y ■' > i A ' r: K- • • • .*»\Vi r* ••• 1 •< •. •■ -:j >;• *{• •'* *, . .Sv i-■ ■■■ )-■ • -< "• '* . .; c \ . , N *. ' *. L w •v *.« u v * w-v. -.V, . 1 I ,l* •' f ■' ■ -.v. " T H , -jj'if. .• :?:■* ' -u’ {*:)•'' '•\ v> v :i - • •! i x.V;. ; r *;s-/ ! " •• V : l»t'* . ■ ■ '!*■• ' » - .*•.»; ,ti.~ v .V .£'te:3:'■>;■ i vV: ';:i;-';: V,;: 1 ;)."',;', ’<« '■**•*4 ■;•.",#{••:♦•» * . \ Wmmi ‘ ' \ » * ** * '■fr ]■; .i j ■i:'' ! y ' '' • . ' . '• i: • SlVi.., ■\« y > ■ ■-j : S**;yll«lM»ttrrrcU(Ja. >■: : ;,;.Tr*thiscaption wo bore kbarticloin : . the November number! of “Knlcbeiboci- Pp' Just" published, advocating the Wag. : jnpation policy an a of ending -the J* r > which, excepting 'the known aboli .. tkra organs, it claimsto hsTs boob' tbs •“““tto urge. Mr. Ches. Godfrey I*. -*»“|t.the author of this series, dwtows abolition tendencies for the aakoof aboli tion, but is as vehement for emahdpatidh “ Mr. Sumner, or MrJ Phillits himself. ! asnuy be seen from theiollowing extracts to rep l / to _the um»l objections to such _ Vjust now there are m. tho Bouth four ’ hrfc * thMt number of . Whites, while they are a curse and a lor. *msntto twenty million; of the most id wed of white men in tho North. A ptetty wauple uf conscience this, and a tooa donkey side-gato to strain at, while 5* 1 " “° S’ 0 " 8 of *bh great camel por- Wof a warl But the: free blaeks will Jtoriri l Well, let them starvation for all of dough-tace.that toeSouthiSgoing toturn back 1 Aswell 2£° t ; U ‘ # ro * nDg to, turn back , its coune. But really there" Wfll ? Ur T*tion o* bhmanagb- Mnhty. in the case. White labor vnli mll!? U * r ? d , he " * ndl thw « even hfow millions of lazy, jnisernble blacks •TS^ h 'l“ v tl >ey h»™ done in the e*y of Mew York. • * ? , . it. .••?:’ * * No use to tell me that Joe and Cuff and YeUow Bob are goingtofight along With old Master. 1 °? not J°» yaurselres say that the negro is a mere] grown child, an -inferior animal, a Week, blunderhead, giran li We r '£ do **• "But -by, the Power orVenorfmce; if he fo 'so _^ i Outforyour»l„fl] n S. lf t^r.““t -toAJMolißs.jas m Guinea, here and there on OTeiy large. plantation, what yon call - :W«uey niggers?’ Is the great black L uahrely without leaven ? Does it !v . not sweep into wars, revolts, and Satan’s b own “ rn ‘ T * Ia ««n in Africa ? Will hot '' ni herii and there, wme fine day, start-some mad Obeah no blood and-bpnes, half- Methodiit, half-African frenay, which" will : V*?- * WMrs Itoertho fire-sea ? Jost they have - up your military anti-Northem ' oa °ot think that your own . Caidneea wrilpass oror to them, and take tmSh nn • , A . 6 V l * of monkeys know . enrmsh for such hideous pranks ; when a_ thousand negroes find in one spot that strong for the homh“gmtd. then lho gun-powder goes J” GinnsT.-In . J o*>Plr Baabridge, publish <£&E&*tXßrsis "kjk*} bee . n *t Tyburn. The ser .-Jtatglri, wishing to take a look at the «™“g under the '“®* C “ D S knife, stole np,-stairs to the room, where she expected to find him ex -1 finr P ti “ “ d horror she nfrr.i , Slttlne up on th ® hoard, end . instahtly facing about, eho went down stem again m a moment The surgeon, nearing of the resuscitation of his subject, humanely concealed hifii ihTho house nn he maid get him conveyed to Ameri- CS, which he did shortly afterward, pro- Tiding him with a oomfortable outfit at his own expense. The man evinced, in his subsequent conduct, a degree of industry and gratituda which showed him well 0f . S'oguier escape from death. ■ the exercise of-his industry he amass -ed a handsome fortune, end his gratitude ; JP* exhibited by leaving it all to his do lirerer mod benefactor.” . How TO Get Alosq.