♦ ' iT * 1 V --V* v * .■ V ■ v *y,'v. • 4 1 ' ■%■••• v.' vv V nv!* ‘v, I . » «V, .TV.'. *!»•'. . , » / ‘'i 5 '4. y;\ r. . 1' ' "r ’ . -.’i* ■,. .*.» •:t -•A . • • ■ ’ V • •r : :j;4 • v -» •: til vk’- ' K ';••*,'? ■*>:>»!■',■ seifA ‘Wy :■>'■•-!v -> Vi.:•:!; *<-:!•■ 1,.'!:-:.'.;.' ;>jij.:.;. .-H-... piiltSSfifA, fe ' t .:#r> i" V vvi V.‘s ri .’N.V.V 1 Hittstergl diajttte. a. nixyDtTir~& co. ( \ —s»«'t6r* ,am* Morniroii .... FmhUoaHon QJfct, Fifth Itreziy »4or Smiihfitid. PITTSBUKaH: THDRSDAV MORNING, NOV._7, 1801 F remoat's Bsmoval. The offlcUl lotelligenes of the removal of O«o. F/smcnt, which was published la oar tele graphic columns yesterdsy morelnp, produced ! out! foten»b exeUcment in Ibis city. Nothing .■ 1 tfblcb bos tekea place, dating this nnbappy eon* toll has »o clashed with public etcttatat, and "T wy damaging to the Administration In the present aspect of the out. A greater blonder ■l hiv not been committed, then ibe whole trass* Mtlitt froo begloclog to end. Gsn. Fremont I* removed from his command at mmoet enfer ‘tnnnta moment, end if any disaster befalls oar ; troops, disheartened and dissatisfied by the re* .. moral of a belored commander, fearful will be tba pablio indigoalion. We bopo there will be no rub aovtment in the West ecnteqasnt cn ; tKls nDfcr anatc affair. OTsi. Fremja t will • doßbtlass'dsmand an iaveitlgatbo, by which, we bailers, hi will bo completely excalpaud frem ■ aU blame.; Intte meantime bis friends will . . gratify him, and bast subserve bis inter* ' Mts, by extending fttbaaranee to the Govern* !: ®wnt» by giving It a hearty support in tta |twlWttn{ In whicb-wi era engaged. J •• It hi* hasn't wonderment with m«oy hew r fttmont obtained each & bold upon the public ' -nrindj especially ia tbs West. Hie great per - ' none! popularity, and the power be eecme to , , poetess over all who come into immediate con < uct with him, cannot account lor tho'attach ment of the vast numoers who beve never seen ' him. Can we not date the ea idea rise of this extraordinary public attachment to the issue i 61 hie Proclamation o( freedom to slaves ot rebels, which was received with one acclaim of approbation by nearly the rbole coacry. fi.:!- They lew in this Proclamation the only tale *ytayoatof oor difficulties, while its eminent . justice ctmld be denied by none. Ail will re ,collect how; sadly end coldly the President’s modification was.received. Even the eoiifi ( dense' too people have in hie honesty, and their reliance of the parity of bis intentions, could ‘ Dot prevent murmurs egiicsT hit policy. The - f&ople cianot bat feel grateful to Fremont for ' the annunciation of an idea which hit lodg ment in so many hearts. ■ • wo repast again, we hope the people mill erait calmly the result*. This is no time for excitement and rath measures. After we r bave subdacd the rebellion, there will be time enough'to tee that justice is done to all con cerned. Oar attachment lend obedience is dne to the constituted authorities, and we cannot afford now to withdraw oar confidence from the Government, when it has such a her- Cnlean work to perform. The New York Aerwfng Ponton this rotject, well siys; . All these causes have conspired in fixing tbe attachment or the General** officers and men, and In giving him a hold'of the popular mind! Nevertheless, we hope and praf they may not lead to any act* of insubordination in the west ern army. No one but the Provident and the f screUry of *Var is likely to have the whole 'can before him; no parties ere to well able or iatiUed to decide. The President ie the Commaader-in-Chief; bis decision! are abso lute; and though he iboald act wrongly, the first daty of every aoldiarrend in these times, w 01 eveiy civilian, lr obedience. W 0 bave V misuken. tbe chancier of Fremooi r;‘ ' . himself, if be » not (he first to eousael sub* missioD,acd to stifle every show of dlscon tent. Had bis sarvieet been more-signal than ! ‘they ares bad he falleu into no errors; bad tbe apt-of his removal been merely mahgouot 1 ' nod wanton, the laws of the military aevice .* and the dictates o( honor prescribe bat a sin gla course fur bun, and that is prompt eoacar* ranee with tbe wilt of bis suptrora. General ; Taylor w:» under ebargj* on tbe eve of the baiUe of Baeoa VtiU, as General Scott, ws » .believe, was when be returned tbe triumphant vietor of Mexico; but neither of them thought ‘ : for * moment nf arresting the usual courae'W oxllury discipline. ■ "Besides, if Fremont shall have been re* i. moved) it is due to tbe President to suppose. - that be has not acted rashly; but that hs fcas ‘ v maturaly considered so grave a question as the disgrace of one of tbe bigbest officers of tbe Untied States Army—and that, too, when this officer was at the bead of -a division in pannit ot an enemy, whom he bid just, by able man* mavres, compelled to tbe anerasuve ol fight ing a decisive battle or being driven out oi tbe flUte, and in pnrsoit of wnom he bad actually ptrfoVmed whtt_Generil Hunter, bis next in ; .command, told Gsaeral Tboaxs it was ao ita postibility for any army to do. Moreover, the . friends ot Fremont,’in their impatience, should sot forget that he may ask for a court martial, \* '.if which evidence will ba beard on both sides, • and that if tbe government cannot then show 1 . eauvt foe (be act of removal, it wouldditgrace the accusers and oot ibo seeused. In such a trial, the petty charges made in Gen. Thomas’ report would eouat for little, aed something far more serious and crtminxJ than making s bad bargain in blankets, tending forage where II WM already cheap; or executing an advance which bis snbordiuates detmeu impossible, will have to be proven to justify bis disnmsxl.” . Daxgxxs Assad.