■’THE- DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE ESTABLISHED Ihi 1786. CoratMum, fit TAMM "A.' TKT3EB, Foatriuixa •I inOemaiaa Hnoaiat, foriheMboT VLOUR,’ QUU, BAOOI*. LARD, BUTTfa, PUDS, DRIED? fX&ITAHD PBODUO* OUMkRAtLY, Afl. 10 'mbsKtw&aA+wu-' DDwofth, Pr- d* 8. Ooitab*'l A Atwell, U* A On,, John Duatap, lu. da; D. Ban«r aCo J Oteci&DAU; & wr»dj.O«MerMA M Bask, WkiwV; ImjSaaaalOtt,Esq.,daOnoKle A Oo.da; ruto* i dot Owlubu A Broriter, Pkfl*d«tobt». ecfcdly ■l. ICBQIUf « WM, f. LAM. ■ BOfiOMAKKR & LANG, ommisAlon Merohants,' . - V : 7-. imi Wholmh.D ikn in aaocramtt, tants, SRAM, rKobtrcK,*,: ; _No. 203 Libiatt Striit, Mlfclj TITTHtIOTOP, pa. ■. FBA.HK VAN OORDBB, DBODDOB COMMISSION MER* - JT-- OHAttT, DMier to floor, Broom, Seed*, Dot tar, ' Lard, Chmi, POriu Dried and Oiwi Vnita «ad Proi •: AflTMtq made on Oona’pnwnti -IVtrtluraM, No. 114 Second St, Pittsburgh* *' both to , , | Ifiiwr AfTiTint IT P~V — * . rttTiT*Tr ■ ;Bhct*«r A.PUwocth, do IBteani A CoEBn, do • aoldv-; .Bprt|igor*n*rti>njtfi AOo.‘ , i f|.».:|BO«M»»...>.i.M»m a.TwMf t H. VOIGT & CO. # Soconscn to l*. O. Ontrv, PttOpßC* AND COMMISSION MBKOUANTB, 1 247 Xdberty street, uS . pI?MBUitQH, PA. OILAND RUMMJ6, ■ . ; flqoamor to Joba MoOlll A Bod, ; No. 183 Liberty sL, Pittsburgh, ORUBRAL PIIOOOOB, OBOOBRY AND OuMMlfr ' _ SION MERCHANT. ; mpAetfally oolMtart. to3fl;lyd, WM. WBIttU~~4NO. WUIT*« JOB. WM.TB. WDITB BUOTUBRS, " i ; T7ORWARDINQ and commission JP MBBCHANTS, an» Qttkn In PBOVIMONfc AND PBODUOMQKNI&ALLY,■•.SOD Liberty at r**U Elttapprgb. Pn. . .. tnyffidtoonaT *'-tiOm>Yßß,'OommißmnfrMwrohani; J\ Doalor In Grade and Reflaod ‘ , 4 , OARBON 0114, QLASfI, IRON, NAILS, Ae- ! ahg;M . Wo. 183 Llbartr ktmt. VUUAMMtM, . I 0... p I bA*» ■'OAMOUM uuom "I PpectalPartw*. HABANB 4l OOTTXVI, ■UWJUP«»W*OAMPtJM», *llll A OOh : WHOLESALE OROC ER S, OOUBOf ~~- Wood and Water Street*, toHff L S9O«L JOHN I. Houses Ac CO.. WHOLESALE 0 ROGERS AND OOMHiSSION MERCHANTS Corner of Smith field and Water Streets, JeT’ljd PITTSBURGH, PINNA. BDOfIBYONABIfIWiLat, WkaUt< Qrocertmd Commiuio* Merckants, 107 WOOD STREET, K>nw B. CAaPlßlAli-. M- m. barboPh JOHN B. CANFIELD A CO., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, And-Wholesale DMltnla WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, BUTTER, LARD, YORK, BACON VLOUR, PIBU, Pot •adPearl Awn, fialerotop, Lineeed end lard Oita, Driwi Pralt end Produce gooaralljr. No. 141 »nd 143 Front fit., Pittsburgh. od redub •«. CUIiP * SHBFA&D. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DSAIjKIt£,IN FLOUR, GRAINS PRODUCE > pa. 141 blbtrty Itratl, POTHBURBH, PA. Obele* brand* of TLODR, tor Baker's and family •N* jjitiaf ntlj oo band. Paittcolar attention paid to .Siting *rdara for Marchandla* generally., ocOJjd t giyf M. m. KiatFATaiCt. T>BOWN & K IKK PATRICKS, --WHOLEQALK GROCERS, Vp'--. •/' AND PKALBR* U« •* FLOUR AND SEEDS, No?. 191 and 193 Liberty st., Pittsburgh. lafclyd Scugguit*. A. FAUN KSTWK & CO., WiiOL£- J, RALf PKOOQIBTB tad Mtactetorw* of tit* iaao.; Wood tad ftotl • • . • ' -.acW Braun a beitjsb, 'wholesaia. ttißiM Pnciiittt Mwre! Üb«tP‘ ni!R • ; • • *!#»**** ? :*i-*MiNu: isuyoitaaoii , „v l^ylkca tOD.) itnrt tadfpfc -=-——fiaitjk—iw nmrntlj f baad t faUtodcoßrid? wortaa&tof Dgcgt, H7 t uri tU trtlct— ptUlnlnt to hit botlaMt? | «at«RUlj uoatpoandat tltU warp. jttejy |}ftj >upy. LU IUfiY&KK, /Urogrirt, MJr Wtiod atr*«),CMQer or Wood Street and Yufgiu. allay, riuabatgh, ga. . r~-'.- j JOHN P. SCOTT, Wholesale i'ealera ;1 la Drag*, Mata, QQa, Tinlila and Bya Staffs, Mo. SM LUwity atraet, Pittatorch. i AHurdt»f»wiilwoaiTßprompt attention ’mbit ... T AUIS HOLMES & 00., Pork Dealers, || aadßcaLra (a Provfckiaa, owner of Markailand bnat cirtato. Jillyi* a. svteiam*w.~~~. m. a. tatenc I" UCII AUUTUniNSON.Oommismon ' JLI ud Vorwardla* tterobanta 4 deelm Id Waafof* Bamrta ffliaaw, floor, flah, Boon, Uottar, UuMd OIL Poland pearl Aabca, Saad* Oral*, Opted Fruit, " toiq~Tro»tßOß~|taannyr -Barttrrmnda Family Blow always oa haDdo—fgaatstor-ifea aat* of MatUabu Go's oalahnted Pataaiad faarl Starch. Noa.llo Macoad aod 1U Vint su., baiweea (food mad Smith* Said aa, Httahargh, fir a paddy CHEESE WAKEIIOUSE.—HENKY H. OOLLINB, forwarding and Oomauastoa Mw* «feaat,aad scki la dmaa, hatter, Like flab tod , fybdßoaTaot lor IhaßAMßinUl flANoB,aUufor UALLBT, DAVISS . Jt? Boston and wUhoat AMwa Attoeh »iaat Wot fifth straat • -;-.fwyS'-- tnsux*ntta%veivi. { ' TY~M* Becrotary Allegheny ■ F# farorahoaCompany, a? tilthat ,\jp r ; P. JON KS, Agent N ortb America, ° If • State of Paanayltaala and Hartford lean warnMfoitpwrta*.iWWaurat. v - ' O AMU J»L KKA, / Secretary Citizens’ o'lcteraaC»Cfc 1 v dorper'Marfc*t , a*4 Watarat*. 1 • OAIUHNXK JCtjrm, Anent for ' ftw*' f*. Third ttracO. M., UyKIX>JN, ia*oret*rj Wfcrtera V tmn Qowpanyjtt Wtim »tmt U A. MAUSJJtA,: Ageni' lor I>«U -1 • ittxi Maw.RU UUNU. I>DKOUFIISLD Jfc CO., (inoeessors to JD tfOfpfajr WMMltnl Ktuo t Slw I* .ItapUMtf ruqr Dry Good* gort*4Mt «MLHwttNfc, rmterth.: * .. ml -J ' 4plk K, -Dealer in land Bm, 101 l KnbiitrMit,h(M«rKb. mile B;; U*iPALM£Kttfo. 