The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 07, 1861, Image 3

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UrrxonoLooicAL Observations for the Go-
J toUp by G. &• Shaw, itpiieiso, 68 Filth etreel
j some teddaily t
1 ‘ »o'olcok. i.»,
I* « -
”* r.«.
i- BtnatUt ...
City laprurant, •
W« coog[atulate our neighbor, in Allegbeey
i Ciiyoe the flattering prospect which jhey now
; hire of their long tqiksd-ofted much needed
i P»l>>in baildinge. Wo bare examined the
| plane : 0.1 .She proposed bui'tiirga—now in th.
: ~k»nde gf the Architect.—and feel Ihel the cit.
i tltnu WI H award rto Conocils'tbo credit of
j planotd ao to. turniib building.
affording eligible and commodioua room. for
: all the city office., together with a Market
; Honae lor eclipsing our' own in eiternal.ap
pearance ae well a. Jolemal arrangement., at
..remarkably moderate eatimated coat.
! The planpropcead for the ■•wajaand meant”
. .•emt io. aa feaaible~i Irom the report ol the
•fecit] committee, made toJCouacile at a re*
-; ®“" 1 niaatlaffi we learn* that it waa recoral
j mended to Connctle to eel apart the rerenua
| arieing from rente of market alalia, dating from
U j*»niry let, 1861, together wiih to ctfaivileot
j" ,5r •fc* ,an > now paid by the city lor office
T. f“t*i.lo meet the paymenla for the naw build.
| •.tnffa-J'Taking a rerymodertte eatimatn of the
j income, qn account of the inefeaaed accommo
d.itlonti fur'niihed Jo butcher, and prodnee
-Battare, lhe reeecne will pay for the improro
metita In from three to fire yeara from thn com
[i mencement of tha arork. By thta meani, thn
: «i*7 i* enabled to erect her hnildioge without
1 leereaeing her public debt a dollar, end at the
! tint* increue herfereuue from matketa
I Irom abont four thoaaind dollar., the preeeet
| rarenue, to about ten or twelae thouatnd dol
! litre, thb eatimated rerenne from*lhe new
r - KerkauHoovv.
.[ Wo aioeerely rejoice it ihe project of the
j con lea pit tod improvement*, tnd tnut tbti
i BOa * of ibe-bilberto caatonury differencri
I “J opinion imoDgvt conpctlmen m»r now ia
! t«rr«08 to d*iesl to improvement §o deii*
| rtbloj tod to ea«y of tccoraplUTiment. W*
i thtU btve more to tty on tbe inbject tjtiD.
j Odr preie&t object It todirect the attention of
! contractor! to tha idvertiaaaant, in another
colomo, asking for propotiU. v
' B ” rU,dUnß 'i? s.“j*rK:y.b A
Some facta have recently come toonr kaowl
I edge, «ij« the Wht.hng InUiUgenctr, in fi
liation lo the administration of the Quarter
i ““‘V'* department, enderCapi, Craig. which
; * Wlure to speak ol would be a ‘palpable
j neglect of what we conceive to be Our duty
; as public .journalists, and aa friends ol tbe
Government. Quartermaster Craig was re
! ceatly-sapers eded at this point by Captain
-j Powney, wbb.bce recently arrived here and
. eianmed tbe antiM ol the poet. According
to army rrgalationa, it is the dnty of Cap*
1 Craif 10 lore over all bis contracts, ae
i . codme, moneys,.ks., tp his ißeceaiorr Tbia
i be bas net d- ne, bat coounned, through his
/[agent, to fit! eootracta dor bay, oats, fce.
just as if ibererwas no tack, mao as Capttin
Downey. One of these contracts (or bay
and oats, .ja with Oliver Pryor, ol this
city, who » known to be m Secessionist.
By toe terjnr of this cud tract, we are informed.
. Q*pt. Jrtf gla to pay Pryor fib per ton for hay
r ; nod 83 cents per bathe! for oats. 1 here are
plenty of good Union men in thU vicinity who
1 wilt farnUb oata at *5 cents per baibel sod bsj
at fill per ton end lew, Xo one lot of hsy n>-
r •« *•}*"*•* was difficnlt to
, « , ‘ l ' **•«•** was shipping bslod Umothy or
1. : op®»**chbaadieofhny, welgb
«b— 1 J B * from-300 .to -310 pounds, there are a trips of
y_ onk woed or staves, weighing i>pt>a an average
seven pconda aodvtwo ooooea eaoh—in aU oyer
Wty.two pounds. At this rate there would be
385 poands of pretty good cord wood to a ton
of b*7,fcr which Uncle Sam pays <l5 p er ton.
Sleh Soldiers In Wcittrn Virginia—A
V- UaiplUl.atWhecltaig.
j --i*] The large number ofeick and disabled sol-
I jdUraia Western Virginia, has induced the
- l General Government to order tbe erection of
'ja editable hospital at Wbeeiiog. To show
1 K ;tb*te- general.boapital ia needed, u it only
mate, that of fourteen regiaienie
. on the Kanawha river, and its tributaries,
• there ia a atek list ol 2C83, of whom 1381 are
in port or generaf- hospitals u Cincinnati,
!&4l}ipolie and Charleston; 336 in regimental
liaßpiufa, where few comforts can be obtained,
and 376 trestect in ten is—mostly slignt caves.
There are-now. in Western Virginia over
iweoty.Cre houaea, of more or leva ta’ue, oe
" ciRiH u hoipiuia, aod the erection ofa suit
able building at’Wheeling re urged upon the
; scare of economy, aa well aa to afford better
accommodations ana speedier means of re
covery to thbae who are sick.
General Rojeerans has given tu order and
\ the necessary instructions (of tba eatahttsb
mentol a general boapital et Wheeling, and
rt is hoped that his instructions will be fully
and faithfully carried out,'aod that no
f‘gouging» miy-bc^pannitted.
• 1 : on th« Firmtc#.
i On Monday, Capt. Ferry aod Lieau Harvey,
‘of the pirate ship Petrel, were brought before
; Jadgn Grier /or trial, at Philadelphia. Tbe
coesaei for. tbe defendant* tirged a conliau
; usceon ih*-ground that they were not pre
pared for trial. Judge Griersiid he coold sot
Qoderataod why tbe rcgu'tr Court basinets
ifaato be interrupted aay farther with the trial*
of theae men. _Jv did Man to him that aa thin
rebellion bad assumed' ibe proportions' of a
elvil war, humanity would dictate that the
? n *« Should be treated like those
taken on land. Ue could eot undemand wby
iUaetewi captured on tea were to be banged,
wbilg other prieonera were held or discharged
aa pnrooera of war. He was tired oi it aod
:he did oo; think that be could give anymore
* ' of hia tine, which. was required _el#e
-where, to tbaaa tnaJa. 4<at the insurrection
be crushed, ea be trailed to God it would be
. apeeiHy, and then be would act to try the**
: r and other men lor ; treason, ha., at ute-ex*
feist of being deaigoated aa a. Jeffneaor a
erogga.- Tbe District Attorney gave notice
that ha wohld call tbe cite* for trial on Mon
- < 'day next..''
'• Bupitaa Court.
■' Wbdwbsdat, November 6-.preaenr, all tba
. Judges. .
' £^J° a " Aroairong County. Argued by
• Golden Jor Plaintiff in Error, and by Calboom
■ contra* . 3 "
• ‘is ® #IUr ~ of * b * •iqaestration of thr
North Western Railroad, Indiana. Non proa
' £fartba WaUaxaon rt. Tba Commonwealth •:
• -ind y William Walterson vs. the Same; Arm
f strong.- Argued by Golden for Plaintiff in
; Error, by. A. M. &rowo, contra.. ;.
Reynolds y*. McVey; Armstrong. Argued
- by FoUoa.for JPjuißtiff in Error; Cafboan, con
tra, not beard, end thereupon judgment «f.
j firmed. ' -/ •’ •;
Jobnaton’i Executors va. Nicb'olaon; Jfldi
aut. Argued by Stewart for Defendant io
l Error; Btnki knd Weir, eoatra', not heard.
White* va. Tba P«nnayinßia Railroad Oo;;
Cambria. Argued by White and Foster for
Plaintiff in Error, ted by fieott for Dafeodaat
v in Error;
District Court.
I: MowDAr, OcW €.—Before Judge Hampton.
■, The eiaeof Haimou West v*. Robert Ekin
and other*, before reported, .went to the jar*
!* in tbe afternoon. No verditt.
. Henry Potter re. Wm. StewarL Aclioiior
damage# eifeged to hare been done to plain*
t tiff, by the erection of a mill*dain ootbelaodt
*:•* -the defendant; by which the plaint ifiYfields
■ end aeadowwwer# oveiihwed. Oa trial.
T. H. Elliott,— Oar city reader* gen*
;; eualln and particularly iboae of Allegheny.
-<•1 will be pleated to learn th«t D/. T. H. Elliott
iae retarded from Venango county, and opened
• An oßce on Sopth Common, near Federal
,#tr*at a where he ha* resumed the practice of
, profetmoo. Or. Elliott i* a ihoronehlr
•*««•* P h 7*i«■**», With lofiflv experience a* a
medical praciitioner, .and hi* return will be
t haued with *au*r*ction by hiasaaerona friend*
ii and lb* jinblin generally.
** Cgmmom CAirt vf Common
v Fiete *»i eDflfed derinf ih« day iB hearmi
> xaaet on the Argemant lim. > *
meeharse mr Zamhirn Peltaraon.
