The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 02, 1861, Image 2

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.-'•_ 1: i '• '-', ..;:-..- - .;•.- 1';:. -- --- . -.._*-:-I,:s
- All the right, title, interest and Claim of
Dr. Robert Hazlett, deceased, in the kande
of his admluistrstor JaMes Murray, (with
nodal to Charlotte Blackmer*, late Char
lotte Hazlett, whit was widow of said Dr.
Robert Hazlett, doocased, and ypeeph H.
aislett, John N. Realett and Robert 'Hai
lett; minor children,) of, in and to a-lot of the city of Pittsburgh, beginning
oti the nertir - side of Diamond alley at a cor
ner of lot tkoeer late of Thom's, Rosettell;
extending thence along said alley eastward.
ly 20 feet 4 ioehes; ibenes northward',
:paralleliwita Betittitlild street 116 feet to
line of lot tornierly of Algot , : thence
by esti line westerly 20feet 8 10 of an inch
to Bosewelre line; and thence along said
line to the place of beginning, beteg part of
lot No. 881 in the original plan _of Pids•
• burgh; on which is created a two story
brick dwelling house.
Auto,. A lot of.ground in. said city, part
of mad lot No. 881, beginning at the,eastern
line of: the above described lot ; thence by
said tine northwardly one hundred and fif
teen feet to ding's line; thence by the
same outwardly 20 feet 9,16 of an inch to
line of Marshall'a.lot; ikiewee c by the said
Use northwardly 'll6 feet to Diamond alley;
- and thence along laid alley 20 feet 3-16 of
wink to the place of beginning; on which
le erected a two story brick house.
duo, A lot of ground in said city, delis.
Fated as No. 40, in John 8. Shaffer's plan,
recorded in Allegheny county in Plan Book
No. 2, page 66, begianinx on the westerly
. side of.Dinwiddie street 87 fist 6.4 lathes to
-Rose ennui; thence along Rome street east
erly 108 feet 6} Inches to Diswiddis street;
'and thence along the same to the place of
beginning. , . ~,_. . :1.
= ‘; Asso, A lot of ground in said city, desig
-',-..." -
.. -sated a. lot No.
,ill in the aforesaid plan,
,;, beginning on Dlowiddle street at the west.
1,,, 4 - , ' -7 -erly line of said lot No. 40; thence
-by said
.r -.. ...'• , line 66 feet 9 inches to Bose street; thence
' by Rate 'street 14 feet 10 inches to an alley;
*'"-thestee along said alley 12 feet 1 linob;
Ague by line of lot No. 89 eastirardly 100
..: lies, to Dlnviddie street; and thence along
_ said street 20 feet to the place of beginning
Aino, Two contiguous tots o designa t ed
the Seventh ward of said city
neßos..29 and 80 :in i plan of lots laid out
by John Beiding,•and recorded in the office
• far tenoning deeds, A:., in said county, in'
`Deed Book, vol. 88, page 188, said lot No.
-29 extending originally in front on a 80 fest
street 41 feet by • 'depth of 10 feet to an
alley. and said lot,- No. 80, haying a front
of 60 feet on said street, and extending. in
depth 100 feet to said alley.
--. • , Mao, A piece of lend in Resents towni
i -., ship,- designated as lot No. 4in Patterson's
- ' - 'piss, beginning at the corner of 'a 40 feet
• street and Long Lane; extending thence
0,4 6 .,,:, ,L,... -, along said Lane south 181 degrees east 490
. '!" .4 ,:lPt',.ll' „. ' foie to a poet; thence westwardly 876 feet
..r,`,, - 'i •- ! - :.." , o 7 :.: ; Z•_!**'• 'forty feet street; thecae northward,'
..'' ' along said' street. 490 feet t* another 40 feet
• .-''. 7 nreet; and thence- outwardly slot% said
, .' ,
: street 876 feet to <the 'lgoe of beginning,
let'tinatalaing about four acres.
~;'' Sexed and taken in natation as the
'14.•:"5.'. , 'ltinierty of Dr Robert Hazlett, deceased, in
eie.., , 'the hands of his administrator, di boom Xitli,
0 . 4 0.ifaP.. , - - ;jean Illtirki, with ratios to his widow*t . ': .^iind heirs as aforesaid, at the suit of Wet
... ~....74 .-- klie, Dungan and lreeeher.
T.;,.. , . -, -'' ALSO,
.. 4- . 1 . ti t ! -- . - ;, - :;',.. - . ';' All the righi r tltle, interest and claim-of
,; '• . -,.., - - , Perryßsker, deceased, in the hands of John
*.'.. . ' .
~.P..peany• and:Julla.Baker, hie exaction,
4 i.te. '.. ',',iiit seethe" to Julia 'Biker,
_widow, and
-;ulna: -• _ 2'..4',..:'''..10r.,._, ' . - 'llaker, ; Willful Baker, Ada Baker
;;V:..."'•• - .7.,,,,---=`,---.',".t-';31•4-15ati. Beier, miner children of Perry
'-':.,... ,-.., „.. '„, • ` :} i;illitherideceseed, by their guardian, adlilan,
' '-='• - S AY ` ' .Jaisa P. Btenett,,Fiquire,) of, in andAn
- -....,.,?, all thaelet of ground In the borough of Mo.
4 . 0 ,..': . .. ''.
'lsespoil. fronting sixty feet on the welt
,t,. , _ . ., side of Market street, and extending back,
('`-- . . preserv i ng the same width, one hundred
11 1. ,,, ' - ~ „. and forty feet to au alley, being lot No. 106
•:- -in the general plan of said borough; upon
,-„,,:,..... • .. - 'blab there is erected a three story brick '
;. - / - q ; f:.; dwelling and store room, and a small frame
.__.:•••::::: .', ,; - dwelling.
-- ' ;Seised anti taken in 'eneoutlen as the
Ot-' ''' -
'...,--i 1 .,„ ,- property u
of Perry Baker, deoeed, in the
=.'.:,-, „,-; hand' - of . John P. Penny and Julia Baker,
~• ~t '.., 1, -'' ,_,- his executors, ;with notice to his widow and
.;1 -
•- , gaol & CO.
li, ;;.... - All the right, title, Interest and elalm of
'.,.f,i ;
~,,,- • ••1 Samuel O. Clancy, one of the defendant, of,
_,....,,.. , la and to all- that certain lot or piece of
r; - :....„..t , -..-. ~ : grimed situated ,in Baldwin township r Al
ki.,:, 7:::: , -: - , .- ..! ~ ' leeway tiouniAnad bounded and described ,
~ • ~ „ ~'as follows, to with Beginning at a point on
theettrawastille road, about 60 feet from the
end- of the Malden Rause-
„theses along I
the fence down'th the Lino ' leading to the
tenant house; thence alistaildlins to where
It intersects-the fume di, ding - tin property
of James MeOully and ',Jesse , Phillips;
.'. theneeslong said tumult - lewd. the Browse
4, ' Vine ZOO, bounded by landlyaf Joao, Phll-
• • 4••• s
t!..- . . , -.t.•••• y.s* .1"
: •
yi : y~,;:,ati,-
•,,, :.: . ; .1.
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• ' •••.: ~• ~‘,
• " to '4l•Ailre_. tsf•l•i,,,,.