—We have some •nggegtiong to offer which will enable our iwdera to get through life in the moat em\ k* B the a&cUcity to sheathe xtg sting in your cuticle, justice de : muds th&t-you should insUnUr upset the the offender hM his hoidqu&r* every bee therein. If Jrdogbites the call of the leg, stem jns - ttoe demanas that you should bite the : _SS “•f of hia kg. On the same , principle if an irate donkey rudely ele , i™ 88 hj B posterior extremities against *** frno way is to kickback. If a horse falls upon you. the rabuma principle of “lex taHonis” requires that you Bhonld fall upon the home. If Jogge eallsyou a liar, theJreatment is to call him a liar and a thief into thehargain. ' tt jou are a farmer, and a neighbor’s cow tappena to get into jour joung corn, your - mstantmodeof satisfaction is to'tom all Jonrcows, hogs, etc, into his own. By following ont these sublime ideas of-jus h«e_Md seir-respect, your daily life will °? f ° 11 „ of *weet peaoe, and yon will wentaally become as docile and pUyful /W-. U ,°*“” 0F muEmpbwhop -hi-h Z 1 ? 8 rol o * , °* ore the terms In 'lk rft/j”™ l doBt - Petereborgoltie «tb or October annouocedJbe death of the ■W 2*. V hiDa : Accoants from Pe- J!". 1 ? *r°i? 4t o Ao K nat “»ke known the death of the Bogdokhan. In the morning ol Umt day two decrees in the Pekin Go xelto Bek forth that, by his will, he had nominated his oldest son heir of the Oeies- Uel^Bmpiro l and had decided that a conn. JhL°jLw Shtpor ? on “ ses Bhon,d odvire him, “ ,d co ®“'' consisting of Zrai-yonan Dooanhona oon-hodn, ism-toa, Mon-in, Konan vonan! ©on-han The name of Pnnce Kong, it will be observed, does not appear m lbia hat. Atlwo in the after noon the pnblie announcement was made Bogdpiihan bnd breathed his last , bcsiness was ordered to be suspended d>?B ag tt marlt of mourning.l ITwapility was not disturbed in the O’apltS. I ? ar Boolhorn feliow-citizent bars been takenso violently with the eo fel?r they hare not M /nmi the Korth, but from their oonn. try, ani gone to lire in'Knrope. Manr l ofthemare in Peris, end are said to be snf rering severely for want of money. A oorrespondent, writing from that city, tats that he knows one Soouthem gentleman, I who owns slaves in the South, and who is nevertheless, doing his own cooking in a - ss*' '5 same writer adds I • that not e eont of money has been bor- I SeMe l flr he r.l“ o“ gltndor Prance,on we oredit of the Southern Confederacy, I Btato of Louisiana, and pro-1 dicated'partlyon pnvate securities. . Not to bc DistissD. —An awkward I . looking yonth mads his appearance at the / wanitog office, at ldm£et«H£ “ ,' 1 mw dan since, and desired to enlist as a sharpshooter. His extremoly verdant ap *•"*”« created considerable merriment 'P^W 0 ". “>d it was proposed tbst he should try his shill on a bead of Jeff Dans, at the reqirired distance. In specting his rifle a moment, be raised it and pat a bail through tbesideof the non. j The company supposing this to be a chance shot made him Are again, whan he put s •oeond ball throogbthe other side of the teu^y ea wjthoot I * *« ttouuii ■« 'XSJ *tato Kwinck, Ibii work, from SuLaa&wUur**' / Mu,tof go on I iMt LovurilU lino of Ctfn," i FullMlira of Hu h»»«i - l »t QmmUy B.liff****"*™ G j,d "’ e ' Roaec.n.. .UTT, “ d «*«“'“«>« *tt Mackab,,. of lb .’ oo Mo ,!*; aricrnojo, irom point o» 3; J” d “h"? 1 “ a "J ptrw.na wore appre -7® d “‘ T 0 ht leire'erfT" “'t 1 I,olhit K additional coo!d on learned-from (be aamtrionrce. toTth9 benefit oi tboae not familiar with G^il , n‘ r n o( lh '' eo ““'J in u ‘° *'«‘• rite bridge-before Wmbbtra’d It to hit precipitate retreat left Julr, Ganlejrnrer a horn two bnndrea yard* abore luconaoence With the New. The counter «ctj toonntaiaohß, Ihc-btllahti hit aidea loom! tng op fally 6»o hundred feet, and the water •'““•‘■eerirtly cohering the rallera *> that there in not room' in imay pi acre tor TL'Z'r ' o '?- our «• encabped ht Jfc ??£*•» “ d * l ** T ««lpoi*u on ifceeaal bapk ol New river, txiandio* up ||, t t atreAn -.Ueorsueea mile., ThlaTrief erpUnar “V ?"’