The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 01, 1861, Image 4

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    crum. 40DNINILY/5 'CALL
sT arsuais
time tie al. dba t i ib..P•C;
tisct the Wilzig wow;
Tbazid* sod Oa lapait Waal
•lararms at ara awe Attar now;
aad let theo !mad' that Ply do paa
(Kit Um Ifightlairk. sod turd t 0 VW
par Iliaaniasa'a crooked break sad rah
• Tis diarpr as Os battle -
Oer country waist Mar 111.7:
T. wham the blooi•erresm blots tits lITOSO.
IttrOta to 44014 *spume , sway
That Thalia all,lus scorer La wen.
Ws - tr•ti • C:woad toretts- , •• -
PPOSIC me armed foes that Until her ' trsek:
TV, stab to mite r ••••,ead ire
Mast best the baod•l traitors Met.'.
study sa the oaks,y• shams. •
Aid moved ma scam to fear sad Mph*,
• Hai ot the glade and lomat' tease
lour wooocrari. ftr :hr hold a
Tho arms that wield Omar. moat pour
Iron fa/nurse. cia — the feat
His what ma karbellt et Lha Lev
Mho arm that lays the pauthsr
*ad) • •130 bravest the 11141321•131 oars.
• - lay Wary steep at highland late,
Opaam,ror Um lead ye hue to term
A hatuark that no foe can break. •
• • • ^ ' lY.ud, tits your align, ollth that mock
• • Rim will/tutu& to her deramet
Tao bleat as .so
t. n
all 10151 . • the rock
, • as nothing aquadromi tear Ts therms.
Asa "what* boon an by bar 42202
• thw.ft tinny rbiag far away.
Oasis how the depth of her gnat& land
as Med) in Icor march as May;
42 tomato am wben Om nine
, How ',stet thew over bank sad bourse,
22464 fLobaa to drown the plains •
Abdinn2p dons atm woods upuwn.
, . •
Ali 4 ye who kuoug, beside the deep,
Het pock sad hamlets of the Wood,
n onsuber like the erste* that leap
• On Oblast' muctsurlog memo( lend.
• glow HU !bet deep, whys, der Ids brim,
LA. rhe p a, ell Ids Mods 10wa..., •
• • And Sla um proudest becks dud who,
• belphies entwollegetnet hie Atom.
tee/Wren. they whose swords of - old,
Woolhe the hod In which we dwell;
dot we en gamy. we who bold
, • The Wm nwolye to gaud It wall.
"Akita far that brand lOb goodly land,
Blew otter blow, till nsn shall see
'Mud BIWA aid Itlght more band In band,
- • And 'lockout nut thole trientr be.
Aril'reach 11111 tar; Improvamein.
,The Parisi correzpondeat of the Horning
Herald makes the following rather wonder.
fdf Idateizehta
••The military preparations of the French
government are going on with great activity.
Experiments - are jest now going on atyin
cenriee with a'view to use common rifled
..hositaers as mortars, by fixing them at a
way sharp angle, which enabled small &ells
tolie thrown romt-Gilli4metres. But these
eilitzl i mente excitirrat little attention in
comparison with a new 'invention which has
been tried with perfect success, Ind by
which a foot soldier, in heavy marching
order; : is enabled to walk on the water
without &Laing. It consists of a pair of
India rubberboots and-trousers, all of one
piece, cribich are filled with air a little
belOw the waist, and heavy weighted at
the; feet With tliese trovserb on a de
tachment frequently crossed the lake
of Vincennes, where the water is about
fifteen feet deep, firing their muskets and.
loading asthey went. _The men sink about
two feel, the water barely reaching the top
of their, thighs, and appear not to have any
diffeelty: in , keeping their •balance and
moving along. The experheent is to be
• • repeated in the presence of the Emperor,
~ and there's not the slightest doubt of its
being adopted for the army. The cense•
quince of the adoption of this system need
tusidly be pointedout. Fancy on a calm
'day at' sea how easy it woOld be to land
three or four thousand men, who would
forthwith walk ashore and secure a-landing
foe the reel of the force. For the crossing
of 'rivers the advantage of this system is
still-more obvious, and the delays caused
by the necessity for constructing bridges or,
discovering fords would be done away
with; I may add, as it is not improbable
that a plan for making soldiers amphibious
may meet with some incredulity, that I can
vouch for the accuracy of the particulars
given atomic., which have reached me, from
a !military triend who hiniself witnessed
what I have attempted to describe. I con
readily believe, however, that
- yon will rC.-
quire ample - corroboration."
r inaPortaistAphlo DisoliverY.
'The London American makes pablic the
discovery of "a , telegraphic cable, and a
mode of working it, that renders distance.
- sea the media through which such cable is
laid, auxiliary instead of an obstraction,
obtaining likewise supplies of power from
a! hitherto unsuspected source. The la
vender' is the product of William P. Pig
gott, of London, an eminent medical elec.-
; trielan, The peculiarity' of the cable is
that Instead of requiring an enormous
electric charge to be forced through the
hole length of a line by powerful batter.,
ks, at each successive transmission of a
slgndl, as at prese n% in long ens and land
routes, the wire continues statically charged
is it is laid, whilst the least disturbance of
the equilibrium of this passive,electric
eharge--4nopinitive and nninfloenced until
called Into action by the operator—
`, **wets through all its length to the slight: -
est transmitted influence, and so serves
every practical purpose. The enarmous
tension that electric cables now , undergo,
arising from the great power of ' the elect
.' tele current required for long distances, and
which Is believed to have ceased the !adore
of ail marine cables more than three Win
; dred and fifty miles lung hitherto laid, is-
: thus obviated. ' The earth currents, which
have previously beau great obstacles, are
absorbed wad 'utilized. The cable
for its supplies:either on the voltaic current
created by bringing together wires at dif
ferent electrio property m its constructi o n,
or by salt - act ing generators placed at any
desired distances throughout its length, as
so many relays of power absorbing from
the moisture of surrounding media, whether
or earth, or sea, enough electricity to
become etatunally charged -; and no, at the
slightest impulse, wapable'ot conveying
comae:um' lion to soy conoeivable distance.
Tticiataution is in-the hands of therßtilish
' tiorwrommt, Net its least' merit -is the
probability that it will reduce the cost hI
= 4llO communications to a filth of the
tee.—[Boston ;Tour. -
W, 1 14)
, -Mamba/at to northern
One Of the greatest triumphant') of the
year oier eecessiondom, haa been gained
; by A. fanners of Illinois in the suaxenfal
• indented a wide growth of Chinese f3upz
Cans. It is estimate(' that in Ls . Salle
=sty, there is enough raised in — rinks
syrup for borne conaumptien, and have
spare." Ther e, are eight or ten
! ;: ` nine nulls in full blast in Ottawa - and int.
1.-15a4late vicinity, and hot navy ars nut
ning other of the _county, we an'
• ; - only gum, from amounts of the' amount
of wurginna raised. The number met
; be ova. fay, and perhaps a hundred,
Each mill wit! make an average of one and
; a half barrels of syrup a day in the aggri.
3. gain and allowing the season of operattorui
to.ber thirty days, which is probably a:abort
: eiugo . .estnstei and .wo hate, by. the
• • lemon calculation, about 2,250 barrels for
- • the rutisolee untke, or about two gallons to
each man, wornaw, and child, in the coon
-! ty. ;: That Is pretty sweet; but the MINUS
l of sorghum has boon made our lain, and the
7tha 2 .• t , prospect for a southern supply being pie
redo= by the rebellion, the cultureoU
"•,4, solgtiun will be stimulated, so that it will
• eoeniedOtne one of tbe principal etapies
of luthols[Oltisirs (W.) Rep.
sRAIBINS-200 boxes Bunch Bal!ill . • 11,
103'd ;IsI«
- fa girth& and lb! " le * Simi
;Lir & sao& -
•! meta
0 41 • -
Y 13— —IIM-W,loialirrim;P"46,P44llthYH::';
Liii - vms sir TELICUMI:
From .Our iLlFOikiag JrwilUsta.
The Great Naval _Expedition
91ore Fugt4lveCovarabaadsi.
. , .
F 01121141/ AtUbiLOG,,OCL • 31 dasuna.
boo of thelgreat ezpedition is knows et Old
Point, sod it is muted that it can be safely
revealed by Saturday, next.
Oae of the Wit-boats returned this months .
Her captain repotts that hi. vessel could .not
stand the heavy sea cintaide the Capes.
Fuity etiitralianditcrune in yesterday from
Gloucester, opposite Yorktown. They report
great suffering among the people in that 'min
-sty, from *want and aickneas.
Destructive Fire.
PaILADIC4PIi lA, Oct. 31.—The extensive
fsmory belonging to the notate tit Seta Craig,
deceased, sem eadzely destroyed .by fire last
*rotting.. Tim:various floors Were riectipicer by
different guiles, engaged in the manufacture
of sore} daianelsi haversacks, koapeacka,
employing two headred bands arid' two hun
dred and ratty-six Mimi.: The whole loss ex
ceeds 'one hundred' livehamid dollars... The
building and machinery ,Were insured for thirty
thousand dollars. The , fire originated in the
- dryisg room, among kaapsacks covered With
• .
Arms, Clothing and Equip
ments from Europe. •
Naw Tonic. Oct. 111. 7 ;-Tits @wawa Asago
briogaVeven hundred mud sevirsty.rit packs•
pa of anal and als hundred and oat package
containing oquiprents and clothing, easigned
t • Collector. Barra* for Quarterituter Gwent
Meigs The' whole comprises arm, clothing
end equipments for Metre thousand men.
