=NE M=ME ': . ==ME ~ ;;~ ~; . • • . INEE MEM : ut • ' ",'• MEM ,~; i .. ._ ~~Y',.~,R.~y ~ . . ME=M IBE ~Y .'f ~' ..`f .~~'l'i.i ~:Y..~. ~. • .4tv: • • • . • ;F 4 " . ft" . 4 4 •': :j*44,;• . ' '.'• • • • • "Ze !‘ ISM ENE =ME MEI ,;. :~~; =OM , . „ - 'Vittsbitrg 612ette. iornolaz rsr Laor ras cktrr INDICSBDAY4IIZINNINO, NOV. 8, 1881 CITY AFFAIRS. atieflozoLootckt. _Observations for the Ge dee, by O. K. Shaw, Optician, 68 filth Street -Leerrneted daily:' is OMR. 11.11 MUDD. 1 9 cSelgt.Ck, 4. s 00 50 90 88 1.2- .. ..... 3.-ti E=lME^=3 Ths railroad time table. !mains been re. Vieed and. altered, the tains now arrive and depart trom this point.. follows: Arrior at Flooaruiromila Has7:mod. Nepal. Pirtsbsoigh. %1,4.3111 tra10...........-- 660 a ea. 306 p. m. 40 p. no. 116 p. m. that Llaa.---.. —. .10 ..33 p. m. 130 am. • . Joba•torra Accommodarloa—. 390 p. m. 30 06 a. m. FiraaWall'i - do - 660 a. m. 680 m. Parioad do do .-1109 am. I 110a.m. Third do do . 4 00p:m. 101p.m Fourth do do 616p.m. 606p.a0 Fttriborrph. R. W. re C. —lfba. at 3 gip. m. 193iploan P•artiamir...—..—.-- 140 p, m 600 a. to. tat ltoonomy Area from 311'7.. T 40 a ra. -4 00a ea . 114- - do do do d0...12 60 a. a. 1010 a. ea. 341 do do do do— 6KVp. m. 6 06. p. m. lat Brlghtoa do do ,d 0... 930 a. ca. 616.. m. 24 do do do 3 do— 430 p. m. 2 00p. m 7 alamilloo Pim do d 0... 60 p. a. 11 00 am. • almaimill Pitgatorreo /2.-31. • ItaY --..—.. 116 a, as. 410 p.m. llamas c , 140 p. m. 10 00 p. ea. . II 20 p. m. 940 a. m. araselZiaatir Nen/road. ' • Mali Train —.............—.....- 300 a - m. 633 p. m. sport Agoommtdatum...ll 00 s. to. 200 p m. RIF ON Trate.. . ..... 660 p. m. 980 nm Airtime' Accommodation-- 420 p m t 636 a. zo. lieZeotptrt 4o -- 66tp,m. 660 a.m. .21tini..1 train which I the city on Bundey. Change of Mails: The Winter Time . Tables on the Railroads, took elect yesterday. Hence, the boom for the arrival and departure of the malls have beau alto changed. We annex a synopsis of the time of arrival and departure of the Etat and West miile, tarnished by the geometers of this city and Allegheny: • errrisnlog • Pint Waters ilsil--Batollo, Cleveland. Cincinnati, Okapis, Indianapolis, Lou:kerne. tit. Lonle, Wheeling, iltenternellte, Wag math for Tort Wayne k Odense getlroul and Cleveland & Pittsburgh Relit° A-closes at midnight. nee shim at{ edockp Am& Wetter* Masl-111rh, Co:lmbue. Cleveland, Clootnuall,Chicago. getroir. - Dritioqua, Indlenspolta, Lonimille, Et. ilcoeph ant Bt. Loots. fan /rancho. Baeratarsto,Touido and Who'll:iv-clone at Itegp. on. and arrive.. at 6:18 a. m. Ping Sorters tali-Scaton, Baltimore, Washington Oily, Cliamterourg, Bahia. burg, Lancaster-clews at 8;60 p. us; arrives at 1:15 p, m. Ilperati iattarh Mail-Baton, Baltimore, Washing. tens City, Neer.lork. Philadelphia. Chambenbutg, Harrisburg. Lanoester -dors at 9:16 p m; arrive. at 1:93 a. m. 2B(rd Muter* Mati..-NewiTerite Pbtl.delphls and Way Malls to altoinarselara at midnight. ortifuurr tri.ca. first -Wriknrtl-, MaAtfires at MO p. m. Ohms at 9.80 p. m. Alma Writers Anti--Arrives at 6:13a. in. Dimes_ M11:80 re. PIMA Zanier,. Mosl , -Anives at 3 p. m. Chem at P. itamad Misters Misil-Atilrea St 6.18 it. m. Cleave 061100 MOLs for Butler, &limey* Hauung, Mead. vita, franktindlo , arrive at 6:30 p. m.; ohm at 8 SO p.m. i Air Moan cut out thin Sandals and preserve it for your ecnvenkstra. A Slam Gives hts Wire Leave to Tumid. A few'days since the wife of a man named Jonathan Andre, residing in New Garden, Colombian:Aunty, 0., eloped with a fellow • named Puce, who became acquainted With her while selling cultivators in . the neighbor. - hood. Jonathan, instead of pursuing the faithless one and taking deadly revenge on the' destroyer 'Whir peace, takes a most - philosophic view of his bereavement, and contents hirffsell with @title, the fact that "Anne Eliza" haa lett him, and warning the public not to trust her on bur account. in his advertisement, an nouncliig her Sight, he Bays: "She left in the company of one John Afton, the 'cultivator Man.* . Sinceleavieg, they ha - re been seen In Bellville, Ohio, where they passed as man and wife. This Pazon is quite a captain in the female line, I being the second man in this canary whose wife has strayed off with him in the lui two menthe. He his a lawful wife in Greensboro, Indiana. Said Puce is about twenty-Fix years of age, six feet one or two inches high, of a dui complexion, aid is u present engagedin_selang territory for a corn cultivator, of which_he is patentee. Any per. - son capturing and fettucine , the fugitives will - receive neither money nor • thanks for their trouble, as I have no desire to ever see either of them." Go it Andre—you're a trump. A Patrlotta Sumplo. A number of bands employed upon the • Reading Railroad have lipid a paw to the ilect that they would devote every month a dolluor more frog the of each towards slut new Government 7 1140 per coat. loan daring *lie sontinuance of the war; the in taut which may accrue to be reinvested in the same way; the whole inveitment, pried. pal and interest, to be sold as soon after the -- , , termination of- the war c, may be decided on, and' the 'proceeds to be divided among the pahecnbere in proportion to the amounts end dates of their original subscriptions. The President and Treasurer of the road will act as trustees; $5,400 has already been subecrili ed-threegh Jeri Jay Cooke, Government agent in Philadelphia, by one thousand 'oat of the fifteen hundred employees in the transporta - ties department, and in the roadway depart meat; five hundred have siren notice of their intention to subscribe OW;rime Court Toranav, Nov. &—Present , all the Jadrgea. H M I vi. Sboenbergar's— Milts; Cambria. AllUld by Potts for Plaintiff in Error. Wright vv. Canntay; Armstrong. Mimed by Catania for Plaintiff in Error, snd by Col deo_ _ _ • James A. Getty, of lodises, was on motion of IL W. Weir, Iteq. e duly admitted and qualified to practice in the Supreme Court. Ferguson vs. Galc.lariat et al.; Westmoreland. If on Pro,. Bradley vs. O'Domiell et al.; Cambria. Ar gued by Johnston and White for Plaintiff M Error, and by Bcott end Kittsll contra Wilson', Appeal; Armstrong. Argued by Fulton for Appellant, and by Calhoun contra. Heyl & Lanai's Appeal; Wetmoreland. Argued by Foster tor Plaintiff in -Error, and by Barton contra. Comtmdoerned- till nine o'clock Wednp• day moriing. Dbtriet Court. PilorviT t Ont. 4.—Btiore Judge ilemptoo. . -- John Woods se. Richard Denham. Aauni on a promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff, $412,87. George Blieger; for tom of Wm. Teuteberg, M 6 T. IL Nevin, executor or. J. B. Deckhouse, dieireassd. Action on a bond. Verdict for plaintiff, $416,25: TOSIDAT,OCt. b =Hermon Wen vs. Robert Rhin, W. P. Bantu, Noah Stahl, John Reda- High aid Levi Smith. Action of trumps". Tee Sakai@ cbargetriefendeot with sitarist Upoa hie pawl/tee, hums as the Osce ola Coal Works, on the Youghiogheny, river, end taking therefrom thirteen thousand bushels of coke valued at SLOW, ten thounnd tett 'ol oak lumber worth $260, and bithotiog other 'Warble, amounting in the aggregate to a large • no.: The plaint& claimed a legal right to the property, which war taken tinder a land• lord's warrant. On trial. Chultma llnvassisnother of the parties eon ' serned in the repent ruined robberies, In Ails 'buy. was arrested, Monday, by the Indorse ant Pollee, at the house of a colored • man wooed Banta% in the Seventh W 41.4. He had on !kook and over ooai, both of which had boa stolen.:Babeetiently, a lot of stolen goal, unautiap to over 4100, ware recovered at • • - • beau on Pike abut, where they had been left hj Meyers. The soused bee been working la Allegheny, u a cooper, and it is said that he • has already saved a term la the penitentiary. Be was ounteitteal to Jen Disicross .ItuicritaAt sa 1110Cii011 for Wasters of tlus Pennsylvania Insurance Cam , easy, held Monday, the folthwing Hoard was elopes: - Jacob Painter, &nay Paiterson. Ninny Sproul, C. A. Come, A. A. - Carrier, A.