—Dr. Russell appre .kendt danger; lo this country from the ,dt*Mtioy of the army. In % late letter to flmu he s»ys: :.*•• ! **So rapidly and rarely is the power of the : t«H that all eye» are teraed opoo it* and the politicians are straggling savagely •; to get placet of.command ie tu rank*. Tfaev leaea their platform* and take to the gooes step aid infantry tactic*. The military men* / however* have.their eye* on them. *Wait till . yoaaee,” qaoth an officer, who had been taik inf ol certain artielee in the American pret*. . ® tr * tr ® not ioog enongk to reach New „ VofkJnst yet, bat w*»ll be able to pot onr themba oa the throat* ofthese gentry before ’ ! o °f* Vott»H aee whether the preea or the • 4*®y».®y whichl mean the two service*, will govern this country in the end.*»» Wdl/we will see. Dr. Russell, with nil •{ Als experience, does not understand the >pwple of this country. While they may condemn many things in the press, as to ~ the publication of news' which may benefit . the enemy* or the utterance of disloyal and. treasonable sentiments, they would re list, to the last extremily any censorship, military or otherwise. The liberties of the people depend upon the liberties of the as the newspaper press is a ne otniiy oitisen, high and low, Us J liberties are doubly dear to them, a press i without perfect freedom would affect them * iut as maoh air denial of tha freedom of ■ Speech. A leading New York paper oom* milted a great blander when it gave op, no doubt from patrlotk motives, the privilege pf criticisingthe management of our mill* | / A»ry operations. It wu a great mistake, 1 ■ and has no doubt been repented of. It was aprlvilego no' editor "had a right to rclin . qutib, who has duties to his readers as well : as to hlaself and Government. Da. fibwiw Jaw as, botanist of Long’s •; ’ etlsbrafsd to the Rocky Moon* tains, died a few days ago at Burlington, lowa. He 'wasi a man of mooh learning, r "' but extremely radical in #U his views, says . the Louisville /otowaf, which we may sop* V pose was intended to mein that his views C ' ;j ,r.went eliar down to the root'ot things, in ■pits of the obstruction of his learning. Tkis is uieoark almost as good as that made 'by* certalnKlog, whenone£aul,.eman of ••extremely radical vlcwi/* In his Cay, had “''•xprsSMd some; of these views In hit pres enoe.- We read that King Agrfppa cried i oot/Paol, thon art beside thyself; mnoh Jearaing doth make thee mad. The Great Expedition A letter fr-m Moorv«», dated Nav 4, to lie Bs(tla»irc AzMne-in, sayd. "Abvat four o'clcs ji .a* *i-.- moon tbe Uoud State* eteißKf Mu ewe* 11* arrUtd frem tbe Sveln, having i£iie%u*i ftna the bl-cS ade off Savannah Sbo reported h-iving met the fleet eff Point Eomrne, abr.ct 'erty qiUj this vide of JJsll Bay, which was known to be the dettinatija of the expcdi:iun. The gale had at that time abated, and the re ids t>s,d evi dently reassembled et Point Eumuioe, aft*r being driven oti by tbe gale, hod were at tbe timo tbe Montfoello paired them moving to tbe Southward, doubtlois reaching taeir destination at an early hour on Bands; moraieg. "As to Lbe destination of tbeexpsdltion being Bali Bay, this Id now wall known at the Pur tress, and revvral tran-'port.veseeU are ready to Sail for that point as a nn a? as infirm it lon is received of their rao;«sfa\ lauding." This seems to be conclusive that the ex pedition escaped the glorm, and that its dee tinaticß le Buli’s Bay, and that of the army an attack on'the ciiy of Charleston. Tee Norfolk Day Book, of Monday last, has the following uoms oq Ibo “invading fleet: a “We uodcrittnd tbat- a gentleman nr Oa the seme eabjeot, the Richmond Ex amuier, of Saturday morning last, eays: "It is understood that the Government baa information, tbe particulars ot which are not given to the poblic, that furnishes grounds for tbe belief, tbit tbe Yankee fleet were prepar ing to land at Port Royal, in South Carolina. There is said to be here one of tbe most capa cious and finest hsrbors on the Atlintic coast, wttb but tew natural advantages for its de fense. It is thought not improbable that tbe enemy may attempt to move inland towards Charleston.** ■ What mat Be.