The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 31, 1861, Image 4

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Yb the aisolierTiortho Defut , -
81,008. L A.:II7IKIL
•'[We are indebted to a friend, says the
Bt. Louis Erening.Newie, for the repro
dustion'from his seraphook, of the follow= ,
log lines. Theyerill be mad with peculiar
arxisarrowfal interest, ranee their authel
now sleeps the steep of death. He 'Mao
-thought, when, years ago, he penned thin
tribute to the memory of his , dead- 00m,..
rades in Kezioe,.that a time would come
when 'he Would hit in defense of his won
_ try, and at the hands of those who, then,
were his countrymen :] •
Moor. rolls the rnablog Rlo
Hoes yearetelly tte,y okapi •
Par Wm *boat Wive northern load,
Jas tram the hinds 'mho warp.
Ito rolthig drum disturb. *belt rt at,
Benteals tits sndy roa—
ns =old Its batman 01.011 breast,
Tha %din la 111th Uod.
T ary heaxd lhiircouctre's call, aid came
. To batik lor Mr right;
Bach boom 011'd .Its martial dame,
had kladllai (areas fight. •
hhtlill Vac thee smeared kootatep wham
Th ay Sowed to a. et the ter;
Ala., that kiwis co derv, then,
Should soon be cold sad low.
Tbey did not die in viler sitUe.
Upon a welt (mild
frPel SU red Wound poured tingle lib,
Where °merlon &omen yield.
Detail. d■nb eked. mu slowly end
Upon each manly Drool.
let ads ladies:ken to the loot,
They okapi! Wes*, on..
eat I.n (midst' eosstry dire
Not holm to:thillt twin
Itiadnht hearts their 001110riall lire,.
And history guard their tem%
Nor sariseoutbartd do they SW*
dl l llO,
'gra their etre. thy .111 nun. con y,
Tim rathiiig RIO Omar..
Tai.Btal Greatmeis of. the Apra Mau.
The whole history of great States,
whether monarchical or repcbiXon, in 11 1
ages and in all climes, has been one of al
toned,. engvaftings and splinteringe from
the central stook.. Territorial expan
sion and contraction have been by turns
the &Wny of neatly every_ European
State of, the first order, since the asps of
Olieriemagne. It has been preeminently
so of France, whose confines have seldom
moaned for half • century unchanged
yet:Whim has the bitterest enemy of that
tioNintrY ventured to talk , of her political
Obi*e as a thin that hes pseud sway.?
Misty true statesman and historianunder
stands. thei the vitality of a great . State
consists not in the casual mai:rot its
acreage, or the fluctuating number of , its
people, but in the moral vigorwhich loy
alty to its institutions, and homogeneity
of feeling, habit and purpose, give, and
which' no - scxtdents of flood or fluid can
take away. Were the southern States
parted tinily and forever from the Union,
the Union would still be the greatest free
country, with the exception of our own,
that the world has ever MOIL It would
• still possess elements within itself of op
ulnae and power vaster by far than any
• Boropep State can boast ; it would still
be invincible by foreign arms, and un
shackled in the pursuit of industry,
_ Imowlertgi; adventure, and improvement
by domestic bonds, whether .of creed or
casts; it, would still possess the pdceless
treasure of a matured literature and juris
prudence, and irldle it retained all the
treahneas and energy of national youth it
- would still be a voluntary combination of
self-ruling States—it would still be the
home of the free. We cordially" sympa
thies in the bold and eloquent language
of Vice Chincellor Page Wood upon this
subject; and we seriously commend his
. wine and mighty words of political re
proof to the shallow-pated orators and
writers who think it fine to sneer at the
mischances and losses of a free community,
involved against their will in a sanguina
ry war. No purity of motives or pc
litidel wisdom can effectually insure a
nation against wanton and wiltal disaffec
tion. how many revolts have English
rulers been obliged to resist ? How many
attempts at schism and exussion has not
'British power survived ? Our duty as - a
nation of kinsmen, of friends, and of neigh=
' bora is very plain. Our sympathies and
prayers ought to be for those alone who
stand on the defeesive in this lamentable
qmurrel, for theirs is the cause of law, or
der and right. - We, to% are likely to be
heavy sufferers by reason of the conflict ;
. but, as Lord de Orly has recently well
said, when addressing a public assembly
in Yorkshire, "No consideration of tem
porary self interest ought to induce us to
think of interposing between the combat
ants on any plea or upon any pretense
whateiever.—[London Deily News.
ALThensand UmUm Am "lump
The Mt. Sterling 4., Whig of last
. week gives an account of speeches made
in that place on Monday of last week—
' County Court day The Whig sap : •
"Gen. Dick. late of Texas,
, -imposed to give his Mow county nom a
-• true and fair narrative of the effects of
moession as witnessed by him in a travel
of some 1,709 milts, overland ; he told
. or lola of the moat harrowing scenes of
others and demon-like, . aWc cities com
mitted by the fiend Becessic' gem, as wlt
nand by himself and family—how men
were hung in Tena—neighbors of his for
so other mime than that they were loyal
to, the government of their fathers ; he
liVatlld, as a fact, that he believed,; from
his own knowledge, that the number thus .
hung coubl . not have been km than a
thousand 'in the States of Texas, Arkan
sas andTaummiee
Tea freight movements on ail the roads
• gunning east from Chicago are very heavy.
The Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne road We
ell it can do, and its rolling stock is con
-stently employed In :forwarding grain, stock,
‘mihtarystores de., which it does
its customarypromptnem. _ Oar Wee.
- tern roads are also doing equally welt. The
lielena can are loaded down with grain, m
Also the Rock Island and Burlington roads.'
Oe the Chicago and Northwestern Rail
road the- increase of freight business has
been so great as to compel the company to
;'- "e nlarge their freight house, recently in 'creased to., the length of 480 feet, by a
further,addition of 144 feet. In spite of
--. - the war, baldness on ail our. Northern rail.
roads has been more than usually, prosper.'
oterand remuneratire.—[Chic. Gas.
A facruouo Individual into conducts
vie %Ito" cola= of a tiew•Haven paper
was mUed as a witness in a libel' snit bet
week ondlti defining bin position gave this :
amount of the ditties of a "Icicaliditfm",.
4 .t0 pick up tests, - write out nows,"get
-together tionit and publish news about
evelbody that area in town, about every
body that has ever lived to town, about
ffft_irybody that ever will live in town, or la
trait expected to be in town:,
u s p or t wa s iispedtU ai ou up the Calabar.
A special &pitch, dated Cairo, Oct. 33ih, to
the Oinelensti pipes; met - • - ,
-..' t.; nisi steams Erie No. 2, with four,eoupa
„- , iiskai the Eleventh kitssonri, and Me 001111 W;
7414' 4 5.
;:atift" :ll 4. , matted by the gunboat. Cones.
' Left; Columbia on }friday sited, and ran
i- ' Sp a b i erlend se far as Eddysllbs• lawn
- 0 ''' aims landed st 13 p. tn. sad mad* a
' '''': ..:'..,, 6101111: 13 ylk, tato the harlot, :here a
--, t.- - -1--farolo id the enemy's ,itavalry wea - sastamped.
irthepreached uifite at daylight, and attacked
- ' lillatt Male Att tontakfest, completely sondes
-, theaWkllling 36ieso t and eaptarieg id piss
- ,
,suan, 50 bums aad st Us. qualii!Y 01 1;
. 0 1 1,1 1 t•
:-..nru withoute 111.4181sraeaduabsidinktesi
'ssiablishialf a -Goverment -leilleet-, - US-:latb
-,:-.-: 4440.7Jaitilitwais this point stadEtrAissus,
iiviskisatiwasis L to nrinfipottit ;lcsialiiissl
', -- -. .aisoirosopataiagbets bete lid bi. LOltha
Y._ . : llMlllira — Tl6ll/0111101111 side of Us dutu- f
h.m Oar Zveablif 714111101.
portant Dote Illivatia—The
Rebel Combilssioners.
. • .
Fro Your,hisatototet Comm.i
his hu attired from Haviusa • withlaliot to tkit
26.6 fart.
The rebel steamer Theodore, lormerly the
ictpf. Lockwood, left SIMI& °sibs
23i for Charleston. She 14004 Melia.. Ma.
son and Slidell, the rebel Coinniiisionera to
Ingland wed Fmtes, aiCirdeiritiwart. after,
wards went to Havana.. 'blears:Midi:in .tita .