• 4 '. Z . : : .4 , ;;;ltti.
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perches to itpoel; thence north forty-two
ends half degrees east two perches to the
Williamsport coed; theses along the some
11Orth two degrees east twelve perches to a
poet.; and thence north forty-seven and a
Mgt degrees west one antrnine tenths perch
as, to the /lane of beginning, containiog
seventy one 'strict measure.
Taken let execution as tho property of
Wiltiim K. Vankirk, at the suit of John
Walker, Jr.
*. All the right, title interest and claim
of liiines W. Boyle and Catharine E.
Boyle, his 'nil), of. in at d to all that cer-
I„ sun lot or piece of land situate in the bor
ough of Lawrenceville and county of Alla-
Oen) , aforesaid,. being out-lot numbered
sateen (( No 16 ) in the plan of sii6bor—
ough, joining lot No. 15, a:d lying on
..the north aide 9f the Butler raad; contain
- eg three-lour of an asre, be the same
",, more or less, on which is erected a two
'tor y brick dwelling house , with - the out,
- -tb!lLldioge and aptiortenaneas
and taken in execution as the
property of James W. Boyle and Oaths'-
,• , rhos X. Boyle; his .wife,' at the suit of
; , 7 ,T ekk alu ticH es ge T e .
Brady, for use of The Miler
All the right, title, interest and claim
of Eamuelll. Boyer, of in and to all that
part of lot number one (No. 1) in tie plan
2 . of lots laid out by the heirs ot-Bidney
Gregg, teat the Monoegaltela bridge,
. lialled the Coal Hill Lots, bounded and
dumbed aa follows, •13: Beginning at
thenortheast corner of the property
i-by iranois Bailey and the Turnpike;
thence by line of stud property one bun•'. draa and seventy-five feet eight inches;
Altana: outwardly twenty , five feet; thence
torthwardly one hundred and-sixty-four
feet nine inches to the Turnpike road;
thenoehy the line of said road twenty five
feet te"the place of beginning and, being
tjie same which the heirs of the saidSid
pity regg, by their deed dated Septum
ber 86 1846, and recorded in reed Book
!-- - _ vol. 191, page 107, granted and conveyed
to Samuel Boyer.
Seized .and taken in ezeoution as the
property 6t Samuel IL Boyer at the snit
ofJoseph Belden.
All the right, title, interest and claim
.of Huth IdoMurrsiy, deemed, in the
hands of WilliamMoSlurray,his adinin
issrator, of, in and to all those two certain
- lots or pieces of ground marked and um
bared in the plan of lota laid out by War
den and Alexander,. situated m the bor
. ongh of Temperancgrille, and known as
' - lots numbered 148 amid 149 each of said
lots oontaining twenty-five feet in front on
Walnut street and extending but the
same Widths one hundred and fifty feet,
on each of which is erected one two story
frame house; the said lot being subject to
-aground rent of twenty-seven dollars an
aally, payable in semi-annukl
menti'on the first days of April:bid Octo
ber in each year.
• S iced and taken in execution ae the
property of Hugh Mokfurray„ deceased,
in_ the hands of William Alcalurray, his
• administrawr ' at the snit of John B. War
den and John Alexander, for use of John
B. Warden.
•;.,,:.1 . ,-..: '.'-• ':-.
lips, Albert T. Blacbmare and Baldwin
Townehipßchool Direotora eip to the Browns
•itle road, and thence along Dia road about
13 rode, to the place of beginning, contain
ing about four scree; uron which are erected
a frame dwelling bonse one story high sad
a frame stable.
Beizedsud taken in execution as the prop.
erty of Samuel C. Claney, at the snit of
Btoddart, Wilson St Co., against Samuel C.
Olney and P. A. Shackleiter, partners as
Samuel C. Clancy & Co.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
thidefendant Wm. 11. Lemon, of, In and to
all that certain piece of land, eituatedin the
sixth ward, of the city of_ Pittsburgh, in
Allegheny county, being parte of lota Nos.
63 and 64, in the plan of lore. laid out by
Thole Soot!, recorded in deed book, vol. 45,
page-895; bounded as follows, vie: Begin
ning at the corner of Townsend and Clark
streets; thence Moog Townsend street 48
feet to lot No. 62; thence across lots Noe.
68 and _ 64, and piraltel with Townsend
street 48 feet to Clark street; thenoe along
Clark street 30 feet to rho place of begin
ning, being the 'rime which Robert-Wllllams
and wife, by deed, recorded In book, sot
185, page 137, conveyed to said Lemon;
whereon ire erected a frame dwelling house
and store, and a three Story brick dwelling
Seised and - taken to mention se the
property of William IL Lemon, mt the milt
of John DM & O.
AR the right, title, interest and Adel of
the defendant Wm. H. Lemon, of, in and to
all that certain piece if lend situated n
the Sixth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh,
Allegbeey otiosity, Pcnosylvania; being
parte of lota numbered eixty-three and
sixty four,
.1.38 and 64, in the plan of lots
laid out by Thomas Scott, which plan is re
corded in the Ettoorder's office of said coun
ty, in deed book, vol. 2d, page 895, bound
ed and desoribed as follows, vie: Beginning
at the corner of Townsend and Clark streets;
thence by Townsend street along the front
of said lots number sixty-three and sixty
four, forty-eight feet to lot number Fitly
two; thence 'arm said lots numbers 68 and
64 and parallel with. Townsend etreet, forty
eight feet to Clark street; Ocoee along
Clark street thirty_ feet 40 the plies of be
ginding; being the same piece of ground
whieb Robert Williams and Sophie, his
wife, by their deed dated 26th day of Au
gust, A. D. 1848, granted and conveyed
unto Wm. H. Lemon, which deed is record
ed in deed book, vol. 185, page 187, refer
ence being (hereunto had, it will more fatly
appear; ou which are erected a three-etory
frame building, occupied as a dwelling
bone. and store; also, a three-story brink
dwelling house.
Eledied and taken in execution as the
property of Wm. H. Lemon, at the suit of
Alex. R. Mi lee .for use of Duer, Morrie
& Co.
Alt the right, title, interest and nlaim of
William F. Kerr; the defendant, of, in and
to all that certain lot of ground situate in
Braddook's Field, Allegheny county, State
of Pennsylvania, sod being numbered el;
in section three of Bachatifin'e plan of Brad
doik's Field, laid out Jn the Braddock's
Edd Farm, and bound d and described as
rollowe, to wit: Begin s og at the upper
rode of Washington street at the corner of
loi No. 4-and one hundred feet northward!,
from Talbot street; running thence down
along said Washington street fifty feet to lot
No. 8; thence along the line of said lot one
hundred and-thirty-three feet to Surraln al.
ley; thence up along said alley fifty feet to
lot No. 4, aforesaid, and thenoedairn along
the llne'of said lot one hundred and 'thirty.
three feet to 'Washington street, aforesaid,
the please of begiuniog; being the same lot
which the said James W. Buchanan *lib
his wife by deed granted and conveyed to
theinald William F. Kerr.
Seised and taken in execution as the
property of William. Kerr at the suit of
James Todd, Administrator of the estate of
James W. Buchanan, deceased.
