|)tttslrargjj (gazette. , 8, BIDDI.B * aiteoii ’awe" rioriiifoii. Publication Office fifth atrwf, imot Smitbfltld :;«TiBßUßaa s WEDNESDAY MOBBING. NOV. 13.1861. Tbs Hews* The bivi which for two days the tele* . graph ku bees bringing—iterating eod rt- Ueretiog the. firtt almoot distrusted itale ashts of our enoceteerat Beaufort, Sooth Garvtfnn—Bay-now be neeepted m the hnr &*■!•*•* IHIMW glprieni good news y*l (o eone, nod the ultinUon if the boUerthingi to etore .for • |loyul Md patriotic people, whoee energy, fidelity Md petienoe hove began to be reworded in the down of oh ero of victory, which will re establish the grand principle of national anityon a firm, im aovnblo bneio, by crashing not only the bydtn-Aendtd mouter, 4 ‘Bic«saio*,*’ bat oleo tor deitroying the bitter root oat of whiah that monster sprang to life, to wit, thgt relio of the eelftsh cruelly and barber ism of past ogee. Hunan Sunn. And at length, we have the satisfaction to write that, after long waiting—for the of the day of preparation teemed to paat-ilowly—we fee the gnat campaign against the Southern Rebellion opening an spleionaiy. for the national arms. The bat tle, whloh hoe been ineritable for years, againit the heresy.of'State rights, the eon- spiraoy of an oligarohy of Slslteholdere, and the barbarisms and abominations of an ag gressive social system founded on the Insti tution of hamnn slavery—this great thank God, has at length began to be fought, and that in true doworight earnest, and on the trne battle-field for the questions la eontrovereey to be finally and forever decided. So may it be ; so let it be. Thee Mata of tUxuwhft. The people of. Western Virginia have, with remarkable ananimity, voted in favor of being set off as a new Biote, to be called Kawawba. From the tone of the press, we iafer that they look forward to a new era of prosperity, when they are no longer tied on to the old effete government of Richmond. Whatever may be said of the propriety of the Basement at this time—and there are grave doable of its wisdom—there is no question that they wilt be better and more oheaply_ governed -than they have been. They t eaa lop off many excrescences, and institute more.modern and simpler forms. Being a homogeneous people, they ean legislate more satlsfaotorily. There will be less slashing of interests than there has been, and the slavery question, that bone of eontenllon, will be moved out of the way, for it will, of course, be.a free Btate. The people wilHiardly consent that the slight 'sprinkling of slavery among them, will be 'x permitted to exist as an apple, of discord. If they do, their peace is destroyed before It Is begun. As a free, independent State, Kanawha has a bright prospeet before her, Md another decade will not pass until she sits a queen on the mountains, in the midst of her sisters, free', prosperous and happy. —-The Convention to put the new govern ment in motion, meets on the 26ih Inst. On this body will depend greatly the future prosperity of the infant Commonwealth. •p«e«UtU| la Arms. ' We xro gUd to-lxirn from tkx Now York Tribal, (hit lit Qovxrnmxnt hu rxxolvxd to utop the opoeultUoniu arms. Itkuno- Ultd all lit Govxrnoro of Btataa that tko prloa for firat olut or Enfield rifled mnukelu •kill not axeead $2O tuck, dallrarad la New York. Tkli oonreo kaa bean raadarad ee eaaaarj bj ika fact that partiea kaaiag eon traeta with tka Qoraramaat to dalirer En flald goal la Naw York at $l9 to $2O eaek, hare yielded, la mnny caeaa, to more tempt ing- offer! eatued by ooopatltloa among the agent! of tka eaeeral Btataa. Tka Govirn maatwlll karaafter take poaaaaalon of anna arriving In tkla oonalry, and pay an aiaeaaad value for them. All pnrekaaee karaafter made will’be anbjeot to tka laapeotlon and approval of Ordnaaoa OSoera of tka Halted Btataa Army. The Qoveramant kaa oou treated fortha maanfaotnra of a large num bar of the beat Sprlagleld rifled gone, and a large number of breeok-loadlng arms to be manniaotnred In thia country. Tkaaa, together with the oontraeia anthoriaed abroad Immediate naa will aoen give a aaQoieat Apply for all praaant and fntnra weata of the army. A RtoHnoni Dxciiiov.