The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 22, 1861, Image 3

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- I;i_011 , 11014L Pik SS OS' Till &TY,
'MOW MORNING, 0ft . .22, 1881
' Xrnr , olol.oatcaz. Ob.ezvalkons for the Ga
sans, Ity-G. IL thaw, Optician, 69 filth mum
o'clock, A. a 00 61
Ul I' , K. .1". 91 .
• ' • r. - • 60.
Itaivinsta • _29 7.10
• trotted States Damien...Ceram •
MoTdar, Oct. 21.--Before Judge fAcCand-
At elenb o'clock, the May 'adjourned term
of &el:felted States District Court comeiencid
miemon in this city.
' , ' • The lint it Grand Jurors wail then called
- over, but oaly twelve answered to their names.
Gement 'Joseph Markle, of Westmoreland
otnuity; was apptibated Foreman of the Grand
Jan, when they ware discharged till tan
o'clock Tuesday morning, at which time Judge
- • McCaedlees will deliver his charge.
Oe motion of M. W. Acheson, Esq., the
,COGrt granted an order to subpoena fear wit.
soma for Ike adonis, in the case of - J. it
Hopk4y indicted for counterteitleg-4hie
z .to be paid by the gitieramiust. , •
IL' Hampton, Ittg., made' a similar mo.•
''..Geni t ,,for witnesses in the cue of Elijah Faller,
charged with passing counterfeit money. In
. • estiltof these cues the defendant made lA
-- , davit to the fact that-they were nimble to pay
. ' • the expellees of the witnesses, and that their
• - testimony was material.
The esmi•annual report of the Local In
- •_epoe.tore was then lead by J. H. Bailey, Req.,
• Clerk. eed ordered to be Wed. The report is
u" - •
. - Hai.- Wilma ifeCaadiaer, Jed,sis of Mira
States Distsrel porn
' • Ihni—ln complier:me with tnitruotlons of the
Vatted Bute District Court, we, tbs . . under
signed, Insp.etars of. Halls end Boilers of
Itteemas navigating under the set of .Congnna
approved - Jai, ' 11138, mindfully report that
Prom the 80th' day of April, 1861, to the in
of 00t0ber,1661., therit - hays been 18 lospeollnis
of.. Balls: and 36 inneetioned Boilers. In
talking ear report we again have the pleasure
of dating that no ateldent lois occurred to any
steamer of-our Inipection, from explosions or
. other accidental seespe of steam, or lon from
•. damige to hulls. Very respectfully,
Renown) J.,
Tadr.ut Strownon,
11, 8. Local Inspectors.
• (The list of traverse jurors wee then called
• over, ktt , there being no ease ready for trial,
Coed adijoarned till ten o'clock Tuesday morn
SfMM** Colnt;
MONDLY, Oct. AtH-Balore Chief JaatiM
Lowrie, Judge. Thoorpown i Strong aud Riad.
Judge 'Woodward wu absent. • - •
The Argument Liit for Allegheny county
was called over, when the following cues were
paved upon t - - -
. South is. Mayer. Judgment of non pros. ,
Woods TB. Hays et: alLJudgment of son
lisirisoull& Bros,. ve•Chambars.• Jodginent
of non pros.
Wilma sp. Wilson._ .Jodament or non pron.
- _ Mailroom S_ ood Pittsburgh sod Sten.-
'burring ..itailroad:find'. others. Two
District. Court. hlci Craft- moires to quash
the writs. Reassmii 'filed. Writs quashed.
as. House k Co. ihr.
vitid by Patineptor ltalutittin snot, sod by
Hubroneit rostra. _
Pitman. Annul by. Woods for
plaintiff in firer; Sterrett, contra, not heard.
Hornp. vs. Eaton. Argued by Cothran lot
`, plaintiff -In error; by Arthur., contra; and
closed by Studer for plaintiff In error. -- -
t - Entettreon Bottimuudieder. Atwood 14
tor plaintiff In emir, - and by Woods,
Court adJanraed until aloe o'etook Tuesday
Demme seWoravisa D6rttragtes. _ , •
• • 4otlfer of oar gallant soldiers has fallen a
'... - ':?,..lo3ottna to depeasa....Eyansfi. Darliegum t fint
Immteneat of the Pittsburgh Rifles, Ninth
litegimant Peansylvatua Reserve Corps, died at
; Ourgetown, D. C., on Sunday. of typhoiri fe
ear after - a abort illness. Limn: Datives
was wall Mid favorably !aces to trumay•oroar
silizess; and previous to - bin enlistment in the
service of his country he was segaged:aa
Durance Agent - a somber of Raman Com.
• panics.. He warn old and.acUvemember of
the *Duquesne Greys, hod was well sualifid
• , . for the poaltion which he bald la his company.
.H 0 was a son of the lats Benjainin Darlington,
and wan conneeUtd with many.ot the leading
militia of the city. He had• married a few
months peeving. to - kin eulietment, and 1
a young and Interesting wife - to lamenChla
•- We may add that Lieut. Darlisgtonkas two
• - brothersrwho are now serving titter county in
' ' the company of which be wait a Lieutenant.
Eli loss will fall heavily upon,them,u well as
. • ( opus his numerous *lends and Miniver in this
_ !- The Tamales Of Limit. Leantß Dirtiegtas
will reach hereby the noon Inds: Carriages
Will be in attendance at the depot., • ' •
; fieuaday Liquor belliaam.
Timm tavern kireperi . who make a'prictice
• of "keeping the-back door °Poo of Elliasigh"'
Mut reap a rich herr - spiels* they would not
be Willie ` to,risk sit much, or more of
Wain are caught up every weak, and ihe pan
illy(dso) has btan emitted tit 'eery instants.
Those who do not paj - the he, - are required
to answer at Court, where their chances of ea
*ape am no better. The evil haviag.asaumed
:a salon magnitude, Mayor Wilson determin
-1 ad to inippreol it, and be baa No far ladieted
ilksipeaalty without favor or &decline. Still
there are those who continue to sell In viola
. akin or the law, and for saoh the police are
leauttied to keep a sharp look.out. Ye,.
tinily intim:mune war =add against Henry
lihialds and William Georgt tor selling on dee.
day, and warrant. were, matted for their sr-
Death of /heather AUealeetai
Wyars peiaed - to. mimics the death of
Joseph Frsw, late a resident of Aliaaliani,
bat at the time of his decease a member of
.compauy, of Col. Black'.
sang He died on Tuesday fait, ai the Hoit.
plul in. Washington, of typhoid fever.- The
deensid wse young man about twenty or
twenty-one year, of age, and was a brother of
'David Paw, whawu killed in Antgbllly 110111111
• Aram+ ix curtest that Robert (betterturnra
' ulaCerlsr") fifoCbasny, ahm resident of dl
, .leglienty, and attached to. ihe :acme compasy,
. died, from disease a few days ago. He was
kaolin m hsvermen quite ill cad the rumor of
hie death is believed toy many. - •
/NUL .1001DINV VO T BOLDtillt...-A member
cot Company B, . PiPst artillory,Prodetiok &Vat,
f Nem Culla, was accidentally killed at Wish
- :tsgtoa tall on Monday hum under the follow
regintsfif was out on dress
parade is the rear of the tent la vhloh Mr. B.
• 1 4,9ataged la writing home. In performing
tho mental: at "ground arms, " one of the
Main advanced the Vibe; intead of the left
toot, and in reedfylog the - mulch., Ids foot
*track the look of .Ahe gun, occualoning a pro-
_-s, mittire illsobargt. The gun Vas loaded Ih the
egafmannsp-with one ball - and- buckshot..
One if the shotpenetrated lir. S'a brew, ens
' lndent death.' The ball struck a pareg
salty to the saws tent eamild' Phillip', of Lan
imstar comity, to the arm, shatteriog itso badly
an to reader amputation of the limb neomsary.
INittee body was takes home to Now Castle
. - inxtrren lien..—yirtater_ star.
