The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 01, 1861, Image 3

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    Viffsbur t tij Okette.
•4; . .r 1 - 4; r
MirzoioLoc!ce.t. Olisersstroas for Or' Grs..,
zette i by G. E. Sha , r, neir.n, street
--corrected daily: - _
6 : 6'416.111. a. .
12 s.
BUOMOtilf . .....
latetrlet Coannliteesiror the Collection of
ammonite (arena Army.
Mr. Jacob.Glonser, Government Agent op.
pointed to soperintend,the collection of blank.
ets, etc., for the soldiers, Lai alter due consul:
; Mien
-with many friends of the movement,
selected the following ladies - , ai committees in
the different townships and borough'. The
subscription Boois a s will be sent to them en soon
as passible. In the meantime they can organ
ice their Societies, appoint as many assistanti
es they may deem advisable, and collect
immediately as many blankest, gc , as — pciamble.
They swill-please to give their pont office ad
; dress. Goods can be sent to the Custom
. Booze, to care of Capt. C: W. Batchelor. All
communications should be addressed to Jacob
; Gleaner, No. 6S 4th street, Pittsburgh.
The District committees are as follows
. natorallB.
• thrmisplow,..l.l.l - James Ds!sell, Mr.. Catharine
Zimmerman. Mrs. lialhthory. •
• Eau Birminpham-Mrs. Christian Ihmeon, Mrs.
John Caw,
.oagussae-Mrs. Barnes% Bird, Mn. Moot.
I,44..miteertUe -Mrs, Jame, Reed, Mew Snowden,
Mrs. Rallied Biddle.
Alen. !Back, Mr.. D. N. White,
Mn. Jams Wardrup.
Sksepsisny.-Mm. Fred. Collier, Mrs. James Lewis,
Mr.. Liss Clark. •
• JteKeeessrrt...Mrs. D Woods, Mrs. Dr. Huey, Miss
: M. hlcKlastry .
• , South tittsirurph-M,.. Alex. Chambers, Mr.. Evan
' Dar* Mr. Job, ETU/.
Ellaaaitll-Mrs. B. M. Kerr, Mrs. J. B. McGrew,
Mrs A. E. Lynch.
Monaloas-Mr. Ceo, Morrison, Mr.. W. V. Event,
Mrs:l4v. Timmons.
! Visnlel--1116ere Sarah No - gee. Bennie Walker,
. Mary MeDespatch. •
, Als.trAarter -Mts. Toirownd, Mr.. John Sampson,
= Mrs. husk smite._
ita. •
7 asperesacco.l24-Mrs. N. EaDentine . Mrs Dr. Plow-.
, era, MW Mary Wir
Ihmowynkela-lirrs. Bkhard reny,Mrs. John Boo t h.
. - • , rs.
• PheliceL.lit precinct: M re.• C. W. Batchelor, Mix
Gio. aL Berry, Mrs. Edw. Balm; 2d proctors: Mrs.
' Marty Woods, Mra. DMA. Smith.
: • Maisie-Mrs. Robert Finney, Miss Lwina Gordon,
Mn. Dr. Carothers
grmigueiratra. Wm. P. Jima. Mies Rebecca Way.
'. Mba Mottle Findley
renaffies-.411ra. Hamilton Stewart; Mrs. David
Shaw, Mrs. Wm. Shaw -
.IticAkshi-Mra-Le. H. Carlisle, Mrs, A oder. Usrper,
Mn Rkhard Morrow.
Ursions-Mrs. George lowan, Mrs. A. Kirk I.ewhe,
- .Mn, Capt.
Patters-MIL Rev. Kelso, Mn. Wm. Eh**. Mine
• Agnes McElroy.
• Arabia:m-lAm John Ts nog, Jr., 111n.liob,rt Gotb.
. rAlf Mtn. John Riddle.
Now-Mr. John Orabsnt, larr..loteph ecAr, Mrs.
.-. Wm. Curry. -
Brildsrta-Mrs. Jame a Weise., Else Mary Calming.
barni'Mim CaroitoeCoven. •
Sour-Mrs. Scott, Mre John B. Itilsods, Mira Wet.
son. •
.Mcatadices-Mn. John ltedpath, Mrs. Wm. Khmhito
Mn. Robert A. Sample.
, Pia-Mrs lasso Jones. Mn.. F. li. Rinehart, Mn L.
ChEossa-Mn. George Begley, Mrs. illtclmack. Mrs.
Samuel Chadielok.
_ iTalowllre.John Patterson, Mrs. Atchy Coon, Mies
Pensw.M.n. C. Solrely, Idra,_Mstbew Mitchell, Mr.
Thos. Park. •
• Jllisairth-Misa Frmilla Patterson, Mt.. Mary J.
Coldrett, Mho Mermen Power.
JihjEils-M.s. John O'Ntal„ Mrs. John C. Illaoher,
Mrs. John Dress .-- •
Jdfersem.-_MWaßella IllairPhilas M. large, Mrs. F.
Chart/en-Mrs. liiiistleld Brown, Mrs. att.:toe
•, Fogg, Mies Obey. •
PradTcy -Mr... Akar. FL Borax ht. et. Samos! Moshor.
Mrs. hot ert hisCiaray.
• Olh&-kirn. Wm. Mon two, Mrr. Frau). Doff, Mrs.
Neserse-Mri. Alain Relorm•n, Mr,. Jolo;or
Loiree, linotharim I. Grob. log.
ithromissi-4dno. Dr. tit l.fge klarsba'l,-.lire. Joseth
&UM...4 Ml... Martha Wipe.
But DieffilTa Artkzbald Piths., Mrs. Matthew
Mr baln; Mier 7..,n!,. Money.
• Up,On...t" CllO-Mrs east. Thor teyy . Mrs. We
' ter Cedar. Mrs. Margret Fere•
• North .Thy el! r-Mr.:dr,drets . PIrCCr , .3Uu McFsr
lind, m. 21,715i0.
Nivitte="7 rs. Lizon, Mr.. 11, I%hoc. Ness PLaiips.
Sinekr-ltre...tohn r!basr, Sr, Mrs. C. nry liAluatto,
A. 0. Floyd,
Tawm.-Mrs. Natbsoiel hillier. Mrs. C 1..... Call, Mrs.
ilea, wheaten.
HoCittre-311a B. W. Cook, M.a. B.thert Corr. Mrs.
"Am Mothey; Mrs. Archil.o.l lotetord.
Eachsi Gibson.
was Der}-Mess. D. Mrs. John McGill,
Mrs Juba Caldwell
Atritteacto-Mr.... Wilson Henry, Mn, Ellen Marshall,
Mrs. Att. ed Quinelto
ismer M. Cissr-Mrs. Joseph Dilworth, Mrs. 0.11,
M.Smith. Ills Th.. .1 Bichsel..
loads Poystte-Mesa .1' Y. Cooltar,Mra. John
Ulan. Nis }alma. Ma roan. -
Craphast-rbino Wns.9Anderwet Me. John
Wq Mn. Nathaniel. Porter.
Mato on lls* itL
Ifs man wired be healthy. he meal ■ee that
the Tive . grest iiiiircee of diatom are removed,
viz impure condition of the blood and a
foil Memel. While the stomach i■ disordered
aid the blood,burJened with eztraneous mat
ter, good health cannot be eryoyed. MI will
perceive how necessary it is that these impor
tant portions of our organism .ahould he pre
l eased in a healthy , condition, eh our entire
system is to completely under thleir influence.
Whin they have ' bicome diseitied no time
should be lost oireatorlng them to their orig
inal condition. Aeon those remedies for
this purpose, which have now a decided suc
cess, is Idedsey's Blood Searcher. A purely
vegetable preparation, discovered by a chemist
of great abillty and drop research, it has won
a place amen` the standard remedies by many
and moat wianderfel successes over. diseases of
the blood le - their rem obstinate forma: To
any ofour friends Who may reed ail thing of the
kind, we - ,wriuld may buy Linciseps Blood
Acivalibil of Ell4ala Boller. •
„The' case •• Of the Government ve Efjah
Fuller, Charged with coomertelii?g, well
brolight to a close, yesierday, in the United
States District Court. The-main withers
against -the accused was Henry Newcomer,
ma the jar, have 'intuit? said that his testi.
many was insufficient ; to base a verdict •ol
guilty upon. - It was not sinpmied, from the
outset, that .Xialler would be convicted, led
hesee the verdict surprises ne one• The cast
-, ' was ably triedialbi the learned District At:
torney , discharged his duties laithibliv in tbe
premises. is worthy of note that thejsry .
remained out some two boom which indientss
clearly that some of thetn'mtort heel retire&
with doubts as to the teepee of the teemed.
