The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 13, 1861, Image 3

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    ornojAi ?a/a
UnsonoLOoicAt flbcemtiou for the Go-
Shaw, Opiiciaa, fiS Filth etreel
-conteUd daily:
• ."aleck,
It »
n a r. «...„ '
*** E **? r ? ■»« JMtardoy, lath,
mom «MpladkjUi,Contirf Qo.rUrLwlou,
far th. pirjuxtof TOlTing th. mj ntan^r
?* ***• **°* r * l * h «loi>. *=d ooapatlag It with
»k« T0l» out in th* eoonty. Th, fora tr „ a .
mm jew !g Mtradtac-A. nilwdi,
PmoWmv ud Hum. Jontu Qonnly, J. a.
**»oo, Oltrkf. !
Tto Prodnotiij, D, Armtron* Em nn __ I
Tb« ottuduM nr Jodn, >u „.i,. i
ku,k IIS;
won ponsltud to d^orTTw
-gs«assj alias'
±sr^ T v lor, ° »p« «i iii",
££«&-aste** jwbs
UM^ tJ tS'VL* <: D Tbr C *>"- bforgao, ud^do?
W \ba Ptothoaounr in p arao , j
*b“ WMhold to b, UCormtl. «d* ,t * Mcoitid without ob
■ Pultedgtata. Circuit Coatt.
““ °» *•«<•/. Jad|et Grief
“ d McCandleee oa the Beach. Alla, dupot
uf of sobs preliminary baaineea, Jadce Grier
r«n4 no opinion in the following ctiee:
i* CopeUnd fc Co. Jonee, W*l I
li«f»p* fc Co.j on p«.« vL
opinion cone odee thn«: Tke kJ b
■.3£s , s r ,i , f "to Stti;!:’;” I ,'
n»d receiree no conntennnce from Sie I
’.o ” CC °' ,nick Cwhich hid been rjl
larrea to is the opinion.) Let a decr»« h. I
S?oa d *2 r com P 1 »*"*»H lor the urn of *l3 ! I
toft U, “ “"* “d"“o»V««
it iat cue of Adame re. Jnneaat ■ i ... I
O.M s®ut r «s* o p“ m P lYoo°rt.“ * w “ 110 “• I
Ceedieee delirartd a brief opia.
"“ Cmn iun!i
GUtrtet Ceart
, tr *Y r °" owi ‘« ««» ««re tried before Jad*.
Wdlitm yaxiardaj aad jeatardaj:
T,Mieb “ l Tuber. Action for
ta TSS.r
«ery Ann Kirwnn n. Jmei Wilmn a*
i!£tX<k6 r to°' i ‘° rJttaU - Verdict lorplain*
»a. Scott re. Patrick Gelatin. Aelioa on
Ou'ss*’ o'* 0 '* "° l *‘ V " lilct for plaintiff, *!,.'
a3if-* rf Mc< l u *fia T«. Jonah B. Hat
hßuSd^ *an.pL
' _*wum Cmt
' B ”’ NoT ' ,S — PrM *'». <"U Buck.
»?A° l^ toa T »-_ p o*»ara ud Bntm Buk of
SS.'ll,”** P^! r a *- Ar*»od by Kola a for
plaintiff ia error; Hovtll, ooatrm, not board.
Dotbia ▼*. Darbia: Groono. AmuM k*
fora*® for plaintiff m .rror, „/b? EUek'
PitUbanh ud OosnUirillo Hallroad Co to. ‘
wr^lf.LS? 1 . 1 *- Ar r>»d bjBo»»UudPoU
iTrau/outrT-i b7 * wU,g “«*■»- H"
Tit 'min Committee of Pmabarah Cons.
ol» fc»»» aathoriied thefotlo.iaf to
•olliet the City and Boiiaeaa Tax and (Pater
- --wSttaS^SfßSi:" ll * ■
£“'•!> w P- Thomason.
Nlotli Ward—Hagh Bammoad. I
co *" | y Ux «» f«»»iu to ba paid i B . iji I
ol lb# eolloetora lor Uii comit i> t „ _ I
b-« tppoUied by 7
E%*s2l JroCSSS
JfSd^ffi ,l || , M l B *** 0f ,h * E “*-
Osaarals Waahlagtna eadMeCMUa, oaths'
Ohosnaaea oftba Sabbath aad aaelaat profane I
rntfag. Nearly lM.aoatraetabee..i J
tawiM fambUii*. Tha arm/and om htl I
SliiSl “W’** 4 «*th 1101 MptJ of iaj
J)IQtUI 0» ' SflLßyn —Th» Ml ,
eaUleradled oa.Bamla,. i
Jobs!. Tyler, IhXZi
ta “-pTZlai BtofSto B
s£!ff« »•*S?Uw
Pwa«7l»Mtajeoltata«^ C ‘u , ’“a J
:^Kll^te“jo 0 h*a I
-A P 'T”V’* B*** 8 *** P*o«or»D If,, figu.
i ttta dtJl *■* *»oh2
J**®- ®w*d Into Mtin atrvle* h
** »*'*»»*• to Sts. MeoJu
, }“t*® 4 * *“ rt >»• binwitkaggh ptouan
"■ ..asSSv
* ‘:“ “ l * lOMm * d *» x pmmftoUoavd. I
_js^.ujr««£*““"S’« u.