Crew •i a Wrecked dcbeimeer.
Quasicc, Oct. 31.-714 steamer Jobe Bell
ainvedJaat mnus' Inde , Gtugeer. Elbe bas
ma Wood the crew of the schooner John Silver
from Bahia:, picked up in the straits 01 Belle
Isle at midnight ma the 26th, being door days
on the wreck. The Captiin Led some of the
men had gone adrift in a boat.
Arrival of fhb Arago.
Yeas, suisiteship Am*,
from Ham sod Southampton, bar arrived.
Among her passengers are Capt. Lewellyn
Jones, of the U. 8. Army; J. W. Qeiges„ late
Curial at Antwerp; Major liairelook, of the
British. Army; and Col. &AMA, late of the
Russian Army.
Trial of Plrittes.
Nuts Tolle, Oct. 2t.—The jury in the cue
of the United bum U. Thee. Harrison Baker
and twelve of the crew ,of the pirate Baum
natio returned law Court this morning and
stated that they were unable to agree. They
were accordingly discharged.
Weekly Review of the Pittsburgh Markets
(Riportod speciatty for tho littoNorph &mate.
• PEITSZIAMI. TIIIMEDAY. 0011.1.11181,166
iiiffra.—T he guotatlo7s;ten In the lollorrieg Re
view, it moat he nadeprtood, are the wholf4ale prices,
exoept where otherwise noticed; and that In all arm
In the filling of email orders to the tity and mufti
trade, en advance of three to eve P ant wilt 's»
charged ova these clootatinne.]
. ,
APPLYS—lhershi a trctar demand for Apples, and
In consegaentes of tbellnalted 4iipply lu prices
have slightly. &dram:ed. The current rates nos are
- from is to 1176 141:bl—wetly at 10,2662,6 u.
ABlll3—ln limited demand. Balm Pearls 6%05%
Rat ; Itet: :14SW; Bata rasp from cgdy..
AGE—There M but little demand and shipments are
b She asabltatted ram at present are:
bbla ' half MAL
Bitilifl—The Bunn market continuer quiet and ht.
attire, while prices have undergone no change.
a A however, do not feed dleposid to prose It on the
niarket at preeent, ea they anticipate a alight savanna
to rater helorPong,owlais lon the 'improied Adele of
the trade In the West. We tpicte Shoulders wales)
at 534 c, bidee, 6).4e, Plain DM. 754.6 e; end Boger
Card. 0)4 to de.
NOTTen AIM 11003—There le bat a limited hr
qiiry for Butter, the stock In marks[ being to ezeres
of the demand. We quote micas keg st Tele, and
fresh Noll at 11@11540. tap In goad demand, and
firm at Ito R don for packed.
1311Afitli—etatim, and p hos Navy remind $1,26.
II bosh
BUCIEWIIIO.I oLollll.—lo better supply; we note
small salve at Vilma.
BENOOl4—The following ere the rates obtained In
the regular way from storm. COMOOD 51,25@11d501 ri•D11@12.215; Extra do $2,60002,76.
BD/MEM AND Tll3B—The metro prices (nab,
par funds) at Wellston and New Brighton aro ter
Dachau Alp 44.41,76, and Tubs, $1,11,0116,715t
i 417
Ymetore, buck ts e tell In the rotati way at 6 1,7
Militia—Tan demand for We .ua. a ...a
while parse awa tally malbtained. We Die forge
eel. at 634 c, which may be conallered tn. tulles
' •
OLLISTNUTB--hare docile .% with aloe sr 0,00
ep2,23 lit'burh—matly as the Inside hare.
01De0—enchaned. Common Is , wurth $304 1p
hb% see prime ihreet
Manilla Nape, ca lb ntle 9 biennia Rolm, cut, l 0: pln
,ilerap Nom m0,120* lb rump Rot., cut, 140 it lb
'Tarred Ham coil, 11c 11l lb Tartu] Itope, cat, 1 2c dil lb
Pecking Yard,flas, =rill!) Packing Yarn, coin 12$r
BID CORDS—lllwallbr, $1,60, V. 1410153,00 *dr.. i -
, 1 001 11.2 1 , 27 ,“ 00 .TX/ 6 ilt do.
Romp eoil,ll cts 10 lb,
PLOUGH LINKS—WI:III*X eta It don amp,
ilk , *MAL
No 11., .• Wellyd
thutDai i — EolP—Tbe lonowlng quotationecen
to relied on as being strictly correct: —Mould and dip
candlei, lOccrla 1 Noels seep, 41 , ic; No 2 do de, Sr,
Osman 'do, To; Oberniral 011.0 do, 4L4c; No L Taller.
(Fiawyeea wake), 10r, No 2 do do, To; Friend to
Waimea soup, Tr, Barber's acap,,2so.
OILTI9N lf AnNd—Tbe motet la Otis and me ad-
Tome am been eatabliabed. The following ate lb*
gootall4R which are corrected to data
- .
Na IS— tb
Nos. toloino'rssnell
tioa.ll 1!)
alto. a p ID
No. 500..--...-12 op dos
N 0.900.---12 opus .
r No. 1000—.— 12 o 114.10 s
No. 600...—”14 o V dos
No. dca
No. p dm
/*kW . 170 lb
Natio& "
Do No. 1...._180 "
D. Dotomovabo "
Dorval chats, room .
lb lb
Do whh.0,26i0 3b
Coto .
to — lllo 360
Offorlot Yorn-...1160
cuAqi.zes—The followiog aro t h e samisen.%
prime: wales crackers, L.* II Itr. batter, 834; sugar
734;11aston 8%; wine 12;46 yliot breed; sl,bo bbl.
7 1170 KIL , —We use ease of prime mita .c Oa
from store sod 12: from Ora hoods.
0/IANBSBII.IEB —steady with • demead equal to
tee se. ply. We grate at Irem $1 to sB* abl—as to
health 11414,--yaleg with °madrasl seise of anger
eared at40%.5119%e V 1 lb. „_
halt* ritUlT-106 following axe tbe.preentllng
rates: Peaches, (old,) $2 to $2,2h, (new,) 14,6062,11.
Apples. (old.) $1,1;0: (aew.) $1,26..
eXATtIEAS—ere rap dell. Prime are held at 46 '
9s6oe; wlxed 80(640; Pigeoa 26, and latichen 10.
SAS PIP/4—.toe following aro We qaotatWas for
wrought Iron tabtag: ..
Per Nook - Per loot.
% Inch Ow Plpe-7 oat. 1% Inch Oaa ?We—. /Meta
934 2% • 1 : ..„ 90
" • —lB 8% ,
I : : „ ...... 24 ,
s iablaci to the cannery discount.
11100/I—There low been bat-little (bangs to the
Sklar market slate our last rsport...The demand cow
Wiese molar, but It Is prlaclpally restricted to the
leds trade, while pokes ars fins andlul ly matntabled
Tbs tollowtscara the quotatlewrilrcon Won= Ileper;
1/14,1%.1kUrn 111,66.1136; Extra 'Yank
s4 sod repo $6,60(0,76, Rye flour steady ,
bbl, hew atom. ,• •. •••
1311411:1-12w Warta& kir Wheat het been quite =-
Ms be the pert week. Rye triak at 411400 i iift-
Ireilk's prices. Corn stills:maths dull at tonna, rate.,
01116 rasher sauce and 'sated, but oat daatabii Met'
et. Buie, le hard to NU, and snob .het is offered
cannot be sold at satistaatoty prices, sad. Is pat. In.
store at strait a rise, which tha power tionUeittly
Want—The totem c' lbs week -foot up stoat 6.000
bestial.; ot %Ogee for Rodirout Atst tomb, •sd $1,04
Milor Mow Y.:lonia= Must motto at stool to
above that'll/tares. •
Sts fa outlive mid sells, it bud
unchanged: prim TOO.. eolla ae110043e..
Bann ay be quoted at 40.15 e, .tat not moth
wasted, and there appears to be • want or copal to
Wait at MU time.. .
eats are brisk at 92.26 e, rui to quality and amply.
I a noJlllollB—the daisieoll for flood= coati/mu
cooperatively gybe. alttmat, however. *ay change.
Arnim moonmada 1 0 61 10 Wrg Mariam, 60 61 51 M Coffoo
trl*lol7%c, and Alm 83469,3
WOE—Saha a swum mere repotted at Iteitte.
BlDES—Chrean melted mead, ,!ltn a regular dewing
at 707 Yif i ci. Du Mat armor It@lac.
Ltalt..tau been mato dollortdle mho hem - tin.
&rime no thaw, Wee from ,clay mho at micas
tomb,' tom S7,eo to VI 'II ton,
ALA Kt/...Pdine oity teat IshrMS et 041 n bble and be,
and :.%) hags Canary la aeliting at Mak, ea
ladi — ll,tiM
661. There Ow Maryliaad Hoe lo mu het.
muirmut—ner. b oposktrabie ibrimby • b. Ibb
*OW* while - prices ihrw nub nabbied. -Ranh
piontij lastbor b 2441. Iteseed Lather.
Is uoted. am
1 1q 0 45 P' b " ... " — ""'"'!" — * •
u.r imullP rosikor.
Ad ,
2.7/23111.-21more toddlag &dog is Iblibtiabb
!eke; sad fa goo atoms- of Yea ye Gate quota,
nt, MI Unl.
alorm!sateliraleills.2l.42ooo , ll ria ,_Ptill.
