The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 02, 1861, Image 1

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    • 4.1,2
• 7 virtue - Cif itindry eseentions issued
>4ltit, of! the 'DISTB.JOr . COURT; `of
"...Agtsheny County; Pennsyl vania, and to
Ike Sheriff ; of lido County direeted;thpre
.• be , ,expcued to &tie, at. the.
. Gnirk Mout*, in the :bit) cr Pittaintrgh,
Ox MoinatAns2s24 rfar - or Norannan;
A. D.. 1861. as 10 o's.Loca-AAL, .
4511 the right, Bt!; lotereat and claim‘l
'4)E Martin Frendeareiob, the defendant,
olin,hoand out of all that certain lot or
iiitiett aground situate in the borough of
Bliarpaburg, County of Allegheny, and
State of Penpeylvanis~ : buinaed . and 'de
seabed 'aa follows Tun Fronting 'on the
mina side of Main street ki.eitidltirotigh;
-'ion the south by the. Allegheny river. on
the east byths lot if Bob ert M'Sllumny's
heirs,; and on the-north by seitUlden
:- "wet thirty seven - feet to the lot of George
Spa r. on the treat by, the let of ft-o*g
. er hitht Allegheny river. Being.the sante
„lot or piece of,ground which was convey .
- - by Jaoob-rogle and his, wife, by deed
, dated the 9th day of ' :1859,
reixorded in Allegheny county; in
:$1:44,1.,80*0k vol." 139. page 351; to said
Martin'ftiindeitieichl on which are:erect -
~ A Mone.two atoll brick hotteened,one two
, ittorishopitt.frotit, with other _improve
' ' Seized and taken in execution at the'
property'or Martin - Frendenreich - at the,
of Manger fife Bennett '
•"' All the rift,' title interest and claim'
of Edward iobenlaub, of, in and to all
thsilertain of or piece of laid situate
• - bilMettawnibip,Allegheay county, (octut.
pelaing.the two. lots hereiniftei mention
.- - ek)hounded by land of Got:maws heirs,
kjer lot of land of Mrs. , II eolith Spang itadi
' byPineCreekibeinglota numbered oneand
two'lltcle. 1 and 21 in the plan or survey
- made ,in May. 18h0, by Col. Jaines A.
:Gibson for the heirs of John Buffington.
--- ths ss.s nronertv which said piain
), of
Markel intlusabove mentioned prosciutto/
trinainetbettee by vat& /ine,south
greezes - st, 73:41 percheighispost; theses
south,* ategreeslo minutes west, 59:58
nerch.s-to tbe westerly line of the airtiett
kali Milk Road, as marked in said plan;
'thence by the fame eonth , l3 degrees - 15
minutes east, 813:100 perches to'al. poet;
thence/7,1102am° umth 53 degrees 45
minutes eaat.'lsSBf 'perches to a• poet;
thence hy,the same Booth 40 degriee '45
mimosas west. 8:94 perches to a post;
iheisim by She.iimme solidi 63 degrees 15
west, 15:85 perches to a vat;
thinetr:tio - lith 78 degrees' 115 minutes
-west, 37:52; patches to a post; thence
north 15 degrees, west, 39:58 perches to a•
black ask; thence south 88 degrees 10
minute's:est, 38:72 perches- to_fi poss;
es • north degrees: wen, 100:10.:
~,.tHlealtaiito a, poldfitence south 54 degrees
'l3l3l3`perbbei to - a - popt;' thence south
; • •76 degrees-easy.3s:B4 perahmk. to is OA
- -`thecae f mouth 7 degrees 15 minuses east;
3 :" 6o pciellititoa:Joeust; theifitivirth
•••-' - degrees east '13:74 perishes to, a po-t, aud,
thane north 89 'degrees - 9 'minutes Amt.,
- ' 99:18 perches to r white oak, -the place of
;beginning , ' containing- 84- sores ,121:97.'
• - perobei strict, isciaihre ; eteepti mil re:
ecrving; however, from the grant the on'
• Sivided•fee simple of Williams
`'• Shinn, of in and •lotels endl6; of
Win, :A. Hill; of, id'on4toloterNoi. 2 and
- 7 3f - cif RObert.K. Eelleifi.,o4 in, cod to lot
We'd of /dee. Margaret Sellers, or, intend
_ 7 1 "ti; ANL 5 - abd Gin Oil Tian aforesaid,
which *aid' , lots have been, - laid and sat
1 01 4 3 Wee* Parrlf above
•. • namsd.-:.llxcepting.. and 'reserving- also
••":".,froin . this gvantlot No. - - 9 in said. plan
ith•orto share, or ; undivided interest- of
one-sixteenth heretofore sold by Wm M.
..2140,:gnstete of said Nvergrmn tifinfloiti
,to Samuel hi . liier;_lot No. iin said Plan;
..-J withonefliate'erundividedintereatdfOnei
.1 - iztanith haretbfois 'Sold • by maid trainee
treephirs Gregg: lot No.lo in maid*,lslam,'
31 . 1/tlr` . ohe'jdutras of undivided interest Of
one-miteenth haretolbreseOld - by said this:
'tee tit:beep Woodwell, and one ehro OS.
14eitist of
n*slight and -privilege of selecting kis,
mist plan, 'heretofore,ld by maid tram"
a , •veef so dohailiahole, who convoyed tcr Wm
g , ll#l . nts, : who has selected lot 1 1 .0.f.17.-",
preadifit .hereld, - before described,'
-with.th_e*portettionee,heing the entire
'wfiti Ors•ait interest of' thecialt/
Wade • SampOsn„to the *alai Of
TlOrtiterot tramlet,rof set forth, explained
sad defined in and tictertai n - artieles of
ifipieetztept between the member., as the
istecili- recorded in Deed 8641 vol 98, -
440.'25 2 . and the several inaileitietew
and• itddeet - to'- the terms an *dame_
w)ameof *hie: present indenture ilf.ior;cfe;
on which are erected a one stoirlintMe'
. school house aim twit Story -tog timenteid,
two':f.mutat ry frame houses, ode frame
balm and one spring how* • '
Ml: an tafen 'ettSaithf thif
TrePs'<if Wade - Hampton.the mdt ot
John Ward, for nee of 'The , Wasbingttuf
! 313 44011*Fid ;Alan Aseociati9D• sl i c,• . •
interest sam
;.--All'th tiq e, -
thetten - thedefesiidaiit; of, in and
y E. 111 the 4jo lowing aosoribed lot of
being : a€o9 /4 L
_ .
er5 ,, ',..^ , ..2.aPz. ...-. ,
.. .. u .Vr
. ,
. ,
. .
__ . •
. .
• ..„.
. ..
_ -
' • .