All the right, title, interest sod claim of
the defendant, James Watt, Sr., of, in and
Ito all - that certain lot of ground situated in
Lower Bt. Clair township, [now Borough of
South Pittsburgh] Allegheny county afore
said, bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at a point on the northern
side of the Pittsburgh and Birmingham
Turnpike Road, where the western line of
Shadrach Davis' lot intersects with . said
turnpike, distant from Second street one
hundred and sixty-fire feet; thence west.
wadi,' along said turnpike road twenty
feel; thence northward and parallel with
Second Street to' Chestnut street; thence
eeetwardly along said Chestnut street twenty
feet to the line of S. Theis' lot, and thence
along the same and parallel with Second
street one hundred feet to the place of be
ginning; being one half of le lot of ground
which, among others, William Ebbs and
Elisabeth, his wife, by deed dated the 2d
day of November, A. D. 1844, recorded in
Deed Book Bd, No. 71, page 148, etc., grant
ed and — conveyed unto Christian hump,
and.the said Christian Ihmsen by Me deed,
dated the 11th day of May, A. D. 1848, and
recorded inlite ofies aforesaid iv Deed Book
4, I vol. 82, page 120, granted and conveyed
the same to James Watt, Senior; on which
there is erected a two-storied brick dwelling
Seised and taken in execution as the
property of James Watt, Sr., at the suit o
Thomas S. Blair, Amigos. of A. 8. Bell,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
the defendant, Eve Anstalt:, deceased, who
survived George Anshutz, in the hands of
hie Administrator, Eli Edmundsoo, with
notice to A. P. Anshatz, terra tenant, of, in
and to all that certain lot or piece of ground
situated in the city of Pittsburgh end Elute
of Pennsylvania, being part of lot marked
In the general plan of said city, numbered
187, whiolleald lot is bounded and described
se follows, to wit: Beginning on Wood
street at the distance of forty feet southerly
from First street; running• thence mouth
wardlY along Wood etreet to the corner
of property once eold to Thomas Cram.
well; thence outwardly by that part of
said: lot numbered 187 sold to said Croup
well it parallel line with Front street 60 fest
to lot clambered 188; thence northward', by
said lot No. 188 a parallel line with Wood
a free& to a front 40 feet south of Front et.,
aforesaid; and themoe westwardly by anoth
er pert of said lot numbered 187 a parallel
line with First street to Wood street, the
place of beginnieg, and hiving a front on
Wood itreet of about 66 feet, more or lees ;
being the same plece af.groand which John
Forsythe, ilightlheriff of Allegheny county,
bilisdeed duly executed and acknowledged
in open Court, dated 6th February, A. D.
1848, granted and conveyed to Robt. Woods,
Beg., who, with Sarah, his wife, by their
deed of aseignment endorsed upon the said
Sheriff's deed, dated the 7th day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1848, duly executed end ac
knowledged, greeted and conveyed the same
unto Eve Ambit% wife of George timbals,
aforesaid; on which are erected two thrts-•
'Lori b r i c k warehouse:
Seised and taken in execution as the
property of Eve Aught;le. deoeseed [who
survived George Ausbuiel in the hands of
his Administrator, Eli Edmundson, with
notice to A: P. Anshuts, tam tensat, at the
suit of Francis Baba,Edward Baba and
George Berry, E xecutors of Christian
Ansholi, deceased.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
Frederick Plump, of, in.and to all that cer
tain lot of ground in the city of Pittsburgh,
eltuate on the south side of Penn street, com
mencing it a point - distant eitatwardly 84
feet from inter/motion of Plum and Morton
streets; thence along Peon - street 18 feet
and extending back by equal parallel lines,
preeervlog the same width, 106 feet to
spring alley.
Seised and taken in execution' ae the
property of.Prederiok Plump, at the suit of
The Gomosonwealth of - Pettneylvania;
ttle use of the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens
of Pittsburgh.
Alt the tight, title, faterut sad &sin of
geetei atop, of, in and to all that oettsta
/93 of ground he the oily of Pittsburgh, sit.
, .
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nate on the booth westwardly - corner of
Fourth sad Grant streetri_ being 10 front on
Fourth street 60 feet; and ex ding along
Grant street 70 feet; on which . rooted
one four piety brtok hotel (St Nicholas
&fined and taken in execution AP the
properly of Daniel Rough, at the snit of. The
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for nth of
the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of Pills
AU she right, title, interest sod claim of
John A Fagan and Margaret Fagan, hie
wife, of, in Attain -all that certain lot or
!deoe of grou n d situate in the borough of
Manchester, county of Allegheny and State
of Penlmprimis, fronting on the north Bide
of Fayette street beginnlog at the destatioe
Of one hundred and forty four feet easterly
from Cluirtiere street, and containing in
front, on Fayette Street, twenty-four (24)
feet, and extending back parallel with Cote
tiers street, preserving the same width, one
hundred-anittwenty four (124) feet, to en
alley, of which it has the privilege; being
the same premises.which woe conveyed by
Thomas Davis aex to said Megaret Fagan,
by deed dated May 20, 1854, and recorded
in the Recorder'. OFice of Allegheny county.
Seised and taken in exeoution as the pro
perty of John A. Nan and Margaret, his
wife, at the suit of James C. Riottey for use
of Joseph Pennook.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
Joseph G. Lawton, of, in and to all that
certain lot or piece of laud situate in the
city of Pittsburgh and bounded and
earthed se follower Beginning on Gamest
side of Wood Street, at the corner of lot
now, or late, owned by Mary M. Breokln•
ridge, distant about 40 feet from the corner
of Second street ; thence along Wood street
southwardly twenty feet, and extending
back towarde Market street, preserving the
same width, ninety feet ; being portions of
iota NM. 219 and 220 in .Woode' plan of
said oily. Oa which said lots is erected - a
large three story brick warehouse.
Seised sod takes in execution es the pro.
party of Joseph G. Lawton, at the cm of
David W. Miller fur use of the Dollar Sav
ior,' Bank.
MI the right, title, merest and claim of
Morrow and Brother., of, in and to all that
certain lot of groirl to the silty of Pitts
burgh, situate in the Eighth ward of said
airy, on the eastward), side of Marion street,
between Belch alley and Forbes street, haw.
ing a front-of silty feet on Marlon it
and extending beak eaatwardly 108 feet 81
Seized and taken to execution as the prop
erty of Morrow & Brothers, at the suit of
the Commonwealth of Penney!vac's, for use
of the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of.
Ail the right, title, latereet and claim of
Gustavus Neuffer, of, in and to all that cer
tain lot of ground in the oh; of Pittsburgh,
situate in the Eighth ward of said city, on
the westwardly side of Marion street, be
tween Beeoh alley and Locust street, has.
log a front of 24 feet on Marion street-ted
running back westwardly [preserving the
width of 24 - lest] 103 feet and Eik tubes; on
which le erected one brick dwelling two
stories high and one small frame dwelling
house. -
Seised end taken in execution as the prop
erty of Ginetayne Neuffer, [or Neiterd et
the suit of The Commonwesith of Penneyl
van* for the use of the Alsyor, Aldermen
sod Cideens of Pittsburgh.