.Siidalt went Overland to Hiving, where they .
mere received with the - highest conaidetation
by all the &Seidl's- tram the Captain General
The Theodore teak a large Aninti otarine
, ate.
Her.her return; also, provolone, co ff ee, ate.
Her. eaptiun nap d•with kaia..lllji bv
the Sontherri. ladies at • the. took
treaty . plooeigers, tho
late U. S.ldinistar to •-•
Mr. Bbareldt, the American Content menaril,
telegraphed to the commander of the U. 8.
ateansirigate.Bait ;Fenno, at Trinidad, on the
24M, to proceed at once , to Sataae.
Thepridih coaaal:called.iik the RebelCom
ntlaeloaersln.fallitelform sod preetaltad them.
both to th. C'eptainGeasild ' '
Captain Ooxeder, late of the'phate Jeff. Da
vi; came to Havana. in the Tit/odors, and re.
mottled there,
Things look quits warlike in Havana, then
bolos a logo llookfittlng oat for the oicedition
igloos Yukio. , • .
By the psalm Clolina
until Wads from the
blockaded ports, namely: Charlestai, Nevi Or
leans, HobUaand VlUmlagtan, ZQortD 01110111/S.
Salting ortbeGreat ExPedllion
FOUTIMI litionsos, Oct. 29.. - Vie Betriawre.
—The great expedition sailed this morning.
'Tli fi ship, Wabash, took:the lead at. day
ligh%when a gun was fired as a. sienal., The
aareak r
Catawba brought up the reir. The
vessels more then filly In number, formed in
line a few miles down the roads, and want oat
between the Capes in splendid style.
' The steamer Baltic had the Ocean Ramie
in low, the Vanderbilt the Great Republic and.
the Illinois the Golden Regis.
The morning was the most beautiful of the
iiirMon, and the spectacle was the 'rudest
ever wnnessed on this continent.
: There is no other new. of taterest to coml.
Etathread Aecideztf.;.-Tdo Dien
Rammoesc, Oct. 30.—An accident occurred
last night on the Northern Central Railroad,
tut York. The train ran ore a cow, snug.
log the cars nod killing two passengers. One
Or the killed was Mr. Valentine, xi Baltimore,
Ind the other an unknown man, about
lite years of age. The initials ..E. V." were on
bls watch: Re hid In his possession a Peehanes
excursion. ticket from New York to Baltlmom
and back ; fair, complexioned, blue eyes, light
hair, moustache and vitas same Color ; anchor
is India ink on the left arm, sottwas dressed
is a customs coat and satin vest.
Oen. Anderson In. New Tore.
New Toes - biz and the
•freedom of ie city will be presented to Gen.
RObertAnderson this afternoon by the Mayor
and_ Common Council.
T:to iroosport steamer Thomas Swann, from
Fortreu Monroe, reports that the ilea was
_getting under way on Monday evening. She
puled at Midnight of Monday t off Hog
leer steamers bound south. •
DePartuielfor Swope.
Sumo!, Oct., 30.-71 a Clusud 'steamer
Arabia sailed for Liverpool at belt_ past eight
o'eloes the morning. She carries forty-eight
pauesgers for Liverpool, bat no specie.
Tie neighborhood of Wareaw, ky., his been
considerably annoyed of late by a jug
elgaiOn metals led by.a tackle,. fellow named .
Lather Gman,;'and all aorta of petty outrages
have been committed on Union men by Vim
outlaws,. On Sattrday last, however, a coma
piste ens phis was put to their prosseOinp
bf a little band of Union volunteers, number
.eighteen or twenty, under Capc. titre,
'who is renruitmg at Camp Boyle, on Paint
Lick Creek, near Wareaw.
On the mornieg of that day two 'Winne of
: Captain Howe , e - company were . surprised by'
Green', gang and made prisoners, aid it is Sta.
ted that they wereTabotit to be hung when the
'news reached the camp. The little pan
y :
mentioned started in punuit, and after * brisk
walk' of sit miles they came in view of the
rebel party; which numbered 30 or 40, and a
akirmish ensued. .
The rebels took to Ought; bet two Ail them
—Rohm Herndon and T. J. Hashes—were
shot dud, and Green was taken prisoner.
The iwo Union 'oldies' were recovered and
a number of small arms and a quantity of
personal property war secured. Green ar
rived here yesterday, and was sent to Caoip
Chase.—Ninainnale Paper.
Jarizzcz - r.—A COMM
spot:drat of the Cincinnati Gazette writes from
Crab Orchard on baaday moraiag
We have advice, here of a forward move.
anent from Camp Wild Cat, in the direction of
Cumberland Ford, where the out battle will
be fought. It is confidentte expected an ea.
ragement will•take place this week. ..
Anvion Tetomors, the celebrated
,English novelist, is no* stopping in Mem
land,- with his wife.
12YRUPS AND 81:11.3AIL8-
83 b do Po bla. Bo:Poore itOldelooclll.l2-8 'top,
111 ontotossta
4 AWL do do
OD bbl.. Ilisadord 481 A Crabbed 80gars,
12 do Youdotidoad Griaolated do
18 do Talloiraid Oak* do - •
.80 do 1/2. o.llcdsoloo, '
ff 1 zo. prime lialatmet aims. •
.Pox 110801/1111.121, • LANG.
A:4:1 D RS T • 'dß W • &
Ms MOAT Om& By Shirley trona;
Great IspitAsakum Illsonsiod fdltiow- ,
Ik• limn' at Ombra. 'two imams&_ -
/randy Winowyp. By Matins., TrolloPlL. _ -
TooßooroalWWm. Dlrin.ollpinb
.11a7rstlass Ka pomp PAtios• Woad 21 auks.
Traub on Ito MAO of Toils, New adltlau
'- - EAT s 00,115 wool Oro* •
G3llll MU; pels• YoLmas, ,••• • •
•10 do Goblin u 6 L L airoom, -
^ 100 bap pins 1Ue.04110.
Ti balfoloaa T. R. ao4 Slack Taio, , • •
4041414, boa. ~do — AO" . 410 ,
60 boar!. Ibbaoao, amosiod hula, -
for soll4 11.g. %11=d0 1l 11,161 lib rag,..-
1114181MS-200 boxed - Bunch Raisin',
lai. - 100 • do ~
la am, aad sad for Writs do
oot2 lstan
4, UAL dial* halo lblaatt ratoival ads ats
mil for tale try Übe bora at at Mail, by
241111 1 / 1 111. •
pen ' - tiOnnellf Warty sad Mad sta.'?
10 4 .1M0R A6lO-#IIAD---
4arbtair. triamilhaitly
70 do Nara
47 do diciest:. do
' OEO3 '• - -
Ligts-60, blALtbit daY
nova f~s r:lEop
• pvaa... cAmmozq oza..
_ .
_ Mingo SkrTllll,Bll lets, lbel.
THAT aAvil XV=
.11, yet been Wend to the pnblki. They are the
but fat the.D&wing esteem • •
Dawamweaslog of ea oval ebsps, the 'elem.!'
eel rywhert equally- distant from the dame, eC that
the prat I. stromm and ism • reeler.
d. The out Dupe I bettor adapted to testa the
offset oreaddemaspenskm, so that It lo Impossible to
themA. •
... a. Ties nude largely of Lied and rearluh,
palm a ' roe of strength and elastalty. The
chimneys Which bormampas ham tooted to be so
batik, ea to ersakeren when notin me, ire Insane.
bly media Liaire Olen leatearref net Glees, of
which oars ere nuandestmord. -
. _ Gat the mutest adrantsim three Chlmoeys le
that when, yoo Due, one it will last former, and If
say haseakeeperbreaks oar,
by the heat of the lamp,
let her cal thb Watmteetosy and we tall Upham her
cricked shimmy by edam whole ease. Thie proles
does not Melva, accidents catboat . cues of WWI:
. theohlausar through loesperienee,
aceurad eo closely to the lamp as to prevent lure
playa= whea.beated.
Itsmthietarets sod mailmen of Carbon Oil, who
-Unfelt the magallade of the adult , . which hoe
elated be the gnat expense of cklmoge, In the Yee
of Ida Itelsasal wed the ell. Mu bond • remedy
to the literal Clue Chlmaerorbkh has ma
Welly the 001111 of Catbou OWLlgtit to those
who Mis ould laorseed the Imainunothat of oil
oonsequilet open the Messed impasse for ebloinej a
Persele by J. 0. Kfrhpatrkh, fen Thomas
Rogan *Nesbit, P. Hayden, Lassos 011 Co , Weldon
deteselie, W. Ogden • Co, W. P: Wooldridge, W. bl.
