The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 11, 1861, Image 4

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. [Th* followifig; fr?®
«fl*tord»y Post, w ;b one of thoboßUtiral
. tribote* that the hmie dtttii of General
-• has called faith:] '••
Clbc, bird; on tmen MMirfv pwW ’
A»nd4«itKiM at toaamv r .-
■.*■■* T*firomibrwtad#c»BbrnowT
Bmth out, y* vfa4%?car«ofl*ofct%k«
W*a*flJwWta<bwjrßpbßdor. .
for him*lo k**w w#U ham to .db,
•;. Ba»orT*ctb*srr*«chr. - •
17poBt&*td*yerglofyt - ~ |
- * Vpstti*4 from mask** wd from gia
- r fhßWttdoti*r«jr»Bdho«»y; }
- Xtniharadttkaafaoampftllr !
Sow broken Md bow blended,
.’. f Wb*tt TOBf tb# bOfkVBBCrr CSU,;
. v Aid rank.wish rank eoßt*ide<l«<!
Yoarthoutod mea,** bravaaoil bo*
- '.. i iil'tr«utfmhtotelni, . -
' V Upoo Ibe ft? Uut'nttftint threw ;
■*' ' '•■■ tbalf deayafrtfif.
I- • fWyliaitdoot cJottt—»nr blm th»:fleld
•JiV* • patriot aoldbridbooi-' !-< - •
i. -Nr freedom** cmm wm *word tod able! i,
AndnktbabbaadwaaLyonl ! i
Bbin*a*rtlrco>t#d*oall<>ok#d forth
• ■ ,f/«a*jMottrcolled brlghtaaaa; >
lb# bwrian of ib# Bcrtb •
Had pt***ad Ook »U Itilbhtof n.
' • r
mrsakiillnot ura gdry, L ■
' And Ml tb* Bbadow* cloce like eight
-* - Xoßiid hb carwref glory.
“ MO*Bor*l t boa»#Te*d a*P lond the cry
-v frow«hrtT«hißd waarioglug—
<-• .. Mtaid Urttd f I vfll lb?t OT4Uk i
• nßtbßtt’TJ ft C»WfalUßgi|lg* !
*wte» wowdtd—no wotn»Tkßowiag—
' 9ba Cm of bnttta In hi*blood
ie ?VAkdoabbtahfeead glowtog.
: ay* thaltraltax’* bud,
:■ Ad gnraed that dm *o deadly,
• WNehamet* UobraTtatof tb* la id,
• amt dyad hb bora jmdTyt .
< |mwbi lay who* past bin pratatd
Xb* balds'* firk>D*.blljow,
r. || calmTf M a bib* may rut
Upoo It* mothttYplUcv,
to Lyon dlad t and wall may flowaia
Bl* borlal covar,
•• 'for later had thl* laid of <mrt
i A mor* derotad lover.
Xlrtsf. bla Moatry waa bb brlda,
Hb HbbagaTabar dylrg. j
• lelbi farina*. tOT»~b* aabgbt daabd
• Toharaidtohar rigblng* i
BaMr Patriot, la (b> bHbl<b trava,
3mf da bar farm who bora tnee 1
Lcttf taay thaUadthoa dfad’ri to'tm
• Bar bMoared atari witratfar tbaal
Upon bar hbtory’a brighbak paeei i
And ob Vima** flowing portal, .j i
• SbrU writ* tby graoda k»rob pay*, i
Aadgratatby namalmmarlalt
• • {■ iB»P»
A Balf KXomr at tba PnkldaßtJ>
Our friend, just returned bom Wash-]
I fagton, says decidedly that he -has no am
fUdon Presidents The salary 'is I
nffiideht, the White House is well enough,
andftb distinction-enjoyed try the Chief
Magistrate ia ratber-tafciDg.-But still he |
: satkittwadi in half an hour in the Piesi-1
,danl'enlcUning j loomj to satiafy him that
- ha worked harder for his money than shy
lumper o£the wharf in August.! As our
biead mt awaiting his turn to gtTe; Afara
ham's hand an unselfish shake, two ladies
wsre petitioning this father of the faithful
with terrible importunity. {At length;
said the President, “Ladies, I may aa well
settle this matter at ones; I shall grant
you no pastes to go beyond our lines with
information to the enemy.” Whereupon
r ibs -two i women sailed out of the' room.
%ithmo«t tnodoue figured heads. Next
cam* e man with a package o( letters for I
the: Present's pentad./-Then an apptf
’ cant for a lieutenancy in the > nary urged I
his enlt, to whom the President remarked I
- comfortingly, "There are now abont one
thousand applicants ahead of you, all per
haps with equal claims;'if yon think it
-wurth while, your name may be entered
on the list, and yon can wait your tarn.’’
Instead ot waiting his turn, he turned at
ohoe, and left the presence. Another with
;s balky mannscsipt appeared. The Pres
ident took themannecript, gays its look,
and said, “I anderatahd this casethor
\ onghly.j f knowjtemerits, and lean do
• nothing for yon. Ton haTe probably been
toH jou eonld worry me-into granting
yonr snit. Yon hare botn, misinformed.
The cam ii settled.'’ Andao for the foil
: half honr was the President bond by theao
human augers, until onr friend approached
übd gaTS the Chisl Uagiatrate the com
. Jbrt of looking on a face that 1 did not beg.
[Hair Bedford Mercury. j
' JUtMlßMbarUlM* . w •• • . .
- * .The Lexington Observer and Beporter
gives the following extract from a letter
.written by a highly eetinabte lady liring
- aesr-Hopkinsville to a- friend in its vioia
%." The vriiter is. well known to the
editor, end her statements thay be implicit- ‘
ly relied upon. The information prrfoasly
noatved of. tbs barbarous conduct ol Back
■or and ..his followers towards the loyal
dttiana of that portion of tbs State is
tally corroborated by this extract:
Bev.EnosCampbellsnd his &mily tire
been driren from their home. Mrs. Cemp
bell, exhibiting distress«t being ordered
'to Issts her own residenoe.lwss told by
the traitors that the. kitchin was good
. . enough for her, and they were rnthlesaly
•: tamed oat of hoase and homer in order to
- make wa? for, the rebel soldiers,
Ur. Campbell is a Christian minister; a
Dtphew of the dwtingoished Alexander
Campbell, and had charge not only of the
4 Christian churoh at Hopkinsville, bat of.
: ' n large and most prosperous Jataala
there. The building oocopied by him was
a vary esparioos one, completely adapted
to the purposes of a collegiate institute,
, and Us school was most extensively pa
tronised by the people of QrOen~ Urer.
Bat neither hie clerical charaoter nor bis
educational charge offered the slightest
‘ axtmptlon (or him snd his dependent tun
'■ fly from' the fiendish designs oT the uh
' principled marauders. He | was a loyal
cidisn, and that was'crime enough to
briag him under the ban of the Co nib dr* to
. army. Buckner, when be i,invaded the
■ ”, State, leaned* proclamation ,in which ho
promiied protection to all the citizens of
tot Commonwealth ; the treatment Hr-
Campbell reoelved at his.hands Unfair
. ample of the kindlof protection loyal
people may expbot from him!—[Louisville
JomnaL , ■;
Is.Oteveland. Ohio, a white girl was re-
cetiUy marriad to a negro. The glrl eJter
.. wards retnmed to her lather's house. The
- mbn who claimed her'as his .wife, sued out
a' frrit of “habeas corpus,” bat It appear
.ring tbatsbo was not restrained in-any way
Other liberty, the writpas dismissed, lit
father of the girl tbea obtained a warrant
' for tbs arrest of the Joatieo wbo performed '
the marriage ceremony. This proceeding
wn under an act passed-last] winter-by the
Ohio Legislature, entitled, "an aot to pre
vent the amalgamation ofthe white apd
eolored races.” The law, 1 besides making
.. llUiegftl lor posnffiiog A vfeU
■ MSwaaiitare of AHcan blood.
uiany with any personof puzewhita blood,
. subjects any person convicted of.eolemniz
' big aucb a msrriegotoh fine.of not more
than one hnndred dollare, or Imprisonment
:for n turnno.tjo..exoeed three months, at
. the discretion ofthe Cotlrt.; The case was
‘held under advisement H - j-
, How Jnr Lane wouidhavs Savin t*x-.
'l*afo*.—TSe Su .Xpsis <G nfirV ttfrullan
. Aivtnti, edited by the yrnersbfe Dr. Ellioti,
foimsrly.of,baaaa editorial article
oa Oeaeral J. 11. Lies, of Kteasa. It i*by
„ so mams aaaaesaliled estop, butlie rtf.
erssAastkor to ennatrained to bear the follows
iefbeetisioay to Lase's activity i ■
. tftgfai bare It from a ooareetlut it elooely
alltae to tbvconfi deoee of : hetele
• fripkad to Prets<nrt : tn likid Pries before the
btiw attacked Lfringtoit. 7 X»ler Price *otto
: Lariaatoa, Lams again ulegraybad, taking per*
:aMaa to attack bias''Both apylicationa
. neif danlntori l lt la probable; btdl>ase. been
ienittted to make iba attack; Lexlagtds bad
not beta takaa.”
Ft*m.' Onr Et«blbj( £altton.
i From Fortress nonroe.
. »To&t&1u fiiosiicx, Kov.-S-r Via. Bahmore
ir-Aiigof Itßce vu saatto Norfolkthis mort
iog, butbroagbtbeck n« passengers sod to
news whatever of tho fleet.
tfeiterday the Ghitod flutes gno bust Rescue
went tip ihe Rvppabsnoock rivet u f&r as Dr-,
.biooi erMlr r : udef tbs. moQth of this creek
•be captured a Urge schooner. She took'off all;
her. stares and movable property, and then burst
iha Tassel to thewatet’sedge. Tbrßeun* was:
fired npon from a masked .battery on shore-j
I The flu,was returned,'and the rebels completely
| shelled dot.' * V..
