4 11 _ MIMI •••,: • , -~~~ . MEE Aw4)h:ti l ,4l4 EMUS ' 't.:: : N;.: : ;': - * . :• 5 ...i , ;!-;.:' , .;_.-::,, i :4.:,:::V4.-;::.:-:::::“!;4'' , ' , •:•:''' ' • _.-...:-:!''.:•: .... inael MEM Kill MEE 4... • ".1.4•»- ; .!: : • 1.4; •,'"‘ • z • • • ;••• • •:. 1:4 : ; : . • aL. .• N..' • ,•• q't• •! fxf. , ,!Z::+ l 4l 7 V;;;elzli' s t' •:-.; • •; •• Ir \;•".: . : • : ;.. ; • 11; t~~~ - . .~ Forth& Jemeat of future stynicgogiolg, mho marlins. & diaticsakry to mike whin the *gum, iinn ham ksint into Leisidar use by f 'aids of NIOPIOYOS * Ind 4 4 10 gruni? • Wilbert define the new Wm. _ It last least en error of judgment, if '4104= . :110 to Wiat . 10 11 ate on our TeUtonki soldiers. enird is used tbroughOut the whole army of - the - rotomso, and wesnelto but, 4- ; f4 ii ° o 3l4 " "IP" . t a g: l 4 11117 !' s ( SUP "VA . - 4 l 4l1 ' A kI,KIIY" tn g i n ;So that rod 4t, ie efeirlials t 0 "Fort RO' - Tan digherge of duty at thti tioniin- Tann tbe dietibinge of cannon, rider, and mmiete.-4Prentios. - • t A .4 .' i '. f4i2l/04DAT MOging* WT-20ii-061; The 2weieel'Masa billow illeW Oeleass. - Whilsairaiting more reliable account e ni zo r' " ' exploit, (whatever it sea) our readers may perhaps enjoy one of the Mani' rebel accounts of the affair". It intermUng to note what , a "letting , dowbutthersile faun the fint reverts: We give the following diapatch, - dated NeW Orbs* OatOber 14th - • The expedition underOomuudore Het • jinn masted of the Neniiiitts, the iron - clad marine battering ram, with one .64 pounder Dahlgreen gun ; the steamer Cal houn,- the fieg-ship, with one 24 pounder and two 18-pounder Dahlgreen gum; the • steamer Ivy, with an eight lash 82-pound , ' • er r rifled; the steamer Jackson, with two :eight inch columbiads; the steamer Ideas" Ihth a 64-pounder mounted on a pivot, four eight-mob col:miriade and a 24 pound. • er,sified the steamer Tuscarora with one slet inch columbied and a 32.poundern. - ** 'fled; and the ratter *Pickens, with en tight inch columbiad and four 24 pound canon &del. The blockaders had the Riclimond, Vincennes, Preble, Water Witch and ,the mhoonet Joseph N. Toone, inall 6S.gnne On , Friday night our fleet started front • Fort Jackson, the Manama leading the way.- -The night was intensely dark, and the klanesses ran iota a vowel, striking her near the bow and emitting into her ur 'ward of twenty feet. Appalling shrieks were heard• aboard the doomed ship. Signal rockets were fired, the enemy beat to: qmitteni, and a perfect iron hail; fell upon and around the Mammas, during which her machinery became deranged. The TueoarOrt and the Watson came up wit's five barges, which bad been cut _lowa and mt adrift on the atnam. • When the morning came our fleet coin - . maned to pursue the retreating enemy, and a heavy cannonading began, which lasted until eight o'clock. Several shots struck the Hichiond. The shots from the Yankees ware badly aimed as they did not, .7 . - touch one of our vessels. - When the firing ended, the Meet returned - to the city, with the prize "showier, J. c ,- Toorie, loaded with coal, which bad been deserted during the , night. A !ergs thy of lumber, which had been intended ' - thf - construction of a fortification at • the head of tbe passage, was burned. A second dispatch says: - The prizes captured were the Joseph H. • Toone and Laurel, belonging to the Federal steamer Richmond, which latter was laden wich calluses. The vessel sunk - was not the Fable, but the Vincennes. Three vowels of our expedition arrived on Bator ' , day night. ' • iho Washington correspondentof the N. Y. Herald writas--ofilcial intelligence •• •- • fromagentldinan just from the Holub, says • squadron below New Orleans had an •`''engagement with the rebel squadron under Two of our vessels got aground - • • and Buffered considerably, but none cap ' tared • and but few lives lost. *And another writer very justly sums gala whole case, thin : - • The great rebel success in the naval ea ' -- " — ztlait billOWliew Orleans; dwindles as the particidars 'of- the affair come, to light. • • If New Orleans was illuminated it is a ..city that illuminates on a very-small •. provocation. libmeition- - =lteatinaraly !labels Bspent. