: J j. f: , f., J'' -1. 1 * < •: "S'- I'.Vt'i- .. >:• • v , ».♦ ’X-h. ■ y.«. v«v-,v.v.\ .'ic.:.' - :.: p I’ w 'A j* V • * . ,v,' lie*,-. ‘rtf’ .* V-V' i&if.: X: v*-u~4 *l." • ,*.■•■ Nf« „ "r‘. j* •J, : , . k < fr 4 *- w-r ;;\' :. j; ;-v •• .* v “ w V >:•: * v.s * " 'V-' %•: s*m |Tt> ii'SlPill# •»>.» • , «;».-• • V'*'« * . 'Y ptfatergl (gaytte. Pr*TSBt7R9H 3 * • BATURDAT MORNING, BOV. 9, 186 TAsSoo th-K.lt Or l«B[h.Wflt l»t&. uT AdT.nea la Ktatvchf. ■ oa< oHhe Jmpstunt qaoittons Is prijeo - lag Ike o.mp.lja in Ktnlackj, end oi e wklok, if'not elreedj ooneldered end An. Itrnlsed by the Comm.odcrlnCbief »td __ik» Qot.romeot, Boon must be—ln, «ketbi r Ike ednsM «f Ike ntUoael foreet doßilnod lo opereie egtlnl the rebel aiorp.tloa In TBOOBt.ee, .kill proceed by wiy of tbe Cambcrlend G.p dlrecilj late the eeslern ~ pert of the Sietr, or by the tenth-western , route elong the line of the Btehrillt reii wsy. A oerrripondent of the Cinolaneii _ Qatette It etrongly in feeor of Ike letter—ee ■ will eppeer tram tbeTallotring exlreot from e resent letter written front C.mpNoltn to Ihet peper: _ *Tb*r# nssd b* no fear tboal oonoentratlng tooaap? troops iu this dlrsctkn. Ooawitrar. tioalf precisely wbst wswaat. W# hart b«3d too Bosh of foatUclng oar forces, for eviry foolish alarm that ths cosay started, while ht wm soaosotratlog bis and aooompllsbsd hi* ; purposes—and to this dfraotiu «• bar* to opt potwlksmufa moremsat la tbt onioj in Sod* lanky. I bar* hsrstoforn (Iron my reasons far btlisvlsg that on thisoolumo aloo* can a auo osasfol tall and winter campaign b* carried on Xsntuckj, or, for that matter, anywhere. In r.- lb* Weal* Borne talk of the advance of a col* t U); through the Cemberlaod Gap, bat they - t ean hardly hare redacted that on that rotth : "they hare a railroad bat a few miles beyond * Laiiagtoai wkile for th* real of the way thje // : roeda, aider the dally, pamge of heavy ska ; plyUttß*, would eoon become mere prolonged boga, ee bed ae the woret of the <*impaaaabief* ft i>otd* id Western Virginia,Here, on the other i hand, (and here only, in the West,) the rail* con ean follow the army. No supply train* *- : . nrraeoded, care the freightbare of the Loui*- gfc v -:..y . Nuhviils Railroad* There are few *&?? - on the way, and bat a efsgleetrdl gl’ tegio. point—Bowling Green—ie to be held. u Tint in oar hand*, end Nuhrille follow*, with -■ • itfimnal, tie network oi railway*, it* military • ' stores. ' ’ f The rebela early in the campaign dueorernld the Importance of this “rtdUllins,” end it wu only by the narroweet of escapes that we tailed v 'to Joes .Kentucky altogether in consequence.' . 1 heir plan, waa to rath up the railroad to Led* _ ; isrille before any.mean* of reaiatanee had been accumulated, garrison the city, end harry on the remainder of their forces to Frankfort. LegUlature wae then in session there. “-The r rebels well* understand how to manage refractory member# in sneh bodies, and with A ** ““J lO them, the scenes of the Rich • • ntond Convention could- easily hare been re - k nhioted, a Union Assembly would hare passed t ,■ * Btceerion -ordinance under the pressure of - rebel bayonets, end Kentucky would hare be come what Virginia is.” I Thlidnnger escaped, and certainly it was noTiaiouary one, the loyal ana of Kentucky wd the whole Northern people ehare the - plwwre and advantage of being la a poei- Uon lo day lo have ojtfy this question of the ; superiority of the one or tho olher line of , advance to decide—lnstead of being, as they J might have bees, blocked at Louisville end ** Covington‘•gainst an advance bjy ; ' either line. That the Kentooky traitors, numbering In their ranks both the Senator* nad lha.GoTarnar of the State, did cot bei ter lmprore their opportunity, in one of those inatpllcable phenomena in moral and 1 polltloal affair* whioh sometimes surprise ; and pnnla a whole generation. | Apropo4 of in the very . of the correspondent from whom we have nlrendy quoted, the following anto - .dote of-a baflhd traitor. I A little incident, he remarks,, which 1 bap t ■ > - pen to hare heard from the lips of one of too . union in it, show* how deeply laid were their The gentleman to whom I refer was m cnavenation with Gov. Vigois, imme diately after the receipt of the uewa of |leek-~ : net»* nrrivel at Bowing Gnu. He detailed T *** M Pj*»# jtt; ns I have givea it above, and ;■ told the Governor that, unless prompt measure* ; wera taken, the rebels would be'in Fnnkfon, - tke Butn would-be harried into Secession. Thu traitor Governor sinned, (nrued pale and ! . tad by tune, and finally brokodowiuto amis-! ■ trable effort to conceal bis eonfaeionl He '-.