pttskni!' (fejtte. B. BIDOIiE * CO. , PmWoatum,Offitt, rifti n* Cochran, of Baltimore, and Brice J. Golds* let. The eminent Historian, Hon. Geo. Baa* boroogb, of Dorchester, both Uaios, elected caorr wsi called -to tbs-chair. Speeches for ten year*. weremadiby theChairmso, Geo. Bornaide, For Jadgea of the Circuit Court*, Judge ProCHitebcock, Wo. C. Bryent, Dr. Adame, Brewer, of Annapolis, is ao doubt reelected Dr. Tyogiand otfcer*. The peeling wia moat in the aecood jadicial district, for tea year*, significant ol the state ©f f ‘phbhe sentiment« aad__Jodge Nelson, Union, in tbs 3d district. Mr. fUpcaorr, during bis remarks said : Hon* Daniel Weiael, Union, of Hageratown, FeUow-ctiixens, why on this great end try- ncee eda Judge Perry, Pent., in the foorth ing occasion' bare we oar army in the field f Why do we tend out our kindred, oar brothers, fIH neu * .... onr frind. ti iUnff,u it wen, f.cs lo lice, Th« Legwl.l.n m both br.ochu u with eternity, and toy aa it Wire, on the U neh- Union, hold of-entering into the presence of God, to take np ami for the country t Why i* thia done ? It is that the caeie of right, and of troth, and oii justice, and ol Union may prove itself before God and the world to be also the 1 cause of strength. [Applause] So far a* we < nave come ihio a collision ol arms, it is the act, of the people. The Administration was hesitating,-and the people arose np and said, “ttaiatpin the Union.” [Applause] The Administration was uncertain, lor it said, "Where shall we get the means for maintain ing the Union Ne*r~York and the connty came forward hnd said : “ Empty onr purses; dramas lothe last dollar, bnt maintain the Union* j [Applause ] Oar sons end onr broth, ren rose up and said, “Call for seventy-five thousand men—call for one hundred and fifty thousand men—call for half a million—cal) lor every man that eja aitouldet a musket—the Union idust and shall be maintained.” [Loud Appiaose.] : Bo Tong as the Chesapeake Bay has ilsj fountain springs in'New York and Pennsylvania—so Jong as the waters ol the Ohio anjd Muau&rt find their way to the Guif of Mexico,' so long shall the Union be main tained, j [Applause] The country baa come forward, .or a million of men are in arms. In this single State .oi New York, 1 am told, that at | this time 13”,000 men are under armr; [Applause.] WebavegivenjhePresident all ihadhe his eased fort and more, in mon ley endiu men. . [Applause.] Now, then, we say to the Preatoehl, “MaiuUin the Union, [applause,] or the fault will lie at your door, and the door of your adviser*.**; [Applause] I( the President is in doubt under the terrible conflict into which be has been brought, let him hear the words of one of his predecessors. 