Zaeshcaa Patterron, the Uit if the lmpHaon.
ed County Oommlaitonerr, war yeaterday dla.
charged from custody, by. Judge Mellon, of the
Coart of Common Pleea, upon application cf
btaeounan), Job# Barton, Erq. Thn affair waa
quietly maaaged, and wary few pereone were
aware of hie raleiae uotll he made hii appear*
anoe upon tha itroeta. We are hot informed ua
to tha otmrae puraued, bnt lt la hinted Ihet the
discharge was obtained under the Insolrent
lewa,end that Mr. Pattsraon la not duly releai*
ad ftom-Ma poaHnement, but also from the fine
of tl.OdO. tapoaed by th. Soprama Court, to
wii wb *“J w coata may barn been lo*
?oTEL~*. B ? W h ,* r<U J ,ut * “a* he,waa Sued
It £!« P ‘ 1,1 tatc.log io obey the mandate
j **•*• ordtriDg tbs levy ©f »
fhftSSfcm I **.* “i imprtjooed until tha. floe
P* ,d - Mwr». Moßlbenuy and Uraoff
pma their floes some mootbt ilnWnnd were
ibni rwtsrad to Uictr liberty, bat ft would seam
.(flat Ur. Paltarioo, fa csoaplng from the fioe.
hu beeo the more fo/tnoato of the three. HU
of effloa wiU arpira fa a-tew dsjvorfm
®a«ti«g of mi R.tuTc
—j o tt * I,th 10,t *> to oount the army
”1* “ ooonty return.
o'! ~ ’, h 'n auooe.aor, Mr.
lota U ° ’ 1b " *l u aii fls d eod iuduoied
menu, m aeann.
..00 42
00 64
e. d "i“*i d lhll lh » “Olioc for the dia*
Mr - r.ttaraon we. at Srat oppolM,
thhd^.T 0 or oth " all opposition waa
* PP "“* t|,m *« gtantod*
z* l * that tha oaae took thia tnm lor tha
reaaon that Inern neror waa any anthorliy in
taw for holding thn Commiaaionera in prison
tor n longer period than throe months t If this’
he so, it la n little ■ ogntar that the tint was out
dUeorared long ago.
Dutruc.lT> Fire etF.anklln-Meu Buiul
Oj Friday canning l.n, about aavcu o'clock,
aa ws laara irom a ratiabla aonrco, tba exiaa
■.'** oil refinery ol Mraara. Bootar & Co , Id.
cttnd at Franklin, Venango coonly, canghl
fira aad w.. totally deatroyerf. Tno refiner
and anpnriutendunt, Mr. Arnold, aria to abnck
ingly burnt that he died to a fair honra The
rtfioery waa ono ol tba lergrat in tba oil to
gion, aad in addition to the building and ma
chinery, a large amount of refined and crude
oil waa conaumed. The origin of tfie fi„ j,
unknown, and tho firat intimation which the
Clltiena had of it, w,a a ternfio eiploaion, re
aemnltng the report ot a cannon. Mr. Arnold
waa aeon running Horn the building, Immedi
ately after the eiploaion, completely enveloped
in fiimee, and he waa ao Inghl/ully irjared
last be coaid give do informaiioa euaccrDing
the casualty. The impression u that the g R p
etagbl Irom tbe furnace, while beotule w««
being draeu tff. Mr, Arnold* was a rMideot
«f Cincinnati, where he leaves a wirTnod
The destruction of the work* waa very rapu j
«od thn scene ie described as teartully grand*.
The night was dark, tad the mats of flame so
towering tad brilliant that the light wan « e «u
for fifteen or twenty miles around.
The business of refining oil, from the great
numbar ol caanallie. aiionding n, both in loaa
ol Ilia and deatracuon or property, fan. become
one or Ibe most hstirdoas in the country, and
these terrible lessons of experience should in
duce tbe greatest care and watchfulness on the
part of proprietors and workmen. They are
as dangeioue ae powder mills, and require ss
much vigilance and attention;
A Woman wlih Two Htaeliafeds—Novel
A singular application for divorce was made
in the Court ot Common Piets op Wednesday.
It waa nothing teas ihiu a petition Irom Mrs.
Jane Gelston, “by her next friend,” (and sec
ond busbnd) Peter Geiston, for a divorce
from her first haabjnd, John Miles. The pe-
titioner sets forth that, in May, 1850, the was
lawfully married to John Miles, and irom ihat
lime op till November, 1854, she Jived with
him,-demeaning hersdif at a dutiful and »f
-lecuonate wife; that, during that month,-Jnbo
wilfully and maliciously ueeeued her; that
bis long and continued aotence, daring which
she had no tidings Irom him, induced the be
lief that he had ‘‘gone to tbe land of spirits;”
and that, on ihe 5.b ol July, f«6O, ectir.g on
der the belief ibai her firai husband was dead,
abe married “her nnxi Inecd,” p«,er Gelaion.
It seems, however, that white Jane and p<-■
'heir ne* reUimnship, J.,bn
made bis appearance, much to the msctna
lort of the aloreaaid Jtse aod Paler. Wneih
er John bad married again during hie six year*’
absence, does not appear from the petition,
nor u it alleged that he it here to claim his
“firat love.” It is evident, however, that Jme
is well satisfied witn her “second choice,”
since she now prays the Court to relieve her
from the vows plighted to her “firai.” m*
Court awarded asubjmjs, requiring ibe alurr
said Jufio to appear aud show cause why ihe
prayer of tbe petitioner should not be granted.
Fetal Accident In kllegbiny.
Feiterday, at an early buur, tbe nody of
a laborer named George Moran, was fnaod ly
tng oa the tow path of the canal, close to tbe
bridge over street, in ,the Fourth
ward, Allegheny. The bead and arms of tbe
deceased were under water, at tbe aide of the
canal, while the body was stretched acres* tbe
tow path. A dmoer backet lay alongside of
the body, sad tbe supposition was that the de
ceased bad turned off Sandusky street, for the
purpose of entering upon me trestle work'ol
the railroad, when be misted hi* footing end
fell to tbe ground, a distance of eight or ten
Morin was about fifty yearn of age, and re
sided with his family on Liberty street, Alle
gheny. He worked it Fulton’s fonndry, in
ibis city, and it is said that be left lor home at
nine o’clock Tuesday evening. The body
was removed to ibe residence of tbe frmiiy,
and Coroner Boalwick was sommoDed and
held an inquest. There were no Indications
ol violence whatever, not even a scratch or
bru-ae, and tbe jory were at a lots to know
how he came to fait death, ff be fell from tbe
trestle work at all, it ia probable that he was
*° •tunned aa to be QQiole to save himself
from drowotog. Tbe jury found that be came
to biu death from causes unknown to them.
Fit* aw© R>»»ttT —On Sunday night, says
tbe Hollidayaburg Regiitv, the state of James
•* Tellow Springs, wsa
robbed aod afterwards fired, £u‘d tbe building
and Us contents consumed. The tbief who
robbed and fired tbe store has been traced to
n ravine Bear “ Oid Soap Fat Furnace ” Be
had a wheel-birrow on which he, no doebt,
conveyed what goods he selected, and it it
to be hoped be will be overhauled and
brought to justice.
*bove, the robber and in
eendiary has been taken and ia now in jail.
Hia name l« John Ouoson, an ill-lookiou
darkey. Hia captors found bun soundly sleep
ing beside hie wheel-barrow load of goods.
Bank Rota (Isolations,
CprracUd especially for tbe ffoseffs by Metxru.
Feld A Lire, of the NatUmal Bank dfeta Repvrt
jsr., RaW« uncertain at present:
‘ Pimmco, Rev. 6, iml
.CSV-:'-' Ditoount DUeo*nL
b*• DO tsl*
S I* Georgia oo nt«
M.Tork pn M...00 sale
2* tT^rr-*X no tala
•i/i . p«r retmassM—*...tdo s*!.
r Ohio i u
ftMrt H Indiana, fros MM . M . n . 6
Otst.ol * •* b'k ofdUta.. U
% IF 001 * oo
Vlrxloli, —' *- « »'«
f—.tlai.breh.) Hal «.h,]Zr) • I
R<jtt OKOIIM. K> >U. ” |
Ucbun-Mllqt.nlMoo New Ink , nd p
U«lpbh, per cot mr per fond,
Th* Oouckkt : To-Nibht. —The lovere of
mnaie will not overlook tbe rich treat offered
them th!a evening at Concert Hall, by fijg.
Giimboni. The programme abonnda in fine
•election* from the moat celebrated master*,
and, aside from the merit* of the entertain
meal, onr maaleat amateut* will take pleasure
in ■bowing their appreciation o( Prol. Giam.
boni and hi* talented aaaiatanta, by crowding
tbe Hall upon this occasion. Some novel
e V. 0 > r ** Wlil *? 8 introduced, which, it ia hoped,
will intercet the audience, and repay them
for their attendance. Ticket* of admiaaios
can be obtained a t Messrs Mellorfcnd Kleber*#
Meaic atorea, and at the door.
, C^ r ,* or *‘ ? ® R V* ATXD — Al the Theatre,
lo : onht, Mr. Neafie appear* in the character
oi Richard the Third, and aa tbe programme*
hare alreadj been aelected for Fridar and
Bat«rday, tbi* evening eriii be tbe only
ehaaca of Mtiag ihia fine actor In a pare for
the rendition of which, he had received much
pratre, Pot only in ibia conotry, bat through*
oat England. The performance will conclude'
to-night with an amaa*ing afterpiece, in which
Ue comical HtSt wii] appear. J.ook oat for
hgBfJU Kwoorrow night ..
to heath
Dlvaics Case.