,*«**.. c**jio »o br Juris* uf? pick*-
r-««M 0l D,:Vw! „■? ?’ it !“* *• *ta
;, .BwßtoUu * .*9 «»i<l>«.ld itrttly
t oru “««•. * «»:
«k«“ k.ow th.» R J |UD " n ''” to '«'*■>» «d
doina w « .»"■ »»■* »he. w.
One .eomiiSyftS l w 2, opo, ? d “ toUowe:
o«pt«in GreentwaU • "an l /,
connt/, C»pUin Joh» pdi°* ,rom ClperfieJd
ciirioß coufr, c.»u£T\“ c *“ m w "“■»
put from J u Creig; one com-
HMWr cB V™! «?«** CipuiD John
‘J. Captain John C?*Sli2r" conn-
I ono eontm A. H. Trtej ;
8- Contain
*■££ ion.”, cXS B & k . P^ C,i, *" J
BSir^- ,nmu '» *«*."SS
" A d . •*“ ■» » W<o„:
p-i li.iu™,
BroohviJie. Ph.i ■*•»»► e*i»"£ Corbett,
Newton, A." siwSS “* 'SW’ ,C . I ‘> w ««
Braoknlln, Pn. ; c2Si!« A^ P i H*«Mwld,
Brookfilin* P,.’. s - «>•*<■«
ol«n, UriokTiiiV p.".™" l *'- B - ■>•
B>tJ, Brooktille, p,. ” AdjnUol > Orltndo
“WUdStBiSSS.*'; ” r '* in,ll ) r «»•*
PUBJj]T»Bit Vol OBtAM bat ftow lhe *oslb
■nijr bn ndnnced n 7k 11 “ ®”*Bnd we
.he extreani l.“ " “t? 7 ‘ W “ "«
tb« picket* between .J** j 7* , t #r# ire OOly
Slippery Pottt, It wki!! * Bn * ®° n *»d
will write min. »froe»ble, eome of a*
- • , Wild Cat.
* or tbm airr.
'** D *- “itti,
..oo so
a. 64 67
T , . Th * oaicui Total!.
Th. f0110w,., , rt , he offlc „|
r.r/rr 101 ' r ° r -
P r# P*red b j ib« Cltrki
' >mS
*»«&-J. p. p en *■ Mll <*«ll. SSJO ms 6.SSS
KS u?s
' ,; J“ ***«
>.(SrSS w — wilh J,** w
Isi.oS!£i°“ IL “ l'‘“ St «:?«
U M.fhrtMa.J ?■??* TJMft
«*rV-aiiWiSJSr*"" Jjg •» *i"
S ys
■ fW ' ta, » to »-n» l i J u ! os.z:j,lu ,5!
"r— a-as
Cbm*r-J. rkh, “? -S “» *M s“o
S£ «»™ ufss
bj 60 Totes. 1 °“ (Union
1 1' w,,!** W||,M » Mor.mem,
i I W« learn that a commiuaa of gonileniei)
r h o ' ■ rohn H,r,,er ' j * mM «*-
Aal«j, John M.ckio, P. p. H0w1.,, p. c.
G.n“ Th *° d 'l M * ,or W “ T ' r > h *™
G.». Thom.. Fr.eci. Mother, of Now York
Sr-’ 5 ---
h ‘ eommittoo in tbi. city. Let
L 4 . b “ o c , £p | °jp**" b “o n th'”r ZTZZ,
ecMot lh.uu.lro. [0 into u,o w.r
SbS¥®ss.‘ , jss?w
El,i ' who
. MN ibitat from oar city bow for mm.
p«lo>.«l b,h,? r .
wju* j
t® I ?™,. P »01.0T»I>_Johll B. Have
hrz'j'l' 1
xtessEsr tb ’ u,ian ,ai r ~ ;
+^£&z* l i£sr o l r* r " bi ““* w «
TOB will fi.,l til i * 69 Mtrk « l »h«r«
A Cold Wrani it Pakdjctkd r... tnM ,
l°° d by
•Mhtajyoar orders *r 8. Dy„., ,i 0„, „
■y bone oa Marshall etraet, Alleghany.
. - - : Johh Dm, Jr.
fibhia!? S’k Wo * l "truited to him. Call at bis
“ °aUed to
I mViiimj »* 11 “antirelj oa.
Z^**™** 1 ” coommotodtrttt
°< “»d*r. 111. .
[paaaUy those ol a I? l .!y‘ WaMad, aodee.
I To Borw Oiracra.