The commander of the, Iteicae was pecs*
pied the entire day insbelfing every spot where
there were indications of tbe presence of rebel:
| Subsequently a 1 email boat waa seen
crossing tbe river with three: men. The Res
| cat’s boat, waa sent in parsnip and,captured
1 the boat with two of the men,bni the third
[managed to escape by jading, ashore with a,
I bag. of letters; The gun-boaii. Rescue and
I Bsineridge were to make another visit to the
I Rappahannock to-day, and shell the woods
j where the rebel force is supposed to' be.
The Maryland Election.
Baltimore, Noyl 9.--Rflarni; hive been
received fromtbree*fourtbi%f the State. The
Legislature stands, at far es beard from, about
-sixty-five- Uaioa and. not one secessionists.
For the. Senate tea.' Union men have been
elected and. not a single secessionist. Seven:
eecewdon Senators bold over,~bat they are
principally boarding in Fort Warren; The,
i Union cause bee already eeenred, with the
j three ; Union* ftonators holding ; over, a clear
[woVkirgonjority in that branch. . . r
. The majority for A. W-Bradford, the Union;
candidate for Governor, wilt not be Jess, than
32.000, and the vote io all the counties is the
I largest ever cast in the State. Hurrah tor onr
I PnioPrioving Btatc'. .
Lpbiillon of Priced FOfces.
I* Spaiwomeld, Mo. Nov. 6 —Major dark
I Wright, who ba*-jest ; returned froa-an eilap
j site scouting expedition, reports tbfl the mein
I body of the enemy are now staliohetl on the
I north fork of Crane Creek, about forty miles
laputh of be're. He thinks the lorce ts about
[25,000 strong.- McColloch is on Flat Creek,
1 with 7,00 Q to S,oof>, and there are numerous
[ bands, varying from - 100 to 1 >OOO, scattered
I about thejconnlry. Price’s position on Crane
rCreuk is- favorable for defense, and he has
j planted batteries on the ehflj overlooking tbe
I approaches to the place.
TUd Bemtini of Gen. BBher,
New Yobk, Nov. 9.—The remains of Gen
eral Baker have arrived, aud the faoeral pro*
cession passed np Broadway at noon—the
escort being a company ol tbe 7 lit Regiment,
-detailed as a guard of honor daring their stay
here.--Tbe hearse was drawn by-four while
horses Tbe remains will lay in state, at the
‘ City Hall, 'iilr Monday, when they will be
[ escorted by.ibe 71st Regiment to the steamer
I Northern Light, on which they will be em«
I barked for California. A detachmeo ’or the
Oaliforoia Regiment accompanied the body to
this city. ’ .
From Key West.
. New Ton, Nov; 9.—Tbe U. 9. steam frig
ate Towhattan has arrived from Key West,
altera run of six days. Bhecomes for re
paid rlj new boilers. -The store-ship Night
i"-n’o has also arrived from the Southwest
X'tti, * hicb place she left ten day* since. Tbe
tteemer* Niagara and Huntsville and the store
ships Pampero and J. C. Kuhn were there
when she left. The Nightingale is tbe store
ship that went ashore oa the bar during tbe
atuck made by the rebel fleet under Commo
dore Hollies.
The French gun*boat Catinet bas arrived.
BT. LOlJia.—Ths stramsr
OipLWn. Moony Istviou ep.
Per frdiht or pssttge spplv cn brVn) or to
: nog J. B. LIVIWaSTOH AOO . Agents.
shs ttssour TYCOON, Ospt. Bwh’i Dm a. tasvwes
atHV«, os THIS UA*. at 4 o’clock. For freight dr
I swage apply on board or to ' '
no? - JOHN FLACK, igsot.
LODISTILLI.-Tb» flhs passenger JflHil
mow Hastings, c*pt boMdsos, will m>« a*
ths shots aad aU intermediate ports oa Tfl 18
DAY, 11th Inst. For freight apply on
bbaruorto - '
aoS g - J. B. LIViyaSXQN A 03, Agents. I
JI7 LOU'HVILL*—The floe
g*U4, o»p*. J. B. MereU*. wflJ Utee lor uw atone
mi |U iatermedlite polls on TUESDAY, the lltb
iuTt_»Ho’o , octP. M. for trelgot or p»««ge tpplj
flMCMMßgenteamtf ABlZ'JHA,O*pt- J. a übv^i
wllUt»ToM»bur%tnlOMDAY, at 6 o’clock, for
tftUbt cr main apply on board ct to
w J. fif * CO, Agent*.
JOUH fLIOK, Agrat-
&WDBT Lool9.—Tb« faTorUeaUamtr BLKiiMSI£A,
OspL MoQcVta, leavte at abort, onWAD2iXBD.AY,4t
4 v’cfeck. ]for freight cr pmgf apply on board or
to ‘ aoS J, B. LmWQfeTOW i Agtel
BOOKJfT, Oops. John
Wblf, will lenve'for the shore and si! Intermediate
tandisg» THIS MOBNIKO, a* 10 o'ctock.a.-xo;—
Jwfreight or pattage apply , .
fold P. P. LBWXB, *gcat»
:UPOLlft?AOUtTr*l'lio ftno snif AHHm
caaaonger steamer - UNIUIB, Capt n. a, .mix,
wllfleerb PltUbcrzb for Qsllipalli KVEbY BATUE
PAY Betornltg.'leetaa CtlKpolls KVB&Y
ZUBB&Ax at: 10 a. n. ,fc* freighter p««« apply
on board or to ... j
1 ■ »2Q ~ 1. B. LfPINOPTON A CO, JfHU.
Jtfc iHßroftrsaoDiu rAousT.-4fIBHI
Pot Wheeling,, Mariet t, Ptrkrraborgb, romeray,
Gatl/pbML *ro&t6n and Pnrttm&iUh.—Tbe tteanUr
OLAKA *'BAS. OaptJ A.J. Mwllllot,trill,leave tor
Ifoctemoalh »YBRY: TUMDAY,et3 tfelock—
Ut>fi FortemootUßYßßY FRIDAY, at liVcloek
m Wot frilght or passage tpp’y on board or to i
BoSllnd •• ‘ . JNO. FLAOtt, Agrn^
RTTYf t. AR W KEK LY. fg» L
ztNßamtß pagrht.—-The jflHBHm
n«w nl ! IpbßilU paawfßger at«asrkUba
GRAB AM, Cap*. Ayer* loant.. Plttebnrgb for Zaiua
tilia every Tuß*-DAV, at 4 o’clock, t. *. Beta rstog
letTM Zanesville fob fltteburgh enry FRIDAY at 8
a. u. tor freight ofTpemge apply on foirt or to ,
J«p.LKVINQ9ruN A OJ., Ageute, FUtefcorgb.
a.B. PI dftUA ACO , Agents, ZtnrtvlUo. W l4
T> fiiiU LAK t
XLPAOK«rr>-TB» flno itoAatoin- JOH
Gordon, leave? lot w*«*iujg
and ibtofrnedtst* pjrt* eTery'TOEiDAYj . TI|OBB
PAY and ffATObDAY, at II o’dock, Ar Mv, making
eloatf COtnssetfottfcWftb tb* regular packet* fbr Ptrk*
Orktaife'ead Cfndntmt Brinriilogt Uwvaa Wheel
ing eve*/ MONDAY, WADNSSDAY and FRIDAY, at
S o’dock a. to. Panengea receipted tkroaga to (Bn
dtmetL- For Freight or pasaegeepplp *n. no«d :
■ •Al r -" No. 114 Water etraet
m law conbignments
-111 a Backs Fltnt Hominy, -
Y 4 bethels prime Obrstrtts,
~ to ' do'- BneDnark Bkfcovynote,
40 -do Waltet*'- •
• M barrali MinaetotA'OranbanlM,
10 do oolUvatad bell-sJiipe Oranbarrtaa,
: CO i.,d# ehaloaJkgpleii
. .AA. di i>*d Winter Applet, -
. « botkalapslne.ialvdi pbaebat,
■- I*o jicaan OtndnoaU Bropma—ataorted,
30 barrela para Vinegar, -,vi ...
80 groea tnperlor Stave PoIMb,
8 barrel! prime Strait Cider, ' - • i
40 do Exrtamtlj Fl w nr»Tranptt brand,
100 do do do •■palmetto MUlt,
10 boxer, 1 dex. each, pnre Ottiwba Wlua,
4 do 1 do do nweet do do
/ <teml|oboa do do
A UareadPAflr’BagtrCQred Bamt.-
for aalo bjr nod L n. VQI9T A O*.
3CO lb a,obolce Applet—aoleoted trait,
301 gaart cam of froah Patched,
100 bOAPotAtOM,
74 dostn Fancy Broomi,
109 bezea Btarcb,
160 do WeatamFaairreOreaACbadae,
Id barrela Befload Oil,
3 do '' Beapcle,
10 bntbalt Otnatnntt, ~; .
' 8 bamla Orubartief,
Javt reodradand for tale by !
do? 114 Saoond atteat.
-18 barrel! okotca Dry Peiobca.
8 edo CrtobenSee,
36 do Qihd App'ar,
. . 76 beset Waateu Baatnre Obcaae,
Ti biUbarreM N.O. liloiattea, -
ICO boxer Btarrb,
13 birrala^eflaadOil,
40 doub Finer Bcocnu,
jut reeelrmf and tor tala by
;•* £■"
I iLio.xioaa sj *i>!?s ,u«ijfs #i« i 1», it,
Oltek’s Office «p to Hewtnher lib, lMli .