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Com mercial writes from Kentucky : Whathver may be the prime canes, dis tal:4ton 'or distrait, there is little doubt that maul' of Gen. Buckner's Kentucky recruits are leaving him. On lag Satur day a squad of ten entered the amp of Col. Jackson, at Owensboro', candidly told him Who they were, gave up their , arms and taking the oatb, declared they would fight no mote against Kentucky. I doubt —not that ends instances are numerous, and 'that among the Kentucky secessionists, , there is a revulsion of feeling on the sub. jecia that will finally disarm even the most rabid. I saw in L 011414110, yesterday, two eittams of that place who joined Buckner, at_the beginning of the raid, but who are letle.there • gam. One of Ahem was re - - to ba prominent among the bridge gin7eni - at Bolling Fork. The alum M a --graduate of the Journal office, though it , , is known,that he does not approve of the doctrines, taught there. it is due to the . • ',-- journel to say that it has done well . -in turning out Union soldiers. Besides those 4-, mentioned above as having returned to the city, I may ilso name others, wlm daily' present themselves here and ask ,to take - the oath. Capt. Jack Alm, a notorious t-; - ti.,F.,sean,,Who was engspd.in all the piratical . expeditions of Gen. Wm. Walker, and who has wren, service in .Merlos—naturally a APOOMPIOSI3; and indifferent to the future '."—haireeched his hciene in Shelby county, and has tarantho oath. Thirteen cilium, of the same county " returned with hem, • idiot- whom bail Ibsen in the rebel 'service. The oath is being daily administered to re ;...brittleg-rehisls, who have been enough of the Southern service. Preston lidartwell, • son of A. L: Shotwell, of Louisville, haw retuned and taken the oath. Ile reports • 4,4,_ that thentere hundreds gladly return if ' Ipermitted. No induaements ' - however are held out to them.' Be reports' a son Of the Mayor of LOl/ 1 / 1 410, John it. DOA dying in the army ,hospital at :Bowling -Green: The utmost changani , ration exists among Buckner's men, and • the cause hal - gained but few recruit,' -in - Kentucky. -4 1 Mit Bad the eubjoined statement in the 4 1 1 P. - Wallington oorrespondenee of the Spring • • tnild (Mass.) Bepublieut : : :olhat Gen: IdeOlelbuid, backed np by - Seward, Chase, the. President, and Bates, :Mum to advance upon the rebels -except by the Blow process of fortifying the hills, between this sad Richmond, while - Blair, . • 'Ossisietie; Welles, and Smith, with Gene:. Seett, , urge an immediate idience,upon. Minimises and Richmond befcii cold __ weather puts an end to the.. c a mpaign. • New facts have aid be- Here that McClelland is opposed to an butudiate advance. It is said that Gem ', Scott ignites with him *except ripen a stn ..' g,16 tioint. Scott agreeit that It were bet ' • ter-to wait' month longer—if, it were 1" , • *.• iteasible--but that a month bends •it will be imposeible to advance an may over the. Virginia; roads,and Mut to postpone a battle month really ,_ means to C s ,pene till next May : or Jou& • ' l ts tolorablY good evideue that McClelland, ;if he adiancea at all within a itatnight, will do so reluctantly." ,g/iranaimute—Tka Wallington cor :•:itiiipancleat of one of our amain men Warns* that the GOMM soldiers haws , ebtfatatad rake cabal sarthclocka back of ;Xotamoicli Hill orort Biladaddie, =NM .. S I >ftj art cr-LI 11, , "rXt7) * F, 01? 311 A felli4tra littfroll4d diveciativ tit ratourvcan.44.4 Wssizosay,' ectober R 3, Itgl 014111—Tam Ii a fdr demand for floor, artgila rate. as a poaral_thlag mid folly atalln: . tsfnefl. gale of 70 bbli family at 141505; FO•dutio it . g5,956tg0 t da IMO fcr .rentl.. •od SIP lot frolic7l 100 do ebote• Fzirs, trout abart, at 111.60; 100 do Yam, 111, from dept, at $5 15, mid 100 do do, from lattrf, ea prima* terms. Itte Ildat—Va/d of 50 bbis atj3,lo 111 Md. • q7RoosBllls—gates but ontheages; ale el 5 lihdi N 0 !rorkeldloollo l 5 lehde do atithril 0 trbts lA% 6414540; 57 bb. Illedatiela In lota, at 60q 87 t.p Codes at 10Y454175c. I • 10,0015-1 a madentaJtalater,. with:at ballts, a:ichanta la Oyes; este of 4,000 !be Bhoulders,ao4 Naha Itedn at 63(ian),731,: $,OOO du 4hduldets and Hums at 531 and-k, and 10,0001,4 eapr Oared - dad I ,t ..535450X0. OWllll4W—pcchengsd; es!• of 40 lam W B at 10fir. 69 ao at sisie loner,..lll4uro for SALT-4000y bat ancbasted; .std 01 lto ascii it 111,30,414 60 Niksirdat ii7o=44llvatet. • 01V144 . -5414 4r 2 i ttbli , 1.• Lard at and lit 04404911 U 0 4 4 03pd sad rapier 441) , . • Walyq:4;itas4j; 0f...1000 bomb _ prime Rod woit'4o3•o: aI the teiliweicwitll4l.l. - CEEIME= via $1,10 . 651,24 tattiifs to quality. Pl mae of s 'tort it b)(0 51 STAMM-50e oft) boxes We...lb' at 4Ka 51 hi. OLDXS. - -.£l' At hble Aoki, Iliteet.lsl bbl. POUTOR3-414.1e co what 1.12.50 bosh prlmi No eh moats at 300 ;I bush. .fletfr-9afeofl.soo IDs flys Pixels at Wel rem MlGl—mtsaiteorith small miss of. fresh at 100 dozen. • R*" apt, or Prods's., S. .bionzed will be Loads Mesa:mut oldie receipts of .. • doer, gra ta , Me, by Meer sod ittllivid for the boon, eliding Int emitogs By Ragroui-166 bbl. flow, 660 boob wimet, 169 bb. applet,l cat empty on bpi., 6 Ibis orsobardes, 1106 bldee, 121 bye cbtme, 2 can Moo on, 9 oln I Om IS mai reed lON, 66 bole 011,2 do i.e.; pUotoeti, 20 site rag. . . • - Bp BArtr.-100 bble dour, ITO As wheat,oo do 9rool, 120 dot otatooo,6 crock. butter; IS all M1'044114 / • • /aid tpticaa. 