I b* at* -'■"ltailSfySl 1 . h„,!y T * I * l ** "»S
I mm or BaddU a«ii» . c * rU f»‘
I tl *° e * r * ’•““ttr- Sparta aae ilaatp^’-f'l. 11 " Hl
nonM»s *"**** vttfccoapq
l tag»
>”»*» thorn fbamtdable dJES
mum. iKdJSSSitfc - ***? **"• “Kir
Omar Wood tad
£* . ■ - tl ? j-^j^v.-fo,u ■
Pr ™ 0»» Owrapoodont.
,h *■*«»*•
7 ° f *° 7 tt “* iik « enrpliicion that il 1„,
op.. mu. toitorj f „ tb . "J* 7 *
m ,‘d “"a lh “ * , ' rn *" —tag'
T*. ■ “*. Id “* “M good, hoct pwpl. „ g
tertnin who lit. 1. oltU,„d town, whewth.™
,nd id *“ ° f jottloo
“ d l,n,h “ d of Uw »to M . Of thing. would
tad no,. mu, t, .„ nd . r , ti ao , . u f u . (o u
“»«»d, P«rh.p. u, b. indignant at. I h.,!
f 00g ,V “*“**•■**■* chapter or two of "Not*,
from a. tonus- altit no , h. an „ lOT „°^
Jour nndna, though the? may U piokod n.
.0».wk.,«d0», „d .oTCd 1
« 7 * b °° la U " “ 7 - "POO tb. dnu
Oao day last lammer. u I duml nn »„ .
Un* tfonae, I was attraemd h?®.. P LobU '
aoldlars, huddled arou^m.obiL.C Wd of
od .r istann totmmt. S to! T“-
dio vu oddmdßff th«n. °.v ,o ®e ,
totoobl. had bwnj’onn?’theiTl* f"j" eU, t®g
Jan then the crowd brokai*t«aV 1 df f w Bw * I
mid» .tood-.hat do 10 u " l '
**eh), before that! J. e. Berret wu Smsf I** 1 **
oi to. dtp. „,d “KCMh-^n 1 r“,hrf*;r r
,n° £& t ,y fmd
ywldwnhfftoto.tV”", l^? l * °™P“P
otTh. „Sftoo k h ! r h l .old
“'-d id “J
bod proteeUon, ud Mrh.o. ‘ " ° ld
S.-i-SrEiT- - '-
««?.** ?.?ss*sri?"° hgo
5r S %iiK£SF«
Potomac, where it p„? 7h, S o ™ „1
Harmon’, I.lsnd 7 Wh.t wonder
‘ i P" 1 "u.t O" 'heir h.»d., the Lord
h“y, r X7h’.‘°. Un ’
Hr. rod: 7 " ° r<l ■o»Un*. ol
J^‘| b « “Pi wherefore lieat ikon npon toy
Uce 7 Israel bath aiooed: that l, . <•
ukon ol the icenmd thinf, ud hue Jlw
•tolon .nd draiembled. no,f„, 1” *‘“
dre. of 1.r.0l could not auu beto™ , h ’
.oeun.. but turned their, be„,* e to"'
mure, e.J" ~"“ b t " "a, 1 kJoJ™!.”/
o»n, <4, ncccjcd frmß
..on, .bidr£^' o &^r.’,r u “to , . f
voice eeem tgam to (peak to the raters of fAi* I
foto P n‘. : m "“ 7 <“.« .taotaT «7d
shekel 7 ® lb 7 ,Oß “b Strmuip his two hasdrtd
wmih* f » *‘ j e e ?f d hl * wed f* of fold 7»
whl J “ d fiad,Bf bim > d «»»ro7 both him
whereof the corse came, and that whereof h*
W. iccur.ed I Kor wif't, n„i to. car .m!
tad r **to l i““°'* d^ 7 ,b “ I * r *« 1,1 '.b Judge to
Bod ‘the nccnrg.d thing” .moo,
lfae, Joab ud Abultoi, .£ n „t u om.
.ail in tbi, battle, if commend, ere laid noon
.ZZ 1 to?' 7 ”** '** *““» dh
b.dnr.d., , i l^7V:“;r * lh “»
of the nation, ud God wifi ,„ to it if bl Id
; -bi. b iod^teriird fi 4^.?d“
Pd'T l ,^ Ip .° r,lo ”' ,b » .Id"Af i m”
7^Vo 0 u m .nM*" 7 no,, r"‘
and 1 th f ° ,d * be 'f* b,d ’ ,B<l *b» Potomac high’
I Jtito M h ,^ ,l * d ’*» Md . end tor. cit/to
J&Uitatp iioticcg
U. 8. Army.—
mkn wanted immediately:
toa aura aaomiNT D.a. oitalri.
™ MMs or “ sn r* only ratit runs.
JtZ* SuSO* B ** to **' *<" *• raiioaMo U
netalgbertiMjparaogu lB
Advanoement open to all.,
Btaßl °* pt * h, ‘ Wwh
“ tn tb« ruk« or
-UJMO27 UlbH, safer Obpt. TOOB. & BOfll.
Armory fa u itory of Wilkta’i Ball,
-*" 3litf tbohab C aofif. a„.i.