•'Nout form oil is mu. nay:even ant
Condo • oltn.ftsb nncCanKad. Olsul re
20610 braintaa with at:Edwin - On smillaary. We cute '
.dui of bb Start[). from abort, us .lull licto.d
Corlett is s'eady at from 36 loin:. No 1 L.. 1 V oc.l 1
at 164. sod NO2 do at dsc
141trall: /183411 littb 113141 , oaten ut e,out. La.
(tuna first:boa la at :Mu, ornindrntlto etarr.
PtiuLT3l{.-421torts,aond tor Paultr) to limit d out
prusta msollmi • drooping tendril
wand 20r; Ittraey• St, sod Nene 40.5. pair.
811,2-0 leas wawa, narArithatatadion alitch price.
aro Gnu atsl,l4 ISM kir No 1, u1d..41,60(0417 , I r
No 1 ate.-dadosered.
P/TNANINS-doll and Ines ditclirael We quote at
9 WAVre* IP lb.
MINS-doll, Mayrr is held at 6.400564.25. Ttotuthy
at 11460, and Illas has alvanOed to $1,20 SI boob.
W; OL-Theta bat • sob tot Itble choose to rota 10
this Wool mart. t lbe demand, ebb% is Lordly to
Ultra, coritinnia to be restrict...4l td .be cuarocr
for • hi& micro motto from 43 to 47c-lbo lott-r fur
Chola clent.rosbed. rime Wools a waft. roller
• ull. a. d ate quote nominally at 40 to 460- 5c.:4,1111n;
to quality and
TaLL,OW-,dolt mad :noon Itoug`a rosy be no-to.i
to bc. and Soindered dela St lb
WHITS L1t1113.-11ros afar in steady dimmed of
23,D01 lit acs lot pore to oil, and dry onlnect
to 11.2 050.0 diewrint. bed Lead 0060, aol ..00
WINDOW GLANS-pricer are Ono; and tve tel."
IMIt good: Nun. tor the mnoll clam, city mate
mull 710, .6206, dato. $2,2f4 0112 and 10112, $" tat
'Bll3, 9114 and 10E14,14761 Onls and 10416,63 V box
o f 60 toot-lb Vaunt discount oIL
WllllNl-la quiet bat Arm at 1401:a: lot ILaat, 17
bas HoOldliall, and lbo La $3 for yid Ilya.
ispori• by ttiver
LOOISTILLS—per Oota Perry-20 bbla whisky, 71
bit rods., 14 bbd. tobacco, 42 bile. rags, 11 , 00 cack•
orb.; 16011bbls dam, Mark.. a co; 10 1.:21 loleat co.
Way roan torg 1044, ILs do, John G. kr, 7 pc* (op
per.B ball& A daft: o.
W 11141 1 1.10 Cl—per 111lorraa-12/ bbl* door, Clarke
a co; 200 do do, J 8 Una:at co; 100 do co, Jobe
Black t Co:100 do deo J W dlonaroo; 848 dc do, 1101
sha shoat, D Wallaceo4o LW, Ooor, 418 sirs arbeac, 12
do deism; Jas A Fetseo:lo imams acid, Jos Irak;
2 coo Mare. J Drwar, 40 kegs. 3 Straub; bu Laub po
tatoss, owner; 1 Is, 1/11 bit* • bra; 1 oil bbl, Lot,'
Emporia by ktallrb.d
Om rnissosaa. lT Wars. 0111.130 HAIL.pII.
21 —TS bbls apples, to) do do,
rtodsokk Oupplch; 14 do W
do, 2 do tbkr, A
I. al Voist
domplos, 31e01arksss, 11erroh • ord 10 do do,
Jr A foam T 1 hbls dour, Undo • Elskositick; 42
W. pass* 11 II Co Wor, 1821,rgs bad, COLlns.y; 14
bi s smospj• do candles, Y Etossl. too; 203 bosh poto •
toed, hob', Idaho, Ma buds *boss. b Wiloisrsb; 400
bush borlay. kthoiss .11 Val:owe,
eigritatao t Briton:4On Itoir4eeB-0c ober 29-
1 or rron ma, Lori II birch; 1 oo Ceti Omit h
co; 140 rlo r thoosbcrorr; 88 bro. 93 eke ..ipbar) J.
Iterio; 65 bbla apple., 1 a. crsoberr Ire, Lerch a Hutch-
IDIPOIL 2 LOW tomer, J B Coalfield t co; 193 obe wheat,
NoCulkooot,toatth t cox 2 bloo peore, Jolla Ilertrert;
1281.8 Tog; 6 tiodfrey.
tovina. MISWS.
11.• ring motion.' to med. lowly, with want I
feet by the marks last evening. The icestber
dy was cloudy. and raw, who ludicatione of rain or
ont• stogie Welts' or depollute
beyond aio kcal Packets , winch matilially affected
Mullane lit the wborL Tb. Com. Perry from Lou!..
1,1110 goDln Wednesday evening, with • gad cargo,
imosisting prlnclpollyof Boar and
Undies tr a m tiathpolia was r ne last dell nail will
dahlias to bond at the wharf (Ma morning. Mae
retnroll as sinis4,oo Saturiloy at 4 p. •
Linden, Ow. Harlan, Us are snored wur paithrely
Dan for tincinuatt thu eventing. Panelist's and
*hipper* abottl.l ,remember tbl.-- ...... -lbo large nod
cOlautudlona gamer Prime Donn*, Copt, Ueorge D.
Moore, le loading for St. Loot. aril will probnbiy get
uff thls evening—it not she will on Saturday wahoot
I hdl---..—The Florence, Capt. D. Z. Dilsketi,
I Smartly packet for Otectriciati.-.....--.The gocoet b..
deferred bet &portray for Port.month oath londay
next. Capt. Wel.. my. that hereafter be will leave
.beie regularly every Tuesday mottling at 10 cecina.
.The Emms, Mann and Marmara were allot,
Marti to bare Cinebanati on Wednesday, to be follow.
ad by the Elastingsein Thursday- Empire
City and McLellan, It 1. reperied,cr• UM at the
foot of ilelllogtooywalting for tooroystor.—.......Tbe
W.l.Sligo lalrEt. Lorain for this city ou Monday,
with o'ra'l bat of freight and • good Snot panengera.
Jilesotpts of Product, Ls.
Aiwadied will be (curd a statement atilt° recsipta of
flour, Erato. otc., by Rim and )12.11r0wl for 2110 24
boars, ending Wit em alt% 2
By RasTresd.-8 ears iron ore, SS tea, 03 du sul
phur, lb bbl, crauberriess, 2 d.s butba, 162 ilk.. WO
bush whet, 2 1 btu cider, 42 Obis boss's, 187 Pis' 1 . 0,
IS Om. tap, 6 do midis., 800 bush potstoes,s4oo bush
.step, 173 bbts green apples-
By £l ~-2010 bbl. lour, 2401 mks whew, 20 bb;.
whisky, 16 Saida totsoco, 13 as fissmod, 60 bosh po
It ram tut a t s .
8T:1,01111.—The Btanenor 1/1.0H4
INDY, Bo Ickeli, lakvs on BATUBDex, .t 4 p.ok
!or freight or pump apply on board or to
0020 J. B. LIVINOSTON & W. &putt
lIIIILLia—The splendid pmetekte
summer LINDEN, Cepa T. M. Berton, um Imre
for the ahem snd MI Intermediate ports, on THIS
DAY let mt., et a o'clock p. m. /or irelght or
I...eitenPPl.lo. hoard.rea.
dee steamer PltlldA DJNIVA, O. t. Gen. u .anare,
kneel for the above end ell intermediate iortt, on
TiliS DAY, at I o'clock. for irelght or peasegn,sp.
ply of board or to
.1. U. LIVING STON • 00., Agra.
rr26 JOIN VLAnK, Agent.
POSTIMOUTIL—Ttmmmmer ROOK rt. (NV. Atoka
Wolf, will leave for the above sod all latorotedlato
Wading; EVERY TUESDAY at 10 o'clock, a. tn.—
Vor treogktoripassage apply oa board or to
L t - D. H. LSWIS, Foot.
paaanget Warner IINOINK; Capt. M. At. 0.3,,e,
wilt IMP Pltublargb-toiGallipolia EVERY SATUR
DAY M. 4 p.m. bettatblog, Mersa Galllpolls EVENT
TWODAY la 10 e. Di:, for frolgbt or pusses apply
mi baud or to
mOO J. IL LIVINGSTON a CO. agitate.
0.511 &DO apleodld pimmtgeir 1011601er 11.51D1A
GRAMM. Ospa Alen, leaves Pittstargb for Zama
villa every TillisD AV, at 4 o•olistg. p. r. gam estag
leaves Zsnerrilis tor Pittsburgh every 14DAT at 10
4.14 be fiviabt Of pomp apply on to•Mor to
.1. IL LIVINGSTON A 00, Agents, Pittsburgh.
11. a. PLINOII A (A), Agents, Zanesville, ..14
Ilna steamer MI.
IlkliVA,fAkplalaJohn Gordon. karat for Wuraineg
and Intalkeedlato porta every TUMMY. MIR&
Dail mkt It ATOMDAY, at It o'cloik; A. M. =MOM
0101.6 ltaiklittiOng With the Mats. Paris far Pwk
arksbaig add tlloclanall. Itaturelog. leave. Wheel.
log 'rev, MONDAY. WAD/IMLAY and FAIDAY. at
o'clock a. at. Parcreogara reteiptarl through to ela
cloaall. Tor llrolght or pump apply an hoard
and No. 114 Water street
t tall the atteat on or Ilooksellere, Stallone.%
Dealtee In Wane) Goode, and .0 ahem to the
The kind, embrace every style of Letter, Nero, OM.
slat, Waddles Yorthelio, prng, and other rarialtre
Alio, Parchment and 81oth Lined, alt made and OM
wed is the moat perfect mincer, oo the bast Mdiog
Machine gat invented,'
Ale, the Irvin Mitts Writing Paws, inenalso
tared ardente Ikr flip subscriber, and uo better pe
per.= be towed In Win country.