—A serenade was given to Secretary Cameron, in New. York, oa Mon day, at wbioh he maio an appropriate and patrlotio specob, and was followed by Hon. John Coohrane, who, la olosing hie remarks, •aid: “Suppose for an iosiant that our armies t»ke u Southern march, and that as we drive •hr enemy before us, they are broken, and iu extremity, what think you of those men in the exeroiee of sound reason would accom plish or attempt T Would they not put arms in (he hands of oar millions of the oolored race among them 7 If they did not, you would proolalm their folly to the four corners of the earth. Suppose, on the other hand, in this war of eetf preservation, the reealt eJiouM be different end we ehoaii be in ad versity. Think you that we sbonld be tol eraied if we did not avail ourselves of the Identical advantage and put arms in the hands of those wno, under these eirontn stances, would be our allies 7 Whether It will eome to-tbis, events will determine, but I for one am prepared to see it ooma to Ibis, and rapidly. [Great applause.] I stand from amongst the ranks of those who aro arrayed for the defense of this country, and I believe (hat such is the opinion of tboee men, and of every mao, woman and oblld of refleoilon throughout (he United S;a(ee. hold that General accountable who, when victory depends upon his gath ering to any foroe, blaok or white, negleota to avail himself of the ooosilon. [Ap plause ] This Is war, and conducted on (be strict principles of war Now let us have done with able conservatism. When a man is Imperilled be may resort to everything in self defense. When a nation is imperilled, it may take the same course, and when lib erty is struck at It, it is the doty of the hu man race everywhere to spring to arms, and by every'means in its power to prostrate its opponent. [Long and loud applause."] Thi Philadelphia Press. of Monday, 8»je; “Co!. Frank P. Blair is now in Washington, and it is beyond doobt that the order has gone forth for the superceding of Major- General Frsmcnt.” Are we to infer from this that (ho order to remove Fremont was consequent on Col. Blair’s visit to Wash ington ! CoL Biair has taken opon himself a responsibility in this whole maltor which the oonntry wit! not soon forget. Eon. Joan Bill declared himself u a rebel” before an audience of East Tenses* seeans long ago. He has now turned pirate, and taken command of a gunboat on the Cumberland river. - Our. Nizjow bar occupied Prestonbarg, in Eastern Kentucky. The rebel* have retired a few mile*,, where It was expected that they wonld make a stand. Stirrlog new* may bo anticipated from that quarter. ArponmiXHT.—Samuel A. PnrrUnce, Erq., of this city, late Attorney General of the Butr, haa been appointed Consol to Calcutta. X«w* from Savaniuh, Gw.—Big Skip Vtataad. from England, Anal jr Kxp«ci> •d There, eto A gentleman who has lived many year* in the Bomb, arrived io this city yesterday. He left Savannah, Ga: t one week ago last Thnri day, bavmg spent three day* in that city.. During that lime the Preach Consul granted eight clearance* to ve<*ei«, wbioh met with no opposition in leaving the- harbor. No United States vessel was seen daring the three dsye, and it wai currently elated that a United State* vessel was ooly occasionally yeen off the harbor. Everybody was expecting the big ship Fin land, trom England, and Capt. Anderson, ol Bavaimah,iiad left port to receive her. The blockade waa laughed at- The feeling against the North was intensely bitter, And off the men bad enlisted for the fi*ht._The slaves were left to take earo of home affairs, and their masters appeared to have no fear of them. The gentleman alluded to oame to Bowling Green, Ky., thence to Cloverport and Loeis : vilJe. He left Bowling Green last Thursday, and says the rebele were well fortified theref they-had plenty of cannon, some of large cal ibre, and many field pieces ready for service. He saw a number of Indians, and it was re ported there were 600 there, together with 1,600 Tezan Rangers, who rode their horses without using either saddles or bridles, and were splendid ride**. The entire rebel force in that vicinity, as far as hedoald gather, was front 40,00 u to $O,OOO. and men were arriving at the rate of from 300 to4ooadaj. On Wednesday order* were is sued and parties sent out tocollecl 600 wagons, numbers ol woicn were .brought it when ibis gentleman passed through. He saw one mm clap his hands together, and heard him ex claim, *IMI bet any amount Buckner is in Louisville in fifteen days.” -Camps were said to extend for five miles along the road, ard be saw three separate camps in the immediate [neighborhood of the place. Our informant lived 35 year* in the South. Lut summer his family cime North, and about seven' weeks tgo, he came also, returned again as-stated, nod found all his property confis cated and some of his effects sold. As soon as possible, he loft himself. He affirm* that mUd treatment will not accomplish the objaet of the United Butcs Government. All acta indicating consideration are ridiculed and &"piß9&—Ginein*att Cemntrcial, Bn l»r*t Op«'»UOniiii K*ntD«)tT-.Ftir> Ih*r : Dt ■(!’• of Ooontl B«rl> M((« a - Achlrvrmtttla- *XTT?~T'irr ———~ Oo iupday last. Col. Barbridge, whoJs r,v ' in command at Owensboro, received & call .