'When kullifieation raised its head in Boa*h Carolina, Andrew Jickson prepared a procla mation that he might give them a warning of what they might expect. One night, in the watches oi the night, aa.he sat alone, he fin ished that proclamation, and aa he sent the last words to Mr. Livingston, his besom friend and best adviser, he sent it with these words. I have had the .0(101 in my .own hands, com municated to me by the only surviving child of Mr.j Livingston. I know that what 1 read ie a copy ol his letter, word for word, with nothing omitted. Ihoow it to be gsmuipe. Doan Bin: I aubmit th* above as the con ohuioo of ibe proclamation for your amandmant and revision. Let H receive your beat flight of -eloqoeaeeAo strike to the heart and speak to tbs fesilogs of my deluded eonntrjmea of South Carolina; The Union must be preserved [ap plause] without blood, if this be possible, nut it Cbtm be preserved at *ll hassrds and at any price. [Applause.] Tours, with high regard, Annnnir Jaotsou. Dec. 4, 1833, 11 o'clock p. tn. fisvixn LmaesToa, Esq. [Applause.] How, bu any new phantom arisen up to turn ns aside from the support of the Union ?_ If any such has, U muss give way. If Blavery and the Union are incompatible, listen to the words I that oome to you trom the tomb of Ab> dbbw Jacxaou— f. Y. Tnbun* Corn*. Mllssert Item*. A ditpitch to tbe Chicago Tribune says: ' Jim Lane is at Springfield with 4,090 men, half mounted. One company of ninety con trabands, mounted and armed, had. done ex cellent eervlee in Lane’s commend. General Lane was acting pretty much as he pleased, end was bound to have m fight aoon, if it wae on his own hook. Line's eeoats-wera the beet in the army, and have obtained valuable information. Price’rmen, it appears; have mainly en listed to the end of this month, and the rebel prisoners admit that unless they fight sow they aregonefor good. ■ A correspondent of the 8L Louis Democrat, in a dlspsteh detetf'Bolle, Hot. Tib, says t The expedition under OoL Bodge, whieh left here s few deyi sine* la quest of ex-Judge Freemen’s band of marauding rebels, took pos* session of Houston, Texas county, on the 4tb lost, and captured A large .amount of -rebel property and several prominent secessionists, Including some officers of tbe rebel army. A large mail for the rebel army was also captured, containing information of the satire rebel fores In Missouri. Oapt Wood, with hie rangers, has gone for ward to Spring Valley to route the mala .body of Freeman’s band, stationed there. Qoop Pat.