This ends the Jar, thhi . Giturt for
the present term. .
Thie Viethlairraud Causes.
It is expected that tile somewhat famous
"clothing (raid price,. in 'which the Maws.
Frowenfelde and Morgaasterns,' clothiers of
IM. city, with Charles M. Neal, of Pbi
phis, stand Indicted. with
defrauding the State
oat of some SlO,OOO in a contract for finny
clothing, will be takes op for trial on Monday
1000 1 C 4 ,06 0.7 Is the week. - If we are not aria,
takes, all the 'defasdants bee. now , given bail
for trial, sleet/deg Morris Fri:manta:4 who
has bion'stisest state the Mad of the refutes,
Sylvester, , Murphy. The defendants ard .
llllllol3lllloutrialt and the cam., so long delay
ed, Will probably 'reach - a termainatioa this
Rruourio or LIZETT. COL: Ligarae.-,
We leans from ti prlvateletteeraeeised, ip Ilia
city, , lriam & member of Col. Black's Regiment,
that Liset. Col. Lohman hal resigned, and has
accepted the appetatment ol Colonel of , tam
103 d Peinsylvasua Regiment.' Col. Lehman
if a worthy and attentive of6cer, and bis slr
otnee NOLO Col. Black's Regiment will be is.
warmly leU bj the mesh% Who has successor is
to be tabotatated. We"wasta Min Mondani
enemas; in the new position to 'which he ha
beencilled: . .
MunkMenisci or Day Gootia.:—We would
refer:oer readers, and their mane is legion, to
the salveruseetest 91 W. . j. . M. 13nrchlield, io
another *colime. He is isreceipt of new
good". nod this beteg Me third supply of lida
eeasoo, due" speak favorably for bar ready'llulae;
nil stock trwellielscted, bought cheap for
cash, and - be 'item. reed) to tell it otit;st the
name teems: fibre Mot a call: '
Do Yawata:it: any hobs°
.repKiring dour,
grater or store* rolroake-oioaa or chimney,:
balit io lliN:rAr or pityamesto laid, or- anythiot.
in r tie bricklaying line,' leave oiders - et s;
, Dyer's - store, dr at my boucle, on • m ani ti s li .:.;
4fi 4 4,1wi1l 4tend Icalbaste.
L EGfiL `=7L t lOPII'CE.
Suprema Court. --
THURSDAY, Oct, 31.--Before Chief Jllallte
LOwrie, Jud&a Wood wird, Thotopion,Strong
and Reid.
The following op:ulnas were delivered :
'Br Loware, C. J —.'desk's Ber vs. Meech;
C P. Judgmient reverted, anda proce.lendo
Bond ia Lyeowieg. Q S.
()Het at the c:lte a the Plaintiff ill
Road in Sti;:oe ;—Notthamberiend. Order
rereread and prredendc awarded.
Ree.bel Appeel. Union. 0 0. De•
.erreeffirmed at rah or Appellent.
ROM vn. Malcolm. Urder,T. F. Je.i.r,elo
r 94 f.. 1f /MUM
- 33
00 • 40
' Pergnlomat al. vs. Stavor. Ciinton, C. P.
Judgment reversed, and jedgment for defend.
ante belew, anoordlng to the reserved paint.
Woodward, J. dissented.
Pen Center.—Davie' Appeal. Snyder, 0.
C. Decree affirmed at the costs of - the Appellant
Snyder County's Appeal. Snyder, C. P.
Appeal dismissed at the coat of the Appellant
Thompson, J. dissents.
liadinger vs. Rion; Northumberland, C. P
Judgment affirmed.
Utman vs. Dunham, bycoming, C. P. Pro
needing' &firmed.
Werline vs. Smith, Lyeoming, C. P. Jadg
meat affirmed.
BY WOODWAILD, J.—Vincent VI. Walloon;
Northumberiand C. P. Judgment atllrmed .
Went Branch Ina. Co. Ira. Helf aurae in; North
umberland. Judgment affirmed.
Butenbender vs. Sunbury and grte Itatiroptl
Co., f . gorthumbedand. Judgment afTirmeli.
Strong', J. d MEOW
Fessler va. Fields; Lycomiog. lodgment
reversed, - and new trial awarded.
Be T 110.111.9011, .1.-13tetchnion et el. vs.
Shimmelleder; I). C. Judgment
Graham es- McCreary; C P. Judgment af
Milne, Brown & Co. va Henn; D. C. lodg
ment te.versed, and new trfai awarded.
Bellas re. Cleaver et al. re ; , Northam het
lend, C. P. Judgment affirmed. Wondward,
J. II inente.
Sickles n. Bastion; Lycoming, C. P. Judg
ment reiersed, and a new trial awarded.
West Branch Bank et al. vs. Armstrong;
Lycoming, C P. Judgment affirmed,
I:Cheater's Appetit; Union. Decree affirmed
at the costa of the Appellant.
Mash vs. North et al.; Union. Judgment
reversed and new trial awarded.
Ammerman vv. Wyoming Canal Company;
Montour. Judgment reversal, and judgment
for Plaintiff for ten dollar. damages with roam
of Ibis nit of error.
Br ' STRONG. J.—Drown 99 Peterson. Da
eras LBSlBillting complainant's bill Ahmed with
Schaffer ye. Schaffer; D. C. Jadvuent ro.
varied, and judgment on the reservo4 nointr
for the defeadant.
Kennedy vs. Ileum S Horton ; D. C. Jad g
meat affirmed.
. Muria h Barton vs. City of Pittsburgh ; D. C.
Coil vs. Pittsburgh Female College; D C.
Judgment affirmed.
Boyd sod !rife vs. Negley, D. C. ',figment
affirmed. •
'Richey rs. Same; U C. Judgment affirmed
Clement vs. Wright ; Northumberland. Jodg
meat affirmed.
Dewed vs. Mesmer ; Nortlamlorlaud. dodg
e:lent reversed, and • proemiendo awarded.
Preelturger's Appeal; Daiwa. So touch of
desroe -as award? Cameron and Bilmoyer
$llO 88, reversed; and said sum ordered tube
paid to Peter loreebtirger, and Appellant? or
demo to pay costs - of this appeal:
Br RIAD, J.—Deanne° . L Patterson vs.
Dense L Co.; D. C. Judgment affirmed.
Maira,va. Taylor; D.C. Judgment affirmed.
Pattmson va. Aneerson : D. C. Judgment
Totten ye. IdeAboy ; D. C. Appeal dietni...
ed at mete of Appellant.
Horner "a. liaebroner ; D C. Argued ,by
G. P. DemiDan for plaintiff in error. end l.y
Ewing contra.
Ormsby va. Blackburn; D. C. Argued b.t
Burgain_fur plaintiff in error, and by Miller
Ikirettgh of Birmingham ca. Ando ;D. C
Ar g a.d by 0. P. ELVliiltun cur plaintlti in error.
°cart adj. - mimed till nine n'cl.k Frides
Trial of John Cunningham for 010 Moe
da, of David Frew.
Jadps Nlc7.!..ifu, Mellon, adaull and Park,
L:11e. , Warn the e.ttou
tpat:t, r..;title[; hi the defer,vn TIN rr-
Dr. Grorgt• L. raicCot,k t,s4 triliid and ex
'tarried in relerenie to the wound, and the
prabahil;Jica made while the de
ceased was standing ithrignt or lytng prostrate.
He cures hosted tic taattatony ni Cr. R ei t er
in the ma.
' The dtie, hcrr reatad their cane, cinch to
the coy, e of we Common weattn, who ex
peefed that the temtaiony of the grand-con.
* Robert Emmett Cowell, 'Tooth Aret been
given to the pry. - This little boy, it win he
remembered, was put upon the' stand at the
first trial, and testified with tenor and sobs,
that he Tan out and mantled Frew with the
butcher knife, 'while the deceased was mand
ing—in the alley; that-he jumped up to cot
him in the mouth, and the turning , of the bead
ceased the blade -to enter the neck, etc. It
Was a mom remarkable as well as an improba
ble statement, and the firm jury utterly d Wre
;larded it.
The testimony being closed, Mr. Maraharl
submitted two or three points . , upon which he
asked the Court to,charge the jury-1. 1 hat
the Conimuuwealth malt make opt their case,
beyond a reasonable doubt, before they can
auk a verdict of conviction. 2 That where
it wapqpcertain as to which of two individuals
irti:ctedjahe wound, the jury cannot convict
either n( them.