Oa Satarday afternoon lest we look i stroll
through (be Washington Nursery, located, as
®o»i nl our readers know, a short distance
north ol onr town on Ihe Pittsburgh road. Bj
the death of the original owner, Hugh W.
Wi?scn, Erq , this Nursery bas rrcentlj passed
ioto the hands n| his son and partner, Mr. Jta.
B« Wilson, upon whom its sole management
i» now devolved. The present proprietor hsv
ing, by a thorough education to the business,
acquired a complete understanding of u m ail
us departments, is devoting himself to the
work with so eueigy and asstdotty which give
promise of the most ahundant success, and it
would give at extreme pleasure to see bis
praiseworthy exertions rewarded by a liberal
pUruongs. In point of extent we must eoo
r.'.ss the concern far surpassed the ideas we
had previously fuiraed. Between thirty ana
forty acres are devoted exclusively to the per
pose of the Nursery, snd tbe amount of lend
thus employed is being tteidily loeressed.
Oi ibis surface the larger portion is, of course,
appropriated to the growth of fruit trees, and
the balance tooruameotal and shade trees of
the most approved kind, together with flowers
and surubbory id endless variety. Two greeu
hooves of the most improved * style and em
bracing entire thoroughness of appointment,
are be found upon tbe premises, one of
which is devoted solely to the propagation of
toe very choicest plants known in our locality.
Of apple trees there sro no less than aboat
125,000 under prooess of cultivation, and of this
Dumber there are about 30,000, embrasirg some
twenty-five of tho Tory best varieties to be
fonod any where, that are ready for sale, and in
excellent condition lor transplanting. Indoed
are satisfied that this collection, which Vaa
selected with great earn by Mr. Wilson, himself,
*®d with special reference to its adsptioo' to cur
soil and elimate, is among tbe most desirable to
be found throughout the West.
Thore are also from 3,000 to 5,000 peach
trees, including the must approved varieties,
that are likewise tn fine eonditioo, nod present
rare inducements for those wishing to engage
in tho cultivation of this delicious bolt. Too
selection of pear and plan trees has also been
made with equal care, and may be railed ou at
by far the best within reach of the farmers of
Washington county
la respect to the smaller fruits, such ss
grapes,Ttspberrix», gooseberries, blackberries,
&s., the collection is all that could be desired
by the most fastidious and in tbia connection
we cannot but mention, as worthy of special
attention, tbe Fall-beariog and Victoria Rasp*
berry, and Hooton's seedling Gooseberry. Tbe
latter of these is never known to mildew an
advantage which it possesses over all other
varieties, and which, among fruit growers, baa
hitherto been considered a great deaideratmm
The Rochelle or Lswton Blackberry, the pro
dtgioas growth of which a most staggers cre
dulity, is also on band in great abundance.
With regard to ornamental and shade trees
this nursery is atl that could be desired. Time
and space would alike lail ua to notice all the
different varieties, including the White Pine,
the Scotoh Fir, the Arbor Vitae, and all the
other assortments that go to make up tbis
® n *i attractive department ol the concern.
Suffice it to say, that everything the moat cul
tivated i-.ste could desire rosy here be found
end obtained on tbe most retionable terms.
la short wo have been surprised in no emill
degree, to observe our farmers and fruit grow
ers passiog by a worthy establishment in their
owu midst, and making their purefaaeee from
parlies that come among ut from a distance.
Even il there should be a alight difference tn
price u. lavor ol the latter—which, however,
t» not always the case—it should be borne in
miod that there is no small advantage in bar
ing a responsible person at band to whom
buyer* can look in ease they should happen to
bo disappointed. More than this, they should
remember that it is a matter of great impor
tance to have trees transplanted fresh from the
nursery, loasmocb at they afwsja do better
than tuoae brooght from abroad. In all that
goes to make up the moat thorough and exteo
aive collection in the shape or Fruits, Flower*
Ornamental trees, sod Shrubbery, we. are well
satisfied tbe Washington Nursery is unsur
passed by aoy similar concern in tbe country
Ol this we are fully convinced, as well front
its present flourishing condition, as from the
high valuation put upon it by one or tbe lead
ing fruit-growers ol Allegheny county, who ,
acted ax one ol tha appraisers 61 the estate
to which u belonged
' Tbe prefect proprietor being, ai we have al
ready raid, thoroughly coovonaot with the
basiooiFj and in every way worthy of the con
fidence of the eommuoity, we take pleaaore In
oommendlng him and bia nock, which if now
more varied and extensive than ft ha* ever boon
at any former period, to the attention of the
farmer* and frntt grower* of onr county, W*
ere grati&vd to aee among them* growing dl*.
poaltlori to avail themaeivea of the faollltloa
tbns afforded for Improvement tathiidireotlon,
and wo hope to aee the good work progre** an
ti! every landholder among aa ehaU have cap
■plied himself with e Jail atook of th* bait fruit
tree* to bs bad AaU doabilau known to moat
of oar peopir, tbe Fall aeaaon la preferable for
aatting out all kindswf fralt tree* except the
peaob, and aa th* late froit* have made it aafa
to remove them, we ndvlae onr frienda who da.
sign planting oat or improving that* orobnrda,
to'pay a visit to .tb* Washington Nursery, In
thnfaUxwaraac* that oareeivsi, quo
hardly fail to be *arprised at th* comparatively
Uiflingooat it which this moat daalreble end
om h# feohspUahid.
fro»co!. Giarr'a Feflntnt.
Tl * DiL *. Four or Bock, I
Marjl.od, Nov.mbw 3, r8»l. j
D'ar Goxttit -•—lt i, long line, .njsbiog di
reot from Ihti qoa.Wr h.i been pcbliihed in
jour .aln.blo p.per, .Ithoagh no look 1 r in
•irlr.l by every ra.II, and when lb. mill, fail
to connect, yon can hardly imagine the db.p
polntment fet. Tbl. Bailment I. now'eom
pcied of fifteen oompaole. or infantry and one
company of artillery— lour plecer, at p,.,ent In
Waahington—comprising In round number.,
something near seventeen hundred men, includ
ing oGoori— lll companies of which are from
Allegheny and the inrrounding Weitern ooon-
Uns, so that anything from Pittsburgh, or vi
cinity, interests ns quite as much as though wo
vera at our pesoeful homes.
This camp, or rather regiment, is oondooted
on the most rigid military principle. Every
thing mast be performed In the right manner,
precisely at the appointed time, eo that yen rise
at the tap of the dram, take year qatnlne (if
you have tho ague) to. the tube of “Jim along
Josey,** or as the boye sing it r
“Cotnis tat* your qainloa, quinine, quinine,
Corn* and take your quintan, qaln*ne, too M
Break test according to the same role, only the
lime varied, and thas through,the whole cate
logne of calls, which of themselves would
almost fill this sheet were they enamerated io
detail. Although every thing thne moves Uke
olook work, we yet have our good times, and
fan and frclio are realised in proportion fully
cqaal to duiy, and aa a soldier most be either a
grumbler or a good fellow, avery fellow puts
the beet foot foremost, and makes himself as
agreeable as possible, eo "that the growlers In
almost every Instance *tqro from the error oi
their ways.
Oa Thursday, the 81st, the whole regiment
was turned out, at 8 t/elook a* m., for
tijn, and BQoh a scouring of guoe, burnlihlhg
ot braises, and cleaning of shoe* aod ragged
brooches, is seldom Witnessed. At the seme
time koapeaeke wera overheated, dirty olotboe
attd card* wore taken out, and TeetamarTta and
clean linen wera only apposed to the argureyed
officers, all neatly packed In thelrproperplaeee.
But the most laughable performance of the day
was the order fur thou on the sick list who
wtro able to walk to turn out at tha extreme left
of the divirico. Such contractions of eounte
nance, moving of stiff legs and shaking forms,
h very seldom seen, and in no other way
be fully appreciated. The “Cripple** Brigade,”
ae we eall them, wera obliged to remain on the
ground for some five hours before their turn
came, so they, had every opportunity todevel
opo the prominent symptoms of their ailments.
But to their o edit, and for the good of the eer
vioe, I am happy to state it prodoeed a good
effect, and many of those who considered them
selves fit subjects for discharge from further
service are almost eotirely oared.
I suppose you beard of oor march no the
j night of the 23d to Edward*’ Ferry. It will
long be remembered by< the 28ib. The raio
fell in torreots, and the road* were so deep
with mod aa almost to forbid any forward pro
greaa. Indeed it wae suggested by one wbo
insisted he look one step forward and and
back two, “that the regiment shontd bout face
and try it back foremost»» Well, we arrived
there 00-thc 24. b, and ’we did not do anything
else except eat and trjr to sleep, until Friday,
when we received marching order# at one
o'clock p. a , and arnvrd here (after encamp
ing all night at Monoccaay,) at ten o'clock e
m. on Saturday. We did not bare an oppor
tuciiy'io exchange a abot, or oxen come within
raugo of the enemy, although wq did see a few
of them on the other aide of the river. Disap
pointment was keenly feltj but s soldier basnn
right to complain, eo I will aay no more.