- .I.4onts, N. Votsitly, Grier Sproul, Solent Patrick, Junes H. oopktos,' D. 0. • ASZIOLO LABOCIIT.—Mary Min? Won, who tin Isressiotioe• hosseliold odes§ Loa MusD Dawty, was conatittod to jilAptotooloy Ity AlLtd._Joaso. Bilintmuites Ckenualty—ow BUM Kilted and aseistMar — Beastinti* takhared..- T he heareir (Pc) Mar says:- 1, Oa last Tuesday week, a most distressing accident happened hi town. Mr. flebutian Christ, of . Brookville, - (fonnerly of this place,) we. com ing down bill at the west end of town in a one bores wagon, and bad taken Mr. Oliver Vas. Modulo to ride into town. The borne ran off down the bill. The bed became loose on the wagon, and slid against the horde. Botb men were -thrown nut, and Mr. Christ became entaugled in the linen, and was drag ged feet foremost several rods. His sloths!' ware torn from him body. and he was most as. verily braised and injured. He had to be hailed home On a sofa, and is improving. Mr. Vaabinder bad several of his ribs broken from the back.bone, end was crashed la the He was taken to the bonne of Mr. Rogers, near W. W. Corbett , ' residence, where he dietthat night near midnight. His wile and family had been broeght to him, his residence being on the Turnpike about a mile and a half from town. He was one of the most re spected citizens of the county, sad I wife, several children, and many !Cicada to mourn bin death. ' Col. Lohman at Camp Orr Our readers are perhaps aware that a camp was formed and established in Armstrong county, in the — month of August, through the it.Buence of Col. 1, B. Finlay, who, together with Col. Birerell, tailed the 78th regiment, Penney!veal* Volunteers!, now in Negterm Briii gads. On the 14th ult.,'-the camp was plated under the commend of Col. Finlay, who his since selected Col. T. F. Lehman to be the Colonel of the 1021 regiment, now rendezvous. log there. Col. Lehman has Jan entered upon his duties, is very popular with his men, and will make a superior military officer. Being a graduate of a Military Academy, he will prove a great acquisition to this regiment. He has juet returned. from the seat of war, where he was the popular Lieutenant Colonel of Col. Black>. regiment. All companies and parts of companies are bomb,' advised to throw to their lot with so brave an officer. Close of the Criminal Court The business of the towbar term of the Quarter Sessions, so (era jury trials are con • eented,was finished Taesday,and the jurors wero diaisharged. The oases• hays been disposed of with commendable speed, and with as little ex. penis to the county as possible. The-ocascs not before reported are these: Philip Ilidistein, of Allegheny, was convicted of selling liquor on Sunday. Robert Book was eonvioted of the Jamey of- cwt of harness from Wm. Barr, of Alieghany. Win. Bonifsee, indicted fir tho latoony of some harness from SOseph Rosewig, was tried, but the jury failed to agree. Bic Graham wastsequitted of a charge of larceny. Mary A. Beck, indicted for criminal lc torcourso, was acquitted, and A. C. Christy, prosecutor, woo ordered to pay one-halt the coats. The Court will meet at ten o'clock Wednerdsy morning, for motions, arguments, eta. A Cent from the Jail The followine card, signed by pr:sonere in the county jell, in doubtless true in every par- Editors Gazette; We deem it proper to bear testimony to the efficiency and kinditese of Jailor Small and his estimate, in the man agement of the affairs of the county priest. For good older, decorum and cleaaiieese, tt cannot be excelled; and if it were not that the gates are looted upon as, we could hardly re alize that we are prisoners. To the tick and unfortunate, Mr. Small is indeed • benefactor, as be never fails to exhibit %Gooch a kind heart and a liberal band. All who enter as prison ere, be they who they may, are treated as fel low creatures, and not as outcasts, to be neg lected and spurned. We have opportunities of seeing what the outside world cannot see, and (prisoners though we are) we feel jnetifird in bearing testimony to the integrity, tne kind ness and the generosity of Jailor Small. PI/07. JONA 13.1R1T, W. A. Asintimos, D. Bralerr.rr, A. H. Dsczz.a. Operations at the alai' The busineis at the United States Mint in Pniladelphia, lot the month October, shows large operations in both deposits and coinage. The gold deposits amounted to $3,431,341, and the Myer purchases to $165 . 573 —making a total of :3,696 914. The coinage in the same . time was, in gold, $3,233,629 , principally in doable and half eagles . .. The Raver coinage was $240,340, the larger portion of which was in halt dollars. We are pleased to see that the Mint has renamed the coinage of gold dol lars; and that in the silver coinage there is a liberal supply of the dimes, half dimes and -three cent pieces. Of sew cents, there were coined 6000, nail of the old, 3745 were re. calved. The total coinage of the month was 33,419 959. covering two millions three hun dred and fifty-one thousand pieies. A VALDABLE MILDICIttI.—Few articles of the kind have won snob a high reputation at Linditera Blood Searcher. This is, perhaps, partly owing to the fact that the home testi. moray in its favor is so voluminous • but the chief reason is that it really does w hat it pro. fesses. The worst affections of the blood have steadily yielded to it. Curse of the most wonderful character have been, and are being performed, all around us. The voluntary les moony to its merits, of those who have been bsnefitted by its use, to be found in our ad vertising columns, is sufficient to establish It in the estimation of any reasonable person. The proprietor has in his possession number less certificates of the same character, all originating in the sincere gratitude of individ. nal, who have been relieved of their infirmi ties through the agency of this valuable medicine. GRAND OrICIATIC AND 111111110/111M.111 COP. CULT.-40 out advertising colorant will be found the announcement of a concert, opera atie, ballad and instrumental, to be given on nest Thursday evening at Concert Hall. It will be well worth attending, as Sig. Clain boni, Mr.. Downing, Prof. De Rim,Mr. F Smith, and Mr. E. Foster, all Pittsb urgh vorites,will take part, assisted by others who have offered their services for the occasion. The programme is not yet published, but it said to be new and attractive, embracing seine choice selections. A. we have not bad a concert of any deleription for some time it la fair to presume that-when artistes of reel merit come forward they will be greeted by a large audience. Auy Nuasze.