I,lh . ,tha leading vitiate in the isciothing
troul'easas,” who had been Indicted lot •cok
' _Spiny: to_ defeat theende of Junco, admit:
log to asiL ia $6,000, and itabeeqnsatly com.
waned eels bail pion, waa‘broaght before
4 ,./adge Malan lot eves; tad, ie diecharge
'sated for "pea menteriag thin same secant,
'&l6 Sidney J. Robrason. "The .
Court nquired'her to lied a melt sarety,,in the
seam mount, to join her to the bond.. •nit
lmittaitnr_bond eras &yea, and the prisoner
...• Wan di/plugged once more.
flainen ow Amnia* Sounsa.,W• harp' by
a dispabnt neseived hare yesterday that 'young
• maltnamed Minh, a residant of this city, Mad
3•11 11 71 ,- Vo.i on Sandy lit," of typhoid
binside .WWLaboat twastroli• lietwiPtiss
gem at egs. and had been sanriag.nna otiose,
• aeLlliso Seeds& Virginia Regiment, Ile. bed
War and his wither WU with
- )la several days previous to his demise.
. .
Cel trt Of Waaria, Nplaau. -.. ..
1101111.11 T, Oet.". 21.—Befoti Judges Ilicelar•
Masao aniPParke.
The first cam taken up was that of William
fadicted for burglary, in enterieg the
house of Tbomas Jefferson, in Temperance.
and stalls, therefrom $6O, in gold and
silver. The jury gonad a verdict of guility of
larceny, end the deGindait was wentenced to
Two plan imprisonmeat is the penitentiary.
Mary Flinn, Indicted for the larceny of an.
nmbtelle,,wim declared guilty, and sentenced
to one moult in the county jail—eke havju
already spent three month, in_prison, awaiting
trial. This nettles the question as to umbrel
lu heirs, property..
Abraham Reed,colorisd, wan pm on trial for
auanit and battery upon Mrs. Gallagher, a
waitswoman. The puttee reside in the Bev.
enth ward. The jury 'found a verdict of not
guilty--uch party to pay one half the costs.
Abraham' Reed' plead gulltylo u 'Meek
and battery' upon George Gerditer t an aged
colored man, and was sentenced to six months
in the minty jail.
Charles and William Shure, charged with
asslault and battery on Sophia . Pfeiffer, were
declared guilty. Tbriputies reside in /balers
villa. '•
. .
Wm. Johnston, charged with permitting
gambling to be, carried on in his house, was
nut pet upon The defendant is a col!
gred•barber, and was charged with keeping a
ram in Aleachaitariwkere — card playing for
massy was permitted. The jury found a ver
dict of guilty.
Tina tame defendant wee indicted for adul
glary. on oath of A. o.Christy, who testified to
the althea , having been committed with one
Miry A,. Beck. Two other parties testified
to the circumstance, and the jury found a ver
dict of guilty. Tim prisoner was then sen
tenced ae tollows—for keeping a disorderly
house, (of which he was convicted lust week)
one month:. for keeping a gambling hothe,
three montbe; for adultery, iii months in the
county jail.
Blankets for the Botinateert., .
We learn that Mr. Jacob Gloster has
been appointed agent hateby Qoarterinuter
Maize- for the collection of blankets, aockr,
us .
coverlids, &c., fur the eof the volunteers.
The Government, with all its resources, has
touted a wholly hopoisible to - p•ocura sufficieet
tilanhats, &c ., to render.oit , troops comforta
ble ditrirrg the coming winter, and as a darner
retort, it is
_now compelled to appeal te - tho
Citizens generally for %bier - aid in making up
the necessary supplies. It is thraintention, we
believe,:to OfffltliZe societies In every ward,
borough sod tciwuship in th e
. county, through
which it is hoped that a large number of blank.
els, socks, woolen shins, etc., will be procur
ed. They are to be delivered to the care of
the agent here, who will forward them to head
ti for distribution among those of our
troop. who mayutand moat in need of them.
There are hundreds of families in the county
who can well afford to spare a blanket or two
each, while thereshonid be no difficulty what
1111n.111 collecting two or three thousand pair
orsocka from our people. Let the matter be
battakei up in the 'tight way and the . ight
kind pf people be put at the head of the move.
ment,and we to say that there ts na
city in-the Union which will do better than
Ger. Naglore Brigade Pausing Wheeling
Oa Sateiday afternoon, says the Wheeling
late Wilmer, sir steamers passed this city,
bearing the brigade of Gen. Begley, from Penn.
Sylvania, hound for Louisville, Ky. Thelma%
steamer that hove in eight was the Sir William
WeMoe then the Clara Poe, J. W. Heilman,
Argonaut, Moderator and Silver Wave. The
coming of the fleet was announced by the guns
which opened from Fort Dully, and In five
minutes the landing and the eitopeasina bridge
were black with people, all of whom cheered
and waved their handkerchiefs as the eathuid
aide sold jets harried by. The soldiers from
Camp Wile marched up and . formed In line
along the river shore and as each steamer pan.
eirlaey sent up cheer after cheer, which
seems still to linger in 'oar ears. The bop
reepoaded from the boats and for a few min
utes there was the most -tremendous* uproar
ever* produced by on equal number of human
being._ -Thereviere two brass bands upon the
simmers -which were .playing briskly as the
steamers passed and the boys seemed in the
but of epinis.
Paw York via Mubarak.
In 'Buffalo ahe other day, a man, either from
:the rand distiricte or Cite a foreigner, wishisg
to purchase' ticket on the New York Central
from Buffalo to New York, met a nice young
man in.the depot, who 'offered to sell him o
licketlor nine donate, which purchased.
The yodng mace-then pointed out the proper
car end left him.. The deluded individual took
the Cleveland train, and for some reason did
not discover his mutate nearly reaching
Cleveland. The Conductorpicicked his ticket
probably without noticing that it read from
Cleveland to.Pittatligh.
The unfortunate man wu poor, and much
distressed at hkrmudiap, but concluded to use
his Pittsburgh ticket, cad go thence to New
Tom. The Swindler. had probably stolen the
ocket, wallah, was Si genuine one, and passed
it awl the groom tun.
LaUsrirerimi George, D. 'resitlee.
The following is tbe copy of a litter received
tram Grottos D. Pawnee, of the Louisville
'Journal, by Meagre' Little & Trimble, of this
city, ackaowledging the receipt of a draft -from
Mein in , pigment for one hundred and seven
daily mabecribere to that paper:
JOINLILL OPIUM. tontsT Ile, KT, Oct. 11,1661.
My Dear ,Sfri Yours of the 10th Instant,
auclosings7o6,oo, is received. Piano accept
my earnest and hearty tbasks for your gaiter
rm mad very succasafal exertion. in hermit of
the Louisville Joanna. lam exceedingly en
coaraiskto God tbe true patriots of the tuition
rallying aroarid as mo mobty is this time of trial.
We have-a territile battle to fight here, bat I
have scarcely a fear for the resell.
. .
&gain ;basking yeu sod wishieg you - all
jiappluess, 1 Sautais very truly yours,
. -, • - Grossz D. PIIMPTICt.
To Lams & Tanists, Pittsburgh. -
row lnillotaassits lalho Clothing Stand
The Grand Soy, now in safilon, have bad
before thus the mmawhat famous 'clothing
fraud ems," to which the !burs. Prows:Made
end. Morgenstern', with Charles if. Neal, ate
Cibargott with conspiring to defraud the Blots of
Pennsylvania oat of a large ram of money,
amounting to some $lO,OOO. and true bills bare
been found against theta. Oar readers will re
noliset how the previous lediounenu were taken
charge of by OhiefJustiew Lowrie. and how they
termhiatsd In the Somme Court by theyrose.
esti,' Attorney entering a woe phis. by leave
of the Court. Whether the Supreme Ooart will
be called upon again to Warfare le these eases,
we are not prepared to say. If not, they will
be. tried belorerJudge illetliera, at the present
tens of thee:l,l3lnel Murk. --'
OAK, Demo Rom D.C.—The rate al Com
pap, A, Fifth &weldor Derma, Captain
John Ms been resolved. It stands
Woody .. 8 Moder.... 518=1200
Oltunon.. ... -gime... 83
Diabase 81 CU1111111,..... to
Gnu 28 lisailtop— 27
niacin:tore .... 38
Bony Itsooyanan - , —The body of George B.