Itarrayiet at the ellauthertory, Washington street
• mew Permaylualit amuse. •
• salatawanatf - IL D. DITHRIDOII.
•Tci *Oxman. and Others.
fosse all others in nee eunsislu to It. cheaper,
einholen and durability. threoad,ln cleaning Grain
heist. better ml more thoroagely, with leas labor
than awl other mIU. ' The patentee of Mt, above no
it boesliotionged t manstecturtoi and Deities
ArprietilteadEhpbrarenta.ooartnced of thence.* seat
al a goad fm foreleaelait tba diderent kindle( Grata
.and Ikea% presurts Wm n the paella with fan cans&
dance that ft sit inset their wants
The altdentintd, having purchased the sole right
b snatantatess and all the aloes Grain he and help.
senor fn Western Prresscleaula. Weston. Vhllltak
and all abioond the right to WI to tudlnba and ILF
Dols. prepared to All ill °thin, wholes& Of
retail, at 319 Unsay Wean Putabetegb, Pa.
eesiMwtff W. W. WALLACE.
DA, Ur& gli.ILLIro,
Brdse fOnldin and ilanatneturers.
c a . s - ~~ MMk:
Pumps & Brass Work
OIL WELL .1P17.11E1.13,
of &WIN e4par or Iron. with the carat approvad
ObaLobara and Wm, of all Muds. sod warrantad to
give awdalbehorn
110 Wituir and 104 trrons sta.
to oall the attsatkoa of Itooltiallsts, Stattootta,
Dealers to fattoy Goods, sad all c 4101; to the
• The kinds baba *very style ot•Letter, Not., OM.
Wedelns Portfolio, Drug., lead other ea:tette.—
, Also, Parchment and Cloth Lined, all nude and (111E4
bed In the most *bet manor, on the teat. loldleg
Machines yet lortatad.
• did ,NY /ruing Mlle Written Papua, manutac•
toned elprimaly for the enbalber, and no better ye.
, pen Can be toned In thb country.
issteples, bilks trade Wt of pricer, sent by mall
when requested. - • •
• Duller, en hotted I. call and asendne Ida sunk,
quebtese,psioas, styles, le. do.
. . HAY/Iol l oohload • ' • 1111 waling,. street. 111. Y.
FOR SEA BATIUNO, Ailantio City,
D. 1.. (two end • halt boars aide alit2l Palle
the nal
delphie) boon
BULK tretinentad than day Cher phew in
ite ,tial
lentedeig, Wan and lahing hollitlee ars we
ear pond.
Solleie and Bowdlas Boone, which will some
morale sheet Wen roma means, awe as well
Inge es fi o et derthoseend Newport.
It. Dr% I it.. Lew ha, length. slbothwt • set
efikent dclivetdie the searchers of the puce la re.
ISEft' &yaw
ere osiebed twioe daily two and hem
read a Iteliagraph attends the whale
Ism& at the toed,
tram ante Owed= and liWib liallseed Wain
VW and Whezt, Plansdeighls, eel% a. N. and 4 r.
a. Um Atteatio at CU a.m. and 42411 r.a Eds
tara6/0111. /ate pm.
(Milted Min) BOUM sad alba
ham lam epos. Jelegld
No. 113 Fourth street,
anew' hands asearlawnt of boon. Lard and
Prot, wog of which Is of their own odes.
Infillit OTIIIID WEB, of Cheinnstl *ad atm care&
PLAIN UAXB, with mid without canvas.
INII/111, gaol* and la dry malt._
lOW rot', 1.8.7
Mei talon sad,palk. Pat ap It
prrittfor.Uy soh bad allot Um& own teurlorLog
f 121.16; Wbbi• far xollisg parpur. aza
iAtrrn nom by limitation oa the day
of spot, MAIL TM bedlam of said ere< 101 he
settle' by Ms new dna ul3olas a Laughlin".
, .
dwedgood, wilding to ,tos Tilts of Pfttobowsli,
Imo loud • Waltsit pittatishlo muter 'hi Ifroi ofs•
Isfoonsis, to the hotfoots of isonstsetorto
sa• 11404 to No soccoidirti to the Ivo of Joust
• L00t1448 ',Wit , feat dm mord putows tie
Ilaitsads Jams, Thomas IC 0 erli• N.
Jotw,Hwoa. Iltuighlto. mod Irwin EL lasohlts.
aria tM optoist pulsar hi Ames lambllo. who tun
coaffriliated smutty thoimsod bat bushed dollns to
Itts oswalli• shoot of rid partitorsidp, whits b to
aswwwwwiiito of the Ist day of Altopiat, It SI. sod to
loralsolli an the tat 6srof Jy s~ rtt,, bard.
W. W. JON'S.
• II1Na2.• 81 111IIOBLIN,
!AWOL . watt=
Isk Stsuisnd isoilbnifo thaunscp.
L=Es P42IINT- Wen_ granted on
n• noon assa„ fo r a Togs
aitoplooaloilliasai tiara sod /La
Ameba* iloatamo. foll tfoi
bone to Obfaloaf, ao sabot vial NOM
of Ifif awn of tom to la liamairal-42mby ofkaa
tiptaosalioroomal looror vim hop pion of
toaf Wogs. Illickaad a axrapoadlog
ilhooabougarf 113110i4/11 a i l e s s iamakaacirii
destrotaidt sittissltskto to WO alluoggewl
II will ao torrlka sake add pars. Anode,
arllr at the odor miming ads;
••• • •••••••••1•1= -Low. mew at Gloat
sad Dllosamod otrootoor rotas .thistootal auy
aatl,lol.Mn.NOß= Wo thirtorao of Damon
. , Pa- •
.00a110111 1 / 1 1'.Hpli I‘..-
la kw • AL. . 111 a •
F. l OO.
PrLIA.I APPLES 1:-72 bble. choice
Gros Appiell
fr k A t
" I """"as.aamirliffi9c 4
Broadway, Now Work.
duartl !minced: to $2 per Day.
SiN THE OPSIIIIIO of this va-t and
cocr.lion. Hotel. ho 183, It bu been tho Clash,
n SllOl Cf the proprlotorsto mate It the maintop.
t-...., convenient said comfottablo home lot tho
not said straner on Mb old. of th. Atlantic.
And whatever W. Deemed likely to euloalniatte to
the comfott of Oa guests they have endeavored, with.
out regard to Goat. to plovlde, and to combine all the
element! of Individual end social enjoyment which
modern Anhui Invented, and modern taste approve*,
and the patronage whir& It has commanded dories
the put eli run la a gratifying proof that Hub ct•
forte have*,boii appreciated
L. moot the eilgenclea of the thaw, when all Cr,
r eqnfred ordoiloo the molt rigid economy, the on•
l`rafgoft i li .v •
Reduced the Prt. to of Board to Two
Dollar per Day,
at the same time abatis: TISINI of the luxuries with
which their fable has hitherto beau supplied.
warrooth 170.'ectlam4
S. LOUIS 80213 L,
IA the Meltedlate rethtbbodutod of the Jobbtag !lotuses
• halletket, third end Obsetnet thee% the eget e,
Psis Mt% X orithsaW Bechehee. he, at , •
Board per Day. 50
AtootassistSse, rise required on the lIUROPIAN
PLa N. booms frost 150 casts and wpwants.p... dab%
and Neare st a Mar eats IMITAIMANT avtiouss to
Ona Bum Pram accord* to the Mb of Para
Time City Cara take Passliagere from
11 17 st►ttoa TO or CLOS& TO 155
sir Snell*, heath, Gyrolau and elpnalah van'.
171743 a
Siagit looms, Fifty Celt& Per Day.
City Riau Oquara, 'earner !frankfort at.
lOppcalto Oily 1101.1
Neale, as they may be ordinal, to the merlons Be
*rotary. Then• ke • Barbee* IShop sad Bath Booms
attached to the Hotel.
• N. 11,—Illaware of Itaanna re and Bonk
Inen, who may no on
ooddid L ihdlidd, Proprietor.
ttcns, Kann, Gums, on
Duquesne Foundry,
Liberty et., near. Onter Depot Pa
lffannnonam MAOI2I/Nll. HOT BLAST uta BOLL.