—A negro woman, haloagiog to a cltizeo of Alexandria, early in ■ ithe Rebellion, wax .impriaoned by her muter . la the city jail, on xuxptcion or an tnteotioa to : roe away, which enapicion wu founded upon ‘ the feet that aha bad, on eeveril oecnionl. fltrniahed meale to eomo of our aoldiere, from her matter’! table.' A abort time ego, her mie treeo applied to the Provoet Coart lor leave to , take her from jtil, which wee granted. On the night of her relaaee, her mentor took her to : tke garret of hie hooee, gagged aod boned her, and whipped her fnrionely, then looked her in. Daring the night, the etciped by the window, and in the morning made complaint to Judge Traeee. He oammoned her muter, who in one ' of the P. P. Y.’e, and ordered him to be con : fined in jail. Hie .wile, with, lean in her eyee, 1 applied to Hen. Montgomery for relief, and he snooted the ; order for. imprieonmeat. Thn. .. qnution wu taken to the War Department, and AeeieUnl Secretary Scott, who la u win uha in able, in deciding it, aid be fell no diepoxition to meddfo with the action of the Provoet Ounrt in any of ita deciaione, bnt enpe -cially in Ihir one, becaaee it uemed in bin opinion to bn eminently jut and Jr. Y. THhtmer He wlah aoma of onr any offieara would .aoaaldar tha abova u n reproof fat tkalr raprahentlble conduct in giving alave-hnat " aid-the run ef tkalr enmpa, la pmanit of their runaway ohattela. Ia tka talagraphio dlppetohee of yuterday wu learn with regret that Qaa. Hnntcr haa given the ran of hla -camp to the alave-eafokera. Heougkt to know, if he dean aot, that ho ia violating I**, ae well aa jaalloe and humanity, by thia permtnlon. What evidence kaa ha, bat the . word of tkeaa men, that they own apy slaves, or. that the negrcea they aaiia are tkalr alavaat Indeed, kow doaa he know.that they are not free men ? The taw kaa lastl ..toted a certain mode of reelaiming fngiliva _-: alavea, and onr army offioara have no bnal> : neu to engage in fhla aafaricna work. Every one of tkaae hue lore of human " fleck, are probably Moeiiaidß aplea, and car ry intelligence of all they aot to the enemy. " One danadT help ooatruling thia prooood . . lag With tho.ooaduot of General Framoat, whoa commanding fha aamo army. -The M>ve hasten fled hla praaeaca, affrighted. - Baacraon, the hlatoriaa, la hla epeeeh at ; ‘ tha Cooper Inatllale the olher evening, Innnksd npon Ike aabjeol of army oflloera relnrnlug fagitlve alavu la Ike fallowing language: "I do aot nadaralaad turning a aoldler of the Haited Blatw Into a ooaatable to keep _ the paaoe on the plaalatlea of the uoaa- sionisfe.' It is not the part-of strength to return them; it is not the part of a brave man to make himself a police officer of that sort. It is not the part of a soldier who fights under the flag of the Revolution It Is not worthy of a man of honor. It is no!consistent with the duty of a command ing offioer la the service of the people of the United Stales. We send the army into .the South to maintain the Union, to restore the validity of the Constitution. If My one presents claims under ths Constitution, lethimbfcfia by placing the Constitution In power, by respecting it Md upholding it.” rUuieii mi tht United State*. The New York Tima, on Monday, in ite Money artiole, hoc an elaborate statement of the present oondilion of the Natiooal Fi nances, which shows that the pnblio debt Is not Increasing as fast as hoe been generally •nppoeed, and that the public debt is not as great as was apprehended. Instead of the Inoreate being one million dollars per day, oo the average, U hoe been only seven hun dred thousand dollars. Mr. Chase, U has reason to know, had in reserve, sTfew days since, aboat $176,000,000 of the loen of July 17th; he had issued but $60,000,000 of the 7 SO per eenk treasury bonds, and owes the Assoeieted banks bat $25,000,000 on ac aoani of advances for whioh bonds have not yet been issued. The expenditures from the treasury may, indeed, average a million a day, bnt these are met In part from revenae, and, besides, (hey inelade the redemption of notes re ceived in payment of onstomi, and the ex change of Treasury notes. Thus, daring the months of September and Ootober the sum of three and a half millioos wss reoeived for customs in that description of paper at oar various ports. At the same time $&,- 360,000 has been exohMged at various points for 7.30 Treasury bonds, making aboat $8,860,000 in all to be dedaoted from the aggregate expenditures for that period. Of Ue demand notes, it is considered prob able that lestlhM twelve miUlone are in ao tunl circulation at present. - The total faoded debt of the United Slates on Bsptember Ist wss $75,704,000; includ- ing treasury paper, the entire obligations were $131,662,000. On the 11th instMt this aggregate had Increased to $167,082,- 000, or including the advMcee made by the banks, $182,082,000, an inorease of $50,. 