.- . . . •
'Pennock', plan Of -the subdiiiaion of a
part of 0. Woods' term,. in -Peebles
township, recorded in Plan Book, vol. 2,
97, bounded ` and described as fol- i
‘ H rt, viz; "Boxintibig at a pin at the cor
ner of lot No. ilierls) oe the line of lands
of the belts of dantee-Ross; thence by lots
Nos, flee (5) and four (4) north fifteen de
grees west -thirty three and twenty four
hundredths perches (33.24 perches) to a
Iplithi the centre of a streetthirtj three
feet (33:feet) wide;. thence north fifty
Able degrees forty six Minutes east fifty
Sivas and one-Mini' perches ( 55.1 pat° a
sugar tree; thence north eighty degrees
forty minutes east nine and twenty six
hundredths peichee (9;26 p.)• to a beech
tree; .thence south eighty degree - thirty
five ; niiiii#4,east ',nine and severity one
hundredths perches -(9 71 p.) to a syca
more tree; thence smith fifty. seven de
green ten minutes east ten and eighty two
hundredths perches (10 62 p.) to a beech
In* thence soUth thirty and one-half de - -
grees'east - eleven and 'thirty four hun
dvidths Pelehes (11.34 p.) to an iron wood
tree; thence south forty eight and one
, fourth degrees east twenty • eight and
nieety• hundredths perches (28 90. p) to a
pin on the line of Boss' heirs; and thence
south seventy. five degrees six minutes,
west ninety seven and fifty one hue
dredtbs perches (97.50 p.) to the place of
beginning; containing twenty two acres
and thirty eight • and fivetenths perches'
(22a1y38.,5 p.) more, or lase.,
afoArLd •,L b o ou W n o d . e ,
d ten •
d 1 o de te i r n i be th d e a pfan
Viz: Beg nntng at a pin in the cen
tre of a street thirty three feet(33 feet)
'Wide at' the northeast corner of-lot No.
seven - v) north twenty four degrees west
twenty - —five seventy five' hundredths
'perches (25 75 . 'p.) to - a pin in the centre
of another street thirty three feet (33 feet)
aide thence along the centre of sead street
north Seventy four, and one-htlf degrees
east five and forty hundredths perches
(5.40 p.) to a pin; thence north thirty _de
grace forty eight minutes east five and
lusty eight hundredths perches (5.68'p )
to a hickory tree; thence north nineteen
degrees two _minutes east, thirty two
perches (3zp.) to a pin; thence north eev
enty four degrees east two and four tenths
Fiercles ' (2 4 p.) to a pin; thence south
thirty four and three fourths degrees east
seven and sixty eight hundredths perches
(7.68 p.) to a dogwood - tree; thence 'ranch
1, forty end three fourths degrees east thirty
, &wand ters hundredths perches (34.10 p )
1 toa pin;`thedoe . south,fily four and one
half degrees east ten and - twenty two
Ihundredths' perches (10.22 p.) to a white
oak; thence along the line of lot No. thir
teen (13) south tweaty rine degrees thirty
seven minutes west sixteen and fifty four
hundredths perchers (16.54-p.) to a epis
tler° tree'in the centre of the street first
above mentioned; thence along the cen
tre of said street north eighty degrees
thirty five minutes west nine and seventy
one hundredths 'perches (9 . 71 p.) 'to a
beech tree; thence, south eighty degrees
forty minutes west nine and twenty six
hundredths'perches (9.26 p.) to a sugar
tree, widths:me south fifty nine degrees
forty eixminutea west twentyAtr r and three
tenths perches (20.3 p.) to the place of , be
ginning;' containing ten acres end one
h undred' - and thirty three perches ((0 a
133 p ,) more or lees.
' AmO, Lot No. twelve (12,) in the plan
alsreisid, bounded and described as fol
)(ma, els: Beginning at a pin at the cor
im of Li No. eleven (11) on the Sine of
Ids& ipwor finitiordy belobeng to Rem"
Woods; thence north '
seventy three de
grees eight minutes east= forty three and
thirty hundredths perches (43.301 to a
pin; thence south twenty. six and one
fourth degrees east fifty eight perches (58
perches) to a pin; being at the corner of
lot" No. thirteen (130 thence by the line
of lot No. thirteen (13) south fifty nine
and three fourthridsgress west thirty and
twenty . thiee hiindredthe perches (30.23
perches) to white oak tree -in the centre
of a street thir' ry three -feet (33 feet) wide;
-thence along theu - entre of said street eighty
three-degree., fifty three minutes west
twenty three and seventy five hundredths.
perches (2335 p.) to d blank oak tree, and
tfienhe to the line of 'lot No. eleven ( il)
ninth sixteen- degrees -fifty two minutes
west nine and sixty rant hundredths
(59 64 p:)•10 - the /lace 'of begin
ning; eighteen'ooptiOning . ireir and an
ent] ninePerlhea 8 -7 9 p,lmore or
Aiso-x.of No. thirteen (13,) in the
plan aforesaid, boianded and described as
Follow., viz: Beginning st pin at the
cornet of lot , ' No. , : six, 6, on the. line of
lands belongiog to the heirs of James'
Boss; thence along said line, south my.•
anty five degrees and six _min' etas mist
seventy , seven and fifty. fivelundradthe
perches, 7 7.feri Po-t 0 a pin; thence south
twentysix_ and one, fourth degrees east
eixty'foar a nd sixty , hundredths perches,
64 60 p., to 'the 'corner of Tot No. , twelve,
12; thence. along 'the line -of' lot No.
twelve;-..'. 12, 'north .fifty - nine and three ,
f.otrthe;degrees east. thirty and, twenty
threa.hundieditur perches, 30 23 p,, to a
whitrioek tree in the centre of a street
,thirty thine fest, 33 ft ; wide; theirs along
the centre treed Street north eighty three
degrees fifty 'three. Minutes' :mist twenty
three and seventy Ave hundredth, perches
to a black oak tree; thence north sixty viz.
and one fourth degrees east twelve and
thirty two hendiedths - perche 412.32 p.;
to a ,blarig pair. tree; tnence north fifty
eight degrees - thirty, eight minutes east
*even and thirty tiro hundredths 'perches, ,
732 Pr;*to a white`oak tree; thence Mirth
sixty three degrees twenty minutes Valli
Tour and (eighty sight hundredths perches,
.488 I*, to'srirhite oak.tret thence south
eig,tiw i r degrees fi fry minutes . east two
and yr !bur handradthe'perblies, 184
to a - whiMbsik-tiesl thence by the line
of 10 "fri; fini;lo;' north? twenty nine de ,
greet thirty ,even minutes ' east sixteen
and fiftyyrinihnidindtbsperches,l6.s4 p.,
IC a ensinsM tree; thence by the line of 10
fiftystreetidegrees; tenmin•
.usfatwerit ten . ii44,6oty tw,* hundredths
ilfassil; lo .B2,ir.: to ar, beiehltrtre; thendO
borsh thirtyand one half deg ee, went '
&Oen tbfityjeurhundredths perches,
11.34,,,t0 an iron,wood jiieceud theme
math tarty reight and one fourth degrees
last twenty eight and ninety, hundredths
”IThessi 28.90 IN to.the Pius of kogill'
wag ; , containittif , thirty , one, acres and
twent,c sit iterchen, 31 a.-26 p.. mor,e or
ken• • The'. said tleseribed , prenisee are.
sold suldeetlarthe paymentof a - Mortgtige
for the - purchase-money of eleven thous- ,
stort trishrifidnid 'and • sixty 'tine 30109
+d im r, :Pithy ;mow 'front •June 22nd,
1859 telmildrid InßriciVitril: 86;page 565.