All the right„ title, Interest and abtims-of
Thomas Patterson, of, in and to, or out
of, all that certain lot of ground, situated iu
the village of, Ent Liberty, Allegheny
county, containing sixty feet (60)in front ou
the Pittsburgh and Greensburg turnpike•
road, and extending beak a distance of two
hundred feet, (200) on which there is erected
one two aid; frame dwelling house, stable,
Belted and taken in extreaUon u the prop
emy of Thomas. Patterns, at the suit o
Beoj►min Leiber.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Charles Jonas, James Howard, and Francis
Women, as Trustees of Clinton Chapel, of
Bewiokleyville, of, in and to all that certain
lot of—ground in the Borough of Sewickley
vine, situated on the corner of Crooked
creel, extending about 22 feet on Crooked
street, and about 66 feet on Division street,
and ounded by said street and by lots of
Daniel Boardner and Barney Bonbon, on
which is erected a frame building, about 30
by 40 feet, used as a hieeting-houee by the
members of the Aldohit hi. E. Church.
Seized and taken in execution se the prop.
erty of Charles Jones, James Howard sad
Francis Whiz.ll as Trustees of Clinton
Chapel, Bewlekley, at the suit of George T.
&Nisei', for use of Charles Jonee.
111 the right, title, interest hod claim of
Cyrus Lapp, of, in, to or out of the follow
ing described property, to wit: All the
western hilt part of the following lot or
piece oL ground, being lot No. 8 in Adam
Teeth's plan of lots in the extended limits of
the Boreal!' of Birmingham, County of Al
legheny, State of Pennsylvania, (as foldout
-by Z. W. Remington, Burveyor,) said ',half
lot fronting twenty (20) feet on Centre
street, and extending back, p ins the
same width, towards Festal's' street, sixty.
three feel six inches, (68 ft. 6 is.,) to toe
line dividing it from the eastern half part
of said lot; and having a two-story frame
dwelling house greeted thereon; being the
same lot which E4Ward A. hip, the plain-
tiff, and Hannah, his wife, by deed bearing
date the 6dodsy of September, A. D. 1860,
and recorded' in Deed Book vol. 149, page
119,•conveyed to said Cyrus Lapp.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Cyrus Lapp, at the suit of Edward
A. Moye
All the right, tile, Wang and Wain of
William Gibson and Ellsibeth Gibson, his
wife, of, in and to all those three certain
lots situate In the city of Allegheny, county
of Allegheny, and &ate of Pennsylvania,
marked and numbered as Nos. 20, 21 and
22, in the plan of Wm. A. Charlton% be.
ginning on Rebecca street, at the corner of
61. ;
d now or late of Alexander Young;
th nos along said street, easiwardly 96 feet
inches to Chestier' street; thence along
Onartivre street 62 feet 4 inches to the air-
Der of let No. 28 in said piaci thence along
the line of said lot NO. 28, westward,' 79
feet 8 inches to said Young's lot; and Dienes
by his Roe 'northward!' 116 feet 7} locates
to Rebecca street at the place of beginning;
en which are erected a mammary brick dwell.
log house, store honsii, with b•sery, Ito.
Nei:Wand taken in execution as the prop,
oily of the said. William Gibson and Elise.
.beiti . Gibson, hie wife, at .the suit of David
T. Morgan.
All the-right, title, intermit sud claim of
Chides McGill, the defendant, of, in and to
all that Orilla lot or piece of ground
nets In the Second ward of Allegnen, cily,
in the county of Allegheny, Penupyrrania,
bounded sod described as follows,
six Be,
ginning on the western side of Besveretreet
at the corner of lot No; 21 and at the dis
tance of twenty feet southward', from Canal
street; thence extending in front:on Beaver
street routhwardly twenty feet, and I. depth
_wi9itwardly, preserving theism, width, ono
hundred feet to an alley twelve feet wide;
the same Wag lot staked No. 22 in George
Ledlie's phut os the eutt,division of out lots
No. 1, 174 and 176 in the reserve trial op.
right, Pittsburgh; where Is erected on sold.
lot No. 22 one two story frame house, host
lagoaßs street.
Belied and taken In eseentleo as the
propacr of Chines:McGill, al the suit of
William.ipsim, fore lb. use at James H.
All the :lin, nue, J./taint sad claim of
Rum A. Chinos, of, in and to all that dot
of ground is the alit of Pittiburgh, situate
On the eouthirovilyside of:Foment snit tu t ,
the distance of 96 feet entwordly Iron
Cherry : Web mid; ostoadisg - in frost on
Forth street 22 foot, sad mob: book ill
doptit tossed Medellin 85 feet.
fielzed and takes In eseention os the
propel of R.sq A. Gibloo, el Ike soil of
the Commonneslth Of Pnnneylienia, for nee
the Mayar, Aldermen •nd Citizens of Pitt.-
Ail toe r.gbi, bile , imereßL an d Maitu t of
the defendant, Thomas Haughey, of, in and
to aii tam certain lot or piece of ground
Number .. Three" (3) in Black's plan of the
subdivision of lot No. 145 in the City of
Pittsburgh; said lot beginning on the east.
wardly aide of Liberty street, at the die--
lance of'6B feet three and a half incites east
wardly from the corner of Liberty and 'Ra
ter streets and running along Liberty street
two hundred and eleven feel; thence 48 fOet
8 inches to ■ point 48, feet - and 8-12ths Ohm
Water street; 'hellos 22 feet Winehea to a
point 88 feet inches from Llberly street;
thence 28 feet 9 1 inches to the place of be..
ginnihgr Having a three dory brick house
thereon -erented.
Seized and token in execution as the prop.
arty of Thomas flenghey, at the RI of
George W. Wilds, for use of Simnel W ilda,
now for nso of Andrew Johnston.
All the right, title, interest and olaim of
George Spline and Minim Spline, [in the
hands of Jane Splane, executrix, woo ear.
rived William Spline, deceased, and Alex.
coder Rosebush, executors of George
Elplute, deemed, and Thinnest M. Marshall,
administrator of William W. Spline, de
ceased, to be administered,] of, In and to
all that certain lot or piece of ground 'situ
ated In the oily of Pittsburgh, and bounded
amid deeoribed as follows, vie: Beginning at
the corner of Fifth and Smithfield wrests;
thence by Fifth street esetwardly one hun
dred and twenty feet to lot No. .419 in
Woods' plan of Bald city; then°e by said
lot northwardly one hundred and twenty
feet; thence westwardly etxty feel; thence
southwardly seventy.flve feet 71, ladies;
thence westwardly sixty feet to timitlifield
Street; thence southwardly by Smithfield
street forty-four feet 41 incite, to the corner
of Smithfield and Ma Street., at the be
ginning. Part of staid lot of ground is the
same property sold and conveyed to acid
Ettirseidee by Ann Eliza Decry, by deed in
fee simple, dated 29th ef - July, 1825, viz
thirty-elx feet front on Smithfield attest by
sixty feet deep on Fifth street; recorded -in
the office for recording Deeds, &a , in said
county, to Deed Book G. tad, pages 206
and 206. Aloe, by deed dated October 1,
1826, tour feet trout on Smithfield by
sixty feet deep adjoining the above, record
ed in said office is Book G. 2nd. pages 308
and 804; also by deed dated 24th March,
1826, four feet front on Smithfield street by
sixty feet deep, adjoining the above, re
corded in said offioe in Deed Book N. 2nd,
pages 35 and 36;. also by articles of agree
ment dated 24th March, 1826, four and a
half inches adjoining the above for a parti
tion wall sixty feet deep; recorded la said
office in Deed Book vol. N. 2d, pages 86, &a.