106 Market Bt.. yPiilirt»frim—, Jett. Btr>v Trf«at>t»rt, "'Hir.tr»!»-Ontr«oy~'.~7r. y- jf 05Ei*IT~u6K(?S^75Sl»r^in~'frin»- tf mi4 Btr*w QooOa, T 7 Win UAJULKS UIt'NJBK, Dealer in Drr btaUKHtt,]! lUrla(.jt--Tltu v --,. ■- ipl» _ Mi'ilili' BUSU r Deilff in iddietf' Dress *•tr»« qgpd»:M>—.l»4> tp» IATUW, MAOHUM A eo , UMlert in *>ss!J3««t or.-i- ry ,u. ©toms. oesci* ■’pout*, of tbo laU flno of D.* D.M’Doo U M SMITH . .aldl a Jill U MO. AMCOXU, JK-. PltUb’fe M OiU«. AUCCXU, Plttsb'b. SeDOIALD * ARUCOKLK, TrrnOLESALK GIROCERS, Produoe u " ■<• wT wdOomlwlon Mercbut*. Jobber* in N. O. Hn Sugar* ud Uolaaaa, RaSood Bogan and Byropa, IK*nioo»l Btr**t« floor, Seooo. Rtae.Oh>m. Beeda. So.. mylß.lydU Next door to St. Peter’* Chorcb MO.SSS3 Libortyst- PITTSBURGH; bou! uku»...» mm*. IjAUBBRT « BHtl>rON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Producs ©MleniadOotamlnion UerebauU.' Wo. 6 Blztb street, PUUbutgK, ra. utna, jests tsmsut. - - LIV9LB * TRUIBLK, \ItrUOLESALB QRQCKKS AND TV COMMISSION MMUCIIUNTS, M>n In MU>DOCB,»U>UE, BAOON, UUUSR. HSU. Ou -on «d Uni OIL, IRON MAILS, O LAI’S, tCOXIOM YARNS, nod Pltnbnrgh UnnnlnoterM nnuernU*, 112 Bnoond nUneL Pliubnrnh. n - » J-.WMBUH H. aUMMOII—WAnoa Rk J. WATSON & CO., • Wholesale Grocers, __ AND DXALKHg IN Hope, Oakum, Pitch, Oils and Pittsburgh Manufactures, ■U. lift WAVJBH STIUEBT, AtOTB ftmHhflftd. >QlU>d PITTBBUROH, |»A. WUiLUM 6AQAX.GT, WHOLBSAIiB OROOiil, ■oi, 18 «■« SO Wood Strait, PICTABOnotI. fcOKUK B. JONES, WBOUUI,B IM G.aiOßUlia MANILLA HOPS, OAKUM, OIL*, P'TOB and Pittsburgh masaUctatod artistes. Ho. 141 WATSR rTKSir. above Wonoogrbsle Bridge, PUlabargWPa. jobs noi]>...»..AicDiu funu..,. N ,.tnuiui runs. JOUN FLOYD* CO., WHOLESALE Grocers sod Oonmtesloo Uwchsnu, No. 17? Wood sod 238 Llbrrty street. PUtsbargh, jclo lom wstv...— .—... Jons •u*o*. WATT & WILSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, (kinmMoD fetorcbtnta and Deal iri Id Produce sod Pittsburgh tfaunrsctaros; No. IJH Liberty street, PHUbnrjth. jti26 joss SYWSLI.—i.. J. li.. uuah. Areit.x. A TWELL, LEE A CO., WHOLESALE Prodnoe so«l Oosmiineluo Merchants, end Dealers Is Pittsburgh Msanfsctarwß, No 9 Wood str*et,b*l*een Water aud front Pittsburgh. »i*lB son. sottsoxi, --.sah'lb. aumooK B ROBISON A CO., WHOLESALE • Grooera, Cotamlwiios Merchants, sod Dealers la all Uadi ol ProvfsSuaa, Prodocs sad 'Pittsburgh Mannfentarce, Wo. ttfc Libertyalreet, Plttsbpigh. iuy« Aostav —iambs s. Bssamsa. Robert dalzell a go., whole sale Groeera, Oomratsetan mod forwarding Mer» octants sad Dealer* la Prtduce sod Pittsburgh Mann* Taste res. No 161 Liberty street. Pittsburgh; Pe. IBPRQII, Pa._ ISAIAH 010 KEY * CO., WUOLE y prooiptaMd;sod ihe cbaracterofoor work, to merit lubUe patronage. We Invite special' attention to oar SALAKUJU) VALVM -OSCILLATING BMOiNISJj, u combining advastagea heretofore aaattetoed in Uils dam ol fingfoea. . * ' ~ ■ K 9“ Kouia vlUi stmta power and good light. To 1 Let. |a3B:lyd fMUe ■. sacee. ; WILLIAH BAUIBILLACOh 61 Penn ai, below Marbor,, Pittsburgh. QTKAM BOILER MAKERS AND O Sheet Iron Wbrketa, Hamfaotnreri of Bam* tbJUV Patent Keller, LroemcUve, Ploed and Qyltodpr -Betters, Cbtesaeys, Breicben, fire Bad, Steam Pipes, Condensers, Balt Pans,Roger pana, Inn Yawls, Life Bowls, star > Also, Blackamliba* Work, Bridge and Via dnd.tro—, dona t at. the shortest n» idee. All order* from attended to JiM inaaeu vouM..»__«Boa. mvoce* nonu l. rmo. ». W, VOUSW * 00., FURNITURE. AND CIIAIRI' Of K.orj DeiwripUoa. WyZfeA Pa. Jensw. •irikonM—Dot. XI k 40 Imithflelil it.. QTEAMBQAT UABIN FURNITURE— O w* are constantly manufacturing BTMAUBOAT .pABiJLFUBpIXUEB and OUAIRH, and Invite me eitanUoe otibbselnteisstedlnfaroteltlnKbeeto. ssMhftAwt,.... ?.B.YOUNO*oo 5 = JS6ol»rlU«,*t W‘ M, Q. JOHNSTON A CO,, Sta * UoiKTS, Blank'Bhek ManofeotorMs and Job Print*ra, No. Vt Wood struct, EKtaburgh, Pa. ee3o I/ii A. BOOKSELLERS AND J^:STAXIONBBB r Mo»M Wood.street, hast door •io the fioroarjoti Thirds jfltaimrgb. Pa.", Bcbra) end Ua fcokeem Hally os bwi.7-; :• ‘ 'L.RE AD,“BOOKSELLER AND • BTAfIONBKt No. TS Tndrtii *tr**t. Apollo BnUdiatt,— v:.::.. •• KfoClßsUtt flint is wiLLita w«ao, nSAUBKIN PROMISSORY NOTES, ..JLf 1 Hyj%~yoetghgaa«a4 alljeeurittee ft* monty. , Persons can prapara loans through my Ageoey, on isseet Able torts*.’ '' Ttaeevfcfciog to invart their money to goad advan tage, bndwayaftad first abd second clean paper at my ofltea, tor aale • AH ootniniblaeUcui tndlntervlewe strictly ooufldsu- Mri COca OIUNT mißT,«irpr«lte fit. Paul's Oe- IhaArai. -felattf •.. , . V. . • New c-'NaioNMENTa- IkUartMfi O.Qaovaaetd Bams, Ao bbteJUtratamiiy fiMir, t 100 Ueteaa Lard,. . . . . . . flOQbble. Green Apple*, Tn store amt ter oat* toy - LH. VOfflr A CO^ ; od ; •» ....... . gw LibertyrtM. STIMULATING • ONGDBNTi recommended by raapectable deal* *reaethaeyaateaiU»lrK«t«rer of ibeage. Anp ply of the genalne received by Kssreas. Oar sale by — r BIMON JuHHSTON - Cerocr fnl'bfleld and fourth streets. • Order* Iroae tbe ccnnlry ettendrd mae otcel IN STORK ANl> FOR SALE— -6 bMs fnab Adi Batter,- • 900beta* prints Cheeac; 900 baaßßelfss Paarlws. ocIB ,• • L. D. VO GT A 00. TJ IFUKJ St yiu for ulo b, Xv«i* w>w«*»run.iHWo> rirrsßimoH. pa 'no; EWINti, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Offle* Uv. UO fourth ctrMt, corner Cherry alley, enllVMvtvT PITTaBDROII. P*. ©tntieltp. Teeth EXTRACTED WITHOUT BY Till UflK OV AN APPAIUTUB WOSRBftY NO DBUGB OR GALVAN 10 HATTKRY ARK USED. Cold weather la the tlaie when the apparatus can he need to It* beet advantage. M*diral genttemen and tbetr famltlea bare had their teeth estrartwlb; in; process, and aro mid; to UeUl; ae to tl;> aalotj and painlcMDt-aa of the operation ■ whatever baa bwu eald b; porsous latsnwted In as sorting tb* contrary, having no knowledge ot in; proeawt. ARTIFICIAL TBRTfI Inserted In ever; style. K. OIIUHV, UentiHt, IS4 BmUhheld st. JUSKPH ADAM H , DBNTXST, Connelly’* building, comer of Diamond and Grant Rtreete, Pittsburgh. Rarsail*S T H A 1., IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Tllh most select brands of Qeonlne HAVANA C Ife A RB, AND ALL KINDS OP BMOKINO AND CHEWING TOBACCO »*NUVf, FANUY ■RRUCUADM PH>*o. TUItICS, Ac., Aa, In great varlot;. Under the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh. N. tt.—Hie Trade supplied on liberal terms. mjll;tyd KEKI4N TKUBT AND SAVINM BANA Curnflr Sixth and Wood Streets. SAfiKUP OISCOUHT A*X> DfItPOBIT. CAPITAL, 9100,000. bTi>OKUOLDKUB INDIVIDUALLY LIAKLB. Diaaofoas: AUOUHTUH UOKVKLKB, Preeldent. •(ptroger Marbaogb. Adam Belnernaa. K. 07 H yen. Joeepb Lean. J V. Uavckotle, ÜbrUUeo Sleltert, Antbcay Meyer, A.-Crowenlcld :/• DISCOUNT SVXMT DA T. my 13.-d!y JUIIK STIWABT. Oeehler YOU WANT WIiISKERBT DO YOU WANT WBIBKBBSI DO YOU WANT A Mil ST AUBE T DO YOU WANT A M9BTAOUK BELLINGHAM'S OBLBBKATSD STIMULATING ONGUEN T For the Whiskers and Hair. Tlm> eobecrlbora take pieasnre In anoeandng lo the OltituM of the United UlitM, that tbwjA have obtain ed the Agency for. and are now ynshled to offer to the American pnbllc, tb« abovajostly ce tab re tad and world renowned article. THE STIMULATING ONGUENT te prepared by Da. 0. P. BsuiMKia, an emlseot pit;- ricteo of Lc \don, and le warranted to bring ont a tatek ■at Ol WHISKERS OR A MUSTACHE In tiom three to els weeks. This artlcte to Um only one ol the kind need by the french, end In London and Pei l«lt la la nntTermf use. - It Is a baeattiot, eooooatral, toothing, yet attain letlng cotapcnind, ectiog m If by msglo npon tbe roots, ceardog a beaatlfnl growth of luartant heir. Ifappltodtotheecalp, It will core sUPflMi,and cans* to eprtag np In place of the bald spots Alloa growth of oew hair. Applied according todlreettoot,H*llltam red or lomy hair dork, and raior* grtj hair to Ita original color, leaving it eoft, amootb end flexible. Tbe ."Oaaotar* t» an lad la article In every gentlemen'a toilet, and after one week’s aee they would uot far eoy consideration be without It. The anbecrlbere arc the only Agents for In the United Btetea, to whom all orders most be ad ilrfiewL Price Qn* Dollar a boi—for aale by all Drogglate add Deaterai or a box of the “On*coal,” (warranted to have thejliwlred effect,) wlUbesent to aoy who dealre It, by man (dlrar.t,)'Securely packed, on receipt of prkw end pcebue, f 1 19.' Apply to nor address: UOfiAQB L BIG KM AN A Droggists, Ao. 94 Wliunin street, N.Y. Bold by JOil. ILIHUIQ, corbar of Market atnwt aod the Olamood. «90HJo»nsAwT OOAFIJSOAPI! &OAPH!—THE CHKM- O 10ALOMVJI KIIABIYIBOAP, mannrectnraqpy B. 0. A J. U. BAWYIM, I* acknowledged to b*to« nioet tervkcableofany kind yet offered tn-the public Ita aoperhir advantage* arc found In Its cliaapneai aavlog ot labor, aod lu rfifrsry In mnovlng great* p*lot,Uranj withoutlnjoilbg fbcskln, rr In tbe Icaet wia« daxnkglng the floret totality of gooda. It can be oac-] with ell klnda of water. Keforeflca ft made with pleasure to Lb* *nb|o)t>ed certlflcate,emenetlbg frotnagenUemeo well known In tbit cotamaoHy,‘ and who bed every tacPity affi.rded nf aaeioglt tally and fairly tested: Quariermatttr*i Department of Ue Ttetlfth, Thir teenth md Jfamunlk Regiment* i’a. Toll. **rtawyM*a ÜbfOilcal Ohve Kcaalve Bump” having been need very extenalrely lo our Keglmcuts, we have oo bealtnlbm In certifying that It wet. found admira bly adapted to the oae of the sol ltera. aod decidedly the moat aoperior hoap Wbkh contd be procured for tbe service. JAMBB A. BKIN, Qaartarmaater 12th Keg. ALBX. ruKHYTM, Qaartermaalar 14tb Keg. M.H.fttUOKBIAD f GoarterniaeterlBth Keg. so3t- ' ' PURE aWEBT OIDKR,—« bbla. pore Older Joat rccetvad and trv tala bv JAB DALYILL A fON, m 24 No M Water atrwt. Butter i butter n—2 bbis. fresh Roll Batter ftuC.rscclvcif and for ante by YAH GOttDfiQ, 0c23 ' No. 114 Jtecond atr*«t. Kb N T U Cft Y WuITK WUKAT f I.OUR—24Ofl bbla. lo stare and flnrlvlog far ■aiehy McDonald a ahbuq&Lib. No. 243 Liberty street COLT'S REVOLVERS;— 6 iuoh, 6 •hols, for tain by A TKTLKY, . cell 13d. Wood atreaL —Best London—6UU Iba. foi |/ aelcby " B, A. FAMNIfITOOB A 00. .. fi Oonwrof Weed ami f Hal atmte. Pttsbargl ©a|ctk. PUIILIHUKI) DAILY ANp