' llni4.traiti4.nPtiteiSt2parcel of
184: bounded. and - described „ es fillome;
via : - Beginning in the centre , of a street
thirl7, Om feet side; thence by lot,No.
three, 8, .- no rt h' twenty one degrees west
twenty . ' eight and fotirteee hundredths
peMbe6,•2B 14 p.; to the centre of another
street thirty three feet widm apnea along
the hmillientiosed etreetnortheixty three'
dynes twenty one minutes east Shirty
to i h p d n SitgtheShiniylr eil ds'yelihen 33
.08 n oi
iffll t iihagsolotrto.tokip,seiith
imutwtoty fse,ssid
pica% 25.74 pq.
M1 ~ ?
,~~>', .
to the centre of the first mentioned street,
and therm along the same south fifty nine
degreesrforty six minutes - weld thirty four
and eighty hundredths perches, 34.80 p.,
to the place of beginning; containing five
acres lisdone hundred and eighty perches,
5 a. 180, being lot No. seven. 4, in the
subdivision of a part of J. G. Wood?
farm; on which is erected an unfinished.
two-storyframe dwelling house and one
saw mill, the same being subject to a
mortgage •of . $2270, with interest from
November 19. 1850; recorded in Book vol.
3G, page 92, October 19.1861.
Seized and taken in execoon as the
property of Joel Pennock at the suit of
&untie! Steakhouse.
All the right, title, Interest - and shim of
defendant Clemson Moore, of, to and to all
diet certain lot or pieoetof ground situated
in deal:teemed 'Ward, otty of Allegheny', en
the West elde:of the Diamond, north of Ohio
street, and bounded -and described us tot.
lowe; to wit:- Beginning at the corner of
the Diamond (or Middle alley) and Straw
berry alley, and running thence along said
Strawberry alley' west eighty five feat (W.
rt.;) - thence south sixty-five feet (8 65
) on a Hoe parallel with the Diamond;
thence west - thirty-five feet (W. 35 ft ) 00 •
Ifni! pifsllel witk Strawberry alley; thence
south on a line parallel with the Diamond
(or Middle alley) fifty-five feet (55 -ft;)
thence east on a line parallel pith Straw
berry alle,Land Ohio street one hundred and
twenty feet (R 120 ft) to the Diamond (or
Middle alley) north one hundred sod twenty
feet (N 120 ft) to Strawberry alley, the
place of beginning; on which is erected
large three Storied brick building, coupled.
as a livery stable, and Carriage, wagon
maker and blacksmith shop; also, a one.
sad halt story frame
Seised and taken in oxeontion so the
property of Clemson Moore at.the suit or
8. 11. W. Gill.
All the right, title, intermit and claim, of
the defendant, William Noble, of, in and to
all that certain lot or piece of ground situ
ated in the 2.1 ward of the oily of Pitts=
burgh, and bounded and described as fol•
lows, to wit: Beginning it the' sneer of
Smithfield and*Third streets, meet of Smith
field and south of Third street; thence
southwardly along Smithfield street eighty
five feet, more or leas; thence westwardly,
and parallel with Third street, ninety feet,
more or less; thence northwardly, sad pa,
rand with Smlthfislil street to rbird street,
eighty-five feet, more or lege; thence east
weirdly along Third street to the place of
beginning ninety feet, more or WO : where
on id erected • large four-atorled btiok
building, known and occupied as the Girard
Seized and taken in execntiou ;the
property of William Not& at 'the skit of
Johig P. Coehran, for tide; etc , and Solo.
man and. Hart and C. H. Narthear:
.AL§G, _
AU the right, title, intereat, estate,claim
and demand of John I . Arthur'', of, ilaand
to alt that certain lot of gron'id Witte Seemed
Ward of the oily of. Pittsburgh, situate at
the south west corner of Grant end &Omi
streets, being twenty feet In front on Want
street, and extending hack along Second
street to a four feet alley; Whereupon is
erected a two story brick store and dwel
ling home.
Mao, Two lota of ground, situate in the
Seventh Ward of the any of Pittsburgh;
numbered eix (6) and tieven (7) in Irtrin's
plan, each lot being twenty frost on
Webster street, and extending hick to an
Axe% ,Two lots otgL4.o4,,,PiloVA Pit.
towiiehii, Allegheny county, n °inhered fifty
foor (54) and fifty five (65) In Arthur.'
farm plan. Lot No. 54 000tatos one lore;
- ons rood and thirty-six and three (mirth. -
perches: Lot No. 55 contains one Lore,
three rood. and ten perch...
Seized and eaten in exeontion as the
property of John L. Arthur., at the suit of
John T. filooluan.
All the right, this, interest and olsioi — Of
Leonides Nicbdhos and Rasa. - Nicholson,
his wife, of, in and to all that °email' lot or
piedo of ground, situated in the city of Alle;
/hew, and bottodeti and described as fol
lows' to wit 'Beginning at the corset% of
Robinson and Darren streets, and running
along Robinson street esstwardlyeniventeen
feet six inches; thence soottwardly, on a
line- parallel wittiDarrahstrint seventyrfire
feet to a five feet alley ; thence along. said
alley 'inwardly seventy feet six putties
to Dinah street; thence northwardly along
'Darrah street 'seventy Ave feet to• the corner
of Rbblosoli and pariah street*, ihO plane
of begiheles; the inortgagein thie caseate
ing loyen for the unpaid parehaie money of
paid lot of groaoth midi* said Alexander.
Flowere and wife - have conveyed to: anti
Sanaa Mohasco by deed of even date *JO - .
said mortgage
Seised. and .tskto in execution as
property of Leonides Nicholson and liinvant
flitiboletto, hie wife, at the snit of Alextii-'
der Flowerc—
All the right, tide, Interest and claim of
Alexander. °apples and Ann Capplee, •his
wife, of, In sod t'o all the following real
.aetate,„ viz: ,411 that' oertain lot of around
situated in Allegheny City, Allegheny Coun
ty. bounded and deeeribed. as follow.; we:
Beginning, at thr:4leliaite Of fifty. three feet
from the smith:west cornet _ of Mato and
Cherry &trews; theOce wetter - silly, sixteen
feet along Maio etreei;, thence northwardly
-0 * 44 Imedred feet more or lees to Carpenter',
alley, :thence exec waraly aloag,eald alley
sixteen feet. ,thesoa. southward'," PO tiler
parallel with Cherrystreet one hundred feet
Vlore or less 40 Main etreeto the pla n e of be
ginning: Being - part of lot No. 22810 the
plata or tote laid oat by G 8 Warner and
Jaeob P . siottsr, recorded id Plan Book vol.
let; page 128. For title see Deed Book vol.
.180, page 147. . .