~Pimple, with trade list of piker, 'eat by mall
when regnant& '
Ptelbn ate Invited to eaTi and extmlno bly nee*,
guantlea,prfees, styles, toe ha.
orerger3 - 118 William , N.Y.
_pm SEA BATHING, Atlantic City,
JL N.J., (two and • bait boar. tide from Philr
delpWs) Inmors Gequented then any other piece in
the united Staten
lis bathing, nailing and fishing Wilkie, arm an
'sr pawed.
Be Hotels and Boarding iloneee, wittch atll 41400(tb .
modals about graven Thousand Ninon. ; are a. •ell
kept as Bane delusions and Newport,
tin Beach U nine Innis in inuntn, affording a ma;
taming day...whim this ectoroaphers of the piece ie Il•
snarksble for Its dry nor
The Neill are carried twice daily two and from
/Philadelphia. and a telegraph extends tn. ~Moir
length of the nod.
Train, of the Ormuten and Mantle Italimad !net
Tine Street Wharf, Philadelpirli, a; 7%.4. a. and 4 p;
at - Les,* Atlantic at 0:16 s. in. and 4:4S r.
tonne sixty miles. Beni PAC.'
kleglßßLN'ti itlidtel tastes) BOTPIL And. other .
bourn rum open- ' j•l4.Ati
rinnTrtm - IN'riTM . 7' 4- r'n
In Steam ana Atmospheric niumnins.
T EWERS PATENT wore granted on
11,4 Sept. lth, iseoy to Thaws
sunpu and eilloleat• fa l lm and AV
torapheito Ihrarratw, shah) the olts of the
hemmer la obtained, so salter what be the thlottone
W the maw d boa to be hanneered—thereby &Peet.
fns test Wham of-power where haze phone of
metal ere to be operated aro, and a comeepoodlog
The bora are owners Of odd Patent, owl an
dadropa of OWN dilate la wito hal Improvement,
a s
Ina is tertitory wader odd peteoti. *model of
aid lint•
.prer le left at the odhe crate., mae
well li.loidengg. arhrewp44 Law, torah of Groot
and 'Manhood streets, whee perdu intereeted way
all aud; wit, and tears oleo th e name of Same
halo So.' P.S.
WM" 81.414"*"121,11110:br
• . 6.
. -
Broadway, .11;ew Work.
&rani itidneed to 22 per Day.
E'111& UPI.NINO of thib va.taud
,lion. 110 tel, lo 18:4, It ty:s both thr .tattle
t , er of the 'proprietors to mike It the mat swap
ty, rentenient And oosnluitthle home for the cid
'''. lthd "MOPS' on this, old. of the Atlentle.
Aud eett•trver hoe seemed likely to ndmlnistet to
the comfort of Ue goats they lase. eudenvorrd, trlth.
ant regard to cook to ptorlde, sod to curablue all the
elements of .Indhrtilusa and eurtYL/ eblaltuent sth , th
modrrn 0,1 t,•• Invented, and motley u taste ityptevere,
sod tha patrol:Leg. which it tuts roraurandEld d.log
the owt six years I. • gratityleg proof that their eF
10.1. hark moo appreri•ted
t the ex:Kende. of tbe thoes, wybety all ore
the mutt rigid economy, the an .
12 V
Reduced tiro Pilo° et Sparc to Two
Donate per Day,
al the Mtme haw shathig 11 , Ele hi the lonlrloa with
which their table has bltbeito lure loppllerL
We itElMedillilb nnixlibothood or the /aides Hutteee
• aHarket, I bird and Cheetent etreets, the thinks,
1... et Office, alershente elichsuge, he.
Board per Day; $1 LfO
4ccraus4ation. adanz requiTed on the XIIILOPIAN
PL art. Roam from DO mats and upsoards,per Y.
and go:dad a riadrOiaso RaMount MUCUS!. to
rut ilann. /Nicer according to the Bill, of Are.
The City Oars tak• Paaseinigere Ira
Amy Sititioie TO or °COSY. TO t..
ear ICIIKIIab, moth, Owtm•o mid k.paulath poke
'mama ILEtabialla
single looms, Fifty Cents Per Day.
City nail Square, corner /Pram Mort ate
'Opposite City MIL] •
Heals, es they may he ordered, It the spacious lie•
lecioPy. There irw- Berber'. sbop cod Bath Itooms
attached - to - the Hotel.
N. B.—Beware of RIIIIIINO fa amid Nast.
ass, who my we are kit.
,'oe.l7:lyd a. Pit/NOIT, Proprietor,
'.stobris, tiangts, Stg,
.J It 100110
Duquesne Foundry,
Liberty at" near Outer Depot P•
. _
Alswafactorn MAURINE, UOT BLAST and.,,ROLle
BOXES, Ac— idsrsy• on blind sod for We low.
Wen left witb W. W. YOUNG. corm of Vei.od
street sod Diamond alley, will receive prompt &Men.
B IL A. 13 Ls E Y
Manufacture. e•ep variety of
&c. &o. &O
Solo Proprietor of the celebrated
Moe and palesßoom,
4 -.97° " wi r i g . rsargion, PA.
V .A L I, 14 Y. FOU .L. 7
Warehoome, No. 52 St. Clair at.
and Alt...ben thatea, Hollow Ware. ate.: Steal and
Utast! Moats, Rolling 11111(stings,511110essing,glaa,
Water and Artisan - Pipe, Bad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon
Buses, Sagas KeaLea, Panes., Dangers, Car Wheels,
Couplings, and Co•titig. hhhwhilY• Also, Jobbing and
blart.lne Castings toads to order. Patented Portable
mills, with ilthatii or florae Power. noltehtd
Vetolcum bz Grattion Ods
ii . utta .t kbalpaburg Matiott Allrghroy
002 atal Watoboata 9S ea•icitisr wratar,
hlauttfactarera of ILLUMINATINO AND LUDRI.
EXPLOWEVIt. 02;02ot! hamt. 0ct21.121 •
EL B. DAVIS, ProatlfoL
JOU 1!4 ICWIN, Jr., liecretory and Treasurer.
Ltizaaroaa—lL 11. p.n., T. 11. Hello, J. L. Orana.
ghat,. A. Oarnoroo, John Jr.
GI tight gravity, from the •en. of the company,
oriOik Crook, In Ve.oattg,n county, constantly oo bend
and Roma, .
OM. at T. 11. flevla A Co.'s.
iny4:l3.ln No. 116 Wood st..
1. R C1.11.1=C13 ON OIL.
(Quality Clastauterd.) PITTSBURGH, PA.
Airy/4r e r PAM and Eleueole constantly on hand.
Orden remised for the prwrent et 011 ASS, MATTO
00'S. Water and First sir. As. eiFltddm
Lubricating Oil,
por GALLON, oonatantly on bond and for sale
try S. 0.1 3. N. GA WYNN.
Al to tba quality, aro Mar to .11121011 cortlAudzi
Iltosnunan,Noo. 27,1850.
Meow IL O. /11 J. S. Bairn= Gordo—The Landes.
ting till ma aro galling from you ma Owl to lt,
bolt to pprpune Ora have soar mod.
4 Ton L )111. H. IL IL Oct.,
Ey Ws. Nom l'roWt.
ffi viturr TRESS,
A very lug. stock of choice Trees leced t mu*
sties to choose from, with every D i epeeearn t a u,n
to hove ever eat/rty true to new.
Of Apple akaoe we bare 176,M0-60,000 rf , which
are three You olds, 10 000 four year old Pear,lo,ooo'
two to three. year old. Peach, Plum, ar., • nue
itsnines--The twee to the nursery. Coll and
Woo them.
lIVIIKOKICISNiI from I to 8 feet, by the hundred,
ehes, also, 817ADIt IHHIt3 AND SWIM WHINY
• boleemle aud retell.
Addrom Pittsburgh and Oakland. Nurseries, Pitt.
burgh. Pa. seltl,d&art- 10!Iti 114000011,
keTOR.III Eu Leon romuTbd tram No. as filth
Pim , '
Your JMwr. font 1.11.11..1,
160 bbl 4. thoito.olocled Omen A pp1 , 6.
500 dry. usorrod lhowey Bro only
UN Wa•Pro KoservoUborso,
:6 00 Woole Petri 134.rch,
Ip sacks Moab) , recd,
10 ht..12.110 , 0rr, clear Mew ruk.
ZOO cas. Boob ?mho., for 0.1310) 000,
6 nag Ootoe Westboro,
5 bog. crab No.l Lord, ibr fondly 000,
Jag reorirod and for 46 FRANK VAN °ORDER
cell 114 13emod air
ISO outs !diddllugs,
7 100 do NabbannoUk Potatoes,
300 ,4%1 Pduea Albert do
100 barrels Roseate Appkw,
. do Marietta beset Potatoes.
16 Cabbala Ebeilbatk !Motor, Nuts,
6 barrels OraoJuntea'
Just recelreduud for ale by
JAB. A. 1617.E1t,
oda Demos MArket mad Sind weds.
Portraits ol distinguished
Just waved • largo and beneath:a mortmont of
cols R. }). DAVIS. OS Wood street.