Crandle, who was drowned by falling overboard
from so oil boat, • abort distance below dresser
smtpenaten bridge on Saturday week, was found
In the Ohio river. near Sswlekhry, yesterday
moining. A letter :ma bit mother, together
with.qulte a number of mina , end $ll4 In
money WWII round on hts person. Coroner
Bostwick, - after . holding .sat—humest, brong
the body ern to the city, bethg unable to ascer
tain when the friends or relatives of deceased
Ma. EXA' att/N/Li t (successor . of 'Hum &
.Idiatir)-Fiftb street, has received thi F.cazonc
btfusszors; which, besides the usual 111101141 t
of euelleat literary matter, sidedted froaatbe
Grit-filar orriews sad msgssiasmof Europe,
**stales a bemmital steel plate eaprbring as
froutfspfeem—s Copy by Partsfa of Vaaloos
portrait of Frederick the Greet of Prussia.
How it OA, sa Do:ea.—Ali the jewels?,
made for Smithery markets was thrown bat
into the tiudi of the Jeweler, Manntattarstat
Awaciation,- who bare opened an office at No.
62 Filth etrsitti and all anything and every !
thing Fifty cants Witch; Call tad ass lb. agent,
Vs. P. lataw; of this 'city; went with Gan.
Neileyra brigade, is the capacity of surgeon to -
Cot..ittembaterVa teententi
, .
the ' a
. wit. wen:, Isma -so bull tease pp
'Thatitley by thee nes across the rivirilies
removed to the Manse Hoepital on Satarday.
Arrivals at the Principal Hotels
EFT. oe•RLYß—Oorwr o itard and Wood Wen
A KIM Canton, 0 .
.7 Laraiy, Jr,
J U Looddon,llllishoSo
.1 A Trimble, Elookatorn
D Pourbecir, Alliance
Lockwood, Plymouth
Lantort, Washington
73 3 eftti hews TA, lontown
0 P cook , auriottatown
'Ai Clark, Washington
Alex Wll.on, do
Anita Brady, do
Oro Lookers, do
G W Moffett. do
21 X Street, Oreetortila, 0
Kra J J Patterson, &allots
J McLaughlin, Milt
I' 8 Kern, Zbemburg
MANSION 1101781— •
Branningon, 6th WI. lit
3 W Davis. Lowell. 0
0 W Moped, Loc Marton
11 0 NW, d k o
H B Hurtling, do
Mrs 61111hpu • Z ol.ildran,
Wadi ington
Ilts Gen Ntgley,l6. Liberty
W H Young, hronnuilla
11 Gallaher, W. Bronet
J B McOnire, Watb. oo
T Mail, Ohio
L Irwlo , N Y
atom' -Matta, N Y
J J Little, Virginia—
n B Brandt, Rutland, 0
13 N Itathbons, do
• eta.
D l Clark, Oil city
II Id (Wren, Loci port
Dal Bear big, etentsine'e
J Carnation, Clerroli too, 0
D Neatly, Johnstown
0 itint,lielteeirvllle
D Bong, Kittanning
J INcOrekligh, do
IL Cochran
A D Wsir,Thatier
H Miblock,do
D W Youitour, Jant's
A Idoltions, Harristairg
J Wits
J D Hamilton
J M &ot,ltutler
J Otossou, Philo
J Aturgem, Oolumblans
Mrs J mammon, do
J 0 Youngblood, Alliance
Mrs Waliock, Columbus
Mho Wanton. do
• •
J D 55.
W Illttorto log
Wthdlegber, do
Butlthileld and Third Arcot
T Broirulald, Mt Augusta
• Iltddea.Unkattown
U kotaLgatuT.Wartet We
1 W Wingatd, Lock Brno
0 0 in, do
QB M De oveling, do
jOapt T W Gat vor,Catro,Ml
Alex Wank, KcOlatiandt'd
J 0 Golden. Kittanning
P K GritnekWhite Oottaga
Wm Roddy. Addison
P n Ray. Mk Lick •
Wm Smith, do
1 Mottialtdo. Irartalagtoni
Rolla KM.
000 Path
street, below Seventh.
IJ B Love, West co
Wm Carte, do
/Of Lon, do
I >n Black
Jiro Ward, Ohlo
J W Blaorl. do
W BYrßrao , sddlvLlle
;treat, twit of Filth.
J B flarper,K Liverpool
W Lawrence, Wellsville, 0
W A Konica. Federal Bp
Robt Mcßee, Monier
J K Clark, Candor
W Bnasell, &ever •
I V Greats son. Wastetors
0 K 0 Potter, lisocoek es
d ce Independen
P Riche:, o
M O Blzetman, Bops Dab
Wl3 Month, do
Jos Po 'onion, liaadvire
T Et °Mantra Tonle One!
8 /I Hem Dontlepollia
libya, Boatiavilia
John Lang. WashWigton
Oto Leek;
John II Little, Weah'lon
I IMPB.I. d 3
W r Tamer, Cezoneborg
Wm Verne A he Nubles
J B EBtott, Otoolleborg
D ItheatiOn, Bailer , I
Alex Aiken, Brldgrllli .
A B Paine, N. Bethlehem
1. 6 Bloomfield, M. &dello
J Ward, Ohl°
No. I OR Olalr 'taw.
Ole W
J S lle9rttr.. Wash. co
I J W Oarmact, Won. city
Geo Laird, Wash. co
1 Bmb:tatter,
8a,,,,, Ormillot 0
Wm Waugh.
J W Milbr , Valuing° o)
.1 .1 Dougherty,
P G Woodk. •
W ♦ Hl•elcatotto, FtesibVe
Jacob Filed, Itannosy
1311 , 3 Ba‘ty
17 W Centlald,Llastatone
I H 147, Washington w-_
SEITERCCD —John Ornsburg, convieted of
eelltng Itquor vritnout license,_and on Sunday,
win sentenced to pay a fine or $lO in each
case, and undergo ten days impriaonment
the county jail.
DOCTOR C. BAILS, Hater Cute and HOMO.
pathic Physician; also agent for Rainbow's cele
brated Trace for Ruptures. Corner of Penn
and Wayne Streets. •
Dienrista2.—Dr. C. dill, No, 24 Penn at.,
attends to all branohes of the Dental profession.
DARLINGTON-0e gondol morning, et Famines,
Fietwiuti, Georgetown, D.O, Mast. &TANI it. DAB,
LINGTON, in the illth 'wet Lie age.
The intearal will cage pie& (Taeclay) WPM
1100111, St 12.30, co tha twelve' of the Letup train,
sod proe tett to th t Allegbee7llessetary. Canino'
will Le Is ettesdaose for Okada
arl A PrMad la Mood. Try It.— DA
4wu th itattuana 1411/11.11hT to pre
Mud hut the mulct of D. Iltaphen duet, of Dorr
necilach the rut Dom Norton sal haw bow and Is
lift practice for the Ise bomb peon 511 E the most
utoolohlue num. As so uterus randy It Is
without. hut, wad will .Donbass PIO Mon width
Ilha au other prepacutloco for W Ahumatlo sod
01 , : t mit D a hrklora i tt=ly Int a 1111.4 A l t
moothhar hardlog sad po al otreastboalos proper-
UM Mite NM rut wonder and utoidabulat of Ml
who have ever rhea Amish Over toes thouleid ha-
Phnom of rehuireable eons performed by It within
tho WI two rum sheet thlo
deo& aulfalidarwralt
R. N. AILLIIIIB A 00. Agouti. Clamor Wood and
Second streetiatttsbargh.