Seemed, Ail that'certain . lot' of ground
: situated In the City of Pittsburgh, in' Alle-'
sheoy Couoty, bonadod and described arc
fallo ors; Beginning no Strawberry tiller
. ,
doraiir of jot' No. 454 theuon slang
said illey...weetWirdly3o filit'.thenesiolith
wardlyv parallel with elreet, 80,
rem; thence eistitardly,parellel with Straw.
berry alley, 80 feet-so , lot No. 464;
thence along raid -line northwardly 80 feet
to the place of beginning:: Being part allot
458 in .Woods' Plan of Pittsburgh.
t 'Third, Altai all thit oertaiu lot of grdand
situitied,ln' City'f Pittebargh, bounded
and "deecribed'ai follows, tic! Deafening on
the easterly aide of 'Roes street; at the dm
lance lest -northward', from Clark
street; eiblues along Roe street northward
ly - 21,feet to lot.tio. 88 in Times Bowes
Pies; thenee alpn Online of said lot, and
parallel with Clark *reset; eastward!" 104)
feet, to Carpenter's alley: jthewis eolith weed
ly along eaid.7..allej . 2fleetlti lot No. 82;
await .6ton/esti - a lot NO. 82, ; and parallel
with eisilt, street, soblientrdlYloo fret to
the place of beginning:- Being let No. 84 In
Thomas Lleok's Plan, recorded Peed Book
vol. 2d, page .8215.-.• For title eee , deed t re-
Corded In Deed Beek e01. , 436; page 71.
Belled and tahio ineteodtiorse the 'prop..
erty, Alexander ` CuPpleit Ind Ann Cop.
pleb Ifie r Wif4,'ilt 'Butt
, ? t! plums Doer.
flinger, . -
. •
ALBO;,. . -
All the right, title, ittlereat ,cod elelm of
John M. Orr, the detiudeati - ot, In` awl to
ill that turista pfeiht orpereil of lsod, ell-
Atitidingaie towiehlir s 'lettleithettY - cattily,
Peeetriranfit; &whited *IA deserlbed - . se
Iolloloo,•, • 441i Qe 41to *lei. 14 - Oh. Butler
Coaaty•Liaos. teit.seet, by oleo P 444444871-
mosis.Oessli ea Ike losikl, lied-it
- i ~,,,,,•,:
!..1-0, -, :1, .•r.. ,- ,.::: - 1,, , A,' ,v.•:.,
st",' 4..4
42 4, IST.A
All the ineereet and claim at
the defendant, Abraham; Horbeoh, Jr., and
H. W. Horbach, with notice to Edward
.Detberidge, tenant, of, id 444 to, OR( of all
the followlog described: treats of land; to
wit: All that certain trial of land situated
in Wilkins township, beginning at the cor
ner of a street and the Greensburg Turn
pike Road; there° along said street in a
northerly direotioa 71 660 1000 perches to
the Penosylvenie Radioed; theacte along
the line Of said railroadto an teeterly,direo
don 27 508 1000 perches In land-owned by
James Rally; thence in southerly direc
tion 63428.1000 perches to the Greensburg
Turnpike Road; thenoe along said road in a
weeterly direotioa 2852.100, Ferenc" to 'tbe,
place of . beginni n g ; Outwitting 10 acres
'lOB 52 100 perabee; 'being the name con
veyed by Henry Hole, by deed dated May
12th,.1851, recorded in the Reaordeee of
fice of maid county in Deed Book, vol, 96,
page 180, to Edward Dethernige.
• Auto, All tbdt certain tract of laud sit
uated in Peebles township; beginning on
the Greiaeburg Turnpike Raid at a pirrand
fence poet, north 28 degrees 12 minutes
diet 76 06 100 percher; thence by a mitred
line mite of the Penneyreanie Railroad 27
1411000 perches tore street fifty feet wide;
thence stand acid eire,.i 31 degrees 31 min-
WV/ weer 72 368 1000 perches to the
Greensburg Torapiee - R-oid;• thence along
said road north 66 degrees 10 minutes west
23 52.100 — perchee to the plane of begin
flag; o unwitting 11 -scree 114 45100
perches; being the some winch Heary Reis,
by deed dated Ap,il 30i6, 1851, recorded in
the Rec.rdeee Ofrl3o of said, county in Deed
Book, eat '37, page 142, conveyed up Ed
ward Datheridge. •
Auto, Ali that, other certain piece of
,ettusted in Peebles township,
wooded and idesprtbod as follows, to wit:
D !min Laic :at 4.,Kaign the in ram
l'friiriy - 4et m width' audlliarenrisylvatiis
Railroad; theaco aloud the curved tine ny
Bald railroad 28„} perches to line of land of
James Kelly; it:Tem:se along the line of said
land north' 34 degrees 54 mlnotes'east 85
pervihee to the lot of thence
along said line north 28 degrees 29 minutes
west to said forty feet street; thence along
said streettiouth 81 degrees 31-minutes west
21 35 100 perches to the raitrosd r the place
of begtnuipc containing 4 acres, strict
ineuure ; bi7tg part of the same land which
Henry Reis, by deed recorded iii Deed Book.
vol, 95, page 450.'4:t0ur - eyed to said Edward
Del heridge
seised sod taken in execution as the
property of Abraham Habitat, Jr , and
- fiettry W. ?attach, with notice to Edward
Detberidge, terra tenant, at the Suit of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for ace of
131istbeth Horbaob, widow of Abraham lior
,baoh, deceased.
• AU the right, title, interest sod olsim of
William Doyle, of, ilk and to lot Ns. 22, in
Bedford's._ plan of lots, in the Borough of
liamingharn, situate on the corner of Orms
by and ,Morille streets, fronting fifteen feet
two inches on 14. ville weal, and extending
beak Afty-fisefeet ; winch is. ereeted one
stree-story brick dwelling hones.
Selzsd rid' taken in execution as the
piopeiiy of Wiliiim Doyle, at the Doh of
Militant -E Device for 030 of Misspent
Ail the tight, title, interest and claim of
Martin-Connolly and Mary Connolly, his
- wife, .of,in all that certain lot or
parcel °Ugri:ins' situate in the Beciald Wiled
of' thenity of Pittsburgh, in the ocostity of
Allegheny, bounded and desoribed as fol.
loss, to wit: Beginning at the south-east
: corner formed by the 'hum:motion of
Grant street with %smiled alley (as re
cently widened;) thence extending in front
or width on Grant wee: emithwardly
twenty-thrieleet:and In depth, enstwardly,
preeerving - the same width as aftires4id,
along Diatoondalley one hundred and twenty
feet (ode and s half inches • being the estate
lot of gicaud'of which deorge 8: Seidel)
and others by deed beariog date the 28th
at Jilumbr.Y. A. 0., 1.858, recorded in the
office for. recording deeds, etc., inlnd for
said county,. in Deed Book, vol. 131, pegs
872,-granted •and oonvoyed to hien, Con.