1110111161611141/ .61111116 - 4;olithallelettikAa. . . . .Cluniati Warn. Ott. 6L—Tbe leas:with Livierpoil dates to the 9:6 tout, wee telegraphed yetterilaii. All kinds oterradatalle ware Oro', sod virs was quoted Nawithstandbit fhb wee, however, thi mullets here ruffowl a wire busy &WU* to pilaw Thiiinzballiate mum of this menthe ansonnermint by the warehouse man that the winter rate. GA etoreg• would be .1612chigher than formar:y, in conawpotue of which freights, already bnotant, advanced p . beak. • -4 Wheat opened dull and drooping, bat - be:LW •ehase itelemlne Ate IN•bash--thtly.aletut MVO bah ai &limeades Alford bards, at Elo for No. • • *Victor No 11tedi 708123 for No 1 Vpringt and 660 AS* for Nig Spring—themarket closing MLWltted; T h e Mate; Inc I:cradle:dined lei%el bosh—with silesof abaft 60,000 hue at Zeig,ho for Canal Maid Whist, sad 136)2151A for Mind la atcrse.{Prtif.• - ouroarim 31.-11rur—The MOW has not changed. %a hdr deemed for sop tete, and awmaalt-GWarisg-tielikyllahlobeasarket 111 firm. We Opts saperfrii a1511te4.20171t1a36.1061K 4 0. Whbliv—The mmket le unchanged. hales pf SOO LAW at 16 1 46016%5, the latter rata for inkier I • ' • Prurbionse-A moderate demand for Bacon at 6%. 5% andll%i for Shoulder', Mass ander, fildel, wan miss et lin tants. Nothing transpired in balk I Pork. glesuPork very din', and Out chas city branle Wire druid at $12,76. The stalk of prime Lard in about imbecile& It would bring Groceries—The Jobbing 01rrsod is far, sod prints -Weedy at 9)46110*a,t boor, 410110 lot Menaoss, and 15%66V:64c for Goff... Tug weekly statement of the Philadelphia •Banks prierat the following aggregates ar compered with thoWrof the proviso. seek , , Ca. 91. 0:1.14 ckplul $11.1111,076 911,8t1,149... Loans . 211 7,9q914 som 1 1/04:44,3571 913 B , B7 baW B,BB3.BoiLltte 1132217 ' Doe tto ahm bk. 1,4151 857 1,8 10841.1ti0 188,881 Dait.to other bk. 2,887,833 2,900,414 L Deo 63,388 21,10,091 10,929 tliJiso 110,164 assalado,a--- 2. 25 00 015 2.24 t3l.:lib 884 Tao fuilowing 1. comparative statement Or the con. ditioo of the hooka of New• York thy; °Chemin sod October 111: 7 • .Losaa--. $151,5T5,489 $118,aCt1.914 Dect;Sie,476 4tuts9a stjaa,coa lue. vasxs tnrealatilin% mews MAW Dec- .149.4 n Deposita —. 1213.4.10,46.1 129,11111.131 Dotiljas,424 Pittansulaa Oar= Newt, Cot. 11—Ttio offer. lop of Bret Cattle retAtted 11t0 bud .t ihlllap's Yards, eat the motet wad dull boa rather firmer to clay. Paces ranged at sBolol l laloolbe kit for cotottworto toad end Wan tatallmwalleh tra fraction batter than last week. The talk of the soles Arens at Veal he 100 Ma - emit 100 Clore and Gates were Merged ore fres $0) to 00 each for aprlspre, sod $l7 to yltt for Crows and Calm, according to condition. Bonn UP) Elms were °dewed sod sold, Including Mal Lahore; st from sa6o to $3,10; the latter for good 0310 led. and IWO at the Ayrone yard at $6,006 0% the - 100 Lt net tome; 4,600 lamp prated and sold wt trots 6 to To s m sac's. to quality, showing Ittta or no change. Imports R.ll.ver Wlllllll.l3o—poo John T IColOnotn-63 aka wog, 100 tab Low; 1 WA toinionol Mahn a oo; 196. b Po tatoes, L HorobrOok; 4 crocks bottnr, 3 ban dad ap• phi, John 3111kci 24 .1. wheal..ll. Noble; "90, amply. ads. Jain Irwin; 143 sta • hint, AT Knornnly t two Imports .byUnita. Pirrestroaa a Currzios• 84111.24i::-00:oltor 21 MI Mao appleo,2 do eronbonleo, • 0 Hearts{ 91 On chow% 31110oalold t co; 6 bbl., P Briet: 1 133 los& der, lkg pourly II B Felton 1 ; 6 bb . .13.114 Goo • Berry; 1 tor boo on., Jana J: losagallawl do do. 0 1 J H Shosaberger; 231 bush wheel, Wilotarth; 23 •1:44 apploo, John Orsslor; 10 do do, 10 • 3iteottoli.2s Us awn, H 20 do do, 12 floootbni; 100 gliarrl 4 1 4 / 1 011 • 40:91Io " cider, I !Camellia 4441044,3 /1 Badman. . • rnstsaiaa. 3h Wolris • Cams° • 11404042. Oct 23.-13 oko coo p, B Godfrey; 3.bato biatero, W Mow 4 co; 1 roll afoot. W 11116310314404 3314 00. Saloom Oft o.; 2 bbls mei potatoes, 10 do ow ploo. Mood, Leo' ,I3Fc; 3 tee, 1 bbl way, iron. Moil. •to, 300 boils whoa, L Wllookottn Year imp. to WI; lrawman utilt• 0 , 34 Obis crouberries,Joolt Fallon %l, W-12400 c 44 Wallet wino, Alloglomy • Aroemal; oblo 14 floor, D 116 bkllos Solooor. 3 *seta stool, Ilium', Wdt.l a, 191 bidet , . MAWS. , The ever coo to thooo. akottl [ 4 4 Maur by the pior mocks Met mentos. Sk eteettm, wee clood'y, wet end cold, wl.h el *WS- Sid vals—....,...«Timr• wrwot atingle anti id from below beyond the togalet pmelmte, end the for It Laub, sod .Poleni tor — Cdattenati, Oonetatate tie 50manett...........1be /nary lide.sed Oltintn trots dindaoW entredoe tut be *ma by ecod, the uteasth swam Sea Poe, °Obits*. Yeedeiglittite toadies for fhl Oman nod al Intim*. diet. yens on the AlLftheny flue. Pareone Malts f t ydjr etf to pr on country ltdo4t . tf n jn . Sat @imam Jefob foe, apt.. Wm. Stoop, fp inanono cad tot eleatneeti ao4 totleeille on idol, evening. ....Me Hutlop, Ceps fladtwoh, .tht dear ter (Ahdusit tide otheing...