430,000 rin seventy.two days, or in round numbers, $700,000 per day. Considering what has been done—how great an army has been created—and the immense navy fitted cut—we may congratu late the country that we are not more in debt. Not a tithe of the resources of the loyal States have been tonohed, and there is no reason to despond on oeeoont of the state of the finances. With a country fall of grain and other provisions, with flourish ing manufactures, with a continuous i&flax of gold from California, to say nothing of the weekly receipts from Europe, the ooantry has strength enough to beer the preaure of the war until oar flog waves in triamph over every elty and fori In the 're bellious Btatee. Times la Hew Orlseas. A letter from a correspondent of Ihe N. Y. Tima, with ihe Blockading Bqaedron, at the mouth of .the Mississippi, doled Oct. 29, says: There wss greet rejoicing in New Orleans, over the supposed detest of oar fleet in the Ist* action. The city wee illuminated ; the people got drank; women went mad with joy ; the belle were rang, eeeaon fired; in feet, the Hewe wee received by the most vociferooa de monstrations of applause* The citr of New Orleans is evidently doom ed to deetraeUos, onlca the North eoon suc ceeds io crushing the rebellion within it. It i%sadly changed from what it was a year ago; their levee ie completely deserted, end the en tire extent of it seems one extended desolation. The abortion, Enoch YVeto, may be teen, and one or two other privateers are being fitted out. You~hav* been aasdred that there are many Union-loving men in tbic city, and that very correctly, as we have had eafficient testi mony oflate. It ie a fact that ol the old, prom inent residents there, two-thirds ere strong Union-loving msn, and they are obliged, ol court*, to keep quiet, but they are yet san guine, thai, as the millions of Northern free men are ralljtog with exulting hearts around our country's standard, tbay wtß, as one heart, work with a power that will sooner or later bring our beloved lend safely through its great criaia, to be honored still more the civilised world over, and all honor them for inch hope. I hare been further assured that nearly all the mechanics nnd laboring men are for the Union, and strange as it may seem, the leader* ud moit violant Secessionists there, art men from the North, who have resided Sooth bnt • ftw years, ud are virtually making a business out of tbn rain of thn place. Many • torts have bnnn closed* nod ihtrn it to utter protutlion of bntianti generally, At will bo inferred from thntn statements, mnch distress prevails, sid tboatanda are ont of employment. Texan beef in ibn only meat for sals, and thin in ■circe hod poor, and sold nt nt nnormoan sricoe Thera are bo bap in mirket; batter n sold nt 80 to 85 cenln perpoand; whitn pa in toen nrn told nt $l4 pnr bxnml; sweet, of which them nrn bat few, $ll 00 per barrel; Mwder brinp $3 to $4 j lend, $2 to $3 76; tin, $3O to $4O pnr box, tad til othtr trtielen it proportion. Tkt Bottle at Belmont- Wn five below the Tallent tad monl salinfae* tory dnttili of tbit “victory” that we ctn find in thn Wenlnrn ptpnrn, no fir. Doubtless in a day or two the whole affair will titnd ont in clearer light; at prennat than in inch a hue surrounding thn facta that wn can nan nothing very distinctly—except perbapi thn brilliant fatality ol a momantary success, aeon nncenndad by thn retreat of onr acattered forcea, a re-embarkation under the fire ol the enemy, and, by and by, the inevitable reckon* teg—the roll-call, which in alow end sad tocea sums op thn coat ia “killed, wounded and mttsißg. ,, So far an wn can Inara thn nature of the ex pedition, the diviaion that went down to Bel» montnader General* JSrant and MeOlnrnand formed bnt one portion of the whole, which win a combination of three eereral expedition*, oompriateg besides thia one from Cairo and Bird’s Point, one from Padneah, Ky., end one from Commerce, Miseonri. With thia premined, tbn qeention now ia—whether the relnra of the-Cairo and Bird*# Point division does not render the failure of the olhers.eertain—or •bow that they Sot>« failed already, if, u ia probable, n general concerted action- was plaited, which wu to be earried ont by the combination of the loreee from the three poinla named. Aa we ventured to state, when the