-t u.r. = i t: .•• •- . ;i v, .-Ay. tn*. towo, for help, utoutmpttdMUttcli , t , v^tl ta Dio.fota, »t-a »iotb-pn<.* >t paw M*Va Thto liftU Kanrt maria a. |l f t&« r*v«*une irM..* froia lb* real* **er3ion tilbs sacks, inis little Dana maae a loicea cit, ir^un«.n. tu M»Tk« ur.w.-*»i4 rwnu< march to the bank of the nver opposite to he tat nfartcrUy *Ka’«j ito lb-* cc»otr*CSor. Woodbury, which tidy reached Tuesday, f •* J J ' ulp.jnj nt All k-a p tr» be.- ar. Wrct l<> tbe appro?*! afternoon. ; u(c<)3ijci!t The ferrybcat was od the Woodbury I side, in charge of two rebel sentries and a , black man The sentries were picked'off by rifle shots across the river, a distance of nearly threo handred yards, and Col. Buibndga then ordered the negro to -take the boat across, into the boat be put one of his cannon and a portion of his forces, while the balance of his nflea and the sec ond gun protected his advance against the rebels, who had formed on the river bank. Making a landing with his squad, he charged upon the enemy, driving them back into the town. Meanwhile the bal\ ance of his forces were crossing as rapidly as possible. They were all over beforo it became dusk, and they made a charge through the town, driving the enemy be fore them. Un the way through they were fired upon with several shots from hoiises, which: they instantly riddled. Unfortu nately, and to the regret of all our men, a women thrust her head out of one of the windows, and, in the dusk of the evening, waß not distinguished as a woman- bhe was shot in the head and killed. 1 he surgeon who attended the expedition re ported six or seven killed in the houses. The enemy retired to hia camp in the rear of the town, which Col. Burbridgo immediately attacked, utterly routing the entire force, some four'or five hundred in number; he took possession of the camp with equippago /or 500 men, and ail their camp utensils; but as ha had no means of transportation, the entire camp was burned. Two prisoners were taken, named Ives and Lewis, and brought to this city this morning; one ol them from Alabama, one from Mississippi. One of them is reported to-qea captain and the other a private. - About the Bame time Col. McHenry, with some 200 men, made an attack on a camp of the enemy at or near Morgan town, and took five or six prisoners - how many were killed and wounded we did not learn. CoL McHenry lost one man, but drove the enemy off. About the same time, Oapt. Neerer, who is stationed witn a party of twenty men at Rochester, his men Ml armed with Colt's revolving rifles, had a skirmish with a largely superior force of the enemy in the vicinity of Rochester, but with whatresult we have not yet learned. Col. Bur bridge, in his attack, had one man wounded, but lost none- We belie vo particulars to be entirely reliable, and think that further reportß will only confirm last Tuesday’s work' as a day of glorious achievements. The marching, as Col. Burbridgo did, with about three hundred men from Owensboro to Woodbury, a distance of sixty or seventy miles, iu two days—at tacking and utterly routing a force of five hundred of the enemy within less than eighteen miles of Buckner's headquarters at Bowling Green, where lie is reported to have a very heavy force, destroying the entire camp and camp equippsge, driving the enemy off with a loss of fifty orsixky in killed, an unknown number in wounded. and reoroasiDg the river in safety, with only one of his own men wounded md none killed; and doing all this, too. with raw troops who had never smelled powder before, i* one of the most brilliant exploits of the entire campaign.—[Louisville Dem. Tfl* RaLV*sa or Col. Mulugah. — Lieai. Co). Jiou Qairk, of tbs Uto Irieb B/tgade, yesterday received the folio ring dlspatb : Jmiuoi CtTY, Bio., 3Tot. 4,1861. To Luut. Oat Janes Qeiri .♦ Oar offiocr# are exchaoged. I will be with you in a few days. Stand ready. God bless the Brigade. Molugai. ' This happy news spread like wild fire among “the boys,” aod oreatod great enthusiasm among the officers. Col. Mulligan was expect ed to arrive at Si. Louis last night, aod no donbtediy will reaeh this city within a day or two at the farthest. HU presence will*. be the signal lor renewed s»»l and- orgaali&Uon of a oew regiment oat ol the old Brigade, who are barnlng with the desire once more to eoter the field under their yoang and horoic commander. OoL Mulligan will reoeiva from all elassos of toe oommauity a warm and hearty reception. He returns as every true soldier should, without shame and without reproach.