***■ w. -' ‘
J 8. dilworthTotT ’"**
„ * VHoinui a Boai*»
Ho *- UO and 13a 8««»4 Btrut,
MTiMcaan. pa.
u. STOW*,
*hy«loian and Surgeon,
°***» *•» *• Fidirtl Ktmi,
Owtfto Ooloaua. row, na> lb. tnpnwkw
»maniirr cmr
■■'■'» Wood MrM,-
the latest news.
"ECEUED it the cailv gazette office
_PBILADELFB,i, No,. ll._ T h. Cb.rlo.ton
errur j/, of Fridav, to camming op (bo dte-
PMcjo, reoeived from tboMono of action,
Xbo en.mj', fi,« opoo oor (Iho rebel,’) b,u
ai “ in n '*' l •»*“ *> belf-paot fiioo
k in the morning, ■beraaa tho bombard
*»nt i. .aid (o h.„ boon baud in tbo oil, at
* »«“• 0“« *>•*«, bowan,,
««« i> no donbi .boat lb. cannonading hartig
wan boa,, and oontinoono until lata !n tho
afternoon. Tbo roonlt, tho. «r, wolll d , Mm
from our diapatnhaa to bo ao folio.• : Tho .c
-•jn, o Boot, con.ioting of fortj-t.o oasioio in
HI. approMbod our batten., M( ,
n o clock yesterday morning, and nndor co,ar
a tremondono firo attempted to run tho
gauntlet of our battorieo, on oithor oldo of the
.ntmno. to Brood ri,.r. In tbi,
m f*’ °°. .nocudod,
“ d • P“tat in'Broad ri,. r , on. of ran,.
on, gone at B„ Point ud HUton Bud bat
I bow «'w» *<■ only nccomplithod aAer
II .harp fi,e on both .idea, by which ono of the
.non,.. ,nn-bo,«. w.. burned nnd
•learner, crippled; w1.,1. ..on, , h .
*' d * we ®< >«lvo moo wounded
.he n" ‘° d U "" d - <>«« in,
lb. Union .turner, betook them..!.,. to doe
lb. creek,, ,o Bro.d , nd
«Wu:b hitherto be., been u inland I
paaaa ( e.. lo e promiacuou. encounter, they
[ .eem lo hire dn.en Commodore T.lnell». I d.el up the creek, luding to g,,.-
:.b,.ndb,..0n 1 .«,. , 1 w U .rcommnn i c.."o
ZnlT 0U ‘ op
Altheogb the Vankeea be.., „ y. t , . Beoled
no lending, it „ c.rl.m tb.t,ih.y hew m.d.
eont. progr-a, ,„ d u b.hoore. n. immediate-
I ly lo aend auch remforcamnnu a, may be
needed to eheck-m.l. any m.nta tbe,
nuke toward, going lh . Im>l! , lt
hold upon our .oil. (I„. t p„ p , mi „„,
nndoubtediy been made at Cb.rle.ton to r.p.r
■ojr mack. p ‘
The Mercury uy. editorully: II the in,,.
thoue,nd men 1,, lh , ra nn
worthy lo ,i, end i, will b. . fi, memo
r..l leid in ..he. of „„ Boulllßrn iDbj _
Fobtbbss Mobbob. Ho,, u. of.
No Intelllg.nca haa bean reoair.d dlreol f llim
tb« fl»eL >
a „f IrQM , rom Norfolk M
l.tho an of (bo French oorrelta Prona, wreok
•d laat Taoad.y night, Ta,
North Carolina. Sb. had no pilot, „d
aahora daring henYy waathor. Tho ore. ioo
T * Cbarleaton. Ibay alao bring th. „„„„
that t?o raid battorloa at Port Royal ban noaa I
taken by onr troopa, but nothing more.
D *" n «m,od to day from Waah I
ISa of th.” P* r ““ »ho rebel block
fired at bar. p 0“ , "* ,, • «»
a ate«tn*r, nouotioi •■> «„«. 1 u °* Wi
*7" 100 “■"nTp.“V«^;j
Our corr..po,d«nl at Furlrtar MourVu ni
couruu, m.,..ken „„„ “e" “> “•
Ti* Cu.rle.lon. The office’,, had heard o “the of the for.. .1 Port R„,.“, ,00« r
« b.. 0 «r, ll.tle other Info, m.tion.
Pom. ?n7. P ,'P ,b ' b "“ '«» OM
0 k W f* l^at ** ler lb ® c *pu*re of (he batutr
bliulm U . *■ ,r ° 0,> *’ ,ta fell back to
Th« f ’ '* * ‘""hl'.ongjle took ut.ce
Thoj .too represented (ha pcnpl. 0 r V
m . terrible ...» or ..citemen., " 0U
A report baa bees reeetved b» th«OM »«;«.
boat (bat ih. Caatom How. h "
burn, on Sonda, .„h,, „.n . I.Jg™
The bark Seraphim, of Baltimore, from R,o
H. c i;f o b“ , 4 r^“..T7‘' d H . o " c,pi
I. into the bud. ol the robe'..’ H °* rf °
The Battle at Plketoa.