WRKKLY BY 8. KIDDLU & 1 C O . FIFTH tfTHSrr. iBoV* .Mini FT FI n P I T T'« BOKGB THURSDAY MORNING, NOV. 7, IStil. LATEST FRUM WASHINGTON WafiIIPOTON, Nov. 4, IWJI. The I’ei lunntl a«'«I Nattrlal oflhi Pnlon A« m;. General McClellan hav been occupied to-day in ascertaining the atreogth, condition and dis position or the army ot the United States, the eommaod of w icb has sd suddenly devolved upon him. He has called upon the War De partment for a statement of the whole number of men, and where posted,.aad the total esti mate of metetial on band AOd bow distributed. This Information is necessfcr} for tha efficient discharge of his doty af Commanding General of the whole army, lie wui be oocapled for several days In systaioatmog and arranging these matters so that the burthen of the man* agemsot of military nffairl may be safely eon* tided to the Adjutant Gooerai’sdffice, and afford, the Geoeral an opportunity to devote bis atten tion specially to the affairs of the army of the Poiomao remaining uadcr b(s immediate com* mand. Beginning of the Pot ward movement, Prom every indication ,a large foree of our army will be ia poesousion of F»irfax before dark. This point will be strongly fortified before our troops move on Centrevilte. , Colonel John Potts, The newly appointed Chief Clerk ol the War Department* Hsr been connected with that de« . partmeot lor nearly twenty years, and he is’ thoroughly acquainted with the duties and : routine of the officer He waa born,in Mary land, but is descended from the Pottses, of Potlsville and Polt*iowp, Pennsylvania. Upon tbe transfer ol Mr Holt to the War De partment, lie appointed Col. Potts Chief Clerk, and it was cht«iW owing to bis watchfulness, that 'he frauds ot the traitor Kloyd were brought to ligh£. His Appointment gives great satisiaction. Keimrc of ih« C<»rM»|iou«l«Bce of a The private correspondence am! memoranda of Col. Ben. H. Berry,«l Virginia, at present an olficer of the rebel army, was discovered am) •eixed at Alexandria on Sunday. Among the articles seized a a lull vet of regalia ol the Order ol the Koiglilv of the Golden Circle, id winch Berry i» said to be a prominent officer. Dcparlnra of Mr*. I.lneotia for Boston. Mra. Lincoln left Washington this afternoon for Boston, on a visit tuber son Robert. \ Baryta&d Soldier* tielug Iloaio to'Voth# T&e First Maryland Regiment, attached to Gen. Banka’ column, has beeu granted leave to return home, without arms, to participate to the Slat* election on Wednesday. A large number of Marylander* employed in the Quartermaster's l)r>|.irUHeul hive been ac corded a simitar piivdege. Thousands of Union voters were driven from- Baltimore dtir* mg the reign of lerr r there in April, lew of whom will he able «.> teturn lo take pari )n this election. The Pennsylvania Iteeerves. The Pennsylvinis KrHervev were to be paid .ft to-day. A “KUel ' of Artny Wagoni. A targe train ol army wagons was to leave to-day tor Baltimore to b»iog down the forage for the government, which has been accumu lating there. Srurchlng lor mining Soldier*. A large ounih-r of citizens of M tsaacbuflftUs and Pennsylvania have been at Edwards’ Fer ry 'or a week past, aearchuig fir imasing ioln* lives. In very many r ases they have beeu uu« ■ucceaslul, arid many rfcturo home without ascertatnmg whom they have sought to fir.d. lucraaae of Applicant* for Ofllce. Applications for positions in the army, espe cially to he paymsaiera, comm nonaries and quartermasters, are alaniiinzly on the increase. Olficial notice hae been given that no morn uf the above appotntmenie will be made lor aev* oral mobthu, and when they are they will he made by promotion from tbe army applicant*. Therefore applicants will please late notice that if they expect their clatnia to he recog* niitil they had belter eobat -m the array at once. •> ' Great Idea l«t (he PotoiUac The Potomac has uot boca known to be bo high for many years as it 4a at present. The water ia twenty feet above its nuual mark. The Long Dridge la covered several feet on tbe Vir*- ginia aide, and all crossing has been aaspeodod since jesterdty afternoon. The QoTernmont ferries at Georgetown-have Also been stopped— tbe water being four feet above tbn landings. Ths only commdoicatwQ now with Virginia lor teams is by tbe Chain bridge, and tbe travel by that route is eunseqaentiy increased to a cou stant jam. The debris is very great,^and many of the dead bodies from Edwards’ Ferry will an* avoidably fljit past without being discovered. Tbe Health of General Lander. General Lander is fa-t recovering from bis wouada. In two or three days be will be able to,return to duly- ilia geaeral health has been a good deal impailed by sev re labor in tbe field. It is now much batter. Small-pox In (be Potomac Flotilla. Several cases of smaiUpox have appeared on board tbe Potomac flag-ship Harriet Lane. Two were sent np in tbe Herbert, and the Powhattan has gone to (be Arsenal wharf to receive others to be brought upon the Mount Vernon. ' Tbe Transportation Business, The Conestoga Wagon Express has, been fully