CdoißJtns o«eo, other goo s, 3d Ward, rUtibargh.
o.n.ghsa Hogh, ts»«ro, — let d° Allegheny.
OiOU Andrew,- do'- B«UToen»hlp.
OifcAde m, other goods, Manchester,
a tttsa U&srles. 4th ward, At!egt»oy.
»ooc« Campbell. liTern, WeetDMw Township.
Keraaa e**lDgbott«»,'rssbies do
filter Jobs, other goods, 3d war#. fittsbar*h
OstsrmaisrJobn. tavern. sth do do
Phillipsß.L, estlus boose, 3d do. AUegheoy.
WaUvo Jubo, other goods, fttb do t-'l'tshn'KlJ.
Court will be In ms*l -n on MONDAY No
veoibvr ISth. at o’clock si. to act on the tbtve
r*tes.'wfitn applicantsmiut bs ready. - . :j
DoS Attest: W. 4. OKBROS, Olark.
jet teenoffered to the. public. They are the
beat for the following reaesuc i
u befog of. an oral ihapo, the-gl»«e l«,
everywhere eqaally. dMnt Cram the dame, ao that:
the dtalt laetrougmnd mote regular.
2. Tbeontf abapats.better adapted to reelrt the
effect of rttdden expanMon, to. that it fe. Inqweetble to
. t 4 "I
S. ThegUreb made forgely ef Lead and Paarlaah,
giving • great degree bfWrosth and elaetictty. Tbe
chlameya wLlehJxooieheepeM have found to ba ao
brittle as to creek even when aotlA ore-era Invaria
bly made of LI me.. Glare Instead of the tUnt Glare, of
Whichoois ere msnnfcctured. > . ... . ..
4. But the greatest advantage of. there Chlmneja la
Uutxbn joafam ena'K will bstCorefMyaodil
any hoaedwpec breakaoae by the heat aft- thel«mp»!
let ibe Manofeetory and wa will replace her]
cracked Wklmaey&y *deaen arbolecore. , Tfa la prefer,
doeenothwlod*:*ooide(Ueor those caeeeof breakage
where iheehlanavi ha* throogb Inexperience been
aereWed eo cfoetfyjotb* lamp re to prevent ite ex |j
ponrton;whea hefted. -• '• ■{■
Utna'actnren and contncaan of Carbon Qtl,who!
have felt the sagsltade of the ohetaele, which bee
exfatedla the great expnus of chlmonr** In tba way}
of the onlTHimaM otthe oil. have found, a remedyi
inthe Vval XX ffilnteUn Chimney*, whkhheamai
teriallj t final the ooet of far bon OU Light to I bore
who cm them, and Increased the ©ooaomprionct cIK
cooaeonent open the jeremiad axpenre for thlmnejfc. i
Por rela by 0. Kirkpatrick, L, Tkcwm don*
Bogan * NeeUtrP* Heyden, Lacaaco Oil Oo.,WeMeni
*Eelneke,W. Ogden* Co, W< P-Wootdridge, W.M r
Money,oral ih* Manufactory, Wrehlngtoa a treat
near Pennsylvania avenoe
Fob sea bathing, AtuntU <%,
V. J-(two tad a half boors ride from Pbfi*
dalphli) la mdr* treqasnied thaaeny othee pUfiftti
the United States. r
its t» thing, talllug and fishing fectlUUe are on
car pawed.
Ite Hotels and Boarding Hoaaaa, which will aecom
modaU aboot Berea Thousand pttcaosa, are as wel
kept m thine cf Saratoga and Newport.
fa Beech la nine mile* In length, affoMlofc M Mag
i nifltMil drive, while the atmosphere of the place let*
markable for fa dryad* ' i
The Halle are earned twtoe daily two and' frotg
PbUadelpbthi : and a telegraph extends the wboU
length of tbe toad. - .. J
Trains oftheOamdeoana AttentloßeUrcad leavi
Tine Street Whirl Philadelphia, at TWa. *. eod € *i
u. Lean Atlantic al pilt a. a. and 14l r. u. ,Dto
tanoe sixty mile* far# $l,BO. ‘ i
UoKIBBIM*B (United Btatee)HoT*L and othei
bosses now open. Jelfaltf
No, 18 B'ourtb *treet»
Hare on hand a fine assortment d Baoon. Urd ant
Pork, moat oi which ta of their own core.
BUBAB CUBED AMS, of andnoatiand other core#.
PLAIN BAUB, with and withont canvas.
BID 18, Smoked and in dry fait
11888 POBff, Heary.
LIAF LARD, In bbla, firkina and palls. Pot op eg.
crassly for family tue, and ail of their owo rendering
GRBAB*. enttable for rclUng mill pupasaa. an 1
X A LAUTH expired hy limitation on the let day
of Angast, 188 L Tha tnsiam of aa'd firm will be
retttad by the new firm ot Jones A LenghUna.
Limited partnership.—The un
1 dercignad, reefdlng ta tbe Cite of Pittsburgh,
t«T9form»da Halted partnership nndertb* firm oi
Jonas A Lemurs, in the bnetaenof maatlactartng
sad dealing In iron. (In sncceattoq ta the firm of Jones
A Lanth,) In which firm tha raerwl p*»to«e am
Beniamin f. Jones, Thomee U. Jones, Oemga W.
Jon** Henry A* Laoghlln, and Irwin B. LangWhi.
and the special partner b Jaafa LengbUn, wbo bat
eootnbnUd seventy thbaeaad.fear bondrOd dollars to
tha common stock of skid partnership, whleh is to
commence at of tha Ist day of August, 1901, and to
terminate on tbe Ist deyr of Angus UIBM,
B.f. JO‘ *fl,
September 16,18dL • eelTdhn
Brut Foaidm ud KafiDfutnrtn.
uitnj,iorn߻ES uc siAiine in
Pomps & Brass Work
oi rvisT ouoßimov.
OIX. W33X.X. X>X7A4;X > S,
of Bran, Copper or Iron, with the moat approved
Chambers and Vliras of all kinds, and mmntad to
girt aittotaeUcm
HO Wnt«v and lOC iEE2P*
|y33.lyMUf • PITTABUBOU.
To Farmers and Othera,
oiowii'i lurßftiua pwbot
1 over all otben la ota eontitU In Ha abatpnow,
MmpllcUy and onrablUty. olaanlng Or«h)
Outer, better an! more tboroagbly, with Ista labor
than aoy other mill. The pateolea ol the abort Too
baa beta loaf engagbd In manntacJntlng and ■elite :
A£rhmltorallaptanaAte«oooTlaeM of the great want
of a mod Fan lor clearing tb# dlfleranl kladeot Oraln
and flicidi. present! thia to tba pobtla with fall coal*
dance that It will meet their wants. ■
Tbe nmiaralgned, having porcbaaad thaaoto right
to manofaetare and tail the bdot# Brain Van and Bey
arator la Waatera Wattera Virginia,
andaUOhio,AQd.tharighttoaaata Indiana and IU4
Bolt, fa now prepared to fill rll orders, wboleaale or
Baring bota'bonit oat remand to
Bmtthfleld street*
CcraereC Vlrgte alley! eboet dAdben ebon the PbaC
Oteceifttteborgh; Where tevlß keeponhiodilw
•aaortment cf Venetian BU»«hi .of the lateat atyji,
atnlgbt and drenlar Oornlcea of. tbs dlfteresf styna,
PlalaTfancy and Bilk Trhnmlfl*a of the different
atyiaa. OU bltbde
nidneed price* elan Window ifibedea of atttotn!
atylee. PteanulL Thus waatlmea, 1 will fft yo«
oot with little mooBT. r ‘ tn»
S. tfNVNIiANOIK*z- z-rr . j '
BPIBBB, OOMMON and of fvtry dte>
aiiod or ahaped epiBBSAND Rivm,
liirga or mall, made toorderatsbortworica...
4W*A good eaaortment oooatantly on hand.
mvffMia , . •/ • , •
anrplf of thle-eholee bread, ao highly mom*
mtndedea a tnpettor too to for the on of debilitated
ejMttatJm ' :■ 61M0B JOBNSTON.DrnggItt,. :
ocli CornerVoerth sad HiaKbfleldatreete.
LL OLOTU OOVKRS—Of the differ
mtitsae and atylae,aa goad ee can be madejnat
from the teotory end te wbolaatla dbdeabMl, at
36 sad MIL QlalrMraeA . >•J A B PHILLIPB.
gaataad ckteperi In-the maikep— Ibe.
recaivwl on couiguaent aad for mte low ty ~
eel* : ..UffLl ATBniBLB. lUßeotad gt
tmtton Md tnhtgipt rrewji™-
Bioadna), Sew lore.
rfuar:! Ktduced to $2 per Day.
SIX ETUE OPENING ofthia va^taad
eow Alcn* Hotel. talU4,ll hxe hm-nths aiogle
M»ca»,fcj ui the proprietorstomtke it tb« mveiaomir
iiuwe, eonveoteht sad eamfoitrbl* home lor ttii cltl
ibu and stranger on Ibb iltlo of lb*' Atlantic.
And whatever h«s ae*m«*V likely to s mlnUui to.
the comfort of t»» gneate, tfcej bare endeavored, *IU»*
00l rtgard to cost, to provide, au l a» combine all ibe
eUmanteot indlvidoal audeocUi enjoymtut wb-vb
sod«rn arthaa lari Died, and modern taste approved;
and the palronsgo wbto it h*» roromanded anno?
the pest sis years U a gretllyiog proof that iU
f°rta have been appreciated
io meet Iho exlgencbiof ibe time*, wbeu all are
regnlinl to uraeiloe the most rigid ecouomj, no
dmalgoed hovv
Bcdacod tbo Prlo# ct Soaid to Two
Dollai* per Day,
log ncneol tbe Inxuriea wi
bltbuto leva mpplied.
at the nme time, abet
which their table ha*
11X8 SOXBXit
ax. lo
In tbe Immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses
oaHarket, rfalrdandtlheatnot atracte, the uanki,
Offloa, Merchants* Exchange, Ac, An.