first inti mation of this expedition against Colombo# retched ns, oor Generate at Cairo concluded that sach heavy drafts Jud been made on the rebel forest under Pillow and Polk on the Mis* aiaaippl, to reinforee Bockner on the one hand end Pnce on ilfebther, that a fine chance was ofltred tham not only to dear the rebels oat of that part of Mtsaonri opposite to Colombo*, bnt even to eeiaa Colombo# coarse tbi* ell well. Ifolhiog could belbelter, in fact, than to find and take thn enemy nt inch a disadvantage. Bnt in ordar to d|> so, with ■plot swarming ’in.'the camp, xnd in constant ,communication with the enemy, il wa# neees ury to Ika raueu ol tka plte, tfaxt it ekoeli be kept exerat till tke.prxpiratioex were oidx fcr-caityiag it tatn einceUoi. Otktrwixx, with | railroxd eueaulcation at Unix eoet miad, Ike eaeray, even il waxkxaxd before by dxUckiag put of tkalr foreu, could aooe re* cal Ikes, ud. go etand prepared lo aiaat the i .&3Sis»jsSK3£i blow aimed at them. Ho« the secret was krpt, or rather not kepi, we bite already beard Irom several sources; amoeg the rest, we fiod in the Chicago Tribune, ol Satarday, the following, which >• but one testimony oat of many: “On Wedoetdaj afternoon, we met a friend on the street—s gentleman in civil hie, who bed no right to know anything ol the mailer— and by him we were put id poaacaeion .ol all the (acts in relation to the contemplated aiiack. He bad received it from a civilian who left Cairo on Monday or Tuesday ; but where be got hie information we have not learned. We take it lor granted that the movement was common talk io Cairo ; nay, we have proof ol the tact in two letters received m this city from privates in the camp, io which tbe aexpe dition is mentioned.*’ After sueh evidence as this of the eeorecy whloh was observed by onr Generals, or other tfspooaibl* partita, if any, at Cairo, it k of course luperflaoaa to cay that tbs enemy at Co-- lombai knew all aboat what was coming—and hence had prepared themselves for it, preparing also the result of the battle at Belmont for onr brave north-western troops, whose very bravery, ft—, only made the unavailing sacrifice the greater. —Can there be e (ootbold lor hope remain ing io releience to ibis expedition, sloes we have not yet heard from the two divisions which started from Paducah and Commerce T If so, we would lain indnlge ourselves by rest ing on it, till the report of the two division! yet nnheard from, shall come with a freight of better haply, with each ee will but serve for a further disillusion In the gloom ol farther disappointment. A Proclamation tb»t Biani Bomeihlnff. fOcmipotdcnoe of tb* Bt. Looli Democrat ] Rolla, Not. 9. —A portion ot the force sent oat uoder Col. Greasel, into Text* Co., to chastise ~lhe rebel* who here (or tome lime infested that section, retaraed here yesterday, bringing aine prisoners, five baodred heed ut eettle, end forty hones aod males —the prop erty ot armed rebels. Among the prisoners ere Spencer Mitchell, Quertermastei, end Lu Col. Taylor, Inspector of General Mcßride’s 1 Brigade. Before leaTiag Hoastao, Col. Gaea eel maed this proclamation : « To the People of the Town of Houston and County of Texas, Mo.: —l here this dey placed, apon yonr beeatifnl Coart Hoaee the flag o! oar Uoioa* I lease it in yonr charge and protection. !( taken down by rebel hands, I will retnrn here and pillage -esery honse in town owned by secessionists, or those whose sympathies are with the rebels. “ Any outrages hereafter committed apon Union men or their families, will be returned onjihe Secessionists two fold. Property taken (rom Union men by the rebels, in or oat of the county, mast be retarned immediately. “ 1, hereby, gise the rebels ten days to make good all losses sustained by Union families in Texas county; il negleeted the coneeqoenees be opon yonr own heads: I shall soon remrn to yonr county, and see that this proelama* tion is complied with to the letter. If yoa wait for me to execate it, I will do it with a tengeancs. (Signed) N. GREUSEL, Col. Commanding Expedition.” £tto fltibcctufinrM*. (TS»THB SECOND LECTORS of the ecnrMbj B**. Dr. Balky, of Baltimore, will b« d*Uver*d at Count B*II.TBUBBDAY IVMNIWO, ltth Inst BroJMt: fte Grtal iwricn Bebr&en and Us BtsniU as seem fejr Ut* hght of ftopheey. Tioketa, 35 ct« 4 to b* had at th* Book tod Mq*ic etore*. and at lb* door. Lector* to comment* at i% o’do*k. —oeU^t fra*ALL PERSONS obUOMMITIEES T engaged Id aclldtlDi or