‘x r ::wyideutly eoppoeed that pipers containing their , eearet plus had been discovered. I . ; t—H»ppj for th*' But« of Kcntnok,, wklob tlmted oo aawortb, * oob to her ; blgbotl IMt.of honor, tbit bo *u doomeil ** *** bio plots tad miehlutloß* rudertd obortlroi ond himself the rolaottal organ ’of M roiwi it lut to * mb** of tbt In btfual dMigtr brought on (btir Stott bj bit 'ptrtllooi oondaot,—oondoot whioh ibowtd bia for Doathi u ths lotroo eosonled ■ *Jinl «f Jeff. Ptrlo 4 Oo:, ointglog iooei olon boilneos for Ibot firm in Koalnckj. Ht*. whether Ibo line of adrueo ih*ll br Ihe Booth-weetero or the soaLh-eMlero ooe, tb» loj»l Bod brare men who ,0 bj either . ronto lo Tenaeueo, look biok on • wilh an, appreheniloa that the j rbbtl prooliritito of Ktatnokp’o Oorcraor art .Bj longer very d.ogerooi lo thopabr ’H» latereit. -‘Polo aod red bj inma”. with a . Man of gaih be map bo, bat hie oewardlba to a inffloieat goaraateo lhal bo wQI not el low hlaiieK to ba found .gala a part, to otbor ceoenloa frloodr. 1 Bni though thia interahi ahaka of iooo*> (100 (reuoa la Koataokp wu ~i oo(oheOj’ b, Ibo litglilalaro, aod baa boon olaeo kill ad out aad oat by the people, laaplrrf anil . „*s*^*f 1, 7 pHrlotlo leadert and a faulculy : loyal proaa, ao that ih. adraoolßg arsy it noara againoi anoh a-foe lining In hoad again la'lhe tear; aim, we ooaat nolhteg M f*tood wbilo ibo rebel.bordu aador Zoi* ' llooffor lathe 8 oath tat I, and under Pillow and folk, aad Boekatr- la th. Wait and AmOwmii naiala on Etalooky tolL Iho ibea, to-agalaat whlob of tboM ahalltha amlaattotk bt dlrtotod? Jodg. lag frpa the faote atolod abort, roipteUag ' ~4ho lapMoabl* road* of tot-SoalbtMtera ; lioi toward. the Onmb«tland Qap, ll'would : «,Pmt that Ibar.oau b.'no deublfol alter-. ; bifore Oeaml SMnaaa’t ailnd, lbar, after protidlag a foroo laStetebt • tubald Sollloofer la ob««k, or, if fonuaato, to oOßptl Uo to retroat and geek nfoty In «ha «oaatola>, th. iMla body of lb. Na- U..bl;Mi.j .h.ll btlMk Boakatr or dtir. _ Mat btfaro lkoß, >.d bdriaoi by tbo Uao of; lb. .ad SuhTlUo BaliroMl • upon HMhtiilij, tb» poneMioa of whioh will th. grot firm foothold on th. Taalagc grtoad, whioh, by laoeoirir*. .I.pi, will Offotj tha prior of iwnrtd violory la th. poneitlon oftji. gnatrdlroad. ilao .f oommanloaUon Sut and Wait bMweOB . iMotephii ..d Blobmoad, ud Ui. aantia ' giat ■ eommiad of th. whole wt«a 5 ■ Soathtra railrotdo ooaaoollag with (hi. teank lias at Chattanooga and Dalloar -MMatlmo, doubtleM ZolllooffePi foroea would b. recalled from the Cumberland . flap, loralaforo. (ha point, wbtr. daoger ■aH Ureateoed Ibo tottering Coofederaoy, .. ;«ad aa unobtlruoiod way (at. Baal IganM fM would b. opened by that real., go (bit , .Kipiniil* and the £ulern portion of th'e . *(MI Mlroad liao, by tKt help of tbo loyal 'i toon of that KOtloßi would b. almoit almul .laaMMly (be.enriot of lb* K*. Uouil OoToramtal and the patriotlo armlet WhoM minion 1. the reatoralloa aaddefnae «flUbwtfwitMdo*MUtemoßilMikoHty. _ ' Tht War rawer. CWe oanelnde oar extremes .to-dey on tbit Interesting eatjeo?. In oar tut we gere bletorlcel tx&mpleo ooourrlng 'during the rerolatlvnery war. To day we giro the blo torioet anticn of cur too gorerntneat, to wl'-: _ ACTIOH or OUR OOVienUBKT. Ia tbe wer of 1812 British offioere egnia. eent oat prsotemetiono ioriliog stereo to thsir standard. Many ecoepted the inril.- tion. end enlisted lato the army and nary of Jlresl Britain. The “wer power” wee again exerted for the emancipation of elarte in the earns manner that it bad been daring the war of the resolution. Batnoeteleaman or jurist appears to hare regarded the eman elpetlon of Biases ae a violation of the ordi nary usages of war. Ur. Adame referred to these and other casta when, IntheHonse of Bspresentatlsss, he declared that the **war paver had been retried for Iks liberation of elavee during Iks revolution, and during Ike war of 1812, md duringthe Florida uar.'h Bat U wore wrong to lease the enbjaot withndt referring to the feet that our Exaen- Usee and etalaemen hare always maintained the anthority of the President and hit offi cers to exert the war power for emaholpat ing liases belonging to thefrknde and tup portere of Iks government. Thai, when the BritUh army was epproaohlagNow Orlsans, Oeneral Jaekson proclaimed martial law, stUMßded fhswrltof “habeas eoiptis/’eant the Frcooh popnlatloa -out of the oity, im prisoned Judge Ball, of the State Judiciary, »»J Irtualller, a member of the Stale Leg islature, Md ordersd the ilitcs loto the pabUo eervtoe. Some of ihcee were killed, »&a many nsvet returned to bondage. - All then proceedings oomo under the consideration of Ur. Madison ud bit Cab loot, who unanimously approvedthem. In dotd, no Southern non denied tkit General Jnokton noted within the Umlio power.” bah tone of thin insisted thil the owniriof the litres that emanclpntedehoold reoelrt. indemnity for their low. In 181 b. whoa n bill vii ander consideration in the Hoaio of Representative! for. “oompensat tog persons for property lost or destroyed In the pabllo service,” e member from Boalh Caroline propoced to emend it sou to great payment for slave* lost or killed to the public setvioe, This was intended to em brace the oases whloh ocourred ah New Or* leant; -bat the amendment waarejected only thirty-two member* voting for it. • Effort* have frequently been pat forth to obtain, indemnity for the lose of the alave* thoe emmo'pated by General Jackson; bat the eleimi have been uniformly