Yours, J, W. K
f?*aU Triu and (hi Washington Nur<
FAiwrvi. Acct£tJ«T.~On 'Tttetdey a l«d
otffied MrCluakey, «ma ol atnill-baad r raiding
•d the Second ward, was ar-Tereiv
M’jtired h> the »p**tiw>g of •> pit e of br>ar<U at
Milhg*n»a furniture wore#. II- waa simoal
entered by toe boards, which fell upon him
edgewise, and fit* bmth ‘wec^ai-ooat gone
before he ennfd be fullered. «ft'#fe*red thai
he it iijiircd inlern^JJy.
Majo* W». A. SrorM, of. 18ib- R«*i
neot Utiiud Su*e* lafaotryvleft yeaJenlay,
f»r Kuiftosiog, Ue i« on a recruiting etn<«
diiitio, accompanied by Li Sutherlandb
parly ol men. The Major tnteeda tjj go
throuch the eoani»**.ol Aimatrnog, VeoifcgnJ
(’ iron, KMi, McKean and- P»ui*r—j g «hor|
ihr.*ug i tin wililcm plrt ol lh«e wildcat cot)buy.
Mam Drowsed —Ji Geroftn, named J„hu
Fat, while rnurniog home on Saturday flight
laat, in surtnptmg to crow Dry Rtm, near
Hollid.-.y*l)urg, frit mm the water and **•
drowned. An was held upon his body
aod evidence e.» citrd the! the deceased was
itHci.cMed a abort time before, thus tddiof
anotii.-r ti. the ling list «.f the victisis ol ip*
Ahmv Nurses.—Mi»a Josephine Gilliam,
daughter n‘ Dr. Gilliam, r*f Sbsrpsbnrg, and
ftMaa M-4gg»e Herr ol the snme place, left |V»r
Waabington City on Monoay.ur company with
J J. Marks, Chaplain ul the Siaty-ibird
Regiment, tor the purpose ofaishmtjig their
duijea aa Army Nuraer. Their* destination n
•aid to be Alexandria, Vs.
Spimea Dead —P. W. Uaaamger, of com*
pany G, Kniy-ihud regiment, Pennsylvania
.votuoteors, died ot heart dtaeaae, on tbe 25tb
uli., in his tent at Oatnp Johoaon, near Tort-
Lyona, V*. ,Ua irai in good health and spirits
IbiUy rniuuica before be died, ilia pareota
lire to Indiana lowustup, this county.
Htv. Dr Hcil&y fbn well-knowu uiio
uter, formerly pastor of Chrial M K Cburcb
of thia city, will deliver a enarce of two fee
lurca at Concert Hell, next week.
Ws Forrrbt, Carpenter and Joiner. Jobi
promt Uy amended to. Oars and attention
given to ail work eoiruated to blm. Oall at hi|
Jobbing Shop, Virgin, alley, between Smltb
ntlil aod Grant »tre«t«, Pittsburgh. |
Great Aa&qauii ir Dry Goods. Ladies
warning any kind ol iall and winter goods will
find tiie beat oaaorimest, at less prices than
ever known before in ibis city, at J. W. Bmw
ker & Co.»*, 69, M.vket street. We cajl the
attemion of the Udins ol both city aod country
to their stock ni nlonks, ehawls, nerinoea and
tbeir'hameroa* stylet of dress goods. t
Dooroc C. Babi.s, Water Care aod Hoorn
patbio Pbyaisian; aboagent for Uatabow's oele*
bratod Truss loi Ruptures. Corner of Penn
and Wayne Streets. »
DsfiTiavnY.—Dr. 0. tiiil, No. 140 Pedn at,
attend* to all branches of tbe Dental profession.
Humju Food.—Attention to called to
tbla ijtat n.mirß*ble auo •cientlfl i prvparadoa, ad>
wrtlwd in ADotbfr columu. It is ay entirely new
discovery, snd ruesi nut t>« eoorouodad with any of
the numerous patent medicine* ot tbe day. Itia a
ear tain nnxdy for all tbe disease specified, and ee
peclally those of « chrome nutnre—o! tong standing
—Ol weeks, wombs, aioi yet<a. fitifier an, try Itl Uhuuou A Dcro.'T, of New York, are tie
sol* agents for It, and airo j»roprteu>r» ot tbe world*
■'Tsnawned Dr. Mavorra la rift till CORCUt, an art!
Ci® Which every Mother s),snlJ havb In fcormedirine
closet In ce*e ol uecd; aud coat*lQleg,RS U doss do
psregoTice' opiate v » »dj can bevelled, upon
witu the ntuioet confide un .sutl will b* found an In
valuable specific tn ell of lufaiMUh CutSDlnlnts
Ohio Stale Jm.rnaL, CWiiwiu*.- 1
e l vt-i ti»i»rorw*t. for »al- |.u •YKORQB B
BKVrK.', 4,mnt Mt> W.odat , Plitei-urtrh p*
fV- A Frund In Sesd. Trj U.-l>b.
ILS «WR*» * iNfALUHL* LUU&RNT is bfv
pared frota tbe reutpl vl Ur. tttepbeo Sweet, of Don.
oKtleau tbo grsat boo* setter, and has hesnosad in
bis piwetica for the tent twent> rears with the most
fttcctss. As an eztsms raisady U is
wlthoat ■ rival, aod will alleviate patn mors syaadll;
than ear otb«r preparation, rot all AhsomaUo aid
3 ’* X TW* D'»orlvr* It is irolj rnUllible, and as a ou
raUrtTur Mores, Wooatts.' dprafae. Hratsas Aa. Its
•ooUtios' .'baaitng and powerful strengthtnln# proeet
tles.* IoM vorular sod utoulshtntntofall
wno a are net stv,. u a trie! Over fonr hundred esr»
t neat os ol r*ni*r»ir.-‘ ror#« br It withlo
the .sst two tnu fact M*« ad.artlva*
K. .K. KELI.Xb* A <'o, AiTt-bU lifralVw*oVar.d
!*«*C.>a<l Str.oM. fI.J-f.i.ig,,.
Arrivals at the Principal Hotels.
•n* UJlAFlL<£—tlarcu- v TbirrJ nui Wool itroat
(IABnT SCIRU. P«rtft!*TCß.
I* Trip! ,i,
0 r W d n *
4 T< P'-N <l.i
Q <’ Kflj, BUckr.llo
TlKnt* Jr dr< utMtQTIII
i»" M-ntri » i
i o W.od*i d, L D
J T WurtlilhKloo, P or*
A Tu •(!«*, ja-jy A »<»Ur
H tt Cot)Ut O, '
«* h 1 Wa, Nrfr Y..rk
n jjttpteioo, dti
I J fUiVIaD ), Phil*
A G Krkrr.
U Pitmtog PB'itooDl
<; IltMoj, Pliiia
C c dg
’KOI dd«o, PoUnd, 0
W M £cott, do -
1 * % P«#M W*»&. p«
'l>W*l ii cm, GnwoV
Ltn'» C < a
I 1 hot £/«¥{«. <Jo
I R B W.roJ, UniiiUw
| n O lira*.
Mr* 8 L ffcrnle, W llftTcn
1 W rt mooi-, d ,
bu Bety >*w Tor*
J J L •¥ •, Orafcou. V*
A W D*tml *r. Whw in;
T A j‘itbt>nt<*n N Y
J D.tvls, r. T
J 8 ptAMibfnvnio
W J rtsn. n«»
M L tllMklT, <lr»
fl M Runy, N Phii*
J Htdvuonoii.
J UaAboi Wit h, p«
Jb-i UobluauD, o*4 t, (J
Jao Ptiill'pfi.
•} a QrtflVf, HMIt
Ml** K U • tokta, PhiU
J D UcK»«, Hni*
MANSION UoUSR—Ni». 044>erij atraei,
«soasi aoainrrz mhjpju*tw»,
0 dmitt, Phiin
U Hfck»r.icr,.io
K >JcNi*anu*,il'>
•I ReVter, do
Mn KfMar, Kant
U I’ Ookint,
J B n«rr}tk*r, Nrw Outlo
>1 PjU- A lwly, Mtoa
J 0 Yonojt Akiou, 0
9- H Bel , Warren
Ui«s B»ut>> McComb#. pa
r DaMij B(html>arc
IQD<l>r. *
0 W H*rrU, Contn>l»i»»rt
A H Dickey, da
J Dmd, Mt-rcir,
Mia* T M-»rcorUt*
•I Dflna:,
J ftujpapn,
0 Q*rdo<?r,
|J K-rlo. Phil,
•■*fDUiiht«:a snd TLtnl
t, paomiroa.
«obt Ke’cbar, Latrcbo
I. n f. Herman. Cp Gartla
WWTbompaon, da
4«ml Eerr. Ellitb'rtb
P Olay, traletn, o
Heat 0 Ohllda, D 8 A
8 *teck»l, Durham. Pa
£> QTayl r. P*
J Broagham.Weal Newton
M Kerr, Pti»U
W JTieP *.r do
Q Jiiidsp. <ll
J S intuiors, /•ammcrriilc
J Web i, Ibliimtosg
A IJiam, I'UiU
J Toniir, Gra-u-bnruti
P Doad, N.w Ca*ti<t
ft Ken *r. Bt L-kub
w E*rle.
Mr* Uf>reph| 1 Warms
J McPar:*Di, TJgoLler
Mrs Uaitlo, Tonn*4nwn
Mlw Ontbrlr. oo
Ilia. TbftUitl,
P rhtlto.Tjrosa
Q J Krllrr. Utah
11 MMer, W«j„# TO 0
dlRAItb HOUi*lt—Onru^r
. e, u boccsbt
B Jenkint, Cool Dlofl.