• to ntake Captain ' C.oldina'a atatemnnt mom intelligible ‘ - 1 rr “ J f. r ' d y «■»«««. ednuchment of .coot. 7°” ,b » 8 «““ d Regiment, aader C*pl. Wheeler, returned to Gen. Roeecrana* ridamblVf”'*’ “ d "ported thn rebela in eon- Thfai.miu °° ,ke WMt *' d ® Of New near. -Smn th “° «■•««««, ‘or tie h wiSii 0 " 01 ' 7 ,bere “ «» *l“oal im. paaaable wildernear, and the: enemy had no .o’ if !<• *ere « diapoted. h-V:A. 7 1 “ blr * "ceationallj penetrate thia benighted region, bet we belie., it hae aerer , d 'e‘“" i necraaary to throw out picket, ia that direetion. . * r “ _ Shortly after" Capt. Whetlei'a retorn, two ntttene* were opened apon oar troop* in the vicinity oi Gaqlcj Bridge from ih* hM# on Uie oppoute aid* ol the over—one directly op poaile the bridge, ted tbe other two mile*lower down, *t the fella of the Kanawha, obpoalte ft large brick hoove, in. which onr Coniiniaaftry’* auppfiea were alored. Taene ballerina played 1 “'I d *f' "' tl ' Committal,’, qoar. lorn afiordiog them a fine mark, bat ao bad waa thqir, finog.Uay did wof tirike tkt, trmldinf aJd .'h.th! «'"f inatanco their halla and abella fell abort. Tho upper battery, if. I *.*oo? d ** l of uomtuiUon, anc l needed in drt. log ih, KleaeothOhiolrom their 7n?, P *j ll,ld « oppoaite, and in aiokiog . '.r h ’ ck ,erTed oar *™T *• « f«ny. Tht. w,a the extent ofth, damagedooo. Nil ft mnn waa. killed, aniTthe fiatboit wa* railed •gain toe tame eaeoiag, add made to do good aeraiee that night, aa will be aeeo. ' _ It waa not fill the day had tar adraneed, that our artillery coold be brooght to bear r n .i lb ,v: : ,b " i * r "*- o“*a*4«.*s wheo lb.h. I *P river, bat wbea they were nice placed in poaitioa. it was notlong oatil both oi the rebel batleriea warn rileaced. Tbe Jo« of the i..0,g.«u,“ **_Oot keown.—Chnrtnnera Gazette. itramboat*. Fok oiNciSSSrriogr.'TfiPi: IBTILU, *TU)BTatk,OIUoiMH CINCINNATI X I.'IIISVILLK-11. 80, ,ZL,y^ ” ‘““T B t ’ P uY?i« l a^)?Si > on.. o—.- suns#* UINUINNAXI AND , LOUIaTIILB -Th. MDger.UMmwr J4COB Pyir. UpSUSSSHff. Pr m, t IOM j > „ F "• rm “*•»* JNO. PLicg^,,,,,. P £ O U L A K WJ£jßiu,iTra« _ «-;>»**-»«*. .pp"« SLi3^ t S ck * *-'°^ P »• tg«LB. KW4 St. LOUIS * KKOK.UK , IT3> saijrsft r.sw&SS SfffflSJSf- . " 3) ■»• B. LIYWQSTONi CO. ln.lt r»2l jfii saapass.is, SsSS?® JSSSV*™ * »* T * »"»*»*» & lirMßAvfS dct.. *- -„1 JAW* OULL3NB * 00. - Wo.HI fftter »tmi BAYAOk’S HNVBL 6 P B 8 . rp ei/BSCRIBEK BSaS LEAVE Of igookMllm, g UUour . '« r »ocy Oouda, ud >ll iibn, £ ti. T™' -BxrnwsiVß abbortubny AND SUPKRIOM QUALITY E N V E EOPE 8 it. n Jk‘ , *ss ,Aoro ** D 8T uiu. PlrcfcMUl iM uDIh IJgmS, t[| —*4| mttA SKiSi fcS5 ,r * d * “' ,o ' b»niU ■ST' rooj ggg» iSssssaffl^^S-TTi '2 a T»'taferjSJ Si^SWisr-gj* jssfissamn&l&fc a^r^«^n&J!3yss4aa!. i { mike U eh* metteut,,- * *, cozivralrut tad bamfoit .bio Lome !jr the cm. wa Bad *l*M>scr on this tW* eodmoml, *iib cotxngord tecoot, topioTlcl* tl M)‘l to combine *u tt« •lonrontam. fiuilvMoal mdaod.l tQjojnuot «fa> ( b Bibdera irlh«i lut*uU»J, -Slid nv»drre U*t« tnd the ptinratg* which ft he* coamtnded il ipjxocUtti] wfeKt lbt> ez S*. LOUIS HOTEL, CUKSTNOT ST., ABOVE THIRD X'SXXe.A.rMaX.X’jHXAL, Ia UMlmnadUto o«l*ht>oihood gf lie Jobilog Hoo« the oeoki, PiilVSei, Merchenta’ ibebtopfie,^, Board par Day, Si 80, "*?! "**'•* f» *• KOaoPßAtt *n Ik* BQU of Jfcr*. uk'« PtiMMgart froi Btailok TO or CliUSb TO tat U«UI. IK7-fim BlUb ’ ,r * nch ’ QnrxnM ,n 6 !*p»nUh tpokeu iMobt*, ttangra, Cttaica, «c. “*• Ki». YOUNG BBOTHBBB, Duquesne foundry, Liberty «t., near Outer Depot pi : K.&, PITTBBDRQU, Pg. SMSKJKfflmft hot BLkST ul BOLL* 522rt"l!£. *“ OASTIN ®B. or ».r, n ?lt. Pl ri I t,„ EO J. L *‘‘ WMBWI. mi FBONTB. I*aAtl BABfl, WAGON BflTlil BAD >Nn fwi UWUU A,lD <| iu **WM>NM 1 8tOPOOOB .