Board per Day* 81 00,
JUemmodaUoru required on
PLUS, koam from M emt* sad wpti«rdi,|wr day,
mud Mt*]* ai a titwfain BssfAbaAST amaßsp to
am Bom. Hrictt according to theJtills of Jhre.
ThiCltyUars wks PaiasagsM from
wav Btauoa TO or OLUBA TO an*
ME" Englisht french, Oerman end Bptnlth spoken.
Kansu*, ffivauß, *c :
ras. 'a. tocho-~.-.
Dnqoesne Foundry,
lAtmsy at., near Outer Depot P»
UOIKA, Ac_ on b»ad .nJ fur ~lo luw.
Order, left WU W. W. TOONO. conn of Wood
IttMl aiul DUmooil tOtj, will tKMT. prompt .tun
A. / B B A. B D JB' V
Mannbctnm every variety of
Jco* fto. dca.
Solo Proprietor of the oelebrated
Offioe and Sales Room,
No. 4 Wood Street,
pirraßCHun, pa.
, prrraßDEon, pa.
Warahoiue, No. 301 Liberty Bt.
Mahofaotubers of cook,
■M Kitchen Gratea, Hollow Win, etc* Steel and
him. Mbalds, Rolling Mill Catlings, Mill
Water and Artisan Pipe, fled Irena, Dog Irons, Wagon
Boxes. Sugar Hatties, Pnllaji, Hsdgera, Gar Wbrnto,
OoopUngfc, and Gasttagi generally. Alto, Jobbing and
MaabtneCeetlngf mads to order; Patented Portable.
Wills, wilt* Steam or Horaa power. nolXtlmd
Bftcolnint K ®aibon ©ile.
Works at Sbarpjborg fetation Allegheny Tails/
OOee and 'Warebonio HR MARKET STREET,
ETPL-iaiVA. eiwajaoa band. octd lid
R. U. DAVIS, PreiMeoL
JOHN IRWIN, Jr* Becretarj and Tre**or<-f.
DttiCTO**—R- H. Daria T. H. Karl.. J. L. Oarca*
gbae, A. Cetnarnn, Jobe Irwin, Jr. (
Of light gravity, from tbe eallt of tne oompany,
onJt> Creek, In Venango eo&nty, coutantly ou bead
aad for tilt.
Office at t. H. Hevln A Co.’t,
myfclyw *0 Wood at., pntatckgb.
: oil worrs.
CQo.UIt DtunnlMd,) PITTSBUROn., PA.
MWOar Qrowe aad Bencoia constantlyj» bend.
Oidert reoalvad lor the present at OUMfl,Wlffl
A 00 *B, Water end First atmti. ae?:il6ni
J. M.OXKT.Trma *um, ra-Betf!
of piunsVlvinia,
Uisofiottum ud ffholnala pttlert Id
St. Clair B#., near thi Bridge, Pittsburgh .
Trtds Jtarfe—Soltr lUchlo* O.t, No. L;BoUrftU>
ohlaTOll, No.ljEoUr BunilDg Oil, Wo. 1, *al*r Bcrx>
to«OU,Mo.I „ , •
AdnocN Biidi on ooniUoBMDtL ituta*
tioo rirao to filling order* for Crdde 0 Uof ill
dfto gr»TltlM.
Lubricating Oil, ,
At the low price of 25 cents
nor GALLON, ccnrtaotlj oa hAbd'indforala
g.a*J. B.6AWVIH.
Aj to th> qaalUy, w* wfcr to a&nes*d eartlflcate:
y«.. B- o .Ml. B.BaVTUiQenw—TUoLabrfc*
ting (Hi tt an gtiUoi from yod vn fled to bt tto»
bat fbreur jurpcaa wa baa»T»r wd.
TnaL-B.M.E. 8.E.00^
Bj W«. fen, Prert.
In atwn and Atmocpborlo Bammiia.
LETTERS PATENT were granted on.
8»L 4th* 1890» toTbosfti Beocb, for
Maple tad efficient toaproreiaenl tn Atom and At
nespberte JUmnen, wbirtby the fall ■•train or the
hammer t* obtained, bo matter what be thethlcknem
of (he moot of froa to be hammered—thereby bSpct*
tut mat tncreom of power where large piece# of
methi or* to be operated apon,end a corresponding
tiTlng of expeooe, ... * !
The nbecrlben are owner* of eeld patent, ana are
dedrotuof selling righu to nee aid Impmremapt,
ii nil os urrUcry under mid potent, ' A model of
mid Improvement Is left at the office of Utwn Bske
well A Ocetdog, Attorneys. at Law, corner of Orant
end Dlemood strecea, where parties Interested »»y
call and see IL and learn also the torn* of lioanae
I sale. Ac. f> 8. WIAVIk,
■rrwinort, Armstrong «u P*.
Xt«l7 lar£« stock of cboloetrwsof acltokq.vsri.
atlas to oboo«8 from, wuh«<wry possible e»re tnkeo
to hirt iffrj tntoty tni to mow-
Of Apple atowt v»twn M.COOcf which
in (fart* )Ur elds, 10 COO four j oar old Pasr ,10,000
two to Chres jur old. Peseb, Plant, Ac., a One
- trees la tbs saner/. OtU ud
■sO tbpos. ' ■ . i
'BVA&aBBIKd from t to ft test, by the hnrujred/
wbolsnleaQd retail. . . ... •••■ .a
Additai PHUborgb aod OsVUnd Namriw. rius
tm«b.T«. y».lrf»wT JOHH MORDOGIj Jr.
STOBB bM fewt imsisl frora N ft - 83 WtJT
attest to
nro. to n oiaib, st.,
four Doors from Übertj*.
**« -a:
-JD 400 bWa. ebelcfrlrswls family Hoar,
70 do Bttre do
47—40 chotccßje do
MOO lbs. Bte frherta.
Portia!)/ : fICBOMAKB* ft LAKfI.
COCOA NOTfc-SOOO fresh Coooa Nuti
Jmt iKtlijd >.4 tor 4 Bkoa.,
tjoT ywlM >n<l 188 Wocd itrtti,.
PARUtf* COAli YASJfiS-JapMitied
Coal Tmm of a wiririp ef patterns, handsomely
lltiatoastedand gilt, fcrsale at the ParaDy tttoccrf
oelO OgrmjtofMbmymdHaßdatietH. .
IVtalWt ITS prrpttsd lo ssll BlFINEI)0lR*
mj« OUUaSP SBbZatßfalarnwd«D4U qusuti.
tin, from tbe Beasrre tU Co’s ff©rks w cl.sUa best
Proposals baggage
wAaoss. *
/ QTJSStXXW**!** (JKHUXL'S 0?/:Cr, I
..Washington, Jour* X 1.196- {
Prop{**)*£• invited for tne faroJsbiog of Army
W agOftS. . .
proputtl* should state the prim a: whi h they can
be fnrUsbud at the place of maDßUctiire.orei New
Votk, Fhlladelphia, flalttmere, : Wasblogum, ox Cin
cinnati, aa prefixed bythebidders. ..-. ■
The uumper which era be mode by auy Lltider w Ith
lu one aaJhUi after receipt of the or>ier,''BUo the unm
oor which lie can (stiver within cue week.
The WiguuDuUtutl} conform to the folloetog
spccifc*iloo«,endt<rlhe«* , *fclUted patterns
blx mole (covered>.»**>«»#, ol the site uul descrip
tion ** follow*, to.wtk
Ibe froot wceels to be throe tett tea lusbahlgb,
botMleo lo.he* In d4n»t*r, and foorieeo and a qusr-
■ttr-lnabtaiong; hiadwheelafoncfeek t*n.l note* high,
babe tensed a quarter Inches to diameter, aed fourteen
aod a quarter Inches lot gv feiliMtwo'sdd a halt inches
wfde and two and three quarter Inches deep, cast Iron
pipe boxta twelve laches lmig, two and a half inches
•t tb« large end and one and seven eighths inch at
■mall end; tire two and a bVriutbes wide by flve
clgfcihv of to Inch'thick, fastened with one acrew bolt
and cut In each Wile; babe made of gam, theapekea
and Mile of the teat white oak, free from detect*,
each have a*, sand band tad linchpin band
two and three quaiter liicbea wide,uf No. 8 band Iron,
and two driving band*—outside band one and a quar*
ter Inch by tme-qneiier' Inoa thick, luide tana one
Inch by tbtee*tttMeib*lfttfctckneec th*bind wheel*
to be madaaud boifdso that they v»iu measure from
the inaideofthatlre to the liXgetod of the box alx
an<Ta half |ncha%en-t Crbot whthlaaixi and one eighth
Incbea in h parallel llne» and each axle to be thieefeet
eleven and three eighth Inches frouthe outside of one
aboolder waahex to the cmaideof tho other, so aa to
"have the wagons ail to track Are feet centre to
centre of the wheels. Axletree* to be made of the
best quality .refined American iron, two and a half
Inches square a, the ehonider, tapering down to one
ends half inchin the middle,'with a seven eighths;
Inch king-bolt bole to aacb axletree; waahata and;
Unehplns for each axletree; siK+of : UQcnptnsoae looh
wldo, three-eighths ol an Inch thick, with a hole In
each end, a wooden lnc
hes wide and fuarlnchesdfwp uitenia substantially to
the axletree with clips on the ends and with -two
bolts, alx Inches trom the middle, and fastened to the
bounds and bolster, (the bolster to be fonr feet five
inches long, five Incites wide, and three and a half
deep,) with font half-loch bolts.