— Chicago Trib. J&cto aobtitistnuiu* (£p»LECIDBBS. RKV. J. McKXND&KX I tXffiXr, D. Z>„ VortDNly pattor of. Christ M. Jt. Church la (bis elly, wilHltUver e cnorse o! two it OjNCERT HALL, ea TUfKDAY AND TBUftdDAT BVBN INQg, tbs 13th *m Utb test fortihadowingt of Avuritan Eitttry, n ox * Tht ftwa by frophttf *• Tas flr*t thowtog apocalyptic lndlretiosi of the uprising of our eatfosaflty, aoe tbe icc-ad, ty tbe saute llftht, mappfag out thepnaeat fidnUion. with tts tonoe:tlcn* asd tasufli. Mtslof tbe views preeeaUd la the»e lecterM are crigiosl, and oeaaot fall to lotereet at tbe pr*«eitt lurouliot and Important Jaoctureof oar uedoasl afftlrs. Tickets for tbe eoane SOo; stugle tkkete 3fio., to be bad at tbe door, hotels, moalc aud booh atom. Doors opea at 7 o’clock; lectori to commence at 7 id. uoT-dti QAfXAUJS OR LIJCUXifiNAN'IS, FORMING OOMPANIBB WOH, XHK 'W ABi Would do well to cell and get tbelr Pouter* sad Hind* bills ot W. S. HAVEN, No. 84 Third street, Who Is prepared to print small or Urge, according to tbe desire to. OOIOBB, To sttrsot ' ATTENTION NEW CONSIGNMENTS— W sacks Hint Hoaiar, "" . 74 boshsts ptfmo Oh*stuatf, r £0 do bucUbarl BLkor/uatr, ~ 40 do Waloats, 38 birrat* Mlnoesote Creal errlfS. 10 do ealilvated Cr*nborrie», •(0 do ohotoe Apples, 40 di s>tfd Wlater Appl»*. SO bubals prise bslvai TSacbes. * 140 dosea Olactoaetl tfrootas—aisorted, 10 barrels pore Vlaegar, 10 do Cat tad Dry Tobacco, SO gross superior fitire Pollib. 8 berrets prime Sweet Cider, 60 do Xx teally braa>l, 100, do do do —Palmetto Mills, 10 boxes, 1 dot. each, pure Ottiwte Wloe, 0 do 1 do do aweet do dj < demijohns do oo 6 tltrcts Davis* flogtrCatsd flams, for sate by no 4 L H. TOIQT A 0«. EuKaa arrival of orooekieb. 1000 bags prims IXo**, 100 do Hoastlag do SCO barrels prime N. 0. Moiawes, 100 do Uold-a Syrup, LOO bbds prime N.O Sogsr. 100 do rorto files sad Cubs £ agars, , 60 barrels Ora>bsi do 24 do B Coffee do ' 4COO sacks Kxtraißslt, 1060 barrels do do 1000 boxes sssorted sUf* Wiodov Gliu, 1000 lugs do Nells, CO boxes Germta City, CO barrels Missouri Clsy, la suire ecd for sets by JOHN L HODSV A an 4 Oorpsr-Bmlthfiftld and Water street* COOOANUTfc-SWO fresh Cocoa fruts Jot ratine .nS for 8.1.bj KIIMKa . BROH., P 0» K—. 118 and 138 Wood Street. PEIAKLii— 40 o&sks No. l received this day by io4 ' wuwar tv. CIOKN MEAL—7S boa. fresh ground / Cora Heal lost ras’d and for Ml* by AAkArmfiß, nob Oornsr ofHaiket aad ttnt sfo. JUS: imiiciiisHnnitß t nO«T«» w*ll *ri• m," "Prcpo alt fsr jlUff'ray City pin own l Impr remmx " « *;»m Jdi s tc r« iIK-.rU, ui«UIS M l’l.. IlAtl&lA*' MUL^, —■ C mmilf «. _ L ' d ' lc >- s J LOhT HuY—Aged eisven years; left br nn s<*trr:»v monlnu, Not 6ih. about 10 ft’diK k if is. nLe trji njoic wm nr In a fleck o<*ii giejjnu'.i, lgat cp, and » rei «»[• r| aronad Ills ncli, h» itii* n» >e ul ft'LLMM >tc OAKTkH any inf>/*iD-tl-.n •HO** ie:civ«d »•> till mother, In Nlclultoo’* lUi». J*rcsN :o 6 ihe pro prietor Will c«U Bt U t*3 R*«D 'A UnckYa d, prove properly, pay etanr#e# snl tak Uvi;, nr H wl'l be .Ljh*-d «f .(to-rtina 11 lisr notKiUl JAUbB T. HUIPBON 0!t KKKINfcRTr KOK SALK, situated oa tbe Waahinfpmi Tnrnpihe lL»ai, ot a ml.e fr.nu Jlqm' Kerry Landing, witu all Iho fixtarea, Ao , uaw-MIU hoo. SllOt*. Hat lag removed my «h p frmn street to the Oil Barret F,wicrr, next to Bralie 'a W o:en Factory, tmiow the tiu»pon»lun Bridge, ca tbe Alla gbeDj riTer. wo/1' t.ow prepvoJ t,. do illklndccf IAUPKNTKK IVOKtt- • AVParttonlAr .Uer.tton paid to JODDI.SO of all kinds. Alt work >"(.r to the niVe, ropo ttnt'y cff 'ii hi* pro ouiooal aJrvlcoi to bit ild friend* anil tbe ou. tuna ty generally m. 6 lwd INTER opening. MKS. M. PIAHCaTOS, .Vo 10i Fidtral street, sUtgk&ny Ctiy, Beg* Ic«vr to inform her patron* and th« pnbiic gen erally, tnataho will opao a ire»h awortaient of WIN- Ten fcTYI.kS OF titSbTEFL BO'NCTS, OUIL DBUN'B HATS, UKAD D&CdSbS Ac., on THORS I>aY, NDVJCMbIU 7»U, To which ebe mvHw the etuntma of the IsriieJ ucA&td JgKAUTliril, NEW DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. Sea., DOMESTIC AND STAPLE DRV OOOCS A PEI.I. AnSORTBKBt. NOW OPE NINO AS onti BDIKU Is >' 0 ~ IS SiS TO3E WE WILL BR R«: EIVIMi New Goods Daily. C. HANB.ON LOVE. NO. 74 BASSGr nTSEET. m-Bl:agwF jy K W 1} UU 1) - FROM THI NKW'tPBK iDCT[.JIa. Bfcei***-S (taring thl* ***efc at nORKE’a TRIMLMIMJ fcTORR, ?T JJarliet it reef. Oar *todt •* bow nsataallj fa'l. su ’ oqr goods pur. ebssed Icr CAS ! la New t orb Aoctioo* sod trom tbe Importers, writ be ScUlto 0081 l UU YEK3 at u LOW A' PBICS as ihey cao be pnrchatbd lo euy Kuteru Jobliiiig Qiqw. Purchasers wilt have tbs advsntaire r>f aelectlos from a NBSF, PRIdH AND ATTRACTfVa STOCK, oepecialty adapted to the want* of a city end eoeatry trad*. i WOOLUN HOODS, 6KIRTING, CAPS. BJNTAQS, NUpiAB. BLCK* fi( AND MITT 3, BMBBOID6UBD OOLLARd, SLTJ AND Qt-EFS. . INFANT*)’ fioilXS, WAI irS AND CAPS, rLODN'OINGH AND KP?I;,OP, BLACK. LACE AND GKSNADJN . VHiLS, HOOP SKIRTS of all the most aj-yroTti mtkes, very cheap, PABN'S AND COMBINATION \OKSETB. LADIKA’ M&RIN ► DMOBRQAfiMKNTd, CiULDREN’d do do MKNifi SIIIRTS AND DiAWESF. m«ds of Oot* too, Merino. BUS audalt Wool. A spleolM assoit uent at low price*. eOLDIKUti' SOCKS, GAUNTLETS and all other hlode ofgoode . bc'l JOB ROiNR. W. & l>. UUGUS', OPJIRID At A D. HUttO*’, OPENED AT W. A D, KUO Ufa’ OPENED AT W. A D. DOQUn», OPEWSD AT W. * D UUfIUA’, STRIPEP FRENCLL SU^WLS, BLACK & WHITE CHECK SHAWLS, URCUf-ARS OK TUR NBWKIT BTTLKS, BALMORAL SKIRTS AT ALL I'RICFA \ * ‘ W. k 0. fIUGIfS. * M W. t*Tior - 'JUVLUK A BKOTQBK, conmssiOß