****> 8«* klwkje do hood tod tot ulo low. Jg£*?Jff ,ltn . W : W. YOOBQ, corner of Wood fFj* Maotoad alby, will receive prompt atieo _ mh» B**‘* ITOVBVOKII A. B RA D I, hi y Menafecterea every variety of UOOK, PARLOR AMD RKATIMG STOVES, SKATE KBONTg, FBNJDKHH dco. Aeo. Aco. Sola Proprietor of the celebrated FATtNT 2KES3SBSM" BoNaif Office and Sales Room, No, Wood Btreet, PITTtmUKGIt PA. ALLsnr, mccormick * co.~ vA. l. K y iro UK DRY. PITTSBDEan, PA. Wiirevhouete, No. 03 St. Clair at. ATANUFACTORERS OF COOK JU.PAEW4 ullUina BTOVMB, Pee lor and Milchen gratae. Hollow Ware, atcjlttaal ***•“ * oli,B r KW Oaellngn, MlUQeariag Qaa. Water and ArtJaan Pipe, Bad IroJS/Dnf InSE WknSS Boxen, tlegar Kattlea, PBUejeTiillngeLCarWklSi ■*!? “ order. Patented Portable Btoam or Horae Power. nollMind fftUplcum tc CaitoiT^iiE. PETRONA OIL WORKS MILLER * CO. ** Eh,r P' bc '« ttatlon illegbeo, Valle, rMUMi"*™ 33 »*<«« «•*««. n of ILLUMINATING ANDLUBRI. Cltlsfl OAlftiON OIIA AND BUZOII ETpT««iv l i ll f ,lK,SU i. OIL ' W^aRAS * JSD MUM EXPLOBIVR, elwayeoo hand. ocl^lyd CiIKMI*LAAT£It Ulli CUMt'ANV. &> H< DATlBi'PmUftt. VOUNIBWIN, Jr., Btenurj ud TiMonr. OiU0To«»-tt. H. D*rta, T. H. Nerlo, J. l. o*n a. OoMron, John Irwin, Jr. - PETROLEUM ““• ««Ua of u>. coams. udteutT^ lD onbma OOo* *t T. H. N«tlq * Ox'a, gyjqyii Ip. 16 Wood »U, PUutm^h. jgAGLE OIL WUKI WIOIITfIAI * AIDCKIOI, RINSIRB AMP MAUU in Puilß CARBON OIL, (QwUlyfloMMlwd,) PITTSBURQU, PA. and BeoaotooooaUnU? on band. AoSl 2£l"M C V th ? pf '* ~,lal CBABB, BMYTU • 00*8. yataraad Tint atraau. w&dta Lubricating Oil, ATlireLOW ffelCE 0F25 CENTS po tool tolly on hand tod for «tW .. Vf ’ k.'o. il. H.IAWTUL As la tk* qwlKy, w» rate to uaaud eaatifeate . - . , „ Bmaauaaa, Wot. 27,1M0. •srst?- a * J, .. a * 8 * w,ttja °* u “ Th * inDiv». U»*yl» m (aula* from Joo *• led to totba batt So r our pujwaaa wa |jan aver naad. TuL 8.M.E.8.8.00, Bj Wn.Sarr.lWt. £ CROII Title £y, j£. UIDOOinR 10 PUBOHASaBd. A nj*ek of 'koto Tnuof abet*! rtloi looboue froa, »lth miy poaUU eat uk.n to to #TiO7 Totoiy faroo to a«ao. Of Applo oloao nto lft^OO-(0,000 ,t .hick •** *bru far oU*, 10.000 four yaor old Paf.lo,ooo too lothno Jar old. path, Warn, ('...8n, Wflfll. — lt f!!y W ‘ f ~ Tlll ’ ’™“ ln «>• oomrj. 0.1 l u | BViaaBUSB from 1 (O 9 tot, by tb. boodnd. 18,K3 »H«OBB«S yl OUUnd Homrto, PUIo bof ' fc - P> - »lfcd(wT JOHN MUgpooU.J,, T>bmovai.._the pkkin tea JLfc won* tu ln> nmorad Boa No. SO mtk WO. -SO a*. OX.AIK ST., ' ftor Doan Boa tibaty a. . ipsti aJBVBKAwUi; ’ 3* bo. •OoWATmhst. pittbbumu Memtoctver ;<* JUilLlft Rivers. wrought SPIKM. MlSollJo fo %“£ OVIpUOD. , etfttottUr.tfMdorabmiiw] BPIBUABD RIVRTB. jAnfeor CBiU, IBM* to order el ehnrt ootke mmihol toitoiMf oa bend. arHei IW'OTIUK.—The Wereboana lately qcoq* A* pWbroelieriog bent deetmnd by An «• GwaaoadaNaaaa bibibtt •wtoooßtato loutloo. , Btmnu)«£L W M?3l ,l “*. V 1!!" k>l of bacon JUivi nSr" 1 Vp®„*oA H.m dlract Iron tho *atk«llona, (lUamU boptaadto Motn.lo aoa. atfctf fcH.B. UAYg. 00. pUOTOQRAPirALBCMB. Foftrajli of Ol.tlLcal.bc't Mis N AN 1) Wom B N. Jut mind oUry. and basUfal oaortaonlof PUOTOQBAPB AtBOMB* OABD PBOTOOBA^DB 001 >AYI«. 0» Wood .Ira. ■ XpBESN OROUBU tHJKN MSAL JL Jut neojnd..oprtao 'ortloi. of oltod Com ■•el, pat ap la SdfaimP-beer or far eele b* »h* baebel,et tbe lAmlJjcEoeESL7of ' lb * ia WBN A. RARBHAW, 0019 eor. liberty end Bead etmte. BKLTINU IBBLIIKO 1 l_l ndU W k»Oß|Xto>ki>rßolUtoof Mitocolao, Uu lit ouirotrod. urn . j. a ii pfflLUpa. n BDUB bbld. Oil (JteoE toisftr ,raltoU * ** JM ‘ ,m,ni Wood at. f|'OBAOOO— - = A ia boauappruad bnnda Vlrglob Toluca, . 00 top No. 1 BUI. to * do (Obbbl.ClltudSiy do for ..I. by ooM JOBS PbOTP A 00. BUV&W IIEAT FLOUR—In 25 pound auto, la Mon ud At too by ■ : t.BTOMTAOa 13EANB—jiSObajp White Beam for sals aj bf op aaMBT g.ooi.Lnia. pEARLASb-ASSOaukaNo. 1 recoiled JT tod feral.by ■■ ■ BaaaT B.OOLUNII. . |V; -^■ l - ry- ■-_ , _ , •.,; _ . SBa bathino i* HILAI) EL Pill a. Ji'Uli SifiA UaTIUMG-, Atlantic City. A~., \ J ' l tir o «»d * ball bvv.ra ilt‘~ trom Phils! . SSU , “^ wctet L *** u,b " JU bathing. sailing am fishis** faciilUea *«, Ufr ■o* peased. • > Us Hotel* sail Boarding Hcnar*. whk J «in .oujui »boqt rovru Thousand |*raono, ; an? -t «*«.!