rejeoted. and the notion of General Jaokaon baa at all times been eostaiaed by Congress. Darinfc hoetiUtiee to Florida the war power was often exerted for the emancipa tion of elavee. Many fugitives from South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi fled to the territory Md called wUfcihe Bemtooles, who resided far dews to the to* terior. General Jeisap entered into writ ten controls with some to give them Md their families freedom in oonfclderation ol oertaln servioes, which being performed, the men, women and children were set free, Md are now enjoying their liberty near Beat* Rosa, In Mexico. They all belonged to the friends of the government Other fugitive* were oaptured at various times and sent Weal. The owners were anxious to reolaim their fngliive bondmen; bat by general or der the oommaodtog officer at on* time pro hibited the owner* from coming within some twenty.fife mile* of the place where the fugitives were enoemped, until eent weet end set'Lee. Geserel Taylor at no time would permit the owner* of elate* to see hie prisoners for the purpose of aspartate* tog whether-Jhey claimed aoy of them ee slaves or not. ’ • Boveral hundred fugitive ilavee wer* cap tured and sent west, in total disregard of the Slate laws by whloh they had been held, end the remonstrances of the masters wsrs treated with lodifferenoe. Some sixty or seventy at one Urns reached New Orleans ou their way west, under the command of Lieut. Reynolds. They were followed by the oltlmMts, who obtained prooeee for brtoglog them before the Court of Louisian*; but they were at that time la Fort Pike*, and the eommanding otficvr would not enffer the Btaerlff to enter the fort to eerve the.process. Gen. Gaines, eom* mending that military district, was cited before tbe Court to show eause why the ne groes should not be produced to Court. The war-worn veterab appeared to person and ehowtd closed. He bore himself with dig nity, showing to the Court that the claves were prisoners of war, hsld under, execu tive eathority in tbe legitimate exercise of the war power; end by bis exertlooa some •Ixty human beioge were saved from bond age worse than death. They were sent weet and set free. Thee* proceeding* were doty approved by the President. This exorcise of the war power for emaa dpeliag slaves was approved by Washington and hie Cabinet, by Madison and his Cabi net, by Vm Boren end hie Cabinet, Md by Tyler Md his Ceblnst; while it is belltved that nostulesman or jurist of eharaeter hae at any time doubted or dented its propriety.” Th* Brlmoat Ezpt4ltlra Tk« telegraph, ytstordsy oftcnoon, brought no a brief history of tho expedition whloh wo beard, by > dlspatohlo tho Bb Loots BepviUcat, bod loft Oslro, to attach tho rebels st sons point in UiseoorL As WAS-iaoffc dbriona, wb«a thus tauoh vu told, lbs point ohosen woo Belmont, on tho will huh of tbs MDilgalppl river, nosrlj .opposite to .Oolnmbns, on tho cost or Son* looby side—where tho rebels boro main* Ulned o considerable fofoe, reported to emonat to nbonl 80,000, ruder his Ex-Rev orsnoo, Gen. Polk, till within the lost few dsys. Bat by a recent aeeonnt from Book ntr'e army, sin Indianapolis, we were In formed that 20,000 of these troops at Co lnmbns had been withdrawn, under oommaad of Johnson, to reinforce Bnoknsr, who, It woo supposed, was about to do or dare eomethleg against Lonlsrllle—per haps I—that is, if ho weald Tenlare to re cross Green river and repair the bridge lately blown np by mistake. 8s wo trailed, and so. It may be, those who . Were bound to be better informed, trolled a .report whloh named to incite an attaok on Coiambus—an Important' point, iadnd, and waU worth making a dash for,—procided it was eeriala thet It had been eo weakened by the with drawal of troops, as to be exposed in the degree a prudent General would require —to render the laid dash probably, aaoeees fal. Bat we fear these oondltione were not oompUed with. We fear that, In eplte of mnoh unavailing bravery, our troops hove aohiersd nothing—no retail worthy the lose of life that is reported. When, ohl When, shall we hare heard of the laet of enoh expeditions 1 Coi. Man.—Our retden will reooUscl that 801. Miles, whp eommuded the leA wtng'ol the ermy, at the battle ol 801 l Xu, was charged with drunkenness on that day.' A ooert of inquiry, was ordered, which hat raport ed'thst “Col. J, B- Blchirdron was jastified In applying the term dranaenness to Col -Miles’ condition about 7 o’clock p. a., on the Slat July last.’’ The eonrt recomUMnd, howerer, that so further proeeediep he had—a moat lame conclusion. Tan Nxwa vu Honrout Beyond the foot that the Fleet badireiohed the point indleated, namely, Pert Royal, and was approaching Beaufort, we need hardly say to our readers that nothing oontained la the news from Norfolk oan be In the ieast re lied upon. We must await other and more trustworthy advloes. Oca usual interesting Religious Intelligsnoe erOlhe found qoa the fhnrthpsgm '•fV - ■ . - j- ' * j As Vgooff mtSf .people areeppalleaf at ibe prospect that, should tbe War for the Uoion go ehkll actually have ne groes figgiHog beside white men against the SUveholdora* Rebellion, we reprint the Proclamation of that eminent slaveholder and soldier, Gen. Andrew Jackeon, calling the Free Negroes of Louisiana to arm for the defense of New Oileacs when threatened by a strong British force in December, 1814. Old Hickory always went in for using any dab that served bis torn when there were beads that needed breaking. Hear him l ABSBKW JACISOS. ProcUntAtiou to tU frit colored inhabitant* of Ltmixiana: 7krough a mutakm jolicy you bav« beeo heretofore deprived of_a ptrtieipeiioa id the glorious straggle (ornatiooal rights ia whicb our • eouatry it eogaged. Tais so louver shill exist. As eoDsof ireedba you srs bow called opoa to dsfeod our' moet loeetimsble blesnog. Ae Anarioini, }p*r country looks sritb coafideaee to btr adopted cbildren'for a valoroue support, si a fsithfol return for the. ad vantages enjoyed under bar mtJd end equitable Government. As fttberv husbaods, aud brothers, yon ere summoned to rally round tbe eteodard of tbe eagle to defgnd all which is deer in existeuee. Tour cocatry, alihoegh calling for your ex ertions, does not wish you to 1 engage in the esnse without amply reman art ting yon for the service* rendered. Year intelligent minds are not to be led away by false reprooentttions. Your love of honor would eause yon to despise tbe men who should attempt to deoeiveyou. Ia the ilmmriiy of s soldier and the iaoiutxe oftru.h xpdflrest you. To evslry noble»beart*d, generous freeman of eolor volunteerieg to serve duriog ibe pres ent eonteStyrith Orest Briuin, and no longer, -that* wilt be paid the tame bounty, la money tndlinds, now received by the white soldiers of tbe united States, vis i one hundred and twebty-louf doHarain money, and one hundred and sixty acne of land. Tbe non commiesion* ed officers antf’privates will also be entitled to the seme monthly pay and daily rations and olothaa furnished to any Amerieao soldier. On enrolling yourselves in companies, the Major-General eommanding will select officers (or your government (him your white fellow citUeus. Tour non-commissioned officers will be appointed from among yourselves. Due regard will be paid to the feelings oi freemen and soldiers. Yon will not, by being associated with white men ia the suae camps, be exposed to Improper comparison or unjust sarcasm. As a distinct, independent battalion or regiment, persuing the path of glory, you will, undivided, receive ihe applause and grat itude of your countrymen. Tq assure you of tbe sincerity of my atten tion* sod my satiety to engage your invalu able service* to oar couetry, I have ocmmnni caled my wtohee to the Governor ofLontsiana, who ie fully informed aa to the manner of eo. roUment, end will give yon every neeesaary information on the subject of the address. HxAbouanTies. ANDREW JAGKBON, Mrjor-Gsnerai Com* m _ Thaßiitlsatlsa Of ibi SxptdlUoß. Tbe New York With announces, *'upon the best authority,** thtt the Harbors of Tort .Royal, and 6t. Helena Sound, and tbe towa of Besnfort, loath Carolias, is tbe destination ol the fleet eed army of the great expedition. A reference to any good map will .show tbe stra tegic! ln»porta»c*of this position. It strikes at the heart,ol both Soath Carolina and of Georgia, and threatens both Charleston and Savannah, beiog about midway batweeo them. A firm lodgment there will annoy tbe rebel* ia the most tender point. We have no doubt that this information is - reliable. The follow ing comment* of the Cincinnati Covm*rcial t on this coast expedition, ere forcible: “A body of troops nearly equal to that whicb sailed on the gnat expedition is being eooceo trated at Ahapolls, and will be ready for de- ~ partus by tha time the transports ntnrn sad have taken aboard oval Md supplies for another voyaga. 7hls.ii esrtalaly a forward movement of most fermidabis eharaeter. It may mean nothing Ism than tha shifting of the most im portant tosses of the war for tha winter, from eastern Virginia to South Carolina. If a good landing is effseted and important positions art second on the toutbera coast, It will bo ussier to sand supplies to the troops that may bo em ployed on the most dliteat stations, than it is now to supply tha army o! (ha Potomao. A single trackjailway, now that the Potomao Is effectually blockaded, is the eole chance of com munieatloa between tbe loyal States and the Oapital Md grand army of the nation. Ou transport vestals have theoesao before them far the work of conveying supplies to tha army of the Southern eoaii. . Beside, tbe campaign can hardly be oosdaeud with vigor daring the win ter, la Eastern Virginia, whlirla the eatress* Soath winter It the only mason (or saliva mflU tary operations. The ehanoss ere, therefore, if a fair oemmeaesmrat is made, that at least ftfty thousand of ou troops, Md perhaps many more, will be speedily sent epos coast expeditions. If It is not proposed to move forward direotly from Washington, seventy-five thousand man would be aa ample ferae to hold that city and MeryUed, leaving about one hundred thousand of tha feraes already collected for operations elsewhere." Tsx NaFcl Earanmoir ctoses considera ble asaiety to the rebels. It is rumored Ihtt resigned the command ol the Armyof the’Poteaae. .The Richmond papers mention the rumor withonc denying it. An other account says he has gone to Charleston, le it not probshle that he has gone to organise a force to defend that city, or to attack Sher man. We may look out lor sharp work down there, and the Government ehould hurry up its rsiaioreemenis. Is it not time also for the army-of the Potomac to make a threatening demonstration. e ~ The Richmond Nsfofnr hopes that the wavse have swallowed the drat. It says: “We are.