The Magneto be ten.feet eight inches long,fonr
Inches wale And throe incbea thick el front end ot
the bounds, end two and a quarter incbea wide by
two and three-qaarur inches -deep at the front eua,
and so arranged, aalo UUt op, ,tho front end ol It to
i.ang within \wo teetof toe ground when the wagon
Is •landing at rest own' level aditace.
The front hounds to he six fist two Inches long,
tbnw Incbea thick, and Mar Inchee wide over exietree,
end to retain that width to the hack end of tho tonguo;
jawaof tbehoonda one toot *-tght Inches long anti
ttuae laches aqnara at ths irontend, with a plate ol
iron two and a halt Incbea wide by eighths of
an inch thick, fastened on top of the heanda over the
Oiok end of the tongue wlih one half-inch sere* bolt
In each end, and a plat* of iron o* the same sixe tam
ed ap at each end one and a half Incbea to clamp the
< front bounds together, and fastened on tne under
i able, and at front and of henods, with half inch screw
[ h 1( through each bound, a aevi n eighth Inch bolt
throbgn tougne and bounds in the centre ol Jaw*,' to
secure the tobgut in the boouoa; a plate of iron three
luobes wide, oue-qaarler inch thick, and one foot
eight Inches long, secured on Lhe Inside of Jaws ol
I hoofed* with two rivets, and a plate ol the tamo til*
I utnstons wn each aide of th« Ungne, where the tougne
I and bocnaa ran together, secured in like manner, a
I brace of aeveu-eightns ol an Inch roond iron to ex-
r. tooth,
tend irom nuder the front axletree, and taketwotxdts
i Iront part of ttiehaunde, aame hrmoa three-qaai
ira ol au Inch roond to continue to the back part c
the nonuda, sod to bu fattened with two bolts, ooe
near the back, end of thehoauda,and one through tba
slider and bounds; a brace over front bolster one aud
a ball Inch wide, ose qnarter ot an inch tnlck.wlth
a nolt In each end to fasten Uto l&e hennas; the
opening betwten the jaws of the hounds, to receive
tue tongue,.and fonr and three-quaittr 'inches la
(root, and tour and a half in.bee at the back part of
The hind hoflnds fonr foet two Inchei Idflg, two and
tnree-qnarter Inches thick, and throe Inches wide;
jaws ooe foot long-wbere the* elasp the coupling poj«t
ths bol-ter four feet five Inches long, and five ruches
wide, by three inches deep, with steady iron two and
! a ball Inches wide, by one-half Inch thick, turned np
I'two and a half inches and laatened on each end with
I: three mats; the hooter stocks and hmudi to be ee
cored with lour half tacb acrew bolts, and ooehalf
loch ecrrw boll through toe coopting pot*.
The tospllog pole nips teel eight inches long, tbrev
Incbea deep, aud four aod a ball inches vide'*! front
end. aud two and ibree-qusrtSf inches vide at back
eon; distance from the centre of blag bolt hole to the
centra of the back axleiree six jeetoue inch, and
I root tne centra ut king-boll hole to the contra ot the
mortice to tbc bind end <Sf the poleelgat Mi liint
Indus; ktog twit one and a qoszier locoet dlaiafitr,
01 best leaned Iron, onAra ouvn to sevcn-elgttiis ot
bq Inch wture it parses through ibeiron sx'etres;
iron plate six inches long, tbrte Inches .wide, and one
oighta ol nu loub tulou oa the coaOlstree and liu/gu*
eocrt they rah together, iron plate one end a hel, by
ooeqaerlur of au inch cu the ■lidtog bar,listened it
each end by a air*. w boll through the bounds; front
truUter to bate plate* a«x>ve aad belo* cteven lotbes
long, tbiee *no a Lab menu wide, aod three wgUue
of an inch thick, corners drava oQt and turned dovo
vfllhe sioai u( the'.olsier, with a oalt tu tvh cub
ner, and loar couiAtnonk nail* on the top; two canda
on the hind honndt,two and two and a ball fur boa
vide, ut 80. 10 band Iron* the mb plate on the eocp-
Ung he eight Inchetlwng, out and *bnw«jn*r
tars inches wide, and one quarter o! an loch thick.
Doubletree three feet tan Inches long, tingle trie t»o
feet eight inches fopy, all welt uedeof hickory, with
an troa ring and clip, at eachana; tbecentru o’lp to be
vidl aeeoreo; lean bar aad auateber to be three leet
two tortus tong, two and a quarter ipchea wideband
uae end a quarter itieft tbkJL Lead bars, stretcoeM,
• bdaloglaueca fur aix-mule team; the iuoringieueea
fur the lead molt* lo hare huOKa in the middle, to
hooktotheeodoltfao filth chain, tbs wheel and mid*
ole patis with open rloga to attach them to iba doob»
Utree and lead bar.
Tee btin cnala to ha Ua faat long to the fork: the
fork one foot tea iocfeesloog, with the atrelcLer at
tached to spread the forks apart; the licks ol the
aoab)etiee,atay'aod tobKbe cnalna, tbret>«tgbtha of
an toon tn diameter; the.forked
Inch m diameter; tba filth chain to be eevea sixteenth
Inch diameter totunforkrtbe fork tone Are-sixteeath
inch diemettnthe lint* ot these aod o| tba lock chains
to be not more than two and a quartet Inches long.
Toe body tabs.straight, three fiat ft Inches wide,
{Wo bet deep, ton leet long at tee bottom, and ten feet
-.x inches at the top, eloping equally ai each end alt
in me dear or Ilb de; the bud pieces to be two and a
oalt Inebea wide, and three itches deep; (runt pieces,
two itches deep by two and a h*U itches wide; tail
piece two and a half inches wide and three inch**
deep; and four inches deep In the middle to'rent ou the
ooupilog po;e; t:p rail one and a half iuth thick by
one and seven eighth-inch wfdet kwsr rails oae incu
thick by ooeana sevenwighlh inch wlu»{ three stnda
acd on» rati in front, wiip a seat on strap hinges to
oioee it np as high as the sklesva box Jbtee fret to nr
laches long, the bottom fire lnchee wide frontside,,
nine and a belf inches dtep, and eight am a half inches
attcetoplopacallkilteetotbe body all In tba dear,
to be nubstaaUaUy fastened to the front eni oi the
body, to ttut* an iron strap passing roend each and,
secured to tba head piece and front rail by a rivet in'
each aad of It passing through them, the IU to he
. fastened to the trust rati With two good atiap binges,
i a e.rap ot five-eighth Iron round tbs box a half inch
from the top edge, and two straps asms alee on the lid
near the (runt edge, to prevent the males from eating
: the bexer, to haw a joint hasp fas taped to the middle
' uf the lid, with a good wooden cleat on. the Inside, a
strap oftron on the centra of the box with a staple
! pasa:ag through It, to fallen the Ud to; tight ends
j aod two rails on each aide; uoe belrlar fastened to the
body, six inches deep and War. locbea wide at king
| bolt hole, Iron rol in trout and centre, ot eleven-six
i lecnths uf an inch roand iron, with a head oa tbs top
l of rail and net on lower: cmr, iron rod and brace be
hind, with shoulders on top uf tali piece, and nota oa
the underside, and anal an top ot rail; a plate two
I and atult tncheewtce, ot No. *0 band l*ou on tall
1 piece, acruta tbe body; two morlkea In tall piece, and
bind bar two and a quarter laches wide and one huh
j thick, to reoelvepiecta.lhrae feet toor inches long, to
I be ossdat harness bearers; four.meuUircngh each
i side stud,and two met* through. each from stod, to
I seem* the fining boards, tope oCthabeftqaaUty iron,
I and riveted on a good bur; otoe rivet through each eod
1 of the ratts; Lor five-eighths of an Inch oak boards;
i sides five eighths of an Inch white pine, tall board
I three quarters ot an inch thick, of while pine, to be
| well ciaated with five oak deals riveted at each'sod
through tbe taU boards ah kroQ p!at» three feet eight
lnchee long, two ahd a quarter laches wide, and thru*
eighths oi an inch thick orilhe, under aids ol the bed.
ple.e to extend from tbe hind and ot the tody to eight
inches in front 0( the. aind bolsters, to he taaientd by
thorod at.ihe end ol the body, by the laural roJ aad
two threeWlgbtiu of aa loch screw twits, one at tie
forward end of the plate, and the . otbar about equi
dislaot between Hand the lateral rod. A halfinch
round iron too or Doll to pass diagonally ithroogh the
.rail*, between the two h'-nd studs to ana through the
bed piece and plate under Ic, with a good heed ua the
fop aod notaud s;rew at tiebottom, to bo at tba lop
oue foot six inches 'from fnskleif tail beard, and on
tha butlom tan' iQtHatf*Front toe bind rol, an iron
ciusytwoiucbaa widfc,oaa qoartarof ad ioch thick
around the bad flee*, the .centre toll to which, tbe
lock chain & attached passing through It, to extend
mvon inches.on tbs Inatdsoc the body, the anas, top
and button to be secured by two thtet*e>ghia
Inch screw bobs,'th* middle bar tribe end* lobe
flash with the bed ptsce on the lower side. Two lock
chains secured to the oaatre bolt oi the body, one
aud eleven inches, tha ether two foot six laches
lung, to he of three* Jgbihsot an mob round iron; feed
trough to be lour frit six inches long from out to oat,
the botiom end ends of oak, toe aides of yellow pine,
.to (weight iacbee wide at bottom, twelve ioehee wide
■ t tup, eou e.igbt aud a halt iacbee deep all io tbe
clear, well irouied, with a band of hoop Iran nruund tha
tup, on arunnd eacb.end aad three betwaeo the indc,
strong and suitable irooa to taateu them outhe tongue
T whan feeding; good strong (.halos to be attached to
tba top Tail ot the body, secured by a staple with a
book to attach It to ibetruugo. OIX Uowaul good
• ash, two inches wide aod oaebalfioch thick, wlib,
tbree staples to confine tbo ridge pole to ita place;
two staples on.the bu y, to. eeours rs&b one of. the
1 bows; one >ld«e pule »we«ve fret long, one and three
-1 qoartatalnchee wide by five ttgnuwf eninch thick;
theoover to beof tbe Brat quality cottou dock No.—,
dfteea test long audita® (twl tlgbUocbes wide, made
in the.bert manner, .wUh four, hemp cords on seek
side, and one through each end to clew It et both snde.
two rings en each cod'oi tha body, trcluse and secure
tbe ends of the cover i a suple in the lowar rail, near
ttw>woii4 stod from each end, to fatten tbe side oorda.