- Arse All - that certain lot of , ground
triarkedand numbered as lot number 'Mine"
In the ran of lots in the Second Ward of
the city of Pittsburgh, Laid - out by the True
tees under the last will and testament of
James Rails, Jr., aid recorded in Plitt Book,
vol —, page --- ;, said lot comMenoing
at the distance of twenty-three feet, south.
madly, from the south east corner of. Dia.
mood nod Grant streett; thence encoding
in front or width along Grant street, soul h•
tenni, twenty.three feet 'to the corner of
lot marked and numbered-lot tiumbrc eight
(80 'Amine along the' line of eaid lot num.
her eight, entwarilly, one .hundred and
tweedy vsee eight sod ftre.eigbths inches to
*a alley twelve , feet wide: thence along
said alley tienty , thvie fe e t t o
turner at lownumber "tea;" thence along
the Hoe of-said lot number ton wnitwardly
One hundred and twenty feet four and one
half inches' Id the plane of Wenn* said
In hating a tont of twenty•teree fence
the etaatwardly .etile,of the said Grintnreet
and extending back, - ,preeerving the envie
width, to an alley twelve feet wide; ,being
the same lot of ground 'which - George P.
lilliliiitoll mad - wife, by deed EteaVing date
the 22th day of hisrob, A.- D. 180;leaord
-ed to the offlettaforesaid. in. Deed Book. vol.
182, page.6B7,,greotedand itonveyed to It
said Itiary.Gennolly.;-011 which -eild two lot
of ground arts erected one three-Mtn brio
threlling - houm fronting to Diamond street,
zed three brick- heaves three stories high,
fronting inGrilt Street. —
Seisvir tied taken' in exetintioti 'as . the -
property - eir:MartiO Connolly 'and; and Mary
Oonaolly, Itli ,wlfe,tit,.tife.sult of 'William .
Wird ter air , of -Has h Titoism bids. , - A -
I A. Kennedy, (formerly P. Newman;) and
on the west by the Pittsburgh and Freeport
and, oiotuning four aorta. more or less;
hiving thereon erected two frame dwelling
houses, one story high, each of which is
dotible, and calculated for two families,
together with" come small 'outbuildings.
Atom, All that certain coal privilege at
tached .nd apptirtemaat to said described
land, situated also in asid Fawn township,
and bounded - on the oorth by the said But
ler Court y Lips; east by: said Pittsburgh
and Freeport 11,44; south land of said
Mrs Kennedy and others, and west by land
formerly owned by Washington Beale, Br ,
deemed; onitaining six *sores of 0211 i, more
or less.
Seized sod takes In ezeouti so the prop
erty of Jobe M. Orr, at the suit of Reber
Also: .
All the right, , litle, inter* sod claim of
Jobs Bell, of, in and wall at certain tract
of hind, situated la filimtha township, Al
teems, uounty,bconde4 d described as
follows: Beginning at a ~4 cab or 7oeeph
Ball's line. and runointinerth 714 degree.
west 13 B'lo porche&to itpest; these° north
29 degrees east 41 6 10 perches to a pout ;
thence north 72 degreeseam. 16 6 10 pantiles
to a poet by Michael Herb "'e land; donee
loath 22 degrees east 24 10 perches to a
post in the run ;, thenoi th - 51 degrees
west 22 perches ters beesh; thence eolith 56
degrees west 18 peroheeto the place of be
ginning; containing Mx sores and forty
three perahee, being thisesme piece•or par
cel of land conveyed by
,James Howell And
William Reynolds. to John , Bell, by deed
dated October 25th, 1849, sod recorded in
Deed Book, viol 117, page 54.
Seism' and taken in eseoution as the
property of. John Ball, at the suit of Daniel
Kiehl, for nee of FiebeCos Bell.
All the right, title, ioterest and claim of
lea►o Williams, of, in ankle all thatcertain
piecie of land mutated in Upper,St. Clair
township, Allegheny county, Penaey baora,
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a steno at the old Washiogton
road; thence north twenty-one degrees east
twenty-nice perches co a stone; thence by
laud of John Long south sixty-cue degrees
east seventy-six and three-tenths perobes to
• @One; thence by land of,Thomas Alder
son 'south thirty-nine arid 'a hail degrees
west thirty-five and four-tenths perches to
• stone; thence north sixty; five and three
quarter degrees west sixty-six and two.
tenth perches to the stone, the place of be
ginning; containing fourteen sores and
twenty-two 'perches, strict measure ; 00
which is erected a two story frame dwelling
house, having oat-builainge; belogthe same
conveyed to Robert McAdams and wife to
Joh- , Johnston by deed, dated September
23d, 1852, as recorded in vol.: 10-1, pagd 168,
and who with his wife, by deed dated 17,h
of Dzoember, 1867,- and acknowledged the
next day, conveyed to IssactWilliams.
Seised and taken in exeoution ae the
property of lseac Williams at the suit of the
Washington Building and Loan Association
for use of Samuel lil'Cleatt, Jr.
. ALSO, •
AU the right, title, intermit and estate of
the defendant, Floley MoThwain, of, in and
to all that certain tract or piece of land sit
uated partly to Roes towuship, in the county
of Allegheny, .bounded and described tia
folio we: Beginning at a poet on John Gams,
bell's line; thence by the mum south 871
west 5844:100 perches to &dead eak; thence
by Magee eouth ¢ degrees west
18 perches to a White oak, south.7oi de
grees west 4 perches to a stump; thenee by
George Cooper south 211 degrees east 124
perches to a post; thence oy liazlett'e sbuth
871 degrees east 182 76 100 perches to a
white oak; • thence by D. Thompson north
2.) , degree!, west 71 perches to • post; thence
by land of whion was a part south 63 de
grees west 86- pen:thee, north 50.1 west 15
perches, south 65 degrees, west 39 perches,
north 374' wt,d 94 perches to the place of
beginning ; o , l.txining 118 anti 3 roods 4
perches, e.rico th^eaute ; on which are
erected a tw., ,rz frame dwelling house,
barn, etable and ottt, r out buildings.
Seised and tek,c in execution as the
properly of Flaky McEtwain at the suit of
Isaac 61. Sowers, for we of the Dollar Say
togs Bank.
• All the right, title, interest and claim of
William Bingham and George Biogbana '
in and to all that certain magazine and lot
of land situated in the city of Allegheny
and octant; of Allegheny, bounded and de
earthed as follows,: Beginning on the north
mist wormer of Beaver street bud North al.
ley; thence extendintla„-front or width on
Beaver street noribwirdly eeventy•six feet,
more or leer, to an alley twelve feet wide,
and in depth eastwardly at right mope with
Beaver Street, press elog_thc same width
included between the two allemaferetiaid,
80 feet, more or lese,,te another.priwaie
ley ; being parte of lots Noe. 121 and 122.
in the general plan of the town (now any)
of Allegheny; on which are erected a large
three-story brick dwelling holisti c a email
stable and other out-buildings.
Seized nod taken . in execution as the
property of William Nevem and George
13taghato at the suit of John Breideuthal
for use of the Dollar Savings Bank.