( e P* *■ *ho#e f Saratoga aud Newport | It* Beach U aloe mibwin Irngih, «ff&dUnv . a,*, uifltunt drive, whl e tba ■ mospbor* w the vimc*- u re OiMkabt* fof tc* dryoeee PMhTiJf kV* tw,w ,u,l > *•« »UU Iron, IhlleWpble, and a lehigrapb t-Atec-is tfc? length of tlw. r(s»J, v V rr *!fr 1 vttb9 y»»dcp aaa Aiumc., lUtln-ui tßAt< Vine dlftet Wharf, Philadelphia, a. 7U 4 «,..i 4-» *• Te Atlantic si 0:16 A.M. and 4:4ft p h 111. U 2fV* t * miles. Fare si,w. DU HcBIBHIN’g (United HUtta) HOTEL 1.11.1 faoneoe bow open, jeltoa, To Farmers ana Others, FuR SALE, Oiuwitl'd eUPKUlillt PATOI GRAIN FAN. AND SEPARATOR. '•ATKNTKK lANUA&Y 10, I*oo. S'HK SUPERIOIUTV OF TiHS FAN over sll others in oa« oohsletrln |U cbeanncM. ptldty end curability. BcoonJ.ln cleaning Grain naur t hotter «a 1 more thoroughly, with |<»* utop ?“ei? 7 .“ U ‘» mllu Th ” l’*‘»i't~, ol the ahore be nee Bean loug ensagsd In mannlaciurlng hod lelMng Agrtcuttoral Implement., eonrlnned or tlio great want S 00 1? 7w tor rleaulng the dider.lit kind, ol Urate s?™!?“’*’''*"“* U,1,, “ Ilia poblle wllk 101 l oonlf Uiat II will loom their wenU. ll,,1 “ll pnrohaeod tho eol. rigid to maaoleelnro .0,1 nil the a one. Uraln Pan and UnH r? t 2iniS” t 'I n Weeteru Vlrglnlt an. nil Ohio, nud tho right to evil In Indiana end III? r«dsL U .Ul^O >^t P '^^ , 10 0 11 < " jBr *' wbolteele o, retsJt, stSlB Liberty alreet, PitUhoreb. Pa eeajMiwtrp w. w. whuoi. jJAvis * miLuipo, — _ Bran Fonnderi aid Oanuruetnreri, nVMBBRi, OAS ANO STEAM UTI'TKKS ManuPiOT'ißimi and Mai.'iKe (N GAS FIXTURES, Pnmps & Brass Work ot vvbkt DhKoaimon. OIX, WiILL *>-CT*4i»s. 0, m r .'!!L Copp ? r „ o r Iron - * llll **>« ““«* approeed sssajan*" *" “■* •“ m MAHUPiOTOttT, _Jf** tytfftf PITTSHUHGU. J auason a townsend, rons FACEBKS DKAIIEBB IN PKOVIBIONS, A.SS Fotirth street. Sstsoo band ados aseortment ol Baam, LarJ and fork, most o| which Is of their own Core. BUUAROU&U) AUd, ol Otoctuiistl and other com. PLAIN HaHB, with sod wlthoot canvas SBOULLBRB 8I0IB; Hutoked and in dry aalt. MKSB PURR, Heavy. V*if I'Ws.arklos aaditiella. p Q l q , .i -aR»Wn of Ujelr own rendering qttnAhß. enUsble tor railing mm pnrpssee. ~iql VAhilABUb irProVkarnt In Btna and Atmoißhcrlo Bammanu LETTERS PATENT woro granted on i B *****! l8fl0 » Tbomi* BmOi, for a *ud efficient Improtetneßt Id Btaam as/V! BMapberte Ilamiaen, vbtrebj Uh> fall atrokaol th» b f “? ,a * r 11 obtained, uo maitvr ehal u. th» tbfckueae d aad T.O. „ 7 VAN GdttbKK, wo. m «.» n< i .*Ji L OIL.— 600 BBLfl. FBOM VOKK WRLr, For nie by °cH JAHR9 VALZBLL A 6QW.W Wefr t j. No. MOL A SBES—2SO bbfc. jocM •by tU«o*r Kr. lonU, in ctoro tad hr tm Ud DONALDA ABBUOKLfcJ-L * '* Wo. 2M Utxrlj OVJSKING'y •STKAM - bbl«. J.g. ;«ut racWT«MT«B»tTAu.u'hS oegg eonwr Liberty md n«od »uU^ To ABBIVJt;ON UOffSIGfJMKNtT JL 91 t>bU (Irtobcrrie*; lto bbla Orem Appt«>; 10 bblf favtet Older, oeH L H. VQIQT A 00. AIMS. KimUKU UjUmilNU Of *TS >!>!■ on bud at tho (unit Rnbtwr Uonot - '■M-noww," M and S 8 fit. Oinfr BtroVt. X>£UfIVJEX> THIS I)Ai^Toobbin. 0»19 L. n. v.iiqt a co. UKAIiL JIOMLNt joat IeoSSSTSd X lor«ftto»tibofaallrQroovryetortbf JOUM PKnbitaw _oc2B Corner of Liberty tnd Uauditreiu - ■ a5SMJfsa& JP ftidi-tfc* LSru “ Artiiy ItAUUAtiE ‘JiSiaic'c Vtfct, I *»!?£? 1 lgh.h. or»n Inch think, fattened .lib one. eudfcllieoi the beet white bek. I,„ h orn d?Mto iwo'.ntoftri? b,, t * *" lll '*adlna Udchplu Ka “J “f"• 1”» l I- r Indue wide, ol No. g bind Iron, end two driving tande-nntelde beiu one end e one?! •nw-aomk-toe-.-tooee ihlck, Inelde oeuuLne Intb bjl tbrot>eik|een-he lu ihtciuceef the bind wbeele to twined, end botcdoolbatlbe, will nieeenre ton iod e“h?lf tora” “'“w !"