The argument wavopened by District Alto,-
ney Miller, who characterized it at one of the
nowt extraordinary eastiever tried. tie tai not
at lzherty to allude to anything whictrhad pre
ceded the trial, but they had the Ism that an
the night of Jane fid, the decearred, David
Frew, was stabbed—that he fell by the hand
of somehody. Tim time was narrowed down
to a very small period, Dr. Reiter tioditying
that perhaps the deceased did not Inc five min
5105 after he was 'tabbed. The grant question
Lhaie irhin wag he cut? The deceased
must bare been stabbed while he was on the
ground, or between The time of his rising and
the time • the stone wee thrown. •• De
would endeavor to show that the only time at
which the decamped Minhd have been cut, was
when Cunningham rushed out angrily, saying
"1 , 11 show you," or "I'll fix you." Cunning
ham had Just been missing tor a-moment, and
when he stooped over as it to raise his father
in-law, he bad tbe opportunity to stab and did
stab the deceased, an the blood wee seen to
gush oat after deceased rose to throw the
stone. Three or tour VtlieeSßee texiifind that
'dooms was near entitle. to cut Frew when he
threw the atone. No one else had the ripper
trinity to cut him, -and on one else had the
same motive for Inflicting the- blow,. --
as the
prisoner, who threatoed .to Glati deceased. All
the testituoisy harmonised with' the fact that
deceased, woe cut white be was lying on' the
In reply to the point - or the defendant's.
counsel, "that where there was an uncertainty
as to'which or two, individiale.cOmmtlied •
moral woond;the jury Must scijuit them
both,"- Mr..• Miller argued lthatthere was en
doubt. It would not be pretended that old
man Cowell cut deceased, as be bud been put
on the steed, had if he bild the whole truth
tbenbe could not be the guilty party. . Again,
I strong eircuetstauce consisted in the tact
that after Orfonisighans had retired to the kitch
en, he upbraided his -, with the
remark:- .Falher, if ymi•Sail come in when I
toasted you to, Ibis would toot have happened."
In a word, bad Cunningham not the upper- .
tunityinget the toile from thebitcben;had be
not the opportunity Iti stab the deceased ; had
he not the motive,, and, did not his conduct
sod threat indicate a disposition to murdert
As to this grade ol the ofiesce, the District
Attorney wnald -ant contend tbaCtlis arenas'
was mauler in the Gist degree, unless the jail
were satisfied , that the wound Was inflicted
with deliberation, and not In the heat or nee.
poi. The offence, in his npinion,•was mur
der in the second degree. It could not be
manslaughter,neCesslnghana was not engaged
in the fight. Mr. Miller would say no more
tifion . theiniliject at present.
Mr. Marshall hollowed in a lengthy and rig-.
:Woes speech—ton leolethy for us to f o ll o w.
In regard to the second point submitted; his
?pitted that the defense would bun.% that'll.oht.
Cowell, - Sr, !night, have committed the mur
der. Thefwaultriort canteud that he did tv•
dies-the' hut• that he hail twenty time,
:Me opportusity tti dose thatCanningbarn had.
' relarenee to kite testaneny of the phyai-
Ci 31 1 ,1, Mr. Manama -stated- that be bettered
them all! , TIMY,Were doubt's - ye:all list:ere,.
but he price very little reliance upon then
ries, satins sustained - by rents. , Dr. Walter
tecified that the wound ratort-hate been Made
• while the, deteneed wee . lying; W.Reiter.
-thinks it vivid aifiudlybare been made while"
t.t.ressestt prat Stinain Neither of them ..!ty
the fact, thou were itlice . rt. se to the,
theories - cue .pecker then w. ry Into a So
031,:ttair11.1 hu. pi,sttion, isonisttAt.g
Irk.. Go down to Dr. 1)..—„0n Penn /arse:,
and he wouid assert that mercury was murder;
go to Dr. Mc—, end he would assert that
mercury was the tie of the body. Dr. B—,
a; , ..mittGald street, would swear that leaves and
routs were the great pinaext for all Ills) Dee
doctor would annum with blue mass pelt.,
while another would assist nature with sugar
piDs ! Ole physician would prescribe nothing
bat No. 6, while another would contend for
herb tea: Well, he believed thesii all, but so
far ar , in was Cut.C.:rneti be Dever trouble,'
them to presCribe for him. The
0,11, alter p‘ssing from this hUrno,ll:. part
ss spercn. concluded with nn
a • anent 7pp-SI of the prisontr
the us:.
Mr. Collier followed in a speech el great
power and energy. He analyzed the testimony
in the meet masterly and critical manner,
aeaterig haueelfoi every fact and circumstance
calculated to favor the innocence of the ac
cused. The delease was not bound to prove
whit did the killing. • The Commonwealth
must prove that the defendant did the act, be
yond all possibility of doubt, or he moat he
acciu:lted. The speaker won not prepared to
any, by any means, that old Mr. Cowell struck
the blow. He was sstisfied as to who did It,
out that had nothing to dutwith the case. The
deceased was killed, and the wound wan in
ll,eted by a party other than either old man
Correll or Cunningham. But space will ant
period us iti dwell further. Suffice it to nay,
the address was 'full of earneatnees, and did
credit to the head and heart of the speaker.
Mr. Miller closed the argument on behalf of
the Commonwealth, in a very fair and ;demi.
ble speech. lo reference to the medical teeti.
many, its contended that the reason why Mr,
Marshall bad ridiculed it was, benzines ft did
not make in their favor, but rather agaituit
them. There was BO little difference between
the evidence. of Dr. Walter and that of D
Reiter, that the leetimony of the latter availed
them nothing,-and hence it was ridiculed. The
Ifistriet Attorney then analyzed Ike testimony
with great (Urea tad closeness, and at the eon
elusion of hie remarks the Court took a remelt
till two o'clock.
At two t.'clock, hid honor, Judge Mellon,
with.) presided in the trial of the case, delivered.
his charge to the jury, who tinmediatily retired
to consult upon a verdict. !tiler an absence
of shout two hours, they Gyrate in with a ver
dict nl nor corttr, and the prisoner wan dis
charged by proclamation. Aller receiving
the congraiulauona of hop counsel, and suet,
of bin friend, as were present, he tett the
Court r ttttt h a light step and a 'firma
countenance, and we hope with a clear con
For some weeks past, there ha. been a col
lentm of "rebel projectiles , on exhibition at
(teed'. jewelry store, Fifth Street, conapmunus
among 4hich is a 461 eati4 to have helm chat
from ti rebel mastery, near Falls Church, at a
squad of Capt. Wright , . Elhat Ward Guards,
under Lieut. Noble. A gentleman of this
co.y, to w ralpg In an officer of said company,
mentioned the I:imam/Isere, and received the
f,tlowing r.ply
“The bomb shed you refer to, as being rap
toted by a squid of the Eighth Ward Guards,
uoder Loant. Noble, is about played . Ido
not think t necessary to explain all the par•
1,011,ra ol how, and where 'this would-be la.
mans missile was procured ; auffice it to say,
that it was a shell shot by one of our own bat
teries. sod that Leta. Noble (who is very sock,
and hap :wen applying lor a stick farlough ior
Cans aunt) has scarcely been able to leave hi.
tout foj the last ail weeks.' Toe shell struck
A I ree 1160.11 a mile From 1111. We want an
lylse glory, nor do we want prune unless well
We regret to epoll the above lole would-b.
exploit, but the truth meet be told, led w,
would re.tooteci Os removal of the false le
nn:: iTI the hri[ll4.
A Jev V:arros —A day or ton :none,
*re 111.11lion.d the mysterlatic d.sipprernuce
n! h t 1
.g n,,
•eo iip•ut biz ynra. ,Hto long al/entre tn.
01,00 lloa pnr.nta 194bMteve hint lust or
thorn,. tie :aucs Clio dty
200nn, hiring to we Doono oI a World in
the eteumg and .tated that his mother allowed
ura to un ai uTilt vas anopered, run
to bed, roil kindly cared far until the following
dNy, bra retal,ers tieing wholly uneonamona on
true IneXiireo.nn:n angunal experienced oy the
parents of the youthful snow,
Hsu) To Boir. —Joseph Morgenstern, of the
frrut of Morgenstern Bro., clothiers, who
Hang been indicted for fraud in conneetion with
• the coutraxt for arm/ clothing, apparel] in the
Courc of Quarter Sessions yesterday afternoon,
cp,d gave bairin the sum of $5,000. He had
ichnnt l fn . Eittomi, and during his absence
0,5, till had been found against him. ashen
tl:e ueculeity for uutering hall.