—Min Josephine Gilliam, daughter of Dr. Gilliam, of Sharpsburg, end M 1 Maggie Herr of the same piece, left for Wishing= City on Monday, in company with Res. J. J. Marks, Chaplain of the Sixty-third Regiment, for the purism of assume( their duties as Army Hersey. Their destinatino is Paid to be Alexandria, Vs. Tic ALLIMILD SnotTriso ATUALT AT. Li -A gentleman called upon tie Tuesday, to make a statement in reference to the "boot ing of young Phillip', on Halloween. He mares us that Dr. Wood did not discharge kis gun purposely—it went nff accidentally— and there was no ill-leeling in the matter. "Comm. Biomass," aad "Faint Heart Never Woa Fair Lady," are the woe, posted for this evening's programme at the theatre. La Mr. Nestle permitted so less Moo three characters to-night, a Lae opportunity is pre sented to enjoy a plimant entertalament. LMICUT.—Wert. Steiner and John Way, the former white and the latter colored, were malted leer evening, and locked op for ■ Lenin on a charge of stealing sardines. GIIZAT BARGAINS 111 Du Gooos.—rladies wean's any kind of bill and winter goods will find the belt assortment, at Jess prices than ever known before in this city, at J. W . Dar ter Ir. Co.'s, 69, Market street. We call the attention cribs ladiris of both city and country to their stock of cloaks, .bawl,, merinoes and their numerous styles of dress goods. 1. Doan' C. BAll{,i, Water Care and )3 mot pall& Phystotan; also spat for Rainbow', Me atiia Tillie tar Raptures. Corner of Pain and Wayne !Streets. MornimiT.—Dr. 0.801, No. 246 P6llll it. item& to ell-bessohea of the Dental profession BLoop Foon.—hitteclition is called to this most rentaraabhi and iclentgle preparalloa, ad. toothed In sambas colatha. It le an entirely new dimctsfy, and moat not be comoundad with any of lb' numerous patent medldnes of the day: It I. a aortala moody Gtr all the disemouspeollad, end as sedan; those of ID obronto catere—ot long standing •—,Ol weeks, months, and years. Bufferara. Id llama 0111111211 001V011. of New. York, are the age agents for It, sad also proprietors of the world. yeacrermed 04. llatoalt Imams' Oosnias, an esti ale wide! story bare In bar =edictal{ closet ta of aged; and containing; so Is g em ., putrid° sa Vista of say atna;ft osn redid open was*. %Most conedmato,stld well he monad Oa ta• voluble =ell ONO offetantlle wwßa llllllollll 0f..U...—..8 lop sale hy 11201011 iisismasowsososs,Wood 410440.../11/ ~,~ ~,~, 1.11,TT16R FROM WASBINOTOS rartespendence of ibis Pitriburgb Gas•tte. ) WMIIIIIIGTON, Nov. 1, 1861 Whatever may be the opinion of the militmy talent and capacity of Gen. Fremont, no one will dispute the justice of the popular &amend that he shall have a Mir chance—a fair chance not only to try his success on the field; but also to vindicate himself against the flood of charges poured upon him through a thousand channel, of hearsay and suggestion. You have doubtless read the "diary" of Adj -Geo. Thomas. If it was published with the consent of its author, I °onside, it little better than an act of treason ; if surreptitiously obtained sod published by the Trilmse, as le alleged, whit punishment is out fit:dent (or each a crime ? I do not desire you to consider this criticism as extending so much to the sabjoot mat er of that "diary" as to the crime—for Icon call It nothing else—of Its pub lication at a time like-this. The greater truth. ha this case, the greater crime. What will be the state of feeling which this publication must produce between General Fremont and his subordinate officers—Gene. Hunter and Curtis Both of these gentlemen are represented a. having captained their opinion that Gee. Fremont is unfit for his com mand ! How would you feel, Messrs. Bditorm, if some hungry gentleman waiting for your shoe., were to make public their opinion that you are unfit for your business and ought to be deposed; I do not say that Gens. - Curtis and Hunter are inch "hungry gentlemen," but is It not even a wrong upon them to place them before the public in a position where that public—excited and critical, will charge ambitious views upon them t At the beat, what efficiency, what concert of action, what common aspiration to effect the sam e end can be expected from these commairlere..thas set in fierce antagonism by Adjutant General Thorium I I leave you to judge. Is this giving Gen. Fremont a fur chancel I trow not. Oa the contrary, what more injurious course could have been adopted, even by his bitter. est enemies! Bet worse, far worse than this, which is, in some degree, personal ; Gen. Thomu has ac tually published an statement of the weak points in Fremont% army ;...tells that they are armed with gone which will not go off; carry their ammunition in their pookete, and are not provided with such means and applian ces as soldiers ehould have, eta Moreover, we have a statement in full of his totem, the names of their generals, and jest where and how they intend to mike. Ia the presence of curb as tounding facts, I am struck dumb, andTeel sure that his manuscript "diary" was "bagged" by the Tribune, which may enjoy, it it can, the bad eminence of treasonable energy in getting "the latest news." ' Such le a feint glimpse of memo of tte obsta cles thrown in the wry of Gen. Fremont's enc. rose on the field. Moreover, this publication id made at a time when the General had no power to vindicate his reputation, while the takers of notes go up and down the country, learning that he hu paid 2 cents per bushel for oats above the market price; be is pushing for the enemy ; he is pureeing night and day the com mon toe, and knows not that his good name le inhaled and blackened. Ha could not, of course, suppose it possible that such charges "build be made, and be still be left in command. Such, Messrs. Editors, is the talk of those with whom I have spoken in this city. While preeentod as my own views, they reflect the prevalent tone, wherever two men meet in a hotel or on the street. Moab more, much is. veer thing. are said; comparisons between the sacrum of General Fremont and that of other Generale nearer hare, whose praise is loud, are wade, in which Fremont receives all the credit , that is his due. Many 'geisha: "AU this pother is made &bast Gen Fremont because be alone nu dared to rise to the dignity and ap. predation of the mighty conflict, and said the grand words to the oppressed—ea raze." He has dared to strike a blow at the "root of the evil, and thereby alarmed the timid and the weak." Others eizlaim, ' , II ha is to be set snide and disgraced, for mismanagement, Irby not bold a court-martial on the men who had charge at Leesburg, and 'ought to cross the Potomac with an army in two scow■ and a canal boat? Generals an high repute bold mil- jury displays bare, and parade with splendid dilutions and grand corps of men, while the Potomac is doled under their noses, and their 30,000 horses are on short allowance of forage. Yet nobody does wrong bat Fremont ; and as seems not to have been so bad unit; since Ma proclamation." But I should weary you ware I to detail more at length the couverfations which, in spirit and in general tone, I hove faithfully reported above. An item of partially local news may your readmit. lion. lobo Allison, of B , was lest week nominated by the President ea United States Treasurer at Philadelphia. Ow ing to some difficulties in that city, which it In not nee aaaaaa to explain here, this capital ap pointment "stue.k,tr tied an arrangement has not yet been effected. In the meantime,and while the matter is still pending, Ron. imo Cameron tendered Mr. Allison a Paymaster ship, with tie rank of !Kopf. He is, if be ac cepts, to be attached to the Kansas