BLOOD FOOO.-Attention is called to
this cunt rantuurids inni Minna* preparation, ad
verthe4 in another COlUglit. It to an entirely new
diecovery, and mad not be contomsdad with any of
the otourrona patent medicines of the day. It fa •
eau= remedy for nit the diseema sparilled, end so
poriaLly those of a &runic nanne—et tong standing
—on Wont., month., andyeare. • iridirreru try id
Mass 011011111 It Dorm, of Haw York. on. the,
Nl* agents for ft, and it.. proprietor, of the world
renawrond Dr. lavon's Inrairrith Ocrutorit, an ant.
cis obtain every Modbarsbould hays to hot medicine
ekuct in tam of reed: and: conorining, aa It dam, na
paregoric on opiate of any kind, it ma be rolled upon
into the cannon conadelscs,and .will be armed an in
valuable specific in all cam miinfaistlis complaint,—
Ohio Bute Journal, Okanbas t
mike advertisement. Par sate by 140110.1 B.
Indian , Axon Lied Wood al. t Pritibrinth.• Pa.
inaltaq2 Soticio
WANTED to MI Company A, LoC , la Datum
nos to °sap Cameron, •t Betrtaborg. To horn
with Lieut. Sallinen, on WeWarning, October 23d, ono
v Immediately Into Camp. Appty to
GEORGIE 114612111, Agent,
at Bed Lion Botol, M. Otar 101444.
IrEOlt TUE W.Olit
The Brigade of OM. W. H. EAMON, dm rata "law
parlors and friend at the Prealdant, la not gait* fall,
as I tarn will to melted tatter ea awapaone, parasol
toomontaa, or aa Indirklaala, £hD NAT., TUN
01101011 Of Tin MUNCH tif
Pilll/1118, eilharim artillerg, Infantry or O.r•
A portion el the Brigade lc now In wales earvlte
Thla le ■ chance nosy mot with, as the Silgado .111
be a favottlecar /row the &Wu! •alLtlnaa, MOD
will be satWated, paid awl clothed. ♦ppppy at the
stable of Oapt. it. /1- PAITSRoON,
ocl6 dtf Diamond street, caw Grant
I) experienced
&tillers et:l3=am,
- 3 Baleen.
sarckw mos-can spply to J. N. [Pap,
aaadtt Y 6 .11th straot,asend toR
Trt rsw moss imams
'ahead t 3 EUtbm maks of the •
trNicni nivims ; under Dept. THOS . . IL ROOS.
Clampanj wiil be calcsred u soon u completely
'maul:a& arid' will go Into service M duly sommus.
Mowry In 2d story of Mittel., no r white. good
_min will be ion:died fors few days Mega.
suEldt 1 . 110224 e R. POOL *tale
Pittsburgh; September 23d, nal. •
.10• To the Young. Men ot
h Ptimmay/wdialasossi am
os dared to Inseruit lha Third listtalion of the ISM
Pesgimout U. B. lofent."la ranneylitiolo, •od
apical to you to show poor patriotism by Ontario'
the at rice of sour mum, In this boo Bibs Regiment,
lc consist of 2,462 men. b. pay Is from stb to 184
per memo, with aboruhuit food, clothing sad liken,.
t /my loidler of the litigable Army h entitled, be
stial pension, H diubled, and BJUSTT et ONI
11UNDHID DOLLAInit, when t °comb'," abieberited.
toe comforbiLle support, if sick of In the
soldiers' home.. astablhhed by the norantosat.
ham Mats {lronton made for militants, arms,
equipments. rations and trineportation !mall who
thwinfritof tbr Clompany Olken will be Ulna
from the roam. No bettor q , •11,1 Is oilseed to
enknad youig men for good t., and sir
Moms for ptomain.
rot toll Information apply to Neat. ROM?
SOTIMPLAND, at the Roman, at, No. NH Poattb
HILLY 5T061611,
se2ll:told tlgor !Mb Sag. U.S. lataitty.
11. ES. Army.—"Weilk
FOR 81X211!iitilnliT20.15. CIATALILI,
Men Joining lb!" ileglzant wine UNITOIIIMR) es
NM ea "[distal.
The bights{ pay p. in this 'err's*.
florae and Yqa+pmentry• Ok4tatng, nabibtando,
Quarto% Fool and limbos' altendants free at cilium
Ildvanoetirtetit °panto ,11.
For farther particalsn apply at the Sim:Nalgal!
Unit., RATION AL U0T.110., Water heat er war BRIM.
Feld, Pltadatrab, Pa. •
uMaT U:
. Ospial., th Hr sat U.B. (imam
Itatzultb4l Olam
G--Nu.500 lbs in store, for sale
bi "Inn 11.11A4R MUT A Ca
inIDS/A-10,b.12. SWeet Cider far - sact
ita by - nt2 • • J . O.lllllllZ.Lir CO
StLT4*EZRE B ToF=tixd . e
,-..s ~ .... :Jt . . ,- rsbti 3'.'~'3.xl x<. r ~tT_w .:-ce.!'Tlar.Rs a..~.5~ay.-~ ~. _ ~...~,,._,,, ..~5- ~z~J'^i•+rcr.^s=l.:.. .-
r rilL.sortA PR
Latest from Washington
W. 611111110 1 .01, 'Oat. 21.—The Reliance went
down to join the Potomac. ft tUlalestnight,and
the Robert Lesley started thither at noon hi
day. Some forty vessels emit down the river
jester lay, and safely passed the rebel batteries.
A large number of 'shots were fired at them, bat
none struck.
From information received here, It is believed
that the armed ateamehip or floating steam bat
tery, now building after the Erriesson plan,
will bi completed before the other two ore fur
the work upon It being of lees magni
tude. A large surplus from the - aim appropri
ated by Oongreis remain'.
Secretary Cameron returned MU morning
from hie visit to the west
The good diealplinary order of oar troepe, In
their recast movements, &trade a eabjset for
military anootalum.
All persona to whom pause are allowed to
army Hoes have gone over the river to be wit-
Dams of the great events that are ezpeated to
take placerin Virginia daring the week.
- There is no truth In the rnmor that General
McClellan disapproval of the naval expedition
to the South.
Wasnnforoi, Oct. 21.—The following tele
gram is from Gin. Stone's command to Head
quarters bare:
Sciarda' Ferry, Oct. 21.—This mooning, at
one o'clock Ova companies of the 10th Massa
ohutetts crossed the river at Harrison's Island,
at day.brtak. They bad proceeded to within a
mile and a half of„lressbarg, without mooting
the enemy. They still held on,,sopported by
Ohs remainder of the regiment and part of the
20th. A gallant reconnoissance was made this
morning by MO Mix, of Col Van Allen's Cav
alry, and Oapt. Stewart, A. A. G , from Ed.
wards' Ferry toward/ Leesburg, with thirty cav
alry. They cams on the 14th Mississippi real.
mans, respired thsll fire and rammed with their
pistols, falling back in order and bringing in
one prisoner. We have possession of the Vir
ginia 'idol( Edwards' Ferry.
Additional 'connotive, that op to 3 o'clock
today -Stone had bald his own la tiefactority
there, though his comparatively small lore.
upon the Mend are engaged with some 4000
of the enemy.
A subsequent dispatch received late to the
afternoon says that Gen. Evans, of the ;label
forces, has four field end three other pieces
masked, and about 4000 men. A pneoner,
who was takeni mentions that he bas 4000
.rebel troops end expects reinforcements. Gan.
Stone, at that time, believed that he could oc
cupy Leesburg today and hold it. The dis
patch is dated at Edward'. Ferry.
The statement of the Boston Journal, of the
18th, that bitten of credit for £12,000,000, or
nearly $60i . 000,000, have been sent to Europe
to Government agents, to purchase army wool•
lens, is regarded as another evidence of exit.
geraunne which sometimes occur and cause
mischief. On careful inquiry at is found that
the gum of $400 . 000 was sent and $400.000
more is to be lent in 30 days—in all lee.
than $1,000,000, to secure cloths to be made
up in this country to meet the pressing de.
mands , I our soldiers in the field, until our
own manufacturers can supply the goods now
so much needed. It was a wise precaution of
the officers whose duty it re to see and know
that the wants of the soldiers are provided for,
The greatest care was exercised in the selec
tion of agent, to execute the order. Geo. P
Smith, E.g., lormerly of Pittsburgh, a gentle
man of unblemished character and large exp..
fiance air a merchant, woe requested by the
Department to aid Col. Thomae in selecting
and packaging mallets's, which he does with
out compensation fur his services, bat solely
to Lutist the goveremenr, from the beat and
most patriotic motives: The policy of the
Secretary of War in supporting borne menu
factitive, when it is pouiele to be done with.
out posidie injory to the service, has been so
frequently e :erased in a practicable shape,
for the benefit of our manufacturers, that no
question can trine to that cage.