-aot, however, without other hopes. The winds have been howling, and the clouds have been peering out their floods. We con lees it,—the blast ol the storm has eooadad in eur ears like sweetest musto. It has made ns think of the Spanish armads, that sailed la great pomp, bn grand design, hut was dispers ed hy the winds, sad vanquished without meeting an enemy. Who knows hot that stormy Battens wad created lot such a time as this I Who css tell bet that the rocks Sad sands of the.Fiorida coast shall prove the in strumeats of Providence to punish the wicked ness of mss r The grand flsst sailed os'Tues day, thsttikl On Friday altsraoon the'storm commenced. Three days bad thus elapsed. Where the fleet had got to i whether the storm there raged, and whether it claimed its prey, we have yet to learn.” Announcement The New Tork /ndspsnrfsst, of last Thursday, oontalnsth^follo wing remarkable paragraph: “Just as we an going to press, we native n most importantiplsee of information from a re liable sosioe. It Is nothing loss then the ex pressed soaefoKeu o/ Hr. Reward that Os Son ernmenl cannot sueevsdfnthfe war/ ikottU Con. fidonet miU probable be reoopntsed by the JA>. repeaw powers/ and that Peace wM be lbs resell fa simp days. In view of this, Mr.Thnrlow Weed has been sent to England, and If he ahull fladtheßrlliih Ministry determinsd to reeog niss the Confederacy, the Administration here will prepare at ones for pease. It wae to pars the way -for this that the dlsooarngtng report of Adjatant-Geoarnl Thomas was allow ed to be published. We have no spaoe at this late boor to remark on this iafocmatloa, except to say that, If entirely comet (es we an posi tively assured,) It will simply break down the Administration sad destroy the aountry?’ .’ The Mqwndmt has a reputation for ability ead< correctness, betosrttialy e more ebeurd story never wee started, £Wo cannot believe the editors of thet peper Would knowingly tri fle with the pnhlie on so momeoioue • subject, end we cannot conceive how. they cams to plsee reliance on each s caurs. Mr. Adams, oar able ud popular Iflaiiter to Xe(liad,eu usnsiuly mange our aflsliu than, without the aid of Mr. Wosdi aid it is tidleuloue that each on impelled ud experts report u that of Goa. Thomas would be used by the Goveromeel to prepare thu public aaiud for eo etd t dowuleii. Cea. Thomu> report has damaged oobody hut himself, ud thoeu who guyu it to thu pabUo. Thu /nAyvuSrafUoild be more earuful. Foa dlspslejjm from oar Evuiag Elitist, set foirth page. Mftct » «• tlu VMt Frepv*a(. Wabbxi*6To9| Not. 7.—A gentleman irota Cbtrlegtoa, wfto wai here not long aioce t te* ported tb t era;/ poseiSta precaution ihad 1 t*e*Q tekrn by the rebel sothn'miee in Etaetb Carolina u> prepare tor retuUßg the Aeet; aaowiag that Uformilion of the moveoeau 01 fre fip’diiioß had been conveyed to them. It tt a!*o sie-rted that ibd celebrated Wtahing toe Aniifery had been Beat from Charleston to 801 l B».y, eod that eoldiers and artillery bad .been dispatched to all points oe the Booth Carolina coast which were considered to be in dtoger Ota. Beott’e Itelfi Gao. Scott’s late Buff hive been thus pro* Tided for; Col. Coilam to be studied to Geo. Hillock’*. Sufi, with the reek of Brigadier Geoeral. Col. Van Rensselaer to be Inspector General, iqdlacb of Col* Scott, lstely retired. Col. Hamilton hts been invited to a position on Geo. MoClellto’s Stift He base prior inviutioa from M»j- Gen. Bntler* He has not jet determined wbieb be will accept, bat it is probable be wiU determine in iavor of the po sition tendered him bj 6et. McClellan. Major Wright will join bis regiment, end enter apon active eervice In the field* pram Baltimore. A special dispatch to the New York Jfom tng Pott eaji: “The triale ol several prieonete, indicted ioi treason, oommeneed in Baltimore this morning. Chief lattice Tanej and Jadge Giles are on the bench, and the male will take place before them. There ie some cariosity to eee what conret Tansy will take. 0»THB FIRST CONGREG ATION of DIBOIPLU asett statedly at APOLLO I&LL, 4lhst, between Market end Wood. Preoohlsg every LORD'S DAY, at 10U o’olook, a. m. end T p. m WRDHMDaY BPRAINd. Lector* at 7 o*oloct. She pabtlo are respscttnUj tatlted to attend- nofeU irjS»AI.I,BttUJCNX BOAT OLDB UUTtßG.