BOXIDJ, AA:always an band and be Bala low.
_Orders left vim W. W. TOUNO, comer of Wood
Mast and Diamond alley, will roam prompt Wan.
Ma. mh.lB
r-MTMI 7 IF - I;TV 7 T3I
A. 39 ELADIA.p . 7
lifsoulbctorof Goofy variety of
aro. Ake. aco.
bola Proprietor of the celebrated
JUNO amiduraiummrs.
Office and Sales Room
No. 4 Wood Street.
Warehouse, No. 52 St. Clair at.
PARLOR sag maim Ifto,llB. Pallor
eon i itraten Grano, Hallow War% WA: dblel bed
Blanaldoelde, Rolling Will Cionlega, Ytil Gearing. Glen
Water and Arnaan Pip.. Bad Irene, Dug trona. Wages
Baste, Saw Wattle., PSU.p. Haw" Car Minds,
Gonr&a ahiv i
, n 1 Oletlapitenerailt. As .Jobbing 424
Yr to ordet. Patented Portable
MCA lOW &sant or none Print. noitSod
fttcoltum & Cuban eds.
leiorlui it Sharinborg minion Allegheny Valley
end Warebonee 93 Kumar STREIT,
. . .
EIPLOGIV always on band. ' aci2.1711
B. H. DAVIS. President •
JOHN IRWIN, jr., Beeretary and Treasnrer.
Duiscroes—lL H. NAO. H. Nevin. J. L. Omer
ghee, A. Clenteron, John Ueda. Jr.
01 11,gbi gravity, from Ms *alb of the company,
on Ott Omsk in Vanango county, conalantly on bang
and foredo.
CNN* at T. B. Navin & Ooh,
mylay No. 00 Wood mi., Eittaturgh.
wzawrami i Automation,
irtrEews, OA-RESON Oily
abed,)(Qnsl4 PITTSBURGH, PA.
sot Bseuiols osostontly Mod._
Ordersfor Os presses st oaten, SMITH
A 00.'14 Irsoirand First stmts. st2.lSito
Lubricating Oil,
ZS. pee:GALLON, awasatly on baud sad ibr ode
07 X. O. it 7. H. RAIMIE.
/1.1 to tits plinth we rase to missed certlllosto
Yoko. E. O. a .1. H. Seen= Clente—ltte lartnicep
tine oil we Ire ptuot fro you we lid to to Qs
too for oat purport we bare elm med.
'BiLy L &Ica. R. te. oa,
Datil By Ws. lerr. Posit.
A my largo stock Of chola:o*w of ooloctod Teti.
It 9. to choose from, with ovory postal* Cu. taken
to Am Nary validity One to maw
Of ANA* Now wo have ITO,OOO-40.000 a 'blob
Sr. nano loan 410.10 COO but year old P00r,,10,000
two to three post old. Noch, Moo, to,. on.
Renaues—Tbe trees La the nerrery. Call sad
EVALVIRSDNI Dom 1 t 13 feel, by the handre
wholesale and retell.
Address PlUntargb and Oakland Itareerlee, Phis.
bares. Pa. selhAllier JOHN SIIIIIDOCHIars,
STORI nor Dew romovod from No. SS fifth
Moot to •
NO. 80 ST•
roar Dow from Med, et
-160 !AAA chase •elecbet Omen Appl e,
10 dr,. eseertid finely Bre.rdd, •
beteg Week= leserv•Oketee„
70 '467 Woods , Pearl Sunrob, .
• y Dierks Timoth Seed,
10 6660 hem Ow Key Pork.
FOO;oesee Peek Pcm:ber, kw !Amity we,
backs Oise Peet6an4 •
key trash No.I Lard, So faintly nce.
end for mby
/SANE VAN amuna.
Dell 11. Second men
. 100 do Nobsi 00 ps kg iuea
mock Potatoes,
100 do Wiwi" Albert do
100 barrels Itusuett Apples.
dO Unions byeatrotstons,
11 busksli Ybsllbork Illokory Huts,
id bomb Orantsurrise , -
Just ssoolsodand =by
• i/W . A... • KR,
osl6 Worlot-ftd - •tnorts,
PerinMe el
Joietitipeetind a lair red baeutllai hisortmeitt of
a. Dana. n wood
jot riatired. • rhos sail& et lOW Vona
PO up tan raid bop. at for We by lb*
" lb° iM ail i!""art . sum ,
- SerAimanyratiiiii7.4l:ft
ICANS-40 bias W poi, ~rtt
QC/AU/X.l ,: asasaub 0/1:08,
• Womblogt.n, Jaw 21, lbdl. j
Pc %goals invited fog toe . fornbaltos of As Loy
Baggage Kaput&
Proposal. shodal state the priors ►t will la they cars
be furolslied at the place of autaulsetaxe or at New
York, thtladelphhh Baltimore, arsahington, or ars
tizioati,aa prrfertid by the bidden.
The naraoer which am be made by any bidder with
in one swath after receipt bribe oroer. also the nom.
bar which he nu deliver within one west
The Wagons meat tßaelly conform to the followlug
itpeelthatto4e, awl to the es. attished vatittus -
The trout *tee!. to be three Wet ton hot,' Itlgn;
hubs teu Imbea In &meter, sad fourteen and a quar
ter badmen:3m blue ♦herls fear feet ten Inches 446,
hobs tenandaqottierinchna in diameter, and forlitttin
and a quarter inches Mi.& [whetter° and a hall haw
wide end two and three quarter inches neon cast fret/
pipe bon. twelve filches loos, two and • half lichen
at the large end and one lad wren eighths inch at
muttl end; tire two and a ha f inches wide by flee.
eighths of an inch thick, touted with ono screw bolt
and not In cacti Loins; hobs made of goal, the apace
and fall& of the boat whits oak, fret from dunichir,
each wheel to have r a►nd band slid linchplu band
two and Mitt quarter Inches &Ida, of Nag bead Iron,
and two-driving banclei—ontaid• band one mid aquae
ter inch by omequarlor Woo thick, builds band one
Inch by theasoliteenths In thickneen the hind Inbuilt
to be made and boards° that they will measure from
the Inside of the tire Pi the largo end of the box six
and a half boatman I front wheoliaLv, induce eighth
niches In &parallel line and each alga to be, threalett
eleven and threasighth Inches from the ontaida crone
amender washer to the outside of the other, au as to
have the wagons all to track eve feet Imm centre to
contra of the wheels. ♦xfatrees to be a:lWe°' the
test quality relined American ltoo, two anti • hal
Inches square s. the shoulder, tapering down to on
ends had Inch in the middle, with • listen eighths
Inch Illophols hole In each exleheec nubile end
Iliglipins for men &Entree; elec.( Iluent/Ineoce Inch
'add, tbrowelgtiths of an inch ibis's, with a hole in
each end, a wooden stook ions and toreeyeerter Inch
es wide and lour inchtedeep listened subsganthdly 10
the aidetres With dips on the ends end with two
Lode, six ladle. trorn the middle, end issued to the
bound' and twisterAthe Water go be bar feet Are
•lacks Wog. Ace inetow.geldn, and tines and • halt
deep) with hen heiSinon bode.
The tongue to be tar tent eight loam long. four
[ochre wine and three ittobew (tuck as trout end of
the Monde, and two and a %mutat. lothee wide by
two and tbreeioerttt Inches drop at the trout root
and we 'flanged as to Illt op„ the front end of It to
hang within two fret or tae ground when the wagon'
In standing at rest on . laveleurtace. •
The front bonnet to be al: fret two Inane long,
tree Indus thick, and hat lathes wide over anletree,
end to retain dm width to the back end or the tongue,
tew• of the baal. one loot -lght Whoa long and
three tochei innate at the trout end, with . plate of
Iron two and hall lathes wide by those *tenth. of
.an loci Wet, fastened oat top or the heanglover the
back end of the mane with one hathlnch screw bell
to oath end, and • plate of Iron Vibe mama else tone
td op at each endue cad • Cult Inch.. an Muth the
frost bound, together. and (Awned no tbir ander
aide, and at front vent of hound; With half Inch urea
telt thn.ugh each honed, • yew n eighth Inch bolt
through Lougee and hounds Id the centre of tau, to
temcw the tongue In the nocndm a plate or Iron threw
'acne' wide, ontegnuter Inch thick, and one foot
ingot Inches tans, secured on phi lucid. of Jaw. 01
ballads with two slvet• Lod a plate of the mos di.