Tee other part of said lot was sold sod
conveyed to said Burseides by James R
Bailer, Delude S. Scully and Harmer Decoy,
Executors of the estate of James O'Hara,
deceased, by deed in fee simple, dated 17th
October, 1833, recorded in said Moe in
Deed Book T 2d, vol. 44, page 472, cod is
the same property sold and conveyed to
George and William Spline by Robert Burn
sides and Nancy, hta wife, by deed dated 18th
'December, 1847, as by reference to said
deeds and articles of agreement will mere
fully appear.
Seised and taken in execution as the
property of oeorge.Bplans, deceased, In the
nen& of Jane Spline, eurvivitig Executrix,
and William Splane, deceased, in the heads
of Thomas M. Harebell, Administrator, at
the suit of Weld A. - Grier and Bierly Cuth
bert, Dxectuors, and Nancy Burneides, Ex
ecutrix of Robert Burnsides, deceased, for
8//111.17e11 01" ICE,
Pitteburglb, Nov. 2J, 1861. I
How Gtn. Baker Fought and Dltd.
George Wilkes says in s letter to his
paper :
General Baker, calm as when speaking
in the Senate, walked coolly up and down
the lines, amid the fiercest fire, and, with
a cheerful, placid voice, kept encouraging
his men, It was a matter of constant
wonder to all engaged, that no shot brought
him down. Thus the fight raged, the
enemy only occasionally leaving his covert,
and our troops fighting mainly in 'the open.'
Tired of this, the General determined to
Make one wholesale effort to drive thorn
from the woods, and charging up to them,
forced them to give ground in their whole
front; but the retiring ebb was checked by
a bank of numbers in the rear, and &double
row of rifles, serried and interkided from
fires of kneeling and standing troop,
poured a deadly volley into our audacious
lines, bringing. us not only to a pause, but
to a temporary falling back. The re-flow
of the .smiguirouy wave. left Baker tan
yards in front but calm and as cool as ever.
'ilea turning, as if fora new example, he
pointed out a rebel officer who at this mo
ment rode near on a white horse named
him as General - Johnston, and riuddenly
asked some one to hand him a As
he reached forward to receive the weapon,
a tall man stepped out item amid the pris-'
veiling smoke, and milking up - to within
five feet of him, levelled his revolverand
shot him in the head. He kept &Mika.;
livering the three or four shots rapidly
into the body as it fell, and then stopped,
as if to lift, and bear it off. At this mo
ment Captain Beirel rushed forward, and
placing los revolver to the ear of the bend
ing figure, shot him through the brain.
Letter from Camp Nevi*. .
We have received a short letter from emcee
ber of Captain Hervey's company, Col. Bib..
well's regiment, dated at the headquarters of
Gen. Neglers Brigade, and we give some ex. ,
trans which may be of interest to many;
Cent* Nam, Ky., Oct. 27,1661.
I have delayed writing thus far on account
of the uncertainty of our location, and of givr
ing friends at borne the proper address.
I suppose you have had the particulars of
the principal movements of our Brlgade,"eince"
leaving your city, through other stamen but
I, as one of those most immediately interested
In the matter, will Mate that we•hul a very
pleasant trip to the metropolis of this gallant
Border State, and a grand sad heart•Cheeriag
o h u a r nd fr g ien o i: • a th t i holi: 6 4 . 4
have witneesed it. One would thiak the
ple were °my with enthusiasm, theyrned• so
io h n ar:do t ti b e e
much of us. We encamped for a dmiple`of
days at Louisville, sod the generoueladlet of
the city-made us many 'prevent, which : were
very thankfully reeeived—plee, eakee, toffee,
cigars, tobacco, etc. The gentlemen pritirdet
as with three good mesh', which came quite
opportunely, as our ratios, were eh'prt SOT a
low dare.
Camp Nevin is in a beautiful location,fine,
level country all around, sad blamed with a
delightful climate. We Ire encamped _ 'on the
farm of the traitor, JOhn O. lireckloridgeiend
are about fifty miles from Louisville. le this
(Hardin) county, "Honest Old Abe , ' Brat saw - - ' ''' ''''
the light. -I am informed that there are now - , Huth. New Ifeee:feetepeedent of lart_week,
encamped' armed in this neighborhood about
25,0Cti Union troops. The rabble ire stron nadir th e si i gfi' m ores traziOr
- of the Na.
• - - • 1 - . -' '
along from Bowling Green to Green river, and g f l oe, y Hornee;Oreality,7 be s!iyi :
we, expect to go amid give them *one et hint i ; It.fe ilaiity —nailing hot slivery-4hat has
do soon.,
' ~., , causal iiollllll3tates to repudiate( Co , tee.ea..
Lettere to this point should, be directed via Lrant ,01' IWO!', power, the .authority ..or, the
Loniiiville. Ursa air; - ifilnion . ..': It bestaiery Gilt wastollY betas the
••, . .
.; mind ciAlly railroad:and nther Oconee and Us.
Da * Sart " Cea NErr VniT '""Tbi° eelere ' deintlette °dent expressly to precipitate Korea
ted physician for chemises,. •
of the 'fungi,. liver of , isenovinsee•aed.children. beedierhser lent
and stomach, will visit Pittsburgh again" en into a l ee k ) a " * th e * "Ds' Is il!,-"Inel.
•• - - Jil ~ t hat anus hoidem:ol.oavagre' for: devasiatinn
Monday and Tuesday, November 4th and m, m o w ,
~ ,,,,, , j, y„,„ . . 1 40,,,,, of env Vre at i t ,
to remain during those two day, at pt; _tsp . homer.: -It is slayer), that lite In .iunteish' toe
ear% Drug Store, 140 Wood: Street,. to elaalitie Pi th ier istit 9l4 Ithielb an d Sr "- Id'-th e '2ol th
a safe eoberet in hones that:nano' ahot
patients sMicted witti - every lawn; of yang.
.... ,i,",,,,..' „ f „ love? „-,,, L . „.„,..,
'disease, • liver and stomach disaiteas. Dr. ma Y4l.7''''''' , "" -- - -
Schenck is the inventor of the - celebrated in. .”.. 4 .. - ,„ °7 -,_ . ' ',.. ' ' ''• .- ' ''''''''-' ' s
strunicat called Rerpronnifer, by which bacon . . Ali fi..e : , ..:.r. --: _.., ~ .- -. ~, - •
tall the true condition ef,theltinge,, and yrs. ; , golli *4 the rite) ttlath•rthat efavery'and
scribe suecesele Li, in. edit eases,. white the - . nesniiihat 0..416 is thi, day is iiluse to etas.
lungs ere sot tiro far diseased, Dr
throw, thenOvisnaleitie nod the'Maitewhy,
has been eatinei k tly.sicecierel When shintlerthetteeenlielletltholettaishet ite.4701-
, . - . • _ .
tient hay one sound lean, as hundred. can wit:, nbiostii.- - BariT•
e lites sad. onanithoitikr poi,:
kaolin this city end vietniii: . ''''' ' T : ','' '' ' 'ileitis ft-'-tkili lite.: power ineisoeii iyi. ,
' The . Charge :for" d - lberoanh 'ainialitation= .any eihertit ttrthe<aret'.oudnealoyint Ilya
with the aeapirometet, iv three dollars, bat, tlition—eby shoeld not the Union take up the
for the metal way or extiminieg, he makes so gage thee lasoleetly thrown downt Slavery
charges, . ha decreed the overthrow of the Union, - and
We advise those who wish to consult big is plantain lie end with a venoms which harem
to tea thhi eats ill order to enable them to re. us so ( thole* betwathl the death of the Sr;
member the tine. cape and Meet kissalleded victim. _ . -
• • 1,
utlj 4e
5 4. ID, P . 4_t3* CO .