organized, and tbe teams are arriving al most hourly. Some of them carry seveaty*6ve hundred pounds, end are drawn by six males or horses. These wagons are mostly from Bil. limore, and York and Lancaster counties, Pa. Messrs J. H. Gibbon* St Co., the pioneers of the' line, inform me that they are now receiv ing goods, by rail aod wigoo, in three if&ye from New York and two days irotn Philadel phia. They have established branches in Bal timore, Philadelphia, aod New York. What Pennsylvania has Done. The reports of the different Departments ire being prepared, to be sent in at the meeting ol Congress. It will be conclusively shown that Pennsylvania his furnished the Government with over thirteen thnamnd more troops thin any other .Stale. Tbie will be gratifying in telligence to the loyal citizens of the Old Key stone. Tbe Jurisdiction of the Provost Marshal of Alexandria* Tbe Provost Marshal at Alexandria has for some time part exfen led bis jurisdiction be yond tbe mere line of military offences, and established a court which had absorbed to Itself plenary authority In the settlement of-civil as well as military caurw. This has been made a matter of complaint to ihe President, and an order was issued from (be War Department to day dinoting General Montgomery, command ing at Alexandria, to have ihe jurisdiction of tbe Provost Marshal conflaed exclusively to such matters as legitimately come under tbe supervision of the military authoritifs. “Tlmee , ’ln Seeassln. On tbe ISih ulu, gentlemen** bools were selling ia Richmond M $lB per pair, and com mon brown sugar at Id to 15 cents per pound. At tne saoia time, the farmers ol tbe Pied mont region were utterly without a market lor their whnst. Red wheat «as then worth, in Richmond, 95 rente, aod whit* P9@ 101 cents. This is equivalent lo ?5 to 80 cents Inr red, and five cent* more for white—ln rebel shin plasters at 20 per cent, discouol—on tbe farms. At that rale, tbe rebellion has cost the agri culturalists of tbe Piedmont region of Virgin ia, in the depreciation of tbe value of wheat alone, many million* of dollars. Political Troubles In fillseanrl. Gov. Gamble, ol Missouri, is again in Washington, urging measures for the protec tion of the Unionists of tbxt State. Property and fife were..neYer.jnore unsafe. Almost every county is infested by roving bands of guerrillas; and tbe event* of the |war and dep redations of tbe armies, by bankrupting men, add daily to the nnmber ol desparatn charac ters who live by pillage* Hon Janies S» Rol lins, Willard P. iltll and Robert Wilson, the three most prominent Uoionista ot North Missouri, are now in SL Louts, virtual fugi tives from home—their lives and tbe lives of 'tbair friends being .threatened by .the gangs of Recetsionisls (bat roam the -Btat*. An cisnt ! orgaaixxiios of Home Gakrida Is 'needed tor each county, w the NiUonal xrmy gives no protection except where it if personally pres ent. The immediate object of Guv. Gimble’s visit is u> obtain aid from the Government in arming and equipping the forty thousand mi litia authorized lo be raised by the Legisla ture ol the Statfl. The militia will be com posed oi thoroughly loyal citizen*, and will be able to defend it* soil against aU enemies— domestic and foreign—j|nd leave the Govern ment troops ires lo penetrate farther south. Kellsf Needed foe Htssoarl Soldier*. Samuel K. Hall, Adjutant of the Twenty- Seventh Regiment oi Missouri Volunteers, t* in Washington, to obtain relief for the men ol ’that regiment and their families: The regi ment'was organised of the- Home Guards ol Johnson, Henry, Pettis and Saline counties, .serving first as three months aider Lyon, and afterwards enlisting for the war. They fought at Lexington, where nearly : of the regiment were'liken prisoners, and tlreir com manding officer/ Lieut. Co!. Grover, wts se verely-.wonnded, aod a few days since bedied. The prisoners were diamitted by Gen. Price on parole. But-their homes had been despoiled aod their latmliee driven off by ihe rebels, hectare they were in the Union service; end the men themselves have never received a dollar of pay ' frofar Ihe Government, because ol tbe irregularity of their entering the service. Perhaps there was a iailore lo swear them in- Tiicse (sen are now penniless, and their fami lies verging on starvation. That the regiment served their country faithTulfy, (here teems to be no doubt, and the case appeals strongly to the government lor Immediate intervention for their relief. All that Adjutant Uall asks is, that an intelligent aid honest paymaster should ba detailed irom Sl Louis to visit these media their respective counties aud pay off suctr companies air can Inmistrtndißpiitible evideooa of ‘their military service. The Charge of Fremont'e Body-Guard at HpiingDeld.—Umetal Kspor*.