In connection with the fart that payment has
been euspended of debts crested in the Depart-.
ment of the West, it is proper to stars that the
Investigating Committee appointed by Congress
to euquire into all central** are now in melon
in St. Loeb, and have, on their examination,
diseovered greet irregularity and extravagant*
in the publto expenditures. In view of all the
eirountstanon, it Is apparent that the Adminis
tration will yield to the necessity of completely
teorganisleg shaeutire department, to accom
plish whlth Gen- Fremont will be transferred or
assigned to seine other duty. The President
and his conatiortional advisers are determined
that this department of the service shall he
managed with prudence, so fee as they bars
and ran exercise the power to control It. While
the steps necessary may affect the standing or
'position of some few todividaele, it is considered
- better. that such manage should be mede rather
thee the great Interests at stakes should lea
by hesitation or Inaction on the pen of the
, The Commissioners of Patents has deoided
on McCormick's application for the extension
of his trooper patent of 1817. First, the items
tion is one of great utility and importance to
the public,. Second, that the come alteady te•
calved by hict r ormiok, and the sums he le en
titled to mover from infringements, together,
amount to an adequate remuneration, and there
tore the patent should not be extended. Par
tiesrokidingin'tha State of New York, and op
polinj the extension, were represented by Judge
Dewitt C. Lawrence and Robert W. Penwick, of
Washington City.
LICAVENTFOILTE, Oct. 21.—The Conserrahre
of this city has advice' that the town of flu nt
bolt, Kansas, hem been totally burned •by the
Secemoniata fr6m the Indian country. It is
thought probable that the records were de
stroyed. '
The Republican State ticket is formed with
out regard to political principles. The last
twittere twill tailed to provide for an
election in the ensuing November, it is claimed
by those opposed to Ibis movement that tne
promo incumbents hold on till flwery; 1861.
Two hundred wagons and 1,000 yoke of oxen
have been sent to Fre:poet's command withie
the past Natick. .
The steamer Florence arrived here this
morning front St. Louis, having come through
Sr. Lows, Ott. W —la the skirmish nay,
Lebanon, no the 13th, between two companies
01 Major Wright*. cavalry and about four hun
dred rebels, previously reported, the letter
lost maty.two killed end twelve wounded, four
mortally, and tbirty-sm were taken prisoners.
Wright , . loss was one killed.
Synacoec, Mo., Oct. 20.—Major Scott, of
Gen. Sigel's Staff, from Warner, yesterday,
@aye 144:definite and satisfactory Information
bad been received at Sigel's. camp that Price
broke up hts csmp in Cedar county, where he
arrived last Sunday week, and where it was
said he would stand and give battle, :and con
tinued his retreat toward, the Arkansas line.
Homo, Mo., Oct. 20 —Messengers sly that
a atoutingparty from Cameron, numbering 100
met, have base taken prisoners by tome 600
rebels, at Macaban, Caldwell county. Four
hundred Federal troops, at Cameron, were
ready to march to the rescue when the train
lett. Another party ot from 40 to 61 was in
Carrel county, and had captured 17 ot Colonel
AtorgasPe men. Morgan had Started in par.
Sr. Louts, Oat. 21.—The Milos scouts report
the total' combat of rebel, fit South-fluters
Illlasourl at COO. A mull &met from Price's
only says that Judson's rebel legislature le in
session at Stockton, the onuses nit of Cedar
county, whloh pleas McCulloch wit approach
legwith from 6,000 to 12,000 toinforoatimata
tar Prim
ST. Lours, Oct. 41.—The etatentent of the
Washington correspondent of the. New Yoik
Tribune, that Caot. Prince, 0 0elelledallt at
Fort Leavenworth, reline, to recognize Gen.
Fremont, big superior Winer, is ham
Bzw`Yoalt, Oct. 21.—The ship hfills
arrived here this UlOllllO,. She - reports that
oo tke 19th ism, when 200 miles east.eciath.
cut of Cape Battens, eke spoke a brig hail.
from 8411120111, which, that afternoon, had
been chased by a prtvatteer.
The bask statement for the week trading
Vesferday. shows an berets, of specie of
11,143,278; a decrease of loans of $4 . 4.90,476 ;
demean es cite - elation, 9119,411; decrease of
deposits, 92,760,424
Canto, Lr., Oct 21:—"Tbe gun boat Conn
toga wade a reedidessece • up -the TO11111elle•
river, yesterday, es far .0 the State lice and foued a strolls nebel force untabe Teuton*a
line: She returned this afternohe, baring
seizeirtwo . barges bolded with 'dour destioed
tar the rebel cusp. It is reported; that the
rebels wirela drug torah 'at Blandrille op
Xithwinaii It is ilia reported that Hardee*.
Tom of 0,001) sluing, UV It. Salliaout, Mfr
Drznorr, Oct. 21:—Za•Gortript Willlim
WoOdbriaie tilitionefflaWlrcitj
to•deb"assil eildy-loar ;sus.
. -
84yruriiits, Oct. 20.—Sene twenty reliaeed
prisoners, who bane been waiting for • eral
days to go to Norfolk by a dog of ttorti, will
to Baltimore to.night. Neither the
General commanding nor flag °alma will
allow any communication with the rebel' at
lent for a another of days.
The 'released rebel prisoners from Fort La
fayette arrived here this morning, and were
sent temporarily to the store ship.
Col. Demmick, who has been put command
ant at 014 Point for nearly two years, left last
night for Fort Warren, Boston harb or.i The
garrison paraded in hie honor, and the OCC/I
lion was highly flattering to a beloved Colonel.
Major Joon, of Gen. Wool'' staff, hu been
appointed Primat Marshal at Old Point.
Teaks Harms, Ind., Oct. 2l.—Two or three
companies of the 43d Indiana regiment,. sta
tioned at Camp Vigo, near this city, under
command of their Colonel, entered quietly this
evening and proceeded to the °thee or the
loproof 4- Democrat and demolished every
thing. They then proceeded to I private
houses and served them in the came manner.
The citizens are organizing to proceed to take
the camp.
Bourne, Oct. 21.—The Etingor Timm put;-
fishes an extract from a letter, dated Barba
does, Sept. 27th, stating that the privateer
Sumter was captured to leeward by the United
Steam frigate Powhattan. Letters from wall
informed parties in Barbadoes of. Sept. 28th,
received here, make no mention of the report.
&unison, Oot. 19.—Orders hare to-day
been booed by the President of the Pike's Peak'
Express Company at this place to stop the run
ning of the Pony Express as soon u the Cali
fornia line is completed, which will probably be
next week. It is, therefore, probable that not
more than One Pony more will run.
Markets by Telegraph.
PaSLADILTIttt, Oct. RI —Roos —Pirtir lo better de
emed aid Armed; gales 3,040 bbla. at $5 37055 60 for
tapes Has and $6 75(i$0 Ibr extra faintly. meindlog
1,050 Ills. Ohio extra bsfora.rrbrl at $5 76, Re.
celphi sod stock. moderate. stye 2150 r scarce arod
wanted at $3 75a13 87%, Own meld 1. atesdy al
$2 611. *hut In good doerairid ; salsa 12,000 bash. 28,121. 32 'EI Pecos, and $1 55 . 4r Seatbera,
Red iv la &meat at 700. for Panos.andll2o. far Del
aware. Cotn active; gales 6,000 bush. yellow asld et
653. Oats viraeced lo.; sales 6,300 bush. Eoutbern
and Etats ad 3854C0390. &aviators .Arm; saw 1,650
bob. mew pork at 714@9e. for baulk 0540;70. for aides
and 6-V2E5c. Lewd Arm at 0510 Males of 42,050 but
ter at B%c. Whisky dim at irtfE2234r.