•?L, r-noralstoas
Offiethi fihkeite;l, - twis. Smilifuick
-7 F O X - W'r l 3l3"Cli,i3 -
Forma PAaa—Late telegraphic news mit
celleaeous matter; self advertbeinents, etc.
Pattalismellt' Nee - kik Gazette.
Tot Wzmur :Gazer's,. published this
morning, contains fall details of affairs in
Kentucky, of the progress of events in
noun, around Wuhiagtorr, ttie Upper Potomac,
and the latest news" by telegraph and . mail
from all important point{.
I Sassy Disraneriox.--It is rumored that
and SLIDELL, the, new rebel Ambits- ,
@adore, are attihorized to grant almost any .
thing that England and France may ask,
even to the extent of * Protectorate tyre
the Confederate States, and if nothing else
will do, the prospictise exiinolpation of the
sines. flowerer_ this may he, it Is pretty
evident that their mission Is one of immense
importance to the rebels; as they had a
large - representation In Europe previous to
the embarkation of the new Plenipoten
tiaries. it-they eannot break the blockade,
they see that they must inevitably succumb
to the Federal Government, and nothing
la too dear la the estimation of Jeff. Davis
& Co., to Pay for salvation from such terri
ble humiliation, and dire retribution.. In
the meantime, Wit e these Ambassadors are
on their way to _Europe, our Nave; fleet
may seize • Southern port, and open up a
option trade, under the old flag of the Holey.
Little heed . will this minion obtain lit'Eq
rope, if this desired object is aceiniplished.
If England and Frantie can get the cotton
ind tobsooo, they will leave us to fight oat
the Timers!, without Interference. Events
move rapidly now, and the rebels may find
themselves cheek-mated In their last desper
ate move, -froth a source they little appre
hended, and did not prepare tor.
PLanin.—By the telegraphio reports in to•
dare paper, It wilt be seen that the state
ment of Gen. Thomas 'that Fremont has
pitrehased end furnished the soldieri with
Inferior and rotten blankets, turns out to be
a mistake. •
By the way, why was this "experts report
suffered to be published. It was well
enough for Geo. Thomas lo make his report
to the War Department, for the Information
of the authorities, but it ought not tolhave
been published until Fremont bad been.fur
nished with a copy, 'and had time given him
to make hie defense. Greet injustioe is done
to Fremont in permitting this damaging
omelet report to go out, while be was too
far off to meet and answer the charges. If
the object of the publication was to weaken
the hold Fremont hes upon the public es
teem, it wilt fail of its design, as the Amer
loan people like fair play, and will not see
• man cried down without a chance to de
fend himself, especially when he is chasing
• horde' of .rebels before his victorious
Fll,lllO3Ve P I 7IOEADES,..-04111 Of the
charges made by Adj. Geo. Thames, against
Gen. Fremont, te, that only twenty out of
hundred of the guns purchased by Gen.
Fremont. in Europe would go off; and then
there is an loainuntion, founded on hearsay
ovidence, that there had been some specu
lation in the matter, and that one of Gen.
Fromouffs friends had mnde thirty thousand
dollars by the transaction. We are ',lm
bibed that Gen. Thomas would have made
such a charge, unsupported by proof, against
*General in the field, who bed no oppartn• -
oity to explain or reply. A correspondent
of the New 'York Tribune,' who sips himself
••One Whir ilitetre," sod who appears to be
thoroughly :ix:Tainted with the matter,
says: •
"The arum which Gen. Fremont bought in
Europe were: 2000 rifles, too revolvers 'lll
need-cannon, woo ehot aedeltelf, and 2.000,..
000 - percussion taps. The rifles werenewitad
'oldie proems pattern ol the ben atauderd rifle
in use in the French army, sad were made at
Liege, in Belgium. Atter Gen. F./anima's re
turn, to_ the United Stevie, the Secretary of
War,. Mr, 'Cameron, sent an order . tb
Adams and 'Mr. Dayton to perinea* 20,000
more rifles of Galilean kind as more purchased
'by Gen; ttremoit. Still later, Mr. debsyler,
sent - to Europe as a special aped to procure
arms,offered to buy rtg as of the s l o e patte rn
to th e number of 100.000. And a contract was :
made by film tor 20,000 Mee absolately,
for 28,000 more if they could be furnished_
Add the rifra is the 'same in every respeet'ae
tee 2,000 perehued by Geo. Fremonti save
that Geo. Fremont'a were made in Belgium,
and tho others in Francs.
_ ,
...The. 600 revolrere purchuad tiy Gee. Fre
mont wan so highly approVed that Mi. &cool
ie, sought to bay 10 • 000 more of • the . ume
Titert : illed cannon, eight is onatbei, wire 12
pounders, and were Died* to magi , end there
Lean bett er filled cannon of its pine is the ger-
These ware all the arms purchased by Gen.
Fremont in Zuropit. He desired to purchase
a Airier quantity, at a time when• arms _Gould.
hare bete bad at peace 'prises ; and if be lad
been !imbibed Abe- means, the very . Arms
which Pdr: Sclinyler is toatractiag.f or now, to
be here at some toture - time, would bevirbeen
iiready is the bands of our soldiers.
•• 'Gan. Fremont paid tor these new •rities $56
'each. • He could hive had 50,000 or, 100,000
at .the same pride, sod one lot of - 10,0 IV
Preach , rides. wait offered at $l3 50 , 1 0110 05
I have since been sold by other parties Hs the
War Department is Waddington tor $27.
Rebus a mistake has been made by Mr..
Cameron sod Adjutant7oen. Thorns.. Cer.
talaltlfsit arms e purchased its Hoop. by. (Tee.
Fremorit"wsie too few isenumber to have in
cited en mach remark': - They' pro4bly .
•tci Enropeanirms that have' beet purchased'
in Bt. Louis by Mem Fremont Mace 'he took
command. Geo. Fremont was obligee to pick.
op net arms as he could•and, or p without.
If . be has heft compelled to-purchase poor
inns ud. pay imp prices for the, Abajault.
is.eot with him, out with ; those IMO - shoild
hive furnished hip department.with unii, hod
notleft hitif in this itecemity of purchasing'at
'''' The Witaisseissia'ssis'igiiinek
Secession is again tearing lie head la
tarytiad, and under the banner of ..Pease
.ail .
i party," :b named' its oandidstee for the
1 approiatitglifietion. Let 'tercel:ilk be ae
it may .at Ihe polls, the governmeat will
i make short work of the secessionists, i theyf
attempt totm e our ttutir traitorous ten
lions. Ewen the
_old, sedate. ~NAT oast.
laratxtalltess baa been aroused to ,some
'earnest uttersiees, by the fear of lisriland
taking the State into the dark &byes of Seo
<melded. After relating'the previons eels;of
theGoternment towardstdaryland, it /aye:
. urrhe-latguage of thus Rent of Ili Genesi.
inent is eteartuid aeame r
a inous.:, MU" all am.
phatically .declare k in!.