—Thu pay of Gen. Soottls $9,240. The pay of Governor Morgan, of New York, amounts to $18,000;$6,000 sal ary as Govtrnor, and $7,000 as MsJor»Gs&* oral of tbs militia ot tht Stats. f JUto’ aMwittotmtirts. CORNER Of PENN AND bT. CLAIR STREETS DAV AND EVENING CLARIS. "PENMANSHIP, BOOK-KRSPIttQ * M VTOBMATiOg •ftfAOVB INR PHOTOORAPHfC ALBUMS, DIARIES FOR ISM, VOB BALE BY W. «. UAVEN, OOftNfß WOOD AMD THIRD BTR KKTB. qlOch . HULLIUEN’S QULUHEN’B HOLUURN’S rA&IBIAH TOOTH PSBIE. PARISIAN TOOTH PASTE. PARISIAN TOJTH PASTE, Prepare! from the original recipe by Dr.Brentilrger, ol Wheeling, and i*c?nnn®aded by Dr. J. P. Hallthen, of this dty, m b log the only tree sod geoutne article of this Paste now before the poblto The meny Imitt* ttoßfl of thle CELEBRATED PASTKibonld cause tne pob lie to be careloll-' por ch islng, as the aix* vuis la f:r ■•to only in this city by BIMQS J »nNBT''N, Druggist, and dealer ln-Obolce Family Medicine', Corner Smlthfleld tad Fourth itreeu. A £*n BBLa. CiIOIOJE N. ORLEANS MOLASf 88, 100 hhds. fair, good fair and prime N. O.fugai, SO bbU.QoUeo and Ambir Syrup IZA boxes Sseet Black Si end 10 Tobacco, TS half chmtt V. B.andG. P. Teaa, SO do do Black do. With a large aaaorunent of all o’.hor goodi in iur line, tor mm by 7. 8. DILWuBTH a CO, IjaGS FAIR TO FRlfilE KlO O i O COPPER arming sod (or nle by J. 8. LILWORrH A 00, noil ‘ 180-and 132 Second atreet LINSEED OIL— 2) bbla. received and to, mu by HBNKV g. 0Q1.14N8- SOAPSTONE —14 bbla. joet received ul lor nle by HENRY B. CQI.I.IM* PKABLAcH.— 30 calks No. 1 just re eetved and Cor,sale by BBNRT H. OUILINR. REVIBED REGULATIONS rot van ARMY OP THE UNITED BTATB3,IBOI. WUh a toll index. Coevo!nvo,Bvo. Price $2,00 Important changes and additions beve hwn made to tpt« BBVIBRD BDITION OP ARMY REGULA TIONS, an JU should at one# be In the hand* of all who have ths previous edition*. For sale ty DOS , KAY a 03., 6& Wood street. UIbOLOTHUOATS, PANI'o.JAOR BTS AND HATH Just received at 26 sad 38 St. OJilrstreet- not J. A il. PHILLIPS* FRBSB GROOERIES-60 bags fair to prime Rio Ocffee arrlvlngper Pa. ».B*ai.d hr sale by LITTLB A TRIMS’ R, bg9 113 teo»u4 street 1 (in BBLS. kallow SUUAR to Lvf airlva and for tale by Bt» LTTTLB A TRIMBLE. QOn BBL 3 N. O. MOLA33K3, OUU 100 b’ Is. Syrups, BO hhds.N. O. Sogers. . Oa hand and for ml# by LiITIB A TnIMBLB. CtORN MEAL—IUO bus. freeh groom i i oro Meal lost re*M eod for sal* by JAB. A. ViTZB&t nt9 Corner of Market and f ir>> ata. 1/LOCR—2O bble. choice family floor ftj In (tore in! for sale by JAS. A. fBTZBB, utO Coroer of Mark*land Pimsta. gtO. W -JDK3 ft. StLVOIMk JS. DIIiWORTH ft 00., • WEOLKSAI.a GROOERB, Koc. 180 Rod 133 Seccod Street, nol Omoifli nu OomuAUk of aumasitt 00. fi, I FlttibarKh, Koi(mt;(rHb,ll6l. J TO CONTRaCIORS.