Oi»cn,«., No,. 12,-Th. battle at p,ke
lMU“l from Krid *J “'I Saturday, and the
Tictorj ... complete. Gen. Willi,me and
Howe ere among tbe pritooere.
force coder Col. D.rillj,,. Nino of .|°!
coco.,', picket.,,,, killed, with no IoL n"
“ ,ho Hill. " h,r h " Uk * n P»*~~ioo
Thedefeelol the Union lore ,t 0 „„„_
n. of .t' by trickery on*the
,nb,h,l,nt *- I‘ that . lor«
MOooo’h J’ Ta "™" T “•‘“■•led •! front
ouu to 1,000 , had concentrated in th*
beck of the town. These proponed with- the
tsaUlince ol ih« rebel 01”,,JS
done to annihilate the Federal force,
town. Tbi. lore, consisted of 2SO ol tbe Vir
ftnt. re,,meet .nd a lew ol Zie,l.r°. v '.io .
cernlry. I, „„„ g ed between lira rabli
c»ralp and the rebel citiien. lo memcr,
the rohef 1 CaU blMd ' Accord",!.'
toe rabal citizana wtre vary kind tn W.
troopa Jut Monday evening, and ioritad
them lotbe'r bnoeea, on variotta pretextt and
WhiTe °tl> Warfl ” ff “.“‘T * CC, P'«‘I Ibe in»it.’tion d
"bile they were betn, entertained the rebel
cerelry d.raed into the town, Si, o ,fo
rronl where the Federal.
10,0 , 5“" '«b«l. ra.hed, murder
in, the unarmed raidin', in cold blood Tb.
aiti.en., men and wom.n. ra.h.J
arm. nnd .id.d the ear.lrr in th,, *
The Federal, in th. camp preperaj.,
poratbl. ,0, defence, hot w,°. o,. rD
wd h.d to break. Very lew men w.TJwfoJ
lb. 01 . w ‘" l lh * ue.rly nil
Wh.n’cof o ,UI ! i" «be
Wben Col. Zaigier amvad, on learnm* it..
parttcttUn or th, .(Teir, he ordered /..* J J
alrnctioa of the town. The bnildinu’wer.
6rad and theorbo!, town reduced to aibee.
8r Lon., Not, 12.—Tb. following
ordor tii promolgatad to-day: *
iW„.«r<att BW-, DtparinnL )
Nor*mb«r l®th. 1861 f
uommandera of troopa In thi*
•?, #V °W axtaotir* moramtnta wlriah
bottlo or divide and prolong oar llntt. aatU
forthar eonoert and concentration or action
bo arranged and inatroetlona givan. jj„n -
oonou, rtporu .ill b. for.ardad imlSiSj
to Brig a«n. Cnrtla, at St. Lonla, .i.i..
•trabgtb, poiltlon and oondiilon of aaerr on*™*
«“d to tb. Dapartmant. Tb. roporu lin ?!
ooniolidatad nndar bta dlraolion, ud i wukw
abrtractfor.ardid totb. Comm.ndlng gTo^J?
U ’i Hon„
n a *•. Houon, A. D o
.. g * 0| y , w - Clamanu, Obiaf War. of iha oL
Urßaitn a ofioa aodtr a on- MeKinitr*
*[ r V. tad b J ©'dor of Gtn. CurtU,’ 7nd
•oot lo Jaffarion Barroeka, to await invaltfJlr
100 into McKtoatry. admUtnUo* of
&£ ® f •}«: I« U ooderatood that l it
Klnatry haa boon ordarod to repair to W-fk*
Ington, and will roach hero to-morra* nigh?**’
PamaniLrau, Not. li—a asafitmt m~.«
tftbe Stockholder* of th. P„ b £jt«E
joad Oonpanv wu bold to.d** ITc. U
SlroarHall, to eonitder tb* eontnwt
Jj*** of tbo Philadelphia flato SoniMni
Br j* The attoadaneo waa U
dabato* Tola wu t*kaj?a£d
“• «M«1»* ad j onroad ml
toport of tbo tallan, it balngortLiS *!•{•
b ” e l" °P“ D *' too oOoa of tb.
far to rpcelra th. Totu of tbo l ta,aa!!f,?“ M -
aS»K. l s-Jtsas*-*,
From Waiklngton.
. ''T®'" I "'?**" 12 '- I ** SMWUt, of
But. to-da, U«ued lb, ioHowiog order:
tlan »k \ D#0 * ,air J r i 0 rep*»t • prcriooi r*»ol*.