-..—...The at Lids, Mot, eeeoee 'l.futdelaeett sod - ft; Lode on . Sitarthy « .4..' Nimes h th e Whatitoe picket Sr lentos stittiitichet- - • the Sae•preteger stow tattoo. Wept Qui W. lebbis Pp LAndasett wed AL WM oh Tuohy aut. Abele int date host, with whit finical oat• win, of !tight draught, wed exulthet thwamactiattosi •ell 'Whit* Douai vu del fro, 0 Whined 'tut WOK - OIL 011 . 1%--Thealik Neigaii . ' X, TO Opt Bee V. tonna. Val Iwo foc thcopors oto3 oilinoolootoo poise THOS Dklf at f goloco: 'rag. tormslik,frolibit owls 00. bead, at Um foot of Luria tc2i ' VCR CINCINNATI, LOU ISVILLII AND r. LOUte.—The Ilse new Weaserr It WIWI. Capt. Goo. . meaty MIU MVO for the above end all loterioratiel pus( on .SOYiLlS.tha_iYlL_lott...at.f{_pk m. for height or paiesge apply ea Deere or 'eo oci4 J. 11. Ltvir ativa go. 14 1 R t INUINNATI ARP .1: LOOLITH.I.I.—Tho gen passenger stsessir - HAS'ffNClkOspe'llseineen WII tail. oboes and all internalises ;sues _PAY, We lart. for frelght..or beard or to_ = 1 _ .11 /11 Aar .-841,14150510N4S 04) 'OK DI N CIA NAll, - -AND 1.-: . ji: LOODVMLB.—The splanelld poi. Amager dismer, JAMB. Ptlll4- (AMID Imo" win Ism for UN AWN. sal .I.lllstarnoo7:portotaa rat DAY, 76th lad, 'as Co'clook p. ITI. FF,Oligbt or poor stria os 1x 014,,,, 1 .°"" :1- i d , , id at . - ,- 3140; lLaO fro • • :Mg WINCILINNA.TIi: LOU.: IND-i5T. , L0U111.4416 To. amps? ST. LOOM OWL 'LA. sa • aw do slava Mi iariskismidister parts, .DALT. jgr,Lt! 101 or passage Apply on tx. --J. saavinnertiN fIII7dBUROII'AND OALe k LIPOIa PACE*T—Tbe one mw pumenger -stoubst; -IRVINE!, Cat. .. st. , ,irgl MOO Pittsburgh tug Cttllgngis NV lit U.R. bAr at4p.in— Zarin/Lingo tens OspiputhvgilltitT TUIBDSZ at „nu. mu ire Isititicse. I , lair, NS • 2.* LIRIiGHT.OI9 - 3 . i nth - U, L W 1111 11:/. R.. $11111111911412 pew led ophond :por, to irotior • oloozotr- - art aaaaLd; mt. oyaisvar. Plttobotel tor Sumo vino emery Toll'ille.ot 0 . 4*; P. r• Irmo Zuserratit4:Pittibitrat on*, YWDAT st 10 &LAtr.ko...tpoLmotoi,t•#4 or'to livurams 4440'440 • burgb. insular atu , . men 41129',0 VA A 19331,14 _2 ions Oantroas • -4, • , 2 2 2 2 Thritmanr dis-stgan aiktl alt ti blemslavalikKUSPAMA.), re k, 4124" 9-"rraitaftWitor- AMU." LEEEiEva!iZMi - - mOTte6.-8111S , OY TUE PtTl IA BONGO, IfORT - INANlimilD0111:60 0 11.4li mo —lty russet is dorm of litoClthall Wert W . ter Linnet Ann n WOK. Noe thine Dir o t -nano, hi man in Cdisucery therein. cope -tu g, whenin C , ' win; Slinne and Others ere peep' ts, god the : - Pittvourf,U. Iron Wayne and Mang& Eagan] COM .r•ey ITO oth its greeehadahlt, enttPonthoht to LUX Merl .datirees at Um Oirentr... Court& Of the Q nitod ettlevior.the Nieuwe Dberktoi .rinumilvauis. lb pistriet of Jedlina, and the Northeen Obtild of I eeUtvpectfdly, Inrisnltdl. gl: flen3.ft: sold Ooarts :oZsb o ine v.l. eeetplithents esoftdeleadents ...4-drfely.. n laid firet&mnrit oentlenede tb ta•nbyykried, Abel Iternaton &Withrow 11, Walker, as Oranbee In Tree in:. Trustee, in oo• of . theorem! D. ods of lthe or rtgattrapou ebb h said decrees an beetled, end al. se 4031 Mather coarniesi -Erre Of - mid [keine tiefitalvaiy,vicily spinet.. i by said Coarte MOIL gm that parpeee, will ligOdc noctwa to the blybsetbi 'der, he came, rat for ootiese than the limn P 05,000. at t h e United eta'.. Court home, Ie thereite of Cleveland. In the. tate of Ohre, au the Path ray of Octet er,M. h. taut, between the-boars of tee cedvx • r and lour dila* r of geld day,tbe! loteibifrenertbed property, to win fps itailrotided fee fittsburgb, Port almiue;and °bingo Ratireid Compaby,inelnding the tight of Way tiltrotor, the rind-bed • thereof, the supetstr ;tore 01 ell emu thereo , ID water aad.c.ther sta.kw boos. end ekops, and, the tande. end grounds enure ei:d testewrth f and .11 tools and Im a inneen risen or pro laded to vs hied therein, and to constructing all, re pelting an end nimbluery fir said rote, or the tract and aspentructieres treenail; all torula las; • I Ow pole and buildings and antelves and strocturen of whatever manor .natare, sad leo lands and grounds eoonected therailth, reed or primVed to to parg In operating said add to 1 telong ng th. reto, and wher- ever situate; and all ears, engine. and eolith", slot belonging to said Oomproy; mud all supr.lks 01 Om bar, iamb r, iron, fast, seer-I°u other thing proeided by geld tompaithre, or . byt the leveret original 0.0,1. nue which were convoltdatel late bald nittibuighi Pert Wayne sad Chimp Kallthed, to be turd In Opel , stir g sled toed, Inherent attnatr, Of alai:Mt title by which enigma we holden by said Company. or by aid ° f igural • Orkeyerries, vernally together, with all corporate' fr.nchls.s of told Company, and of the sold original Ounpaties morally, bingeing the right and franchise of said renal 0 empables • o be and set as a Clorpontka, thin