J.: Jost received. w. prime sable of 'Med Corn
Jacob put op In 94 pound bun or for elk by the
t 1, 90).4 et the famlly Ureeery More of
oolD ~ 0 0r. Mott, gul Ilapd strairls.
BAhl5-30'hap White Seam for sale
by ea RUST 8.004W5.
pHOPU.S.a.Lz FOX. 101 Y B E
gliumisamma Gartamat's Orres, t
. Weehiugten, Jame 11, tool. J
Proposals me tented fvt Otto Idtuisaucg of Army
Gagnon* Wapner.
Prelemele abound Mate the 0/tae of *hi It they tett
he turetehat st the piece et nmoutmaitt, et. New
mk, I bdildelfdda beittunire, W ailithatuo, tat
drama, as preferred by the bidder&
The bomber which can tie toadish) any bidder
in oneisionth lifter receipt of the order. abo the nom,
her which he can deliver withist one week.
The Wagons moat exactly cents= to the 10110 Whig
sprollitattom, and to the eafstliehed petterne,
bin mute (covered) *attune; of tlie use audldiacrip.
dun as fuller& to win
lb. bout *Mels to be time tent tea inch:s high,
Oche tea b else. m dateeter, and fourteen end • goat.
tar Inch. long. bind wheels toot fiat tea lathes high,
hubiteueurl a qualm incht• in diametheand fourteen
and • quarter inches lot tr. Wheat*o end eball luchee
wide end two nod three quarter boohoo deem wit trail
piste beam twelve loehee lone, two 501 • half tech..
ni the hate end and elm and meets etalithe inch at
small wed; urn two and a be I loch.. ewe by fire.
tighibe of so inch thick, lea/coed with one screw belt
mid not in men faille; babe made of gnm, the epoiee
.cut fettle of the beat white conk, Ito. tram detecte,
mob sabot' Li hare • mud hand sod Ilachpin tend
two and three vim ter Woke. wide, of bead Iron.
Mid two driving band.—ehtelde bled Inc and quer._
ter loch by omennerter loon thick, meld, baud one
loch by three-sixteenths to thlcknewc the bind wheels ,
to be made end booed so that they will Momore from
the beside of the We to the large cod of the bra elk
mad a half Inches, and front wheelies, and one eighth
Inches in operant)! lino, and milt axle to be lbreoreet
eleven Cod elite. eighth inches from theuutelde of one
shoulder washer to the outside of the other, Dom to
have the waves all to track Ave feet Com centre to
centre of the wheels. a aletrees to he made of the,
beet quality reaped Atoesirsa Iron, two and • half
Mehra omen a. the shoulder, tapering down to one
ands half Inch fa We middle, with C mven eighths
loch Itlng.bqls bele la each exhume; washers and
linchpins for each asietioe; slave( ilmimi es euelnoh
wide, throo-eightbs of an lush OWL, with Whole In
week end. • wooden nook four Cod three-quarter Inch
es wide sod lone inches deep fattened substantially to
the moieties with clips on the ends and with two
bolts, xis Inches trout the middle, and fastened to the
bounds sod bolster, (the behiter to he kale feet five
Inches long. five bow* wide, mid three and a ball
deep,) with tour tiallduch bolts.
The tongue to ho tea feet eight In. has long, tour
inches wide and She.. inches thick Cl front end of
the bounds, aud two and • quarter inch.. wide by
two and threelliertir Judea deep at the front cod,
and no arrimged note Itit up, ,the treat end of It to
bang within two bet of the ground whoa We league
le standing Cl rent ori a level Sothic..
The front bounce to be six (tit two loam' lung,
three Inches thick, and lour inches wide over exletiee,
nod to retain that width to the [attend Matte tongue,
sweet the toOneela one loot •olgitt thence long and
thiee Indies equate it the trout end, with • Pao of
You two sod • halt inches wide DJ , elahtlis of
aiTTlich thick, fastened on top of the hounds over the
back end of the tongue with one half loch screw bolt
In each end, end • plate of iron c' the tame else tutu•
vd up at mob endues and • half Inches to clamp the
hoot hounds together and fastened tau the under
side and at front end Whetted*, with half Inch screw
colt through each humid, • Devi n eighth Inch bolt
through tongue and hounds. to the maitre of Jaws, to
secure the tongue In the hound.; s plate of lion throe
Inches wide, euegruirter loch thick, and one feet
eight Inches long, memnest on t h e Melds of Jaws of
hounds with. two ATMs, and • plate. of the saute
meutiom on each aide of the ts.ague, where the tongue
and bounds run together, secured In like msnom, a
brace of eeveneightbs el an inch round lam td es
tend from under the trout azletrensud take two bolts
In trout part of the founds, name brace ihree-quar
woe of an Inch round to continue to toe back part of
the .gouda, and to be Intoned •ItEt two bolt*, one
near the hack end of the henna, end one through the
elides sad boandr, • brace over front bolster one and
• hall loch wide, one quarter of no loch thick, with
s colt In each end to fasten it to the hounds; the
°petting be-twien the Jaws et the Moulds, to remdm
um tongue, and four and thieequatter Inches In ,
Went, and fear mod a half imbes et the back part of
the Am,.
The blod hounds four feet twin Inches long, two and
thretnemarter inches thick, end three Inches wide,
laws eon foot long where they clasp the coupling pole,
the bolter tour feet five Mane long, and five niches
wide, by three Inch.. deep, with ready iron two sod
a hell Miles wide, by one-half Inch thick, turned up
two and • half tights and fastened on each end with
them Mee; the heeler Mocks and hounds to be so-
:need with lour half inch bolts, cud Ono half
inch weer bolt through the coupling, pole.
The coupling pole Mae feet eight inches long, three
Inched deep. and four and • halt imbed wide .t trout
end, and two and thmerqg trier limbos wide at back
end; deem% from the centre of hien 101 l bole to the
centre of the Leek axleiree six eel ace inch, and
tram tbo centre el flog-bolt bele to the centre of the
mortice to the hied tad el the pole stunt loot aloe
Indus:kingbolt ow, and • qterter leCluit dieuteb r,
01 heat 10110.4 11 . 04;0000o 110011 to &seen-eighths ail
au loch when It poem thy °ugh lbe iron sitetreu
iron plate sin meta. Wog. three Inchte wide, mad one,
eighth of an tarn thick en the ...oublatose mut tongue
store they rub together, iron pate cue and • hal, by
outequatbr of •u loch en the sliding bar, Unwed at
cud by • wt. w bolt ttiehugh the boatels; front
whiter to bele plates wove and below eleven turtls
lung, an. and • tali Inches wide, and three &elite.,
at an loch thlCk, Cotten drewu out and turned down
on the woos ut the , ouster, with a hell it each coo
per, and lour countemunk Dells on the top; two mode
on the hind bountAt, Leonid two and a halt inches
wide, of No. 11l band Iron; rob rhon on the retip
ling pole to to nigh. inchee loud, rote end three-quar
ters niche, aide, cod oue quarter of an inch thee.
Donbletree three fret ten Inches Mug, tlngletr.t t.
feet eight Inches bug, all well nowt, el htskety, eith
au Iron ring and clip stench ens, thereon° ado to be
well encored; Imo bar end stretcher to be tiered hot
two web. (hog, two and it guide. filches 0100>04
00 sod • quarter tie* thick. Leal herr, etrelcarers,
0 aid • aloglearere ler ills•thille keen the too alugleireee
for the imd mutes to have book. to the noddle to
took to the and Let the 111th chain, the wheel endotid•
Ole palm with open riogs te attach them to the dwite
tetra, and lead bar.
The hills chain to be ten feet long to the fork: the
fork one foot tee incline long, with the Wretcter cc.
gaoled to spread the fork. apart; the links of the
doublet..., Ea, and Winona •eltalos, three eighths of
en inch lu diameter; the forked chat. emenalatecath
loch audiometer; the 111th them to be seem sixteenth
inch atantetet tonne fork; the folk to ue 6 viesixteenth
loch doureeterithe Hole of theeeand of the loch chains
to be not mere than two nod • clearer ittrbee long.
' The oody to he stealght, three rftg 6 Mabee wide,
two feet deep, ten teat beget the bettain, and tell feat
oi inches no the top, eloping equally weal eua
In the clear or to dr; the her, pleaea to betea dud •
nab inched Wide, sod three tech. deep; treat Pieces
two Itches deep by two and • belt lochs. Ind..; toil
picot, two mid • half iodise wide end three niche.