Now Took, Oct. 21.—Noon —Cour geld; seta 9.600
tibia. Whist delloed 1433. c., sales Wirwanket club at
$1 163061 V, red $1 3e(§ll 31 501 whit. Kentucky
at $1 16 Owe decishlog ; gales 7,500 klub. at 61401.
Pork lam at $l6 76 br MU. Lard Middy. Whisky
brooks dull; 0. and R. 1.51; Tilln3la Central IL R.
61; 611o1Vgan Soothers 304; Virginia 6s 46; Iflasokrl
0DJ%44%; Tswana* 6. 45; N throw:we 6 8 54 ; Oblos
, Niw Yong. Cot. 24 —Evenlng.--Oolton .qulat but
7fint• Incur drat ; m 041,21.000 obi.. at $2 1145 93
cr Ohio. Mott, soles 270,000 both, It INI 19
forth spring, $ 1 17011 1i for 7,111w.0k. Mb.
$1 2841 $2 for coo •uo fa 41E41 47. Dora; sales
093.000 bash. •t 67018:c. for Masi..
Muster Roll of the Plummer Guards.
The following is the Muster Roll of the
Plummer Guards, Company G, Rd regiment,
Virginia Volunteers, now stationed et Comp
Rik Water:
0•011111,0LIATIIIII 1111110; 31 do Perot J Osbeins;
Lt Liao; Alfred nfekman;ath de Jae a Hell;
24 do JecotiGHleglem sth do Henry A Brine;
la Bergt..L T Frmennen; Ph do Jobn Hulks;
11 do A Boyd Reek; 7th do John Veatch;
81 do Daniel Graham; Bth do !meet Powell;
4th do Burl st Shearer; Moakley, Dawid Philliwo
dm do Richard Pallier; do Jona Bib meg
Oorp, Howard Morton; Wegonor, John W Frussr;
Li do Hurry Martin;
Adorns K tshe Hoye Mae. Met* Melee Wm
*robots Woo Hal GeOrge Mclatoeh Jai
. Arrtegtors L elope Muth !drafters) John
Bradt', Geo B Bareallts Ow klcollera. F
Hourboider Joe McCune Pugh
nyckr J. lioneegb John lie Is M H
!Yawn Adana LI *Mop lea Mcileosie Alex
Unruh lents Jamhon Win ktoliondry Jae
'Bayles John Kalov Andrew . Oreorrni '
Chary Job. K elly Hager Oetnwro -
rteropbelt II KlscxlJ Mind Ortorns
Collis Frank W Kilgore WelDol2 Prentice Gee
COMM, WM Klein French A Room Frederick
coons.' Wm L Latalsk Jahn Ripley Stephen
Dougherty D Llnle ArtLur Fairspls Mortbou
Flanted J Leedom J • &Wart John
[Hungry Robt P Lowly Beml Oh., gunnel
Detholtangh J Hammitt i 0 theme; Jamb
lamer& Wm L Martin Gos Entherin Joho
Rules Urdu K rdeswell Geo LI L hie:da wm
Fry John elo :re John Taggut John N
Pony th Joe Metswit4.ll Truing Jos
File John Meueberger Kohl Voutilder John
'omit Henry etsolll A Welab nu.:
Garrison Daniel McCauley Wm Wallace Pen kb
trosatJu P McCauley Alex Waskrs Robt
Gibson Wm McClure Wm Yeingst David B
Hawks Wm., kle4eckers Ju Wiper PhWp
*Now Adjutant of the Regiment
trbier threes» brothers end are Ito , But Blf•
rtbogbent Oar correspondent doss not mottled Weir
Christian n MY, O.
End of 211 In Missouri.
The civil war which convulses Missouri,
bids fair to extirpate Slavery from the
State, however the institniien may be af
fected in the other Males by the struggle.
A correspondent of the ISt:Louis Republi
can, writing to that paper from Jefferson,
speaks as follows of the effect of the war .
on Slavery in Missouri:
The chance for a fight grows smaller by
degrees, and besmifully leas, as the cloud
of Secession rolls off to the South. But
their second hegira from Missouri will be
different from the first. That is coining
to pass which L predicted months ago &8 &
necessary consequence of So - Cession and
military occupation. Secession slmehold
ere by the thousand, with their negroes,
will precede, accompany and follow Price's
army, and if the way remains , open, there
will bo such a slave exodus from Missouri
this fall as was never heard of. I have
just seen e gentleman from Springfield,
who Informs me that trains of wagons
loaded with household goo& and two•leg
gad chattels, peas through that .town every
day on their way to Dixie. One da y bat
week, one hundred and fifty negroes passed
through Lawrence.county in a single eoz
pany. In the earlier part of-our troubla
last spring and summer, hundreds of Union
'men were driven from their homes, glad to
save their own lives and
. bear away their
families, leaving their possessions, great or
mall, to be appropriated or destroyed by
their Secession neighbors. Thousands of
these , loyal citizens have been driven from
their homes because they dared to ex.
press km of their country and its flag, and
are now seeking its. support in communi—
ties where patriotism Is not considered a
Thank God, this game of expatriation
is nearly played out, and our exiled friends .
are begtnning to return to their late happy,
but now desolate homes. As &cash has
found that it wfli be a difficult task to ban
ish two-thirds of the population, protected
by a well appointed army of Shy thousand
men; it has concluded to become a volun
tary exile and take its movable-property
along. If they will leave us, we can only
say peace and joy go with them. Mis
souri has attractions sufficient to chew
crowds of enterprising, industrious people
to fill , the vacuum thus created--people
who will give a DOW and wholesome slim-
tins to every department Of commercial
and industrial enterprise.
This Southern exodus of the eons of
Ham is only the beginning of the end in
Missouri. Ito one doubts as to theinev
'table results, Yet our Secession friends
have been warned again and again, during
the past year, that the .only safety for
Missouri slaveholde:a was in the Union.
They would not be warned or advised,
but lush madly into the rebellion,,and'
when it is too late they ate the miniequen
ces. They have sowed the-:wind andlre
reaping the whirlwind, Missouri is lass
ing through an ordeal of blood and fire..
Tuff RECEIVED on ooneigament—
u 100 pair lira Mack atm
16 pair live Sprier
16 pair Ute Gam
0616 L. FL vorar a co.
100 OIL OSIGBII. 2.0.1 1 0- -
41131, to mite, ki rlo Et .
cell ' A; A. IIIoOLII ad.
gaßgitN APPLES-25 bbla. just ra
ta-Mud aid for mile by • • ' '
Da; 81N1117.8. CIOLTJNP.
GLIJia-1491) tibb, fot gale
'DcL renvionunt 11 064 • -
odd •• ' worm , Of Wood skid Tint stritots.
...olttO Wide; Mt to sho'osi la store andarr.rlag
per lleatouftwella fleffroseike Web,'
)orl /LLD s attaucaus.
1 4 0,1111 Melt, stiestOsserlsett of Woodi-:-,
.11.11 1 VAROMAgiTIONS - Olt, (QU
AL TAT kAlllOll.—.l et lad Sid Ruin. heads
t CM. Wood dna..
Brun Fouidera ald
Ciao AND STEAM Fri-rions
Pumps & Brass Work
OIL wzrz.r.. ptristaFfis.
Of arose Copper or Xron, vine tbs met approyed
Obatotors owl Value Of ell ktoda, and warranted to
ere ostlefoottoro
110 Witter tincl - 104 Arrows eta.
0211niskIr PITTSBURGH.
To Farmers and Others
over all main la 12.111 °onside in Its cheap:Mei,,.
simplicity and durability. Becond,in cleaning Orals
faster, better mil more thoroughly, with Ism. labor
than any other mill. The patentee of the shove ha
has been Wog engaged In Manufacturing and selling
Agricultarallimplemsola. convinced erste great want
of a geed Pall fur chanlog thedlfferent kinds of (ham
end Med; presents this friths paella with , fall cond.
denctiAlkat tt will meet their wants.