collecting Blanket*. Clothing, iltipltal Storm or otter good* for tb« tol* onUera lo tb* army, er* reqoeeted to forvard them hlMii pomlbl* to lha oDd«r*tg*«d eommltue, »t tb* QDbTOM BOUSE, ooroer ol Fifth and Salthfletd •treeU, PHtaborgb. A bill or Uat o? tb* artiole* aboatd accompany each boa or pmt kag*. no!34n*tf |TS»NOTICfi. —An £leokion lor Presi daat, Treaaam asd ala Director* of th* Ho nongehelaandOoat HUlTntnplkeOompany mil b* held at th* hooa* of THIMBLE, Booth Pitta* bcrgb, oa SATURDAY, tb* 80th IniL, between tb* boon orlO a. n. and Ip.m. no»fltw> W. q BOBIBBQH, Traaacrer jyjAOVB INK. PHOTOGRAPHIC iLBHMB, DIABIII YOB 1869, FOR BALI BY W. b, HAVEN, 00BN1B WOOD AND THIRD STRUTS. nofca< DR. WM. HALL’S BALBAM, DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM, DR. WM. DALI/B BALSAM, TOR THI LUNGS, TOR Tai LUNGS, FOR XHI LUNGS, A ctrtßls ear* for A etrttin can for Oenabt, Colds and Pain Id tba Bids, Coogbs, Golds nod Pain In tka Bide, Ooogha, Golds and Pain in the Bide, And all filsaasea of-tbn Qha>t and l>ttng*i And all Diseiaw of the Obaat end Loog*, And ell Dlaaasaaof tba Ghent and Longs, tor sate b* JOfIIPH tLXUJMO, note Oornsr of Diamond and Market street. Or/ici o» van Oomouan ov tiuaiwt Oa, P*, Pittsbargb, November 12th, 1811. TO OQNTBAOTOBB.—Beni ad Propo poaali will be received st-thls offloenntfl the 16th Inet. lor Bapalrteg the Abntments of the Bridge over Big BnU Creek, near Benjamin Goa’s, In Pawn town ship, sod far pnttfngoo a new Wooden Btrootore Span Bfty.five test. To be dooe by the foot lineal froaml toeed, Btooa-woik.to be done by the p»reb tveat|4n Inal. Pinna aod specifications can be seen at the office of ; theOonntyOommlasloaan. Bv direction of tba Oonntr Oommlssfonsrs. Dol&Xtd HBNBT LAMBIBT, Oontroller. LOST— YIOTOBIRS—On Saturday eventng, InTempeiancevllls, between the, Toll-’ houe on the pltnkroed a&d Mmlthlj’a Store. Ary peraon latorntng the name to P. Vitxgersld’s store will be reweided end reoe ve the thanks of the owner, ooiaatd Mrs. MART Me jOHIdIOK. SPIOBD MINGS MEAT, —We ure jest In recslpl of onr first supply of Me Pins ultra Minted Meat, pat ap In 0 pound glass Jers, or lor sale by the pound or bamLai the Pamlly Grocery Store of JOHN A.BBNBOAW, noIS oor. Liberty and Hand strata. SRAKEB bWKET CORN—An exael lank sabatltnts for green corn, dried and pot ap carefully by the United Society of Bbakers, and for sale, vholamia or retail by S' HN A. RIRBBAW, nolß eoqierM Liberty and Hand eta. Sundries— -80 barrel# Dried Peaehsa—naw crop* 10 do' do Apple# do 100 boshels White Pink-Bye Pota’oss, In store and for ante by GULP A BHlf ABD, note 648 Liberty atreet. CRUDE OIL—SOO barrels, nailable for refining, for cal# by jam ns dalzillabon. non 805.69 andfO Water street. BARRELS— 38 Oil Barrels to arrive to day for sale by IBAIAH DIOBUT A 00. Basket willows-4000 lbs. to arrive per steamer for aale by BOlfi IBAIAH DIQgBY A 00. JQR. LDRTON’a CUOLAGOUUJC, A CERTAIN CUl* VOR AGUE AND^rEVER, iililUUitr MlMßtUoDlaeua*. PRIGS 81,50 PUB BOTTLB. TOR BALI BY DR. EBYSBR, 140 Wood Strut. without ilpittin «l L L. LUR* Tftg, n. a poiraif IjtßJteti OUftSiGMMJfiNT— * 10 bblo. family flour, ~‘ w "' 14 do BoWSm floor, 11 do prim* Bmu, 6 do Crooborrlca, 58 to IhhU Apple*, 40 do PoUtoM, 84 bubdi fnib sreoodOorn Uni, SCO do Potslooa, 8000 po«ftda Bo ckwbaot floor, % tuba fmh I oil Batter, Jam romteod tad fcf ■!» by J4B. A. fftSßft, MU - Oom» Mutal ood flwftrwt CRANbA&Rlftt*. —5O bbla. choice CrutwrrtN «rr]Tlnf from lh» vest *ad fer«l* bOHOMaKKB 4 L4RQ* lOSUbwtjr Rtrwt. B&NBS&R1EB—50 bbla. Cumtita J. 8. LI9QITTA 00, noil . Ho. 71 VUir and W front itmt. HIOK.GUY bbl* tor sale by utt J. 8. LIMITS 4 00. jUto aiibßtinmnit*. STRAY STEER - Came to the prem t-ceaalitie •atse tbec, CO WnUrn »»euce. IHc ood Ward AH< gUrny, a DLAOS « RBK, «!lb *m»U white cpoU co l.o;h tide*, »OJ wb'te oa bfo tvwa ihs lute bor»* lotig*ud »pt**lDg The ownrr le r qu- it d »boaldB FUMING, not corner Id artel it reel and tbe Diamond. ft. ii v. y* T|ji> ■ - Lntn titioia IJIAKLOR * BROTUJSR, COimillOl IKBCUABII, NO. 46 WALNUT BTBMT, CINCINNATI, OHIO. ttttatfon Rtvao to th* porchM* tod -»i» of Prodoci«nd Hmbiodlii gvoertllj. Hodertta tdT«oott mtdt oa eoragumtatsef ittpU trtklM Mean.THOMAS AttbCCKLS A GO, Pittobergb. - KING. PRNNOOK A 00., do JOBIPH 0. BUTLSR, Jtoq« Otartaatll, And Cincinnati Mwchtoti fotnity. potiad QAKPENTISfi SHOP. Hartog remorad my shop from Leacock atmt to the Oil Barrel factory, next to B relieve