«kMiruiUillauMa«onwt »Mii«parniua7»«teKallnaJ,ttrn*|j ' «» . BMMMunywmt— TOST 0N as 4 after Mon Ar. RsblK^^^. l How. tbs 4th, 1561, I Phi *• Afbterr*, Oxtcortu sad AtwC Ztte. I sen "-TrViirfTTi. ~ v So changa oi can between PlaaWgh'aad CtnctaaatL heavea Arrtrce >1 Anita at 4mva ai Airiwe at PITTSU'E OQh’MB'S OUTI BT.LODJIB IM a a lull a m pa Uto p m Ltd p a £OB ato I Tbit root* w aoorter to CtsdnMtL ioebrUWOn. I utmina and all poicta tooth, than any other' mta. ■ \ Spiardid Bleepißa Can attached to ai/Night Trataa 1 A £«&er 9 ko*i Wh* " ■ -“'**?** arrfres at intni at Arxine at IrrlTN at iVtUbrntfi mU Cfewiam* 'firm : - UITN . ouvSJSd I*s A. ■• 6rtßA.iL l«iO v. IL tb*k«op.a. tnla Aeasectt ml i*jmrd fat £a« HOl*celphu %ai iucfauon tbft ToMvmibnS 1 — •£&s££&&*■#**■" *•««* XU. „ _ VnLLUM it*WA*f, Amut. i< tt. 0«« n ». a. MYMRB, Sung Tlctrt Afcst,. ot " Ob lo iSSfiis ' *iaui DULY T«ii™ - - ' aiU. S UNB fi ? ’ ® cy * :t ' Ue toboboh MAIL aRJOH Amtos thaiimnger BUSbo «nn **??** Saadsyj • t t*Q a. (t, oal?2 *£ V oll ** H«?bbarfl SjiB»in ! SB»!»^' U “ 0 ‘ ,, " U1 ~,rlTto« W fMlLl.ltAla 5 is:SS5^' r “^ ri /Int iooooncoBus;,,;.l liaj ».£. ' ** U^ b „f ( »tS?^'S^• ,r • e “ to 4 *•■ *M tit*, 1:1] wSr/SSST”. AMOEO « t4 <»o. »«» *. *?not : 2fn.f iW* icomuoiUOco, *so a. WlU'i SUtlra AcooqsoiSiHoo i ftao i w _. w £ft ißuaDi>* M9 mn«uanT»iiT* 1 . ,L *" ffrCT,h 4 otrntaa at Bus* i^naiiara " Ki 4.2? E«M*e-tail Cad it gruUy to tb«U in- gcicg w jy*«, to tHtelby ti» Penn. m th t AocoramodAtioiif m# oflatd ** 00 * a * oa« root*. Tbs Boid is milMtad with BfiMbaoa u aaUrut Crt* boa dost.' V< coinfcft to HJtbßtr titer with ibtbwtnw _ ** ?£? Tork~.—....,iii wjTo BaKlmoje. ... • ft ii !&g?-z:1SI W==: is^sySiitir s1 '’* ot Bt * ,! “* *‘*"^s l Z“’ '•'’ • Caa; t*»i «ai mb ~**£ lw * rtfpOMlWi .Or poroDB&l inma pair. **3**“*W««a» not «««4i)ig |lOO. PP B ;“" An Ottnttmi Mae fcss t*4C ttuploycd to Mat*; I asMngtn And Bsgc**# to sad Qrma to* Dcoot. IlSuSisl" 10 “*"*•«»«■ r=t .. /l fJ?'s fi 7 p £ l, .*° J - BTBTTAUT.Aiimt, - eraaYif*? 1 S- •‘MB'*. rz llbW IM . • »■■ - _ .. .". soft F MPOR.Ta^'P —pnf X *>» pQMbulog tlektta lor .jooepb tod otter poiou la No«iwjr MhL^^[! b^Ji* DSa, » w **»® Territorie#, (tioaUtaibi 1 thnbclSlS tmL I^kSEs-S; SatßassasdgSl ®3?s®SE*®Bss FVnHml PtOMSM JT.morm . ZZSnk**** Staff*." skssst £sss% BW gstgs,- :sxsßu John Or* , 7.- mSu vss£§HS ,. *‘Zj!%tS* t ttHtunr~€BAJLUU jJWiIOM, OONDBIIB— K bU». MheatSa^r, M^NlmcStNl I * l l> ** Bd * **■” 2 - SEtS* ' s i£?°T« • U^ b £S-gsS,*g*»»>»u»««r.: < " M “ • 1 *rg«M, uuo 4 Uub. ■ ■'. ... • « »r ÜbettreScMfiafe. QHfifiTOTIS, ' ■ • •• CBMXBCS. .1* Mctoc*9!Mß«v f .--Jnii jjoo&ou,.-. • •a° BBW. faojf urns win. ' fcrutekj - NO u M6i,ißB«B-a.sobMi. i W(» PXSBR