Nat mints BENEFIT —Mr. hiesfie, the line
actor now uertornateg at the Theatre, 11.1
I , ,crftt to•n‘get, and presents a epleadid bill
for the occomou. As this notice is merely
gutted to plea timely warning of a grand
enent, we refer (toe readers to the adrertmes
uterus for particuters, and advise them to am
en., Seats tiering the day, if they would 4-
joy it treat.
Curve BARGAINS IN DRY Goiena—Ladies
wanting any kind of Call and winter goods will
find the beat ansorlment, at lea price, than
ever known before in thin city, at J. W. Bar.
4.4 & 59:Market lutist. We cal/ the
attention at the• lathes of both city sod coun
try to their stock of cloaks, shawlsi mertnirea,
and their numerous styles tit dress goods.
THE 1.1•V111•11.LE JrSOINAL —Mr. J. W. Pu
wck has again favomil us with a capy of thie
ralushir pap, in a4•ance ill the
Do. SCIIRNCK'R AEXT VI/M.—Thu, celebre•
toil plirtictau climaamt of the lung., liver
•and stomach, oil omit Pittsburgh again on
Monday and Tuesday, November 4th and itat,
to remain ilitrlng those two day. at Dr. Re:i
aer's Drug Store, 140 Wood street, to examme
patient. atiltcted with annoy phase of lung
diarase, liver and stomach di . Dr.
Schenck is the inventor of the celebrated iti
atiument called Resinrometer, bj which he can
tell the true condition or the lunge, and pre-
MeriDe eueewtsful/y to most .cases, Where the
lunge are not too far dtreased. Dr.. Schmidt
has been eminently eneeessful when the Pa
tient bra one aound long, as hundredecan wit
ness in this city and vicinity.
The charge for a thorough examination
with the Reapirometer, is three dollars, but,
for the usual way tit' examining, he makes no
We advise those who wish to consult turn
to cut thin out, in order to emetic them to re
member the time.
DOCTOR 0. Banns, Water Cure and 170 u O
puthia Niploiaa; also agent for Rainbow's oele
brined TTOSS for. Ruptures. Corner of Penn
,and Wayne Street&
DISTISTILY.-Dr. Q. bill, No. 346, Peon it.,
ottondtto oil broaches of the Dental profession.
8140 D FOOD.—AttelltiOn is OSUMI- ikt
this moat remsrsable and ■cienneo prepalstico, ad.
seabed to matter Dolma. It Is an entirely oow
&wormy. and most not be- °outmoded with asp of
the tumorous patent medicines of the day. It Is
Somata nowt, for all the diseases epacleed, sod ere
facially those of o throttle asters-or tong standing
weeks, mouth& sod yams. ilairmero, try iY
.hicems. Qualm &Dumas, of if** York, are the
nolo:wont' for It, sod oleo proprietor■ of the world.
reoOwned Dr. IlmOrrs Ig►eeveti comma, an offi
cio which every brother Manta hove in her medicine
dos.. lu ame of toed; and containing, as It does, no
illgOrto or opiate of any kind, It tau be rotted op.,
Stilt the utmost moddroce,aml will ho fomtl so to.
sal uoble epeelge In sit awes of (double complaints.—
SAM Rate lounsat, Cblutotour.
IsLitte odlortisamout. Poi side 14 01101102 U.
ilitYsilti„ Smut. tin WoodPlttahnrolt.
.10 7,11 eel nal
To [lope Owners.
SI MIST LLTOK ILOLL2II4II Ia unrivaled by say;
lv all came pr Laatrarea, arising (rata flitoalar. d rabic*
ur Wienebitub Ili elect IN znagical mid certain. liar.
now or diddio GMI,, Smith.; Mauls, 10. tt wfli
alwa cu re nnhllly, !paths and lifsgbane may be early
cad cured tti tbotrii.ilvforiLatigil,batauu-
Ll,Nai a. 3.1 ors Lceru'ail VI; ( .0 IA 14 of radical
tik. cane' :I tkei;k111411.0%1410.t.1., ro aortic:rata cc
hopiterr Vitt n :va}t alleviated by ills -Lluaaant,
fadtduf itorotostion aid' always rettiorr tbs
‘Laaierrova and etorbta tae hares to invert - with oantia
Stoll, hero• uancr elkolat4 bairn tlttsratto/o et bug',
td: Ito Clue!) . Brat appsve¢va'ol Looleitit,o
tail! t•lr..tuti:y. pramot_ .ttwoo ' totrigitablo - dtoottOoa
te,ni.torr., I: shit+ , 411 hums aro habit, olarafhith
tioaat - 10 r 2111! vottioblti Matto aentrl7
ruthless.-.4 4 BoodeorttooroetrlL . '
. _ .
R. s. astl.lEllB' CU, Agent', Corm, Wool end
eseand 'frosts, tlittbarigi. sp97:l7dirwitallt
Derisito Rea:tried
: 21, tc!tna.: to a
r “bereitt tku
opoo a
.n. t
*trek of geedr to the petecesion of Nathan
Whiling, of A.lezber.: , City. Nelson Henry.
who .was the pleintiff ie the case, and the
brother of 51ra. Waiting, claimed that in Sep
temb•er, MO, he had put chated the gouda. The
creditors Bet up the delouse that the sale was a
fraud iu law, and *eked the instruction uT the
Court t., &Let Of tot, ret,th war declined. A
verdict was runderee by the jury in lector of-the
. L
.:U .6IJ W. I. ine re
-.« ~.••1 upsaue
Oti prated
_.. ..
.t,. i. .. U~ i...
S• ,re AttqrneyA for
r.a S sod [km
thc, A •Lit , .. 4 1 1.-: 1"
Vu•tes,Ly /la zioi.—tut, Court de.
Ilci ml a%otEe in favor of
the rredltati, and r,,vete:Jg the judgment of
the L.,,trlct c.;eutt.
The Al Img Ix en y flays Ft Finales limitary.
We have been rl en c letter from Lieut.
Atwell, of G'Altury, c.ronected with Col.
ticary's itegimet:., :row which we learn that
the men era now stationed at Washington City,
for drill practice. [bey have a battery of four
rifled cannon, ten pounders, of the. James pat
tern, *ILA bur. 3, caisaens, and everything
complete. Tne men drill live hours daily, and
are learning rapidly. The troop. in that viein•
try Wore rroa,.tly ITlVeCted by Barry, and
upon the OCCJltlivri the battery was comphwent•
.1 with the right el tht. column.
Thor, are a somber cl Mleghecy
bap couototed wlth the battery, and of these
live are now hoid•ng poettionE
cflizere: Sergeant, • Kirkpatti3k and
Cowell, and Corporale Danlevy, Niohola and
LieuL J. 1 bus been dotacheJ from
the battery, and 00131011. 1 100131 i no First, Lien
ter.ant, Cautpany L, Cot. Oonry ' s 110,00.11 t.
I :1==.13
Last evening . mtas !billows... an occasion
when witches, lairies. an
.hohgoblins are sup
pound to go_forth on their baneful errands,
playing all torte of pranks on poor mortals.
How tunny of theme sopernatural beings were at
work last night, an have DO moans of knowing,
but scam, el miielliciluee boys, very items In
deed, perambulate i our inreotei, rattling corn
ygaidst rel Ives, bruting dome orb c•libage
and perturti,tog other pranks. much to
the tionoyance tool terror et 11t1IYOUS
and tlmid.childrou. Tue mirthful customs, ro
happily deteribeii by Borne in our celebrated
poem, have sadly degeetnuted,in our day, and
one almost rrgrote that "enlightened" Young
America does not posseee inure of the spirit of
Our cuperrtlik, ot.oleslore.
Louisiana Staves on Short Halloos
It, a letter from Lout: vine to the Cincinnati
Ccnuo retie I , 1,1 find the foliowing :
Mr. Joseph A of Nashville, has three
loge plantation!, at the mouth of lied river, in
LoOltlitllali, on whoth are about 2 000 Mares.