Brigade. Seery one who knows John Allison, wilt tem that each an appointment is an honor to Mr. Cameron. It there is as honest, truthful, •p -tight man in the 'song, Mr. Allison is that man. You know him, however, and I feel that any praise of him mast seem to Too an psi ft noun. L. WYLIE —WAT3ON-03 lunette, ovenlng the, 6 h lost., by lA, Bei. John Malaise, We Rev. W. T. WY LIZ. of Milton, Po., and Wu 1111 LIZA, daughter of James Wateon. tea, of Roo (owl:WO...near Aliegneny Qty. E111.0D1—)a Tuesday oetrolog. at o'clock, lam ILLI,IOII SHADY, wife of James Brady, In the Nib peat of her eite. The Leers' mitt take Otos from her hoebend'e realdeato, leo. 06 INetetec_etreet, to 11/111/91.11eDLY WWI/ NO, at 9 dclotlt — The hinds of Pa featly are reepratettly Invited to attend,— ItUBINION—On Toad.; afternoon, Not. o.h, JOSZPII 'PENTLAND, mu of Andrew L. sod &gun Itchiseoh. egad 4 years and 0 rooottga. The honored will take pace on TIIOI4BDAT, et 10 &alma a N. frontage raldenoe of hie pare to, Sat Cnmmo•, Allegheny City. The farads of the gamily atonal... algal, Invited to attend. lalltat--On Telesis), fah hat ,at Cleveland, Idles NUNN WWI ha the 2i.1 year of her op. Tire faille& will tate place from the reoldoooe of her Is her, W. Ilelmke, in Dlrtangtgato, on Thurvd■r morning at l 0 o'doelt ay A liblesull is Mood. T is tt.— UR. SI oW LLIFALUBI.II Lin kßlT la yr. purl from the reoelptof Dr. Stosben meet, of tiorp neetlent, the groat boos atter. aid but been and in btu practice for the lest tient, Imre with Na most satoolsignir moms Aa au infants remy It la without • Aral. end will alleviate path Mon ed sPiiiidllr than any other promotion. for all Rheumatic and genus Dieoniers It te truly Infallible. sod asa .en rstiPrior Loren, Wounds, Swains, Brigimes &A, Its eootbion nesting and poweatal strengthening proper ties. erselte the loft wonder sod sgtonislunioot of all woo an. rsr given a trial. User four bombed asp tiricates of on:portable curse performed by it within the lasi two ream attest this teet. gee sdirertime Bent. esirelydrswlt:sit It. B. MILLERS & CO, Agents, Corner Wood and geopod •treeta. Plttabutith. jittilttarg itaticso 11. a. Army.—"Witl/4 MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY roa MIMI RIIGIMINT 0.8. OAVALST, 14-SGULAB UVIOI MUM Of AIRVICS ONLY realm masa. blenJotelog this Ilegitnet.t inn be UNI/OltbilD as soon es enlisted. The higheet ply peen:matt to the 'settee. Horses and Inglpments, Clothing," Subsidence, Quartets, 1001 and Medical attendance free of charge, $lOO BOUNTY! Advancement open to all for farther particulars apply at the Re= lttng °aim, NATIONAL HOTEL, Aster trust, near Smith. geld, Pittsburgh, Ps. 1111111 Y B. RA9B, Oaptalo, Sixth Regiment U.B. Varsity 1.4 Remisitto Oran, Er A fsw.DICIRE RSUBUITS wootodito 611 Ito mks of tb• ONION ALTLIIB, under Capt. VIOL I. ROBNI. The ocuopany will be takettad *a soon u camplotaly °matte.% and will go into settle, Y dump Owner's. •rmory In ad now of Wilk's', Ball, whore good own sill be enrolled fora few days longer. andldf VIONLAN W. KOSI. Osntain CLAYVI, ANODYNZ —Reoommended for tti, curs o• Toothache - without toJury to the 1 mirth or autos. 9014 ly Jositerozr, lotegalot, sod desist In °bolo Welly Mead see, sot ~,t roor Sadtbeeld sad Fourth stmt.. TNLIA 'FIBER BLANKETti lOR SOLDIMUF tral.-6 irsproior ere wpm* er tod—ta Ws so the lan* lOW re• pot, tio.lo sad se RAM: oftimot... • • TEBEITA THE LATE - T NEWS. b TEL EG RAPH RECEivr p►l 13E D,AILY LAN T 1 Of HtE, IMPORTANT FROM [MISSOURI. The Removal of Fremont. INTENSE EXCiTEMENT IN His MM. PATRIOTIC AMISS PROI A BATTLE EXPECTED. &c-, ac Srazeicirttko, kfo , Nov. 3 —Yeaterday small bodies of the enemy camp embus twelve miles 01 us, and newa wall received of the ap proach of their advance 2,800 strong. Pre parationa were making to go out and attack them, when Gen. Fremont received the xenon. dittonal order, from Washington, relieving him at once from his command. Simultaneously came the newspapers anuounctog the fact. Tae intelligence spread !Ike wildfire through the camps and created indescribable excite ment and indignation. Great npmbers of offi cers signified their intention to resign et once, and many companies laid down their arras de• cluing that they would fight under no one hut Fremont. The Genergd spent much of the afternoon la expostulattog with the officers, and urging them, by their patriotism and personal regard for him, not to abandon their posts. He also issued the following farewell address to the troops : HIADQOARTIOS W Sptinglield,ltio., Nov. 2, 1861. J SOLDIIIIII OF THU MIOUNIPPI ARMT:—Agrot ably to orders, this day reeeived, I take leave of you. Although our army has been of sudden growth, we have grown up together, and I have become familiar with the breve and generous spirit', welsh you bring. to the defense of your country, and which makes me anticipate for you a brilliant career. Continue al you have begun, and give to my successor the MOO cor dial and enthaelastla, support with *bleb you hove encouraged me. Emulate the splendid example which you have already before you, and let me remain an I am, proud of the noble army, which I hero thus far labored 1e bring together. Soldiers, I regret' to leave you most alaerely. I thank you for the regard and confidenee you have invariably shown to me. I deeply regret hat I shall not have the boner to lead you to the victory whiola you are just about to win, but I shall claim to slime with you is the joy of every triumph, and tract always to be fra ternally rethembered by my oompaniona in arme. (Signed) don■ C. Fasces; Major General. U. S. A. Tho fueling ran intensely high during the whole of last evening, and there were maritime almost every whet'. The equine binds sere naded the General, and wherever he appeared be was greeted with obeers.. Though, atter no tifying lien. Ranter, es his order directed, be had no longer commend over the troops, he spent several boars la making a pereotal ex amination of the ground about the city, to be prepared for a battle, and la ace cadence with a written request from all the Brigadier Generale here, he remained through the night to lead the army in case of an lathell. All the troops slept on their arms, many *Moms remained up all night, and an attack was hourly expected, but I nothing more occurred than the firing Olt our pickets in two different roads The enemy are now encamped on the old Wilson Creek battle ground. \ Gen. Fremont to ready to irate for St. Louis, arid will go as aeon no Gen. Pope arrives, who ha■ been sent lorws7a, sod will take command till Gee. Hunter get. here. Universal gloom prevail. throughout the ramps. • A battle will, undoubtedly, occur ere long. The troops will meet the enemy firmly, but they are disheart ened ecd have loaf their enthusisemt The body yard, who could out have been iedeeed to remote, anti who will new disband as the terms of their erinettnelt permit, accompany ing Gen. Fremont and hoe eatire staff, includ ing-Geo..Asboth, commander of the lost Di vision. Fremont will permit no demo:mire- Imo from the troops on hue departure. Latest Wont Washington ?taint:toy°lt CM, Nov. 6.—lt appears from an offictol statement that the amount of the drafts noon the Treaearer, last month, etas $10.600 000, or which $6 . 