A V.nhorn, Loc», N« 3
ferat A L'mon A &0 nan
Darid At cn, Oroenuik
D OoiroA*, Cbiogn
J ho Dosll,, Qrocnt co
Juepb Gorp, do
H u Nioeotla.
Joho Bin j,
E Bajard, London, 0 W
EA'Jf.O SQXKI/—Lftwi
4088 IU«B, |
riy atraat, belbQ 8,-Tsntb.
J W OUrfc. Ohio
J Murry,'Armstrong
i Olfngbergrr,
1 Bishop. Prottouoo Y«
l ffiffr»j, Ouffrytown
\ Oraaford, do
•Y McQdall, Grrambnrg
JGJorgo, Wait co
ft Davidson, d.»
J Bsogboan, do
I Ultcltll, Ligoniar
0 Ntoevuoger, do
A Gieim, ArtnatrongeCu
J OaiapKall da
W McOtg, Indlsu*
t) Mafflin, Vnoaugo
Q Varndblnd, 8.-ookTllla
8 B CopaUn - , W/ti oo
□ HitnbfiiXlle
D H Zifgier, Now n».tia
8 Joboa A lady, Jeff cj
I«a«o Johns,
H Kodtnberger. Detroit
G T frarliT. Op Cameron
J Cockran, Fa ett* co
HAftß’J HaTfiL-Lfbe
rty strest; fool of Fifth.
aiMuai, aaaa rspraiiToa.
Jacob Bell, Tbomptoarl le H MePake Caacabara
Solnmoo Be I, Waib, P* RD MQrraj.Orrrllte *
■ Bjr.n do Jo« Ule'L aillabnre '
J A Keeler, Wr*tco Hr* l.otob.
VTm Hrmphi l, H q;o j MB &ar«b, f?aab, Pa
Kd Jttkeoo. Warti co Jm « Porter, Hancock co
K 6 Cook, Candor. Pji I 6 White,
JnoCloa.D, Proojto'. | rhoe I'alihao.Uoboco
H H>oe*taa*b, fLrroM W lUrri*;>ii. O.kUnd
Joo Perry, TbonpsnoTlUe K Motor, do
M Robb. Nobteato«n J t>o»k, Wtabfactoa
S B Alexander, Batter Jno Wood*, Cincinnati
JaeUcOteUnd, Oickory i VTiliboo, Hickory
Jno WIHUoo, do fbos Han>b, O«DoD*bora
J«a HcKlroj, CburHera ( »
BBD LION UOTRL—No./. Bt. Clair rtr«ac
a. r. ooanoa. paopauroa.
J Waartr. Cannenbarg J Bnttoo, Bolter
J Zimmerman, Batter hTldmiwi, Harmony
U Portoev, Oblo J K Cook,
B Uaro, Z-tiuop : D M Moaby, Waeh Fa
D M Donehoo. Bearer 1 liartz 11.
JD We toer, Qro<ot co Iff Coir*.
R Smith, t’larloo Co W Kolback Uambnrt
P Miller, Ba It, G ReeA, *
L Milter, | II Miller,
A P Chapman, Gallon J Vayp
W Blackatoo*. It iPl.fc, Snnbcrr.
P Cockerell, Delaware co J B Vick, di
J Haul, Ohio
t. aarrui.
•No. 187, Water (treat,
o*o Vjrra.
4 B 8t*ll»y, B«th*l r N%
• W UoUlttre, UaK«cn>'rt|
A 8 8(«el«, Bmira, O
*Tbrvp, Moa city
D P.Qqlad,
H B<>ar»lD,lllU)bnth
0 W*l a, (*ookni«)«a I
fld Coub,
fl*ory fry, Mob city I
W R *(*•>. do
BBp*oc*r t oreeo* I
* BortM.Udo city
0 Oiftrao, Wwhei
3 W <so*»o, Hillsboro
J B Qtpcrtjvublo
4 L U.orenoON, Browns*
villa •
Jo* Sloe. Mon city
Maohrm, BrowtnvJlle
»l Wloom, Fairfield
i Stewart.
J barper.B B Anglo Saxcn
II Nlinel, Cookitown
( R feorlleton, Koshtiter
(J Pen<lint<-n, do
ti Carter, Brownsville
Tsa /owe* State Journal, a pestiferous ne««.
ilod print* bat ceased to exist. Tba editor, in
* meet aearrlloQt and ungrammatical artlaia
confesses that be bad baoome an intolerable
•tenoh in tbo public nostrils, and that hit to.
tirameat from tba jubllo view had beooma a
necessity. Tbo Journal it to be iaa*
oeedtd by tba Da» Moines Timet—a paper that
manfully Government.
Tn recent ■hpportlonmants’of the Superin
tendent of Public loatruotion shows that In
4Udh bu 19,000 son girls than boys.
*£CEWO 4T |NE OAHV CAZfT7 l ijffici
Mltkl from vraNtalugrton
'V#«p|)ior »,’Ni.v fl - Hlahm-md paper# of
W«l Moo Uy, Nov Lb, b*vn found their way
bare. they eoalalo oo mention of eoj land*
I In* ef tb# Federal f«*re»« on tbe Southern ooett,
t>ut U la evident ibat the wbide (tomb Is very
enituHS mptetlrix the deatloailon of the naval
Jeff, flftvi* baa appointed Friday, tba lSih
day ol November, aa a day of failing, bomllia
don and prayer In the Heoal States.
A despatch, deled Savannah, Nov. 3d. # S ya
laare was a fight batnw Ibat oily, originating in
cooseqaetine of the Fader*!* attempting to barn
» vestal aground on Warsaw beach. Tae at
tempt fallul, arid tbe Federal frigate left.
A getjileman was In BaUimora yesterday, j
n»° *kat he sew lloaoregard ht Gordons
vlllc,. Va., on Monday, an route for Obarieat-n. I
The steam ferry butt Stepping Stones, re- I
dsntiy porohesed by the Government In New
Tufk, ran the blockade abont 11 o'clock last
night, aod waa'not fired open by tbe rebel bat
teries. Tne.Steppiog Stonaa la similar In con
struction to .Ihe rebel Steamer Gaorgn Pago, and I
Is about the eamo sise, drawing from three to I
three aod a half feet of water only. She was I
thus enabled tp bog the Maryland abore in I
inoiog the batierie*. The Stepping Steps I
*. boood op. She brought I
hUh«r six contrabands who ware picked on bv I
®sHyi In the lower Potomao. I
The Island Bell had fourteen contrabands on I
j* o *”* *n >< '* a, » *hd about fifty were aeot I
i 0 * ft •* lort *lnoe, from tbe finil* I
la* The fugitiy#* represent that there is great 1
suffering in the Hspahennoek region of Virginia I
*°r want of food, clothing, shoes, Ac. I
There la a m w Confederate battery at Acquit I
Creek, a few haadred-yerds north of the old I
one. Two shei'e were fired from it yesterday, I
apparently to try the range only, as no vessels I
were near. |
Thsre an lndioationa at Mathias Point that
the rebel* arewt work there,possibly In pnUing
op iotraoehmenU. *
WaßHtsoTow. Nov. B.—The reported resigna
tion ol Gen. Weol does not seem to be well
foonded, as the latest dispatohos reoelved from
him at tbe War. Department make no mention
of such an intention.
It is doobtleea true that Brig. Gen. MitoheiL
of Cinclotfatl, baa tendered bis resignation.
W a earn or on Citt, Nor; 6.—Gov. Gambia
baa arranged j'with tbe Government, that the
united Slates shall aim, equip, clothe, anb
sist, transport, and pay the Mtsaoun State
militia, who at) volunteer for service within
the State for immediate defence, or daring
the w*r. Ihe deltiie of the plan cecore uni
ty of ac««-»n between the State end Federal
troops, and aatety in disbursing money.
Baron Von.llsrtotn, of Prussis, hse been
appointed artam to Gen. Wool. Capi. Bar
ker, of MeCiPa&’e body guard, bee been
promoted to m j »r, and aothorizsd to increase
fits command io a tquadron. An election
took place ysaierday. when Lieut. Sbeara and !
Orderly D C. Browo w*re elected CspUinar I
and, 2ed Liaotenaot. Geo. S. Phelpa, and Ber
geant E. A.-Weber elected Ist Lieutenant*,
100 commaod bas been ineroaaed op to tbe
standard, namely: 200 men, and is in hoe
military condition.
[tpecta! Dispatch tests* m lona D**o;m]
SpßiNoriiLD, Nov. 3 —Geo. Fremont has
boon induced to delay bfs departure antil the
arrival of Gin. Bauter, who U expwted this
evening Gen. pop® drived this entrain*
Effort* are biiog made by the f.boda of Q*a.
Fremont to iadoce him to remain with the army
e 7*» « * . fabor< Mßata capacity. Many 0 f hi a
stiff rffiwre are anxious to stay until after a
bottle, »ad Cols. : Lpvrjoy, of Illinois. and i
Btark and Hadioe, of lodlana, will do »o
whether the General dots or not I
The eoamy ate reported moving north from.
CBsartlle, and MvKinstry is jaat aKat to.
BU M " t:b * ou *»»W-*r*blo > body oi cavalry aod
arillieiy to make a reoonnolssance in forced
Laritß, Nov. 4 b.—The vffort' t«i reduce
t»en. Fremont to retntin with the army to eel
in a eabordinaifi capacity to Geiu Bonier hive I
tailed Gm. Banter arrived daring lait night I
and Gen. Fremwot and muei of hi# staff de-1
parted to-day. Geo Banter bid an interview I
of an hour ted a hair with Gsn; Fremont tbit I
moroipg m, which the latter gave the former
ail nia inlemgroce lu regard to the poeitmn ol I
the enemy* &), aod laid before him the plan I
o battle d< elded upon by bi«»etf and the I
commandera of divisions in their Council ol
war, held last eventrg I.