** lb" ot tbo-buxeU Inebee, end tot ithtoleeii, end ooe «l. hlb lucbiw In eparallel Hue, end ouch agio to bo ihmioin ?toid *r“!i U ?'”' *0“ ““h'* ,r,, “ lb«™t.ld. „robe to .be ounce ol tboolber, .onto «btro o??l! l,0 “b* il . t 0 '" ek “« loft too cehtro to StoiliS delotrote to bo mode of the heet in.m, rellued Aisetlceb Irob, two and a ball »“? u-toleb.be 01 en Inch thfcr“;f,h."““ L“ h * u * *» ud “» «l«k foot end tott * ‘ acbt)i fuUntsi autwtaouaij. to H*? 1 ulotraa with clips on Urn ooai »<.h »|>k h.-l! B rf 811 *^, e t** Ifum 1,10 »hWI», lad ftoteced to the bwDnda and tolator, (the bulttor to te (our ir«t incbea long. Ore tociUt *!«!*, ecd lEraraSh.£ U«*p,J with four lulMnch bolto. t * #U .„?h b i _y° ,U !. bOU “ ‘“l "IgM lin be long -on. lochs* wide ud Ibrwluetaei Uiiclt at tn<»t “• ‘‘““.“.“h*' *“ j l*° ond e querur tocb« b, *wo acd thioe-quarur tueboa uttpaiiho iiuatutnf •ud ao hruogod mto hit up, .ill/from owl oi n £ haog within two tester tua groanj whop the wesoa to • trading elrwt on a fore! mi< me*. gOD The front boutm* to be a:xf.et two tocL-M three InchM thick, aod toor Idchea wui«o»«rS Ju«! rad to retain met width tolhe J*w* °l thwhoenda Outi toot iimi.w. ir> * th.w Ibthe. et Ibe^obKid. «J? “tfflTS e'n°l°n!b H*?k “, b V !5 C, “* wte •>» thiea alnhtbe 0! SQ loch thick, faatoned Oil top of the hoututo over to* ;«« *"d ol u.rtob,n. aI Lb one b !d 01 *«»» o r the Hint aise tiuo^ l«»t "iL2S e “ done * oa * bi >* ‘«ch«a to clamp the I 1 . B ?* U '* tsli)ep l *nd toateoHi « u tua nnder w d |t’ rtliS K° ut l D f ° r half inch a* r«w I ™* h Vlkch boend, a HTinelgtub loch holt thtooga toogueaod bonuda in the ceifui ol jaw^to huDbda amh* ir!,« arr£Sr?“ ; a ooltlbeacb audio l5e“o 11?? [T . * J,h toe tongue, and hrar and lhrt»qna.°" huh?. ?? totiijbd lour and a luhJnuTl £ The hind hoonda tour feettwo Incbea lona t» . luchea thick, and tfr?a iSh.t l?f d ■PB Ln?;z^ffn?rd^,r,V“br.te:?uT, end! dfac/r u t!? “‘ r *°‘9o«ter ioch M wide at. back mcbi a, king bolt ono aod a qoarlw Inc??. d 2 •=:s:rSS •I?J£ *or.^“b c » Kssas;^*-« au«ra |U| tob b. B .lber, Imo nl.I. o??l“? !?i?b. uuoqoai|..r dlau .neb Ch Ibn alidloa har?daUabid ?t isisiisi no Uio wnea Ul Urn , ol.tor, with a bill l„ !!.n ol *O. to’baud X,*o taruiutbca two,, two aud a.qoarter luch“ wblatiL I UHt 1111 l IQQUM lucli tliirk a , ”* *“J*lbWu I book to tha tb bl§~s»s:si s!S3s“ s s~iS sw-wStSSSSiSa 8 mm BLwL.wL OI *l°-'*® i*hd lion on tail SsS^sPw-HSS I *??/***. *>or; one riret throaah I ?/, I *^**’^BitelgbUuor ian inch boanie thitT of *n inch white pioe^t^l^baud three qoartemol an loch thlck,of white Dlwl. well oleated with five oak cleaU titTuh thrMigh tho.talt board; an iron plats three foot «jaht lochea long, two and equat tar i£kns algbtheol an inchlhleiontt.“Sr “diS?h^S t>le.e. to extend from the hind cod ol the tod* to «i<>K t “**?• * B J»**» 01 «» Uod bcr.tert. to be the rod at the end ol the bod* b* the i-*nZrrr! a olSlbCb oi. . Owl pu<« and plata nodar It, wIU. aSd baK i! ? a ? Hat nnd gjrow at tea bottom, to bo at the too , iblT/‘ai? lE . J” 1 * '““on* Ml board, and'on Urn twiiom ten lot baa iron, the bind rwl 7™ oiamp tan Incbea wide, one naarier ot „ inch ing eruoud the bed pU... tbe o?ntout. n, S u? b .‘£ k luck nb.ln I. «iiui7LS, U.™ib U. « Sto»? eef en laonee uu tbe In.jdTor the bod J, tbe esSto' •udl bottom to ba. aoclired b, bio ib.SSLh?K fIS ilu,*.| U 'l^. ,h 0 '» r « Ib. inS mb. ?n??.. £?.. U ". b " 1 ™“o |O *W tide. Tin. lock cbeina aecured to tha ceetio bolt n < ,i»l »i!» *• end eleven lochea, tHo (mE*LT t!Sfoh°/*l^ r | U,r< r’ l ai “ b4Ol *“ u,ctl round ‘tonjfih! tiM U . Bl ri to * tt - nr ,lx Ihchse long from out to oot. the tMtiuin and end* or oak, tbe klJea of ieifow r i«7 to bed,be Inebee bide.l ti.tnnTto,, toc'S *?“«'«• k "d • ball Inebee d»“dUnth. clejr, well Heed, with e buidot hoop Iron enmtid the ~cb end ud threabei.ranthe .odin Übl !. ,f ?“ to to.ton Ibem ob tbe to be etteched to to}-.-'*! 1 «• too bod,, aacured b, a atepta with a Id?