Since the speculators advanced pork to $45 per
bbl. be has been limiting his negroes to half ra
tions Full rations for slaves to Laulsiana ore
never more than they ran devour. As a natu
ral non.equence ot being hungry the piive,
looked lbhout for something to ear, and
tad the pigs and poultry of their master, divi
ding and secreting it among themselves. Ark
lin ordered his over.iers to flog Om slaves when
ever found guilty it similar thefts. But lately
the overseers roused to a., so.any longer, urging
that it was liongerow, and that their lives were
in danger - from the ~egrons, who hold, asserted
they would have 'dewy to eat or steal it. .Ark
concluded atiow tht.tri to steal wha: they
would, trusting that in the sugar-crushing sea
son be liould tie aLlo to feed them on sugar.
The choral con ha drawn ;rout this and applied.
If cacti a spirit is thus early developing in the
elaves, what will a hard winter product in their
heart.? The o:dy v01u:i...0 to the terrible prob
tele :0 t.O , Ler:
0.,. I , I .- Ett•la •. al .e L.— Rev Mr.
rolla , ia I. to. 6x. pr. it St. I.Quie, passed
III'• u C .1A 0C - 11,4 retail°
holt, . l•V . of .ong
te/ 10+. ;11,'p lif
com cite g 1'e.61.1,11 upon the
01111, u• 11. 1111, ....OP(' tf - G1,01,1.
`rir and it *nut trs* irishd in this
driy nsi•ire , that thrinqh the
Pr*r.iteut dui. nni rrocinc itirgiiitg•, be
grit the imp•rstritier ir.m the veraturn
tnat Fsemon, 1.01110 nut he 'rrrnovn.l unions he
rsperisnceri a digt,* dr.l•*, u, hattie. Mr.
Ki•.t.,•, II Le nods*. remonstrated egainmt
the crintrinplirteri
itilittacp pont*
U. B. Ai my .---
MEN V. n N , i
11 , 18,114,1iltti(11,1• l'• gal x,.:•:111.UIN YutlM ltllY
anon na
The highest pty vier itlenth Itt the eervire.
lloreteml INO , weeu,, t hotblaitt, ent eletencty
Quarunv, 6.4”1,61,....4 tree oi 01.4101.
$lOO fi OUNT Y I
Aelv:t Open to 811
V t 14rth,i artlenlare apply at lb, r cmgiag
Oftly , , N ATI , 4 , I. Main., IV for • I ,, tt, man . Fa4lll.
V.ll, . l'a
114 N UV U. Ha Hs,
Cayiarri,rtiarb !irglm•vl U.A. Cavalry,
lirctxtilitiK °MON'
arant..l ha All Si.. r•ulta 0.1 tle
ISM 03 RI, 01.a.n Capt. 'rut). K. }WEIN.
Th, , Corsitsssuy will he hairtsr: • mht..ll. cohipl.t.ey
luto thart. rtr.shro.
Amos y Its . /.1 story o. Wilkitets 11.1, where good
how ...Si deq• long , r
sua..rf Tit' 51/0 It. !W.A. Orpt.t.
p . rT;t 7- 1 7 F -7 r Mr.III.6IARY
/14 naperlanceit Tealipitera,
fladellaro •nd Hartle. slaknea
2 llnglora.
Ii fatal woo .0 apply to J. N. liN A P,
aolkadtf ati Tiftayareat.aemnal Hoar
YISUVI AN ME 131i1FUCI tti—For the
preventive or cod. er Fever 'sad Ague. In all
olltettee and minions' dilationa rinse bilk.aa and re.
taleent fever. revolt, 1.1. .ter remedy eel 1 , 0
Weed legit...elide. It eileetually /dope the chit a aud
intedura the ewer, teen-aerates .he opeetlle,.alleya
Irrltallou. lirro a/matt-It, to the eplrlta mud ll:domes
Vigo, tts vitaley, which ,110 [retort. rho plokot to
petleet berehh tO no Met bee ti felled to core, sad
toe bottle be. aline:4lv cared lons to rig persuot
Other. two Imest • tired by It alter fialllfe Of Quinine
and eT.1 . 5 , other tom. rtotoitly. .
Proirsrodaugl *old by 4. N t U. NANDN, ficusglsto
100 ealton Wort. No. York.
Sold alba by IL A. (AIIN CATOOK 2 0.)., Pius
IM Vl'it by NrogglotsaonersllY 00.31,1511,m0r1NT
100 bmivil• alike Obasteuty,
Yee Wine Eats, gram Clime,
be kepi Verb Bolter,
TO . larille atelier rale by it_ RI DLL.,
teal No. 103 Liberty RtsreL
N., 0 ILla—hree 'atorage can be bad at
no 8i Motor ersout, for sup yaekayof douand
to aoy Voloolo.w doldia In the army of the If Mind
brat...a eta or oust, Wa will moo forward bi . iall,
HT. or oil:wreak. tom of charge, except drayage and
parse. ocAll afil A fl MOW WU t rin
101 RON E 100 boxes Prunes,
bO Ite,•
• 25 do Boma
Is 51orie hod orrlvlot sod tor We
0r:22 .N. mod 1211WoOd Arcot
CAMP BIJANK EI TS! —A large Al*.
plyof thou ouperlor Nom ,
266 800k0ta met remind
of the Iron% Robber nowt, No nd Mt lit. Char
Afoot cc/8 J H. KIILLIPS.•
I) LTI NO BE 11l 1N(1 I 1--lndia rub-
Ul be , xoi Le•th,r Hollins of Mat •leo, Lacs
Loather of • anparlor quality, for male •t 25 and 25
Et Mat •tr..ot. oetl J. t tl. PIIILLIPN.
CI ELUDE OIL—WOO hble: Oil Creek
IL/ Petrolemm, eoltsblo for relining, Job& rbeelrod
and for vela by
oral ]eIIIm3DALLgLLL EON, gLi Wood at,
11(ipiltavAttc.'S PiDINBURO ALK—A
.1.11 enj ply fib. r heir& • timed, go hlghl ri cow
twirl./ re • , tiperlor torte for the aro of debilitated
matbutiene LLIOY 3. /ItlitlON.lllaitrio i
reit Oerorr Faurlh!tbd 4 . 13311041 d etre• tr.
6 anirci
11 °P-5 ba " Just 6:
H. Go4„irot
• tu.N ft
FI7UK EQUITY D11.8:EISMal1. being
.t.. 9..rocvou of forvor offdendlc,Qtd oolto of Equity..
Remould sod eotrapd Nittloo, wbb cop) no notes sod
hfrifectos to Anr4ll,ll eq.*. 4 010 by
fC 4%. C0...156 Wood et,
DEMOVA Corrses .resideace
kb to No. BO YOU - tirtlW KC, Breabeitkai
Beak Balking, between Wood end ;
01/108-.ii a Wale, al N 0.103 FMB IL WWl=
sf TZLZOR./... "ii
Front Washington.
WASULIGTON, o,:t. M.—Accounts by tele.
gr■ph . to lour o'clock this afternoon represent
all quiet on the moire line of the Potomac.
recorinoisoarnie eel made yesterday by
Gen. Sic:tiled and ruff, accompanied by a squad
of Indiana cavalry, along the there of the Po
tomac, about i.rty miles 'from Washington,
when they acre fired upon by a rebel battery on
the Virgtma eauto. Oze of the nheinfell thuth
an.ntlat paiena over them.
Io day thn pid ot, of Gan. Watieworth cap
tutedit private of a South Caroline regiment,
about three miles 'beyond F. 1.1111 Chlllob.
Thera seems to he no donbt'the rebels have a
large number of tltt boas at ON:squats Creek,
manufactured at Ftedeticksburg, cussigned for
crorsing the Potomac.
The stationary or the House of Represen
tatives was awarded, to-day, to Phelps & Sol.
°mon., Latimer Broil:, and H. Taylor.
In addition to the nun-commuilioned officers
promoted to second lieutenancies, heretofore
announced, are the MllOlllll named :
Acting Sergeant-Mayor, Puilister; Quarter-
Sergeant, A. H. Brown, and Sergeant. H. B.
Freeman, S. J. Dick, J. P. Galloway, T. S.
Kirkland and J. McConnell. All the above
are of the ISM Infantry. Also, Sergeants R.
Peking, and .1 J. Semple, of the 15:6 Infantry.
Tfiry remain to (neer regiment..
There were nn arrival. to-day from the
Inner Poitinagc. The Cat tr de Leon started
down to alg weir coal 11,, the
Mr' ...ABINGTON CITY, Oat. 31.--The following
order was tamed hom the Poet Office Depart
ment : 1, the Postmaster General or
ders that all letters endorsed for soldiers by
any acting held, or mail officer in the service
the Dotted States, shall be forwarded in
the mail without prepayment of postage, in
accordance with the provision■ 01 the 11th
section 01 the act to employ volunteers, etc.,
approved July 22ad, 1861.