600,000- was drown from New Yinlt. The unavailable bullion land I. $002,000 The total balance to the credit of the United Staten Treasurer in the States now zinc cr insurrectionary control, is stated at $6600 000, and alter molting a de duction for the Inimitable, gives the available balance at $4,600 000 An- official telegr•m, dated to day, states Floyd's force at 7,000, and that Benham's and Sebeech , s brigades were following him on the new rood. The dispatch is extremely hopeful of a brilliant victory, and the prospect is cheer- ing. Another telegram from Cleveland, dated last night, states that the Kanawha boat bad fast paned Maysville, and reported that Rllll9. crane had reposed Floyd, and at last accounts Benham and Schenck had got in his rear, and it was thought that F,oyea force ,would be captured by them. hider General Balled', of Califereia, has arrived here, and was introduced to the Presi dent to-day, by Gen. McClellan. Chas. L. Ogden, of Philadelphia, has been appointed Consul to Quebec. Baron de Reifenberg . , of Belgium, has ten dered big military semen to the government. The steamer Mount Vernon bee returned from the flotilla, end reports the condition of AWN down the Potomac as unchanged., W saute orotv, Nov b.—lnformation has been received hem it thy Postoffice Department that regimental postmasters, ad other per' none detailed to receive and. forward letters from the U. 8. Army, have to some Joltiness demanded and exacted prepayment of postage on letters destined for he British North Amer lean provinces. Thin practice is a direct viola tion of postal regulatio.ne, which do not re quire preprotege on each letters, and it should be immediately discontinued. No dispatches have been received directly from Ro■eerens relative to the late engage ment, end none since morning on that subj.ct by the government up toe late boar to-night. Those already addressed to headquarters, however, from responsible sources, are in ac cordance with the telegrams transmitted to the general press. It in understood that the government has decided upon procuring two steam ire en gines, with experienced men to work them. A proposition from the Hope Company of Philadelphia to furnish them, hen been pend ing for some weeks. .._ Minnesota Row, conflating of three elegant private reeidences,origmally built for lysneren, Douglas, Rice and Breckinridge, bee been reefed for hospital purposes. Hantausolße, IQor. 6 —The Governor and Staff visited Camp Curtin, this afiernocio, and presented State 'Bags to three regiments, an : Col. Hamlett', 61st, Col. Dodge, 62d, and Col. Brooke% 63d. - ills presentation speech was eminently patriotic and effective, and was listened to by tboneaude of soldiers and civil. lens, many of the latter being ladies. The 62d regiment will leave to-night, and the 63d to-morrow. Gov. Curtin and Staff will go to Pottsville to-morrow, to resent a gag to Col. Cohere, 96. h, regiment, which will leave for the seat of war on Friday. The following is a copy of the letter rent by the Governor to Gen Scott : . . Eau—l regret extremely that you ahoold have passed through Harrisburg the other day without my having any knowledge of your op. proach or presence, as it would have given me sincere pleasure to have had the opportunity of paying the official and personal homage to which your eminent patriotism and genius en. title you, gni which every citizen of Pennsyl vania would rrjvice to offer. Although in firmity of health Mu compelled' your retire. meet, we shall not cane to cherish the mem. ory of your glory, and hope that yon will long be preserved al t living example or the high. eat public spirit and gallantry, and that our young moo may learn from your career that virtue and merit lead tautly to the affectiona of a grateful country. I am, dir, your most ob't servant, teigned) A. G. Caine. To Lieut. Gen. WINFULD New Teta, Not. b.—Returns from differ ent pant of the Stele indicate the success of the People's Union ticket by a 'heavy majority. Ai Knipe count the People's Union Stale ticket hu 5,0 00 majority, sad pie guilty. ticket 3,000 yority. OroM western Virginli;-Par- .41calare of he Late Fight at ''ciantey Bridge. • C1RC11611.71, Nov.-fit—This afternoon, the Tian hae •one particular* of -the hate fight at Gault, Bridge : The engagement well tot ■ general battle—a rather warm saheb, in which the eneguy were repotted with great Pm. TOO senor wag commended by the reb el., who opened two batteriee on our lints near Geoley Bridge, but, although the firing continued all day, little Of no damage wee done—not a man bang killed. On Friday, our artillery was brown to boar, and the reb el fire was aeon silenced. A train was Arad apcu about tho same time, some miles up the river, and three men were wounded but nllllO killed Oa Friday night Benham's brigade moved down the river to (holey bridge and were fer ried smote on a fist boowhiedi the retells had pr:vionely rank He moved along the . base of the hill upon which the rebel batteries had been, planted, intending do go down se far aa Loup Creek, three or four miles below, where there-le a gap on the mountaine, and a road leading to the HMI of where the tekeill 100 CD ramped.' Southern News. Loutsviu.s,.Nor. s.—Beckner has retired toward Bowling Greene, and Stanton his gone bark into Tennessee. The Fedi:mil troops in Kentucky, under Sherman, are thus divided : Gen. Schoepo commands the eastern, General McCook the central, and Gen. Crittenden the western division. to the western division, Col. Burbridge has advanced to Woodbnrg. The Central troops have advanced to Bacon Creek.'and it is thought our troops ore able to assume the delensiva with all security. Southern papers uy that the loss of the rebel, at -the Leesburg fight was 300 killed and wounded. One hundred and ditty federal prlioneri, from Leueourg, resohed Riohmond on the 24th. Richmond papers say that Gen. Evans fought at Leesburg eontrary . to orders, and Is to be court. martialed, and that the federal lon in that engagement le 2,000 killed and wounded. The Kooxvilie Regiatir says that the rebel lose at Wild Cat was only live killed and twenty three wounded. Col. Flobliti sulks for reinforce ments front Richmond, and fear, the federal. will oat of P,eatonburg, Ky., from communica tion with Virginia. Beaari3gard's dilate! report of the battle at Manassas, env, 399 rebels were killed and 1200 wounded, and that the federate lost 4,500 killed, wounded and prisoners. Ile says his entire force we. 28,000, of which one tourth only were engaged Further News by the Pop lab tiestn.—The opening of the Corte. was post poned till November, on account of the death of the Q ,est.'s daughter. Caron —Tun Caientta and China mails felt !darnellien ttu the afternoon of the .25:11, for England. Ta.. at Canton nod Foo Chow were tending upw.lo Henna, Oct.2t. - -There le ua truth in the statement that the Government of G had requested Swiss Federal troops to be sent there. The Governitent of Geneva had, how. ever, called oat the militia of the Cornea for exirsordinary night duty. _ Liverpool, Saturday, Oat. 26.—Cotton; sale. 20,000 bales. Prices firmer 'but unehsaged. Provisions dull and unchanged. London, O.A. 25 —Consols 93e ®93k. [Di pole Central shares 35@37&& diaconal; Ene R. R. 26@26i Baja, Oct. 24 —Cotton: aalea of the week, 24 600 hales; Orleans tres-ordinaire 1531.; has 1604 The market is active and advancing. and I©2l. higher. Stock in port, 163,000 bales. Spec al DtapiVeh to ths Et. [rota lifpub'lLata I EPRINGFIILD, Nov. S.