.1%;.; mod four inch. deep In the rolorile direst on the
coupling pee, tap mall one and • half halt thick by
one and menu eighth loch wide: lower rate one moo
thick by 'cue eau seeedelglith Inch whet three elude
sod Ono ref 111 front. with a amt on steep binge. to
okra a op pa high /Le Ihiaidotr, • boa Muse hat bar
loam loop: the helium five lath. eltle trout sok,
nine and • hair inch% deep, nod eight and a built:eh.
at toe top In penile! line to tie body oil In the clew,
to be substantially twined in the front fool of the
body, to hove en iron strap passing Mod tech end,
encored to the head piece and bent rail by a rivet In
each end of It paaamg throit,h them, the Ha to he
Instated to the mot rail with two good Wisp hinges,
scrap of flee-eighth Iron round the box a had loch
from the top edge, aid two atm. game else on the lid
near the front edge, to prevent the mule, trout Wing
the bexerx to ham • joint heap tattooed to the middle
Si th. Ild, with &good wooden cleat on the hutch% •
steep of iron on the contra of the box with a staple
pawn, through It, to eaten the lid in; eight etude
and two Mlle on each side; one bolster festered to the
body, six Inches deep and four embed wide at king
bolt bole, Iron rod In (root and Cantle. of algetedeli-
Weddle of ao loch round Iron, with • head op the top
of rail .04 nut oh lower iron owl and brace te
bled, with shoulders on top of tall piece, and nut, on
the cud.- elder end • hut un top ut Mil; • plataxtwo
and &bell male wide, of No. 10 band lion on tail
piece, owes the body; two morikes ill tall puce, and
hind her two end a quarter Inches wide and one loch
thick, 10 mad. Wow, three feet Mar tnohee long, to
be need a. banes. bearer; four rivets through each
side stud, and two rivet, through ,sub front Nand, to
%cute the holog beards, to be of the beet quality Iron.
and sleeted on *good bur; emptiest through each end
of the rail.; floor byeeighths of an loch oak. Loards
tides five eighth. of en Inch white pew, tall board
three Quantn of an inch thick, of white pine to be
well cleated with live Oat dente riveted at each end
throne% the tall board; en from plats Mire feet eight
inch. bog, two and squatter lathes wide, cad then.
elghthe 01 an loch title& on the order tido of the bed
pia.. to extend from the hind end of the tody to eight
Inches In front el the clad teeter., to be fastened by
the rod st the awl of the body, by-the lateral rod and
two threeeighthe Wen Inch -Reny bolt; one et tie
human end of the plate,and the. other about equi•
distant between It and the lateral Tod. A half-inch
round Iron rod or bolt to peed dtogonally through the
I rolls. between the two hind studs to and thrOngh the
bed piece and plate tinder It, with bead on the
top and tint and ease at Use bottom, tribe at the top
One bat aix Inches Irma molded tail board, and on
the bottom tan Inchon from the hind net An Woo
clamp two Inches wide, one quarter of en loch thick
around the bed them, the cult.. bolt to which the
look chain is attached paudog through 11, to extend
Neel. inane* on the Ituude of the body, the mile, top
and bottoes to be secured by. two threeedglith
inch screw bolo, the Middle bar at, the ends lobe
flash with the bed piece on the lower able. Two lock
chants seamed to the cams hlt ml the body one
and eleven Inches, the other two ford six Moho
haw, to Leof three,lghthaol an Inch bled
trough to be lour feet Minch% loon loom out to out,
the bottom and ends of oak, the aids of yellow pine,
to eight lechee wide at bottom, twee. lathe. *hie
el top, sod eight and a half lathe. deep millet the
deer, well lipped. with a bane of hoop Iron around the
top, Ono erected each end and three between the rode,
wrong and mutable Irons to eaten themes, the buoy
*ban feeding; good etroog chains_ to he attached to
the top raft of the body, steamed 0y a etapie With •
honk to attach It to, the trough ~Oix Wee el good
soh, two melee wide and onotodf inch thick, with
three ,tiptoe to 'cantina - the ridge pole to its place;
two staples Mt the bo y,ki oscura each one of the
bower one tidg•pple foot long , ore and three
quieten lathes wide by 11.0 nights of an inch thick;
, the ower to hoof the Lint quality cotton duck '
Moen feet loos moll nine feet eight Molen wide, made
In the Ertl manner, - With tette letup cords on each
elde, and one tluoagheaCh end to close It at both endet
two rings 4.11 each owl ut the lady, t /atm and %core
the ends of the cover ; • staploth.the lower ndl,neer
the second stud hoof each end, to hetet' ttmeldecordk
The cabbie of the body and Led trough to have two
good meted white leed,colored Ida blue lint, the bur
tido of them Whale two ousts of emotion red pstnt;
the 'tinning gear' end wheels to have tWo gem coats
of venetian rod darkened - of *chocolate color, ilk tilt.
and Utiles to be piloted, instead of painted, If ne
genre& .
- • - . • -
A tar pot, an extra king lalt, end two extra single.
trees to be bartabihad with each wagon, the king bolt
and 1100184feea similar in all reopens to those be.
longing to it.
limb gide of tba body of the wagon to be marked V.
B, and numbered •directed ;All other pars b.
haired U. • the career, feed bor. bolts, linebpagg,
gulp* and ba;mis Manua for eech wagon to be pat
in a strong box, (eoopered,) and the contents larked
It Is to be guabactly understood that the wagons are
to beso constracted that the smug pate of any one
wagon will Km and erectly A. throe of any othar,se
al to remake no numbering or • arranging for putting
together, and all the sastertid need Ihr CtiairOOMlTUa
UFO 10 be Of PM bs, quailis theinraithorasato
anew.% and' the work in all us ?Sits talthially ale
suiel m the test workmanlike m.naer•
The wart may to tn•peeted ltdat time to lima am it
pt..lgte , asti by an Wilier or neat of the Qttarterineat.
mpsrtreent, and noav or ithhall be painted unill •
it shall have been thrpoctod sat approved by roil aF
6.x ar s jent wtbocitwt to inspect it. • Whoa. Waned,
•pstolal and accepted be so ofliavr or agent of the
Quarterntuter's Department, and sa ltelaln
agreed. they shall hepaid lor. IL 0. HMOS,
eeitti Quarteembater General U. S.
kturusei3O nut AtistY WAuuN
Comer Hcoard and Mercer
Now Tomas August 8,1861. f
ParPOtilla will be received atthls office for Mullah.
lag, by contract, Army Wagon Dames:
The shoed state the price at which they
can be ferule/yid at the plate* of manufecture and
toe poke at which the) can be deliver.' at this de•
pot, the number which can be made by the bidder
wiuiln Ole Month after receipt of the order; mho the
number which he can deliver within one west.
The haulms mast azartly melon" to the blloWing
specification. and to the ernatollsbed patterns:
PLur mule harems a. ,to Wit:
Two Qatiore.—Break strap. 8 feel 6 Inchon long, 3%
Inches. ride ' seawater!!! 14-inch ringed %Mete bon:
hip strobe S 11 inches long, 51%Ilichte wide.stay
paroles 2 leer Wog, 2,4 lichee wide: with 3 4 IN*
buckler, cross arrays to hackie Into *thy picots, 6 1
feet long, 1% took wide: side straps 4 feat loug ;n l a %
loch while he steeps lb lochs. brag, % loc.h
tapering to • point.
Two Bell) Banda Long side two feet 3 brine long, 3
Whim wide, with a two huh bookie, Abort side 1 foot
imhee long sad 2 'mho@ wide.
,Two flair (bliare. 18 to 19 inches bang, with doable
drupe sod Safe leathers and Markle" Minch wide.
Two Pair of Strong Dames to suit, made of white 'oak
root, brined with hooks, breast flogs 1% loch
emus, staples and line tinge
Two Pair of name Bleep.; Lower one 5 feet 6 inches
bog, Sea inch *Ma; upper coed feet 6 inches king.%
loch wide.
Two Bridles. Crown place 2 feet long, 1% loch whir,
cheek Mecca each 10 timbes bog, 1%, Inch wide; hoot
piece 11% team long, 1% Web wide, stay pieces,
wool bifida to crown Mace, 161echeilong, I% loth
wide; nude piece 11 maim long,' inch wide; blade
6 inches bog, 614 inches wide; reins, bog side 4 feet
long, I inch wide; dent side 2 Met 1003.1 inch wide,
with 1 inch buckle; bold, tinned mulles, to weigh
lbs to the dome.
Two Pair Chain Pliwa,2 feet lane, 2} 'lichee wide.
Two Pair Trace Chaine,l feet long, billets to th.leot,
of tie 3 boa. with T u one sod, weight 7% to 8 Itoe
per pair. Twisted or eta sight.
tine P.N . of Breast Chaim, 53 loch long, 14 Ural to
theloot, of No 3 iron. 'Twisted.
Two Neck Btrape, 8 feet 1 inch bog, 2% behove wide,
with 2% inch bookie.
Two Neck Obeli's, 4 NM 6 inch,. bog, 14 links to the
Soot, No 4 loon, T sad loop to be riveted on to the
nook strap. Twisted.
Otie !Saddle, made on Attekapas tree, head, gullet
and cantle, ironed. covered In the usual way with
heittanued harm bide; ilma ea inches long, 16
inches wide; sorcingle 7 Met 8 loch,. long, 2g
inches wide, with • 2% loch buckle on one end, to ,
be hffiteeed to the Beadle by being riveted to two
curved strap. 114 Itch wider, these etram are pliteed
one on each side attic amble tree, one and b tied to
the front part of the bar, be other end to the ex-
Cession of thanes behind the cantle, Bpatdah middle
&Wan; itimip leathers 4 bet 7 Inches long, 1%
Inch wide, with 1% Inch bookie:stirrups, malleable
iroo, tinned, holt eyepattern, to weigh 13% Be
Coyest pair. .
Two OoHats, 11%1418 Inches loos, made tho um* es
for wheel basses.
Two Pelf of Items to mil, of the isms material se for
wheel harries, booed, with hoot.; breast 'loge nod
floe flops, with strap a lo wheel harness.
Two Bridles, saute tka for •twel bunest.
Two Nect &rape and Obalos, samosa for wheal! barn -
TWo Belly Banes, 0 0
Two Pair Clods Pipet,
Two Pair True Chains, " to
Two Cropper" and Dip ell ape. Back strap 6 foal tooth
tigerish from 3 Inches to 2% inches wlcts. - Ittp
Straps each beet 4 Inches long, 14 loch wide, each
with a hook at one moll •
Two Back Band; 3 het 4 inches long, 344 litchi. wide.
Two IderAuttalea, 4 feet bog, 1% loch wide, to bottle
Into the tat.
OnsPoupting Slrep,6 feet 6 inches 10ng,% inch nib.