(Signed:) T. P. THAT?, Chief Clerk ii
Important from Mlssourl,
litipticisi Dispatch to the St. lonia Repoblitan
Cate Lco. , SPRINGFILED. Oet.
moats Headquarters.—Gea. Fremont and stair
3rr Ted here yesterday, arid the Renton Cadets,
Col. CAW, Cavalry, Maj Holmle't Sharp
.fiiinters end- Get, command, at darer- .
ent pertods, during the Saute day. Oar troops
were received wr.b delight, the "Stars and
Stryes" lasing displated at numerous houses,
and men, women and children waving hand
kerchiefs from almost every door on the way.
ISS?.j. While. of the Prairie Scouts, whose
comMaird carted with Mej Zuoni Inc Spring
field, final bete quite 111, and was captured by
be reties %bile riding in a buggy, and alter
the t ,lien several miles out of town
by a lop, or id ihi•nty rebels, but war rescued
by a panty : (, ...•0 County Home Guards an
is now herr.
The lose ul f -, n nni>, body guard in their
desperate charge of Friday last was 15 killed,
1:1 wounded and :6 mining. Three of the
wounded have since died, and doubtless many
I the missing will soon report themselves.
Tne rebel loss instated at tram 50 to 60 killed
and -11 or 50 wounded. The rebels were com
manded by Cole. Johnson, Frazier, Price and
Turner, the latter two of whom are said to
haze been killed. Gen. Fremont will probab
ly remain here _until the divisions ol the army
arrive. Gen. Price is still reported to be in
the vicinity of Cartilage, but nothing definite
In known ol his whereabouts.
I%pcolal Dlvatch to th. Ft Lotra Dpitiorrot]
Jrrrsneeri errs*, Oct. 31 —The compro
mise entered into by Gen. Henderson and the
relork in Csllowny county ; dM not include
the hand iri robbers that plundered James S.
premises s few days since. That
bend wiii be nummarill dealt vvith. Other
measurer, besides the compromise hove been
taken' by Gen. Prestos to preserve quiet in
these turbulent Counties.
A deurfunctit of Col. Ooome, regiment,
meter Cap:. liaak, del before yesterday broke
up a email camp of robe:a at COali Nil Tie,
c.ntu:rng a lot of arms end Lbw camp equip-
I n. , el•openr, reatlinii here that General
stgio aaa 61..licati min defeated Pribea rear
guard ct Itell; var. and thl,en Raines a pruoiner.
'11,4, hoofer,. ten roily be :rue in part, as
Gen. d on,o•na we. In gp!itiOnld no
a light hat ta:.C.(l place as 01
near Bolivar, it moot have beer. trait some of
tie force heloop ing to Gen. Aabm Oa
Preo.lioil has gone out ou eurither alicret
e aped a ion.
San Foaaciecn, Oct .29.—Abrwit 20,000 seeks
of who 'in good condition, were saved from the
ohip Winged Reed. The halnutte of the cargo
in damogrd.
Markets by Tele((rropb
Cuommari, 0 —Rvroing —7laut opored doll
but n oral (haler, th -ugh pricovaro osichaugedi roper
et $4 12e.4 20. Whont clon.d firmer. bat thews rat
oat much duos; rod at bUGyti6e , and vrt Ito at 1040.21,
tram in telt detrsud. Guru at 200. Rya 42443 C,
.1111 .i 1) go 4 111.61K111.1. Whtsty steady at ,14!4o, with
,sle, of .00 0010 Prevision. dolt, and tho q r oatod is
[ gilt, the Cr.ok 41 clog elepped east; 30(0 plortivisin
ham. . old at to. zoo 430 pieta. green ham.
delivered the last gra west. of November It to
Nettiog IX doing lo bog.; to hays. at °Ter $3, atul
not misty at 110. rate; email slim of baron at 434, 6,
and 0 r. Groceries outhunted.
MO., Mil tot oachapard Itacbmt ...wady at Xis
1 , Inv Vaal, net 31..A...grnrdr g.—Cottnn firmat 224.3
floor [Oval, tut s<; 23;a00 bbl. .old: r!tate, at 360560
fit; 0510 $6@606, and llcalbtrn $0 30@6 40. Wbrot
I (ifiga higher; 36 000 barh sold: Chimp" *ring $1 10
nal 23; 11111vankre club $1 2301 35; r.d treacle, $1 30
551 36, and mhita Key - tack, at $1 4501 60. Qom I@
lOgner 13,010 Ea It sold at 61(4.05#8ewl I. firm;
1250 6610 . .1d at $546 Lard Mmdy at 8,44034 0
Pork Wowy firm at 3021# Pugs:. qoi.t.
Rata firm.
Stock• active sad
POILADUJIII4. Oct. at —dreedelons fans; 2000 Dale
r Pionr acid at $ll 6188115 G 2 Wheat le steady; 16,000
burls western red sold at $1 80@l 33. and wane at $l.
4001 48. Coln unchanged; 10,88:10 bosh yellow add at
t.oaardlo Whialty .raion
Saw Your. Om 31.—aloor hea advanced Sc' 14,600
blds ad fA6
d at $5 55 60 fir Matte. $044:00 05 for Cblo,
And $43 311(05 40 her Stuthern. Wheat advanced 102 c;
palm ul 160 00 / bosh at •$1 53411 25 fur 111/11.ruckn•
club; $1 3.64 80 for red wastes n. Corn atlvahoed I@
2c; 44146 of 40 009 bush al Gk. Provision. doll and
Leese. - Pock quit. 4111.1yuloady•150(4121.1
Its nlpl. of Ploor 32,5'1 bhi; Wheat 176,664 Stub;
Coro 117,0:6 hash.
The market is bighog Chic. o and Rock Island
15114; Illinois gcnirst 711; Marvin kiiisubsso
Her York Csintriil79%; klflissukesi and ilisstssippi SS:.
hoadh g 3og. Virginia alsos CB; Idlinionsi silos 14%.
• LAUTII expired by limitation on the lit day
of fluxion., The boainem of laid iltm will be
settled by the yew firm of loom /k Langhlitut
La &reigned, .rtfehlint In the Cit. of Pittaburgh,
hare formed s limited partuenblo under the Arm of
tunas A LAunause, In the bartneeruf manufacturing
and dealing to Iron, (In enturawdou to the Ono of Jones
A Leath) In which Om the general partners ore
hacienda it Jones. Tbomoa M. Jolla, George M.
loom, Uunry A. Laughlin, and Irwin Loughlin.
sod the .pedal partner I. Junin Laughlin. who has
contributed aereoty thotetend fuer hundred dollar, to
the common et:oh of a.W partoornhig, which le to
commence .o of the lot day of Anna*, 1e in, and' to
tormicodo on the Ist day of •ognst. DIM
• B. P. JOulia.
N. W, JONtW,
September IC ISdI
o:r S *4lDel b sr_
LARD bble. now.lan4ing trom
Owner !lows Dalian Or ode
lir AI JOU PIPES-2000 yards .Stotio
,Vater Plpster male by • , • !.
A PPLES-50 Mae. Or. ea, A.pplre for
Alial ate OF • no22.HENRY ft• onuirm.
NO: SCHJAR-150 ltbds. fait to
a we.eto "" 4l ll7l,
oDJ2I •
N .404
Lavv;tioninokiinitie. " '—
oar W. A. 1101LII114.
I.Ariivals of the
rthelpa! llolels.
Third and Wood streets,
1.,/ ma:, Phil.* .
G B Barrett, Meseeld
J B &resell, wife I child,
Columba.. 0
8 Bentley, Phil.
i' Pool, Ppriegileld
S S Bieck, do
Gies E Thornton I sister,
V McKee, Cookstown
ID 0 Sh pherd, Sir T Lk.
'N Becon,
3 Miller, Columbus
D Kiddie, Mon Oiry
Martell.. Phil.
W Coon,
0 W Hathaway, Rockford,
J B Nash, do
W II Harlon.
IV Berry, Parkersburg
Cr To S
T. CliAßlAS—Corset o•
W Searle., City
Ihminthronik, Conn
M Ober. L mnester co
J M a in, Randolph, 0
B A Freemen, Minnesota
.7 Gallagher,
Dewey, Cadiz, 0
N Ley, NY
J T demi, Whetting
E B Wood, Unhmtown
J 11 Purdy, N
E B Smith, Pa
W Cogent, Cleveland
A .7 HartA lady
U Van &di, Phil.