—lhtrs will bee misting of ths AHiIQH*arbOATOLOB,OObATTJBDA> |T|J, I '6rttw 9lb Inst, at 1H o'clock, at their BOAS HOUSt. All the a ember* ere requested to attend, u bnetoese of Impcrtaoc* will be transacted. By order efttePreiiJeot. nofcltd *md. a&bntumnnits. £IAPTAINS OB MEUTENANTB, fORMINQ COMPANHU FOR THE WA.K, Wonld do well to cell and get their Posters and Hand* bills of W. 8. HAVEN, No. 84 Third street. Who la prepared to print small or large, according to thsdestreln, £\A.CTO'Z’ OOLORB, To attract ATTENTION pOBNBR OF PENN AND ST. OLAIR DAT AND XYBSIffO OLABSBfI. PBfflUft BBIP, BOOK-KBIFINO AM ATBIMAT.'OS atPgttt IfABM FOR SALS.—I offer for sale JL a FARM, iltuata In PettoatowiebJp, Allegheny coontj, twelm. bU*« castol Pittsburgh, and tear mUes froa^Uirrenne) Ivanla -BaJroad, eontelalsg OSB QOMDIid AOem. fifty Of which are elmret and the balance will timbered. There to plenty of 00 AL, eng an OBOBABD and a fiAVMQLIi tn good rnnotog order on a branch of Turtle Qreek. for term* enquire of tbt eabserlber, on the premtea*. , tAIiP O.OABOTOBM. M AHVB ,TI ~ PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Dlintll FOR 1169, roa SALS BT W. S. HAVEN, G9BNB&.WOOD ASP TBZBD SrißlTß. nnflai. REVISED BEadLAiI6NB foam - ARMY or TUI UNITED 3TATB3.Ua. With • fall T adez. One vclowe, Ivo. Prloe $LOO. Important changes and addition# hire bain made to toil HBVIfiBD aDITUN OP T**R ARMY BBQULe- TlONg,aaitt should at oaoo ho la thehaadaof all who have the pr.Tloas edits ana. for eat* by dc9 MAT A 03, 44 Wood Hast India rubber blankets for lot Jwt nednd at tin ladla Bator Drprt, SB and tt ft Glair Rtrwt. nef J. * B. PBILMP? fULCLOTH COAT* PANTff. .TACK \J Utß ABD BATH jut ractfttd at U »td St BL Olßlritmt- pcB J. AII. PHUsUrfl. OU« CLOTH COVERS—Of the differ* efttals««ad*tjlto,t*g6*d ateiQ fea salMaa; boa tba factory mad for aK wboUnU aa4 ratal!, at. fs aad SB fit. GWtrwß J a a. PalitUFr. C’BESir 056oiiluX&-e0 i begs "Air f to prtaw Bio OoffM axrlriag par Pa. i*. B* aid for Mitt j LRTLIIA YBltf B< B, uft ' lIS taooeo Hrwt 1 nn bbls. iiSLLo w RogaS to A vv arrlToaad for alt by acS UTTLI A TBIMitB. 9nil BBLS. N. O. MOLASBE3, wvv 100 bits. Biropa, 60 hbda.M.o!ea«an. Oahtad aaffocMlaby LiCTU A IBIMSIiB. CORN MEAL—IUO boo. fresh groom Cora Maal fort rat'd and fer aal« by JiL a. rtTzas, acf Qoraar ofltetu and Sint a*a Ii’LOUR—2O bbla. chatoo Family Flour toitmialfenilibj. J4B. A- rmn, oof Ooraar of MirfcaHad Sint rta. Rica paper hangings of mod •raaad aattqaa daoUaa. la to?d aad ntm aad gold tor aala bp W. P. MARS BALL, boO ST Wood atraat. Low f£ioed wall papers— Aaaortmwt eoapSto lor thawtofor—far aala kr 808 W. P. MABIHtLL. aao. rtnimia mu nninai JB. DILWORTH A 00., • WBOLBSALB G 800 188, Xoa. UO aad ISS Bacood ftml; moi pimßroqai pa. OONBIQNHINTSt- IBbamtaohofcaDryraaobii, I do OraabtrrtM, SB da ffraao App’u, Tl boxa IfroUra Imm Obwa, . T 4 hai! banal> H.o. Mdarm, 100 Imxm Starch, IS tamlaVaflaad OIL BO deaaa faaer Brotms, , Jut raorlvad aad far aala by fSAKK VAB GOBDIB, Boi • MOsllßßroopdo^mt Jp hotogßaPu^albumb" PBOTGQiAPHa. A fioraMcrieMatof ALBUMS, bolficg from twaaty faarto oiaary-tU Poitraira.la mlala and aUgaat •t|taa«fbtfidlng,«jth Photograph*cf saarlyaillha duttstafobad bmb tod «obmb Uvlog. McOLBUiAB, " ' Mn. JIIf.DAVU, BOOlTo' Mil, ÜBOOLB, LINOOLN. BABBIR LABI, JBfP. DAVIS • Mn.O.A.DOOdLAS; BBaUBBQAItID, Mr*. SI9OUBXBV. TEIOABINII’, B BPBIB3 AUJBNII, Bo for tola jj Bs 8. DAW, SB WoodatoatL ARRIVAL or grooeriih. JD IWObag! BritoaOoCfltog !60 do Hoartlag do 100 banal* prim* S. OL Motto***, 100 do OokUa Syrsph - 100 hbd* ana* if;o fienr. 100 do- BM-toßleaaadGahAißKan, -> BO barreta Gn»h*J - do . SI do B Oflb* do MOdaeUSttoiStlk, lOOObamta dp do 1000 bona aaortod at*n Wlodov Slav, lOOOfciga do Vajla, BO Imm OmnOUi, 60 barratoMJMOßrf Ouj. Xa«tortaiadfar**l*by JOB* L BOUM S 00, '866 Qora» ItoUbfltld and WAtaritraol*. : r JHUMAS U. LLLIOrTj M. D. 49K)8aa *oath «ld* of Jcßth Cobboo, cm do® MKoffadoral atrtot, Alkgb«oy. Die BLUCTThavlaf rataraad lo AUagbagy asd n,uud iha praotlom tf mrdlo'M, rtapastfoU; off«za bia pro *tolo«al carrloM to M* eld frtoßdi'a&d tha oaattißUy giaraltyw - naAlwd QARPENXER BROP- . ' HsvtsgnmevsOmyshcpbom tssoutk strset m lbs Oil Bsrrtl fsdssv, sect lo Bredis.'. Wsolsn tseleiy, below the Busesnsiee -WSca-eh .tbe AOe sheet river, we on sow prepend tu do >ll ktndsef usarsHriswoaa. ovfkrtlcmls, tttsstios peU te JOBBINQ el Oil klMs. AU week done ca the moot neseeshb lersa neOflwfl AI. rUSA ja>tah atibfttutmmsi C 1 fries crYs* CcWaolibi, c? «unkiirT Plttaborgh. NcTeateMtb. JWL f * {TO CONXR prop* Agslawillbereaved it thb cfl * jjatg THTJA?- ?**' ?