!Sr *• “• -sstvaTii :ks
.~sn'sa;3 l ,«a i „s< , ss,
?sth hll » J j>lphia, until noon of the
•lotbin. aS , "“ w >>n* doth. for in,
b» ...Jo- prcpwl BUI bo accompanied
»ni d “ k “« dothpntert
doHar* lrlag an oxp.aditqrt of mUllon. of
Tho offlolal odrioe. Iron g —m_ Jiintfi'. *
cim',.,^ 1 ll " baaß in.tracted to commoni-
S:?.r , .'a, , . ha „r pr “ p " «*S2C
-h ; ro *™ isrsri.^
taiiito i„ lh ,“ ™ 4 C * P "
Huoa.en.Mo, r ,
WuaiaoTOa CBI, Mot. B. 1801. '}
D. *?* 11 °* D "* N o- W-Tb. following
Department. .re formed from the prerent Do.
P«rto,..n W ,. t , Camb, ..d OhU>:
or^: D Te p :rr,‘r f Ne N ;M"' c ?“ , °j-‘*‘
rn.od.db, c-.i*«. Rr w s M sL“;, ,o u. b * s “r
S " f K, ?»“ >° inclnda the
st.t. dl Kioto., !„„(,£ Ttrli “»
tou, Wiacon.ln, liliooir, Ark.nuT ’.ed*^
ft'. 110 ”, °L K ” «« «f oiiurlwd
by H-W.
Fourth. The*Dopnrtment of tbo Ohio to no.
■lt, of the Buie, of Ohio, Michigan indl™.
•od that portion of Kontaok, eau of the (foS
OtrUad river, .od the State ‘f ‘ C °°
b« commanded b, Brig. Oen. "J b
headquarter! at LoaUrille. W ‘ Bua ’
°“V w ‘ B - *—££ d. St
(Signed) Joint. P.B*uS,h«,
Atsiitant Adjataat OeaerM.
Wavhkiqtoiv, Nor. 12 p. nm
conn * rr '" d bara “ “ •■certhined tbh”.*o°
coanoinaae. .0 force of 16,000 troop. w„
“* da *■“ ** rl » h °“' *•>'■ morning in ,
we.t direction from Alel.ndrie. ’ “
two ihou.aod rebel. ~r„,d ne.r Occ.ti.k
Creel,, ~.t.rda,, l,o ra |
Y P ;' ( C ““ r f '•'O' l be. retorned to the tf.vr !
Three .choonct. „n the blocked, in ih.
.ht'L*r‘!:;; , r ,j “ p “” T -“ <lk " K "«tr,
rou " d, "«™ fi ''«d r «tXln‘, l ?bv' h .ll or M'c. l ‘p”d
□ Mooched. Meet of the .hell, fired w.™
Cd'i,: , ‘ i *° d * ir " ck ««£
Weemnoroi., Noe. 12.—Afamil.u,,.,
ceiled here, deled on the 25in rfn t ? *
Sdd»i*. d h‘“ P °7““- Whemhe fon ."”
P— on hoe,d ,he U. b. I
Penie, K,., No,. U._e, B . Nel.on met the
•»em 7 nnder Wm,.*. , t Plk ., llla> p , k ,
00 Fnd *J* »«<* **i«<l nglorioue
Moore .tucked the
rebel. , n the reu with tbirtj-eight b onifed
“'"•“ d h Co '-.-.ObioVia Co,
■th ni hoodred— Htrria (elllog h .ck ud
Moore preutof forw.rd im lb ,
broogbi into ibe toid.t ol NeUoo*.
in *" d -
DODoced: Surj.on, ? |
Director, Maj. Charles G n.!!S£ \ . d,cll
Adjount gJ„. l,C.p, G M®«Si j P ZZ“
SSS^SSTs, Kd.. rd
§=bb.“'i^^ 0,m p-
TboDpMa; ifiSSS 'v* Bicb„d
0.1 wT Bioc‘i A c a c ;:?r i , s,n '
Ao»» ttDooliul,’; A d-drc.r?’l
1, 1 . Po,TIA " D > N °»- >2.—The berk C B n._
w sar&tfaaSSS
oo„, n 'or, b.,: f , : ct ,:»^ h^.^ r «.. 7 r
captain tbiaka that tk* n... l •?? ***' Tha |
* i««» „• «Sd!?.'lC‘S.f —“"
tbffiW,*^S7f r ™ sh”*** 00 * 1 *' 111 of
•Urn.uon naeng ihTnbHl " U, “*
a. l. «>e» - ■
•t,, o-^iwifTsafiSt? l^
. pkodco* uo ooauuioi
No. 2045Btutur Smot,
a. j
Arm ?^ l . a,e Prlnc, P«l Hotels. 1
Al „ Wood
yi» ■ limb, Buia- * Or^o^urj
j&?t \yg™
WOJJpttocan, i
SSSr fSfes—-
JobSS**'’? " ,m Oofite, Phiff’
Kgg&s Sfe£. •
o a b2S% ££J “ I*/
-asasA SSSS*!^^
J DWtl tmWn futa2S“' ">*>■«
J«ofcadw%Moooa«*U«. IhLySSSI. 1,0
* S?Br?2?2U -*
•UHBIOM H0U8«_lf~ -
• nmui ixr
£ Horn, ReJtiaora
Otugir. MlUon. O
J eprool, Holmte co
PE Unton, Sbntbars
£T Onene, Tyrone
i F P Oooneli,
D Gaylord, "
Mi» Snaa Bonn, WO
-1 oomßUUon
■ Wiitnej.fiU, Regt.PT
£ Lnnnferger, W. Mlttca
U»pt A V fahnatoek.