autumn. CO •Itellalde of the Lague, Where the tongue
ad hoard. ran together, SOCull/d In like manner, a
braes of strumalghtna of en Inch nand Into t•
tend Inca ander the front axistree, and take two bolts
In trout part of the Luanda, saute brace threognar •
tars of en Inch round to continue to the beck part of
the hatuula, and to De fastened with two bolo, ono
near the Deck end of the hoomicinti one - through the
'adu and bounds; • Draw over front holster cue and
• haU Inch wide. 06.101arter t,l an Ufa-Wet, with
• telt la 4th *ad to fasten II to tea tionadm the
opening Paw= toe join of the - hound., to receive
to• tongue, and four and thruguartar mare In
front, and tut end a bad huhu at the back put of
The bind bounds four filet two lashes long, two and
ttuenquatter lashes thick, and 'arm lucent wide;
Jaw. bus foot long whore they clasp the coupling pole;
the bolster font feet Ave India long, and nee wan
wide, by three lathe* deep, with steady Iron two and
• belt inches wide, op ooe•bcf loch thick. turned up
two •od a half indite •nd Mottled on each sad with
three rivals; the bolster stooks and th nude tone m
oored with tour halite& sues bolts, and one belt
inchoate, bolt (Waugh the coupling pole.
The coopling pole tilts. feet eight males long, three
ttionee deep, sod four and • belt inches wide .t Irons
sod, .04 two end Or...pouter lochs• wide at beck
a; distance from the motto of Clog bolt bolo to the
• Mrs of tho,back salaam Mx toot goo incb...d
tom the matzo .1 kloipbalt hole to the antra of the
mortlon to the Mimi end of itto polo olgot feet Woo
orbts; king bolt °cooed a quarter looms diametzr,
• tbeirtonued Ire.. drawn down to. moveo-olghtu. of
an loch where It games through the Iron Wilkes;
Imo plate ma tuchealOalt, three Mho, wide, and one
eighth of an Inch thick oath. Coubletroe and tongue
There they tab together, iron pigs one anda bal. by
one quarkr Mau inch cn the elldlog bar, laatmed at
each end by Amcor bolt through the hound. front
seater to have plate. slave and .below eleven lathe.
keg, Muse tut a Lalt Inch. wide, and three Mgt gm
of ea Inch thick, comets drawn oat and tamed down
ca the 1114.011 of tan t olstai, with a-tioll la each cop
oar, and lour eentatermak nails on the tmc two bands
on the bled bound,,two and two and • MU baba
at ho. l 0 ban d Iron; the rub plate no the coup
ling pole to be eight Imam long, one and Anarquar
ten inches olds, sod ono-quarter of an Inch Mace.
fkubletreo three feat tea invhee long, Montauk, ten
test algal Inches bug, Mt sell made cl bl.kory, with
en Itue dog end clip atemti ens, thecentre nip to be
wail secorem lead bar end limit-bar to be three feet
two Inches lon, two suds quarter Write. voildinl
use and a quarter loch MM. Load hen, mretchera,
end Maelstrom • mr alamitle team; the two alogleuree
for the Mad maks to bare hoot. In the middle to
hook to the end of the Olth chain, the wheel and tutd
ate palls with open tlngi to attach them to the doub
letrsaand lead bar.
- Monne' thals to be len keriong to the fork: the
tort one loot tug Imbue long, with' dm ; stretcher avg
laded to spread the forks apart; she Mks of the
gambled., slay sod tongue c.d., duw eighths of
an loch lo diameter; the kated dials sereasiadenth
that to diameter; the filth chain tone seam drisenth
loch decoder toe. fork; the fork tolsell.mizamoth
loch diameter the Bats 0110000•00 id the lock cholas
to be nos more than two and • quart.r inch. long.
The body In be delight, three fort 6 imam wide,
two feat deep, ten feet long at the bottom and ten fun
tux Inchea th• top, dooms equally at eadi end all
to the dear or ins dm the had lords to be two Sod a
bad Mows wide, and three itches deep; front pieces
two inches deep by two Dud • bell hub. wide; tall
piece two and • half MM. gwide end three lash.
oast; and four lashes deep In the midclle ai tat on ihe
couptiog post ap rad one and a half inch thick by
one sod lessen eighth loch 1/11100 lower rills mu loon
thick by one sin seversalghth Inch was; tar. mods
and one lad In front, WIN a seal on other , Wog. to
aloe it up a• nigh as the Oder, • boo three key four
ledges long, the bout., fire Wad wide front rode,
doe sad shall inch. dip, and eight =la hall Inches
at UM top in parallel line to toe body all In the de.,
to be mtbstantlaily fastened to the Gant son of the
body, to hoversn iron strap perk% round each end,
mcared to the hoed pls. and_lndic rill by a rd. in
each end of et perms throuh them, the 'll/ to be
fastened to the trod cad with two good amp hint e,
a s.rap of avegelghth Iron mud the box • hail inch
from the top edge, and two strap•aame sine on th• lid
oear the kola ado, to prevent the mirk* from eating
the braes; to have add. hasp feat.. to the middle
of the bdoeltb a good wooden cleat on the inside, •
strap of iron oa the centre of this box with • staple
paean* dunce* it, to fatten the lid to; died node
and two raid mach skid one b. War fed.d to the
booy, six lodges deep and lour inches wide *king.
bolt bole, iron me ha_root and contra, of elevenliz.
deaths den Inch round from with a head co the top
of rail sad ems an tower end; Imo rod sad bra. bag
hind. with aboolders on top of tat pleas, and ants on
the oodvr able, and • not on top of cell; • plata two
sad shalt inches wiee, of N0..6 band don on tall
play accas the body; two mortices as tall piece, and
dud bar two and • quarter loch. wide and one loth
thick, to droelir• plead three fiat lour Inches long, to
be wad se biros. bearerk four emta through odd
elde dud, and din rivet, through each dont stud, to
ware the Unfzed bomb, lobe of thqbeet quality Iron,
and riveted o• • good bad one rinfthroagh each end
or the rahq door livealghils of in Inch oak Werth
aides ithe deaths of an Inch whits plm, tall baud
thus gas..olio' Inch thick, of white pins, to Im
Well orated with Ave oak dada riveted so each end
through the tall baud; ign Iron plate three feet alight
loch. long,twO and squad.r loch. wide, and thuga
teed/. ut ao Inch thick on the uoder side of the bed
piss Meadshd from the hind end of the body to eight
inches in front of the dud bolsters, dt be fastened by
the rod at the end of the body, by the laud rod and
two threralghtbe of an lach mow bolt; cue at be
bream and of du plate, and the Mhor about old.
distant between hand tbo Ward sod; A balfinch
mood WM rod or bolt to pals Mumma; through the
colic between the two kind bads to and through the
bed piece end plots wades it, With a good head on the
top and ant and airew at toe bottom, to bo at the toff
OW leot ids inch,' Ulna amide of tab boatd, mid on
the MOM tea brims from the hind vol, an ism
clamp two baba Mlle, one Verne of an Inch-thick
around the bed piece, the matzo brit to which tho
loot chain b 11,1tarAied passing lbw:lush it, to cabs&
maven Memos on the hard, of the body, the enoolop
and bottom to be scoured by two threeseghth
hall mew bolts, the middle bar at as ends sobs
gosh with the boo piece on the lower aide, Ton lock
chains wmarod to the centre bolt of the body con
and Memo Who, the other two. feet nix inches
ion, to to of threr,lghtits of an Mob round tom feed
burgh to be four bet Miluchiong from exit to out,
the bottom and rinds of oak, tti aloof of yellow pine,
to Molex imbed aide at hot mtwome Inches wide
act top, and eight and - a half ached deep Win-the
clear, well ironed, watt a Nada hoop Iran around the
top, one abound each end and three tames, the ends,
strong and mashie irom to Wan them on the tongue
abets boding; good strong thorns to be attached to
the top rail of the. body, mewed by • Woe. with •
Molt_ to *toot. It to dm lama. nix boos ol good
sob,. two intim Mb and oaerbelf loch thick, wlth
woe staples to maw, the ridge pole to Its place;
two Maples on the tory, to oscura emh one of the
bows: ono ridge pole bravo feet long, ono and than.
quarters 'Debts wide by gm eights of an inch thick;
the cover to be Of the drat woodsy cotton dam n,
Aftere bet tong and nine foes sight lychee wide, made
In the beet macaw, WWI foaa hemp tor& on each
aide, and one through fathead to Olonalt at both mix
two rings en mob sod of rho body, Melon, and secure
the ends of the cover; a maple to tia, lower rell,mer
the second gad from each sod, taunt= the Aboard..