The undetidigned, hulas purchased thii sole right.
to manufacture sad Nell the above Grain if an end hese .
meter In Western. Pennsylvania, Western Virginia,
and all Ohio, and the right to mil in Indiana and Illi
nois, Is nom simpered to Ell all orders wholseele or
rota at Jl9 Liberty street, Plefibargi, Pe.
11111iWtri W.. W. WALLII3II.
aki/24 kiX C.J 1 2,14124n. s -
Worwardimg & Commission Mssobsizi
ahltesse, Mutter, Seeds. Fide
. Drolubeasosraily,
/Awl , N. It smut prod. Pitubw94
A .11.04115. WADATEDII—ZdaIe and re
tide, ell era the country, to eat the Gilgit
UN &ON Peat and recipe packages, containing •
sagavlng (6 by 10)m ehnetet Genes B. Ma.
tlusaim, the lispolenn Um torte. Sturdy five
11/dual/le itIN st a tionery nod iturelrins panne to
'colons, ell
01011 designs, gills of isseity. do. A
more Weal, article tannot be lama 113, mula—
ttos .gems me anteing &mall. to $lO ites day.: rend
lamp for cur mammoth arculsr, contatnlng tall
puticit , sne t CO.
oaf:led 103 Mama ousel New Yak.
DAOZASIID.—Lattara of Ad odohtratloi on the
Amato u'lLoopotdGloolutr, lat• of the city of Pala
bunt, dincatott, have beau graotel to the mdacritar,
to whom all persona baring clamor demands soh=
laid 'Walt ant requested to Looks known the MAN
mahout ashy, tad ttuni Indobtod Monte to make lm.
mediate won't WM. P. BAUM,
at2l:6lwY At Pio. Spilt Cl* at, Pnogonrah,
EXBOI3TOII% yiprsons
fidebew to u • Takata of Mani T fludth, late
ths Oily of [Wahine:l, &aimed, are hereby 00416 a.
to sae Linatet2late payment, sad those baling claim
agsbut said istate sill present them to tini =dap
signed properly authenticated for eettlemenL
Da VID 11.13111T3.1bascutar,-
esitetwif At Wilklnebtug..
'L - IXECUTOR'S- NOTICE..— Whereas
.1: lettere testamentary on the estate er Mut' be
Welker late of the ally at Pittaborgb, deMased,b arc
Mao gnaw to the antscrther, all persons' basing
olalmeasalton the rimmed will pro at them - duly
autbeuttoatea for settatmen4 sea those Indebted to
the estate - will make Immediate payment to
BAK,‘IdAY Yltnetorl, I:secant'.
ealala • No 91 Wskr
A DMLNISTRATOR'S NOTIOE—No hereby g men that Letters of Admin**.
tramon bare been granted the Emdendsned on the
estate of Benjamin Siltht raw, 01:04.110, hie of Upper.
St. Clair township.: All potions knoelagtbemselres
Wanted to sakresiate are requested to Make Mune.'
Mote payment, end those oaring claims to prevent
them. properlrauthentleak fornattlement.
ea t H. COBB, Adze*
NUTICE.--The Wareham° lately °wa
ll pled by ea banes teen destrored by cm, In
here restored to No. XP3 LIBILISTY STSPICT, • tow
doom below our fencer 10041/00. •
We •-• now crafting a chats lot of BACION
81101ILD118.t SID/13 sad IlLati dims Irma dm
eatoka_tioaso: ant .hall be p/oaord to use oar ra to.
soars ordigtt WK. B. HAYS At OM
I bars teethed /mocker comlantnent L
army Rook col•brated Boger eared Hama Ttrall
',behave tried thermallty sex they are nneqnslial In
market, nail will be eel* at minced prkee to close out
belt N0...188 Ulan) w.f..
mowleco,t DIMRA.
Th. Mtn r Cord. By f htrlsy Crooks.
Great ripectattorts. Illoatratal edition.
Tow Brown at Olford. Two Totemic
bawls; ransonege. !likeness. Trollope.
The Howe os the Moor. By Mrs 011plast.
Iticrestiotte of a Oonetry - Parson blend 21 seem
Trees% ow the Study et Words New edlifen.
EAT it 00., 56 sr ooi .treat.
vo 45 NAL 111100kure Gulden sod 8. R. Byrep,
IS do •Psekrhieds do
4 5540. do co
20 OWL Btaodard sal A °mated Bowe,
12 do Powderedind Grattulmed do
18 do l'elow sad BCAffe• do
• Bd' do Plc 0. WWI"
18 hOds. N. O. floor.
Ti boon ream Ilamborg 0160
For Bali by ocit • 80110112.111 R t LINO
u. 400 bbl.. choLdi triads family floor,
TO do 112121 du
47 do. du d es Ids do
0(00 lb.. Ard
for Ad. by - 801.10111EN1 A LANG
J. I tobtotloo of forma of pleading to mb Of !gutty.
Itemised WI enlarged odium, wkh and too cotes sod
rotormoto to wiantban atom For ado 51
oat KAT & 00, 54 Wood at.
ffaWEICI` POTATOSS-2.1 bbls.
ow. sweet Potatoes Jun reoshod aod for sato Lip
oe2l Omer of Market and BIM
Ay OBOULNT , rs commertded by respectable deal.
'ens'rhe r ratan tide Waterer el Ole silo Amp
ply of tart groulue resetre4 by Express. far sale by
Omer Itaiiihdald end Irourib 'Osten. •
Orders hum the ccoutry.stlesdrit ion usual
TAB(K. SALT.--5 oases extra ground
Table !alt, put up In bone for Wel, an; also
• supply In mall begs, for We by
odd. e r•et Liberty and Hard street'.
- AA
barred, Oroshid and Palrettrad Lout Popo.
auto an extra article of Cot Loaf finger. nneared eod
for gloat the remit, Grocery Store of
• ioas A. BINICIAW.
odd corner Liberty and Hand sheets.
FLooIt.UIL ()LOTUS of.all styloi and
whitha,aultable TOM. Ina halt& which will
alb it am low at pikes, at the Oil Cloth Warm
loots; kw, SI Ind 2a.L Clam Wept.
psiw IS. PEACHES-400 cans
/cash Nachos—of acted halt, to quads—Jolt
inelvod sad for Bah by
N 0.114 &wad stmt..
1,1 ABLOR COAL VABlB—Japanned
VMS 01$ Tarkij of pattorniyhaadietnely
Illstmleutedoed - gllt, for isle at the Wendy Oreecto
I tote of JOHN 'A. ItIlliAtIAW,
otlo ' • - Cooir of Liberty and natal Ann to,
inyply of Ibis thaw brand. sq highly mom.
inetidea u taperlor tont" for Ike use of d4billtated
- cunAiratbes lIIMON ,1 011MTO.S.Drigi,Ist,
ocl4 Oorner fourth and n 321164810 'trivia.
, • 110 bbls Orem Applaq
10 bblit?weet Olds,,
oalS L. `
8. VOICIT .11 CO.
bbla huh Roll Batter,
21XIbstoorroo Chinn
1100 k tiled Nacho.
001.11 • . L. IL 'TWOS t 00.
Amy GAMIN APPLIES-0)41.g aad ailing,
. • • JliseßT &Warr PuTaTOll6,
000108 MRS. _
can L. u. VOIGT t 00.,
B ALSAM COLUIVA--500 ibs; f o r
A. rausiaroac 1 00,
oof, Cloroor of Wool mid Pint stmts.-
UtSSZT APPLICS-50 bble. Choioo
AV Mod Alvin Hid near sad Tot .sk by ,
Comer of illistafd 'trot ob.
g IAUSTIO IiCIDA--Engliih in Iron for
Li old. by, IA A. nerastons co.,
«8 - • - maser of Ent sad W•Ai atria.
VISIFAY—"Bierr _Lcisix*-400 for .