sold e'en entirety- Bald abases provide that Use purenanr Goe the coliflneethm of Nes Ws and fall coniplisal r. s Witt the condition. thereof, shall bold all the property, Hi hts, leafirtilain, and the sppurteeences thereof so rid, by the same title by which lb.) ere held by male Pitts burgh, Volt %Ws and fa cap thawed and eter-b end silo! siNd eddied lkimparitie, from iron, the Han of ell said nostpitee end [eve loom ell Habil- Ity for any debts against .sad , or consolidated Ontenanies, or elthet of then, and from ell 'claims on I. eieconal of capital Mu* hut tubed, tunaUtettn. the fiesta. If any such exist, upon say reel nuns lo I 01144.111 tbs lain for purchase trolley tnaroot not prolided ty geld decrees tube pill out of t. eprMsede of the sale, or by former brders or theorem to be paid solhereries. The right of way, depot grenade sad loin sag lands In the City sad vicinity of Chicago, purchased by said Oowpeoy unite the pendency of *adieu. and the bridge princely an Other reel en tate of the.Ciempany at the .011 n of .nlttatiargh, see sutJeon to Mortgage Ikea The aitaselll tie included in the sale, bat ei.Vect to said inowebrancas, no pro vision hares been made ibt the Vgli payment N thereof. JOON GINIO. THOM 18 IL WALKER, Treetees, and aletterilmataissionere, as eforesaid. DITIIRIDGE'S XX. FLINT lILASS OPAL CARBON LAM"' CIIIIII.IIIEVS, .$ PATCNTIID PLPTChtbill lets, 1851. TTILE BEST MAT HAVE EVER yet hem offered to the nubile They an the far the foaming mane Benainek Mee of se oval shape, the glue to everywhere equally diarist from the dame, so that the dmills stronger and mole regain. Ths oval snipe is tatter adapted to reeled the effect of hide: oxpeardou, in that ft to Impoemb le to ash them. it. Tho gime la Aids largely et Lead and Posrimb, giving • grad degree of slough and elasticity. The ehlaniale which homsk *epees hurt found to be so brittle es to creek tittle when not in use, are Invade bly amide of Lime Clara Watead dee flint Clara, of which ours are mannhatured. 4. But the grammat advantage of theme Chimneys is that when you hero on* It will last forever ' sod II any hiniaskeepertreals ode by the boat of tee lemp, let her tall at dm ManoteetotT and IN wilinre bet emoted chimney by • dose= whole ono. Th prober doee tad Mande sooldants ar those emu of breakage ;wham ttmehloiney has, through inexperieneo, boon strewed so alonly to the lamp as to peeled its n pond= when heated. lanareottains sad alumnae of Carbon 011. who have hit ha angnituas of the obeteelw which be. elided In he vent einem, of hansoms, In the way of he notvarsel no. of the °IL bins lowa a remedy In the Chat I.T. Ifila Glass Chimneys, which has me hardly lemma the nod of Olittian Oil Light to those who um them,Siiii le/teased tke eonsunsolou of out ° t epee the imeemed implies for a. Tor= by J. O. lihkpetrkk, L., Thom 4 On., Bogen • Neetilti P. Claydoo, Lamm Oil Oo , Weldon lthelneke, W. Ogden Lb, W. P. Wooldridge, W.M. Meteay,er at du manufactory, Washington street lower Pansurytraola emote. saletsvallati R. D el MASON atTOWNSEND, Stgamboats. mats tar gm THIS ion i3x~~~ , ;,•=4 inioripuseits. rocs reozzus niaa.L. - EaRS IN PROVISION Na 12 Fourth street. Gannon hand ohm monks= of Bacon, Lord and Porkonok of whkb to of their own me. IWO 4B 011 BID, AMA, of and= off and other core+ PLLU HAMS, with soul without mum. OHOVLDDR3 IflDlll4lnsokad and In dry Balt. ULM PORE, Han LEAP LARD, to bbluArklos and pills. Put ar to pratalyfor taxon, toy sad all of their mina rend. log MAAR, suitable for iroUlag mm paws. evil THE 00-PARTNICKSHIP OF JONES L AIITEI aired by liwitattuo 011 the Ist day ot August, blet. be basest of paid Arm will be itettlsd by the new Arm ot Joules A Laughlin". T IMLTED PARTNERSHIP.—The an- ILA dorsigned, reddina In the Otte of Plttsbarath, Jima termed w Resits& pattlasrshie nutter the dent of Joeft.tiosantints, tette Intateest of marestectartug utal &agog to Rua, (ntwneaden tn the Len of Jonas •leatth,) In which inn the vowel partnere srs Ranitentin I. Joints, Maims 'IL' dotes, gears, W Jiww.Honly A. leuidhUa,and Irwin 8.1 Laagbith. milli* epode partner SA James iautAU4, she bar coltritiaWdowentythousand four hundred dollars to the mama stork of MO partnership, whim to to *immune as of the Ist day at Attetst,l l 6 l :shd to tartaluate on the let &jet august,lBo6. I. J 0.14, T. it: JOS.& r 0: W. 40M, lIINRY L. LLIIOHLIN, IRWIN R. LAIN OLIN, JAIIIIB LatfaßLlN, ssl7.2re Beptftatxr 16,1861 vaLcums impaovspeissT .1U Maun a and tAtinosphorin ETIIIIII3'PATENT were wanted on Sept. CM, MN le Thomas Bata, ter • very 'Ample sod eiloleat Lmma:tea In Stem cod Al. twomherto Maoism whereby the 1411 stroke of the beenwer le obtained, se author what be the thkkoree of the maw of Item to be tteettnerwt—thereft effect hwitt poet Wilma" of power where hogs pleas of misters to be opeer•b& opeeyead a oorrespcmdlna eating of t attemits... - rho absortberejeiti biome of isle patent, sal are alettecut Of lolling debts to nee eeld Improvement, le V.ll Wierrltory arida mid West. • model of odd haprorecomt Y Ma at the etch of Xmas Baer :well a Coshing. Attoroeys. at Law comer of Greht wed Dimond tenets, whexe or o:iterated onj ea 4 see fti - and learn .1.. th ee- t e em. of BUMS • I'. a. MUTTS, THOMAS BIIACII, !meow; "troutrono ao. Pa. illotits. 