The reeonnoiitance tn foroe,.determined on
yesterday, **» postponed jaat on the eve of its I
departure, by order of Geo. Fremont. I
A soont wbo arrived last night teporta the I
eDemy moving slowly In this direction. Mo- I
Uuliooh bad tbg advance. Oa Fridey be waa I
ten wiles this aide of Caaeville, ao that by to- I
day they mart bo very near at. A battle is [
imminent *t any boor. The enemy greatly ex- I
caeda oar force, but no fear* are felt for the I
remit. I
Ojr army is all hero ooty, excepting General
division. The body guard and
Sharpshooters were ihe only troops
ibai left with Qeo FrempnL Qen. Aaborth
accompanied the G .moral, and Acting Brigadier
General Carr bai taken command ol bis disia.
Jon. Colsi LuT«j.,y, stark and Hudson, late or
Fremont attaff, who remained bore topaitiei
pate In any battle which may take place, have
received on Geo. Hanter’s'staff.
From Fortress Monroe.
Fobtru** Mowaox, N»v. 5, via Baltimore.
Tbo steamer Spaulding has just returned
Irom ti attar a* Inlet.
Tbe atorm at tiatteraa lolat bis been very
severe. The reeeot high tide bad completely
over 11 .mn theaptce oatside the forte, end as a
new channel it forming between the forts n it
apprehended that they may become untenable.
About one-fourth of the much needed cloth*
ingot the Twentieth Indiana regiment had
been landed from the Spaulding on Friday
night when the gale came on and u !w*s all
waahed away, with tome other ciorea that bad
been laoded. Yesterday leu days rations for
the poal were landed, bat the Spaulding brings
back the greater part of her cargo. ■
Pi?e rebel ateamere came near the Inlet
yeaterday but retired after firing a coasts of
•hois. . _ r
NlW4 ?*' N * J • Not 6 —There was no
State ticket voted lor yesterday, the ejection
being merely for county officers and members
of the Legislature. To the Saeifta there have
been elected 10 Democrate, ID Republicans,
and lOlndepeudem'Democrate. In the House
ihere is probably a amall Union majority.
Morns count? gives 7fio Dem. majority; Pas
saic county 600 Republican majority; Hooter
don county 900 Dam. oaj.; Barden givea a
Democratic ma|oritj; Middlesex couoty Dem :
Uoian county gives a amall Republican maj:
Rnex gives I 400 Democratic majority.
Nbwark, N J , Nov. fi.—Tha latest returns
of the eleotion show that the Democrats have
faloeJ six members In West Jeney, making the
ogiilature entirely Democratic. »
New York, Nov. 6.— The returns of tba elao*
tlon indicate that the People.** Union ticket has
probably received a majority of over 100 000
rotes Ip the State, with the exception that
Wright, Dsmoorat, for Oaoal Commissioner, Is
probably elooted, tbsra being two candidates
against him. The LagliUture b almoat'ubaa
imons for the support df tke govarnmaut. Jas.
Lynch;' Democrat, is eleetad Bberiff of tbia
oonnty; also A. Oakley Hall, PeopU's oandi*
data, Diiuist Attorney, and Wm. Genet, Dem
ocrat, county Oletk.
Ntw row, Not. B—Th. itoio.r;Arrict
uitea at noou with 40 passengers, including
Aicbbtshop Hughes and Tnurlow Weed. It
is understood that Gen. Scott tails in the
eiaamfir on Hatnrday.
Bostor, Nov. fi.—OapL Shield, formerly of
the United States army, Wm. Gllehriat, of
Philadelphia, Wm. Oaiklos and Peter Reilly
were released.from Fort, Warren, to-day, after
taking tha oath of allegiance.
Borrow, Nov. 6—Parker A. French alias
Carlisle Murray, *ae arrested yesterday at
Banttord, Cobn.,jßg|e Superintendent of the
Government Detective Police aod Detectire
Ben Franklin, of Philadelphia* Very-import
ant documaois sod papers were found in hie
poisesaion* The officers have been in pur
suit of French for eome time, ion it hae given
t>e Government great troubleto detect him.
Sr. Loom, Nov. The member* of tbe
Commitaion to investigate Ibe claims against
tha Government in the Western Department,
bite all arrived, tod will pfohably enter upon
the>r duties immediately.
A minor gained edrrrocy here to-day that
the order lor Fremont's removal baa been sus
pended for the preaeot by . Gen. McClellan,
with the President'* sanction. .
B4x«M9M, Nov. 6.—The eleotion returns
from,the city wards indicate thai Bradford, the
Uolon M&didabp for Governor,, and Ibe whole
.Polob4lo|elbaif fr^lo,oHlol9,W»^crti,.;
<'OMMfittCt/i £ *<R* ‘OtW:
1 .inn. ... WlM »u. Kmtbi I, IMU.
. ° Da T 7! =«lc lo Ihl.
..□..l.MUfar., s.-. 0, !S lb»,
100 do do » 1M85..0 SO to do » Ills let
SS,SO lor FMolij, .od 100 Jo Wij, to s „ g ,, t 0o
prlva'o tsrms
I QKOCKaJI-'—The dtjawd fjr drocirks «l all j*.
I ccriptloor it Urol ted, wlib.nt, hawiver, toy change
Ila rat«e bxit afB bbdi S O 10c; 11 hbl#
U. liwi ol £oc, and U bagv Coff-w at
I BAreprf—ogofwt hot QvcbiQgvd Tbs oalyeeU wl
of «as * 000 fci *tM£c:
BUCKWHBAT /u)Da-Tberepply U llcproring.
wbUv priOit, although sc yet unchanged, give CTi
ft»°at f2 #^ U c»» W * rd t '‘ o<l^DC7;, “ , ** lo tol * of 6,400
,n rieccet while
? Bd r ° ,,y “»<n»*law>s eeiin lota of
SVamy 1 ? ,W 5 ,a,M “ 4 W »« «dlog to
w<L b .“; a *‘ b r®
No 1 ?.^?. 8^ 011 bot ' “MOiogoo; u1.,1 oo boiti
?t ,tore *' 850 * b,:,h ' “ ll ™ 0o do
M,l<io fM Cono.oo.od
**&^ * > '.ooj .110.60,
wSK'SKVi'Ka:' “ l ’ o l f aoo,,otb
bOi* 4N? ~ > * 1 ' 0,20 lu,h P r| n.' WLIIo tt 11,06 , I
UXAL—S.I. of 06 bo.h. prloe .Itfid .1 6So
B OUm« u rd-5.,. ol 126 Itosh I.rgo „
d IT.oo I ** b? IB V S “'” of * bM * < ,rla, “ w—!•» *1
Ulltßd* ooihui<oJ, ulool 01 6ia W It .1 dXoi
u.o.ipu or Ptoduo., m...
loii.ui will b» tiund ■ .Utamoot ol ib. roufpla ol
door, train, .to, b, Rl„ r . n J E.Hro«l b» ib. >6
boors,ending laatevinfeg:
I fiMnat-Ut td!# p, P e f , m b bft cm ie O fL 24
I uSd^Ot^V 3 b f lt lS i» lg rg*fl«s«ed,
?!ai 7 «° li C4tl , rtUi i 6 ? °? 0 bge elovarsead, b tbls
Bsktdfied .pp|w,|cJofeathtr>,fl bbla greea acoles
87 doz bnckou, 2do tub*. - f
■®B *>Ml-.-2002bb1. flour, 1010-*k.wh.»t. 168 bb’.
mm Pork. 66 hhtl. buoo,. 160 bb!. malranra, 47 nkr.
84 ***.!*^v, SU •*!» -Olikv, 16 bilranllra762 Ml'.
roip.63bhd.iD»r,7o Uibmi, I'o .k. potacoe.,B7
1 h-* l ' bd'-rr, 4 tbl.
J •‘bd*. '8 84 coddira lol.cco, US bbla
gnra applra, 10 do UrJ oil.
■vnnoiti amu ooamoiaol.b,
B -“ Br.Ti»..T.-Tb ■ Kow-York Trl
b , UB ' ®* Taß *d.J ».J. Tbo book ilkUnieot t;>da.
.Bjm. MkUMMMo'MnlrMUoa ol lokn.; IboiMmi
of b, lb. ■0b..ra..0r J f..m,.1“0r
Tnaior, ooUr, .&d »loia v .bool. ulilloo oj .Orel.
depo*". Mcfllnm tb. ..m. roraoni f.Z
lot.. lbeooadi(lODOflb.M.clarM.iT» UafDo.t.o
ocoraglog Ira’or. of tb. .-.temsbt, .bowing Ibu tbe
bo.d .nd p.trlotl; .l.p ol tb- b.nk. In raml.g t 0 tbo
2h! 711' Cod.reoioot In Angntt, vs. got “nlj p,.
Mono bdl nf. tod proflttb!.. Fo long .
wtlb Korop.oootlooo 10 prevent. tar.lgo .pod. drain
W.m 00 rauott wbj tb. b*'.k. .boold ooVcootl.u”
“.blorarXn.‘.od D b:"k.'° ,b “ »>
o* i * ““•’"••iM.-.lom.ntol tbo con-
KoimbCT k * 01 li,w Yo,k cl, 7i Ottobar a tod
, .. N,J '- roL 28.