All the right,. title, interest and claim of
Frederiak R. Lorenz, the defoodaul, of, 'in,
to and out of all that aerial° tract of [arid,
situate in °banters township, and bounded
by larbb of Warden and Alexander, Daniel
Dettl,•;Jantee- Marlatt,-John Obey, %Vat: Ma
Ginnie, B. C. Slayer, The Marine Railway
Company and the heirs of John Ellioti,-de
oeased, containing 'beat 140 acres ; of
whioh are erected a. large brick dwelling
house, one log bean—tenant house; oae
large frame barn sod other buildings; 'also,
a large orii.hard. •
AL'.o; Of, in and to lot No. 155, in Col.
Wood's plan of the City of Pittsburgh, con
tabling in front, on Water street, 33 feet,
more or lese..and extending. hack to First
street 160 feet; on which is erected a brick
Aiso, All that other piece of ground, sit
uate to the borough of West Pittsbuigh,
bounded onitbe boith by the Ohio River: .
on ibe west by land of 't og Paiute!: 9u
the south by lands of the heirs of A. Kirk
Lewis, and on the emit by lends of the heirs
of ThomeeJosos ; on which are ererned
three large gissihousta, with furnaces, fines,
ovens, fixtures, and also about thirty tenant
Axeco, All those other parcels of groood,
situate in the borough of Duque:sue, bound
ed by lands of R Sample, Thomas H. Slew
art's heirs, by the : Allegheny and Butler
Piaok Road, by Righ streei,, by the Poor .
House Farm and the Allegheily Jtiver.
Area, All-those other certain. lot's, situate
in said borough of Duquesne, begioniog on
the north side-of High street; thence north
ward!, bPHigh street 150 feet to a post;
thence westwardly 60 feet to a poet; thenSo
southwardly parallel with High street 150
feet to the Plank Road; thence esafwardiy
50 feet to the beginning; the mud mitten lots '
in Duquesne borough; contsfunig together,
exclusive of Mary etreet,i4s acres and 102
Perches, oethereeboute; on which are erect
ed.* large- lot of, with :eogines,
machinery, hod also a storettonee and a
number of tensor, hieusecand other build
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
eny of Frederiok R Lorna, st the snit o
Samuel W. McClean, Jr. •
All the right, title, interest and °feint of
the defendent, - -Jefferson D. Steuart, being
the nddiiided one:fifth .part.4ll tenant is
commou.with • the other heirs of .J/lIIIEn P.
Steuart, deceseed, subject to the dower of:
Aratointa' Steuart, widow of said .deaeased;-=
of, in and to the following described pieces
of ground, 'homed in the city of Pittsburgh,
six: No 1 beginning on the easterly side
of Wood street, at. the distanee of 22 feet
sonthwardly from Fourth street; theoce
tending senthwardly Wood target
213 fee 4; abscise esetwardly, parallel with
Fourth street, about 82 feet; theatre .north
wardly,-Parallel with Wood etreet. sad 00113.
.oideut with J. K. Holmes' enfant line, pro
duced about 18} feet; thence by said lloltnes'.
lies, Wistwocity about 181 feet. northwardly
n feet' and westwardly stout 85:14 feet
to the place of beet:ming...on, which le
erected • threitatoribriet warehonse, mu.
pied by Lively, Part 8c Co. No. 2 bee:t
hing on the easterly' side of WeetLetreei, at
the distance of shoat 48} feet southwardly
from Fourth . Street;= thence extending south
wardly, aloog Mort street 28}.feei; theatre,
eastarardly,! ,parallel Fount street,
about 82 feet; thence. northwardly; parallel
with vicaCetreet, 28/ feet; thence '111146t.
wittily, parallel Ark!' _four.b street, about
82.feetto the plies of beginning; on whioh.l
is- erected- a three story Mak warehouse,
ottenpled--by.'.l, P. , ,Tanuer, -No begin.
Ding OD the east side of LWood tartlet, be.
• titeeti:Taird and Fourth strecia,.st: the Duel
of lot oh John Thaw; theses extending by
paral&l, With , Third
- streel;l2o feet ;to the westerly. line ,of lot
In.the getieril plan :et Pittsburgh; i
thence by eald.'llne .northwardly,.parellel
'with :Wood Street, about:2l feet to.D.
'Zilorgati'Llbeethehott by. aid
with Third , :street,.l4.teet to Weed lanes
and theooe Moog Wood street 21 feet eouth
ward', to.)ltiw..pleee of beginning; with the
privilege -of. an alley leading .to Third
Streetp on whiolt:.ill .i',erected three:.
11101 1 , ;•loiok .;:worehouta, .ocoupieit
1 - writroes,l6llr, Data .00.- :N0.4 begin.
ning on the south side of Fourth street at
the eastern line of J. K. Ho!mai' Id ; - thence
extending southwardly,l parillel with Wood
street, about 67 feel; thence esidwardly,
parallel with Fourth street, 38 feet; thence
1 northwardly, parallelith Wood street,
r about 67 feet to Fourth street, abd thence
along Fourth street we twardly 38 feet to
the place of beginning; a which is erected
a large three-story brink building, occupied
for othoes and as a boarding house. No. 5,
beginning on the south side of Fourth street
or the north-west corner of lot No. 314;
thence by the westerly line of said lot No.
814, southwardly about 85 feet; thence east
wardly, parallel with FOfirth street, 20 feet;
thence northwardly, parallel with Wood
street, about 85 f et to Fourth street; and
thence along Fourth etreet westwardly 20
feet to the place of beginning; on which is
erected • three-story brick warehouse. now
occupied by B. L Fahnesttio'k & Co. 1 , 10. 6 ,
No. 52.ia O'Hara's plan of the etteneion of
Pittsburgh, situated on the south aide of
' Second Street, between Grant and Rose
streets, having a front of 24 feet on Second
street by • depth of about 60 feet, and
bonoded by lots Nos. 63, 21 and 24 And'
also No. 7 lots Nos. 39 it'd 40 in Reis &
Berger's anti of lots in the City District,
near the 7th ward of the city of Pittsburgh;
each lot 'containing 20 feet in front on
Chauncey street, and extending boot 120
feet to an alley 22;feet in width.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Jefferson D. Stewart, at the Snit of
William Bagaley.
All the right, title, interest sod claim of
the defendant, George G.
,Moclintock, of, in
and to all that certain tract of land, situated
in Pine township, and biunded • and de
scribed as fanciers, to wit': Beginning at a
post; then by land of John McClintock north
88 6 east 147 8 10 perches to a pop; thence
by land of John Matter's and . Gundsker'e
heirs south li. east 57 perches to a poet;
then by land of Chas. Austin eouth 88' weer
147 perohee 810 of perch to a pos , ;then
by John McClintock's land north li. west
67 perehes to the place of begionlog, con
taining fifty-two acres and ode hundred and
five perches; on which is erected a one two
story log bowie, frame barn and out build
ings, beteg the same which Asrou McClin
tock, by deed date , ' tho Ist day . of October,
1858, and recorded in Deed Book, vol. 187,
page 350, conveyed to said defendant.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of George G. McClintock, at (he evil of
John Ward, for we of W. a Sattol3
All the right, title, interest and claim of
John G. Kelso, of, in and_ to all that certain
tract or parcel of laud, situated in south
Fayette township, Allegheny county, and
State. of Pennsylvania, bounded and_do•
earthed as follow; to wit: Beginning at a
white oak on lands of Benjamine Kelso,Jr.;
thenoe by lands of said Kelso north 291° east
80:6 perotres to a white oak; thence north
86i° east 17,6 perches to a stone; thence
north 55 1 1° eastr2s:l perches to a stone;
thence by same north week 46:7 perches
to a hickory ; thence by lands of Mrs. M.