111'4 LOU= ,KOTZLI OHEBTNITT ABOVE THIRD .1P3(2 *.411 - 11 the latheildiithighbothoon th the Jebblog Hearth aeltarket, tbkd sad Ithethent airath, the wanks, -, PAIS Ottoei llvtbtu& il Ethane, ho., ha . _ Board per Da/ 0150. . airsassaaaisaosaat'rapstsa 414.111380nA11i Arms fivie 60 mitiiawd spoirds.pu day: aid /Mai 11. s Om Cum RUTIVIaIre mums]) To to Boas. • Aka =craw logi eau of Are, Viso Gars take Paasitagars leo aap 14114101 TO.er CILUIM.TO sus . N- gekikai,lreadkillsemee end apseish spoken. nizabitemobilasa om f mcol HII7RO AN PLAN pI~Y Of ßaw , vac Eagle Manas t Fitly Casts Per Da 014 Hall Ilgulori, worker Vw*witt•Wt sp - lOpimito BALI L. . c ltoos4•2 tbwi 'orderwl, W 1 Ike awing Re. `Own II • ' BOtbetf• Abdpsad Both Boom awookoof to the HdN.• - -N.ll.o.lllawnir• et. $11•011•711/ _sad - nada. wbo qlnt MI , - .**01: 1 .14 ' • ' UMW& PraPsincr. QUN DRY CIONSIGNIAICNTS.-- fij somata libidthsp, -10* lo • ..lisslsianceli Panto's, VA dO ItHaesssittpast Ato 100 Mirth IMAM ; .1d do Xsilsq* Semi INIOSOSS, . • I to Of /blebs* tiloktaZihVß. t Just ssostvel NA As WS bl ;f.‘ , JAL 161112:. oda Oenre NNW fratame aim% Vacs; . 1046; Vows, &r * young.. sacrrannts, Diaqueene ~ Founidhry, Liberty at.. near Onter Depot Pa. PITTA GU, Ps. , ... .. , eis MAQUI.I4I.. • Rift ULLA`.ind.,itOLL. nio um. ruRNACg P‘nr, doocription - OIL PIPI, emus okarpias, rum racNrg. ( WM. BAWL. WADON , BOW. SAD: AND: DOG DOM% RATICiIk 1 ND 6 ILVOINBONT4STOP OUCH BOXES. Ac. always on nand and for We now. :., (*ten. len vim W. W TouNo, corcer of .Wood argot and Diamond alley, will Meer. prompt atten. ton. • , mh23 ETNA STOVE WORKS. —,..L. .. ._ A. Et EL .A. .W .1.4 ir. Y 11.oadtctar.s every witty GI , COOK, PAR.I.OII AND FIZAlne STOVES, FRONTS. FEND am. sco. eca {dole - Proprietor of the celebrated PAO= GAS .121ISNLIVG AND SIMI 001VSEL ALMS ARAANGSMINTS Office and Sales Room No. 4. V7cx;dStreet, , !irrmsukuni, PA.. ALLEN, idoCOEMICIC it CO., V A, l a L K Y F O TJ N D PITTRUOROU, PA. • Wor,house. No. 232 - 13 t. M ANUFACTURERS OF 00011 i, /IL PARLOR and RNA ING STOVRif, Dirks_ and Alcamo Orates,' $01b:10 Wart, etc.; litsei arias: elassmotad; Rethpg 1181 Oastinp,llllllGearing,Ou, Water and Arthur tope, Bad Irons, Dug trona. Wpgon Boxes, 80gar Kettles, PnllaJa, Ranger, Oat Wheels - , Opoptiogs, and Outlegs generally. Aiao, Jobbing end Machine Oullogs made' to order. PatenteePortabla Ulna, with Steam or Morse Power: aoLISSend iteo3vlOrt Rttogatiscultati. BIN IN GER'S OLD LONDON DOOR GIN, Cain as a kleinedial Agent.. THIS. DILICILUDS TONIO STUIDLAIST, E"'OIALLY deeigded for the use of the Matted Projeserai ad the Platay, basins impended the added Kau: "Arenatic.llkon' ned t i j " of urr pram ' Inuit Pify eta , a 4 11 neil lst :i r tad connotocars;es poosieng all of Ode added med • dual qualities (tonic and diuretic) which Went to en old sod pure Gin. Pat op locoed. bottle. and sold by all &nests, stood . Dr. 0 No. H. it 140 Wood at, Agent. A. H. UItitNGILU s PO., illitabllsbed le Sole Preptietcd, oddly No. ly Broad street, N. Y. Petrotout ft eatbon PETRONA OIL WORKS LONG, MILLSZ; CO. Motb at Ilegarp,burg Station Allegheny Valley Radioed. 0111se and - Windom. MD, MARKET STRAIT, PITTIIBUgGII. Manufacturers of ILLUMINATING AND LUI3III. CULTENG OeRhON OILS AND EINNZO.R.. Sir No. 1 BEFINEU OIL, WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIT A. always on hang. oolldyd CORNPLANTER OIL CaltrAtif; IL D. DAVIS, President. AMIN IRWIN, Ja., Secretary mad Treaeurer. Urescrrogi—El. 11. Deets, T. IL Nevin, J. L. Serer gees, A. Cameron, Yuan Irwin, Jr. PETROLEUM llgnt granlti, from the •elts of tut company, Ornet, In Venango connty, anntantly 'on hand aid Runde. Craton *1 T. H. Nevin A Co.'s, mptlyr No. 66 Wood oz., IntlaLcaltn. ABLE 011. WORKS:- WIG4TMAR L AINDICRIRII, neribigals AND MIALLBB Pi:JIVE CARBON (Quality Quatanieed,l PITTSBURGH, PA. Gar Groan awl Sentole constantly oo hand. Orden revolved hir the present at OEM% MYTH A COIL -*amend lost street. oihdein Lubricating Oil, A T THE LOW PRIOR OF 25 ORNTS 1~ par GALLON, eeertmuttroo heed Ina tor lob tty M. C. A J. H. BAWYNK.. /La to the quality, we Teter to amucced oorttLuts Prrissmaa a, Km 'II, IMO. elessu. B 0. it .I. fl. Surreal ileate—The Labrica. Clog WI en, ere gettint from you we Bad to be the bat for oar Forme we tom ever used. TooL BALL &IL 00., Be Wit. lam Pron. T F h 1.1.11: T148.E 8, INDIIOEMINT TO POSOHASIIRB A yea tarp stock of chola Slaw of selected rad @Nee to clam from, wah every potable ore taken to have ever; variety tree to 11.011. 