AL'a.satebr - iratitimiTnes k '00."-
oca . Comer of Woad awl Plra Onset
, !PJLANUTS---100 mice Tennessee Pea
mittior mak by - • JAS.-A. ITZU _ :
- - r.-Cionlar Mazkit end rim arab
Qov gle - end
K nytassit prima. &x sate by '
/WWI 4! TITLIT.Iid rad Myst.
*venal .r.etiggfi.
-sow Los* I sow RBISI'ORED I
Jed pahltahnl Ina Sealed IturekfeJ; rdee
• Wats on the imam, treatment; end metal
ems of Sweat orzhoes or Berotost !Imbue% Iced.
Wag iidesionn Serial Debility, mid'impetitmento
Moseriage genendly,Nertorumess, Coosa* ties, Sp.
Hem and atm Iltental end Physical Incapacity, tf
malting from Bell Abuse, to.—by 308. J. On•
IfIftWILL, D.„Autheref the Gram Amt, an.
"A Boon to Thoustuadis id isaikre :LP
Dent under ow. In a plata envildgO, to naj address
,1t paid, on receipt of a ceste, or_ hie postage.
, 4. 5 by Dr. CU a. e: Ruiz -
"teourt lir Bawm. New Tart, P.O. Bar, we
YAK • Vl9lllll - eic UM? Pli:111. IBM*
rAns, iTCV&D9 & Cc).,
OLPPIRSCIITOmm, amiss 81W Bottom% OPsOn
Sohlar, /LW, bapoiten - ted Nolan Is MOULD,
IN PLATS MITET lIION, WIHI, /.e. - Donafraddy
aa hand, Tianat'a Hactitnem mad . Taoli:
Wanks% No,. 149:Fins mei 120 &Ocala drat,
.111•Spools1 order. otOopitor eat to 'on 6010 pat
tank terytkdislirt
Hair eye! Hair Dye' Hair/ye
The Orifinal /rid Zed is *WU/
All others aro mere imitations, and
amodboanddr4niou wish to :m./.• dilSoulL
lAD; On RUSTY Min instiallf
to boutlfbl. Ana natutal Brinier Blick.without
the Ihit 101217 to thib*r
nrizEir ,mate ' dab DIFLOALUI Imis beta
. . . .
*waded to Wm. A. 111/11CIV_
11811, and OM
14,000 ymilm Moos bay. bossi Hair otitis
A.8#T121.11418% LUG I)riprodaoee •
not Who dtadayokbed from =tam sad is Wiliam.
zo not to Wars ja the lead, however lam It may 14
arallansd, atidAs ill effects ce Bad Gym remadlid;
the Rair tarlyorsted fey Llte by able *Wed Dye.
. mid or appLlad (la it rims roams) sr the
Wfeß WaY,994Broadway, .tier York.
Void 00 'Mentes and towns of aka trathai a Lataa, bT
fetus gist; sad Taney Goods
Gar The gamine has the name sad address apes
star elate awning om (oar sided of teak box, of
LO &ed. Otreet.N.lN York.
w a e a— w auai—w
ill% =rpm all. They an eloirtrat, leo and
lining to • oharro—no turning op behind—ix ,
ahnnstun alto• hood: tntNd this Ito th• onlyblab.
thatment chart thane Unzip ar• propeqp,nn pd
Arieuxim Irak.
11111:111011 11211011. 6 / 1 ......... - .....,......«L.41111111DR KOLL -
iroossuitust Anti ligAtlatinSTS,
Vir 1!) IN Wl' 24 O t lre fal
mass, me. Miarkat - amt.
Maaufactute all kiwi. of istimai ms/poisc anti kw
msc 10 3818.; 0 +3 0 1418. lia9road, Work,ll4maa goner, Ana dlltme /nl work. •
Jobbtogand 1 4pakrtaidoasoutboilsOico. -
BAIL .804.D;BP1,813. c4W41461T.
J•sepk Dilwor,tl4:l4.
, Boma. _ Saairtasi.
(ftiCtittOri A ff teic. '
NP . !I!"thireit.)
mancronana 14 •
Corner of Water Street aitiliThetry alley,
anl*lr.lfr P NNW,/ .
J Uln./14 4if 'ALL )
auliOlattf Mail 0/ '
Iron Raittag, ./rern. atUf • Vault Doors,
Whidow Bhutto*, Whidow• fitiardi is.
sol. el Sacewel aired ail 861.17eird:Eiral,
Mennen Wood and liarket,) PiTTFIBUSGI4 !A i
nave an band a yule*, of new Yikitiess,... (mop and
. .
plats imitable tor all purpose*. Partionlir attention
pad to eaeloateur Ono* Leta. Jobb* atone at Wert
Etotzsir.s re sorra.
, .
FesOa' and Domistis Bills al,litsbassi,
. . SAXE XO7llll AMP 1P20111,_1
*l.l3Allistknno , nuns. an W ' inn iniiminnt OW..
thrown .nit the tinked Staten. ' -'' p 194111-
a. A. A C. P. laArt.gz9 6
Atid Dada*ln.
= l2. A PPIN et P FL.
romamd• from No. 27-Wood West 'to No. - 88 flUsot. Plttobrusb,
Nresatt or Trade for Rage. mibitt , ro
Pittsburgh Steel Works,
ak asona---...gtai t. 50r5..—.....16e00U00111
SONICS. 2101(113 ea Co.. •
AIL MEL, also, Swth& Plow and'A. B. Sinai
EiPELLAI fait and A.Z.L.R1113. 0011 We R •
and PIM ata, nal/ - -
J. AL .Lir.r.E'LLW.
b4I.*)Mt.O23.4ILZTT TA.XX.OIti,
No. 64 St. Glair Street,
(ur.bute. Nes II atblint ) VITA19:111.011, PRI
Or. Geo. U. Ropier.
Wholesale Druggist,
No. 140 Wood Street, Pfttabluigh,R4::_,
Marsh's Radical Our Truss.
Ritter's Patint Truss. -
Flteh's Supporter. Tnisc.,
Self Adjusting Truss. ' • -
Dr. Banning's Lace of Body bitt'oe ‘ for th e
Coro of Prelopens Wort, Pilo', atptsmatst lot apt.
Dr. 8. 8. Fitch's Silver-P/atM Atttporter.
Pile Props, for the oupport aid cure of
Elastic Stocking, for weak and varicose
Elastic Knee Caps, for was k knee joints.
Ankle Supporters, fur woak ankle jointa.
Self-Ejecting Syringes; also, every kind
of Syringes. ' •
Da..Berssa has also a. Trull which
radically cure Hernia or Rupture.
- Office at his Drag Store, N6:140 Wood
st. i sign of the . Ooldenidortar.:_.
Ds . asystut prweribils lacuna -011$.0DIO
NAACP sod boo InstrieueoLi for ninnies sad
almost ivory dlwooo wootttog tosr.hoolool oopporL
...GALVANIC BATTNNV,OV!staxrrao matuorno
11.110/10e8. teediaa porpooto, of • "to =sob
Ptak alit be toot two et vilittoor *boon
• z, " rmlss-WoO_ toualttooto At Dona
AdimA - DD. 0110:8-5111111114
N 0.160 Woodd Wiwi, IltDbotat,
, -
sown ookbur.. ow" DWII• vAstoldva
or Amoy ntoodtd. Bold at DR. lIIITEDIVA
131*.d&„ N 0.140 Wood stmt.
Hoossitooport TOO: Sal at 1 44: 1 ..111111111,14 . ...,'
440 Wood grist, 1
- •
jaIeISAND BITOB:--eure'destruction
tottues - .Virmitt , by 1112311LL1
=41T0114 set tattroty'orto pripstauos, aid
to atom than Nato freslocum
-1,11041 kw • •-• Alltlrood Anat.
iXTRA.RAZOAS.—I bin.* reir
4n,240. 4 .1tawl will clawaiit coat
hwaa.: •
14110Wbod moot.
-Wars for limidtelit towsito mows
ACCIIIIP/1441.4in Wow At D 11211111811
.113.1411: Wad wrist, l*w st onto—
jj law OIL. • barrela It • • •
fat nlo ba " MUT 00,
W 0 Aki"