—luetdeut* oftha-Wight. Coloiisl J. 11. Bator, A. A. General, Sprinofiild, Missouri. Sir : According to tbe order of Major-Gen. Fremont, I Jeff the camp Kouth of the Pomme de Terre River «n Thursday, tbe 2.4 th ioet,at half past eight o'clock P. M., and ptoeeeded toward Sprlogfiold. About eight miles from that plaeeTl captured flro men belonging to a picket guard, mid foraging parties/ A sixth es caped and gsvn tbe alarm to the rebels. I reached Springtie'd, a distance of fifty-ooe miles, at 3 P. M oo the 25th. Knowing that the enemy was apprised of uur coming, l made a detour or fivo miles to attack from another Bide, bht Instead of floding tbe enemy-itr their old camp I came suddenly upon them,- < one of my companies, liberated the prisoners and united ray mao, which now amounted to seventy, the rest be ing ■cstte>e(l>r As it was nearly dark, I retired,Jn older not to ran tbe rivkat clisigt, «u. 2,100 men. They had concen- trated all the forces in'lbe city to receive us. From |be beginning to the end the body 1 guard behaved with : tbn almost bravery siod coolness. 1 have seen batiles and cavalry charges before,, but ‘1 never Imagined that a body of uiea could endure and accomplish so . much in (be face of such a fearful disadvantage. At the cry of “Fremont and tho Union,” which was raised at every charge, they dashed forward rcpeatodly la ported order, and. with resistless energy. Many of my officers, non.commissioned officers>and privates, had three or even four horses killod under them, capturing new ones from the enemy.' Icannot meotioa any names without doing great Injustice to my comtnmd. Many performed acts of horoism; not one but did bis whole duty. Our loss is as follows: Killed.— •Corporals*6 j privates, 9—total, 15. Wounded —Officers, 4; non-commissioned officers, 7 ; privites, 16—total, 27. Muting —Sergeant,-1; Corporal, 1; privates, B—total, 10. Total loss, 62. The toss of the enemy-ia killed atone, from the atalemenis of citizens, acuuti and prison* era, was at ieast!>lo6; how many wounded have since died 1 have had no meant of knowing-, as they removed them in the night, wilb wagons. Twenty-three oi these dead were buried by the Body (Joan!. - We took 27 prisoners, $4,- 040 in gold, and about 60 stand ol arms. Major White’s command left me at the bcjgin* aing of the action, and before my first charge, aodl saw no more ol them until the pest day at Ilf o’clock. Capiaia. Naugblen and. Lieut. Connolly, who followed part way down! the lane, were both wonoded, (the datler ihor* tally.) whereupon ibis company lumped and followed the others, too, in spite of the efforts of the Sergeant* Major White himself was made a prisoner beloro the battle, and -placed with others in the enemy’s fronfl-ank, hut es esped uninjured. In conclusion, I beg to urge the necessity of new clothing and armk (or my command. Forty five horses ire killed or unfitted lor use. Uniforms, haversacks, rod-extra clothes car* ried io the havpisackr, are so riddled with bul lets as to be useless. Revolvers are also se riously damaged by the enemy’s bullets. Very respecilulty, . CaaaZaonni, Commanding Body Guard. Springfield, Oct. 28, 1861. A correspondent 01. the Cincinnati Gazette, in a letter from Springfield, dated the 29,h nit., gives some Interesting particulars ol the fight, as follows: The scene that presented itself to the citi zens, as.the Federal troops pursued the runa ways through the ot Springfield, was truly horrifying. Tbe Body Guard yelled ,like demons as each one of them gave chase to about five ol (fie enemy, and when, alter a. desperate effort to escape, ja rebel fell ' ei blasted, he cut down by l -faia pursuer with one sjber striike or pierced try a- ball eent witb deadly aim from a -revolver. Many of them begged lor quarter, but owing to the numerical disproportion between the contend* mg parties our men were ordered to give none. Some of the fugitives w«re shot while in*tbe actol climbing tehees, others werd die patohed while aiteuiptlogto lorce the doors of bbuses. Twogaen, alter considerable fighting, sought shelter behind a stack ol bay in a barn yard. A lew of the rebels, more cool and de« tibrate than the rest/climbed trees and en- ; deavored thus to escape the veogeanen of our man, but tbe little band was Argus eyed, and sacrificed all whodidso. The condactof many of tbe citiaens on tbit occasion seems inexplicable. Men, women and childrsn-w'isre seen io. the s vats dapping, their bands with joy at tbe massacre ol tbe rebels, and were heard to shriek with horror when a member or the body guard fell from his horse. Handkerchiefs sold flag* were, waved at our valiant baroes aa they dashed - at lull speed through the town, infuriate with rage oh intoxicated with excitement, eager only Idr an encounter with our cuumrj’e enemieeXThe .people showed their confidence in the success ol tbe Federal arms by display ing twenty Uninh flags before it was at all certain that the day was. ours. The news of tbe rout spread with lightning speed through the town, and in lets than ah hour the patriot ism ot Springfield was in a blaze. Men, who for mphibs.hsd been.'subject to insult and out* rage at the bands of Ibemarauders, because tbey were unwilling to sacrifice their princi* pies, shook each 'other by the hands) and un mindful, for, the,-time befog, that many brave man