• the outside of the body and Led trough ttf Neva two
good coats of white lead,colored to a bio* Uat, the in*
aids of tbsm to have two coats of venation rad paint;
tha running gear end wheels to hare two goon coats
of Venetian red darkened of acbocoUtecolor, the hub
aud feilka tobewell pitched, instead of painted, Ifw
- quired*.
t 8
A ttitpot* •» •*n»kiog toll, *ud two extra rtsgle-i
trwtto with e*e& *»fOQ, lb* kiog bolt
»nd sbiftfrtraa ctmlUr la all rafecu co due* be*
toagbft »It.
Kftch «M#oftbit»3yoftto wagon foWniatkodO.
B , ao4sn«mber«d <•■ dlt<kted} ftUctfacrpwUto M
l*U*r*dU. 8 r(to.6oVßr ( Cttd box, bolt*, U&cbpl&f,
tar-pot, uulfaanKatbtMtn.fcr toch wagon to bopat
to • •trcni tooxi (eoojererf,) on* thoconto&t* aorta
It ti.'to b« dlttlpcUf ooflantood ihalttbaiwagpai on
to toaocowtroctod dtot tbt amnl pcrttof-ooy oM
wogoo wlUognott* cncUyJl .ttwoo oX «>jotb*r,»
u to nqntro no nabeiteuK arto&gtßf tot RUing
lo«th«r t rad all tto mtcSol wed lor tttir
ttao to tool tto toil {MtttytftU tto wood ttorot|Uj
•cAtooed.ul the.ecrk. iaeliitt.suteteilhniUrd* 6 * :
cstedui ibftfeMt vorjtEualikecuiiaer. .. ■ j
Tbe work e**y te tn»p*eieJ frontline iotIa»« e* It |
eiottw* by mnqffleercr *|eot,« thaQaertem***-!
<r’« Impertinent, end none ot Uituli be (Minted un>U
it abeil bare been iwpected end approved by ntd of*:!
fleer or egeo t •otborjied to luepeci 1U Hli« fisktitd, i
ualsted end ecceptad bj en c-ffljer at *f»ot ot tbs
. >aertennu«er'a Depertaentv end delivered es herein j
agreed, they shell bepetd-Jor* M. O, ilK198«
■eiati QasrtermsaUr Beneml P. ft.
Orncs or lui Clwbmo ab» J£*Btr»ai,'|;
CcnuT MewmtoMdJ/mer jtrutMt >
Nnr Xoai,AognttB, IWIJ
f'l P4Stu win tM received at this office lor lamteh
ltK.-b>-contract, Army Wagon Harness: •' ••
ihe propoealeebooldTeUte (he ptfcdat which lb*r
can m mrotohed « thapleees ofmanofactoreand
tbepiitest which they can bo delivered at tWr do-
Dot, thennmberwtilcO can be made bjr Uw bidder
wlilnooe month after receipt«< the Older; abo the
number which be can deliver wMiln OMWt -
Ibe harness anafrexactly coptonn to the ollowlog
spedAcailooi mad to the eaublfebed patterns:
fcnr-mole bsrnees aa fWlbwi, to Wlfc j .
S '.. -
Two Qollort—Bretdi »traps 3 feet 6 tncbee joag. t%
loobee wid*,aewodtotol4 lichXnpof
hip stripe 3 feet 11 Indus ton g,3)4 inctteswida, rto?
piece* 2 feet toog, 2)4 Inches 1)4 inch
hoc Alee; cross strips to buckle into stay piece*, 6
feet iobg, 1)4 Inch wide; aide straps 4 bet long* In
loch wide; ue straps lft lochia long, )4 inch wide,
tapering to a point.
Two Belly Banda. Long aide two (tot 8 ibebaa long, 3
lacbea wide, with a two Inch tackle; abort side I loot
6 Inches long and 3 inches wide. --
Two Hair Collars. 18 to 13 iaohes. long, with doable
atrspe and eafa leathers and hackles 14 Inch wide.
Two Pair or Strong Haaea to salt, mad* of whit* oak
root, ironed with, hooka, breast. rl&ga I)4 _ inch
aqaato, staples ehd line rings.
Two Pair of Haste Straps* Lower one 6 feet 8 Inches
long, % iDCb wide; apperooe t (cet 0 Inches loog,M
inen wide/• 4 " *’ ‘ v r?‘
TwoßriJUs. Orbwu piece 2 feet loofel)4 Inch wide;
cheek piece# each 10 laches tong, 1)4 Inca wide? (root;
. piece 11)4 inchea long, 1)4 Inch wide; slay pieces,:
trom biluda to crown pieces, 18 Inches long, 1)4 tnch;
wide; nose piece 11 loebte long, 1 men wide; blinds
0 Inches long, t% inches wide; reins, long aide 4 feet-j
long, 1 loch wide;. abort aide 3 test long, i Inch wide,
with 1 Inch tackle; bout, tinned molten, to weigh
ft Ibe to the dacen. : -
Two Pair Chain Pipes, 3 fact long, 2)4 t**bo* wide.
Two Pair Traoe Chains, T feel Ion#; Id links to the toot,
of Me 8 iron, with T on one end, weight 1)4 to 8 fee
per pair. Twisted or straight.
One Pair of Breast Qbaiha,32 inches long, 14 links to
the foot, oi No 8 iron. Twisted.
Two Neck Straps', 8 feet 1 Inch long, 3)4 Inchea wide,
with 2)4 loch onekle. {
Two Neck Chains, 4 fact 6 Inchea long, 14 Unka to the:
foot, No 4 Iron, T and loop to be meted on to the’
neck strap. Twisted.
One haddle, made on Attakapaa tree, head; gnllet
and 'cantie, ironed, covered in the osnal way with
hslManned horse hide;'flaps 30 Inches .long,* Id
tnchea wide; soidDgle ? teet 8 inchea long; 3)4
Inches wide, with a 2)4 Inch bnekla on one end, to
be listened to the saddle by belngmetedjo.two
carted straps 1)4 IlcU wide; these straps are placed
one on each aide of the nddie tree, one end la tied to
the front pari of the bat, the other and to the ex*
teniton oi the bar behind the can tie, BpColeb saddle
fashion; stirrup leathers 4 feet 1 inches long, 1)4
inch wide, with 1)4 inch buckle;et!rrnps, malleable
Iron, tinned, belt eye pattern, to weigh 13)4&sto{e
Two OoUait, IT *4 to IB iochee loaf, mhle tbs uot u
lor wheel-harness^
Two Pale or Hornet to volt, of the tamo material u (or
wheel harness, Ironed, with books; breast rings end
Una rings, with itrape a* In wheel birocH.
Two Bridle#, aaine'asior wheel harness.
Two N ecktitrapi end Chain*, seme aaloi wheel haroasa.
X*o Belly Bands, ♦*-- ■*
Two Pair Chain Pipes, “
Two Pair Tnoe Chains, . 44 r
Two Cruppers and Hip Ktrapi. Back atrap 6 feet long.
UptrlDg from 83$ inches to 234 inches wide. Hip
Btrapa each a ioec 4 Inches long, 1)4 loch wide, each
with a book at ooe end.
Two Back Banda, 8 teat ft.lnches long, 8)4 inches wide.
Two Martingales, 4 feet long, 1)4 inch wide, to bnckla
into the oiu !'
One Coupling Strap, fi feat 6 incbea long, % Inch wide.
Ooe Oheck Hein, long, 1 Inch wide, to buckle
into the bU at each and, with a ring, sewed in
the centre to reoelse the lead Lna.
One Lead i4ue, hi -feet tong, Inch wide,- with a
bncale atoue end, and an 0 inch loop at the other.
One Whip, beas/plnli*dhoraebld*,ft feetft lucbea
One Horae Broth, ossL ol bristles, by inches
frneOnrry Oomb,Mo.ifa—B bar.
The whole to be packed la a box about 18 incbea
wide, IT iocneedeep, 04 inebes long, made of 1-tncb
stuff; coopered, wood boo pa or iron aa tnsy be required,
gonr Horse Uacaeea, aa ioUows, to Wit:
TwoQaHori. Breech soaps 3 tea 8 loch** 10ng.3)4
incbea wide, sowed into 4-loch rings ol % inen Iron,
hip strap* 4 fm>t long, S- Inches wide; sup pieces 1
feat 2 incbea toug, 3 Inches wide, with 1)4 Inch
buckles; cross strsps to tackle Into »ts> pltces 0 lest
loog, 1)4 inch wide, side atnps 4 test fl lacbfs kn»&
1)4 inch wide; tie atnps 16 inches long, \% iucb
wide, tapering to a point
Two Belly bands.. Lang side 2 feet 4 inches long, 8
iuebas wide, with a* loch buckle; abort aide 1 mot
o inches long and 3 inches wide.