2 ”?. t »*•» Rnaitey o
Mri fitomek, L. Bnanrior
*Jr» Griffis A 4chUdraado
W Loafer, Ohio
J Mitchell, Oofnabm
J Tonkt, Want, co
WH Items, Sainton
Mu Bom— UUr
JOSS Win, j
0 Taui.,, OUrtoq ,
v ill*** o A had*, nk col
5 B ua°n7
ISXS?M? ,n ° B °°
?£^r ,Atl T >v ‘°
i,n Mian, do
Than Morrow, Altoona
fftarj hotel—]
■Amrn i
, vtnet, toot of Fifth,
nontnoft. .
JOfeibw*, do
Wf McCormick. Atle’yco
w n C S”S* ,, ° 1 ' Pita tp
" 0 Mtlkcr, Alexandria
I* Joora, Ebntbgft
*■ Bfene, do
IJm Sat too, SlFEibctb
/aoob Z»lt, Wot,, co
I StoJolAcbI*. 1 *.
It.®** o .Q'laore, Qn>t»rca | (>
-Wo. I.BtCUfr ItTNt.
• nonnm.
ID Howe, Bntler.
, **?•**>»*. Ohio
L *? rk *«F. Wash, oo
W Stack veil, do
J Ball, d 0
J McDowell, do
A Miller, <jo
Wleaedale/ do
J Tboa, - do
J Hardy. do
“P* tor n» Farmlogtoo, O
AS PettorAeld, ciwtoo
OSPeUerfleld, do
w Templeiao, Warns
Baerer co
■J E? wl ** ZMleorpl®
| i Banter, do
■Bo. IS7, Water treat
J GrMiMa
• Wilkin, do -
OK<*Mn*»l r .xim,«oß.
?£s*“»" * notUr, do
l Meßlnoey aad aoa ,
P Mon d«y
a Qreea, do
r B McAllen,
lOeprioger, OaloDtova
■Hgte Loageekcr,
w P HwßelJ,
KotUartK.", W«teo
jnmpjOß, T „, n
rS h u«wi*r
MHendflrton, Bunt TlaU
j 2*°* ht 7» LtncMUr
{OMqit»j ( Op Bt.(Bair
J Ouapbeli, NobUatowa
I J OUoffmin, Wowne#* 0-
£fiS& s
I 9 Oertltt,
1 WlJUm*,
| * Mercer,
n *°«n*«lOWO
® “£**» p a
I " *tUi, fiatler
O Fa» o .y, PotnejTaie
i . C ? D| ' *Jo
srhurtlttana, do
B Baery, 4, ,
I *, ® frk P*trfck, U g^ tA *'
, do
. Wo °d*. do
J Whitzfu, do
ABillmaa, do
* L*mila, do
WJfcylfcv 1 £
J Swfgwt, Uvrittooco
J Keot, lik w*t*f
J yiatd#. |j
BxramjivH assortment
stobmob quality
Alaoi Parchßaat and (Both L* 'i i,
Bad Id tbs m *** n^/ nr t _ *Bl Bads udnß
*^3SSffSXiSSf , r n ‘ —«i
p.r.aSST.OI ta * M “ "•“* P
•£££,“l2? tad. bJMB
aSSSS^KJV?,- 4
“«« *«*«»£
"»W WJffiw GHMjSB
At Um old itutdof
Corner ol Penn and st. Olair ata.
| Idflto public attention to till newatoebolnaM
aool>, >«»*prt«l ,, I nil Ike mail
.«» OT * lI *“"“ 4ta,,u4 emns.
AT W. & 0. llUHOt?,
OPANAD A* |p. A D HDaoS',
■iUIOIUt «I*TB AT All. niOU.
w. ft p. Hgqpg.
- f f - •' tf-'j-.'.-.f :-r •
James W. Woodwell,
. in. 17 ud !l Third itrut, !
®: a a_ ® k jb at £.
..Wluirtlii ifltjlei udHiiil,
**uiu n
ot— * 5 *na PitrM* Dw*uio(s, -' ;
• '' fnlijn ■»
Utpcrun -iHolaU, Pitub*mk SomIU.l
.r*™. _ I ™“. SoTOli'U, ISO.
wbiUprUt. mart.
0f 14 bW * f “ u, » ** *VO.
■ri. *°*>U; 100 dedou |iu oV»w
«d»s«J,abrfta„ J ; lcodo family uHTOttd
°°' r ”* **“« “Kdioo hi t»o
OHoiMMo. fcnt
L**'* to bUo/ 11 at 100. Mo.