W Etonebeek do
A S Ayo, Morgantown
A A linnbea, Colnmbim
W &berm; Phil,
J ()nigher'. Deaver
J B braid' A lady.°
MANSION 1101186—No. 344 Liberty street.
000101 •01111.111 ritOPLISTOIL
R 0 Frederick, Marlon, 0 J Harps, wife • child
P. Hommel', Hamlehorg J T Morrie, Wash or
Mn A R Newton, Wash oo J T Chahar, do
Mn A R Drake, do 11. Orlmoh, Ouerneey ero
J Smith A hely, Zaneemille H ri Haman, Mt Ravage
J Sterns, Spruce Oreek 0 lintchirmon, Wife and 4
W Brown, Cleveland children, Hamilton Eq.
0 W Fisher, It Moore, York
T 011tert, Philadelphial.7 R Potter , Hayeville
J Comte Station Bayard Statn ID W Mormon, wife A 2 eh.
Limit .1 Wade and 23 invo 1W 8 0r0.., Baltimore, lad
Mb Cavalry,A N Walker, Coonelleville
8 Blreb, Bol.m 11 Wolf, Outhbory
T Cooper, Cp. Curtin Is B Marna, Ohio
8 A neorge, PhiladelphlajJ Hand, do
A P fps, do 0 Plummer, do
OIL ffmm, do ill Mellor, Philadelphia
H Carliale IV Martin, do
O Lauer, Caldwell MoGrllTio, Indoompolla
S ttAwo, Clinton. 111 I D Surely,
Thomeon,Coehoctort J Ahl, Steubenville
A 11. Mead, New York lam Potter.
NI Joseph, New York Mn Woodhory A 7 child-
J N Wish r , do ran, Bellair
Mrs Taal, Phila. D 21 Loth, Oharabenburg
D Noblo, Camden, 0 J Holloway, wife A child,
J Pal.d,Ashlarid, Henn. 4 Cudworth, Pontiac )llch
W McDent, Illinois 1 Stevenson, Cleveland
d T Cherhw, Richland W 8 Poyntoo, New York
W Psuld og, Monroe 3IC Kelly, Lancaster
0 W Emedforo, do 1W It Willmar, do
Mrs Pedwon A eon, WI.
8m it MI eld and Third ate. t
A &hrook, °noir,llle, Pa Writ Moline, Ohlo
Peter Baker, MeNenaport Mr It Haut, do
D H Rhodes. do J W Miller,
J 0 Oaldwe I, Orestline, 0 A Ptephone &la Greene oo
Mr Belly, Allegheny co 1 0 Oerard A dame:dew, do
11 J hound, Sarah 11/ iiie W Toompaon, Maryland
W Browning, Bharon,:o 'Sr. M B yen, HI aaaaa file
W 0 Moreland, IV Brightwoll, Belhaernon
EAGLE LlOPlAL—Llberty street, below Seventh.
Joan wen. pnorancroa.
IN Long, 0 P Faulk, Orrene6org
I I ea, Belmont Co , 0 Allot Surnmervlle, J, if 441
W Parrrll, Anon Station W 111100 A lady, - - do
J J lt.d, do J. entarnervilie, do
0 h 1.1141.1. J. Grano • 0 Idcflandlese, N, Oastle
11 1 flank, New Cagle J Oalligher, Onto
it Hamilton. Jelloraon co W Duff, Darllt gtOn
W Minton, Altoona A X lain, du
W 0 Vance, Wartringlon.o GI Cupp, Johnstown
it Id Parrott, do DI IP Darner, Petersburg
J klenworth, Harrisburg J Brooke, PpringAeld, Pa
J LI 11. y, P Orhorold,
J II Olranl, Ohlol Rana, Conn eller Ille
J.I. Vail', Lnd lan • I 111 McOorm Ink, Irwin Sta.
HARM'S HOTEL—Liberty .tweet, font of FM.
Baton nen& PROPRIETOR.
W B,Caloban, Oencourbolg
J W Mcgwen, do
J 8 Roberto, do
A McPheroun,Cononyborg
A Mentzer,
W P Rifer & lady, Manor
0 Y Coulter A lady.ld Mere
DOM.., Martinsbu.g
J Neal, London
J W Alexander, Oanonabg
1J Oampbell, Hickory, Pa
.1 13 Richards, k lady. 0
K L 0 slltreth, Unionville
E Pantiell, Fayette co
Sktandley, Hillsboro, Pa
W 1101111 en, Canonsborg
W Patterson, Unloutown
J 11 Hibbs, do
.1 31. Woode, Germany
Olter, Wash, Pa
W Blair, do
W B TrylL-Pines
W htelenkln, Nevada, 0
.1 Damn, Coot3n, 0
L H Carllsb , Poona
No. 6, Bt. Olsir arum
J Bur, Parkaraborg
Riney, do
J r Ooopar, do
Mellvaio. Wiwi;
W Atclivalue, do --
A Yield?, Jamaaow o
Bar J Broca, blachanicleg
W Rammer. Wakh l'a
R Johonon,eanokaborg
0 Jack, WAsh
A Pease., Harmony,
Col Lida, Canonsburg
1J 0 Morgan,
No. 137, Water streak
1? 0 oultort. Fayeit,
B Harris. " do
W Bose, Along City
o B Beceny, do
Mfu Bow, do
a V auwrb:a, do
J Taylor. do
A Enswll, Hickory
A Mall, Oil Creek
J Gardner Washington
J Fink. Oil City
B Bared/0o
8 DM loon. Sion City
J Taylor,Jefl co. Ps
J Summerville, do
Williams, New Brighton
P ['Admit,
It Flaherty. Cherry Pall)
A 0 Gregory, Bearer co
.1 Balton. Ilatri.burg
O Cootor, Elizabeth
II Arbuckle, Lowrorot. co
(I Myers. P ft It -
II liztteo, lir“rntottlo
J Youvorblo, Moo Oity
E let p'e. Jo
.1 Erlttoo, Ilrourlovtro
W stwett, Ora 1.13,,A1
VP. October 31—There Igss
• Mr Oattle markre durlog
np - wtre tootiderably for
owloe tees about lb* am.
',triad= what.ver.
teen no reenttlel change I
the titer week. The [Merl
dm het week, while lb.
in prima thorn hu been no
The offeritkgs of Hogs were Gnomon, large, .ggre
gating 3380 heed. Of Ude number but Vt were sold
while the balance were ehlpprel Glut.
The vffertogs or Sheep wire atuderstr, while the
c'oleo worn rath,rltott. Pricen remain about na
e tolluedrug are the particulate of the sal.
B Popham.
0 Moo
Oro Lowe—,
B Arouthnot..—
• Il .......
0 Burrorro...--
J Elh
Joe Scott....
AM long
A Chearrawalt—_—__
Myer. • tir0..... _.......:...
._II A Mentliromery....-
W V Mclragglen
Cleo Boi•-.-- ......
L J Bronlln
U Monroe • co-.
Borlth A Bort—
John 010
John Bulb ....
Post /Nat. Bold. Al..
21 2
18 2%4t4
19 2 5045
19 2 41i8
20 • 2V42025i
tO •
15 2 ON
18 ' 2 00 2 34
ea 19 -2 ea
28 • /W 412
17 2
22 /% 4P2!4:
51 2. 40'
18 13.110
21 2 1 0
150 2 @Ai
171 7 OOBY4
WO 2 402%
19 5280 lit cows
21 $2,4045,60 Isnot
17 VS* head
18 $27,26 IR h.• 41
19 SlB* bead
19 814. too/
87 $224168 had.
89 2 - gl
21 2;4421 • ,
85 , $29 tii bead
......... 10
D 16
11 Dltifick------t-- 40
...... 11
Ilonck so
Mori k 19
0 a Bralnard..---- 18
lobe 20
11 21
J Wllloollhl4-----. 48
Brown 260
J P 103
0 W
A Oritchtield.. t ......- -76
Allertoo A c 0...--.... 600
7 8011_„..........„..120
tl 0 111111er...--.—... 613
L Vontn...— ..... 72
W Phillips- 222
J Bwron------.. 170
Hopp—.„--- OR
A likOnlng ...... 220
JM 200
Jam* .
lyu Nice 100
David llasick::
J 0 9:11
J .81
W 66
1256 788
Snit tEdlrEold
0 0 11.