—teaIed propo ■ill win be received at thi* ofllre-uctU THOREL DAT, the 14th tart., lor the crectioo o* a Bridge ov« plan Qmk, dmt Ulltfrtv«D,ou tbellu* Ulx*o tb» towniblfi oi Plan udPfta* Bpis Q'y Nu ntooe «Lrk to b» done toy tbe perch of t»enty*fivi fc*L— Wood werk br the toot ItneiL . Plasji and apecifloatleM cab bo wen at the cmse 01 lh, Ooootj CommlMtoaeTe, By direction of Omott Oomroieeioomi. noßgtd gRWHY LAMBKKTtCcctrollcr. pURL fOOR HAIR I BEAUTIFY TOVOIKLP, BT USIKO CHAPPELL** HYPERION, FOR CURLING TBE HATH. TbeX*4lea end Gentlemen tk* world will be ylwwd to leers Hut X hire recently dlseoitr •den article thelwltl C*ri tbe Oalr. By wing OHAPFILL’d BTrUBION, Udte* aod Gentleman css be entity Ihameelve* * thotwand fold. VBA?PELL’S BTPERION Is the only article in the eron.n the! will Coil straight Heir. The only Article that will Cart to* Heir IN BEAUTIFUL CURLB IN GLOBBY COMLSI IN SILKEN CUBLSJ IN FLAXEN CUtLV IN FLOWING UUALSJ in Waving t vMiti IN LU2UB.UNT CURLS It make* the Hair aoft end g lowy. It Invigorate* the Hair. It beenttfie* tbe Hair. U oleauaee the Heir. It ha* e most delightful perfr.u it PBirahts thu hair ibom palling off; nrasrasit to vbasciip. It u theonly article ever yet otMovond that will curl airtight Halria beeuli* ml eurls, wnsoot tntury to the Hair or scalp. The &YFIRION doe* not 1b any manner Interfere with the NATURAL SOfTWXat OF THI HAIR. It neither eccrtbw nordrlee It. The DTPIEIOV een b* *o applied a* to can** the Hair to carl far one day, nr tor eoe week, or for one month, or *ny longer period d wired. The HTPXRION lei he only article In (be w.rldfcmt ; what can he counterfeited or Imitated by unprincipled I persona. To prevent this. w* do not offer ft tor eel* at any Drnggtaftln the United State*. Than tore, aaj Lady cr Gentleman who decire* to beeutlty thrawnt by using the HfPlßluN, meat 1 inotowlhePeXOa. ONI DOLL«B,Ine letter,»*d I AddrewL W. CHAPPELL * CO., Box 5.. Mourn, Smga Ohio, I And it will b. ciretolir »>t bj m«il. nolutf ■ HEELER A WILSON*! SEWING MACHINE. Mo. 27 Film Strict, PHUbnrgh. PAIRS OP im. WHBBLBR Jo WILSON Amardrd Uu First Preniun at Me UNITED STATU FAIR; OHIO BTATB FAIR; ILMNOX't STATE FAIR; WIBOONBIW -TAT* FAIR; IdWA STATE FAIR; SINTBO&Y STATE FAIR; TENNEBBEE STATE FAlB; N. J. STATE FAIR VERMONT STATE FAIR; Chicago Mechanla** Inrtitatet lK>o anile Mechanic* 1 laatUale; Oladnoatl Mechanfe** Inalilatr; ALLTGBBRY COUNTY PATH, PITTSBURGH, •ad other County Yalra too anojofoca to njAilon. n>oooCto Iba pobllo VQIA-AB A WILHOSM IMPACTED HEWING MAOUINE, aT RM.UOED PRICiS, with tocreaaed coatdeoe® to It* merit* *■ ib* beat and mat nitoMt Family Sewing Uiehlae now to see. It *ewaequally well 00 the tblokeai *nJU (LAS, BItDKgSAU’D, SsS.?i£, U, ffi2iSri ; • IRICABIH»T, J*^f?*2?£"i**!*** 0 -For eeltfej A A DATIf, M Wood timet. - ft -i *' Sts ffioota. ;! Qlol} N TR YM ER U U A N TS, Aod *ll pwiJM vb ; bi)>> m>l «g»la, *re> ißVilod to ?