Two Hair Oollars.’ SB. to 23 inches long, with double
si, spa and Mfe leathers and bnckits f£ inch Wide.
Two Pair of Strong Hemes to soil, msOeot whUa oak
root, ironed with hooka, breast rings 1)4 Inch square;
suplosand line rings.
Two Pair oi Hama btrapa. Lower one 6 feel ft Incbea
ion*; )4 inch wise; Dpper one 4 feet 6 Inches long;
>4 inch wide, of ainm tanned leather.
Two Bridles. Oruwn piece 2 fast 2 laches loog, 1U
inch wide; cheek pieces each 10 Inches iong, 134 inch
wide; front piece 12)4 inches long, \% inch wide;
•Up pieces, from bitsda to nova pieces, IQ lucbea
long, 1)4 inch wide; noaa piece 1* inches long, 1
, inch wine; blinds ft indies loog, ft inebes vrtds; retns,
long aids 4 last k inebes long, itncfc wide; abort aids
2leetloag,l inch wide, wuh 1 inch buckle; bitts,
tinned tuoiien, to weigh 6 Jb« the dotetf.
Two t'sir Chain Pipes, 2 foot ft inches long, 934 incbea
Two fiat long, IdUnkato theloot,
of No 2 iron, twitted or straight, with X on one end,
weight 9 lbs par pair.
One pair ol Breast Chains, 28 Inches tong, 14 links to
- tba toot, of No 2 Iron, twisted.
Two heek etnpe,sfeet6lncb«s lour,attaches wide,
with sc inch buckle.
Two Neck Chales,4 tort 6 inches tong, 14 jinks to tha '
toot,twistedNo4lran«Xeßft-toiapio.t>ariTeted on
to the oeck strap, avisal In tha chain. . ;
One Bsddla, made on Attakspaa head, gnltoft and
cantie Ironed, covered ‘ to the usual sray with' half
tsansd bores hide; flspe 20 iocbes longflft fnchm
wldstsnrdagU 7 toeft 6tnckselon& Scinches wida,
wuh m 2M tech buckle on one end, to be futeoad to
the saddle by being rtTsted to two cursed strapa, 134
loch wide; these straps are placed one on each side
of the aeddlatree, one end le tied to the front part Of
the bar, tha -othetand to tha extension of the hair
. bshtndtba cantie,tipanlsb seddta TaaMoo; atifrap
laathen 4 bet 7 inchealoog, 134 Inch wide, with 1)4
Inch buckle; atlrrnpv mailaahta iron, tinned, bolt
•ye pat Urn, to IBJ4 to* to adcaea pair.
Mean; I
Two Bridles, same u for wheel harness. I
Twoooilsrs,2o to 22 Incbea long, made theeeue ea I
tor wheel bamead . • I
Two Psirof Hamkato mit,of.samematariataa Ur I
wheel harness. Ironed, with hooka, breast rings and.
Una ringa, with straps aa in wheel hsrneaa.
Two Neck Btrapa and Obelus, same as tor- wheal bar* I
OSH. - ' *
Two Belly Bands, same as tor wheel harness.
Two Pair Chain Pipes, same as tor wheel bamtaa.
Two Pair Traoe Qhal ns, same aa far wheel harn—. •
TwoCrmppera and Hip Btrapa. Back strap ft feat tong,
tapering from 8)4. inches to 234 tschea srido. . Hty
Btrapa with buckbe.aach 2 feet 8 Inches tong, 1)4
. inch wide, with wrought hooka. :
Two Back Lands, 8 bet 7 iodise tong, 834 ioebaa wide.
Two Maxtlngsiea, 4 feet long, 134 Inch wide, tobnekU
into the hju
Oaa Oonplihg Strap, 6 bet 0 inches long,&loch wide 1
UnaChack Hein, 4 toet l Inch loog. 1 Incniwide, to
bnckla Into the bit at each end, with a ring sawed
in tha center torecetse lbs lead Una. : -
One M Lins 21. bet long, 34 inehwido, with a
buckle atue rnd, and anslnch loop at the other.
Ooe Whip, beery platted hone hide, ft bat ft Inches
One Horse ' Brash, oral, of bristle*. by lochs*.
OnsOorry Oomb. No 3x3—B bsr.
The whole to be ; packed ins box.aboni.2l (nchea
wide, to inches deep,k4 incboi. long, made of 1 fneh
stuff, coopered, wopd bOop* oriron, i* may be reqnlred.
Th* whole to be made of the best metarUL ssiriOg
to be made with good waxed thread, and sucject to
liinpeclion dortogibe pructea of tunniactnia and also
wben'fialshed. ■■ '
Vfbanft .hona hatnaaaU reqtdrad, the Usd eollkn,
bridles hames, neck snaps, bands, chain pipes,
trace chain, crupper, and nip strapa, back bands aad
coupling stripe srd doubled; one bearing chain ft bat
long, U links totbe toot,ofHo4lroo,wlth a Ton each
ana addad;-aad land Una to be 80 fasa longi' a
> The whote too# made of the beat material, aa wing to
be made with good waxed, thread, end sottfeet to in*
apeetton dorieg ths prooeaa of manufactnre and also
whan finished. - * ’ j »
When 6 note htra—U required, the lead collere, i
btiUlee, bimMrß** etxepe,’belly band*, chela pipit,
treco chain*, OTtppere&d hJpetngw.bhck beads ted
coojiltng stnpe ere doobledi doe beerlog ebtlo.o feel
long, 14 link* lotto foot,bT Mo 4 Iron, withe T on
eecheod added} eod leedllae to bo 28 feet long. '
Froponle wUI received far meklag and de-
Itveilcg emtalaoce hetpm for two or tour ante or
hone teeme—e apedfiettfon ol which will be bereifter
farulahed. r
forme of prapdiel esid ’gtureotoe wOl heferabhed
apea appltcetiao|to title effioe* end not*# wOi be oca*
mdrred ifret do At eoafcni thereto.; i .
The privilege i» nsewred by-end for th® United
****** or rejecting •*} piopoeeU that dot be downed
estrevegent. - ■ • .
Propunle wllf b* (atoned ontheenvelope fndo
eiog theta, **Propo«eli for tsnhUoi Ira; Wegoa
end hmbatence Usrnem,* end eddreeSed to
QnerteraeeterP. 8. Army, ; /
500 O. MOLAS
135bbdafta&c°°6ftorrad friaaCmr.* *
1 » bolt* 6*r BronnOi ItfacMmr*. Va_ Tobacco.
Joobbli.£fM«tBagir. '
- 160 bagt KiojOo&w;. , . -
60 bLut.Prasajmola Syrnp, • ;; .
total* by SHRITfiB * DILWOSTn,
ocg • • ~ '• 131 Becood imw> .
T 6 bßl*.ehotcoTJro«fApplM,
16 tlo.Bw»tUider f -
“bffi«£i , mSl. Ura ' . /
3 do potkad Bettor,
To «toro And fer «!• tnr OULP * BHIPABP, ;
cell * • SiS Übtrty nmt
. eJwloo WbltoWhootfoaßy floor, la »twi*n!
mmingpor pooawlTonU Bottrow^tot—>«bj t
: HOPQRALP A AftßllQK&a, ,
f M# Kftttt Mbtttt Ktfoat, mot hood of Wood.
; . -Hr'.r-.v _>•
- awtoiOftmChim
ON ami aftet UoraiT,iSMSSn
will lean tbs Depot of the Penufjtvutt Eattroed, n
pttt-burgh, u follows:
/tftbvrp'V Cb?Bmowa and fltwiiinM Sbtri ZM
sin arnhwsCtt.
Bo change of cars between PUtobargkned ObBIHM.
Leasee Arrives ai Arrises at Arrises st Arrises %t
L6S a m ILSS i in 430 p m
L 43 □ m &;46 p m fcOO s m
ttla roots a shorter to Cincinnati, LouisTlUa, Oo*
totti ns and ell polnU South, than any other rate.
Splendid Bleeping Oara attached to all Night Trains.
/Hlttbvrgk and Whediat l*»t* ~
XssTsi Arrises at Arrises st Anisssnt Arrises si
146 a m 8-lfta m AlO a » • m
1:4) p m X6Bp.m 840 p*m 6.03 £ m>-fi!6 p m
fcW p ut 4AO p m 0:16 p m * <j.
i The and LtOr n. Trtiat OODOecft with
Train* otO.o. B. B. for Zanesville, UacidiT.ia .
The 8&9 p. m. Train stops at alt stations MIWVM
I «
tH&bvrgh and Ctmlsftd Lhu. '
I ' Leases ' Anises
LMa,*. - htti.B. .-
, -•. IHOr.M. - - : uop.w. r . •
trail connects tor'Vsw
PhltsdMbhtianif stations on the TnesrawM Brasoh.
" Tewanpri 1 itiisirtnf to go to .‘BaaduskT, Toledo,
qbhafo,' er points Weal, sta Gtyelaiid, must be psr-
Uoaler to mi for llckati
Through Cckels c«&;hs'praur*d at .the Übsrty
for further -•>' *
WILUAUhTBWAft f, Agent,
. At the CompaDj** Otßoain Prsight BUtioat fans st
P. B. HTBRB, General JVkrt Agent, .
004 wtfsaiand, Ohio
18SL.Winter iimmgome&hJilill.
Ua and after MONDAY, Nos. 4;h, tho TBSODOH
HAIL- TBAIN leases the PMsngsr :BUtloa eiary
stctuisy faxoapt Bnnilaj)atkW a. il, stopping onlj at
prihripalsiitioca,eciDDacilogst Harriiharg.wilhtzwia
dlractlor Baltimore, and srrlstug In Phßsdalphis.kl
1030 r.