had died'in the a'chievemsDt^jiciory, VOLUME LXXIV —NUMJBKB 291. indulged in a mutual jubilee over their own deliverance. The leader of the rebel troops on tbe day ol the fight was Lieat. Col. John H. Price, of Greene county—Division inspector—and one ol the most formidable enemies to the Union cause in this Slate. On seeing ; the approach of the Body Guard .he told his jmeo to aland their ground, sod not be panie-etricken. A citizen who happened to be io the rebel camp at tbe time, heard him give tbe command as follows: “Ob,yes; ob,yev; fall iu, gentlemen —here they come. Give ’em h—l.” Notwith standing his apparent chirslry,however,he was th» first to leave tbe battle-ground, although be afterward attempted to rally bit men at the Court bouse. Failing in this, he mounted his horse and took the southeastern road. He was followed by twenty frightened individuals, who begged him lo pilot them to Forsyth. They all started on tbe road, bat stopped over night at a farm house, about eight milea from here. On Sunday mprnurg they resumed their journey, A number of Uuion Home Gauds heard of this exploit and in a short lime sixteen of them volunteered to pursue the fugi* lives. Under the eommand of Copt. Lee, these brave fellows started—thirteen of them only being armed. About twenty.two miles from the town, they overtook Price and his cr jwd. Eteryonoof the rebels were armed. On be holding the grand army of Home Gauds, the Breeders, not yet having recovered their solf poieesaion, concluded that they were pursued by at least a regiment, and attempted^ to escape by flight. The Home Gaards gave them suc cessful chase for half & mile, and at tbe end of the race shot and mortally wonnded two of tboir number. Tbo remaining valiants sought eh I ter in a vacant house, but the Home Guards continued their attack from the 'read through the windows and doore until the courageous Prlco himself displayed his white pocket hand kerchief bang on the mozilo of his rifle as a signal ol surrender. Captain Lee cried out that he would not receive a flag ol truce from e loaded gun, that it mutt be hoisted on the remrod, aod that alt weapons must be laid on the ground in front of the house before be would accept of a surrender. These conditions were complied with,'.and tbe Iwetiiy.one brave Southerners were eomexur prisrd to find themselves the prisoners of six teen undisciplined men—three of whutn had no arms until they got them by the surrender. This is one of the grandest achievements yet made by the Home Guards, and bad an ad mirable effect on Idem. The captors and captives arrived in SpnogGeld last evening. Therearenow forty-tour Confederate prisoners bare. The citizens of ihe town expressed themselves in high gleerai the news ol Price’s capture. He has been the chief source of an noyance to Uoion men since the war broke out, and has done more .than any other man in tbe State, peihaps, to forward the Seoessioo cause. Insucantt. Indemnity Against Loan by rite. frsaklla firs Intarsess Company of PaiLAJ>£ L P H I 4 . , Office 435 and 437 Chestnut Bt., near Fifth. putomeut of Assetts, Jsaosry Ist, 1860, pahtUh* ijjifiwbljt to *u set of Assembly, U>log first Mortgage*, stnply Heal Kstste(present value glo3JU3tfl)cost. IVta|x>rary Loans, on ample Collateral Be-. •- earitio*—. 88,136 Btockafpreseut value SHO,M7 7’i) co*t 89,78t> Notes ami Millir*oelvsbl«....~ t,Bzl Cash : - 49- Tbe only i’ro&tU from Premium* wbEcb thie Company cau divide by law ar«- from (Lleas which have bwiidMerinlDul. Imuiaucos erode on every d«wcrlptk>u of Property, la To wo sudConutry.at rates u low ae ere consUteut with security. Since tfielr incorporation, a |>erfod or thirty years, they have paid Losses by die, to ae amouul exceed lug Pjut MUUotu of JMiort, thereby aflordlug evl d* noe 4)1 ibe.advantaKesol lueurauce,»» wellasthrlr atdlity and idlapoeltlbn to meet with profopluem all tUldlltUa. , loasu bx nu Lomw paid daring tbt year IBCjS .... |106,tK5 X>7 DiBIOTOES —CbfcrlK N. Uaocker, Uord«c*i D. Lewi*, TobiM Wagner, l>»*id 8. Brown, ttanoel Grant, laaar Lea, Jacob it. Hroitto, kitlward (1 Hale, Geo. W.iilcb arda, Oborga *al«a. GDaKIiBS N. UANOKKK, PcmtdaM. KDWaRD 0. DALK, Vice Wk. A. rtftsi, Secretary |>ro lew. J GAKUNJCK OOJfriN. Ageui, ' wjfl Offloo Nortbtaet Wood and Third ata. fIKB IIDCRAIOa. By IM Icllaflii Saiuni isiarsfen vo. u r. r. u i ju a x> » l e h 1 j a On UaUdibgs, Limited or Perpetual, tturcheOts* Fnrnttnre, Ac- Is Town or Gooutry. Offico No. 308 Walnut etreot. 