01 Apple, alone we have 176,600-60,000 rf whist are three yea 81400 COO fear year old Pear,lo,ooo two to three year old Peach, Plum, Se., a floe • acct. • Ramat ac—The tars In the nereery. Dell - and see them. RTIIII,ORIS3B front 1 to 8 feat, by the lavedre,t thou; also, SHADE 1 RIR3 AND EIHRUBDIRS wholesale sod retell. Addams Pittaboratt and ththland Nerseiles, Plta• burgh. Pe. eelftilarT at(' hIORDOCLI.Jr. REMOVAL. THE P.KKIN TEA Mitt hu been remared from No. 88 Fifth meet to NO. 60 ST. OLAIR ST., taw Limn from Liberty et COI.IbIUNMENTo -160 060. cholas Wanted Omen Apples, 000 dos. unoted Vane, Dreams, 101 boxes Weans" Reserve Mew, 76 do Woods' Pearl Mara, la sacks Timothy Beni, 70 bbis. heavy, clear Mem Pork, 100 more fresh Pea: ho, lot family cos, 6 sacks Geese Weathers: 6 key fresh No.l Lard, for family no, dant tecnred and for sal/KAe by NE 'VAN GORGE& cell , 116 Ilecond etreec 6 , BEMS. 1.114.111 0. moue:: 6 , MLR. 126004 fair good, fair and palms Enpar. 150 bores 6s, 8s and 10. Lysch - belrg, Tao 7 obasto. 100 bbis. B ilmel Sop, 450 bogs o lnUofee. 60 btos.Panusymenla lbr sake by 80R1V133 DELWOBTII, ocl 182 Second :feet. QllNDlikh6- 6.1 74 6016. choke Green ' 36 do Eliroo3 Oldor , ld 4 tt . ,fl . 8 do pscliod Bauer, •-. To store sod for ado by amp td3HIPATID, 001 l • 843 Libirty Prot. DROOM CORN BROSR-31 tone of JUI superior *Wale of Oalo brybh far Ws by HENRYOO7 H:OOLLINS lb ttaFtNNIL.4--5 casks cheap Paint 'Li, for oil barrels, ibableg them yoriestly tgba Ircir eale by , B.GOLLIIia.. Fitzsa AND SALlnuti, pinup In one sod Ono Viend cow, hermoticany waled me worm:and MIA, lug I , o•ninn if.a. Vol. t 0 ..41 f or No b j . . IMO: A- artttlls 00l Oar. 141nrty and Hand moots., TrENTUeIiY • FtAMK.-459 barrels JUL ebelce White Wbest fondly Floor; In store:rl wroutg pot rodwdriToukdallzood, for Isis by . .IIOPLINOLD s, s4BUeata, •413, . 264 Liberty Wield, near. bled ol Wood AND FUR BALE, uNOEI"D• -•• 4 eta& a 0144 • ; 21 slim n't."s IMAIT CO, 01.AAtiabib.3bOr btaii prime, Me • ARL Orman...llolessee In' store sed tarsals by • • 4,llTLei: X , TRIMS 1, all • - :112'Vedraid atrrot S,WENT POULTUNS,OO bblil• Mari. Ppua ow.et poi.toss lost rentri4 endive ate by orB Oarnltlfarket 'PO sketti. bAINTIN .A ND DLAp..ND all it braoqr 120 s ,at 'burl notloe, tiy • - . odo • .4. J..6al PHILLIPH. pusw.isi su lor mile by • co% , 13.-A F6IOI.IIFrOIE It CO. A Pr LES t APPLkai 1-472 tibia. chola ~ Ormot SON' Taailved Aba tor Me by ma° . • • llgNb? U. COLLINS. Cit4i 6 ti li lNS--,10 nice Be its to arrive sot for sal* by . *AI J. H. OA MilliLD On. flitigNA APR!. ' ti-430 Ws. this day orrlTed sod for solo by • - , EINNRY . OOLLtNB. INDOW tiILADZO deAorip• tloncehooke I . lo.landoill widths; et war Pricei, by . AU. PHILLIPS, " Dole 'No. Its via it Rt. 0 hilr stiesL pDitio.r42ll3plah,(ll4l.lll2*--.1000 - - --B. L. FAUNIIISTOCIS 00.,, Axe, ; woe, 01.111rit sod Wpad greets. Tioldr&-4-72 , bah. ere,P.Niples:lo. min and for oolobri-rrnits - od . • HURT IL COLLINS. ZANIS-30 bap white Beans for eat 001 l , =UT IL OOLLINS. PROPOSALS itOPOSALS roa AttblY iIIkUUAGE WALIONB. ..thistntarsaitss Cissas.u.'s Crr•.ct. t Washington. Jt...111, IbBl. J Proposals ars tialiol Gr Lba foratisig lug rd Army Peggeie Wagon& • Plopelaie rho:ad Mare the pricehatefhl k they can be late:shed al the place et ineunlactare of at New 1, oft, fhiledelphla, Senn:eine, 'Washington, or Qin• tinnatl, ea preferred by the bidders The finmuer *filch c.n b wedeln; any bidder With. in owe ininith after receipt of the owner. oleo the note• Lion he can Lahver within ono week. Wagonsmaat exactly eenfoctn to the following peoll,ationtcand to Tito ealatlfaLed pattern. Elzionle(cororoe) leag4n., of Ms eau and deeerfp 1t.)13 a taturt. to W 4 he Itout Irteide to be thne teat ten lath • Mgt., habit.= ta.bra itt d araevo,aud turtle.= make gear• icr turtles 10141 Wed wheel Mar feet mo =ohm toga, ha= tLea awl a quirtermcbea in diameter, and reorteen and statue:lo'l=M* !mg; feller tear and • denim.= ea wide - and two and three %natter it,chas dee% uat iron . pine boxes twelve Inches two and a half teams a% the large end awl one and mean eighths inch et mall end; We two and a hal inches wide by Oen eighth. afar lath lbleti litateted - with one screw bolt and nut In with faille; bobs made of. gluey Ina spates and kills of in• best whits oak, hoe trom detects, each whin! Li have . a sand band end lioctipla band two and three gimpy incbc. wide, of N 0.5 baud lon, and two driving node—orneide band one ond *gum ter Inch by onevpiarter boob tlate; hut& tatia one tech by thrervelmonwhe in dilemma; the hind wheels to be made end boxed so that they will measure from the inside of the trie to the large end of tho sin arid a half inches, and front whiniest; and one eighth teems in • psraliel iteeoind each aeleto belbreetbit eitTen and threo eighth maim from theoauttlo Of one booklet ember to:the othilLe of Ito ether, eo u to • have-int, Ragan. at Co trick nu (tot torn Centre to contract the sheen'. nzlotrace to to mode of the best .quality weaned Ateetic►n iron, two sad • hal( ;pirate. spare t. the shoulder, tapering down ha Cub kill Inchlu tbs middle, with le wren eighth. Joon kind:foto nolo lin etch sultana; wathet• and ltoehplo.