—Reliable information has "eau received here from differeot 'sources that Gen. Price was at Cassellie on Thursday, with 25,000 men, and MaCattail, was ten miles this side of that place with 10,000 mote, with the intention to march on Springfield, and of fering as battle on the old Wilson Creek ground. McCulloch was expected with 10 . 000 additional troops from Arkansas. A large number of res idents of Green, Jasper and other adjoining counties recently jlineid Prices army, ana many of our officers think the rebel force now num bers nearly-60:000. Gen. Fr01:0011, has been up nearly the whole of ISO past two nights, making the most perfect arrangements for a battle, and the confidenoe of the army in him way never so great as at prec • ant. Adj Gone. Lane and Sturgis 'hays ar rived, and Pope and Meltinstry are hittrly expected. balsa —Nov. 3 —Gen. Fremont and staff left for St. 1,30i1l this morning: He Is swoons. panted by his body guard, and will reach St. Lento on Wednesday. Boston, Nor. 6.—The vote et the klassachn tette election to-day was remarkably small, being not much more than one-half of that of last year. The vote In Boston for Governor is as follows For John N. Andrew, Republican, 5 917 ; for lease Davis, Democrat, 6.281. The vote of Worcester is, for Andrew, 1,430; Davis, 7.361. Tios vote .of Lowell for Andrew, 2,139; Davis, 1.003. The vote of liewburyport for Andrew, 6,030; Davis, 6,034. Toe vote in fifty-two came and towel foot tip as follows: For Andrew, 18,831 ; Davis, 9,211. -Tho returns from the other towels will probably continue at this ratio of two to one against Dam One Democrat is probably elected to' the State Senate from Boston. Tha Legislature is strongly Republican. Caleb Cue Meg is elected to this Legislature from Newbucyport. The chief interest of the elec. lion was in Burlingame , ' old district, the meat in Coogress having been made vacant by the reorigoation of'the Hoe. Wm. Appleton. Sam'l Hooper, Reptiolican ciindidate, is, elected, over G. P. Upton k .,Democrat, by 800 majority. , Charles G. Loving, of Baton, and Ri-Oover- I nor Cliflard, of New Bedlord, are both elected I I to the haute Senate, on the Republican -ticket. PRILLVELPBZ&, Nov. B.—The steam gee boat Florida arrived here with her machinery disabled. She left the naval expedition, on Friday, off .Caps. Fear. Her repain will de tain her about three days at our Navy Yard. Lowsett.r.e, Nov. b.—River rising rapidly with its feet three inches water in the canal Weather shnwery this evening; it is now cleat mercury 59°. ELOUR AND FICED -414 EWA •obtloa trand• fetnly floor, 70 do Exits do 47 do cbolco ay* do 6400 lbs. 144 Ebert. lot isle by , • 8011011411110. A LANG OOLOTIi IiLANKEZI FOR SOLI PHEW. 1760.-1 gaol article—not sffated by bost—tur sale of 26 an i 211 St. Clair stieet. • . nog J. a IL PHILLIP& IDARLOR OVAL 1/ABlo—Japanned 1. oft' Va.. ota varlet, at pattataa, brapiscasell Ilitualanated and et, tat tats at the ?witty Otoany !tor. Of 2000-:a, - RIN&BALW, act° Canner nt LI to eta and Band atm% paI:WEIB-100 bozos: Promo, io i. 0.• .do r 6 _do Emu. s I • In dor* and artithin and for snooks 11-111111 i k 11110TIIICRE, ockl Non 194 and Ind Wood .troot. CAMP BLANICZTBI—A large sup ply of time ropertor Gam Blanket& MY roaring ortho Isdla Rabbit D•pot, No 28 owl IA It. Mar steed soil - - J • U. POILLAPS. CHKESE-200 bozo X•pglish Mar, Metes remind sad km mkt bt abl HINILY ' H. OOLLINN. CEMENT -100 bble. - _llydraolio CO. meat neelvtd tad ke. ado by • (431 . almaY P. ootaaaP. UOPS-5 bolos just reoeit • sod for 1.1 ' sell ' -RIPIRT H. COLLINS.' ltsbZbiu.-500 lbs.ixtistors. pl ISAIAH DIOIIIT OA. lIILTAKOH--100. bons iladison Pawl par proirresdory 470 /*MD a QO. COMMERCIAL REcOAT PITTSIIIURGH !MARKETS 42 4iP 0,1 4.s “p•okaT7L ft. tM mtt.burgA Gaut(s.l Tanamr, Novexber 6, 1661 fbollll—conthicare quiet bet atoad7 , with no male rial change to Dote In bikes!. Pala of 76 Obis Totally at $6®6,76;49 do do at 66, 66,16 and $5,26; 100 do do at $645.20, and 75 da to at $5..55,25. Elockwheat rl 700 !hi at $2 II cwt. Rya floor—Sale of 18 tibia at $3 lb. GIiCKIERIE , —Sugar b qa:et, with small galas at 100 lo hhdi mod 10!,gc to bbls idolaase*-3ale of 10 tibia et 480, and IV do do at 600. CoC e—Sale of 126 hop, city Wide. at 18%;;110 do do, to lots, at 170. Diana. MOD 11312c..--lititter doll, with a iota of 20) DM Roll at 100. gip firm web • good &maul: mill 0400 dim and 8 tibia at 190 WEILSET--onahangedi sale of 26 bbla Co4mcn .3 170 p gigl—castg and 18 Co do at 114. CisEl23ll—onctiaripil, @slain tiro lots of fu btu W 11 at 00, sod 69 co do at 81go. 001t11,41ead7 sad arca; sal* of 150 bush wins* Yellow (old crop) at 6.10 II be h. • MUM AtYl.ll6—coudnois to good revak gee 01100 bar at 112,02,26;t5 do do at $2,21, and 60 do co at $2,60. OItaNBIIHRISE—IIide of 6 bbl( prime Viaatirn at at $7.0051 Dbl. Bsoolllls—tiala of 20 des at prices ranging from 51,26 to $1,26 $1 din, according to quality. Olt.—lo light nippily, in socacquance at which an loran*, of 10120 *gall hoe bran catabllabedi sale of 80 libla 00 chug, 46 gravity, at So, and 164 do I do at ie.. OOHS MULL—E■te of ES Ludt pal. tilted et SSo boob. BALT—SaIe of 60 seeks No 1 •t $1,21 V estk. CISSEITHUT&—BaIe of 10 bush At sl,7s p rash—• decline. •TADOH-Bde of 60 boo. Woolo' at No IR lb. 111111 D-Bale of 4.000 lb. Rye thort. ll 40e# Receipts of ProtSues, &•.0 Auct..zad will be fcund • statement cache receipts of dour,-`rain. etc., by Rises end Railroad for the Si bous, ending lest est Was : • By Baßread.-89bble cm:abut...PSl br• theme, 58 ess brimstone, 7 ears loon ore, IS eta pearls, 229 Woe, 143 bee starch, 171 Ltis Boar, I do my, 1 keg batter, 4 bbl. apples. By itner.-7257 bbl, Soar, 8491 ate wham, 50 bbls lard U 4288 ski corn,B7 do barley, 7 kg., d bbls butter 2do eggs 810 do green apples, 28 eke, 12 Ws drlid Reuben 12 de dried apples, /9 bble homed all, 87 sae rigs, 429 bides, 87 hints baoon,lB do tobsou, 11 bale wool, 850 carboys Unica, 42 page lard, 140 tans metal, 87 ski onions, 18 rolls leather, 11a beef. ' 111.0HA7PA11.1t AMID 100111.1111111110IAL. Hammes 00//111 taste;, Nov.' 2.—Thera was ottaideratik more bigotry this week Mom himewlstod for some tyna past, otill tlm high Fatal demacCed by holden hove greatly rertriciad trace.otiorie. The ads for the week add up only come 150 to 2000 begs Mkt at from lb to lac, cub cod time. home holler., for to ',rowel, ars pot off,riog thtlr stuck. (or 1.106, The market may be tons Awed se clrelog Arm at the following advanced qtiotatmoin 14%130150 for mot mom to tale BM; 1h}1,401.6-Xe• For rod dm prim. to Manly prime do; liariaira, 173449194 mid Jere 200220. Voccon Gamlen or mu KM? or Now 4011.--1 be followlog to the ooMparatice tibia of eipor. (recta .lte of specie) from New Work to km Digo peal ;or the week ending Oct 29 end Mom Jau 1: 1869. 1660 1801. Per the week $406,1410 $2,1119,781 $2,808,915 Previously reported 63,7640eir 77,600.811106,161,680 9ine* J. 1. $56.068,026 879,615,122 107.955831 Tel folloWlog Is the comptrat.vi slatemeet of Ire Imports of foreign dry goads tor Oat week tale g Cot. II end since Jea la ler the week. 1059. 116). 1861. Entered et the port... $402701 $1,379 2t9 $621.64) Throw. Ma market ... 163,491 1,187,011 719.931 Blom Jenonry 1. Entered at the port... 96,170,760.90,419823 32124,614 Thrown cm outlet— 48.108 224 90.46219) 80:176,1111 DaT 130050 1111.01--The 10110 wing 9.. ootapara- It. statem.Lor the Imports of feretgo Dry Goad. titearel 64ercha.dtre et New Vora for the week Whig Nov 1, sod Since lonilsr, I: 1412. 