81M.M1.020 ,147.268616 DM8,247,626
11.271,180 42:200,616 Doc. 9SBkB‘'6 8,671 016 8,116,618 lnc_ ,ll? 303 -- 121718,981 Dm 8,78^1a
Cntcioo flunr, Nor. i -lb. Itwdlng n,»k.u to.
lororabli Iro n llr.rpool
" !1 **‘ D Mt.dc.lo iralgbtr
[ were Coll and drooping B
The demaod for ticnr waa t«v moVrst*. entMi >t
a material decline, which holder* were on >!)Uog to
■abmft to—and tbomaiket waa flat, with — a <
« r“ '« -I.IU wlnterutrul
and |3 T4@4»U for meoinm lo cbclee spriog extra
#^®'V of • boot »W bnehels at 77c Sr hoi
jSiS r it fo « 2 e E Si ,; 6,^® e9j tor So 1 f'Prlcg. aod i
eB@Cflo lor Wo 2 Spring— clo4ng doll an i baity.
j Paiunupau Oama Haaair, Nor. 4.-TUe'cffer-1
I®*?, 1 *, 1 re ' «C 0 hoau at fUiltp’*
Xaidi, mq*t *f wLlch were dt»po«ed of*t prlcuTaui
tng froo $8 to|B tbs lOUfiie n-t, tbe latter for 'extia
k lb ® lJa, * t tJl ® »» «• were hi S7&7U. eod
lalliasol wrr iht* iut vrek. ***
■ Dd . c “ ? ‘* »®rsdls®oe#d of at from
fia«o *35 each lor spongers, aod $25 to t 45 for Cow*
add (.aim, according to Coodulon—wbtgh u an la.-
provenjetit. I
home «Co9lloc* were offered ar.d snlf, st trios
nagtog from to *6,ro tboico fo s p.ctn.mtoo.
t>%; Inciudid m the »ait«
a*# dUPS at laihod *; aod 1600 at tb*- av non yard.
Bh#> P Artlved aid *oli at from 7 to
•»<«? “ net, as to ooodittco.
lmpjm by Hirer,
j OliClNSATi—per Moats UcLsllau—B hhd*. 18
ff B Brtlltj ] blul, U eMl! | C)v j (,m !•*•»., 7 A Ms-
I satre; t 5 beta Boor, tt a co; (0 do whisky A
U.llrn; Utx* inwlincoe, U L A COISO At
do, r LyLCb;SOdodo. Win Bennett; lot) to* floor
scboin«ari * Ling. 3 bj* featoer*. MmtUul A Uou*
b I® 6oar, Wlljtfyere: .177 d0e0.374i.k8 wba«wt
M S!S , r* K T Ke,lft9d V * t rp; 353 do do,
I IKB tu-M po:k, ItiJ do whisky,-
WHSBLlftO—per John TMoOombi—23 t>Vh» a-n'iw
38 »ki poutoo*. John Bertert; lot old IrJo. n*ii a
• peer; 34 kg*, 17 le» l*rd; 4 hbl» uuittr, 3 do fair.
Oiarke A c«* s 2 bbls whisky, L B Vjlgt A co; <OB ?*u
W ll *, a bbl * n»oU*HM, 6 r Veiix a eon; 38
W e BflCk; 12 empty LX*. 6Co bbk*
n «Ji.Hr Dl f U>ck *, co i 9 wI LbU.JohnT ilc-
Si ,h potato*#, T do corn,
MU. , kS‘d , .'.A r.,.°“"'' 1 '-V'T. 0*n0.. ; 3
ClhOlNNATl—per Empire CUy—iCOtblifljnr. 8
Ltudaay; 108 do do, 100 tlo molasses, Ju Gardiner: 100
a ° Owor. Graham * Thom**; ]&o do rto, B Kuos A
r^ i, « e 55t ieol, » K 0 * P «er; 47 pan Urd. 10
SSL” ■ *L WI *« A W’Spaß, extract
is!fcai i S oth, S o raJ 6tMg> Vwlfct k CO,
S?? bb L*. f L? ai Jfcbdeaog.r, J « Dilwonb * -pos 2
bt»U *bbky, Uttto k Triable; 2 kg* slut, Blortlaed k
Conner; 80 bx« soap, Atwell, Lie Acoi 10 do do. W 5
aormlej Aco; 12 do do, 0 Jo c»ndlti, J D Wlnl«m«. 60
Dbl» rno'asMs, Lambert A Shlpton; 10 bx« caa ‘lea J a
B?*toad S?° b ao hb . om **« k Lang; fit do dj,
SBtlotd A to, 49 dodo, D Wallace; 70 to do, John
*£»*« 57 C »! k** 0 ®* ,0 banja, 16l aka when &i»
l>bU flonr, Si rolta leather, Clarke Ace.
Import* by Hwllroad,
w ~** Wa ™ 4 Cric*oo
-uT> bJJ " P*P Pr » Parkins. Uer let * co;4 dos
\**k «•* M **"t» **» rlreie, 26 Mia,
1 ok wire, it Towb««d4 A co; 17 dcs backets, 2 do trlt3
Kota Alßergcri lot :r.achlcrfj, w B Kori; 111 bbla
orml.oil, loonomjoil ok li b,a bomloa, L B Vol.t
f' lilfi** l ’? o’ - H ”; r,lr - * » bl *. I .* '•«, 6 baa
.fan* Votutortori 120 oil bbla, Daald olcboa
low pip la.ll, B * F.h irit ci k co. 100 pla. lam. L
**?<>«“ll«.«iIo«o.p,D rraxlMj 10 baa
kata.2 bbla cabbage, Waatero Poena tloaplul; 0 boa
Kl .P’l'lo'i 23 Ooa.bocltota, w
“““i I *.. ArbmkLi 21 11. oanjloa, 13 doaotp.Ml
worth A co;7 kge Iron, Lewis oatau A co.
■ Tax Kina xn> WaiTßn—AuiTtu aan bspjjit
oats—Boats LsaViis To-Dai, xto, no—Tae rim
contlDQM to recede slowly bat steadily, wilh thirteen
feetbjtbe mtrka last evening- The weather yetter*
day waa olondy, cod! and unsettled, with an occasional
shower of rain...Thera was bat tittle baatnesttraniao'*
ed at the wharf, tLamelpts being comparatively Ught
while the shipments ware exceedingly limited......
The Moats UoLsUau-ani XniplreOlty from Olncln
nitl, aid John T, HcCotube from Wheeling, with fall
cargoes, eoiuUtate the antral*.- The McLeliau for
Olndnoatl was the only transient dnpart&re .The
Argon ant left Loolarllla for Pittsburgh on fnsdij, to
bs folloired on Monday by tht Moderator— Tha
Ollixan paaeed oi«r the Falla at Lob&vllle on Suniiky,
flying 1ight...... .The Key Writ was advertised to
leave Cincinnati (or this city on Taaadey, to be fob
lowed by the E< ohm end Bilnt Were on Wednesday.
.........The new end elegant side-wheel steamer Baony
Bide, Gspt. Frank Marrstte, la announced for St. Loais
«nd Ihe Upper Miistialppl Birer today. She tie
flfft-claes boat, with good accommodations and etten
t*ehndexperiencedtfflers. Capt.ttarrattevays be
will poaltirely leave to-day, comb what will.. Tbs
Biy City, In command of Capt J. W. Anawalt, *Ut be
oT for Cincinnati and LoalsvlUe this eranlng, as will
•lao the Jacob Poe,Ospt. Wm. Stoops. They are both
good boats... ~.The Minerva is the Wheeling packet
for to-dav, leavingat,l2 o'dock -The Anglo-
Btxoo.Oapt. &. Dstall, will be off for Lonlaville on
rrtday-.........Th# Tenasgo for Oil Ortek, with a fell
trip, InclaMng a large number of oil barrels' left la*t
evsnlcg. The Allegheny 8«i:e and Esho from rrank.
llo.wtu probably arrlra lo»4ay.
NhiW (iuUllbl iNJiiW ti-UOUb
At the old atand of
Corner oi Penn and Bt, Clair «ta.
The heirs of, James 0. Watt, d craved, rcapvclfolly
iayite pnbllo Attention to the new *to*k of FALL
AND WINTER QJ<»DB, comprising alt Ibe newMd
■tyleaer fasblonahle mateiUl adapted to OKNTLi.
HENS’ WEAR, eoHclUog an early call. The btub
neea wlll be conducted on the ■ sme npprbvsd
oa heretofore. The stock uf new goods : b eqaalio
Any Jo tli'scity, txlfclyd
anpplycf this choice brand, eo highly Wcom.
mendau u • tnpetlor tonic for the aae of dehilMaSl
CJosti'atlooa SIMON JOBNBTON, DrorS f
ocU Oornet Foqrth and Mnllhfleid atrwu.
X j»Uctkm(>r fora.ofplt.dloKin win of kqull?
?*r 'f‘“F 1 »'■•> K>PlT< pom mo
ro[.nnn. lo Abmlcb OUM. For ..Ifl b.
81 ” 1 BAT , CO- M W<io« .1 .
SALT.—S oa-ea extra ground
i _
- Ittksti ky Tslsgraph. . - . ~
PniunuPSUi Vevr 6—Floor dull and -mrhiifrfaT
•liotef *oprrflft*at4JsOos« Wheat
15CO t>n*h ied at ft 2801.3f1. aed whlte at 11 SlAi iL
Ocre la demand; atra gCOi) bush yellow, aflai/ws 83.
aod 7000 bo*h lastcre *t 61 Whisky dull: satea MO
bbU Ohio at tic.