Wcolen factory, below the Bnapeoalen Bridge, oa the Alle gheny river, we are dow prepared to do eUhlndaof OARPBNTRR WORK. AVPartioolar attention paid to JOBBING of all kloda. AU work dose oo the caoat rsaaooable tarma. no&Lwd B. T PRIOR- ■JHOMAB U. KLLIOTT, M. D. Booth aide of Booth Coatooa, one door eaat of Vedaral atmt, Allegheny. Da. ILLIOTT bating retoraad to Alleghany asd momed the practice d medlo'ne, r»»p«stfalJj off«ta hta pmfaeiinnal aarrlcea to hia old friend* and'the oommnaily generally. - nofclwd HEELKB * WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE. Ho. 27 Pint Street, PMibargfc. FAIRS OF 1860 WHKKLER ft WILSON A «mt (fed Ou Firti Premium at the OHITID STATU FAIR: OHIO BTATR FAIR; ILLINOIS BTATR FAIR; WIBOONBIN eTATR FAIR; lOWA BTATI FAIR; KRNIBOKT BTATR FAIR; TRNNRBBRR BTATI FAIR; N. J. BTATR FAIR TRRHONT BTATR FAIR; Chicago Mechanic i 1 lost!tote; loolßTllle Mechanic** Inatltote; OtactottaU lUebanJc** lostUstr, ALLVOHENY OOORTY FAIR, PJTTdBOBQB, and other County Fein too nnmeroai to mention* w» offer to the pobllo WBIItIE A WIUON'B IMPROVED HKWIMO HAOBISR, AT RRDUQID PRION, with locreaaed coaOdeoce in tta mcrltiae the beet end raoet reileMi Family Sewing Miektne now Id dm. It eewe eqqaU y well oo the thickeet end thlneet fabrics, mekeethe lock-atlteh Impoealble to onriTe\ with the eoe«atlal.adrantage o( being alike oo both ddct, loralog no ridge or chela oa the aadar ude—li iliapte la conicnetioo, more epeedj in more neat, ead sore dareble then any other machine. We give Jnll tastroctlooi to eaable the parchaaer to eew ordinary eeeme, etiteti, b«n, fell, qnilt, gather, bind end tack, all on the noe mechlae, end werraat ttfor three jeera. Orcalar& eoateiiaog teetlaooUU from ledlee of tt e hlf heat eteodlng, out and weet.gtrtag price*, Ao*, will be farniihed gratia, on application In penoa or by letter, Sewing Machine Needles, 811 k, Twlat, Cotton and OUooaataatly oo head. aoT:lyaiAwF jyj YOUR OWN PRINTING l OOOLfcl 'BOABIHR PRINTTKQ OFIIOI. Dwtgned tor Bnull Printers, BUtkmm, Drfcggtsta, Merchants, Grocers, Bankers, Amateore, tha Amy tod Mary, Ac. Me Prams «a ofler lor sailers at a Maw Pattern; are the aim pleat sad strongest and beat made of eoyeheep Presses eesr tnTu.ted,aßdoe copy lete spaoe; can be operated by aay one, whethar prioter or not, and are sold at prices hitherto tin heard of, that fa to aay at about ONA-TKNTU the price of Job Prams now Is see. The Oabtasta (upon which, the Preeaea ataed,) are ootspoead of amalfChkm, neat ly and strongly pot together, and far oosMetaaas and oosTeoienee bare oarer ben equalled. Cell and ex ■hi,, or aend for droolers, glTingslaas, pricea, bo. /.a OOOLST A CO- Wo. I Bprnoa atraat, N, JZ AK(\ BBLB. GHOIQ& N. OHL&ANS *vU UOL4B£JBB t 100 bbds. fair, good fair/ and prim* N. O.Sngai, 60bbia.aoldeo and Alnb«r kyrop. lit bozM 6mat Black Sa and 10 Tobacco, T* half cheat* T. H; and 0. P- Ini, 60 do do Black . • ** With a largo aawrtmant of all-other good* In car Una, fcrnnby J. B. d 00, KViaiD BBODLATXONB . Tj~ roi i 0 J . illlT Of 181 ONJTID STATU, IttL Wtlh » foil index. One TOln*e, Ini. Pi k» 11,00. Important cbaona and addition! bare naan made lo tbIVaBTIBBD JIDITtOH OFT T ni ABMT RIOULA. TlONß.aaltt abonld at onea be In (babandabC al) who have the pnrion* edltaone. lor aa)e by son BAT A 09- « Wood rtreet. o*7/r BAGS FAiKTU PKittJß Bit) O 4 O OOVPBB arriving and for aala by J. A bIbUOBTa * 00 , boIT UP and 183 Second atnat ' INDIA. BUBBUB BDANKBTo FOB SOL&lBR&—Another lot i«*t noalrad at the rvU* KKFiNMX JTUR BALK, _ , “ VniM on tbo WuMoftoa Ymptfeo Beoi Uotn ■Uo from rcnr UMtnc« vttn nil Uio rr .ifir— rr tor ®*kiog good CO; tlto, aa tbu* dtoorol water. Vor fonttf Mmitko —onJnof Btroa xu>um» Month olßowJMllaa. 9(5 Grooto, JQRY GUvDS ! LARGS NSW BTOCK THIBD ARRIVAL J. BA. BURCHFIELDS. SW GOODS! NSW GOODS! 