The mad& of the body and OM trough to have two
good acid of white leadomiond to • blue tint, the he
mob of them to hone two coats of Tenet:hared paled;
the rimming geavand wheole to ham two mom woo
of maim, red darkened of a chocolate color, the huh
and bilks to be well yitosied, Imbed of pabito4tt re.
• tar pot, an extra king bolt, and -two extra otaiglo.
bees to be itridelied with each wagon. Ms king bolt
and alogietrees, shallot la all mown, to throe bp.
lohgtoslnit. -
Soh skis of the body of the wagon to be marked U.
11. and membered re -directed; all other sips. to toured U. 8 ; the ober, bood boa. boil; MuMpino,
torpot, sad harness beacon for melt Wagon to i z..r . :
a Mimi bog, (000pired,) sad the womantit
thereon. 4
lo to he dbllacUS esolmtood *Mahe Maim. ate
be boo couittactsd that the mend ports of any cm*
,wiga. will agnw and embelly those of anyother,im
MI le Miele lao et' armorial* posuag
.11 4 041ni.111id illeastidit lkit Oar Inallblole
Illan WIN ell iblabold
semoned. and "the wink in all in:porta hattdolly raw
toted to the best Toth/male murmur. '
The work may to leap:Mel Deim time to lime ea It
progteawa by an oflkew or spot °lib* Qua:tamest
t'e D. partment, and Pone et itiball be panitet until
it ibili have been impacted awl approved by add :"Of.
floor or agent embodied to beret tt. When anletwxl,
pointed and accepted br an Maar or agesi of the
Quartertmateta Department, and delivered re berain
agreed. they shall be paid far. ek CI: 11112011,
solid lkoartminuter Bewail U.'
filliuruseLa SOU AII3III WAUUN
A. AND AM bIILANOI 114161211/L: "• . •
Oen= or Au! th.osited din "
Dona. Emend aid Artier . itredS. • 4- -
Haw Toon, &natal
TatlhaaLe will be Incased it thla ate for
Jug. by 'contract, d.rtny Wagon Harness:
The proposals ithould state the pekoe at Whlclitho
can be famished at the plateisof Anenulhidttell and
the price it
e at witch they can. he Melded !al this de,
pot, the nester which can be , rhadie 4 by Che 'bidden
edible one month alter receipt 4f ord Oleo the
Him bor wtdch be con deliverirtthin One wk. '
The bumps mod asactlytonforsi to the tillowing
alieciacatierke and to the established patents: . •
urintile harms* as billowy tO wit . •
WHIEL. . . -
Two Onilore.—Bresch 'tripe It feet 6 Inches jorig, 3%
niches 10d:4r:wed foto 14 inch rings Of %Inch Irett
hip suave 8 lmt 11 inches long, 2%, babbeawide, stet'
,piesee 2 feet long, 244 Me hmi wide, with 1% Inch
bockleH' cross straps to buckle into stay pleas, 6
Mot long, 134 inch wide; eldest:spa 4 feet long, 1%
inch wide. tie misspoke; Indies long,. 34 hick. -wieba,.
tapering to a point, :•• ,• .
Two Deny Bands. Long Ads tvo fat 3 ineles long, 2
Inches wide, with a two inch bur Ate; Host side rind
b inches long and 2 inches wide.
Two Hair Collars. 19 to 19 Inches long, with double
etrepe and aids Withers and sodas. % Men wide.
Two Palo of Strong Hamm to lull, made of white oak
root, toned with hooks, Mem& rings 1 34 loch
equate, staples and line rings
Two Pair of lime Steeps. Lower one 6 feet blacker
Wag, Pi Wen wide; upper:ars 4 feet 6 inches Jong, %
'lnc, wide. •
Two Bridles. (town piers 2 beet long, 134; Inch wide;
cheek pieces each /0 niches 10ng..1% inct wklec Irene
piece 1134 Inchea tOng,l34:thri meat iday..ptecee,
trom biluda to crown inane, le Wa* bug, 1661uhrbl.
gorier, acme plum 11 Masi' long, 1 into wide;
I ladies long,-6% Inches wide; mine, long Hap 4 feet
long, 1 Inch wide; short hid lest bong, I Inch wide,
with Hoch Locale; baits tinned inuniery, to weigh
be to the
Two Poor Cdmin Pines, 2 feet lmig, 234 Imbue wide.
Twu bite Trace Chalo.,f feet tons, 10 Links to Memo:
of fie 8 iron. with T on one sod, weight 7% to 8 SD;
per pain Tented or straight.
One Pair of Breed Obelus, 31 Lichee long, 14 lick. to
. the Wet. ol No 8 iron. Twisted. -
Two Neck Straps, 8 lest 1 loch long, 233 lochea wide,
with 2% inch buckle.
Two Sack Wash, 4 feet 6 MMus king,34 links to the
loot, So 4 iron, T sad loop to be meted on to the
neck steep. Thiele&
Ono 1.441.,made on Attakapse tree, heed, gait
and canti ironed, mend In the usual way with
imikanned Lome hide; Asps 20 inches long, 10
niche. wide; earci p sde 7 Het 8 Inches king, 2%
Inches wide, with a Tyi Inch buckle on owe end, to
be fastened to Uko saddle by Wing riveted to two
carted straps 15( Inch wider, these straps , arepleoed
one an each side of the imidte UM, me end n tied to
to. trout part 'of the bar, the other' end to 'the-en
tomb:a of the bar beiehul the centleilipanisturddia
bullion; stun. leather* 4 test 1 Mohr long, 134
huh wide, with 1% inch buckle; stirrups, mailable
iron, tinned, bolt eye pattern, to weigh 1334 Do tops
teem pair.
Two Collars, 1116, tol6 Inches long, Made the beam
for wheal bantam
Two Pair of HailloB to snit, of the suns material as for
wheel harass, lronedoiliti hooks; breast flogs end
line Mons, with Maps as in wlisit harms.
Two Midi.", same se to .beef Miriam.
Swo Peck litampsand Clhalna,some as torwheelharniiiw
Tip Baby Bands, • is •
Two Pair CUMloipcs,
Two Pair Tram (Awns, r •
Two Cruppermind Hip Straps. Bock strap 6 frellonc,
hipertrig from 3% inches to 2)4 Inches wide. Hip
Strops each Met 4 inches long, 134 loch wide, mach
with a hot& at one end.
Two Back Ilands.ll bet 4 Inches long,334tathea wide.
Two klatthgelee, 4 feet 10ng.1% Inch wide, to bottle
Into the an. •
One Coupling gimp, 6 feet 6 lathes 10ng,% Inch Wide.
One Check . Rein, 4 feet long, 1 Inch erase, to buckle
Into the hlt at each end, with a ring sewed In
• the centre to nothe the laid hue. "
Ono Lead tlue..ll feet kmg. ji Intl wide, with •
tnetla atone rod. lDd azi a knit bap at the caber.
One V! thip, heavy phased hem betty a test 6. Inches
Chao Bosse Buell, oval, of 'bristle., by— loathes.
One entry Comb, No. 20—fibass.
The obeli, to be pecked Coe box about IS Inches
wide, 17 lockes deep, 84 loam long, mode of •X•ltien
stuff, coopersd, wood liwope swim is rosy be required.
har itibli
Ustoess, se solkaws, to wit.: •
Two Q 3 Breech strape3 feet 8 lease long, 3%
Inches wide, sewed into Cloth rho ol .% loon Iron,
hap straps Sleet Wog, II therm wider, step Fleece 2
fast 2 tootles lang, 3 than wide, with I% loth.
bootleg awe maps to buckle law may pla coca test
long, 1% inch wide, adds 'treys 0 feet 0 locks long,
l% loch wades tie straps lb Inches long, 1% inter
wads tapering to • point.
Two ball Banda. Amyx aids 2kg 4 Inane !nag; 2
Inchon wide. with a 2 Inch back* abort dna I loot
6 lochs kong. and 2 Webs wide.
Two Hair OsUsrs. 42 to 23 inr.haslong, with double
snaps and We leather. end buckles % loch Vide.
Two Pair of Strong Hama to We, mace of white oak
root, ironed with hooks, breast rings 1% loch squat%
loaves end One ring..