Glenn north 701° west 44:2 perches to a
white oak; thence north 73° -west 67:9
perches to a hmkory, south 311° west 76
perobee to • SLOW; thence 60e west 21
perches to a stone; thence south 12° west
16 perches to a post In the ruo; thence south
52° east 55.perohes to a stone; thence by
laude of Samuel Sturgeon south 31° west
83:2 perches tovi atone in the centre of the
road; thenoe south sip east 57 perches to
a hickory tree on 51018wene line; thence
earth 441° east 88 perohes to a stone; thence
by land., of John Mavens south 54° east
24:0 perches to the place of beginning, con
taining one hundred and twenty-eight and
a half acres„.more or less on 'Mohler
erected a two story log house, barn and
other Oat buildings.
Seized and 'taken in execution as the piop.
arty of Sohn Kelso, at the suit of John
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
the defendeote, E Eiahenlaub and Anna
Gotteinan, of, in and to all that certain tract
or parcel of lend situate, lying and being
in Shaler township, Allegheny County,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described •s
follows, to wit: Beginning at • point oppo
site the Pennsylvania Canal, on the line of
property cow or late owned by Buffington
heirs; thence by a straight line to the top of
the hill to • post; thence by a straight line
to • frame building formerly owned by
Bpang & Co., occupied as • warehouse, on
the bank of the Canal; thence across the
Canal to the line of property formerly own
ed by Joseph Bufffogton; thence by the name
to the piece ; of, beginnieg, containing ten
starer; being an Amu tract of lendigranted
and conveyed by Ephraim Butffegton to
Henry Gotten:tau by deed dated October 19,
1544, and recorded in Deed Scott Vol. 69,
page 100,, in the office for recording deeds,
&0., in Allegheny county, and the same
granted and c'onveyed an the property of
Henry (busman, by William Magill, EN ,
Sheriff of Allegheny county, to Anna Gotta
man by deed poll dated April 28,h,1855;
and having thereon erected • large frame
stable, carriage house, wagon and other
Also, All the right, lilts, interest and
claim of said defendants of , . in and to all
that °attain other lot or piece laud eitn•
ate in , the Fifth ward of the city of Pitts
burgh, In the cOuniyand /State aforesaid,
marked and numtiered as Number "Toe"
(No 2) in the plan of lute laid out by James
Bteveneon, and bounded and described as
Cullom', to wit: Beginning on the south aide
of Penn street, 'at the distance of 404 feet
viestwardir from the corner 'of O'Hara
street; therm along Peon street, westward.
ly 24 feet to lot No. 1; thence south wardly
by a line parallel with O'Hara greet, 60
- feet to a 20 feet alley; thence running
clang said alley, by a lino , with
Pena otroet, esetwardly to the lino of let '
No, 3; thence by a line parallel with O'Hara
street to the place of beginning; together
with the privilege of mid alley and the
Canal Barlo, and all'intoli rights and pdvi
leges as are expected and contained in a
deed from 'the executers of James B. Elio.
Telma to Daniel Depeetor, recorded in the
office for recording. deeds, &o, in Allegheny
county, in Look Vol. :44,,page 1;. being
the acme
,00nveyed . James Blakely end
fineannali hie, wife to •Henry'Hotteunan, by
deed' dated. 18.11. February,. 1860, and re•
cordedin deed book Vol, ISO, Mite 202; on
which is erected
,a tiro story frame d welting
house, diiiided into two tenements. -
Seized and taken ittexecutioii tie the
ere, ot.E.Eiabealaub and. Anna Gottetasa,
at, the snit of W, D. &
All the right, title, interest and olefin Of
Daniel Bashoell, one of the'defendants, of,
in and to all that certain lot in the City of
Pittsburgh, being part of lot No. 128 in the
general plan of said city, whisli is bSuatled
Lad described ae follows, to wh: Beginning
on - .the ?tomtit, sidoOt.Penn street, at the' die-.
tanoeof tient-y-10m. (24) feet from the
ner of lets auts i bered 128 and 12k - thence
'eaetwardli •by sold Pima street 21 lief;
thence at right itiglei with sailiponn street
and parallel with Hey street, southwardly,
410 feet to ; a 20 feet alley; Ocoee
alley and peralel with Pena stseet;,
wardly 24 feet;;tkelitie at right tingles- soli'
parallel with Hay atieet store/aid,
wardly,to Pain street to the plane of
niogtopin which: la erected . tilhree-eter,e,
brief. dwelling hoUpiiirlifi: bad
tied a brick. etable., si Said lot los' tidbit at. to
mortgage given : byl9 Mao;
trove Mitcheltree, reeortficl • In" nvortgage
Nook .V01..20, page 259.. - •
geisedl- sad.. taken execution al.the
iropetty of Ik. iNd DanieLßa e hael tr , 4:01a
rx - f 4, gi c oC- 11 'r
suit of William P. Jones against D: Bushnell
and James .T. Gray.
AU the right, title, interest and *taint of -..,
William Tomer, of, in and to all' that cer-'
'lain tot or piece of ground situate in Pee
bles township, being the west half of lot
number two (No. 2,) in • plan of lots laid
out by John Rinehart Tomer, as recorded
in Allegheny county, in Deed Book 0,.80,
vol. 66, page 296; and bounded and de.
seribed as follows, to wit:. Beginning en
the Partners' and Mechanics' Turnpike.road, .
-at a pin on the line of a triangular lot own-°'
ed by John R. Tomer, being the west_ lite
of lot No. 2; thence north one degree, west, .
along said line, onehiindred and eighty-0o
626 1000 feet to line of land belonging to
Craig; anti - a
along, said. line, north 4.
thirty-nine degrees eiet one hundred and '.-
twenty.aine feet and piztyntie hundredths
(129 G9'100) feet to the lined land Wing
ing to Athens; thence along• Bald lies -
south seventy-seven degrees east five and .
eight-teethe - (6 8 10) feet; thenoty on a line
- parallel with 'the western line above de
ecribed to the Partners'-and Meadmnioe' '
2uropiEe' Road; Alone& along said road
south eighty-tour and three-fourthadegrees
treat ninety-three• -and tweasy-eight. hun
dredths (93 28-100) feet to the place of be
ginning. .
. •
fieixed'and.faken in execution lathe prop:
arty of William Tome r, at the suit Of Joseph ...
Craft, for usts of Joseph Feltwell. .