.deter ination that
biennia:lo mai. Xi AXVIAN D LOiLiVil
that SO much of Ittino shill be nppliee there as
is required to preirentliei wainsg war !plait
the Muted Slates, interriptisi its ainsmunica
lion■ or supplies, or in any way embarsasolOg
its operations doting the secesaion,.rabellkm ;
that wheeler in elected to office therftnttela'
what platform sorter he may sund,,lscabill.
keep in good faith the oath whieti theVonsti.
Lotion of Maryland reqairea hiin - firig of all to
take, viz : "I .do swear that 'I will support .
the 601111titatioa of the halted State..”...
The • nomination, the election - of traitor .
coold•prococe no other result lbws their re.;
moral. If madness and folly in .wantonnees
a spirit of bravado or a lust of notoriety, wil ,
toy with %revive sod incite rebellion, they bit
make their possessor, the target of a Gorrenr
meat which in Baltimore and Maryland is it
resistible; and they will find, Wolin* for their
comfort, that the day of forbearance and false;
eye past. Bosoms or defeat of seemadon at the
polls m all one to the Gatos of-bla6boOlt but
defeat will be most profitable. iti...thrt leaden
woo are in.nomination. We wait* to seer who
recklesely brave the Government. 'We ate
sure what coarse the Government will, for we
know What coarse it must, pnrsee.” •
WHAT a healthy and eloquent , contract
there is between the loyal men of Kentuoky,
Tennessee, North Carolina and Western
Virginia, and 'the peace men of the Free
States I The latter occupy their time in
constant att•oks upon the AdministraUon of
Mr. Lincolo, In MillreprellelitatiOnlld the ob
jects of the war, and in bitter abuse of all
who swain it —covering their retail:tagalong'
with • thin:varnish of hypooritioel detection
to the country. The loyal Eleuthera men
sink every other objetit before an 'Nothing
and ever present love of the Colon.. They
' forget that Mr. Linoola is • Republiiin, ap.l
plead every _ effort he is making for their
protection, and Welcome the soldiers o
Republic into their midst, no matter
what quarter, with every mtnlfestati
gratitude.,-.PAitadelpAic Press. -
No true patriot will stop to inquire
forniar political principles, in •
like thie, provided he gives tumid&
evidence of hie devotion to the Units .
the Government. - If • man is a Repub .
it is well;* orif a Democrat. it Mequon"
so long as he is for the country ant
nine the government. There is j!
cordial a feeling among the- Repulti
today towards Monism and Dix,*
York, Hot; of Kentucky, and Joint
of Tennessee, and other patriot Datil
- .
as there . Is towards %tattoo, 'or, sr,
Rumor, or any other of the lesdlitg
of the party. - •
The Most contemptible - °leas new
commustity, are the so-Oillad piece
the loyal Stateit. They lose no oppor
of covertly attacking the government,
it to safe to do so, and minifeet,ln a
and ways, that they - are distortl fit
though they_ are too cowerdij epe
avow it. Such hipoorisi is oenh4o;
We may reepeot ari open, aio.Mcdrebt
takes Walt& in his hand, i lor Yentas
ail -on the field of battle; batrial -
traitor, who derives all his minim
and prosperity from the govermniits
etitutions under which he livdll
and yet ceases every opportunity or
venting his spite against them - , Is .t
log Of the indignation and scomol
lojal citizen. Such 'Men Herald'
Jeff. DAVIS to the White Linen; Mit
trate the North, in the dust.
Confiscation normeandiest.'
The Philadelphia Press says ;
"No neutrality is permitted intim(
States. Not only is a man driven ,q
refuses to enlist or to pay for and: all' snob men, and ev,
into of the North.who liaison Datareata int
property in the Booth, and who can be
reached by the Confederal/se,
• are at once
punished ; by , quatiaantioni we not,
therefore, in effect, paying expenses of
our own sar upon We rebel., Anil also, by
, reftisiog to rat/drafts ail we 00104, intehtlag
tauten to — pey their eipensee la Dew* a little
harsh to , see Jeff. Davis, and this robheri
around him, "ruining Andrew Jamie's, of
Tennetsee, be:rail's of his dimities to the
Union, and plundering loyal men in the free
States, and, at the same time; to - witness
the humane and gentle policy of the &dorsi
Gomel:sent, in- - reference to known add
'stowed Sympathizers with titrementies of
the Constitution and the war 7 . .
- One of the first tneasuies.-whirde 'should)
engsge' the attention of - Congress, hi this
_ .
•question of aonitication.. The ffovernMent
should be "placed i postilion to
upon the rebel, the polloy they pursue with
regard to- the property of all Union men!
It isjustelaki thattebellion should be;pun.
hilted by the loge of property . There bail
been too mach forbearnaint,ffisidayed:. It
is high time that rebels learn that there ism :
Government -- "lab - can punish as; will as
-ptetegt,'snd that . the Bret duty is jest as oh:
ligatory es the litter ;
Bourdwirrium fdissount.-,ff letter to the
Muninati.Oommarcbd, thus spike of the
country: 1n the neighborhood coOemola:
"We have traveled, eines I - list wrote,
over a most beautiful sod fertilecoutary: I
have beta &swabbed to see such pallUal :en
dows la *country No new, .oae term that .
To Wald.;ls worthy. of sputal note. be
-lousing a Mr. JetFriee, a wealthy Preach
geotiemais. „. This farm Is two miles squint,
enclosedby a none waU put dp 'ln a most
workmadlikiiimininer. The wkole 'Abe. le
lok the dont Cite; of 'osadvithsti. Biery
'thing about the,honse Jr 1 .111 Most =dent
style.; the /bore 'covered bf the moil Minx
carpets ;:.the wells hug - With - pabtelege
from the . ‘Old 'Minns i° a library Und is
equal so 'that 'of alp 'prinks gentleman - la
tie land, - Ose 'pile of migniteent engrav
ings that veto piled uPon .,- the door of Me
library;; his =informed t.Ges. -Margie, Cost
thirty dye thousand frames. ;It mould not
send mrstrauge to meet grandeur and
.weslth it ad old settled country. But here
whire.solidely was the home of the ladled,
Mid; wane ; evu now. the Wild deer dada I
Aare beam la a - mambo 611.1 , '; •
-Ns have porjtalltai rtm7 1141170w
lag, W. doltot trailing
,aad couptratoM
agalactalo 1;
_bogy, dolma Ulm nOri
talon Imo booed sod mon cowardly
wreathes wito that proclaim' u virtu
their loditretami to shbli tionaptP's
' ,
Peie9 altote at heart.
thor Fog!ld !eil tY4 Piton - from purl 2104
toeheitpolitloel.eppoarati. They amine*
p r e thi giaboittemetitathmalptatsateeoioad
Uie'llable - of 'oar - Bei:theta' brothree, sad
toketlata piaci, the 6eatil e i4,of II eon-
Pr.'.? 02 4a 4 ; . 'T r allaraare,l. Cr a -- •
00,1111114101 ,Solfjl34ll
the - fiVra Me.