1 CHEAP FOB OASHi WOOLEN HOODS WOOLEN HOOD*. SONYAGS, Tha chat pact WOOLEN HOSIERY Id tba city. MERINO BHfRTB ANIL DRAWERS, IIaRINO BHIRTH AND DRAWERS, WOOLEN YARLS, KNIT SHAWLS, WOOLEN BOOKS, ZEPHYR WORSTED, SHETLAND YARNS, GLOVER GAUNTLETS. HOOP SKIRTS EXTRA HEAVY CANTON ILANNRLfI, DRAWERS for 7A cto. CHARLES QIPNKR’S TRIMMING STORE, 801 l 98 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURGH KOVRWma STO&B, D. COOPER L CO. ara jnat racaivad another anpply of MOU* N NGQoOD*, In Black and Purple, and Black a»d Lavender, Inclosing OTTOMANS AND YELOURP, HENRIETTA OLOTUS, BUPRB'B CLOTHS, OASHMBRBA AND MERINOS, REPS AND Cl LAtEBR SBAWU-wwait atylea, OKAPI AND OTHER COLLARS, MOURNING RUQHEB, GAUNTLETS AND GLOVES, HOSIERY, and an aaaortmrct of nralatjlet MOURNING PRINTS and LOW PRICED DE LAINE& 4W»Famtlka in moaroloß will at all tinea End bar* a tare# aaaortnaaat of inch good* aa an «< for mourning, selected with much can, and at LOW CASH PniCEB, ntAYawdwHAlf P Q.O TO J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, SB MARKET hTKEET, silks;' DDHTKRH, DB LAINBB, PLAIN, PLAID AND BTRIPID DRESS GOODS, PAST OOLOKID PRINTS, PIR YARD. BATOR, If ACROM A CO., ■ Nos. 17 andlß BHfth street. An nownfoirfog ft SMh aopplJof - .. NEW WINTER GOODS, Parcbesed by on* of tha firm diving tba pact weak In hew York and Boat on market. Wa can no* ofe groat Inducement# to WHOLUALB A9P BRAIL BOYBBB. Bmbradag cbolea styles of Qlmps, Braids, Battens, Teroele, Velvets for Dim and Cloak Triamlogs, Real Frtoctund fioctoh Kab’d OoUan and Sale, - Baal Ltaa Trimmed OoDara, Bats and Hdkfr, . Bead f reneb Lace, Bmadlae and Ttea*fell* Intents KmbroMarad Bobaa, Waists and Oaps, Bonnet and la* Bfbboa%3riaalng Bibboca, and Flames, LadteaP Oolond Oadnaatnaad Boston WbbedHoaa, Silk. Merino and Boss, OhlUrea’s Highland Plaid and fltriped Hnsa, a Centf. lAdMpasd GhOdran’saioteaaadCanaUats, Xtmt Bple*-JkttWr - ***• *«» Psney Beck Th*,ltock»,B«nrts and Ornvets, Half Hose, Baspecdeny Hanfltycfahfo. fine Custom-made Bbirta and OoUan, laneyOrordßhWn-nntfndy bOk, Merino and Wool Undershirts and Drawer*, ZwhjrandßbTtUnd Wool-balttlng material, faney Chenilla, Qord and Braid Bair HaML Blbbon and Velvet Head Praam, Hnblaa. dc. -j»Hevtsi made epaafel arrangements. with the manafectnrers of the BIST BTML BfBIBO BEIBTB, we are enabled to tall a better Skirt to tka trade at a lower pries then any boue east or weet. - Oar llaa of boaster* ere 10, IS, U, U.S, SS, »-ledlm, and 4, t, 6.7,8,8. 10, IS. U—entases and ckiUren’e. iardTYdßD COUHtBY MBMBAHTB, MILLF NIBS AMD PBDBLIBS who buy to sell again, will elvers find oar stock well aaaorted, and prices as law ts any honse east or wtst, BASOV, MAOBUM * 00., . HaaV And all persons who sell agalarkra Invited to T UTXLfiB - 1 - „c*U end examine tba n» BwntiNas, ex vra. pee yard. CLOTHS, JEANS, •' FLANNELS, wk. bdmhssl 49*Ws dif| eonpetiUon Id PBIOIB, tod onr stock Is tbs mofteonplsts laths dtp. 49>Wk OIVSB A ORBATIB VABIITI .THAN AMT OTHER BOUBI. CALL BEPOBX PURCBASJRQ EL&SWHERE. ooSfcmkWtfT QOUNTKI MKKUUANTS, •took or aooos WHOLBBALB HOOMB. WOO'.IH BOODI AND (K4TINaO»PB, NUBIAR 80NTA0S, BOAHPB AND ILIBVIB, BOSTON AIMBID WOOL DOU, ■ obuduh'i naiFis non, hbiti hixid mno übdiebeirtb *HD DBAWBBB,’ BAIR an AND BRAD DiRSBIg, A WRIT LOT or BALMORAL' AKIRTP; rmbuoidbbirb vrrr cheap. tm Itilill bcysrsvni~ find nwnwuiimut od«so* •n f good, m* ear. pitas «• lav arup boss* tm tbs Of thotorj feat Steel flprtmfcriftltaf rad cbOJnn, iron t*«»ottO*t«brtM nunbctortoo.ta Cord* Hamer Tepa, WUaTapn, —-—Tfrpearad Matitn—, BOUQHT to B Am adriaU«ft«fcfcfc mnu wbo toy IbreaAwlll *" wdyMtilvi'iM ihkb m laifiatMto mU Mtkwpituj howouuftodlj. JOSEPH HORNE, ■d If ftuktt ihhi< WANTED - 500 busneli good Bye by JAB. a. FtTlka, L oul2 -Oorotrot M«k*t wd Vint eta. Wanted —a steam cylinder BOitKft 83 tacbea to diaaeter, SO or U feet loeg,- Jfagalse of'" - - • M. BOtlj nofclwd corner DcqaceaeWey end Pdn> Alky. DAI GUODBJ WANTED— Bonds and Mortgages for $2,000 end $B.OOO, haring troca two to three icon to ran. Apply el PHTOrS, 18 W. CUk itmt. •• X?ARM fOR &lL£.—f offer foTSila ' ' » VA&M L ritaftta in Pfttto, knrMkip, Al}«*bftHT COODt,. twclT, mllM MStOt PiltUrorfh, ftld few milt. Iron lb, IMnMb UJnad. ccoMlmlnc ON. UDNDOXD .o*lB, UtJ ol wbkh an dwi and IU, balance w.II limited. .Ihw, U Collated mi OMJIU.D »wi » gAW MItL to *od running order os a breach of ■« term* eoqaire of the tubecriber, on thopreoiM BttMu* aoAAQTasaa. VALUABLE OIL PKOPERTS FOB BAH—Situated ob franefa Croak, eatbractog between 10 and 11 eeree. There ere oa the ptopwty •ts well* la Tartons proyaa, three of wmkh ne el ■ofOdest depth to juetliy operating. Oenßeeiadwiu tho well* la e powerful engine, le good fanning’order. Thia property la adjoin lag the celebrated l’Corßkk rena and le perhape one of the beet oil allee la that region. We offer e greet bargain ooeasy tarma of payment, or with exchange for reel eetaU la or ed otolng the dty. for pertieniare apply to - B.M^LAUISOO, enP tfo. foarth atreei. FOR BALK—A verj oonunodioaa and ooafortable realdeooe, in * derirabla neighbor hood