\ ■ o.Hiird ld« i^o stock or aooos WHOLESALE HOOMB. Br'OO'.RN MiOD*ANU UtATtNaOAP*, NUBlati. fiUSTAG.H, bOA«ra AND>LE»V»O, BOSTON' ftUBKD WOOL ttOBB, OBILDRKN'4 STRIPED HOSE. MEN'S MIXED MERINO ÜBDBRBHtRTd ; akd drawers, HAIR METO AMD BRAD DRBSSEfi, A NEW tor or BALMORAL feKl&Tr; EMBROIDERIES VERY OBEAP. bajera will flad onr Maortmsot nanao ally Rood, ao our prteea as low u any botua ta iba city Ortherery beat Steel Borings, for lallea and children, from tte moat oelebratid mannfactor'M, In •" OorSe, Harrow Topes, Wfalo Topes, Kiln Wide Tof< a, Balmoral Topes and UaUiuee, BOUGHT FOB OABH, An edranUge which perms* vbo boy lor oashwtU •Mtly penetre and which we guarantee to •ell as (hoop assny home tn tbs dty. gHAWLS AMD CLUAK.B, BKABUPOL £KBBd UOOD3, HOSIERY, GIOVSB, g * < 3 . s g a a ■ " b • 3 1i53 1 B - Q 1 a 1 i -a 3 Lam style* OF ' •_ FA L L G 0 O D S JUST BEOEIVED. We net aov opicisg a choice Stock of FALL GOODB eooifettng to all oftbo latest toportoUooi of CLOTHB 1 0 ABflhfßßSB and YISTINGB, which we flatter oar* stive* wDI bo equal to 069 aeeortoeat to be found last dr Wait They win be medo op to order, la a aapartor otyto, and' at prteoe to iratt tba thnee. 1 ' Ws tfoold ' rapectfany aoHdt an early eaU (Tois onr patrons and tho public. •AMBEL GBA* & SO!S, No 19 Ftftb Sf. . Wtt. BUMNXR. £SDIA RUBBER BLANKSTbFOR BOWllMi—rweired eiiht laßabet Pe£ot, Ifffcndl 28 yt. oialr itraai. : no 9 f. * B. f BULBS. MJtLINEBS, FEDDLMMS, HOOP BEIKTB JOSEPH HORNE, TT.Barkai Itrsib NSW BTILEc; AIL KINDS; BA.LUOBAL BEIRTB. TO BUT TOUtt SHAWLS, CLOAKS, MERINOES, CASHMERES, POPLINS, OF ETXMT KIND. OABSIMEREd, SATINETS, FLANNELS, -BLANKETS, V ' ic, *C, Ac. , eaaants. WANTED— A STEAM CYLINDER BOILIB II IkAh-Io diUMier, ««DW W: • - H. M. lOLI, potlwJ ecrtrtr Peqoa«in>W,y «nfl Point Alt,,. WANTED —Bonds and Mortgage! f it 13.000 and $B,OOO, baring from two to torae ywn tornn. Apply ot Pim’d, 18 BL OUir smote-- ■-***^.. s«u At Coin.... FARM FOR SALE—T'cffarnKT gale • FAUX ottnoto In Patton toweahlp, AUstb—y r»uuty, twelTe toQao eootof Piltobftigh,and fo«r utiue frcm the Peanajlrante Ba.lrond, conULalog (j 4 n UCNDSID AOkßS.Bftyol which aracleared, » 0 j the tslant* w*» timbetad. Thera to ptontyol CJAL,end an OBCHAEDand o SAW-MILL tn good tanning order on a brooch of Turtle Greek. Fee ■ito ISooftg. Bucks fur this army.— E*gulatioMlortbeAr®yof /ttetfatod Butte. Oilhun'i Muaal for Polnuan and Kriltte. O. A laßutrr end RH.TmUo. amfh*. Seott'olnleotry Tectice. ■— I The Zonare Brill Book. . . _ ManuaMor theßacrolt In the Ughtlnfanlry, Brill. Arranged tor the Untied Btatoo ZootfN by tbe j lSta.l OoL, Eliaworth. ' • ‘ Bayonet Kterdsea for the Army. • ALSO, Personal History ol Lord Bacon. 1 Lite of Mr Philip Sidney. Fifteen IteotslTS Battle* fijOrcaeey. rtr Walter Baklgb. Byo. Kingsley. Adreatores'ln the Booth Pad 80. By> Bartng fr tutor. / Tba Brown ot Oxford, i roto. popular Astronomy. By Mitchell. Beauties of Bnekfn. - Hiss Qliberf a Career. Qlooaory of Brgtlsh Wotde. By Trench. Beulah. ByAogostaJ. Krona. 