Davos CI. Bums, Water CUM sad Rolm.
psi de Pbysfaisni Woo aims for Xrniaboii's Ankh.
baited True bir Upturn. Center ot - Psmi
sad Warn .
taritiHut **toll +w
lourepoolera er the Mdshisrigh Omuta]
WaaateCTON, Oct. 30,1861 f .
Mr head wu warmed by the nohle and
soulnarnog editorial, is your.--ierthe
this date, touching "Lund, Maury aid
Enancgadon," in which you spear -Of the
feasral oration.of. dialler. Dr. Sunderland a ,ol
the New 'School Church, of thieeity, over the
lawente46-Maisi .
His exam
ple is c noble one, and it would seem that no
one, other can fail to see that the Doctor is in
the right, gloriously in the right.' "The come
of ail our woes is St.avaar . the result mat be
EatanClPATion." W9llll that the. pulpit
would make this ring out over' the - whale land
until the feeble glinute•ing by which Many
public functionaries appear to . heralded in
their course, should pale before die splendid
moral Hot .which the sacred desk wockithin
shed upon the people.
Dr. Sunderland has driven tke ileettealea ela
meat from his church by the (gild terror* of
the gospel of Christ, which is the symbol of
"freedom to all mankind. 'At the time when
this - city was infested with. secession *nue,
demand of whom, male and , _female,,have
sinew sought snore congenial olden, le never
ceased to beer kin testimony to the truth, and
to fift hie clarion'veiciii ii humble seppliestion
io Gad that he would panne* these Hilted
Stator, bias the their army
and navy, and anthrility. , Many of the
"Conitititional Senplera".remonstratedulth
him in prints, bet he kept rety p ing ; veiny of
the owned-out "Sectiehers" who attended
hie church protested,. sad le ft :' On. jotuig
"lady" on the Sabbath succeeding Mut 'Bald.
more riot, of the 19thof April, went to him
after sermon ant said, with dashed and aim
lace: "1 em , surprised. you :should pray for
that Old Luca* !" .
:Calmly looking in harlace,.Hie Doidat said,
!slil) dear Min.—, you most pray toffad for
a change of he art, end a better and con
, venation Cr you wi ll go tothe devil." ' Ithe
' afterwar ds apologls,d for her lasylap to him,
bet I-think she never came back to t h e chunk.
Do all who stand up to open' the words of
truth, thus leadenly rebuke the troWardi thus
constantly labor_ and strive for the removal of
the cons from this 'infantNey,,..tritrily.
There are yet toned those, More than *hole •
degree north of Dr. Senderland's churnh, who
hold that, even to pray for the country in this
dire extremity, and to raise their nice in be.
hall of the blotting out of the national ain, is
to "introduce politics into the pulpit."
The great .
work of Emancipation mango on,
Miwever It le good to fed that th e devious
ways of weak politicians, gropisg about. ith
their dark lanterns and dui/Amgen of leth to
stab it. will prove so blind Entereakcs to be
-only ridiculous. Thiavalaiiichistinitilbeit..
Woild dd mid to sal ludget UM& PO,"
""W."8: - HAVEN,.
Nat: 84 - Thir' d street, .
fYyo - . • : -
la.vre WO
to "mall ot luso, soixottog to
• • . &Qin in. •
. ,
.Plooorotos, Worn OZWI4IO Lk. C0.,1 ,
, • MOP. NOTillabie J
ATOllat—Whereaii, in partmee 'of a
iwne Ot2 brood by - *too 'wool
states Moult Mort tor Um Northers blatoictOldo.
II Pia WU PLUS( Abe rlttoborgb, son . 1 1sYn• aod
°Undo Militate. its fronohloto, proptstf out diets,
oa the fttb orOotobir, neL *Jeans I/ D. loader,
X. 'Myr Thom" Bottom J.. 3114•12, Ilmosol llama
X _. ' Amain. litors.,Purnmers,thatoEM
lkol,ohnofiro Os it kttwo, and soda tugeby
01/112 by tin nodskilgood, Raeoltor or sold
fort Wipe sad Clolomo Itolkood dootot i rt:l
promo omplolid on or about , told Na Mod, sad to
all ' 0111110011 baloir 'toottose or clime eoluncolano
. . ,
Tilt In punnthre of so order of Ike' United Stites
oirceds Mart tor the Northern Phonic* of °M UM.
add, I bum tido Te o f °
to J. W. Ph, Lontse sal
others, lembasers of mid ithitroad .. a
id, the
rattlimeth thernmed, with oild
mete Its apportonstons, maohinse7.
ng stock, ea gan, together wh allies
Olthis. • _ thr Mid oThriner_lutberreg mom& o r e nnui.
_ mi mom now or nominee's co:opined by the an•
dirstgesi, -/thre,rer connectton with
holiford, am hereby dierithrgeit horn farther
soeven formolonnt a t mid geortmr. theme the on dii.
or sod ereseethor It ethos dune of the nosettled so.
emus end belesive nue the nsesiveri whist; will
groom, to onion ix amount of the
Wp 000 M.
, .
Ethetthr Pittsburgh, Wt. Wayne tekteegn ILL 00.
glisiim of 'WOMB Piromathijrnm Weisz as,
filtiotholtsnArer Otonumr,
• mrshursh, mormther ish
Baths pd tared ttes Plthetunth, hit Warm and
Okkage Railroad, with di Ns %wpm/W. insiedels
the Marini Mt, kW. • Sit OppliztemiscaOf may
we hoe Ude day as plinth la Porno
aim oe the mom by tee hathinn aid will on sosi trim
this dathogerste the mom ere- ta• Pitudergh, Wert
Worth th e Chterothsotherix •
7!' • J.) D. LAMM&
'a ansAa * eoueua.
Omni" to Thorns, Writsunenrigove shins 41/1
e" ti 4srio IthrthreirOmomer,
Pi november iNn.
Tits listehror rtes, * prod the
Pittsburgh, ltere•Thrsith and 011 01 1 011_lialltrad late
the femossion MP P. D. Wier. W. Wpm Thomson,
Maud Banns, Maim! Mien tontott. Nom
ilthre„ 1 memo othemord the some ot tear WWI,
lloanoes.oortgaidiejel la- or shoat odd load.
not **bemire, athilled, wail Man: stake Wm
tallied In their nonuser, kankkija - •
Qui sail, ht. adhikr.
84 MUM tinas.
TAILOR 62.110T8A8,'
219.-.4iiiizatar want _ _ - -
. .
- . - :.- .-, ', =., -' ' • 'onsazzerarr, OZUO. ?
i .
- Apre•resert iteistioa ighlii to tie ' inatliar sad ,
- *a orrsalaaaaad Wardiaidido assaraar.
alederautattame nab asamdiamasidiod adtk. -
Knaciramicaa gu;
aue aturcarak 00 4
10aara U.
anima a 00.. mown&
[std Clikehuous=" llB q*ickuukit __
. 4°
altedrally. 0pm..11
`l l o l .DpaurttlOL—AL Russo nuede—ms oast
17_10/trfroJe•A' WPM am.tikat kli ll4 l De•
11 ,1 •S1.11•44 21 ati. OW 'inst.'
. J. it It PIRUNI.
- -
IllaralltAgros wucie—Dat Wide' by
lashisaabiala MOW, Mat.