Two Yak of linens blimps. Lower nos b bet 6 lochs*
long, % inch wide; upper one & feet 6 inches long,
34 loch wide, of alum canned leather.
Two Bridles Crown piece S lent 9 niches long, 1%
loch wide cheek pietas each 10 below long, inch
wide; front place 12% inches long, 1% inch whits
stay plots, horn blinile bo crown plecee,l6 loam
hang,l% loch wldir, nose piece is Inches Wog, 1
loch snots blinds 6 Inches loog, 6 lathes "%runtime,
long 44. 4 feet S Inchcalong, l Inch widen chart ads
2 het long,' inch vidisibrith 1 Inch buckled Onto,
Mixed tonne% to welsh 6 ms the down. .
Two Yair Chain Pipes, S Teel 6 loans long, 2% lochs.
Ten -
Pair froceOhalas, 7 Cent tang, 1411nis to the loot,
of No 2 Iron, Mated cantralitbt, with Ton one end,
weight 9 In per part •
no prof hzenat Mono, 23 Inches long, 14 Hulks to
the tot, of No 2 In., twisted.
Two Neck cusps, 3 feoth What 1.4,46 inches wide,
'nth 134 Inch buckle.
Two Neck Older, 4 het 6 lecher king. 14 links to the
look twisted No 4 trona and loop to be riveted on
to the neck strap, swivel in the thaln. - •
Ctne beddte. made on AMakapas inw,, ',Mad,
with h ad ,
cantle Ironed, covered . in the meal way with half.
tanned hone hider, fispe .10 imites log, 16 Inches
wider sumbigle I fret 6 inches loos, 234 inches wide,
with .2y4 Inch buckle on one end, to be faidaned to
the 'addle by beteg riveted to two tarred amps, 16r,
Inch widen UM* *traps are placed orison each aide
ot the raddle.tree, one end is tied to the front part of
the bar, the other end to the extemion of the bar
behind the male, epaulet' addle festdoo; stirrup
leathers 4 feat faders long, I% Molt wide, with Is 4
inch buck* stknapt, malleable Icon, tinned, boll
eye pattern, to weigh LI% OM to &Masa pair. •
Two Bridles, mania as for wheel hernia,
TWO Oollare.lo to T 1 inches- loogOitade the same as
T for wheel harness.
no Pair tit Hama to suitor same material sa ke
Itohazna Inmed, with boa= lisp and
okw dap, Wilk straps as In yawl
neck Wasps and Or W, saaa am for whoa bar
Two Balls Banda, aims se for wheel barasea,
Two Pair Mein Pipet, same as tor wheel boarnewi.
Two Pair Traci Oheinneamias kir wheel karma.
Two Cruppers and alp alms. Hsi* snap 6 kepi long,
tapering am 83.‘ inches to 1134 inch= wide. Flip
&rape with backlekesc 2 lees thes lang. 134
loth wide, wrought h
hooks. la
Two Pack Binds, 3 feat T lathes loom a% lathes Was.
Two Martingale', d fees loog,l34iDail/1011. to bac kid
Into the bit.
Oat Oeuphog Sloop, 6 feet 6 bathes 100 g,% Inch wide.
One Molt Bela, feet 1 loch loop. 1 loto:wkle, to
boats Into the bit at sea sod, with a en •••••I
in the center to metre the lead line.
One Lead Llso,
any both wide . , with Wale at ate awl, and en loop et the other.
One Wittp, heavy platted bone bide,* het 6 therm
One Horne Broth, oral, of Welles, by "r4othee.
OtatOatry Oomb, Po 223-4 ber.
The wholes be pecked to a bat about 21 lathe,
wide, 16 Woo deep, 116 ba th es loos, made of 1 bleb
stalk roomed. wood Imps or broboimay be ntpdred.
The whole to be made of tbe beet seterbd, swing
to be Riede with good waned *teed, and saVect to.
wh thep en tted
cotket tiring the promo of iosotdectate and taro
When 0 bone humus b regabod, the load ootters,
Wolin, blame, utek jottoompolly bulb, 4:Wald"
trees •, attprot and hip Otnips, tea buds 0 114
coupling amps so doubled; on* Oaring attain 8 bet
bog, 14 Itok. lathe botollft Insorttli a Ton sea
um added; sod bad 11.5 tote St bet
Tbsitbal• to 0, each piths Dut maketd,orwbg to
be made wit' got waxed Wtadoind sottbet to lap.
spotting' daring do Mem of imitatutaxs am -al..
Wass mad barmaid nqadard, tha had aglara,
bridldaimpan, ant dna" tail bode; aids Ow.
tarn chided, =was. sad hip Map, bock:bads aad.
wayla' swaps an , &NAM*. an twain dada # feu
load, le mks to Le Mot Or No 4 Iron, whim T om
WO sad midst awl laid Umtata Si at bog. •
Proposal, .111 also hO susaved ta-laallas and di
Hank% ambulance llama tar aro at ow =lime
1 =144. taase—a spadliadica al 'Mika Inaba dateater
.. .
. . . a -
IMES ptoposi and be Mukha
apes opollesdoa to ebb ooa, and mom VII bo tow
mood Übaldo not aoakm MGM& •
Tbo „oddball to nomad by and fbr tba MOM
Stabs of Moots( any mooting art may doomed
Proporito nal ton literal op Maiandoti Miro
dog Mat, aProptonto foe hinirktog Amy Warm
and Ambulant Renner and odttoottO to
UM( b. vuiram,-
anartaratattar U. S. Amy.- ,
lie Mils. telt gOok f r.adyelm.t.
• 110 bozo ele. and-Or Lyuc.h.ftri. 21., Tobacco.
IQ DM. Peaseynrish, bT D. : . •
kir isle by , swum' DILIVONS.,
0.21 ." • U 2 essmid inate2;
la. 76 bb id. dicks Gym Apphr,
lb do Bweat Cider '
10 peon Lest Lardr.
drab Bp.
10 store mad fo rdsy 'tfOLP
.IZENTUdICI ..7i014L;-450 barrels:
disks White Alpiatlhosar hk.stor•Zle
arming per I'slaqinala Rana& for seVLbr
movoNALp arAlkligroxiii;'
. • , tassitvarist.Vainrbied et
: 4 116114. 140 444 4 !..:• , .....3 • ?. ,f
• 111'42109M414 411114ri ii vow , oil_
0 / I " l "Rei,fagyArsVi
of TiminSiiiia
'ON and after ftformay,
Jane -the 100, 1161 , IYaS
tall lone the
bowl of the Peantrhsaia
burgb, an follows:
Pittgarsh, agisoDel red Mamma Mai IST
No thane of o4a harem titliouraiNst
Leans Anises at 4lntree as &rhea It An i fi r rj
PITTWH 170411871 UL 'I
1226 •on 11.13 •at 4.10 p
Itlopm SAS pin tea • sit
This route d 'bailee to Candanstie lasdetabs.
bust is and all pohits South. Mu mg oast teals.
liplesdid Bleeping Oats attschad to all Btialit
. , • ,ftitsbanh std
buil" Anima sr anises,* anbes et Uncials*
PTITSWO, 110011 . 11, 'mum sterkinuillie
• 12.38 a 58 00 • m m 403 •at: &Soft
:406 la tab v m 8:19 • ea
p ox /116 p p
010 p eq. lelkSon p ; . _
'The 1,2. M a.. M. veal.= P. n. Trains to WI"
Trine. of O. 0. &.S. for Zsenteville, Laddliter. a / 7 .
The tO p. m. Train Mops at ill utitkins banana
130ehe.ver mil Wellsville.
Pidebneak and Cleveland Linn
irrrsevßou &mum).
1T.85 a. fkla a.n. ,
WO P.M.060 P. IL '.
wa Vi
3 a 9 .1? 43k1,1a.r
The Itaa a. N. tral a aonnarta at Bayard to Nam
lidhoselphts sad oration. ca iha Trucarawaa
• Paaarapra desiring to go to Baattarky. Taitiq
Chicago, or patois Wad, Its Claraland, Nan be gar,
*ear to oak tor Pasta Tla Clwrataad.