nKttciiAn**, no.4s t,ALNur pratKt, omo. 4VP«nm>*| itteKHon kltfo to the pnrch»*e »o! Crude and Refined Carbon Oils, MO. 01 WOOD BTRBRt. oclA-ly''-'- SCI £% non iNVJfibTMKWX. TA v»V/LJ\J will h« Intoned In room froo/s3i» to *6,000, hr • tern of from three to fife jeer*,--eeeured by bond end mcrtgtg«i au anta* COnbectd (Ml 44tele 18 AllßKh*or COQbty. JUustre •t PKTTVfI, 18 Bt. CUfr»tr«et LIME— 300 bbU. Lime for sale bv do! HMABX B* OOLUHB. Stp », EW i.OO "b J M. BURUHFIEI. ii'B. N*W DKLMNkP FUR lijfe. v NRW BLACK AS'O WHfTP- SHAWI.A NRW FIGURED MS ISO 3. COLOR£i> FBK? & 'tS 9 *1 . - sS 2 • * S B H (6 0 m » jj 5? B • §r3 ; i s 2 3 S z * s*£ “ 3 w s < * § „ - 3 J 5 ? * „ i % 8 g | £ g * 8 1I 5 “ 2 g K^3U *»sS“ *■ a g %”1 3 " 2 8 | CO « o . a 3j * 5 * «r «-5i £ * , KUa S 3 S Q§S5 | I 1 n a 3 & 5 QLIEAP, ELKOASr ASD ATTBiCTiVB DSL’S 1 GOODS Jk.XSTID WINTBH, J. W. BARKER & CO.’S, 09 AiihJBtACETr bTkBBT. ULOAK.S, SACQ'TES. MANTLES, WRAPPER^, BASQUES, BOURNOUS, BL’KMLKS: €OL>D SILKS: PLAIN, PLAIN, FIGURED and FIGURED and REPPRD. PLAID. DRESS GOODS: DRESS GOODS: DRESS GOODS: MERINOS, BEPP3. VELOURS, POPLIN POIL DE UN lON PLAIT 8, ODEORE, COTELINES, KMB’D KEPFB, PRINTED CASHMERES, &e., ao. DeLalneg, 121-2 ctf. per yard. Alao, a complite etoek of HOUSE-FURIFIBIIINO GOODS. GLOTH6, SATINETS. OABSIMERES, JEANS, HOSIERY ANJ> GLOVES. SHEETINGS, 61 OTS. PER YARD. SHEETINGS, 6} OTS. PER YARD. PRINTS, 61 OTS. PER YARD, * AMD ALL OTBBR GOODS PROPORTIONATBLY Give os an early call, oeSauAvtrt GOODS! NEW WOODS 11 BATOR, MACHOM A CO., Noa. 17and 19 riith street. Art now receiving a frtib supply or NEW WINTER GOODS, Purcbsoed by om of the Ann during tbs put «uk la Bew York sad Bc-ston market. .We cso cow offer grrs*.lodceemeoti to WB'iLBSALK ASP RETAIL BUY KBB. Embracing choice styles of ftimpe. Braids, Batten*, TstmU, Trivet* for Umi aad O.osk Trimmings, Reel Vtench and SoLtoh Bmb'd Coihus and Beta, Keel luce .Trimmed Collate, Beta and Hdkfa, Knit Fiench Lace.Qrtnsdloe aid Tlv no Yell*, infects* Embroidered Bob**, Waiata and Cape, Poaoct and Pub htbtooa, TrJmialfg Ribbons, Fr>nih flowers, Roches eod Plannee, - Lsdie*’Colored Oubai.ereetii! Boetoo Ribbed Hoe*, BUX. M6. SO—ladl*#, aod *,£, 6. ?. 8, o.lo.l2,l&—miaaea eud cbli- ren'a W*DITY ANUtOUNIRY MBKOBANTr*, MILLI* MIB9 AMDPfibßLnitS who buy to sell again, will e!w»)B flod car etoek well assorted, sed prices at low aa any boaee essi cr west BATdM, MACIUJM A 00., do* Moa. 17 and IP Fifth street. j. Lttnia tailor. J-JH.. CHARLES IX. BIUWJk, rhynloiftn and Burgeon, Offlae, No. 36 Frdaral Street, Opposite Ootonnade row, near tbo Suspension Bridge, ", ividjy , A»LxqgßWY:omr R. M. 0. JONES, ~ 103 WTLIK BTRBKT, »jH*» PITTBBQMH. W aNILU—A £l-fc * M UfLtNUJCK B-'lLKxt 3i iLci«s is, diameter, VO ot 23 (ut iou# Enquire uj H U. BOLB, pc*.lwd <~orpfr Lcgarase W») *od Pctat Alley. ii w goods: WANTNI* —Roods and Mortgages tar 12.3C0 and haviug boa two to ib'** ymn lorua. Apply at rSTtI’S, IS fct Clair street. aalft SEW JiKP NKW U«Rd. BLACK FRKN'CH HIRINiB. PLHDCOUNTiIfVLANNBIrt. STOCK OF SUAWLS: PLAID, FIGURED, LONG AND SQUARE. SAXONY PLAIDS, POPLINS, SBlaiui jfot iau sc Co lit FOR SALE —A. Ten? commodious and cetafortaKe residence,in a deelreH* neighbor* bo*? *>t the 3d Ward. Allegheny, on long and assy P»» um dU, and very low. inquire of 8. bOQOYKB, Ik., Attorney at Lav, «• ID Fourth arrest. i nnj»r, now drlrlnc three poser, tfeatfllnthiaofica. Will te sold cheap for eeeh. Ss* alra a &A2ITT* OFFIUB, . -Fifth itrtat above Bnlnflrld. Jl«to Soots. Major ujsnlhal. M'ulkllaN’S &PIAT WORK-ms ARHIkB OF IU BOPS I'lottr tad. KfcTlied Army Begslatlona. i' ’ Coitid States Infantry Tactics. U'Clellan’s Bat o&et ExordsHt Blacibary'a loCsntry and Arlillarr w feett’s Infantry Tactic*, 8 vola OHba ji’s 0 .Tilry Tactbi. Tba llecrnft Qroin* Military Sorgery. For sale by SAY A CO n h 6 Wood atraat. - OoUKa FOR TUN arms:.— iff negolationa tor tba Army of the United State*. Qilham’a Minoal for Volnnteen end Halitla. U. B Infantry and Rifle Tactic* complete. Scott's Infantry Tssttcs. Toe Zooxee Drill Book. . 31(Oqs1 forth* Uocrqit In lb* light Infantry Drill. Am oved tor the United btate* Eoqitn by the late Cot. Ellsworth. ns} onet Bxerelae* for the Army. ALSO. Personal History of Loid Bscoa Life or sir Philip bldney. Fllteeo DtdslTa Battle*. ByOreasay. Hr Walterßatilgh. By 0. Klogstoy. Adventure* lo tba Booth Padflo. By ’a Roving Prtnur. Tom Brown at Oxford. Svola. popnlar Astronomy. By Mitchell. Beactlea of Rsikla. Mias Gilbert's Career. Glossary of English Words. By Tieneh. Banlah. By Evans. Classical, Medical and Thwloglcml Books. Blank Books and Stationery. 002 J. h. READ, Te ffonrth attest. EUIL DSEBMi, by tbs late Msjor Wlnthrop. of tba Ifew York Bsrsoth Baglmant. The Armies of Korops. By Gtmral Gsarge B. Mo Otellao. K«vlaad Army Begnlaliou*. Adventme* in tbo nonth Paoltlc. By a Roving Printer. - ' The House on tba Moor. By tba anthor of Margi* rat Maitland, The Theory and Practice of (he Sweilah Movement On*a. Sinai and Zion. By Batsman. 