' «^^a°^wJt bbl *““®" b *«*“■ °*»
ifliz» a ** do, to dir iniiL at,
2f OMHd. o, 100 ObU Na.-Toa*
*«1 *»d 06. U,
»•«“•• ad. 01 3.000 B,
m?™™c2's2^£ 1 g»"«**J« luoTTnaloio
«pi »<M».«dprfc» g
1 -
tam Honor to bod. prta.
■^§sf3£T““ : :
WfeTutbi''* B'"* 8 '"* * “WObrotoei. «d
■>.£255 MJdSSEi* 1 * 00 *borfof JOO oa. ton «
*°* 844 Liberty itrwc
»TW»*on 4 Bu (OaU
t S°2** r *’ BelUmore
«7^ mr ? w,tor » Wtmw
wennaJoghna, With.
SBS§® #
(a a Cortia, Phil*.
15 fS?"®- " llm - *
IssteJi*. .
Bafthfletd tad Third etneL
A Fi»Dto,m' Johirto^,
John Horner, «o
, ■•••Ipu of Pro«ao»; ««.
taSr i- “ 6 ‘' b * rUl ' 28 M* «mn applu,
W4ottuitw,Wftbu At— 25 fc “JJl *"•**»*• te -
ntjitmt, below fenatt.
> noninam,
ID B Und, Akhland
H P BUler, Manor
w«*l Kewton
* Bjll.Jeflereon co
0 W ZelgUr, <Jo
pAirt’ 1 *
Wfi'S” * hai *
n oink, ii
Imports kv Bi« ar
bbii.iho.Ban *coiifflrV{sSS^ 7 r *2; 1 sto »W«*»
jaa&Atek , '®P Srw '*-
w<o Urd 014 61 hh^ f wjff SSSiSL^Hl I *®* o *
H wo?J
, b£&T tot,w * '
mo! URfJ^BL»?er?6o fo flo “AfSrsSwX
40 00 ebUj, Jacob KaUn? !r, r : 0 McOtleterl a Co;-
ojhoectoet * co; ICO S?3£mP¥‘ B L
s^ast.\ i^*MSsaf
OlNOlSNS_~i^‘Wif l , h O “JS 1 ‘' Il Ao*eo.
I I*Abort * bbtoLio-1951 EhX J ; *° °S* , 5 Mdo 69,
bhtl*lobocco,OUrkB4 co * floor » 28 tcsbsnu, 8--
roadrieo, Unna *CWH«. irn-L » A „T ero *n lOpkga
40 do <l*iottiTh ofl bt »*. 0 H lw£l
do alWllogipWQaSa? 10 t ®*' COrD ®
Si~.“.'S.feSi{ : iws-^S
BlmfteJj. *
sus-oauaio«—sun tannM,r„
“• ri ~ ««. i^sssssr
S* 8 fc.t 10 lada. b, a., pb
**■ ciocjjf «o
QnhTonbto farnla L
2S*“ •ofirUTirtS **£?££
■ artrri. ». oik. Dm» ba
™~ 1 “? fc* »hldi prtwnro until Barit
OOOB— —The Key Wat, Keaton, Ida w.« ,„I
Haa»l.b OinctauU,.ud Kami Srahaa tor&aa
ii_v» DUMd boiUwtrt fljia*
Moat U>lttJ-«.. SiSTfeKwWlltf^i^S?’’
• *■>*• M. boded to L
Ua baa * w nnlnjn„d. Th« “ . h”J
J* to Jto-!I*' 1 *' V““ tf lol * 01 ““ «««• wai „al
'“ k oUIM “■• •• notdUacrilb.
teto 7hm Mne,. .nririmd By ,a. „,.
*!«■—> «*to rt . 7 rr?. ::t:a
art£cw w “ a ***** noupw
“•tt% Oipi Wa. Wiadvor. win u n fc_ : ,
a. ta .
m-J^*"** 1 *
00BMll.adD.nUp a, th. dak.—..
OWtUooa.Ukadlo.trßt, U.U.wltoi M. "‘
patomuißjoir tab . m ...
nb, tbpt. John KOanv t.r,„7_7.7"r'' TB - rtt<> '
»«Wa at toßta m’.m “ u ' h o^-
eeMh^ew^wt. °- t * , *.!‘‘-
J£| P ?“"'£ , ‘’ , ‘ M fola«
DUdtm, o»pt. Tfcos. BflMn w -.*
He Oman (run. Knartll* «. o.^aT^Tr;
*IU doobltoa a. bad at the wlutf •.■- f**
Point oo Thnwbj.reßlß,. Orot. Blehad OhlhM^u
I M " k « u *r T*Utnp*
I Sini itm i lMnA%n7" kl s < ' IJOIK
siSSritoili?"' Pkmr dsn .1
httcttvoft&jcanfc'jjfi m tff 1 fftflTi i u®9 *7
Qrocortaa flta,«t &«, te umw§S.» ftcfotad.
doßM?uo6#*?*.-" . ■ ia4 tupnmin
*4 oJtvmtAlioi,--.- •• "-
KK£ ““W* MAosoSrorSSSS