Through Ttotin tan to pstootrod tticUtratj
atm. Depot, Pittsburgh,
JOHN BTEWAST,Itkdist Agloat
for tarthorWorsted= only to • •
at the Gompanyi Otßco to St** ISsoiloo, Ewa st
IN a- Goons! 7=r _aS _
1061145unamer .ftarrisnizemexa4ll 1
.0n and MONDAY . &pail ISO. thils4/1/31711
HAIL TRAIN lama tits Pisiteaga_. MN= ovseir
mamma Di* t 1411141 ,) at. 640 liblONwairab'
principal ni.tlonr, =sanding at Hardens:lg 1117A1111k
area for Baltimore, and wiring In rbnadiapir
Tall TaIIAUJII 1.7t1t183,121A1N taavairdalp at
ia.51. , 4, la, atopptag only at ptinottot itatlosa, saittai
dlitat tot atr.ttost at Iturttaars. tat Dantrana, nil lad
nottat:liiattol.oltripbta arZallitacee atilt a. 6 ' '
' TSIt VAST Lll4ll loaves ins Station di/4 wasp
lianas') as antg. z. It snipping only. at arandem,
CAW*, Soil tom, Wlllmon , gaillosia; Meng% an;
and att!otng Ybnadelpbtaat 1110 a
. .
• 600015111011ATIttU - •
Sas. Jobraitown Accottatodiattraohako Itatu ill,
t.t.spt 111=1.:I,,y) &VISO 1, M stopping et all lastieft
sad mesh* as tar Li Costutatialt. •
Mt 4toommedatlon Truk, for Want IN No tit
(ixaept &neap) at Ct.° it.
• 19e0ond Aecosotoodatba ;Into lot Wight Stellsa .
ttzoopt /klar/ a.IL - _
IldtdAtaantoliatiou Train for Wall% patios 1.111
"Kr taittprOtaid ay) at 4091.14
north atcomnsentiost • Trots Str: 4 Walro 11111.
10.14 (.:rcpt Panama at MI /. --••
Ilatssning Voters:rho tolltoWwwrY !Won
Lnew, 31,40 waa21121441:110a isiAftirlimp, ass
N. N.; Johnitinm Wsnounnotleton, • -1090 mslllllo
Won's - elation • Accosonoststlcm, Sali) a. st 4 Isecad
Wall'S=aktro Alccobstoodslion e - e9e 12 atelltJ
Wail% Blatton Accononctlettou. 1:11 .•
tran's teectimodWikohttlli r.a. - •
, Trains far Stairwrillo sturituthowoonowl at Mts.
TVs intartectlon with Johnstown Ascannstolitlcsawl
' Pittsburgh • eaunslistilla as au
Statlout on ths Pittsburgh I • Coanollovilis boo
Oak! litonirp snotglld) us kaolll3.4lllff.ft" drY
111; 13141111811 Wain, gail P. x. BarowrOg Mris
bow *Contorlovitb Itookoretio al lOW
borth.l.o2o 4. ar. sod
The trovdtor go/6110 will bad ft grolir IP Oils fir
brow in. going kat or ,Wsut; to. row. by Or rem
oylnats liaErr4, rani. woommodurro oar ARO
court to Wpm Id Mt mirror Foote." 2bo smile
bolborod with dori bad to airway Ow trio root. 114
ow probe Nagy, wood sr& coinlbrt to Worm ury
bror Oho bad with Orr; wattoorp,
Ps Now - Y0rk...,...:... ,
111 NM. Bolttotine I IT
PtIlM usedistar......—.. I ti
leggngetThecked ;ogle Madam on tie Inello.
free e
nno Beltimane and New Taft
, Pesennons parasites &gets tn ace will be
aria sum eccordlag la Matinee trailed talig,
to Ike Nu don except flea IMO= liken w
Oe swim hit DO agent. - •. • • .
NOINOIII,-In awe et lain, the Ociageng wilt MC
neeaselvee eteganidtds, ka penned besiege eggik
end for en smaant at exceeding VOL . , • .
N. 17.;--Atc. thindbae beeto
WIMP) Paineugenr 131dB/egg* to earl feline
et sedan* sot ta meal 1A mite kW 011611 pasompt
• • •
7 2 10=ipply .. to J. IIENWA3A.Aget4
'At the P. N. R. Praeomese itelion, m mem ad
;11 - 111.POR'fAbIT.—AU per
± roos paiduudas tickets for S
..ha ph spd other points ta Montana Shissatti ais
Sanaa Essisi,ar. the Teniksisa, *mkt Jamb. as
Earths tkkete that really the .
. .
The only tall reale from SLIMS' to tile
the .I=l.ll and quickest hoe, by thirteen hem, to
the remotest point reached by rill, and Is Wasp se .
cheap ai any ether:
_,_ . •
buy your tickets to Winne sod allpalnts taboret.
ern lidisearl by.,,ttle North Delmar* Rallralit. ' -
thane H. Ifillialklll,'
President and Gen'! Sept. of the Milk Iliroad ILL
- MINIM H. BlitliONS.dond. "Nita lailil t
- No. 83 yogirtb Street:
, 0.11.11411" ESJD IN - 11114'
Wi=lrt Man
data* and from Uonnenar grit to May 'al i bi
to chlooL
pepadb retelhd of all 11611111 net lon for IMO
Duthie" and a dtvklead of the tooth dethavi lobo
I=ila Mete Vel y l= ia bdertet ba: ben
the Beak wee orpoleed, at thantte afeli pet Mt.
* V r ta . coat, If sot, heeritcatt, le plated to Ur wend
lee aeocaltta eeprluttpd, sod teed the imueetatenet
frvethearet "motive* eadDecetabee,
twice • -jeer without troablln the =
'or even to present be pace boot.' Attila Ms, wow
life doable In lege the:lll,mm mictoglik ths e-
WM Year AWNIEL Mar= CM b 7rea.
Doodiectatatelei too Otroter, SrLows, ROMS OM
Betted*" healthd vets, an epplatioe away .
WW J. Aadsroos
.Judoordnua l / 2
Js m_ D. Rai
ears* flack,
John B. a
Mosso A: Curler;
Cameos A.Cbitua.
.John Hama '
Pets IL thulium.
amhbiry and
hats N.D. Me"
um N.
l 4 o . bllLle a P
Jaw Shiao.'
'Jain di =a,
Mir AL
• John FL MDR.
Imes lisAskay, •
Joba liarsball,
Jan FL Ithoisteggiq
W Adasaisilse epost.
Ellhua Ildusarla -
- Quietism lowilL
FRitilll ARRIVAL OB non.--
900 We No 9 Lane 12•01111114
WO do No 2 do . do
800 6.20226 Eac mi tkirre4
100 M /
Old. No
22 do Baltimore do ' . . •
20do. mato noto—o. goodisabood 9ta a
stlunivrifts b 9
waif oar- amttlitleld rod Water eta. Iltalbentk
60 bats Itriatd
' ' 1100 prams Plastratioaltobsass ' •
SO past Java 001111 ; -
UOOh Uchow Yoram 11,ess sad ins* Toss ' •
so Naos Osasoic
SOO bats Rare sod Lan /aStatlleas:: .
la stars sat! terisslsay .
Jed:dtt ^ • ' *SWILL. Last 00.
INDLIk RUBB‘li l ULOTRlNfir—Jest
rsastsad a targslope: of Oasts. Fab; Dermal
bewail* whkb will sold at prates Is sdl elk
MM. at tar ladle itabdas Depot or
act . Nos itrasd 21 at. 1212 Nast
kier polies &matey lard. ...
SI NU- Itawipel Snad Peale 7 11002,
Is Moro anti Ibr 'debt' L. IL TOUR • 00.
TRAI BiN l5--300 , bons Bunch. Adduct
tioilved foir Mob,. iurnmanas.
C 0 ,OEN 311461.-7. 5 ..bus.. trash ground
_ODA,nrafro4 sad far
ea . *nor Yalta Nall VIM strafts
it np•rtar anklet Ole Brush tr Ws'
83111111 M IL ...A
OIIatIiFINSIW--.4 maim PftjM
for sole ** 4 4l I•4ll'",d'Untr
11A1OL488IEL--850--bbhi ;Vines , ; 1 1,1!
.AXI; cit,tesinfiamese tideesaidsorsale
ILI2 escestallist;
laj•tta 81met Mao *Jn reartrell *iv IMP IV
:ix, • wafts& sid ftriganoli.
DAINTLIM AND OLA 1211q,i1411.
btsaa!to doe orkbact *ol***u d .„'
c ap 4,5., . * s-swiimpw'
liark": l 4 o , bbla., - froi6ll. l lollo
%avow tor swim
,~, r ,