One Moot !Lein, 4, feet long,l Inch wide, to buckle
into the bit et watt end, with • rises . sewed In
thb antics to castles the lead line.
O. Lead aloe, 21 feet tong. % inch nide, with a
bora le at oue sad, and an b lush bop at the other.
One ia hip, bees, plaited bone hid. 6 het 6 loch.
Oue Zone Snub, evil, of brbtleo, by Inches.
tine Corry Comb, No. BM--8 bar.
The wbole 10 Mi peeked lo a box about 18 lbohee
wide, t 7 loans deep, 34 loam long, mod* of thaeb
etaff, rootireci,wouu hoop. or fro. se may be required.
Pour 11 tam Norneas, m whom,. to 010
Two Quit.. Breech strape3 het 8 inches long, 834
inches wide, sewed into 44neti clap of % inch iron
hip serape 4 feel tong, g inches wider, nay pieces
feet 2 inch , . long. 8 loam wide, with lyfi inch
bookie.; crow shape co lineal. into .lay pl,cee 6 lest
long. 1% loch wide, side straps fi feet 6 inches long,
14 it.ti wide; tie stripe: 18 inches long, 1% loch
wide, tapering to • point.
Two Belly hand. Long olds 2 lest 4 tothss long, 2
suction, wide, with • 9 Inch bottlec short side Hoot
es itch. Wog and g lathes wider,
Haar Wier. T/ to =lnches looyg. With double
Craps sod seta leattleto sad buckles % loch Wide.
Two Pair of bUraft Hamel Sault. MO. Of white oak
roo., wowed with hook., breast rings 1% incluqoarik
mutes.= hoe ring..
Two Pek ot Hausa ctsaps. Lower one 61.. t 0 lack.
lona, 14 loch wiee., Upper 00. 4 feet 6 inches long.
% tuck voids of atom canoed leather.
I . llu Bridles. brow. place 2 tee% 2 Inches lug. 1%
tub wider, cheek pieces each 10 indite loos, 1% loch
wide; front piece 12% butler bog, u 1% loch wide;
stay piece., hoot blinds to ewers piece% 18 Inches
tong, 1% inch 014.4 woe piece 12 inches bog, 1
lath Ede; bibd(6 irwhea loos.° 'ochre widecretaa,
bog aide 4 feet 2 intim long, 1 Inch veld...bort Nide
2 bet lug, 1 lock Wide. With 1 loch buckle; bills,
tinned Tenon. to weigh 6 A. .the doceo.
Two lib. Obeli Pipes, 2 feet 0 inches long, 2% loch..
wide. •
Two rah . Trace Chola; 7 feet long, 14 links to Melon,
of No 11ron, iodated or et:tight, with Too one and,
weight 9 be per
Ohs pair Cl Brevet Clinton, 2B inches long, 14 links to
the fut. of No iron, twisted.
Two Neck btrapa, 9 feet 6 inches 10ng,2% inches wide.
with 2% loch buckle.
Two Neck Cheine,4 feed 6 Inch.. long, 14 ilislus to the
foot.; twisted No47Nso,T awl Iry be rtreted on
to the oeck stratigywivel lo the n.
0.0 Saddle, osede od'Attakepee tree. used, gullet and
cantle booed. covered •1n the mod way with half.
Thud horse hide; flap. 20 lock.. long, 16 lushes
widr4sorcingle 7 teat b inches long, 2%lochee wide,
with a 234 loch buckle on oneend, to be fastened to
the saddle by being riveted to two carved atraper,l%
lock 014.1 thaw camps are plat:redo= on each vide
os the addle-tree, one rod le tied to the hour pert TI
the bar, the other end to the extestalam of the bar
behind the apeoish saddle fashion; eilrrup
leatherw4 feet? inches long, 1% Inch Wide, With 1%
lock book* entraps, malleable how, Toned, bolt
eye potion:l, to Weigh 1834 Vie to • doom pair.
Two Bridlecnnie se for wheel humus.
Two Maus.= to WI Inches long, made the Tau u
for wheel karma,.
Two Pair of Humes to Dolt, of same =Medal ea far
wheel barrows, ironed, with hooka, bruit ring* and
line dogs, With straps ulo wheel isarnewt.
Two Neck !Kreps and Cillairia, same no Inc wheal her
Two Belly Banda, mama oo be wheel Menem
Two Pair Chain Pipe, mama le far wheel banes.
Two Pair Trace Maine, MEW se Or wheel harness.
Two Cruppers and Hip Strap.. Back amp bir th long,
tapering Irons 11X, inches to Ninth,. wide. Hip
&rape with backleepacti Wm 8 Inches tong, 134
inch wide, with wrought hook..
Two Back Banda, 8 heel lathes loot, IN inches wide.
Two Martingales, d rest long, 1% look wide, to bookie
loth the bit.
Owe Coupling Strap, 6 feel 6 lathes long,lX loch wide.
One Check nein, 4 feet 1 , Loth long. 1 Inon:witle, to
buckle into the bit et cash and, with a rlngeewed
in the center to receive the lead line.
Oa Lead Iduq 11 feet long, yj inch wide with a
bottle at one end, and an 8 loch loop at die ether.
One Nail% limey platted horse hide, 6 feet 6 Inches
One Love Artiste, oval, of bristles, by Inches.
One Curry Oomb, No 212-8 her.
The wbole to too pecked Ina bog about 41 Inches
wide, to limbos dap, 84 inched bog, made of 1 loch
On it,thopered, Wood bootie or iron mammy be reqaired.
The whole to be made of the brit materiel, sewing
to be made with good waxed thread, and subject to
Inspection during the pivotal 34 manatee-Mrs sea also
when finished.
When 6 horse herniae is rev:deed, Melted collo;
bridles. Muses, neck atrilimbelly bands, °bath pipes,
trace chain, cropper and hip straps, beck bolds sad
coupling strspe an doublet one bearing chain 3 feet
long, 14 links lotto loot,olNo 4 iron, with a Ton each
ova added; and lead line to 1.*30 fat tomb
The whole to boom& of the best material. wen to
be made with good waled thread, and subject to toe
epotfon during the promo of meonfiterom and also
when fobbed.
When 6 mule harnemb required, Oth lead col tars,
bridles, booth, neck straps, belly bands, chain pipsk
Uses amino, cropper and hip straps, lock baud.; and
coupling straps are doubled nee bearing chain 9 feat
long 14 links the hog of Not iron, with a , ..4 on
each end added; and lead Hie to be 93 feet long.
Prop:web will also be received for ;making aid de.
Loot leg ambulance harms for two or tour mole Or
home touns—a verification ol which Till be hereafter
'Porno of prodigal and gurrantes Mil be tonlibrd
upon epplicallon to this cake, and nods will be tom
odered that do not contorts' thereto. -
Tbe priellege Is reserved try-and for the Dined
States of rejecting any proposals that may be deemed
Propose's will be Maned on the envelope Mar
eh* them, "Pteposala for furablibig May. WWII
end A mboleuto Ilartiem,° and Wrestled to '
Major D. H. VINTON,
Quertermaltar 13.8. Army.
125 00 4 -04 /r gout frit end Cuban typr.
150 bourn 10, 0. and 100 Lynchburg. Vs., gnbacch,
100 bbh. 11-11 nod Supr.
COO bilge .. L. °ogee.
40 Dbl.. Pon4nyiranin Syrup,
for We hy 411111.1V11L it DILWOWYII,
U 1 Second Evert.
ts tads. choke, Grow Apploi, •
10 do Sweet thdor
10 kip' primoLealliird,
4 bbls. fitok Raj.
3 .do packed Ilutter,
1c atom and lot ode by 1111 LP t BLISPAItD.
ocll 943 Mort, Mast
VENTUOILY FLOUR.-0150 barrels
.13k obeli* wens Wheat lieaT Moor. to otoll.: 13
&airing per Peatuoylvonto Aailnsd. for by •
we N 0.253 Liberty arse; now hood of Woo&
UP 4 bbli. Ogrott Ofdsr,
21. wigs Cilia Chars.
' L. a. TONT tOO
ourroan or num—ruriitri
ON and after facerjrark
eee the Mb, 1881,
J vsill ha ttus Daps, ot•the Pearaihazna nahroad, In
Plts WO, as follows:
putousyn. etkontess and Sleet, Lie%
Lio stump el Lars bstwato.Plltaborih:aad Citschusath
Leann Arrival at *rem at Anita@ at lethal at
00L'ItIr8 1111YAIN/LlB et LOU)8
1216 ain 11:38 •In 4.10 pas
1210 p &B pm ZOO • m
Tile route ts aboster to Catinnatt Lamina* Oa
local amend all points 80011, than at!: other root
Splaidld 81= attached to all Night Team
• mai. Wheelie/ Leon
Leeeis Artless at /intent at Miss at Arches at
1Y36 m Liel •en 1:67 a m 4.93 •in IV •la
Garb • irk Tafr • so 11:19 • re MO • ia KM • Ire
1210 pm 2.1.6. p m.tIL p ma .210. p No" 4.90 p
4.110 pm 216 p ler *Si p s. ....
The 12.21 A. ie. end 1210 fr. W. Trains mina % TM
Snake of 0.0. R. FL for Zaserrill• Laarreparer 20.
The 411.12) p. m.Truitt aria et .11 etralos• berrel•al
Boca.bee aci Wellarllle,
I firrerwph sad anciaal Lars.
. Arrives
&bet P.
1210 P. t.
The rtal a. m- title 8011110(41 at Sayord tor New
rhttedeipitti sad Motione oa the TUICIIIIMIS Branch.