* tS , o*. 1 “i! b “ ff ‘bo Irongn: Blibbwaol good ••b, two Innhee wldo aud oun-balt loch thick, wlib tbiao alaplca to coudoo .tbe rldgo lxiln to placi two eteplao on tho bn ~lo worn iacb nno Eft?; bow.; one ildge pole iwo.yc Teel long, one end three, quertere Inebee wldo b, dm eight, ul aulochlblck tbe cover to be of Ibo Brat queltt, eutloti dock Itu —. dlrnen bet ton* eqd nine bat right inebee wide, mode lb the beet meaner, with four hemp corda on eicb dda, enn one through etch end to cltee it et botb endw *wo triage an eeeb end ul tbe bod,, tieloee and tecurn toe end. or tbe cover; eleple in tbe lower rell.mur toe aetwnd etod from etebead, loie.ian Ibealde.crdZ Ike onuldo ot tbe bod, end l.od troogb lo hare to? f 1 ? 1 * "“tool whiteloed,adored tua bine tint, Uie In. elde of them to have two cnata ol vonetlun roJna'„r! tbe running gtor and wbeele to have two tnoaSu ol Venetian led darkened ol achncolate color tbjhib anddjtu to bww.il Pitcb,d,ln.tcwt c f p^»|‘ 1 " k ; A tor pot, aaeilra king boll, and twbagtraaln.le. traeauUlarnlebad with each wagoa, Urn Mog bdt *" ’J&foeZX lettered U. d ; the cover, fewT t?k bolia?ll.?hni n w ffi&Sssts £-SSS*'SI!SaSWK lion to he of On b—t faiUty; MllfekVkM (teroaghl/ fitoPosAts.:,,,! lemoned, and Inc mil In tnUMnMf'cic cnicilln lie lent wctktnnnlilc nan«r i llic work map In In.pedoj Irourtimi.' to Urns na u Ho*i«« b, an offl.eer ot agent „t tb. • i « L»i pertinent, end ovtie ut itifanu be f,,,7T,r,-THo it .Util ban been In-peeled and ncec or.,„„t ombMtned to iulpectit. when pain ted ut neoepted bj.eo oßjer tillmmtotS: tinailerinuter’aLKjpaitment, mil dellfetedu •H'eeJ.thcj .hell bo paid toe. , U.D .MMOil" Qnarleftnaatcc be petal u.'s. • LHWrutiALa iOK-juuak wAuOS • X AJSD AMtCLANUB lUEft*3S. Oincs or akkt utonus« a»d Katrina*, t toner ILzteania*dMcncriSrteU t * l t will borcrdndiubto°,SsfertardL». Ii k. t»j contract, jt non Wagon I) fniw -.r > umu Ik* jjrupo-U *noQia elate the price it Which the* c*n be farniah«]i e(i the pU«*« of manaJactare end the pi kt at which they can U delltaied >at thb d* pot, theonmher which can bo made bv 'ibe bidder wtuta oae month after receipt of ibeordtT; alto the number which becaodeJlver within one v«*fc. lhe haineea um*t eiacUjr conform to the ©llowinr ipeelflcatlotn and fcs the eatabttahed patterna: ' - 8 ' Ji-orniale harnetf at (olloWi, to wi£ _ WHEEL; * Two Qnilort—Breech eUape 3 feet 6 inches long, iU acu«» wldo.acwcdintoi* Inchilogeof Xioohtrco; I T I 11 2 K Indue wMa, et»; £SS?“ fi,vo *. 2 >fi lothee wide, with IK loch SwttoSiVJclf I ?**.. 0 b « ekto ‘ , *o*o atay piecca, ft "Xg^.T. 15 iTXb " T 7nrhti t »vi‘ l,Ja ',w. LoDB " ldw l *o6wt 3 iocLna loaff, 3 ssirits Tr,°*s equate, atapleeand linering*. ,agß iuch '“'■iwew, IMB •!£* d “ i “ I ’ t " * r “* OiKllM toDftV Two llrWlr.. Ctowo pktco 11 loot long, lw itch wide: lu “"=*■“ l}4 inch uadi fcuS iroui blind* tocrown pwc«e,lbiacbee wirfoj ooee piece 11 o loch,, loot, 6* 10ci,.. wl^ !?it' 1 khorl,l,k ****hmg, 1 inchtS tefif^^s-agsass-s;^. »««.» - 1 “f •-*« -*• * u «. . sssfiaSs oche. wide, with > loch huekluohoodXd 5* bofolou.au, th. «&,. hW curved vtrupu 1)4 loch wldrc lhoi .fr.nl £S?WWttSs^SfaBSS ,Mh “ - T Tk«ts£l SST “?"*• “• “““ melerlm u far T •*«» ««i» Two bridles, eemeee tor *L„.J harness TVo wbeslhsrnesto Too Pair Qbaia ripca, -« 7 Two Pair Trace Olulue, «« „ s ®^iswS s ¥itt± •gKss^-j^&SS SZISZSStStoiXSF'- b, ~ '““••■ • ®JssWS3sasi*sft^isa ™“. Ironnl -II«•* ■in.ie*4Dd lioe *J*locheqoM«; 'r- 1 *s s,r “ sr,xt.'ir3»M .rSH 1 ' ftssßttrsriaSfSaS^ 2 loot loag, 1 loch Jf de4,Lo,f * w ® T Z£- U *"* a »»«cb4Sg, ax tnrhj, “ »•»«. i weight BBwptr pair bl » wiu » *oo ooe end, j yxzssi «-*««.» o™ * , “* p ' •*<“•; rt "“ ,d m unseat™, uK J. SFXT 1 hair wide;anrcioKle 7 lost nto^hei^* 16 * innfi Inched wllh . b£?h k«*. a&tache. the saddle bj bei^r|,^^?