in the 8d Ward, Allegheny, cm long and mj permeate, and tott low. liqnire of 8. WMOTIH, .fa. Attorney at U*, 1» ftsrth otrMt WOOLBN HOODS, nitt »AI*IC- ABOUT fITB MOMI Cj poWULIn «iod order, nowdrivtn# three power •3S5 to --*• wmu s2&rYs,ifen*- fifth etreet, abort BmtthSeld. WOOLEN 8* BEVEB, GAITERS and GAUNTLETS. XO BUI TOUR i tSHA'ft LB, CLOAKS MERINGEB, CASHMERES, POPLINS, OF MYXMT KIND. OABBIMKRKO, BATINETS BLANKETS, d(L, Roving Printer. Tom Brown at OxfOTd. a vole, popular Autonomy. By Mitchell. Beantlee of Bnakla. Mbs Gilbert's Career. Glossary of BogUsh Words. By 'Trench. BeoUh. By Angneta J.SvSns. School, Gleeeica], Medical end Theological Book*. Blank Books and Stationery. 002 I. L. RBaD, T 8 fonrth meet. CEUIL I>REEMB, by the late M«yor Wlnthrop. of tbe New York Seventh Regiment. The Arm lee of Europe. By General George B. Mo* Olellsn. Revived Army Begnlattoae. Adventure* In tbe Booth Pacific. By e Roving Printer. Tb* Hoove on tbe Moor. By the author of Marge* ret Maitland. Tbe Theory and Practlee of tbe Swedish Movement Ott'e. Sisal end Zion. By Baseman. Otjeoc Umoaa for Teacher* and Parents. By H. A. Galkina- • _ Tbe Detente of Armageddon, or Our Ooootry Fore told In Scripture. By *• B- Blue. Por tele by . R. 8. DAVlfl, 91 Wood street. Major general u'olellan’B OaiAT WORK—TUB ARHUS Of B»- ROl'B. Illnatr ted. Revised Army Regulations. • United Stetee Infantry Tactics. U’Clellao’s Batonetßierdsef > Klogabury’elnbntryaud Artillery. ’ Rcott’s Intan try Tactica, Bto la. GUbam's Oevalry Tarium, Tbe Raernlt drove’ Military Bnrgery. for eale by RAY A 00 n M Wood vtreefc PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS an CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. A floeeaeortaentof ALBUMS, boiling from twenty foor to ninetyelz Portraits. In plain and elegant styles of binding, with Photographs cf nearly all the dlsttogobhed men end women living. T McOLBLLAN, Mr*. JBPf. DAVIS, 80OTT, Mra. LINOOLR, UNOOLN. HARBIBT LANK JfiTP.DAVU Uit S. A. DOUGLAS, BIaURMABt), Mrs. BI9OURNB7, THBOABINMT, EWPRIB9 BUOKNIB, Ae for eel* by Et S. DAVIB, B Wood street. DIARIES FOR 1862.—Just received *n sseortmeot of Messrs. L.AB- Rdwarde* bean* titoi Diartee for 18U2, In pla*n and elegant vtjtee.— for tale by B. 8. DAVIS,B3 Wood ilrsei. THE EQUITY DKAITCSMAN, being a selection of forme of pleading In saite of Bqnity. Revived end enlarged edition, with oopi:ns notes and references to American caws. for tale by oeU KAY Wood et gHAWLS ANI) CLOAKS, NIWBTTLKB; BUBTITCL DRKB3 600119, ALL KINDS; pAt.iIQRAI. fIRIRTfI, HO3IBET, QLOVAS, Aik, Ac* NEIDLB WORE, VERT CHEAP; VI.ANNKLB OV ALL KINDS; FRHiTBreifIQHAMS, Ao; SHEETIHeS, BOIKTINQ9, Aik, Ao. AS WE SELL FOR CASE, NO ONI OAN BILL CHEAPER. C. HANSON LOVE, HO. 74 M ABZBT BTBBBT. NEW GOODSII (1001)31 FA L L G 0 O DS JUST RECEIVED.- • Wa an aovopanlßf i eboknbokofYAUflOOM eondatlng in all' of tfeia latest itepartattoas of GLOVHP OASSIUERBSand VKSHNOB, which wa Safer ou •etraiwfilba ogaal to any asnrtaMst to ha bind Baat crWaat.'VMy wfilbaMdaspto«Sar atprtostyi*, and atptfeas to ntttfca ttnsa. Wo 'would tmwtfhny oboetl an tarty call-Dm* oar patro&a ana tite pabllo. SABIUEL fiIUT 4805, No 19 FrmrSt. NOTICE.— Th# W«ehoiM, Utetj oooo ' "’“Si Wrf MOO* HHOULDSBBi BU>tB ut H*MI. 41m*M At. m. wtttf ■*. *. HAT* * (XX QARBONGUr— 20 tofai No. .Xreogrsd iITTSBOKGH THEATRE. WtXMKSDAY BYBNUfS, NOVIMBBK IS.*B Tint appearance of ITTUB BBHDBBJON alace her return to this city from her very encceestal star en gagement at Cintlnnati. URKOLV; OR, LOVE'S LETTERS* BBLIOKA, with song* BTTIK HXBDKRBOK. To eonclnde with the S net drama of HORSE-SHOE ROBINSON. ROMMHOI ROBIdSON MR-HKHDIRBON. MILDRID .MISS KAOS BBWTOH. Pw«a«gs|KMtt. Il lah< NSW AND BXOONH-BAHB PIANOS, iAT GBIII BABOAIBB. AIso—PIANOS TO RXRT. OHABLOTTB BMJMB, No.QS fifth atraat. gKAUBORK'B LDKN CHAIN Sabbath School Melodies. A MBW SABBATH SCHOOL SIMGIHQ'BOOK* The largest, moat complete and perfect byma and ttmißook«nrsid.foru» bmoi Sabbath Seboola. Prloa, $l2 par htmdrad, or U end litrii, or $l,lO par dccen, for ante ta qcantitiea or daily by JOHHS.MKLUa, oc 11 No. B 1 Wood atraat, Plttebcgh, • SAuBBD MUSIC BOO&o- TBH CTCOAOA; JOBILBB; NBW LXJTM OT ZION; DIAPASON; OaWSTIAN MlMhtßHfi j *•: BBW OABMIHA BAQBA; SABBATH E*I,L, A» THAN KgQ IVIN 9. All .ha«bore at SBAO bar doaan, «,_!«» «» to bun. ak» JOHBAWSBAW* «H Lttwty «m H«a4 ttamU. * IJJ&ABb&fiU—3O cask* JNo. 1 joat n* X «tni nd ftar.Mte by HUKT B, OOuJUU. wmiimag.