* for Uittncfloo o' i Bridge era PmmCmfc, near aflUfrtewr,o*ib*ito* betvtea the urrafal;* o> Pmm *»dPrua. Span fffty feet. titan# g? l * to P*. tt* wnh of iratfii; (ma- Wcddwort b? thefaof (taeat. PUsa and cpeblfi:4tlentt be ready. soS , Attaah . W. Ju Dff EBON, Cteth. HKKLEK a WILSON’S SEWING MAUHINE. Ro. *7 Pifrt St iet, Plihbargk. PAiaa ov Mao. wanawn.ir.R ad wiLaoN AmtiM ttf first Premium ft (A« ONITIO >uin PAIH; OHIO RATI r AlB: ' ILLINOU RAM rAlti WIBOONHH tIAII PA1B;, lOWA ATATB »AIB: TASSASBII TUB nwon rati paib; •Chicago Mecbantof latltatT"' loabvflle Markon let* Inatltatb; _ CboclnMttUaehaote«'fsert>att: ALLIQHBRY COtTSXY FAIR, PITTjBOKGH, end other goodly Pair* too naaerooa to mention. Wo offer tothepebilo WBlffvßß * WILHOK’d IMPROVED hSVXMO MAOBISB, AT RSCUQSD PKICBff, with tnoreaead ooafidanoe in it* marl teas ihebartaaffCMet-TeHablr IfcattjrffcwiiiS'Mrehiaa now ta oat. It aawarqoally well on thethtckasi and thlaeal tobrlca, makea tba tak-etitcb ImpoaMbla to anrive’, with tba aaeanttol advantage of betas alike on both dd*a, twining do ridge or ohabt on tba sader »ffHi simple in oonatnottoa, more steady in mo?a> meat, and sore durable than any other «*a»«w. Wa grra fall fnacraotlooe to enable thepnrehaaer to «# etdtnarv mama,- otttob, baa* fall, qollt, gather, bind and tack, in on the efcme machine, and warrant Itforthreeyaan. ■ Orcalar%ooatallang leettaonlala from Udlaa of It a faiabeet standing, east and wait, gtrlag price*, do* will be firsl*h»d gratis, on appUootkm in peracn or by latter. Bevins Machine ffeedltf, BUk, TvUt, Cotton and OUooaetantly onkand. noTtlyiiaAwf <£JOKL EOUrl HAiKI IIAVTIfT IOVAIELF, BY UfflKe CHAPPELL HYPERION, ROM CUR JANQ TER BAIR. The Ledfea and Qentlamca throughout tba world Will be yhssed to learn that I have raoeatly dfacor r* ad an irtlote that will Art the Bair. By alas OHAPPBLLV HXrBAIOH, Ladlsa and gentlemen oaa bewttty thcmaalTer a tbonaand fold. ÜBAPPMLVa BJPRRION Ii the only article in the ttoild that vfllQntl atreight Hair. Tbaerly artlcU that will Out the Hair nr BKAunruz curls in oioaar guml&i miULKRN ODRLfJ IN FLAJCBN CUALSt ZNr&OWINQ CURL* IN WaVTNO oUMLfi IN ttTXURIim cvrisi It makee the Bair soft and gloaay. It Inrigontaa tba Bair. It baastlAar dba-Hair. It Oleaneea tfea Bair. It baa a moat doltgbtfttl parfonu.. IT PBBTIRTS THff HAIB PfiOXTALLIIIS OPT} nnmntTtontMnr. It U theosly article tr*r a Moot trad that will carl eUaJghi Heir la beoath enrtfc wnocrrlniaryto the Batr oreealp. Urn HIPB&IOll doee not In : any manner Interfere with the VATTTXAX. ffOITBISS OP TBX BAIK. It neltber acorchee nor driea It The BTPdSIOtI oan be eo applied aa to caoae the Bair tocnrlOone day, or tor one week, or for oaa month, or any tourer ptrlod deeded. The BTPBRIOB la (he only artleU In (ha w rldbot what eon be eoantarfettKl or imitated by aaprteeipled pmow. Tbpforastthis,wade notoffsrti for ami# et aoy ln tbo Baited fftaue. Tbenfbretasy Udycr Gentleman who duirre to beeotlfy themaeiTee oy netog tba BTPaSIOH, meat ioo;omth*P»I0B. OStB DjLL*H,lna letter, end Addreo, W. CHAPPELL 4 CO., Box •«, a ... Ornape gjwtfy, OMo, And (t will bacorefaliy tent by mom mail. ao»4tr gKALSD I*EUPOSALB. «BlW> PROFOSAtt win bt rtoiind by tbe qb> denfnad,aatUUe’ciockaooaof XBVASDAY. tbe lIA «y ci yjwalNf) lad, for the «nc4co of » MiIUT HOUlft, UIXT HALL. WWQH«CAI*3, 4c., ta mcoMmn t!4 ptin oppicred by Oooactlj. wbiob mey to eteaiaed it tbi oOoe of Moton. Bos* Mom,Architect*, Mo 47JDtaaottd, Allegb*. oyCtty. .. T* epectflceUoad wUI to reedy tar the c» of bidden ou MOMDAT, 11th lost,aaacan to bod fton'the Ooamfttn or Loa tbe Architects. \ All bW» >Mt ipeetfy the low** ptke If cell la cash n the work propanee, and a|«o the price if &*■ by tto tereaae arliiac ftoaa ttomta acarolaa to the city from tbe dilli la Market Inn, nit reran oe to to aatoftolertiy aectued Co the 00a tract or. •—.Ooaadta reaerre tbe rt|kl of choc* nr the aiuir ofpeyasat. All blue to to aobjeettoth* eppeorai ovUooaoOa - Bidden will addreee tbdr Propoeali to the Cluir> aea of tbe "Special Oooußkttee on Diamond Tmpccew amtfuutii "JYepeeU fbr AJtyMny Citf M • wm AnriwaaiL’*, . . !r . Uoftmua wtn reqdr* all bidden to ftnifaha cur aateeef thetr reeponalbUlly, before ooaaMeriai Md*. BAWL BKDOLM CMtm. J4MII MAUHALL. A ft. BHITH, Jlto. HOPEIRB, mU ATE. LOUIS MOUU BiKMAN SKILBS, aoMtaoto OtmmiU'c QPINCD at w. A D. HOODS’, OfBHID it If, « D. BDSDI 1 , onitKD it W. 4 D. HOBl'fc’, oratio it w. i o. how, OHKU it W. 4 D ROODS’, STBIPKD FRKNOH SHAWLS, BLACK A WHITE OHEOK SHAWLS, encoiiuof tu hi writ mtu, IALUOR4I. BKIRTi it 4LL FSICIt. W. 4 D. QUODS. *• M —... ums tmoL TTAttOB A BROTHER, COMMIMIOB BEHDBAIK, ho. a witnrr «tun, ousmsuMn, onto. lb. parrhMi pad nbi(MiHH4Hmtudiii|iMnUi.. .. H*d»r«t. adToooft mrto an oailg»n»ot*of slppl. articles •, . n *Mm.THOIU« 00, Plllabuth. .* KIHO. MHHOOK A 00. 40 . JOSU& tt BOIL**, B«l, OUulbuH . And OlßdimH Merchant* esoetallr. - sofoSwd nUi ■ fyK- BALh, WMWBgtcn Tnnpika Rni Woli »rii» from J tamf Imf X*otUtn, wtui all Ui» llxior**, good Oil; •!*>,» «W 4«m Mmtiri, lac JutMr inform itioa tominof noaa bobirm, KcoUi of Bwp.HU! Roc. §TK&Y 00W<—Uxne to.the rwridenoe 'ofth**ofaair flomtrwt, Pithtttgfc. HPl* ONLY ARTIOM THAT’CAN '.A always ba raUad on for axtaralaatlDß VXUUM tfiDibalpiUifl.iitte “T - . .Jt-ATv PAS TJI-* ■ SAT pasts! BAT FASTI. • *-a*- r *i i ■’.. ■■•‘l • ■**! * a •: i -■ ••. .. ***»**,.