(or eseb 17Lieif SP; sire el linonyinentii Inert *ids tbrooengbdut of au loch {blot, with t ifole to each end, a wooden stock four ■tad three-quarter inch- wide st , o loir 'aches Mop oobotanually to the• &esti..., with Gips ou the own sod with two bolts, out Inchon. trout the middle, and futentoci to the hounds end 1 olstor„ (the bolster to be lour lost live inches ion& tiro lowato wide, iod three and bait deep) with roar hilOncti bolts.. tongue to lie ten feet eight filth,' long, lon . Inche■ wide and three inches thick et front end o the hound., and two and a visitor Inches wide by two and dueslnuits . Inches' neap at the hop: em, and to arranged aa to Ilia ap,the front eud of It In hang within two teat of tn. Venal whoa the wagon I. standing at rent on a level ant lace. TM trout Manes to Do ah f.et soro itches long tbrdo Wales thick, and tour Inches wide over aziou or, end to rotate' that width labia backend of the longue, jaws ol 14011.4:411:141 (MO toot eight Itclice long and three Inches squaw at the front end, with a bitter of iron two end ■ hall Inches wide we th. ere eleinthe of an Inch thick, fastened= top of the heoude over the bock end bribe tongue with one IseWash scrag belt to each end, and a plate ut Iron Vibe sae sloe tatty cd op at etch enamel and • half Inches to clamp the boat hounds tcssther, and Livenett on the under sloe, and it front eta of =nods, with but loch screw bolt through =oh hound, • SOT n elgh.h loch bull through tongue mid hound. in the =biro 01 Jaws to =awe the tongue to the honors; a plate of troultiree inches wide, oowtinesthr loch thsck, and one foot eight Inches long, noosed on the balde of Jaws ot hounds with two drew, soda plate col the wane 111. IflopflOOS OD each .1041 of theft ago., whore MO tOltgOO and hounds roe together, SO. titr4l la like mutter, • taste of nvetrolstatte w su Inch toturl iron to ei tcud nom mailer lap front Metres, aoa 'aka two trotte lu :root part of ton tvunda, tante brae* thro.qau Una 01 na loch robed to continua to Late back part of the bounds, and In be &maenad who two bolu, one Door am boot end of the hOtinds, and one thronah the • alder and Ikvonda; I bran over Iron; bolster one Sad a hall Inch Itda, uo•Quarter of an Intl thirr, whh a bolt to lath eadko beaten 11 to the bonen; the opeoffig oatwcea the Jaw* of the bound., to metre sue tongue, end four and sedgy three-quarter Inches In frost, and tour and a half -10. boa at the back pmt of theiawn The bind hounds roar feet two Inches loop, twa and tareequarter tabus thick, nod time Icahn wide; Jaws uue foul bog what* that' clasp the coupling pole; the batter tour het hue inch. long, and hue tuches wide, by Um inches deep, with gouty troll twii sad a half inches wide, by olastalf inch thick, tamed ap two andiobalf itches and mimeo on nub end with =tl=!=:3o=T:CCl mired with ball loch screw bolt., and cue half loch screw bolt through the cm:titling pole. Therm:lol2g pole nthe bet eight ,acne. long, three Inches deep. and tunas sod • hell I whet wide at trout end, and two end utreequater filches wide at back sled; dietan, hum the metre of king butt bole to the centre of the back exists*. six thee One Inch, and hem the centre d tang-Dolt hub to the centre of the mantles In the blue mad of the pole ergot toot nuts tutu e; Mug Wit one end a quarter Inched &own r, of lost refused Info, drawn dawn to , nettsterigleths et en tech where it passes through the Iron existent Iron plate Ms turbo. loog, three inches wide, ad one eights of an inch talon on the ectubletres and tongue where they rub together, Iron plats one end a WO. by 'one quarter et en tech en the ',tiding her, ',stoned et enh end by et lor.w bolt =tenet tee , boundr, front bleat to bate plate. wove end' below eleven lathe. long, tines aura • tell Incite. wide, end three Merano of no Inch thick, contras draw* oat and garnet down ea the south et inn abler, with • rail In tart tor new, and tour countenunk Lefts on the top; that:ands en the Wed hounds, two and two soh • nail Inches wide, trflto.lo band Iron; the-rah plate on the coup ling pub to be eq,hi Inches tooth one and threoquer ter. t.hca ickleottie toe grimier of en inch thick. Duubletree three het tenloothe bug, dogletree too fat eight ludic. lone, air welt med. of hlthory, with an Ito, rips end clip at each end. the centre ale to be well menthe; bet her sad luthotter to be thee. feet 'valorem* long, two and a quarter inches etideZeutul use ends