1860 1961. $402,704 gt,319,,09 $421.612 1,108 024 2 941,090 1,622448 Dry Goods ... Oro 11.15 r...— 610,728 4,803,9. 2444,0ti0 9Ue,443,770 , 186.842 784 184,782 EBB Total for Ir.t Pity reportod.. Meal Jack 1...... $207.931199 tahl6O;r43 147,008156 101 Watza nacirres.—The daantlly of donroltbmt cern and barley bat ettlde water, during the 4111 week to OctJber, In the Teen 1860 sod 1661, II as lat. Flour. bbla. Wheat tt. 13ora ba. Barley Da 130,518 1,814,833 65018 +9896* 1861... 69,911 2 060,174 1,511,264 301,115 Dec, 114,612 Inc. 215,441 lot 963,126 DEc190,1152 Tne aggregate quantity of the same lirtlele• leftat Ode-water from u,e 0002.616ncemeot ol navliallOn to the 80tb of October, Inclnalve, d acing the years 1800 and 1801, Is as follows: none, bble. Wheat, bu, Oord,ba. Barley, ha 1.800.-. 94,400 12,464,009 13.210,1:99 4,888.980 18e1.....4...1,031,066 21,091,042 19,12,490. 1,182,128 Incroure,. 106,2b0 'n9,121.083 1n6,1371097 thelOT,Til By redcap; the reheat to Boar, the qestalsy of the latter left et tido-water this year, compared erith_the coorreepoodlue per WI lot year, show. • esin of 1.981, ‘6O übla of float. Import. by River LOCIIEIVII.III—par loms-660 bble door, AJ taske blow), 12 bbis wbul 9, Clarke A co; 100 Obis door, Graham a'l bomas; 6 Dire lobscor. I bo ssintbre, lie7l:slso eke sth , et, 9 do tined peachy, ditch. Ca. Memel t co, 67 bbls green apples, 10 she, 12 boll dried pes:hes, .1 06 Harrah; 60 Islas deur, ft Hno9 son; 100 de do,. Leech A Dust /novo; 110 do no, Sansl ttedssi; 100 011 Ws, Lucesco oil co; IT sks,l SDI dried 'sesame, McDonald A Arbuclan 2186 sire where, Modesto A dope; 2 birds s.,bacoo, 1 bx. sample., 3 A Idsictire; 1 bird tobacco, I A Memo; 1 at hot" hose sorer k Grab SS empty bbts, Abodes A Viacm, 22 do , Co, 6 tie, Spencer a usrrard; 183 MO. apples, G P Meats; 181 bbls dour, Shorneker A tang; 966 WY. 'tame are, Wolfe, Plunkett A co; B bhde tobacco. 1 bog samples. .1 W Taylor; ICA bbls flour, 496 tn. wheat, DI Wellston 80 bbls apples, I Shoop, 1 sbots coo., J It Gaertner, 40 bbls d.ur, D Moose. wassuno—per Idleterv. l llo tool metal, Mr B Etsmlllon; II rolls leather, 16 eke soled apple!, T kip, 6 bat batter. lore iseedi 3 Olarke A tot 81 looks boles, attain A Verner; 07 00 MAO., Jobuston; 18 Wile Amu, Bdo eggs. 01.101 - 1, 1 1, oil bbl., ilutcbinnou k co:80 Wee, 3it McCune, 59 sks seed, 1 bbl dour, owner; 6 mites Harriers, 011901.19NATI—palkrtzdola-1502bbis6our.Clark.' & co; 500 do do,J 0 Lisp.' • to 166 do do, tiolp Shepard; 100040 dad Mooool 211 empty Obi., Spasm II Oarrard; lot stove Sitcom, Omit t ilk 100 Btow..YNe boob 166 dodo, Hammen t Ezo4 116 do 00, Ursa ikeelor,3 bids tobacco, I bz samples, J W Taylor; Itoroaor, 1 kettle, Weymati t rot; 4 bbls abider, Bretz t Reit, r, 100 aka shoat. Illiclitock, Ma Oreery t as 44 pip bedsits* ir 0 Walker. OIbOINNATI—per hominy-61 ski rags, tl Bred. tem 6 bbls lard oll,_B t tabziestook I oo;.1 to beef, B • lbaziston; 50 carboys vitriol, Sao /rolls btbi moth oil, Lott 1 Miler; 000 csitoomi vitriol, LISONCO oil 2 Obis Mt, W Money; lit carboys vitriol, North Americus oil poi 10 bbl. Moiled oil, Jobs' P broth 59 W lord, 1 2 idlers by 56 oil Vandorbelut MO Pia lord oil, 640 bp oboe*, 502 Mils Sour. Oinks tow , GALil2.ol,lll—pir Ilatsace.43lo bbl. Boar, 9 bags irool,Olarks • or; 10 plip boring kola, T Weiabuasa; 287 empty 01l bbl., 118 aka sar coca, 2 bg. wool, As. gicSoct t Stroac• 183 imply Ltd', owns,/ on bostdll44 .9 en 0319, illudsrsan • port,; 182 empty oil bbls, 0 11 Israel; 3060 nave. and beading% Chas laboopllsb VOISTSKoI7I%—per Clap Deao-100 Ms octal, Nbakk & co; 823 totda Bear. 0 acts • an g empty ills !peaces di Osnard:7 bads bacon, K Da'sell • od • Imports by ItoAltana. CSIVILIND t 3130100100 BorlAussis.4llor. 2 • 4•• 16 Cl. brimstone, Jos 111.00 oils 00 //4 30 Ws on mßlbn rod,lo do logword, B. Bolkas •an I nolo. dooms 0 alumA 60 In C 1..... IT bbls cranberries, laws 2 Tria,* II do cheese, Robison A co; /00 do 00. J 0 Oaallsld I es; 2 can hod cro, Jones A Lsorithas: Ida do, droned, Erosion •an 1 do do, Ohs., Soho /6 ea, 1 do do,Bboonborgar; 26 his stems, Al. llll , Low tco;l6 dodo, }boon • Elrltystrkk; 10, do do; W , °copal 86 dodo, WO Oahu lot drop, ate, B . A g.4 plasma A so; 16 di pearls, Moats A bra: 16 bozos swab, W Trans; 10 do So, W Boys; I do do, W Snuff; 111 do do, 0 A Bally, 6 do do, rdattland A Cosa nor ,1 asr Iron ore, Loyd • Blsek; 210 Woo, B Pelsiasan, is Warms I esidaso Ra/LOOlO,. For. 6.-6 bbls anal:mhos, Jos ♦ Yetser.lll do door, 110th0ook, bloCamory A OK 100 sl Obls,J T 111e0insbc 1 111 eggs, Ikg batter, J 11 Schanck; 4 111 gales, 0 0 Wm* 1111W15. Tao Bina awe Weamin—Axanata no Dinar tran—licats LILTING TO4A.T. nil, no—Teo river minass to recede slowly, and tut steeples the pi r math Indicted fifteen fest. The wistber synamdel was clear, mild aed planet and spparently eettkat. .... Dula= was quite brisk at the whirl, the calputhelag Urge and the shipmate moderato. There ere atm more boats receiving sod dlubargios irelabt than'thare hat been at any one thee dds 5aw5..._.... The Doonomy end Artemis ham Clecleastl, lowa from • Louisville, Liars Dean from Portsmouth, end Bolen a from Gallipoli', all with hall airtime. onsil tuts the mint,. The Ids May, Bconomy, Counner; del and Wertmoroland for thecinnotl, and lkomt Ora. lam tot Zansuills, clamed daring the day: The Westatorlised 101 l flying light, arid the Commercial was bat little better......... The amain City from Cla clittuttlyes &whist aight.........The Bothell and Emma are aching dolly trips to Wellsville, la convouttom with the (lionised a Pittsburgh Illektette lilt for fitsubenville yeateNay morning to twin age a load of "took: • Ihs will bet up to day again when the will commence tending for Bt.. The Isesteamer Day City. Copt. J. W. &Mira% b tbs maim packet for Clachmati tonlaTills • day. Mr. Dales has eturp of the 'Meath oberaterJacob Poe. In command of Cspi:Was. &exam 4 marateemi for Chaelansti tad Los ( srclte on Thursday: She le en seemeUeotnaft, with "seen;: plhhei and experienced Baran rddapapa Prank Martatto:ll Indhar fur tie. tmlab eel the Weer afloslastypi them Peraregars Wag won will lad her ill that pomibty maid Da °eked: Lormilanon. Copt. A. Dalsell, willyntatbly get cif kr Olscianall eel Landreth" ......The Clue Drim has Intel taco tbs . DittalMMX 62 . Pottemosth trade...—.. The W. Mackay :kens Si. Lank, sad Healibip hoot Chationatl, will nudist:4r sr: Mee today. . . FOR uINOINNA.II ANDi a ilr ic it uMel'alat.—Tb• ipiram Amer litlealte JACOB •COL"Orrull . loos Ilbr ir ," sal . totAroorirts , pirrom Tana& ' ire.oaltatalt. I , o! , _Jr°r or MOOPMJAW PA0.9. 0 4# 1 "" IrtWHiliArat^" islarbadig arTiaderpki, B winu *fr. {—Nona—Braidataird A „ tist supeilloe roar Sad IS SS N. lirbe•t' Salk galas of woo butt, red at, it Wel t ,O sad . ..btu at in 103.1411. Oam ataadyi saki, IMO Sarah Tallow, afloat, at 641321. Whisky dolt at 21) . azcirsni, Not.b—Noon —Slow doll bet acct..... ad; raparttoe $4l 10,4a01 eatra $4 21.4 60. Tiara ao &cop 10 Wawa red !SW% lad 11000 6 t7cylatlitog .112. Oats firmer at 2634451 T. Whii at LIW o ors latiothlosdaag to Provisions soprima Domino'. Oricaries unchanged . Kra Toil. Nov. 0-46vOniag •-•CLItoo firm riot of 1.0610 bales at 2L Floarlaaty; calor 1200) bbla sS6te6 60 for orals, 96 90t$6 foe 0 010 . 