-.;i :; jminijatirty *... i jwira Jtnmia, twgnJfltby JuUPHfUUUM; lAKS6iT6uUai>bbl». So. lraoriwi *** art asm u-ooua*. H ajqrffiooto,^ J. W. BARKER & GO.fo 69 HARKET bXASQBTi J DObTfiBS, PE LAINES, PIAIH, PLAID AHS BIBIPBD D RE BSGO OD S, PAST OOtOEID PBINTB, 6£o. P 1& YABO. amRTINOS, OTR PMR YARD. CLOTHS, WM. BDUNBR. JEAN 3, - la tba moat oomplate tn tba city. OFPBB A OBBATB& YABIIfY TtfAH ART OIHla BpUfl*. CALL BEFORE FCRCSASma EL&EWBEREL ccffStweAwtfT iSS § I : 5 = S 5 2 J ii- § i ! us 3 | g 2 1 a E J . W .5 co S g C g i 1 i g ...g. g .... g S|fS | li e-o |,S g g6|g3* g * J 0 S ► I ! * l ,s,| ii ss.’.s s >«rls g a § s a. s gI-? 2 *" g o- ' jA* ill If:-1- f l-fl is ill : i -jib Bei'i.s- -: | Y oo a o e g « h 3 - 5 i a' a ■* s « 3 i, a oil i r a * jgSitJfIFUE ~~ " - NEW DBEBS GOODS. SHAWI.a, SCO., DO MISTIO AND BTAPLI 9KWCIOOBB. ' A fOI.L illOßTlill NOW OPE NI N 0 A* OUR BUTRR 18 HOW IS HIW fORR Wl WILL B 1 RIORtVBta . No wQ-oo d a Daily, C. HANSON LOVE, ' NO, 7* MAHKBTBTHBBT. oaianwV PIXTBBUROH ‘ Mouurxera ixb&af. D. COOPEB & CO.„ mjvit NMMitioawr npplj ofMdUIN* -DIGGOODS, ha BlMknl Fwru% and Btuk ■fid LsTiadsr, IwoUftiag OTTO VANS AND TStOUU, -- HNNBIBTFA OIiOTB8» f NHFM’S CLOTHS. OABHHfifißfi AND VtBXVOS. - UPS AND JOB LAllsE BHAWLS-MWMtitrm . • - ' ORAFfi AND OTHER OOLIIABB. > NTOUKHING KOOHA r?. : GADNTMTB AND GLOYNB* r " : :rr - HOiIUT, Mid wwntantir aaatatfba KOUftfINS PAINTS tad faioyddhuhia BSf-famtlhahi ratnralagwm it all Item Rnijun •!«(• aaaartaaaiaf aKft tmlaaa *"“»***• ■>** wttSrnmi " WW Oilß fBIOBB. • qwdwAiAltwF - STYLKB ■ ; ivf . ' 01 . ■; ? ~■! FA L L GOODS . . .JUBT ; BXG|HWHL^-Vj W« «• w w • dioica Stock offALLSOOM omikttlfhilUitOutMtapocttflaWoraUOTßV OiiaNßßßlaid VRgHHO VwkloinfeoffW ■trwwinbi «)UI touy awHant to Utoaaf *Mt a Waat. Ifeyntn ta aid* op to cedar, ta • •pito ByU, ot it pfioN to nit tta Dul Wa *mM napaottiOf MUt is aarff can tie* off |lf« wd fe» «!' • - SAMCBfc eRAYAtOS, £ ,: Hi«CßiS#fcuidiiS. No lthtnjfii. : ' ÜBOIQON9, Dotniin Sxnußli TO BUT VODB SHAWLS, CLOAKS, UIBihOIS, OABHHKRK3, POPLINS, or mar usd. OASSIMSRBo, SATINTTS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, Aa, Ao, • AMtTSEMENTS. JpiTTSBUKGfI THB^TRB siiDBOAr imnra. kotaubabt. fciltlntjtliaiutalj&tof tin Aawicxa Actor, 'MKIi JV -Jtu’ T*3SJk.JFXI3.‘ ■ . M E T A M o K A*. MBCASIOBi—.... .Magimi. ....L Altai which FLOATING BEACON. SACK IDSK ...——HEKDKHBOX. To oosetato with ; i'' ' T O 0 D t K s' . *nt'.jar x..—;™. —at*. lufm. MW.-^topolm.—-—him ,-m. Samoa, jtonoss^jßtuiic. mumc buokS— . ! ! TBB ORUU: JDHLBSr S a*w LOT* UP *!£>»! DUPASOH; If OaBISTIIK lUSaT«*&; | m 0»B!’1KA aiCßi: r - SABBATH llu, 1K».- I THABKfOITISJ. lU.b.«&metf3.KoperdoM,cuh. fur- a' tj „ „ WMlKluOl, *>* Ho. SI Woca a tree t. put > erxh. IKAUBDKX'S 7~~ QOU>BN CHAIM Sabbath School Melodies. a nw sabbath school suraxMo booh. . lb* UrgMt, atutt and ud Ob* Booh am made lor tba a»e oi Sabbath tohoota. Price, gU per hand rad, or Id ceata alngla, or tIAO pardweo. for aale tßqoaamitoor steely by JOHN H. Mu. LOB, ocfl. No. SI Wood street. Pttttbnrgh- pIANOH AT A BARGAIN. a lABBM STOCK Of Splendid New cod Secondhand PIANOS WUlba aold at OttBAXLY R.IDOOBD PBIOU CBAKLOXXM BLQUB, No.eS Fifth *ttaal. IShucattongu HOUOOL. ' H. WILLIAM#, Hia op&ntd • Norjnal School at ' Ho. K Sr. OLAU SX&BBXp Sd atory, Tatimonjf of Ttadun, ~ Bo fa Iba eannsellor of t&o Ttacbant thOßaii to wkomallofaalook tor advice and tnatracttak. . ; ■ ; jpßwj.wawm. I concur mo*t baartUy with tba abort. UONAB9.H. BATON. I chaarfoliy ooncnr hi the opinion rrrmnii] abova. W.B.TBIW. 1 taka plaaann ingtving Itaamy opinion that tha feragotsg racoßmesdatloa la fatly merited. _ A.SCSTT. Iknowof bo one who daaarrMhtglnrtaottßOßyln hla favor. B. B.AVUi. I folly ecu car to the abov« reoooraHr&daticn. 1. • _1 D. DUNOON. Ha can prtpar* pppils for tbe High school ontokat than aaj othar teacher la tha city. - A. T. COUTH ITT. TBEMS*»QI per waak.ta ad?anca acftStawd PJSNN IMSTiTUTifi, JT _ ... AAHCOCR STRUT,. JfBAE PUN. Will twopea on UONDA7, tba Bd day of fiBPTXM. SMB. Tarioa: $Bl p*f vmica of fire month*. aoSltai* ’*'■ J. M. BMtTH. PHwrt. >L NJEW GK7ODOI NJ£W OOODS FALL AND WINTBU rALL AND WINTKai LATEST BTTLBSI LATEST ETTLVB At tha old atandof JAMES C. WATT, Comer ot Fe&n hud St. Clair ate. Tbahalraof Jameso. Watt,d ccasad, mpcotfnUj larita pcbllo attention to tha b«v atoek ot FALL AND WINTMAfIDODS, ecoprlalsg at] tha newest style* of fashionable natailat adapted to-'OHKTUL HUS' WBAB, soliciting an aarty call. Tba bwfr bmb wil! ba eoodactsd po tbo mii appro rad tatawtt aa hereto***. Tba stock of.aaw goods teegnatto any Uthla city. oclSOyd ■tovbm. mm Do* HAVSN a BON, • " MAHOTAOTtmAB# Of J _ 'STOVES. .? Warehouse, - Federal- Street* SWBrionbrfdga, ALLBQaUTcm. We ask tba attention of dealan to onr large aßort* Bast of Cooking tod Heating Stove*; fir Wood and OpaL vbfch wa ara aolUitg at Uto lowcto prieaa.' TSwao vkmogooretty will find it to their advantage tio give MaadlandatoßUno onr atockbcfctepnxcfaaidiigafa» Oaat lion Home Froota, Iras KaQtng, ScaUa. Hollow Wart, Wagon Doneo, ; Plain and PahOT Orate Frootn Fenders. of allkiada tnadaio«toe. s - Jylfclyd D.D* HATINA SON. p| ATS AMD UAP&— -• FALL BXTTJLBB K0OO&9 « OO.’I, in woo mrbxt, rimiCßsa. Uito no» ob ban) » Tart larja and cMn) P»i«tM 7 BiproM will aworirttfia proamtoaa ooitwt rotus> -•■ Brtirlolgaw*O»ifltti