£‘?i‘£“‘“‘““•d *° Inch wid^ otihtnddUtM* _**" **• P l *c®aomoq Mcbiid« behind the cMt!l“ii^Jh , i^ ,< ? ,l “ 01 *“• *» r,e paium, b> wms’is|Jl^. i ™; 0 u bou Two Bridl— .MBBB MM tar »fc-J t. - T hSLS ■• to lWoß«imraps hadClulii*,.ton, SSTth., rwo Pair TmcS OWtCSL^Se'iSiJ^V TwoCrwppertong hMojw. Uporiog iron gig *** «*«•* toog, Birtp#wJtbba«£ii?Ss!s J° J 0 wide. Hip i DC Kide.wi!kwSffih2 ) ir B ißehw *° B tiH Ss SSiiStaJ J SsisSffA's *k idd—idn Into.the Hu • ,oa * 1 H»o«h Wide, to bookie baefele tot. the blt.t Ai i f“s;,fe toC b; wkto ' “ oi«src»sS tong. “ ' P l “'« tune blde,eieM d Uiehee -* - •«»«.. -3e,'ir,«hS •b""' 21 Indw ■toa, coopered. mwtoaf 1 lock Th • w hole to lr © *" m *T u b>heh»d. JShVSft^jf*. ln*peclk« -1”V 1 ” *?*&•**& to wfaea flubbed, * • P rool « ol taenoUctore end alio til'd toL“““ l»*d eolUre, ““•ntitocriSSf belly Unde,clula pipes, ,tn S m ' b * k iWTHIe Sd lo«i, li ItoJtotoLbe bfc * ria « «beln t lest ~»/Ud^Ssr,2;sS'j' 0 , bemSd’^lto^"^ 1 “*"■« *» tree, cenpper dhd’h'tn eni^T !3affißSitw.r*S®;a ««hend.toSd.dinnd SrttloUa fiTh?/ * °" !r*uSr^“* cuit ‘ uoo o' “n^h^ *‘" t - »»■ •SiSSSETJ?"**^- *"““ CoiM uXtriTifut. * -* P**^ 10 *^ 1 * that Buy b* *jA n b olM „'22SL!? r j»'222«/™» ' Major D.tt. VINTON. Quartern H.Artej. • 500 PRIME N. 0. MOt>AS -1U hhda, Mir mod, f.Jr Unr ttOUgtMaOofl#*. M l*u Po»m,iT.nl, g, re ,- h, jS‘ ’ ,B!lRlv£r A DILWOETO, 1W B*cood • j CUNDMto- O 7S toll, thole, arena gppi«, “bpfita.WUrt, * tela, fttoh Jkggß, ■ 3 do .pickedßaiter, r0.t0.^,0,, oniPiamp^^ . i- WMbirimiHL TT-BNTOCKY FU)OK._4SO tam>l« WhlM VkMt Inlll IW Is S™! (jar i’euwjWMiii luilwlvSiSlS? “* *ABEP?kY« M W °lr l L!b««y *tf(nt,Dety hMrf ot Wail. ■- ******S±im,„ ■ utuiittikoi AXtt’t»iQgiCTM^i ) rtiWimvA, MUi mu Ouuimmi &ert lim. aRiTCI It AftiYtS It |nlin H f - MO p m 8:0 p m Jtfo « a Tha note te ahorlar to ClodmatL aarila a*. £J2 p a sm» “ -«#.*£. U)‘(“- £a ;; 5-H p o. » M P OJ CU, ' r “ R«bt.Sa& w.iUMia.' 101 * “*“ “ uk, “ M oiatlna Uu n sr. Kou 4 twr.«. Sift* 5* IlwlilOp. n. tnl a cuunecta it iuiiA fm »' PhlUJ.lphU.jri .Utlon. on Uu riMKßsm Wing to go to ItoXuK *SS' Ohio, jo, of poluu (Put, .In OUwUtul,i!iJt bSSi llo.Uru,utfar TlckoUri.ote.ri.ad7 "* hop... c™""*.** U.. hl*„ Porlnrthu M f. wl **u*M»rj«rAflr.A«aL I *********** ** r. ft. MYMHfl.Grwral Tktut A*ent, omoluul.Ofalo 3. ‘.'ANTRAL RAILROAD. 4Ht9898 HOST DAILY TftAiFa' ' -SfSiKKSE sa^Ejassss alr«tcoi.BK:u™u UirttoLirototlSSJJSjl suasl; Ba.tlmo.a,*BO»rrtvtiixuiRa * fcorA . Aocomuio j*tlou TnUo tor K*«n»« U.T.,*.», («™pi Scat,,) ™a d i,. £‘ ,, ‘ tt “ to * Sf^SSSKSE "•l*. futtoa iKßSKVltV'tftg® ffAjfrßUUoa AoaoamodAUoa.eoii> «. *■* t ' * rBT^ sSSsS^^saSs uJuSJiViu tl S i “ °° *“ y oth,r «“>». T&« iotSb “ jSggSEfiSSfe: SSaSß^s^3 '=ifpS3sS«» SSfiSy. “ - „ . ... ... ynK Tmpok'iaw r.— au wr-PTr^—— JL *>"• poichaijag Ucktto lor KORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD £3ESB&*« *&-- No. C 5 fourth titrent. CUASTMSID m ial . nPKN DAILY FROM 9 T 0 2 O' o*oLOCK, ■**,■ on w»)Sd.V --V.* Y• "•® l 'ffM*'**** arrtW »orSSrij£fr2??2 Iniar<*t,ifi»» dnwnoqLii ptaad «*. a«pe«liar mprindp^i2d iSStt. ijL22“2 fromthaWrrt *«y«*Jffnt IWm.lia, twfc *.» ye*rwuh«Qt troabUojtS'diSSSr^^f '^SSS&PsI I eruUiM-BMOaai Amu*? SSSZSSZ liMSfeaw. hgggSK..-. sstt^- 4tow.oi.oma, jSStoSSS'- : «S»® JctsaSa!*. uatatw.it, ™SSr«, jSSidi h S2' l » > SStLSiSf"' "“SgtelSK*, IV-Mw-OOdJUja ZiotTOM, coNj>ttusa-Z . Ul5O libdi. £f. o.Bonr. 80bib, H4Mdtaar: JJJH Pocket J.wSbmi ‘S^tSS. 7I^1 * “IJ 0 " Blee» Tta. KboxiiSSaS,, *> *° *> "" S k flwowi&mn; 2* * (Haul do g » JSS 4O^ 1 " 1 ta4£tt£KSK fc, "-*-«»««>: J2S“_ MW.IA.XM* ««, |> UTTER-' “Olta-wHSf* ’ MbM.Chl>MBtS, — "°- »twL» »“ *> jKd. : £ • .* k, £.„.*><«■ 1o ' BBoa. ON WNSIONMIeNT. taipfawOfeUtyUrt. . ■■4gMas— awjg-.^ :ra lWqedo' .' io- - IIKWMI UOBN . ■D MfwfarMM. oJ Oklo «n 5 far*£?2! ° f * — —®*5*X a. ooLURa. - UTTLI * TMMJIIV. 112 »KKm rttit o,cu, w *~- • • Jr * ®- raiiupg. "* . 'AHnatdffls i 00.