All the right, title, interest and claim of • -•j.. , •
the defendants, Joseph Applegate andraixa
Jane hie wife, of, in sod to att that 001111111 -•
lot, of ground shmated in the borough of ' •
Elizabeth, in title county end `Butte 'afore- ..
sita, imiwo and designated iu Col, Stephen
Bayard's plan of said town's lot No:thirty-
eight, containing in front on Second 'street
- iiiityleeg tad - running batik one hundrefl
and twenty feet to Third etivei, and bound-
ed on the east by lot No. 8.8; and on the
smith by lot 87, having thereon erected two - • .
frame houses, each two storiee in height, it
being the same lot of ground which the
said Nancy Walker obtained by deed of con
veyance from dc tut Mello°, Nsq., and which, ' ,
by deed exeouted' by-her husband, Samuel
Walker, she conveyed to the 'said Eliza lane
Applegate. . • ;
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Joseph Applegate and. Etixa..Jana
Applegate, his wife, at the suit of Samuel
Walker , and Nano', his wife. for gee of
Thomas oow for nee of acid Nancy
'All the right, title, I uterest and claim of the
defendant, Andrew J. Stewart, being the
undivided one fifth part as tecaut inhom
moo with the other heirs of Jim P. Stewart,
deceased, subject to the dower of. Araininta
Stewart, widow of said decident,ef, in sod
to the following described pieoe Of:ground,
simile in the-,cily of Pittsburgh, vas No. . .
1 ; Beginning on'the:easterly eidopf tlWood
street at.the distance of 22feet sotithwardly
from FoUrth street; thence extending south
erardly along Wood atreet feet;..thenoe
esstivardly, parallel with Fourth :street,
about 28 feet;• thence north weirdly, parallel .
with Wood street, coieoident-. with J. 8.
Holmes' eastern line - produced About . 18/ •.
feet; thence by said Holmes' .Ilea .witebt •
wardly 18} feet, northwardly 7t..feet and
westwardly about 65/ hello libniltee. of
beginning; upon which .13 Arettteffterthree
story tit ink warehouse,..oonpin.W.Dsvely,
Park & Co.
Beginning on the easterly side of
Wood street at the distance of about 43/
feet 80iithwardly from Fourth street; therme .
extending sonthwardly slang Wood street
23/ feet; thence eastwardly,- parallel with
Fourth street, about 82 feet; thence : north. •
wardl x , parallel.WßlL.Vott4.llo**23i feet;'
thence westwardly, pareltei , Witht . Pourth
street, about 82 feet to the platte of begin. .
sing; on which is erected - a . three story
brick warehouse, occupied by J. P. Tanner.
No. 3: Beginning on the easterly Bide of
Woad street, between Third end Fourth
streets, at the line of lot of John Thaw;
thence extending by said line eastwardlY,
parallel with Third street, 120 feet to the
westerly line of lot No. 314, in the general
plan of 'Pittsburgh; thence by said line' -.. - ;;:„V
northwardly, parallel with Wood :street,,.: .`;
about 21 feet to D. T:Morgsu's line;: thence
by said line, Itarallet with Third street, 120
feet to- Wood street; thence -along Wood
street 21 feet southwardly to the place of
beginning, with the ,privilege of 'en alley
leading to Third street; on - which is ereotett,•:4.
a three story brick warehouse , opoupledhy:!i Y .7.,
Whitmore, Wolff, Duff &. Co.
_. " •
No. 4: Beginning on the etintiCside of
iFehith 'foist; at the eastern line of J. K.
Holmes' lot; thence extending eouthwardly,
parallel with Wood 'Street, about 67 feet;
thence esetwardly, parallel with Fourth
street, 88 feet; thence Northwardly parallel.
- with Wood street, about .67 feet . Fourth
street, and thence along Fourth street west
wardly 88 feet to the place of beginning; on.
which there is. erected • three eterybriok .
building, occupied lot offices .1111 0 .• as
bearding hone.
Beginning on the eeekell, sid e of
Fourth Street, at the northwest:corner of lot,
No. 314; thenei by the westwardly line of 7.5t],.;!
said lot, 814, southwar,dly sbout-,85 feet; •
thence eastwardly, parallel with Fourth
street, 20 feet; thence northwardly, wet.' -
lel - with. Wood, atreeLOtbeitt . :: 8 4. feet to .21f
Fourth Street, and thenoc, stens Fourth
etreel westwardly 20 feel to planet begin-
en.which la .ereated•threeshiry brick -
warehouse, now•B. Fahne
7No. 6: Lit :No. 62, in 6..aira'a plan of
the extension of Pitteborshi situate on the
south Bide of Second street,:betweeh Grant
nod R3Bll streets, having.s front of 24 feet. ' -
: 7 1
au Second street, by • depth of about 60 -
feet, and bounded by lota Nos. 63, 21 cad -AA
Also, No. 7: L. Not 30 & 40 in Rd* et'
Seegers Plan of lots in the City Dietslot,
the 7th ward, of the City of
each lot oontsloint ,20 feet .in ; rant on.
Chauncey Chauncey street, and extending hatik
feet to an alley 22 feet
Seized and taken' in execution W they
property of Andrew L. Stott:v* ettAlkillarlt
of Eliza J. Btewirrt,,:adm's"oftTionewlt,,-
Stewart, deo'd.' • • „
All the. right, iltie,7isterreiaud
the deteadant;:Joeeph Justice, of, la juedicieZ
all that tertian , piece of ground eitinctiii is
the City of Allegiteay, in the County of
legheoy, and Nista of Penneyliinis, connec t , ‘ 1 -
jogof thOtortliiistdly hell parofof the !obis
Noe. 184'andl86la ;William Nothipoti, Jr.'s,
plait of hits, litt:J2,„ aid 34;
ed sod denoritieden follows Begstudatit
thtin4itior 01;04 TO SO
.thence eitiedtag along RObiculoo.:*trimet';,ic
esetrirdlY,..64fitec to thelluthiCireiri'..lati
Nos. 183 aid 181 ; '- thenue .-- noucliwardly• by
said line' 100 feet; thence lrentwardly at
right sestet 64 feet to'OornyTttreet afore
said; and Wince north nardly *Tong Corey
'street 100 , the place' of beglnoing:
Oa which Is erected a two story trick and
.frame dwelling llintee, with out buildinge Seised ,
and taken in execuilan_astlifirop
erty of Joseph Junict, at the silt of J.
.Ilietenecia; fer the':Doller Satin* :
All the 'right, title odd lederiet of
Nail K. Vithirk, in and to. all that of/richt
lot or piece cd , ground situate la the borough
et. Elizabeth; bounde a , sod: described as fol
we BeArnalot its Volta difiVerket
and rianisit thecae hy Icit
I, isughlin,Boulli,forty-tiro - atd:A. half .444.'7
green wen 'ied'aii¢,nine-tenthe'reroben;'lo-,,
I sod, of John Wilkes; Jr.; 'thence 'by land
of.yoha Walker Ar, - ,etiiiii(foilyfienen and
siii 4- '4l - 4y4:elsbt.timtag