- Yeax. Nov. 6—Kveoleg—(Xtton fi'm:
Floor flue; aaJea of H.OOt tblaat
£ ®? •» tof Ohio, end $« SOA
*® “ *°f Sontfcorn. Wkwt be advanced lr; mlw of
120000 bn»h at $llBOl 21 fgr Chlosgo srrios; $122
01 34 for Milwaukee dub, and fll 8101.34 for red
western. Coro doll; ala tO OJObaih *t 6t 14462 lor
S fraranf; rk »• *l6@»H >» U'd
. W f* l,k 7 "-'•Jr »• Rwilpt*-
bS.I. 18 * 8 bb * • wh '**. >43,070 pub ; Okm, 40^11
LosnvtLLs, Nov. 6 Sttninf,— Rirer rtiifli
™ * -‘I 11 0 >"«i 6 inebo. W4tu la (hoctMl.
*T<klhet cloir ; Motcntv 53°.
Pu&lk ytQticcfi.
|ra»Tnp Al C'D‘ra.V‘^ , ?,V^ ,e " t -' 6.166 U
10^iK§r5L!5. CHANfS AND H AK
... OfAultißkkp BANS Ok P7IT.BDRQH
thl. . oITURBB PJilt OKHT
oalhoGspllgl Block, ogt or ib. proflu Ter Iho lot j*
“""if 111 "'" or *"*' »• Ut! lodb “
ncflolti W B. DKMHT. (IrabW
lifcUilhNtUn' DANK, •
Plttohorgh, November 1, iml
-ORB cfthlsßaak bavs.tUh day declared sdtv«-
Idend of FOUR FJIR OKNP on tbe Capital fltoeklont
ofthaprofit*or the tsatsix months^p4y*b!e tonoek
?f» l kV* or tt,lr loprwcntailvi*, on nr after the
Hthtnst. nofcid CIO. l>; M’QbAW.CatVr.
OICiZhNo* BAN A, ~
'V* 1,1 P«»M« to itock-
Slraul raJ b lr ,B *' r 'P'«»»IMiTW. oouflolur
ua?J pW o«o. x. van hORUf,
- BcqdM "Cashier.
„ Pltubnrgh, bOTember»,lB«L *
hay* tfci i day decJartl a dividend of
THREE the Capital fitcck, ont of-the
proflta ottae lastaix month t, piyable to itoekboldefa.
°r Ibejrlegalreprna^tatiia, After ihslfilh lost.
Q(,6;BdAttwf JOHN MAtiOFFIW. Oashl-r.
Pittsbnr»h, Noremter Ith.lflfll;
~rT *> X Bgl -bl. gink h.r. ibti dm, docUnd A
dlTld.kdolPOUH lb)
PVoflUc- moßthHpgjMUto
or lbr r K** l —PVU.OI4IITM, o» or tt.
ter tb* 16th Inst. m.e;t4 ?. W COOK.Ouh 1 *
kxcdanqriianr uf P.rrnbUßoa,
%UKktol3*rs.or their kgal rrprertnUClTie.wiU te
ptld on or a'trr tba 16ib itat. -
IL Mo MU - RAT, Qaahlari
BANE or PiTcbUßatJ,
I ,y\. this B«ok baTethlf day Ceclarai * div
i Ideedot FOUR PRft OENr co Hi Oapltalßtock.oot
of the proflr* «f the Iml ala crathaTwhich will b*
paid to stockholders, or ihelr legal renrereitoSvi
on or s (ter the tth lahtaat.
oodJtdAitwy ~ John harper,
jJ^-WVn)END.-The oT pr“dfntMd
divldood ./TWO DOLLaBS P*R «Ea|'k.^V2i!
to atockbolder* cq or after Ihs Idth last. *
noftdtd F. M. OOBOONoEeantary.
Pnmuioa Taorr Oowraar, i
rit-vember Ist. IMI. i
REOrORBj to serve for the ensuing thrre
yjers. win be bald at the Bask, on’ the
llth fn*t„ betweenU o’clcck a.m.end 2o’slttta
no2;dtd JOHN D. SOOLLT, ceehftr.
urrtcs wkiu isaoa.noa toinn.l
Plttsborgh, Nov. Jet 186 L j
BIRBOtOBfI of thta Company, to aarve fog (be
eosalogyesr w>U beheld at the Office, N0,.01 Water
Mreet, on TCBii'AY, th» iarh iu+t, botWros tho
hour* of 11 e. 2p. o.
votiM t. m. qoßDoy, g^itflry.
BxcHajiea bask or Ptrymusux, i
.. _ October IBth, ISOT.i
ELECTION for Directors of
7, *hls Bank will bo held at the Banking House
otrMONDAY,. November 18,1661,between.Uiehoars
or Ua. m. and 2 p. ni. Tbe acnasi aectlug of tltbcb
holders will be held on TUESDAY. November 6, tt 11
*■ m. (ocl8) a, H, MURRAY, Caabtcr.
c tasn’e Dawk, PHutaign, cct tb, ißdl.
ELECTION for Thirteen Diroct
or» of this Sank wIU bo held attbe Booking
Hoose ob MONDAY,I3Ji day of Xotenber.DroXUoA
between tb« honre o( 10 arm. and 2 p.m. r
the annual meeting of stockholders, will he held, oh
TUXMDAY,Nuv.6th at 10*o'clock*.tn.
oclftlro QKQ. P. VAN DOttkN, Ouhter.
i*Wi WVT D**X. oer. 17.1861.
03* AN ELECTION for Thirteen Di
rectora-vf ihta h*Lk, to serve dar.Bg the en*
Jref, will te h*ld at the Baskin* lloute. on
MONDAY,Nov. 18.h,between the hobraof 11*,a.
aod 3 p an
The aacnal mretisg of ih# afockboMerawilt beheld
at lb# Banking Hoa*e on YUKMDAi, Norifltb. at 11
o cloek ». n», [og»Mmj J. MABOVkIN, Caahbw.
AUwaaM da»x, urt. li, lseC"
ELECTION for Directors, of
TT utl» B»ok to aerve for lit* ensuing year, will
be held at tbe banking House, cn thd 18th day cf No
veaber, betwten tae Bonn of 9 o’clock a.-a. and a
o'clock p, m. *
The Anneal Meeting of the Ptockholdei* wUI to
held at tbe Backing Home, en TURBDAY, the 6th
day of Nov. at 10 o'clock a. m. s * • ■
oclB dtoola J. w. COQg. QasMer.
Manx, ‘ I
. x __ PltUbarrh.October 17, J 861.1
ol thl. Bank, linn for 111. nnliinr,
will be held at the Utaklnj lloqar, on MONPAT No*
vembor 18tb, betw.en the hours of 10 o'clock a. s.
and So’cKrk r.w.
of the etocktaelloti wm'behold
on TUBSD« Y, Nov. Bth, at 10 b’clockA.M.
colT.aotl GKO. D. MoQBNW, Owhfer.
Jost pobllehvd In a Sealed Enveloped; Price 6 *tr;
A lectaie on the eature, treatment, and' radical
care of Bpermatonhoet or Benina! Wcak&tatpltaTob
Tintary Bobllfty, and ImpcdtaanU
to marriage generally, Nervontcna, Consumption, Fp>
Mantel and Physical
•oltJag from Self Abuse, Ac.—by aOBT. J, OUL
TI&WSLL, M. Aether of the Qrcai Bookf Ap.
"A Boon to Tboasanda of Bnffercn.**
Bent coder soal, In a plain envelope, to any address
p9*t paid, ou reoelpt or six cents, or two peatago
•te»>«» T Dr.oa.J. O.KUN*..
aafcBmdT 127 Bowery. New York, P. Q.boau 4SBfl
■f *£/ L X 1 N te
w oft j*
FAait, M’.coaoy ft <&. t
-IKB, BBl2i£RB’ a.i i',QI.T oy?PRu,-
». PMB BOTTOMS. Ban,2 Sail
Ito Wu. Blu, and B.slui In SBTitS,
H.N PLUktinxET IBON.WIBS, 4c.' Oouiiwtlr
Ol baud, Thm.r. UKdinMind Toiii
ITarahiw,, No. U, JVr.l anil 120 AnKutiir.*,
Plllrtlljk, Ptniu
W-S|Ml.lord.norOopp.rcDl|o ,o,dMfrwipit
*»» -dTSMWFT
/ttidtars Jlottwjr
IT. 8. Army.—
tx&mb or ttnncg omf rasn rjuas.
Mrajololn, thL Be*lm«Et will t« tmiynmtan..
soon as enlisted.
The bfgbiwt pay per month In tha anrvtea.
Horaaa wd Kqutpmenta, Clothing, bobafateAMk
Qaarters, Fuel and Medical attendann free of charge
Adva&oehiAQt open to «yi-
».m or P«ftleal»r» apply »t the EraalCng
W.«ere wet, neer Bmltt
held, Pittsburgh, Pa.
m . .. CHpUIn, Sixth BegfrovntU.S.OaTAlry,
aifanlf Brcroltlng OHcef.
Bt A SO B ft SO,,
■ - - ABD --'
13Q "Walnut Street,
Wlfffiß AStO LIQVOB6,
Oifttnuifortoft* mete oa receipt ol no*.
Sijj! 1 * 1 “•** *^eipsiX*