4W»Pebool, Olaeeloil, • Medical ond Theological Books. Blank Books ond Stationery, oo® J. 1» KBAP, TB Fourth street. CECIL DREEMJC, bjtha late Major Wtntbrop, of ths Hsw York Bsrsnth Boglmest. The Armtoe of Borope. By Gflural Oosrg* B. Mc- Clellan. Rerleed Army Begnlottoss. Adrentnies tn the Sooth Pedflo. By • Boring Printer. The House on tbo Uoor. By the author of Marge ret Mafttood; ... The Theory ond Practice of the Swedish Mot*moot Co*e. Sisal end Zion. By Barmen. - Oljeet Uaaoso for Teachers ind Parents. - By H. ’ A.Oalklae. Toe DefenM of Armageddao, or Oar Ooantry Fore told in Scripture. Byk.BSitte. For sole by 8.8. DAVlfl, 01 Wood street. MAJOR GENERAL U’OLKLLAN’S CfUAT WOBK—THI ABMUB OF IU HOPS. I'lnstrted. Berlsod Army Begnletlons. United flute* Intoniry Tactics. M'deUen's Baronet Kxerdiee Kingsbury's Infantry and Artillery. FOotL’e Infantry Tactics, S role GUbatn’s 0. retry Tactics. The Kaeralt - Grose* Military Surgery. * Foreale by KAY A 00., M Wood street. Diaries for raefoi an asaoctment oflfeasra. L. A B. Wwirds* bean- Ufnl DUr toe for 1883. In pla'n and etogantxtylsa.— For sale by K. 8. DAVIB,SB Wood atraat. NEW GOODS! 1 jjypsw aooDsi BATOM, MACBOM * CO., No». 17 and.lo BTfth rtieat, Am now r»c.lTin, ft frjHh mppi, or NSW WINTER GOODS, PtrchoMd by oa*of tbt fiina daring the post woek la *ew fork'and Boaton markat. We cm bowjrifcr |nit lodiMnntt to VHOLUiU AND RItAUi BOXBBS. Bmbnetng chofea style* of Simps. Braids, Battens, Tsstels, Trieste for Diet* and Gloik Trimmings, . Baal french and Boctcb Bmb’d OotUts and Seta, Beal Lies Trimmed OoUara, Bfcta and Bdkts, Boot french Lee#, Gnmodioa and Tlama Tefl* Infant* 1 Embroidered Bobos, Waists nod Oops, Poanetnnd f aob Blbbons, Triaxateg Ribbons, frtnch flowers, Roche* and Ptnaeo, * ladls** Colored Oeebmeroend Boston Bibbed Hose, BUS, Uerieo and flseeyUnsd Cotton Hoes, Oblldietf a Highland Hold and Strips* Seas, Grobf, Lodier and ChlUfetfi Glofsaaad Qanntlsta, XltffaMt Sty SuHnl f Ntm&is i4l atuatloii |lm to the parchaaaaod nla ol Frodocaand Marchaodiia genatallF. Hodumla aAnaota nade oa oonri*nmenSt* atapla aritolea ' ' ; Meins. THOIA* ABBHOKUIA 00, Pltteburgh. - SINOaPIRROOK * 00, do JOBBPH a BUtLIB. laq, Otttda&all,, And Oincftmatl Merchant# taoerslly. noftStnd . bHOFs | HATIDKrnsQTed my ihcp from toacoSk atraot to tboOd Bamt Pactorr, meat to Bradtej’a Widen factory, below the Bo#peniS*a Bridm. on tba Alte, ■brayrtrer. woorenow preparadto no aDhtndiof ULABPIISIB WORK. . jfifparUflnlar attention paid to. JOBBII6 ol aU klndn AU work done on tea moat reasonable toma> nodtlvd - . . " . H. T. PEIOJA QtU# BfiFiNfißY JFOB.SAUfi, - tmtod on tto Wodtiogtoa tnrnpik* Rot*. mSla from Jeamf trnn ImS4lß*.wttto «U lb* furor**, Ao.aeoWTT-lbtßrtMßf good Ofl| alflDf n vfcboß* MwMl d twMlll In. AMUSEMENTS. piITSBgRGI}' THSAXU. mohbit KYimira, aovii, Th* porfocaaoe* via ooaD*Bo* «M lb* jxputo •ad tatcmtisg 4t*m« of tbt gun-maker or Moscow. &DBIC gITAL &SHP1BAOI?. ECB4UND..