5966,764 U *4* y. IL UUNTINODOtI, Prest. m Tnnnnrn la Um aboi* Old ud.lUllaM* Onto apptfcaUoa to ' W.P.JON«»,*K*m;aT WaUraL, ' .... . Baijrtjog, CitlUß'i iiiuraiH wmp'joi Mttiinrifi Offlca, oor. Mttrktt * Water at*, {flaocn* Wtf. BAQALIY, rrcaklMtt Siam Hu* Becrtunr. - iNHURU HTIA.UIIOATB AND (MHOOIM. men* against Low Dfttt&a*; ta Ux Navtealfcto of u»* Itoolbera a&d. Wastara JUvsra, Lake* Sad. "« Bajona: and tba Rat%aik>o of ttU’. H*a§. : losarea against Laaaa&d Damage lry-Ptrs. ; omaowß®; Vm. Bagakj, Hoo.T.M-Oo**. Jm. fcLCoofcr' Jm. parkt Jrv _O.Zag, ’ . B.tUrbaogb. . B.V.Joah, ... J.CaMwaU. Jr., IraoilsßaUara, .8. SL Kkr, Joo B.Dlt»oitb John BMptoa, SarcUf Preston. /aißt*llaiuou» Cams. 00 L 0 piiN S , • • • < WUOLK3AL»AtfDE*CAIU demand Gwwa liepoired; '•, f BILVJtt AN& QUU> PLATING lKj “® ** *horw*t uotlco, «t ttu> cor dm-. of fourth •od Market streets, aoco&d story. i“«*Kiu* Hung wotu ihaelty, iutldi prm to mrfr. tau mo 4 them uj mall, mht7:ly Jutiß WIWH, j|>au w. oama Bitiß uTiniif. WILSON, CARR 4 COi, (Late Wruson, Paths & Co.) Wholesale Dealer* in FOK.DIO-N Sc DOMSSXIO DRY GOODS, Ho. vs Wood str««t t Id bom ibovt DtSMOld AU«|| *pio;*i»i mndßUhjug. jAMiS ii. ciULOo <1 OU, UOCB C.HTOM HILL, ALIKaUBHJ 01TI. ■ixnrieiouii or SEAMLESS BAGS, OMMItIJttVS, 313 inohes to 4U inches wide. Orders lelt at U. Childs A Co.'s, 133 Wowfstrast, Pittsburgh, will receive bIMqUob. OdKlf Lucifer Oil Works. WILLIAM P. WOULttIUGK.* MANUb'AOTDRKU Of COAL AND CARBON OILS AND PBALIK Hi LAM I 8, CUIUNEYS, &0., io„ No. 39 Market street, Between Second shd Third, ' pixrabuimii, pa. BJLMOIf JOBNtiTOXT, I hKALEK IN FOR£ DRUGS AND XJ OUKUIUALB, Perfumery. Fancy woods, Burning h’luid, Uilst hidn iiy ftleiiiemea* «o. Ao, ot atnctjj pilots quai* Uj, which he oOera »t bOWiU'f PfilOhl). COiLNKH UMITUrLKUJ jINU JTVOMTiI BT&+ i'lnauuiiau.PA. Cit Fracnpttoiu carefully 1 compounded, at all Ajuri.*> . ocShlyd r. SIXMSS-...... —J. * A*lltkk MMMr ..WU. D. UTMU [Latest Millar A Uicket*on’t.J HKVaKIi * UUOTUfiUS, [Sucowaor* to lUtus* * AUbuSOHj WHOLESALE DEALEItS IN FOR UIUN JIiUIXB, NUT* and BPiCUB, 00h* rnuiiuNhtii auuAits, nit* vvoukb, *4, no*. l»Oaod I*B WuOt.ftTKPtLi, above VllUi, l**U 3P W K li P A O K E K M *ad Dmlw< lu Baron, laird, Dried Beef, Mess if Rump Fork , No 1U Fourth near Liberty, Pittsburgh. P. JML A K S U A L L AuuoubM* Lb* srrlvsl of new wallpapers,borders, &a, AT ja7 No. £7 Wood Street. JAUOb REESE, DKALHR IN PIQ METAL, UO}N OKI, »UHAf IKON &OKAP BTlJfib, AM* CANADIAN GLASS SAND STONE. t&.OfriUK—CdILMCKOir PROMT AND.tfMItU PIbuO oTnliifi*. mrlOcdtf $3,808,061 OB J. N, SIIALLBUUIfiKUiat * VOi [»tcctitort is H. JJuniap, Jr. J : (MPO9TBBB AMD DIA LIEI IB fiAHOWASG AMD CDTLBRT JWo. 1«1 Murlcek Street, PITTkIUitOH, PA» Itoyllnli. m. *. . dealer la all kiude of uirruutx, muvna, HAWK*, BOIBSQBB, HULKS, GUNS, . KBVOLVIHS, Ac AO 4#* A Urge aaeortomit ol the above good* oowatenU ij on bead. , , . xghi WV. AlAitEtliAi.il, haling n • torned from ibc Hat. will boob receive a magoUlceal usortiorQt of french tad Americas . Paper Halting!, lor adorning town anil oouatiy boueoe- ftn variety wu> be aa greet aa heretofore, and price* lower. “roll!or the tunas-** fe36 n Wood aL WTUUOU WOK K£ ft. O - JABiCS UWENB, and mabyiu wuhkkb, papim (UMJSR AND PLAffUKMK. Wfr-CKSTftK* end QftMAMUTfI ufal! MaA fer> auuou oA abort nottca. • . Ai! order ■ left at Ho. £3 Goograae atreei, Ha dotra from Wylie,oral Palmer's Wall Paper Wore, No. M Wood el, will be promptly attended to. " mb‘d> AiAUijrAirruitx. M2SBBB J. * R AUL ■O.ll ST. OfaAtA STftKBVf Hanoi to ordor, bj auit, Me. ob abort ttotio*. aim, hots whatly,w hMd • Isa MMrtoeatof . _ BHUtTrt AND Had* la tbo bairt, okni taoblonaMo ui iwtiAl* BWW. j- AVU>IU. ! > • Gonur oT rMuth ta4 &«a auruuiu* nTTumi&UU, FA. v Afiatlortbaioealptaudailoof. OAKBON OILS* Smn oouUaUr oo toad awl I* raealvtuf Bun awa iUcht UUa. nltaM* (or labrlcauot aao ntataa firyuu uftiob vUi bo told Uw for Caifct tad Quota Paly.. . . .m-dar WlUUtata* UUMtIAA * CUh . T 215 Liberty at, oppoaito 6tli, Pittabargh, uniumas «r 1 Wiiipts, lasueS & Bwixciuts, and twj description cl • uutair juuidd mnu.'' 49*0nt«n auUdtad fraa Du train aod pwptt> tbit—daapar Iwtwmttao : • . HJSNKY & KJMQ, BKO&JS&, for the ul* or porcfaaM of Bilal; Chttob Ott* Mot* wb«te«iixo Bond*, Block, Not**, Ac. Hodoratoeoaipoo* Mtioa cfcargad for aHlm«»trKftlulli tad p«(ci» No. 47 wau**. •••.-- 49r*0fle* ftt.tiM ttimiUctof/t coro«r.of WMDlngtoo •op frtaklin - rtrtoti,' Bfnaiojifatm, opposite P*U»* borrt,t»m.; : Bllilyfl AIT 8. HAVEN u prep«red :tp ini'- ; Tf • DUh rBINTCI'B. HATinUU, ol «K]f ! jaMripUw, ; totnM«fffotd wd Hiirdrti ' J4l •. Bolting olotub, of utter qa&iitj tod at to«sr (Alov than etaawbara Is IS* Stale. uuaCbly QgQttaEVUOQO, BroewilKPs. •antiitmutai. JAMfiS M. BALPU, " UU aaatatant to Okia. Bartbergar, >m« . pnpim BXPUOXf DBAWINQ9 awl fiPtoJUTIUAfJLuHS to all kfodaof bnlidfega, asd aaperldtaoda Hull war*** ou ia—aoablt tcnaa. . UffiOß OS AKDKBSOH OTMOHV lecodLaodßoMaamalrvata,r • m JaU AMJfIBBfT CIIAB. BAUTBKKUEK _ ABCIIIIETO, Tarsiiboa plana and apaclfloatlona loir ■ toMtifi c 1 •venr daoenptioaj work* anpertor; and os Biooarafta tonne.- . . Bjtlyl • iVUn 11( || | IV LOAN on Bond* asdJlortgagM,l smmloaidt. Tiß*i troa/twa to tag ywriv Propartata* n# fa Al|«*b*aj county. Beoatract pBtcTO, * 'Mi '- ...->• ia m."oue arm . CUK£D> HAMS— I£ tierooe O trowtwfdga A Saally'a .Gtoc*ntt*U AU HaM, lor ailobj KCUOMAHBR* LABQ, . ■ -'wai ’ *•• ■ 303 fibertj*rett. OAT GRITTS AND MEAL—Afire»h •dpplj asparlor enana and fine Oat liaal JAafc rccelfad asd far aalebj JOHN i. r Kl9jBAV| . ■ftUt ’ earner liberty aad Bniamt . iPATBICK * WL