W • Batorma.—..--. 25
Do•kr • 1101,02........ 18
Jacob M0yer.....-- 16
W 81
W 20
• 82
W 15
Ouoper law. —.... 11
lartbikalr B.UULLINb.
"awarding ilk COniraimakia ideraillar
, AND 1/110101119 . 11.11 Man riq
'glasses. Mutter. , *34iilda. inlay
aikwip No IS Whoa .1111.... t.. Itl
rrOßAoeo .'".
, A 126 bole, opprand bands Virglolit'yotaiccc' '
•Be k. r . No. 1 Biz Twist ' '
11%ill by ca2B JOEIN PLOYD.t . nit
011 . 11 8tt.A.PPLE8—cookikr. and - enrol,'
swami , purAives, . •
. = -• L *OI4IT 00. '
Fargo by ado :OEN /LOYD k Oct
Just pablisbed la a Eestedatasedopsult Pt ice 6 st;
A latints on tbs. nature, treatment, son r ,dcrsl
cure Of Spesmitortboca or Essulusl Westin( ss, lore.
notary Vosiselona &saki Debility, and Impedimenta
to marriage generally, 2'4r/utmost. Conentur lion, Its.
Ilopsy nun Pita Mental sod E. bysical locapsetty. Is.
suiting from &Ai Abuse, Ac.—by ISOBT. J. OUL•
VZSIVALL, M. D., Aalbcr of the Grrsts Rook, Au.
"A Boon to Tbortinnds of Sufferers.'
Bout under cr,i, Ina plain envelop; t) ard addrare
poat paid, no receipt of cents, or tiis Ponta:o
etatr,.." v Dr. 1.311_ J. O. tlti
wilecurr Bowery. No. lurk, P. 0. Beat 4598
at. s. .1. b.. v emove*A
'VI 'tC L 'S.' i 2V ii
p~•e ~rrui ::t:+.w
TPMI. BOTTOMS, Saba! Still Bottom; Bpstier
Bolder, Also, Lupo/gam and Donlan In PCITALB,
TIN PLATO SEINXT IRON, Will% Lo. 00k048/17
on hood, Tionin'a lacllne. and T4ola.
Wareham...No. 149,Pirat awl 110 81poolui 'Mu/
Pt &tabu ran, Portion.
ONPotioo . 110 ortiors of Coippor a: to okay desired pot.
taro noilitdatrlFT
Hair Dye! Seim Dye! klair X,Ve
The Original and best in the Work!!
MI others Iwo mere imitations, and
ahoalil be avoided, If Son Man to escape rldlcrolc
GRAY, RID, OR RUSTY LIATR Dyed taatantln
to a Leantifbl, and natoraTlnono er Bleck, without
the leant Injury to thohaltor skin.
awarded to Wrn. A. Dateholor tines 1839, and over
80A00 apiettettotu have been mad. to Hide of hie
patrintit of hie famous Die.
WII. A. IiATOIIIIOIO4 HAIR DY■ pioduems a odo r
not to be dlalmfulatio4 from =Lure. and I. WARSAW
no oat te, Ware in We least, however long It - may be
continued, and the 111 effects of Bad Dye. remedied:
the Bair Invigorated fe, Life by this eptendtd DY4
Mad., bid or applied (In ho velvets rooms) at Me
Wig re tory, 232 Broadway, Now both.
Bold In all cities and town. of the United Eltataktiti
Dn. ghtia end Fancy Goods Dealers.
mar The genuine las the name and address Om
mos plate engravine w BeiraMee of rob bon, Of
JaddedAnent . 19 Bond alred.Naw York.
111111—w 1119—w Ina-.
PKISIi tarp= W. Tbuy are oleigaat, h aaky and
yltling to • charm—nu horning up behind—m
attrlnklne of the head ; Indeed Ude Is the only estate
Ilstonent where these things are properly understood
and made.
leleled/heT (6 ttortit street. N.s Teri.
WITUAOW D00WL•57..... ..... ..... -RUMS 11111.14111.
Pittsburgh. P•nna.
Ogee. 115.111 Market 000000 .
klanotactero all 'dude of Steam loglose aop YOl
CintloP. Itsflroad Work, Steam Boils%
and Shoot Irus Work.
Jobbing sod RepOrlng dots s oa short noticre.
Jesepi W.'C. Eliw 11.
Passroarr. eaoinisti.
Uhutaeuris go Arta, Safe a &NUJ
Corner of Water Street and Cherry alley,
ant2:l,4k PITTMITIROR.
ULL LAJ1711.2.(.11...C. es AS loll;
rasunaroana 03
Iron Railing, Iron. Vaults, and Vault Doors,.
Wiadow alinitoto, Window Guards; to.,
Nos. 91 &Awl:l9l,cl Artd Ed Mal Strad, •
{Between Wood and Martet,) PITTBSURGA PA.,
Brea ca band a variety of now Patterns, fancy and
{Bala ignitable for all parodical. PartiOnlar attention
paid to eastodug Bray, f...da. Jobbing done Molds;
nrtir. ta • •
N 111.1L•W E. 'EC* de ~.^ 01. 0 21
In 41.311: 12
Porelgo and Dawdle Bins of !SWANK
RANI NOM AND 81110111,
.2..l2loMotions made on ill the principal dthell
thrum. eat the United Staten. prkkly
B. B. a C. P. MARE.LB,
And Dealers In
Cleve remand from No. 27 Wood street to No, till
Bndtbfirld Street, Pittsburgh, •
Ailreestt or Trade for Rags. ,tosialtf to
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
4 sorn---w.leaarxoslui
. JONES. BOYD as co,
BTICEL, Oen, Spring. Plov sod co r n Steel
INCa I sod AX.1.3E13. r Row
whell'hyt sta.. oele PITTSSIMOII Pa:
J. M.
.1111.0234116.25,TT TAILOR
No. 54 St. (Nair Street,
(Dr.lrisWe Noreßutldling.) Prrisouston.
Dr, Geo. D. Keyser. .
Wholesale Druggist,
No. 140 1904C1Street, Pittab4r4/1,184.
•PP P,f
Poc o A on
ire,ae 14 ewt
Marsh's Radical Cure Trues.
Ritter'e Patent Trues.
Fitolt's Supporter Trues.
SelfAdjucting True.
Dr. Banning's Lace or Body brace, forthe
,Oure at Prolapses 11S4. PilegiAbderlail and•SO '"
Dr. B. ELPiteh'e Bilrer-Plated Supperter:
Pile Props, for the support 'end "teliiirof
aati o Stcaings, for: creak and i.
Blood° in Cape, for !talk ktieeroft&
Ankle SePPeilete, for wet* ankle joiptik , •
Suspensory. Itandageer.-
Bolf•Sjectini - Byringoe; also, every kind. t '
Da. - Eaireis has a/so .4 'Xmas
radically cure Gonda or-Rupture. 'z
Otßeo at Ida Drug Store,
.No 140 Woe'il! us
sign:of tlie Golden Mortar.'
Ds. Winn reandboi fa elm&
RAMS and' Ira' Inatiaininta Cr 1/101124/1118'and
almost ivory dhows asquhloglnashinanil anyonnt„
GALI4.I4NIO adr/WRIE ye 1L20280 staelturicr
naodiodpunpandot rtrifirsperka _
tlod,nlll lomat 64, of =moo eb5 1 2 41 4, 110004 m 4 r
an tap as mad, span ,a randttannwoi TonDollom
Additan DR . C110:11. 14M1411.
Wo. 140 Wood Mani. Plitabardb, Pa. ,"
sown °Damn. Erni ,botthroill'irotoit,
or mousy rofood.d. .. Sold a liLitAlliolllB4
1.1104141 - '•
.No. 140-Wood ohrot. -- -.
ID BUGS, ROACTlt9;tc.—The
nooookoopea Mo. &AO et DR. anon%
wew strait, to solo moody; • -
too. rfermlo by Mkt Tbleart:B-1%.
,TlibinNASOR, on eatirely new ytopoibilloor itoP". 4
otonsided to reatooottotoo, pfate front wterr baW:.
&yid et - •., Ls. •
Jy3o.llw - 140 WoodpYtot4 ,•%-
riXTRA halve aNfew
USES/talc WhlCh / wit! dose oat at coot- •
-- It: Wad
.60301 D
. . .
1101P6:4 4 31:110 -CDSED; , -An
aVihtlin s irtutty li :l;
us. At DR. E0Y8111.3
90.10 Wood stmt. tike SI conc. -
SL%, 0 kt. ti