THB THROBJH fiZF&ISS.TBAIN laasas deity «i
44: a, stopping onty at principal stithas, waning
dlractoonnacuouat Harrlaborg kr Baltlmora, andar
rising la Phii>d«lphl»or Baltimore at T:49 AM.
THB PABT UN • leasee the BtaMoa ftnilj (txeepl
gntuuyiat ,0;»0 -t. wV stopping only at'pxirftmal \
; stat'ont, mikingdtrectoooaretion- eft HarrfeborglDr
I Baiiiino?e»eed»n;siußtßPtiiiBda)pßl%kUSiO»,ll.-
The Johuatown Train leased-dally
(eaupt Bnhdap) atfhOO-r, m u , stopping at aU StaUosi,
■adrißaingaatsrasOouamavgh. «
I : Ahrt AceammodatlohTrain torWall*ifitattouleixaa
I iafty .{except Bundaj)atft;tO A. H.
I gabond. Acoaramotfatlon. Train for Wolfs BUHoa
f laasssotdf \sgC9ptBanilaj)at IIKW a.M.
I Third Aocommedation Train br Wslfa Btalkm IsasM
I dkfip (except ftrndsy) at 4:09 f. h,
I. footlh Aocc&ao'Sßtmn-Train for Wall’s BUHoa
IseSsiftsih (*j£eptfiandsj)-eie44v. B. .
Bttnrnmg TralosArrlta.ia Flitamrgn as foflowi:—
JaptaamHl A faift.-LUiM^
X Hd'Johhiiown IWhX iti lint
Waifs BUtion ABO A. Baecno
Waifs Btatldn &3O X J tu Thfrd
Waifs BUtfon- AcnommodrtipD.; W 6 t. st'; feerrb
WHPißUftlon AoeommodaUon,B.ol ,
' TrHnsfbrßlalrs^Uaaad ; lndtohae6asact : ai Blaliv
stlla intanectlon with Johnstown Acoommcdattcn and
Express Trains East and West.
I The trassllng public will find It gfeatty tothsii in-
I t*rw»i..a going Bast or West,, to erase! bglhaFann
■jWsols Bsl'rosd, b* 1 tlii> knuxsmodatk'ns nOW bfUfad
cannot be «drpes.«on an; othrr,roots. The
ballasted with stent aso is actinty free from'dnst,-We
can proudae safety, epeed end cosbtiio all who any
(asor thla Road with ihHr patraagfi <
. gXkrr
ts Maw Tcrftu....... AI3 60>To 9 61
10 Ml.. lAneastor MM w.M« •»>
gTrttbnyg f 4fi]
Baggage to all Buttons on tbo-Penna. Hail*
raa* and to Philadelphia, Baltlmora and-New York.
psemngeriparohailnglkieUlnefrs wOlbabhvg*
sd aa tsesas aocordlng to' dUUrioe traveled ia adAtton
to the station ratea, sxespi from Stations whera Jfaa
Ooapany has on Agant..- >• ,
!QHoH.**ls. (*ss 61 cksa, the Uompaay wIU hold
lasasaisU tWoualble 10. pcrrscmal baggags. 1 OBty,
and for an csiOQAft sict sxoaading $100.:
-• ijr., OmrionXlne ns# Laos r aaployad to
eonU> and Baggage to and from the Depot,
ataebsriM ccito axcacd uh cents tor each passenger
and baggAga.
Pot TTjkfcts apply to J, 2TIWAST, Agent,
et the E. u. btsttoa, on LiMny end
Orutat : • -WQ>
sons pmchMing lor BifIHSE9H9
*o»ep)i and otbw point* In Hortbtrn MMsonri, the *
State e! Enssa,ar th* Tsrrltories, Htonld balst on
basing ttokeu that read by The ;
The obis rail rente from ht. Louie to Bfc. Joseph, ilia
me shot test and quickest Una, by thirteen boon, to
the remotest point reached by rail,' and la always ns
cheap as any other.
Buy yonr tUkata to Eansaa and all points in North*
ern Missouri by th* North Hiasonri Bsllrcad... -
President and-fien*! Bopft. of tba North Hiasonri B, B.
aEMnTH.BIMHONB,AKenL ~ artonuttm
No. 6S-Pontth bfetont. T A-.W*.-A 66 6
OpfiN DAILY iPBOM .9 TO 2 - o*-
tTOLOOE, also; cn Wednesday xvDßeftuntay
«venlog*,troaiHsy first|oNosambat first,from Tto
9 ,o'clock; slid from Nnsntberfirmo May
"... I-.,.
D^pcilU- -of aJ), ranu Itfi'UaslthxntonS
DoU»<; and a dhidesd of thaproflU dadUed twfca
w yaar,lft JnbA«nd Decsober. Istckesi fcki bam
declared MaLananally, in Joussad Pecamhefi Mnoe
ths Bank was orguiud, at. tha/aU^Hx par oant.
* Stowat, if not plaoad ip
1 the oapmitbr aspriedpal^andhaarftthtaawthfteiaat
I ftrcmtbetnt akyaof June and December, cempouadteg
itwtoe a yeareruhcnftlKmWhix ftha.dspotfttor toosu
or area to prseent hie peawbook. Aft Gua raU* money
win demtdatniese than lijsare, making tnths*eggre*
gaU uniiy sn ova eaiy rniMf A tBAk.
Boonooataltttng ftha Qtartar; uyLaWs, finlaa and
EsgsltClena tarnished grattiy do applkatten at! the
WHUWaJ.AttdrtM* .. ImM %
UHJBurrwto, - ImeMi faminst, '
■ BoptvtU Boplrara, ' " hobvtßcbV
J*n— ShHU, ,
JtmttP.Ktß*}; . '' Hwmritrmdtot' ..
'-‘.fivirnc - • • ' .
AUxta&r BnAtei't ' Jofafrß.
John Q. Bufcflto, PtUr AJUidfA
Ctorgcfiteck, ' JohmH:H«adt > t •.
JohnfrQuftsU, . - iuwlhiQlo, .
AWaHin A IhwW Jo|Ul*MftUiMUa -
QbMteA.Ootton, WHtniTSjuihti^
WBUBa'ObutMi ' JohaOtT, .*
Jchnßvua,... Star?!*UnfcfetV
John Holm**'.- JttaAJlwßMuir,
WQUam AH*vta«': , . Algaador 6paw«>.;?
Fntair IL Bunktr. . .Wlulcn'B.ocuMrts
Kkk*rdH»yV luti White*,-
WWkaAUWIy. (SirMtthy«MMV
h«ihi# CM TrUiurtr—OltJiMZiMJl
UtaUwT ./
1160 hhd*. R. 0. fingaii'
09 Ml* KeflAftd Btuiftr;
600 M prime Flmutloa Uolueea
100 " Mortedbruda Si raps;
MO Up Bio toft* - •
39 pocket Jm Coffin; .
100 tax* emoried bn*4c Totaoooe;
Boettn .dj . -do . ,
ltO half cttMU Y«m» Hjtoa eolltoek T«m
60 catty boxaa do do do do
.66 boxes Baals Soap;
36 u Ctfltmas Book
36 •*. Olesa. 4q
60 “ ' Moald Gandies;
86 * “ Start do
300 kbit, btn and Bxtr*ft alt jFjotu, J
-0.6) bb!i.Bilt|aon Qddto ud O.H. BYrts.'
Ift do PtfUMjlTuita . dot
: *4 bhdc.' ■_] do ■
v 20 bbii. flU«dif4ul A Ontbil '' ’'
12 do Powdered es* Q remitted do
W do Yellow ewd-ttOoffm. do
• 80 -do IT* P-Mbljuko, r :
.18 hbda,N. 0. MtSp’. «n r•>*■ ; ,
' 7ft boiuprimellratmrg'tibeMH i x "' '' n
For-ioby odi • BokouaKi&ALAHa.
XDWltf or DIIEA.
• BllffrCord. BylbJxley Brocts. , *
Ortot BxpeetattooA _ tUutreto&editioß.
. Tom Brows et oxford. ..Two yoloaet.,. A -r
VrsmTey fonfonue.' ByAbttony ,,
- Tboßonst on Um Hoot. JJj Mm.OUpb«rt.' ■*
; Becroetfo— ofo Oooatiy Penes; litMdUlWiw.
Xr*sctnao tfceßtsdyenforde. Hew edittes; .
cell . . . , KAY * 00, Aft Wood «tn*L
- < ', -
\X fflftfcble. prime*. ailoleeeee,
TO do «oJ«o*todB.B.Byni&*, .
40hbdeJN. : 0/ff«g«r, -
. 109 bogs srfano Bio OoAo. tr.*
7ft hetfobeeM-Y. 0. end Biaofc Sm% ~. , j.s .
toe*. do , t .do , dd'
tft box* fte ToUdco, Morted'iriiKftL, 3
SOtegeia WttltaWa’Atr twtu Yo3U», s
feted* by WATT* Witß6g.d6B liberty*.
r** l ** s .(tmU toppij Qlcrimt onr BvekwWt to nd » lta. nek* tor itmllr wit
MaHA-MaMiw, • ■
onfr. - conwr Llbwty «nd.Bm4 xtß,
U •tck«<hotea uv Obntostl jait' Tfwfad ud
forfeit b; v IE ASR TAtf BtiMMi,”
JJOCK 01L.—.: '
. . BBM. VSOH mss WBLLf* '
IV o. MOL ASS KS—25O bblt.Wd
• fcy iU»mer gt Look, In »[or» mol ,foi «U by
«» Ho. w lattiftSSt.
XJbM*r7.-6. toTtrfertbtrtfiittaferaiftftfmp
jon rocotfrt t&4 fornO* ffftxH tenirtfrifrSSn bj
«SI con*titart?«ftßnC«tmtat
" ■ * : * 00.
'Tor tale by