- MIB9 K&TI VIWTOff. To ©oadod*!i»Hh tb« historical play ol B 0 B'KfR T EMUS T. ~j MB. ITIWAftT. 8081R1... piahof^iaußit. mw JaND moohb-habd I PIANOS, A’rtiuU'BßßSJ.Uti. * AUO-PUNObJto &INT. SACRED MUSIC BUU&S- . TUB OYTOAKA; JDBIUUj KBIT LOTI Of BOS, DUPA3OM; OaBUTUN MISSTBBLi . NSW CASMIHA BAOSA; SABBATH MU, **»■ , tBABBBOITUIa. lllAiibomttSiOMrdoWHMib. to*. * 1 t| oetj . Mo. 81 Wood street, «C|k IS BADBURX’S SOI.UKN OHAIH Sabbath SehoolMelodies. -A KITfIABBAfH SCHOOL SXHQCMQ BOOK*' lbs largest, most‘compute and perfect hymn and time Book em made Ibr the nssot Sabbath ecboota. Price, $U per hoaerrd, or 16 cents a*ngle. or SLIO per dcaen, lot sals la qnanttilaa or singly by JOHN H. MktLOB, . oetl Mo. 81 Wood street, Plttabargh. QRSIAL SCaOUIA H. WILLIAMS, Has openetf'e Normal School si Ho. S 8 Br. OLAIR STREET, Bd story, feittaosf 9f TmcJurt* He Is tha eetmseUor oi tna T«chsra,,tha man to whom all of ns look lor advice and inetrortkm. JOSH J. WOLCOTT. I oonene most heartily vitb the above. 1 LEON AMD H.EATOB.- I cheerfully concur la the opinion ayresat^ajbote. I taks pleasure In airing it as ay opinion that U» •foregoing reoommenoatton la fatly merited.'. • •• A.MOIK* Ikaov of no one who deserves blghcrlitfttHgigtß 1 folly coacu la the above recosmeodatfcm.' V - .• D.DINHIBOV, Be pan prepare papila lor the High School qakktt then eay other teacher In the dty. A. f. SCHTBKT. I TERMS—gI per week. In advance acSJtaWd I>BNH IftSTITftJTB, Jl hahooos street, hear push, wlllttopn on MONDAY, lbsBddayol SBfTKH* BB&. Terms: tSS par* ereston of five taontbs. tgbia) J. M. BWITH. Piforir at KJfiW 9UOUSI MiliW CKIOSO FALL AMD WMTBtU I ALL AMD WINTER 1 LATEST STYLES 1 JAMBS C. WATT, Comer of Penn and St* Ol&ir arts* The heirs of James a Watt, deceased, respectfully lavtte pobllo attention to the new stock of FALL AMD WIMTBB GOODS, comprising all the news* styles of fashionable material adapted to GEHTLB* | MEM 8* WEAR, eoHcitfng aa early call. Tha boaf | aaas sill be coadocted on the tame approved.manner I ae heretofore. The stock of new goode Is eqttal to I eay Intlnsclty. oelfclyd B N V ELOP B 8. THE SUBSCRIBER BB3S LEAVE. to call the attention of Booksellers, BUtfooec% Dealers In Fancy Goods, and all others, to the BXTBBBIVB ABBORTMBTCV AMD BTJFEBIOB QUALITY OF ENVELOPES MARUFAOTUB Eli BY HIM. nv ooopi: The Wads embrace ovary tty ltd Letter, Hobs, OB* del. Wedding,PortfoNo,Ui Jg, ncottar varied*— Also* Parchment and Cloth l ■ > ,alt made and na». aed fn the most perieotm »»• n, on the beatfoldteg Maohfofa yet Invented, Also, the Irving Hills Writing Papers, menafeo tnrad