01J act Ussoos for Teachers and Parents. By H. A.Oalklna. Toe Derenea of Armagaddan; or Gar Ooontry lore told In S:rl| tore. By P. ■ Silts. " ' « For sale by 8.8. DAVIS, 93 Wood street GROSS’ MILITARY SDRQERY—A Mbdqsl of Military Snrgery, or Blnteonthe Emergencies offfleld.Oaaip and liotpiUl Practloe.— By 8. D. Gross, M. D. 1 volnme. Pnc* 60 cents. se2B KAY A 00., 66 Wood street. DIARIES FOR 1862.~Just received an assortment of Messrs. U A 8 Edwards* tsao tuci Diaries for 1663. In pla’ix and elegant itylca.— For ssle by R. S. DAVIS, 03 Wood street. QAKPISTS ani> oil cloths FOtTHTH ST. CARPET BTORB, W. 0. A D. McOALLUM have this day opened part of a very laiga and varied sssoitmr-ot of OAR* PBTINO, to which they Invite the attention of boy* ere, as iboy shall be c.fferjdon tba moat favorable terms also, a newly Imported lot of beaut fal DRU3QBTB of alt widths, and at the lowest ratee. w. d. * n HcOiLtoa, 87 fourth street, ne«r PERUVIAN FEBRIFUGE—For the prevention er core of Fever sad Ague. In all climates sod mlasmal districts where bilious and re mtceut fevers prevail, this sterling remodj will be found invaluable. It effectually stops the ebflts and Ht;'>t)i]<>a ths fdTtr, tetovigorstes iha appetite, allays Irritation, glvrs niaaticily to the spirits snd infutes s o» vitality, which soon restores the paitont to P««t rt health. In no case has It failed to cuie, and n> bcttle has effxtcally eared four to six persona— others have been cured by It after fatlare of Quinine' and avtry other known remedy. Prepared and sold by A.B. A D.BAND3, Druggists, 100 Fultuu street, Nnw York. Sold also by U. A. FAHNESTOOK A CO-, Pitts gold eTaoby UnjcgfatCAßnetatlv;" wSlaTtwiwtiT Dissolution.— Tho firm of shbi- VESA DILWOftTHIa thli d«j dlnwlr.dbj tuuia'l oomot. The taalnei* «U 1 ce nettled by JOQN ». DILWORTD,*;the old auad,lifted 181 Secocd street. ' 8. P^SBRITBK. November 1,133 L JNO. S. DILWO&TB. CO-PARTNERSHIP.— I have this day anorlatol wim me In the Wholesale Grocery l>n*in*ra, Gr.O. W. DXLWO&TH, under Ibe style of J. o. DiLWuIiTU Jr (JO., at tb< stand lately oocopled by hbriver A XHiworth. 'JNO. A DILVOaiU. noliHd o. l. LHtrr.—. ...a. a. uKatiAfti. £ G. GRAFF & GRAHAM, '* PRODUCK AND COflOllllOß' MBRO EC -A.XJTS, .• No. 2045 Marrit Strict, PHILIDCLPHU K2fedtf Tyj YOUR OWN PRINTING I o".n,f t -8 oinmirPßiNTiKO onio*. Designed tor BmaQ.Pi In tors, Stationers, Druggists, Merchant*, Grocers, Bankers, Amateurs, the Army aod bavy, Ac. The Preaaee we offer’ for sale are of a Mew Pattern; are tbe stopkht aol etroasest and beat nftde of any cheap Freemever inyetteo, and o> cany ten apeoei can be operated by any one, whether ptlnter ornot, aod areaold at prfoee bttherto unheard of, that la to cay at about ONB-TKKTH the price of Job Prearne now in nae. Tbe Cabinet* (upon which tbe PreseeA ataod,) are com pored of email Oaeea, neat* ly and atroßgly put together, and for oompactDeaa and cunvcnknce bare never been equalled. Call and ax* -mine, or aend fordrculsn, gtving aisce, ko. / J. G. OOOLBT 'k CO, mOOfmi ' Mo. 1 Bprnoe street, N. T»t Ornoaor yea or ansaaiitt I Plttabnrgb, Moramner 2d, 1661. J TO CONTHACiORS.—SeaIed propo uli will be received at this olB» .potll tBUBA DAT, tba Ttb last., for the erection of a Bridge over Plliow*e Ban, ea.tne line between tee tcwninipe of Indiana and Beat Deeri near the eaoaL Span forty .five feet. Stone werk to be dena by the rereb of twenty*fl»4 cnbfo feet, and Wood work by the fool lineal. . Also, for tbe erection of a Bridge over tba Poor ttileßne,onthellAaof Pitt and Peebles towaablpe, near the Monongebala river, (pan thirty five faehr- Btona work by ibe perch and Wood work by the foot ■iintAl. ■’ Plans and specifications can be seen at the cOee oi tba County Oommlettoaera. By dlrectlcn of Oountv Cotamlaioners. p *3td ' BBMRT LAMBBCT,Ocmtrailer. umci orrasOosnouiacr Ausubcrt 00., pa , PltUborgO, Movember4th, 18IL TO ASSESSOBS AND ASSISTANT ABBBSSOBS.i-BiAnk Booka for tha Tricncial AaMumeat for 1862,are ntw ready for deUrary.at tbe office of tke pcnnly Oosnntaifoneia.' Tbe provtsloni of tbe law fixing the time for Artea-' ton to make their retnroe will be enforced, and In all eaaee wbtre (he aaers msnt 'fa not eompitted and tba book not filed in tbe proper cOoaprevtoaa to the first d,y of February, 1*63, tbs penalties fixed by tba Act of Assembly will be exacted. _ & cofcttdAUwT Obnlrcalcr. oso. w. nousair— jah. axtax—a.« rronmnoa. 00DV1LLE OIL BEFINERY.— ’ holdbhip, bbtae a co., UMHtIOIOBIBi 0, > BDBSISB OIL ASD UJBUCATUfi OIL, Beep oonstentlv on head ike very beet quality of BURNING OIL, dear aad wlttont odor; a urn, a good LUDRXOATOK, pare white.. BBS KOLB wnd UAB GRKABfi BV’AII orders left at Mo. &6 FIFIH BTBXRBaak Block, seoond Aoct, Will be promptly atteadsdlo. or6:2wdn J.». uxitT, Troes^—J. WtATxa, a, Bse^ OOLAR oil works company OP PIMNBTLT tMIA, Mshnfretnien snd Wboieale Deslerv In LUDBIOATINO AMD BXPISKD OlLfi, St. Clair Sf., near tk* Bridg*, PitUburgk. IVmfo Uechlae 01, So. 1; Solar Ma> chine Oil, Mo.ijeolar BumiogOti,Mo. l,iotorßnn> lag 01., Moa. Adrsnces made on Bpsolal attea* Don given to filling orders for Crude Oiieof ail spe* clflo gtavlttet. • ocqw; ■ fpHE ONLY ARTICLE THAT OaN A slwsys be relied on fer exterminating VBftMIM of«U dncnptlcDs, U tbe KAT PABTB, BAT PAB T■ . RA T PAB T 1, ‘ BA* PAS**, BAT Pißll, BAX PASTS Pie,B«a6»l,bjr . JO3RPU VuMtNB, . Fnputdbiilrbr ' 4UBBPH rUHOBS, " no* oorner Market street aod tbe IHcaond. CIDER— 10 bbU. Cidei to utlto md ftnaltli, til J.B.IMIUIUP.OO. AMUSEMENTS. pITTS&O£GH THEATRE. fourth Night of the raftngegvsaent cl th» Qmi Aaerktn Actcr, JIR« J. A, ABAFiar. 