0110 $0 $6 40 for Swabian. Wboat i'ectirked In gala of 840000 bad, at St 19®190 for Chicago sprint; $ll9 0111 12 for Wilwaaiiima dab, $1 SKIN 33 torrid waits*t St 4201 46 for vhito Illotarpia, and $1 { 6 } ‘ Cis whits sontooly. Corn diagrams who 122.0.10 Oa* at IL La-d aria; taw 1991 DDU at tort Arm sl6osli Ts, Whirl's steady at 1• The scatarclat 4 lashoiri Cblo•sc a WWI 4146; Carob , Wand Co 4 6s4;'''teats Central OW gootbaralliji; Nair Tort proms' ISM Tris &la ea, 47; .Tsouniteni ba, 4% blissoarl 6a. 4% Onion War Loan 9% Spilka' Cooper..., 61, 61; rightered 1681, 9L Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. 31. LAST MMUS. Third sod Wood 'Weil, 4. TEMAntrOs. OP TO 0 O'CLOC ST. OILIBLHH--03nwir B Wray, Phlla • Mrs bolitherland i child, J 0 Nokm, Ma Him H Vane, HatimMo Mho M Olden. do Maw M Wlddifbid.do W 41-Pover,M Ciatto . %In Ycong, Wilmington J IL Madan, Pa - t Jasltumpont. •Ilampool In o Duncan. Ind Batty /no A Trimble, Booing's B Tanagers. • B. It Adrian' di My, J II Abrams Ilb4di • D B Maw, Wathrtillo. T a Hammond, do A A Racket, Havanna II K•Bmith, Bodine = T ebu12607. Clil.o B H Posey,' Balttorre Trent Coati II 8 • W West, do A b Henry, Dearer W Searles, in, 0 H Malltiorde, J H Dunlap, 8 B Zooms Mrs Golden, Alltanatog Mho Golden, do Dr MoDellech, do A— Woo Blakey, do Jsl Orifda, Johnstown W Wood, Italrillitla B H Lie, Weak, Pa W 11 LongeOpe, thl'a Ire Keeler, do W H Play( ad • airs, M Col Palos A danghtor, l 4th Wte Vol Mrs Lt Pock do 00l Bleste, do • Ear& Lewes, Sd Wis Vol Charley, . do L Snyoar, II B A. . . MIN Reynolds,Hlttanning MisiShippen,liblpyeaniUs Joo Conway, &cheater L Collar"; P Beattie, Strodom MkIrBIOM HODBI-1 611011011LMI B Chesholln,• Brookrilla T ilterenS lodianepolls Mn Baron k child, Pre get . W Baldry, asffslo J Alban, Baltimore Davis, Hamllton, 0 Sway Amilso9, Ohio • B r erupt, Throapron, Boston J ilbake,Cincionstl J W Oral. do 0 .1 Phillip., do J Long, Greene C 3 T T Brooks, Canard. 0 W 0 Loop, Mt Vernon, (3 - Al his 0 Brno, -W heeling J Davison, Lawrence co W Lead', Carlisle ~ W Balr,. tlieubetrolle T Darin Morgan co, 0 W Wilkinson, do • G Burns, Delaware co B B Downey, B V B Harper, do ODIABD H.017811-oorster I A I L Edilkal J 0 Golden, Kittanning J l tacni• on, Phila H West, MoHersport L Ckrok,' do Joo Pill, do • D P Quinn. J Craft. Otio. • Jtio MrDoct.oggh, Etlastroth I Wm Dunne*, do U Howard, Mon oily hla Tad. Coot "town Honk k lady, Green. field, Pa T'o'ut kpeakni so, 0 real:gook BAtILD HOPSL—Liter tong wax Chu llemtop 011 Mon Wm O.mpb.l, Maim Wm Id Low, Loves Pr 11Im Belay, litOmmlsig Jew Alimmadme J S Mitchill lab* Npt T 16P Vslandm, Wm of ty 0.&44 Marty Wrier. • raOthbron.. CS Pratt, Delaware co J N Reynolds, Indiana I Baker. Philo W Knowland. O Crossland, Delon tolen J Garrard, Grath co H 0 Perry, Wheeling. It A Doyle & lady, J W Ooodne,Leiluaitue,Ry Jll Bohm= t Is,Lvidta A B Seaton Odrersburg • - D Knight; New Haven.° A Belay, Monsugalls, Vs I N Hendanim,Wyandotte IL Okla. Greetistarg • Wry Barnhart, do G Worth, Andersou, lad Joe Ogbrese, Bait Litany W Manhst H 0 Wyman, N Y 1 D Braden, MR Pleasant N B Nichol., do sat Sloth a Freeport P Horbech, Weyer, Ca' dmithlield and Tbirlthreat. r, thOrtuaroa: • • • Two Ostorn, Greenock Jam limy. 4 do 111 Bpsakthao. do !Levi Pmith, do J L Penney. Op Wilkins Jim P.oter, Otheota J no Froth, do _ 4eo Leak. I Jobbtua. Youghkigheey lilegalates,Ocalterikt Rcbt Cornell, • 1111 re B BrowureUle lao Malec, Payette ty itmat, below Btoaatb. tworsarcir: H Torment, Irmsnong J CI Patterson, do B R Nerrton:W Holston Wm Comity. - it Mine, Indians en Chaltaat, Alia co P Hardwick, Phi& 9 6 Andras,. 11141 Marty, Alike* O r Bat°, Alltanea, P GLood Haanady,tiattion city k ~ do O B Pock, Oliiirdold N Wu.m, Blatinfila Joo Doman. • Sam Dstwill„Pa B m Holiwain, WD Erring, Irwin . * Bt* Jon Dixter, Went co J A Narrow, Virginia J Barker, do A langb , y, do tt punt• man, Harmony Joe Wolf, do - I P Mawr sta tl 5 BcOo-mack,lrOn's Sta T Oempbeil,Prolgrutarn'y II B Drioliam, Warred .780 Pete, Wete•er, Pa OA Grove, Ohio D Diirr, Olio W H glib, Onortcrd, Armstrong HARIPS norz4—T4 • MMil SI Baughman.W ColobaoCadotaWri 11 P Rem. Thompeoevldo I Jai Idony.l4.Bllllalt tp J 11 Thctopooo, Hickory W [Wolk Illoavvillo Jos Elempblll.llls,Blokory 1 8 Buchvoso,do • K Blor..ki•Loovitster Mn Jane Cook, Osidor W I C00k.. . . do 0 R.Cett, Bomarld, 0 D Pollock,Olovalond forgollou. Chlootiaborp , Ulet7, Washheart Mlo L 811 Mb, Hammy 8 81111rtout, Bona, 0 ' Cuestastato, El!zeroth 8 Mill,, do 0 T Loobtek. B Boritz. A A Jobostoo, Votiogit'• Jos Korth, Up. Et. Olidr tp Tem Aodetwoo, Ha•cook cowry, Ito A Mare, 0 Nolvy, Wash. co W H limey, — a do ' T Ito!ol, W. MtddDien 0 B Tower, Bagatetts LlOtt . o It k M WLlte,Veniee 8 Stargrco, Nob!agouti Jai Polke", TtiquipsooVe 311211 Com; alimony Jamb ttlitry, , Ballittlle' Jobs Butts, Ilicsattrztri J Orr b 1., awl' eo No. 6, Rt. Clair most Ju Lotton. Csooomborg Lyoo,Cortmelllo St °nodal. Zolfm* ILlortaoh Gallon, 0 ()ZAMA'. o .Zoosborii Pair Woltor, rJHook. lofbmsOn oo blothatloo. Womb Co G MAMA, do os Mango. . J Battey, Hed Beak :• 8 Ball. Wm Clark, LAWIVOOR m.. W +bearer, (Nade aatl A L Lis at, !Ambit:titan I Law Hattorma H Abram., N. flambe:Mud J Dario= 43 )orgaiott, Ctiaariktd D Teavell, 88mbermills NATIONAL 11 • IM5;= O Weal, Waysinbung J Bnyder, Virginia B Look Ito. 3 B Loy,. do W '•do Jai) nectar, Jae ti I WMorrus, Cal, Pa W H W 188.13 8 0 IStrow.,l , Bo RR Jno Varnor, 8 Werney, Mon city Bryant,. LI 8 Haraer.,lllorriskorn .1 klaDcaglo`Ouraatown W 0 Minaret', ei Loafs DIM W C*o4.l4Jat2 .04 MI VP Ca 11.101)./ = =E JAMES C. WATT; Corner of Penn and' St. Chttr eta. The helve of James 0. Watt, d owed; reepeetftlly laitte public) attention to the new doe! of /ALL AND WlNflllt 030 DR, ootolobtox ell the sibbet styles of bat:Gable motorist indebted to Nfl' Will, moth:tibia oi early WI. TM bolt. asistelli be meditated os the auto apps. ad moon as bentottoe. The otoek of bow pods slog to say to *Weeny . r oelldyd RAINOIO6 ENVELOPE'S. - A.s SUBSORIBBIt BraS -LEANB to eaU the attention of laxaseUany 16401abaeI. Auden ta Nam Gocals;aaa all °Ulm, ta =unsays 41.8150RTMBAT aIaPERSOR Quesamr 01 ENVELO,POB 11U.NUFAIRU6ID BY • . . The abode embrace everyetyle of Letter, Illeleol del. Wedeln, Portfolio,_Dm, end other nrlatles— Also, Paretiment and Moth lease, ell made aid memo read In SW, meet perfect nummer, tam -beet ifine Iteebbis yet Invented. • - dam, the:lrib% Mil sWriting Paparii,, , isennOce tared enmity for the sebeerlber, and to bettor limb yentas 1,. *mod In We country. ' • Samples, mite trade Itet of priors, sent by nue mitre requestod. - Dialers are Invited to call and manias kis stock, rlam, /4. P eV et, e. Bit MULL a/19110a, WAWA tl9 William 161Uraditi /. Y. SAVOYS. AGIiENTI3,, QUMbILSSION MIER-0114,11T8,. 138 Walnut Streak - "TEZADELPRIL viumis FLOUR, ORAIN,PRODIM,NBAOOO W 151313 AND 1.1Q170103, Mahal for moat all =Of ea nothfil of pudw ellatbenl cult adman node at anotigloatatot IDE itatAttlYB . EDI N bUXO - ALE—A %Ip64ply of ibis 'bolos Wu& to Attl i alwootlO modes so tieottor took, tor ttot sop. Illtsled tooattootkoto • SOliNtiOnilOstgotts, •001. - , Caw Nowa' sod Aside @WPM. UlTlliAitl , being a ositoiloootkoos olotdilit4 ol 4NrolkilP *embed toottologot 'Mon, *la mrtomt w t" istotoolool to apatite , ' ow& MOsolfttlitt St3a EAT APC...i&Wooll N. ~ 1 11ABLN, tiltlire..Amatoe tars groinA fait, put pp% boxes ,log Dos Edo a imply mad baliklarikho ' Law • gat -•-•,••=•? and& t. • LATEST Iffrin