Paserogers &MOM' to go to /Modesty, Toledo,
Ohlago.or point' Wert, Ma COl:metals], mast M par-
Molar to KM for Tickets via Olereiand.
Moo& Tkkela an be preeand at the Mate
Stow Depot, Pitutettith
/OW% EiTlWlll;l3oket Apat
For farther aformatioa apply to
WILLIAM rtswaar, &pot,
At the Oompaity'a Meth Its'Ott:Mittel:lj Paha et
W. 11. MYNAS, Chanel Ticket Aiest,
tnevelsnA. Obis
I be 11 -bummer Arrangemrrit...lll6l
SIAIL TRAIN • lanai the r MallionAma
mernlag (B.lo.olBcaday)MA.lo Aar. MowlAsmillAt.
Witt* outtozup, eoualcOng at Darriaborg 'MAMMA
ANNA lor Baltlioors, wad errtdog In YhtlediAphisAl
103 A m
inivithotou lIIP6IIIIB,TRAIN Imam daly at
1$ a. R., .lopping call a& plactiail dation.. inakiag
dlact tuoatetioo at Harriaborg for Ita ltlnaora. apa sr.
ring lal PloWlalptda or Baltlolorkat Ludt. a..
TUB PIOT LINE lama ana Station adis.oiscavi
Soudan at 4:90 T. at, stopping only at Grmastarg,
Latrobe, Joist...lowa, Wllltoore, Aalllren, *Moak
sad arealna lo Proladelphla at , ,
. .
lotinaccoeu accommodsUon. Train twee
(except 'Sands, ) at/60 r, r , stopping at all 'Whey
sad tossing as tar as Coserosugh. . ,
/Int tcconsmodation Train for Wall% Station . louse
6107 (wept Sunday) at 440 a. 0.
Ostend Locommodation Train tot Well's Blotto.
lams salt (except finnflay3 at 11:00 a. a.
Third Aadnuneletlon Train for Wall% Ration loamy
doll (wept Bonday) at 4.10 r. et„ „ .
'earth Aftommosistlori Train tor, Well% Malin
leaves delis OttorPt Sunday) at OM P.L. •
11=TM," so rittakargA fellatio
11 Ora: k4a14,71404 st; SW, Llaa.ltlo t
a. 4.; ,0. - ModsUoni 1140 I. at: Mat .'
WAWA Vaasa Accrnaciodeuim; ;a4O a. itd Dowel
WWI. Illation Anocsunoilailou, A. !Wel;
Walhe' Btatlma icanartioditlon. IA& a . K:
Wall% &WOE AtocaninandlteiolS7.ll. -
Trains lb( Otatordllii and radlanaotaaelt
vine Utterer:tin with Joharlown AcoomalCdaties Wad
Nor. trails pat and Wort. and .11th Pat lirrelabt
,text ro
?Mahwah a Trains, stoildeg all al*
station. ea Cho Mbar& & (kumellaville Road, lave%
Alll7 (SandAy Viestled) AA follows
A. /14 lispress Tinto. r. st. Iledarallsit-Train&
from hileburgh A Connallarlllo Wed., ardes si Pnte.
band/al:de a.m. and ell Y.)ft. -
Thatrsmallagppabllowlldud It grieUy to that WV
tact, to going lett or Watt, to UAW bj the Penn.
sylvanis galtroad, as the acrommodatioas now sacred
cannot bt ed on any other runts.., The. load Is
ballasted atone and la Withal, hie from dot. , We
coo promise safety, loped tomfcrt to all who may
Over Mt Bose with their piths. age
WIT. o.
Philiettelphis ..-- 10 001 Laticastar—.— 11 lit
. I
Saone Checked to all W
Statham on this Penis. .
-rose sad to Philadelph la, Baltimore sad Slew York. •
raerenutra patrolmen& tickets In oars 'IIII ho chug.-
ad ea mew aremsdlag to Mamma, Imola la sddlUon
to the stallOs net., arcapt from Stations whets the
Company his no agent.
ROTIULrIn cam of loss, Um Compaq will hold
thawed'sa respontible for personal baggage oily,
sad for an *mount cot *reeding 111.101.
R. 8.--Au Cannock Lino has bean sato loyad
mural busengars and Baggage On and Comilla Dopot. ,
st cloinc not to exceed at cents Pm each pawnor
lfre b t
and n
ae t. apply to J. OTIOWAIW, Agent;
at the P. a. 11 Pasaanger Beat a, on LlhattratiO
Omni a .
IMPORTANT. -ell per
woe posehasios ttelo to for
Joseph and other ponds In Northern hinsahrl; ths
State of Kansas, or the- Territories, stioold fasksi on A ,
haring tkirsta that read by the
The only rail ronie.froni it. Lout' to Bt. Joseph. it is
the abate.' and quickest, line, by thirteen hoc" to
the recruited point matted by rail, and is always aa
cheap as soy tuber.
buy your tickets to Kansas and ellpolute In youth.
ern lidisconri by the North lithaouri Railroad.
liiiiao U. bTUKt{tOF,
President and Oriel Sopt. of the North 1111nouri 0. R.
UINtcY H. SIMMONS. Alton'. aellbratios
No. 63 Fourth &root.
O'CLOCK, LW on WOneaday and !Wards,
...loop, from My Arm to Nom:am Int, Aram T tm
I °Polack; mot from Blovine.ber knit to May ankh=
6 to 8 dokok. •
Deposita received of all mine nct lam Oust elm
.end • &tided of the profits declared Mee
a ear,la Juno sad December. lutenist has been:
dedand eembannually, In June sad December, dace
the Dank was organised, at the rate arida per cent.
MMO, If not . dawn oat, is - placed to taw arevitt el
the eepodtona prlntirtal,and beerethe same Interest
Isom tki. Ord Says of inns sad December • Oanycenktlap
tidos a year without troubling the &madam to call
or nen to prveont ha paw Gam. At this rate, mony .
will doable la toe than lS years, =bails the empt.
gate AMR ODOM !WI PAO WWI 1111111.
Soomitut Obtain, arta" Ulm all
taed drat* on applkatios ata the
William J. Andumm
[IM tinnyln.
Benjamin L.
B 0 P•woll lloPhyro.
AMMO Beedinam .
John 0. Backohm.
Georg* Mach,
Alonzo A. Oanimr,
WlW.m Dotter,
John Beans;
• John Miaow
Wuu.mB arm.
Pear B. Bank.,
klehmO Bay% • .
Milian S. Laroli.
Burst/My mai *mar •
latilearT •
Aimee IL
law M. Pecaeok.
A. M. Mica, M. D.
ots AM Do ON
Jolps D.- kcluAlue
Pew A. Molars,
Jolla H. Kollar,
Jams McAuley,
John Manhall.
Mahar P
n . Momiseli.
Joh' O,
Deut7 lAMigeralt.
Jobs hoeutorger.
Alidlec Speer:
1111 1111.11thmerts
MAO= Wager.
' ALM 4 cozros,
200 DOW Nos Luis 11801CUILL;
ON) do* No Y do do
&V 6666 E Large Wotan%
100 bbla No/ Itottior,
06 Jo Itottlatore do '
111 do do Milk \
100 Ittbbls Lake Meth% •
60 do Whitt Slab—ea condppAiant lot
este st Mutant preset SI
_• JOHN 1. u,Arties 004
sated oor. litelth6ol4 and Water sts.. Potabooth. Pa
tor lIId Mule. N.O. Bogen •
60 bbla Etathud Sugar;
600' prima Plantation Dolour
100 rooted brands Wow,
pol bogs RlO Callao -
90 pocket Jane:dee;
100 bozos mortal breads Tobacoor,
150 kid oblita Young Dieoo,aao Black Seas
60 tatty boxer. do .300 do do
60,60ree Soda Bow?
Derma 11 ,, ,,0p;
116 o Olean do
64 iiralead Chladi•
al " Btu? do .
aoo bbl. %era Imo Notre Itstaitypoo".:
In Moro and eels by -
1011:dtt ATWDLL. UR A CM.
INDIA RUSBNR ournittio.,-.Tues
retalval a larks Ripply of Cate, Dan* Soots art
Laub*, allt6dt will be sold at of
to mat oho
times. at the ludla Bobber Depot of
J. a D.
ccgi . Nos.= and 26 Bt. Olate streel.
A., 9 kip prima Ckrantry Lard.
2 Obis. Ilrustpsi Brand Itimobly Mau.
In aeon szail byr We by IL MONT 00:
RAISINi,—.44O : t otes Bunch
. ,
100 qr do do
/tut received and for age by ! RIMIER a Sao&
(TORN MEAL-75 bus. - troth' ground
Clorn Meal jag received sod far nida
cad Corner Warted and Mud West :"
Itoolll MIRN BRUSII---3 tons of
jur Noperior 'Akio of fAilo lino& for ode bY
MINIM If. comm.
L b IizEINZRS-5 0380 cheap Paint
L for oil barna. =Wag Mem rffirstly UAL
for Bah by - [.e141 )1111111T H. OOLLIBY.
OLAEWSS.-350 New
Orie4ol Mohasco to atm and tar We .
QWEST_TOTATONS-60 bbla. Mari.
A 7 alto direst Potatoes jag resolved and ka. sale itky
JAIL A. inn;
Owner Market •• ihal stesolls. _
DAltillsiti AND tiLAZ 0 inall its
ii batachis dope at Own notice, by
.o! J. t 11.-PIZILLEPIL
11 - .1M11.-150'bbla, fresh lust reosive4
eigtotiskit-14.11 au,arn.osaass.