810 H A KB I I I, aroSARD.,... —,_Ha. »urx>. EIoa«ONI>~—HENDERSON. Qa*lN .....i MISB NIWHOH. ■ *" '~'7o oifiolnda'wUh "• HOLE IN THE WALL. THOMA* ———-MR- Ulf JIT. QONOERT HALL. I | ~ Jhartday Evening, Hot. 7ih, 1861. 9BAND OPERATIC. BALLAD INBTBUUBHTAti COHCBRT. The pabUo era nepaotfally Informed that BIGNOR GUMtfOVI will give * ettuSD CONCERT u above, ouwbkh dceietoa be will bees Isied by MRS DOWNING PROf. Y. Dll BAU. ME f. SMITH, UR. EU‘L POe&eTBB, •ad others, who have kia ly faiuoUemd their services. Tjb Programme la , new and attrmcctva, containing ••veral cbarmleg eelectloai that are, deserting the eaaiUcreiioa of the musical public. 'a : T*h* ts of admission, with reserved seAt4»WITY OENTo; may beobi.lasdat the Mario Stcrs* and at the »;f on thsavenlcg of thaCouerrt, ■ Plat of baill aad programmes, at Mc.JiELLOB’B MuMoEtcra-Wool street, and the Ueetra. ELBBEB * BBO’fl, fifth street, where tickets, with reserved •eats can l>e secured. toon open at 7: Ooopert comm*uces at SVdodu .The Plsacs usod upon this ooctalon are from that*, moos manufactory of Steliwsy ftPous, New York, and bare base ferebhad bp Meal • B. ElaberAßro* Fifth afreet. . ooMU bJanOß=-iansit. 43 AcßKiniuSiS Bucks i fj toe cythara; jubilee: NRW LUTE Of CION} DIAPASON; OttBUTMN UINhTbVQ; NEW CARMJNA BASRA ; -v SABBATH SELL, ABB TBANKtGIVINa. All .ha above at $l£Q per does a, cash. Tor a 1 'by JOHN B. ME,. 08, octt No. 81 Wood street, HUw arth. jgKALBORJC'a 1 GOLDEN CHAIN of ' Sabbath School Melodies. A NEW SABBATH SCHOOL SINGINQ BOOK. Ihe largest, most complete aad perfect bymn and rime Booh ever made for tba osa ot Babhftth tcbools. Price, $ll par faauiired, or lb casta etngto. or SIJO perdoiea, for sale in quantities or singly by JOHN B. ÜbLIOR, octl No. 81 Wood stmt, Pittsburgh. JJIANOS AT A BARUAIN. ft LARGE BTOOK Of Splendid Now and BecooJ-band PIANOS Will be sold at QBIATLV RBDUCKD P&IUEB. üßAhu/rrh blome. No. M fifth street. iStmcatmnau SCHOOL. Et. WILLIAMB, Has opeetd a Normal School at No. SO BA GLAItt aTRKBT. Bd story, reihmony of TeacJurt. Be U tbs cennsellor or me Teachers, the mao to whom all ofos look tor advice aad lastrceHon. . JOHN J. WOLOOTT. 1 ooocur most heartily with tha above. LEONARD B. BATON. 1 cheerfully concur In the opinion express**} above. W. A SHEW. 1 take pleasure fat hiving it mmy opinion that the foregoing recommendation te folly merited A. BUBTT, X know of no one who deserve# higher testimony la his favor. B.N.AYEUY, 1 fully concur In the above recommendation. D.DBNNIHON, Bb can preparo pupil* for the High School quicker than any oilier teacher in the city. A. T. BGUTHBTT. TBBMB—SI per week. Hi adrauce au&StaWd PENN INSTITUTE, HaNOOCB STREET, NEAR PENN. Will reopen on MONDAY, the 84 day ol BBPTIM* BER. Caras: |2S par session of five months. : ««*»»** J. M. UMITH. PrlocfraL STOVE&. SIOVBS DPi HAVEN 4 SON, • MANOTTJLOTUHEBJ3 OI STOVES. Warehouse, Federal Street, near New finspeuloa bridge, ALLBGQBMY OITY. We ask the attention of dealers' to oor large sweet meal ol Cooking and Heating fitovos, for wood and Coal, which wa arc soiling at the lowest pricee. Those visiting our city- will fiad it to ihelr advantage to give na a call aad examine our etoek before purehasteg eus* when. Oast Iron Bouse Fronts, iron Bailing, Hollow Ware, Wages Boxes, ~ Plain and Fanoj Qrate Fronts, Fender,, etc,C«tixp of all kinds made to order.-' Jylfclyd O.DaHAVKB A BOM. Late styleo 0, FA L L GO OD S JUST RECEIVED. We are now epanlog a choke «fo?k of PALL GOODK oootktiog In all of tbs latest tm pcriaUoas of CLOTHS I OABSUIMBKB and VBBTIMQB, wbkh wa flatter our* selves will be equal to aoy aasartmeot to be found Bast or Week Xhey wO! be toads up to order, la A asperfor style, snd at pricee to salt tbs time*. We wonld rttpectfoUy solicit an early caQ from our petrous aad tbs public SAMUEL, UiRAT * BON, MiBCHAm Tamil, No 19 Firrn S*. ATS AND DAPS. fall stylbs , MoOORB 4l oo.'l, in WOO BTBBST, PJTTSBUBQH, Have cow on band a very iargs and compists stock ' ol lbs latest styles of HiAT s and gaps, Both for tbe dty snd sonatry trade, which tbiy can ■all at very low prices. OHJrderr promptly filled- as3l AHTER t CO., ASBATBBB AKO LlriSlU £ GOLD A N D' 8 I L V E R-, Mo, aa fiomtki fbird ltmtf PHILADELPHIA. Ck>lRIMK AND UHOIOK RJLO COFFEE. A -MO tali Is aton aa—i-. su Bsllrud .sd far aM. tip ramjias. ' MoDOBiLD s as.nnsfja. -HsißLllart,aßail.MitfaM.{rZ!l . A FFIKS—2OO bbls. ohoioo Tsnetiea of JCW Bppfa, b. Oh. Ms,!, taital or dn, kMd, mV üßfarfafatii JAS. A. rITUB, aat Ooroer or Raik.4 aaB rtzaa au. ggigji;