axpreeely for the rabscriber, and so better pa* s pan can be fcoad in this country. Mamplea, wtth trade ltstof prices, rent by null' when isinsstsd. Dealers are fovltad to can arid examine nia stock, qnelitUe,prioas, styles, Aci. Ao. . T lABUBL. BAIMOB* ooSOad \IIB WUlUHtfeea, W.T. ~P|ATB "AMD UABL— . . HEW VALOUHBS, VAX.X. STYLES KoOOtS A OO.'S. IHWOO mBSr.PITMBVMB, Ottb.lai—tatyl—of HA 1 S AND CAPS, Both for the dty and aoontoy trad*,which theyeaa wU tt nrj law prim ■ promptly Sited. all STOVB*. _ STOVSS* DDa havkn a' bon, • KABUPAcnruu ot STOVES. Warehouse, Federal Street, near New B—panafeabridga, ALLBQQKKT OTI. Waaakthaattaattna of daalara towtewaart KMt of Cooking and Baalist Btoraa, te Woodiad OoaLwfatciuwearft—Q&agattna lowest prfcM. ffcow vldtLu oar fladlt to thdr odruteco to dteo .oa a cautadtia—foa oar atcck bate* yarehaatagaia*. whoro. Goat Ina Han—Ytontilron Baiting, 8ca!ai;BoOow WtgM y"T*f, ' Plain mid Panaj Onto Pronto, Pandora, •tot Castings of all kiadan—d* to ordar. jyMOyd 0. Pi BATIN * SOW. pvo YOUBOWN FHiNXINQI •SGABIKIt’ffiIHTIKQ OFIIOB. Dastgood for Bstall Printers, Bttthßin, Drags bte, Hard—nto, Oroeact, Baafcsrs, Amatonrs, tha Army •ad Nary, Ac. Xho Pm— « offer for —la ora of a Haw Pattern; ara tha aimpMt and ammt aad bait aada of any cheap Pm— erar toy— tod, tad oo« copy te— apaoatoaabeopagatod by any ca% wtilter nriatof or not, aodmra add at prfc— hlihartonah—nl eAthattoto —y ataboQtONJbXBNTB tba prfeaof Job Pro——now ba naa. Xb»Cabins— (opon which thaPraaa— ataadQaraco—posed of anallOaa—,aaate ly and strongly pot lapiliiri a&dteeoarc—otaa— aad oonnoienoa n.T* oetar bean eqnallad. Call aad as» -arise, or awd far circulars, string stsca. prioaa, Ac. j. aTcooLK a 00. ■aKtfmd No. 1 Bprn street, N. TC •aa. W. ao«Mßtr. Mm aaa. i awa-soo, OTOODVILLE OIL BBPINBBY. HOLDSHIP, BBT AH . CO>, KiKMriOTURns Of MElllfl Ml AID LCBRICATH6 n Keep copataatW on hand ika rory bait qnattty of B0BBUNM>II» dear aad wttbont odor; also, a goad* MJBBIOATOB, pat* white BBftZOLI a&d> OAK CBBABB. ‘ ' - _v. 4VAU ordanlaft At No. Bft lIMH STMT, Bank Block, second floor, will be attended to. oddwda ? • TUTABMB * Co.i” 7 J AS3AYBBB ANDBBHSBM 0 0 L D AN D Sit VJB B, i*. it laitii third itnitf pgTT.iftyiipnyA- . «od Silver Soogbt: 4W»Parttea tewsdlßgpaofcai—byßxpn—will mate wttba pro—pt aaa corvttt ratnra.- BHbrteKnn—AOo.ektefla.. cdfclawtfl— JQtt. OUABLKb B. STOW*, / rlya ioi » »■ an d gar geo n; OflUa, Wo, IB FMffalAtrMti Opposite Colonnade row; nrar the Bnqpiufew -‘gfc.r AtLBQHIHYOICT Dr, h. o. junks; 108 WTLIB ÜBBBT, TAB HE BALT.-~so*4esextragroond TaUaßallf pot op In box— tefs—flyo—jateo ‘-.•.x 5 -. ?bK!Sn4W> : ocl9 —r corner Liberty aad Us&d strrete, OHAELOTTB BLOMI, tf Fifth street. iSfctttatmnaU LATIBT STYLES At the old Hand of RAYNOR’S PUMBUiftB.